Friday, November 12, 2021

Back soon.

 Hi field hands, I am out of pocket doing some business in the Southern regions of our great country.  

Holla at you soon.

Keep pushing, and stay safe.



    Good read and likely accurate as hell.

  2. McCTurtlefuckface demands Libs respect "judicial independunce". Strange demand from the sole appointer of extreme right wing ideologues to life time appointments in federal courts.


    3 Texass teens dress up in klan robes on Halloween and terrorize a young black kid and taser a black teen.

  4. magat ethics on display...

  5. Had about an inch of snow and it will be gone before Sunday when temps rebound into the 50s.

  6. Steve Bannon indicted by federal grand jury for contempt of Congress.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Out of Control Negro Violence :

  8. Bout time, Bannon’s ass needs to be in jail!

  9. Out of control red neck violence.

  10. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The pandemic is to force you to get the vaccine.

    The vaccine is to force you to get the vaccine passport.

    The vaccine passport is to force you into the social credit system.

    The social credit system is to force you into obeying the government.

    Obeying the gov’t means mandatory 6 month shots for the rest of your life.

    No thanks.

  11. 76 acres of cropland on my North corner sold for $19.1k per acre yesterday. $1,451,600.00.

  12. So from what I've been reading, the Moderna booster offers the most protection of the three available boosters for those who originally had the J&J shot like me.
    Today, in the grocery store, I walked up to the pharmacy window, filled out an ID form, showed them my vax card, and had the Moderna booster in my arm fifteen minutes later.
    Continued with my shopping, and got a coupon for 10% off my grocery bill, which was less than ten bucks, but every little bit helps when you're as poor as I am.
    No adverse effects, and did fifteen pushups when I got home without any soreness in my left arm where I got the shot.
    Just like the original shot I got at the end of April.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Anonymous1:24 AM

    "So from what I've been reading, the Moderna booster offers the most protection of the three available boosters for those who originally had the J&J shot like me.
    Today, in the grocery store, I walked up to the pharmacy window, filled out an ID form, showed them my vax card, and had the Moderna booster in my arm fifteen minutes later."

    Oh no, now you'll be magnetic, and Bill Gates will track you, and the libs will put you in a camp and make you eat vegan food!

  14. I just wonder if there's a data cap on the microchip, and whether it gets better reception than my cheap-ass Samsung smartphone, because if not, they still won't know where I am about 75% of the time...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. "and the libs will put you in a camp"

    The Walmart in Texas that Obama was going to put us in?

  16. Kiss yer Social Security cola goodbye. Medicare announced a 14.5% jump in Medicare Part B, almost 22 bucks per month for lower scale Medicare recipients.

  17. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Hmmm I find this very
    suspicious not to mention ironic how come
    nobody is (?) what did these so called black
    immigrants achieved in what category did they achieved
    in is it advance math, engineering of various types, learning
    more than one language, culinary, science. again another irony
    here is how come these so called blacks immigrants are not achieving
    this back at home where they came from in their own continent but some
    how their magically doing it in the white mans continent, nation. this is
    clearly liberal bull crap malarkey.

  18. Is our "achieved" anymoose (2:12 PM) learning English? Doesn't sound like it.

    Why not regale us with how many Blacks achieved death in Chicago?

  19. Project Veritas claims Asley Biden's diary was legally acquired after she had abandoned it. Translation, someone stole it and we bought and published it right before the election.

  20. Anonymous said...

    "Hmmm I find this very
    suspicious not to mention ironic how come
    nobody is (?) what did these so called black
    immigrants achieved in what category did they achieved
    in is it advance math, engineering of various types, learning
    more than one language, culinary, science. again another irony
    here is how come these so called blacks immigrants are not achieving
    this back at home where they came from in their own continent but some
    how their magically doing it in the white mans continent, nation. this is
    clearly liberal bull crap malarkey."

    2:12 PM
    Dear Anonymous,
    I kindly suggest that you take a basic English course. You will learn verb tenses, punctuation, and grammar before you lecture us in writing about you fear of immigrants.

  21. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Yeah no I
    would need proof what I mean
    by that is I would need to see how
    they did it. I'm just not going to take you're word for it
    considering first of all if black people were able to do that all this
    time than why do they keep making spears an not other diverse, variety
    of weapons besides the spear and used a cows hide an turned it into a shield
    not to mention a lot or most of them are and or were naked dancing around a fire
    in grass skirts or the other way around a lot of them or most were naked. if they were
    able to make busts, statues which they clearly didn't they wouldn't be living in huts
    eating mud cookies, mosquito burgers an having famine also they would have been
    able to built houses that are one, two, three or more stories high and a mansion to go
    along with it. lets not forget if they are an or were able to do these things they will have
    been able to build sky scrapers like you see every where in the world same goes for bridges
    like the Manhattan bridge, Golden gate bridge but you don't. has anyone ever seen and all black
    carpenters crew building a house or a mansion let alone both an all black construction crew building
    sky scraper's, bridge's, infrastructure's, water pipe line system's, power plants yeah I don't think so because
    if they were able to do all those things that I mentioned they wouldn't be complaining, grunting, groaning, moaning,
    cherry picking, nit picking and blaming their actions, failures, issues on white people an pulling the race card or any
    other card that is known, unknown to man for that matter and committing black on black crimes, black on white crimes,
    black on yellow crimes, black on brown crimes nationally, internationally.

  22. The biggest whiners and complainers about Blacks are racist magats, like yourself. Take a voyage of discovery to Africa and learn for yourself, the truths Fake Noize will never tell you.

    You have access to the internet, there are millions of articles around, history, cultural, religious, whatever you'd want to give you the answers to your queries. You can search the rest of your life and never find all you need to know about people you are taught to hate so much. Just don't drag your shit to a blog owned by a black lawyer and expect to get loved for being a racist.

  23. More proof drumpf targeted Muslim citizens for drone attacks...

    and the military lied/covered up.

  24. Wherein these Black immigrants are earning more degrees than white American citizens and how come is why they are achieving so much more but why is white immigration from other countries and what and soforth?😆😂


  26. Anonymous11:59 PM

    "More proof drumpf targeted Muslim citizens for drone attacks...

    and the military lied/covered up."

    It's not clear that our Air Force targeted civilians in this incident. More likely, they targeted ISIS members but weren't particularly bothered about killing a lot of civilians along with them.

    The laws of war in fact allow the killing of civilians along with legit military targets, but you're supposed to "minimize" collateral damage, whatever that means. I'm not sure exactly what the acceptable dead-civilian-to-dead-bad-guy ratio is, but some Air Force lawyer thought it had been exceeded and complained about it to a Senate oversight committee. And then the news presumably got leaked from the oversight committee to the news media.

  27. That may be true, Anon, but.....

    March 14, 2017, 12:46 PM CDT / Updated March 14, 2017, 12:46 PM CDT
    By Ken Dilanian, Hans Nichols and Courtney Kube
    The Trump administration is moving ahead with plans to make it easier for the CIA and the military to target terrorists with drone strikes, even if it means tolerating more civilian casualties, U.S. officials told NBC News.

    The military already has declared that parts of Yemen and Somalia are war zones — "areas of active hostilities" in Pentagon parlance — which means the U.S. has greater latitude to launch strikes even if civilian deaths are possible.

    That is part of a broad policy shift underway, U.S. officials say, to grant the CIA and the military more autonomy to target and kill al Qaeda and ISIS militants without presidential sign-off in countries such as Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.

  28. Anonymous at 8:25 PM said...

    "Yeah no I
    would need proof what I mean
    by that is I would need to see how
    they did it......"
    Please read something about the history of Africa.

    " Africa's written history starts with the rise of Egyptian civilization in the 4th millennium BC, and in succeeding centuries follows the ...,"

    You are either willfully or woefully ignorant. Either way you should not be trying to fool people on this website.



  30. Officers of the Louisville Metro PD found to be klan members. Shocking!

  31. Anonymous2:54 PM

    There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to disparage ivermectin as a “horse dewormer” that only a loony person would consider taking. Yet that’s what mainstream media have done, virtually without exception.

    It's used to treat yellow fever, west nile, dengue fever, and a host of other viral infections.

  32. Anonymous3:08 PM

    "It's used to treat yellow fever, west nile, dengue fever, and a host of other viral infections."

    Ivermectin is mainly used to treat parasitic infestations, almost none of which occur commonly in humans in the United States. So yeah, in America, it's basically a livestock dewormer.

    But this is all besides the actual point, which is that IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK ON COVID.

  33. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Also, just as a side note, because no reputable doctor will prescribe you ivermectin to treat COVID (though you can find a few unethical quacks who will), a lot of the wingnut fools who are taking ivermectin are buying the variety meant for livestock at their local farm supply stores.

    So, yeah, they are literally taking horse dewormer.

  34. PX: I watched Beau's video and it reminded me a lot of what Daniel Quinn called "mother culture", or the story that pervades your every waking moment and promotes the dominant culture's mythology as the obvious unquestionable truth, when it is really neither of those.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Good for Robert.

  36. First intro to Robert Cray was the "Strong Persuader"sessions on Austin City limits. Loved his music and playing.

    Clapton has jumped the shark on misinforming about covid.

  37. Bannon says he will surrender to feds tomorrow. I hope it is all Black officers and they shoot the son of a bitch and reload because they were afaid for their lives.

  38. Anonymous5:16 PM

    New Pfizer antiviral and ivermectin, a pharmacodynamic analysis

  39. Anonymous5:18 PM

  40. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "Our Strategy
    The Carter Center assists ministries of health in six nations to eliminate river blindness through health education and mass drug administration (MDA) of the medicine Mectizan® (Canadian brand Ivermectin), donated by Merck & Co., Inc. When necessary and feasible, the programs add black fly vector control as a complementary approach."

    I'm going to repeat what I said earlier:

    "Ivermectin is mainly used to treat parasitic infestations, almost none of which occur commonly in humans in the United States. So yeah, in America, it's basically a livestock dewormer."

    River blindness does not exist in America. In fact, all of the human diseases for which ivermectin is a frontline treatment almost never occur in America. These are basically diseases of tropical nations too poor to be able to afford modern sewage systems.


    And I'm again going to repeat what I said earlier:

    "Also, just as a side note, because no reputable doctor will prescribe you ivermectin to treat COVID (though you can find a few unethical quacks who will) ..."

    America's Frontline Doctors are unethical quacks.

  41. Dr John Campbell is an emergency room nurse. Haven't found where or if he rates on the quackery scale, yet.

  42. "America's Frontline Doctors are unethical quacks."

    Led by a woman who has stated that ovarian cysts and endometriosis are caused by having sex with demons in your dreams.
    So of course Fergus made a big deal out of their quacking and grifting, (yes, they were selling bullshit "cures", that's protocol for right wingers without a place at the wingnut welfare slop trough), and of course DeSantis has made one of them named Ladapo the surgeon general of Florida. He had previously worked at UCLA, who were so horrified by his obvious quackery that they wrote a letter to the Florida state legislature asking them to please reconsider confirming him as the top health official in the state. Which was followed by another letter from 350 actual medical doctors in Florida asking the same thing.
    UCLA did allow his claims of having treated covid patients to be debunked. One of his former coworkers said "While we're glad he's gone, we really don't wish him on the state of Florida in any official capacity, let alone surgeon general."
    He's surgeon general of Florida right now anyway.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous9:23 PM

    "One of his former coworkers said 'While we're glad he's gone, we really don't wish him on the state of Florida in any official capacity, let alone surgeon general.'
    He's surgeon general of Florida right now anyway."

    Because dirtbag DeSantis wants to run for president, so pandering to the covidiot Trump trash is more important to him than keeping the residents of his state alive.

  44. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Sunday, November 14, 2021
    Cardiologist Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, 52, Who Vowed Not to Cry for Unvaccinated Deaths Dies in Sleep After 3rd Jab (Covid Vaccine Booster)

    A Canadian cardiologist who tempted fate by claiming he would never shed a tear for unvaccinated deaths died suddenly in his sleep weeks after receiving his Covid booster jab.
    This week it was reported Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, 52, a director of the Interventional Cardiology program at the New Brunswick Heart Centre, died suddenly in his sleep.

    “It is with profound sadness that we report the sudden and unexpected death of a colleague, friend, father, partner and inspiring spirit,” read a statement from the New Brunswick Heart Centre.

    Months earlier, the Saint John-based cardiologist had made his sentiments toward the “selfish” unvaccinated known in a July Twitter post, in which he claimed he would not feel sad at their funerals.

    “The collective arguement to protect those who CANNOT get the vaccine who WANT protection – immune compromised , the very young – the homeless and disenfranchised,” tweeted Lutchmedial. “For those that won’t get the shot for selfish reasons – whatever – I won’t cry at their funeral.”

    In another post back in August, the doctor also suggested calling the jabs “antibody guns” to get Americans on board with vaccinations.

    Fast-forward to late October, and a Facebook update by Lutchmedial indicates he indeed received a third Covid-19 vaccine, known as a booster jab.

    Dr. Lutchmedial died 15 days after the Facebook post.

    “It was sudden, unexpected for all of us. He was actually on call yesterday morning,” colleague Jean-Fracois Légaré described.

    Given the timeframe of Lutchmedial’s recent jab, it’s widely speculated and highly likely the vaccine could very well be responsible for his death.

    Despite the mysterious death, however, a CBC article dedicated to Lutchmedial made no mention of an investigation launched to determine the doctor’s cause of death.

  45. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "Sunday, November 14, 2021
    Cardiologist Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, 52, Who Vowed Not to Cry for Unvaccinated Deaths Dies in Sleep After 3rd Jab (Covid Vaccine Booster)"

    Ah, an article from InfoWars, the most trusted voice in news. Obviously, everything in this story must be completely factual.

    Much like the time InfoWars broke the story that Obama controls the weather. Or revealed that juice boxes can make you turn gay.

    Thank God for hard-hitting investigative journalist Alex Jones, or we'd never know about any of these important issues. It's a shame how the families of the Connecticut school shooting "crisis actors" sued poor Alex into the poorhouse for defamation, just for saying their dead kids aren't real.

  46. “so pandering to the covidiot Trump trash is more important to him than keeping the residents of his state alive”

    Don’t go in too hard on your next president. MTG will be his VP.

  47. Alex Jones darn near bankrupted hisself with contempt of court fines for not producing documents and assorted asshatteries during pre trial motions.

    Texass attorney prosecuting Jones is none other than Juanita jean's baby boy, Mark Bankston. She is a very prowd Mama.

  48. Bannon is in custody. Now lynch the son of a bitch before he slimes his way out of prison.

  49. Magats (evangelicals) determine helping the poors is unkristian.

    Just like jeebus said, feed the rich to shut them fucking whiny saps up.

  50. Fake Noize selectively edits Biden speech about Satchel Paige, just like dead Breitbart and O' keefefucker.

  51. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Whoa. The judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case has now dismissed the gun charge against him, based on vagueness in the law around the permissible length of a gun barrel. That charge was a slam-dunk for the prosecution before the judge ruled it didn’t apply.

    So now it’s possible Rittenhouse may not be convicted on any charges.

  52. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Beto O'Roarke is taking another crack at it. He's going to run for Texas governor against the loathsome Greg Abbott.

    Best of luck to him. Few things would make me happier than to see Abbott toppled. He's been running his state into the ground, so this would be an objectively good thing for most Texans, and I'm not above admitting that the screams of agony of the wingnuts as a liberal seized control of the governorship would be the icing on the cake.

  53. Anonymous1:58 PM

    *Beto O'Rourke

  54. Alex Jones Found Guilty In Sandy Hook Defamation Suits

    Now permanently bankrupt that sleazy motherfucker. Just like the Aryan Nation, that should be the template for how we as a society deal with these scumbags.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous3:59 PM

    So now it’s possible Rittenhouse may not be convicted on any charges.

    1:20 PM

    He never should have been charged in the first place. He was charged less than 48 hours after the incident. No way the police could do a real and competent investigation.

    Classic example of a Stalin Soviet show trial.

  56. There was no vagueness about Kenosha Killer Kyle possessing an illegal firearm, illegally. 17 year olds can use those guns for hunting animals, not humans.

    His Mother griped if he didn't have the gun he would be dead. She can't possibly know this. If he didn't have the gun he couldn't have murdered people and likely get away with it. No gun, doubt if he would have been attacked at all. And for sure he wouldn't have been walking down the middle of the street shooting people.

    Meanwhile, in Aubery trial, defense attorney complained about Jesse Jackson being in the audience and asked the judge how many ministers the bereaved family needed.

  57. Anonymous4:01 PM


  58. Anonymous4:20 PM

    "There was no vagueness about Kenosha Killer Kyle possessing an illegal firearm, illegally. 17 year olds can use those guns for hunting animals, not humans."

    No vagueness over whether he had a gun or whether he was under the age specified in that law.

    However, the judge is saying there is vagueness over it was an illegal gun. Apparently, he thinks the law only covers guns with barrels of certain lengths, and Kyle's gun may not qualify. Or something like that.

  59. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Kelly Baden
    "It’s no coincidence that bipartisan easier to get for a bill creating jobs that will almost all go to men than one that will raise the floor of well-being for women and children, and create higher pay and better quality jobs for fields women are overrep'd in."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Watched krocodile tear krying Kenosha killer Kyle's tear flow several times. A solid remedy for the mid-winter blues if Alvin Lee's "The Bluest Blues" isn't available.

  61. And again:

    Qasim Rashid, Esq.
    White supremacy is when a cop goes free after murdering 12-yr-old Tamir Rice, b/c Tamir shouldn't have played with a toy gun—but a judge dismisses a weapons charge against white supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse for an AR-15 weapon of war, even after he actually murdered 2 people w/it

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. "TRUMP IS GREAT!!"

    Which is why he won. Wait.........LOL!

  63. Anonymous12:19 AM

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at dressing like a clown.

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at ripping off his employees, suppliers, and investors

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at going bankrupt.

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at assaulting women.

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at telling absurd lies.

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at fomenting hate and dividing the country.

    TRUMP IS GREAT!! ... at killing hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens

  64. trump is great at getting his associates arrested.

  65. Anonymous3:31 AM

    "trump is great at getting his associates arrested."

    He certainly is. He is unquestionably the all-time champion US president when it comes to having his appointees and chums end up in the clink.

  66. magat justices are religious liberty hypocrites of the first order and beyond.

    Good read.

  67. Visited with landlord today and asked him who was making all the money off 6 bucks a pound hamburger and he said packers are making 7-800 bucks per each beef carcass. I remember in the 90s when I was actively engaged in cattle feeding, we were lucky to get 800 bucks per fat steer at the packers.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. We raised our cattle to eat, mostly, and made a deal with the butcher that he would come out and slaughter them, clean up, take the carcass to the shop and butcher and package it, and give us half. Kept the big freezer full of the very best beef the six of us could eat for years that way. The ones we didn't eat, we sold at the auction house in Eureka, at a tidy (if small by today's standards) profit.
    My dad slaughtered the first one, thinking it would be like dressing a deer, only bigger, and never made that mistake again.

    So Donald Kirk Hartle will plead guilty today of voting twice in Nevada, after trying and failing to use his dead wife's ballot.
    Of course he's a goddamn Republican, and all of the wingnut media lauded him as having irrefutable evidence that voter fraud exists.
    Well, attempted voter fraud does sometimes exist, perpetrated by almost exclusively Republicans (who try it because their propaganda has been telling them it's common and easy for fucking ever, when really it's surprisingly difficult and therefore rare) and now their number one case proving voter fraud will plead out to being a, wait for it... fraud.
    Won't make any difference to the Pig People, who are impervious to contradiction of propaganda.
    What I'm wondering is whether he'll get a lighter sentence than Crystal Mason?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Alan Dershowitz: Rittenhouse 'should be acquitted,' then sue liberal media outlets for their 'deliberate and willful lies'
    'It's the New Yorker and CNN that are the vigilantes'

  71. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Orange man good!!

  72. Anonymous6:34 PM

    "Alan Dershowitz: Rittenhouse 'should be acquitted,' then sue liberal media outlets for their 'deliberate and willful lies'
    'It's the New Yorker and CNN that are the vigilantes'"

    Once ostensibly a liberal, Dershowitz has gone full Trump trash, so no surprise that he's now sucking up to the wingnut maniacs who consider Rittenhouse an actual hero for shooting protesters.

    He's also been accused of being a perv. Virginia Giuffre, the former Jeffrey Epstein sex slave who is suing British royal Prince Andrew, claims she was forced by Epstein to service Dershowitz as well.

    He's just an all-around great guy.

  73. So Russia tested an anti-satellite missile by blowing up one of their old satellites and creating a debris field that made the occupants of the ISS have to retreat into their descent vehicles.
    NASA said it's tracking 1,300 pieces that are big enough to see from the ground, and has no idea how many smaller pieces there may be.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. Anonymous3:26 AM

    “So Russia tested an anti-satellite missile by blowing up one of their old satellites and creating a debris field that made the occupants of the ISS have to retreat into their descent vehicles.”

    Putin seems determined to offend and provoke the international community at literally every available opportunity. At this point, he’s turned Russia into the nation-state equivalent of a drunken, antisocial teenager, angry at the world, running around flipping the bird at random, shoplifting and vandalizing, and pissing in your flower beds. Nobody respects them, and so they’ve decided to lean into the disrespect and be the most obnoxious piece-of-shit country they can possibly be.

  75. Anonymous3:43 AM

    The astronauts in the ISS are probably trying hard to keep their minds off that horror scene from the movie Gravity. You know, the one where the Russians shoot down one of their satellites and cause a massive amount of dangerous space debris? That one.

  76. South Dakotuh's whiny, bitchy guv's whiny, bitchy snowflake daughter throws a fit and quits real estate appraiser's job mommy just helped her get.

    Sounds like another Palin/drumpf dysfuckeduptional family of magats.

  77. Wonder if the judge took him to Micky D's afterwards.....

    Twelve jurors are weighing homicide and other charges against Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting and killing two people and wounding a third during police brutality protests last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The judge let Rittenhouse randomly select from a raffle drum which six jurors from the panel of 18 would serve as alternates. CBS News correspondent Nancy Chen joined "CBSN AM" from outside the courthouse in Kenosha to discuss that and how authorities are preparing for the verdict.

    Maybe an after selection shared smoke and a cuddle.

  78. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Kamala Harris....another politician that failed the bar exam

  79. 21% of first time bar takers fail the exam.

  80. Overdose deaths top 100k for first time.

  81. Anonymous2:34 PM

    ”Overdose deaths top 100k for first time.”

    Opioid overdose deaths increased by more than 25% due to the COVID lockdowns.

    Since Trump’s refusal to take the pandemic seriously, and to close borders and lock down early and hard, only had the ultimate effect of making the lockdowns longer and more painful, you can add many of those deaths to his already horrendous body count.

  82. anymoose, when Killer Kyle is set free, you won't hear or see a single crocodile tear from any Libs. OTOH, if he is found guilty, magat heads will explode.


    And the beat goes on. LOL!


    Listen to anymoose and magats decry the ruin of space station culture by being inclusive. Poor babies.

  85. "Putin seems determined to offend and provoke the international community at literally every available opportunity."
    He's seriously jealous of Xi and China right now. Russia used to be the USSR, the only other superpower, and now they're a rump state with an economy about the size of Spain's.
    So yeah, he's gonna act out, and I wouldn't want to be Ukrainian right about now, because he still does have an army.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. From Steve Benen:

    Crystal Mason cast a provisional ballot in the 2016 elections while on supervised release for a federal conviction. She didn't know she was ineligible to vote, and her ballot was never counted, but Mason — a Black woman — was convicted of illegal voting and sentenced to five years in prison.

    It's hard not to notice that white guys like Donald Kirk Hartle, Robert Richard Lynn, Edward Snodgrass, and Bruce Bartman received vastly more lenient sentences, despite the fact that they knowingly hatched schemes to cast illegal ballots on behalf of dead relatives.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. Rich wasicu rapist gets probation for raping 4 underage girls. Huydge said he prayed and determined prison was not appropriate for snowflake who was only 16 when he assaulted 3 16 y/o and one 15 y/o.

  88. Nevada voter fraudster takes plea deal, avoids prison time.

  89. Rumour has it judge in Killer Kyle trial licked Rittenhouse's hair all slobbery and patted his ass as he went back into his cushy cell for the night. KKK was seen toting a doll in the image of the judge.

  90. Gosar censured and stripped of committee assignments on a partisan vote..

  91. KKK's defense final argument.....

    November 16, 2021
    Just when you thought that the Kyle Rittenhouse trial couldn't get any more disgusting, Rittenhouse's defense attorney, Mark Richards, said, "Hold my beer."

    “Other people in this community have shot somebody seven times and it’s been found to be ok. My client did it four times…”

    — Acyn (@Acyn) November 15, 2021

    The first shooting is about when Rusten Sheckey, a white cop, shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back seven times, leaving Blake permanently paralyzed and dependent on a wheelchair.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Gosar censured and kicked off of his committees so he has more time to do Republican shit in the party of no-governing motherfuckers, while Lizard the fuck Cheney, who voted with Fergus more than Gosar, Gaetz or most of the other crazier-than-thou Republicans is no longer recognized as a Republican by her home state party.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. Moar wasicu privilege....

    wasicu drug dealer got deal of a lifetime and was sentenced to 15 years probation and was not considered to be convicted felon. He broke probation by drinking alcohol at a strip joint and was caught backing out of a parking spot while intoxicated. He was not charged with DUI and was given a courtesy ride home, not the morgue which was apparently reserved for unconvicted felons of color.

  95. YaHoo news said to expect KKK verdict soon.

  96. After 58 years in prison, since he was 17, Henry Montgomery finally gets pardoned. He was part of Scotus case about juvies getting life sentences.

  97. Two of the three men convicted of Malcolm X's murder will have their convictions vacated tomorrow.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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