Monday, October 17, 2022

Herschel's troubling run.

I think I finally figured out what it is about Herschel Walker's run for the United States Senate that bothers me so much. It's not the obvious. Not the hypocrisy when it comes to his stance on abortion. Not his obvious mental issues. Not the fact that he doesn't know the difference between NATO and NASCAR. Not the fact that he probably doesn't think that there is another Athens outside of the one in North Georgia. Or the fact that he could be the poster-boy for deadbeat dads. These are all troubling things to be sure. But to me, the most troubling thing of all is how the right is using this shell of a man in their quest for power. The fact that he happens to be a man of color makes it hurt even more. 

For the record, I have no problem with black folks who consider themselves conservatives, and who are sincere in there convictions. Particularly those who are thinkers and who put some thought into what they are espousing. Shelby Steele, bless his right leaning heart, is one of my favorite authors. And I have a lot of respect for folks like Thomas Sowell as well.  Black republican politicians are out there, and there will always be a Tim Scott or JC Watt to tickle the right's fancy, and allow them to say: See, we have a black friend, just like you do. 

But this thing with Herschel is just sad. I saw some of his debate with the democratic nominee, Ralph Warnock, and it was painful to watch. Why would someone let themselves be used this why? And who would be so cruel as to put someone out there like that just because they can? That's a rhetorical question. We all know who. And because the republican party is a glorified cult these days, everyone just got in line and said, "Herschel is our guy". The scary thing is he might win. Then what? How will  he serve the people of Georgia for six years in the "greatest deliberative body in the world"? 

“Do you know right now, I have something that [you can bring] into a building, that will clean you of Covid, as you walk through this, this dry mist?”....“As you walk through the door, it will kill any Covid on your body,” said Walker, “EPA-, FDA-approved. When you leave, it will kill the virus as you leave, this here product.” 

“They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money it’s going to trees. Don’t we have enough trees around here?”

Lord have mercy! When is the next Race Draft? The black delegation would like to make a trade. 

*Pic from


  1. Mrs. X and I were discussing this the other day. I think he's doing it for the money. They promised him a good sum. Why else would he do this to his family and himself?

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    This reminds me of an event in Illinois politics a couple decades back. Jesse Jackson Junior was running for Congress in a majority African-American district. And Republicans thought it would be super clever to recruit some other random dude named Jesse Jackson and collect petition signatures to put him on the ballot.

    Their thinking was that the constituents of that district were only simple-minded negroes, and they'd get confused, and half of them would vote for the wrong Jesse Jackson. With the Democratic vote split between Jesse Jackson the congressman and Jesse Jackson the nobody, the Republican challenger in that race would win.

    Puzzle for Chicago Voters: Who's Real Jesse Jackson?

    Georgia's U.S. Senate election has much the same energy -- only way more insulting to the intelligence of African-American voters. As you watch a debate between a smart, competent guy who is trying to do the best to represent his community ... and a complete doofus ... you can tell exactly what the Republican Party was thinking here. They were thinking, once again, that the simple-minded negroes will never be able to tell them apart. The race of the candidates will be all that matters, so some will obviously get confused and throw their votes to Herschel.

    Meanwhile, white voters will be perfectly comfortably voting for Herschel, too, because they know he'll do whatever he's told by the GOP bigwigs and lobbyists once he gets into office. If they say jump, he'll ask "how high?" He'll embarrass the hell out of Georgia with endless dumbass comments during his time in Congress, but as long as he votes the right way, it's all good.

  3. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Oops, I have a correction to make about the fake Jesse Jackson scam, which I'd misremembered, as it happened quite a few years ago.

    The plan was not to split the vote in the general election. It was actually to have "fake Jesse Jackson" beat the real one in the primary, and then "fake Jesse Jackson" would inevitably lose to the Republican in the general election.

    Anyway, whatever, the intention was the same. It was a dirty trick predicated on racist assumptions about intelligence of the voters in that district.

  4. Classic Fergus. This guy is famous in Georgia, so we can maybe use him to win an election. Who cares that he would be horrible in that job or that the process will humiliate him beyond his worst nightmares. With the added ratfuck of knowing the Democrats are going to eat him, a Black man, publicly, for lunch.
    Fame is seductive, but you have to know how to say no, and it would seem that Hershel isn't so good at saying no when he really needs to.
    I feel a little bit sorry for him in pretty much the same way that I feel sorry for some folks I know who fucked up their lives with drug addictions.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Anonymous2:47 AM

    "I feel a little bit sorry for him in pretty much the same way that I feel sorry for some folks I know who fucked up their lives with drug addictions."

    I won't feel sorry for him if he somehow ends up winning. I will have to start feeling bad for the entire state of Georgia. How bad will that be? Represented in Congress by MTG AND Herschel Walker? Yikes.

  6. If Walker gets elected, heaven forbid, Ivanka will have a choice of 2 BBCs in the Sinate.

    Some right wing nutter declared Walker won the debate by showing a fake badge. Magats have such low standards for their own. It ain't only black pols that get a free pass. Dan Quayle was not a Road scholar type when Hitler Weasel Bush chose him as vp candidate in 86 election.

  7. "I won't feel sorry for him if he somehow ends up winning."

    That's when I would really start to feel sorry for him. The campaign will be over next month. They keep him on his humiliation leash for six years if he wins.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Anonymous4:14 PM

    “Some right wing nutter declared Walker won the debate by showing a fake badge.”

    That’s the point where Raphael Warnock should have pulled out a fake crown and declared himself emperor of Georgia.

    Then it would officially have been the best debate ever.

  9. Anonymous4:20 PM

    “That's when I would really start to feel sorry for him.”

    Is Herschel capable of feeling shame, though? I feel like there’s some major Dunning-Kruger effect going on. Much as with MTG, I think he thinks he is doing great. I don’t think he realizes how foolish he appears.

    Regardless, even if he does end up miserable while serving (badly) as a senator, I will still feel far more sorry for the residents of his state, many of whom will not have voted for him but got stuck with him anyway.

  10. Warnock may get a thousand more chances with a crown...

  11. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The prime crime age is 15- to 40-year-old males, no matter what race. Negro males age 15-40 are 3.9% of the U.S. population but commit 60% of the murders. 90% of those murders are black on black. For every white man shot to death, 15 to 20 black men are shot to death, 90% of the time by other black men.

    Bottom line: Black lives don't matter one bit to black men. You kill each other. There's a reason why NO ONE wants to live in a black neighborhood. Hell, even the negroes don't want to live around negroes.

    1. Pretty sure u are not a "Negro", and most folks around here would not want to live around you.

  12. Anonymous6:39 PM

    There is good news in all of this. A white woman, Margaret Sanger, wanted birth control because she wisely didn't want more negroes. Eventually, that turned into pro-abortion, which I support because negresses abort at 3-4x the rate of white women.

    Negroes are stupid enoough to have bought the abortion story, and I couldn't be happier. You are violent, stupid, lazy thieves and killers, but you mainly kill and rob each other. You are a cancer on society, and at least abortion keeps your numbers in check.

    If I were a billionaire, I'd pay negresses to have abortions.


  13. I propose a new word: “hypocrat”, meaning one who rules by means of hypocrisy. Ruling is generally associated with some hypocrisy; but a hypocrat rules primarily by hypocrisy. It’s the difference between a liar and a compulsive liar.

    A hypocrat’s hypocrisy is not a glitch, nor a feature; it’s the operating system.

  14. Anonymous2:56 AM

    “Hell, even the negroes don't want to live around negroes.“

    But you know who does want to live around negroes? White women. They love Black men. Go to to see for yourself. Maybe you’ll see your sister or mother I know I did.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth5:18 AM

    The more I read various GOP Congress and their supporter's tweets, the more convinced I become that the mental health field must expand. Those people have truly lost their minds. The construction of more mental institutions would be more rational than building more prisons.

    Herschel reminds me of a character that Willie Best used to play called Sleep'n'Eat. The sad thing is that Herschel is that character in real life. He fits dominant white males'ideal of how a Black male should be. They view him as nonthreatening to white power. This is the remnant of slave owners' mentality when literacy for black men was forbidden so they could keep them with docile minds and subservient to their masters.

  16. drumph's witch hunt against Mueller report got shot down in court again.

    1 guilty plea and 2 acquitals. What a complete waste of time and taxpayer's millions.

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    “What a complete waste of time and taxpayer's millions.”

    Particularly since it’s already been established that the Steele dossier was never the catalyst for the Obama-era federal investigation of Trump. No matter what Trump’s lackey had uncovered about the shoddy workmanship in the Steele dossier, a piece of opposition research by the Hillary Clinton campaign, that still wouldn’t have proven there was ever an Obama conspiracy to weaponize government resources against the 2016 Trump campaign.

    No matter what happens, that’s still a lie, and Trump is still a Putin-coddling dirtbag.

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    “What a complete waste of time and taxpayer's millions.”

    You wanna see waste of money? Just wait, if the GOP gets control of the House all they’ll do is investigate Q-anon conspiracies. They won’t even TRY to pass any helpful legislation. And people want this dumb shit. Unbelievable.

  19. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Margaret Sanger gave lectures to the KKK. There should be a statue of her in every ghetto in America. She was more effective than the Klan ever could have dreamed. Not only has she prevented millions of black births, but she conned the negroes into supporting it.

  20. Anonymous11:47 AM

    “Margaret Sanger gave lectures to the KKK”

    She gave “A” lecture to a women’s KKK group, because she was not averse to speaking to ANY group to promote birth control, which needed promotion in order to legalize it over the objections of sexists and Christian fundamentalist types.

    Keep in mind that, unfortunately, in that time period, the KKK had achieved a level of quasi-respectability and had a large membership. A number of prominent politicians were openly members of the KKK, which was at that point in time mostly fixated on keeping out immigrants (MAGA!), not lynching black people.

    Sanger was a socialist, and her writings indicate that that she thought the KKK women were nuts, but that promoting acceptance of birth control by speaking to them was more important to her than denouncing their racism. That doesn’t mean Sanger herself was racist.

  21. Blogger field negro said...

    Pretty sure u are not a "Negro", and most folks around here would not want to live around you.

    4:15 AM
    OMG Field, that would be my worst nightmare to have this ignorant ass hat next door or anywhere in my neighborhood!

  22. Anonymous12:07 PM

    “Not only has she prevented millions of black births, but she conned the negroes into supporting it.”


    Are all the white couples using contraception also conned? Or are they just acting in their own best interests because they’d prefer not to be forced to raise an army of unwanted children and want to choose the size of their families?

  23. The Magic Johnson12:20 PM

    You know who there should be a statue of in every white neighborhood? Me. So many white women get sexually fullfilled by the BBC and tolerate having sex with white men while fantasizing about the BBC. Millions of white men like it too, they're called cucks. I bet anon here is a cuck. Go to to see for yourself.

  24. Anonymous12:29 PM

    And herein lies the problem. Anon is not too bright. My guess is probably a teenager because I would hope an adult isn’t this bad at researching basic information. It comes here passing off old tropes as new. Planned Parenthood (is) racist blah blah blah. The old tactic of trying to shame Blah folks into not supporting a woman’s right to choose is such base level thinking that it should embarrass anyone trying to use that argument but here we are.

  25. Lies about Sanger debunked by Politi-fact.

    Read the whole article to see how and how many magat facts were debunked.

  26. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hilarious to see negroes on the genocide bandwagon. I'm happy as a clam about that. I think whites should chip in for a fund that would pay black women to have abortions, and make it triple for negresses that get sterilized. LOL

  27. Shane Diesel3:42 PM

    Hilarious to see white men on the BBC bandwagon. Cucks buying subscriptions to They pretend to hate us but they love to see their women being sexually satisfied by Black men. I guess they want to see a lot of mixed-race children in the world. Do they count towards the population of Black people in this country? Ah who cares, it's so nice to see people of different colors getting along so well. It's happening in Europe so might as well start here too.

  28. Anonymous3:56 PM

    You may want to focus on white mens' mental health. They are 70% of all suicides in the US. The majority of these suicides are by firearms. Go help your own first then come here with your dumb shit.


  30. Anonymous4:19 PM

    No worries about differential suicide rates. Negroes make up for it by killing each other at much higher rates than whites do.

    By the way, negroes, you're 12% of the population (thanks, abortion!) and Latinos are 18%. And their poverty rate is falling, which is typical for immigrant groups. Negroes? Hah. Too lazy. Too stupid. Money falls from your fingers in your bling-o-sphere.

    Thank God for abortion. Negresses are 6% of the population and get 38% of the abortions. I stand and cheer!

  31. Anonymous4:21 PM

    By the way, if "big dicks" are all ya got, well, there's a future in porn. Go for it, sex dogs. Just make sure there's an abortion at the end of that rainbow, okay? LOL

  32. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Negroes, want to know what Latinos think of you? Ask around in Chicago, Miami, and L.A.

  33. Anonymous5:36 PM

    “Negroes, want to know what Latinos think of you?”

    I know what white women think of me. Ask your mom and sister what they think of us. Hint, they really love us!!!!!

  34. Anonymous5:38 PM

    “Just make sure there's an abortion at the end of that rainbow, okay?”

    Nah, we need more mixed-race babies so they’ll be fewer racist assholes like yourself. Ask your mom how close you came to being Black yourself. LOL!

  35. Anonymous5:54 PM

    It's sadly hilarious that at least some negroes here cling bitterly to the "Mandingo" mythology. When it comes down to that, you know you're powerless and laughable. But hey, when it's all you've got, I guess you have to have a life raft.

  36. Anonymous6:05 PM

    50 years ago, Latinos were 4.5% of the U.S. population. Now they are 18%. Negroes have been 12% or so all the way along. Thanks, abortion! The negro poverty rate is about 20%, while the Latino poverty rate is about 15% and the white poverty rate is about 10%.

    So, negroes, the Latinos are pulling ahead of you. Think it might be on account of Latinos having families, brains, and a work ethic? When negroes aren't sitting around with their hands out, they're stealing anything they can find, and killing each other, then blaming it on whitey.

    Good luck with that. "God Bless The Child." Find it, and listen to it. Negroes are idiots if they think "a crust of bread and such" is any kind of substitute for self respect. Whites aren't going to fix your problems, but they will avoid you whenever possible.

  37. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Black Police officers body cam records them stealing from a home

  38. Mother Nature has her own way of taking care of white or piebald animals in the natural world. They generally stick out from ordinary pigmented, darker skinned compatriots and consequently are prone to diseases and predation.

    magats imitate nature and soon will be ex-stinked.

  39. First ever Neanderthal family group discovered in a cave in Russia. As expected, they family was busily filling in drump's name on hundreds of thousands of fake 2020 ballots. If these ballots are not counted for drumpf, Neanderthals nave a direct link to Clarence Dumbass at the SCOTUS for an emergency appeal.

    Much of this is true which is better than anything drumpf ever managed.

  40. And another pathetic white racist asshole7:19 PM

    "When negroes aren't sitting around with their hands out, they're stealing anything they can find, and killing each other, then blaming it on whitey."

    Says the ones who are blaming immigrants and darkies for all their problems. Tell this to the millions of whites on welfare, oh I'm sorry "disability" LOL! Your dumb ass is preaching about self improvement on a blog run by a Black lawyer who is more educated than anyone in your family will ever be. Pretty pathetic you have to dive into racist tropes and try to dismiss an entire race. Sad man.

  41. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "50 years ago, Latinos were 4.5% of the U.S. population. Now they are 18%. Negroes have been 12% or so all the way along. Thanks, abortion!"

    And people of color will become a greater percentage of the population than whites. Thanks immigration and birthrates!!!!! Can't wait til whitey is the minority, no more bland ass food and country music. Less monster truck rallies and poor ass dumbasses in trailer parks. Fewer dumbass reality tv star presidents. Can't wait for that day!!!!! You're right, let's get rid of abortions so we can hurry this process.

  42. Big Poppi7:24 PM

    "50 years ago, Latinos were 4.5% of the U.S. population. Now they are 18%"

    Hey dumbfuck, you do know Latino isn't a race right? You do know there are millions of Black Latinos right? Oh yeah, I forgot white racists are some of the dumbest people on the goddamned planet.

  43. Big Poppi7:26 PM

  44. Professional and educated Black man7:30 PM

    There will be even more people of color in the US because white women love Black men. There has been a dramatic increase in interracial marriages with the biggest increase being white women and Black men. You guys will be the minority sooner than expected because white women love us so much. I can personally attest to this by the number of white women trying to get my attention.

  45. “Whites aren't going to fix your problems, but they will avoid you whenever possible.“

    Such base level thinking. No intellect whatsoever. I don’t have any problems that I need white people to solve.🤷🏾‍♂️ Once they are on my plane it’s kind of hard for them to avoid me. 😆😂

  46. “Black Police officers body cam records them stealing from a home“

    Police corruption??????😳😳😳Well slap my ass and cal me Sally!!! Never in a thousand years would I have believed there were crooked cops!!!! Field! You better write a special post about this! Did anyone here know there were dirty cops???? I mean Doug mentioned it a few times but I thought he was joking. We’re doomed!!!!! Next thing you’ll tell me there’s a such thing as a crooked politician.

  47. Pale Males and Pall Malls8:12 PM

    "I stand and cheer!"

    That's what you were bred to do.

  48. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The wingnut-o-sphere is a weird place.

    Apparently, somebody decided that banks are too woke. WTF?! I don’t know what that even means. Do they need to do more redlining? Deny more loans to dark-skinned people?

    Anyway, a Texan dude (of course he’s Texan) opened an anti-woke bank, called GloryFi. A short time later, it has turned out that all the investors’ money is gone and the bank is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    The moral? Go anti-woke, go broke?

    CEO of Anti-Woke Bank Startup GloriFi Resigns

  49. Anonymous8:26 PM

    “Apparently, somebody decided that banks are too woke.“

    This is what happens when higher education is deemed woke indoctrination so all you have is a bunch of uneducated rubes.

  50. Anonymous8:35 PM

    “Negroes, want to know what Latinos think of you? Ask around in Chicago, Miami, and L.A.“

    I went to a pretty diverse high school and have many Latino friends. They all think of people as people thus we’re friends. Only people who don’t have any experience in a certain matter hold base stereotypical views of things. Are you telling me to ask them or just random strangers? And I do live in Chicago so that is one of the three cities you mentioned. I was in Miami last week so I wish you would have written this last week. LOL! But seriously, are you this low on the intellectual spectrum that you think that is a good question/challenge?

  51. Anonymous8:39 PM

    “Hell, even the negroes don't want to live around negroes.“

    That’s not true. Many professional Black folk buy homes in historically Black areas. Harlem in NYC, Bronzeville in Chicago, ect. I can attest to this with so much new construction happening on the South Side of Chicago. Please at least do a bit of research before making such ignorant comments. Reaearch, ha! Who am I fooling. LOL!

  52. They'll never let him be a Proud Boy:

    GOP Candidate Caught Masturbating in Public

    October 19, 2022 at 1:10 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 168 Comments

    Randy Kaufman, a Republican candidate for a college board in Arizona was arrested after police say he was caught masturbating across the street from a preschool, the Arizona Republic reports.

    Said Kaufman to police: “I’m sorry… I fucked up. I’m really stressed.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. "GOP Candidate Caught Masturbating in Public"

    There you go again Doug, making us think that politicians are corrupt. You are a funny guy.

  54. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Can't wait til whitey is the minority, no more bland ass food

    Edmund McIlhenny, creator of Tabasco sauce, was a White man.

    and country music.

    It's better than (c)rap.  It's better than Mexican stuff which all has exactly the same guitar chords and rhythms, too.  Laugh it up now, N-word, because you won't be laughing when that's what you hear in every store you visit.

  55. Anonymous11:03 PM

    GOP Candidate Caught Masturbating in Public

    Randy Kaufman

    (((Kaufman))).  He'll be the first to tell you he's NOT White, he's Jewish.

    Jewish sexual incontinence has long been a thing.  Leo (((Frank))) was tried and convicted of raping and murdering 13-yr-old Mary Phagan in 1913.

  56. Good Lord, what a thread so far.

    Field, when you find it in your heart, or perhaps the right image, a name the movie thread may lighten the spirits of the many suffering trolls.

    I know that they cheer me up.

  57. Manifest Density11:34 PM

    "GOP Candidate Caught Masturbating in Public"

    The term onanism is synonymous with masturbation.

    I would like to introduce the word Onanymous into the Fieldsphere.

    Ex. Onanymous, a keyboard sadomasochist that derives pleasure posting idiotic racist comments.

  58. Anonymous11:55 PM

    “Edmund McIlhenny, creator of Tabasco sauce, was a White man.“

    Proof you like bland ass food. This MF thinks Tabasco is favorful. Dear god.

  59. Anonymous11:59 PM

    “It's better than Mexican stuff which all has exactly the same guitar chords and rhythms, too.“

    Seeing that Mexican music has elements of Indigenous and African music it only stands to reason so many white people enjoy country music which is similar. Much like how white women enjoy Black men such as your mom.

  60. Anonymous12:09 AM

    “Edmund McIlhenny, creator of Tabasco sauce, was a White man.”

    Only because the damn Yankees took away all his slaves.

    For serious. He created Tabasco sauce out of desperation. That dude used to grow cotton or tobacco or something stereotypical on his plantation until the South lost the Civil War and all his slaves got freed. After that, the only thing he could figure out how to grow cheaply, without slave labor, was chili peppers. And then he had to find some way to get people to actually buy the peppers, so he invented a sauce to put them in.

    Which, admittedly, is not all that great as sauces go. Tabasco mostly just tastes like “hot” and not much else, in my opinion. But I guess Tabasco is useful as an ingredient.

  61. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Proof you like bland ass food.

    No I don't.

    This MF thinks Tabasco is favorful.

    I stockpile ghost pepper salsa, you moron.

  62. Anonymous1:16 AM

    This is what #niggers do in Baltimore:

    Open season on niggers is long overdue.

  63. Shaft3:18 AM

    "Open season on niggers is long overdue."

    LOL! It's been open season on us for a while. White women have been on us for a loooong time. Wanna see what we do to them? Go to for a review of what your mom and sister have been out doing.

  64. Anonymous3:35 AM

    This is what WT does in Kentucky:

    open season on white trash is loooong overdue.

  65. Anonymous said...

    (((Kaufman))). He'll be the first to tell you he's NOT White, he's Jewish.

    11:03 PM
    This post is confusing. Please explain what you and other racists mean by the term white. Here's the problem; I know many Jewish people who have white skin, and I know people with dark skin who are what you would call white. So what gives here, or do you know?

  66. PilotX, Andy Kaufman was not ever, not even one time funny in his miserable life. Neither was Robin Williams.

    As a wasicu kid in a wasicu neighborhood in a wasicu town in a wasicu state, we used to listen and enjoy Bill Cosby's comedy vinyls. I admired Cosby as an actor on I Spy tv show. Then came the accusations of bad stuff. No more Bill Cosby for me.

  67. Anonymous said...

    No worries about differential suicide rates. Negroes make up for it by killing each other at much higher rates than whites do.
    I wouldn't get too thrilled about that. The above data does not include accidental gun deaths. I think Texas and Alaska might be the top winners in this category.

  68. Blacks are discriminated against trying to obtain devices for heart failure. Who knew this would happen?

  69. "Neither was Robin Williams."

    Watch his routine about how golf was invented. Hilarious.

  70. Poll workers in Georgia found an obvious fake ballot sent in by someone to queer the election already.

    Former Fake Noize liar, Ed henry, is whining tHat John Durham was a plant by Democrats to mess up their attempt to prove Mueller's case against drumpf was false. Durham was a favorite of drumpf's and appointed by AG, incompetent Barr.

  71. Tabasco is aged in wooden casks for years with a thick salt covering on top of cask. If you can stand to eat stuff like that, you should handle molten lead with no problems.

  72. How Tabasco poison is made....

  73. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "No worries about differential suicide rates. Negroes make up for it by killing each other at much higher rates than whites do."

    Ah, the zero sum game. No wonder America can't thrive, we can't do anything that may help the citizens because it might help negroes too. For an educated troll that took "math classes" it sounds just like the average racist dullard.

  74. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hey dumbfuck, you do know Latino isn't a race right? You do know there are millions of Black Latinos right? Oh yeah, I forgot white racists are some of the dumbest people on the goddamned planet

    There are about 60 million Latinos. About 3-1/3 million of them are black. Since negroes can't swim or do arithmetic, I'll do the latter for you: About 5.5% of Latinos are black. Correct, Latino isn't a race. They're not "people of color," and they sure as fuck don't want to be anywhere near the negroes. Your "BIPOC" bullshit is exactly that, as next month's election numbers will show, not to mention those recordings out of L.A.

    Many professional Black folk buy homes in historically Black areas. Harlem in NYC, Bronzeville in Chicago, ect. I can attest to this with so much new construction happening on the South Side of Chicago. Please at least do a bit of research before making such ignorant comments.

    Of course it happens in some neighborhoods. But they are the exceptions. Chicago's negro population is actually declining, while its Latino population keeps growing. Even the negroes are sick of Chicago.

  75. "There are about 60 million Latinos. About 3-1/3 million of them are black. Since negroes can't swim or do arithmetic, I'll do the latter for you: About 5.5% of Latinos are black."

    Boy you are stuck on knowing math huh? What was your major?
    BTW, 6 million Americans identify as Black Latinos. I am so glad your rudimentary math skills allowed you to figure out that percentage. What level of math did you top out? Calc III? Diff EQ or high school algebra? LOL!

  76. "Even the negroes are sick of Chicago."

    The winters are kinda rough. Summers are awesome though.


    Looks like a bit more than 3.5 mil. You may be able to do simple division but looks like reading is out of your league.

  78. So apparently the head of lettuce won. In the restaurant where I was a line cook, we used Tabasco in lieu of pepper, it's that generic.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Uh oh. trump might get charged. Stay tuned.

  80. GB PM Liz Truss's truss must nave been too tight. She resignated after a disastrous start, like drumpf in a Chinese shop.

  81. Anonymous4:41 PM

    BTW, 6 million Americans identify as Black Latinos

    Bullshit. Census Bureau has the numbers, but negroes think numbers are racist.

  82. 'but negroes think numbers are racist."

    What was your college major? What was the highest level of math you completed?

  83. "Of course it happens in some neighborhoods. But they are the exceptions. Chicago's negro population is actually declining, while its Latino population keeps growing."

    That's a different argument, well maybe not fully thought through. Sure, some Black folk are leaving Chicago but where are they moving? Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, ect. And they are moving into Black neighborhoods mostly. They are sick of the weather more so than other Black people. Maybe if you actually knew some Black ex-Chicagoans you could actually ask them and find out why they left or do you want to live your life leaning on an ignorant and cheap stereotypical mindset? Your choice.

  84. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Numbers aren't racists who took an intro math class best friend.

  85. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Okay, I've said everything I can say, and have gotten the replies I expected to get. You bob and weave and deny, and then blame white people for everything. It's so ridiculous and so self-defeating that most whites have simply checked out.

    If you don't care about yourselves, which entails being honest with yourselves, then don't expect too many others to care either. If you somehow think that SNAP cards, Section 8 vouchers, and stimulus checks -- the usual Democratic Party bullshit -- will do anything but continue the descent of a large chunk of the black population, you're dreaming.

    So dream on. Have fun. You no solutions, only a set of excuses that even black people aren't buying anymore.

  86. Manifest Density6:39 PM

    "You bob and weave and deny, and then blame white people for everything. It's so ridiculous and so self-defeating that most whites have simply checked out."

    Let me get this right.

    Are you saying whites are not responsible at any level for the disparity in the conditions of American descendants of slavery?

  87. “If you don't care about yourselves, which entails being honest with yourselves, then don't expect too many others to care either. If you somehow think that SNAP cards, Section 8 vouchers, and stimulus checks -- the usual Democratic Party bullshit -- will do anything but continue the descent of a large chunk of the black population, you're dreaming.”

    That’s an interesting comment as I have done everything to better myself and now I’m a college educated airline pilot who makes more than 95% of all white males. And since we’re getting political what specific proposal do Republicans have to help those on government benefits which includes millions of whites?

  88. Just marked my ballots and put them in the envelope, will mail them in tomorrow when we go to town for groceries. Not too much to vote for this time, really, just the Democrats at the top of the ticket and the measure codifying reproductive freedom in the state constitution. Which reminds me:

    Antiabortion propaganda is bullshit,

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. Manifest Density said...

    "Let me get this right.

    Are you saying whites are not responsible at any level for the disparity in the conditions of American descendants of slavery?"

    6:39 PM
    Yup, that's what he is saying.Perhaps you could recommend a good book to him that tells the truth about reconstruction and everything that's happened since.

  90. Anonymous6:25 AM

    “Yup, that's what he is saying.Perhaps you could recommend a good book to him that tells the truth about reconstruction and everything that's happened since.“

    Doubtful it would do any good. You can tell its mind is made up about its racism. A mind is a turrible thing to waste.

  91. Manifest Density9:30 AM

    "Perhaps you could recommend a good book to him that tells the truth about reconstruction and everything that's happened since."

    12:32 AM

    What a coincidence. I just started Black Reconstruction in America 1860-1880 by W.E.B. Dubois.

    I would like to suggest he read Dark Ghetto by Kenneth Clark. The White Man's Burden by Winthrop Jordan or Black Lies, Whites Lies by Tony Brown.

    Next up for me. Thomas Sowell's Charter schools and their Enemies.

  92. “Next up for me. Thomas Sowell's Charter schools and their Enemies“

    Have fun with that one, not a fan of Sowell.

  93. Anonymous11:21 AM

    “I would like to suggest he read Dark Ghetto by Kenneth Clark. The White Man's Burden by Winthrop Jordan or Black Lies, Whites Lies by Tony Brown.”

    Doubt it wants to open its mind.🤷🏾‍♂️

  94. Steve Bannon gats sentenced for contempt of congress this very day. More than a slaP ON THE WRIST?

  95. Bannon gets 4 months in a Club Fed. Is it enough or should he have been castrated with a dull knife and no salve every day that ends in Y?

  96. “Is it enough“

    Nah, he’s a treasonous traitor monkey. Now he’ll get to play the martyr and will probably be even more popular and make more money. He’ll be the new G. Gordon Liddy.

  97. Manifest Density said...

    Gambler2 said:
    "Perhaps you could recommend a good book to him that tells the truth about reconstruction and everything that's happened since."
    12:32 AM

    What a coincidence. I just started Black Reconstruction in America 1860-1880 by W.E.B. Dubois.

    I would like to suggest he read Dark Ghetto by Kenneth Clark. The White Man's Burden by Winthrop Jordan or Black Lies, Whites Lies by Tony Brown.

    Next up for me. Thomas Sowell's Charter schools and their Enemies.

    9:30 AM
    I would like to recommend that all racists read "Freeman" by Leonard Pitts Jr.
    Mr. Pitts is a national opinion columnist for The Miami Herald who is much acclaimed. He won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 2004, and is a recipient of many other awards in journalism. And BTW, Mr. Pitts is a black man.

  98. “I would like to recommend that all racists read "Freeman" by Leonard Pitts Jr.”

    Good suggestion, read it a few years ago. I’m reading “Raising the Dead” about Malcolm X now with “Allow Me to Retort” by Ellie Massie and “White Fear” by Roland Martin next.

  99. GrannyStandingforTruth6:02 PM

    My ancestors told me stories as well. I stopped working on my book when I had to take care of my mother who had cancer and my daughter was sick. After she died, it was one thing after another. It's hard to focus when you’re dealing with grief and serious illnesses of loved ones. I put it aside and never finished it. Now, I am dealing with my own health issues and pain.

    Nevertheless, I need to finish it.My family tree contains a number of historical figures and well-known names. For example Helen Keller’s sister Mildred was an in-law on the white side of my family tree. If I had lived during that era, I wonder how Helen and her sister would have treated a hearing impaired black child, me.

    Daniel Smith, one of the last children of enslaved Americans, dies at 90

  100. “Nevertheless, I need to finish it“

    I look forward to reading it.

  101. Lara hasn't really been all there since the 2011 sexual assault in Egypt, but she was professional enough to mostly cover it up on the job, with some spectacular exceptions. Still not an excuse for QAnon behavior, though.
    Mailed in my ballots today, and got a flu shot for the first time ever.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. Anonymous4:35 PM

    “Mailed in my ballots today, and got a flu shot for the first time ever.”

    Wise choice. The COVID lockdowns didn’t only fight the spread of COVID, but also reduced flu transmission to near-zero. As a result, everybody’s immunity against flu has now atrophied a bit.

    This means the next few years are probably going to be brutal for flu, so your immune system can use all the help it can get catching up to where it ought to be.

  103. It was easy, free, and I got a coupon for 10% off my grocery bill at Vons, and I feel fine today.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. Anonymous5:55 PM

    “Newsmax bans Lara Logan after QAnon-style rant, condemns her words in ‘the strongest terms”

    Why does the right hate free speech! Conservatives love cancelling anyone who does not stick to their talking points.

  105. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Judge shuts down GOP lawsuit to stop loan forgivenes.

  106. Anonymous7:46 PM

    “Why does the right hate free speech! Conservatives love cancelling anyone who does not stick to their talking points.”

    Sadly, they are not cancelling any of their pundits for spreading lies or hate, as a general principle. Only the specific kinds of lies and hate that make them look obviously, flagrantly bonkers.

    Stories that suggest that Latino immigrants are mostly violent, or that LGBT=pervs & pedos, are completely fine, because lots of bigots already think those things.

    But “Democrats are baby-eating cannibals” is a bridge too far. It makes Newsmax look nuts.

    So … hasta la vista, Lara.

  107. Fundies are not fun8:01 PM

    Lauren Bobo says that “women are the lesser vessel” in the human race. Apparently, God decrees it.

    Sounds like an excellent campaign slogan to me. Hey, ladies, vote Republican to be the “lesser vessel”!

  108. Millions of taxpayer bucks have gone to help rural farmers get current on delinquent loans and since many farmers vote for magats, you don't hear magats calling it a slap in the face of farmers who managed to pay off their combines and land loans. See how magats piss and moan about irresponsible students getting their loans paid off in part.


  109. Herschel is the true embodiment of the 21st century Minstrel, an Amos and Andy character brought to life. smh

  110. Uncle Clarence has (what a surprise) unilaterally protected Miss Lindsey's backside by blocking subpoena for him to testify in Georgia.

    Uncle C was Graham's final option and he hit it out of the park trying to save the magat from the law.

  111. Manifest Density3:46 PM

    Congratulations to the Philadelphia Phillies for being the winners of the NLCS. And speaking of Philadelphia, Grammy award winning artist Paul Williams pka Billy Paul, one of the pioneers of The Sound of Philadelphia, recorded a song titled "Me and Mrs. Jones," which peaked at # 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

    Forgive me.

    Sung to the tune of this classic here is Me and Lindsey Graham

    Me and Lindsey Graham
    We got a thing going on
    We both know that we're wrong
    But it's much too strong to let it go now
    We meet everyday at the country buffet
    6:30, I know, I know that he's scared.
    Wringing hands, making all kinds of plans,
    While the Neuropeons blindly follow along.
    Me and Lindsey
    Lindsey Graham
    Lindsey Graham
    Lindsey Graham
    Lindsey Graham
    We gotta string folks along
    We both know that it's wrong
    But we're too far gone
    To let them know how
    We need to be extra careful
    That we don't get caught up in our lie
    Cause he's got his own allegations
    And so and so do I
    Me and Lindsey
    Lindsey Graham
    Lindsey Graham
    Lindsey Graham
    Lindsey Graham
    We got a thing going on
    We both know that it's wrong
    my wife's coming along
    in case we go down
    Well it's time for us to deceive them
    But lie we must but lie we must
    And hide
    I can't remember
    And I don't recall
    Tomorrow we'll claim the fifth
    at the same place the same time.
    Me and Lindsey Graham
    We got a thing going on.


    Third officer rejected plea deal and will go to trial.

  113. Sinator Ted Cruz admitted he hid in a closet on Jan 6. No mention if he impregnated a mop or a sponge. I think he is comfortable in closets.

  114. Just got an email informing me that my ballots have been received and counted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  115. More cancel culture. LOL!

  116. Burkman and Wohl pled guilty to a felony for their 2020 robocalls that tried to intimidate Black voters from casting ballots.
    So maybe by 2024 we can get convictions for the meatheads with guns at drop boxes this year.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  117. "So maybe by 2024 we can get convictions for the meatheads with guns at drop boxes this year."

    Don't worry, Fox "news" will make a big deal of it the same way they made a big deal of the New Black Panthers in Philly.

  118. And the way Fake Noise ignored armed Minute Men in Arizona demanding to see IDs and green cards from Hispanic voters before the Philly brouhaha.

  119. DeSatanist got his lunch handed to him by Crist in their lone debate. Of course Fake Noize outlets claim DeSatanist won in a knockout.

    I watched some of it on youtube.

  120. OMG

    Did anyone hear the Yankees fan tearing into Ted Cruz at the championship game? It was ruthless? "Trump said your wife was ugly! Then you nominated him! Trump said your wife was ugly and you were loving it." A couple of other guys were lighting into Ted as well, but this one dewd with a corker of a New Yorker accent was destroying Cruz. Of course I was watching the replay with TV host, Stephen Colbert. Colbert was smirking and shrugging basically telling us that he didn't think anyone could have expressed these sentiments any more eloquently.

  121. Here is a better transcription from Salon. Guess the guy was from the Bronx.

    "F*ck you, you racist piece of sh*t. F*ck you, f*ck you man," one man shouted at Cruz. "You f*cking suck, dude. You go to f*cking Hell, dude. Remember when [former President Donald] Trump called your wife ugly? Remember that? Remember when Trump called your wife ugly and then you nominated him? F*ck you, you f*cking piece of sh*t. Remember when those insurrectionists wanted to murder you? You ugly piece of sh*t, go to Hell. Get the f*ck out of New York. Trump called your wife ugly and you loved it. You ugly f*ck, get the f*ck outta here. Eat my d*ck, you a**h*le."

  122. Anonymous2:26 PM

    democrat got skooled


    Second woman alleges came forward with allegations Walker drove her to abortion clinic for an abortion. I say allegedly as this woman is shepherded by Gloria Allred who does not have the best record for vetting clients. And she promises more than she can deliver.

  124. Three "Wolverine Watchmen" were convicted for their attempt to warm over Charlie Manson's race war and call it "Boogaloo" by kidnapping Gretchen Whitmer.
    I did my share of drugs when I was younger, but never anything that made me that delusional.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Roger Stone deposed by worthless attorney Larry Klaymann and Stone acts like he is amped to the gills on meth. 4 freaking hilarious minutes of the best comedy possibly ever.

  126. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "democrat got skooled"

    republican needs to go to school. LOL!

  127. Here's a link I found on Thomas Ten Bears' blog to a Google doc listing more than 800 Republican sex offenders.

    Here's a link to the blog post:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. The GOP has been driving the crazy bus for some time now. I think the reason they picked a black man is because a black man is now in that seat. They are so cynical. People are pulling their hair out over Fetterman's temporary memory and auditory problems after his stroke, but I believe he is a good candidate. Walker's mental problems are not temporary and yes, he may win, and be a total disaster in office.

  129. Uncle tom Clarence and 4 clerks had lunch with DeSatinist one day before Dobb's decision was released. Thomas was trying to get DeSatinist to hire Thomas's clerks.

  130. As a stroke survivor myself I can tell you that Fetterman is just fine. Also, that people will freak out and assume that he isn't. Happens to me all the damn time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The problem for Fetterman is that his stroke is quite recent and voters will be unsure as to how recovered he is and whether he is cognitively okay to perform a demanding job.

    So the choice will be between a guy whose brain health they’re not yet sure about, and a snake-oil salesman from the Oprah show.

    Not great.

  132. "The problem for Fetterman is that his stroke is quite recent and voters will be unsure as to how recovered he is and whether he is cognitively okay to perform a demanding job."

    Not a Pennsylvania resident but maybe if Fetterman had been reconstructed in a lab and attacks when he sees fire I MIGHT think for a second about voting for the Republican but then I'd come to my senses and pull the lever for Fett.

  133. Pence says 1st amendment does not protect libs from having religion forced on them.

  134. Anonymous7:55 PM

    “Pence says 1st amendment does not protect libs from having religion forced on them.”

    This is why it is impossible to take seriously any of the wingnuts’ criticism about liberals engaging in “judicial activism,” when the Republicans pander to their Talibangelical base by willfully misinterpreting the 1st Amendment such that they think it condones, rather than prohibits, theocracy.

    If you are prepared to chuck out the 1st Amendment because it gets in the way of you compelling everyone to follow Jesus, then I don’t want to hear anything else about how conservative Supreme Court justices only “call balls and strikes.” It’s all bullshit.

  135. GrannyStandingforTruth8:08 PM

  136. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Well, the courts went and did it. They forced Elon Musk to follow through with his bad plan to buy Twitter. Now the social media site will become an even greater cesspool than it already is. Maybe it’s time for Twitter to drop dead.

  137. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Elon’s apparently already fired all the top Twitter executives. We’ll see if he follows through with his stated desire to fire almost all of the company employees.

    R.I.P. Twitter

  138. PilotX said....
    Not a Pennsylvania resident but maybe if Fetterman had been reconstructed in a lab and attacks when he sees fire I MIGHT think for a second about voting for the Republican but then I'd come to my senses and pull the lever for Fett.

    6:06 PM
    I think I know just how you feel. I'm quite sure the Good Lord would strike me dead if I ever voted for a Republican. LOL

  139. US sinator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton brags in new book that he didn't bother to read any of the impeachment complaint about drumpf. Instead he filled his notebook with other stuff to read during the process.

    Nothing here we didn't already know. Magats didn't take the charges seriously because they don't feel like magats can commit crimes, just Dems.

  140. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Listen to this ridiculous gobbledygook streaming out of Herschel’s mouth. “What the heck is a pronoun?”

    Seriously, he is one of the dumbest political candidates I can remember running for office, ever. Georgia voters, please do not do this to yourselves. Do not do this to your country. Do not send Herschel to Washington.

  141. GrannyStandingforTruth1:26 PM

    One of my cousins passed away. While he was in the hospital, he'd talk to us every day in our family room and share his collection of history with us. Stan was always so optimistic regarding his illness that I always felt he was healing. It never occurred to me that those would be his last moments with our family.

    General Michael Langley is also one of our cousins. His grandma Molly and my grandma Jane were siblings.

    I really need to find some time to work on and finish by family history book. Currently, I'm still healing from that accident I had in July. It's painful.

  142. This is posted on Political Wire regarding the intruder who tried to kill Pelosi's husband:

    "The suspected attacker has espoused extreme right-wing views on social media, including conspiracy theories about Covid-19, according to one of the law-enforcement officials.”

    And from Raw Story: Pelosi home 'specifically targeted' by assailant who beat speaker’s husband with hammer: reports.

    You see how these rotten Nazis pick on old unarmed people who are vulnerable.

  143. Anonymous2:52 PM

    “And from Raw Story: Pelosi home 'specifically targeted' by assailant who beat speaker’s husband with hammer: reports.”

    He was hunting for Nancy. Only her husband happened to be at home.

    These are insane times we live in.

  144. MAGts will shut down the government if Dems don't pass massive taxcuts for the wealthy. Sounds treasonous to me.

  145. Magats have advocated violence against Pelosi for years.

  146. Another prisoner, wrongfully convicted of murder, freed after 38 years behind bars. DNA saved him. Of course he was Black.

    He asked for DNA test in 2000 and was denied because he might have been innocent.

  147. Anonymous11:06 AM

    “MAGts will shut down the government if Dems don't pass massive taxcuts for the wealthy.“

    Trying to increase deficit and spike a bigger recession ahead of 2024 but what do you expect from treason monkeys?

  148. Manifest Density12:15 PM

    Speaking of DNA, now that we're getting closer to quantifying the amount owed to we, the descendants of enslaved Africans here in the Americas, I think it a good idea that a database be created where those records be made available. That way, using the scientific information gleaned from Critical Race Theory and the captured DNA, we can come up a more accurate measure for our reparations.

    Dishonest Don set his estimate at $500 billion, but I think that might prove ridiculously low.

  149. Paul Pelosi was smart to call 911 and talk in code to them, and he was lucky to get such a fast and effective response from SFPD. I have never found them to be all that helpful, but I never lived in Pacific Heights. Did a lot of deliveries there, though, back in the nineties.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  150. Remember the good old days?

    Obama jokes about the 'good old days' when Birtherism was the craziest thing Republicans claimed

    Classiest Potus since James Earl Carter.


    drumpf's hand picked special counsel, John Durham's, reputation along with drumpf's and Barr's tanked by another federal jury.

  152. Anonymous10:45 PM

    The wingnut-o-sphere is now promoting the idea that the attack on Paul Pelosi was the result of a "gay hookup gone wrong.”

    Because Team MAGA = assholes.

  153. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Weirdly the person third in line for the presidency doesn’t have guards at her house?

  154. Anonymous3:56 AM

    “Weirdly the person third in line for the presidency doesn’t have guards at her house?”

    The person third in line for the presidency doesn’t usually receive Secret Service protection. Pelosi and her husband are, of course, wealthy enough they could afford to hire private guards. But, historically, that hasn’t been necessary before now. I wonder what changed …

    Oh yeah, now I remember: The Republican Party went insane.

  155. Around blacks, never relax10:31 AM

    In 2018, blacks were 13.1% of the US population...

    ... and 78% of the mass shooters.

    It's certainly much worse today.


  156. "In 2018, blacks were 13.1% of the US population...

    ... and 78% of the mass shooters.

    It's certainly much worse today."

    10:31 AM
    Why don't you just shut up and go away. Take your lies with you and don't come back. No one wants you here.

  157. Manifest Density12:23 PM

    Fill in the blank.

    In 2018, __________ were 10% of the world population and responsible for or have participated in 80% of all acts of international conflict, arms manufacturing, war profiteering, famine and climate change.

    It's only going to get worse if good people don't stand up.

  158. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Do not be fooled at the end of the day black people
    can never be trusted not to mention there nothing more than uncle toms
    that are acting white and or white washed. & I hate to be the bearer of bad
    news but there is no such thing as good blacks what you're commenting
    about are called uncle tom magical, mystical token blacks acting white an
    or white washed and that nice behavior you're speaking of them having
    about is just an act you know a front they really don't care about anyone
    but themselves if they did we wouldn't be having this conversation. not to
    mention their only trying to be or get into good graces of white people.
    they only exists in commercials, advertisement, movies & tv movies, shows,
    video games don't reflect real life the funny thing is the "nice behaving good blacks"
    you are speaking of always say the same, similar thing conveying that not all of them
    behave that way ironically cause sooner or later they'll show you their true colors case
    in point Bill Cosby, Maxine waters, Colin Kaepernick, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jussie
    Smollett, Oprah winfrey, R. Kelly, Beyonce even the non celebrity uncle toms its pretty
    obvious what all (except Michael Jackson since he's dead) I wont include him but if he
    was still alive he definitely wouldn't be any different from the rest of them that supports
    this group of ("protesters") that goes for the liberals as well. the future of America (North America)
    isn't getting any brighter than again you can say the whole world like certain parts of Europe with
    there black plague and Asia, Eurasia with their back stabbing politicians turning against their own
    people have in common is that they are heavy supporters for black lies matter ("a.k.a,e.g,i.e black
    lives matter"). also you know how many times have black people wanted, wished white people to be
    cleansed from the face of the earth they’d said that to white people countless of times it only makes
    sense that their are white people who wish for the same thing against their enemy’s. whites aren’t racist
    at all well the ones that are not anyway of course if you look at it from a different perception its just the blacks
    themselves as a whole race, ethnicity an as individuals are the number one race card pullers they are the ones
    that always keeps pulling the race card because they figure if they keep doing that pulling any other card besides
    the race card. like oppression card, slavery card etc… they ( “ believe, think, know “ ) whole heartedly they would,
    will get away with it and or any thing they desire. while at the same time they know when they do that ( pulling the
    race card an any or every other card that’s known and unknown to man ) it is going to make white people look bad.
    their making the white populous look bad to hurt them on purpose to make themselves look good like angelic saints
    at the same time cornering, monopolizing the innocent, victim market. One things for certain out of all the other races,
    ethnicities blacks are the number one narcissistic, egotistical, shallow, always the center of their universe, attention whores,
    self centered not to mention they always got to have things their way non stop.

  159. Anonymous12:57 PM

    considering they are born genetically evil, corrupt, greedy, narcissists,
    low I.Q., psycho, rapists, savages, jerks an violent and obnoxious, stupid, ebonics,
    denial, ugly, snobbish, arrogant, self entitled, jealous, delusional, loud or very loud,
    gullible or very gullible, superstitious or very superstitious, delirious, no original thoughts,
    manipulative, annoying, primitive, irritating, tribal, ignorant, looters, rioters, lying, coward,
    deceiving, rude, douche bag, skew, crime prone, disgusting, twisting facts and stories, lack impulse,
    spinning stats an evidence, uncle tom and or magic black, child mentality, blaming white people for
    your actions an failures & issues, pouring fuel and lighting white people on fire, throwing any type of acid
    on white people, always saying I didn't do nothing, sex crazed an always talking about your dicks and doing
    white women, highly opinionated, attack in groups an or mobs, knock out game, slashing game, mostly all talk,
    shit face, dumb assholes, opportunists, afro centric, always playing the victim non stop, about themselves, rioting,
    fights, mobs, shootings, L.A. Riots, Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore Riots, Philadelphia, rap & hip hop concert shootings,
    Mall fights an or mobs, black school fights an or shootings, ghetto fights, project fights, gas station fights, theme park
    fights, carnival fights, cemetery & funeral fights, Chuck E. Cheese fights, Drive by shootings, Wal-mart fights, KFC fights,
    Mc Donald fights, Burger King fights, IHop fights, Taco Bell fights, Wendy's fights, Black Lives Matter riots, restaurant fights.
    and this is only the tip of the ice burg since I have quantity of links including black on white crime, black on yellow crime, black
    on brown crime after all Youtube, Vidmax, Liveleak an other web site video service’s has plenty of videos in them committing it

    most of the world don’t see black people as human anyway so why are we trying to appease a race of bozos
    that hate Asians, Caucasians. truth of the matter is outside of the good ol U. S. A the rest of the world couldn’t
    give too craps about black peoples haves, needs, wants let alone see them as human beings.

  160. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Why don't you just shut up and go away.

    I'll go away when you take responsibility for the problem and make IT go away.

    Which will both happen on about the 43rd of never.

    Take your lies with you and don't come back.

    If you think it's a lle, take it up with

    Incidentally, the number of unsolved mass shootings greatly outnumbers the solved ones, and pretty much all the perps in those shootings are going to be black (as are most of the victims... which you'd care about if Black Lives Actually Mattered To You).

    No one wants you here.

    Tough.  You need to be told what you NEED to hear.

  161. Trey Schlong.12:52 AM

    Well, sounds like anon doesn’t like Black people. You know who does like Black people, Black men in particular? White women. Go to to see for yourself.

  162. Wesley Pipes12:54 AM

    “I'll go away when you take responsibility for the problem and make IT go away.“

    The problem being there isn’t enough time to satisfy all the white women that want Black men. We’re working on it bro.

  163. Anonymous2:36 AM

    One of the problems that needs to be solved is the believed entitlement of black males to sexual release.

    You aren't entitled to that, you worthless shitbags.  You need to provide it yourself (which numerous public masturbation videos show that you do all the time),,, or earn it from others.

    You can't do that either.

  164. Mandingo2:50 AM

    “You can't do that either.“

    But you know what we can do, satisfy white women. Go to to see for yourself.

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