Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Will, I know you're from Philly, but you're not ROCKY.

 I didn't want to blog about the slap heard around the world, but since everyone else has given their opinion I will throw in my two cents worth as well.

First, I am not a fan of Chris Rock, never have been. There is a houseish (my word) element to his comedy and to him that I have always found to be a bit disconcerting. He is the kind of brother that comes to the cookout and tells those other folks all of our secrets.  But I digress. 

On to Sunday night, and my homie, Will Smith, doing the unthinkable. (At least for someone in his position.) My first thought was that it was all an act, but then I saw Smith going on about "keep my wife's name out of your f****g mouth", and it hit me that it was all very real.

The commentary from various sectors of society has been interesting. Listening to right-wingers, for instance, condemn the violence at the Oscars, but refusing to condemn the insurrectionist on January 6th who tried to overthrow the government was rich. The hypocrisy of it all. But shame on Will Smith for acting out in such a manner and allowing certain folks in society to say: "See, I told you so, that's how they are". 

Look, I get wanting to defend your wife's honor (Pay attention Ted Cruz) but there were other ways that he could have handled that. Back stage comes to mind. The show of toxic masculinity was not a good look. Sadly, that is what a lot of people have come to expect from black men, and Smith played right into that stereotype. He did it in primetime no less, for all the world to see. I would hope that Will is way past the trying to impress Jada phase of their relationship, but apparently not. 

There is a reason that a look or a verbal diss can get you killed in many of our neighborhoods. As a criminal defense attorney, I have had to defend a countless number of young men who let their emotions get the better of them at the wrong time. Many of them were from poor broken homes, and they were raised by the streets, so striking out was all they knew. Will Smith is worth millions of dollars, and he  was living his best OJ life (when white folks don't see you as black) so he had no excuse for acting out in such a manner. I say was, because that has changed. Now, to folks in the majority population, he is black again. 

Will Smith should dedicate the rest of his life to helping young black men keep their emotions in check and checking their toxic masculinity at the door. 

One night at the Oscars that went sideways might actually end up being a teachable moment. 

I know who is already over it: Chris Rock. His upcoming tour has already sold out all the cities he is playing in, and tickets are going for double what they were before he felt Smith's pimp hand.

"My behavior at last night's Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable," Smith wrote. "I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong."

Everybody doesn't hate Chris now. He can thank Will Smith for that.


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "I know who is already over it: Chris Rock. His upcoming tour has already sold out all the cities he is playing in, and tickets are going for double what they were before he felt Smith's pimp hand."

    Inexplicably. How Will Smith slapping Chris Rock makes Rock's comedy routines funnier, I will never understand.

    "Everybody doesn't hate Chris now. He can thank Will Smith for that."

    This is the irony. If Smith had just publicly criticized him, most people would have been on his side because it was an unfunny and somewhat cruel joke. But because Will Smith lost all self-control and did something far worse in reaction to the joke, now he's officially the bad guy.

    I hope it was worth it to impress his wife with how studly and masculine he is.

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Q:  Why did Will Smith use an open hand?
    A:  Because paper beats rock.

    Q:  How do you know Will Smith's slap wasn't staged?
    A:  Because he didn't cast his son in it.

    Q:  What's the difference between a gang-bang and a joke?
    A:  Will Smith won't let his wife be in a joke.

    1. The first two had me on the floor. Well done....

  3. Ah, not you too.😂

  4. So I thought I'd forget about violence and the way criminal behavior has skated in domestic politics and... watch the Oscars?

  5. Spot on, Field!

  6. I hit the trifecta. Not a fan of Rock, Smith or Orenthal James

  7. 80 year old white male's perspective - Rock's humor is what it is - Smith over-reacted. . .Race is irrelevant - this time - but the haters will of course hate. . .F*** Em. . .

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    So, how is Putin's invasion of Ukraine going? Let's check in.

    Russian Troops Suffer ‘Acute Radiation Sickness’ After Digging Chernobyl Trenches

  9. Rooshians getting radiation poisoning will somehow be Biden's fault. Wait for it.

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Chris Rock who I have seen live can be very reckless with his comedy and I wished Will Smith who actions I found to be questionable only after he returned to his seat and begun(shouting at Rock as if they were in a (dive-bar)) this despite Rock receiving Smith's message loud and clear when he slapped the living daylights out of him. Words and consequences my friend words and consequences?

  11. @anonymous 1:06 -

    I hear Merrick Garland is chairing the committee to decide on "consequences" for Smith. Decision should be reached sometime around 2035.

  12. He ruined what could have been a great moment for everybody. Now sadly that's all it will be remembered for. He could have come out on top by countering with another joke or kissing his wife's head, and made Chris look bad. But I think perhaps the situations within the marriage got the better of him.


    Pig who helped kill Ronald Greene is heard on camera bragging how he beat the shit out of the N-word.

  14. Miss Lindsey just ejaculated the least surprising statement ever..... he will not vote to support KBJs nomination to the SPOTUS. What a fucking surprise!

  15. Florida judge has blocked the state from enforcing any voter suppression legislation passed, with some sharp words aimed at Scotus for their part in promulgating voter suppression.

  16. Wesley R8:44 PM

    Chris Rock is going to make a bunch of money off of this. The tickets to his concerts are over thousand dollars now, so he's going to be fine.

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth9:16 PM

    Joking about a woman’s hair disorder is not funny, especially in front of millions of viewers. Our hair is our pride, except for money-hungry Marsha Blackwell (wondering if her hair has something to do with those orgies Cawthorn is talking about). For years women with baldness carried the burden of a stigma, which is why a lot of women wore wigs. It is a woman’s Achilles heel. A woman’s hair is her glory. Chris was out of bounds for joking about it at the Oscar Awards that are broadcast on TV. Chris and Jada are the two that deserve an apology.

    Chris has a prior history of dissing Jada in public with his jokes. People who say, “It’s just a joke.” Yes, it’s a joke, but jokes also have some reality in them.

    Ice melts and so does steel. Will let his emotions get the best of him and snapped. He reacted impetuously and made a mistake. True, the way he handled it could have been handled differently. Will was wrong for that part. However, there were no physical injuries, hospitalization, death, or even a need for a bandage. The only resulting injury from the two-second slap was an embarrassment, and Will’s fall from grace.

    Now, it has turned into a marathon of people calling for Will’s head on a platter. That’s what happens when too many people add fuel to the fire. The whole situation could have been salvaged. Will apologized to Chris verbally and in a written statement. Chris didn’t press charges. I believe that signaled that both were leaving the door open for them to be able to sit down, talk, work it out, and come to a peaceful resolution. People calling for Will’s head, 3 days straight, on a chopping block has made it hard. The whole thing has turned into a mirror image of a schoolyard fight with kids yelling to see more fights.

    Performative pearl-clutching is only ever reserved for Black men who mess up. The right-wing and Karens have come out in droves with their pitchforks to gather ammunition for their anti-black theme of the stereotypical violent black males. White people are actually are more upset about watching a Black man slap another Black man on TV than innocent Black men being killed by cops. The disparities in reactions to the slap are astounding.

    People are exaggerating, smearing, and claiming Will has always been a thug and criminal, which is ridiculous since he was never involved in that lifestyle. He went to a private school and grew up in a middle-class, two-parent home. Will wasn’t from the hood. Neither is Chris Rock. Both are from good homes. Neither one of them are a bad person, the boogeyman, or monsters. Jada is the one with hood experience.

    Jim Carrey has the nerve to add his two cents when his actions at the Oscar Awards show in the past have not been squeaky clean in terms of disgusting and sickening. Hypocrisy at its best. If you living in a glasshouse, throw no stones. I love Wanda Sykes but her claim of being traumatized has me shaking my head. She didn’t even know it had happened until someone told her and showed her the video.

    Btw, Chris' ex-wife's mother lives a few blocks from me. His show made a lot of money the other night. People were expecting him to talk about the incident, but he didn't. I'm glad he didn't. Maybe, there is still some hope, that the two will make up and be friends again.

  18. Anonymous9:34 PM

    “He went to a private school and grew up in a middle-class, two-parent home. Will wasn’t from the hood.”

    He grew up with a dad who beat his mom, though. That may be a factor in his overreaction to Rock’s joke about his wife.

    That’s a possible explanation, not a justification, for his bad behavior.

  19. I think race or the so called "angry black man" has nothing to do with this. If a white actor had done the same thing it would be equally wrong. More importantly and sadly this has thrown shade on a film that recognized the greatness of one man, a father whose passion and intent developed one of the greatest tennis athletes, which is no mean feat in today's world. It was their moment and he ruined it. Trying to 'protect' what exactly? He was manipulated into committing a serious, serious gaffe, one that has and will cost him dearly. I hope he wakes up and smells the toxic soon.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth11:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    9:34 P.M.

    "He grew up with a dad who beat his mom, though. That may be a factor in his overreaction to Rock’s joke about his wife."

    Wow. I didn't know that. Maybe. Maybe not. God only knows. All I know is it's a sad situation.

    Waving at Lilacpr.

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Waving at Lilacpr.

    11:16 PM

    Hey Granny! I feel sorry for Smith. He seems to be going through a confusing time.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth12:16 AM

    Lilacpr said...
    11:30 PM

    "Hey Granny! I feel sorry for Smith. He seems to be going through a confusing time."

    Me too. Yep.

  23. Excellence! United pilot inspiring the next generation of female pilots.

  24. GrannyStandingforTruth2:38 AM

    Remember when I told you the more sanctions, the more determined Putin would be? His own people are gonna turn on him. Karma is around the corner and Putin might just run into it.

  25. Still trying to explain to myself why the Slap was so personally upsetting...
    the NYT comvoked a panel of their Black intellectuals that was pretty unsatisfying, but it's not really a Black issue, or at least not exclusively so. Richard Dreyfuss, former Oscar winner himself, had some wisdom. It's really symptomatic of our new sleazy society. He claimed 10 years ago Will Smith himself wouldn't even have considered doing what he did, but we've sunk down quite a bit since then. I think he's totally right.

  26. Richard Dreyfuss is a smart dude. I remember years ago he was asked a gotcha question by a Fox “news” reporter about taxes and his common sense answer was “well, let’s figure out what we need as a country and THEN figure out how to pay for it.” You know the Fox type questions such as “don’t you hate paying taxes?”😆

  27. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I lost respect for Smith after reading his book. Yes, his father was abusive and violent. Many children grew up in abusive homes and have gone on to be non-violent. Will's Gigi was an important force in his life and he waxes poetic when he talks about her. I dogeared page after page of instances of her wisdom and how he is a better person for it. While I am saddened by the physical abuse, I am almost as saddened by the near lack of offense taken by the language Will used. I saved this quote from his book: " . . . slangy vulgarities, and I had acciden-
    tally left my book out in the kitchen.
    Gigi found it and read it. She never
    said anything to me, but she wrote me a
    note on the inside front cover.
    Dear Willard,
    Truly intelligent people do
    not have to use language like
    this to express themselves.
    God has blessed you with the
    gift of words. Be sure you are
    using your gifts to uplift oth-
    ers. Please show the world
    that you are as intelligent as
    we think you are.
    p. 214

    Violent language and violent actions go hand in hand.

  28. Anonymous2:11 PM

    So if Clarence Thomas put on a dress, could we then say that we already have a black woman on the Supreme Court and we don't need another one?

    How about a Protestant instead, as they're grossly under-represented?

  29. Amber Guyger loses on appeal, again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. “So if Clarence Thomas put on a dress, could we then say that we already have a black woman on the Supreme Court and we don't need another one?“

    What Clarence and his goofy ass wife do behind closed doors is no business of ours no matter how much conservative justices like himself think it should.

  31. Anonymous9:09 PM

    What Clarence and his goofy ass wife do behind closed doors

    That's not the question.  If Clarence started wearing dresses in public, insisted upon being called "Clarice" and that the proper pronouns were "she/her", would that mean there was already a black woman on the Supreme Court and no need for another one?

  32. GrannyStandingforTruth11:09 PM

    "Dripping with paranoia': Former Trump aide rages over 'disturbed' Ginni Thomas' hiring memos" Ginni appears to have been very busy, not just with the Judicial Branch but also with the Executive Branch. A reincarnation of Jezebel, Ginni turned out to be. She was calling the shots. It may be time for Mrs. Thomas to learn how to box. The shot-calling women in prison are going to have a serious problem with her trying to replace them.

    Dang, I forgot to buy some popcorn. I expect that April will be an exciting month in terms of dung hitting the fan. The roof is on fire.

  33. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Vexatious litigant Devin Nunes loses AGAIN!

    Trump ally Devin Nunes loses Washington Post defamation appeal

    At this point, I would like to see a list of people he has unsuccessfully sued for defamation. It would surely be a long one.

    Devin, it might be time to admit that if people are being mean to you, it's because you deserve it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. So today in the grocery store I saw this kind of loud white haired guy wearing a shirt with a picture of Smokey Bear on it and the words "Only you can prevent socialism" under the picture.
    He was kind of obnoxious and loud and I had to duck down a side aisle and laugh out loud when he accidentally rammed his cart into a firefighter in a high vis vest who was easily twice his size.
    The fire fighter was very polite, despite the fucked up shirt.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Sr. Philly,l tell us how you feel. Smile
    I am glad to know that the behavior we all saw was unacceptable to you
    and many others. And as a former nurse, I can't begin tell you about the number of black women and a few men whom I have witnessed with blood on their hands.

    Now as a defense attorney I defended Will Smith and I do so because of whom he hit in the face.. And did sorr gladly.

    Like you and many,I have never ever cared for Chris pebble... Moreover it gave me a small amount of satisfaction to see him get Pimp" slapped.

    I thought back to all of the inane and unforgiving times that he has degraded my tribe and paid homage to the pale side of his financial circumstance.

    Thinking as a criminal defense attorney I still find more glee vs " Wow we did it again" so now, I might have some splaining") to do at the bail hearing.

    Bottom line, It all boils down to this. " It's all funny until you get slapped in your mug, regardless of how it looked to society.

    I was thrilled, finally someone gave Chiris
    P teaching momènt whether or not his shows sell out or whatever. Oh! I can bet that pebble has felt a small private moment of embarrassment.

    Your Cowboy fan


  37. Anonymous12:27 PM

    To see posters here DEFENDING black-on-black violence, the kind that leads to deadly shootings all over the country every day... wow.  Just wow.

    Probably shouldn't surprise me, though.  Blackness is as blackness does.

  38. Anymoose, what is the real attraction between you and BBC?

    Studies show wasicus pulled over are less likely to be searched for the hell of it and up to 40% more likely to have guns/drugs than people stopped for DWB.

  39. “If Clarence started wearing dresses in public, insisted upon being called "Clarice" and that the proper pronouns were "she/her", would that mean there was already a black woman on the Supreme Court and no need for another one?“

    And once again, what he and his wife do for/to each other is their business!😆

  40. “To see posters here DEFENDING black-on-black violence, the kind that leads to deadly shootings all over the country every day... wow. Just wow.”

    To see anons defending the attempted violent overthrow of democratic governance and violence against law enforcement just wow!

    I guess stupid is as stupid does.🤷🏾‍♂️

  41. D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine has brought a civil lawsuit against the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers for the twin purposes of recovering some of the financial damage incurred in the 1/6 riot and bankrupting them out of existence.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. “bankrupting them out of existence”

    That’s cool but the mainstream Republican Party will pick up the slack as a violent/racist organization. I mean in addition to being the party of geriatric cocaine orgies.😑

  43. GrannyStandingforTruth11:30 PM

    An urgent demand for straitjackets should be trending.

  44. "geriatric cocaine orgies"


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Michigan magat representative of all things stoopid and false, claimed it was drumpf who captured bin Ladin and unemployment under Biden is at a forty year high. Can't fix stoopid.

  46. Anonymous2:18 PM

    "Michigan magat representative of all things stoopid and false, claimed it was drumpf who captured bin Ladin and unemployment under Biden is at a forty year high. Can't fix stoopid."

    Stupid or liar. It could be either, when you're talking about Republican politicians or media figures.

  47. Anonymous2:25 PM

    "If Clarence started wearing dresses in public, insisted upon being called 'Clarice' and that the proper pronouns were 'she/her', would that mean there was already a black woman on the Supreme Court and no need for another one?“

    No, regardless of Clarence's preferred attire and choice of pronouns, there are currently no black people on the Supreme Court. Clarence lost his black card years ago.

  48. If memory serves, inflation reached 16-17% under Ronnie Raygun.

  49. Anonymous9:14 PM

    “If memory serves, inflation reached 16-17% under Ronnie Raygun.”

    I think the worst was actually around 9% in the first year of Reagan’s presidency.

    Maybe you’re thinking of interest rates, which were in the neighborhood of 18% immediately before Reagan’s presidency. Those horribly high interest rates were necessary to get the ongoing inflationary spiral of the ‘70s under control.

    Hopefully, we are not in that ‘70s situation. At this point, it looks like inflation is just a hangover from all the COVID lockdowns. Although, the sanctions on Russia over their Ukraine invasion is having a negative impact on global energy supplies, which is worrying.

  50. Anonymous9:52 PM

    what is the real attraction between you and BBC?

    What's yours?  You're the one who's always bringing it up.

    Studies show wasicus pulled over are less likely to be searched for the hell of it and up to 40% more likely to have guns/drugs than people stopped for DWB.

    Studies show that blacks are far more likely to speed, especially 15+ MPH over the speed limit.

    Not surprisingly, de-policing black drivers has led to a surge in black traffic deaths.

  51. Yer speeding study has a familiar flaw in it....racism.

    Results indicated the African-American drivers were more likely to speed at high rates (15 mph or more over the speed limit) in 65 mph speed zones, as were young drivers and male drivers. The research concluded a plausible explanation for the findings that African-American drivers were represented among traffic stops at a higher rate than they represented in the population.

    Yup. Pigs targeted Black drivers.

  52. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Monday, April 4, 2022
    1 person shot dead, and 11 others shot & wounded after shooting at outdoor "NEGRO GATHERING" concert in Dallas - 26-year-old Kealon Dejuane Gilmore lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. Gilmore died at the scene

    DALLAS, Texas -- One person was killed and 11 others were injured during a shooting at an outdoor concert in Dallas, police said.

    At about 12:13 a.m. on Sunday, officers responded to a field in southeast Dallas where a concert was being held, police said in a statement.
    Police say a preliminary investigation has found that during the concert, one person fired a gun into the air, then another unknown individual fired a gun in the crowd's direction.

    Near the concert stage, police found 26-year-old Kealon Dejuane Gilmore lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. Gilmore died at the scene.

    Police say that 11 other individuals were shot during the concert. All the people who were hurt were taken to hospitals either by ambulance or by private vehicles. One person was in critical condition and the others were in stable condition. Three of the people hurt are juveniles, police said.

    No arrests have been made as police continue to investigate what prompted the shooting.

    Saturday night's shooting happened two weeks after 10 people were shot on March 19 during a spring break party at a Dallas event venue.

  53. Anonymous10:29 AM

    2022 Oscars Produced, Directed and Written by negroes.

    result: TNB

  54. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Korean woman who was robbed and stabbed outside of a Queens pizzeria thanks her white heroes; media does not show arrestees’ photos - Eun Hee Chang, the 61-year-old Korean woman who was robbed by the feral Negoes outside Louie’s pizzeria in Queens, New York, thanked the WHITE business’ owners for intervening on her behalf who were both stabbed multiple times by the Negroes
    Two FERAL NEGRO attackers, 30-year-old Robert Whack and 18-year-old Supreme Gooding, have been arrested and charged - one is still wanted.

    An immigrant from Korea, Chang told the New York Post that she was “very grateful” for 38-year-old Louie Suljovic and his 68-year-old father Cazim Suljovic, who chased down her attackers.

    Chang apparently ran into Louie’s at Baxter Avenue and Judge Street in Elmhurst after being targeted by the robbers on March 26, having reportedly been familiar with the owners. During the course of running after Chang’s attackers, Suljovic was stabbed nine times, while his son and Chang were each stabbed once.

    “You can’t let it go,” Cazim Suljovic told the Post. “I have a mother. I have sisters. Thank God I only had fingers [to fight them]. If I had something else, a different story would have happened.”

    The heroes suffered collapsed lungs and are currently recovering in an Elmhurst hospital. Chang, who went home after the incident, did not realize she had been stabbed until her superintendent pointed out a wound on her back. She told the Post that she returned to work the next day because she needed to continue making a living.

    Minkwon Center for Community Action housing organizer Hailie Kim, who translated for Chang in her interview with the Post, said, “She did say she was afraid of stepping out again.”

    “But she also expressed that after knowing how the father and the son stepped up to protect her and defend her, she kind of also felt a sort of connection to the community, which she hasn’t felt before,” Kim added. “She was very grateful for it, and that makes her feel safe.”

    Two of the alleged attackers, 30-year-old Robert Whack and 18-year-old Supreme Gooding, have been arrested and charged. The police are still searching for a third suspect.

    “It’s worrying that attacks on our community are rising so rapidly,” Kim told the Post. “A lot of fear that we have been seeing is perpetrated by the xenophobic language against the Asian American community since COVID started.”

    “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are being targeted,” she added.

  55. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Pigs targeted Black drivers.

    Police can't see the driver until they have the car pulled over.  What they see is the reading on the radar/LIDAR.

    If pulling someone over for doing 80+ in a 65 is "racist", then driving way too fast is tantamount to announcing your race to all the world.  This is an example of TNB, Typical Negro Behavior.

    I know how to address this "racism":  have a mandatory setting on all vehicles owned or driven by blacks which prevents them from going faster than 70 MPH.  Voila, "racism in tickets" solved because they'll only be able to go 5 over in a 65.

  56. Anymoose erroneously (what else is new) assumes cops only spot alleged speeders from behind. And I am not wasting anymore time explaining radar traps or anything else to a moose.


    There is not a crime heinous enough for magats to impeach one of their own. South Duhkota's AG was using phone, drove off highway onto shoulder, struck and killed a pedestrian with a lit flashlight and then proceeded to lie to authorities over and over again.

    He and his sheriff buddy both walked by lit flashlight and blamed the light on something else.

  58. Randy Rainbow drops a rainbow bomb on DeSantis:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Small subset of Pig People respond to reality when paid to do so:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Some tv stations refuse to air My Pillow ads if Lindell appears in them. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  61. Ray cyst Miss Lindsey Graham says if magats controlled senate KBJ would not have received a hearing. Since she is a thousand times more qualified than any magat nominee ever, racism is all magats have left.

  62. Funny and likely true, Anon.

  63. "No, regardless of Clarence's preferred attire and choice of pronouns, there are currently no black people on the Supreme Court. Clarence lost his black card years ago."


  64. We are dealing with some complete morons! trump spent years telling us he was going to get out of Afganistan now he says he would go back in because it was Biden who got out. And the crowd cheered. Dear god, this country is really doomed.

  65. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Anymoose erroneously (what else is new) assumes cops only spot alleged speeders from behind.

    No, Moron from Iowa, they only spot them on speed displays.

    And the world is better off without your moronic commentary and homosexual fixations.

  66. Anonymous10:18 AM



  67. Hear is one for all the ignorant Anonymouses who post here regularly.

    From today's political wire:
    "Republican politicians routinely claim that cities run by Democrats have been experiencing crime waves caused by failed governance, but a new study shows murder rates are actually higher in states and cities controlled by Republicans,” Yahoo News reports.

    “The study found that murder rates in the 25 states Donald Trump carried in 2020 are 40% higher overall than in the states Joe Biden won.”


  68. Anonymous said...



    10:18 AM
    Brett Kavanaugh - unqualified
    Amy Coney Barrett-unqualified

    White Supremacists Affirmative Action.

  69. “KBJ


    😆😂 yeah sure,a woman more educated and experienced than any white male is AA.😂 So maybe we should nominate you? What are your qualifications?

  70. drumpfuck the dumbfuck finally admits to historians he did not win in 2020.

  71. Manifest Density1:09 PM

    "One night at the Oscars that went sideways might actually end up being a teachable moment."

    True. It teaches us that fantasy is becoming reality. Hollywood has turned the Fresh Prince into Donnie Favors and it be we whose lives have been turned upside down. A TV game show host as President. Gimme a break!

    Didn't Donnie say, he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave. and not lose a vote? Grab somebody's privates? And so now we see, "the slap heard around the world" and folks acting all surprised when something like this happens.

    It appears that they may succeed in turning this world into one big ghetto.

  72. Anonymous1:31 PM

    White suspect charged for punching seven random Asian women in NYC.

    So what do we call this, “panda bear hunting”? Will Fox News be running endless hair-on-fire stories about this dude racking up a high score in the anti-Asian “knockout game”?

    Suspect in New York City attacks on Asian women indicted on felony hate charges

    You don't say?

  74. Manifest Density5:37 PM

    "According to a WTAE report, no charges will be filed against any of the white men who were there when Spencer was gunned down as the shooting has been ruled self-defense by District Attorney Shawn White."

    This just doesn't make sense. Peter Spencer was supposedly high on mushrooms. Started firing an AK-47 at his fellow campers with no provocation. What really happened?

  75. Fergus hears of the existence of the 22nd amendment.

    Every last goddamn insurrectionist Pig Person now needs to shut the fuck up and go the fuck home.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Oh yeah, just looking at that photo you know this is typical Alabama man.

  77. Oklahoma, where on average one woman per month dies in childbirth, has just passed an abortion ban that starts at conception and has no exceptions for rape or incest.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. GrannyStandingforTruth2:11 AM

  79. Anonymous2:35 AM


    Yeah, weird, huh?

    Republicans: I am outraged! I won’t vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court because, according to QAnoners on Twitter, she’s pro-pedophile!

    Also Republicans: Middle schoolers should be allowed to get married.

  80. Magats in Tennessee want legal cover for their pedo antics.
    Next they will pass a bill allowing any magat to impregnate all newborn girls so they can start to repopulate dying wasicu race from the earliest moment possible.

    Any female that dies during childbirth will spend the rest of their days behind bars. magats, as everyone is well aware, are the dumbest fuckers ever hatched out on fence posts.

  81. Best joke of my 69 years on Earth....

    Sarah Failin' Palin is personally insulted that KJB is nominated for SCOTUS. Palin claims KJB is not qualified because she outsmarted magat attempts to make her look bad. Something Palin never learned how not to do.

  82. Another case of magat voter fraud, this one from 2016.

  83. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Democrats promote pedophilia

  84. Anonymous10:47 AM

    KJB protects kid fuckers............

  85. Anonymous10:48 AM

    KJB is a marxist elitist that promotes sexual deviancy..........

  86. Anymoose printed three more lies in a row. So typical. Spews lies and doesn't bother to provide the slightest evidence to back up his lies.

  87. Yeah, Mike, they are all idiots.


    Another pig escapes justice for killing Black man.

  89. "Democrats promote pedophilia"
    That's funny, where was it that they were legalizing child-brides again? Tennessee? Last I checked, it wasn't a Democratic run state.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. R.I.P. Eric Boehlert.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. Isn't magat Matt Gaetz charged with child trafficking a 12 year old girl? And drumpf was accused of bedding a 14 year old girl?

  92. Anonymous7:19 PM

    “Another pig escapes justice for killing Black man.”

    Based on the information released so far, no laws were broken.

    Cops were serving a legal, no-knock warrant on the home, looking for Amir Locke’s criminal brother. When they entered, Amir pulled a gun. All of that adds up to lawful self-defense.

    Tragic. But not a crime.

  93. “KJB is a marxist elitist“

    Good, now we only need a few more and we’re in business.

  94. “Tragic. But not a crime.“

    Should be, somebody comes in my house unannounced they get hot lead.

  95. Anonymous11:19 PM

    “Should be, somebody comes in my house unannounced they get hot lead.”

    Not how it works, though, so you’d best make sure you know it’s not a cop before you pull the trigger.

    If you pull a gun and shoot them, maybe you get away with it. Assuming you are not the criminal they are coming to gather evidence against or arrest, in which case you’re screwed.

    If you pull a gun and they shoot you, they are definitely getting away with it.

    Effectively, this is part of the cost of law and order: Sometimes innocent people die. (See also: All the innocent people who regularly die in auto collisions while police are in hot pursuit of a suspect.) About all that can realistically be done to reduce these casualties is to exercise more care in issuing warrants. Every warrant to enter a building is an opportunity for mistakes leading to violence, sometimes engulfing innocent people, so they shouldn’t be issued unless there is good enough reason. This goes double for no-knock warrants.

  96. "Not how it works, though, so you’d best make sure you know it’s not a cop before you pull the trigger."

    Sure it is. If ANYONE breaks into my house unannounced violently will catch a bullet. Of course a bad guy will just tell you they're not the cops. If one has a good enough lawyer, which I do, one can get away with anything supposing I live. No knock warrants are just about as dumb as open carry laws, both are going to get people hurt.

  97. Republicans promote treason.

  98. Cops and courts really really throw the book at anyone who shoots a cop. Legal, justified or no. That's if they don't just shoot you on the spot, which they often do.

    "About all that can realistically be done to reduce these casualties is to exercise more care in issuing warrants"

    The only thing that will ever work to somewhat remedy the situation is the wholesale repeal of the drug prohibition laws that cause the goddamn warrants to begin with.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Anonymous3:25 AM

    “No knock warrants are just about as dumb as open carry laws, both are going to get people hurt.”


    Open carry laws have absolutely no uses that are beneficial to society; they exist solely so that emotionally stunted jerkoffs with extreme feelings of inadequacy can get a thrill out of legally intimidating others with their AR-15s.

    But there are a limited number law-enforcement situations where no-knock warrants are completely practical and justified.

    It is not reasonable to expect cops to arrive at a suspect’s door and ask, “Please, Mr. Terrorist, I have evidence you’ve been building a bomb and I’d like to come in and examine your premises to check your progress.” Because if he has, in fact, been building that bomb, and you announce your presence before entering, he’s setting that bomb off.

    That is a “kick the door down and ask questions later” situation.

  100. The deceased was not the subject of the warrant and had every right to defend himself from intruders. Remember 'Castle Doctrine?'

    Outright murder, imho.

  101. McConnell stuns reporter after he can't name one crime that would nullify 'obligation' to vote for Trump

    Told you so.

  102. Anonymous10:12 AM

    “The deceased was not the subject of the warrant and had every right to defend himself from intruders. Remember 'Castle Doctrine?'”

    I’m not sure the Castle Doctrine always holds up when the home invader is a cop entering your home on a legal warrant.

    But regardless of whether you have a right to shoot the cops, they definitely have a right to shoot you. The warrant says they have the right to be in your home. And since no crime is being committed by them in entering, their right to self-defense is intact. If you pull a gun on them, they can snuff you without consequence.

    So in practice, I’d say you’d better figure out who’s in your home before waving around any firearms at them. If you see riot gear and jackets with big fluorescent letters reading “POLICE,” that is a clue to help you make your decision.

  103. Texaass guv Greg A-BUTT has hired busses to haul immigrants to DC and dump them on Capitol steps.

    That will go over like a lead balloon.

  104. Joe Manchin is a worse POS than you ever imagined.

  105. Anonymous12:21 PM

    “Texaass guv Greg A-BUTT has hired busses to haul immigrants to DC and dump them on Capitol steps.”

    Probably illegal. State governments have no authority to forcibly bus people around the country for breaking federal laws. If it’s not voluntary to get on the bus, then it’s kidnapping. It’ll be fun to see the governor of Texas get arrested on Biden’s order.

    But if it is voluntary, then how do you get them to volunteer? Why would illegal immigrants choose to get on the bus? How much of Texan taxpayers’ money do you plan on PAYING illegal immigrants to take part in your little stunt, and how do you think that will play out on Election Day.

  106. “So in practice, I’d say you’d better figure out who’s in your home before waving around any firearms at them“

    Oh no man, if someone kicks my door in there is no “waving” of the gun. There is a firing of the gun. I guess I should ask em “hey, Mr. Intruder, do you mind identifying yourself? And please don’t lie” 😆😂
    Just curious, are you an attorney?

  107. The charges against Kenneth Walker were dismissed and he actually shot one of the cops executing the no knock warrant. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  108. Anonymous1:50 PM

    “Oh no man, if someone kicks my door in there is no ‘waving’ of the gun. There is a firing of the gun.”

    Okay, well, you do you. But just know that if a shootout does go down, and it turns out to be the cops on the other side of it, there’ll be several of them with body armor, and just one of you, with none.

    So this probably ends with your wife and kids receiving an “Oops, sorry we killed your family member” check, and the cops going on with their lives and careers, unperturbed.

  109. “Okay, well, you do you. But just know that if a shootout does go down, and it turns out to be the cops on the other side of it, there’ll be several of them with body armor, and just one of you, with none.“

    Ya think? Are you an attorney?

  110. Manifest Density2:14 PM

    "Another pig escapes justice for killing Black man."

    Alternatives to consider before using your badge and gun to justify killing someone because they know a "person of interest."

    Before you enter:

    1. Confirm suspect is in the house.
    2. Would concussion grenades be useful?
    3. Can you deploy specialty officers trained to apprehend suspects alive?
    4. Tear gas
    5. Do any nearby agencies have remote control robots or drones
    6. Is a K9 unit available?

    I'm just sayin'

  111. Kentanji Brown Jackson is confirmed!!!! Just waiting for goofus Rand Paul to vote. Leave it to a white Republican male to try to steal the show and show the world what America is really about.🤷🏾‍♂️


    <2:00 minute video of KJBs confirmation.

  113. Alex the fuck Jones finally sat for a deposition in the Sandy Hook case. His attorney is trying to recover the $75,000 in fines the judge levied on him for failing to show up and lying about it.

    The last time the cops came in my front door, I was asleep on the couch and woke up to a goddamn semi pointed at my head. Being white, I survived.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Ammon Bundy is in jail for ten days for defying a court order.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  115. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Caught on camera: Negro Attack inside Lewiston High School injures 15-year-old white girl:

  116. Anonymous6:21 PM

    KJB champion of sexual predators.


    New Pink Floyd video for Ukraine sung in Ukrainian, I guess.
    David Gilmour looks quite old.

  118. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Socialist Co-founder of BLM Defends Purchase of $6 Million Mansion in Los Angeles

  119. Anonymous6:38 PM

    If you bought a gun in response to the planneddemic or rioting
    you just proved that protecting the 2nd amendment is the most important issue in the next election . Deny it all you want but when you couldn't depend on the government to protect you , you immediately saw the importance of the 2nd amendment .

  120. Hey Px, Granny, LilacPR, Field, and the rest of y'all!!

    I also lost respect for Will after reading his book, the slap just sealed the deal.

    Will is an arrogant coward and he's VERY lucky Jada has (so far) stood by his side, only a punk with b*tch slap someone in a setting like that.

  121. Yīshēng said...

    Hey Px, Granny, LilacPR, Field, and the rest of y'all!!

    I also lost respect for Will after reading his book, the slap just sealed the deal.

    Will is an arrogant coward and he's VERY lucky Jada has (so far) stood by his side, only a punk with b*tch slap someone in a setting like that.

    8:20 PM

    Hey Yisheng! Long time no see! Hope you and yours are doing fine!

  122. "Hey Px, Granny, LilacPR, Field, and the rest of y'all!!"

    Hey Doc!!!!!!!!!

  123. "Caught on camera: Negro Attack inside Lewiston High School injures 15-year-old white girl"

    Good thing it wasn't a white male cause he would have shot several students. Oh, and then the traumatized survivors get to be chased down the street by Republican congresswomen and marginalized by insane internet hosts. America! Love it or leave it.

  124. Anonymous10:21 PM

    “If you bought a gun in response to the planneddemic or rioting, you just proved that protecting the 2nd amendment is the most important issue in the next election.”

    If you bought a gun in response to the “planneddemic” or rioting, you just proved that you need to be placed in a secured psychiatric institution.

  125. What Dana Milbank lesarned from drumpf's new truth social clusterfuck....

    Hunter Biden is involved in building and running biolabs in the country.

    The CIA and National Institutes of Health are both “deeply involved” in the Ukrainian biolabs.

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was set in motion by a CIA false-flag operation that was funded by George Soros.

    The covid-19 pathogen originated not in China but in Shpyl’chyna, a village in Ukraine.

    The bioweapons developed in Ukraine specifically target the “Abrahamic Bloodline.”

    Image without a caption
    Follow Dana Milbank's opinions
    Neo-Nazis from Ukraine joined with the FBI to infiltrate the Capitol on Jan. 6 and participated in the insurrection.

    Ukraine was planning to use drones to attack Russia with pathogens from the U.S.-funded bioweapons labs.

    President Biden has been using Ukraine to launder money.

    Ukrainian neo-Nazis controlled the Ukrainian city of Mariupol before Russians invaded.

    Russia’s alleged war crimes were staged.

    I also found many posts calling President Biden a pedophile (or a “groomer” in the new parlance of QAnon). I found badly photoshopped images of Vice President Harris in sexualized situations. I found ceaseless attacks on trans people, an edited video of a cat attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, attacks on Disney for opposing Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” legislation, references to satanic sacrifice by the “deep state,” a few racist epithets and endless accusations about Hunter Biden’s laptop and drug abuse.

  126. Kinky twist on no knock searches....

    FBI refused to bust in front door of rich guy's place so as to not destroy the aesthetics of the rich neighborhood. I'm guessing the criminal was wasicu and was privileged.

  127. Anonymous3:11 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences bans Will Smith from any Academy events or programs for 10 years after Oscars slap. Details to come.

  128. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    “If you bought a gun in response to the planneddemic or rioting, you just proved that protecting the 2nd amendment is the most important issue in the next election.”

    If you bought a gun in response to the “planneddemic” or rioting, you just proved that you need to be placed in a secured psychiatric institution.

    10:21 PM

    so says the woke dipshit

  129. MTG wants to cancel Jimmy Kimmell? 😳

  130. Virginia magat goes all racist on Biden's Defense Secretary and Russell Honore, two outstanding Black Americans.

  131. “Virginia magat goes all racist on Biden's Defense Secretary and Russell Honore, two outstanding Black Americans.“

    What political party does this racist belong? I mean he HAS to be a Democrat because they’re the REAL racists damnit!!!!

  132. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Will Smith banned from Oscars for 10 years over slap

  133. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Will Smith banned from attending the Oscars for 10 years after slapping Chris Rock on stage

  134. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Actor Will Smith banned from attending Oscars for 10 years

  135. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The same people who told you to "trust science" for the last two years cannot tell you what a woman is...............

  136. The same people who told you not to trust the science need a judge to tell them what a woman is………

  137. I think Will Smith just got banned from the Oscars.😳

  138. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The Texas Taliban are feelin’ fanatical. Apparently, they’re charging women with “fetus murder” for having abortions now.

    Next stop: women in burkas.

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. She's out on bail, but still charged with murder. When they outlaw abortion they'll come for birth control next. And they won't stop there. The question is how far we will let them go toward turning the US into the goddamn Handmaid's Tale before they are stopped.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  141. Uh oh, GOP heavy hitters backing Hawthorne's opponent. Maybe electing goofy mofos isn't the best idea.

  142. Anonymous3:56 AM

    “She's out on bail, but still charged with murder.”

    It’s unclear exactly what law she’s been charged under. It can’t be the new, wacky SB 8, the “bounty hunter” law, because that law only involves civil, not criminal penalties. And it expressly forbids prosecuting pregnant women; it can only be used against others who help them get abortions. (It was written this way to give the SCOTUS wingnuts a lame excuse, via tortured legal logic, to argue that nobody had standing to sue, and nobody was a proper defendant to be sued, and therefore SCOTUS wasn’t allowed to review the constitutionality of the law or prevent it from going into effect.)

    So it remains to be seen what authority the cops think they are invoking here.

  143. Anonymous said...

    The same people who told you to "trust science" for the last two years cannot tell you what a woman is...............

    11:23 AM
    You don't have a clue about how difficult scientific definitions really are. How about you come up with the definition of a human bring that distinguishes him/her from what we call lower animals? If you can do that, you may win the Nobel Prize.

  144. Anonymous said...

    To see posters here DEFENDING black-on-black violence, the kind that leads to deadly shootings all over the country every day... wow. Just wow.

    Probably shouldn't surprise me, though. Blackness is as blackness does.

    12:27 PM
    Uneducated, white supremacists come to this blog to spread hate against Blacks. WOW just WOW! Why is it you never mention white on white violence? Why is it you never mention white violence on everyone who is not white?

    It doesn't surprise me, though. White supremacy ideology is a plague on all of us,including those who subscribe to it.

  145. Here's on for you, Anonymous at 12:27 PM.

    BTW, these sisters appear to be white. And they did shoot him, but he didn't die.

  146. The charges are being dropped after she obtained counsel with the help of local reproductive justice group.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  147. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Climate change is a hoax.


    Remind me which party of nearly all wasicu magats keep blocking sensible gun laws and have for decades?

  149. Pooie Pie wanted to appoint a new ruthless general to annihilate Ukrainians and had t pull drumpf's mouth off his dick, that is how bad drumpf wants to be responsible for mass murders, or so the rumours go.

  150. “Climate change is a hoax.“

    Must be so easy to be a simpleminded conservative. You get to just believe everything Fox tells you. You can even be a high school dropout like Lauren Bobo or Kyle Rittenhouse and be a celebrity. Sign me up coach.


    2 magat delegates in Utah busted for trying to vote twice.

    Blind computer guy who turned alleged hard drive of Hunter Biden's computer to FBI and screwdy Rudy claims that pics of child porn being reported were not on that hard drive.

    Alan Deuschobits, former drumpf impeachment lawyer says there is no evidence tying laptop criminal allegations to Joe Biden. It does not exist.


  152. “Climate change is a hoax.“

    Tell that to birds in Illinois that are laying eggs a month earlier than in the past.

  153. Another one bites the dust:

    Police Officer Who Stormed Capitol Guilty on All Charges

    April 11, 2022 at 7:39 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 1 Comment

    A jury in Washington, DC found an ex-Virginia police officer guilty on all six charges he faced for his actions around the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, CNN reports.

    Politico: “The result was a boost for the Justice Department, which has now won both Jan. 6-related jury trials that have been completed to date.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  154. Murder charges dropped against woman in Texas for self-induced abortion.

  155. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Remind me which party of nearly all wasicu magats keep blocking sensible gun laws and have for decades?

    One of the arrested is an "Atlanta rapper".  That means black.

    Blacks have no respect for laws.

  156. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Shooting incident cited by Chuckles Shoe-mer as an argument for gun control turns out to be black-on-black.

    Let's try black control again.  It used to keep TNB out of the decent areas.

  157. GrannyStandingforTruth10:47 PM

    @ Yīshēng,

    Hello, I pray that all is well with you.

    I stepped away from social media to spend some time with my grandchildren at my daughter's house, relax and regroup. Just got back in town today after a week's vacation.

  158. GrannyStandingforTruth11:04 PM

    A wealthy white man walked into a bar in Miami. As soon as he entered, he noticed an African woman (black) sitting in one corner.

    He walked over to the counter, removed his wallet, and shouted, "Bartender! I am buying drinks for everyone in this bar, except that black woman over there!"The bartender collected the money and began serving free drinks to everyone in the bar, except the African woman. Instead of becoming upset, the black woman simply looked up at the guy and shouted, "Thank you!"

    This infuriated the wealthy guy. So once again, he took out his wallet and shouted, "Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar, except for that African sitting in the corner over there!" The bartender collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to everyone in the bar except the African. When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, the African woman simply smiled at the man and said, Thank you!"

    That made him furious. So he leaned over the counter and asked the bartender, "What is wrong with that black woman? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except for her, and instead of becoming angry, she just sits there, smiles at me, and shouts 'Thank you.' Is she mad?" The bartender smiled at the wealthy man and said, "No, she is not mad.
    She is the OWNER of this establishment."

    May our enemies work unknowingly in our favor.......

    It's some more wickedness in high places coming out soon. I still forgot to get some popcorn.

    Thinking about going and get in my bed. I got a headache.

  159. GrannyStandingforTruth11:19 PM

    Marsha Blackburn is asking for a wall on Tennessee's southern border.

    Gov. Ivey has signed the felony health ban making Alabama now the third state to cut off health care to trans kids.

    Lawyer on Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s staff arrested on child solicitation charge.

    My head is hurting too bad to say all I want to say. Therefore, I'll make it short and brief.

    Those people on the right are cray-cray. All of them!!!!

  160. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "Marsha Blackburn is asking for a wall on Tennessee's southern border."

    Hey, they've gotta keep out all the dirty Mississippians, Alabamians, and Georgians. They're stealing all the jobs from the hard-workin' people of Tennessee!

    (Okay, we all know this was just a poorly worded tweet from Ms. Blackburn; she probably wasn't referring to the Tennessee border, as she's not a complete and total idiot like Lauren Boebert or MTG. But it's still fun to mock her.)

  161. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Affirmative action put an obviously incompetent black pilot into the right seat of a Boeing 767.  On February 23 2019 he dove it into Trinity Bay off of Houston, TX, killing himself, the captain and another pilot jump-seating to take a new job.

    "One instructor said that he was one of the worst pilots he had ever trained. And after all of this, he was hired anyway — due to inadequate hiring practices...."

    "To learn more about why he failed so many times, the NTSB interviewed the examiners and check airmen who had graded him. The Atlas Air check airman who failed First Officer Aska on his Boeing 767 type rating examination told the NTSB that Aska lacked situational awareness, “overcontrolled the airplane,” was “very nervous,” “did not work well with the other pilot,” and forgot to perform emergency checklists. Aska was constantly behind his airplane and its actions would catch him by surprise. When confronted with something unexpected, he would panic and start pushing the wrong buttons. The check airman worried that the failure was so traumatic that Aska would not be able to “mentally recover.”"

    "Like the check airman at Atlas, they stated that Aska had poor situational awareness and didn’t understand what his airplane was doing. One Mesa Airlines check airman said that Aska’s piloting ability was among the worst he had ever seen. Another told the NTSB that despite all the evidence to the contrary, Aska didn’t think he was a bad pilot, or at least he was unwilling to admit it. Every time he failed he came up with an excuse, blaming his poor performance on the hotel where he spent the night, his simulator partner, or the instructor. He had no idea that he lacked basic airmanship skills, refused to accept feedback, and didn’t understand why he couldn’t upgrade to captain."

    In other words, the Dunning-Kruger effect.  Like blacks whining about the joblessness, the state of their neighborhoods and everything else, nothing was ever HIS fault.

    "NTSB investigators were left utterly astounded. Naturally, they had encountered some poor pilots over the years — but none quite so bad as Conrad Jules Aska. It seemed obvious that, for his own safety and the safety of the public, Aska should have been forced to pursue a different career. So why did he keep getting hired?"

    Affirmative action and "diversity" quotas, that's why.  At least Aska wasn't flying an airliner and crashed it into water instead of a neighborhood.  That limited the death toll.

    Diversity in general is a plague, but Africans are the worst kind of diversity.

  162. White man affirmative action in action. Captain Jacob van Zanten was responsible for the deaths of 583 people in the worst aviation accident in history. His impatience and arrogance caused two Boeing 747's to collide on a foggy runway.

  163. Over 150 people killed as white male Andreas Lubitz purposely flies an Airbus 320 into a mountain. Me thinks Germanwings needed better screening.

  164. Maybe we need more white male pilots like Delta captain Larry Davis who was so distracted during taxi he did not properly configure the plane for takeoff and killed 13 people. Is this your hero anon? Wanna fly with him?

  165. Maybe Pinnacle should have hired some more Black pilots. Seems this captain disregarded safety and procedures and it cost him his life and the life of his co-pilot.

  166. Halle- freaking-- lujah, GrannyStandingForTruth.

  167. "Marsha Blackburn is asking for a wall on Tennessee's southern border."

    I would wall off Alabama, Mississippi and Florida too. LOL!

  168. Recovering TrumpTard1:33 PM

    Forget the Academy, Will Smith needs to run for Congress.

    He and his slap hand are desperately needed there to pimp slap people like Majorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio or other Trumptard supporters.

    Smith could even make a movie about his exploits in DC and call it "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

  169. GrannyStandingforTruth2:07 PM

    I'd like to know why Anonymous 1:25 A.M. is so insecure and has an abnormal fear of competition from Black people. He feels threatened by Black people's achievements and accomplishments. That's the root of his problem.

    It's so obvious and doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

    Anonymous brings nothing to the table but his goblet filled with hate and a plate of insecurities, inadequacies, and fears. Nothing of substance. Sad.

    Because of his abnormal fears, he feels his only recourse is to disparage
    Black people, so that he can feel good about himself. That makes me think that he's deficient in an area of his qualifications or life. He's not secure with who he is. Therefore, he uses Black people as his scapegoat for everything that ails him. Sad.

    Welp, if he knew better, he'd do better. However, Anonymous has let his hate consume him. Only he can do something to change that but he has to want to change it. The word "repent" literally means change your way of thinking. It's healing in that.

    As my deceased mate used to tell me, "A closed mind does not get fed." It's a lot of truth in that statement.

  170. Anonymous3:32 PM

    GrannyTakingLiesSittingDown wrote:

    I'd like to know why Anonymous 1:25 A.M. is so insecure and has an abnormal fear of competition from Black people.

    Competition?!  Conrad Jules Aska couldn't compete with me in the cockpit, and I haven't been at the controls of an aircraft for 24 years.  He never could have done any of the things I did instead of flying for a living; he couldn't even read his own panel instruments.  Competition?  HA!

    What I am afraid of is having someone like Conrad Jules Aska crash into my house, or crash with someone I care about on-board.  After two horrible experiences with airline travel in the past 6 months, I have given it up.  It's cheaper to drive the places I want to go, and it leaves me with a car at the other end too.

    He feels threatened by Black people's achievements and accomplishments.

    Hogwash.  I'm threatened by their incompetence and blame-shifting.  If their achievements and accomplishments are so great, let's ship them back to the Dark Continent so they can Make Wakanda Great Again.  (Even you won't go along with this, because you know that no such thing would or even could happen.  You know the truth, but you refuse to admit it.  You stand for lies instead.)

    African countries and American "inner cities" are violent shitholes because that's the best that Africans can create.

  171. "As my deceased mate used to tell me, "A closed mind does not get fed." It's a lot of truth in that statement."

    Exactly. She or he chose ONE example of someone not living up to expectations. As an instructor on the 737 I see numerous white males who would get rings flown around them by the pilots of color here but they would rather hold silly racist views. Oh well, that's the way of the world.

  172. Wow! Cheney thinks there is enough evidence to indict trump!!!!! My advice to trump, get a good lawyer and don't drop the soap.

  173. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Exactly. She or he chose ONE example of someone not living up to expectations.

    No, I chose an egregious example of a POC with abysmally bad skills who was nevertheless not kept out of the cockpit, resulting in loss of an aircraft and 3 fatalities.  It was KNOWN that he was incompetent, yet he was still allowed to fly.

    As an instructor on the 737 I see numerous white males who would get rings flown around them by the pilots of color here

    And if they're bad, you get to flunk them out of training don't you?  Don't you?

    For every one of you "pilots of color" who are any good, there are a dozen or a hundred Sullys.

  174. Incompetent, insane, out of control wasicu B-52 pilot ignores all protocols and kills himself and 4 crew members.

    Story of failed chain of command in the Air Force as well.

  175. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Incompetent, insane, out of control wasicu B-52 pilot ignores all protocols and kills himself and 4 crew members.

    So there are other varieties of Teflon than Blackness.

    How does this excuse those in charge of Conrad Jules Aska?  More to the point, how can you compare a pilot who went 31/0 on checkrides to one who failed them left and right and washed out of training programs repeatedly?  Conrad Jules Aska was allowed to kill himself and two others because his Blackness was considered holy.

  176. GrannyStandingforTruth11:27 PM


    I'm sitting here LMAO at Anonymous's B.S. response. Anonymous neglects to realize that only someone who fears competition would spend all their time, energy, and effort disparaging those they feel threatened by. People who are confident and secure in their positions wouldn't waste time belittling others. Others' ideas, accomplishments, and contributions to society would be welcomed and accepted by them as America strives to make society a better place.

    Anonymous, The majority of Black people living in America were born in America. Why would we ship them back to Africa? Oh, I get it. That old tired racist script,” Go back to Africa.” I'm sure without a doubt that my African ancestors would have been delighted if your ancestors had sent them back instead of using them for free labor so that your lazy white ancestors could sit on their asses and enjoy the fruits of my ancestors’ labor. My Native American great-great-grandmother also probably wishes your ancestors hadn't set foot on American soil with the intent of committing theft and genocide. See, I know how to be nice nasty too.

  177. GrannyStandingforTruth11:28 PM

    Anonymous, you've judged more than just airplane pilots in the comments section. Your judgments are all influenced by race, and stereotypes, and cover a wide range of occupations. You don't view people through a lens base on them being individual human beings. Yours is a narrow-minded, racist view, so your judgments are faulty and deceptive.

    The Tuskegee pilots were outstanding, but you'd probably find something wrong with them, not because of their skills or qualifications, but because of their skin color.

    My cousin is a Lt Colonel and a Flying Training Squadron commander. Flying planes is not my expertise. However, I assume that means he trains them how to fly airplanes. I honestly don’t know and am guessing. If I am correct, I believe that would require a high level of competence, wouldn’t it?

  178. GrannyStandingforTruth11:30 PM

    Apparently, Anonymous is so behind times that the only places he's seen are rural communities in Africa. Rural communities where poor people live like the poor who live in our rural and trailer park communities in America and any other countries for that fact. All poverty and violence are the same songs no matter what country it’s in or the skin color of the person. But Anonymous said “inner cities” in Wakanda (Africa) so that means he is clueless about the regeneration taking place in the African inner cities.

    “One only has to look at the Maboneng Precinct where numerous buildings have been refurbished and transformed into trendy apartments such as Main Street Life, Revolution House, Artisan Lofts, Urban Fox, and Rocket Factory. This has brought a significant proportion of younger and more educated people into the inner city.” ~Hogan Lovell~

    Actually, Wakanda (Africa) doesn't need my help to make them great. They're doing a good job of solving that by themselves. Africa’s biggest problem and obstacle have always been the colonizers interfering and stealing Africa’s resources that didn't belong to them.

    These are some nice "shitholes" as Anonymous calls them.

    Africa even has a reality show called, "Young, Famous, and African. However, just like America's reality shows, it's a bunch of messy, backbiting, gossiping rich people on display. Btw, the reality shows in America are white people and black people, but they are all the same. Whatever floats people's boat though, I reckon. LMAO.

    People are people. It doesn’t matter what race they are.

    Now, can you kindly answer my question? Why are you so fearful and insecure?

    It's obvious that you won't answer my question honestly since attacking black people gives you a false sense of superiority.

  179. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Actually, Wakanda (Africa) doesn't need my help to make them great. They're doing a good job of solving that by themselves. Africa’s biggest problem and obstacle have always been the colonizers interfering and stealing Africa’s resources that didn't belong to them.

    Now explain to me why prosperous, productive Rhodesia became poor, starving Zimbabwe when the "colonizers" were kicked out.

    People are people. It doesn’t matter what race they are.

    Then why do the Black Muslims call me a "white devil"?  Race obviously matters to them, no matter what I think about it.  I have to act in self-defense.

  180. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Two dead in a shooting in a Cedar Rapids (IA) nightclub:

    Know what would get rid of the shootings in Cedar Rapids, Des Moines and the quad cities?  Recolonizing the Africans to Africa.

  181. "Then why do the Black Muslims call me a "white devil"?"

    Just a guess here, because you're a narrow-minded racist who spends her or his entire life antagonizing Black people? I mean your actions are pretty devilish. Stop acting like a devil and maybe you wouldn't be called one.

  182. "For every one of you "pilots of color" who are any good, there are a dozen or a hundred Sullys."

    I call bullshit. LOL! A bunch of mediocre white males like yourself who are self-deluded.

  183. "My cousin is a Lt Colonel and a Flying Training Squadron commander."

    I think I know your cousin. If he's from Illinois I've known him since he was a kid in our flying camp years ago. We used to call him "NASA" because he wanted to become an astronaut. He has always been a standout aviator. Awesome fighter pilot and now commander. If we're talking about the same guy that would be awesome!!!!!!!!


  184. "So they can be exclusively among people like themselves, and have no excuse such as "white supremacy" for their problems... and no white people to lash out at for them either."

    Dude, get over yourself, we ain't going nowhere! LOL! Stupid racists like yourself have been talking about shipping us off or starting some kind of race war since my grandad was an itch in my great-granddaddy's pants so unless you have some secret info that the rest of the toothless ignorant bigots don't know keep your stupid ramblings to yourself. Try this, hold your breath until I allow an imbecile like yourself to get me to do anything. LOL! And for the record I would slap you like Will Smith did if your ever got up enough courage to tell me any of this BS to my face kid.

  185. "And if they're bad, you get to flunk them out of training don't you? Don't you?"

    You've obviously never been a pilot for a major airline. Unlike you, I made it to the big leagues and we don't flunk people out. We give people remedial training until they get it right and guess the largest demographic that needs remedial training. I'll give you a hint, look in the mirror. LOL!

  186. "Apparently, Anonymous is so behind times that the only places he's seen are rural communities in Africa."

    You think that imbecile traveled past her/his trailer park? People that ignorant don't travel 5 miles past their hovel. Also, notice it never chooses a screen name. That's some cowardly shit, if you wanna spew BS at least be bold enough to stand by it.

  187. "My ancestors never owned African slaves. They were all well north of the Mason-Dixon line from the time they hit N. America. They worked for their livings."

    And your ancestors had white privilege and never had to compete fairly. Wow, you really are quite dimwitted. Maybe you should remain anonymous because the last racist idiotic asshole who claimed to be a pilot was humiliated and run off by yours truly. Wanna pick a screen name and see if you can go toe to toe with me? How much you wanna bet your bitch ass won't. LOL!

  188. GrannyStandingforTruth3:16 AM

    Anonymous said... 3:32 PM wrote

    Oh my, now, Anonymous 3:32 PM has regressed to juvenile namecalling.
    Oh, Lawd, now the po child done called me uppity in another comment. LMAO. Did I hurt the po baby's feelings? Would someone please hand this po child some kleenex?

    How dare this black elderly woman (me) question a person with white skin ( a white male/boy). She should know her place when speaking to white folks. LMAO. Let me explain something to you. I was born black and free, and I made 21 yrs old more than once. That makes me a fully grown adult. You’re the one that has to catch up. From your responses and conversation, it's obvious that you are more than likely in your early twenties. My kids are probably your parent's age.

    I asked you a simple question. Why are you so fearful and insecure? From all your other responses, it was obvious that you wouldn't truthfully answer it. But…you took the bait and did what a typical youngster does when they’re still immature…juvenile namecalling. I am too old a cat to be fooled by a kitten.

    You come on this blog to test out your racist indoctrinated testicles to attack black people. However, what you fail to realize is that you’re not dealing with any uneducated people. None of the people, white ones included, on this blog are trying to hear what you talking about. We’re trying to save our democracy from crazy, silly-ass people like you. We don’t have time for your racist B.S.

  189. "You come on this blog to test out your racist indoctrinated testicles to attack black people. However, what you fail to realize is that you’re not dealing with any uneducated people"

    Exactly. That's why they post as anon because they aren't bright enough to be who they say they are and will immediately be sussed out. Has there ever been an anon that is brave enough to choose a screen name? Bunch of pansies. If these dullards are the superior race no wonder they have to hide in the shadows. LOL!

  190. "Incompetent, insane, out of control wasicu B-52 pilot ignores all protocols and kills himself and 4 crew members."

    Exactly. This guy kills himself and several others in front of their families. But hey, I'm sure anon would much rather fly with a dangerous cowboy than a serious competent person of color. Really telling.

  191. GrannyStandingforTruth4:43 AM

    "Now explain to me why prosperous, productive Rhodesia became poor, starving Zimbabwe when the "colonizers" were kicked out."

    Great Britain’s failure to honor its Land Reform subsidy agreements and promises to not meddle in Zimbabwe’s land redistribution policies stymied Zimbabwe’s growth, evolution, and maturity.

    Great Britain engaged in neo-colonialism—the propensity of former colonial powers to continue to control and exploit African state economies and politics for the purpose of transferring mineral and resource wealth from Africa to Europe.

  192. Anonymous said...

    Affirmative action put an obviously incompetent black pilot into the right seat of a Boeing 767. On February 23 2019 he dove it into Trinity Bay off of Houston, TX, killing himself, the captain and another pilot jump-seating to take a new job.
    1:25 AM.
    Seems to me, you have jumped to the conclusion that Affirmative Action was the direct cause of
    this plane crash. On what evidence you are basing your opinion? And why do you not act like an adult and post here with a screen name; You will still remain anonymous, and no one will know who you really are. You have nothing to fear from using a screen name.

  193. "Great Britain’s failure to honor its Land Reform subsidy agreements and promises to not meddle in Zimbabwe’s land redistribution policies stymied Zimbabwe’s growth, evolution, and maturity."

    And the sad part is this person could have found this information, er never mind. They have probably gotten past 6th grade so knowing how to research is beyond their grasp.

  194. "You have nothing to fear from using a screen name."

    Oh yes, they do. Think of all embarrassment they'll feel when each of their ignorant beliefs are disassembled one by one and they are humiliated showing yet again bigots and racists are dumb. I mean if you were this person would you leave any identifying marks? LOL!

  195. Hey Pilot,

    Nothing says he/she has to read our responses!

  196. GrannyStandingforTruth12:19 PM


    The feeling is mutual. I admire and respect you a lot. Throughout the years I've observed and learned from you.

    The size of my family is enormous and diverse in economic income, occupations, and race. Quite a few in my family are well-known public figures and some are in history books. There are a few bad actors in my family as well. No family that is as huge as mine is perfect. However, the majority of my family as a whole are educated, hard-working, and decent people with integrity.

    As for me, I'm just an ordinary granny with a passion for people, learning, and wanting a better world for my grandchildren. Life has given me many experiences and has allowed me to come into contact with a variety of people, from various backgrounds, who have taught me a great deal about people.

    Fighting for people’s rights is a passion of mine. Actually, it’s a part of my heritage passed down from slavery. Not all of my ancestors were slaves. I also had some ancestors that were free people of color during slavery on both the paternal and maternal sides. Some of them are also in history books.

    Genealogy is another passion of mine and inheritance from my Mandinka ancestors. As a matter of fact, I am one of the family historians. It has been my hobby for 40 something years.

  197. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Brooklyn subway shooting: Negro Suspect Frank James posted racist rants to YouTube for years

  198. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Video shows armed negro robbery suspect back out after tables turned at Houston car dealership
