Saturday, December 04, 2021

Give me the name of this television show



Image from Yahoo news.
I'll go first: Friends. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Name of TV show: "All in the Family"

      How do, Mr. Field and fellow commentersπŸ‘‹πŸΌ

  2. Southern white boy's dream dating game show.

  3. That's my momma.
    Finding our African roots.

  4. Welcome back, again Faith_and_Fairness.

    1. Thank you, Mike from Iowa. Must say I am really not that far away tracking the conversations, always pleased you, Pilot, Doug, Bozo, Gambler, Flying Junior, and even a few other veteran and new voices are keepin' it πŸ’―

  5. Speaking for all of us (I hope I am not too presumptuous) we aim to please except trolls.

  6. Please help, my wife can’t cook.

  7. Anonymous11:02 PM

    You married the wrong woman, then.

    Cooking is easy.  Just buy a cookbook and you're 90% of the way there.  Assuming you can read, of course.

  8. Anonymous12:54 AM

    A Hallmark Channel original Christmas movie:

    “My Black Grandma,” starring Zach Efron and Octavia Spencer.

    (Yes, I know, that was mean to Octavia.)

  9. Manifest Density10:37 AM

    That‘s my mama!

  10. Kristmas blessing for anyfuckingmoose and his troll bids....

    Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden. That's according to a new analysis by NPR that examines how political polarization and misinformation are driving a significant share of the deaths in the pandemic.

    from NPR

    What's yer holdup, anymoose?

  11. Erectile dysfunction spokesman and terrible Kansass sinator and horrible human being, Bob Dole is sleeping with the fishies, @ 98.

  12. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Dumb & Dumber

  13. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Omicron = WOLF WOLF WOLF

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Hawaii braces for foot of snow amid blizzard warning, global warming is a hoax:

  15. “Hawaii braces for foot of snow amid blizzard warning, global warming is a hoax“


  16. “The National Weather Service’s prediction center said it’s common to see snow above 11,000 feet in Hawaii.”


  17. Anonymous1:58 PM

    See gun expert's reaction to Alec Baldwin's shooting claim



  19. “See gun expert's reaction to Alec Baldwin's shooting claim“

    Yeah, may take a pass on that one.

  20. Will and Grace for the lead.

  21. I'd walk a million miles For one of your smiles, My Mammy

  22. Anonymous said...

    Hawaii braces for foot of snow amid blizzard warning, global warming is a hoax:

    12:23 PM

    Unusual weather patterns are one of the hallmarks of climate change. Can it be that thousands of scientists around the planet are wrong and you are right?

  23. Snow at fourteen thousand feet isn't that unusual. The flood warnings are what's unusual.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. The wave of the climate-changed future, from Susie Madrak's blog:

    ABC News
    Insurance companies operating in Louisiana will be charged at least $100 million to pay claims of two failed property insurers who went belly up in Hurricane Ida’s aftermath.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. “Can it be that thousands of scientists around the planet are wrong and you are right?“

    The hallmark of conservative thinking, they know everything about everything and are never wrong. 🀷🏾‍♂️

  26. Devin Numbnuts and his family's cows are leaving congress at the end of the year and going to work for drumpf media, where he won't get paid because drumpf doesn't pay his bills.

  27. Yeah, California lost a congressional seat after the census, and Devin was gonna have to run against Josh Harder, who really wasn't looking forward to dealing with the twelve million dollars in Devin's campaign account. Whether he could have won or not is an open question, probably depending on how good a night the goddamn Republicans have, but as that district is hella close to this one, I'm not sorry to see him go. Or his cow. Or his mom. Now if we can get rid of Kevin the fuck McCarthy our state might just do OK.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. “Now if we can get rid of Kevin the fuck McCarthy our state might just do OK.”

    He may just leave in his own because he may not be trumpy enough for the orange menace.

  29. And Tom the fuck McClintock. He can leave at his earliest convenience, as far as I'm concerned. Last time there was only a weak-tea Democrat running against him to vote for, but this time there's Kermit Jones, who is a doctor, a Navy vet, and Black, so really, probably far too interesting to win in this R+8 district, but I'll do what I can for him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Merrick Garland goes after Texas again with a DOJ lawsuit, this time for racist redistricting practices.

    Justice Department sues Texas over new redistricting maps

    And, once again, I’m not sure it will succeed, after the Supreme Court eviscerated the Voting Rights Act (because, according to the wingnut justices, racism is over).

    But hey, Garland is giving it the old college try.

  31. Anonymous3:09 AM

    And Tom the fuck McClintock. He can leave at his earliest convenience, as far as I'm concerned.

    His electorate put him in office.  If that offends you so much, let THEIR country separate it from YOURS... because you have no business being in the same one.

    Stop trying to impose your will upon those so different from you.  Allow ACTUAL "diversity" to exist, God damn you.

    I repeat... GOD DAMN YOU!

  32. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Candace Owens blasts Jussie Smollett's lies as actor takes the stand

  33. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Trump supporters

  34. Not allowed to be a Teddy Roosevelt political supporter from iowa, via Minnesota....

    This is diversity. Fuck anymoose, just not this one.

  35. Teens throw water balloons at wasicu wastey truck. Wasicu wastey shoots teens with a shotgun as they drive by again.

    Wasicu charged with attempted murder, but, but, he was standing his ground, wasn't he?

  36. Moar white privilege...

    Planted three bombs in Pittsburgh near BLM protests. Gets lenient sentence because he be white.

  37. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "We voted for TRUMP!!"

  38. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Global warming is bullshit!!

  39. "Stop trying to impose your will upon those so different from you."

    Go clean the poopy out of your undies. What I do is participate in democracy, and campaigning against awful assholes in power like Tom the fuck McClintock is very much a part of that.
    You really hate America, and I'm kinda sick of your senseless mewling about it. You could always go fuck yourself, or something less annoying than your idiotic accusations, but you seem less than mentally prepared for anything harder than propaganda consumption, so carry on.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. As sure as magats are racist scum....

    Blacks and Hispanics still discriminated against in housing.

  41. Anonymous said....

    His electorate put him in office. If that offends you so much, let THEIR country separate it from YOURS... because you have no business being in the same one.

    Stop trying to impose your will upon those so different from you. Allow ACTUAL "diversity" to exist, God damn you.

    I repeat... GOD DAMN YOU!

    3:09 AM
    Seems your are the one who should separate. You are by far in the minority in this country. On your best day, you may represent the views of about 20 percent of the population. The rest of us favor diversity of ethnicity and political views. You all need to find some vacant land somewhere in the world and form you own country.

  42. Anonymous6:51 PM

    What I do is participate in democracy

    O RLY?  Did any actual Americans get to vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Immigration act of 1965?  Were affirmative action and "disparate impact" ever put up for a plebiscite?  What pols ran on that platform?  I wanna know when that happened.

    You really hate America

    No, I hate YOUR America.  My America doesn't have things like cities burning down because a convicted felon drugged himself to death, and you're welcome to those things.

  43. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Ahh gotz duh cheeepest hoe in town muggaphucka….a dolluh too ninety eight muh knickguh.

  44. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Jussie Smollett is going down:

    Also, George Floyd's nephew is arrested for intimidation of jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

    Parts of America still exist.

  45. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Blacks and Hispanics still discriminated against in housing.

    News flash:  landlords are likely to prefer better prospective tenants!

    That is one more thing that needs to be explicitly protected, BY LAW.

  46. Dude, I live in Madera County. No fucking cities burned down, that's your propaganda again. Even in the worst unrest (I lived near 98th Ave. in Oakland when the Rodney King verdict went down) I could still walk to the grocery store with my money in my pocket unarmed.
    The things you say are lies. I don't know where you got them, or if you actually believe them, but they are just lies. Anyone can make up lies. What the right has, though, is a trained audience of infinitely reprogrammable meatbags who will enthusiastically gobble up the latest lie even if it directly contradicts the lie from five minutes ago.
    That makes the lies a bit more dangerous, as no actual judgement is being applied to their veracity or original intent.
    My America is America, and if you hate my America you hate America.
    America is what it is, not your racist fascist utopia, although the goddamn Republicans are pushing closer to an authoritarian shithole every day. They, though, can be stopped, as they are in the minority. As such, they deserve to be represented in their government. All we're asking is that their representation be proportional to their actual numbers.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Cortez Rice is not George Floyd's nephew. Threatening to take pics of jurors isn't much of a threat. Get your big boy pants on and maybe you can actually find a crime, like killing unarmed protesters on camera and claiming victimhood because you are white.

  48. News flash: landlords are likely to prefer better prospective tenants!

    News flash, that is still discrimination and still illegal except in magat fever dreams.

  49. Here is anymoosies America where racist cops burn civilians and kill children that he conveniently ignores.

    This is only one, not the only one. God damn, anymoose!

  50. Take your pick, anymoose. Story after story of violent police mishandling peaceful protests around America. That is your world, you sick fucker.

  51. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Seems your are the one who should separate. You are by far in the minority in this country.

    You could NOT be more wrong.  The majority of the White US population is either antipathic to blacks, or will be as soon as reality wakes them up.  This is easy to tell from dog whistles like "looking for good schools"... in other words, districts with few stupid, violent "minorities" like blacks.

    On your best day, you may represent the views of about 20 percent of the population.

    I represent them.  They're afraid to admit it, but they know I do.  You can tell by how they vote with their feet to avoid the pathologies of African'ts.

    The rest of us favor diversity of ethnicity and political views.

    You proved the lie when you declared that my political views are unacceptable.

    You all need to find some vacant land somewhere in the world and form you own country.

    Why should we cede anything to you?  We already occupy land, land we own and have rights to.  YOU need to get your grubby hands off of US and OUR land.

    I'd be happy to let you have the Blue cities, put walls around them to keep you from getting out, and stop YOU from participating in OUR elections and policies.

    The savages would then eat you, but that's what you deserve.

  52. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Dude, I live in Madera County. No fucking cities burned down, that's your propaganda again.

    Did you just deny the $millions in damages in burned buildings that we saw in Minneapolis and Kenosha?  I believe you did.

    It's too bad that you weren't one of the scumbags that Kyle Rittenhouse justifiably offed.

    My America is America, and if you hate my America you hate America.

    No it isn't.  America is a land where people are free.  Your "America" is a place where people are destroyed for not voicing today's "politically correct" opinions:  hectored, disemployed, made homeless, killed.  Your "America" is the Stalinist USSR.

  53. Anonymous12:08 AM

    “Also, George Floyd's nephew is arrested for intimidation of jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.”

    This appears to be all kinds of wrong. For starters, Cortez Rice isn’t related to George Floyd, although he’s lied and said he was, for some reason. Also, it’s the wrong trial. Rice has been arrested in Wisconsin, but not for anything to do with Kyle Rittenhouse. It’s an arrest warrant from Minnesota, where the Kim Potter trial is happening. You remember Kim Potter, right? The cop who was on video yelling “Taser-Taser-Taser!” while firing bullets-bullets-bullets into some black dude. Oops.

    Anyway, what happened was that that Rice was with a group of BLM protesters who decided unwisely to protest at the home of the judge in the Kim Potter trial. Double dumb-dumb points for protesting against the judge in the first place and then specifically holding the protest at (and actually entering the building of) her home.

    The problem with BLM being a leaderless grassroots movement is that some of the local chapters contain individuals who are severely lacking in critical thinking skills.

  54. You said burned cities. All of the cities are still there. Just another of your lies. If you could listen to yourself, you would be appalled, but you're too damn stupid and brainwashed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous2:01 AM

    All of the cities are still there.

    But far from intact.  What did the owners and insurers of this car dealership do to deserve such destruction?  Nothing.

    Nothing whatsoever... which scum like you can name.

    So FTHO, because scum like you are SCUM!


  56. Stop shooting unarmed Black people and maybe the riots would stop. Even as dumb as you are, anymoose, you realize riots place attention on the bias against Blacks by mostly white pigs and fucking disgusting racist magats such as yerself. Cry me a river, racist.

  57. wasicu wastey on Black crime.....

    Blame anymoose for cheer leading for whiteys all over.

  58. More from anymoose's kind of people....

  59. Anonymous said...

    What I do is participate in democracy

    O RLY? Did any actual Americans get to vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Immigration act of 1965? Were affirmative action and "disparate impact" ever put up for a plebiscite? What pols ran on that platform? I wanna know when that happened.

    6:15 PM
    Well, I voted for the first time in 1964 and voted a straight Democratic except for Senator Kuchel, a
    Republican. I voted for him because he had played a large role in getting the 1964 Civil Rights bill through the Senate.
    I have voted a straight Democratic ticket in every state and federal election since then. So I've had my input. The United States is a constitutional republic; we elect the people who represent us. We don't conduct plebiscites. If you don't like the laws of this country, you can work to try to change them. Or you can move to a country that is more aligned with your beliefs.

  60. Anonymous11:49 AM

    “The United States is a constitutional republic; we elect the people who represent us. We don't conduct plebiscites.”

    Not entirely true. We do sometimes pass laws through referendums. Particularly in positively referendum-happy California, which has had at least two of them rejecting affirmative action. That’s something that should please the original poster.

    But our political system doesn’t rely on referendums. Laws passed through legislatures aren’t less legitimate than laws passed through referendums. That’s not how it works.

    And, in any event, the OP is deeply delusional if he thinks voters would repeal the Civil Rights Act or ban all immigration if only given a chance to vote on it directly. Democracy is not on the side of his views. And that’s why the Republican Party is increasingly trying to undermine democracy to achieve their fascist wonderland: They know that if everything were put to a fair vote, they’d lose resoundingly. So they try to rig the system to their benefit while screaming loudly and dishonestly that it is being rigged against them.

  61. Anonymous said...

    Seems your are the one who should separate. You are by far in the minority in this country.

    The majority of the White US population is either "antipathic to blacks.." or will be as soon as reality wakes them up. This is easy to tell from dog whistles like "looking for good schools"... in other words, districts with few stupid, violent "minorities" like blacks.
    Unfortunately you refuse to accept reality. You truly are in the minority. Become informed; check out this website: https//
    BTW There are lots of stupid,violent, white people. Donald Trump, Marjory Green, Michael Flynn, and all of the far-right crowd.


  62. “Candace Owens blasts Jussie Smollett's lies as actor takes the stand“

    Whoa! Bedwench Candy-O says something negative about a Black person???😳😳😳😳 You have GOT to be kidding!!!!

  63. Some of my friends promoting aviation to young women! Amazing work.

  64. Anonymous2:09 PM

    biden and kuntmala allow millions to illegally stream across our southern border. None of of these people are screened for Covid or other disease and are scattered all across America. yet Team Shit the Bead bans travel to 9 African countries over the bullshit "omicron" boogey man.......

  65. biden and kuntmala allow millions to illegally stream across our southern border. None of of these people are screened for Covid or other disease and are scattered all across America.

    Lie upon lie upon lie which is all anymoose can do. anymoose must be related to drumpfs.


    Migrant workers trapped in slavery positions by wasicu wasteys in Georgia. anymoose will likely deny this occurs/ed and blame it on Biden or HRC.

  67. So yesterday was a bad day for the lovers of slavery, the hideously ugly statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest by I-65 in Nashville was taken down and smashed to flinders, the pedestal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottsville is being dismantled, and the statue itself is being melted down and recast into public art by an African American Heritage Center.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous3:06 PM

    “biden and kuntmala allow millions to illegally stream across our southern border.”

    Massive lies here, too. Starting with the words “allow” and “millions.”

    If you’re talking about people who haven’t been screened or quarantined for disease, you’re talking about illegal immigrants, not asylum seekers, who are in fact screened and quarantined. Estimates for the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. run to about 11 million TOTAL. Those are the numbers who have arrived over several decades. So from that, what can you deduce about the number who’ve arrived just during COVID?

    Here’s a clue: NOT “millions.”

    As for “allow,” that implies there is actually some absolute way that you even can keep them out, and the Democrats are simply not doing it, and that’s a fiction. The U.S. has an enormous southern border and enormous coastlines besides. There simply is no way you can keep them all out, no matter how hard you try. Trumpian methods like building ever-larger walls are just a publicity stunt. They would have next to zero impact on border crossings, serving only to insult Mexico and mess up cross-border trade.

    You could, of course, disincentivize illegal immigration by making it more painful for American employers to hire anyone without proper documentation. But there are a couple big problems with that. First, for all their racist anti-Latino rhetoric, Republicans won’t actually pass such policies, because 1) They never do anything to penalize employers, because employers are rich people and the GOP are the rich-people party, and 2) WE NEED THE FUCKING LABOR! Most of those illegally hired workers are filling necessary roles in our economy that would otherwise go unfilled.

    At some point, it might be helpful for you to consider the fact you have been played for a fool by the Repubican Party and its media minions.

  69. Well, perhaps the midterms might be better than we are fearing (from Susie Madrak's blog):

    PatriotTakes πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    Matt Gaetz says he wants Trump to become Speaker of the House if Republican win the majority back in 2022.

    Gaetz said he has talked to Trump about it.

    Republicans have just turned every House race into a referendum on Trump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Juicey lying his ass off on the stand. Class three felony in Illinois.

  71. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Asylum Seeker = Illegal Alien

  72. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "Asylum Seeker = Illegal Alien"

    The 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and the 1967 UN Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees -- both of which we signed -- say no.

    It is completely legal to come to the U.S., including by sneaking across the border, and claim asylum here. We don't automatically grant asylum. A person has to meet the specific asylum criteria to be granted it; otherwise, they are deported. But they have a right to claim it.

    Trump tried to ignore these treaties, but they have the force of law.

  73. Anonymous said...

    biden and kuntmala allow millions to illegally stream across our southern border. None of of these people are screened for Covid or other disease and are scattered all across America. yet Team Shit the Bead bans travel to 9 African countries over the bullshit "omicron" boogey man.......

    2:09 PM
    Lies, lies, and damn lies. LOL

  74. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Stop shooting unarmed Black people and maybe the riots would stop.

    George Floyd wasn't shot, he overdosed on his own supply.

    Maybe teaching blacks not to commit crimes, not to resist arrest on warrants, and not to do drugs would help a lot more?  Or do you think that having decent standards for behavior of blacks is "racist"?  Do you believe they have agency?  Yes or no.

    Even as dumb as you are, anymoose, you realize riots place attention on the bias against Blacks by mostly white pigs and fucking disgusting racist magats such as yerself.

    Black police shoot blacks a lot too.  More than White cops do, AAMOF.

    Cry me a river, racist.

    If we're really equal, we wouldn't have this gulf in behavior.  "Racism" is just the acknowledgement of that truth.

    "Racism" is nowhere condemned in the Bible.  Bluntly, healthy societies need "racism".  The whole world does.  "Diversity" is a curse.

  75. Anonymous7:10 PM

    the OP is deeply delusional if he thinks voters would repeal the Civil Rights Act or ban all immigration if only given a chance to vote on it directly.

    LARGE majorities oppose immigration.  Try again.

  76. Anonymous7:11 PM

    As for “allow,” that implies there is actually some absolute way that you even can keep them out, and the Democrats are simply not doing it, and that’s a fiction. The U.S. has an enormous southern border and enormous coastlines besides. There simply is no way you can keep them all out, no matter how hard you try.

    We can turn off the "birthright citizenship" magnet, the welfare magnet and the jobs magnet.

    Make it impossible for illegals to support themselves here and they will not just stop coming, the ones here will go home.

  77. Pigs killed Floyd, not drugs. Pigs killed Tamir Rice. And a whole host of other Blacks with virtually zero accountability.

    Democracy does not depend on anyone's bible, especially in America, you fascist swine.

  78. "So yesterday was a bad day for the lovers of slavery, the hideously ugly statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest by I-65 in Nashville was taken down and smashed to flinders, the pedestal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottsville is being dismantled, and the statue itself is being melted down and recast into public art by an African American Heritage Center."

    Here's a toast to the final defeat of the confederacy! Happened none too soon.

  79. Wow! Dan Crenshaw breaks down the modern Republican party. Brainwashed true believers aren't gonna like how he pulls the curtain away from the Freedom Caucus. He calls them performance artists, which is true. The sheep just want to be scared and need a bogeyman to blame.

  80. Cops sending racist text messages....

    From Raw Story today

  81. "Cops sending racist text messages...."

    Racist cops????? Nah, that never happens. LOL!

  82. Anonymous10:41 PM

    New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio issued a vaccine mandate on October 29. But in a ruling that throws into question the legality of the “mandate,” a judge for the Supreme Court of New York has blocked it.

    “Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for New York City employees, including the NYPD, has been blocked by a Manhattan court,” Newsweek reported.

    “On Tuesday, Judge Frank P. Nervo in the Supreme Court of New York gave notice that the mandate was suspended, pending a hearing scheduled for December 14,” the report added.

    “The ruling comes shortly after Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would also require private-sector workers to be vaccinated by Dec. 27. That policy affects about 184,000 businesses,” the Wall Street Journal noted.

  83. Ron Bloom is out, so DeJoy is toast.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Anonymous12:48 AM

    “Ron Bloom is out, so DeJoy is toast.”

    I really wish some intrepid reporter would film that arrogant douche carrying his possessions out of his former office in a cardboard box after he gets ignominiously canned.

    I guess it’s going to come as a big surprise to him that he won’t be around to complete his mission of destroying the Postal Service from the inside, since he told Congress he was going to be around for “a long time. Get used to me.”

    Thanks, but no thanks, Louis. We don’t want to get used to you. You suck.


  85. TV show is Harlequin Romance. Fuck anymoose.

  86. “he won’t be around to complete his mission of destroying the Postal Service from the inside“

    this is just a reprieve. The next Republican president will finish the job.

  87. Anonymous11:59 AM

    “this is just a reprieve. The next Republican president will finish the job.”

    I guess you could say that about pretty much every aspect of the federal government, with the exception of the military. They’d like to burn it all to the ground, and will, if no one stops them.

  88. What were National Guard troops from iowaa, South Duhkota and other states doing while allegedly serving on the border not stopping illegal entries of human trafficking?

    Drugs, for one thing. Here is a report detailing what crimes were committed by NGT and how under prepared they were equipped for their mission.

    South Dakota’s National Guard people did something about the drugs and human traffickers that aren’t pouring across the border.


    Belongs with above comment.

  90. wasicu wastey kiddie molester Josh Duggar found guilty on possessing child porn, etc.

    whiteys like 'em young.

  91. Anonymous1:14 PM

    “Here is a report detailing what crimes were committed by NGT and how under prepared they were equipped for their mission.”

    Doesn’t matter that they were underprepared. Their job wasn’t to catch border crossers. Sending them south was only meant to make Republicans look like they were doing something about the “dire threat of illegals” that Biden was supposedly ignoring.

    Much like Greg Abbott’s pointless, attention-grabbing stunt of lining up shipping containers at the border to make a mini Trump wall. Migrants were probably laughing as they climbed over them. “ ¿Que es esto? ¿Es un obstacle course?”

    That’s all Republicans do anymore: Engage in outlandish, offensive stunts and showboating.

  92. December 9, 2021 at 12:01 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 145 Comments

    Another Republican voter from the Villages retirement community in Florida has been charged with casting more than one ballot in an election, according to Villages News.

    We all know who the vote cheaters are; they're the Maga Republicans.

  93. Another billionaire scams tax roles to save hundreds of millions in taxes from an oil spill of theirs.

  94. Anonymous3:01 PM

    “We all know who the vote cheaters are; they're the Maga Republicans.”

    Yeah. Weird how Republicans constantly fulminate about how there are hordes of illegal immigrants unlawfully casting votes (presumably for Democrats), yet mysteriously, they keep failing to find any.

  95. “yet mysteriously, they keep failing to find any.“

    What is the dog going to do when it catches the car?

  96. “I guess you could say that about pretty much every aspect of the federal government“

    Pretty much, they’re hell bent on destroying all the mechanisms that created the middle class. Public schools, the P.O., colleges, ect. Maybe so we will all be dependent on “wealth creators” and will never make them pay any taxes while footing the bill for everything.

  97. Remember when magats made a commercial about voter fraud to accuse Biden voters of cheating with this guy....

    I'm telling you, magats can't shoot straight, even with the gun attached to the target. Too fucking dumb!

  98. Anonymous5:01 PM

    “Remember when magats made a commercial about voter fraud to accuse Biden voters of cheating with this guy....”

    From the article:

    “A business executive from Las Vegas who claimed someone voted as his deceased wife has pled guilty to voter fraud, the Associated Press reported.

    Donald Kirk Hartle entered a plea deal that would allow him to avoid jail time. Instead, he is expected to pay a $2,000 fine and receive the equivalent of one year of probation. His plea is scheduled for November 16.”

    So, just to recap, the trend seems to be:

    Poor/POC/Democrat, unknowingly broke voting laws, admitted it: multiple years in prison

    Rich/white/Republican, broke voting laws intentionally, lied and blamed others: minor fine, probation

    Sounds totally fair.

  99. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Pigs killed Floyd, not drugs.

    Floyd's autopsy report has been posted here MULTIPLE times.  There was no evidence of trauma that could have killed him, and his blood level of fentanyl and its metabolites proved that his breathing troubles came from drugs that he ingested himself.

    Pigs killed Tamir Rice.

    Tamir Rice was waving around a realistic firearm replica.  He died because (A) he was stupid and (B) his mother failed to educate him or just take the thing away from him (IOW, she was stupid too).

    If there's a solution to this, it's to beat the s**t out of stupid people each and every time they won't listen to sense.  Conditioning can work when education is not possible.

  100. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Cops sending racist text messages....

    Nothing creates "racists" (people who understand and tell the truth) faster than having to deal with blacks.

    African joke:

    Q: What's the difference between a tourist and a racist?

    A: About two weeks.

  101. It has been posted many times, but some anymooses are too stoopid to read and comprehend.

    His final autopsy findings, issued June 1, found that Floyd's heart stopped while he was being restrained and that his death was a homicide caused by "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression"

    Pigs murdered George Floyd!

  102. Tamir Rice was shot while the pig carrier was still moving, less than 2 seconds after the pigs arrived. They claimed they yelled multiple times for him to show his hands and then reached for his alleged weapon. They killed him so they wouldn't have to face him in court. Just like Zipperfuckerkillerman did Trayvon Martin.

  103. Anonymous5:48 PM

    His final autopsy findings, issued June 1, found that Floyd's heart stopped while he was being restrained and that his death was a homicide caused by "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression"

    Here is the actual autopsy report for George Floyd:

    At the top of page 2:

    "III. No life-threatening injuries identified"

    The word "homicide" appears nowhere in the document.

    You are a God-damned liar.  Repent!

  104. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Jussie Smollett found guilty of faking a hate crime against himself.

    Like I’ve said before, this dude should’ve owned up to it and apologized, once the cops figured out he had lied (or, you know, just not faked a hate crime). He’s made his public humiliation even worse by fighting it and dragging it all out.

  105. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Jussie Smollett found guilty of faking a hate crime against himself.

    In other words, a stupid failure made himself into an even bigger failure, and then multiplied his fails several-fold again.

    It's time for him, and his entire failed race, to be returned to the failed continent from which they came.  When you have too many fails, it's time to close the book on you.

  106. Anonymous7:08 PM

    In other news, a federal appeals court has ruled that Trump cannot prevent the release of White House records to the congressional Jan 6 committee.

    He’ll no doubt appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, but I’m not sure that even a SCOTUS packed with Trump appointees will help that embarrassing freakshow to hide his misdeeds.

  107. Pigs killed Floyd. It was on tape. The whole fucking world saw it, liar. I stand by my report. Yours does not give a cause of death.

  108. The first of many one can only hope:

    ‘A Very Bad Day for Donald Trump’

    December 9, 2021 at 4:24 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 40 Comments

    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) said that “this is a very bad day for Donald Trump and the NRA” when commenting on New York Attorney General Letitia James’ (D) decision to run for reelection and drop out of the Democratic governor’s race.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  109. The entire Fergus administration was guilty of this the whole time they were in the white house:

    Mark Meadows Did Not Properly Store Official Records

    December 9, 2021 at 3:21 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 75 Comments

    Mark Meadows and the National Archives are in talks over potential records he did “not properly” turn over from his personal phone and email account, Politico reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. The DC circuit said drumpf couldn't hide his papers from 1-6 committee also stayed that order for 14 days to allow drumpf to appeal to the activist, partisan, extremely ideological thugs on the SPOTUS.

  111. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Pigs killed Floyd. It was on tape. The whole fucking world saw it, liar.

    The world saw George Floyd declare that he could not breathe BEFORE he was restrained.  The only person who can be held responsible for this is George Floyd, so his death must be declared either a misadventure or a suicide.

    I stand by my report.

    Which leaves you are wrong as you always have been.

    Yours does not give a cause of death.

    It shows what did NOT happen, you lying scumbag.  What did NOT happen is any kind of homicide.

    Derek Chauvin needs to be released immediately, given back pay and compensation for his travails (and those of all associated with him), and paid wages for the career he can likely no longer be part of due to rampant prejudice by scum like YOU!

  112. Not only stoopid, but blind as well.

  113. Autopsy cites 'restraint and neck compression'
    The Hennepin County medical examiner's office ruled Floyd's death was a homicide caused by "cardiopulmonary arrest" complicated by "restraint, and neck compression" while he was being subdued by police.

    Medical Examiner Andrew Baker testified that the way officers held Floyd down and compressed his neck while restraining him "was just more than Mr. Floyd could take," given the condition of his heart.

    Similarly, an independent autopsy commissioned by Floyd's family ruled "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of Floyd's death.

    Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump said at a news conference in June 2020 that Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson performed the autopsy, finding there was "neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

    Dr. Martin Tobin, a pulmonologist and critical care specialist of Loyola University Medical Center, also testified during Chauvin's trial that Floyd died of a lack of oxygen from being pinned to the pavement with a knee on his neck. He added, “A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died."

    Tobin noted Floyd's body position – officers lifting up his handcuffed arms, Chauvin's knee on his neck, back and sides – are what led to his low oxygen levels, resulting in "low tidal volume, which gives you shallow breaths.

  114. As I said so many times, DEATH BY PIG! Get over it!

  115. Anybody see the krocodile tears fake noize hosts were spilling about the attack on all things America because someone set their kristmas tree on fire?

    About the 1-6 assault on Congress, crickets. Sure got their priorities fucked up. No surprise there.

  116. “Derek Chauvin needs to be released immediately“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ yeah sure. Hold your breath til that happens.

  117. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Juicey Guilty!!

  118. From today...

    Michigan Official Who Disputed Election Dies of Covid

    And another Covid denier bites the dust.

  119. Man, hillbillies lovethem some child porn.😳



  122. Found at Comrade Misfit's place:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  124. Anonymous9:52 AM

    CHICAGO Year 2021 to Date (Dec.10th)
    Shot & Killed: 760
    Shot & Wounded: 3579
    Total Shot: 4339
    Total Homicides: 808

  125. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Juicey Smollett GUILTY 5 out of 6 charges!!!! Another negro Twana Brawley incident.

  126. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The marxist left fears Donald J. Trump and truth

  127. Anonymous10:14 AM

    How woke Chicago DA Kim Foxx went out of her way to help Jussie Smollett and complained to her deputy that charges against him were 'excessive'

  128. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "Reverend Al Sharpton
    Jan 29, 2019
    The reported hate attack on my friend and brother, actor Jussie Smollett is despicable and outrageous. The guilty must face the maximum."

    Does this mean that Al supports throwing the book at Juicey because he is the one that committed the crimes???

  129. "The marxist left fears Donald J. Trump and truth"

    Donald trump fears the Jan. 6th committee and the tax inquiry. LOL!


  130. "Juicey Smollett GUILTY 5 out of 6 charges!!!!"

    And still nobody cares.

  131. Uh oh, trump loses appeals case to keep documents secret. He might finally be doing time?

  132. Banking while Black. Bank manager accuses Black customer of having fake check. It wasn't. Cops arrested customer after he stood up quickly. Pig said Black guy flexed at bank manager.

  133. Anonymous2:37 PM

    A jury has now confirmed what police (local, state, and federal), Dave Chappelle, and you knew all along: that Jussie Smollett perpetrated a fake hate crime, hung his friends out to dry, and tried to blame everything on Donald Trump. Jussie may as well have said, “But … but … but … MAGA! But Trump! C’mon, guys, don’t you believe me?”

    It turns out that the only ones who believed Jussie Smollett’s fake “beating” by his accomplices were Black Lives Matter because the group hates the police more than it hates lying

    to the American people.

    Well, it turns out that Americans are getting wise to fake hate crimes. In fact, there are so few real hate crimes that people like Jussie Smollett have to make them up. Or, as a commentator Clay Travis once said of Jussie in 2019, “The demand for racist hate far exceeds the supply of any racist hate incidents. Because of this, we are seeing one racial hoax charade after another.”

    So few hate crimes exist that not only do Leftists have to make them up, they have to redefine what racism is (see critical race theory for an example of how they do this). All of a sudden racial profiling is back! But this time it’s “good.” Black Lives Matter said so. And if you don’t agree, they and their Antifa fellow travelers will burn your house down.

  134. Anonymous2:38 PM

    And still nobody cares.

    10:30 AM

    The Jury did.

  135. Anonymous2:39 PM

    If black lives mattered in the black community, why do they slaughter each other????

  136. Anonymous2:41 PM

    So few hate crimes exist that not only do Leftists have to make them up, they have to redefine what racism is (see critical race theory for an example of how they do this). All of a sudden racial profiling is back! But this time it’s “good.” Black Lives Matter said so. And if you don’t agree, they and their Antifa fellow travelers will burn your house down.

    There are so many fake hate crimes that several databases have been launched to keep track of them. The best one I’ve seen was recommended by PJ Media colleague Kevin Downey, Jr. . It is called, coincidentally enough,

  137. “The Jury did“

    and that’s it. Time to move on.

  138. “There are so many fake hate crimes that several databases have been launched to keep track of them.“

    Agreed. Marjorie Taylor Greene outlined fake hate crimes in her press conference. Damn shame a sitting congressperson is spreading lies. I’m with you on this one brother!✊🏿

  139. “If black lives mattered in the black community, why do they slaughter each other????“

    They do. We don’t.

  140. Catching more of these MF’s. Keep it going.

  141. If blue lives mattered why were so-called patriots attacking cops on 1/6?

  142. From today's Daily Beast...

    "Student Was Planning Campus Bloodbath With Rifle Bought on Facebook, Cops Say"

    The man looks like he's white to me.


  143. Racial profiling never left. Witness 106 arrests in Beverly hills, where 2% of the residents are Black and 105 of those arrested were Blacks, doing the same things as whitey who wasn't getting busted.

    In iowa Hispanic drivers and vehicles with California and Washington plates are routinely stopped for drug checks. Racial profiling.

  144. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    If blue lives mattered why were so-called patriots attacking cops on 1/6?

    4:06 PM

    That was BLM and ANTIFA

  145. The annual world inequality report is out. It makes predictable depressing reading. Capitalism sucks.

  146. That was BLM and ANTIFA and yer a fucking liar, but we all knew that already.

    anymoose needs to get laid. I wonder if his dog still puts out for him and he is too ashamed to say one way or another. Who am I fooling? magats down feel shame. They are incapable of feeling shAME.

  147. “That was BLM and ANTIFA“

    Of course it was. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚



  149. “That was BLM and ANTIFA and yer a fucking liar, but we all knew that already.“

    Who knew Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and Louie Ghomert would support BLM and Antifa. 🀷🏾‍♂️ Times, they are a changing.

  150. Anonymous said...

    If black lives mattered in the black community, why do they slaughter each other????

    2:39 PM
    I don't know; why do white people slaughter each other? Maybe they are mad about something. Why don't you do some research on the topic and report back your findings?

    Lots of white people joined in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations. Can you explain that?

    And why did so many white people storm the Capital Building and attack the capitol police?

    Why were so many white people screaming "Hang Mike Pence"?

  151. Anonymous said...

    Blogger PilotX said...
    If blue lives mattered why were so-called patriots attacking cops on 1/6?

    4:06 PM

    That was BLM and ANTIFA

    7:07 PM
    All ten thousand of them?? LOL! Now that's funny. When the traitors who stormed the Capitol appear in court, they sure don't act or look like BLM or ANTIFA.

  152. “When the traitors who stormed the Capitol appear in court, they sure don't act or look like BLM or ANTIFA.“

    Be careful, these trolls only know what they hear from rightwing media. Truth might hurt their heads.

  153. “why did so many white people storm the Capital Building and attack the capitol police?“

    Because their dear leader told them? I bet they’d hate the fact that dear leader who loves them and the country so much in reality wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire.

  154. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Jussie Smollett's Subway sandwich was key to case, ex-Chicago police superintendent says
    Brie Stimson - 4h ago

    Actor Jussie Smollett was found guilty of lying to police last week after he claimed he was the victim of a hate crime in 2019 and, of all things, a Subway sandwich was a key piece of evidence in the case against him, the former Chicago police superintendent said, according to reports.

    Ex-Superintendent Eddie Johnson told NewsNationNow's "Morning in America" that Smollett left his home around 2 a.m. on the day he claimed to be attacked to buy the sandwich.

    "OK, that’s fine," Johnson said, adding that morning was one of the coldest in Chicago that year and hardly anyone was on the street. "He comes back and gets attacked in a hate crime, supposed hate crime, and during all this scuffle – they poured bleach on him and all of this – when he got up and went into his apartment building he still had that Subway sandwich with him. That doesn’t happen."

    Smollett's interview with police inside his apartment after the claimed attack was caught on body camera footage.

    Johnson said victims usually abandon whatever they have with them when they’re attacked "because they’re afraid."

    "This guy had the sandwich in his hand, never been touched. So that was a real tip and a clue to us that something was amiss."

    Video: Jussie Smollett convicted of staging attack, lies to police (Associated Press)

  155. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Be careful, these trolls only know what they hear from rightwing media. Truth might hurt their heads.


    The left fears truth that is why they try so hard to suppress it........

  156. Here is moar truth and proof....We have met the Socialists and magats they be....

    Won't raise taxes so they collect billions from blue state hard working libs to pay their way.

  157. 2 days before 1-6 insurrection, magat congresssmen and sinators were given a 38 page powerpoint demo showing how drumpf could declare himself winner of the election after the invasion.

  158. Anonymous11:55 AM

    “2 days before 1-6 insurrection, magat congresssmen and sinators were given a 38 page powerpoint demo showing how drumpf could declare himself winner of the election after the invasion.”

    Trump’s Powerpoint presentation on how to end democracy is not getting nearly enough attention in the media.


  159. Anonymous said...The left fears truth that is why they try so hard to suppress it........

    10:22 AM
    Why don't Maga trolls know how to punctuate correctly?---
    Here are two ways to do it.

    The left fears truth; that is why they try so hard to suppress it.
    The left fears truth. That is why they work so hard to suppress it.

    It really doesn't matter which way you write it because it's all bull shit anyway.

  160. anymoose needs to show up and claim powerpoint plan to overthrow duly elected Biden is less serious than homeless man burning down kristmas tree.

    Plan allegedly came from Mark Meadows.

    Duggar's sister charged with child endangerment. It figures.

  161. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Coal powered electric cars. Helping liberals pretend they are solving a make-believe crisis.

  162. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Most reported U.S. Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated -CDC

  163. Anonymous2:38 PM

    What insurrection??? Not one person charged with insurrection. The current charges are a Polit Bureau witch hunt show trial.

  164. "What insurrection???"

    That would be that whole worst attack on the US capitol since the war of 1812 thingie, dear.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. One stoopid magat bitch was executed on site after numerous warnings. Thousands more deserve the same punishment for their part in the insurrection, as laid out by Meadows in powerpoint plan two days before the insurrection happened.

  166. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Why are kamala's staff jumping ship left and right??

  167. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Was Justice Served?

  168. The DOJ is recommending that Florida man, Fergus fellator and brain wizard Robert Scott Palmer be sentenced to 63 months in prison for repeatedly assaulting police officers.
    Palmer is white, as had he been black he would have no doubt been executed on the spot by the police he assaulted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  169. "Why are kamala's staff jumping ship left and right??"

    To help get Stacey Abrams elected, mostly.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  170. Billionaire Spills Oil, Avoids Income Tax For 14 Years

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    John Roberts tries to make case for court packing without actually saying it.

    As for anymoose's video @ 3:56 PM, don't bother.

  172. Rancid Paul begs for federal help for Kaintuck after years of voting against other states receiving same.

    Moar hypocrisy from the magat side of the aisle.

  173. “Coal powered electric cars.“

    Some power companies are switching over to renewables. Check excel in Colorado.

  174. “Not one person charged with insurrection“

    Trespassing, assault, battery and a few other random charges. Those aren’t good enough for you?

  175. “The left fears truth that is why they try so hard to suppress it........“

    Which is why it’s the right banning certain courses and trying to ban certain books. Wrong team Tiger.

  176. Anonymous6:13 PM

    “Trespassing, assault, battery and a few other random charges. Those aren’t good enough for you?”

    They’re actually not good enough for a lot of liberals — including me.

    DOJ actually considered seditious conspiracy charges against the Jan 6 morons. The fact they didn’t file them seems more a matter of cowardice than not being able to make the case. The Biden administration are apparently afraid of making wingnut-o-sphere martyrs out of the Capitol rioters by tossing them down a deep, dark hole and forgetting about them.

    Personally, I wish they’d go balls to the wall and hit these guys with the harshest possible charges.

  177. Anonymous6:28 PM

    “Some power companies are switching over to renewables. Check excel in Colorado.”

    Renewable power in the U.S. basically doubled since 2008. It’d be increasing faster if Republicans — and Joe Manchin — didn’t keep trying to block government action on this issue.

  178. “Personally, I wish they’d go balls to the wall and hit these guys with the harshest possible charges.“


  179. “Renewable power in the U.S. basically doubled since 2008. It’d be increasing faster if Republicans“

    Yeah but then they wouldn’t have their stupid talking points.


    Send all these fools to jail!

  181. Snow on the ground and more on the way, but boy am I glad I'm not in Kentucky. Well, for a host of reasons, but tornadoes being a big one just now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  182. Good riddance to this slime.

  183. Anonymous11:49 PM

    why do white people slaughter each other?

    Whites don't.  Blacks are over 50% of US murder suspects, not including the large fraction of black "community" murders for which no suspect is identified.  Further, "hispanics" are rolled into the White suspect totals (a grievous example of lying with statistics).

    Absent "minorities", the USA would be about as peaceful as Europe.  Blacks and browns (savages) are a plague and have no business being inside civilization.

  184. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Some power companies are switching over to renewables.

    "Renewables" are a fraud perpetrated by the fossil-fuel companies, which know that essential functions cannot be carried out without 100% reliable power.  Neither wind nor solar can provide this.

    The only true clean power sources are hydro and nuclear... and hydro is doubtful, and definitely not safe.

    If you believe differently, wait until your municipal water pressure falls to zero and raw sewage backs up into your basement because there's no power to run the lift pumps.

    But by that time, civilization will already have departed the area.  And it will have happened BECAUSE YOU ARE MORONS!

  185. And the hits just keep on coming! Another treason monkey sentenced for assaulting a cop.

  186. “But by that time, civilization will already have departed the area. And it will have happened BECAUSE YOU ARE MORONS!“

    Really Nostrodamus? Any other fascinating predictions? Lemme guess, the commies are gonna take over America and force us to learn CRT in concentration camps? πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ You trolls are hilarious!

  187. Anonymous2:53 AM

    So Demaryius Thomas (wide receiver for the Broncos) is dead (an allgedly healthy specimin) is dead at age 33, fallen in the shower.

    Why are you too stupid to understand that taking the Clot Shot is NOT something you should do, EVER, FOR ANY REASON?!

  188. magats, be careful what you wish for because it will come back and bite your underdeveloped magat balls off....

  189. So Demaryius Thomas (wide receiver for the Broncos) is dead (an allgedly healthy specimin) is dead at age 33, fallen in the shower.

    Thomas had neurological damage from a severe car accident which left him prone to seizures, such as the one that likely is responsible for his death.

    Go peddle your filth some where else.


  191. ““

    But remember the Federalist Society has spent the last 50 years packing the court with Christian extremists who will treat this differently. Democracy was fun while it lasted.

  192. PilotX, abortion law was written to exclude judicial oversight so Newsom should be able to get the same results with the same langwidge.

  193. Anonymous12:42 PM

    “But remember the Federalist Society has spent the last 50 years packing the court with Christian extremists who will treat this differently”

    It’d sure be interesting to see them try. They’d have to contort themselves into a pretzel to find any distinction between Texas passing a bounty hunter abortion law and California passing a bounty hunter gun law. It’s insane if they let either one stand, thereby undermining the supremacy of the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Because that’s what the Texas law was intended to accomplish: to thumb their nose at SCOTUS and say “You can’t tell us what to do, evil Feds!” It’s just a new version of the usual Southern “nullification” nonsense that we’ve seen throughout American history, whenever the rest of the country tried to force the South to grow the hell up.

  194. Roberts should have gelded Scalia and Uncle Thom-ass when he first became chief justice and nipped this activist shit in the butt.

  195. Chris Wallace quits Fake Noize and joins CNN Streaming Service where he may do some good fighting Fake Noize. As a more serious and fair minded reporter he has come around by leaps and bounds from his earlier days shilling fake noize.
