Tuesday, March 21, 2023

? Of The Day

Now that there is finally a sign that the former guy might be held accountable for his past actions, I have a question: Do you believe that he will actually be charged and convicted in any of these pending criminal probes? And if your answer is  no, why not? 


  1. Yes, I think Trump has met his Waterloo. For some time, I have been predicting that he would finally fall. He's stupid, but he has stayed out of jail by surrounding himself with enough bright people to avoid facing the consequences of his behavior.

    My question is: Why was he so dumb as to leave sensitive government documents lying around his office? If he shot and killed someone, would he leave the murder weapon lying on his dresser?

  2. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Nope. Won't be able to sit a jury without a magahead on board to scratch the guilty verdict.

  3. Maybe. If the money people in the conservative movement really want him out of the way he's going down. I guess this may be the way they can override the will of the masses. I don't know who to root for.

  4. Perhaps. There is certainly enough evidence to convict him of something. My prediction is that whatever legal outcome befalls him won't feel very satisfying, so we have to remember that this isn't about satisfaction, it is instead about justice, and correcting a long running trend where misbehaving Republican officials are concerned.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Anonymous2:01 AM

    "Nope. Won't be able to sit a jury without a magahead on board to scratch the guilty verdict."

    Don't know about that. A couple of the more serious investigations would result in trials held in New York and Washington, DC. There's not likely to be all that many MAGAheads on a jury selected in either of those jurisdictions, and if one does end up there, it might not be hard for the prosecution to suss out that person's political leanings and cobble together an excuse to get them expelled from the jury.

    Trump might well end up with juries packed with Trump-haters.

  6. Sure hope so but given Democrats and their continuing will to lose I will have to see it to believe it. Manhattan DA Bragg seems to me the stronger case is the tax / bank fraud one that he dropped because maybe Insane Clown thought he was committing the legal kind of tax / bank fraud or some shit like that. Atlanta DA Willis no idea what the fuck is going on in that head of hers after 9 months the Special Grand Jury produced their report and now she is pondering what to do with it. She had 9 months to figure that out for Christ sake. And now Insane Clown's legal team is trying to kill it and she will have to sit on it some more while that makes its way all the way up to the Supreme Court. Then it becomes too close to the election and unfair to indict the poor bastard.

  7. Manifest Density7:01 AM

    Donnie Favors dropped the ball with the 'Rona virus. Although there's no law against stupidity maybe there's truth to the rumor that Karma and Schadenfreude are having a baby and naming it Donald.

    I think the classified doc's and the taxes get him both indicted and convicted. No time.

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    If Trump gets convicted for the election interference stuff, he is going to prison.

    With the rest of the criminal charges, I don’t know. This is pretty small fry stuff. I don’t think he’ll get jail time for paying hush money to a porn star or retaining federal documents he shouldn’t have. I think he’ll blame Michael Cohen or plead “stupidity” and get probation. A jury would have good reason to believe stupidity as an excuse when it comes to Trump!

    The stuff Tish James is pursuing against him, I think it is civil only? Not sure. But that would mean no jail time, although he would get destroyed financially.

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Trump could also go to prison on bank fraud and tax fraud if the feds decide to go after those.

    I think he has the most to fear from the federal investigations.

  10. drumpf's lawyer will likely try the "affluenza" defense and claim drumpf was so rich so young he was never held accountable by his parents. Worked for 16 year old mass murderer in Texas.

  11. Anonymous3:48 PM

    “drumpf's lawyer will likely try the ‘affluenza’ defense and claim drumpf was so rich so young he was never held accountable by his parents. Worked for 16 year old mass murderer in Texas.”

    When you’re a 76-year-old man with no ethical values running a real estate development firm and/or the entire U.S. federal government, I don’t think it works as well as it does for a dopey teenager who drove his car too fast one time. Also, that teenager was lucky the case landed in front of exactly the right lenient judge.

    Trump will undoubtedly try his tried and true “THIS IS A POLITICALLY MOTIVATED DEMOCRAT WITCH HUNT!!!” defense, but hopefully the judge will immediately shut down any such grandstanding.

  12. Tish James is after $250 million for his fraudulent behavior in his New York business dealings. Like the action against his "university" and his "charity", it is a civil action. He straight up lost the previous cases, and if that trend continues he may be barred from doing business in New York.
    The media is really fucking the dog on Fergus right now. Every news show is all Fergus all the time, as if there weren't any real news happening anywhere.
    And that's how he "won" the 2016 election: every bit of his petty misbehavior earned him billions of dollars worth of free media.
    Guys? Please don't do that again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Anonymous10:54 PM

    “Every news show is all Fergus all the time, as if there weren't any real news happening anywhere.”

    Well, if Trump is getting arrested, that is definitely newsworthy. I have no objections to the media reporting that.

    What was unacceptable back in 2015/16 was the media tendency toward unnecessarily covering manufactured stories along the lines of: “Trump said something outrageous again! Can you believe it?!” And without even having the good grace to point out the multitude of ways he was lying.

  14. Charged? Probably. Convicted? Good lord, I hope so. But a jury could contain quite a few supporters, I don't see how prosecutors could manage to strike them all in voir dire.

    A trial would help him politically with his base, rallying support from the pissed off Republican base. It would also probably hurt him with political moderates in the general, though I can't imagine there are that many people left without a firm like/dislike opinion of the man already. There is always the hope that a trial may actually work, and the Orange Menace goes to jail for some amount of time. I imagine the next R president would pardon him, but who knows when that might be?

  15. Manifest Density9:31 PM

    "Now that there is finally a sign that the former guy might be held accountable for his past actions..."

    It's time to widen the search within the ranks of the MAGA hacks in Congress who worship at the altar of the Orangutan with the Orange tan. Donnie Favors aka Donnie Two Times certainly bears the brunt of the blame but there's folks in the bushes lurking in the shadows who are going to be a little uncomfortable when Comrade Trumpolini turns into Valachi and rats them out.

  16. California can't seem to get a break....


    DDT is some nasty shit. Just ask any American eagles you happen to see.

  17. Utah congressional magat is dead set against student loan forgiveness after he, hizownself, filed for bankruptcy five times in one year.


  18. Yeah, they just looked at the ocean and saw a hazardous waste dump. Thousands of barrels of DDT all sitting on the ocean floor rotting, and now the scientists are saying that the DDT didn't break down like they thought it would.
    It took Rachel Carson to hip us to the idea that DDT might be bad for birds, now who will figure out how it's bad for marine life?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. McCTurtlefuckface was released from rehab facility for concussion symptoms when they looked at Cat Scan and determined his brain, like Capone's was eaten up by syphilis and replaced with a syphilitic hazelnut.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth8:56 PM

    Yes, I believe he will be charged. A lot is happening behind the scenes that they're not talking about. Why let your left hand know what your right hand is doing? Loose lips sink ships. Also, I believe that more than just him will be charged.

  21. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Next question: Will there be "death and destruction" when Trump is arrested?

    This guy sure thinks so.

  22. Manifest Density9:40 AM

    Greetings to Mike from Iowa. Thought about you this morning. CBS Sunday Morning had a segment on the Everly Brothers and the release of a new remastered album featuring their music. Were you one of their fans? Did you see it?

  23. Thanks MD. I was a big fan of the Everlys growing up and was saddened when they had their rancorous dissolution of their career. I had not heard of the new stuff. Thanks for the heads up.

  24. Go Anti-Woke, Go Broke?2:07 PM

    Elon Musk admits Twitter is now worth half what he paid for it. Excellent job, Elon. How long will it take you to get that value down to zero?

  25. Anonymous6:51 PM

    LOL, Trump is going to be unhappy. Several of his historical business ventures are featured as exhibits in the Museum of Failure.

  26. What is it with goddamn Republicans and propping up the regime in Iran?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous9:52 PM

    “What is it with goddamn Republicans and propping up the regime in Iran?”

    What now?

  28. Now they can have enough fissile material for a bomb in like two weeks, but the goddamn Republicans have been doing stupid shit that redounds to the Iranians' benefit for decades. Iran- Contra? The Iraq invasion? All propped up the regime and benefited them geopolitically.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Anonymous2:39 AM

    “Now they can have enough fissile material for a bomb in like two weeks, but the goddamn Republicans have been doing stupid shit that redounds to the Iranians' benefit for decades. Iran- Contra? The Iraq invasion? All propped up the regime and benefited them geopolitically.”

    Oh, I thought maybe they’d done some new stupid thing in the last few days.

    In the last few decades, they’ve certainly managed to screw up pretty comprehensively. Instead of offering to remove U.S. sanctions in return for Iran agreeing not to develop nukes or arm/fund terrorists, or whatever, Republicans insist on “getting tough” on Iran by maintaining the sanctions indefinitely, until the regime collapses and the ayatollahs are forced out of power.

    But when that doesn’t work and democracy continues to not break out in Iran, Republicans are left achieving nothing and the ayatollahs keep contributing to the instability and violence in the Middle East.

  30. Apparent teen girl shooter, armed with 2 assault rifles and a handgun, shot three kids, 3 adults plus herself.


  31. Anonymous2:41 PM

    "Apparent teen girl shooter, armed with 2 assault rifles and a handgun, shot three kids, 3 adults plus herself."

    Not a teen girl, not a student at the school. Unclear whether she even has any connection with the school.

    Police have identified the shooter as a 28-year-old woman. Probably another insane person who lost it and decided to commit a mass murder.

  32. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Is this in the standard policing practices manual? Well, it is Mississippi, so it might be.

    Deputies accused of shoving guns in mouths of 2 Black men, the AP reports

  33. Update, Nashville shooter was 28 and a former student. Police killed her.

  34. Anon @ 3:12 PM sounds like typical pig behavior down south.

  35. From Susie Madrak's blog:

    "Christian school, expensive neighborhood. No drag queens, plenty of prayer. Right-wing theories of causation may need adjustment. But they will never, ever admit we have too many guns.

    The shooter was a 28-year-old Nashville woman with two assault rifles and a handgun, dead now. Three adults, three children were dead."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "Christian school, expensive neighborhood. No drag queens, plenty of prayer. Right-wing theories of causation may need adjustment. But they will never, ever admit we have too many guns."

    If they can blame train derailments and bank failures on "woke," despite the extreme absurdity of this, then you can bet your ass they'll find a way to blame "woke" for a school shooting.

    Take the ridiculous argument with the Silicon Valley Bank failure, which apparently was that the bank executives were so busy sitting around arguing about white privilege and microaggressions that they didn't have time to do any, you know, BANKING. This is so completely laughable. There is no business on Earth that spends more time on diversity HR procedures than producing its core products or services. This does not exist. It is not an actual thing. It's like a punchline from a fairly unfunny wingnut standup comedy routine.

    There was a similar dynamic at work with the stories about "furries" in schools. Imagine some standup comedian saying, "Public chools are so concerned with sensitivity toward people with unusual sexual lifestyles that they probably teach lessons on how to have an animal fetish. I bet they have litter boxes for the kids to pee in while they're dressed up pretending to be cats. Hahaha, homeschool your kids."

    To thunderous applause from an audience of small-minded, small-town elderly cretins.

    But a couple months later, wingnut media outlets are trumpeting "NO REALLY KIDS ARE PEEING IN LITTER BOXES AT SCHOOL!! IT'S NOT A JOKE WE SWEAR!! MORAL DEGENERACY!!!"

    So much of the woke panic doesn't make any sense at all, but it doesn't have to make sense to people who have voluntarily turned their brains off in order to indulge their prejudices.

  37. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Okay, update on the Tennessee shooter story. Wingnuts aren't going to have to work as hard as usual to find a "woke" angle on this one. Police say the shooter was a transwoman.

    Wingnuts are going to have a hategasm. It's going to be woke, woke, woke for the next two weeks at least.

  38. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Female shooter on a Monday. Here we go again.

  39. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Female shooter on a Monday. Here we go again.

    Not female, but a male who got cosmetic surgery.

  40. No shit. He got kicked out of the Magic Girls Club when he decided to become a mass-murderer. Maybe he can pretend to be a girl again in prison. I guess he may be put in a women's prison. That would be a travesty.

    Trump might well end up with juries packed with Trump-haters.

    What a cheery little thought! :)

  41. Anonymous2:22 AM

    “No shit. He got kicked out of the Magic Girls Club when he decided to become a mass-murderer. Maybe he can pretend to be a girl again in prison. I guess he may be put in a women's prison.”

    Nobody’s going to have to make a call on which gender’s prison is appropriate. The shooter was killed at the scene by police.

  42. Anonymous2:48 AM

    This appears to be the week when everyone is ripping into TikTok. Apparently, that even includes defense contractors:

    “One of Europe’s largest ammunition manufacturers has said efforts to meet surging demand from the war in Ukraine have been stymied by a new TikTok data centre that is monopolising electricity in the region close to its biggest factory.

    The chief executive of Nammo, which is co-owned by the Norwegian government, said a planned expansion of its largest factory in central Norway hit a roadblock due to a lack of surplus energy, with the construction of TikTok’s new data centre using up electricity in the local area.

    ‘We are concerned because we see our future growth is challenged by the storage of cat videos,’ Morten Brandtzæg told the Financial Times.”

  43. Dpeaking of trans, a female Democratic state senator in Nebraska (with a trans child) has threatened to block all legislation brought up if magats push through a law preventing trans medical care, etc.

  44. This woman has the kind of balls more Democrats need.


  45. 9 y/0 student wanted to honor Bessie Coleman, first Black American female to earn international pilot's license, as a hero and teacher refused to let her and did not call on her during class.


    Young lady did it anyway.

  46. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "Dpeaking of trans, a female Democratic state senator in Nebraska (with a trans child) has threatened to block all legislation brought up if magats push through a law preventing trans medical care, etc."

    Does Nebraska's legislature not have a cloture rule ending a filibuster? If not, they're almost certainly about to get one. It's insane for one member of a legislature to be able to block all legislation, regardless of the merits of whatever political principle is motivating the filibuster.

  47. Anonymous1:39 PM

    “Dpeaking of trans, a female Democratic state senator in Nebraska (with a trans child) has threatened to block all legislation brought up if magats push through a law preventing trans medical care, etc.“

    Good for her. We need more pushback against insane Republican legislation. They are getting out of hand.

  48. “Young lady did it anyway.“

    Good for her. One of the things Queen Bess taught us was perseverance.

  49. https://medium.com/faa/top-5-lessons-from-bessie-colemans-legacy-f12e0576e2f3

  50. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Hey, everyone, remember when Trump said he was going to save all those coal-mining jobs? Surprise! He didn't. Because because he couldn't, because that's impossible, because nobody wants to buy coal anymore. Of course, he never even intended to anyway. Trump is a liar.

    Renewables Surpass Coal in U.S. Electricity Generation

  51. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The Republican War on Woke continues. Another Florida school has decided that students shouldn't be informed that Jim Crow even happened, because that is "anti-white."

    Florida School Removes ‘Ruby Bridges’ Movie From Classes After Parent Complaint

    There should be room in American society for debate and discussion around anti-discrimination rhetoric and policies. The identity politics left should not be above criticism. Sometime left-wing activists/intellectuals/politicians do go too far, in one way or another.

    But this is not that. Erasing history and pretending bigotry doesn't exist in society -- that's fascistic.

  52. Seems like only one parent comp[lain ed about the movie and one complained about book by Maya Angelou as well.

  53. Anonymous5:26 PM

    “Seems like only one parent comp[lain ed about the movie and one complained about book by Maya Angelou as well.”

    Yeah, that’s what the GOP calls “protecting parents’ rights.” The one parent who didn’t want their kid to see that movie must have that wish respected; all the other parents who did want their kid to see that movie can go to hell.

  54. Bowing to pressure from strikes, protests, and international lobbying, Bibi has postponed his plan to degrade the power of Israel's supreme court.
    Meanwhile, stateside, in Georgia the state legislature has passed and the governor intends to sign a bill giving that same state legislature the authority to dismiss prosecutors who bring cases they don't like.
    Bibi, of course, is facing corruption charges there, and at least one of Georgia's state legislators is facing charges for signing on the the fake electors scheme.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous7:25 PM

    So, since the shooting happened in a Christian school can we dismiss the whole “it happened because we took prayer out of school” argument?

  56. “in Georgia the state legislature has passed and the governor intends to sign a bill giving that same state legislature the authority to dismiss prosecutors who bring cases they don't like.“

    Seems Republicans don’t like law and order afterall.🤷🏾‍♂️

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Perhaps this time the police aren't going to put up with Fergus' idiot hordes throwing their violent fit:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Interesting link, Doug.

    Someone correct my grammar, if I am wrong, but isn't drumpf using the wrong pronoun when he pisses and moans about a witch hunt? Shouldn't he really refer to himself as a warlock?

  60. Disney's old board of directors blocked DeSatanist from takeover for 31 years.


    DeSatanist has used wedge issues to tear the state apart and has done nothing for anyone who isn't filthy rich. Sound magatty familiar?

  61. https://time.com/6266618/ron-desantis-florida-governance-essay/

    for last post.

  62. drumpf indicted!


  63. "drumpf indicted!"

    The first of many, with any amount of luck.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Anonymous6:50 PM

    “drumpf indicted!”


    Not that I think the hush money case will amount to anything. I think he’ll probably either be acquitted or only be convicted of a misdemeanor. I strongly doubt he’ll do jail time.

    But hopefully, this is a preview of him getting busted for his more serious crimes.

  65. Anonymous6:52 PM

    So when do the “death and destruction” start? Are his brain-damaged followers going to riot?

  66. Welp. whoda thunk it?😆😂

  67. Manifest Density8:12 PM

    Lock him up!

  68. The Manhattan grand jury is said to be hearing evidence in the Karen MacDougal case also, which is perhaps why Pecker had to testify again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Another train derailed and burst into flames, this time in Minnesota. The flammable material in this case is ethanol, which shouldn’t present the same level of toxicity as the chemicals involved in the Ohio derailment.

    Is it me, or have there been more train accidents than usual this year? Although, maybe the media reporting has just been more prominent after the especially bad Ohio incident.

  70. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Won’t be long before DeSantis or MTG or some other massive douchenozzle claims that this derailment must be the fault of woke drag queens in Minneapolis.

  71. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Another day, another tale of a toddler gunslinger.

    Sibling, 5, fatally shoots 16-month-old brother in Indiana

  72. Bundy bunch pulled 5 kids out of school because school would not let them attend class with weapons.

  73. Anonymous2:38 AM

    trump 20-24😆😂

    - Insane Clown

  75. One of the Central Park 5 has one word about drumpf's 30 count indictment...,


    Hint it starts with a k and ends with arma.


  76. If you or anyone you know is a trump supporter I’m going to give you the same advice I gave a while back. Support him in any legal way you want but do not under any circumstances give him money. He is a NY conman who is supposed to be a billionaire. Billionaires can afford lawyers. Ignore Lindsey Grahm, he is asking you to send money and thus is not your friend.

  77. Isn't calling CRT anti-white an implicit admission of guilt? Like taking the 5th?

  78. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/09/1161921856/there-are-about-3-u-s-train-derailments-per-day-they-arent-usually-major-disaste

  79. Anonymous2:41 PM

    “Isn't calling CRT anti-white an implicit admission of guilt? Like taking the 5th?”

    No, because the Republican position is that CRT=lies.

    They are not saying that public schools are teaching facts that make white people look bad. They are saying that public schools are teaching falsehoods and thereby slandering white people and creating unnecessary social division.

    Of course, all of this is itself wildly dishonest because the vast majority of primary and secondary schools are not teaching anything resembling CRT at all. Back in the real world, CRT is a left-wing, race-based legal doctrine taught only in some LAW SCHOOLS. Criticism of whether CRT is a valid interpretation of our legal system is irrelevant to discussions about what is being taught to children in public schools.

    Shorter version: This is all a giant con job. Republican media and politicians are trying to scare their voters by telling them tall tales about invented, imaginary threats.

  80. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/31/us/us-norfolk-southern-lawsuit/index.html

    Norfolk Southern sued by government over East Palestine derailment. Should sue drumpf and magats for aiding and abetting derailments.

  81. So apparently Tuesday Fergus will fly to New York to surrender himself, get a mugshot, take his tiny little fingerprints, and appear before a judge.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Colorado magat congressweasel Boobalert, whose son knocked up his girlfriend, says she doesn't want to nitpick right from wrong according to the bible.

  83. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "Colorado magat congressweasel Boobalert, whose son knocked up his girlfriend ..."

    How could this possibly have happened?*

    (*Boobalert is anti-sex-education. And also a teen mom herself.)

  84. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Witch hunt. USA has gone 1933.

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