Sunday, August 29, 2021

It's not a "hoax."


I'm thinking about the folks in Louisiana this morning. Today is exactly 16 years since Katrina devastated the state's largest city, and now, here we are again. Ida is on her way to leave her mark on that storm ravaged region.   

It's amazing to me that folks on the right still believe that climate change is all a hoax. (I guess I shouldn't be surprised. These same people believe that you can cure COVID by shooting yourself up with a worm drug used for horses.)  I'm here to tell you folks, it's not. I am no scientist. There are folks who read this blog on a regular basis who can play inside baseball with the best of them when it comes to the complexities and complications of the actual science behind this phenomenon.( I see you Pilot X) I'm not one of them. But I have eyes, and I have common sense, and I can tell you that it doesn't take a rocket scientist or an aircraft pilot to be able to tell you that the earth is changing in some scary ways. 

The West Coast of America is almost out of water. There are devastating fires in California and other states out West every year. Tornadoes and floods are getting more intense. And in certain parts of Europe they experienced the hottest months they have recorded in decades. There is more. The polar ice caps are melting, global sea levels are rising, humidity is increasing, the ocean is getting hotter, snow covers are melting earlier.... and on and on it goes. You get the picture. 

If you still don't believe that climate change is real, read what the Prime Minister of Greece had to say after devastating wildfires ripped through his country earlier this month.

 "Everything needed to change in order to minimise the effects of the climate crisis, he told parliament on Wednesday during a debate on the wildfires and criticism of the government's response to them.

Dealing with the crisis "is forcing us to change everything; the way we produce agricultural products, how we move around, how we generate energy and the way we build our homes," he said.

Part of a succession of blazes that struck southern Europe during a summer heatwave, the Greek fires scorched more than a quarter million acres of pine forest, with the island of Evia and areas of the Peloponnese, including near the archaeological site of the ancient Olympics, also hit.

Mitsotakis told lawmakers an earlier public apology for the disaster was also a call for action to become better at tackling such phenomena." 

It's going to take more  than the words of a European Leader to make us start taking this as serious as we should. You would think that one disaster after another would spur us into action. Clearly we are too selfish for that. The behavior of some when it comes to this COVID-19 pandemic is proof of that.

Let's keep the folks of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast regions in our thoughts. And let's start seriously thinking about where we go from here when it comes to climate change. We will be doing this all against the backdrop of Ida proving to us, once again, that climate change is real. 

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I know there is the temptation to look at the events in Afghanistan as some major failure of the Biden Administration, but it is not. This is who Biden has always been, what he ran on in the election, what everyone knew he would do, how he would sell out to the communist regime in China, do their bidding when he got into office. It was why they had to steal the election, because so many of us knew what a traitor, what a corrupt politician he was, that there was evidence of the bribes he took, verified by the courts in Ukraine. The fact of his mental incapacity only seemed to cement that he could not and should not be placed in control of the nation and its military forces. We now see why.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Climate change is 100% total bullshit. Its yet another scam by the socialist's democrats to steal your tax money.

  3. Anymoose has brainworms.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Kamala Harris Poses In Front Of Communist Ho Chi Minh Bust – “The WORST Photo Op For An American In That Country Since Jane Fonda Donned A Helmet There In 1972.”

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Ashli Babbitt’s Executioner Was Black

  6. The hero cop who shot female clay pigeon was Black. No shit. Didn't you watch the video when it happened? Should have emptied his gun and reloaded instead of shooting just once.

    One shot to the head of a magat doesn't mean an automatic hit in the brain. Far from it magat brains reside, miles away and up the backside, where oxygen be scarce.

  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    “This is who Biden has always been, what he ran on in the election, what everyone knew he would do, how he would sell out to the communist regime in China, do their bidding when he got into office.

    The fact of his mental incapacity only seemed to cement that he could not and should not be placed in control of the nation and its military forces. We now see why.”


    So Joe Biden is a crafty, sinister traitor, an agent of the Chinese government, secretly blotting to undermine the country from within.

    But also, Joe Biden is a mentally retarded vegetable who doesn’t know what year it is, whose handlers wheel him to and prop him up at events where he struggles to read the speeches they phonetically spelled out for him, while secretly, “Marxist” Kamala is actually running things behind the scenes (OMG A NEGRO IS IN CHARGE AGAIN EVERYTHING IS RUINED).

    So … which one is he actually? You see the problem, right? Your lies conflict with your other lies.

  8. “Climate change is 100% total bullshit”

    Says an anonymous poster with zero atmospheric science training. Thanks kid but around these parts we tend to get our info from people who know wtf they’re talking about.

  9. But like everything else anymoose spews, there is no basis in fact to the shit he makes up. Been there, seen that, debunked it over and over again, just like the Dave Clark Five.

  10. “Ashli Babbitt’s Executioner Was Black“

    Breaking news huh? 😆😂 About a couple weeks late aren’t we?

  11. “Its yet another scam by the socialist's democrats to steal your tax money.“

    Another scheme by Democrats.😆😂 Co-opt almost every climatologist and get them to direct all of their research so that everyone, including themselves, can pay more taxes. And the only people who see through this are high school educated Republicans like Lauren Bobert who just recently got her GED and struggled in high school science. Sounds reasonable to me.😆

  12. Anonymous3:18 PM

    So … which one is he actually? You see the problem, right? Your lies conflict with your other lies.

    12:27 PM

    Explaine why he cannot be both in detail please......

  13. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Says an anonymous poster with zero atmospheric science training.
    12:36 PM

    and you base this on what detective???

  14. Anonymous3:20 PM

    The socialist left is TERRIFIED of truth and debate.

  15. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Something not a hoax:

    CHICAGO August 1st-28th 2021
    Shot & Killed: 71
    Shot & Wounded: 387
    Total Shot: 458
    Total Homicides: 83

  16. "Anymoose has brainworms."

    A homeless family of brainworms.

    So Ida is about half the size and twice the strength of Katrina. It grew in intensity so quickly and so much because the water in the gulf is so hot right now. That makes it a really good example of what climate change does, what it is doing right now.
    Now we will find out whether the upgrades to the levee system were enough to handle another big storm.
    And speaking of Katrina and the way the goddamn Bush administration fucked up the response to it, the original gripe I had with Bush stealing the 2000 election was that we didn't have the time that an administration full of oilmen would waste before we started to deal with our role in climate change.
    My dad worked for the US Forest Service for thirty years, and the goddamn wildfire situation just wasn't like this back in the seventies. I fought on a couple of forest fires myself, when I was nineteen, and it was a whole different situation back then.
    The road down this mountain into Oakhurst is surrounded by huge stands of timber that's half to three quarters dead from beetle infestations that the drought made the trees too weak to fend off.
    Any little spark and the whole thing will go up like a pile of kindling, like it did in 2017 with the Railroad fire and last year with the Creek fire.
    A recent set of studies concluded that the kind of forest management that was the standard back in the days of the logging boom is largely ineffective against the kind of fire we are seeing now, and the only sane fiscal approach to saving property in the forest is hardening structures against the fires by replacing the vulnerable areas such as the eaves with more fire resistant materials and maintaining 100 feet of defensible space around them, neither of which are going to happen on a large scale in rural California.
    Fires used to be the way a forest cleaned itself out and made room for new plant growth, but today's fires are so hot and intense that they consume even the larger trees that have evolved to survive fires in the understory.
    And deliberate controlled burns have been a forest management tool since the native Americans used them centuries ago, but the low moisture levels in the understory have made it too dangerous to do in the last decade or so, especially with the encroachment of housing in the forest that could be burned if one of the controlled burns got away from them.
    The folks who live out here are a conservative lot, according to the NYT, 71-29 in favor of the goddamn Republicans, but none of them deny climate change because they have to deal with the effects of it in real time every damn year now.
    My neighbors three houses up are selling their house and thinking of buying something near the Canadian border because they are sick of being scared every time the wind blows.
    PG&E says it has plans to underground ten thousand miles of power lines because as frightfully expensive as that may be, it's an order of magnitude cheaper than paying for the liability its existing above ground power lines are generating with the wildfires they cause when the wind blows.
    I could rant about this all day, but in the interest of not exceeding the 4,096 character limit on this commenting software, I'll stop now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Anonymous3:55 PM


    and you all know it you just don't care.

  18. “and you base this on what detective???“

    Simple deduction. Atmospheric scientists would choose a screen name and probably not troll around all day. They’re kind o busy. I mean unless you’re the one troll that claimed to have a PhD in climatology from Colorado St. Hard to tell sometimes. My apologies doctor.😑


  19. “TRUMP WON!! and you all know it you just don't care.“

    Oh we care alright.😆

  20. “The socialist left is TERRIFIED of truth and debate.“

    😆😂😆😂 So says someone terrified of making up a name.😆 Ok junior.

  21. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The socialist left fears free thought.

  22. anymoosie's idea of free thought is any thought not connected to reality, which means anything a magat thinks about.

  23. "The socialist left fears free thought."

    Just terrified. LOL! Good thing we have warriors on the right to protect us.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Drought in the West is real scary. The governor hasn't asked the entire state to voluntarily conserve water yet, but I'm sure it's coming. Last time single home users and apartment and condo owners and renters voluntarily reduced our consumption by almost 20%. One thing that is out of whack. We have a three tier water pricing system. So once consumption exceeds a set amount, all water is charged at a very high rate. But there are no limits to the amount of water used for mansions and horse properties. A user can have as much water as they can pay for. So the wealthy continue to use exorbitant amounts of water for enormous lawns and ornate gardens, pools, fountains and other luxury purposes. What's more the system is tilted to the advantage of golf courses, hotels and commercial properties. Home owners and renters pay an inordinate share, particularly for sewer rates.

    So toilet to tap is becoming reality down by the border. Twenty-five years ago I drank tap water almost exclusively. It was clean and healthy. Taste was not bad at all. I realize that was not universally true in every city. But not any longer. I can't drink it at all. I buy hundreds of little bottles every month.

  26. As far as the science, it is available to anyone with a curious mind. Ongoing research and archived studies going back to the 1990s can be found at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, University of Hawaii, any one of several campuses in the University of California, Stanford University and very likely many more. I used to go back and forth with conservatives before the current malaise of hatred going back to the Obama presidency. I asked them, who do you want to believe? With whom do you wish to align yourselves? I would mention these universities and provide links to studies. Of course, they did not trust the liberal professors and college kids in boats and at the beaches. They trusted their non-credentialed phony science hacks as provided by conservative sources.

    Go figure. No reasoning with them.

  27. Good insight into the latest IPCC report.

  28. Hurricane Ida looks like it's heading away from New Orleans in a northeasterly direction. Becomes a tropical cyclone over land.

  29. It's exceeding sad to reflect that just twenty-five years ago we still could have avoided the worst changes in our climate systems and averted so much disaster, flooding and extreme heat if we had just mitigated our behavior and changed our energy production methods. Much of the current extreme climate change that has already occurred might have never happened. Now it's like trying to slam your brakes two seconds before a sixty mph crash. Slow motion train wreck. It's too late to stop it now. But we still have to try to change outcomes as much as we can.

  30. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Whoops. Turns out that “anti-mask” really means “anti-life.”

    He didn’t want a mask to interfere with his breathing, but learned the hard way that COVID mght also interfere with his breathing.

    Caleb Wallace, a not very smart man, dead at the age of 30.

    Texas Anti-Mask ‘Freedom Defender’ Caleb Wallace Dies Of COVID-19

  31. Anonymous6:39 PM

    "So toilet to tap is becoming reality down by the border. Twenty-five years ago I drank tap water almost exclusively. It was clean and healthy. Taste was not bad at all. I realize that was not universally true in every city. But not any longer. I can't drink it at all. I buy hundreds of little bottles every month."

    While it's an idea that mentally grosses out many people, toilet-to-tap is actually pretty safe. It's very possible to totally sanitize waste water and render it safe. It's what they do on the International Space Station!

    As for the taste of tap water, you should invest in filters for your tap. That's a lot cheaper and more environmentally friendly than buying loads of bottles of water.

    California will probably eventually have to resort to ocean water desalination. That comes with its own costs, both environmentally and in dollars, but what are you going to do? If you need water, you need water. Anyway, Californians can probably offset the cost of desalination by passing it all on to the poor, desperate Arizonans, who will have no choice but to buy water from you in a few years.

  32. If we actually get a significant amount of water from desalination, the Arizonans will be happy enough if we just reduce our consumption of Colorado river water and leave them more of what is available. Meanwhile Northern California, where the South has been getting its water since forever, is drying up fast.

    From Jason Isbell's Twitter feed:

    David Begnaud
    · Aug 27
    U.S. Army veteran Daniel Wilkinson, of Texas, died of a treatable illness because the Covid crisis left him without an available ICU bed even though he lives 3 houses down from an emergency room and 60 miles away from some of the greatest healthcare facilities in the world.

    Killed by a gallstone and lack of ICU capacity. Killed by covidiots.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Anonymous9:36 PM

    “Killed by a gallstone and lack of ICU capacity. Killed by covidiots.”

    There will be more of these enraging stories of innocent people who died for lack of medical care because hospitals had already filled up with COVID-infected morons who refused to get vaccinated.

    I sincerely wish that in order to refuse vaccines, people would mandatorily have to sign away their right to medical care in the event they catch COVID. If you are so absolutely certain that the medical establishment are all untrustworthy liars trying to trick you with vaccines, then have the courage of your convictions. Stay the fuck home and drink your horse dewormer. Leave the medical resources for the people who actually believe in science.

  34. “But we still have to try to change outcomes as much as we can.“

    Wait, you’re not gonna put coal burning mods on your truck to own the libs? What are you, some kind of commie?

  35. Oh man, who's popping the popcorn for this one? Highlander, there can be only one. Black conservative on conservative violence! LOL!

  36. Anonymous10:59 PM

    The hero cop who shot female clay pigeon was Black.

    The "tolerant, caring" left.

    There were Capitol cops BEHIND Ashli Babbitt when she was shot.  The bullet that hit her in the neck could have gotten one of them instead.  If the cops behind her didn't see her as a threat, where's the justification for use of deadly force?

    It was cold-blooded murder... and you're fully behind that.  You're evil.

  37. "It was cold-blooded murder... and you're fully behind that. You're evil."

    Was she or was she not warned to not enter the chamber? Did she or did she not illegally trespass? When an officer of the law draws a firearm and tells you to remain where you are wouldn't you do it or would you proceed? It takes a helluva lot of entitlement to disobey an armed officer's order. If Ashli is the hill you want to die on then so be it but you will never convince rational people she didn't cause her own death. Sorry bro.

  38. Anonymous11:16 PM

    California will probably eventually have to resort to ocean water desalination.

    And California has the perfect energy source for it:  Diablo Canyon NPP.

    Which they are hell-bent on killing.  California's leadership is too far beyond insane to be anything but consciously evil.  Insane people would occasionally make moves in the right direction; these people NEVER do.


  40. "Babbitt crossed a line that had been clearly delineated. The police obviously felt it was a last stand. The potential danger was obvious. Babbitt’s shooting appears to have stopped the forward movement of the crowd. All this happened on a day when the vice president’s life had been threatened, and when police were being savagely beaten elsewhere in the building."

    "Members of Congress can be seen on the other side of the door. Also on the other side of the door is a police lieutenant holding a gun, pointing it at the mob, an unmistakable warning to stay back.

    But Babbit decides instead — although it’s a little hard to see on the video — to climb through the shattered glass window into the Speaker’s Lobby, past the police barricade, toward the pointed gun. If she is allowed through, it seems inevitable that the mob will follow."

    An unmistakable warning to STAY THE HELL BACK but dumbo kept going. Anyone that stupid was going to die a stupid death so might as well have been on that day. She can join Herman Cain as another, along with the covidiots, who give their lives for an orange conman who wouldn't even piss on them if they were on fire. Such a show of ignorance.

  41. Anonymous11:26 PM

    When an officer of the law draws a firearm and tells you to remain where you are wouldn't you do it or would you proceed?

    Where's the proof that Byrd said ANYTHING before firing the fatal round?

    Weren't the Capitol cops BEHIND Babbitt in a much better position to do that... and failed to?

    This stinks on ice, but one of the traits of being a liebural is losing your sense of disgust.

  42. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Black conservative on conservative violence! LOL!

    Meanwhile, black-on-black ghetto violence results in shootings and fatalities EVERY DAY... and The Root doesn't care.

    Black Lives DO NOT MATTER.  Blacks prove that by refusing to make it their #1 priority.  They refuse to even acknowledge it.

    Their primary values are anti-White hate and "gibsmedat".

  43. "Their primary values are anti-White hate and "gibsmedat".

    And your primary values are anti-Black hate and "gibmedats". Oh, and killing your kids and elderly to own the libs.

  44. "This stinks on ice, but one of the traits of being a liebural is losing your sense of disgust."

    Liberals care about rules and laws. I notice you didn't answer my question.

    1. Was Ashli trespassing?
    2. Even if she didn't hear the orders shouldn't she have stopped when she saw the gun?
    3. Wouldn't a rational cop assigned to protect congress be in survival mode after hearing about his officers being overrun and beaten?

    Cons don't care about police officers or laws and order if they didn't they would know Ashli died by her own hand. Hypocrisy is thine name. You need to go find a more worthy hill to die on because as you always said, if she had just complied she'd be alive today. Oh yeah, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Clowns. This is the new OJ moment. LOL!

  45. Fellow rioters heard Lt. Byrd give verbal warnings.

  46. If the cops behind her didn't see her as a threat, where's the justification for use of deadly force?

    It was cold-blooded murder... and you're fully behind that. You're evil

    Stoopid is in full blossom with this anymoose. The police behind her where separated by a whole mob of criminal riot thugs and I am sure the police were not content to shoot towards the people they were supposed to protect, the congressmen and women.

  47. Anonymous11:18 AM

    WOKE is just a way of introducing and normalizing Marxist ideology to Americans. The weak minded, trendy types and the young are susceptible to propaganda and brainwashing techniques.

  48. Anonymous11:22 AM

    There is nothing wrong with the air...

  49. Conservatism is just a way of normalizing ignorance and anti-intellectualism. Dumb people who want to feel important are easily duped by selfish and racist propaganda.

  50. Anonymous2:51 PM

    “Fellow rioters heard Lt. Byrd give verbal warnings.”

    All of the rioters were warned, prior to entering the building, that they were not allowed inside, that they were a threat to the lives of legislators and their staff, and to democracy. They were all aware they were committing serious crimes, and didn’t care.

    The police should have opened fire on all of them the moment they set foot in the Capitol.

    Wingnuts are now playing dumb, pretending the angry mob were there for some other reason than to overthrow democracy. “They were tourists, not terrorists, guys. They just wanted some selfies in the rotunda. Why won’t you believe us?”


  51. Wait, how many goddamn times have I heard you fucking morons yawp: "Just follow the nice policeman's orders and you won't get shot."?
    I say dig Babbitt up and shoot her again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. So Tate Reeves has said the vaccination rate is so low in Mississippi because the people there believe in an afterlife.
    When you won’t take your kids to the doctor when they have broken bones because you think god will fix them, they take your kids away.
    So now that he has displayed the same behavior toward the whole state, take his constituents away, full stop.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    U.S. taken off "safe" list. Thanks guys. You know if you don't wear a mask and/or get vaccinated this outbreak isn't going to end anytime soon.

  54. Anonymous4:26 PM

    “So Tate Reeves has said the vaccination rate is so low in Mississippi because the people there believe in an afterlife.”

    Weirdly, I don’t expect the governor of Mississippi, at any point in the foreseeable future, to suggest that he can’t do anything to reduce crime or to rescue people from hurricanes, and so, instead, voters should just pray real hard and look forward to the afterlife.

  55. Anonymous4:33 PM

    It’s extra-gross that Reeves is implicitly describing unvaccinated people as having made that choice because they are brave or virtuous, rather than, you know, stupid.

  56. “So now that he has displayed the same behavior toward the whole state, take his constituents away, full stop.“

    I think present day GOP governors are trying to see who can kill the most people and still get re-elected. It sounds like the plot o fb a bad early 90’s Van Damme or Segal movie.

  57. Anonymous5:52 PM

    "When you won’t take your kids to the doctor when they have broken bones because you think god will fix them, they take your kids away.
    So now that he has displayed the same behavior toward the whole state, take his constituents away, full stop."

    A judge in Chicago took away a mom's visitation rights to see her kids because she refused to get vaccinated. He's backed off now, though.

    Haha, even I wouldn't go this far, despite how pissed off as I am at antivaxxers. Science can't justify this, given kids' relatively low likelihood of developing severe COVID symptoms, and in any case, it's not practical to go around snatching people's kids.

    I am, however, fully on board with schools forcing parents to get their kids vaccinated in order for them to attend classes, once the vaccines are fully FDA-approved for all ages.

  58. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Israeli study: Immunity to COVID stronger in those who had the virus than those who were fully vaccinated

  59. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Marxism/Communism is just a way of normalizing ignorance and anti-intellectualism. Dumb people who want to feel important are easily duped by selfish and racist propaganda.

    11:40 AM

  60. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Too many of us on the planet. Need everybody "vaccinated" and start culling the heard. Technology is rapidly advancing replacing human workers.

    Elon Musk of Telsa fame even talks about "what is your worth?"

  61. Anonymous6:37 PM

    “Too many of us on the planet. Need everybody ‘vaccinated’ and start culling the heard. Technology is rapidly advancing replacing human workers.”

    When do the vaccinated start dropping dead? Or does Elon, while hiding in his Bond supervillain lair located under a fake volcano, push a button to make everyone explode?

  62. Voting Republican and conservatism are just ways of normalizing ignorance and anti-intellectualism. Dumb people who want to feel important are easily duped by selfish and racist propaganda. For example, voting for an orange New York conman.

  63. Anonymous said...

    The socialist left is TERRIFIED of truth and debate.

    3:20 PM
    LOL, last week you saying it was the communists who were "TERRIFIED of truth and debate." So which is it? I offered to debate you, put you didn't respond, so I guess you're just a paid troll and not a serious thinker.

    What are you afraid of? Me?

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Israeli study: Immunity to COVID stronger in those who had the virus than those who were fully vaccinated

    6:05 PM

    Well, duh. Of course having Covid will devlope stronger immunity. The vaccine isn't perfect. And consider that this applies to those people that survived Covid. It doesn't include the dead ones. And speaking of dead ones,a million or more dead is what we can expect if people keep refusing the get vaccinated.

  65. Israeli study is too small a sample and has not been peer reviewed. The study itself admits this.

    Real scientists want these results replicated and confirmed on a much larger scale.

  66. Anonymous8:02 PM

    “ Well, duh. Of course having Covid will devlope stronger immunity. The vaccine isn't perfect.”

    Actually, no. Most data to date shows the opposite.

    Immunity from vaccination is consistently strong. Immunity from infection varies A LOT. People who happen to have had minor cases of COVID often end up with very weak immunity and can easily be reinfected. This is why the CDC is recommending vaccination for everyone, — including those who’ve already had and recovered from COVID.

  67. The antivaxxers have always been with us, but the founding fathers weren't having any of it:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous8:59 PM

    TV: 14 Israelis who got 3rd shot later infected with COVID-19

  69. There were no direct conclusions drawn and many questions need be answered. Again, the sample size is too small for any serious conclusions.

    Magats grasping at extremely flimsy straws to keep misinformation stream flowing.

  70. “What are you afraid of? Me?“

    Trolls gonna troll.🤷🏾‍♂️

  71. Spare a thought for anyone injured in hurricane Ida who may need medical care for their injuries right now. The hospitals were already full, and some of them were badly damaged by the storm and scrambling to find places for their current patients to go.
    That is on top of the local hospitals that have closed because their state refused the Medicaid expansion under the ACA.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. Even when weapons of war are not actually destroyed, their manufacture is still a convenient way of expending labour power without producing anything that can be consumed. (Nineteen Eighty-Four, Part 2, ch. 9)

  73. Anonymous11:32 AM

    There is no pandemic, there is no large scale covid-19 threat. 99% survivable.

  74. “There is no pandemic, there is no large scale covid-19 threat. 99% survivable.“

    Says a person with no medical/viral/epidemiology training. Thanks for the update but no thanks.

  75. Anonymous1:25 PM

    How many Americans will be left behind (Afghanistan) and others by the biden Administration???

    How long before the cries for help get past the MSM suppressing how bad bidens sycophant's have fucked up.

  76. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Says a person with no medical/viral/epidemiology training. Thanks for the update but no thanks.

    11:44 AM


  77. Anonymous said...

    How many Americans will be left behind (Afghanistan) and others by the biden Administration???
    1:25 PM
    We don't know exactly how many, but we do it's way fewer than the Ford Administration left behind when they exited Vietnam.

  78. Hate crime report was for drumpf's last full year as Putin appointed Russian puppet.

    We know which party of wasicu wastey soviet punks was responsible for stirring up the hate.

  79. Found on Susie Madrak's blog:

    José Andrés
    Aug 30
    Hola from New Orleans!👋 @WCKitchen
    team is safe after Hurricane #Ida…But no power here & maybe not for days or more! We already are serving hot pasta, sandwiches, fruit to hungry families…Also just delivered to Emergency Ops Center & cleanup crews in street! #ChefsForLouisiana

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  80. Mike Richards Out As EP On ‘Jeopardy!’ & ‘Wheel Of Fortune’

    Makes one wonder what terrible crime LeVar Burton committed besides being Black.

  81. Anonymous5:42 PM

    “We don't know exactly how many, but we do it's way fewer than the Ford Administration left behind when they exited Vietnam.”

    Estimated to be between 100-200 American citizens who still want to leave. (There are several hundred more who have decided they don’t want to leave Afghanistan, but obviously, there is no moral obligation for the federal government to do anything for them.)

  82. "Hate crime report was for drumpf's last full year as Putin appointed Russian puppet."

    Yeah, I think we can conclusively say electing an orange New York conman former reality tv star was a bad idea. When else have you seen supporters of a losing candidate storm the U.S. Capitol building?


    Voter suppression the old fashioned way.

  84. From Steve Benen:

    Louisiana is currently facing all kinds of painful challenges, but this is encouraging: "The levees, floodwalls and floodgates that protect New Orleans held up against Hurricane Ida's fury, passing their toughest test since the federal government spent billions of dollars to upgrade a system that catastrophically failed when Hurricane Katrina struck 16 years ago."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. Believing there is such a thing, Mr. Fraud makes a bid for the "sane Republican" vote:

    Paul Ryan Says It’s ‘Really Clear’ Trump Lost

    August 31, 2021 at 1:01 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 151 Comments

    Former Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) told WISN there should be no question that President Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election.

    Said Ryan: “It was not rigged. It was not stolen. Donald Trump lost the election. Joe Biden won the election. It’s really clear.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Team Goat Fuck (binden/harris) gave the Taliban names and address/contact info on locals who worked with the USA. Now the towel heads are executing our friendly Afghanis partners because the retards are now in charge.

  87. "Team Goat Fuck (binden/harris) gave the Taliban names and address/contact info on locals who worked with the USA. Now the towel heads are executing our friendly Afghanis partners because the retards are now in charge."

    You've been around here long enough anon. You know the rules, show the evidence.

  88. Anonymous said...

    Team Goat Fuck (binden/harris) gave the Taliban names and address/contact info on locals who worked with the USA. Now the towel heads are executing our friendly Afghanis partners because the retards are now in charge.

    8:14 PM
    And you source for this claim would be?
    My claim would be that you are a Trump troll. My source is my brain and my ability to read. Have a nice day.

  89. "Fanning the flames of white supremacy, Tucker(Carlson) claimed, "In California, non-citizens can vote."
    That's a big lie."
    Tucker is like Trump: When either man speaks, you know he's lying.

  90. 3 magat congresstraitors helped plan Jan 6 stop the steal invasion of Congress.

    Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs. Lynch them weasels, now.

  91. According to the LA Times, more than 80% of eligible Californians have now received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
    The vaccination rates vary widely by county. In Alameda county, where I lived for 35 years, more than 88% have received at least one dose, while in Humboldt county, where I was born, only 60% have.
    Over the seven-day period ending Tuesday morning, California has reported an average of 12,861 new coronavirus cases per day, according to data compiled by The Times. That’s a roughly 11% decrease from a week ago.
    The state also has seen a steady drop in its test positivity rate, which reflects how many tests result in confirmed coronavirus infections.
    As of Tuesday, California’s seven-day positivity rate was 4.6%, down from 5.8% two weeks ago.
    By contrast, the nation’s second most populous state, Texas, has a test positivity rate of 16%, according to Johns Hopkins University.
    It looks like I'll need a J&J booster shot in October or thereabouts, which I can obtain in ten minutes at CVS or Vons...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. How did moron Sidney "I'm dumber than Screwdy Rudy" Powell ever get to be a federal prosecutor?

    Colo announces Elijah McClain's killer cops and paramedics have been indicted for his murder.

    Say his name....George Floyd murdered by pigs.

  93. Demonstrating that he knows his lies are in fact lies, Ron Johnson accidentally tells the truth:

    "There's nothing obviously skewed about the results," the senator conceded. Noting the results from other Wisconsin races, Johnson added, "If all the Republicans voted for Trump the way they voted for the Assembly candidates, he would have won. He didn't get 51,000 votes that other Republicans got, and that's why he lost."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. From NYT.... WASHINGTON — Of the flood of misinformation, conspiracy theories and falsehoods seeding the internet on the coronavirus, one common thread stands out: President Trump.

    That is the conclusion of researchers at Cornell University who analyzed 38 million articles about the pandemic in English-language media around the world. Mentions of Mr. Trump made up nearly 38 percent of the overall “misinformation conversation,” making the president the largest driver of the “infodemic” — falsehoods involving the pandemic.

    The study, to be released Thursday, is the first comprehensive examination of coronavirus misinformation in traditional and online media.


    Pay 4.3 billion in fines, get immunity from any and all lawsuits related to oxy-contin overdoses.

  96. Anonymous7:49 PM

    “Mentions of Mr. Trump made up nearly 38 percent of the overall ‘misinformation conversation,’ making the president the largest driver of the ‘infodemic’ — falsehoods involving the pandemic.”

    In other news, water is wet.

  97. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Texas: where a virus has reproductive rights and a woman does not

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I say dig Babbitt up and shoot her again.

    The "tolerant" left, on display.

    You are People Of The Lie.

  99. We're "tolerant" up to a point, and about things that aren't the violent overthrow of the US government.
    Reminds me of Tom, a friend of mine who is a Deadhead, who had to explain it as follows: "No, you're mistaking me for one of those peace and love hippies who would just let you roll over on me. I'm the kind of hippy that has a Buck knife on my belt and will gut you with it if you make me."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Meanwhile,here in the Philadelphia region, we have had record tornadoes and flooding over the past 24 hrs.

  101. These Ashlie Babbitt folks are funny. Tucker and his ilk say Lt. Byrd assassinated her by lying in wait for her. Um, so he tracked her movements from San Diego and knew the precise time she would climb through a broken window. Yeah, makes perfect sense O guess.🤷🏾‍♂️

  102. Anonymous1:40 PM

    “These Ashlie Babbitt folks are funny. Tucker and his ilk say Lt. Byrd assassinated her by lying in wait for her.”

    Isn’t that just Byrd’s job description? Guarding the Capitol means you “lie in wait” for someone to mount an attack on the building, and then you shoot them if they do.

    All of the wingnut outrage over Babbitt is based on pretending that she, and the angry mob she was with, weren’t attacking — they were only protesters or, better yet, tourists. And actually, legislators and their staff were in absolutely no danger.

    Sorry, no. I regret to inform you that that is bullshit.

  103. Again, how many times have I heard y'all react to yet another assassination of an unarmed Black man by the goddamned pigs by saying:
    "Just comply with the nice policeman's orders and you'll be fine."
    Ms. Babbitt did not comply.
    What you are torqued about is that she was white and was shot anyway.
    And again, dig her up and shoot her again if it will get y'all to think twice about police violence. Or even once. She's dead. It won't make her any deader. That's how death works. One and done. Forever.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. Perhaps Texas should have tried to address its third-world level maternal mortality rate before forcing a bunch more poor women there to give birth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  105. “Sorry, no. I regret to inform you that that is bullshit.“

    They have to lie to keep the rabble roused. Tucker even lied about her wearing an American flag cape when she was wearing a trump cape. Anyone wearing a trump cape should be shot on GP.

  106. “Perhaps Texas should have tried to address its third-world level maternal mortality rate before forcing a bunch more poor women there to give birth.“

    That won’t win you elections in red states. We gotta keep the invisible sky daddy happy.

  107. The flooding in Philly caught my attention on the news, so I wanted to know if you and your family are safe.

  108. Ashli dead broad died for nothing. Boo fucking hoo. drumpf told her to be a martyr and she did. She died for the worst potus ever and the biggest chicken shit ever and the most corrupt piece of shit ever. She threw her life away for nothing. Suck it up buttercup!

    Fake Noize was allegedly interviewing an Afghan interpretor who allegedly helped rescue three US Senators in Afghanistan, including Biden. He wanted to come to America and had to hide from Taliban. So they have a guy on the phone and they apparently don't know phone calls can be traced. Personally, I think this story was more made up shit.

  109. More good news coming out of Georgia's mishandling of Arbery murder.

  110. Anonymous9:01 PM

    “More good news coming out of Georgia's mishandling of Arbery murder.”

    This seems like a stunt by the state’s attorney general to boost his political profile. I think it is very unlikely that the local prosecutor will get convicted, considering she did hand off the case to somebody else to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. That she’d previously spoken about the case to the person she’d handed it off to, probably won’t add up to criminality for a jury.

    Prosecutors pretty much never get convicted unless they do something insanely, egregiously wrong, like suborn perjury or deliberately hide exculpatory evidence. Sometimes not even then.

  111. Anonymous said...

    I say dig Babbitt up and shoot her again.

    The "tolerant" left, on display.

    You are People Of The Lie.

    9:34 PM
    Hey, anon, who besides you ever said the left was tolerant? We on the left are not tolerant of fools like you and the rest of the magas who are willfully destroying our country.

  112. Remember that Roe isn't the endgame; Griswold is the endgame because not enough white babies are happening to satisfy the fascists.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  113. Anonymous3:45 PM

    We on the left are not tolerant of fools like you

    Talk sense to a fool, and she calls you foolish.

    and the rest of the magas who are willfully destroying our country.

    When the USA was great, it was run by MAGA principles.  YOU are busy turning it into a shithole, and you are willfully blind to the effects of what you're doing.

    If the MAGA people walked off the job, you'd be starving in the dark within days.  Simple fact.  You owe your LIFE to people you hate, and that's just evil.

    Have some goddamn gratitude.

  114. Anonymous5:38 PM

    “Remember that Roe isn't the endgame; Griswold is the endgame because not enough white babies are happening to satisfy the fascists”

    Nah. The people who are demanding an end to abortion are a different conservative faction from the racists. They’re obsessed with keeping women from “acting too slutty.” They’re not focused on race; otherwise, they wouldn’t be trying to overturn Roe, which will mostly have the effect of increasing the non-white population relative to whites, as white women collectively have more money and are more likely to be able to travel to get a legal abortion even without Roe.

    The racists would indeed like to increase the white birth rate, but they won’t be able to do that by denying white women contraception. They need white women’s political support too much to try such a ploy.

    What you have to watch out for would be Victor Orban-style financial incentives provided by the government as a reward for having children. They will craft the rules so that, strangely, people of color never seem to qualify for these incentives. And as for contraception, look for a return of eugenics policies that try to forcibly sterilize “undesirables.” Again, strangely, all the undesirables will turn out to be people of color.

  115. Anonymous6:25 PM

    “If the MAGA people walked off the job, you'd be starving in the dark within days. Simple fact. You owe your LIFE to people you hate, and that's just evil.”

    Kind of doubt it. Trump’s strongest voter demographic is white people who didn’t go to college. More than half of them live in economically bombed-out areas of Walmart America that don’t make anything worthwhile anymore and are only kept financially afloat through transfers of federal dollars from the blue states.

    That, above all, is what MAGA people are so goddamn mad about: Many of them aren’t a meaningful part of the economy anymore, and their future prospects are poor. A large chunk of MAGA America could vanish and the rest if us wouldn’t even fucking notice.

    I’d be sympathetic to their anger if their anger were productive, but it’s not. They aren’t angry at the people who have actually impoverished them; they’re so dumb and brainwashed, they blame scapegoats instead, for the crime of looking different from them or eating different food or attending a different house of worship.


  116. Anonymoid wants gratitude for being better than its readers. But that's not how being better works.

  117. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Trump’s strongest voter demographic is white people who didn’t go to college.

    Which includes most oil, gas and electrical workers, truck drivers, many contractors, plumbers, farmers... the list goes on and on.

    You. Would. Be. Starving. In. The. Dark. Without. Them.

  118. "You. Would. Be. Starving. In. The. Dark. Without. Them."

    No. I. Wouldn't. Been a truck driver, been a welder, been a logger, been a cook, ran a warehouse, did electrical contracting, raised livestock, worked retail, fought forest fires, installed appliances, always have been a Democrat, always will be a Democrat, like nearly all of my co-workers in the above mentioned occupations.
    MAGA morons are basically useless, we would be better off without them, overall, but since they're here, we have to beat them at the ballot box before they achieve their main goal of killing democracy.

    From Jason Isbell's Twitter feed:

    Jason Isbell
    So now you can sue an Uber driver in Texas you’ve never met for driving a 15 year old rape victim you’ve never met to a hospital you’ve never entered, but you can’t sue the Sacklers for killing your family

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Anonymous9:42 PM

    “Which includes most oil, gas and electrical workers, truck drivers, many contractors, plumbers, farmers... the list goes on and on.

    You. Would. Be. Starving. In. The. Dark. Without. Them.”

    Also includes a lot of unemployed people and easily economically replaceable people doing unskilled and even mostly useless jobs.

    As for the more skilled blue-collar jobs — I don’t know what country you think you are living in where Trump haters and/or brown people aren’t utility workers, tradesman, truck drivers, etc. It must be some fantasy world in your twisted little brain, because it sure isn’t the actually existing United States.

  120. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Also includes a lot of unemployed people and easily economically replaceable people doing unskilled and even mostly useless jobs.

    How do you count people doing NO jobs, existing off welfare and crime?

    That's the majority of blacks.  They are too stupid or oppositional to hold ANY job.

  121. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I can’t wait until ordinary corona viruses emerge in the fall and kill the vaxxed in droves bc their immune systems have been manipulated to react with cytokine storms filling their lungs with fluid…. death shortly following.

    Ha ha….. why so many vaxxed now getting infected?

  122. Anonymous10:32 PM

    “How do you count people doing NO jobs, existing off welfare and crime?

    That's the majority of blacks. They are too stupid or oppositional to hold ANY job.”

    I can only marvel at how much brainpower you must be expending to maintain the delusion, in defiance of enormous amounts of evidence to the contrary, that white people are ALL brilliant, industrious, and virtuous, whereas ALL black people are unemployed, unemployable, and probably jailbirds.

    It sounds like a lot of work, deceiving yourself in this manner. So many lies you have to tell and facts you have to explain away. Maybe you should stop?

  123. Anonymous10:59 PM

    “I can’t wait until ordinary corona viruses emerge in the fall and kill the vaxxed in droves bc their immune systems have been manipulated to react with cytokine storms filling their lungs with fluid…. death shortly following.”

    Will that be happening before or after all the pedo Democrats are frog-marched out of Congress by the Marines and Trump is gloriously “reinstated” as president?

  124. So Steve Bannon is trying to pull a Ron Paul and stack the local party infrastructure with Fergus fanatics in the hope that no future elections can be won by anyone not Fergus approved.
    Let's see, how is that approach working out for president Paul?
    Oh, that's right, he got his ass kicked anyway.
    Do Republicans even do anything besides cheat any more?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  125. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I cannot get over the farcical nature of Texas’ new anti-abortion law. There are so many things wrong with it, it is hard to know where to begin. Starting with the fact that it tries to grant standing to any random person, anywhere in the country to sue providers of abortions or those who “aided and abetted” in the provision of an abortion, even though that random person has not in any way been personally injured or affected by said abortion. SCOTUS refused to issue an injunction to prevent it going into effect, but can they really refuse to rule on it at all? If this trollish, nonsensical law stands, it seems like the precedents set by it it will collapse the entire justice system by justifying the creation of other preposterous, unfeasible laws, governing any number of issues, not just abortion!

    This article attempts to answer just some of the crazy questions surrounding how the law could possibly (dysfunctionally) operate:

    What We Know—and What We Don’t—About How Texas’ Abortion Ban Will Be Enforced

  126. Antiabortion is lazy:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. Anonymous4:32 AM

    So, how are things going in the sunny utopia known as Florida, under the steady, sensible management of mini-Trump Ron DeSantis?

    Let’s check in.

    15 Miami-Dade school staffers die of COVID in 10 days: report

  128. Anonymous8:59 AM

    How many of those Miami-Dade staffers were vaxxed?

    Probably most of them.

  129. Anonymous10:58 AM


    Show your vaccine passport at a restaurant.

    But not your ID to vote.

  130. Anonymous11:00 AM

    “How many of those Miami-Dade staffers were vaxxed?

    Probably most of them.”

    Probably none of them.

    Florida: Land where it’s cruel and unusual punishment to make people get vaccinated so they don’t die.

  131. Anonymous11:34 AM

    As if Oklahoma’s hospitals didn’t have enough problems as they overflow with dummies who caught COVID after refusing to get vaccinated, now they are also having to deal with dummies who got ivermectin poisoning because they took that horse dewormer instead of getting vaccinated.

    Oklahoma having an influx of patients overdosing on Ivermectin

  132. Now that the SCOTUS has decided to make "The Handmaid's Tale" into a documentary, Texas PP has obtained a temporary injunction against Texas Right to Life in their initial attempt at enforcing the so called law.
    Not to worry, the fifth circuit will make damn sure those sluts, I mean poor women have those precious little babies, or at least the ones who don't die in childbirth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. In the "it's not Karma, Karma means destiny, it's poetic justice" file, (h/t: Crooks and Liars):

    Will Sommer
    Hurricane Ida obliterated the offices of conservative undercover operative James O'Keefe and his Project Veritas group. Even "Retracto," the stuffed alpaca O'Keefe uses as his mascot, was destroyed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Anonymous4:19 PM

    “Not to worry, the fifth circuit will make damn sure those sluts, I mean poor women have those precious little babies, or at least the ones who don't die in childbirth.”

    Yeah, the appeals court will shoot that down in short order. They’ve already ruled the law can go ahead, and SCOTUS have already decided that they won’t intervene in that decision because they don’t have an opinion because “this law’s just so darn complicated!”

  135. “So many lies you have to tell and facts you have to explain away. Maybe you should stop?“

    Gotta have some kind of delusion to hang on to. trump lost and won’t be reinstated anytime soon so don’t dump more rain on his parade. Such intolerance.😆

  136. As a former machinist, I run my tolerances by the book...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. "As a former machinist, I run my tolerances by the book..."

    Just like toddlers, they think we're just supposed to tolerate everything they do. No wonder they love trump.

  138. If your tolerances are too tight, you can overheat ans seize up. Too loose and you get excessive wear and vibration. Some things have to be done right to make things work.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Lucien Greaves is at it again (from Huffpo):

    The always-thinking Satanic Temple has an intriguing strategy for women to escape the draconian restrictions of the new Texas abortion law: take an abortion-inducing drug as an expression of religious freedom in a faith-based rite.

    A lawyer for the Massachusetts-based temple sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration earlier this week to request that the church be allowed access without prescription to the abortion-inducing drugs mifepristone and misoprostol as part of its “sacramental” abortion ritual. He compared employing the drugs to the use of peyote in certain Native American rituals allowed under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    All kidding aside, most abortions these days can safely be accomplished with the proper use of these two drugs, which can be obtained online, at least for now. That seems to be the post-Roe strategy to avoid the pre-Roe deaths and mutilations that occurred around clandestine abortion for a long time for poor women.
    Rich women always have and always will get their abortions. These restrictions are mostly about punishing poor women for having sex.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Anonymous5:53 PM

    “A lawyer for the Massachusetts-based temple sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration earlier this week to request that the church be allowed access without prescription to the abortion-inducing drugs mifepristone and misoprostol as part of its “sacramental” abortion ritual. He compared employing the drugs to the use of peyote in certain Native American rituals allowed under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”

    I feel like lefties should pull this ploy over and over again until the wingnuts on the Supreme Court want to kill themselves.

    If wingnuts can claim “it’s against my religion” to opt out of obeying any damn law they don’t like, then left-wing litigants should do the same and force the justices to come up with justifications for why this “conscience clause” garbage is constitutional only for evangelical Christians who want to torment women and gays.

  141. We owe them at least that:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  142. The same people who want to kill kids with a deadly virus and shrug when they’re slaughtered with machine guns.

  143. Anonymous10:12 PM

    The "kids" aren't slaughtering each other with machine guns.  They're doing it with stolen or straw-purchased handguns, and the targets are almost always the same race as the shooters.

    That race is black.  We do not have a gun violence problem, we have a black violence problem.

    Or perhaps we should start calling you all iggners, because of your deliberate iggnerance.

  144. Is Bryan Riley Black?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  145. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Is Bryan Riley Black?

    That I don't know, nor do I care.

    Chicago September to date is 12 shot and killed, 3X Bryan Riley's total.  There is NO comparison.

  146. Pikers.

    "The Iraq War[nb 1] was a protracted armed conflict from 2003 to 2011 that began with the invasion of Iraq by the United States–led coalition which overthrew the authoritarian government of Saddam Hussein. The conflict continued for much of the next decade as an insurgency emerged to oppose the coalition forces and the post-invasion Iraqi government.[54] An estimated 151,000 to 1,033,000 Iraqis died in the first three to five years of conflict. US troops were officially withdrawn in 2011."

    A 100% white guy joint.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  147. "The "kids" aren't slaughtering each other with machine guns."

    I was referring to school shootings that are routinely ignored by pro-lifers. You know the ones committed by adult males for seemingly no reason.

  148. "Or perhaps we should start calling you all iggners, because of your deliberate iggnerance."

    That's a good idea. I'll use that term for all the trumpers that are taking horse medicine to help with the hoax virus. LOL! Not to mention the idiots that believe he'll be reinstated and especially that one broad that sacrificed her life at the Capitol for a New York conman. Now THAT was some ignorant shit. She was definitely an igger! LOL!

  149. Not so fast, Texas:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  150. Anonymous11:20 PM

    You are obviously too stupid to understand just what "iggner" is an anagram of.

    This is why you can't meme.

  151. "You are obviously too stupid to understand just what "iggner" is an anagram of.

    This is why you can't meme."

    That may be the single stupidest thing I've seen posted here in all of the years I've been reading and commenting here.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  152. Anonymous12:11 PM


  153. Bryan Riley is white, and he looks just the way you'd think he would look.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  154. Anonymous said...

    Or perhaps we should start calling you all iggners, because of your deliberate iggnerance.

    10:12 PM
    I hate to be the spelling and grammar police, but the word for one who doesn't know much (like Trump) is ignorant, not iggnerant. So the noun form is ignorance, not iggnerance. Just wanted you to know.

  155. you have many dreams in mind about the future of your married life. You get so excited about the future life of your marriage. You start to imagine the time you are going to spend with your partner. You have already made an image of your partner's character in your mind

  156. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Yeah no I
    would need proof what I mean
    by that is I would need to see how
    they did it. I'm just not going to take you're word for it
    considering first of all if black people were able to do that all this
    time than why do they keep making spears an not other diverse, variety
    of weapons besides the spear and used a cows hide an turned it into a shield
    not to mention a lot or most of them are and or were naked dancing around a fire
    in grass skirts or the other way around a lot of them or most were naked. if they were
    able to make busts, statues which they clearly didn't they wouldn't be living in huts
    eating mud cookies, mosquito burgers an having famine also they would have been
    able to built houses that are one, two, three or more stories high and a mansion to go
    along with it. lets not forget if they are an or were able to do these things they will have
    been able to build sky scrapers like you see every where in the world same goes for bridges
    like the Manhattan bridge, Golden gate bridge but you don't. has anyone ever seen and all
    black carpenters crew building a house or a mansion let alone both an all black construction
    crew building sky scraper's, bridge's, infrastructure's, water pipe line system's, power plants
    yeah I don't think so because if they were able to do all those things that I mentioned
    they wouldn't be complaining, grunting, groaning, moaning, cherry picking, nit picking
    and blaming their actions, failures, issues on white people an pulling the race card
    or any other card that is known, unknown to man for that matter and committing
    black on black crimes, black on white crimes, black on yellow crimes,
    black on brown crimes nationally, internationally.

  157. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Imagine being so retarded and brainwashed that you've been duped to believe that there is a climate crisis. It's called weather, you fools, and everybody is sick of your justification to rob people of their hard earned money so that they can fund "green efficient" technology that would likely cause more damage to the planet than by doing nothing. There's a reason why you're the laughing stock of the Internet.
