Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Musings about the news.

I have some observations about some of the stories in the news over the past few days.

First, if republicans ever want to make inroads with black folks in this country, they are going to have to start by doing the little things to make us know that they care about our history. 

I was watching the march in Selma, Alabama this past weekend, and not ONE single republican politician participated in that march. What are black folks supposed to think of that? Tim Scott, you better pay attention.

I am not sure how many people tuned in to the former guy's speech at CPAC gathering a few days ago, but if you did, you saw a guy who was clearly delusional and out of touch with reality. The scary thing is that even though the room was half empty, it was still half full, and those people who still believe in this guy scare me even more than he does.  His speech was dark dark and loaded with things that would make any fascist leader proud. 

Honestly, if you want the American experiment to continue, you better pray that this guy doesn't get close to the White House ever again. 

I saw some of Chris Rock's special on Netflix last night, and to say I was disappointed is an understatement. He picked on being woke, which is such a lazy and easy fall back for comedians these days. As if woke is a bad thing. New flash, it's not. Then he went in on Jada Pinkett-Smith.  Again. He actually called her a bitch this time, and in her hometown of Baltimore no less. Lord! The level of disrespect.  I get it, celebrities are fair game, and Will Smith was wrong for physically assaulting him at the Oscars. But Rock, to me, is one of these Negroes that's always cooning for the approval of a certain segment of the population. He is always so proud to tell black folks business. That bothers me. Those people love him, though. I suspect it's because he says out loud what they want to say but can't.  

Rock ended his show by declaring that he didn't fight Smith because white folks were watching. Yes, he really said that.  I rest my case when it comes to this fellow.

Finally, there is the F****r Carlson's edited version of what happened on January 6th. You really have to wonder how a guy like this is allowed to spew his lies and hate on a nightly basis to millions of gullible people. Ask yourself this: If January 6th was all a hoax, and those treasonous lunatics were just a bunch of sightseers, just what the hell was Josh Hawley running from? 


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    The good news is that, in Philadelphia, the negroes are mostly shooting each other.

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "First, if republicans ever want to make inroads with black folks in this country, they are going to have to start by doing the little things to make us know that they care about our history.

    I was watching the march in Selma, Alabama this past weekend, and not ONE single republican politician participated in that march. What are black folks supposed to think of that? Tim Scott, you better pay attention."

    They don't want to make any inroads with black folks. They know they can't, without majorly changing the direction of their policies.

    They keep tokens like Tim Scott around mainly to appeal to a segment of white voters, not black ones. The Republican voter base includes a bunch of racists, but racists alone not a big enough demographic to allow them to get elected. So they have to appeal to other groups who are not particularly racist (most of these people have other ugly views and prejudices, just not racism) and don't want to be associated with racism.

    So that is Tim Scott's purpose. He exists so that when white folks are challenged on why they keep voting for a party that regularly says and does hateful stuff, they can point to Tim Scott and say, "The GOP ain't racist. Look, there's a black guy!"

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    "Ask yourself this: If January 6th was all a hoax, and those treasonous lunatics were just a bunch of sightseers, just what the hell was Josh Hawley running from?"

    Josh Hawley running? Didn't happen. Well, not in Tucker's alternate-reality version of the videos anyway.

    You just know Tucker's paying a whole team of amoral weirdos to pull a James O'Keefe on that Jan 6th video footage Kevin McCarthy gave him. They'll edit the videos down until there's nothing left but happy rednecks waving flags or tying their shoes. All of the racist symbols, vandalism, and assaults on Capitol Police will have mysteriously disappeared. There will be no mention of people shouting "hang Mike Pence" or declaring they want to "shit on Pelosi's desk."

    Idiot Fox News watchers lapping up Tuckers' propaganda are no different than the brainwashed Russians glued to state-run TV and believing Putin when he says that Ukraine invaded them.

  4. One can only hope that as he has said he will, Kevin releases the full access to the video record to the rest of the media. Not that it will prevent the +/-27% of infinitely reprogrammable meatbags from taking Tucker's fabrications as holy writ, but they are already doing that with each daily lie that comes down the foxtube, and I highly doubt them to be salvageable as competent citizens anyway.
    So the real target for media programming supported by the video record that basically supports the findings of the J6 committee are the voters who are so busy and/or distracted that they still remain uncertain about what happened that day, and how many of them can there be?
    So I guess that just leaves the media itself, the erosion of trust in which has been a Republican goal for decades, because if we don't share a common description of the world on even that sort of trivial level, then the chances of us banding together against the ones lying to us grow comfortably (for them) remote.
    Roger Waters is a misguided old prick, and I wish he would shut the fuck up about things that he doesn't know shit about, but he was absolutely correct when he said all those years ago: "Together we stand, divided we fall."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. I only watched the lynching of Will Smith, but if Chris Rock is using a NetFlix comedy hour just to majorly rag on everyone who pisses him off, all I can say is that is some major bitch-ass shit. He can be funny as hell when he is trying.

    And now I'm supposed to believe that Murdoch, Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson have all privately allowed that the election was clearly not stolen and Trump was merely gaslighting the entire fiasco. And after all of that shit hasn't had time to settle, Carlson releases his first installment of the school field trip version of J6?

    Somebody is just lyin' their ass off. I'm to the point where I just don't believe any of it any more.

  6. To Flying Junior,
    To me it seems pretty simple -- A sitting president who had just lost an national reelection campaign tried to overthrow the United Stated government by fomenting a coup that failed. Now the X president and his supporters are still trying to cover their tracks and escape the consequences.
    We have seen a great deal video of the event thanks to the Democratic congressional committee's investigation. But Republicans, supported by FOX false news are telling us not to believe our lying eyes. This is a last ditch effort to aid Trump, but it will most likely fail. I think Trump will be indicted and convicted because the evidence against him is overwhelming.

    Have a good cay, My Friend.

  7. Justice Department issues scathing review of Louisville Pig Department citing bad treatment of not just Blacks, but, handicapped as well.


  8. Truth to power, Mr field, as always.

  9. MTG was handed the House gavel today.. That should boost her resume and dispel any doubts about her love for America.

  10. "Tim Scott, you better pay attention."

    He IS paying attention. He would have been there if he really cared. He also knows the Democrats are helping him keep his seat. Who did they run against him this time? A Black woman with a history of making controversial comments about white people. Yeah sure, that's a winning candidate. The S.C. Democratic party is complicit in this nonsense.
    I'm glad there was nothing to Jan 6. And according to Tuck, Hawley was a hero for being the last person to run from the sightseers.

  11. Anonymous10:01 PM

    How many negroes shot negroes yesterday in Philadelphia? Not that any of you care. Black lives don't mean shit to you.

  12. A place in Yosemite, about ten miles from here, got over 100 inches of snow in the last few storms that have gone over. In the next few days, the forecast is for more than eight inches of rain.
    I'm 62, meaning that I was three in 1964 when the same sort of "early deep snowpack, followed by massive warm rains" pattern happened. It's now commonly referred to as "the 64 flood" and it washed the whole north part of the state off of the map. You can see pictures of it online, and there are a bunch of crazy "high water mark" signs along highway 101 that are so far up the hill from the road that they seem like they have to be some kind of joke. They are not.
    I don't know whether this system will unleash that scale of devastation on the state, but the circumstances seem eerily similar.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Clucker testified under oath in court admitting to being 100% bullshit. What needs to be said about Clucker begins and ends there.

    There appears to be a distinct lack of urgency in the various prosecutions of Insane Clown. The GA Special Grand Jury having spent 9 months to produce their report, DA Willis now will take her sweet time until May at least while she ponders whether (or not) to present that report to a regular grand jury and another 9 months. "J6" Special Prosecutor Smith is tilting at windmills chasing Pence to testify and not only Pence but also Insane Clown will tie up in court. Manhattan DA Bragg has already dropped the tax/bank fraud that his predecessor Vance was ready to go because maybe Insane Clown didn't intend to break the law. And then it becomes too close to the election and not fair to Insane Clown for an indictment. It sounds like those retribution threats are being taken to heart by these prosecutors. Also no doubt not lost on De Satan who if he sees there will be no indictments will no doubt let Insane Clown run unopposed. After fucking up the Mueller investigation and 2 impeachments and if that fat bastard emerges yet again unscathed we can kiss 2024 and beyond goodbye.

  14. Doug,

    I was worried about Los Angeles with mudslides and flooding. I guess that's still a possibility, though it may be that all of the mud slides have already slid down their respective hills in January and February. The Sierra Nevada saw large conflagrations in 2021 and my see some serious landslides in this atmospheric river event.

    Our kids almost went to Big Bear Lake to go skiing a week or so ago right before the blizzard warnings. They would still be stuck up there now if they had made it. I saw numbers like 500 inches of snow in Mammoth. 40 feet!?! Is that even possible?

    Here is a good breakdown and possible predictions from the Los Angeles times two days ago.


    I remember it raining in 1964. But I didn't watch the news very much, being five.

  15. Hey! It's thundersnowing in Mammoth tonight. What the hell is thundersnow?

  16. Anonymous4:46 AM

    "Hey! It's thundersnowing in Mammoth tonight. What the hell is thundersnow?"

    A snowstorm with some lightning strikes?

    AKA a bad time to build a snow fort.

  17. 1964 is the year Anchorage Alaska's harbor went dry because of humongous earthquake.
    We get thundersnow nearly every year. We had one short stint in January with a couple flashes of lightning while it snowed and one real oud thunderboomer.

  18. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/events/alaska1964/1964pics.php

    Mag 9.2 quake and tsunami killed people in Alaska California and Oregon.

  19. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/mitch-mcconnell-hospitalized-after-fall-dc-hotel/story?id=97730954

    Should have been the crowbar hotel. Happy relapse, bitch.

  20. The R's have attracted quite a specimen in NC. Please watch a few videos of the lt. Gov.
    He is running for gov now.

  21. "DA Willis now will take her sweet time until May at least while she ponders whether (or not) to present that report to a regular grand jury and another 9 months."

    DA Willis has about two weeks at the outside before the goddamn Republicans in the state legislature vote to give themselves the power to remove her.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. The Governator has some encouraging words for the Pig People. Futile, but impressive anyway:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Anonymous6:30 PM

    “DA Willis has about two weeks at the outside before the goddamn Republicans in the state legislature vote to give themselves the power to remove her.”

    Unclear how this helps Trump, though.

    If the legislature is only giving itself the power to remove the sitting DA, but not appoint her replacement, then the voters will still be electing her replacement.

    I think Fulton County is a pretty Democratic area, so won’t the next DA just end up being another Democrat who continues the Trump prosecution?

    Maybe I am not understanding something here.

  24. Anonymous8:17 PM

    How many Philadelphia negroes were shot to death today by other Philadelphia negroes? Will Field Negro blame it on whitey? Guess what? It doesn't matter. Keep up the good work!

  25. Manifest Density10:57 PM

    "You really have to wonder how a guy like this is allowed to spew his lies and hate on a nightly basis to millions of gullible people."

    Maybe it's because the USA doesn't want to admit they got taken by the Aussie. Punkinhead Don was a money maker for Murdoch. Murdoch and everybody in his organization made a lot of money and gained a lot of influence betting on this p(h)ony. So much that they bought the oval office.

  26. Maybe she wants to be removed. If so it wouldn't come as any surprise. Typical Democrat will to lose. If not she damn well better move her fat ass.

  27. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Hey there, Doug from Iowa. Just for you! 34:10


  28. I think they way the bills are written is about "prosecutorial oversight" so it's not just Ms. Willis, it's any prosecutor they don't happen to agree with, like, say, the one investigating one of the goddamn Republicans who helped write the bills for signing the fake electors documents.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. They say it's about dumping woke prosecutors. But Willis is not that. Mean Margie Green is the driving force behind it which tells you everything you need to know. I hope Willis delivers the goods I will be very happy to be proven wrong but after one fuckup after another by Democrats I will believe it when I see it.

  30. Virginia judge is keeping legal slavery alive with ruling frozen embryos are chattel, jut like slaves were.


  31. U.S. Job Growth Remains Solid
    Employers added 311,000 jobs in February, another stronger-than-expected showing, but the robust labor market further complicates the Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates.

  32. JD Vance claims response to East Palestine train derailment happened because the victims were too white.


  33. Lowerend Boobalert, magat from Colorado is fixing to become a granny at age 36. Her son's gf is preggers. More of them magat family values at play.

  34. First of its kind lawsuit for wrongful death by abortion has been filed in Texass.


    Does this open the floodgates across magat America?

  35. Magat Tennessee LT Guv loves to post comments on Instagram pics of nearly nekkid gay man. Some of his comments make it sound like he was
    in heat and begging for a cock to calm him down.


    More magat family values at work.

  36. Anonymous4:33 AM

    “First of its kind lawsuit for wrongful death by abortion has been filed in Texass.

    Does this open the floodgates across magat America?”

    Hard to say. Texas has already signaled that it thinks it’s a good idea for private citizens to act as anti-abortion “bounty hunters” and sue people who have aided in abortions in some way. That’s somewhat different from this wrongful debt suit, but Texas’ “bounty hunter” law works in a similar way in imposing civil penalties on those who aid in obtaining abortions, and it was passed even before Roe was overturned.

    I expect other states may watch and see whether such a very unorthodox scheme blows up in Texas’ collective face before allowing their own states’ private citizens to also engage in anti-abortion “bounty hunting.” These may result in some very unpopular, unfair-looking outcomes, such as people being sued into the poorhouse for loaning money to a friend or family member, which was then construed as facilitating an abortion when the money got spent on one.

    Basically, there are a lot of opportunities here for Republicans to end up looking like thuggish assholes, even to people who usually vote Republican.

  37. Moar magat family values shows why Gill Foil is a perfect candidate for drumpf family's morals.

    A New Yorker report, published a month before the 2020 election suggested that Guilfoyle was fired from Fox because of sexual harassment allegations made by a former assistant. The report said that Guilfoyle showed lewd photos of male genitalia to her colleagues, discussed sexual matters at work, and urged the assistant “to submit to a Fox employee’s demands for sexual favors,” and exposed her naked body to the assistant, asking for a critique.

    On a different level, I wish people that claim to know stfu about coming indictments and jail sentences for drumpf.

  38. "...and exposed her naked body to the assistant, asking for a critique."

    ...after which said assistant required treatment for eye bleeding...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Doug, you know yer safe until floodwaters start climbing yer mountain. Then you can panic.

  40. We're a ways up the hill from Lewis Creek, so I'm not worried about that. I just hope Briana can get the car dug out and drive it to town for groceries tomorrow.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. It was last month, Field. And it was my daughter. She was going to drive to Big Bear Lake on Februaury 23rd. I warned her to check the weather. It turned out that the National Weather Service issued a rare blizzard warning for that weekend. Whiteout conditions. It was already snowing on Tuesday and Wednesday with the Grapevine completely closed. I was musing that if she had miraculously made it to Big Bear before the deluge, she would probably have been stuck there for three weeks. The locals were cut off from the rest of the world. People that lived in Big Bear were starting to run out of food. The snowplows on the roads had forced the snow into houses. People couldn't dig out. Many communities were affected from Lake Arrowhead to Big Bear. Eventually a food distrubution center was set up.

  42. There's a guy up at the Christian Camp with a front end loader who has been digging cars out of the snowbank made by the plow as it goes by. It's rained a lot in the past two days, but we may need the guy to dig us out before we can go for groceries, as the snow is so heavy and icy now that shoveling it probably won't work. Wish us luck.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. All the lick to all you residents of mountainous areas, just don't pass this along. Gawd and I aren't on speaking terms and she's a vindictive woman. I wouldn't want her to chastise you guys for knowing me.

  44. Desatanist and iowa shrew bitch guv were given a snowflake at an iowa rally. In the snowflake is the word fascist, if you look for it, it appears pretty ob vious.


  45. Anonymous9:00 PM

    In other parts of the country, we are seeing headlines about the roofs of California buildings in imminent danger of caving in under the weight of many feet of snow.

    Some pretty wild pictures of homes on the verge of being crushed.

  46. With the kind assistance of a couple of guys in a PG&E truck, Briana made it to town and back. We have groceries and will survive another week.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. You gonna go see Desantis Mike?😂

  48. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Question: When do the niggas fight each other at the Oscars? Need to watch that one.

  49. “We have groceries and will survive another week“

    Good to hear.

  50. Pale Males and Pall Malls8:37 AM

    Racist John Wayne got in a scuffle with security guards at the 1973 Oscars. Now while it wasn't aired during the broadcast, he had to be restrained from attacking a woman who was on stage speaking out against racism. But I guess that doesn't count and should be filed along with things white folks do but blacks better not.

  51. I believe the lady in question was Sacheen Littlefeather, a Native American, chosen buy Marlon Brando to turn down his Oscar.

  52. Will I see Desatanist? In hell, I hope.

  53. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Silicon Valley bank fails due to investing in woke companies.

    Go Woke Go BROKE

  54. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Question: When do the niggas fight each other at the Oscars? Need to watch that one.

    11:15 PM

    Can hardly wait for a shooting...............

  55. Anonymous2:51 PM

    “Silicon Valley bank fails due to investing in woke companies.

    Go Woke Go BROKE”

    Dumbest analysis ever.

    Tech companies earning less and having to lay off workers has jack shit to do with them being “woke.” That’s just your weird, racist axe-grinding, wrong-headed explanation for everything.

    Silicon Valley companies have been contracting recently, but that’s only because they had over-expanded during the pandemic lockdowns and now those lockdowns are over. (Remember when everyone was trapped in their homes, playing video games and watching streaming movies and attending Zoom meetings? You know who made a ton of money off that? Tech companies.)

    Anyway, when Silicon Valley companies started earning less, they had to pull some of their funds out of Silicon Valley Bank. And the bank didn’t have liquid funds to give them, because it had foolishly invested all their deposits in long-term securities. This triggered a classic bank run by customers worried they wouldn’t be able to get their money out, and thus the bank failed.

  56. Pale Males and Pall Malls3:10 PM

    That's right Mike. And Marion "one too many" Morrison was born in Iowa. And here I thought everybody from Iowa was cool.

  57. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I suppose our troll will now seamlessly pivot from “wokeness causes bank failures” to “there was no COVID! Actually, Bill Gates made everyone ill through radio transmissions from 5G cell towers, all so that Microsoft could sell more Xboxes!”

    The paranoid, right-wing conspiracy theories are truly neverending.

  58. Pale Males and Pall Malls3:19 PM

    An...us said...
    An---us said...@ 11:50AM

    "Can hardly wait... "

    While you're waiting think about this. Before there was Chiraq there was Chitaly and Chireland. Now you're woke.

  59. SVB went tits up because Fergus took a meat-axe to Dodd Frank, with help from a compliant (read that bribed) congress. Full stop.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Another day, another shooting by a pre-K toddler gunslinger. This one happened in … where else? … the capital of American gun-nuttery, Texas.

    Texas Tragedy as 3-Year-Old Shoots 4-Year-Old Sister Dead

  61. iowa gets to claim the Everly bros as far more important members of society than MMM.

  62. magat snowflake wins the Darwin Award for using Ivermectin for years and died because his heart grew to 2x normal size. It is apparently a well known side effect and his merry band of followers might be suffering side effects as well.


    Bet drumpf is creaming his jeans to have such a loyal follower.

  63. Smartmatic defamation suit against Fake Noize got the go ahead today from NY Supreme Court. Fake Noize is in serious trouble without another lawsuit they could easily lose.


  64. Wasicu teens pull Black teen off subway and then beat him and spew the N-word, all caught on camera....


  65. Anonymous7:34 PM

    “magat snowflake wins the Darwin Award for using Ivermectin for years and died because his heart grew to 2x normal size. It is apparently a well known side effect and his merry band of followers might be suffering side effects as well.”

    This fool was’t just planning on taking ivermectin as a (useless) treatment in the event he caught COVID. He took it EVERY DAY as a preventative against catching it. I don’t think the drug is ever prescribed this way even for the diseases it does work on (basically parasites found in developing world nations with poor sanitation).

    This is nuts.

    Why oh why do idiots trust “Internet research” over talking to an actual doctor?

  66. iowa magats pushed a bill through the lege last year called the "Right To Try" bill which enables certain patients to use untested, unproven and potentially unsafe drugs, like Ivermectin. No word if the state or the magAT party is footing funerals for the gullible.

    Back wen dumbass dubya was appointed potus, a law w passed allowing one funeral home to buy as many parlors and monopolize the business. If memory serves the owner was a friend and likely donor to dubya.

  67. Anonymous3:27 PM

    “Dumbest analysis ever.“

    what do you expect from the three word chant moron crowd?

  68. Meanwhile our neighbors to the North:

    The New York Times
    Canadians have a “God-given” right to give someone the middle finger, a Quebec judge ruled, as he acquitted a man who was accused of threatening and harassing his neighbor. “To be abundantly clear, it is not a crime to give someone the finger," he ruled.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous6:46 PM

    “what do you expect from the three word chant moron crowd?”

    I expect trolls to do exactly what he did: repeat silly lies from wingnut politicians/media.

    Everything is the fault of “wokeness” now. Wokeness causes train derailments, bank failures. Probably traffic jams and erectile dysfunction, too.

    At this point, wingnut commentators don’t even explain how these inane theories are even supposed to work. They just say “woke” and everyone is supposed to nod along like it obviously makes sense that “wokeness” can cause food poisoning or tornadoes or jock itch or whatever.

    Totally plausible, if you have only one working neuron in your brain, I guess.

  70. Anyone else hear McCarthy fired Gym Jordan as head of judiciary witch hunt?

  71. That is the question, isn't it?


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. “Anyone else hear McCarthy fired Gym Jordan as head of judiciary witch hunt?“

    That would be awesome!😆

  73. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/13/us/politics/house-trump-finances-investigation.html

    Magats quietly end investigation into drumpf's financial dealings, essentially protecting hos stanky ass from justice.

  74. Randy Rainbow strikes again:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. MTG has lost her mind, if she ever had one. She apparently blurted out sensitive and maybe confidential info to a border patrol big wig in Texas at a hearing. It was about explosive device and the agent was not going to brief her on that info which he declined to acknowledge. She declared she wasn't going to be confidential because people need to know.


    Most decent humans knew she was a fucking problem and should never have been given security clearance.

  76. "Most decent humans knew she was a fucking problem and should never have been given security clearance."

    Welcome to the GOP.

  77. drumpf appointed, anti-abortion, religious freedumb, biased ideologue circuit judge in Texas held his hearing on morning after pill, yesterday. According to the Texas Observer, he was quite deferential to the anti-abortion side.

    The judge, who has worked as legal counsel to anti-abortion groups, tried to set date for hearing without fanfare to prevent protesters from showing up.

    The right wing extremist group behind this lawsuit is based in Maryland and should have filed in Maryland. But, three months ago they decided to move some operations to this Texass judge's town so they could guarantee he would adjudicate in their favor.

    magats say if he rules against the abortion drug, that will shut down selling the drug everywhere in America. And if this suit gets appealed it goes to the drumpf'/dumbass dubya appointed 5th circuit court of appeals
    and then to the activist magat controlled scotus.

  78. Larnt something new today... Revolutionary War hero, General Baron Von Steuben, was openly homosexual at a time homosexuality was allegedly illegal in both America and Europe, where Von Steuben was from.

    Never too old to learn.

  79. Anonymous1:58 PM

    “Revolutionary War hero, General Baron Von Steuben, was openly homosexual at a time homosexuality was allegedly illegal in both America and Europe, where Von Steuben was from.”

    Is that the character from the TV show “Ghosts”?

    Oh wait, no, that’s Isaac Higgintoot.

  80. In Dobb's decision, magats said abortion issue is anstate's right decision and the courts need to stay out, but, decision by drumpf judge, who does not have jurisdiction of a case that has no legal basis and was allowed in years after FDA statute of limitations expired shows magat's word is not worth the paper opinions are written on.

  81. Anonymous4:07 AM

    “In Dobb's decision, magats said abortion issue is anstate's right decision and the courts need to stay out, but, decision by drumpf judge, who does not have jurisdiction of a case that has no legal basis and was allowed in years after FDA statute of limitations expired shows magat's word is not worth the paper opinions are written on.”

    I mean, it really remains to be seen if SCOTUS will uphold a ruling from this clown on appeal.

    Soooo many things wrong with this case, from the highly dubious arguments supporting the plaintiffs’ standing to even bring the case; to the judge deciding whether a drug is safe/effective and whether it should have been approved, which aren’t legal questions at all; to the fact that the plaintiffs’ factual evidence opposing the drug approval is nothing but a pack of lies.

    If SCOTUS does uphold the ruling, that will be shocking. And it seems to me it would trigger an instant constitutional crisis. The judiciary would be violating the separation of powers and usurping the functions of the executive branch. It is not the job of federal judges to make federal regulations.

  82. Anonymous4:48 AM

    The Onion really nails Republicans with this one:

    Conservative Historian Claims Diversity Ultimately Doomed Third Reich

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  86. There is a history of Spain under then Generalissimo Francisco Franco out now on NetFlix. Interestingly, it takes place in Argentina which was the subject of an award-winning film, Argentina, 1985, a fictional work portraying the trial of the Butchers of Buenos Aires, that is to say the Fascists in power who had killed or disappeared their political enemies and prisoners in the military junta of 1976-1983.

    However, the film about Spain is not a drama with actors, but actual survivor's of Spain from the 1940s until the death of Franco in 1979. Argentina was chosen as the best venue for the trials.

    One of the figures, Antonio Vallejo-Nájera, was a leader in the Francoist eugenics movement from 1938 on. Having met with German psychiatrists in WWI, he was familiar with German theories about the Vaterland and racial hygiene. But the Catholic church could not support the brutal extermination policies of the Third Reich. Instead the regime practiced a type of purification that was based on political conformity to the state. Leftists and communists were considered to be mentally defective degenerates. Death was still the favored punishment, but other fates included exile or a degrading life in harsh prisons wherein the reds were forced to toil to support their existence. In views very similar to those held by the Third Reich, motherhood was seen as the foundation for regenerating the race.

    So instead of systematic and lethal oppression of the Nazis, babies were abducted and taken away from their red parents. Neither was the scale of the atrocity equal to that of Germany. Yet as many as 30,000 babies were stolen from their parents, with almost 13,000 documented cases. These babies were raised in orphanages or the Catholic homes of citizens loyal to the dictator. This was intended to produce a political regeneration of the youth, despite a belief that they carried a "red" gene.

    To me this holds more than a eery similarity with what is going on with the American right in the 21st century. Quite a few politicians and ordinary citizens on the extreme edge of the conservative movement today no longer consider the rest of us, slightly to the left of Jimmy Carter and Diane Feinstein to be human beings. We are denigrated as a creep-show of dangerous Marxists and communists. Gone is the respect for fellow Americans of a different stripe. E Pluribus Unum ain't it any more. These hard-right ideologues genuinely hate us and place no value on being the United States of America.

  87. Dome of the strongest evidence Covid came from animals for sale in Wuhan market....not Lab.


  88. Derek Chauvin convicted of tax fraud....


  89. FJ: ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin for the war crime of the abduction of Ukrainian children.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Echoes from the past.

    What do Russia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel, North Korea and Turkey all have in common with the United States?

    None of these countries is a member of the ICC. Most of the civilized world is among the 123 member states and signers of this important treaty.

  91. Off topic, but crop of windbreak growing on my chin turns/ed 50 years old this year.

    It has survived several ugly fucking magat potii and congressvarmints and untold numbers of deaths because magats don't believe in science.

  92. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Former Reagan operative, and former Texas legislator and Lieutenant Governor, Ben Barnes admitted that he was part of a delegation that went to the Middle East to persuade the Iranians to extend the hostage crisis in 1980, in an effort to prevent Jimmy Carter’s re-election. Such a plot has been suspected for years, but this is an official, on-the-record admission.

    This is just a reminder that the Republican Party has been shitty for decades. It has gotten worse over time, but the rot didn’t start with Trump.

    Lawmaker Confirms ‘October Surprise’ Plot to Sabotage Jimmy Carter’s Reelection

  93. Yeah, the goddamn Republicans ratfucked Jimmy Carter, sort of like they extended the Vietnam war to get Nixon elected.
    With each new confirmation, one thing becomes ever more clear: the left has been right about the right all along.
    But did they listen? Oh hell no. They called us "alarmist" and "strident" and "vituperative, foul mouthed bloggers on the left" and a host of other invective to distract from the substance of our accusations.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. Son tells me I am going to be a GGF for the second time. Lucky MOI.

  95. Raygun and Hitler Weasel Bush should have been impeached and jailed for life. Not only for ratfucking Carter but also ratfucking America in Iran Contra affair later.

    North and CIA director Casey deserved the death penalty Casey apparently got his when he mysteriously died just before appearing before congress to be asked about his tole in the chicanery.

  96. One of Brigham Young's sons was a drag queen.

  97. Volvo has a 23 metric ton all electric excavator.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. Doug, are your weather conditions improving? I hope so. Must be closing in on Spring as I saw my first groundhog today. Groundhogs here, marmots in the mountainous regions.

  99. Yeah, we have one more (at least) storm coming through this week, with about another foot of snow, but the sun is out and the car didn't require any digging for Briana to drive it to town today. Spring arrived at 2:24PM local time.
    The snow banks lining the neighbor's driveway are about ten feet tall.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Remember, guys, Tim Scott says, "Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy."

    I don't think we need to ponder too long to understand why he wasn't at that Selma march.

  101. Anonymous2:08 PM

    So, is Trump getting arrested today or ...?

    Actually, I'm pretty skeptical that these Stormy Daniels charges are going to amount to much. He may be acquitted or walk away with a slap on the wrist. The big kahuna(s) of pending charges are the New York state investigation into his corrupt business practices and the Georgia state and federal investigations into his attempts to subvert the 2020 election.

    I'll still enjoy seeing Trump turn himself in for arrest in Manhattan, though.

  102. A couple of days ago I came across this song I hadn't heard since I was in my 20's. I'd completely forgotten how much I loved The Redskins. Righteous music. THE POWER IS YOURS!


  103. "But If we fail to organize we will waste our lives on protest songs."

  104. No indictments or riots yet... could it be that someone was lying?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  105. Magats in congress are running interference for drumpf, trying to get prosecutor in Stormy Daniels case to testify in front of election deniers under Gym Jordan.

    McCarthy says drumpf shouldn't be indicted because HRC was never arrested for crimes she did not get indicted for nor convicted of.

    Not that anyone needed anymore proof magats are incapable of governing or even have the desire to govern.

  106. One of China's largest banks has offices in drumpf tower. When drumpf was unofficial potus wealthy Russians went to Florida and rented from drumpf so their wives could deliver anchor babies with US and Russian citizenship.

  107. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3910819-graham-warns-trump-arrest-would-blow-up-our-country/

    If GHraham and magats had done their sworn constitutional duty a few years back, this country would not have become the shithole drumpf and followers are making of it.

  108. Michael Cherthoff, the magat that signed off on alleged scotus investigation of Dobb's decision leak, has been secretly working for the court for 5 fucking years.

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