Sunday, January 22, 2023

Caption Sunday.

I need a caption for this pic.

I have one: POS in boots.  


  1. These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

  2. White rubber boot supremacist.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. The devil wears shrimp boots.

  4. 200 pounds of magat shit minus the bucket.

  5. Manifest Density6:21 PM

    Great one Field!

  6. Excellent 3 hour tribute to Jeff Beck from the best free form listener sponsored radio station on earth.

  7. Nothing says gay like those booties.

  8. Trump is an Insane Clown. DeSatan is just Insane.

  9. Mass killing in California and mass shooting in Looseranna and magats decide to market mini-ARs made for children.

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Ron DeSantis, appropriately attired for the floods (of his own bullshit).

  11. DeSatanist needs chest waders that reach the chest of the tallest giraffe ever conceived and he would not have much bullshit room to spare.

  12. Four more Oaf Creepers convicted of seditious conspiracy. Now for the Proud Boys.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Beat me, Doug.

  14. Remember how the NYC bureau of the FBI was rabidly anti Clinton and leaked everything they could to hurt her candidacy? Well, one of them is going to trial for being in bed with Oleg Deripaska. Seems some bribes were paid and some business was done while Oleg was under sanction.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Who TF wears white runber boots???😆

  16. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Who TF wears white runber boots???"

    Drum majorettes.

    And these guys.

  17. Politics Girl on the gutting of the ethics committee:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Ruben Gallego is the first Democrat to announce that he is entering the race to challenge Kyrsten Sinema at the next election.

    So she's screwed. She's not going to be re-elected. The only question is whether she's spiteful enough to stay in the race herself, running as an independent, and thereby ensure that a Republican wins the seat.

    Sadly, my gut says she is.

  19. Don't be surprised if Sin Mama drops the independent bullshit and makes her Nazi Party coming out official.

  20. Another mass shooting, this time seven Chinese farmworkers in Half Moon Bay.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Anonymous1:32 AM

    “Don't be surprised if Sin Mama drops the independent bullshit and makes her Nazi Party coming out official”

    If by “Nazi Party,” you jokingly (or not?) mean the GOP, then no. She won’t be joining. They wouldn’t have her.

    That’s why it’s so pointless for her to run again. Dems don’t want her. GOP don’t either. And she can’t win as an independent.

    The only reason to run is to punish her old party for not being cool with her thwarting them at every turn over the last two years.

  22. Not joking at all. You bet your sweet ass Mitch The Talking Corpse would take Sin Mama in a heartbeat. She will run as whatever the Kochsucker donor class tell her to run as. If she remains independent she will have to compete for campaign cash with whoever the Nazis put up against her.

  23. A suspect is in custody for allegedly going on a shooting rampage in the seaside California town of Half Moon Bay, marking the 37th mass shooting in the first 23 days of the year.

    We need more guns, surely.

  24. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "Not joking at all. You bet your sweet ass Mitch The Talking Corpse would take Sin Mama in a heartbeat. She will run as whatever the Kochsucker donor class tell her to run as."

    Nah. Maybe in some previous era, this might possibly fly. But these days, Republican voters demand ever more right-wing candidates.

    Kyrsten Sinema would never make it through a Republican primary. The voters would never trust that she'd be right-wing enough in her positions, particularly in contrast to the other candidates she'd inevitably be running against. And that's assuming they didn't just reject her out of hand for being bisexual, before even considering her policy positions.

  25. Classified docs found at Pence's Indiana home. Maybe we all better check for docs.

  26. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "Classified docs found at Pence's Indiana home. Maybe we all better check for docs."

    Back during the "Hillary's emails" era, it was pointed out by many people that handling of classified documents by top federal officials was, in general, extremely sloppy, and that Hillary was not some unique outlier. Basically, everyone else was doing it, too, and there wasn't really any good reason to single her out. (Also, the documents that got saved on her homebrew computer were only retroactively classified. They weren't, in fact, classified at the time she received the emails.)

    From this, I think we can conclude a few things:

    1) All of these high-ranking federal officials need to do a better job of not retaining classified documents at their personal offices and residences. At minimum, when they leave office, someone should go through all their papers looking for stuff with classified markings and return any to the appropriate federal departments.

    2) The main thing that distinguishes Trump's case from the rest is that he refused to return any of the classified materials he had taken when the government asked him to, and denied having them at all. He did this because he's a crooked asshole who does bad stuff all the time, and his general policy when accused of anything is to reflexively deny it. He's been acting that way for his whole life.

  27. Pence, if I remember correctly, announced at the outset of Fergus' document scandal that he'd had his lawyers go through all of his VP papers before he took any home to make sure that any that needed to go to NARA went there.
    Perhaps Jesus put them at his house to test his faith.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Thune and other GOP senators have been urging Sinema to at least caucus with the Republicans for a while, and to run for reelection as a Republican to avoid a three way race. I still don't think she could win a primary against Lake, Masters and the rest of the certifiable Arizona GOPers she'd likely be running against.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Anonymous5:46 PM

    “I still don't think she could win a primary against Lake, Masters and the rest of the certifiable Arizona GOPers she'd likely be running against.”

    I wish she would do this, though she won’t, because she’d get destroyed in the primary, and then it would be a straight fight between a Democrat and a looney tunes wingnut Republican. That’s the best-case scenario for the Dems holding the seat.

    If she runs as an independent, she will likely peel away votes from the Dem candidate and cause the Republican to win.

  30. Anonymous6:02 PM

    “I still don't think she could win a primary against Lake, Masters and the rest of the certifiable Arizona GOPers she'd likely be running against.”

    Senator Arlen Specter tried this move back in 2010 in Pennsylvania, but in the reverse direction. Specter was a Republican, but it was becoming obvious that his party hated him (much like the Dems now hate Sinema) for being insufficiently wingnutty. He didn't think he could make it through the Republican primary.

    So he announced, "Hooray, I'm a Democrat now!"

    Democratic primary voters said, "The hell you are. We haven't forgotten the entirety of your Senate career up to now." And they voted for Joe Sestak, who then went on to lose to Republican Pat Toomey.

  31. Marlboro Barbie, aka Thune from South Duhkota, is the #2 magat on the magat side of the Sinate, and when I use the term #2, I mean that literally and figuratively. He is a pile of shit.

  32. The lunatic fringe didn't do too well last time so Arizona Nazi Party will likely be looking to go in another direction. No doubt Sin Mama would prefer to remain a Senator and continue her winery "education" / fund raising. She would have to compete with the likes of Former Gov. Ducey but as always money talks. Maybe someone could pay her not to run.

  33. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "The lunatic fringe didn't do too well last time so Arizona Nazi Party will likely be looking to go in another direction."

    That's assuming Republican Party are capable of learning. I see no evidence of that so far. There have been no moves to moderate their ideology when they lose. The conclusion is always: "We weren't right-wing enough. Also, we need to cheat harder."

    I think it will require them experiencing some truly catastrophic losses, plus the Democratic Party forcing through a bunch of reforms to our electoral system, for it to sink in for Republicans that they need to change course.

  34. "Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed." is the bullshit excuse they have been using to march lockstep toward crazy town for decades.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous12:44 PM

    This is from a few days ago, but too insane not to mention.

    An apparently pro-lung-cancer Tucker Carlson insists that liberals promote weed, but denigrate tobacco, because tobacco "frees your mind."

    It feels like Tucker is on the verge of going full Alex Jones. It would not shock me if he were to break into a rant about the libs turning all the frogs gay.

  36. Meta is reinstating Fergus' Facebook and Instagram accounts soon. In a statement they tried to address the circumstances under which he was banned, but made no mention of him using their platforms to raise a buttload of cash.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous7:42 PM

    “Meta is reinstating Fergus' Facebook and Instagram accounts soon.”

    Did Donald double-pinky-swear that he won’t try to overthrow the government again?

  38. "Did Donald double-pinky-swear that he won’t try to overthrow the government again?"
    Quite the contrary. As of yesterday he was still raving and drooling about how his call to Raffensperger was "perfect" and the election was stolen and that supposedly gave him the right to crime his ass off about it.
    So Onan News Wankworks has company in the shitter:

    Negotiations hit a standstill on Tuesday between DirecTV and conservative cable channel Newsmax, prompting the pay-TV provider to cut loose the pro-Trump network from its lineup,” the Daily Beast reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "'Negotiations hit a standstill on Tuesday between DirecTV and conservative cable channel Newsmax, prompting the pay-TV provider to cut loose the pro-Trump network from its lineup,' the Daily Beast reports."

    Hey, a small piece of good news. Maybe between this and the defamation lawsuit filed against them by Dominion Voting Systems, they'll go bankrupt, and they can join Alex Jones in shutting the hell up forever.

  40. From Jen Psaki's Twitter feed:

    The Associated Press
    Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” saying God loves all his children just as they are. The pontiff called on Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ people into the church.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. US GDP was 2.9% last year. Likely better than most of drumpf's years as potus.

  42. 2.9% GDP growth in 4th quarter last year, not for the entire year. My bad.

  43. Anonymous2:27 PM

    "2.9% GDP growth in 4th quarter last year, not for the entire year. My bad."

    GDP is still healthy. But also, inflation is falling.

    Infuriatingly, mainstream media doesn't seem to be mentioning this. And wingnut media is still in "everything is ruined" mode, because, of course, nothing can possibly be good under a Democratic president.

  44. Biden restores protections for America's only rain forest.,.,.,.


    5 former pigs with Memphis pig department are charged with murder and kidnapping in Tyre Nichol's death.

    For a change all charged pigs are black.

  46. Rick Scott (R, medicare fraud), continues to claim we can balance the budget by cutting taxes. This is just the latest demonstration of two iron clad rules of American politics: Republicans never learn, and Republicans always lie.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Another post, another correction from Mikey.... Tongass Forest is North America's only rain forest. Apparently getting too scatter brained to post here.

  48. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "Rick Scott (R, medicare fraud), continues to claim we can balance the budget by cutting taxes. This is just the latest demonstration of two iron clad rules of American politics: Republicans never learn, and Republicans always lie."

    Maybe Rick Scott lives in wingnut fantasy land, and he is trying to bring Reaganomics back. Including the discredited Laffer Curve nonsense from the 1980s:

    "Cut tax rates on rich people and the American economy will be unleashed! GDP will increase exponentially! Tax revenues will increase, even with those lowered tax rates! The deficit will disappear! A free lunch for everybody!"

  49. Mike: I was told back in the '70s that Siskiyou National Forest was a rain forest, and I was like "Well, it does rain all of the damn time around there."
    The USFS website does decribe it as a temperate rain forest.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. Anonymous10:55 PM

    California's bar association have asked a court to yank Trump lawyer John Eastman's law license.

    Finally, some consequences for the "thugs in the courtroom," and not just for the thugs who rioted at the Capitol.

  51. Thanks for the info, Doug. I just took a peek and found other rain forests in N America, nothing of the size of Tongass, though. The only tropical rain forest in N American territory is in Puerto Rico.

    Always interesting to learn new stuff. Never too old for that.

  52. Speaking of California, America's first Native American astronaut had her first experience space walking last week. She is from Northern California I believe.


    A son of former Arkansass guv and long time Clinton hater, has his law license suspended after multiple duis, going 71 in a 45 mph zone and possessing a handgun and illegal drugs.

    Hutchinson's nephew lost his license to practice law, too.

  54. As if alligators, crocodiles, anacondas, Ron Desantis and flying cockroaches aren’t enough. Now Florida has herpes monkeys.😖

  55. Expert hired to validate alleged impartial investigation of scotus leaks has a verifiable financial connection to magats on the court and neither side bothered to announce it.


    link for above comment.

    It has been disclosed drumpf sent a million bucks for Arizona audit that didn't show he won the 2020 election.

  57. Lack of job applicants caused WalMart to raise minimum wage to $14 per hour last week.

  58. MTG introduced a house bill preventing the potus from selling our oil. 13 out of 222 magats and 1 Dem voted for her bill. Humiliating defeat if one believed you can humiliate a magat.

  59. Doesn't say where the monkeys got the herpes from...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Story of MTG's failed bill.

    Like human counterparts, Doug, monkeys got Herpes from public toilets.

  61. Anonymous11:44 PM

    " Doesn't say where the monkeys got the herpes from..."

    Other monkeys. It's not actually the herpes humans usually get, but a related monkey variant called herpes B.

    I had the same question about koalas. A lot of them are infected with chlamydia, which would suggest Australians have some 'splaining to do. But it's not the same strain of chlamydia as the human one.

    Although I guess it is possible for a human to catch this STD if they cuddle a cute koala and it decides to pee on them.

  62. does everyone know about this vlogger? outstanding national survey of police payouts for excessive force is given midway.

  63. “Doesn't say where the monkeys got the herpes from...“

    Dude, it’s Florida.

  64. "Dude, it’s Florida."

    That's right, I forgot. In Florida you get herpes for free in each bag of meth...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Anonymous3:00 PM

    bidet sure shitt the bed on the chinese balloon intrusion. Open borders, open airspace........

  66. Anonymous5:41 PM

    How did the hammer man get to Paul Pelosi's house?? Isn't SFPD and US SS out there 24/7???

    You can't walk down the street in that neighborhood in a Brooks Brothers suit at 2am without being stopped and interviewed..............

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