Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Swinging back.

Like many of you, I watched the speech by Michigan state senator, Mallory McMorrow, and I must say that it's good to have allies like her in the struggle against ignorance and bigotry. 

If you haven't watched it,  you are missing out on real classic. It's political speech at its finest. She touched all the right themes, and she was honest and unflinching in her delivery. More importantly, she was speaking directly to the person who smeared her in the first place, and it was everything you expected it to be. 

Watch it and give me your thoughts.   

Personally, I think that it's about time that some of these cowardly pols start "swinging back." I mean you can't let the right control the narrative and label you as a pedophile and you do or say nothing. 

That has gone on long enough, and finally someone is saying, enough.

*Image from



  1. Putin figured out a long time ago that "pedophile" is an effective label to smear someone you want to neutralize with, and he used the shit out of it as a political tactic.
    The prevalence of bogus accusations of pedophilia in the goddamn Republican party shows, among other things, how far down in the authoritarian shitter they are right now.
    This speech was indeed refreshing to watch, if a little saddening in its necessity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Don't mess with Mommy.

    Right on!

  3. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Seems like Republicans want to get a new McCarthyism going. Only they wore “commie” out, so they can’t use it anymore, so they have to go with “pedo” instead.

    I don’t think it’ll work, though. It’s hard to convince people you’re anti-pedo when every other week, one of your fundie religious leaders is outed as a kiddie diddler; when your recent Senate candidate was Roy “I’m banned from the mall for trying to pick up teenage girls there” Moore; when you’re currently legislating to eliminate the minimum age requirement for marriage.

    See, that makes it seem like maybe Q might be pointing his finger at the wrong political party party in his grand pedo-hunt.

  4. What us just as funny as pedo is McCTurtlefuckface accusing Biden of court packing after magats stashed more than a hundred unqualified, right wing ideologues with lifetime appointments in e3very court possible.

    I saw this article yesterday and think Dems need to do this every time a magat spews a lie. Fight fire with truth.


    Kranky kristian Texass power broker assaulted air conditioner repairman with a gun after he decided the repairman was masterminding election fraud scheme using Hispanic kids to sign ballots. Search of repairman's truck after assault turned up aur conditioner repair tools for some strange reason.

  6. GrannyStandingforTruth1:08 PM

    I gave her a standing ovation. Loved it.
    Every lie and smear needs to be called out with the truth and receipts. It's time to play hardball.

    I agree with Jame Carville.

    Don't leave any stone unturned and chop off all the snakes' heads.

  7. Makes me sick what Democrats are willing to take, or assume, lying down. That they will lose in the Midterms. That Biden's ratings are low, so slim chances. That he hasn't met his promises (Why not? Could it have anyting to do with the Party of No?). Why is it hard to campaign against total crazies? And crazies who are consistently plutocrats, corporatists, who see nothing wrong with a tax system that allows multiple billionaires to elude their share and be space traveling hobbyists while kids go hungry and go to abysmal schools? Get your act together and emulate Mallory! Stop pussyfooting around your opponents' idiocies and lies, and lies and idiocies. James Carville is getting on in years, but his appearance on MSNBC was a refreshing jolt. Republicans have never been so dysfunctional, "weird," as he called them. Campaign with the shameful truth, that's all you need.

  8. I just wish that all Democrats would fight back like this congresswoman. We aren't going to win until they do.


    Longest servi8ng magat senator in North Dakota hi9story steps down and lawyers up after it was revealed he had exchanged 72 texts with a known pedophile.

    Bill Orally's flight was delayed so he went on a filthy rant against Jet Blue employees and later blamed his tirade on Biden.

  10. I know you have been busy in the last month, but I've been missing your input into the daily mix of news/politics, etc. Welcome back!

  11. Anonymous6:55 PM


  12. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hunter Bidet = PEDO

  13. Now follow up the tough talk with actual policies that will help the average joe and Dems will keep winning until the GOP regain their minds and we can move on from this insane period of history.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hunter Bidet = PEDO

    6:56 PM

    Fucking lie! Fucking liar!

  15. Anonymous8:52 PM

    CNN’s Streaming Service to Shut Down Just One Month After Launch
    The network's new project garnered abysmal subscriber numbers despite spending millions on promotion

  16. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Orange-haired "man" who raped 4-yr-old twin girls after being adopted into a Harrisburg family is at least behind bars now:

    This shows that N-words will deliberately harm people who offer them charity.  There is no gratitude, only hate.  Derbyshire's "The Talk, non-black version" is required reading now more than ever.

  17. Anonymous8:55 PM

    The Democrat Party, Not Climate Change, Is the Existential Threat

  18. Anonymous said...

    Hunter Bidet = PEDO

    6:56 PM

    Republican = PEDO

    Here's the names of a few of them:
    Mark Gaetz, Anton Lazzaro, Dan Crane, Dennis Hastert,Jim Jordon, Ray Moore, Mark Foley, Bud Luikens, Robert Baumen, and Donald Trump

  19. Anonymous said...

    "....The stereotypes of blacks being violent and CPT (colored people's time) exist for a reason."

    8:39 PM
    And the reasons are ignorance and blind stupidity on the part of one who practices stereotyping.

  20. Anonymous3:12 AM

    "....The stereotypes of blacks being violent and CPT (colored people's time) exist for a reason."

    8:39 PM
    And the reasons are ignorance and blind stupidity on the part of one who practices stereotyping.

    Quite the opposite.  Experience and intelligence lead to recognition of patterns, and the patterns of black violence and CPT definitely exist.  Only those who are ignorant, stupid or both can believe the propaganda being pushed as "anti-racism".

    African joke (or maybe not a joke):  What's the difference between a tourist and a racist?  About two weeks.

  21. Wisconsin DOJ started clergy investigation and found 200 cases of abuse last year alone. More magat pedos.

  22. Another drumpf ass kisser busted for human trafficking in Romania.

    This beast and his brother moved to Romania because police were less likely to investigate sexual assaults. Guess we know where drumpf plans to live after prison.

  23. Another Michigan POS magat is sending out announcements to parents telling them their children's gender assignment surgery is scheduled and then blaming Biden for it.

    These fuckers are sick sonsabitches who need to be arrested aND IMNPRISONED FOR LIFE.

  24. Anonymous said.....
    Quite the opposite. Experience and intelligence lead to recognition of patterns, and the patterns of black violence and CPT definitely exist. Only those who are ignorant, stupid or both can believe the propaganda being pushed as "anti-racism".

    3:12 AM
    Patterns are sometimes useful, but tell you nothing about an individual member of the group being stereotyped. Here's an example of your pattern nonsense: men kill women far more often than women kill men; therefore all men are to be feared and shunned because they may kill us. (BTW, I am and 85 year old woman).

    Moreover white men are vastly more dangerous than black men because white men have killed over 40 million other white people in the last 150 years. So even though I am white, I should stay away from other white people because they are dangerous.

    So much for your "pattern logic."

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth3:34 PM


    I sorta wonder if Anonymous 3:12 has an inability learning disorder in reasoning-organization and integration of ideas and thoughts.

    Anonymous 3:12 PM would definitely get an "F" in my class or a referral to be tested for a learning disability.

  26. likely just an inbred magat, Granny and Gambler.

  27. If I had to guess I'd say his Dad and first cousin got married to keep the family's wealth in the fambly. You know, a sporty edition of a double wide trailer and a couple slop hogs.

    Of course, that is my humble opinion. Can't prove it.

  28. Texass guv A-Butt's brutal border truck inspections found zero drugs, guns or contraband and a bunch of oil leaks on trucks.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Retarded anon is displaying confirmation bias. "Gee, I found all kinds of reasons to hate the people I don't know or know anything about besides the fact that I hate them while I was looking for reasons to hate them."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...


    I sorta wonder if Anonymous 3:12 has an inability learning disorder in reasoning-organization and integration of ideas and thoughts.

    Anonymous 3:12 PM would definitely get an "F" in my class or a referral to be tested for a learning disability.

    3:34 PM
    You may be correct in your analysis. I would give him an "F" in my class too.


  32. To Anonymous at 6:56 PM

    Here's another Republican man to add to the PEDO file I sent you. The son of an anti-government group’s leader is facing a dozen criminal charges for the alleged sexual abuse of a child younger than 12.

    "Richard Solon Mack, 44, is the son of Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. The CSPOA, according to the Anti-Defamation League, “is an anti-government extremist group whose primary purpose is to recruit sheriffs into the anti-government ‘patriot’ movement.” The movement and its founder have rubbed shoulders with conspiracy movements like QAnon, which falsely alleges a widespread pattern of child sex-trafficking."

  33. Manifest Density10:06 PM

    "Watch it and give me your thoughts."

    State Senator Mc Morrow got trolled. And what do we know about trolls? . Trolls are statistically more likely to lie, exaggerate and offend to get a response.

    This ain't over.

  34. Anonymous10:56 PM

    There were three mass shootings in the USA between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

    All the shooters were black.

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth12:19 AM

    I'm watching the hearing for MTG. She is acting like she's having a sudden lost of memory, but I think she has lie-abetes. *Scrubbing my screen with holy water.*

    Marjorie recalls nothing the opposing lawyers asks her, but remembers everything her lawyer asks her. It's a miracle. *Rolling my eyes.*

    There are videos with her stating things she's denied or "I don't remember or recall." If lies were electricity, she'd be an electricity generator.

    I sure hope that the prosecutor not pointing out her contradictions right now is a strategy to show a pattern of deception, and his plan is to expose her lies in the grand finale.

    MTG said that nothing is posted on Twitter without her approval. That statement is included in the court transcripts. I'm sure it'll be read back to her. I wonder who she'll blame for those tweets or how she'll lie her way out of it.

    I don't trust the judge in this case. He's too lenient with her.

    Does she not know that Pelosi isn't responsible for the Capitol building? Jesus!

  36. Anonymous1:46 AM

    “I'm watching the hearing for MTG. She is acting like she's having a sudden lost of memory, but I think she has lie-abetes. *Scrubbing my screen with holy water.*”

    I feel like if you press crazy Marjorie hard enough on the witness stand, she’ll crack and blurt out a confession, like Colonel Jessop in “A Few Good Men”:


  37. Manliest of men, Madison Cawthorn in women's lingerie.

    Tucker the fucker has a mini-boner.

  38. “Does she not know that Pelosi isn't responsible for the Capitol building? Jesus!“

    I wouldn’t count on that imbecile knowing much of anything.

  39. LOL! Good one, Pilot!

  40. Russian oligarchs (and their families) are dropping like flies.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Anonymous6:42 PM

    This one is even funnier than the police officer who shot himself in the leg in front of an elementary school class:  N-word shot his own penis off while trying to rob a hot-dog stand.

    When was the last time you saw news of a White guy doing this?  Never, that's when.


    Never? That's a lie.

  43. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I gave her a standing ovation. Loved it.
    Every lie and smear needs to be called out with the truth and receipts. It's time to play hardball.

    The time for ignoring the crazies is long past, because the crazies are controlling the narrative. If the Dems have any hope of maintaining and/or increasing majorities at any level, every single Dem candidate has to engage in verbal rebuttal of the lies their GOP rivals try to sell. Silence is doom.

    Disclaimer: I'm an Independent.

  44. "When was the last time you saw news of a White guy doing this? Never, that's when."

    Because their dicks are too small to hit with a firearm.

    This surprised nobody:

    Abbott’s Truck Inspections Found No Drugs or Migrants

    April 23, 2022 at 12:50 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 248 Comments

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) “increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars,” the Houston Chronicle reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Do we remember this enius who thought it was a good idea to teach a 9-year-old girl how to shoot an uzi? It didn't end well.

  46. how about this brain warrior who was shot by her 4-year-old?

  47. Utah sinator Whorin' Orrin Hatch went to be with his political mentor, Lucifer, at age 88.

    My day just6 got better.

  48. @ Mystere,

    Atheist tries to get bible banned in Broward and Miami Dade Counties.

    This is a start.

  49. Manifest Density11:00 AM

    @ 8:54pm

    "This shows that N-words will deliberately harm people who offer them charity."

    This is the first time I've heard anybody call the Pilgrims N-words, because that's exactly what they did to the Native Americans that saved them.

  50. To Manifest Density @ 11:00 AM......

    Unfortunately most bigots, especially magas don't know much about American history. The white man's systematic slaughter of native American tribes isn't covered in most schools.


    Awesome takedown of trump by John Bolton. I mean we didn't learn anything new such as trump being clueless and unfit for office but to hear an insider break it down proves we're not just making stuff up.

  52. Manifest Density2:00 PM

    Gambler2 @ a little before 1

    "The white man's systematic slaughter of native American tribes isn't covered in most schools.

    That's a problem. In my opinion, Native American tribes have been devastated. How many statues of Native Americans receive the adulation of a statue of Christopher Columbus?

    I believe that's the same problem conservatives have with Critical Race Theory and subsequently Reparations.

    Diversity is the problem of the 21st century.

  53. Macron won the election by a far more comfortable margin than everyone was fearing.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  54. Anonymous5:42 PM

    “Macron won the election by a far more comfortable margin than everyone was fearing.”

    That’s the glass-half-full assessment: Le Pen lost.

    However, the glass-half-empty assessment is that Le Pen appears to have gained 10 percentage points since her last try. So at this rate … Fascist France in 2027?

    I hop the French Left manage to start to get their shit together, or that’s what may happen.

  55. Rapid City South Duhkotuh motel and sports bar banned all Native Americans and have since been sued by Sioux Nation in violation of treaty, the same one that caused judge in Chokelahoma to issue an opinion that much of Chokelahoma belongs to Natives.

    In Duhkotuh, the Sioux want the moteliers trespassed from treaty lands, which means they have to give up all businesses.

  56. Can't we all just get along?

    Little wasicu girl pushing a toy stroller with a Black baby doll in it, stops to admire Black models dress.

    Black model was not even busted for trying to force CRT on Wasicu girl.

  57. All charges against Pamala Moses dropped in voting irregularity case.

  58. Good read, Mr PilotX. Thanks .

  59. "Good read, Mr PilotX. Thanks."

    Just returning the favor.

  60. Manifest Density12:03 PM

    " ...she was speaking directly to the person who smeared her in the first place, and it was everything you expected it to be. "

    Theis is curiously silent now. She provided no evidence of criminal wrongdoing yet suffers no harm for her comments. No apology.

    The bright spot is she got handled. Theis should have commented anonymously.

  61. drumpfuck the dumbfuck is being held in civil contempt for not releasing docs to Letitia James and it is costing him 10 grand per day.

    And whorin' Orrin Hatch remains remain dead as true romance and magat honesty. My, what magical times we live in.

  62. "Atheist tries to get bible banned in Broward and Miami Dade Counties."

    Just say there's CRT in it and it'll be banned within seconds.

  63. Another drumpf appointed, unqualified judge in Looseranna blocked another Biden initiative on the border.

    McCTurtlefuckface whines about Dems packing the courts when he has already packed half the courts with biased, right wing ideologues who are loyal only to the party.

  64. So MTG thought Fergus needed to institute Marshall law to save the republic or some such horse shit. Now I'm a long time Carvin user, but I have it on good authority from folks who are quite successful at using them that Marshall Law consists of turning every knob on the front panel all the way to the right and using a power attenuation device to regulate the output volume. That's what Jason Isbell said, anyway.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Anonymous1:37 AM

    “McCTurtlefuckface whines about Dems packing the courts“

    After what he did to the Obama nomination to SC he need not ever open his mouth.

  66. Manifest Density2:00 PM

    "'s good to have allies like her in the struggle against ignorance and bigotry."

    American citizens allied against manifestly dense individuals and institutions. This is what America should be.

    Is this why Eurapeons are opposing Critical Race Theory? Theis and others like her need to be careful when talking about groomers. Did she forget Thomas Jefferson?

  67. For second time in a little over a year, Cawthorn gets busted with a handgun in airport.

  68. Just as immigrant families and asylum seekers were thankful for Fergus' plan to ship them from the southern border to "sanctuary cities", they are now singing the praises of Abbott's Operation Lone Star shipping them to DC, or really, anywhere other than fucking Texas.
    “I would like to say thank you to the governor of Texas,” one said.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Does this Duhkotuh high school German teacher come through loud and clear as a pedophile? Seriously?

    One sick puppy, to be sure, but exactly what magats seem to be striving for in education

  70. Once again the goddamn Republicans failed to read the thing before trying to kill it:

    Disney Tells Investors DeSantis Gambit Won’t Work

    April 26, 2022 at 8:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 3 Comments

    “As Florida legislators were rushing through passage of a bill to repeal the special district that governs Walt Disney World last week, they failed to notice an obscure provision in state law that says the state could not do what legislators were doing — unless the district’s bond debt was paid off,” the Miami Herald reports.

    “Disney, however, noticed and quietly sent a note to its investors to show that it was confident the Legislature’s attempt to dissolve the special taxing district operating the 39-square mile parcel it owned in two counties violated the ‘pledge’ the state made when it enacted the district in 1967, and therefore was not legal.”

    “The result, Disney told its investors, is that it would continue to go about business as usual.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. "For second time in a little over a year, Cawthorn gets busted with a handgun in airport."

    Congress has different rules.

  72. "Once again the goddamn Republicans failed to read the thing before trying to kill it"

    Maybe they did. Maybe they can send a message to Disney and not do any damage. Desantis can say "we tried" and still look like a tough guy without raising property taxes to make up for the loss of Disney tax revenue. This could be a purposeful mistake?

  73. Anonymous1:50 AM

    “For second time in a little over a year, Cawthorn gets busted with a handgun in airport.”

    More specifically, “Cawthorn gets busted trying to take loaded handgun on plane.”

    That’s a no-no, last I heard.

  74. Anonymous12:37 PM

    “That’s a no-no, last I heard.“

    And nothing will be done about it.

  75. GrannyStandingforTruth2:30 PM

    Thought I'd lighten up the mood a little. Earlier this week, "Family Feud" showed a rerun featuring one of my cousins and her husband. Anyhow, here's the link to it if any of you care to watch it. She and her husband were on that program more than once. Yes, they won.

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth2:36 PM

    Dementia, drugs, and paranoia do not mix.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth3:04 PM

    Isn't it the responsibility of the FBI to arrest those who have committed federal crimes such as treason and insurrection?

    Isn't it the FBI's responsibility to make arrests for any federal offense committed in their presence or if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing, a felony violation of U.S. laws?

    Therefore, why isn't the FBI doing its job and arresting Trump and his mob?

    It's not the AG's job to arrest people. Nor does he have the authority to.
    However, I'm not a lawyer, A.G., or D.A. That's not my field of expertise. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Curious minds would like to know.

  78. Anonymous4:05 PM

    “It's not the AG's job to arrest people. Nor does he have the authority to.
    However, I'm not a lawyer, A.G., or D.A. That's not my field of expertise. Please correct me if I am wrong.”

    It is the AG’s job to indict and try people. And the cops won’t bother arresting Trump unless there is some indication that the DOJ will actually indict and try him for some offense. So far, there has been no such indication from Garland.

    There are a lot of people who feel Garland is being too cautious and there is more than enough evidence to go after Trump for federal offenses related to trying to subvert the 2020 election, at minimum. Of course, Garland may be worried that a MAGA fanatic will end up on the jury and refuse to convict, even after Trump has been conclusively proven guilty. But that is what it is.

  79. GrannyStandingforTruth4:52 PM

    Thank you Anonymous 4:05.

  80. Anonymous10:42 PM

    A murder monkey tied a White woman to the steering wheel of a stolen car using jumper cables, then live-streamed himself as he stabbed her to death.

    This kind of thing is why "murder monkey" is a stereotype.  There are too many examples for it to be an un-truth.  (The appropriate penalty is for him to be burned to death, and every last one of his direct relations either sterilized or exiled.)

    If you want to eliminate the stereotype, eliminate the fucking BEHAVIOR!

    But you can't.  Murder monkeys are what you are; you cannot change it.

  81. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Does this Duhkotuh high school German teacher come through loud and clear as a pedophile? Seriously?

    Because trying to save girls from chemical sterilization and surgical mutilation following from a transmissible mental illness is SO cruel, isn't it?  Steering them away from a course which results in losing any possibility of ever having a family is just WRONG, isn't it?

  82. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Young deputy sheriff shot and body burned by a animalistic white male. Maybe if she dated a nice Black man she'd still be alive. Oh well, at least he didn't shoot up a classroom full of kids like they usually do.

  83. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Crime stopper alert! White male on the run after illegal sexual contact with a child. Yup, another pedo monkey. This is a trend no?

  84. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The 4-yr-old twins raped by the N-word are White.


    Say it ain't so, Joe.

  86. Anonymous10:54 AM

    “The 4-yr-old twins raped by the N-word are White.“

    The “n” word being the “next” white male pedophile or priest? Kinda figures.

  87. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Kids are being raped by words? Oh my!!! No wonder idiot conservatives are trying to ban books! Burn all books, kids are being raped by words! More specifically words that begin with the letter N. N did look kind of shady when it was the highlighted letter on The Electric Company.

  88. Moar magat crimes...

    We know who crimes. Why aren't we vanishing the crooks and their spawn from Hell?

  89. So anymoose @ 12:16 is only worried about lady boys whom look attractive enough to him to LOLA his dreams.

    Boys also become girls. No compassion for them?

  90. Anonymous2:01 PM

    “Boys also become girls. No compassion for them?”

    Maybe there were no boys in his class intending to transition to female. Otherwise, the teacher would have written a corresponding “don’t chop your dick off” letter.

  91. Found on Susie Madrak's blog, Fergus and the tomato cannon:

    The Washington Post
    Former president Donald Trump said he feared protesters would hit him with tomatoes, pineapples and other “very dangerous” fruit at his campaign rallies, declaring in a sworn deposition that “you can be killed if that happens.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Anonymous3:28 PM

    “We know who crimes. Why aren't we vanishing the crooks and their spawn from Hell?“

    So Mike Pillow is paying people to look for election fraud. Wow, his moronic idol also paid people to vacation in Hawaii looking for the real birth certificate.😆 Idiots with money.

  93. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The "man" who drove onto a California HS campus and stabbed a Hispanic girl to death is a n1qq3r:

    There was nothing "random" about this killing except the victim.  The murder monkey was looking for a non-black to kill.

  94. Being seventy years old she knows she'll never have to field test her theory on herself (The Cincinnati Enquirer via Steve Benen):

    Ohio Republican Rep. Jean Schmidt sparked outrage during a hearing on an abortion bill when she said a hypothetical teenager traumatized by rape would have the “opportunity” to help that child become a “productive human being.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Anonymous4:20 PM

    “Former president Donald Trump said he feared protesters would hit him with tomatoes, pineapples and other ‘very dangerous’ fruit at his campaign rallies, declaring in a sworn deposition that ‘you can be killed if that happens.’”

    Trump changes up the objects that angry lefty protesters allegedly like to throw. Remember when it was (lol) cans of soup? Now, apparently, it’s pineapples

  96. Member of the party of free speech who has apparently never heard of the internet, advocates book burning:

    The Republican-led Tennessee state House passed a bill Wednesday that would require public school librarians to submit to the state a list of book titles for approval, as a GOP lawmaker suggested burning books that are deemed inappropriate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. "Now, apparently, it’s pineapples"

    And bananas. My friend Rob once built a PVC potato cannon that could launch a spud for blocks. I see no reason why it wouldn't be able to launch a tomato or say, an avocado to keep things fruit-based, but sneaking it into a Fergus rally ain't gonna happen, for the same reason that a standard 81mm L16 mortar won't make it in.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. So Steve Bannon's Chinese fugitive bud pushed false info with pics of Hunter Biden, claiming Biden's had a relationship with Commie China.

    Of course, when a magat hears the words Biden or China they salivate like Pavlov's dog in heat.

  99. Anonymous9:17 PM

    “There was nothing "random" about this killing except the victim. The murder monkey was looking for a non-black to kill.“

    And you know this how?

  100. Anonymous9:19 PM

    “The Republican-led Tennessee state House passed a bill Wednesday that would require public school librarians to submit to the state a list of book titles for approval,“

    You’re kidding right?

  101. Anonymous3:52 AM

    "Mail carrier" who stole credit cards is a n1qq3r:

  102. Anonymous9:02 AM

    "is a n1qq3r"

    TF is a n1qq3r? This idiota accidently gave us his link card PIN. LOL!

  103. Anonymous3:06 PM

    “The Republican-led Tennessee state House passed a bill Wednesday that would require public school librarians to submit to the state a list of book titles for approval.”

    That would require the review of an awful lot of books! And you know that Republicans don’t like to read.

    Residents of Tennessee better get ready for libraries that contain nothing, besides a few old, beat-up Iron Man comics and Tucker Carlson’s latest book on cancel culture.

  104. Another reason to hate pigs in blue...

    Pigs raided Philadelphia woman's home with an arrest warrant for her deceased son, who was shot and killed 5 months earlier.

    Some of the invaders covered their badges so as not to be identified.

  105. Anonymous5:21 PM

    One of our latest is particularly good and features Dr. Peterson Pierre. It’s called “No Good Reason to Jab Kids.” Here are the 6 reasons not to jab your kids:

    1. The Vaccines are Experimental—not FDA approved.
    2. The Vaccines are not safe—over 1 million adverse events have been recorded, and over 40,000 deaths…
    3. The Vaccines are not effective—they don’t stop Covid and they don’t stop transmission…
    4. The Vaccines are not necessary—natural immunity is far safer and more effective…
    5. Omnicom is mild…
    6. Kids under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the shot than they are to die from Covid if not vaccinated.

  106. Anonymous5:33 PM

    LOL! This is what happens when you turn adult-babies into congresswomen.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert had to be separated during argument, report says

  107. Boston police officer and union chief convicted of 33 counts of child molestation. Good luck in the pokie and don't drop the soap.

  108. Anonymous5:59 PM

    “One of our latest is particularly good and features Dr. Peterson Pierre. It’s called “No Good Reason to Jab Kids.” Here are the 6 reasons not to jab your kids:”

    1. Bullshit
    2. Bullshit
    3. Irrelevant (Vaccines significantly reduce transmission and massively reduce severity of COVID. They don’t have to absolutely prevent COVID to be useful.)
    4. Bullshit
    5. Bullshit
    6. Bullshit

    That’s an impressive amount of lying, troll!

  109. Anonymous said...

    One of our latest is particularly good and features Dr. Peterson Pierre. It’s called “No Good Reason to Jab Kids.” Here are the 6 reasons not to jab your kids:

    5:21 PM
    I have a question and then a comment: First, is the Doctor Peterson Pierre a member of America's Front Line Doctors? Please visit the following website.

    Second, I know dozens of vaccinated people who got Covid, none of whom became seriously ill. I did know one unvaccinated man who died last February. So I'm quite convinced that you are totally ignorant of the facts regarding Covid.

    Have a nice day.

  110. Anonymous7:24 PM

    “Dr. Peterson Pierre“

    He’s a dermatologist right? Hmmmm,🤔.

  111. Doc Pierre is a Frontline doctor and a Black man.

  112. "Doc Pierre is a Frontline doctor and a Black man."

    I'm betting he isn't a virologist.

  113. More news of the Negro Felon League9:45 PM

    Hearing postponed for 2 NFL players, 2 others in Vegas case

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — A judge postponed a hearing Monday in a felony assault case involving two NFL players and two other men accused of severely beating a man at a Las Vegas nightclub the weekend of the Pro Bowl.

    Attorneys for New Orleans Saints running back Alvin Kamara, Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Chris Lammons and two other defendants, Darrin Young and Percy Harris, asked for more time to review evidence recently turned over by prosecutors.

    The four men did not have to appear in court in person while Justice of the Peace Harmony Letizia set a new date Aug. 1. Each man remains free on bond.

    Police have said video evidence shows Kamara put his hand on the alleged victim’s chest to stop him stepping toward the elevator early Feb. 5 at the rooftop Drai’s nightclub. The man pushed Kamara’s hand away and Lammons punched the man.

    The man fell unconscious on the floor and the defendants allegedly stomped on his face, chest and legs, leaving him with facial fractures and injuries to his head, knees and arms.

    (article continues)

  114. Anonymous10:35 PM

    “‘Doc Pierre is a Frontline doctor and a Black man.’

    I'm betting he isn't a virologist.”

    I’m betting he is a shareholder in an outfit that sells snake oil. Pushing ivermectin and similar crap to the ignorant can be highly profitable.

    So the Hippocratic Oath got flushed down the toilet in favor of the Almighty Dollar.

  115. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Shooting of one coach by another at a Filthadelphia practice field sounds like TNB:

  116. Peterson Pierre is recognized for attending to patients' overall health, not just beauty. Certified by the American Board of Dermatology, he received his medical degree and completed specialty training in dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine.

  117. Anonymous12:07 PM

    “Certified by the American Board of Dermatology“

    So not a virologist.

  118. To Anonymous, who is compelled to list black crime on this blog: Here are few examples of white crime and ugly behavior. Read the articles.

    Judge lets Arizona Republican off the hook for using dead mother's ballot to vote twice in 2020

    MAGA's ‘King of Toxic Masculinity’ faces police raid in Romania in human trafficking investigation

    All of this white crime and inappropriate behavior makes me wonder what you, as a white supremacist are doing about it. Why aren't you working to help whites learn to obey the law and act in a decent manner?

  119. Here's the link to my last example of white crime listed above.....

  120. Alleged Doctor Oz running for Senate in Pennsylvania actually resides in New Jersey. Typical magat.

  121. Keep up the good work, Gambler. Make anymoose squirm like the low life he/she/it is.

  122. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "In one of his YouTube videos, American expatriate Andrew Tate"

    Tate is a Jewish surname.  Human trafficking is what Jews do; Rhode Island's Jews made their fortunes in the triangle trade.

    (And will someone find out what is forcing everything past this comment to italics, and FIX IT ALREADY?!)

  123. Anonymous1:29 PM

    “Tate is a Jewish surname.“

    It is?

  124. Anonymous1:31 PM

    “And will someone find out what is forcing everything past this comment to italics, and FIX IT ALREADY?!“


  125. GrannyStandingforTruth3:14 PM

    Currently, I'm reading 3 books and doing some research. "Wilmington Was A Lie" and "On Account Of Race" and "White Rage."

  126. GrannyStandingforTruth3:29 PM

  127. GrannyStandingforTruth3:31 PM

  128. Granny, the first link posted @ 3:29 PM, I have seen the video a couple times. Pigs were way out of line harassing one of the few Black residents of that town.

  129. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Young people realizing the value of unionization.

  130. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Good post Granny!

  131. Trevor Noah delivered a perfectly aimed and timed kick to all of the right gonads tonight.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  132. "Trevor Noah delivered a perfectly aimed and timed kick to all of the right gonads tonight."

    Was it his opening monologue?

  133. What nationality is the surname Tate?
    Image result for is tate a jewish surname
    Recorded as Tate and Tait, this is an Anglo-Scottish surname. It is however probably of Norse-Viking origin, deriving from the pre 7th century Old Norse word "teitr", meaning glad or cheerful. In its home country it is recorded as the personal name "Teitr", and appears in the Icelandic saga called "Landnamabok".

  134. Pelosi apparently went to Kyiv for a look see. Wonder how long before anymoose and magats accuse her of secret meeting with Hunter Biden and George Soros there?

  135. Anonymous11:56 AM

    “Recorded as Tate and Tait, this is an Anglo-Scottish surname.“

    I guess she/he/it/they isn’t too bright. Racists usually aren’t. Then again since Judiasm is a religion someone named Tate could be Jewish. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  136. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Brothers who shot and killed a grandmother celebrating her birthday are n1qq3rs:

  137. "Was it his opening monologue?"
    He headlined the WHCD:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. He headlined the WHCD:

    Thanks. I will definitely check it out.

  139. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Mother and grandmother give 11 month old baby a lethal dose of fentanyl. Of course they are h1llb1ll13s.

  140. Anonymous2:26 PM

    She is a woke twat.

  141. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I'm sure that she is now catching hell from her men.

    She is probably being called a N _ _ _ _ R lover for breaking rank from her people and telling the truth.
    But if you don't stand for something...then you will fall for anything.

    Thank goodness for people like her for telling the truth and not perpetuating a LIE!
    Lord knows that most of their history is filled with lies, thefts, distortions and omissions.
    Thank goodness she is willing to tell the truth.

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