Saturday, January 28, 2023

Memphis Blues, and the slave-catcher mentality.

If you have been paying attention over the past few days, you know by now that the most popular news story coming out of Memphis, Tennessee, is not the success of their basketball team, but the horrific beating and killing of one of the city's citizens at the hands of those who are sworn to serve and protect. 

I must confess, I still have not had the stomach or the emotional discipline to watch the video.  I have seen enough graphic videos and horrific scenes in my life as a criminal lawyer in Philadelphia over the past twenty years to be able to withstand seeing one more such acts of horror. But honestly, I am just exhausted at this point.   

What makes this story particularly unique and nuanced,  is the fact that the five perpetrators, like Tyre Nichols, were black men. This, to me, is not surprising. I have been telling you about house Negroes and the danger they present to our community my entire blogging career, but unfortunately folks have not been paying attention. It's that slave-catching house Negro mentality that made it so easy for these Memphis police officers to savagely beat Tyre Nichols to death. We devalue the lives of our own, which makes it easier for others in the majority population to devalue us. One thing we are learning about this specialized unit formed by the Memphis police, is that it was staffed with mostly black officers because they did not want the scrutiny when it comes to civil rights violations that white officers would bring. The fact that these officers would sign up for this should make us all realize that the slave-catcher mentality is still alive and well. 

And let's look at the majority population for a minute.  Please note how quiet all the usual conservative suspects (who are always quick to support the police and demonize victims) are being when it comes to this particular case. Not surprising given the fact that the police officers doing the beatings were black. These officers were quickly fired and charged with second degree murder, and that's a good thing. But think what usually happens when a white officer, or officers, are guilty of doing similar things. They are put on administrative leave WITH pay. It takes weeks (and in some cases months) to release the video tape, and the right-wing media machine falls in lockstep to defend them and tell us what a dangerous job policing is. That is not the case here, and these clueless house Negroes who thought they were protected by the blue wall, will now realize that the wall does not extend to them. 

There is something the mother of Tyre Nichols said that really moved me. She talked about his love for Vans, and not Air Jordan sneakers to highlight his individuality. She also said that he liked art, and he loved skateboarding, and that he cried out her name while he was being savagely beaten to death.  

Stay peaceful.  

*Image from yahoo news.




  1. This is horrific, there is something terribly wrong with people that will beat a person to death over a simple traffic stop.

  2. Through numerous observations of police incidents, it seems likely had these officers all been wasicus, they might have been allowed to retire in lieu of firing and allowed to keep their retirement pay.

    Really surprised there was no immunity from prosecution for these pigs.

  3. Keep up the good work and keep doing what you have been doing for a long time, Mr Field.

  4. Some of the pictures of him included a Peavey speaker cabinet, so I'm guessing he may have also been a musician.
    And listen to the goddamn racists saying that the pigs were Black so this couldn't be racism while the very racism they deny gets said pigs fired immediately and charged with second degree murder when white pigs doing the same heinous bullshit would still be on the payroll and the trial, if it ever happened at all, would be two years later when "things had calmed down" and they could get a more favorable jury.
    And fuck those "elite police units" like the goddamn SCORPION. I had the OHBTF kick in my back door on MLK behind the MacArthur BART station twice over nothing.
    As they said at the time "You're white in this neighborhood, you must be a crack dealer." No, officer, I'm a musician in Oakland, meaning I'm too poor to live anywhere else.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. If pigs lose qualified immunity, which is a policy judges invented to protect the guilty, it would go a long way in stopping these vicious thug pigs from attacking mostly POC.

    I believe the activist magat scotus has a case before it on qualified immunity.

  6. Memphis civilian killer squad has been permanently disbanded by Memphis pig chief.


    Thanks to sharp reporting by NYT reporters we know former AG Barr and his hand picked stooge cum special investigator, Durham, colluded to protect drumpf from financial cr4imes charges.

    It was pretty obvious from the get go Barr wasn't interested in finding the truth which would explain why he picked a friendly, ideologue to screw up the Russia investigation.

    Slight update tp comment @ 6:25 PM. The states of Colorado and Nevada have taken qualified immunity from crooked cops and at least in Colo, cops themselves may be sued for monetary damages for violating civil rights of the people.

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Five negro thugs kill a negro and it's whitey's fault. Ha ha ha ha ha!!


  9. Many black folks will do anything to show loyalty to white massa. The cops thought they would be getting a pat on the head from their white coworkers. I've seen this in a nonviolent matter on the job at various employers I worked for.

  10. There was at least one or more wasicus at the first stop who did nothing to distinguish themselves for pig glory and when the victim excaped the pigs were too winded to give chase.

  11. MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- Memphis police officer Preston Hemphill, a sixth officer involved in the Tyre Nichols traffic stop, has been relieved of duty during an ongoing investigation, according to Memphis police.

    Hemphill deployed his Taser during the confrontation. In his own body camera video, Hemphill is seen chasing Nichols down the road, but then turns back to the scene of the initial traffic stop.

    Hemphill was heard on his body camera video saying twice, "I hope they stomp his a--."

    Hemphill is white and has neither been suspended or fired. I wonder why.

  12. This is a joke, right?

    , the now-deactivated police ... › story
    2 days ago — The SCORPION unit, which stands for Street Crimes Operation to Restore Peace in Our Neighborhoods, has been "permanently" deactivated, ..

    Restore peace through riots?

  13. More of the same Fergus crime:

    The Manhattan district attorney’s office on Monday will begin presenting evidence to a grand jury about Donald J. Trump’s role in paying hush money to a porn star during his 2016 presidential campaign, laying the groundwork for potential criminal charges against the former president in the coming months, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The grand jury was recently impaneled, and witness testimony will soon begin, a clear signal that the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, is nearing a decision about whether to charge Mr. Trump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. It amazes me that a 140 lb. Black man can't go to jail unharmed when 5 big ass cops come for him but a mass shooter who kills 8 people in a church can go to jail without a scratch and even get a burger because he worked up quite the appetite killing grandmothers. Sick sick place.

  15. A 7th officer in Memphis is relieved of duty and three EMTs, one wasicu, 2 blacks were terminated for failing to render aid to Tyre Nichols.

  16. drumpf imitator, George Santos, gives up his committee assignments due to drumpf like lying.

  17. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Whenever a negro commits a crime, it's whitey's fault. Why? Because negroes cannot control themselves. Anything they do cannot be their fault, as they are children. Or was that chimpanzees? LOL

  18. Anonymous10:13 PM

    PilotX, how many negroes have you beaten to death this week?

  19. Found on Susie Madrak's blog:

    David Gilbert
    NEW: Inside a Nazi homeschooling group run by the Lawrences, a couple from Upper Sandusky, OH, and parents of four young children.

    The group has almost 2,500 member and the founders say its aim is "making sure that children become wonderful Nazis”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. "PilotX, how many negroes have you beaten to death this week?"

    Why, did your mom say something about me beating up the.......well it's not true. I'm a happily married man and I don't need to go on Maury to prove you're not my son. Lies I say, lies.

  21. "Whenever a negro commits a crime, it's whitey's fault. Why? Because negroes cannot control themselves. Anything they do cannot be their fault, as they are children. Or was that chimpanzees? LOL"

    You mean like the idiots who stormed the Capitol? That was Marjorie Taylor Greene's argument about Ashlee Babbitt. I mean had that moron stayed at home instead of illegally entering federal property she'd be alive today. Now that was some dumb shit. Oh well, what's the saying? Play stupid games..........

  22. Anonymous5:45 AM

    And now, the latest report from the front (Florida) in the War on Woke.

    Ron DeSantis Plans To Defund Diversity Programs In Florida Universities

  23. Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump is suing DeSatinist to defund him.

  24. Alleged Fake Noize judge Pirro is worried about Memphis police killers reputations, not about the deceased Black guys life or family.

    Any rabid animal you stumble upon has more compassion than magats.

  25. Fucking pigs done it again....

    Depressed double amputee in a wheelchair had a mental health issue and of course pigs wouldn't handle it as a medical emergency. The man had a knife and was no where near cops when they hosed him down. He was gimping away from them on his stumps when he was killed. Pathetic!

  26. “The man had a knife and was no where near cops when they hosed him down.“

    Thoughts and prayers should solve the issue.🙄

  27. David Neiwert on the goddamn Nazi homeschooling network:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous6:40 PM

    "David Neiwert on the goddamn Nazi homeschooling network:"

    Why bother teaching your kid the ways of Nazism at home? Just move to Florida and have them attend a public school.


  29. Victim was shot in the back trying to hobble away. Likely knew he was going to die. Should have requested a Burger King Whopper or something so the pigs could de-escalate or maybe they took his pathetic double amputee corpse with them when they hit the donut shop for coffee. Sick fucks!

  30. Haven't heard much from Granny or Gambler. Ladies, are we all right? Hope you are gearing up to rip magats a new you know what.

  31. “Haven't heard much from Granny or Gambler.“

    Pretty ladies have better things to do than associate with the likes of us.😆

  32. TST strikes again (h/t Crooks and Liars):

    The Satanic Temple is opening a health clinic in New Mexico to provide "free religious medication abortion" and will name the facility "The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic" in mockery of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "The Satanic Temple is opening a health clinic in New Mexico to provide 'free religious medication abortion' and will name the facility 'The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic' in mockery of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the opinion overturning Roe v. Wade."

    Just watch the hoops that SCOTUS will jump through to justify shooting this down.

    "Hey, no fair, only wingnuts get to opt out of following whatever laws we don't like, by citing 'deeply held religious beliefs.'"

  34. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I do hope that the name of case will actually be named, like, Texas vs. Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic. So that this will have to be taught in law school classes and cited as precedent in courtrooms for decades.

    Because that would be very funny.

  35. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Kevin McCarthy says he wants to hold an investigation into why DirectTV dropped Newsmax.

    Of course he does. Republicans are determined to spend the next two years in Congress doing little besides whining about how persecuted they are.

  36. DOJ has 2 divisions drooling over the chance to investigate former special inquisitor John Durham for corruption. This could be fun. Get the popcorn ready.


    Man threatens to crack MTG's skull with a baseball bat. Good luck with that. She'd likely consider it to be foreplay.

  38. Anonymous11:13 PM


    Man threatens to crack MTG's skull with a baseball bat. Good luck with that. She'd likely consider it to be foreplay."

    It's extremely hard to feel sorry about this chick receiving death threats, after she said that if she'd been leading the mob on Jan. 6th, they'd have been armed and would've "won."

    She's pro-violence herself, apparently, so ...

  39. “Man threatens to crack MTG's skull with a baseball bat.“

    Have you seen that dome? A jackhammer couldn’t crack that thick skull.

  40. If Democrats have any sense they will take a play from the Nazi Party playbook. That new rule that one member can call for a vote on Kevin the bitch to be removed as speaker doesn't say that one member has to be a Nazi Party member does it? Every Democrat starting with Schiff Swalwell Omar right down the line should take a turn and demand a vote.

  41. Anonymous2:18 AM

    "If Democrats have any sense they will take a play from the Nazi Party playbook. That new rule that one member can call for a vote on Kevin the bitch to be removed as speaker doesn't say that one member has to be a Nazi Party member does it? Every Democrat starting with Schiff Swalwell Omar right down the line should take a turn and demand a vote."

    Republicans don't need any help turning the House into a circus. They've got that covered all on their own.

    What they have a problem doing is acting like grownups -- i.e., voting to hike the federal debt ceiling so the government doesn't default on its existing loans. What Democrats need to do is peel off 6 blue-state Republicans to join them in voting for a debt ceiling hike, and then engage in sneaky procedural maneuvers bring it to a floor vote against McCarthy's will.

    After that, they can tell Republicans to get fucked. Nothing useful will happen in Congress for the next two years, as Republicans engage in showboating and political masturbation. But that's okay, I guess, as long as another massive, COVID-pandemic-sized crisis requiring immediate congressional action doesn't happen in the next two years. (Fingers and toes crossed.)

  42. I sure hope that Granny Standing for Truth is still posting. Man! I love her. She is the coolest. Bible time, baby. I'm sure that Gambler is still reading. Right, Gambler Aska White Woman?

  43. Exactly. The Nazi Party has long since turned it into a mockery. Democrats should raise the stakes and make a mockery of their mockery.

  44. Magats kicked Ilhan Omar off foreign affairs committee for her extremist views which apparently weren't extremist enough since MTG and others make Stalin and Hitler look mild as milk.

  45. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "Magats kicked Ilhan Omar off foreign affairs committee for her extremist views which apparently weren't extremist enough since MTG and others make Stalin and Hitler look mild as milk."

    Republicans are so deeply concerned about antisemitism that they removed Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs committee -- and then added the Jewish space lasers lady to the Oversight committee and the Homeland Security committee.

    P.S. Omar isn't even antisemitic. She just hates the government of Israel because they are complete garbage, not because they are a Jewish government.

  46. Tennessee magats plan to rename street named after John Lewis and put drumpf's name on it.

  47. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Democrats, as a general rule, don't do anywhere near enough to sell their accomplishments in government. In keeping with that unfortunate trend, the Biden administration haven't touted their efforts to undo all of the stupid and/or evil crap that the Trump administration did.

    Such as: reversing all the child-thievery that was committed by border patrol, on Trump's orders. Left to the despicable Trump, those parents would probably never have gotten their kids back.

    Biden task force unites more than 600 migrant children with parents


    US economy added 517k jobs in January.

    Senate Dems kicked 2 magats off committees.

  49. Magats in Misery blocked attempts to prevent unsupervised minors from carrying weapons in public.

    I'm guessing magats will change their minds if they see underage POC carrying guns in white neighborhoods, because, of course they will. Whites Only!

  50. "Such as: reversing all the child-thievery that was committed by border patrol, on Trump's orders. Left to the despicable Trump, those parents would probably never have gotten their kids back."

    Lots of stuff Fergus did that nobody really remembers anymore. Still more than a thousand kids they haven't found the parents from whom they were stolen.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. White Memphis officer, Hmphill, is finally fired. No word if he was charged like 5 Black officers.

  52. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "White Memphis officer, Hmphill, is finally fired. No word if he was charged like 5 Black officers."

    Probably not. He didn't participate in beating that dude to death, and wasn't at the scene where it happened, if I understand correctly.

  53. Balloon shot down by an F-22 over the ocean, like someone who is sane would do.
    No word about whether there was a boy in it...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  54. Anonymous6:49 PM

    MGT has been moaning that her $174K congressional rep salary is too low.

    Truly obnoxious, since she already shouldn't be paid a single dime for being a professional hate-mongering troll and time-waster, much less $174K. And now, to make matters worse, she is uncouth enough to complain about it.

    Unhappy? Resign, then, Marge.

  55. Anonymous9:55 PM

    MTG, not MGT, obviously.

  56. Anonymous12:09 AM

    It seems like there is no end to the wild George Santos news.

    The fakest resume in the history of resumes.

    A secret history as a drag queen. (Are angry Proud Boys going to descend on his office and call him a "child groomer"?)

    And now this:

    George Santos Accused of Sexual Harassment by Former Volunteer

  57. Hemphill dragged Nichols out of his car and fired his taser as Nichols got away from the original 3 pigs.

  58. Magats complaining about how Biden took his time telling Americans about Chinese spy balloon were basically told to shut the fuck up and then reminded that there were three identical balloon s8ghtings under drumpf and not a word was released to the public.

    Take very good care of your spine, Granny. Back surgery is never fun and there is always the risk of serious spinal infections.

  59. My humblest apologies to both Granny and Gambler for getting you mixed up. I will likely chastise myself later today when the enormity of my error sinks in. Im an idjet.

  60. How is drumpf's magnificent failure iof a border wall failing, you ask? Quite splendidly says WAPO.

    "Smugglers with a taste for more elaborate gear can deploy an inexpensive power saw to get through," wrote Wilkerson. "The Washington Post reported last year that traffickers had done exactly that — 3,272 times in the preceding three years. Some of the openings they created were large enough to drive a vehicle through. Occasionally, authorities find a tunnel that enables passage beneath the wall." And a report by the Cato Institute found that "the border wall was breached 4,101 times — more than 11 times per day. This was far more than the number of breaches in any of the prior six years and double the number of breaches for fiscal year 2016 before any of the Trump wall was built."

  61. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "'Smugglers with a taste for more elaborate gear can deploy an inexpensive power saw to get through,' wrote Wilkerson. 'The Washington Post reported last year that traffickers had done exactly that — 3,272 times in the preceding three years. Some of the openings they created were large enough to drive a vehicle through. Occasionally, authorities find a tunnel that enables passage beneath the wall.' And a report by the Cato Institute found that 'the border wall was breached 4,101 times — more than 11 times per day. This was far more than the number of breaches in any of the prior six years and double the number of breaches for fiscal year 2016 before any of the Trump wall was built.'"

    Liberals endlessly pointed this out, but Trump's followers were too stupid to get it.

    Aside from the fact that their priorities are way out of whack -- "too many brown people" is not actually the greatest problem our country is facing -- even when measured on Team MAGA's own terms, The Wall is a completely ineffective way of achieving those priorities. You can't stop border-crossers by making the physical barriers thicker or higher. They will just work harder to hop over or demolish them.

    The only effects of The Wall (to the extent Trump managed to actually build any of it) would be to act as a sort of racist middle finger gesture to Mexico, and to waste taxpayer money. Cross-border migration rates were never going to change at all.

  62. Muhammed Ali facing an all white jury and sassing the shit out of them...

    Beautiful footwork.

  63. Wall didn't slow down drug seizures at regular ports of entry, either.

  64. Ted Cruz, the Cuban/Can American, sinator from Texass wants to limit sinators to 2 terms while he, himself, is running for a third term.

  65. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "Ted Cruz, the Cuban/Can American, sinator from Texass wants to limit sinators to 2 terms while he, himself, is running for a third term."

    Probably requires a constitutional amendment.

    And as long as we're talking constitutional amendments, the Democrats would like one that limits the Second Amendment and junks the Electoral College.

  66. Anonymous6:06 PM

    "Ted Cruz, the Cuban/Can American, sinator from Texass wants to limit sinators to 2 terms while he, himself, is running for a third term."

    Also, even if we were to seriously engage with this subject, limiting senatorial terms is kinda dumb. If voters think their senator is doing a bad job, there is already a remedy: They can vote them out.

    The guys who stick around too long, even if they are out of step with what the public want, sit on the Supreme Court. I don't want to limit the number of terms of elected officials. I want Supreme Court justices to HAVE terms in the first place; lifelong appointments in such an influential position are a terrible idea.

  67. Term limits destroy institutional memory, which Republicans think they like until it gets applied to them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Unfortunately for half the population, red run states with overwhelming majorities can gerrymander their states so much the opposition can't get a word in edgewise. South Dakotuh has been in magat clutches for 45 years straight and it is getting even redder.

  69. When we talk about "the wall", it is almost always worth pointing out that keeping immigrants out was not the real goal. The majority (more than 2/3) of people who are undocumented in this country are people who have visas and then proceed to overstay their visa limitations.

    The goal was twofold. One, they wanted something tangible to show their voters they were 'doing something'. Two, they wanted to line the pockets of the contractors who built and then maintained the physical infrastructure of said border wall.

    If the Republicans were serious about keeping out people who are undocumented (which they are not) they would punish employers who hire them. Slap a $100,000 fine on companies that engage in the hiring of the undocumented for each instance that it can be proven it occurs. They don't do this because those companies are owned by their donor class. Instead, what they want is a large pool of people to exploit, who are not protected by fair labor and minimum wage laws.

  70. Anonymous7:11 PM

    "If the Republicans were serious about keeping out people who are undocumented (which they are not) they would punish employers who hire them. Slap a $100,000 fine on companies that engage in the hiring of the undocumented for each instance that it can be proven it occurs. They don't do this because those companies are owned by their donor class. Instead, what they want is a large pool of people to exploit, who are not protected by fair labor and minimum wage laws."


    Their coalition is comprised of two groups with irreconcilable goals: rich business owners who want all the laborers they can get (and who donate all the money to the party), and so are in favor of lots of immigration; and working-class whites who (mostly erroneously) believe their wages are stagnating mainly because of too many immigrants, or are just racist and don't want immigrants because most of them these days are non-white.

    They can't piss off the donor class because then their party funding would dry up, so they lie to the working-class white voters and fob them off with showy, racist, anti-immigration stunts that do nothing to affect immigration.

    If they really wanted to stop all low-skill immigration (a dumb idea, in fact), then they'd need to fine the hell out of businesses that hire undocumented workers, and this they will never do.

    So ... chant it with me: "Build! The! Wall!"


    He ain't a wasicu. You have to register for the whole story but what you can see gives enough details.

  72. Mike from Iowa said...My humblest apologies to both Granny and Gambler for getting you mixed up. I will likely chastise myself later today when the enormity of my error sinks in. Im an idjet.
    Good Morning, Mike,
    No need to apologize. I'm happy to be on the same blog with both you and Granny standing for Truth. And if your are an idjet, what does that make me, 'cause I love you comments? Have a great day.

  73. Ian said....

    The majority (more than 2/3) of people who are undocumented in this country are people who have visas and then proceed to overstay their visa limitations.

    The goal was twofold. One, they wanted something tangible to show their voters they were 'doing something'. Two, they wanted to line the pockets of the contractors who built and then maintained the physical infrastructure of said border wall.

    I agree. Everything you said in your entire comment is true. The immigration "problem" is supported by the Republican Party to benefit their masters. The same is true of all their wedge issues; such as abortion, "freedom" of religion,the second amendment, crime (think private prisons) etc. Republican's wealthy supporters are getting richer from each of these issues.

  74. Gambler, you are too kind. I can only hope to attain the level you and Granny occupy. Thank you so much.


    New York school lunch vendor thought it would be a good idea to change Black History month menu to serve chicken, watermelon and waffles to children.

  76. The January jobs report came in with a scorching rise in payrolls last week and a drop in the unemployment rate to a level not seen in more than 50 years.

    Fuck drumpf!

  77. Bonnie Raitt won the Grammy for best song with her song "Just Like That", about a meeting between a transplant recipient and the mother of the organ donor.
    Bonnie is one of a kind and very deserving of the honor.
    Fantastic Negrito won a Grammy for the fourth time in a row, this time in a different category, for his album about his seventh generation ancestors' forbidden love, he was a slave, she was an indentured servant from Scotland.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. Once again Democrats demonstrate their will to lose. Senate Judiciary Chairman Durbin allowing RonJon home state veto of (openly gay) William Pocan nomination for Federal Judge. This even though there is no home state veto in Senate rules just an archaic tradition that the Nazi Party had no problem ignoring when they had control of the Senate and Insane Clown was the one doing the nominating. Still Durbin insists on standing on ceremony minding his manners. Typical Democrat pussyshit.

  79. The guy Dick Cheney shot in the face just died.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. First Trans won a Grammy. Want to bet red states will be bann9ng her from radio and internet appearances?


    Judge appointed by Clinton suggests, as have others, the 13th amendment prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude might well apply to abortions. forcing women to carry to term is involuntary servitude.

  82. City of Memphis dumbed down requirements so they could get officers on the street. Only 2 years work requirement, any work experience was allowed. No military or previous police work required.

    Sounds like requirements to become magats.

  83. For music lovers out here, the 40 year Waters/Gilmour Pink Floyd feud just erupted again.

  84. "For music lovers out here, the 40 year Waters/Gilmour Pink Floyd feud just erupted again."

    Did it every really end? LOL!

  85. I only ever managed to see Pink Floyd after Roger had bailed, and both of those shows were excellent. Gilmour is one of my heroes.
    Roger, bless his heart, has been saying some hella stupid things lately. Still, his very public slagging of Fergus on his last tour, along with his decision to bring Holly and Jess from Lucius along as backup singers are quite laudable.
    Nick Mason, the drummer for Pink Floyd, still thinks their feud is silly and beneath gentlemen of their age. He is also out touring early Pink Floyd music with "Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets" some shows from which can be found on Youtube.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. OK, I was apparently wrong about Fantastic Negrito winning the Grammy for best American Roots Performance. Aaron Neville and the Dirty Dozen Brass Band won it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. Let's see who the queen or king coon will be stanning for Desantis.

  88. DeSatan already has one in quack surgeon general Ladapo.

  89. Anonymous8:18 AM

    “‘For music lovers out here, the 40 year Waters/Gilmour Pink Floyd feud just erupted again.’

    Did it every really end? LOL!”

    No, but the hate has gotten even more intense in recent days with Waters’ latest comments.

    Waters is one of those lefties who seems to have internalized the wrong-headed idea that ALL war is the result of Western capitalist imperialist; that because Europe and the U.S. have caused destructive, unnecessary wars in the past, that means that we are FOREVER AND ALWAYS the bad guys in any conflict. He does not allow for the possibility that there are other global bad guys in the world who are either not white or not Western.

    This has led him to take the deeply stupid position of asking why everyone is being so mean to poor misunderstood Vladimir Putin, who must have been provoked into invading Ukraine? And why won’t anyone sit down with him and negotiate a peace deal? (Notwithstanding the fact that the only peace deal Putin is interested in is one where Ukraine is peaceably absorbed into Russia.)

    This has massively pissed off Gilmour, who has a daughter-in-law that is Ukrainian and that has had relatives flee Ukraine as refugees.

  90. Memphis Police has 7 more pigs getting disciplined for Nichol's murder. Have to see what their punishment is or isn't.

  91. Anonymous10:11 AM

    “Memphis Police has 7 more pigs getting disciplined for Nichol's murder. Have to see what their punishment is or isn't.”

    Unclear what exactly these guys did wrong, since, again, these weren’t the cops directly involved in the beating.

    Speaking of which, however, it came out yesterday that one of the cops who did take part in the beating snapped photos of Nichols beaten to a pulp, and then shared them with his buddies, because he was so proud of his work, apparently.

    Sick stuff.

  92. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Keep taking the vaccine and boosters leftys........

  93. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Stop the thug mentallity and stop comitting crimes and you will be fine.

  94. This oughta help Pink Floyd, what's left of it...

  95. Nichol's apparent crime was not enjoying being beaten and tazed so he ran away from the first small sounder of pigs. Apparently in Memphis that is a crime punishable by death without due process.

  96. 5 officers that essentially murdered Nichols were involved in another beating three days prior to Nichols beating.

  97. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The most dangerous thing for black folks is other black folks........................

  98. Biden shit in every magat's mouth because every time Biden said anything, magats mouths popped open like baby birds wanting something to eat.

    Biden played magats like ugly red headed step children.

  99. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The above is more left wing DELUSION..

  100. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Why do police have to handle situations with violence?? because of nigger shitheads like this in all the democrat areas that run amok.

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      I hope it happens to you

  101. Wasicus in Southern South Duhkota aka Mississippi have decided all by themselves the best way to run Jackson, the largest black city in the state is for Whitey to appoint a special judicial enclave of wasicus.

  102. Anymoose is full of more shit than a Christmas turkey and is dependably, deplorably bat shit crazy, which is par for the magat course at this time in history.

    Imagine, if your feeble syphilitic mind is capable of imagining, when Blacks stop killing each other they'll be coming after your pastey white ass. Anyone asks me where to find you I'd say pick any southern wasicu racist red neck and have at it. They are bound to get you sooner rather than later.

  103. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "Wasicus in Southern South Duhkota aka Mississippi have decided all by themselves the best way to run Jackson, the largest black city in the state is for Whitey to appoint a special judicial enclave of wasicus."

    Did they call the legislation the "Jim Crow Nostalgia Act"? I really think they should, for the sake of accuracy.

  104. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Republicans have reached the circular firing squad stage of their fake QAnon pedo panic. Now they're accusing each other of being "groomers." Time to break out the popcorn and enjoy the carnage.

    DeSantis Responds to Trump Spreading Rumor He Drank With High School Girls

  105. Anonymous5:23 PM

    “Why do police have to handle situations with violence??“

    Because idiot whiteboys like to shoot babies and old ladies?

  106. Anonymous5:25 PM

    “Stop the thug mentallity and stop comitting crimes and you will be fine.“

    Exactly! And then the Republicans will be a serious political party again. The country will be better for it.

  107. Mental Toss Flycoon:

    Bill Would Ban Teaching of Scientific Theories

    February 8, 2023 at 10:41 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 277 Comments

    Montana Public Radio: “A bill in the state Legislature seeking to regulate science curriculum in public schools got its first hearing Monday. The legislation’s sponsor says by banning scientific theories, the policy aims to prevent kids from being taught things that aren’t true.”

    “More than 20 people testified against Senate Bill 235, concerned that it could keep teachers from including gravitational theory, evolution and cell theory in curriculum.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. Anonymous2:57 AM

    “… by banning scientific theories, the policy aims to prevent kids from being taught things that aren’t true.”

    Oh God, not this idiocy again.

    This talking point from the Christian fundie Cro-Mags is based on a (probably willful) misunderstanding of the meaning of a scientific theory as something “unproven” and “not a fact.”

    That is not what is meant as a universal rule. In many cases, “theory” is interchangeable with “law.” As in: stuff that is very much proven, to the extent we are able to prove it with existing technology.

    Exactly how far do Republicans want to reverse progress, anyway? Increasingly, it seems like they want to go back to the Middle Ages.

  109. Magat Gym Jordan and his merry band of unable to investigate investigators failed completely in their investigation into Twitter to prove Biden pressured Twitter to drop laptop story. Benghazi redux?


    Hunter Biden's lawyer, Abbe Powell, uses basically the same excuse drumpf used to deny congress access to his records.

  111. "Exactly how far do Republicans want to reverse progress, anyway? Increasingly, it seems like they want to go back to the Middle Ages."

    As far as they can but the 50's would suit them just fine. Pre-Sputnik of course so that they can avoid the push for technical and scientific education.

  112. Perhaps if they really want us to return to the fifties, we can start with a 91% top marginal tax rate...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  113. R.I.P. Burt Bacharach.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Magats want to make it legal to discriminate against POC some more. Magats that pushed for civil rights in the 60s are the Democrats of today and vice versa.

  115. Anonymous5:04 PM

    “ Perhaps if they really want us to return to the fifties, we can start with a 91% top marginal tax rate...”

    Yeah, that’s not the part of the ‘50s they want back. They don’t want the high taxation-and-spending, high minimum wage, strong labor union 1950s to return.

    They want the “blacks know their place,” “women are all housewives,” “gays meekly pretend to not exist” 1950s.

  116. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Covid vaccines affect POC more than any other group.

  117. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Maybe the next balloons will be carrying the Part B to react with the vaccine and boosters.

  118. Anonymous5:46 PM

    They want the “blacks know their place,” “women are all housewives,” “gays meekly pretend to not exist” 1950s.

    5:04 PM

    Thats what the Democrats have been doing for decades. They tell blacks what to do and control them.

  119. Anonymous6:32 PM

    “Maybe the next balloons will be carrying the Part B to react with the vaccine and boosters.”


    This is one of the funniest conspiracies I’ve heard yet.

  120. Jack Smith has subpoenaed Mike Pence.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  121. I may have mentiione4d this before....

    In other crime news, McCarthy's Cali district has a worse crime rate than does DC.

  122. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "In other crime news, McCarthy's Cali district has a worse crime rate than does DC."

    Also home to a police department with one of the worst police brutality records in the country. There is an unusually high number of trigger-happy, extra-shooty cops in the Bakersfield area.

    'The Killing County': How policing in one California county became notorious for its alleged brutality

  123. "Thats what the Democrats have been doing for decades. They tell blacks what to do and control them."

    And Republicans scare whites over trans people in bathrooms and legal theories only taught in law school will somehow indoctrinate kids. Jade Helm and caravans? If I were to be told what to do and be under control I'd choose the smarter of the two parties. LOL!

  124. More Republicans embarrassing themselves in public again. Lawmakers that don't understand laws, dear god.

  125. Sandra Huckabee's response to the SOTU was pretty stupid.

    Republican wretching about Biden's so-called weakness putting our national security and allies at risk rings hollow. It was Biden who put the extra security capacity in place that detected the Chinese spy balloons.

    Eat your hearts out MAGA idiots. If DeSantis is the best you got to inherit the emperor's crown, y'all are going to be eating a truckload of dog shit next year.

    MTG is less ugly when she is happy. I'm glad that she is having fun. I'm with Biden on republican heckling. Bring it on, bitches! My favorite was Boebert pouting with her tiny mouth when Biden shouted, "Finish the job! Ban assault weapons!" That old man has got some balls. I love that guy. The republican jeering was epic fail.

  126. Sarah Huckabee Sanders

  127. "Thats what the Democrats have been doing for decades. They tell blacks what to do and control them."

    Uh, when we elect them, they tell everyone what to do. It's called "legislating" and at least Democrats know how to do it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. Anonymous11:01 AM

    "MTG is less ugly when she is happy. I'm glad that she is having fun."

    Apparently, Marge dressed like the abominable snowman in a $500 white alpaca coat, she was somehow supposed to look like the Chinese spy balloon, which was obviously intended to shame weak, cowardly libtard Biden for not immediately starting WWIII in response to said balloon?

    Yeah, I don't get it, either.

    In any event, someone should inform MTG that she doesn't need to go to the extra effort of wearing a costume to remind us of a balloon. She's an airhead every day.

  129. Texass AG, Ken "Scarface Capone" Paxton agrees to settle lawsuit with 3 ex employees who were terminate3d after accusing Paxton of crimes as AG. He allegedly must apologize and the defendants get 3.3 million bucks from somewhere. Paxton is still under indictment for securities fraud.

    Guv A-Butt has told state employees not to consider diversity in state hiring. Makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside, donut?

  130. Margie Three Toes looked like she was wearing a fuzzy toilet seat cover...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. Texas magats passed a new election law without debate and by voice vote that says by November of 2026 all elections must use electronic machines that can't be erased and used over and that technology does not currently exist and no one has any plans to build such a machine. Plus it forces counties to by all new voting machines every election cycle at the costs of millions of dollars.

    I read this earlier and I will try to find the link again.

  132. More Republican fabulism. Maybe call it "Devoldering"...:

    A damning Washington Post report has questioned several aspects of freshman Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s (R-FL) life story, from her religious and ethnic identity to her impoverished upbringing. Luna’s claim that she grew up poor and isolated, with her father in and out of prison, was not supported by prison records or two relatives who spoke to the Post. When she served at Whiteman Air Force Base a decade ago, she described herself to friends as alternatively Middle Eastern, Jewish or Eastern European, the Post reported. She identified as a white Democrat in voting records but, after entering the political sphere around 2019, she legally changed her last name from Mayerhofer to her Hispanic mother’s family name of Luna and began identifying as Hispanic. Her claim to have a Messianic Jewish father was also disputed by three relatives and immigration records that indicated Luna’s paternal grandfather was a reluctant soldier in the Nazi regime. Her of-repeated story of enduring a traumatizing “home invasion” at Whiteman was also undercut by police records. Luna’s office declined to address the allegations to the Post.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. After some aides turned up some more classified documents there, the FBI is searching Mike Pence's Indiana home.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. "More Republican fabulism. Maybe call it "Devoldering"...:"

    Maybe I should play the game too. I am a WWII fighter pilot who shot down 20 German planes while serving as king of Zamunda, I was also Mr. Universe from 1977-2020, my record setting time in the 100m dash will probably never be broken. If you don't believe me just ask my wife, Beyonce, yeah that's it.........

  135. During the war I shot down a dozen of them fokkers. Excuse me Captain, let's enlighten our audience. The Fokkers you shot down were actual German planes, no?

    Nein, them Fokkers was in Messerschmitts.

    I made some of this up.

  136. drumpf reportedly had more classified docs and an aid had a laptop with classified docs on it taken by the FBI.

    FBI turned up more docs at Pence's house, too.

  137. Another "high altitude object" shot down, this one over northern Canada.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. Black men frolicking:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. 'My favorite was Boebert pouting with her tiny mouth when Biden shouted, "Finish the job! Ban assault weapons!"'

    Bobert, as opposed to Margie Three Toes, just barely won her election, and thus doesn't have as much Insane Clown Wiggle Room...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. God damn it, I broke a little E string and don't have a spare. Wait, when did I last change those strings? Uh, that would be 2011 or thereabouts. Yup, I'm as idiot. Luckily, I can get them from Amazon by Monday, so I'll only miss playing one day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  141. What's with these high flying objects all of a sudden? Now I'm scared to fly.

  142. Forget high flying objects. If I was meant to fly my parents likely would have born me with wings. I'm happy tooling around in my old wreck Jeep Cherokee.

  143. US shoots down high altitude something over Lake Huron yesterday. Likely another balloon.

  144. Anonymous4:12 PM


  145. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Why do negroes remain in the U.S.? If it is so terrible they should emigrate back to Africa, and be free from YT's oppression.

  146. Anonymous10:30 AM

    DNC are the biggest slavers on the planet.

  147. Anonymous10:06 PM

    They want the “blacks know their place,” “women are all housewives,” “gays meekly pretend to not exist” 1950s.

    No group in America hates the homos more than the negroes.

  148. Anonymous10:09 PM

    If the Republicans were serious about keeping out people who are undocumented (which they are not) they would punish employers who hire them. Slap a $100,000 fine on companies that engage in the hiring of the undocumented for each instance that it can be proven it occurs.

    Not that I would ever expect negroes to study anything -- too lazy -- but others who are not lazy and violent know how it works. It's forbidden to check the identification of an applicant. That's a fact, but you are negroes.

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