Monday, May 24, 2021

Movie Monday.


What's the name of this movie? 


  1. Three men and the crazy.

  2. Cheap throat?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:35 PM

    FourD emons from Hell

  4. Anonymous10:52 PM

    C.H.U.D.: Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers

  5. 3 Bleeding Hemorrhoids and a Tape Worm.

  6. Invasion Of The Butt-hole Aliens

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM


  8. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Good Americans

  9. I figured this was the quickest way to inform you, so---

    Your site has been infected with a botnet. I've gotten it three times when being directed to your site from the email notification msgs I get whenever you have a new post up. My protection software has worked fine so I have no problems on my end. If you need more info, pls email me.

  10. Anonymous4:10 PM

    PICTURED: Black Suspect, 36, arrested after man and woman were killed and 12 were injured in 'gang-related' mass shooting at New Jersey home during 1990s-themed house party for young boy:

  11. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Ex-Michigan State basketball star Keith Appling (negro), 29, is arrested after two-day manhunt for 'fatally shooting a 66-year-old relative on his front lawn':

    1. Today is not a good day for our resident racist troll to tell us about black killings. #SanJoseShootings.

  12. Anonymous4:14 PM

    PICTURED: Girl, 14, who was killed in mass shooting that also injured 14 others during illegal concert in South Carolina - as a dozen mass casualty incidents across the US leave at least 11 dead in out of control negro violence:

  13. There is a very interesting article by political scientist at:

    Please take a look. The title is:

    "17 years ago, this political scientist offered a dark and prescient warning about where the GOP was heading"

  14. Anonymous4:21 PM

    12 shot, 2 fatally, since Monday afternoon in Chicago in endless negro violence:

  15. Mystere said...

    Your site has been infected with a botnet. I've gotten it three times when being directed to your site from the email notification msgs I get whenever you have a new post up. My protection software has worked fine so I have no problems on my end. If you need more info, pls email me.

    12:41 PM
    What is botnet?

  16. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "The common virtue of capitalism is the sharing of equal opportunity. The common vice of socialism is the equal sharing of misery"


  17. bot·net
    Learn to pronounce
    a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge, e.g., to send spam messages.
    Definitions from Oxford Languages

  18. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Louisiana U.S. Senator John Kennedy LOVE IS THE ANSWER BUT

  19. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Governor Ron “Halfway Up Trump’s Rectum” DeSantis signed a ridiculous Florida law that purports to protect wingnut politicians from getting kicked off social media for spewing lies and hate.

    DeSantis has a JD from Harvard, so he knows damn well that this law will get incinerated the moment a judge has an opportunity to rule on it. What a shameless dancing bear of a politician he is. Like Trump, he thinks government is just a game, and voters are just suckers waiting to be manipulated through his con artistry. He so very badly wants to be the next Trump, once the original version goes to prison.

    Also note the presence of slandering piece of shit James O’Keefe at far left at the signing ceremony. Of course he would be there. Of course.

    Florida governor signs law against tech firms de-platforming politicians

  20. Sinator Kennedy is a fucking moron magat!! On the other hand, he probably needs a gun to force a woman to talk to him or canoodle.


    Manafort turned over to Russia agent internal polling data from drumpf's 2016 campaign which was in turn turned over to Russia intelligence agencies which may have provided a way for Sputin to influence election and help defeat HRC.

    But, of course, magats don't care which magats committed which heinous crimes. They would not indict a single one of them if their lives depended on it.

  22. Off duty Texas pig shoots black woman in the back after an argument.

  23. Arizona lege magats strip Dem SOS's abilities to defend state from magat inspired phony election lawsuits and gives that job to magat AG who likely won't defend the state.

  24. Anonymous8:58 PM

    “Sinator Kennedy is a fucking moron magat!! On the other hand, he probably needs a gun to force a woman to talk to him or canoodle.”

    I wonder how many GOP politicos have now done tough-guy, “check out muh gun” campaign ads? Preferably ones where they blast away at targets that somehow are supposed to represent the dirty liberals, like signs reading “Obamacare” or “Political Correctness,” or a picture of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s head. By this point, it must be approaching 100%.

    These always make the amateurish used-car dealership ads look classy. I start to laugh at them, but then I remember that America is filled with drooling morons who see a congressman caressing his pistol and think it is actually a good thing, and I feel sad.

  25. So if Bezos buys MGM, does that mean he will own all of those "Apprentice" tapes that Fergus was so hell bent on keeping secret?
    And if so, would it even matter?
    Does there exist any hard evidence of Fergus' shitty behavior that his fans would fail to worship and eat up like it was Belgian chocolate?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. Anonymous9:32 PM

    “Does there exist any hard evidence of Fergus' shitty behavior that his fans would fail to worship and eat up like it was Belgian chocolate?”

    My guess is no. At this point, if Bezos causes the release of an incriminating tape, they’ll reflexively disbelieve it, since Trump has already laid the groundwork for Trump fanatics to think Bezos is his (and their) enemy.

    The media could air real footage of Trump snorting crushed-up adderall while dropping copious n-bombs like a Klansman at a cross burning and bragging about what a successful rapist he is, and they’ll just explain it away as a deepfake created through the wizardry of CGI to smear heroic American patriot Trump.

  27. Multiple grand juries are convened examining whether or not to indict Fergus.
    The DOJ appealed a judge's ruling that the memo authored by DOJ staff attorneys that opined that Fergus should not be indicted for the instances of obstruction of justice detailed in the Mueller report should be released, although parts of it were released.
    The judge said that the memo was disingenuous and didn't really consider whether or not to indict Fergus, but instead discussed strategies for "getting a jump on public relations" and therefore should be made public.
    It's somewhat disappointing that they appealed the ruling and didn't release the full memo, but we'll have to wait and see whether they vigorously pursue Fergus for his crimes or instead pursue an approach that seeks to cover the asses of their employees for their behavior under the direction of Sessions and Billbarr Buggins.
    While such a strategy would be understandable, it remains imperative that Fergus not be allowed to slither away from his felonious behavior while in office unscathed, as previous Republican presidents doing just that enabled him to commit those crimes in the first place, and would remain as protection for any subsequent Republican president's misdeeds.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous12:39 AM

    The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Monday ruled against a criminal illegal alien, previously convicted of felony DUI and deported, seeking to avoid deportation after illegally re-entering the U.S.

    Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a 9-0 decision that the “Ninth Circuit’s interpretation is incompatible” with federal statute, ruling against Palomar-Santiago.

  29. The Biden administration has located the families of more than 50 of the 1,000 or so children separated from their folks at the border by Fergus' goddamn goon squad who remain in custody.
    So far they have been contacted and informed of the whereabouts of their children, allowed across the border, and flown to where the children are being held captive.
    It will be a monumental task finding all of the other families, but doing so remains the policy of the Biden administration.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Uh oh.

  31. Anonymous9:00 AM

    One injured after shots fired near George Floyd Square on 1-year anniversary, police say TNB:

  32. Anonymous11:13 AM


    "‘This is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history,’ Trump said in a statement late Tuesday. ‘This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it's being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors.’"

    I can’t wait until the witch hunt concludes and the witch gets burned. Fuck that guy.

  33. Anonymous11:31 AM

    “The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Monday ruled against a criminal illegal alien, previously convicted of felony DUI and deported, seeking to avoid deportation after illegally re-entering the U.S.

    Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a 9-0 decision that the ‘Ninth Circuit’s interpretation is incompatible’ with federal statute, ruling against Palomar-Santiago.”

    I’m not sure why anyone, whether pro- or anti-immigration, would get excited about this case.

    The plaintiff was wrongly deported. A DUI isn’t a sufficiently serious criminal charge to revoke someone’s green card and kick them out of the country. The court system already apparently decided on that matter in a different case, and it is a matter of settled law now.

    All this particular case decided was the question of what wrongly deported people have to do to get back into the US. SCOTUS ruled that you have to challenge your deportation through the immigration system or the courts first, before simply sneaking back across the border. This ruling will affect a pretty small number of people — most deported people weren’t wrongly deported, and most of those who were wrongly deported will try challenging it through official processes instead of crossing the border illegally. So this isn’t going to have any meaningful impact on immigration rates.


  35. Settled law isn't settled according to anti-precedent, activist on the Scotus. magats

  36. Woman and husband killed their two kids. TWB


    Mass murder in San Jose RR yard. At least 8 dead. Obviously we need more guns.

  38. “Obviously we need more guns.“


  39. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Carjacker with gun gets owned by driver with car.

    Cue the cries of "rayciss driver" because he didn't give the orc his car.

  40. The above picture is what you get when you give up on governance entirely and instead elect professional trolls to office.
    Problem with that is that the country needs a functioning congress to get on with the business of ordinary life, and now one of the two parties tasked with running said congress is anything but functional.
    Hella good at producing offensive video clips that get a lot of page views, but not so much at governing the country.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. “Cue the cries of "rayciss driver" because he didn't give the orc his car.“

    Cue the stupid posts from racist assholes.😆

  42. Anon @1455

  43. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Negroes doing what they do best!!

  44. Anon 1539 doing what he does best.😆😂

  45. New Texas gun law allows open carry without license, permit or back ground check to see if you are batshit magat fucking fucked in the head, as ever so many Texass magats are.

  46. Anonymous6:29 PM

    “Anon 1539 doing what he does best.😆😂”

    Black Crime Report Guy spends all his time on Black Crime Report websites. This does not seem like the healthiest or most productive of lifestyles.

    He’s probably got a poster of Tucker Carlson over his bed.

  47. Or worse, IN his bed. 😀

  48. Some great movie titles above.

  49. Posse Pigsdomurder are killing an average of three people a day, same as last year.

    Blacks be less likely to be armed when killed by opportunistic pigs.

  50. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Da(Y)go Brown
    · 7h
    A lady just came up to me and said “Speak English, we are in San Diego.” So I politely responded by asking her “how do I say ‘San Diego’ in English?” The look of bewilderment on her face made it feel like a Friday.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Three major oil companies received setbacks in their quest to overheat the planet until it actually catches fire today.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Geometrically speaking6:29 AM

    Snakes on a plane

  53. Anonymous8:43 AM

    When blacks get money, the first thing they do is move away from other blacks:

    Blacks are the worst bigots and hypocrites in the world.

  54. anymoose's source @ 8:43 AM appears to be a race baiter/hater with gripes about all famous Blacks.

    Who told anymoose all Blacks had to live in Black conclaves? Where do wealthy whites move to? As far away from other people of any/every color as they can. Anymoosie's racism shines through like fog lights.

  55. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Today is not a good day for our resident racist troll to tell us about black killings. #SanJoseShootings.

    6:34 PM

    San Jose was an unfortunate isolated incident (10 dead), terrible tragedy. Negro violence is a DAILY occurrence nationwide. Its the REAL Pandemic.

    Chicago does more than this EVERY WEEK 52 weeks a year. Then factory in the other major cities with large black populations:

    CHICAGO Week in Progress (5/23 – 5/29)
    Shot & Killed: 14
    Shot & Wounded: 57
    Total Shot: 71
    Total Homicides: 14

  56. Anymoose, these numbers from Chicago disturb your infantile senses so much, why not volunteer your expertise and teach Blacks how to aim better?

    Also, you could buy up all the ammo and drive the price up so high only rich wasicus could afford any.

  57. anonymous said....

    San Jose was an unfortunate isolated incident (10 dead), terrible tragedy. Negro violence is a DAILY occurrence nationwide. Its the REAL Pandemic.

    1:30 PM
    Lots of whites shooting and killing etc. as well, anon. Here are a few examples. How come you never mention them?

    A (white)Minnesota man has pleaded guilty this Tuesday to attacking an elderly couple over a Joe Biden campaign sign, CBS
    Minnesota reports.

    Gunman arrested after 3 police officers shot in hourslong Texas standoff

    Ax-wielding Proud Boy rioter asks to be let out of jail so his disability payouts don't dry up.

    A man has been shot and killed after stabbing several people with a knife before one of his victims was able to shoot him with a shotgun. ABC news

  58. Anonymous5:54 PM

    13% (black) of the population commits 80% of the violent crime......

  59. Anonymous6:18 PM

    13% (white) of the population creates, condones and maintains 80% of the violent the world

  60. 100% of anonymous posters are bitches.

  61. Anonymous9:46 PM

    The Lefts ultimate goal is total Power and Control.

  62. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Like your name is Pilot X

  63. Weaselberg is in a heap of trouble.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    53% of Republicans think trump is still president.😆😂

  65. “Like your name is Pilot X“

    Logic isn’t your strong suit huh?😆

  66. “San Jose was an unfortunate isolated incident (10 dead), terrible tragedy.”

    Sandy Hook was an isolated event, Aurora was an isolated event, Sandy Springs was an isolated event, Paducah was an isolated event, Las Vegas was an isolated event, Charleston was an isolated event, Columbine was an isolated event, Parkland was an isolated event, Dekalb was an isolated event, Atlanta was an isolated event, El Paso was an isolated event, San Diego was an isolated event, Austin was an isolated event.....these isolated events don’t seem too isolated. CWM don’t need guns.

  67. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "Logic isn’t your strong suit huh?"

    Or seeing irony yours!



  70. “Or seeing irony yours!“

    There is no irony. Pick a screen name ya coward.

  71. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Okay I picked one. Now what?

  72. Wasicu wastey San Jose mass killer had 32 illegal high capacity magazines for his weapon. He seemed nice,but, in typical magat fashion never learned to play nice.

  73. “Okay I picked one. Now what?“

    Now stop sticking your pecker in your sister?Take a shower? Go to the dentist? Get your GED? So many choices.🤷🏾‍♂️

  74. Former wasicu magat pig in Misery is running for office even though as a pig he gave law breaks to drunk underage teen in exchange for sexual favors and tries to claim it was consensual. He also blames his single lifestyle and will probably be elected in a landslide.

  75. PilotX, Vinton iowa has the longest trail that glows in the dark. Next time you fly over iowa check this out and see if it is visible from Space.

    Seriously, people, Vinton iowa is home to the iowa school for the blind. What earthly good does a glow in the dark trail afford blind people?

  76. “Vinton iowa has the longest trail that glows in the dark.“

    That sounds awesome! Might have to road trip.

  77. "What earthly good does a glow in the dark trail afford blind people?"

    Perhaps more than you might imagine. Blindness is not like total darkness, or at least it wasn't when it happened to me. It was more like trying to see through waxed paper, and lights in the darkness were quite helpful for figuring out where things were that my eyeballs could no longer render in 3D.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    I'm guilty of stereotyping blind people. My humblest apologies to any offended humans.

    If you click on the link and Soledad Obrien shows up, just remember she is all mine cuz I seen her first years ago. What a woman of color and downright intelligent, too.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. No Hyde amendment in Biden's budget proposal.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Jill: Did you know that Marjorie Taylor-Greene has been the subject of a months long investigation and that the DOJ has recommended federal prosecution?

    Joe: No. I hadn't heard.

    Jill: Turns out it was just a witch-hunt.

    Joe: Bingo

  82. Good one Flying Junior. That bitch be a witch if ever a wicked witch was.

  83. In Canada, a former Catholic school for indigenous kids, although closed for years, yielded the bodies of 215 Native children.

  84. Anonymous11:03 AM


  85. เว็บใหญ่ มั่นคง ปลอดภัย100% มีครบจบในที่เดียว
    สล็อตออนไลน์ เครดิตฟรี โบนัส100% เล่นเกมส์ได้เงินจริงฟรี


  86. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, The Wonder Years, The Wiz, Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur,
    The Taking of Pelham 123, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate,
    Dr Do Little, Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.
