Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The replacement theorists.

I stumbled on the following article written for Yahoo News by Wajahat Ali  the other day, and I think it's important that I share it.

If you have already read it, please indulge me while a share a little knowledge with your fellow field hands. 

"The hoods are off, and Republicans are embracing the white supremacist “replacement theory.”

If you’re dismissing this as fear-mongering or click-bait, you probably missed Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House and renowned adulterer, espousing replacement theory rhetoric on Fox News earlier this week while talking to host Maria Baritromo, who always has time to offer a platform to dangerous conspiracy peddling. Speaking about Mexican immigrants coming to America during the pandemic, Gingrich said the “radical left” wants to “get rid of the rest of us” and would “love to drown traditional, classic Americans with as many people as they can who know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law.”

He wasn’t talking about Donald Trump, notorious for being historically ignorant and profoundly incurious, but about those of us with darker skin, who are never seen as “traditional” or “classic” or “real Americans.” Gingrich, a craven political opportunist, parroted the talking points associated with “the great replacement” theory, also known as “white genocide,” which stipulates the white race and “Western civilization” are in dire threat of being weakened and ultimately usurped by immigrants of color, Muslims, feminists, and gays.

This nefarious international scheme is allegedly masterminded by a cabal of secretive and powerful Jews, who are perpetual supervillains in conspiratorial narratives. One of the main leaders of this alleged “deep state” is George Soros, the Hungarian-born, Jewish American billionaire and Holocaust survivor, whom Fox host Tucker Carlson accused of trying to hijack and remake American democracy and the Washington Times alleged was on a “quest to destroy America.” Before the 2018 midterm elections, President Trump said “a lot of people say” that Soros was funding the “caravan” of undocumented immigrants and Middle Easterners that he warned was about to invade America.

Terrorist Robert Bowers shared Trump’s fear. He proceeded to kill 11 Jewish people in a synagogue, whom he believed were helping the “invaders.” The replacement theory inspired terrorist Brenton Tarrant, who killed more than 50 Muslim “invaders” in New Zealand. Tarrant’s violent act in turn inspired terrorist Patrick Crusius, who killed 21 people in El Paso, Texas, seeking vengeance against “Hispanic” invaders.

Despite or because of the international bloodshed caused by this hateful conspiracy, conservatives including Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene have embraced it as a political opportunity.

Gingrich was something of a pioneer here, jumping on the anti-sharia bandwagon in the summer of 2010, right before the midterm elections, as he geared up for his failed 2012 presidential bid. That manufactured threat, which became the template for the right’s anti-critical race theory crusade today, imported conspiracy theories and talking points created by white nationalists in Europe who warned about a Muslim “demographic explosion” that threatened to transform white, Christian Europe into “Eurabia.”

Hate has now become intersectional and global, with the Europeans’ American counterparts raving about how CRT or Sharia Law or Marxism will replace the Constitution, destroy American values and teach children to hate white people.

Although the phrase “the great replacement” was coined in 2010 by French author Renaud Camus, who refers to immigrants of color as “colonizers” and “Occupiers,” it’s not an original concept. In 1995, US neo-nazi David Lane warned about governments making white people into an “extinct species” in his subtly titled three-page White Genocide Manifesto. He also created the “14 word” white supremacist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller’s white nationalist ideas were in part inspired by Jean Raspail’s 1973 French novel The Camp of the Saints, beloved by white nationalists around the world, that depicts how savage Indian refugees ultimately swarm and overwhelm France. Bannon has recommended the book as a dystopian warning, and Miller promoted the book and other white nationalist talking points to a Breitbart reporter when he was a Senior Advisor in the White House.

Bannon has also recommended conservatives learn from another fan of the replacement theory: Hungary’s authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who praised Trump in 2017 for “thinking precisely as we do when he says ‘America First,’” and who Bannon has praised for being “Trump before Trump.”

What did Orban do that makes him a model worth emulating for conservatives in the United States? He transformed Hungary’s once promising democracy into a one-party state where he filled the government and judiciary with political apparathicks, attacked the press and political opponents, abused his power to enrich himself and his cronies, promoted anti-semitic conspiracy theories against George Soros, and constructed a 109-mile high-tech, razor-wire border fence with Serbia.

Orban mobilized his base into giving up their freedoms by promising he will protect them and their Hungarian heritage from Muslims, refugees, and immigrants of color, and protect them from what he says are “political forces in Europe who want a replacement of population for ideological or other reasons.” Instead, he says, “We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.

No wonder Tucker Carlson, who has openly promoted the replacement theory on his show and is beloved by white nationalists for mainstreaming their talking points, applauded Orban’s policies. It shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention that Carlson, an American journalist, decided to host his top-rated cable news show from Hungary’s capital, Budapest, where he spent a week acting like a paid lobbyist, propagandist, and hype man for Orban and his Fidesz party.

Carlson told his viewers, “if you care about Western civilization and democracy and families and the ferocious assault on all three of those things by the leaders of our global institutions, you should know what is happening here right now.”

Carlson aired a fawning interview with Orban, giving him a platform to promote his ethno-nationalist policies, which Orban rationalized as defending Hungary’s national identity, “culture,” “tradition,” “language,” and “original inhabitants” from Muslims, liberals and other invaders allegedly opposed to freedom and Western civilization.

“Who’s freer?” Carlson asked. “If you’re an American, the answer is painful to admit.”

What’s actually happening in Hungary is a blueprint for autocracy, and that’s the end game for America’s Republican party, which is now a counter-majoritarian and counterfactual force. Trump administration senior advisor and anti-immgration zealot Stephen Miller made that crystal clear while addressing the Young America Foundation’s 43rd National Conservative Student Conference in Texas earlier this week.

In a 40-minute speech you can watch here if you’re a glutton for punishment, Miller echoed Orban and Carlson’s paranoid victimhood, manufactured grievances and racial anxiety of a white demographic terrified of losing power as he cited “stopping illegal immigration” as conservatives’ “highest priority.” There was no mention of the pandemic, income inequality, or climate change. Instead, Miller bragged about stopping refugees from making it to America and suspending the H1-B program that allowed skilled workers, like my father, to legally come to this country and achieve the “American Dream.”

Miller told the young students that liberals have forced them into a “battle none of us wanted,” because “they” want power “to dictate your lives and to change our country into something most of us wouldn’t recognize.” He wants liberals to “just leave the country alone and let America be America,” which to him means a Muslim Ban, undocumented kids separated from their parents in cages, a crowd chanting “send her back” when referring to a US Congresswoman, and ignoring the existence and rights of LGBTQ people.

Pointing to a bleak future, Miller created an absolutist framework and exhorted young conservatives to “fight back” and defend their “heritage: "The stakes in this game are the survival of the country. Those are the stakes. It’s that stark. That black and white. It’s that fundamental. The country survives or it does not.”

The young students gave him a rousing standing ovation at the end of his speech.

This is the Republican Party’s end game, a fight to the death that they hope will lead to an authoritarian regime like Orban’s Hungary. They have not been deterred or moderated by electoral defeat. Insead, they are growing ever more radical, weaponizing and embracing racist ideas, like the replacement theory, and planning future insurrections building on their failed first attempt on Jan. 6." {Article here}


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM


  2. LeonT9:29 PM

    Replace Tucker Carlson, Newt Gingrich and the rest?

    Sounds good to me!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. OK, there are a few angles I could come at this from, and in the interest of not blowing through the 4,096 character limit of this commenting software, I'll focus on the one that isn't complete bullshit, and was highlighted by the newly released census data:
    The population of white people in the US is shrinking.
    All of the increases of population in the US were driven by minorities.
    (The distant popping sounds are the heads of thousands of Pig People exploding, which really just exacerbates their dilemma.)
    This has been coming for years, but getting Republicans to hear it has heretofore been impossible. The workforce in the US has not been replacing itself at anywhere near the rate required for the continued economic growth that Republican politicians swear will make their holy tax cuts pay for themselves.
    They have not proposed any solutions to their problem, though. The things they have proposed have not been solutions and upon examination would just make their problem worse.
    Like immigration, which could actually stabilize the workforce population enough to, no not make their holy tax cuts pay for themselves as that is a pure fiction, but at least finance the retirement of all of those aging Pig People.
    But they hate immigration. Hate it. Claim that somehow stopping immigration will make there be more white people.
    Uh, no. The only thing that can make there be more white people is white people having babies, which fewer and fewer of them are doing.
    So what else could be done? Well, some countries in Europe, where this problem has been growing for decades, have instituted generous policies around the raising of children, to make having those children more affordable, feasible, and attractive to women who otherwise see reproduction as a huge, unattainable, pain in the ass.
    Kind of like what Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to do right now with their "human infrastructure" bill: make children affordable with child tax credits, make having children and working to support them feasible with quality childcare and pre-K, and make their healthcare affordable to the non-wealthy.
    Will it work? Don't really know yet, although it seems to be helping in some of the parts of Europe where it is being tried.
    But it's something, as opposed to the less than nothing coming from the Republicans.
    It almost seems as if they don't want to fix the problem, but want instead, like with abortion which they also don't give a rat's ass about, use it as a perpetual tool to rile up the Pig People, even as their policies kill more and more of those Pig People and make the idea of them having Piglet People seem out of their reach.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Wizzy9:57 AM

    NOTHING will solve this problem!! A 2nd Civil War is inevitable....sigh.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    High speed lead from negros kills more and puts more people in the hospital then Covid, maybe we should quarantine negros oh wait that would be like segregation.

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Patriots v Marxists

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    It's a Woke World After All

  9. Wizzy said...

    NOTHING will solve this problem!! A 2nd Civil War is inevitable....sigh.

    9:57 AM
    I think you are right,Wizzy. My only hope is after we win this one, we execute or imprison the leaders of the insurrection instead of letting them go as we did in 1865.

  10. Well, since all of the Republican idiots are a death cult somebody has to replace them. Republican governors are imposing mask mandates and morons like Marjorie Greene are spreading lies to easily manipulated mouth breathers. All of this to "own the libs" and make Biden look bad. Well, if like Herman Cain you want to sacrifice your life for the GQP I got nothing but pity. Carry on.

  11. "NOTHING will solve this problem!! A 2nd Civil War is inevitable....sigh."

    Now will this be a war between states, citizens vs. government, police departments......? This is an interesting thought experiment, please expound on this O great Wiz.

  12. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Jim Nabors (Gomer) gives a stellar rendition of "The Impossible Dream".

  13. Was watching interesting youtube videos about the difference between liberal and conservative brains and it was pretty interesting. Liberals tend to use the part of the brain that accepts new information and melds it into their daily lives. Conservatives tend to use the part of the brain that heightens the fight or flight reflex which seems to make sense as they are always deathly afraid of things that others see as a non-threat. You got it right about Sharia Law, mass caravans, knockout games, MS13 and now CRT. Do they not see a pattern? If the last 20 boy who cried wolf threats turned out to be nothing maybe just maybe the new threat Tucker or Hannity are all up in arms about could also be nothing? Nah, let's all get our collective panties in a bunch and pass anti-CRT bill in fucking Utah of all places. Three whole negroes in the entire state and they're afraid of anti-white education. There are some gullible people out there. The best part is the people pushing this idea belong to religion that taught as recently as 1976 that Blah people are demons. If America wasn't so willing to show everyone how stupid we are no one would believe it.

  14. Is an "anti-critical race theory crusade" a crusade that's against critical race theory? Or is it a race theory crusade that's against criticism?

    Likewise, is an "anti-voter fraud group" a group that's against voter fraud, or is it a fraud group that's against voters?

    Similar questions can be asked about an "anti-sex harassment force".

  15. The race replacement theorists are snowflake poseurs. They are complete amateurs at the paranoia game. Here is how you really play it:

    In a measly 200 years, probably far less, every man, woman, child, and embryo now alive will be done with their life cycles. Every single one of us will be dead and gone, and so will our children. There will be people alive then, but all of them will be other people's babies.

    What's more, the language they speak will differ from ours. It will differ in vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, spelling, and meaning. It would be difficult for you to communicate with them; and that communication will inevitably include mutual misunderstandings. They will differ in art, literature, technology, mythology, religion, business, and politics.

    In short, you will be replaced. Demographically, culturally, materially, spiritually. The replacement will be complete and permanent; everyone will be replaced.

    And best/worst of all, this is business as usual. It's normal. It's how the biosphere works.

    If, like me, you have a problem with that, then you have bigger problems than skin-tint politics.

  16. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Next biden will be giving a three piece and a biscuit to get the negros vaccinated when in reality their fellow negro is deadlier.

  17. "Next biden will be giving a three piece and a biscuit to get the negros vaccinated when in reality their fellow negro is deadlier."

    trump will be giving out free guns to the rural redneck but either way he's going to die by his own hand. He's either a studpid denier and will die in a hospital after infecting his sister while performing a sex act or just shoot himself after infecting his sister after a a sex act. Dim days ahead.

    By the by, I would still LOVE the Wiz to elaborate on this coming civil war. Sounds fascinating!

  18. Great news guys!!!!!!!!!!! trump reinstated tomorrow!!!!!!!

  19. "Well, since all of the Republican idiots are a death cult somebody has to replace them."

    Really? What essential function do they perform that society would collapse in the absence of? They're kind of like Douglas Adams' phone sanitizers that didn't do so well in repopulating a different planet.
    They may have some ecological function somehow, but whatever it is I can't see it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Anonymous4:36 PM

    “In short, you will be replaced. Demographically, culturally, materially, spiritually. The replacement will be complete and permanent; everyone will be replaced.”

    These closet fascist types like Tucker are not worried about literally being “replaced”; they’re worried about themselves and their descendants being persecuted. They are worried that once white people are a minority in America, there will be some kind of general people-of-color gang-up against white people and they will then face discrimination and abuse. Whites will become “the new blacks.” This is zero-sum thinking. They can’t imagine a future in which everyone just gets along and is treated equally. Somebody HAS to be the abuser, and somebody HAS to be the abused, and they’re determined not to be in the latter category.

    They can’t accept the idea of reforming our economic and justice systems so that everyone has a fair chance and racial strife is reduced. That won’t work, in their minds, because they’re racist and they believe poc’s are inherently stupid, lazy, and criminal, and any resources spent on trying to fully include them in the economy will inevitably be wasted.

    So, once you’ve eliminated all the reasonable solutions for future racial harmony, as they have, the only option left is to simply prevent whites from becoming a minority. You won’t like how they plan to achieve that.

  21. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Not gonna lie, twenty years ago when Tucker was just a bowtied dork on Crossfire and stepson of the TV dinner heiress, I didn’t foresee him gradually morphing into David Duke. And yet, here we are.

  22. Anonymous5:36 PM

    A judge has ruled that the defamation lawsuits by Dominion (the voting machine company) against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike “the MyPillow jackass” Lindell can proceed. Sucks to be them.

  23. Anonymous5:47 PM

    "Not gonna lie, twenty years ago when Tucker was just a bowtied dork on Crossfire and stepson of the TV dinner heiress, I didn’t foresee him gradually morphing into David Duke. And yet, here we are."

    While I'm at it, a couple decades back, I also didn't predict sober, boring financial sector reporter Maria "the Money Honey" Bartiromo (also briefly referenced in the article Field shared) to turn into a full-on flaming batshit maniac Trumpster. This was a fairly unpleasant surprise, if you ask me.

  24. Biden should cancel Tuckerfucker's passport. And then post a bounty on is pastey white hide.

  25. Trae Crowder has had quite enough of his home state behaving like goddamn morons, thank you very much:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. You could replace Tucker the fucker with an electric corn cob and his audience wouldn't know the difference.

  27. "Stick to your fucking guns"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous11:41 PM

    "'Stick to your fucking guns'"

    Yeah, that's my response to the antivax d-bags appropriating abortion rights language, the guys sneering "My body, my choice."

    If your point is that your decision re: refusing vaccines is that it only affects you, the problem is that that isn't actually true. If you give yourself a severe case of COVID and end up in hospital, you eat up medical resources for other sick people who didn't take unnecessary dumbass risks. People with cancer or cardiovascular disease or those injured in car crashes may die because their care was compromised while doctors were tied up treating the Covidiots instead.

    So if you even wanted to come close to it being "my body, my choice," then to avoid being vaccinated, you should be forced to sign a waiver forgoing all hospital care in the event you catch COVID. No medical interventions for you. Stay home and pray. Maybe you get better, maybe you don't.

    Unfortunately, we can't make people sign waivers giving up their rights to care, and that means their vaccination status does affect other people, and therefore it can't be just a personal decision. Time for vaccine mandates.

  29. So cue up the Harold Camping moment for tomorrow morning.
    Lindell, who has been swearing up and down that he has terabytes of irrefutable data proving that China hacked the election, got those terabytes from Dennis Montgomery, the same turbo-grifter who convinced the goddamn pentagon that he could extract Al-Qaeda transmissions from Al Jazeera broadcasts.
    Lindell's own "expert" announced on Wednesday that no such conclusion could be made from the data provided.
    So now what? How do they get out of the corner they've painted themselves into?
    Camping just released statements announcing that he had miscalculated the numbers in the Bible, and the real rapture would be somewhat later than his earlier predictions until he croaked over from a stroke and a subsequent fall.
    Republicans aren't gonna be as sanguine in the face of the news that they have been grifted as Harold's end-of-the-worlders were.
    At least not according to Homeland Security which issued warnings about possible political violence over it.
    Maybe Kevin McCarthy was onto something when he started selling shirts to his fans with the word "moron" and its definition on them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous12:18 AM

    “So now what? How do they get out of the corner they've painted themselves into?”

    Probably invent a new conspiracy theory.

    “Well, we had the evidence that was going to reinstate Dear Leader, we swear! But just as we were about to reveal it … Democrat ninjas showed up and stole it! It’s election fraud squared, guys! It sure is amazing the lengths those dastardly commie liberals will go to to stop Trump from Making America Great, huh?”

  31. I have to wonder if Gingrich has been consistently this much of a dangerous racist agitator for his entire career. It seems to me that in the past, although he was clearly a little bit afraid of black folks, I don't recall him ever publicly embracing these extremist conspiracy theories.

    Does anyone from Georgia have any thoughts on this? Has the Trump era awakened the true, racist and xenophobic Gingrich? Supposedly that guy smoked pot in college. He is famous for his supply side economics and intense competitiveness and hatred for democrats. Never heard him say shit like this in the old days.

  32. Those guys at Charlottesville were too stupid to be the guys replaced by Jews. The Jews could have replaced those guys... Well, why bother replacing them? They're too lazy and insolent to be good laborers. They have no modern skills. Probably don't know cars or carpentry. We'll just have to put them all in a ghetto./s

  33. Gingrich has always been a bomb-thrower. A significant fraction of our broken politics can be laid at his feet. Specifically his GOPAC and the list of invective he distributed to Republican congresscritters titled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" in which he suggested just slandering and insulting Democrats because "these words work."
    Whether he is an inveterate racist or not, I don't really know, I only know that if he could get a vote or a dollar from acting like he was, he would, so really, what's the difference?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. OK I got my answer: Lindell now says that his "expert" is probably CIA, and some of his fans are buying it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous2:11 AM

    "Gingrich has always been a bomb-thrower. A significant fraction of our broken politics can be laid at his feet."

    He and the late Roger Ailes are the architects of a lot of the derangement of US politics. The constant violation of democratic norms and the right-wing mentality of "there is no truth; we create our own alternate reality" dates back to the era when Gingrich became speaker of the House and Fox News first began broadcasting.

    Without those scumbags, and their determination to win at any cost, even if it destroys the country, there would be no Trump.

  36. Anonymous2:14 AM

    "OK I got my answer: Lindell now says that his 'expert' is probably CIA, and some of his fans are buying it."

    Damn that Deep State, out to get poor Mr. Trump, as always.

  37. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Darriynn Brown (negro), 18, is indicted for capital murder after 'kidnapping four-year-old boy Cash Gernon (White) from his Texas bedroom and then stabbing him to death':

  38. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Biden should cancel Tuckerfucker's passport. And then post a bounty on is pastey white hide.

    6:08 PM

    The "tolerant" left at work!!!

  39. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  40. Fuck you, anymoose. Your pastey white ass is on Biden's list.

  41. Another wealthy magat pedophile phucker...


    Mass England shooter is a drumpf supporter with ties to Quackanon and Incel.

  43. From today's Crooks and Liars:

    GOP Aide Admits To Journalist Why They're Letting People Die
    Yes, it really is a strategy.
    By Susie Madrak

    "And he said they just want to make Biden look bad. They want the crisis to happen on Biden's watch so that he does not get the credit for the vaccine that they felt Trump should get the credit for. That's it. I mean, my jaw hit the floor and I had to work to get it back up."

  44. Anonymous12:02 PM

    “GOP Aide Admits To Journalist Why They're Letting People Die
    Yes, it really is a strategy.”

    Saying it’s a “strategy” gives them way too much credit.

    What really happened over the last hellish year-and-a-half is that when Trump’s advisers first told him about COVID, he didn’t want to shut down the economy. His natural inclination as an (unethical) businessman was that making money was more important than anything, and he also figured that any drop in GDP would hurt his re-election chances. So he stupidly decided to do nothing, even as smarter governments of other nations were frantically locking down.

    When that quickly turned into an epic disaster as huge numbers of Americans started dying, Trump tried to cover up his mistake by employing his standard response to basically everything: He lied. He downplayed COVID, suggested it was the flu, and that all the measures necessary to contain it were part of some nefarious Democrat plot. He got his Trumpbot followers to participate in a mass delusion that nothing was really happening and life could carry on as before.

    Since many Republican politicians signed on to this campaign of lies, they now can’t walk that back without losing all credibility with the Trump cult. They’re spineless jellyfish, no more and no less, and they do what they are told. There is no “strategy” here. DeSantis and others just have their lips surgically attached to the former president’s hindquarters. This interview was totally unnecessary. The interviewee could have just said “We are all Trump’s bitches now” and left it at that.

  45. They have painted themselves into a corner that any bright seventh grader could have avoided, but I'll not have you denigrating jellyfish by comparing them to Republicans, though as the NOAA notes, there are many similarities:

    "Lacking brains, blood, or even hearts, jellyfish are pretty simple critters. They are composed of three layers: an outer layer, called the epidermis; a middle layer made of a thick, elastic, jelly-like substance called mesoglea; and an inner layer, called the gastrodermis. An elementary nervous system, or nerve net, allows jellyfish to smell, detect light, and respond to other stimuli. The simple digestive cavity of a jellyfish acts as both its stomach and intestine, with one opening for both the mouth and the anus."

    The elementary nervous systems of Republicans allow them to do rudimentary functions such as voter suppression and CPAC, and it does take a trained individual to distinguish their anus from their mouth...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  46. The mayor of Amity says the water is just fine:

    Just 2 days into its school year, a Florida county has asked 440 students to quarantine after 51 students and staff tested positive for COVID.

    The district requires masks — but a governor's order allows parents to bypass that rule for their children.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. So I read this:

    Sen. Rand Paul revealed Wednesday that his wife bought stock in Gilead Sciences — which makes an antiviral drug used to treat covid-19 — on Feb. 26, 2020, before the threat from the coronavirus was fully understood by the public and before it was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The disclosure, in a filing with the Senate, came 16 months after the 45-day reporting deadline set forth in the Stock Act, which is designed to combat insider trading.

    ...and it didn't make sense: Rand Paul has a wife? How?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. He set up his own wife certification because real wives wanted nothing to do with is skanky ass, Doug.

    Anyone notice the 'Field of Dreams' baseball game wasn't played on the real field? What a rip off. Not that i care. my baseball give a damn busted when McGwire was run out of big leagues.

  49. Thanks to dumbass dubya, Cheney and Neo-Cons for proving they could refight VietNam and win in Afghanistan only to lose even worser the second time around.

    Magats will never place the blame on previous magats. But, those who deal in reality know who the war criminals are and they are all pastey white fucking magats!

  50. Anonymous9:43 PM

    "Thanks to dumbass dubya, Cheney and Neo-Cons for proving they could refight VietNam and win in Afghanistan only to lose even worser the second time around."

    It's only a matter of time before Al Qaeda takes up residence once again, and then we re-invade for Afghan War Part Deuz.

  51. Anonymous9:44 PM


  52. How is everyone doing on trump's first day of his reinstatement?

  53. "Anyone notice the 'Field of Dreams' baseball game wasn't played on the real field?"

    They did come out of the cornfield so that was pretty awesome.

  54. They did come out of the cornfield so that was pretty awesome.

    Detasselers do that a number of times per day and no one thinks that is awesome. :)

  55. Pilot said....

    "How is everyone doing on trump's first day of his reinstatement?"

    9:03 AM
    Doing fine, Pilot, still ROTF LMAO!

  56. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "How is everyone doing on trump's first day of his reinstatement?"

    I want interviews with all the QAnoners to get their reactions. I bet they're hilarious. But also depressing.

  57. Detasselers do that a number of times per day and no one thinks that is awesome. :)


  58. I was so intrigued with drumpf's return I completely forgot my one and only Great GrandGirlie 4th birthday. She let me know about it today.

  59. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Lollapalooza update:

    "It's been two weeks since Lollapalooza, and Chicago health officials have documented only 203 cases of COVID-19 among the concert festival's estimated 385,000 attendees, squashing naysayers that said the event would cause a spike in cases. Lollapalooza mandated vaccinations or a negative COVID-19 test for entrance to the four-day music festival. Officials believe that approx 90% of attendees were vaccinated, per CNN.

    'Nothing unexpected here,' Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady said at a news conference, per the Associated Press. In a tweet, she noted that there was 'no evidence' of the festival being a superspreader event."

    Bring on the vaccine passports.

  60. You guys are spot on. Gingrich was a pioneer in amoral politics, gaslighting, the type of extremism that causes polarization and other political gambits that have destroyed American unity over the last thirty years. Throw in a healthy dose of misogyny. And of course the most important thing. Lie like hell and never say die.

    Yep. He really did presage today's republican party.

  61. I'd love to take Obama's time machine a hunnert years into the future to see what sane historians have to say about obstructionist, anti-American Commie magats and their attempts to destroy America as a Democracy.

  62. FJ: And Fergus made Callista ambassador to the fucking Vatican.

    From Show Me Progress:

    Jason Kander @JasonKander
    We defeated Al Qaeda.

    It was mission creep to attempt to build a western style government.

    We improved many lives during these 20 years.

    The Taliban was always going to wait us out.

    We succeeded. We also failed.

    I feel pride, anger, and sadness.

    All of it can be true.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. As the media attacks Biden, don't forget:

    Bonus Flashback Quote of the Day

    August 15, 2021 at 6:24 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 82 Comments

    “We had a very good conversation with the leader of the Taliban today, and they’re looking to get this ended, and we’re looking to get it ended. I think we all have a very common interest… The relationship is very good that I have with the mullah.”

    — President Donald Trump, quoted by ABC News, after signing an agreement on Feb. 29, 2020 calling for the withdrawal of American troops.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Professor figuratively slaps South Dakota's dumbfuck guv's ugly mug visa Twitter.

    Beautiful job. Fake Noize talking head claimed Biden is on vacation while Kabul is falling.

  65. This is how a forever war ends. It is a pre-destined failure, artificially prolonged until some President ends it badly, but ends it.

  66. Bet there won't be any magats claim to have watched the last B-52 leave Kabul, like one reported about Saigon. No B-52s were ever based in Vietnam. Facts don't matter to magats, especially old school neocons who assured America Afghanistan could be won.

    I remember CIA personnel guffawing at Soviet Union's 'Vietnam' failure in Afghanistan.


    Link after link describing Afghanistan as Soviet's Vietnam.

  68. Flesh colored bandaids:Or why pink just won't do2:57 PM

    "Gingrich said the “radical left” wants to “get rid of the rest of us”

    Dr. King warned white America that the sins of the father left unresolved would revisit the son.

    I say good riddance.

  69. From Show Me Progress, in the "no fair remembering stuff" file:

    The United States is committed to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces of the United States, its allies, and Coalition partners, including all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private security contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting services personnel within fourteen (14) months following announcement of this agreement, and will take the following measures in this regard…

    With the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, the United States will initiate an administrative review of current U.S. sanctions and the rewards list against members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban with the goal of removing these sanctions by August 27, 2020…

    With the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, the United States will start diplomatic engagement with other members of the United Nations Security Council and Afghanistan to remove members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban from the sanctions list with the aim of achieving this objective by May 29, 2020…

    Signed in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020…

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  70. Top Taliban leaders are among the 5000 that Trump released last year over everyone's objections"

  71. Somehow recently removed from the RNC's website:

    The RNC's statement was released on Sept. 15, 2020, and it featured a headline that read, "President Trump Is Bringing Peace To The Middle East."

    The press release added, "President Trump has continued to take the lead in peace talks as he signed a historic peace agreement with the Taliban in Afghanistan, which would end America's longest war." The RNC went on to reference Fox News commentary that described Trump's withdrawal plan as a "decisive move" towards peace, and "the best path" for the United States.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Tuckerfucker was in Hungary wanting the prez to give him Russian intel on George Soros, just like screwdy rudy did in whatever was the name of the shithole country he tried and failed to nail Bidens on.

  73. Remember this when the bullshit starts getting deep:

    Josh Hawley @HawleyMO
    President Biden should withdraw troops in Afghanistan by May 1, as the Trump administration planned, but better late than never. It’s time for this forever war to end

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. After multiple standing room only maskless events:

    Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive Tuesday for COVID-19, according to his office.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive Tuesday for COVID-19, according to his office.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    5:45 PM
    Well he can't say he didn't ask for it. Too bad it didn't happen sooner.

  76. So today I voted against the goddamn recall and one of my best friends got her first Pfizer shot. All in all, not too bad of a day on the home front.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. A-Butt was fully vaccinated so he won't likely get his comeuppance from a pandemic he disavowed.
