Thursday, May 20, 2021

"Democratic trap"?

"Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission,

"It is just more partisan unfairness and unless the murders, riots, and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, and New York are also going to be studied, this discussion should be ended immediately." ~ The former guy~

What's that saying old black folks like to say? "I'm sick and tired of being tired?" That's kind of how I am feeling right now. 

Let's face it, folks, America is a hot mess. I really should clarify that statement: Half of America is a hot mess, and I think you all know the half I am talking about.

If you would have told me a few weeks ago that the GOP would block the January 6th investigative commission, I would have told you that you were crazy. Of course I would have been  the crazy one, because I should know not to put anything past the current crew of republicans in Washington. These are the same folks who refuse to strip Mart Gaetz of his committee seats until we see where this whole sex with minors thing leads us. Not to mention the fact that one of their more prominent members and biggest fundraisers is...wait for it..... Marjorie Stalker Greene. Yes, the QAnon diva turned congresswoman is a pretty big deal in the grand old party. 

But back to this commission. These are the same folks who had one investigative commission after another when they were trying to nail Hillary Clinton for Benghazi. Now they want us to believe that this type of commission would be too political. Let's not forget the fact that a republican was a co-sponsor of the bill to get the damn thing off the ground, and that an equal number of republicans and democrats were to be on the commission. What they really mean, of course, is that it will make them look bad, because it was their former guy who whipped those people into a frenzy and encouraged them to head to the capitol that day. The truth is, some of these same politicians could be implicated in one way or another with what happened. 

There is another thing happening here as well. The white washing of the event. (Pun intended) The gaslighting and revisionist history around this event has been astonishing. They have said things such as "those poor trump supporters were just tourists", to "they didn't even have weapons with them." A commission would debunk all of that nonsense, and maybe get us some real answers about what really happened that day, and not to mention who knew what and when.

Sadly, I think Tim Ryan speaks for all of us. 

“We have people scaling the Capitol, hitting the Capitol Police with lead pipes across the head, and we can’t get bipartisanship,.. ...What else has to happen in this country...this is a slap in the face to every rank-and-file cop in the United States.” The assault on the Capitol resulted in the deaths of five people, and 140 police officers were injured."

They don't care congressman Ryan. They will go to the lowest depths imaginable to protect the feelings of a certain guy. The one calling the commission a "Democratic trap".  



  1. This is what happens when stupid people elect people like themselves to “govern”. Now we see that that was a horrible idea and the bad part is stupid people are too stupid to realize that it is indeed a horrible idea. This is basically the Mississippi-ization of America. They lost their minds when the reality that a Blackish man was their President and that their beliefs that they were somehow superior to all darkies was a lie. People act strangely when their realities are shattered. Why do you think they spend so much time trolling the interwebs trying to prove how superior they are? And as the cherry on top trump ushered in the “alternate facts” era where there are no objective truths and their ignorance is just as valuable as someone else’s knowledge. This is just the obvious result of the conservative anti-intellectual/hyper religious movement.🀷🏾‍♂️

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Well, at least now we know exactly how low GOP members of Congress will sink to keep their jobs. And the answer is: There is no bottom. They are completely spineless jellyfish.

    Even though their own workplace was invaded and their own lives were threatened, to some degree, by the Trump-worshipping wackjob rioters, they are still more concerned about upsetting Trump and potentially losing votes than they are about the possibility that something like 1/6 could happen again.

  3. Shorter Republicans: "A thorough investigation of the crimes we and our supporters did at the behest of the gilded moron we still take our marching orders from and have based our future on just in time for the midterms? We think not."

    Mike Pence's brother voted against the commission. Perhaps to someone who knows him well "hang Mike Pence" doesn't seem like such a bad idea?

    So have the committee investigations. They have subpoena power, and there's not Fergus and Billbarr Buggins to fight against them any more.

    You can't negotiate with Republicans so you shouldn't even try. Allowing them to demonstrate that fact on each issue is sufficient.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

    There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time."Wilhoit

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: ...”

    This reads more like a definition of aristocracy or fascism than conservatism.

    Then again, it does seems like an increasingly appropriate description of the Republican Party, which abandoned conservatism a while ago and is heading swiftly toward fascism.

  6. Nothing the current Republican politicians do surprises me. I think Trump's minions have threatened them and their families with harm if they do not do what Trump decrees they must do. One can look at McConnell's behavior over the last several months to see that something sinister if going on.

  7. Well, to "protect the feelings of a certain guy" only because he's got the party in his pocket, could primary them and go out of his way to humiliate them if he wanted to. So: blackmail! better than love!

  8. Hope you'll share with us sometime, Field, your reaction to Kei Miller's
    "Things I Have Withheld." Jamaican novelist on various non-fiction subjects of identity, called "brilliant" by practically everyone. I have to read it and I'm not even Black, let alone Jamaican, so I guess you should, too.

  9. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "Protected but not bound" is a perfect description of Africans-in-America today.  They have turned shoplifting into a civil right, and can get excused for murdering white people by claiming someone called them "nigger".

  10. Wasicu pigs have started a cottage industry of shooting Blacks in the back and claiming they were afraid for their lives and mostly getting away with it.

  11. How often do you see pigs stop whites and then call for backup immediately?

    You see on video all the time, a black person stopped for minor or no offense and pretty soon that black has more pigs around him than a slaughterhouse. And the pigs are just itching to jump the black guy and tase and punch him as fast as they can.

  12. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Cash Gernon Surveillance Video - Darriyn Brown killer negro murders child after home invasion kidnaping.

  13. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Democratic higher ups are the one who planned the whole Jan 6th thing. The video evidence supports all of this, it was a staged False Flag Operation.

  14. Pigs stop black man for speeding, search car, find urn with guy's 2 year old daughter's ashes and test them for drugs. They claim they tested positive, but like usual, they lied.

    Roadside drug kits are notoriously useless for determining drug presence.

  15. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Out of Control negro crime series continues:

    Oakland party bus shooting was 'one of the worst' tragedies seen by longtime paramedic

  16. "Democratic higher ups are the one who planned the whole Jan 6th thing. The video evidence supports all of this, it was a staged False Flag Operation."

    Yeah, that makes sense. The Democrats want to start an insurrection so that Trump can continue to be President in lieu of another elected Democrat. And one which would bolster the standing of a person with a less than 40% approval rating. Makes perfect sense.


  17. As usual, there is no corroborating evidence for anymoose's lies.

  18. Broken breast bone and torn aorta. That is a nice touch.

    And the long-secret autopsy report, also newly secured, cited Greene’s head injuries and the way he was restrained as factors in his 2019 death. It also noted he had high levels of cocaine and alcohol in his system as well as a broken breastbone and a torn aorta.

    “I beat the ever-living f--- out of him, choked him and everything else trying to get him under control,” Trooper Chris Hollingsworth can be heard telling a fellow officer in the newly obtained batch of video. “All of a sudden he just went limp. ... I thought he was dead.”

    “You all got that on bodycam?” the other officer asks over the phone, at which point Hollingsworth switches his camera off

  19. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The example Machiavelli gives of the last is the friendly government Sparta established in Athens upon defeating it after 27 years of war in 404 BCE. For the upper caste of an Athenian elite already contemptuous of democracy, the city’s defeat in the Peloponnesian War confirmed that Sparta’s system was preferable. It was a high-spirited military aristocracy ruling over a permanent servant class, the helots, who were periodically slaughtered to condition them to accept their subhuman status. Athenian democracy by contrast gave too much power to the low-born. The pro-Sparta oligarchy used their patrons’ victory to undo the rights of citizens, and settle scores with their domestic rivals, exiling and executing them and confiscating their wealth.

  20. Of course your analysis is on target. . .As a near 80 year old white male vet - I remain disgusted with so many people "like me" demographically - who are sheep following a Hitler like Fascist appeal to the white working class by the Republican Party. . .Far too many Old Confederacy and rural county white residents yearn for "their America" and blame "others unlike them" for changes of various types. . .These are simply people who lack the ambition to learn and understand human progress in 2021. . .Change is inevitable - most of it for the better. . .Get used to it or die !

  21. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Hey, those folks who invaded Congress on 1/6 were just tourists, guys, not rioters trying to overthrow democracy. Nothing to see here, silly libs.

    Just forget about those wingnut terrorists. The real threat to America, of course, is yoga. Jesus apparently doesn’t like yoga, so Alabama Republicans banned it.

    I only wish I were making this up. Republicanism is a disease.

    Alabama Will Now Allow Yoga In Its Public Schools (But Students Can't Say 'Namaste')

  22. Anonymous said...

    Democratic higher ups are the one who planned the whole Jan 6th thing. The video evidence supports all of this, it was a staged False Flag Operation.
    4:37 PM
    LOL! Sure, Anonymous,all those militia men, prowd boys, Nazis etc. were all Democrats. ROTF LMOA!
    And pigs fly around the earth at the speed of light!

  23. “LOL! Sure, Anonymous,all those militia men, prowd boys, Nazis etc. were all Democrats.“

    Which is why Republican don’t want an investigation. Brilliant plan.πŸ˜‚

  24. “Protected but not bound by facts” is a perfect description of anonymous posters.


  25. “can get excused for murdering white people by claiming someone called them "nigger".

    The victimhood in this one is staggering. Rush Limbaugh taught him well.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  26. So THIS fool is running for senate. I guess to be a Republican all you have to do is waive a gun and fellatiate trump.

  27. And he's running against the former governor who had to resign in disgrace after the whole duct-tape-and-photograph-nude-and-blackmail your former mistress thingie...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous2:44 AM

    “So THIS fool is running for senate. I guess to be a Republican all you have to do is waive a gun and fellatiate trump.”

    The terrible thing is, one can’t say with 100% confidence that he won’t win. These days, pointing a gun at BLM may indeed constitute sufficient qualifications to get elected as a Republican senator.

  29. Anonymous8:50 AM

    LOL! Sure, Anonymous,all those militia men, prowd boys, Nazis etc. were all Democrats. ROTF LMOA!
    And pigs fly around the earth at the speed of light!

    10:57 PM

    Proud boys are a democrat made up group of false flag lefties that work with ANTIFA, they may be a special branch of ANTIFA.

    The Nazis are YOU, the new Marxist/Socialist's democratic Party ( national Socialist = left)

    Militias are Constitutionally protected and Federal law as well, National Guard Act of 1903. But no groups were there........

  30. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Global Warming is a Hoax

  31. Tennessee swine attempt to change their image as racist murdering pigs by essentially hogtieing and taunting white guy until he dies in custody.

    Not sure this is how you improve yer image with the public.

    Yes they kept him on his stomach and knelt on his back while making fun at his expense.

  32. Moar white privilege....

    Child molestor and torturer serves one third of his prison sentence. He is allegedly a kristian minister with proclivities related to young nubile bodies.


    White sheriff calls 911 on black newspaper delivery man and says he was threatened (lie). 40 fucking pigs answered the plaintive wail sand surrounded black guy.

    Turns out the sheriff lied his ass off and is now under investigation. Moral for blacks, do not deliver papers at 2 AM in mostly white racist neighborhoods which contain racist white sheriffs.

  34. The stolen election is a hoax.

  35. Anonymous said....

    Proud boys are a democrat made up group of false flag lefties that work with ANTIFA, they may be a special branch of ANTIFA.

    8:50 AM
    Oh sure, Anon. Next you are going to tell us that the militia that calls itself the wolverines or whatever and plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan were Antifa Democrats. and I suppose you will tell us that the ass hole who put his fee on Pelosi's desk was Antifa.

    You are fu**ing crazy!

  36. Oddman Bundy is running for guv in Idee-Ho. His militia, prowd boys and the rest must be funded by Soros because Soros isn't funding antifa.

  37. "You are fu**ing crazy!"`

    They all are. A bunch of 12-year-olds who just want to "own the libs." You see MTJ's video of her stalking AOC? These are not serious people, to be a Republican all you have to do is say "socialism" and kiss trump's arse and you'll shoot straight to the top. Sad. Lincoln, Ike and even Reagan's dumb ass are rolling in their graves watching these yA-hoos.

  38. Anonymous2:42 PM

    "vaccine" = dead man walking

  39. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Soros isn't funding antifa.

    11:28 AM

    Actually he and others ARE.

    Bezos,Hollyweird,Silicon Valley etc etc


    Not a dime to antifa that I can see.

  41. For the record and slightly OT, Marvin Gaye’s epic swipe at America’s involvement in senseless slaughter in Vietnam and Americ a’s streets- “What’s Going On” turns 50.

  42. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The media IS the virus........

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Soros isn't funding antifa.

    11:28 AM

    Actually he and others ARE.

    Bezos,Hollyweird,Silicon Valley etc etc

    2:44 PM
    That's interesting since there is no organization called Antifa, so how does the money get to them? Please post your documentation to support this insane claim. Bet you don't have any. Right wing trolls never do.

  44. Anonymous4:07 PM


    Two people are dead and eight others are injured following a mass shooting overnight in downtown Minneapolis, according to the Minneapolis Police Department.

    One of the victims is still in critical condition while seven others have non life-threatening injuries, authorities said.

    Police said all 10 shooting victims are adults, five males and five females, and that there is no active threat. The two deceased victims are males.

    The shooting involved a dispute between two people who both pulled out guns and started shooting at each other, according to Minneapolis Police Department PIO John Alder.

  45. Mike.said, "Not a dime to antifa that I can see."

    3:01 PM
    Mike, when you post facts to trolls their heads may explode, so be careful what you say. LOL!

  46. Like I always say, to expand a wingnuts mind, their heads naturally have to explode. :)

  47. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The Green Thing

  48. Anonymous5:01 PM

    That's interesting since there is no organization called Antifa.

    4:05 PM

    Marxist batshit talk.......

  49. Anonymous5:06 PM


    Not a dime to antifa that I can see.”

    It’s all “secret,” Mike. Hidden by the evil Mainstream Media and the “globalist elite.” Much like the hordes of people secretly dying from taking the COVID vaccine, and the hordes of illegal immigrants that Trump swears secretly voted against him.

    Wingnuts sure do believe in a lot of invisible stuff. Who needs evidence? They FEEL it, so it must be true.

  50. “Police said all 10 shooting victims are adults”

    Which must disappoint your type, no kids? Classrooms full of kids seem to be your specialty.

  51. Anon @ 5:06 PM This is the new normal for abnormal magats.

  52. Awwwwwwww, so sad CNN fired Rick “Blah people” Santorum. Tears will be shed for miles around.πŸ˜“

  53. CNN shit cans little Ricky Sanitorium for racist remarks about Native American contributions to this nation.

    Wonder what they waited so long for?

  54. Heck Pilot, I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. You the man!!

  55. “Heck Pilot, I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. You the man!!“

    And I promptly forgot to post the link. Nice assist!πŸ‘πŸΎ

  56. Anonymous10:27 AM

    George Floyd was a career criminal and thug.....

  57. Anonymous said...

    George Floyd was a career criminal and thug.....

    10:27 AM
    There is no evidence of that, but if he had been, the police had no justification for murdering him.

  58. Anonymous10:40 AM

    There is no evidence of that, but if he had been, the police had no justification for murdering him.

    10:37 AM

    His extensive criminal record says otherwise......

  59. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Why haven't local funeral homes experienced booming business during the SCAMDEMIC?? Pretty much unchanged.

  60. Anonymous said...

    LOL! Sure, Anonymous,all those militia men, prowd boys, Nazis etc. were all Democrats. ROTF LMOA!
    And pigs fly around the earth at the speed of light!

    10:57 PM

    Proud boys are a democrat made up group of false flag lefties that work with ANTIFA, they may be a special branch of ANTIFA.

    The Nazis are YOU, the new Marxist/Socialist's democratic Party ( national Socialist = left)

    Militias are Constitutionally protected and Federal law as well, National Guard Act of 1903. But no groups were there........

    8:50 AM
    You are a bit confused, anon. It's no wonder you post ridiculous nonsense. First, you have no clue as to the definition of socialism or communism.
    Second, the Natural Guard Act of 1903 instituted government controlled militias. It does not apply to rogue militias set up by some dangerous, crack-pot, self-appointed idiots running around in the woods with guns. Timothy McVeigh was associated with a militia in Michigan.

    Due to the bombing, 759 persons sustained injuries, 167 persons died, 83 survivors were hospitalized, and 509 persons were treated as outpatients. Of the 361 persons who were in the federal building, 319 (88%) were injured, of whom 163 (45%) died, including 19 children.

  61. Anonymous said...

    There is no evidence of that, but if he had been, the police had no justification for murdering him.

    10:37 AM

    His extensive criminal record says otherwise......

    10:40 AM
    If this is true, then post your sources. Provide some facts that support you claims.

    And remember execution is not the penalty for petty crimes in this country, although is was in 16th Century England. Too bad you weren't born back then. You would have loved it.

  62. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Black Man accused of several rapes, stalking white women in Philly arrested in Indy
    28-year-old Kevin Bennett is an Indianapolis native who is accused of several rapes and stalking incidents that happened in Philadelphia over the last week.

  63. Anonymous11:18 AM

    biden’s big agenda is imperiled as his priorities stall in Congress and a debt fight looms
    Seung Min Kim, Mike DeBonis

  64. Anonymous11:19 AM

    1 killed, 13 injured in overnight Saturday NEGRO TRIBAL WAR shootings in Chicago

  65. Anonymous11:20 AM

    WAS FRIDAY ANY BETTER? Nope..... The Chicago Negro Tribal Wars is in full summertime motion!
    16 shot, 2 fatally in 12 separate shootings across Chicago Friday

  66. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Police make arrest in toddler’s beating death ( negro in custody)

  67. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd

  68. Anonymous12:27 PM

    “Why haven't local funeral homes experienced booming business during the SCAMDEMIC?? Pretty much unchanged.”

    Pandemic restrictions meant you weren’t allowed to hold actual funerals?

    Funeral homes get paid for funeral ceremonies and everything associated with them, not based on the number of dead bodies there are. Families don’t even need to bother with embalming services if they’re gonna stick the body straight in the ground.

  69. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Negro Driver Goes For Joyride On Jackson Park Golf Course In Chicago terrorizing golfers:

  70. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Families don’t even need to bother with embalming services if they’re gonna stick the body straight in the ground.

    12:27 PM

    So why wasn't there a shortage of caskets and burial vaults?? Why didn't those two industries experience windfall sales??? The math isn't adding up......

  71. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Families don’t even need to bother with embalming services if they’re gonna stick the body straight in the ground.

    12:27 PM

    Wouldn't not embalming the body be in violation of many State laws???

  72. ZeroHedge is a batshit crazy right wing conspiracy theorist not worth the bother of reading.

  73. The Chicago Negro Tribal Wars is in full summertime motion!

    Pants on Fire lie. drumpf hizownself ended the Chicago violence in one week.

  74. drumpf is the textbook definition of a career criminal.

  75. drumpf/magat pandemic hoax sure had a lot of financial consequences for a multitude of businesses, especially funeral homes.

    Of course, as long as they believe drumpf's debunked pandemic lies then funeral homes are in perfect financial health. Their inability to understand and accept reality won't let them believe the truth.

  76. Anonymous1:23 PM

    “Wouldn't not embalming the body be in violation of many State laws???”

    Generally speaking, no.

    People have bodies embalmed so they won’t become disgusting and bad-smelling by the time they are viewed. If you’re not going to view the body, and will bury it immediately, then it isn’t necessary.

  77. Racists are not very smart.

  78. Anonymous2:19 PM

    US Government Seizes $90,000 From BLM-Antifa Organizer Who Sold Footage of Capitol Riot to CNN
    By Cristina Laila

  79. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Violent Negro Fight (TNB) Breaks Out Midflight – Flight Crew Threatens to Land Plane (VIDEO)
    By Cristina Laila
    Published May 22, 2021 at 5:48pm


    No evidence Sullivan led 1/6 insurgency or that he was affiliated with antifa/BLM

    Just moar magat attempts to convince people drumpf's supporters had nothing to do with the traitorous storming of the capitol.

  81. Gateway Pundit? Really? The dumbest person on the internet?
    About your speed, I guess.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Number of mass shootings this weekend, all have one thing in common....guns. Too fucking many guns!

  83. Excellent way to cancel magats....

    Put yer best foot down...hard.

  84. Anonymous4:42 AM

    If you only count shootings, they'll all have guns in common.  Duh.  Only an NPC could miss that.

    But inanimate objects do not have agency.

    If you look at the difference in who's using the guns, you'll see that it's not a gun problem.  It's an Africans problem.  Get rid of the Africans, get rid of the mass shootings.

  85. Not sure why you insist it is an African problem since you and yours demand all Africans go back where they come from.

    The problem clearly is guns, too fucking many of them, even kids are shooting other kids with guns. Not all shootings/victims are non-white.

  86. “Get rid of the Africans, get rid of the mass shootings.“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† I mean unless you count shootings at schools, houses of worship, concerts, movie theaters, workplaces, homes, ect. then yeah I guess anon is right.🀷🏾‍♂️

  87. “Get rid of the Africans, get rid of the mass shootings.“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† I mean unless you count shootings at schools, houses of worship, concerts, movie theaters, workplaces, homes, ect. then yeah I guess anon is right.🀷🏾‍♂️






  93. The whitest states have to worse gun death rates.

  94. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Chicago Shooting: 48 negroes shot, 10 fatally, in weekend black violence across city
    Teen shot, 12-year-old girl cut by broken glass in Rogers Park: police:

  95. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Number of mass shootings this weekend, all have one thing in common....guns. Too fucking many guns!

    7:40 PM

    Too many niggers. We do not need gun control we need nigger control. He who controls the nigger controls the crime.........

  96. You are correct, Pilot, but as we all know, magas do not do not respond to facts. They are too much in love with their false beliefs to allow the light of truth to penetrate their bubble.

  97. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The problem clearly is guns, too fucking many of them, even kids are shooting other kids with guns.

    Only in the ghetto is this a problem.  The places those guns are (almost always) stolen from don't have kids shooting each other.  Even African so-called "caretakers" shoot their charges.

    When was the last time a white guy kidnapped a black 4-yr-old and stabbed him to death, then came back for his brother?  The latest black-on-white murder like that was just two Saturdays ago:

    Not sure why you insist it is an African problem since you and yours demand all Africans go back where they come from.

    That's why me and mine demand that they go back.

    unless you count shootings at schools, houses of worship, concerts, movie theaters, workplaces, homes, ect.

    Almost all of those are psyops and known crazies, reliably leftoids.  The carnage in the 'hood is just Africans being Africans.  The Las Vegas thing was 4 years ago.  The last mass-shooting at a black concert was yesterday:

    The Las Vegas psyop killed 59.  Chicago has had 50 shot dead just so far this month!

    The whitest states have to worse gun death rates.

    Lying with statistics again.  "Gun deaths" and "murders" are not the same.


    Amen, Brother.

  99. That's why me and mine demand that they go back.

    Who the fuck are you to demand anything of anyone? No one died and left you in charge.


    DOJ must turn over unredacted Barr lies about Mueller's Russia investigation today.

    Barr is on record having lied to Senate and FBI and likely his mother if he ever had one.

  101. Racist female POS fired six times into neighbors homes and then reloaded.

  102. Lying with statistics again. "Gun deaths" and "murders" are not the same.

    I clearly stated GUN DEATH rates. What part of that do you not understand? The issue is gun deaths and gun violence. Obviously suicides are mental health issues so white men with mental health issues should DEFINITELY not have firearms wouldn’t you agree?

  103. So Stephen Paddock was a “nigger”? 58 people shot at one time. Clearly white men with mental health issues need to be kept FAR away from firearms.

  104. “The last mass-shooting at a black concert was yesterday“

    And how many people were killed? Not even close to the crazy white guy, oh yeah that’s right the CIA did that one huh?πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  105. “That's why me and mine demand that they go back.“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ So much stupid in one sentence. First, my people have been in this country as long as or longer than yours. Second, to whom are you making this “demand”????πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Third, I’d like to see you just try to make me go any damned where. Lastly, I don’t want to be around white losers like you soooooooo. You are even too much of a coward to pick a screenname so how are you going to do anything about the millions of us here? You’ll die a lonely virgin bitching about “dem darkies” just like the rest of you toothless loser flag waving assholes.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Now excuse me while I go back to my condo, EV and airplane and you go back to your shared trailer.

  106. Hey anon, is this your sister/cousin/wife? Child found living in squalor. How do we know she’s white? The loser (confederate) flag is probably the biggest clue. Wow, feces in the bedroom? I mean I know you hillbillies aren’t the greatest at hygiene but damn! The funniest part is you probably think this moron is somehow superior to me. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Let’s do a poll with your fellow racist assholes, would they rather live next door to an airline pilot who showers daily and smells pretty good, keeps his property looking good and is a general good neighbor OR a smelly hick who lets her kid run around naked, sells drugs and uses her kid’s bedroom as a bathroom? Get back to me with the results.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  107. Liberal Redneck on confederate history month.πŸ˜† I mean what else do you expect from people who celebrate losers?

  108. I mean I wouldn’t want to live around a bunch of hillbillies either.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  109. Welp, more conservative whining and victimhood. Another Republlican genius compares wearing a mask to being a Jew in nazi Germany. Teh stupid is really strong in this one.

  110. Hey, where did our buddy Josh go? Aw man, was looking forward to his insightful and witty posts.πŸ˜“

  111. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Who the fuck are you to demand anything of anyone?

    When the alternative is to go in the hole the backhoe operator is digging, they'll jump at the offer.

    You can go too, because this problem would not exist without you.

  112. Anonymous4:23 PM

    my people have been in this country as long as or longer than yours.

    So have the Iroquois and Huron.  Fat lot of good it did them.  They didn't make this country, and neither did you.  They're conquered and you're just visiting.

    you go back to your shared trailer.

    I have five trailers and a car dolly for my RV, TYVM.  Four of the trailers have boats on them at the moment.

  113. Maybe he lost his name in the Great Josh Pool Noodle Fight, which was obviously corrupt as demonstrated by the presence of many females also armed with pool noodles:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Anonymous4:42 PM

    CHICAGO -- At least 56 people have been shot, 12 fatally, since Friday night in Chicago, including a 15-year-old boy killed in Lawndale on the West Side.

  115. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The ghetto is like a self cleaning oven......

  116. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Leading BLM Marxist Sasha Johnson shot in head in London, her left-wing political party says:

  117. Anonymous4:50 PM

    LeBron James reportedly violated NBA health and safety protocols after attending event.

  118. Backhoe is wasicu wastey slang for the sister they and twenty other magats gang banged as soon as she got home from kindergarten, sdo I have been told. Wasicu wasteys consider it an honor to gang bang mere babies or was that meerkats?

  119. So have the Iroquois and Huron. Fat lot of good it did them. They didn't make this country, and neither did you. They're conquered and you're just visiting.

    Earliest wasicu illegal aliens would not have survived if not for friendly natives. But, wasicu magats are too stoopid to remember that bit of history.

  120. Justice Sotomayor teed off on Kavernmouth this week for breaking a promise he and the rest of the magat mongrels on the court made to prisoners on death row.

    A prisoner in Misery is scheduled to die by drugs which his medical condition can cause him to be in severe pain for a substantial amount oif time. @ years ago magats promised prisoners they could die by different methods. This guy asked for a firing squad and the case was sent to the scotus where they ignored it, him and their earlier promise.

  121. And they wonder why I won’t vote RepublicanπŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ In my Erik Killmonger voice “is THIS your king????”

  122. “and you're just visiting.“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Sure kid, most people “visit” places for 50 years and pay taxes. Not too bright are we?

  123. “You can go too, because this problem would not exist without you.“

    Sure kid, I’m a problem. I’m not a problem when my taxes pay your welfare, er I mean “disability”.πŸ˜†

  124. "I have five trailers and a car dolly for my RV, TYVM. Four of the trailers have boats on them at the moment."

    LOL! I of course you have a boat, how else are you gonna chase Burt Reynolds and John Voight down the river? LOL. But seriously, you seem to believe you're superior to me because of the color of your skin. Here's my challenge to you, which is the same I give to all of you master racers. Pick a screen name and let's have an intellectual discussion and see who comes out on top. I mean I'm just an old dumb negro right? So what's to fear? I have yet to have ONE of you cowards accept my challenge. Are you man enough? Tick tock big man.

  125. "Stop the steal" is the steal.

  126. The "Democratic trap" is democracy.

  127. "Stop the steal" is the steal.

    How about stop the stupid. LOL!

  128. Anonymous said...

    If you look at the difference in who's using the guns, you'll see that it's not a gun problem. It's an Africans problem. Get rid of the Africans, get rid of the mass shootings.

    4:42 AM
    That must be why Alaska has the highest per capita rate for gun deaths in all 50 states. There are so many Blacks there (3.6%). LOL! Just kidding.

    Do you have any idea just how misinformed you are? Read on...

    From 1982 until April 2021 here are the facts on mass shooters: White 66%, Black 21%, Latino 10%, Asian 8%, Other categories 18%.

  129. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Do you have any idea just how misinformed you are? Read on...

    The irony is always thick with you, senile old woman.

    From 1982 until April 2021 here are the facts on mass shooters: White 66%, Black 21%, Latino 10%, Asian 8%, Other categories 18%.

    No, that is not percentage.  If you had a working synapse you'd realize that those numbers add up to 123%.  If you had eyes you'd be able to read the left scale of the graph which is labelled "Number of Incidents", so that's 123 incidents.  In 39 years.

    Which is so ridiculously low that we can dismiss it out of hand.  Wikipedia finds 614 in the year 2020 alone, with only 446 dead plus 2515 injured.  That's less than 0.75 fatalities per incident despite almost 5 hits per.

    Gun Violence Archive finds only 611 incidents for 2020, but has an option to download the entire table as CSV.  As I can use a spreadsheet, I total up 513 killed and 2539 wounded, for still less than 1 fatality per incident and about 5 hits per incident.

    This is consistent with the Leaded Law of Mass Shootings, from which one can predict the race of the shooter by the K/W ratio; the better the marksmanship, the more likely the shooter is non-black.  For instance, incident #1697453 in Valhermoso Springs Alabama had 7 killed and no wounded; the killer was almost certainly White.  Ditto incident #1876727 in Elkview WV with 4 killed, 0 wounded.  But incident #1585394 in Huntington WV had 7 wounded, none killed.  Huntington WV was 8.6% black in the 2010 census, meaning the shooter is almost certain to have been black.... and the suspook Kymonie Davis was indeed arrested in Detroit.

    The average K/W ratio for mass shootings in the USA is just over 0.8.  In other words, almost all mass shooters in the USA are black.  The USA does not have a gun violence problem.  The USA has an African violence problem.

  130. "the better the marksmanship, the more likely the shooter is non-black."

    Nah, not necessarily marksmanship but the choice of targets. Seems mentally unstable white males tend to choose "soft" targets such as elderly churchgoers or small children in a classroom. Actually shows a lack of courage as these particular persons are more unlikely to shoot back while most intended targets for most non-white shooters are fellow bad guys who are normally also armed. Is that some kind of common thread among you crazy white guy types? Bitchassedness? Can't even pick a screen name. Cowardly little boys.

  131. "The irony is always thick with you, senile old woman."

    Such profound disrespect for one's elders show a profound lack of class. Such lack of class tends to be common among the lower classes and less educated. Are you dumb poor white trash? My bet is yes. I bet you're from either WV, KY or TN. What state are you from? What is your level of education? Why are you so afraid to pick a screen name?

  132. Anonymous said...

    No, that is not percentage. If you had a working synapse you'd realize that those numbers add up to 123%. If you had eyes you'd be able to read the left scale of the graph which is labelled "Number of Incidents", so that's 123 incidents. In 39 years.
    So I mistook straight number for percentages. So the results change, but they still don' support you point. Here are the percentages:
    White 53.36%
    Black 17.07%
    Latino 8.13%
    Asian 6.59%
    Other 14.63%

    This adds up to 99.99 due to rounding error. Looks like white men are so dangerous we should deport them back to Europe and the United Kingdom.

  133. Anonymous said...

    Which is so ridiculously low that we can dismiss it out of hand. Wikipedia finds 614 in the year 2020 alone, with only 446 dead plus 2515 injured. That's less than 0.75 fatalities per incident despite almost 5 hits per.

    The article sites the number of incidents (mass shootings), not the number of people killed or wounded. I guess your synapses aren't firing too well either.

  134. Anonymous also said...
    The average K/W ratio for mass shootings in the USA is just over 0.8. In other words, almost all mass shooters in the USA are black. The USA does not have a gun violence problem. The USA has an African violence problem.

    9:12 PM
    African problem? The Blacks doing the shooting are Americans, not Africans and are mostly engaging in gun battles, not killing unarmed people in churches and theaters. Erroneous conclusions all around from you.


  136. Anonymous10:48 AM


  137. Anonymous11:27 AM

    CHICAGO May 1st-25th to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 52
    Shot & Wounded: 268
    Total Shot: 320
    Total Homicides: 55

    81.6% Black

    14.1% Hispanic

    4.4% White/Other

  138. Anonymous said...


    10:48 AM
    Here's what Trump is great at:
    1. Lying
    2. Disrespecting and insulting everyone who doesn't agree with him
    3. Bragging and praising himself
    4. Destroying the reputation and careers of most of his former supporters
    5. Cheating his employees by paying them less than he promised
    6. Using charity money as his personal slush fund
    7. Cheating on his taxes
    8. Being an all around ass-hole grifter.

  139. Chicago May25: Cardinals playing the Sox. Nice day to go to the lakefront and check out the view. Swing by!

  140. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Chicago May25: Cardinals playing the Sox. Nice day to go to the lakefront and check out the view. Swing by!

    3:48 PM

    Bring a pistol and some body armour!!!

  141. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Such profound disrespect for one's elders show a profound lack of class.

    When HER elders have disrespected MY elders so profoundly?  SHE is classless.  Fuck HER with a rusty hacksaw.

    One does not give respect to those who disrespect their race.

    Such lack of class tends to be common among the lower classes and less educated.

    I graduated through the same university system as both my parents.

    Are you dumb poor white trash? My bet is yes. I bet you're from either WV, KY or TN.

    And you are totally wrong.  I'd bet money against you on that, but you won't pledge because you KNOW you are wrong.

    What state are you from? What is your level of education? Why are you so afraid to pick a screen name?

    Within 100 miles of the Canadian border, at least as great as yours, and because you treat a screen name as an object of derision, not a personality to deal with on a level intellectual field.  Been there, done that, not doing it again.

    You get to deal with "anonymous" because you are the scum that you are.

  142. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 AM

    Anonymous said....

    Within 100 miles of the Canadian border, at least as great as yours, and because you treat a screen name as an object of derision, not a personality to deal with on a level intellectual field. Been there, done that, not doing it again.

    You get to deal with "anonymous" because you are the scum that you are.

    11:52 PM
    Sorry, Anon, that you can't deal with s few jibs about a screen name you had in the past. Seems you are pretty thin skinned. Maybe you should post on blogs where opinions are in line with yours instead of posting here. Or else Man-up so we can identify you when you comment.

  143. “Bring a pistol and some body armour!!!“

    No need. for that. Great game, great night! Sox win and the only minor hiccup was a fight in the outfield bleachers started by some who looks like you. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  144. “Seems you are pretty thin skinned.”

    Yeah, sounds like he is a bitch. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  145. “because you treat a screen name as an object of derision, not a personality to deal with on a level intellectual field.”

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† Shorter version, he kept being called on his bullshit and couldn’t handle it.🀷🏾‍♂️

  146. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber, Resident Evil Jill
    The Wonder Years, The Wiz, Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur,
    The Taking of Pelham 123, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian
    Candidate, Dr Do Little, Death Note live action series on NetFlix,
    Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.

  147. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Well yes an no their is and or isn't racism
    in America. yes their is racism in America an its against white,
    yellow people but more specifically especially on white people. no their
    is no racism in America against black people considering there getting
    things their way so how in the blue hell are black people always screaming
    yelling, complaining, grunting, groaning, moaning, cherry picking, nit picking
    acting like nothing is going their way when it is.
