Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Fighting off the dark clouds.


I spent some time in Jamaica recently, and even with all of its challenges as a Third World country, I felt an incredible amount of peace. My mind felt rested, and the love I felt from the people around me was genuine and heartfelt. 

Then I came back home to America, and my spirit and my soul instantly felt restless. I can't put my finger on it, but I am sure that a lot of you reading this feel it as well. There is a dark cloud hanging over this great country of ours, and it has been for some time now. Maybe it's the extreme anger and Fascism creeping into our politics, maybe it's a justice system that doesn't seem so just anymore, and maybe it's just the madness and depravity that has taken hold of our citizenry that has them committing one senseless and unspeakable crime after another. Whatever it is, that cloud is chasing us, and it seems to be just a matter of time before it engulfs us all. 

Then what? How will we react collectively when the country we thought was the "shiny city on a hill"--- meant to be an example for the rest of the world of how a true democracy functions, starts falling apart at the seams? It feels like it already is, but the worse, I suspect, is yet to come. 

Some of you will notice that I have been blogging less these days. There is still a lot to write about, but sadly, my heart just isn't in. It doesn't seem like enough. There has to be more we can do than just write. I have been trying, but nothing changes. I am sure that a lot of you have as well. Hopefully you won't get discouraged, and you will keep fighting the good fight to preserve what's left of our democracy and this great experiment we call America.

Today, while walking in Center City, Philadelphia, I saw a gentleman who was clearly down on his luck and was asking folks passing by for some change. I stopped and gave him a few bucks and before I moved on, something told me to just ask him how he was doing. "I'm good. You sharp. You a lawyer?" I told him yes, and asked him how he knew. " You got that lawyer look about you. Like you don't give a f*** abut nothing but winning. I like that look."  I know I don't look it, but I'm winning, too." He meant it. I looked at him, and he sure as hell didn't look like he was winning. But winning or losing in the game of life can be such a subjective thing. Winning can mean different things to different people. He was alive an he seemed to have all of his mental faculties together. That might be all the win he needs or wants.

Sadly, in America, we all just don't feel like we are winning these days. The thing is, though, whether it's some guy down on his luck in Center City, Philadelphia, or a lawyer going about his daily grind and trying to make ends- meet, we are all in the same boat together. Where we get from here in that boat will depend on all of us doing what we can to make sure the boat doesn't go down and drown us all. We all have to play our part, because dark clouds are out there, and they aren't going away any time soon.    


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I too recognize the feelings expressed. It feels like democracy is on life support.

  2. It only feels that way because that's the way it is.

  3. I'm feeling something too. In my case I'm hurting because I just can't believe how this murder trial for Kyle R. has completely exploded all of the wounds in our national psyche. Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse with the deep malaise and and depression/denial afflicting our conservative citizens widening the chasm between us. Today racial and political lines have been drawn that amount to nothing less than all-out war. Now that the white supremacist crowd had a big win with the not guilty verdicts, they are still not happy, but bloodthirsty with a lust to kill us all. I have never seen such hatred as I have this week. And I've been studying these guys for some time wondering what the hell our country can do about these troubles.

    I mean these guys hate us. They really do. I was called human filth a couple of nights ago. I was really just asking one of my former conservative friends where we have gone wrong. I asked him, "My God. What happened to you?" They want us dead. That's why the defensive gun use is glorified today. Ask Matt Gaetz if it was a thrill to see Kyle R. escape prison. That's the prize. Kill a bad black person or some wicked Antifa guy. They honestly believe that both movements are guilty of the most dangerous terrorism that our country has ever faced.

  4. What is new? My hope is that people see things for what they are. That will bring more people on the left together and we can stop our petty squabbling. That is good but sad we had to almost lose our rights in the process but Spike Lee told us back in 1988 to wake the fuck up but some folks refuse to believe fat meat is greasy. It's also gonna be funny when house negroes like Candy-O see first hand they've been playing on the wrong team when they get their nigga wake up call Paul Mooney warned them about. Lol! Bro, you can't tell me that won't be a glorious day. And as far as winning, the other team that wants to eradicate us doesn't know who they're dealing with! Man, we've survived slavery, attempts to tear our communities and families apart but as my man told you "we're still winning". Did you think the Avengers series was over when half of them had been turned to dust and it was only Captain America left to fight? Did you leave the theater bemoaning their defeat? Bro, grab the popcorn the epilogue is about to begin.

  5. Anonymous9:36 PM

    That will bring more people on the left together and we can stop our petty squabbling.

    When the insane leadership of your party is going to lose the feminists and maybe even the lesbians over their insistence that anyone who feels like wearing a dress is "a woman", good luck with that.

    It's also gonna be funny when house negroes like Candy-O see first hand they've been playing on the wrong team when they get their nigga wake up call Paul Mooney warned them about.

    No, Candace Owens is playing for the team which will NOT get you wiped out by convincing you that trying to burn Kenosha to the ground is NOT the way to gain sympathy.  The next time your side tries something that stupid, expect to be met with overwhelming force.  The attempt to railroad Kyle Rittenhouse shows the bankruptcy of the leftist cause, as does the lawfare against the Charlottesville four.  Next time you'll be facing shooters you can't even see, people wearing disguises who let off a couple well-aimed rounds and vanish, to do it again from another vantage point.

    OBTW, you'll also have to get control of your "yoots" like this clown whose carelessly-fired bullet took the life of young mother Melanie Yates.  If you won't clean up your own mess, expect those who do to classify you as part of the problem.

    the other team that wants to eradicate us doesn't know who they're dealing with!

    The team that's getting fed up with you carried you here in chains and brought the Comanche Sioux to heel.  You got nothing on them.

  6. https://www.npr.org/local/305/2021/11/22/1057964879/it-s-now-possible-to-visit-the-smithsonian-s-african-american-history-museum-virtually?utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&fbclid=IwAR1fBGXho_gzSG1S9L-o9H2tc5xpGqCCGlCgVYYMLmH01PgFc2zTvUb_UFI

    Here's some good news. You can visit the Smithsonian African American History Museum online.

  7. "The team that's getting fed up with you carried you here in chains and brought the Comanche Sioux to heel."

    LOL! Sure thing team keyboard warrior.

  8. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Here’s an important fact: According to the CDC’s own VAERS data, nearly one million Americans have reported adverse reactions to the Covid jabs. Also noted by the CDC itself as well as a Harvard study is the fact that only between 1% and 10% of actual adverse reactions are ever reported to the system. Doctors in hospitals across the country have been instructed NOT to report adverse reactions to VAERS.

    With one million reports, that means that by the CDC’s own estimates there have been somewhere between 9,000,000 and 90,000,000 adverse reactions to the vaccines, including debilitating injuries and deaths. Meanwhile, the children they’ve forced to wear face masks and are now prompting to get vaccinated have a 99.993% recovery rate for Covid-19 ACCORDING TO THE CDC’s OWN DATA.

  9. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "There is a dark cloud hanging over this great country of ours, and it has been for some time now"


  10. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Joseph Rosenbaum: Sex Offender 2002 Arizona Criminal Complaint


  11. "Doctors in hospitals across the country have been instructed NOT to report adverse reactions to VAERS."

    You know the deal anon, you must include a link.

  12. Live coverage of NASA launch of asteroid killer rocket.


  13. I am more worried about the adverse effects of the propaganda the right has been pushing like drugs for forty years or more. There are supposedly functional human beings in Dallas right this minute who are waiting for JFK and JFK Jr. to come back from the dead and help usher in the kingdom of Fergus.
    Significant fractions of the Republican electorate believe the country is run by cannibalistic pedophiles.
    Their minds have been so weakened by the constant intake of obvious lies that they have lost their flair for their own normal personal lives, and rely upon a fantasy world to be served to them daily to feel as if they are making sense of things.
    Making common cause with such people as they are right now is impossible, even on simple matters of life and death like masks and vaccines.
    Something has to be done about the propaganda merchants or we are lost for at least another generation, but what that might be I don't know.
    From what I have seen of them, though, the next generation isn't sitting still for this bullshit, and I have a high level of confidence that they are up to the task of repairing the bullshit we have left them, with the possible exception of climate change, which is now too far along to reverse, so their world will be measurably less hospitable to human life than it was when we got it.
    That seems horribly unfair, but it is what it is, and really, what else do you expect them to do?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Anonymous1:30 AM

    It's time to stop babbling on about America as the Shining City on a Hill.

    That propaganda myth has never been true except in the minds of suckers and dupes.

    If the Rittenhouse verdict didn't focus your attention, you are lost.

    Make no mistake: the American Race War is returning.

    Analysis: A race war evident long before the Capitol siege

    Rittenhouse verdict was message to white youth: If you believe Black lives matter, your life means nothing

  15. The anonymoid at 11:51 pm spoke of "marxist democrats". Has it seen the Democrats? Why did it stop with that absurdity? Why not graduate to wooden iron, icy fire, and reptilian roses?

    Insanity is not a rightist glitch. Nor is it a feature. Insanity is the rightist operating system.

  16. Joseph Rosenbaum: Sex Offender 2002 Arizona Criminal Complaint

    Kenosha Killer Kyle - woman beater can't let the jury hear about it. might prejudice them.

    Whorin Boobalert, Colorado unhinged congress POS married to a pedophile.

    Gaetz, child molester congress POS from Floriduh.

    Need I continue?

  17. Yes to all those points, and feelings. I'm an old white man and I don't want the country to fall apart before I die, but it just might. The worst of us are flexing their collective muscles, they've had leadership ever since Reagan and are now more brazen than ever. But the contrarian in me says whatabout the growing Black and other minority elites, taking bigger and bigger parts as spokespeople and moral forces and creative presences in all parts of our society? Not causes for celebration? It's really Armageddon, with gerrymandering trying to put the racist, Fascist minority in the driver's seat for an irreversible future.
    Kevin Hart was talking on Stephen Colbert the other night about giving back to kids, letting them know that they CAN realize their dreams. My foreign-born wife turned to me and said, "It's not ENOUGH for black kids to believe in themselves. There has to be change with WHITE PEOPLE." She finally got it, I didn't know she hadn't before but at least she does now. There need to be more previously unconcerned adults to wake up to what's going on, but as with global warming, it may be too late already.

  18. Anonymous said...

    going to lose the feminists and maybe even the lesbians over their insistence that anyone who feels like wearing a dress is "a woman", good luck with that.

    What the fuck is this?
    (a total break from reality.)

    The next time your side tries something that stupid, expect to be met with overwhelming force. The attempt to railroad Kyle Rittenhouse shows the bankruptcy of the leftist cause, as does the lawfare against the Charlottesville four.

    The Nazis march into town and kill a woman and that's OK with you as long as the dead woman's politics are different from your own?

    Next time you'll be facing shooters you can't even see, people wearing disguises who let off a couple well-aimed rounds and vanish, to do it again from another vantage point.

    Apparently you do not expect any of us to shoot back; are the people on your side bullet proof?

    What the hell is wrong with you making all these threats while being too chicken shit to even post a screen name? Are we supposed to be afraid of you?

    BTW, are you the same idiot who told me my grandsons would murder me?

  19. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Apparently you do not expect any of us to shoot back

    I expect you idiots to shoot, but because you won't be able to identify any targets you'll likely hit your own if you hit anybody.

    are the people on your side bullet proof?

    Don't need to be if you can't spot targets.  As body armor looks suspicious, probably won't be.

  20. “What the hell is wrong with you making all these threats while being too chicken shit to even post a screen name? Are we supposed to be afraid of you?“

    Yup, just like Rittenhouse these pasty pudgy losers can’t fight so they have to carry guns. Sad part is if women would pay them any attention these incels wouldn’t have to spend all their waking hours day dreaming about race wars and other stupid shit. I think it’ll be cheaper to chip in a few bucks to hire them hookers than have the state flip the bill when they invariably do something stupid and end up in the pokie.

  21. Next time you'll be facing shooters you can't even see, people wearing disguises who let off a couple well-aimed rounds and vanish, to do it again from another vantage point.

    Perfect self defense reasoning to shoot wasicu wasteys on sight where ever they are sliming long. Like KKK, wasicu wasteys lose their claim to self defense when they start the trouble, like Killer Kyle, who is being fucked in the ass by every white scumacyst outfit to pay for his appearance, imho.

  22. Rittenkiller and Arbery murderers should have faced juries of overwhelming Black peers.

  23. Comanche and Lakota are different Indian nations entirely.
    Read some real US History for once.

  24. https://www.rawstory.com/ahmaud-arbery-mcmichael-verdict/

    Travis McMurderer guilty on all counts.

  25. Wasicu wastey holds up Little Caesar's pizza with AK-47 after being told of 10 minute wait for disgusting pizza.


  26. magat scumbitch Taylor-Green wants to give Kenosha Killer Kyle Congressional Murder of Honor medal or the chest to pin it on.

    Guy who rammed paradegoers claims self defense. People attacked his vehicle with their bodies and he was scared for his life. drumpf can invite him to Mar-a-lago, too.

    Won't even need a trial.

  27. Wizzy2:33 PM

    WHY do you allow assholes like that racist, evil, troll Anonymous to continue to post on this site?? I am SICK and tired of his ignorant trump-humping ass!!!

    1. Just don't feed it. Trolls like to feed on negative energy. You're winning in the end and it knows that. Thus the hateration.🙂

  28. Ahmaud Arbery's killers all three guilty and face minimum life sentences. Maybe hunting people you have been told to hate for sport isn't the new normal after all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. PilotX @ 12:17 am.....

    Quote apparently comes from NOQ Report.com

    Here is what Media Bias/Fact Check has to say about the bullshit....

    Overall, we rate NOQ Report Far-Right Biased based and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, right-wing propaganda, poor sourcing, a lack of transparency, and false information.

    Detailed Report
    Questionable Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Conspiracy Theories, Propaganda, Lack of Transparency, Failed Fact Checks
    Bias Rating: FAR RIGHT
    Factual Reporting: LOW
    Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
    Media Type: Website
    Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
    MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

  30. https://sheilakennedy.net/2021/11/speaking-of-structural-racism/

    Good article with oodles of facts to back up claims.

  31. Anonymous4:27 PM

    “Like KKK, wasicu wasteys lose their claim to self defense when they start the trouble, like Killer Kyle …”

    Only partially true.

    Ahmaud Arbery’s killers couldn’t claim self-defense after “starting trouble” by attacking Arbery. That’s always been the case, legally speaking.

    But “Killer Kyle” could claim self-defense after “starting trouble” by standing around on a street corner with an AR-15. If you don’t like that, the blame lies squarely with our open-carry gun laws.

  32. "Perfect self defense reasoning to shoot wasicu wasteys on sight where ever they are sliming long."

    No need to even worry Mike, I've been on this blog for over 10 years and these incel cowards just love to feel big and bad and threaten people over the internets. You know very well if they ever came face to face with any of us they'd slink away like the punks they are. Notice, it's always about shooting people in the back from distance like little bitches. The only one that claimed to start shit face to face was a dumb woman so their women are braver than they are. Surprising huh? Kinda miss the old days when men would stand toe to toe and use fists but now we have weak pussies who can't leave their houses without their compensation machines.

  33. Speaking of Dark Clouds, DC was the Mongol warrior whose gang kidnapped young Jen in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. They ended up as lovers and no one lived happily ever after.

    ZiYi Zhang is a woman!

  34. Awww Field whenever one leaves ones country to return to the asphalt jungle the homesickness is bound to happen! But I bet it was real good to hang with the yardies for a while.

  35. Fuckwit Gym Jordan reveals he had covid this summer and never told anyone except his family. He could be a mass murderer. It is a crime to have a fatal disease and not tell unsuspecting acquaintances or lovers.

    magats are not worth saving from themselves.

  36. Anonymous7:11 PM

    There are indeed still dark clouds hanging over this country.

    I think a lot of us are relieved that, with a large percentage (though still not enough) of the population vaccinated, the country is very slowly moving in the direction of normalcy. And there is a certain amount of peace of mind that Trump is no longer in the White House perpetrating daily atrocities.

    But that relief only goes so far. While GDP and employment growth are very good, shortages and inflation mean that the economy is still not fully healthy. Crime is still skyrocketing. The Supreme Court is still packed with wingnut idealogues. And Trump’s movement of angry, racist morons has not gone away. GOP politicians are falling all over themselves trying to be the next Trump, whether by ranting about the border, trying to defeat mask and vaccine mandates, or lionizing Kyle Rittenhouse as some kind of hero and offering him jobs.

    All is not well. Instead of a raging inferno, America is now quietly smoldering, but do not forget that fires could erupt again if we do not do more to secure a healthy, prosperous future for ourselves.

  37. Not sure who came up with this. It actually sounds like something Doug would say.

    "To all students of humanity:
    Pay close attention now, and see cognitive dissonance unfold. It is one of the marvels of nature. When prophesy fails, and messiahs fall, then those caught in the cult will display strange and illogical behavior. Thus they will reveal their true selves. Watch and learn!
    To those distraught cultists:
    Expect here neither sympathy nor white lies. You must change your life."

  38. Does anon really think anyone gives enough of a shit what he thinks to read that longwinded bullshit? 😆😂 One thing ignorant racists don’t lack in self importance.

  39. Hey moron: those lower prices for houses in black neighborhoods? They mean lower property tax revenue and underfunded schools.
    The little fairy tales you spin are poor even for ignorant propaganda.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous10:52 PM

    those lower prices for houses in black neighborhoods? They mean lower property tax revenue and underfunded schools.

    In other words, blacks do not pay for the costs they impose upon society.  Not by a long shot, and neither do spics.

    White children do well in "poorly funded" (but White) schools because they do not need the extended array of "services" demanded by "minorities".  In the absence of "minorities", they can learn in peace... and do.

    The little fairy tales you spin are poor even for ignorant propaganda.

    You haven't studied the correlation of academic achievement with race and spending.  No amount of spending makes blacks achieve better; they hit their genetic limit and they're done.

  41. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Does anon really think anyone gives enough of a shit what he thinks to read that longwinded bullshit?

    Scientific papers tend to be long.  If you don't have the attention span to read and comprehend them, that is YOUR deficiency even if it isn't your moral fault.  You just are what you are... and shouldn't be in the West.

  42. Whoop-te-freaking-do. So blacks and hispanics are more often willing to take out too big a mortgage on houses with problems, houses that the bank couldn't recover the money on if the buyer defaulted on the loan. This means they're simply not as smart as Whites.

    This is called predatory lending and it thrives with magats in power.

  43. PilotX @ 7:18 pm.... might have been this guy, Pilot....


  44. Anonymous9:55 AM

    This is called predatory lending and it thrives with magats in power.

    Except those loans were denied because the appraiser effectively said no, the bank is not going to lend that much.

    You're claiming that it's racist to lend too much, and racist to refuse to lend too much.  You're one sick fucking bastard.

  45. “Scientific papers tend to be long.“

    😅😂 Now this moron claims she reads scientific papers!!!!!!🤣😆😅

    Racist trolls are good for laughs. Is this the one that claims to have a PhD in atmospheric science or the orbital engineer? 😆😂 They all run together after a while.

  46. Anonymous10:31 AM

    A New York City negro man, who was out on parole for a prior gun-related conviction, on Tuesday walked up to a 13-year-old boy on his way to school and shot him in the neck, authorities said.

    Hubert Wiggs, 36, negro, was not only out on parole for a 2010 firearms and illegal drug conviction, but he was also out on bail for possession of an illegal firearm in 2019, NYPD Assistant Chief Kenneth Lehr said Tuesday during a presser following the incident.

  47. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Rittenkiller and Arbery murderers should have faced juries of overwhelming Black peers.

    1:03 PM

    Wouldn't that be racist choosing jurors by skin colour?

  48. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Black Mother shot to death near memorial for her 14-year-old son, gang banger, who was killed just days earlier in Roseland:


  49. Anonymous said...

    "Ye gods, you whiners find "racism" in every inequality, even those CREATED by black people and their habits."

    8:28 PM.
    I am wondering why you chose to spew your disgusting hate on this blog. Seems to me you would do better to pick a right-wing site where your ignorant opinions would be validated. So please take your ridiculous nonsense elsewhere, and thereby spare us your demented ramblings since you have nothing constructive or intelligent to say.

  50. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Witnesses sought after White elderly man attacked by pack of negros, Boston ATV, motorcycle riders.


  51. Happy Thanksgiving to Field and all my friends on this blog.

  52. Anonymous10:45 AM

    System failed my family' Angry negro Suspect out on bond now wanted for the murder of young woman with 5 welfare kids:


  53. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Armed negro crew robs man at gunpoint in Lakeview as weeks-long negro robbery surge continues


  54. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Black Ex-Boyfriend Allegedly Kills Pa. Mom Walking Her Twin 5-Year-Old Sons Home From School


  55. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Black Kalamazoo-area man charged in July killing will face trial on murder charge


  56. U.S. jobless claims decline to lowest level in over 50 years

    Trade deficit shrunk about 80 points, but you don't hear legally elected Potus Biden twitting how great a job he does every damn day like drumpf. Even when the economy tanked under drumpf, he patted himself on the back and blamed others.

  57. McCTurtlefuckface won't allow the senate to pass US anti-lynching law passed by Congress years ago. Why? Because magats are the worst racist scumfuckers of all time. And need to be removed from Earth immediately and sent back to their racist scumsucking Mothership, where ever it is.

  58. “since you have nothing constructive or intelligent to say.“

    But they read scientific papers.😆😂

  59. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Team Shit the Bed thinks they can lower gas prices for xmas by using our Stategic Reserve crude oil. What fucking morons! We were on our way to energy independence under President Trump.... but then the Marxist dems cheated with election fraud and now the nation suffers.......

  60. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Now this moron claims she reads scientific papers!!!!!!

    Here's just one of dozens that I've read and bookmarked:

    http://www.unscear.org/docs/reports/1958, 13th session (Suppl. No.17)/1958final-3_unscear.pdf

    You really have no idea how much smarter the average European is than you, or how wide-ranging our interests are.

  61. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I am wondering why you chose to spew your disgusting hate on this blog.

    Because, to you, acknowledging unwelcome facts is "hate" so you need to be desensitized to them.

    The world is what it is, and trying to rule it by your delusions harms and even kills innocent people.  People like 23-yr-old mother of 2, Melanie Yates.

    1. For every link u posted above about black on black or black on white crime, can give u an example of white on white crime that will knock them all off your play list. Earlier this week a man in NJ beat his daughter to death with a baseball bat whike she slept, and then he beat his wife within an inch of her life.
      Do u want to play guess the race?

  62. Anonymous12:30 PM

    CHICAGO November 1st-25th 2021
    Shot & Killed: 52
    Shot & Wounded: 213
    Total Shot: 265
    Total Homicides: 56

  63. https://www.rawstory.com/jackie-johnson-georgia/?fbclid=IwAR3JUID2s3QUA2x7B55dDBZIihoPxXoyftZ3aRwLl_4SvHQvVGABrhMTJyY

  64. “Because, to you, acknowledging unwelcome facts is "hate" so you need to be desensitized to them.“

    No, it’s more like cowardly anons posting racist bullshit. I would think you would be too busy reading scientific papers vice posting on a blog.😆😂

  65. The world is what it is, and trying to rule it by your delusions harms and even kills innocent people like the well over 600k killed by drumpf's hoax, covid.

  66. anymoose lies again..like Nugent.. from Politifact- The United States was energy independent in 2019 for the first time since 1957. In just 10 days we are sent back 50 years."

    Nugent shared the post with an insult directed at Biden.

    The image was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

    We looked at both parts of the claim: whether the U.S. was energy independent in 2019, and whether Biden’s early executive orders changed that status.

    The claim relies on one common measure of energy independence: whether a country produces more energy than it consumes. By that measure, the U.S. achieved independence in 2019 for the full year, and stayed that way through last year.

    If consumption were ultimately to top production for the year again, that would take the U.S. back to where it was in 2018, not 1957, and not back 50 years.

    But the government hasn’t published full-year data yet for 2020, or any results for 2021. So there’s no evidence yet that the U.S. situation changed since Biden took office.

    As for two executive orders issued by Biden on energy, they don’t affect current U.S. production levels, and it’s unclear whether they’ll have a long-term effect on U.S. energy independence.

  67. Arbery and Rittenhouse cases compared

    These cases have similarities and differences. In both cases, three White men, at least one heavily armed, pursued one person; the one pursued, when cornered, resisted; the three men attacked; shots were fired, someone died, and the case went to court.

    In the Arbery case, the pursued one was Black, and unarmed, and died. In the Rittenhouse case, the pursued one was White, and armed, and his assailants died or were maimed. In the Arbery case, the pursuers were found guilty and imprisoned by the law; in the Rittenhouse case, the pursuers were shot by the pursued.

    In the Rittenhouse case, two of the three men were lightly armed (with a plastic bag of hospital supplies, and a skateboard), and the third heavily armed, with a pistol. The two died, the one was maimed.

    In both cases, all of those who had firearms survived, and all of those who did not died.

    In both cases, the pursued one was found to be in the right by judge and jury, and the pursuers suffered.

    In both cases, the pursued had good reason to fear for his life, and a pursuer later claimed to fear for his life. So in both cases, mutual fear caused mutual attack in mutual self-defense.

    In both cases, a pursuer later claimed altruistic motives for the pursuit; namely, protecting the public from a suspected intruder.

    In both cases, the pursuers should have broken pursuit after repelling the pursued.

    Where the cases differ, it is clear that it was better to be White than Black, and better to have a firearm than not.

    There are possibilities not explored in these two cases. What if the pursued one was Black, and armed, and killed two pursuers, and lived? And what if the pursued one was White, and unarmed, and died? How would judge and jury rule afterwards?

    In the case of an unarmed White man slain after pursuit, I am fairly sure that the judge and jury would find the pursuers guilty. But in the case of an armed Black man slaying his pursuers, I am not at all sure that the court would find him not guilty. Given the history of this country, I am not at all sure that the law, as practiced, applies the principle of self-defense consistently across skin-tint lines.

    The real rules appear to be: if you’re Black then you must die or be punished; and if you’re White then you must die or be armed. And even in these hypothetical cases, the pursuers should have broken pursuit after repelling the pursued.

  68. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Meet the next White House Chief of Staff for the Trump Regime, the Sequel ...

    Kyle Rittenhouse!

    Donald Trump meets with Kenosha shooter Rittenhouse at Mar-A-Lago

  69. Anonymous said...

    "Now this moron claims she reads scientific papers!!!!!!

    Here's just one of dozens that I've read and bookmarked:

    http://www.unscear.org/docs/reports/1958, 13th session (Suppl. No.17)/1958final-3_unscear.pdf

    You really have no idea how much smarter the average European is than you, or how wide-ranging our interests are."

    12:17 PM

    Am I the moron you are addressing in this post? That's a pretty minor insult compared to some I have received from other assholes like you. LOL

    I happen to be of European descent (English and German)so perhaps I am smarter than you realize. LOL, And I do read scientific papers and have done so for more than than seventy years. I read Freud's Interpretation
    of Drams when I was eleven years old and never stopped reading "scientific papers" since.

    BTW, being smart doesn't automatically guarantee that a person is a kind and loving human being. I know because I've spent a lot of time trying to be one.

  70. What if none of those involved had tried to hunt human beings for sport?

    "Team Shit the Bed thinks they can lower gas prices for xmas by using our Stategic Reserve crude oil."

    Uh, the selling off of some of the SPR was in the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. Thanks Gambler! Echoed. A Happy and Healthy one to all lovers of truth and humanity.

    Crisp up that big brown bird and bake y'all's pies!

  72. Happy Thanksgiving to all, we have much to be thankful for.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. “The world is what it is, and trying to rule it by your delusions harms and even kills innocent people“

    Ah, the ancient fear the negro trope. That was played out in the early 20th century but I’m sure a genius that reads “scientific papers” is well aware of such BS right?😆😂

  74. “You really have no idea how much smarter the average European is than you, or how wide-ranging our interests are."

    😆😂 Having been to Europe many times and conversed with many I know there are many intelligent and well read Europeans about. Even done a few storm chasing trips with a few. Interesting fellows. The women also seem to like Americans, especially the Chicago accent which of course I ham up and use to great effect.

  75. Anonymous4:55 PM

    “Ah, the ancient fear the negro trope. That was played out in the early 20th century but I’m sure a genius that reads ‘scientific papers’ is well aware of such BS right”

    No doubt the scientific papers are either:

    a) garbage written by cranks and posted to some crypto-Nazi Internet forum. So, you know, not scientific papers at all.


    b) real scientific papers in which he has interpreted in some sort of insane, unjustified way to reach a different, invalid conclusion than the authors of the paper.

    Much as with all of the dumb COVID postings on this forum, where the point of an article about “not enough people have gotten vaccinated, so COVID rates are still too high” miraculously turns into “vaccines don’t work.” Or an article on “unvaccinated idiots are hogging all the hospital resources, so people who have heart attacks can’t get treatment” turns into “vaccines will give you a heart attack.”

    This is Dunning-Kruger in action: A person too dumb to be able to comprehend how dumb they are, announcing their lack of intelligence to the world with every embarrassing word they type.

  76. But seriously anon, I have read many scientific research papers and abstracts. Some of my former professors are highly regarded atmospheric science researchers who have brilliant and fascinating work touching on evapotranspiration, urban influence on precipitation patterns and longterm tornado forecasting. You may have seen a few of them on my frat brother’s show on The Weather Channel “WX Geeks”. The show’s host is a past president of the AMA and a Black man. You should check out Dr. Marshall Shephard’s podcast when you get a chance. Very informative.

  77. “This is Dunning-Kruger in action“

    So true, but they’re so much smarter than me because of their European heritage.😆😂

  78. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What has Team Shit the Bed done to free the American held hostage by terrorists in Haiti???

  79. https://journals.ametsoc.org/configurable/content/journals$002fbams$002f101$002f6$002fBAMS-D-19-0188.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002fbams%24002f101%24002f6%24002fBAMS-D-19-0188.1.xml

  80. “What has Team Shit the Bed done to free the American held hostage by terrorists in Haiti???“

    Maybe they can send in the highly trained pudgy boy wonder Kyle Rittenhouse or tree killer Madison Cawthorne to rescue them. Or maybe they are using diplomatic sources to secure their release. Choose either option.

  81. Anonymous5:14 PM

    “What has Team Shit the Bed done to free the American held hostage by terrorists in Haiti???”

    They’re not terrorists. They’re just common criminals who want a payday.

    Most likely, this standoff will end with the ransom being paid.

  82. This paper might interest you. Tornadogenesis due to crosswise vorticity. Actually saw the lead researchers give a presentation at a severe weather symposium a few years back.


  83. Anonymous5:39 PM

    What has Team Shit the Bed done to rescue the thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan???

  84. Anonymous5:48 PM

    “What has Team Shit the Bed done to rescue the thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan???”

    There aren’t thousands of Americans trapped in Afghanistan. This is pure bullshit. By this point, all of our citizens who wanted to leave, have left. The Biden administration isn’t responsible for people who didn’t want to leave.

  85. Anonymous8:56 PM

    the ancient fear the negro trope.

    Why don't you ask Melanie Yates if she should have feared the negro enough not to live near them?

    Oh, wait, you can't because she's dead... killed by a bullet fired by a feral "youth", her daughters left motherless.

    That was played out in the early 20th century

    Ask Channon Christian and Brittney Watts and Autumn Pasquale and Antonio Angel Santiago too.

    I’m sure a genius that reads “scientific papers” is well aware of such BS right?

    Anyone reading the un-censored versions of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports is well-aware of out-of-control black criminality.  Anyone watching this version of Kamala Harris being a pathological liar knows that the danger to America is the negro.

  86. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mGohbqdcT8

    Interesting interview with Kimberle Crenshaw.

  87. "Anyone reading the un-censored versions of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports is well-aware of out-of-control black criminality."

    If you're familiar with the FBI's crime report you would also know that white people are assaulted and killed overwhelmingly by other whites. If you want to help your fellow geniuses teach them to fear people who look like them. Look in the mirror sister and you'll see your biggest danger but you already knew that right genius? The bogeyman in is the house!!!!! Get out!!!! LOL!

  88. https://www.splcenter.org/20180614/biggest-lie-white-supremacist-propaganda-playbook-unraveling-truth-about-%E2%80%98black-white-crime

  89. From the above link.

    "The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America."

  90. Anonymous11:53 PM

    If you're familiar with the FBI's crime report you would also know that white people are assaulted and killed overwhelmingly by other whites.

    Yet the cross-racial assaults and killings are overwhelmingly black-on-White.  Now why is that?  I'll tell you, because you are too stupid to grasp it:  it's because White people avoid blacks, who are far more likely to assault and kill.

    If you want to help your fellow geniuses teach them to fear people who look like them.

    Why?  The overwhelming majority of people who look like me are NO threat to other people who look like me.  Those who ARE a threat are generally known to those at risk, and also shunned.

    You idiots demand that your deadly threats be put back on the street because "too many black men in prison".

    "The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America."

    Look at this video and tell me I'm wrong.

  91. OK, you're wrong. There I did it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. “Yet the cross-racial assaults and killings are overwhelmingly black-on-White. Now why is that?“

    But yet you conveniently ignore that the biggest threat to you is you. Funny that. You are 8.7 times more likely to be killed by a fellow white so keep up the played out racist paranoia.
    BTW, you seem to be enthralled with scientific papers and research. In what area is your degree or degrees?

  93. “OK, you're wrong. There I did it.“


  94. Quack-anon Queen Hog told 70k followers to shoot, on sight, anyone vaccinating kids.

    She seemed nice, for a pig hog schnog crawler schnawling in the grass.

  95. Anonymous said...

    Yet the cross-racial assaults and killings are overwhelmingly black-on-White. Now why is that? I'll tell you, because you are too stupid to grasp it: it's because White people avoid blacks, who are far more likely to assault and kill.

    11:53 PM
    Data from the FBI does not support your conclusions. Please see the web page referenced below.

    What data do you possess that supports your statement that "white people avoid blacks"? In my world whites and blacks interact peacefully every day. I think your twisted hatred has blinded your eyes to the world around you.

    I feel sorry for you because living with rage and hate is not compatible with living a happy life.

  96. Blogger field negro said...

    For every link u posted above about black on black or black on white crime, can give u an example of white on white crime that will knock them all off your play list. Earlier this week a man in NJ beat his daughter to death with a baseball bat whike she slept, and then he beat his wife within an inch of her life.
    Do u want to play guess the race?

    11:40 AM
    Thank you, Field. I am so tired of the racists' lies.

  97. Anonymous12:05 PM

    OK, you're wrong.

    You denied the truth even when it was put right in front of your face.

    There I did it.

    You lied your ass off.  You are the servant of your father, who is the father of lies.  Hell awaits you.

  98. Anonymous12:07 PM

    But yet you conveniently ignore that the biggest threat to you is you.

    Wrong.  The biggest threat to me is YOU.  I minimize my risk by AVOIDING YOU, as do most Whites.

    I advocate 100% separation.  Not even you are stupid enough to deny what would happen if that was the case:  there would be ZERO inter-racial crime.  In that case my risk would be even smaller than it is now, even though all of it would be from fellow Whites.

    1. 😀 I bet this troll was married to a black person. Reads like a broken heart that never mended.

  99. Anonymous12:09 PM

    can give u an example of white on white crime that will knock them all off your play list.

    List crimes equivalent to the Witchita massacre, the Knoxville horror and the murders of Brittney Watts, Autumn Pasquale and Melanie Yates occurring within the same time frame.

  100. Anonymous12:10 PM

    What data do you possess that supports your statement that "white people avoid blacks"?

    Do you have NO memory of the stats on housing segregation posted in this very blog?  Ye gods, are you stupid!

  101. "List crimes equivalent to the Witchita massacre, the Knoxville horror and the murders of Brittney Watts, Autumn Pasquale and Melanie Yates occurring within the same time frame."

    Well, there is the Las Vegas mass shooting, the San Diego mass shooting, Sandy Hook mass shooting, Columbine mass shooting, Paducah school shooting, Charleston church shooting, Silver Spring church shooting, El Paso mass shooting, ect.

  102. Scott Peterson who killed his wife and his unborn son. I mean maybe you could sort of blame a blah person because that's whom he blamed the killings.

  103. 'Wrong. The biggest threat to me is YOU. I minimize my risk by AVOIDING YOU, as do most Whites.'

    Your biggest threat is me? Well the young lady you must have a very stable life because I have never harmed nor killed anyone. As far as most whites avoiding me that's kind of hard to do because many of them need me to teach them how to fly our aircraft. Got a few that will be in the sim with me today, actually the next few days.
    BTW, you never mentioned in what field is your degree(s).

  104. "I advocate 100% separation. Not even you are stupid enough to deny what would happen if that was the case: there would be ZERO inter-racial crime."

    Well, that's never going to happen in this country but you can keep dreaming. Interracial marriages are getting even more popular and we can't stop our kids from being free to associate with anyone they please. You say you "advocate" this, where do you do your advocation? It's not getting much traction here. Maybe try an interracial dating website? I'm sure you may change a few minds there.

  105. "I bet this troll was married to a black person. Reads like a broken heart that never mended."

    Nah bro, could you imagine being married to this crazy chick? She sits around the house all day posting well-worn racist tropes while you earn all the money. LOL! Waste of space. Not the brightest bulb I'm guessing.

  106. Remember that dastardly black guy who drove Susan Smith's children into a lake and drowned them? Turned out he was her identical twin.

  107. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I bet this troll was married to a black person.

    Do you ever get tired of being wrong?  You too, BusdriverX.

  108. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What data do you possess that supports your statement that "white people avoid blacks"?


  109. "You lied your ass off."

    No, what I did was live in Black communities for thirty five years, and as the only white person in a Black household for a year. Video clips of misbehavior come in all colors, and one can easily be assembled to validate one's hatred and ignorance.
    While you're indulging your crime obsessions, look up the Tidwell brothers some time. Nothing in your video or your meanderings come close to what those two white boys did, and they got acquitted to go out and repeat their crimes twice. Last I knew, one of them was out of prison after their third round of torture and homicide. My mom was a legal secretary and had the unfortunate bad luck to work for two of their appointed defense attorneys. After typing a deposition from their first trial (after it had gotten a change of venue from Susanville to Humboldt county because the outrageousness of the crime corrupted the local jury pool) she told us "I used to think that everyone was born pretty much the same, and that how they acted as they got older was the product of their situation. I don't believe that any more. Some people are born mean."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Daily expose..... tinfoil hat quackers according to Media Bias/Fact Check

    Analysis / Bias
    In review, The Daily Expose reports on Covid-19 and Vaccines from a conspiratorial perspective. Articles and headlines offer sensationalized headlines such as this SHOCKING! – U.K. Government release the 9th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines. They also report patently false information such as this INVESTIGATION: 110K Deaths? NHS Data shows only 3000 people have died of COVID-19. According to IFCN fact-checker FullFact, this is not true. The majority of this website promotes anti-vaccination propaganda such as this Vaccination – The Greatest Lie ever told? They also promote anti-mask propaganda, such as this Face masks cause PERMANENT brain damage, according to Neurologist. There isn’t evidence to suggest that wearing a mask is harmful. In general, The Daily Expose promotes quackery-level pseudoscience and tin-foil hat conspiracy theories.

    Failed Fact Checks
    Wearing a face mask causes brain damage because of a lack of oxygen – False
    Only 3,000 people have died of Covid-19 in England. – False
    The number of pregnant women who have miscarried increased by “366% in just six weeks” due to their receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. – False
    Official Data Shows More People Have Died From The Vaccines Than From COVID-19 – False
    Confidential Documents reveal Moderna sent mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidate to University Researchers – False
    Covid-19 vaccines have caused 172 miscarriages since January 2021. – False
    CDC manipulated data about miscarriage rate in pregnant, vaccinated women – False
    A study on the effects of Covid vaccines during pregnancy shows 82% of respondents miscarried, contrary to what its authors claimed. – False
    “EXCLUSIVE – 80% of Covid-19 deaths in August were people who had been vaccinated according to Public Health data” – False
    Overall, we rate The Daily Expose a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience website based on promoting false and misleading information regarding Covid 19.

    Anymoose sure picks them, don't he/she/it?

  111. Here's a funny, magats who refuse to get vaccinated are automatically implanted with GPS chips so they can be tracked down and ...you know..... Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

    This is at least as honest and accurate as the bullshit anymoose pushes on this blog.

  112. Anonymous6:10 PM

    While you're indulging your crime obsessions, look up the Tidwell brothers some time.

    I just did.  You had to reach back to 1967, MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY, to find ONE example to try to rebut multiple horrific crimes which happened in THIS century (2000 and 2007).

    Nobody ever said that Whites don't produce bad apples.  It's just that blacks produce them ALL THE TIME.

  113. “Do you ever get tired of being wrong? You too, BusdriverX.“

    Do you ever get tired of being a coward? I see you dodged my questions. Shocking.😳

    1. BTW, no longer fly the Airbus. Back on Boeings.

  114. Anybody remember the BTK killer? Green River killer?

  115. https://abc7.com/devil-in-gainesville-abc-2020-murders-serial-killer/10505058/

  116. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Anybody remember the BTK killer?

    Last active in 1991, 30 years ago.

    Green River killer?

    Also last active in the 1990's.  Blacks are now over 50% of US serial killers despite being under 13% of the population.

    And what about Kenyan Billy Chemirmir (active only 3 years ago, 2018) and Samuel Little (confessed to 93 murders up through 2005)?

    Blacks produce a LOT more killers than Whites do.  It's your nature.

  117. “Blacks are now over 50% of US serial killers despite being under 13% of the population.”

    You make that little factoid up?

  118. No response about Vegas shooter? Paducah shooter? Sandy Hook? Silver Spring? Aurora? Columbine? Charleston? El Paso?

  119. But seriously, this is standard racist troll territory that's been covered ad infinitum. I'm still interested in your familiarity with scientific writings. What area did you get your degree(s)? Are you a scientist? If so what type?

  120. Wasicu on wasicu violence on tape.


  121. I didn't have to reach back to 1967, but as a child I was exposed to the details of a truly horrific crime, and through my mother had verified details about it. So I wrote about what I actually know, rather than, you know, looking up some bullshit on the internet to confirm my biases.
    And by the way, my mom worked for criminal defense attorneys in a small, white, city for 25 years, I could go on all day about the stuff white guys have done that made it before a judge.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. Leave us nip another magat conspiracy in the butt....


    Natural News is another "The Expose" site. Full of shit.

  123. Anonymous said:

    "Official FDA report finds all-cause Death rate is higher among the Vaccinated and admits young Myocarditis victims have required Intensive Care
    By The Exposé on November 25, 2021"
    This is all bull shit.Your are a liar. Doesn't it ever bother you that you may be contributing to another person's death with your lies? What kind of excuse for a human being are you?

    Website makes false claims about vaccines and miscarriages

    28 JUNE 2021



  124. In 2020 none of the Moderna execs made the 400 richest Americans list. Now four do, thanks to covid vaccine which is Moderna' only product. The company made 4 billion profit.

    Big Pharm spends millions more on advertising and lobbying than they do on R and D, because the fed picks up much of the R and D costs.


    This is disgusting.

  125. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    What data do you possess that supports your statement that "white people avoid blacks"?


    3:23 PM
    Do you seriously think that I (who thinks of myself as a skeptical researcher) would give any credence to a Youtube video as proof of anything? You will have provide some source that is much more credible than that before making any kind of claim to knowing how all whites avoid Blacks.

    My family is kinda like a mini united nations: We are Black, white, Asian, and Latino, not quite sure about native American. The suburban neighborhood where I live is similarly composed of the same diversity, and we all get along. We are living proof that you are wrong. And you will always be wrong as long as your heart is filled with hate.

  126. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Biden’s national approval is 37%, with 54% disapproving for a net approval of -17 with130,749 responses through November 23, 2021. In a separate survey with nearly 200,000 responses, Biden has a -14 favorability rating. According to Civiqs, his favorability went negative on January 28, 2021, and has gotten steadily worse since that date.

    Looking at the subgroups in the survey, the news for Team Biden is no better. Nationally, the president does not have a positive net approval in any age group. His support is lowest with Americans aged 18-34, a demographic the Democrats have long taken for granted. There is also not a single education level where Biden earns a net positive approval. Even college-educated voters, who increasingly voted Democrat over several election cycles, only reported a 38% approval rating.

  127. Anonymous11:25 AM

    CHICAGO Year 2021 to Date (11/27/21)
    Shot & Killed: 735
    Shot & Wounded: 3471
    Total Shot: 4206
    Total Homicides: 783

    81.9% Black

    4% White/Other

  128. PilotX said...

    Anybody remember the BTK killer? Green River killer?

    6:24 PM
    I sure do. Also Ted Bundy; Steven Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter who killed 58 people and wounded more than 850 others, and let's not forget the Sandy Hook Massacre of school children. And there was the Hill Side strangler in LA during the late 1970's. As I recall, all these kilers were white.

  129. Anonymous said....

    "Biden’s national approval is 37%, with 54% disapproving for a net approval of -17..."
    11:20 AM
    According to the Real Clear Politics average, Biden's approval rating is hovering around 41 to 42 percent. This is not an indication that Biden is failing or that the sky is falling. For many people times are tough right now, and it's easy for them to blame the government in general and the president in particular.

    It's not unusual for a president the have low approval numbers during his first year in office. Former President Trump's average approval for 2017 was 40.5, and his overall, average approval number for his entire four years in office was 42.8 percent. I suggest we all wait a few months to see if Biden's numbers improve before we decide to panic or to crow, depending on our political persuasion.

  130. Well said, Mr. Field. You have articulated something i only felt.

  131. Anonymous3:01 PM

    This is all bull shit.

    Straight out of the report linked above at 2:47 PM:

    "From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY group and 17 in the placebo group."  That's a 25% higher death rate.

    Your are a liar.

    You're lapsing into illiteracy.  It's rest home time for you.

    Doesn't it ever bother you that you may be contributing to another person's death with your lies?

    It bothers me that people with an avowed agenda of world depopulation had anything to do with alleged medical treatment.  It further bothers me that measures we KNOW are totally ineffective against viruses, such as masks and lockdowns, are being mandated.

    Did we have masks and lockdowns to "fight" the Spanish flu?  We did not, and that was an actual pandemic with millions dead.

    What kind of excuse for a human being are you?

    One with a memory, and a distrust of proven liars.  Remember "two weeks to bend the curve"?  It's coming up on two YEARS later.

  132. Anonymous3:02 PM

    You make that little factoid up?

    Blacks have been more than 50% of US serial killers since 2000, and have always been over-represented.


    Trivially found with the search term "black fraction of serial killers".  You could have found it yourself, but your entire life is devoted to denial of facts.  The truth is toxic to you, who serves the Father of Lies.

  133. Did we have masks and lockdowns to "fight" the Spanish flu? We did not

    Had mask mandates and schools, etc were forced to close in 1918.

  134. 5.2 million dead of covid so far.

  135. Anonymous4:18 PM

    "Did we have masks and lockdowns to 'fight' the Spanish flu? We did not, and that was an actual pandemic with millions dead."

    That's a terrible argument. That happened a hundred years ago, when medical knowledge was terrible compared to what we've got now. They were a few decades out from knowing germs exist!

    On top of which, most governments lied about and downplayed the devastating effects of the Spanish flu because they were in the middle of WWI and didn't want to damage morale among their populations and give comfort to the enemy. In fact, this is the reason it's even called the "Spanish" flu": Spain wasn't involved in WWI and didn't have any reason to downplay the flu. Their government and media told the truth while everyone else was lying, and therefore it was wrongly believed by many that Spain had an unusually large number of cases and must be the point of origin of the flu.

    So no, let's absolutely not follow the example, whether good or bad, of people from a century ago about what to do in a pandemic. Because, by and large, they had no fucking clue what to do.

  136. Anonymous4:58 PM

    From the Guardian:

    A first case in Europe of the new variant of Covid-19 has been identified in Belgium in an unvaccinated young adult woman who developed mild flu-like symptoms 11 days after traveling to Egypt via Turkey.

    The patient did not report any links with South Africa or other countries in southern Africa. None of her family members have developed symptoms. The patient was said to have a high viral load at the time of diagnosis by researchers at the universities, KU Leuven and UZ Leuven.

    This means it’s already everywhere. And it should be pretty obvious that the vaccines don’t work against this: Israel reported a positive case in a 32 year old woman who received her third shot two months ago.

    The important thing to remember is that you don’t need a virus that evades 100% of the vaccine induced antibodies for the vaccine to fail. The vaxx developers are in full damage control mode on Twitter now, insisting that this is not necessarily a big deal. All evidence however suggests that the vaccines are going to fail against this variant. Of course you’ll still have some immunity against this variant from these vaccines, but there’s the problem: You always have some immunity. You already had some immunity from other corona viruses, but we know that some immunity isn’t going to do the trick.

    If it evades most of your antibodies then it’s like sending off an army faced with overwhelming odds. These vaccines through original antigenic sin will prohibit your body from generating a more effective immune response. The spike protein now looks pretty much completely different and it’s now responsible for the majority of cases in South Africa, this took place at a speed far exceeding the rise of Beta and Delta.

    Vaccinated people are now stuck with this mediocre immune response, that’s intended for a variant that no longer exists. This really looks like the scenario where you’re worse off being vaccinated than you are if you’re unvaccinated. And if this is somehow not yet the big one, the one that uses everyone’s highly identical immune response against the Wuhan version of the spike protein to its own advantage, then you can rest assured that when it grows dominant, it will be giving birth to descendants that will do the trick.

    Let me grab an old study from Japanese scientists, who tried to answer the question: Under what circumstances do we see antibody dependent enhancement? That is, a situation in which the virus uses your overall vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage, leaving you worse off than if you had never been vaccinated in the first place. They determined it’s pretty easy: You take Delta and you add these four mutations:

    K417N, N439K, E484K and N501Y.

    If you throw those four mutations into Delta, you have a version that uses your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage.

    Does that ring a bell?

    Just spotted: very small cluster of variant associated with Southern Africa with very long branch length and really awful Spike mutation profile including RBD – K417N, N440K, G446S, S477N, T478K, E484A, Q493K, G496S, Q498R, N501Y, Y505H https://t.co/kgA9c1hKDa

    — Tom Peacock (@PeacockFlu) November 23, 2021

    So let’s see:

    -K417N: Bingo!

    -N439K: No, but we have N440K which is a neighboring mutation and should perform the same trick of interfering with the antibodies.

    -E484K: We have E484A, which means you have a mutation at the same spot, but resulting in a different amino acid, Alanine instead of Lysine.

    -N501Y: Bingo!

    In other words, its mutations look pretty much identical to what the Japanese scientists were warning would allow Delta to use your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage. Oops.


  137. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "This means it’s already everywhere. And it should be pretty obvious that the vaccines don’t work against this: Israel reported a positive case in a 32 year old woman who received her third shot two months ago."

    Yeah, shake your pom poms and do your little cheer for vaccines not working anymore. It's not that likely to turn out that way, but if it does, the big prize you win is ... LOCKDOWNS!

    Hooray, more confinement, economic devastation, and crime!

    I'm sure you won't complain at all when that happens again, right?

  138. Anonymous6:04 PM

    P.S. Even if a variant made the current vaccines ineffective, that wouldn't mean an end to vaccines. Pharma companies would just rejigger their vaccines to target the variant, and everyone would ultimately have to run out and get a new set of shots.

    Not sure what you're hoping for here, but it's safe to assume things aren't going to turn out in a way you'd like, in any event.

  139. Anonymous6:17 PM

    shake your pom poms and do your little cheer for vaccines not working anymore.

    They never WERE going to work.  But now we can stop the posturing and sending $billions to crooked pharma outfits.

    It's not that likely to turn out that way, but if it does, the big prize you win is ... LOCKDOWNS!

    Remember "two weeks to bend the curve"?  That didn't work either, so we can just STOP DOING THAT TOO.

    Hooray, more confinement, economic devastation, and crime!

    All of that is due to wrong policy.

    I'm sure you won't complain at all when that happens again, right?

    Of course I'll complain!  Insisting on measures that not only DO NOT WORK, but cause damage by themselves, should get VERY LOUD COMPLAINTS.

  140. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "Remember 'two weeks to bend the curve'? That didn't work either, so we can just STOP DOING THAT TOO."

    No, I don't. I'm sure some politician or public health figure somewhere said this -- and maybe your understanding of this was taken out of context to begin with -- but the vast majority of authorities were saying nothing of the kind.

    It was obvious in early 2020 that we were in for years of complete shit. Not a couple weeks of restrictions and a major new disease just melts away forever. What kind of idiot could reasonably believe that?

    This is a strawman argument. You were never promised the pandemic would simply vanish with minimal effort or sacrifice. Well, not unless you listened to Trump. But if you did, that makes you a fool.

  141. It sure is informative about the Pig Person brain that they are all up in here cheerleading for the pandemic to kill as many people as possible.

    Came home from the grocery store last night to see police vehicles driving down our little road. Apparently some brilliant person was down at the trailhead, maybe 100 yards from our driveway shooting a gun in the damn dark. Having been taught at a young age about firearm safety, I'm calling it a home training failure.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  142. Trump's 15-day plan to slow the coronavirus' spread is too short, experts say. Flattening the curve could take at least several more weeks.

    Business Insider

  143. shake your pom poms and do your little cheer for vaccines not working anymore.

    They never WERE going to work.

    There are literally millions of alive Americans and other citizens of the world that would call you a moron because they are alive after vaccinations who likely would not be, had they listened to your pathetic bullshittedness.

  144. "Did we have masks and lockdowns to 'fight' the Spanish flu? We did not, and that was an actual pandemic with millions dead."

    Well, yes we did. Do a little research.

  145. "The truth is toxic to you, who serves the Father of Lies."

    Oh wow, now you're throwing in a little old school snake handling religion. Just curious, why are you dodging my questions?

  146. Anonymous8:02 PM

    It was obvious in early 2020 that we were in for years of complete shit.

    It was obvious to the medical profession that vaccines against coronaviruses don't work.  They'd tried to develop them before, only to lose whole animal populations to antibody-dependent enhancement where the "vaccine" made the illness worse.  History is repeating itself.

    It's been known for quite some time that the mRNA injections do not prevent infection with and spreading of COVID; worse, it turns the victim into a walking Petri dish in which new strains of the virus can develop... and have.  One's natural immune response is far better.

    Not a couple weeks of restrictions and a major new disease just melts away forever.

    The original, Wuhan strain of the virus is believed extinct in the wild.

    This is a strawman argument. You were never promised the pandemic would simply vanish with minimal effort or sacrifice.

    I sacrificed plenty.  I went out and got natural immunity to the virus, keeping my symptoms mild with vitamins.  I took a personal risk, and it paid off; now I have REAL immunity, to much more than just the spike protein.  People who caught the original SARS virus and recovered still have immunity to the COVID variant.  That's the way to go.

  147. Anonymous8:03 PM

    “Trump's 15-day plan to slow the coronavirus' spread is too short, experts say.”

    Anything that starts with “Trump’s plan” is a joke, even without an actual punchline.

  148. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Over a year ago, the power-grab was called out for what it is:


  149. Anonymous8:28 PM


    That was actually interesting.  Most of the papers I read are on climate issues, chemistry or energy.  It's fun to gain some insight into a new field and its unique terms of art, though it too quickly got into terms that were not footnoted or otherwise explained.  It would be nice to have some graphics to make baroclines more easily grasped, too.

  150. Seems the number of serial killers is dwindling so that means in 2019 statistically there was one Black serial killer running around. In the serial killing heyday it didn't seem too popular among the brothers. Interesting.


  151. "It would be nice to have some graphics to make baroclines more easily grasped, too."

    Next time I see them I'll let them know. LOL.

  152. Anonymous12:21 AM

    “I went out and got natural immunity to the virus, keeping my symptoms mild with vitamins. I took a personal risk, and it paid off; now I have REAL immunity, to much more than just the spike protein.”

    Jesus Christ. The entire point of getting immunity is to avoid rolling the dice with your health (and other people’s health) by getting COVID.

    I cannot wrap my brain around someone bragging about intentionally catching a disease instead of NOT catching it. This is “car crashes are actually better than seat belts” logic.

    WTF x a million.

  153. A couple of companies are developing gravity batteries that have the potential to store energy in the kind of quantities and at the scale/timescale needed to make solar and wind the primary sources of electric generation.
    One Swiss company has a working example, with a storage lifetime of 50 years, roundtrip efficiency of 83%, and one commercial unit can store 20 MWh of energy.
    These installations seem to be able to compete with pumped storage hydroelectricity by requiring less in natural geographical specifics and delivering higher efficiencies.
    The Swiss company is taking original commercial contracts now, and should be generating data along with electricity to be used in refining the technology.
    Sometimes you can find good news if you look for it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  154. Baroclines? Fuuuuck! I thought they were Barcaloungers.

  155. “SARS-1 as a unique pathogen appears to be 'extinct' in nature, but the conditions that produced it are still existent,

  156. Despite 43 years of wrongful incarceration, the state of Missouri is giving Kevin Strickland nothing, not even an apology, after his exoneration.

    More racism at its finest. Fortunately for Strickland, other people care and have raised over a million bucks for him in a Go Fund Me account.

  157. “Baroclines? Fuuuuck! I thought they were Barcaloungers.“

    LOL! Same thing.

  158. Anonymous1:52 PM

    South Carolina Negro Man Beat 3-Month-Old to Death, Leaving A ‘Large Skull Fracture’ on Side of Baby’s Head: Police:


  159. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Omicron = WOLF WOLF WOLF

  160. Anonymous2:13 PM

    “Omicron = WOLF WOLF WOLF”

    We’ve gone from insane people cheering Omicron variant because of hopes that Omicron variant will render vaccines ineffective, to insane people denying the existence of Omicron variant.

    All within the space of a single comments section.

    Okay then. Totally normal day on the Internet.

  161. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2021/11/28/lessons-from-a-football-game-to-stop-the-spread-of-science-misinformation/?sh=2dc26bb3649e&fbclid=IwAR3no9lM4CrL1WobSYIuKiqzFpRoVAsWBO6StjIHCR9g5-P6rUODfsYAzGk

  162. Anonymous5:09 PM

    The entire point of getting immunity is to avoid rolling the dice with your health (and other people’s health) by getting COVID.

    1.  The amount of mortality and morbidity (recall Bell's palsy and Gullain-Barre syndrome?) associated with the "vaccine" should put anyone not in a high-risk group off it.  I protected myself with vitamins; it worked.

    2.  THE SO-CALLED "VACCINE" DOES NOT PREVENT ITS TAKERS OR ANYONE AROUND THEM FROM GETTING COVID.  There has been an explosion of cases in the very areas with the highest "vaccination" rates.

    3.  There has also been an explosion of otherwise-unexplained mortality and morbidity among people who ought to be not at risk.

    The vaccines against smallpox and polio are true vaccines.  The dead-virus polio vaccine prevents symptoms, but not infection; the live-virus followup inoculation prevents infection.  Neither is true of the COVID "vaccines".

    I cannot wrap my brain around someone bragging about intentionally catching a disease instead of NOT catching it.

    No intent was involved; I just went about my life while taking prophylactic measures.  Measures, I might add, that did NOT involve being part of an uncontrolled "study" of an experimental and likely harmful not-vaccine.

  163. Anonymous5:12 PM

    A couple of companies are developing gravity batteries that have the potential to store energy in the kind of quantities and at the scale/timescale needed to make solar and wind the primary sources of electric generation.

    Believing such hype requires that you be innumerate.

    One Swiss company has a working example, with a storage lifetime of 50 years, roundtrip efficiency of 83%, and one commercial unit can store 20 MWh of energy.

    In other words, one such unit stores less than 1/20,000 of the average hourly electric consumption of the USA.  Now figure out what it would take to ride out a month-long "wind drought", which events occur regularly.

    We have gravity-based energy storage units already.  They're called hydropower dams.  They produce less than 10% of US electric consumption and a far smaller fraction of total energy consumption, and the call is to remove them because of the ecological damage they cause.

  164. I might add, that did NOT involve being part of an uncontrolled "study" of an experimental and likely harmful not-vaccine.

    Why not use your given name, Frankenstein?

  165. "In other words, one such unit stores less than 1/20,000 of the average hourly electric consumption of the USA."

    As of December 31, 2020, there were 23,417 electric generators at about 11,070 utility-scale electric power plants in the United States. Utility-scale power plants have a total nameplate electricity generation capacity of at least 1 megawatt (MW).

    Meaning 1/20,000 would be about right for the scaling and distribution of such devices.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  166. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Meaning 1/20,000 would be about right for the scaling and distribution of such devices.

    Wrong.  You need to multiply by 24 hours/day, and ~30 days/month to get what it would take to ride out a month-long wind drought.  That would take on the order of fifteen MILLION such installations, and net wind droughts can add up to longer than just a month.

    But you're innumerate, you can't understand large numbers.  I could refer you to this, one of the best energy reference pages on the net, and you'd get absolutely nothing out of it.

  167. "Do you seriously think that I (who thinks of myself as a skeptical researcher) would give any credence to a Youtube video as proof of anything?"

    LOL! Wait, youtube isn't "research?"

  168. "I could refer you to this, one of the best energy reference pages on the net"

    By all means, please do.

  169. To the anonymous person who declared Americans didn't wear masks during the Spanish flu:

    Please go to the website directly below and educate yourself. You will see a picture there showing people wearing masks. The text is quite interesting too.


  170. Anonymous9:00 PM

    By all means, please do.

    I just did, by linking to it, and you got NOTHING out of it... just as I predicted.

    You stupid fuck.

  171. PilotX said in response to a person who claimed Europeans were smarter than I am...

    Good response PilotX. Usually the person who shouts about being smarter that other people is the least intelligent of all.

  172. There are no month long solar droughts, dear. And in the history of the wind installation at Altamont, there has never had a month long wind drought since its installation in 1981, though the older, smaller windmills have been offline temporarily while being replaced with the larger, slower turning ones that don't kill as many birds.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  173. "Usually the person who shouts about being smarter that other people is the least intelligent of all."

    Yeah, that is usually the case. Maybe one of these folks will surprise us one day. LOL!

  174. "I just did, by linking to it, and you got NOTHING out of it... just as I predicted."

    Ah, I just looked at it again without my bluelight blocking glasses. I'll take a look. Why are you so hostile? Geez, somebody needs some decaf. LOL!

  175. OK, great. You linked to a website that highlights information and statistics about energy consumption and usage so that makes you a genius? Are you the same anon that revels in reading scientific papers? As the genius why are you avoiding my questions? I'd really like to know what area a genius such as yourself has a degree or degrees? I mean I would think that you would be able to answer such a simple question unless.......I'm kind of sensing insecurity and lack of education. Nah, that couldn't be it could it?

  176. Anonymous3:41 AM

    There are no month long solar droughts, dear.

    Wrong.  There are MULTI-month-long solar droughts, otherwise known as "winter".  Stupid fuck.

    You linked to a website that highlights information and statistics about energy consumption and usage so that makes you a genius?

    That does not make me a genius, it makes me informed.  You are NOT informed.  What you make of the information is up to you.  You appear to be doing very poorly so far.

  177. "You are NOT informed."

    Not informed about what? BTW, the sun does actually shine in the winter. Just saying. And calling people "stupid fucks" doesn't come across as extremely intelligent.
    Do you have a college degree? What did you study in college. These aren't hard questions are they? Funny you keep avoiding them. What gives?

  178. "Tackling weather-related challenges is one reason why the SunShot Initiative funds Regional Test Centers, where solar panel performance can be time-tested in widely varying climates. Researchers at the test centers have shown that solar can still successfully generate electricity in snowy areas and other harsh environments."


  179. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/partner-content-sustainable-electric-future

    Norway is increasing its use of solar power. And yeah, it gets pretty wintery in Norway. I mean a genius such as yourself should know this as informed as you claim to be.

  180. That does not make me a genius, it makes me informed.

    About as informed as yer hero drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

    Parts of the Arctic have 6 month solar drought, but the Arctic winds still blow.

  181. iopscience.iop.org

    In the transition to a renewable energy system, the occurrence of low-wind-power events receives increasing attention. We analyze the frequency and duration of such events for onshore wind power in Germany, based on 40 years of reanalysis data and open software. We find that low-wind-power events are less frequent in winter than in summer, but the maximum duration is distributed more evenly between months. While short events are frequent, very long events are much rarer. Every year, a period of around five consecutive days with an average wind capacity factor below 10% occurs, and every ten years a respective period of nearly eight days. These durations decrease if only winter months are considered. The longest event in the data lasts nearly ten days. We conclude that public concerns about low-wind-power events in winter may be overrated, but recommend that modeling studies consider multiple weather years to properly account for such events.

  182. To Anonymous who said...

    There are no month long solar droughts, dear.

    " Wrong. There are MULTI-month-long solar droughts, otherwise known as "winter". Stupid fuck."

    3:41 AM
    Hurling insults doesn't cut it on this blog, Anon. We are not QAnon followers and we tend to check reliable sources for our information. PilotX is quite well informed, as are most of the regulars that comment here.

  183. "PilotX is quite well informed, as are most of the regulars that comment here."

    Why thank you ma'am.

  184. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Mass shootings up 160% over 2014.

    "Mass shootings represent an almost cartoonish exaggeration of the worst of African-American culture. So this enormous increase in the worst and most stereotypical black behavior during the Great Awokening, during which Americans are supposed to flatter blacks and never criticize their behavior, is damning evidence that The Establishment’s obsession with condemning white racism is bringing out the worst in blacks."

  185. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "While short events are frequent, very long events are much rarer. Every year, a period of around five consecutive days with an average wind capacity factor below 10% occurs, and every ten years a respective period of nearly eight days."

    Month-long wind drought in the Bonneville Power Administration service area, and it's not the only one.

    Natural gas and electricity prices have soared in Europe because a summer wind drought prevented gas storage reservoirs from being refilled this year.  Entire industries are shutting down due to lack of energy.  It is going to be a very bad winter for Europe specifically because of the obsession with "renewables".

  186. Thing is, the civil engineers hired to help design projects of this size and expense can read government statistics also.
    Standing there in a crisis and complaining to the rescuers that it will never work is really dumb.
    We managed to make electricity out of nuclear fission, the dumbest and most complicated way to boil water ever thought of, so there's no reason that gravity batteries can't be developed to even out the energy production of wind and solar.
    Work for solutions, not propaganda fueled hysteria about them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  187. Why thank you ma'am.

    1:46 PM

    You are very welcome, Pilot!

  188. Moar wasicu privilege to fight dark clouds with.....


    Raped one, assaulted another, stoopid fucking judge says he can't see psychological problems with woman, so home detention is severe enough penalty.

    John Q Black Guy likely would have received the death penalty after serving life.

  189. https://www.foxweather.com/watch/play-54fd5ba5a000f48?fbclid=IwAR3EhuZhmHlFILh4wJr5wG-53bB_crkIVlkKve2gNcD_nUb3blxD7WSJqmE

    Interesting view inside UAL training center and the good job we do getting you from A to B.

  190. Interesting, PilotX, but the next time I fly will be the first time I fly.

  191. We'll see if there be two justice systems for white teen murderers and Black teen killers.


  192. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Brooklyn arsonist is obviously an N-word.


  193. Hey Pilot, thanks, I really enjoyed the video. It was interesting and informative especially, as you know, one of my grandsons flies for a major air line.
