Saturday, June 05, 2021

"RAW, ROCKY, and RUTHLESS". Tulsa, and America's racial legacy.

I'm glad that the rest of America is finally learning about the horrors of the Tulsa Massacre (Formally known as the Tulsa race riots to spin the cruelty of the event). It's about time. And it's a great example of no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel, history has to be told as it happened.  

The following article about Tulsa from Elwood Watson is one of my favorites on the subject.  

"CNN, PBS, The History Channel, MSNBC, NPR, The New York Times, and the Washington Post were among the sizable number of media outlets that devoted considerable attention to the centennial of the Tulsa race massacre. The Tulsa race massacre was a racially directed American pogrom that claimed the lives of more than 300 people and annihilated the laboriously amassed wealth of an entire community and that, save for sporadic mentions, had gone largely ignored for 100 years.

From May 31 to June 1, 1921, supporters of local and prominent Tulsa political figures stormed into Tulsa’s Greenwood District, better known to its admirers as Black Wall Street, burning, looting, and destroying the entire neighborhood. This inhumane atrocity, for which no one was held accountable, was one of the most horrific acts of racial violence committed in the United States, and it is finally being candidly discussed after more than a century of being largely ignored.

The truth is that the sadistic carnage that occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma was not an aberration. Similar acts of racial barbarism took place in New York in 1863, Memphis and New Orleans in 1866, Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898, Atlanta in 1906, Springfield, Illinois in 1908, St. Louis in 1917, Chicago in 1919, and Rosewood, Florida in 1922, just to name a few. If we are being honest, there were plenty of other places in America where armed mobs of unhinged Whites unleashed searing amounts of unprovoked and unjustified violence on Black citizens without suffering any consequences.

Mind you, these were all mass acts of violence where White mobs terrorized Black people. Add the number of deeply racially abominable practice of lynching to the equation, and the number goes up by thousands.

It was heartening to see President Biden visit Tulsa and acknowledge and commemorate what was, without a doubt, one of the darkest moments in our nation’s history. Such a gesture deserves applause.

Not surprisingly, many right-wing political, social, and cultural journalists, radio hosts, politicians and others of similar persuasion are doing everything in their power to eradicate, or at the very least, marginalize discussions on our nation’s history as it relates to race. The truth is that race, particularly as it pertains to aspects of the American history, is RAW, ROCKY, and RUTHLESS. The American legacy, as it relates to race, is not one of blue skies and apple pies.

All the sentiments like “We should let bygones be bygones,” “Let’s talk about the things that unite us, not divide us,” “We need to discuss examples of American exceptionalism,” and so on… Please! These are examples of conservative, snowflake ideology at its most pathetic!

Everybody knows the standard right-wing narrative that if Black people worked harder, did not do so many drugs, did not have children out of wedlock, went to church more often and refrained from indulging in their habitual levels of hedonism, then they, too, could partake in the fruits and rewards of the American dream like anybody else. Such fabricated, false rhetoric drips with denial at best and willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty at worst. It is a perverse “blame the victim” sort of argument that has little, if any, basis in reality.

The irrefutable reality is that systemic and systematic racism have deeply affected Black America (and other indigenous populations) in the areas of finance, education, health, and every measurable social index available. These social ills have plagued and tortured Black America long before 1921 and have been doing so ever since. To pretend otherwise is to reside in a perverted fantasy devoid of reality. It is due to these factors that it is imperative that the Biden administration support reparations.

There have been many individuals, me included, who have written on the topic of reparations; thus, anyone who wants to familiarize themselves with the multiple debates surrounding the topic can do so with relative ease ( I think the most deft, succinct, and precise argument in support of the policy to date has been written by sociologists Rashawn Ray and Andre Perry, both senior fellows at the Brookings Institution (

'“In short, a Black person who can trace their heritage to people enslaved in US states and territories should be eligible for financial compensation for slavery. Meanwhile, Black people who can show how they were excluded from various policies after emancipation should seek separate damages. (…) To determine qualification, birth records can initially be used to determine if a person was classified as Black American. Economist Sandy Darity asserts that people should show a consistent pattern of identification. Census records can then be used to determine if a person has consistently identified as Black American. Finally, DNA testing can be used as a supplement to determine lineage.”'

Spot-on analysis! While Tulsa and the similar tragedies may be part of the past, the residual effects of such atrocities are still reverberating within us more than a century later. Thus, President Biden must move with dogged speed to unabashedly support reparations, critical race theory, student loan forgiveness, and criminal justice reform and tackle voter suppression, chronic health care disparities, discriminatory housing laws, and other mounting injustices that plague far too many communities of color. He must do so with unalloyed aggression and without apology. The feelings and opinions of White bigots and other forms of White fragility be damned!" [Source]

*Historian, public speaker, and cultural critic Elwood Watson, PhD, is a professor at East Tennessee State University and the author of the recent book Keepin’ It Real: Essays on Race in Contemporary America (University of Chicago Press) that is available in paperback and Kindle via Amazon and other major book retailers 


  1. "The feelings and opinions of White bigots and other forms of White fragility be damned!"

    Very succinct and appropriate ending to a well written piece.

  2. At Wounded Knee, 300 Indians, including women and children, were basically slaughtered and 20 soldiers got the 'Medal of Freedumb.' Weren't any killers awarded medals in Tulsa?

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Candace Owens: If a Black woman can play Anne Boleyn, then a white man should play Obama

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    CHICAGO Week in Progress (5/30 – 6/5 2021)
    Shot & Killed: 12
    Shot & Wounded: 66
    Total Shot: 78
    Total Homicides: 12

    Blacks kill and maim more of each other EVERY week in Chicago alone.

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    1921 Tulsa Massacre WAS A BIG LIE

  6. "Candace Owens"

    LOL! What did Auntie Ruckus say this time?

  7. "1921 Tulsa Massacre WAS A BIG LIE"

    Do you also believe trump will be reinstalled in August? LOL! Go play somewhere else kid.

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Reparations will always be a hopeless political dead end. Poor people of every ethnic group, including many white people, can also often trace their poverty back to some historic injustice that befell their ancestors. If everyone were allowed a “do-over” of whatever parts if history they don’t like, society would collapse as we endlessly re-litigate every bad event that ever happened. That’s not practical. And even attempting to create this exceptional treatment for black people will fuel an explosion of racist rancor in this country, while resulting in no meaningful reparations. (Maybe there will be some tokenistic gesture — “Here is $200 for all your ancestors’ suffering. Go buy yourself some nice sneakers.” This would probably be worse than no reparations at all.)

    There is no shortcut to fixing economic injustice. Either you build solidarity between people of all races to fix our economic system as a whole, or it won’t get fixed. There is no realistic option for demanding that black poverty be alleviated while everyone else’s poverty is treated as a non-problem. Nobody but black people will ever vote for this.

    1. "Everyone else's" poverty can't be traced to racism.

  9. California dumbass dubya appointed judge says Ar-15s are the Swiss army knife of self defense at home and at work. Says California's ban was unconstitutional and those guns aren't a danger to the populace.


  11. "Says California's ban was unconstitutional and those guns aren't a danger to the populace."

    Maybe a return to the good old days of the 90's! Yeah!

  12. "There is no realistic option for demanding that black poverty be alleviated while everyone else’s poverty is treated as a non-problem."

    In this specific case it isn't about poverty, it's about returning stolen property. This has to be specific and targeted to those who lost millions and had everything stolen.

  13. White people always manage to memory-hole their atrocities. I grew up in Eureka, California, and I never knew about the Indian Island Massacre until after I moved away to Oakland.
    Nobody ever wants to talk about the bad shit they do, especially to the children growing up in its shadow.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Yes, let the facts of history drown out the mewlings of whites who deny their privilege. While state legislatures are seeking to institute Jim Crow 2.0, let their Trumpist noses be rubbed in the atrocities that history texts have systematically chosen to ignore. And this one is the most obvious: not hatred, feelings of superiority, xenophobia, etc. but in Tulsa NAKED ENVY at the success of non-white people--their wealth and achievement was what was unendurable! And as to reparations: not even European Jews were imprisoned, transported to faraway continents for forced labor, then forever after PERSECUTED for their impertinence! And subsequently put through the economic ringer for generation after generation. The uniqueness of the history of Black Americans is one you can appreciate only after a lot of historical study of other places and times. And most (white) Americans are ignorant of most history, even what's taught in public schools, bless their hearts. The 100th anniversary of this revealing event could not be better timed, I say.

  15. Anonymous, said

    "Nobody but black people will ever vote for this."

    2:53 PM
    Wrong, Anonymous. I will vote for it, and I'm white. So will most of my family members and white friends.

  16. Apparent wasicu driver throws infant at deputy before being beaten to a frazzle while being arrested.

  17. My mother and father are both 90. She from Oklahoma and he from Texas. I called Dad Sunday night to tell him to watch the TV. He had never heard of the massacre whatsoever. There was a congressional hearing in 2007, was it? to provided the families of the victims with an avenue for redress. I doubt that much ever came of it. All previous efforts had failed due to statutes of limitations. I'm guessing that scholars became aware of the massacre some time in the 1990s. By 2001 there were books on the subject.

    That 107-year old lady was amazing. Black don't crack.

    So the usual holocaust denier types were out high-fiving each other about it being a hoax. One said that no on from that time could really remember it, as if there is no such thing as recorded history. If I was seven years old when something like that was taking place, I sure as hell would have remembered it. It's truly frightening to imagine what took place.

    Now I get the Trump rally scheduled for Juneteenth 2020. The fascists in power just six months ago were truly obscene.

  18. Anonymous said...

    1921 Tulsa Massacre WAS A BIG LIE

    12:45 PM
    When fascists are outed for doing something awful, they always pretend it didn't happen.

    1. I'm here for Gambler2 and other allies.

  19. “When fascists are outed for doing something awful, they always pretend it didn't happen.“

    Or just immature basement dwellers looking for attention.🤷🏾‍♂️

  20. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I grew up in Eureka, California, and I never knew about the Indian Island Massacre until after I moved away to Oakland.

    Because something that happened a century before you were born is SO important, while black-on-White atrocities happening TODAY are beneath your notice.

    Andrea Blankenship.
    Laura Miles.
    Channon Christian.


  21. Anonymous12:31 PM

    No reparation without repatriation.

  22. Anonymous right wing troll spouting bullshit, say their name! Oh, wait...

    "Because something that happened a century before you were born is SO important, while black-on-White atrocities happening TODAY are beneath your notice."

    Well, it was kinda important to the survivors and their families, and descendants who I fucking grew up with without ever knowing about their ancestors being slaughtered by white motherfuckers on rampage. That probably colored our relationships a little, as it no doubt does to every other white person living on their stolen land blissfully unaware of how that land was in fact stolen and where the dismembered bodies were burned in a fucking bonfire.

    Perhaps you should go fuck yourself.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. “while black-on-White atrocities happening TODAY are beneath your notice.“

    While white-on-white atrocities happening TODAY are beneath YOUR notice.🤷🏾‍♂️

  24. “No reparation without repatriation.“

    😆😂 As if your powerless ass has some say in ANYTHING.😆😂 Basement dwelling troll with an inflated sense of importance. Does the comedy show ever cease? 😆😂


    Don’t want to say the names of the little babies killed by white men? Sick! You don’t have a problem with killing babies!

  26. AJ Fruend.

    Say his name!!!


  28. Kentucky man beats pregnant woman so badly she loses the baby. I guess anon is ok with this because he is all about baby killing.

  29. Harris County, Texas was only sending out applications for mail in ballots. Paxton lied and said they were ballots. Texas law allows mail in ballots under certain circumstances, such as a pandemic, but Paxton threatened a judge to declare the non-existent mail in ballots illegal because he knew if they were actually allowed, drumpf would lose.

    Magts can't win without cheating.

  30. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Sarah Kendzior
    All these vacuous “but history will judge them!” pundits seem to have missed when a sizable number of Americans learned about the century-old Tulsa Massacre last week

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I guess anon is ok with this because he is all about baby killing.

    What do you want us anons to do about it?  We didn't know anything about it in advance, and we're NEVER going to let the perp out "because too many White men in prison" so he'll never do it again.  (Contrast the phenomenon of revolving-door black murderers.)

    We CAN do something about black predators, and we do:  we do our best to keep away from blacks.  You call this "racism" because, being black yourself, you can't.  Wherever YOU go, there YOU are.  And even YOU, black or White, do your best to get away from blacks when you get money.  "mike from iowa" lives in one of the whitest parts of one of the whitest states in the union.

  32. Anonymous said...
    And even YOU, black or White, do your best to get away from blacks when you get money. "mike from iowa" lives in one of the whitest parts of one of the whitest states in the union.
    Not so, Anonymous. I'm a white woman who married a black man, and he was wonderful. Unfortunately he died from an illness three years ago. He was intelligent, witty, generous and kind. I miss him every minute of every day.

  33. “And even YOU, black or White, do your best to get away from when you get money.“

    Nope. I live in Bronzeville on the Southside of Chicago as do many of my friends and family. We have a great time among our fellow dark skinned sistas and brothas. Clearly you have no clue about which you speak thus the anonymity. What else do you want me to prove you wrong about?

  34. And for the record the vast majority of crimes committed against whites is committed BY whites so you may want to rethink your strategy son.

  35. Almost forgot about whites moving into blah neighborhoods by the truckload. Oakland, D.C., Harlem and many historically blah areas are seeing increasing numbers of whites. Not everyone is as racist and narrowminded as you.🤷🏾‍♂️


  37. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The smoking gun......

  38. "And even YOU, black or White, do your best to get away from blacks when you get money. "mike from iowa" lives in one of the whitest parts of one of the whitest states in the union."

    You got that exactly backwards for me, anonymous coward.
    I grew up in a very white small city in Northern California and as soon as I had the wherewithal to do so I moved to Oakland, where since I'm not wealthy, I lived in the poorer neighborhoods for 35 years.
    I only left Oakland when I could no longer afford to live there,and if I had the money, I would move back in a second.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. “You got that exactly backwards for me, anonymous coward.“

    From the not so well researched racist talking points and the boilerplate stereotypes he uses we’re probably dealing with a youngin that hasn’t had much life experience. Go easy on him Doug.

  40. Sorry, anymoose. I have lived all 68 of my years in nw iowa and if I had the money to move, I would stay in nw iowa. Not because of the lily whiteness, but because of the miles of green growing crops and the fact that I am the only resident on a section (mile square) of land.

    Anytime I go to any of the neighboring towns I see plenty POC and not a single one has given me reason to hate or distrust them, unlike numerous wasicus I can name.

    When I first moved up here, there were at least 10 people on this section. One family north of me lost their home in a fire so they moved. The rest either died or moved away. I figure to die right here where the air is generally fresh. I have a garden to keep me occupied. I have enough asparagus to supply family and friends every year and an unending supply of cattle compost to keep the garden growing for free.

  41. Anonymous said...

    We CAN do something about black predators, and we do: we do our best to keep away from blacks.

    8:31 PM
    Good. I'm quite sure that most black people have no desire to be around you. So just stay away from them and shut up about it.

  42. If Joe Manchin is truly a Democrat, WHY does he always vote with the trump-humpers? Don't Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden see that he is an under-cover trump-humper? Why aren't they all OVER his traitorous, racist, evil, double-dealing ass? The Dems reaction to Manchin is puzzling. Does he have incriminating info on top Dems? What is going on??

  43. “Good. I'm quite sure that most black people have no desire to be around you.“

    Not “most”, all.😆😂

  44. Regarding Anon. at 8:31 PM

    Sorry Pilot, it's the researcher in me; I have a hard time saying all! LOL! You made me laugh again. Hell, most white people wouldn't want to be around this anonymous ass.

  45. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You VOLUNTARILY went into a situation with worse odds than Russian Roulette.

    "Interracial couples were more likely to have a history of prior IPV (OR = 2.60), engage in mutual assault (OR = 2.36), and result in perpetrator arrest (OR = 1.71) than ethnic minority monoracial couples. Victims of IPV in interracial couples were also more likely to be injured (OR = 1.37). There were no significant differences between the couples in terms of substance use or children present during the IPV event. Differences between IPV in interracial and White couples also emerged. Interracial couples were more likely to have children present (OR = 1.84), to have a prior report (OR = 1.98), to result in victim injury (OR = 1.73), and to result in perpetrator arrest than White couples (OR = 2.18). Interracial couples were more likely to engage in mutual assault than White couples (OR = 2.94)."

    This is why women should have to have their fathers' approval to marry, to prevent mistakes like YOURS.

    1 Timothy 2:11-14:

    "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner."

  46. If Manchin gets run out by Dems, Schumer loses his tenuous hold on the sinate.

    Manchin actually believes some magat sinators want to work with Biden and Dems. He is flat out fooling himself and his excuses make no sense.

  47. Another Biden email conspiracy debunked....

  48. “This is why women should have to have their fathers' approval to marry, to prevent mistakes like YOURS.“

    Basement dwelling virgin giving relationship advice. 😆😂 Pure comedy!

  49. “Hell, most white people wouldn't want to be around this anonymous ass.“

    I guess no one wants to be around weird dudes who admit they avoid blah people but yet spend all their time ranting and thinking about us. Kind of an unhealthy obsession. We live rent free in his head.😆😂


  51. A lot of people go through pains in their relationships it’s hard to give up on true love, sometimes we pretend to be fine but we are not, fighting to get the one we love is also fighting to get back our joy and happiness. Lord Zakuza is here to help the broken hearts for he's capable and able to get your EX lovers, partners, wife and husband back with he's powerful love spells. Get in touch with him as soon as you can through his website: or WhatsApp number on +1 (740) 573-9483 or email him through

  52. “ he's capable and able to get your EX lovers, partners, wife and husband back with he's powerful love spells“

    I think you would make more money with a vanishing spell.😆😂

  53. Anonymous said... at 2:35 PM

    You VOLUNTARILY went into a situation with worse odds than Russian Roulette.

    Well that was my decision to make, not yours.

    "Interracial couples were more likely to have a history of prior IPV (OR = 2.60), engage in mutual assault (OR = 2.36), and result in perpetrator arrest (OR = 1.71) than ethnic minority monoracial couples. = 2.94)."
    The data for this study came from police reports, so the reported results may or may not reflect reality.

    This is why women should have to have their fathers' approval to marry, to prevent mistakes like YOURS. So you are in a very shakey position
    I was only forty-five years old, and father had already died, so what was a girl supposed to do? My husband, the love of my life, gave me 35 years of happiness before he died in my arms. Some big mistake. NOT! And by the way you misspelled shaky. There is no "e" in the word.

    1 Timothy 2:11-14:

    "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner."
    Why don't you take your Bible and go fuck yourself.

  54. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Chicago shooting: 55 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend Negro violence as the African Tribal Wars Flare Up

  55. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Philadelphia police ID Dunkin' store manager killed during robbery; killer negro suspect sought:

  56. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Violent negro killing weekend in St. Louis City and County:

  57. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Mass negro shooting reported at Kendall strip mall:

  58. Sick! Grown man stalking and trying to molest a 13 year old. It’s ok though, he’s not a negro.


    This sicko shoots people in the head while they sit in their cars. It’s ok though, he wasn’t a negro. Whew!

  60. This guy killed two of his ex-girlfriends because why not? At least they didn’t date a negro because who knows what would have happened then? I mean what if it was a negro med school student!!! The horror!!! Better to be murdered by the hands of a white guy right?🤷🏾‍♂️

  61. These two winners like to molest kids but hey it’s ok right anon?

  62. Hey Field,

    I wonder if your readers know that Tulsa was one of the wealthiest cities in the United States during this period of time. The oil boom and natural gas reserves had created an explosion of wealth centered in Tulsa Oklahoma. It was much bigger that Texas or Pennsylvania. There was a lot of money in the city. It was thriving for both blacks and whites.

  63. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Basement dwelling virgin giving relationship advice.

    I've slept with more than a score of women.  I have a picture of myself in a swimming pool with a redhead sitting on each shoulder, one of whom shared my bed that night.

  64. Wasicu wastey with weak chin gets busted by elderly Asian man. One punch and it is off to la la land for whitey.

  65. This is black privilege9:43 AM

    11 people shot in NOLA, followed by a march against "gun violence":

    Being the cause of the violence but never having your race be blacmed for it?  That's black privilege.

  66. "I've slept with more than a score of women. I have a picture of myself in a swimming pool with a redhead sitting on each shoulder, one of whom shared my bed that night."

    LOL!!!!!!! Oh you've GOT to pick a screen name bro! How about Loverboy! LOL!!!!!!!

  67. "Being the cause of the violence but never having your race be blacmed for it? That's black privilege."

    An entire race blamed for something? So you wanna take the blame for the babies being killed by white guys? Step up son. You do that and then you can blame all blah people for the actions of a few.


    You want all whites held responsible for this? Don't be a hypocrite.

  69. You want ALL blah people to take the blame for the actions of a few people but never want to take the blame for what people that look like you do. Now that's white privilege!

  70. Anonymous2:22 PM

    This video is a perfect analogy of what Africans do to civilization.

  71. "This video is a perfect analogy of what Africans do to civilization."

    Your comment is the perfect analogy of people who waste their time. Put that time and energy into educating yourself and you'll make something of yourself.

  72. Mandingo4:00 PM

    I bang scores of white women too. Check out to see how it's done!

  73. Wow, check the psychos we had running the country.


  75. And here I thought conservatives were all about backing the blue. I guess not afterall.

  76. The DOJ under Garland better learn how to get out of its own way really soon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. “The DOJ under Garland better learn how to get out of its own way really soon.“

    I’d like to be a fly on the wall.

  78. Mandingo,

    Can we see some pix?

  79. Anonymous5:54 AM

    An entire race blamed for something?

    You blame the entire White race for your failures, so why not?

    So you wanna take the blame for the babies being killed by white guys?

    In Mississippi, 72% of all abortions are obtained by black females (I will not say "women", nor "humans", because they are neither).

    The babies killed by White men are "man bites dog" stories.  N-word kills baby is too common to be newsworthy.

  80. Anymoose gleefully leaves context out of his daily screed against POC.

    Based on data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 39,052 black babies were killed by abortions in Mississippi between 1995 and 2010. During that same time period, 14,529 white babies were aborted in the Magnolia State.

    This study also included Hispanics and other races over that 15 year period.

  81. “You blame the entire White race for your failures, so why not?“

    What failures have I blamed for MY failures? What specific failures are you referring? Please create a screen name so I know with whom I’m responding. Thanks.

  82. “The babies killed by White men are "man bites dog" stories. N-word kills baby is too common to be newsworthy.“

    Really? Are you really including abortions in baby killings? Ok, change it to child molestation. White males have a very high rate of child molestation and have a higher rate of killing women and children so we blame the entire race? Pick a screen name and watch me destroy your entire argument.

  83. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Hunter Biden is a CCP go between for his father.....

  84. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Faucis Covid scam is unraveling as many Americans put the pieces together of the SCAMDEMIC.

  85. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  86. "Faucis Covid scam is unraveling as many Americans put the pieces together of the SCAMDEMIC."

    LOL! Ok kid.

  87. Louie "terror babies" Gohmert asked the Forest Service if they could alter the Earth's or the moon's orbit to counter climate change.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. "Anymoose gleefully leaves context out of his daily screed against POC."

    What do you expect from the not so bright? There's a reason they post as anonymous.

  89. "Louie "terror babies" Gohmert asked the Forest Service if they could alter the Earth's or the moon's orbit to counter climate change."

    Another Republican genius. Maybe he should run for president. LOL!

  90. MTG says she doesn't believe in evolution and that kind of "so called science."
    The Republican party is full of this bullshit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. Never forget that the clown show aspect of Republicanism is a method to keep folks with the wherewithal to stop them from taking them seriously.
    Any professional in the news media who doesn't understand this is by definition incompetent.
    One can only assume that most of those professionals have a keen understanding of the phenomenon, and have to in order to keep their positions as news media professionals.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. “MTG says she doesn't believe in evolution and that kind of "so called science."

    She’s a southern Republican. The least intelligent but most confident of all god’s creatures. Seems we have an infestation of them here.

  93. Nah bro, white men far and away lead the category. It’s here for you to see. And for the record I have no need to be fixed. I am a college educated airline pilot making six figures and have an exemplary record. Can’t say that about the hundreds of thousands of white men who can’t seem to keep their hands off kids can we? Start there is you wanna fix somebody kid.

  94. "Liar"

    Nope, white men kill more women and children. It's a fact. The stats you provided did nothing to disprove this fact. Learn how to research. And nothing you posted answers the question of why I am to blame for the actions of someone else. Are you to blame for the actions of all white men?

  95. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Nope, white men kill more women and children.

    You stupid fuck, that graph doesn't list killings.  It lists, and I quote, "perpetrators in child abuse cases in the United States in 2019, by race/ethnicity".

    And there are less than 2.5x as many White perps as blacks, while there are FIVE TIMES AS MANY WHITES IN THE POPULATION.  This means Whites are less than HALF as likely to commit child abuse as blacks.

    It's a fact. The stats you provided did nothing to disprove this fact.

    Just did.

    Learn how to research.

    I'd say "take your own advice", but you're too stupid.

    And nothing you posted answers the question of why I am to blame for the actions of someone else.

    When you make excuses for it, you own it.

    Are you to blame for the actions of all white men?

    I don't make excuses for them.  YOU won't repudiate "too many black men in prison", when the facts show that prison is exactly where they need to be for the safety of blacks and LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.  You are the cancer eating away at American civilization.

  96. "I don't make excuses for them."

    I don't make excuses for anyone either. You may want to check my history.

    "When you make excuses for it, you own it."

    I don't own anything. I keep to myself and mind my own damned business.

    "You are the cancer eating away at American civilization."

    I disagree. I am an exemplary citizen. I am educated, pay taxes, obey the law and help those in need. I am everything this country needs so that's very incorrect.

    Other than the false accusation of me "making excuses" what exactly ties me to people I have never met? I still don't follow the logic of how I am somehow responsible for all teh blacks. Please, give me a coherent argument if possible.

  97. "I'd say "take your own advice", but you're too stupid."

    We can have a battle of wits if you'd like. Choose a screen name and let's go. Are you brave enough?

  98. Anonymous11:40 PM




  99. Oh yeah also anon, just curious about the person calling me stupid. What do you do for a living and what is your highest level of education? Thanks.

  100. Anonymous said...


    11:40 PM
    Pure bull. You really live in the valley of projection. Not everyone looks at the world the way you do.

  101. “Not everyone looks at the world the way you do.“

    Shhhhhhh, don’t mess up his delusion.😆
