Friday, October 07, 2022

? of the day.


With all the right- wing chatter about a Civil War coming our way, I have to ask the following question: How many of you actually believe that America is heading for a Civil War? (A real one.) And if you do, why?  


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Sure, why not? It’s been headed in that direction for years. Folks have been trying to bring back the confederacy. You have a bunch of dumbasses who don’t believe in education, you know that’s woke indoctrination. So we have millions of dimwits who can’t have careers that require advanced education/training and are stuck in dead end low wage jobs and now we have elected officials pushing violence. Maybe not a full-scale civil war but a bunch of morons like the Oath Keepers committing low-level violence. This is the result of this country purposely following the path of embracing ignorance and anti-intellectualism. How else is this scene gonna end?

  2. Well I sure hope not...

    We are mostly too fat and lazy for that.

    But for reals, if anyone thinks this is a good idea- go youtube what Syria looks like. Check out the before and after of their major cities, farms, dams, and historical sites. It isn't worth it!

  3. Anonymous12:53 AM

    “It isn't worth it!“

    Stupid people gonna stupid.🤷🏾‍♂️

  4. Not a real war. The folks who think they want a real war are mostly wanting validation of their insecurities, and have no real aptitude for fighting.
    Fighting is hard, dirty, and ugly and it fucking hurts. Even if you win.
    Also, there's a difference between an army and a bunch of meatheads with AR-15s.
    You can run an insurgency with that kind of weaponry, but insurgencies are even harder than stand-up fights and require the kind of single minded dedication and aptitude for fighting that just doesn't exist in the cohort of civil war cheerleaders in the US right now.
    Can isolated groups of them fuck things up? Sure. But that will be answered by law enforcement, not military. The day they are a big enough threat to require military intervention is the day I'll agree that they have started a war, and it will also be the last day they draw breath upon this Earth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Anonymous2:41 AM

    If there is a civil war here, it won’t be like the last one. It won’t be a civil war with the two sides based on geography. The red state/blue state distribution doesn’t allow for practical division into two nations. Also, to put it bluntly, the red states are poor. If they seceded, they would instantly become a third-world country. Most of the nation’s GDP is generated in the blue states.

    So this would be more like the Spanish Civil War, in which left and right vie for control of the whole country. Basically, it would be rednecks trying to overthrow the government and turn us into the Christo-fascist States of America, with everyone else trying to stop them. My guess is that they would ultimately fail, but only after causing a huge amount of bloodshed and destruction.

    There is another dystopian possibility, though, one that worries me. And that is, essentially, the anarchy alternative: Wingnuts can’t manage to establish a dictatorship, but seize control of just enough of the machinery of government to completely paralyze it from the inside. We end up with a worthless, do-nothing government.

    A country with no functioning government will inevitably descend into economic chaos and exploding crime. At times, that appears to be where we are headed. The Republican Party seem to be reduced to nothing but a bunch of angry wreckers who would rather “burn it all down” and live in a ruined country where nothing works, rather than a totally functional one run by the hated “libtards.”

  6. In the upcoming GOP MAGA civil war guess who won't be leading the battle? Fox news stars, Trump spawns, gop lawmakers or their spawns, right-wing media stars, money grubbing preachers or their totally ignorant Trump loving Christians, or the rest of the id'jits that populate the republican party.

    Someone should tell these morans that they are not the only ones owning guns.

  7. Detroit Sam said...

    "Someone should tell these morans that they are not the only ones owning guns."

    4:41 AM
    I agree; they have no idea how many of us are armed. They think we are all pussies because we want sensible gun control.

  8. Manifest Density12:38 PM

    I do not believe America is headed towards a Civil War because there is no cause large enough to fight for that would justify disrupting the status quo.

  9. America is not now and hasn't been civil for at least decades. So, no civil war.

  10. Clever play on words, Mike! Made me laugh. As if any war could be truly civil.

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    “there is no cause large enough to fight for that would justify disrupting the status quo“

    sure there is, putting certain people in their place and taking away their right to vote. Gotta bring that confederacy back😑

  12. Civil war in the sense of organized conflict? No.

    An increase in right-wing terrorism and random acts of violence? Quite likely, methinks.

  13. Anonymous10:00 PM

    As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, with the possibility of American fascist loons starting a civil war, we also have the possibility of a Russian fascist loon starting a nuclear war.

    It’s not a great feeling to read news headlines about the federal government stocking up on radiation pills.

  14. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Speaking of fascist loons who want to start a civil war … the Oath Keeper/Proud Boy weenies who got busted for assaulting Congress on Jan 6th of last year are now whining that they are (allegedly) being treated worse than jihadis in their Washington, DC, jail and demanding they instead be transferred to Guantanamo Bay.

    I have no words to describe how dumb this is.

  15. Manifest Density11:12 PM

    "Gotta bring that confederacy back"

    It's funny you mentioned that. I was in a discussion about the confederacy just the other day.

    I say the Civil War never ended. I say that Jefferson Davis never formally surrendered the South. I say the confederacy never left.

    What say you?

  16. Anonymous1:23 AM

    “What say you?“

    Yeah, for ignorant racists the war never ended even though Family Matters lasted longer than the confederacy. This is what happens when you keep people dumb I guess.

  17. “What say you?“

    I've been of the opinion that Sherman should have finished the job for years now. My sole doubt about that is whether the job could have been finished, or whether the south just would have raised up another generation of racist meatheads who had chips on their shoulders no matter what.
    My family is from the south, and that's a major factor in the doubts I have.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. This has been a favorite meme for conservatives for at least the last five years or so, probably getting off the ground with the clusterfuck that was the conservative reaction to the Obama presidency. Lately it has got out-of-hand. Whenever I used to see it, I always jumped in and said, "If there is, it will come from your side and law enforcement will put you down."

    But one of their favorite fantasies is about violence from the left, so they like to pretend that civil war is inevitable.

    Of course, if the right succeeds with their wicked plan to subvert free elections starting from the precinct level going right up to state and national contests, maybe there will be blood in the streets. We can't just let them have their fascist takeover without a fight.

    Times be illin'. But I'm putting my money on the righteous prevailing and putting down any attempts at insurrection or corrupt elections. I hope that law enforcement can meet and defeat any violence from the right.

  19. Anonymous3:27 AM

    “My sole doubt about that is whether the job could have been finished, or whether the south just would have raised up another generation of racist meatheads who had chips on their shoulders no matter what.”

    If the North had permanently excluded the leadership class of the Confederacy from ever holding elected office in the reconstituted Union, and if Reconstruction hadn’t been wrapped up after 12 years, we’d be living in a totally different country today.

    That didn’t happen because a huge number of people had died fighting in the war, and white people nationwide were just exhausted and wanted to move on from the Civil War, and so black people got thrown under the bus in the name of national healing.

    Thus, the backward, racist, classist power structure of the South never got dismantled, and it eventually morphed into the core of today’s insane Republican Party.

  20. I don't see a civil war coming. More likely, there will be stuff that will be a pale imitation of the night riders, which will be more or less snuffed out, depending on the sympathies of local law enforcement and when the FBI can get involved.

    Over 120 years ago, Ida B. Wells wrote that "a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home". Update that to whatever is permitted in your state/city and include everyone who is not a Trumpanzee.

  21. Anonymous12:46 PM

    “More likely, there will be stuff that will be a pale imitation of the night riders”

    To include armed “poll watchers” in mostly Blah areas. We are going back in time truly.

  22. The latest pro-Fergus rally in DC drew 27 attendees including two hired security.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Great answers, but you all are scaring me.

  24. Anonymous Manifest Density said...

    "Gotta bring that confederacy back"

    It's funny you mentioned that. I was in a discussion about the confederacy just the other day.

    I say the Civil War never ended. I say that Jefferson Davis never formally surrendered the South. I say the confederacy never left.

    What say you?

    11:12 PM
    I agree. We should have hanged all of the Confederate leaders and generals when the Civil War was over. Then we should have used the U.S. Army to provide Long-term protection to the former slaves.

  25. Anonymous said...

    If the North had permanently excluded the leadership class of the Confederacy from ever holding elected office in the reconstituted Union, and if Reconstruction hadn’t been wrapped up after 12 years, we’d be living in a totally different country today.

    That didn’t happen because a huge number of people had died fighting in the war, and white people nationwide were just exhausted and wanted to move on from the Civil War, and so black people got thrown under the bus in the name of national healing.

    Thus, the backward, racist, classist power structure of the South never got dismantled, and it eventually morphed into the core of today’s insane Republican Party.

    3:27 AM
    BINGO! You said it better than I did.

  26. One more comment to Anonymous at 3:27....

    That's why they killed Lincoln. You know, the "lone gunman" thing. Worked pretty well for them.

  27. There is a very good opinion piece on today's Raw Story entitled:

    "White men refusing to share power is a silver stake piercing the heart of American democracy"
    John Stoehr
    October 09, 2022

    Stoehr discusses some of the topics we have been covering above.

  28. Why would the MAGA crowd want to go to war when they've been doing so well without it? (Bullies like the Promise Keepers like the cosplay but not the chance to bleed) They own SCOTUS, are on track to compromise election results via Republican Lieutenant Governors who happen to control state elections, are about to re-take the House and have McCarthy's balls in their pocket, have the majority of the GOP agreeing that the election was, in fact, stolen, and their criminal former president has so far eluded indictment. And think of what they've "normalized" of our so-called civil discourse. They've moved the fulcrum of democratic debate firmly into the protofascist spectrum. Why sweat a war when you're winning?

  29. "Why sweat a war when you're winning?"

    You're dealing with not so bright individuals with a persecution complex. Those cosplaying asshats are gonna get tired of playing soldier and actually want to use their "skills". Who knows, maybe Tucker will convince them that "those" people aren't losing fast enough for their tastes.

  30. Anonymous2:34 PM

    “Why would the MAGA crowd want to go to war when they've been doing so well without it?”

    Because they almost certainly won’t keep doing so well.

    Republicans have been able up until now to undermine the government quietly, by stealth, ignoring democratic norms to destroy limits on campaign financing, gerrymander legislative districts, enact vote suppression measures, pack SCOTUS with maniacs, and create lying wingnut propaganda outlets because there was a “bothsides” taboo on calling out how they operate.

    Mainstream media weren’t supposed to point out that one side cheats while the other mostly doesn’t. That was “bias.” Even Dem politicians themselves felt constrained in this way.

    The election of Trump means that’s over. The jig is up. A Democratic president of the U.S. is calling the opposing party “fascists.” People on the left regularly discuss the Republican threat to democracy. The gloves are off on the left.

    So what happens if the Dems win big in some election in reaction to some terrible Republican policy? Then they pack the Supreme Court. It’s now a 17-member court with an 11-6 liberal-to-conservaive majority. Then Congress passes sweeping democratic reforms, forevermore blocking all the common modes of Republican cheating.

    How do you figure that Republicans will react when they discover they can no longer cheat, and therefore cannot win without modifying their ideology? Many of them will resort to violence. This is the civil war scenario.

    The other scenario is if the Democrats fight back but achieve less than total victory. The stalemate in government deepens. Nothing can get done because each party controls half the government and they spend literally all their time fighting, so the government can’t actually govern anymore. The country descends into chaos.

  31. Anonymous5:50 PM

    In lighter news, UC Berkeley students can now take a class in Nicki-Minaj-ology.

    Phew! America is saved.

  32. Anonymous2:50 AM

    If any of you clowns actually followed the news, you'd know that Democrat-run areas are descending into chaos NOW.  Corporations are bailing out of Chicago because of all the crime.  Retailers are closing stores because of rampant theft.

    All your calls for "gun control" are aimed at the people who are NOT the problem:  law-abiding Whites.  We aren't fooled.

  33. Anonymous3:17 AM

    “If any of you clowns actually followed the news, you'd know that Democrat-run areas are descending into chaos NOW. Corporations are bailing out of Chicago because of all the crime. Retailers are closing stores because of rampant theft.”

    Yeah, I’m afraid that’s not the news you’re following. That’s right-wing propaganda.

    Cities are all hellish cesspools, everything is on fire, feral children conk you over the head and steal your shoes, etc, etc.

    Not like the hard-workin’, God-fearin’, morally upright Real Americans in the Heartland, no-siree.

    Scare stories aimed at the feeble-minded.

  34. "Scare stories aimed at the feeble-minded."



    Looks like google is investing in Chicago.

    "All your calls for "gun control" are aimed at the people who are NOT the problem: law-abiding Whites."

    Nah, the laws are aimed at the people who ARE the problem: law-breaking, mass shooting whites. Try to keep up.

  36. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Yeah, I’m afraid that’s not the news you’re following. That’s right-wing propaganda.

    CNN is right-wing propaganda now?

    Boeing, Caterpillar and Citadel are among the many businesses leaving.

    Chicago's vacancy rate has been climbing sharply for years now:

    Walgreens is closing stores in San Fransicko:

    All of this is easily found with a search engine... which you're obviously too stupid or lazy to do.

  37. Anonymous5:10 AM

    the laws are aimed at the people who ARE the problem: law-breaking, mass shooting whites. Try to keep up.

    O RLY?  Up in Coon Rapids (heh) MN, 4 males were attempting to get into a homecoming football game, but they were not students and didn't have proper ID.  They were in possession of 4 unserialized "ghost guns" between them, one of them modified to fire full-auto.  School security and rapid police response definitely avoided a mass-shooting event.

    The two published mugshots are stereotypically black.  Coon Rapids is only 7.2% black.

  38. Corporations,et al are ailing out of red stATES due to suppression of women's rights of reproductive choices and allowing guns everywhere.

  39. Anonymous12:06 PM

    “O RLY?” Yup. Mass shooting this past summer perpetrated by whom?????

  40. Anonymous12:07 PM

  41. "Boeing, Caterpillar and Citadel are among the many businesses leaving.

    Chicago's vacancy rate has been climbing sharply for years now"

    Um yeah, many cities have seen their occupancy rates falling. You know after the whole covid thing when many workers worked from home. Also take a look at the companies moving to Chicago, Kelloggs.


  43. "School security and rapid police response definitely avoided a mass-shooting event."

    Um, probably not. It was a couple kids trying to sneak guns around. Black kids don't shoot up classrooms full of kids. Nice try though.

    "The two published mugshots are stereotypically black."

    Huh? Black people looked like Black people? This surprises you? OK.


    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Wow, did not know that Mike. Good stuff.

  45. Anonymous8:04 PM

    That's the exception that proves the rule.

    "Robert 'Bobby' Crimo III, 22, who goes by 'Awake the Rapper,' has more than 16,000 listeners per month on Spotify.

    Music videos posted by Crimo online last fall include a drawing of himself shooting people online, and a disturbing clip of himself throwing bullets on the floor of a classroom while wearing armor in what appears to be a joke about school shootings."

    So he was throwing up red flags for months and bought into the same sick black culture which has seen 3 rappers shot dead in Los Angeles in the past month alone.  No surprises there.

    All of this could be purged with a healthy dose of Whiteness.

  46. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Tyson Fortune 500 ranking:  292.
    Caterpillar: 265 (after 2 years of construction slump).

    Kellogg's Fortune 500 ranking:  258.

    Boeing: 60.

    It's one thing to lose a bunch of office space.  It's another thing to lose entire corporate headquarters.  Adding one food products company doesn't make up for the loss of 3, especially one as big as Boeing.

    Chicago needs to get rid of its black criminals, or its black criminals will get rid of Chicago.

  47. Anonymous3:14 AM

    “It's one thing to lose a bunch of office space. It's another thing to lose entire corporate headquarters.”

    The empty office space in Chicago is probably more consequential to the city than the loss of Boeing. That HQ is basically just the execs, sales and marketing, some admin staff and not much else. It doesn’t provide very many jobs at all to Chicago. The bulk of Boeing — all the design and manufacturing — is still in the Seattle area and at a bunch of other big plants around the country.

    Also, Boeing didn’t move their HQ to get away from menacing Chicago crime. To begin with, there isn’t all that much crime in downtown Chicago. Crime overwhelmingly is concentrated in a handful of very poor neighborhoods. And if that were what had motivated the move, it’d have been easier and cheaper to just move to one of Chicago’s suburbs. There are lots of very safe ones.

    No, the HQ moved to the Washington, DC area to make it easier for the execs to lobby the government for juicy federal aviation contracts. Boeing is a giant defense contractor in addition to being a maker of civilian airliners.

    So, to recap, the move was not that big a loss to the local economy, and had jack squat to do with scary black people, but other than that, you’re totally right!


    Interesting. The people of R.I. list the economy as their number 1 issues but yet seem to want to choose a (R). When Republicans admitted that they will spend the entire term investigating Dems and trying to impeach Biden they still think the economy is in better hands with the GOP in charge? Really? MTG and Bobo will run the economy goodly? Geez.

  49. "All of this could be purged with a healthy dose of Whiteness."

    LOL! So a white dude goes crazy, his white dad buys him a gun and he shoots a bunch of people and your prescription is even more whiteness. I guess. Talk about blame shifting. I guess the Vegas shooter who shot up a country music concert was listening to Tupac when he did it.
    BTW, I guess you missed Mike's article about Chicago leading corporate relocations? Carry on.


  51. "So he was throwing up red flags for months and bought into the same sick black culture which has seen 3 rappers shot dead in Los Angeles in the past month alone."

    That's not Black culture. My Black culture involves Black professionals and a solid middle class. I'll take my Black lifestyle over poor rural white culture any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  52. Anonymous said...

    If any of you clowns actually followed the news, you'd know that Democrat-run areas are descending into chaos NOW.

    2:50 AM
    What country are you speaking of? I don't see any Democratic cities falling apart in the west. Seattle, Vegas, San Fransisco, Los Angeles and San Diego are all doing just fine. Where are you getting your false information? Or are you just a troll?

  53. Manifest Density12:01 PM

    "Chicago needs..." @ 8:13 PM

    If someone like you can see this,then what is the problem with the others? Are you here to help? Are you joining in the fight for reparations? We're listening.

    We know from the study of epigenetics and behavioral psychology that years of discrimination and the hundreds of trillions of dollars invested in the maintenance of criminal breeding grounds have produced a criminal element in areas populated by society's cast offs. It doesn't take a genius to recognize this.

    It also doesn't take a genius to figure out that America doesn't want to admit or take responsibility for these programs the conditions they created.

    That one sees the problem and ignores the cause and solution,let's call it rudimentary imbecility, only exacerbates the problem.

    Warning: Approximately 20 million suffer from Neuropeonosis in America. If you feel the need to incite anger, spread misinformation or if you feel you’ve been bad and come here because you feel a need to be punished, please seek help, we have counselors standing by.

  54. Anonymous12:13 PM

    “Where are you getting your false information? Or are you just a troll?“

    Fox “news” and OAN. And yes, they are a troll.

  55. Anonymous2:30 PM

    So a white dude goes crazy, his white dad buys him a gun and he shoots a bunch of people and your prescription is even more whiteness.

    You talking about Jared Loughner or Adam Lanza?  They weren't White, they were Jewish.  Both of them were obviously f'ed up.

    White boys used to carry their rifles to school every day.  They had shooting ranges in the school basements, for God's sake.  School shootings were unknown.

    Blackness and insanity are what makes school shootings.

    That's not Black culture. My Black culture involves Black professionals and a solid middle class.

    You adopted that culture from Whites.  Black culture makes ghettos and Africa, the exact things you've fled.

  56. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Are you here to help?

    Yes.  I'm naming the problem... which you won't do.

    Are you joining in the fight for reparations?

    Blacks on average receive about $11,000 more in uneaned benefits than taxes paid EVERY YEAR... EACH.  I'm all for reparations for all that parasitism, but blacks have no wherewithal to pay it.  Back to Africa so the humans can start to rebuild.

    We're listening.

    No you aren't.

  57. " They weren't White, they were Jewish."
    I'm just going to guess that Greeks, Italians, Slavs, and Spaniards also don't qualify in the racial superiority standards here?

    "Black culture makes ghettos and Africa"

    Cultures don't make continents. Ghettos are made by a dominant culture in a society to confine the minority group into an area where they can be exploited for low wages and to keep them away from the dominant culture. So White American culture made the ghettos.

  58. A jury has just determined that Alex Jones must pay the families of children killed in the Sandy Hook massacre $965 million. That's on top of the $49.3 million awarded them in a Texas trial.
    Thing is, Texas has a law that limits such compensation to $750,000, but as far as i know, Connecticut does not.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Anonymous said...

    So a white dude goes crazy, his white dad buys him a gun and he shoots a bunch of people and your prescription is even more whiteness.

    You talking about Jared Loughner or Adam Lanza? They weren't White, they were Jewish. Both of them were obviously f'ed up.

    I am wondering how a white person of the Jewish Faith can be classified as non-white in your mind. Or is your definition limited to white Anglo/Saxon Protestants?

    I wish I had the time and the inclination to relieve you of your staggering ignorance. But I feel you mind is so filled with lies that there is no room for truth.

    And BTW, the first mass shooter in modern times was a white man, Charles Whitman. On August 1, 1966 at the University of Texas campus, Whitman killed 14 people and wounded 31 others after stabbing his wife and mother to death the night before.

  60. Got my ballots in the mail yesterday, but won't be able to mail them back until probably Monday when Briana gets back from San Francisco. Gives me some time to look up all of the races online and figure out which way to vote.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. "You adopted that culture from Whites. Black culture makes ghettos and Africa, the exact things you've fled."

    LOL! Sure kid. Some of the richest and most established cultures in history were from the Motherland. Our music is heavily influenced from the Motherland. My drive and quest for knowledge is from the Motherland. I live in a Black neighborhood so no fleeing for me. Try your BS on someone else. Now it's time to move on to another topic because base level thinkers such as yourself always derail adult and sensible conversations but that's what trolls do. If you can elevate beyond "white is good" we may be able to continue conversating but I doubt you have anything of substance to add.

  62. Manifest Density5:32 PM

    "Yes. I'm naming the problem... "

    Not 100% true. You are ignoring the bigger problem in your own community. In fact why don't you clean up your community instead of yelling "fire" in mine?

  63. Speaking of Black excellence, here's Justice Jackson turning the originalist argument on its head brilliantly.

  64. Anonymous7:18 PM

    You know what time it is ladies. Go get screened!

  65. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Ouch!!!!! Alex Jones to pay almost 1 billion dollars. Damn. But, play stupid games……

  66. Anonymous10:54 PM

    The Justice Department investigations of Ron DoucheSantis have begun. Immigration enforcement is under federal, state, jurisdiction, so there's no way that the slimy bastard didn't break a whole host of laws by busing migrants around the country without their informed consent just so a bunch of border-state racists could get their jollies.

    Ron DeSantis investigated over migrant transfer from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard

  67. Anonymous10:56 PM

    *federal, not state, juridiction

  68. Gambler2, PilotX, Junior Pilot, dinthebeast, and other stalwarts:

    Paradoctor here, to revive the old question: just who are the anonymoids?

    Not all the anonymous ones are anonymoid. On occasion I have posted here from my phone instead of my desktop, and the site calls that anonymous. But you can tell the merely anonymous from the anonymoids by their hostile attitude, and libels, disinformation, and cravenness.

    Why do the anonymoids bother to come here? They're not going to change any minds, or teach, or learn. Why do they waste the time?

    And who are they? I theorize, in increasing order of probability:
    Russian trolls.
    Adolescent basement incels.

    But my favorite theory is:
    Men that Field prosecuted and put away.

    Any other nominees?

  69. "Any other nominees?"

    Most likely basement dwelling incels. Field said his site is linked by racist white supremacist sites. You know, they average everyday toothless loser. Whatdaya think?

  70. Paradoctor said...

    Any other nominees?

    12:41 AM
    Good morning, my friend. I think the anonymoids are super haters of blacks and everyone else who is not a WASP. They have been led astray by right-wing propaganda and hate speech. They are totally ignorant of history and science, and devoid of empathy.

    They come here to upset us, because they are too cowardly to vent their hatred any where else. Although it is difficult, I do feel sorry for them. They are missing so many good things in life.

  71. "Any other nominees?"

    Bored white guys who never came to grips with their mediocrity?

    With all of the evidence mounting that Fergus has squirreled away US government property that doesn't belong to him, perhaps it's time to go over Ivana's grave with some ground penetrating radar?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Alex Jones says he can’t pay the defamation damages he now owes.

    Oh, you’re broke, Alex? Good. So when will Infowars be shutting down?

  73. Hey everyone, any comments on today's hearing?

  74. Anonymous4:41 PM

    The Jan. 6th inquiry saved the worst for last. They’ve subpoenaed Donald Trump.

    If Donald fails to show up, throw him in jail for contempt.

    If Donald does show up, throw him in jail for perjury. (He will definitely be committing perjury. He is never not lying.)

  75. The supremes denied Fergus' request about the documents he stole and the special master, and a judge said he has to give sworn testimony in the Carroll defamation suit. Sounds like he's having another bad day in court.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. -Doug in Sugar Pine said....

    4:58 PM
    I hope he's beside himself with rage. I can see the dishes and the ketchup flying. LOL

  77. Yup, he's having a bad day in court:

    "NEW YORK — Attorney General Tish James asked a state court Thursday to freeze the Trump Organization’s New York assets and install an independent monitor in her civil suit targeting the former president and his real estate business."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. The Daily Beast is reporting 4 Dead Including One Cop as Active Shooter ‘Contained’ in Raleigh...

    Four people are dead,including one police officer, and several people are seriously injured as police searched for an active shooter in Raleigh described by witnesses as a white male teenager dressed in camouflage.

    So much for our pet trolls who insist that it's safe to be around white people.

  79. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Trump says Nancy Pelosi should have ordered troops to defend the Capitol on January 6th.

    Whaaaat? To which troops who allegedly work for Nancy Pelosi is he referring? Does this demented orange geezer not remember who was president two years ago?

    Trump voters, I hate to break it to you, but this tweet alone proves that either Trump is a complete moron, or he thinks you are.

  80. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Who needs a civil war when the negroes are doing it to each other for us?

  81. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Who needs a civil war when goofy ass white boys are murdering babies and senior citizens for us?

  82. There is no truth to the rumor that Alex Jones is a crisis actor. Believe it or not, he actually exists.

    Since he can't pay, what will happen to him? Penury? Debtor's prison?

  83. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Quoth Grabbler2:

    I think the anonymoids are super haters of blacks and everyone else who is not a WASP.

    We don't hate them.  We just don't want to have to deal with their dysfunctions and THEIR hatred.  What reason other than hate did 2 black males have for murdering Elija DeWitt the other day?  What reason other than hate did 2 BLM supporters have for beating little blonde Victoria Rose Smith to death?

    They have been led astray by right-wing propaganda and hate speech. They are totally ignorant of history and science, and devoid of empathy.

    Speaking of science, we've known for 10 years that the "Out of Africa" theory of human origins is wrong.  Bet you didn't know that.

    They come here to upset us, because they are too cowardly to vent their hatred any where else.

    The truth upsets you because your self-image is tied up in lies.

  84. "Trump says Nancy Pelosi should have ordered troops to defend the Capitol on January 6th."

    Guess he didn't see the video of her calling up the governor trying to get him to send the National Guard, or even the one where she said that she hopes he does show up at the Capitol that day so she could punch him in his face.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. Manifest Density2:06 AM

    "Hey everyone, any comments on today's hearing?"

    Gambler2 @ 4:38 PM

    Democracy won yesterday and while it's early I'm still queueing up Bobby Lewis because a lot of folks were "tossin' and turnin' all night."

    Donnie Two Times got served two times at the hearing. First he got a nice subpoena and for dessert House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she had brought him a knuckle sandwich.

  86. Anonymous9:29 AM

    “Speaking of science, we've known for 10 years that the "Out of Africa" theory of human origins is wrong. Bet you didn't know that.“

    Really? So now you’re a scientist. Lemme guess, you linked us to an obscure draft that goes against known scientific thought. What a maroon!

  87. Anonymous9:30 AM

    “What reason other than hate did 2 BLM supporters have for beating little blonde Victoria Rose Smith to death?“

    What about all the little blondes shot to death by assault rifles and white men? Is that hate too?

  88. Wesley Pipes9:33 AM

    I hate to break it to you but little blondes love Black men. Go to to see for yourself. No hate there, just Black on white loving.

  89. Saw a really good movie last night. Check it out if you get a chance. About Harold Washington.

  90. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is a predatory[1][2] academic publisher of open-access electronic journals, conference proceedings, and scientific anthologies that are considered to be of questionable quality.[3][4][5] As of December 2014, it offered 244 English-language open-access journals in the areas of science, technology, business, economy, and medicine.[6]

    The company has been accused of using email spam to solicit papers for submission.[7] Although it has an address in southern California, according to Jeffrey Beall it is a Chinese operation.[7] In 2014 there was a mass resignation of the editorial board of one of the company's journals, Advances in Anthropology, with the outgoing editor-in-chief saying of the publisher "For them it was only about making money. We were simply their 'front'."

    This is where anon troll gets its "research" from. At least this time it isn't a research paper from a 10th grader. LOL!

  91. What anymoose, the attention whore, really needs is a complete black tatoo, from head to toe and about 14 inches of swinging meat. Then, since he doesn't like the fact he can't, as an alleged wasicu human, get the pigs to arrest/molest him for any reason, we should drop him off at a Klan rally to receive his just deserts.

    Just imagine, a guy with 14 inches of swinging Black meat and a noose around his neck. Double hung for good measure. No more trolling.

  92. Brain cells in lab dish learn how to play "PONG" while through all human history, magats have never learned to play nice. Let's hear it for brain cells!

  93. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I see that the negroes are making sure there'll be no more WaWa stores in Philly. Field, are all of your people thieves, or only 90% of you?

  94. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I see white women and making sure they get a Black man. Are all of your women lusting after Black men or just 90% of them? Go to to see how white women love Black men. It’s an amazing thing to see.

  95. Anonymous ssaid...

    "Speaking of science, we've known for 10 years that the "Out of Africa" theory of human origins is wrong. Bet you didn't know that."

    You are right, Anon. we didn't know
    know that because the findings are irrelevant. Home Sapiens evolved from a common ancestor long before 10 or 12 thousand years ago. And Cro-magnon appeared at least 40 thousand years ago.

    To understand human history, you must study a large number of articles to learn about our true evolution, not just those authored by white supremacists.

  96. To anonymous who thinks he understands genetics....

    Here's a very good reference for you if you wish to expand your understanding of the science of genetics. I also recommend you explore the work of Louis Leaky.

  97. Anonymous4:36 PM

    “To understand human history, you must study a large number of articles to learn about our true evolution, not just those authored by white supremacists.”

    Actually, you might want to skip the ones authored by white supremacists.


    I don’t plan on reading any treatises by white supremacist economists, either. They don’t have anything useful to add to the understanding of the global movements of capital and trade, beyond asserting that “evil Jews secretly control everything!”

  98. drumpf hand picked lackey, john Durham, who set out tom discredit Robert Mueller's Russia investigation is having tough sledding in court again.

    Durham's witness was deemed hostile to Durham after testimony today.

    I guess if anymoose wants to argue that life didn't start in Africa as we were led to believe, and since everyone had Black genes, it means white women lusted after BBC since time began.

  99. Here's another article for our Anonymous friend who doesn't know much about human evolution, or anthropology

  100. Anonymous said....
    "Actually, you might want to skip the ones authored by white supremacists."

    True, but it's too late for him; he's already filled his head with white supremacists' nonsense. I only look at white supremacists' writings to see what lies they are currently peddling.

  101. Anonymous6:18 PM

    “our Anonymous friend who doesn't know much about human evolution, or anthropology“

    aw c’mon Gambler. I bet he has a PhD in anthropology.

  102. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Remember to watch the Warnock/Walker debate. The GOP vs. the Dems on full display for all to see.

  103. Abbot announces new baby formula recall for bad bottle seals. Let's blame Biden.

  104. "aw c’mon Gambler. I bet he has a PhD in anthropology."

    6:18 PM
    Well if he does, it sure doesn't show in his stupid comments.

  105. Anonymous said...

    "Remember to watch the Warnock/Walker debate. The GOP vs. the Dems on full display for all to see."

    7:07 PM
    I watched the entire debate. I can't imagine that Walker's performance earned him any new voters, especially among women.

  106. “Speaking of science, we've known for 10 years that the "Out of Africa" theory of human origins is wrong. Bet you didn't know that.“

    The operative word there being "we've"... Nothing y'all claim to know is surprising any more. Tax cuts pay for themselves. Obama was born in Kenya. Ivermectin cures covid. "Whites" are superior. The 2020 election was stolen. Putin is a genius.
    All one has to do to understand which mental malfunctions you'll be coming out with next is watch a short sample of your propaganda. But there do come some real winners like that one out of left field that catch me at unawares because I have better things to do with my time than consume the lies that you fill your head with all day long.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Aside from your stupid racist remarks, how is it possible to actually tabulate the number of abortions women get?

    You probably can't get an absolute number, but you can almost certainly get decent enough ballpark numbers to deduce the relative numbers of each race obtaining abortions.

    When you think about how politicized and policed abortion is, that guarantees there will be extensive data collection and reporting requirements on the procedure in many states. And it's an understatement to say that medical privacy is not what you'd call a priority for politicians when it comes to abortion.

  108. Anonymous3:20 AM

    “By the way, I am pro-abortion“

    By the way, nobody gives a fuck what you think. Typical white male, thinks his opinion is somehow worth a shit.

  109. Mandingo3:23 AM

    White women are hoping more Black men will move into their neighborhood so they can get some BBC. Go to to see for yourself.

  110. Mandingo, your comments make me laugh. Thanks for brightening my day.

  111. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Civil War or not. Black American will still be the biggest loser in the end.

  112. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Civil war or not rednecks and basement dwelling incels will still be womanless and live in their mothers’ basements. Nothing will change, not even their underwear.

  113. Anonymous12:39 PM

    “Black American will still be the biggest loser in the end.“

    Except for Black men, white men will die in the “war” and more white women will come looking for us. Go to to see for yourself.

  114. Anonymous said...

    Civil War or not. Black American will still be the biggest loser in the end.

    12:32 PM
    Do you have any evidence or reason for making such a ridiculous statement? If it's just your opinion, then it counts for nothing here. Perhaps you should try some other blog where the participants are not as well informed as the regular readers here.

  115. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "I make more money than your entire family."

    Which is it: pimp or drug trafficker? LOL

  116. Mandingo2:40 PM

    “Which is it: pimp or drug trafficker? LOL“

    Well, actor. You can watch some of my movies at I get paid handsomely because all white women have fantasies about Black men. Lots of white men known as cucks like to watch too. You seem pretty cuckish, I bet you help pay me with your subscription and for that I thank you.

  117. Raleigh mass murderer described as wasicu juvenile male. Hope he gets tried as adult by an all black jury.

  118. Anonymous said...

    "Typical white male, thinks his opinion is somehow worth a shit."

    But you negroes sure as hell want that white male's money so you can buy more bling. LOL

    1:20 PM
    Please explain to me why you think all money belongs to "white males"and is theirs' to bestow upon whom ever they please? LOL

  119. Anonymous1:25 AM

    “Please explain to me why you think all money belongs to "white males"and is theirs' to bestow upon whom ever they please?“

    Because he’s an idiot?🤷🏾‍♂️

  120. USFWS (US Fish and Wildlife Service) released a study claiming breeding duck numbers are 12% lower than 2019, the last year a study was done due to covid. Study also stated was mentioned about avian bird flu which is giving us six and a half buck per dozen eggs and sky high chicken retail products.

    Anyone planning to see new Emmet Till movie coming out? Reviews have been good. I can get free movie passes (My SIL manages Theater complex in Cherokee, iowa.) I am not comfortable in such seats or settings so I don't ever go. Just curious aboiut the movie. Sounds interesting. Better than 2k mules.

  121. Manifest Density8:59 PM

    "In a novel experiment brain like human tissue implanted in rat brains influenced the rodents behavior." By Aria Bendix. October 12, 2022 NBC News.

    There is hope for Neuropeons.

  122. “Better than 2k mules.“

    C’mon Mike, nothing could EVER be better than 2000 Mules!

  123. Global Ancestry and Cognitive Ability
    by Jordan Lasker
    1 [ORCID] , Bryan J. Pesta
    2,*, John G. R. Fuerst
    3 [ORCID] and Emil O. W. Kirkegaard
    4 [ORCID]


    Using data from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort, we examined whether European ancestry predicted cognitive ability over and above both parental socioeconomic status (SES) and measures of eye, hair, and skin color. First, using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, we verified that strict factorial invariance held between self-identified African and European-Americans. The differences between these groups, which were equivalent to 14.72 IQ points, were primarily (75.59%) due to difference in general cognitive ability (g), consistent with Spearman’s hypothesis. We found a relationship between European admixture and g. This relationship existed in samples of (a) self-identified monoracial African-Americans (B = 0.78, n = 2,179), (b) monoracial African and biracial African-European-Americans, with controls added for self-identified biracial status (B = 0.85, n = 2407), and (c) combined European, African-European, and African-American participants, with controls for self-identified race/ethnicity (B = 0.75, N = 7,273). Controlling for parental SES modestly attenuated these relationships whereas controlling for measures of skin, hair, and eye color did not. Next, we validated four sets of polygenic scores for educational attainment (eduPGS). MTAG, the multi-trait analysis of genome-wide association study (GWAS) eduPGS (based on 8442 overlapping variants) predicted g in both the monoracial African-American (r = 0.111, n = 2179, p < 0.001), and the European-American (r = 0.227, n = 4914, p < 0.001) subsamples. We also found large race differences for the means of eduPGS (d = 1.89). Using the ancestry-adjusted association between MTAG eduPGS and g from the monoracial African-American sample as an estimate of the transracially unbiased validity of eduPGS (B = 0.124), the results suggest that as much as 20%–25% of the race difference in g can be naïvely explained by known cognitive ability-related variants.

  124. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Chicago shootings: 36 shot, 7 fatally, in weekend violence, police say

  125. Rico Strong9:29 AM

    African ancestry makes you more likely to be desired by white women. Go to to see for yourself.

  126. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Raleigh shooter, white male of course, shoots women. What is with white males shooting women, the elderly and children? Sounds like some bitchassedness to me. I mean you are all incels because your women desire us but damn, find a fucking hobby other than shooting up unarmed women and children ok? Just watch like the cucks you are.

  127. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Well lookie here, looks like the abstract dumb ass posted got Lasker fired because it was complete BS. It contained a bunch of nonsense sciency looking terms to fool idiots like our racist troll. LOL! What’s next? An abstract about ghosts and big foot?

  128. Anonymous10:04 AM

    More info about dumb racist believing anything. I guess that’s proof they are not genetically superior?🤷🏾‍♂️

  129. Anonymous10:12 AM

    “Unfortunately, the lingering stench of his published papers remains, still being cited, still being trotted out in every pseudoscientific argument by a Nazi on Twitter.“

    About fired CSU professor who did not have a background in biology or genetics but a MS in labor relations. nazi trolls are kinda dumb.

  130. Anonymous10:14 AM

  131. To African Ancestry said a whole bunch of 12:33 AM.

    You need to peddle your bull shit somewhere else. The people who read and/or post here are much too smart for the likes of you.

    It is unfortunate that you and many others are duped by pseudo science. To begin to educate yourself on this topic, I invite you to explore the following web site.

  132. Good info Gambler.

  133. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Black I.Q.s are one standard deviation lower than white I.Q.s. Of course, around here none of the negroes passed that statistics class. LOL

  134. Anonymous2:52 AM

    “Of course, around here none of the negroes passed that statistics class. LOL“

    But you know what the negroes around here passed? We passed around your mom because just like all white women she loved the BBC. You sure you’re not my son?

  135. Anonymous said...

    Black I.Q.s are one standard deviation lower than white I.Q.s. Of course, around here none of the negroes passed that statistics class. LOL

    6:24 PM
    I don't understand why you are so stuck on I.Q. Tests. It has long been determined that these tests are biased in favor of the racial/ethnic group who originated them. Here's a clue: they weren't Black.

  136. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "I don't understand why you are so stuck on I.Q. Tests."

    Because losers can't rely on their individual accomplishments so they have to try to feel superior as a group.

  137. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Well yes, when you're stupid, you will attack intelligence. LOL

  138. "Well yes, when you're stupid, you will attack intelligence. LOL"

    Yup, been happening for years. They don't need no woke book lernin'. LOL!

  139. Anonymous6:20 PM

    If you want to have a look at negroes and schooling, there's always Philadelphia, Chicago, D.C., and Baltimore. The top 10% negro high school graduates in those cities cannot read or write. No wonder negroes think I.Q. tests are phony and that arithmetic is racist.

  140. teh stupid7:14 PM

    "The top 10% negro high school graduates in those cities cannot read or write."

    You've got to be pretty dumb to believe something THAT stupid but here we are.

  141. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I don't understand why you are so stuck on I.Q. Tests. It has long been determined that these tests are biased in favor of the racial/ethnic group who originated them.

    That's BS and you know it.  NE Asians score HIGHER on the "biased" IQ tests than Europeans do.  They aren't as creative, though; they're more conformist, which is why the industrial revolution happened in Europe instead.

  142. Anonymous11:53 PM

    “That's BS and you know it. NE Asians score HIGHER on the "biased" IQ tests than Europeans do. They aren't as creative, though; they're more conformist, which is why the industrial revolution happened in Europe instead.“

    You’ve already written this BS before. Her question stands, why are you so obsessed with this? It’s obvious you didn’t study genetics in college. Is “proving” racial superiority some kind of hobby? If so it’s kind of weird, most people bowl or collect stamps.🤷🏾‍♂️

  143. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Her question stands, why are you so obsessed with this?

    I'm not.  You're obsessed with denying it.

    It’s obvious you didn’t study genetics in college.

    I studied math and statistics, which you didn't.

    Is “proving” racial superiority some kind of hobby?

    When Africans allegedly "built" America and Europe, while obviously failing to build Africa?  That's all the proof anyone needs.  Africans are failures, period.

  144. Highly educated and successful Black man3:14 AM

    "I'm not. You're obsessed with denying it."

    Yeah, sure. I go on random blogs posting about racial IQ.

    "I studied math and statistics, which you didn't."

    And you know this how exactly? You obviously didn't learn anything about research as the data you posted was suspect at best.

    Like I said, you have a strange hobby. Going on random blogs bragging about your racial superiority. Might I suggest quilting or something?

    "Africans are failures, period."

    LOL! I know quite a few that are highly successful. That would make this comment untrue.

  145. Anonymous3:28 AM

    "I studied math and statistics, which you didn't."

    Were you a math major or were these just a few classes? Did you graduate?

  146. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Were you a math major or were these just a few classes?

    My degree was math-intensive but not pure math; I do real-world shit.

    Did you graduate?

    Of course I did, and ahead of schedule.  Did you?

  147. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "Did you?"

    Of course. What was your major?

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