Sunday, August 22, 2021

Caption Sunday.


 I need a caption for this picture.

Pic from


  1. 3 masked hombres shot by authorities. Since there were no people of color involved, no shots were fatal. Pigs are pissed they weren't invited to the shoot.

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Almost all COVID-related deaths in Israel are of "vaccinated" people.

  3. Witzke is a Quack-anon sweetie, conspiracy loving moron. Ignore her.

  4. I got mine. In April. Still here, non-magnetic. Nobody will tell me if there's a data cap on the microchip, but unless it gets way better reception than my cheap-ass Samsung smartphone, they still don't know where I am about 85% of the time...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM


  6. Anonymous3:18 PM


  7. Anonymous3:19 PM

    You're Fucked!!

  8. Anonymous3:19 PM


  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Chris Rock - Black People vs. Niggers

  10. Anonymous3:21 PM


  11. Not only are we spreading a message the ladies get a gun show.

  12. and we didn't cry...but...waaaaahh now it hurts!

  13. Anonymous12:37 AM


  14. Anonymous12:38 AM

    How did the German people let it happen???

  15. In an exhibition of the dangerous power of propaganda, Fergus got booed at his rally when he suggested that everyone get vaccinated.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. "We can do it!"

    Hmm... maybe someone could make a poster: Rosie the Riveter Get The Vax.

  17. Anonymous8:28 AM


  18. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  19. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Biden to nominate Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan after months of speculation
    MONDAY, AUG 23

    President Joe Biden will nominate Rahm Emanuel as his ambassador to Japan, capping off months of speculation that the former Chicago mayor would be tapped for the prominent foreign post, the White House announced Friday.

    Big snub to the black community. Emanuel sat on the Laquan McDonald video until well after his re-election.

  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Please take the "vaccine", we need less libtards..........

  21. Calling all ignorant anti-vaccer trolls, Who posted yesterday and today from 3:18 PM t0 8:44 AM

    "We Are All Paying for the Unvaccinated"

    "A new Peterson-KFF analysis finds the spike in hospitalizations of unvaccinated adults — which are almost all preventable — cost the U.S. health system more than $2 billion in June and July."

    From today's

  22. Anonymous11:16 AM

    “Big snub to the black community. Emanuel sat on the Laquan McDonald video until well after his re-election.”

    Emanuel didn’t release the video because he was asked by the local prosecutor, Anita Alvarez, to hold off on releasing it until after her office’s investigation (and potentially a trial) was over, so as not to prejudice any potential jury members. Which was reasonable — except she never got around to making any decision regarding prosecuting or not prosecuting the cop. She is the one who sat on this case. After many months had gone by, a journalist took the city to court to force the release of the video.

    Emanuel took the heat for this situation, but honestly, it was mostly Alvarez’s fault.

  23. Anonymous11:47 AM

    FDA has granted full approval to the Pfizer vaccine. No more emergency authorization. So that’s one line of antivaxxer conspiracy theory bullshit that’s now gone.

  24. Never before/never again has an anymoose bothered to say so little while saying so little.

  25. Anonymous1:33 PM

    CHICAGO August 1st-22nd
    Shot & Killed: 71
    Shot & Wounded: 321
    Total Shot: 392
    Total Homicides: 72

    More negroes are killed by other negroes than Covid

  26. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Emanuel didn’t release the video because he was asked by the local prosecutor, Anita Alvarez, to hold off on releasing it until after her office’s investigation (and potentially a trial) was over, so as not to prejudice any potential jury members. Which was reasonable — except she never got around to making any decision regarding prosecuting or not prosecuting the cop. She is the one who sat on this case. After many months had gone by, a journalist took the city to court to force the release of the video.

    Emanuel took the heat for this situation, but honestly, it was mostly Alvarez’s fault.

    11:16 AM


  27. Anonymous1:35 PM

    If there is no real Pandemic.....why would you need a "vaccine" that isn't a vaccine???

  28. Anonymous1:37 PM

    All about reducing freedom and democracy over a fake pandemic:

  29. So Chimpy and Rummy and Cheney had an opportunity to negotiate a Taliban surrender in 2001, but they were so full of hubris and revenge fantasies that they turned it down.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Vaccine = X Files

  31. Anonymous5:06 PM

    biden and Team Shit the Bed will make the Afghanistan debacle bigger and worse than the 1979 US Embassy take over in Iran and Benghazi combined.......

  32. Anonymous5:48 PM

    “More negroes are killed by other negroes than Covid”

    Um, no. Not even close.

    COVID has killed approximately 90,000 black Americans.

    There have been maybe 25,000 homicide victims during the pandemic. Not black victims — victims of ALL races.

    COVID is the biggest murderer in the US, and the Republican Party is its accomplice.

  33. "COVID is the biggest murderer in the US, and the Republican Party is its accomplice."

    Common folk: "you can't fix stupid".
    Covid 19: "wanna bet?"

  34. So was trump reinstated yesterday? Looking forward to that second trump administration.

  35. Lindell says it will be New Year's Day for the holy resurrection.

  36. Capitol rioter Robert Reeder was about to be sentenced after pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count. But then amateur cyber-sleuths uncovered video of him appearing to assault a police officer.

    The judge saw the video and said "Not so fast."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous1:40 AM

    "Capitol rioter Robert Reeder was about to be sentenced after pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count. But then amateur cyber-sleuths uncovered video of him appearing to assault a police officer."

    I hate the fact that the only people who seem to be facing serious charges are the ones who committed assaults.

    The rest of them are tending to get misdemeanor trespassing or vandalism charges. But they were there -- all of them, every last one -- for the purpose of attempting to thwart democracy, to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in a legitimate election. Surely there must be some harsher federal offenses that prosecutors could hit them with.

  38. Posted here without comment:

    Alex Jones Calls Trump a ‘Dumbass’

    August 23, 2021 at 11:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 87 Comments

    Infowars host Alex Jones went after former President Donald Trump for promoting Covid-19 vaccines at a rally in Alabama, Mediaite reports.

    Said Jones: “Shame on you, Trump. Seriously. Hey, if you don’t have the good sense to save yourself and your political career, that’s ok. At least you’re gonna get some good Republicans elected and you know, we like ya. But my god. Maybe you’re not that bright. Maybe Trump’s actually a dumbass.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous2:44 AM

    I love how, now, even Trump isn't Trumpy enough for the drooling Cro-Mags. Nothing will satisfy their appetite for crazy. They've been conditioned to always want more. They can always sink another level lower, in terms of ignorance and depravity, and they're eager to start the descent.

  40. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Giuliani associate Igor Fruman has plead guilty to arranging illegal campaign contributions to GOP politicians.

    Fruman is a flunky of Giuliani (who is himself a flunky of Trump), and he worked with Rudy on the failed plan to pressure Ukraine to tell defamatory lies about Hunter Biden, which would hopefully lead to defaming Joe Biden as well.

  41. Anymoosie's selective memory conveniently allows Uncle Ronnie Raisin Raygun off the hook for 241 dead unarmed Marines blown up in Beirut Embassy truck bombing. In retaliation, Raygun took his battered Marines and went home.

  42. My bad, it was the Marine barracks at Beirut Airport and none of the on duty Marine guards were allowed to have loaded weapons.

    But Benghazi was exponentially worse because magats used the hearings to character assassinate HRC, since they knew she was not responsible for the deaths.

    Magats intend to Benghazi Biden in the same manner on Afghanistan.


  44. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Dead men!!........Dead men walking!!

  45. Anonymous10:41 AM

    What evil awaits the 40k US Citizens trapped in Afghanistan.... what is going to happen to them on September 11th?????

    Team Shit the Bed does nothing and leaves Americans without hope.

  46. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Despite the Food and Drug Administration's recent promotion of the Pfizer injection August 23, the data remains the same, including over 13,000 deaths following the administration of the injections in the US.

  47. All of the pro-covid posts here are from anonymoids. Has the virus learned how to type?

  48. Say her name!

    Which name? Dead Duck or brainless Clay Pigeon?

    Bitch had her mind expanded. Too bad it didn't do her any good.

  49. Pence said ISIS dissolved in 2019 after drumpf claimed he destroyed ISIS in 2017.

    Liar liar pants on fire.

  50. Say her name?😆 Comedian Nimesh Patel refuses to call her by her name, he will only refer to her as the dumb white Capitol stormer.😂😆

  51. Anonymous1:05 PM

    “Despite the Food and Drug Administration's recent promotion of the Pfizer injection August 23, the data remains the same, including over 13,000 deaths following the administration of the injections in the US.”

    “Following” the administration of the injection.

    You realize that approximately 8,000 people die every day “following” having eaten a meal. I guess we shouldn’t eat anymore. Yikes! That food shit be dangerous!

    “Following” is meaningless. One event following another does not prove causation. That is not how science works. Currently, the FDA has reported ZERO confirmed cases of death caused by the Pfizer vaccine.


  52. “Despite the Food and Drug Administration's recent promotion of the Pfizer injection August 23, the data remains the same, including over 13,000 deaths following the administration of the injections in the US.”

    C’mon anon, you’ve been here long enough you know to post the link.

  53. “All of the pro-covid posts here are from anonymoids. Has the virus learned how to type?“


  54. I guess president Bob the builder didn’t think his monster would turn on him so quickly huh? 😆😂

  55. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Giuliani associate Igor Fruman has plead guilty to arranging illegal campaign contributions to GOP politicians.

    Nobody ever prosecuted Clinton for taking illegal campaign donations from the Chinese.  Nor Chou Bai-den.

    Only Demonrats have immunity for such things.

  56. Anonymous3:12 PM

    “Nobody ever prosecuted Clinton for taking illegal campaign donations from the Chinese. Nor Chou Bai-den.”

    Because there was no point. Nobody could ever prove that Clinton knowingly took money from Chinese donors. That’s how laws work. You have to prove things.

    Trump and his henchmen learned this the hard way when his made-up claims about election fraud got laughed out of court.

  57. So parts of the fence got soggy and fell down.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. So the Arizona "audit" won't be released on time (again) this time because "Cyber Ninja" Doug Logan and two of his ninjettes have caught the 'rona.
    Read that the revenue stream hasn't completely dried up on their naked grift quite yet.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Anonymous said...

    CHICAGO August 1st-22nd Blah, blah, blah+

    1:33 PM
    Looks like this guy is white.

    A Texas pastor has been sentenced to three decades in prison for secretly filming children, some as young as 11, getting undressed and bathing at his church, the New York Daily News reports.

  60. PikotX @ 1:23 PM.... link comes from unreliable Liberty Counsel...

  61. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Say her name!

    Which name? Dead Duck or brainless Clay Pigeon?

    Bitch had her mind expanded. Too bad it didn't do her any good.

    11:20 AM

    The tolerant left.

    The communists true behavior is power and violence........

  62. Liberty Counsel is affiliated with Life Site News which, as Media Bias/Fact Check says.... We rate LifeSiteNews far right biased for story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and many failed fact checks

    They're fucking nutz.

  63. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I guess Biden's offer of free blow jobs did not impress the Taliban.

  64. Anonymous5:54 PM

    The MSM is lying yet again:

  65. This mis funny. 11 years ago an 18 year old magat was arrested for threatening to bomb his school and mueder classmates. He had bomb making materials.

    This week a man accidentally detonated a bomb which caused him some nasty injuries. Turns out to be the same guy who was busted 11 years ago.

    Proof that you can't fix stoopid.

  66. Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

    Basically the worst of the worst.

  67. Anonymous7:56 PM

    If we were really experiencing a Pandemic hospitals wouldn't be firing staff for not taking the shot.......

  68. Anonymous8:58 PM

    “If we were really experiencing a Pandemic hospitals wouldn't be firing staff for not taking the shot.......”

    Why not? What good are hospital staff who kill people by giving them COVID? Killing the patients kind of defeats the purpose of a hospital.

    Not to mention that the majority of the staff who refuse vaccines aren’t the highly trained doctors and nurses anyway. They’re orderlies and cleaners and admin staff and the like. They’re easily replaceable.

  69. Mike from Iowa: "Proof that you can't fix stoopid."

    Covid 19: "Wanna bet?"

  70. "The communists true behavior is power and violence........"

    As one of one of our righty posters once said, "play stupid games win stupid prizes".


    Biden actually doing something good for the country. Buckle up folks, when the good things start happening he'll be reelected in a landslide.

  72. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Buckle up folks, when the good things start happening he'll be reelected in a landslide.

    Chou Bai-Den will be removed for dementia well before 2024.

  73. LOL! Willie D's take on the dummy who got shot storming the Capitol. There will be no charges filed against the cop who shot her and her lawsuit was thrown out.

  74. "Chou Bai-Den will be removed for dementia well before 2024."

    Good, President Kamala sounds good to me. First Divine 9 organization member to run the free world! Awesome! I'm down.

  75. Awesome video from Vice News about the MAGA grifters and what they are doing now.

  76. So the FCC voted unanimously to fine Burkman and Wohl more than $5mil for the bullshit robocalls they sent to Black voters before the 2020 election telling them that if they voted by mail they were entered in a database from which outstanding warrants and overdue credit could be prosecuted, and unauthorized vaccines forced upon them.
    That is apart from the multiple criminal and civil actions being brought by multiple state Attorneys General.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. Flesh colored bandaids: Or when anything else just won't do11:51 PM

    Race Bandaids releases new Europeon lines. Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean.

  78. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Disney will soon be forcing all employees at Disney World to get vaccinated.

    Another defeat for the anti-vaxxers.

    Disney reaches vaccination agreement with union workers

  79. "That is apart from the multiple criminal and civil actions being brought by multiple state Attorneys General."

    I'm predicting a slap on the wrist and they do it again in 2022/24.

  80. Anonymous12:08 AM

    The drug companies have now found a way to increase their stock and make billions forever...

    What a pathetic travesty. Sad.

  81. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Isn't it funny how all of the millionaires and billionaires knew we would be getting a pandemic and also predicted exactly when a vaccine would be available.

    Isn't if funny how the government made sure that drug companies can not be sued if people find out that these covid vaccinations can cause adverse health problems in the future.

    Human life means nothing anymore.

    Pfizer stock is probably through the roof now.

  82. Anonymous12:23 AM

    For all of those walking around in retail stores "MASKLESS".. did you NOT get the memo?

    Duuuh..getting a vaccine will NOT prevent you from getting COVID or spreading COVID.

    Also to all of the parents hooping and hollering and acting like they lost their minds over their kids having to wear a mask in school... Do you want your kid to catch Covid? The answer is "NO."
    So why in the hell are you complaining about your kid having to wear a mask to keep from catching or spreading a dangerous virus. "INSANE"

    "GET A LIFE!"

  83. Anonymous said...

    Isn't it funny how all of the millionaires and billionaires knew we would be getting a pandemic and also predicted exactly when a vaccine would be available.

    Isn't if funny how the government made sure that drug companies can not be sued if people find out that these covid vaccinations can cause adverse health problems in the future.

    Human life means nothing anymore.

    Pfizer stock is probably through the roof now.

    12:16 AM
    LOL. Get over it, Anon, many more people are getting vaccinated every day. This means you won't be able to kill them with you bull shit.

  84. Calling all Anti-vaxxer Trolls...

    "Anti-vaxx lawyer for dozens of Capitol rioters is now on a ‘ventilator’ with COVID-19:" report


    But back the blue huh?

  86. Anonymous1:07 PM

    So why in the hell are you complaining about your kid having to wear a mask to keep from catching or spreading a dangerous virus.

    Because masks don't do that.  They leak too much, and can't block the micro-particles which actually spread viruses.  They DO dehumanize people and cause hypoxia, though.

    People under the age of ~30 have negligible risk from COVID, so why are we demanding masks on school children?  It's insane.  They should catch it, get natural immunity and be done with it.  "Vaccinating" them with something that does not confer sterilizing immunity (keep them from being infected again) is a crime, and the so-called "vaccines" are unfit for that purpose.  They appear to be actively harmful to many.

  87. Anonymous1:26 PM

    "Because masks don't do that. They leak too much, and can't block the micro-particles which actually spread viruses. They DO dehumanize people and cause hypoxia, though."


    OMG, the danger! Schoolkids dropping dead left and right, suffocated by their own masks! The horror.

    Jesus, the wackadoodle shit you anti-vaxxers whine about ... Why don't you just admit that you are a stunted child-man and if "the libs" think something is a good idea, you reflexively refuse to do it on principle, without giving it any reasoned consideration, and go have a sulk in the corner?

    "People under the age of ~30 have negligible risk from COVID, so why are we demanding masks on school children? It's insane."

    Because children can spread COVID to OTHER PEOPEL -- adults who can get seriously ill and die from it -- and while vaccination does not outright eliminate the risk of catching and spreading COVID, it massively reduces the chances.

    Your idiot logic is the same as saying that seat belts will not 100% eliminate your risk of dying in a car wreck, so why bother wearing them? Or, equally, a given corporate stock isn't 100% guaranteed to appreciate in value, so there is no point investing in anything, ever. This is no way to make any life decisions, frankly.

  88. "This is no way to make any life decisions, frankly."

    I mean if you're a person of normal intelligence......

  89. The more things change.....

    Video was kept from public for 2 years.

  90. Activist magat scotus is trying to take over presidency and run it themselves.

  91. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Schoolkids dropping dead left and right, suffocated by their own masks!

    If she'd hit her head, it could have killed her.

    Because children can spread COVID to OTHER PEOPEL

    That's why they need to catch it and become immune, then they can't do that anymore.  Note that the "delta variant" is infecting "vaccinated" people; they are NOT immune.

  92. "That's why they need to catch it and become immune, then they can't do that anymore. Note that the "delta variant" is infecting "vaccinated" people; they are NOT immune."

    Immunized people are less likely to be hospitalized or die from covid infection. 99% of deaths are from the unvaccinated but something tells me you already know this information.

  93. Anonymous5:10 PM

    “That's why they need to catch it and become immune, then they can't do that anymore. Note that the ‘delta variant’ is infecting ‘vaccinated’ people; they are NOT immune.”

    Wrong again.

    1) You’re assuming infection-acquired immunity is better than vaccination immunity. It’s not better; it’s worse.

    People who are infected with COVID acquire wildly variable amounts of immunity. Many people who have been infected will acquire a weaker version of immunity. They will very possibly catch COVID over and over again. The evidence suggests it is absolutely NOT the case that infection-acquired immunity is this 100% protection you’re describing that will protect you for life. Vaccination gives a more consistent, reliable version of immunity, which is why the CDC is insisting that people who’ve already had COVID still get vaccinated.

    2) If you acquire immunity through COVID there is no risk to anyone else. But to have infection-acquired immunity, you first have to have been infected, and during that period of infection, once again, YOU CAN GIVE IT TO OTHER PEOPLE.

    I can’t believe I have to explain this shit. It’s like pointing out why rocks don’t roll uphill.

  94. Anonymous5:13 PM

    “If you acquire immunity through COVID there is no risk to anyone else.”

    Meant to say “if you acquire immunity through a vaccine, there is no risk to anyone else.”

    Carry on.

  95. Anonymous6:08 PM

    People who are infected with COVID acquire wildly variable amounts of immunity. Many people who have been infected will acquire a weaker version of immunity. They will very possibly catch COVID over and over again.

    Even infection with the original SARS confers immunity:

    Out for over a year, and your "news" outlets have been telling you the exact opposite.

  96. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Supreme Court tells Biden to REINSTATE Trump’s ‘remain in Mexico’ policy that forces immigrants to remain south of the border while seeking asylum in US

    With the three liberal justices in dissent, the court said the administration likely violated federal law in its efforts to rescind the program

    A federal judge in Texas had previously ordered that the program be reinstated last week
    Both he and the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused the administration’s request to put the ruling on hold

    Justice Samuel Alito ordered a brief delay to allow the full court time to consider the administration’s appeal

  97. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Vaccine = Zyklon B

  98. "That's why they need to catch it and become immune, then they can't do that anymore."
    So there you have it: anti-vax really does equal pro-covid.

    Early in the pandemic, I looked at my bed and asked myself: will that be my viral deathbed? Then I got my vax shots, so the answer is "no". But I might spend some days of misery there.

    As for covid booster shots: we had a chance to slay the monster outright, but due to the irresponsible vax-mask resistance of the pro-covid faction, it will probably become endemic and seasonal. Therefore annual booster shots, like for flu. Also annual masks. Thanks for nothing, covid allies.

  99. Pro-covid anonymoids = Liars

  100. I was standing in line at the pharmacy today picking up my prescriptions when a guy who looked older than me (I'm 60) stepped up to the counter to look at some literature they had about getting vaccinated there. He seemed to be reading it closely, so I asked him if he was thinking about getting vaccinated. He sort of grumbled: "I already got two of them, now I need a third."
    I told him that I got one, and probably will need another in October.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  101. From Blue Gal's Twitter feed:

    Lisa Glass
    Randi Rhodes: “The evacuation looks to be the only successful thing we did in Afghanistan over the past 20 years.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. "I can’t believe I have to explain this shit. It’s like pointing out why rocks don’t roll uphill."

    This is the expected result of the anti-intellectual movement here in America. Dummies are easier to con, just ask trump Mr. I love the uneducated.

  103. 82.000 airlifted so far, 19,000 in the past 24 hours.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. There’s some justice in the world.

  105. Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions ...1:01 PM

    "A federal judge in Michigan has ordered disciplinary action for 9 lawyers who filed litigation challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election, according to The Washington Post.

    Attorneys Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood were among those named for ‘undermining the People’s faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so,’ said U.S. District Judge Linda V. Parker in her ruling.

    Parker held that the attorneys must pay the lawyers' fees for their opponents, the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan, as well as attend legal education courses. She also referred the attorneys to the Michigan attorney grievance board and the disciplinary committees of the states where they're licensed, which could position them to be disbarred."

    I especially like the part where the judge made them "attend legal education courses."


  106. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The jihadi attack on American soldiers and refugees today raises the question: If terrorists are still able to operate with impunity in Afghanistan, why are we leaving? Mission Not Accomplished.

    I predict we will be bombing and/or re-invading Afghanistan within the next five years, regardless of how lefties wring their hands about civilian casualties or righties rant about The Globalist Agenda and military resources being wasted on the undeserving brown foreigners.


  107. Another magat pedo, this one formerly staff attorney for Aladamnbama guv administration.

    Quack anon looks the wrong way for their pedo trafficking ring. It be the magats, not HRC.


    4 marines killed at Kabul airport. All HRC's fault. Magats demand to reopen Benghazi witch hunt in Afghanistan.

  109. Anonymous2:53 PM

    “4 marines killed at Kabul airport. All HRC's fault. Magats demand to reopen Benghazi witch hunt in Afghanistan.”

    No, they haven’t blamed it on Hillary (yet), but mysteriously, they seem to have completely forgotten that leaving Afghanistan was Trump’s decision, and the plan for how we leave was negotiated by his guys.

    That’s all gotten instantly memory-holed. Every interview with them for the next several weeks will be “why oh why are are we leaving, damn you Biden,” like they didn’t all support exactly this just a few months ago.

  110. Found on Driftglass' blog:

    Chris Murphy
    FYI 10,000 - TEN THOUSAND - Afghan civilians were killed or injured by the Taliban in 2019, when almost no one was covering it.
    Eric Boehlert
    fascinating numbers from Andrew Tyndall.

    From 2015 through 2019 this is how many minutes network news covered Afghanistan:

    ABC: 16
    CBS: 25
    NBC: 16

    less than on hour of coverage, total, over five years;

    Eric Boehlert
    when Trump announced deal with Taliban 2020 to withdraw all US troops?

    ABC, CBS, NBC gave the story 5 mins. total.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Biden says he would not make coronavirus vaccine mandatory

  112. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Team Shit the Bed is fucking up by the numbers as usual. Imagine when all those terrorists imbedded with true Afghan refugees hit the USA......

  113. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Commander sippy cup is letting illegals stream across our southern border with impunity infected with covid and other diseases and now allowing infected afghans to come in unchecked.......

  114. Trump negotiated the withdrawal, Biden enacted it, so the defeat is bipartisan. All the partisan accusation that we're seeing right now is _why_ the inevitable failure was put off for so long. Just look at all the nothing that we got for 20 years and $2,300,000,000,000. That's about $7000 per American man, woman, and child.

    The Vietnam war was a similar bubble. Both that war and this ended with helicopters fleeing embassies - and the same model of helicopter at that. Both wars were pre-lost from the beginning; the guys at the top were can-do from the beginning; and all the Cassandras were mere peasants such as you and I.

    This is an example of the SNAFU Principle; namely, that communication cannot cross a power gap. Therefore those in charge of a hierarchy know nothing, though they're supposed to know everything. That's part of why power corrupts.

    Those two bubble-wars were about half a century apart. I speculate that there will be another pre-lost bubble war a half century from now. Where? Some backwater with a reputation for humiliating invaders. I nominate Finland.

  115. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Democrats criticizing the vaccine when trump was in officer including joe biden and kuntmala.

  116. The anonymoid forgets that Harris was resistant because the vaccine wasn't tested yet, at the time. It passed the test, was authorized for emergency use, and is now fully approved. So get your vax if you haven't yet.

  117. Anonymous5:19 PM

    the shooter was "Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd (negro)."

    Byrd's attorney, Mark Schamel, did not dispute the positive identification. It adds to information from other sources who told Zenger in recent months that Byrd was the January 6 shooter. None of them would say so on the record.

    Byrd is a controversial figure with a record of mishandling firearms, including once leaving a loaded pistol in a Congressional Visitor Center bathroom. Roberts said Byrd's decision to fire his weapon on January 6 indicated his unfitness for duty.

    "If I was a congressman, I'd be very concerned about him carrying a gun around me," he said.

  118. Anonymous5:20 PM

    So get your vax if you haven't yet.

    4:52 PM

    What if you don't want to??? What then.

  119. Anonymous5:27 PM

    “What if you don't want to??? What then.”

    Wait around until bars, restaurants, gyms, shops, and public performance venues ban you and your boss fires you for not getting vaccinated?

    I mean, some people must like having no social life and no income. Different strokes for different folks.

  120. I see that a certain nameless one is volunteering for the covid-exposure experiment. There's also a vaccine-exposure experiment. Choose your experiment: due to delta, there is no third alternative. Either you are exposed to the vaccine or you _will_ be exposed - unprotected - to the virus.

    We don't yet know the long-term effects of the vaccine, nor of the virus. We've known both for less than two years. Preliminary results: exposure to the virus kills about 3% of the time, and 10% of the time it causes long-term damage to lungs, heart and brain. Exposure to the vaccine causes not dying from the virus.

    Years from now the vaccine refusers will be studied by doctors to determine the long-term effect of viral damage. Much deep medicine will thus be learned. I honor, in advance, the vaccine refusers for their sacrifice of health and life for the cause of advancing medical science. Rest assured that Big Pharma will profit from their suffering.

  121. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    “What if you don't want to??? What then.”

    Wait around until bars, restaurants, gyms, shops, and public performance venues ban you and your boss fires you for not getting vaccinated?

    I mean, some people must like having no social life and no income. Different strokes for different folks.

    5:27 PM

    Sounds exactly like what Communists and Nazis do......

  122. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "Exposure to the vaccine causes not dying from the virus"

    maybe, maybe not, but it causes dying from the "vaccine".........

  123. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Between mid-December 2020 and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, or about 30 per day
    In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 — a period of 15.5 years
    As of April 23, 2021, VAERS had also received 12,618 reports of serious adverse events. In total, 118,902 adverse event reports had been filed
    In the European Union, the EudraVigilance system had as of April 17, 2021, received 330,218 injury reports after vaccination with one of the four available COVID vaccines, including 7,766 deaths

  124. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Update: July 16, 2021. 11,000 Americans Dead, 48,000 Seriously Injured as of July 9. The death toll averaged nearly 100 persons per day for the period from April 23 until July 9, 2021.

  125. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "Sounds exactly like what Communists and Nazis do......"

    Yeah, I remember back in school when we learned about how the Nazis made Jews wear masks and get vaccinated so they wouldn't get sick. Truly, one of history's greatest atrocities.

  126. Same Louisiana troopers that beat another motorist to death. WTF.

  127. If Ashlee had complied with the police officer’s commands she would be alive today. One should always comply when given orders by law enforcement. Was she supposed to be special or something?

  128. Capitol police officer speaks publicly. Had the rioters complied with his commands no one would have died. I mean, yeah.

  129. Anonymous10:54 PM

    UK admits that unvaccinated are far less likely to die of the Delta variant than the "vaccinated":

    402 deaths out of 47,008 cases in vaccinated; 253 deaths out of 151,054 cases in unvaccinated. If you get covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated.

    The "covidiots" are those who believe the government.

  130. "The "covidiots" are those who believe the government."

    What does your doctor say? I usually don't let "the government" make medical decisions for me.

  131. The claim that the UK report shows more vaccinated deaths was shown as being false. Shocking huh?

  132. "UK admits that unvaccinated are far less likely to die of the Delta variant than the "vaccinated"


  133. Anonymous2:23 AM

    “What does your doctor say? I usually don't let ‘the government’ make medical decisions for me.”

    Sadly, the government — and private businesses — are going to be forced to step in and make medical decisions for the dummies who didn’t listen to their doctor, but instead went with advice they got from some random doofus on the Internet.

    From British satirist Mitch Benn:

    “An old COVID truther called Herbie
    Found vaccines too weird and disturby
    So he treated his ills
    With horse-worming pills
    Now he’s winning the Kentucky Derby”

  134. Anonymous said....

    "Chou Bai-Den will be removed for dementia well before 2024."

    10:00 PM
    Oh sure - just like Hillery is now in prison, Obama was frogmarched out of the White House, and the tooth fairy will reward you next time you lose a tooth. How many times will your predictions be wrong before you stop making them?

  135. "How many times will your predictions be wrong before you stop making them?"

    Well, they only blew a few. I mean congress being arrested by the Marines, trump being reinstalled, trump winning in a landslide.....I mean these can all still happen.

  136. Anonymous said....

    "Sounds exactly like what Communists and Nazis do......"

    6:22 PM
    Urging people to wear masks and get vaccinated is nothing "like what Communists and Nazis do."And neither is requiring proof of vaccination to engage in any public activities. You are either woefully ignorant or a Maga troll.

  137. My governor knows how to handle rightwing questions.

  138. "You are either woefully ignorant or a Maga troll."

    Aren't those things one in the same?

  139. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The phrase is "one AND the same", you ignoramus.

  140. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The Supreme Court has ruled the White House cannot extend its eviction moratorium via executive order, just as Biden predicted would happen. So the only way it can be extended to avoid a mass surge in homelessness is through legislative action.

    Your move, congressional Democrats.

  141. Anonymous1:23 PM

    "Where we elect corrupt, inept and ridiculous leaders we get corrupt, inept and ridiculous policy, but when the vote is manipulated, it is a coup, treason denying the people the ability to rectify their mistakes."

  142. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Your move, congressional Democrats.

    1:17 PM

    Aka: Team Shit the Bed

  143. Anonymous1:25 PM

    You are either woefully ignorant or a Maga troll.

    11:01 AM

    Don't give the day job to become a profiler.....

  144. Anonymous1:27 PM

    3:50 PM


  145. Anonymous1:33 PM

  146. PX: You do have a good governor. I especially liked his introduction of the butter cow at the state fair...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  148. “The phrase is "one AND the same", you ignoramus.“

    Wanna pick and name to see whose smarter?😆

  149. “You do have a good governor.“

    Better than the gop dolts.

  150. Ninety miles from tyranny and light years from sanity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  151. Charlie Pierce has had quite enough of this war mongering bullshit:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Steve Hackett! Bad ass!

  153. Quick question. Did Ashli Babbitt fuck around and find out?

  154. The Supreme Court has ruled the White House cannot extend its eviction moratorium via executive order, just as Biden predicted would happen. So the only way it can be extended to avoid a mass surge in homelessness is through legislative action.

    Legal scholars with half a brain know this decision is as fucked up as the magats that passed it. It defies any semblence of precedence and just points out the fact that this court was hand packed to attempt to run the country by judicial fiat. We were warned. Now is the time for Dems to pack the court with justices who actually know the laws and hold precedence dearly constitutional.

    Talk about judicial activism.

  155. The bad acting AG of South Dakota, the fucker that was on his phone when he veered of the travelled portion of Highway 14, struck and killed a pedestrian with a flashlight after 10 PM, was allowed to plead no contest to misdemeanor charges to avoid any meager jail time and a 1k fine with 3700 bucks to cover the investigation.

    He told authorities he thought he struck a deer or other large animal in his lane of travel. The victim's head went through the windshield a nd his glasses were found in the AG's front seat next morning. So much for the deer lie and the long blood trail was on the shoulder of the road where the victim's body was discovered in plain sight the next morning.

    The prosecuting attorney was a law school classmate of Ravnsborg and did not recuse herself. A couple months ago, Ravnsborg bragged up the juicy tidbit he is in line for a promotion to full bird colonel in National Guard. Washington DC put a hold on promotion to see how the criminal trial went. It went exactly as they all do in South Dakota when the defendant is a party official in magat party of embarrassingly red fuckers.

  156. Well, at least it’s a common error.😆😂

  157. For all you wasicu scumacysts looking for a site even bat shit crazier than you, try this piece of human garbage who speaks of Alex Jones with affection and reverence.

    Plains Tribune Internetio

    operated by Johnny Rabbit Hole Refugee.

  158. Anonymous4:45 PM

    "how did the German people let it happen???"

  159. Soon it seems the GOP and their followers will be entirely free of horse-worms. Horse shit, on the other hand, seems to be a part of their brand.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  160. Anonymous4:47 PM

    OT: who believes Biden will be removed via 25th Amendment and Kamala made POTUS?

  161. Anonymous5:04 PM

    “OT: who believes Biden will be removed via 25th Amendment and Kamala made POTUS?”

    Who believes that? Why, morons who watch Fox “News,” of course.

    Of course, some of them also expect Trump to be reinstated. When is that happening, again?

  162. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Who believes that? Why, morons who watch Fox “News,” of course.

    Of course, some of them also expect Trump to be reinstated. When is that happening, again?

    5:04 PM

    You avoid the question

  163. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "You avoid the question"

    There is no question to avoid. "Senile Joe Biden" is a tinfoil hat fantasy, right up there with Hillary Clinton murdering Vince Foster or the UN sending "black helicopters" to put you in a reeducation camp.

  164. Well, if the goddamn Republicans take back the house, they will impeach Biden as revenge for Fergus' impeachments, but like always, there won't be 67 votes in the senate to remove him.
    Which by the way is also a requirement of the 25th amendment, so getting your hopes up on that subject belongs in the same file as your miraculous ivermectin cure.
    Here is Trae Crowder having had quite enough of people shit talking free school lunches:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. Anonymous10:00 PM

    ,at the YMCA,,,,

  166. "Well, if the goddamn Republicans take back the house, they will impeach Biden as revenge for Fergus' impeachments"

    I don't even think it'll be revenge, they'll just do it reflexively. They tried with Barack but he ran his ship so tightly they had nothing to impeach him for.

  167. Dear Antivaxxers...

    "Georgia cop who pushed people to take horse dewormer instead of vaccine dies from COVID-19"

  168. Anonymous said...

    "Where we elect corrupt, inept and ridiculous leaders we get corrupt, inept and ridiculous policy, but when the vote is manipulated, it is a coup, treason denying the people the ability to rectify their mistakes."

    1:23 PM
    Then our best approach to rectifying past mistakes is to try Trump for treason and give him the appropriate penalty if he is convicted.

  169. Anonymous said...

    You are either woefully ignorant or a Maga troll.

    11:01 AM

    Don't give the day job to become a profiler.....

    1:25 PM
    I am retired. I don't have a job; if I did, I wouldn't be posting at 11:01 AM while at work.

  170. Anonymous12:27 PM

    “Georgia cop who pushed people to take horse dewormer instead of vaccine dies from COVID-19”

    Arkansas quack doctor made jail inmates take horse dewormer. I smell a big fat lawsuit.

    Arkansas doctor who prescribed ivermectin to jail detainees for COVID now under investigation by medical board

  171. Dear Anti-vaxxers,

    "Man Who Organized Anti-Mask Protests Now on Ventilator"

    August 27, 2021 at 11:21 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 498 Comments at

    "Caleb Wallace, who organized rallies in Texas against pandemic-related restrictions, is now desperately fighting Covid-19 and on a ventilator, the San Angelo Standard-Times reports,"

  172. "I don't even think it'll be revenge, they'll just do it reflexively. They tried with Barack but he ran his ship so tightly they had nothing to impeach him for."

    They don't need a reason. They're Republicans. All they need are the votes. They'll get them in the house, but not the senate if they take control of congress.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  173. “They don't need a reason. They're Republicans. All they need are the votes.“.

    That is true but my bet is they’ll be too busy investigating Ashli Babbitt’s death to do much else. We’re talking about the party of Gym Jordan, Louie Gohmert and Greene/Bobert. They won’t get anything done.😆

  174. “I am retired. I don't have a job; if I did, I wouldn't be posting at 11:01 AM while at work.“

    I guess anonymous considers anon trolling a job.😆😂

  175. Anonymous4:59 PM

    “The phrase is "one AND the same", you ignoramus.“

    Wanna pick and name to see whose smarter?

    "Whose" is possessive; you should have written "who's", as in "who is".

    That makes you an ignorANUS.  You're both stupid AND an asshole.

  176. “That makes you an ignorANUS. You're both stupid AND an asshole.“

    Irregardless, pick a name and let’s see whose smarter and the bigger asshole.😆

  177. Anonymous8:37 PM

    A 99+% survival rate is a NOT pandemic losers!

    Beds aren’t 90% full these are wicked rulers calling the shots.


  178. “DON’T COMPLY!“

    Thanks Doc.😆

  179. Anonymous said...

    That makes you an ignorANUS. You're both stupid AND an asshole.

    4:59 PM
    Now, you also have made a common grammar error. You second sentence should read: You're both stupid and assholes. LOL!

  180. Anonymous said...

    99+% survival rate is a NOT pandemic losers!

    Beds aren’t 90% full these are wicked rulers calling the shots.


    8:37 PM
    "The attending physician for Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court predicted early in the pandemic that 70 million to 150 million U.S. residents would contract COVID-19. A 1% mortality rate at that scale of infection is between 700,000 and 1.5 million dead – roughly the population of Washington, D.C., on the low end or the entire population of Hawaii on the high end."
    So here's the question, Do you want to be one of the million or more who die struggling to breathe?

  181. "The vaccine is good, it works. I got it." trump

  182. "They won’t get anything done."

    Probably not. Consider the ACA. The Boehner congress voted to repeal it fifty times, always complaining bitterly that a Democratic-controlled senate and a Democratic president kept them from fulfilling their quest to kill it.
    But they are so bad at legislating that when they got their trifecta, the bill they came up with to repeal it was so manifestly awful that they couldn't even pass it.
    That said, relying on their incompetence to keep the country from going down the shitter is a bet you only have to lose once to be in the shitter. They could accidentally succeed, like they did when Fergus got elected.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  183. Ida is forecast to make landfall in Louisiana tomorrow as a category 4 hurricane.
    If that forecast holds true, Ida would hit 16 years to the day that Hurricane Katrina made landfall as a Category 3 storm with 125 mph (201 kph) winds near the riverside community of Buras, just down the Mississippi River from New Orleans.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  184. Sorry Doug but the writing is on the wall. Better choose another country in which to live cause the lunatics are in the hall.😆

  185. Anonymous9:40 AM


  186. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Just like Obama have to take the "vaccine" to find out what's in it........

  187. “Just like Obama have to take the "vaccine" to find out what's in it........“

    Or just be able to read.🤷🏾‍♂️


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  189. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Good thang it wasn’t a kneegrow ‘nurse’ !
