Thursday, August 05, 2021

Inside man.


A friend of mine had his ticket punched from the practice of law a few years ago because of what he claimed was an "honest mistake". Whether you believe him or not, you have to wonder how people like Jeffrey Clark are still being allowed to thrive in the practice of law after being one of the former guy's point men in his attempted coup. on the American government. 

Here is a little background from New York Magazine: 

"Top members of the Department of Justice last year rebuffed another DOJ official who asked them to urge officials in Georgia to investigate and perhaps overturn President Joe Biden’s victory in the state – long a bitter point of contention for former President Donald Trump and his team – before the results were certified by Congress, emails obtained by ABC News show.

The “DOJ official” in question was Jeffrey Clark, the acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division, who in late December drafted a letter to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and the Republican leaders of the Georgia legislature urging them to convene a special session to investigate alleged 2020 voter-fraud claims. Given Kemp’s refusal to back Trump’s lies about Georgia’s vote, it’s understandable (if bizarre) that Clark’s draft letter also suggested the legislature call itself into session to consider whether it should appoint electors to rival the Biden slate already certified by Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Subsequent reporting by MSNBC indicates that Clark had drafted similar letters to Republican leaders in five other states carried by Biden but which Trump claimed to have won.

The one truly surprising thing about this gambit was its late timing. All along, as I noted on December 1, the most feasible avenue for a Trump election coup was to mobilize Repset yublican state legislatures to usurp the selection of electors on his behalf:

[I]t was obvious by mid-November that Trump’s only hope was to create enough phony doubt about the outcome in key states to justify a power grab by Republican legislators. The idea, which was fully aired in many of the preelection “red mirage” speculations … was that state legislators would assert aconstitutionally sanctioned (if controversial and arguably in conflict with their own statutes) right to appoint electors themselves since “fraud” had tainted the popular-vote results. Trump publicly called on GOP legislators to do just that, as Politico reported on November 21.

It didn’t work in November, but Clark (and very clearly Trump himself) wanted to give it another try based on the exotic constitutional theory that the whole Electoral Count Act process for certifying and confirming electors violated the sovereign power of state legislatures over electors (there was a parallel claim, shot down by the federal courts a few days later, that the Constitution gave then Vice-President Pence the power to disregard state certifications of electors and count them however he wanted). [Source]

It didn't work, but the former guy sure gave it the good old college try. The thing is, though, it could happen again. And this time the former guy and his fascist minions are working harder to make sure they get it right the next time. They have loaded up state houses with hyper partisan right-wing loyalist, and their media conglomerates are doing everything in their power to undermine the electoral process and sow seeds of doubt in the way that our democracy is currently set up.  

The really scary thing is that there seems to be no outrage, and Americans seem to be just chalking it all it up to the former guy being the former guy.  Still, there might be hope. Some news organizations are starting to take notice.

"CNN's Marshall Cohen, Jason Morris, Christopher Hickey and Will Mullery have put together an in-depth timeline of Trump's efforts to corrupt the US government and the Georgia government. It is exhaustive and shocking."

But is it shocking enough for us to do something about it? 

Merrick Garland, the ball is in your court.     





  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    This whole story was absolutely bananas. Utter lawlessness from a Trump fanatic within the DOJ who tried to illegally reverse the election results for his master, and it only got thwarted because most of the other lawyers at DOJ, who have actual ethics, insisted they would all resign if Trump attempted to put him in charge of the department.

    NYT journalist Katie Benner broke this story way back in January, and it got relatively little traction at the time. I think that might be because it was so soon after the events of Jan. 6th. People were so transfixed by shocking footage of Trump’s rednecks rioting at the Capitol that they weren’t paying attention to the, in their own way, equally outrageous and despicable shenanigans of Trump’s wingnut lawyers mounting their own assault on democracy through the legal system.

    Maybe this news has gotten noticed again because of the public release of Jeffrey Clark’s proposed letter to Georgia officials, which was intended to give them a phony federal justification for stealing Georgia’s Electoral College votes and giving them to Trump.

    Some of these lawyers are facing sanctions for their unethical behavior, but some, like Clark, have so far faced no consequences at all, and that is infuriating.

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    By the way, for anyone who wants to watch the MSNBC video on that link I posted, you might need to turn off your ad blocker, if you are using one.

  3. Yeah, they are preparing a "more respectable coup" for the next go around, fueled by the batshit crazy and radical "independent legislature doctrine" alluded to in the goddamn Bush v Gore decision.
    It basically rejects democracy and hands the power to decide elections to state legislatures, which just happen to be the arm of government the goddamn Republicans have the most control over.
    There was a push a few years back for Democrats to invest money in these state legislative races, and there's some substance to that idea, as winning any winnable state lege race is far less expensive than say, a congressional race or a senate seat.
    The problem (a problem) is that districts are geographic as well as popular, and there are wide swaths of low population that are so heavily biased toward the goddamn Republicans that no amount of money or campaigning can overcome it.
    I live in one of those districts, in deep blue California but represented by the awful, awful Tom the fuck McClintock because the Republican/Democratic split here is 71/29. Even our state senator and assemblyman are goddamn Republicans.
    We, though, aren't in danger of overturning elections with the state legislature because we have Democratic supermajorities in both houses, and so far at least, the democrats haven't decided to abandon democracy wholesale like the goddamn Republicans have.
    That said, we're in the minority of states in that respect, even with our enormous population, showing that geographic bias toward legislative power again.


    Post-election, both Republicans and Democrats added a single legislative chamber to their veto-proof majorities nationwide. However, Republicans still hold a commanding advantage in legislative chambers with veto-proof majorities in 34 states (+1) with Democrats holding veto-proof majorities in 18 (+1) legislative chambers.

    Last Updated December 1, 2020

    And even though those 18 states add up to far more actual citizens than the 34 Republican controlled ones do, we still have roughly half the legislative power, especially where batshit crazy election ideas are concerned, so taking this clown show seriously is definitely called for at this time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. This video is a thing of beauty:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Earlier, I posted the interview Chris Hayes did back in January with Katie Benner about the machinations of Jeffrey Clark at DOJ.

    He’s now done a new segment on the story in the wake of the release of Clark’s letter and additional information surrounding it.

  6. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Again the libtard left easily duped by the CCP. The democrats have been infiltrated by radical marxist CCP sycophants undermining America and freedom.

    "Vaccine" is a control mechanism for an over rated flu bug that has only killed 60k.

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984)

  8. dinthebeast said...
    This video is a thing of beauty:

    Dude in the vid is a YT comedian, not the actual flight attendant, but it's still a brilliant piece of comedy.

  9. Anonymous said...

    Again the libtard left easily duped by the CCP. The democrats have been infiltrated by radical marxist CCP sycophants undermining America and freedom.

    "Vaccine" is a control mechanism for an over rated flu bug that has only killed 60k.

    10:59 AM
    Again goofy trolls posting their inane nonsense here where there are no takers. Please go post somewhere else where some gullible people may believe you.

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Again goofy trolls posting their inane nonsense here where there are no takers. Please go post somewhere else where some gullible people may believe you.

    11:43 AM

    The marxist left fears truth and debate.......

  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    CHICAGO: Final July 2021 Totals (vs July 2020)
    Shot & Killed: 105 (+9%)
    Shot & Wounded: 517 (+4%)
    Total Shot: 622 (+5%)
    Total Homicides: 110 (+2%)

  12. Care of Jimmy T at Comrade Misfit's place:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Amy Berman Jackson let a traitorous fuck go with time served (six months), but not before making it clear to him what a dumbfuck he was and how traitorous and wrong his behavior at the Capitol had been.
    The first guilty plea for assaulting a cop on 1/6 is due later today and the deal, reportedly 41-51 months in prison, is said to be a guide for the other few hundred cases of assault still pending.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Happy Jamaican independence day!

  15. Dems in New York are impeaching Cuomo. Magats ain't doing shit about drumpf and the rest of the magat hordes of criminals, except running protection rackets and lying their asses off every day. Party first, last and only is magats war cry. Fuck the America that we screwed over to get filthy rich.

    1. They’re also suggesting shooting government workers for daring to suggest they get a vaccine.

  16. Allyson Felix Becomes The Most Decorated U.S. Track Athlete

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. I got an idea, Biden can just have Kamala declare him the winner.

  18. From Gizmodo via Crooks and Liars:

    Canadian authorities announced that they recently busted two idiots traveling from the U.S. to Toronto for failing to comply with entry requirements. According to a news release from the Public Health Agency of Canada, the travelers provided false information related to proof of vaccination credentials and pre-departure tests. In addition, they also failed to stay in government-authorized accommodations, which is a requirement for people who are not vaccinated, and carry out covid-19 arrival tests.

    The travelers, who arrived in Toronto the week of July 18, received eight fines and will have to pay $19,720 each.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. PX: She did that months ago:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Anonymous4:41 PM

    “They’re also suggesting shooting government workers for daring to suggest they get a vaccine.”

    If a Democratic politician were explicitly exhorting their base to commit violence, wingnuts would be frothing at the mouth with outrage.

    But MTG can pull this shit and there’s crickets from GOP officials and right-wing media. It’s fine to call for “Second Amendment remedies” for anything you don’t like — as long as you’re a Republican.

  21. Anonymous said...

    Again goofy trolls posting their inane nonsense here where there are no takers. Please go post somewhere else where some gullible people may believe you.

    11:43 AM

    The marxist left fears truth and debate.......

    12:46 PM
    Maybe Marxist lefties fear truth and debate, but I'm not a Marxist lefty. So bring on some truth, and name your resources that prove your claims. Then we can start the debate. I do not fear you.

  22. File this under "aggressively stupid":

    Unvaccinated Turn to Veterinary Drug

    August 8, 2021 at 1:31 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 35 Comments

    Miami Herald: “Some people itching to get their hands on a COVID-19 cure are putting themselves in danger for taking unprescribed doses of ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug used to treat diseases such as river blindness or scabies in people and prevent heartworm disease and other infestations in animals.”

    “The drug has been flying off the shelves of farm supply stores and veterinary offices as people, mostly those who refuse to get vaccinated, search for unconventional ways out of the pandemic.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Anonymous3:16 AM

    “Unvaccinated Turn to Veterinary Drug”

    I will never be able to wrap my brain around the logic of “I don’t trust doctors, but I do take advice from random weirdos with no medical expertise I saw in a YouTube video.”

    That is a gigantic Whisky Tango Foxtrot.

  24. Ivermectin comes in a plastic jug with a shoulder strap and a hose with a nozzle. You run the cattle by in a chute and pour a line of drugs along their spine and it eventually soaks into body and kills internal parasites.

    magats will love it, not because it will work, but, because they don't give up their phony freedumbs and not get free gubmint shots.

  25. "PX: She did that months ago"

    LOL! And we need it again in 2024.

  26. So which is it, Pig People, Italian military satellites or Chinese thermostats? Or were the Chinese thermostats secretly regulating the operating temperature of the Italian military satellites from the ground somehow?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Mike: Sounds kinda like sheep dip...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Yet another wingnut fool drank cult leader Trump’s poisoned Kool-Aid and paid the price. Now he’s hangin’ with Herman Cain in the afterlife.

    Anti-Vax Radio Host Who Called Fauci a ‘Power Tripping Lying Freak’ Dies of COVID

  29. Sheep are actually forced to jump into a tank of medicine. Cattle just get a line down their backs, Doug.

  30. Tramisol, is a sheep dewormer, which can be used in cattle and humans, at one time. Cocaine sellers use it in cocaine for some reason and now i think it is banned for human use.

    I remember back in the 80's athletes and others were acquiring animal steroids, growth hormones, any way they could get them, including stealing from farmers/ranchers. If used regularly they sure boost cattle growth. My landlord/ex FIL chose not to use them except on rare occasions. We could fatten one yard of cattle per year while nearby feeders were shipping 2-3 yards per year.

  31. “were the Chinese thermostats secretly regulating the operating temperature of the Italian military satellites from the ground somehow?“


    And the scary part is the leader of the free world believed this stuff. The even scarier part is people elected an imbecile who believed this stuff leader of the free world.

  32. I seem to remember running our calves through the sheep dip tank, but that was more than 50 years ago so I could be mistaken.
    This is from Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Rod Dreher
    · Aug 7
    Tucker: “I love America, I think my country is the best in the world. But don’t tell me America is more free than Hungary.”

    Christopher Hooks
    Silly for any number of reasons, but you know the trips Fox loves to take to the border? In Hungary, news coverage from the border requires a government permit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Anonymous11:28 PM

    "Tucker: 'I love America, I think my country is the best in the world. But don’t tell me America is more free than Hungary.'”

    A wildly insane statement.

    It would have been equally reasonable for Tucker to say, "I love America, I think my country is the best in the world. But don’t tell me America is more free than North Korea."

    The only reason he thinks he can get away with it is that half his audience are complete morons who won't know any better, while the other half are fascists who don't value democracy in the slightest.

  34. I found this on Blaine Thurier's Twitter feed, and as it won't copy and paste, I'm just gonna type it out:


    Yesterday I was standing in line at a local store. I was wearing a mask but the woman behind me wasn't. "Those masks don't prevent COVID," she said. I told her "Not really, but didn't you hear about the new spy technology Biden has enacted to keep track of all of us? The mask blocks that facial recognition software and the government can't follow us."
    She said "Really? Where'd you find that out?"
    "I saw it last night on Fox News, They had the machines on there and everything and showed how wearing a mask makes it useless. We can really prevent Biden's plans if we wear masks."

    And as I left I heard her on the phone telling someone.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Rilly good shoe, Doug. I went to Twitter account and hit copy image address and pasted this story on another site. Worked fine for me.

    At least one magat is writing articles of impeachment for Biden, for some inexplicable reason.


    Problem.... Black man';s music too loud for wasicu magat.

    Solution... shoot/kill unarmed Black man. Music still too loud.

  37. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Imagine… Communism

  38. Anonymous3:03 PM

    "Vaccine" = Kool-Aide

  39. Watch wasicu pig devils hold and beat a Black man while he can't fight back.

    At least 2 pigs throw pansy ass punches at helpless guys head while another pig from the sounder pulls gun on crowd so they can't even the odds and beat the shit out of pig cops.

  40. Anonymous5:21 PM

    MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

  41. It's a grift, like everything else they do (compare them with Act Blue which just kicked Cuomo off of their platform):

    GOP Fundraising Platform Not Reporting Expenses

    August 9, 2021 at 4:26 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 16 Comments

    Daily Beast: “According to the 13 campaign finance experts interviewed for this article, WinRed has not disclosed possibly tens of millions of dollars in PAC expenses. In doing so, WinRed, which Republican leaders forced on campaigns in the 2020 election, has kept secret the identities of the people and firms who work for it and provide its services.”

    “According to these experts, based on WinRed’s disclosures, the PAC appears to have potentially crossed the blurry lines of federal campaign finance laws.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Credible investigation into vote tampering happening in Colorado where magat allowed security breach and vital vote info ended up on social media, including eyes only passwords.

    But, then, we have always known magats can't win if they don't cheat, and even then they still lose.

  43. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Horrifying, Underreported Murder Of Samantha Josephson By Black Man Who Posted About Hunting White Girls

  44. Overall, we rate VDARE extreme right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of racial conspiracy theories that third party sources consider hate and propaganda that aligns with the white nationalist right.

  45. Cuomo resigns. Leaves office in 2 weeks. If only magats had any integrity they would have flushed drumpf's stinking ass years ago.

  46. So what is left for Cuomo in politics? He can always run for president as a Republican, they seem to like his sort of gropery.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Great news guys, trump is being reinstated in just a few days!!!!!!!


    8 trillion in 4 years after swearing he would erase debt and deficits.

    This is all before the pandemic occurred, apparently.

    I am waiting with bated breath, Pilot X.

    Magat pigcow Boebert from Colorado tweeted it was time we got rid of Cuomo and got the pervert out of office. She told him to keep his hands off people.

    Meanwhile, twitterverse reminder her skanky ass her hubby is a convicted pedophile. Hypocrisy thy name be Boebert.

  49. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Covid 19 "vaccine" = Zyklon B

  50. Anonymous10:34 AM

    CNN and Cori Bush promote fundraiser for fake ‘mom’
    CNN promoted a GoFundMe campaign through social media accounts which raised over $230,000. CNN’s story was originally titled, "More than $170,000 raised in 24 hours for mother and three kids facing eviction." It turns out she is just hoe babysitter! NOT HER KIDS

  51. Anonymous11:53 AM

    “Covid 19 ‘vaccine’ = Zyklon B”

    Oh really? ~200 million Americans are vaccinated. When are they all going to start dropping dead? This must be the slowest-acting poison ever invented.

    Meanwhile, 618,363 Americans have actually been killed by COVID.

  52. Anti-vax = pro-covid.

  53. Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik named as hosts of Jeopardy. I'd rather had Kunta Kinte, but, I don't have tv programming and can't see it anyway. No one can replace Trebek. LeVar Burton would have been a better choice.

  54. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik named as hosts of Jeopardy. I'd rather had Kunta Kinte, but, I don't have tv programming and can't see it anyway. No one can replace Trebek. LeVar Burton would have been a better choice."

    Weird idea having two hosts, but whatever. Maybe they're still not sure of their choice, so they're hedging their bets and will dump one of the two after a few months of ratings come in.

  55. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Ever notice how nobody seems to know anyone who got really sick from Covid or died??

  56. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik named as hosts of Jeopardy. I'd rather had Kunta Kinte, but, I don't have tv programming and can't see it anyway. No one can replace Trebek. LeVar Burton would have been a better choice.

    Levar had the lowest public acceptance

  57. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Meanwhile, 618,363 Americans have actually been killed by COVID.

    11:53 AM

    Total bullshit. More like 60k, its minor flu bug.

  58. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Are the unvaxxed the ‘New Jews’?

  59. These fucks aren't even trying any more:

    McCarthy Wants Supporters to Wear ‘Moron’ Shirts

    August 11, 2021 at 7:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 132 Comments

    This is not a joke: House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is selling t-shirts to his supporters with the word “moron” printed on the front.

    McCarthy is apparently trying to capitalize on Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently calling him a moron, but I’m not sure they thought this one through.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous said...

    Again the libtard left easily duped by the CCP. The democrats have been infiltrated by radical marxist CCP sycophants undermining America and freedom.

    "Vaccine" is a control mechanism for an over rated flu bug that has only killed 60k.

    10:59 AM
    Just keep thinking like this, kiddo. Your case is so hopeless, it doesn't require a serious reply.

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