Friday, March 31, 2023

S*** just got real!

 All these right-wing pundits and politicians saying that Donald trump is being singled out for unfair treatment by the Manhattan District Attorney's office have never practiced criminal law in America. The truth is that Donald trump has been singled out for favorable treatment from the criminal justice system for years. Now, finally, it would appear that there is a prosecutor willing to charge him for his "alleged" crimes and make him accountable. 

And let's stop with this silly notion that Manhattan District Attorney Bragg should have waited to charge him until more serious charges were brought by one of the numerous other agencies investigating his numerous cases. That's not how this works. If you are committing criminal acts you should be held accountable regardless of your station in life. No one should be above the law. No one.  

Now, predictably, Mr. trump is painting the charges being brought against him as a political witch-hunt, and he is calling for violence, once again, from his minions. He is attacking the Judge, the District Attorney, and all of his perceived enemies for his predicament. Predictably,  he is leaving out the one person responsible for the mess he now finds himself in: Himself.

We will see how this plays out in the next coming days and months, and regardless of the outcome of his trial, Mr. trump has been an enormous stain on America and everything that she is supposed to stand for. He has exposed the true character of almost half of the country, and discredited the lie that we are a nation that view each other as equals. 

As is always the case with Mr. trump, there is more than enough irony in the position that he now find himself in. Remember all the "lock her up chants"? Hillary Clinton is having the last laugh. All those MAGA heads who were crying "lock her up" along with him, are now screaming that it's not right to indict and arrest a political opponent.  

Donald trump will be fingerprinted and have his mug shot taken on Tuesday, and a new chapter of his life will begin. This one won't end the way he wants it to, and he won't be able to control the narrative the way he is accustomed to with the help of his right-wingnut friends. 

As they say in the streets: S**t just got real.   




  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I heard someone describe the indictment as “Fuck Around And Find Out Christmas.”

    I laughed, but I do have to admit this is pretty small fry stuff, in the grand scheme of things. I don’t actually care that much if Trump boned a porn star, paid her to keep it quiet, and then fudged his records to hide the payment. That is far, far from the worst thing he has done, and I don’t believe he’ll do jail time for it anyway.

    However, when Trump goes to prison for bank fraud/tax fraud/trying to overthrow democracy, that’s when I’ll break out the egg nog and start singing Christmas carols.

  2. Do they have a special child-sized kit to take his tiny little fingerprints?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    “Do they have a special child-sized kit to take his tiny little fingerprints?”

    I heard he was planning to escape by slipping his tiny hands out of the handcuffs. :-D

  4. Hoo-fucking-ray.

    It is only the first step, but it is a good step.

  5. Alvin Bragg did Insane Clown a favor in shutting down the stronger tax/bank fraud case on the grounds that maybe Insane Clown intended to commit the legal kind of tax/bank fraud. Or some such horseshit. Bragg will look pretty fucking stupid if this gets thrown out on the grounds that the campaign finance crime (that they are relying on to elevate the falsification of business records to a felony and extend the statute of limitations) is a federal crime that is irrelevant in state court. And that Insane Clown never was convicted or even indicted even though he was individual-1 in the indictment that led to Michael Cohen doing the time for that crime.

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    “Bragg will look pretty fucking stupid if this gets thrown out …”

    Well, DAs are politicians, and it does look like his decisions might be somewhat motivated by political considerations in bringing this case.

    I mean, here is the chronology of events:

    1) His office was investigating Trump’s business dealings, going back to Bragg’s predecessor, Cy Vance.

    2) Several of the Manhattan district’s prosecutors abruptly quit, angry after learning that Bragg was refusing to bring charges against Trump for shady business practices. They publicly claimed there was a solid case against Trump, and implied Bragg had lost his nerve because Trump was a former president with some powerful elite friends and tons of insane/violent redneck followers.

    3) Bragg ended up looking like a dick.

    4) Possibly worried that Manhattan’s largely Democrat voters might be unhappy about the dropping of the investigation and not vote to re-elect him, Bragg brought this much weaker and more trivial set of charges against Trump related to the hush money payment.

    So, yes, if it doesn’t pan out, Bragg will end up with egg on his face.

  7. Manifest Density4:12 PM

    "Donald trump...won't be able to control the narrative the way he is accustomed to with the help of his right-wingnut friends. "

    Donnie "Two Times" has already lost. His latest trajectory finds him crossing paths with an ascending New York County District Attorney, while he is in fact declining. No matter what happens with the trial, D2x better be in New York on Tuesday and he bedn't be late.

  8. Magat Minn operative charged with juvenile girl trafficking. Looks to be cozy with Tucker Fucker Carlson and possibly Marco Rubio.

  9. Latest info is that there'll be no mug shot, fingerprints, yes, but no mug shot. Also no perp walk.

    Bragg is leaning over backwards.


    Still, we're lucky to have him in NYC. Level-headed, I think.

  10. drumpf to be arraigned in same courthouse as "Central Park Five." Give him the death penalty!

    With any luck, detectives will beat a confession out of his pastey white hide.

  11. drumpf allies have already determined to take a photo of drumpf and put it on tee shirts like Che Guevera, whether drumpf gets a mugshot or not. Hope Guevera's relatives sue the shit out of drumpf's friends and family.


  12. Trump is guilty as they come. But since the majority of White folk people worship him, all of this will be swept under a rug.

  13. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Donald Trump vows to escalate attacks against Alvin Bragg – sources

    I predict that it won’t be long before the judge will be forced to shut Trump up by issuing a gag order so he doesn’t incite violence. Then Trump will violate the gag order and start making threats anyway, and the judge will be forced to put him under house arrest with an ankle monitor and take away all his communications devices.

    This will basically make it impossible for him to run for president anymore, because he can no longer campaign. And even though it will be completely his own fault, Republicans will lose their minds with rage.

  14. Witch hunt?

    Bitch hunt, more like it. How does it feel to be in the sights, boy?

  15. Might be getting realer.... new evidence suggests drumpf was moving classified
    intel around after FBI raids.

  16. A man in Palo Alto Calif, wears a magat hat and people harass and call him a Nazi. He then removes his hat to reveal a yarmulke and claims it is insulting to a Jew to be called a Nazi.

    My question is, weren't there any number of German Jews who collaborated with Nazis during WW 2 who should be named as Nazis?

    Kenosha Killer Kyle appeared in a video with Theodore Nugent whining about being sued for monetary damages when he has no income. Nugent then went after Obamas and brought up the debunked myth that Michelle Obama was really Mike Obama and could not be the mother of the Obama girls. These fuckers never let a debunked fallacy die. magats are eternal victims.

  17. North Duhkota magat state senator posted a bill denying poor kids free school
    lunches because the parents should be responsible for the kids that magats are forcing women to bear, even against the women's will.

    Somewhere out in magat outer space this probably passes for critical thinking.

  18. Randy Rainbow strikes again, this may be his best so far:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Trump has arrived in New York to be arrested for sex evasion.

    Sadly, there will be no perp walk. C'mon, Alvin Bragg, why are you robbing us of joy like this?

  20. There are Trump-loving, American liberal-hating Likud party Israelis who hate Black Lives Matter and blame all kinds of imaginary crimes on George Soros. There is Netanyahu himself who is trying to get complete political and judicial control of Israel and end 75 years of democracy.

    These guys ain't Nazis. But they sure are fascists.

    I talked to one of those bastards, just as he banned me across ten websites. I couldn't really answer him back being banned, of course. So I lurk and do research on conservatives.

    All I said was this, "Could you please not equate Black Lives Matter and Antifa as if they were only one entity? They are separate organizations with separate goals."

    At the time, 2020, conservatives routinely wrote incendiary posts about BLM/Antifa as if they were one group. They also blamed this chimera for any and all political violence in the U.S. which was at a record high.

    So this right-wing monster from Israel blows a gasket as his head explodes in anger directed at me. I was accused of being a stooge working for Soros in this full-page hate letter. To top it off, he called me anti-semitic! Me, fucking Flying Junior an anti-semite!?!

    So fuck those guys. I remember some American teenage Jews in Tel Aviv that I heard on KPFK Pacifica Radio in 2008 ranting and going off about how they hated Obama after he was elected the first black president. That just about blew my mind. Because all of the Jews that I knew my entire life were always really far out and nice people.

  21. Only 34 felony charges AGAINST DRUMPF IN nyc? drumpf is a piker.

  22. Creative way of telling the Russians to fuck themselves:

    (h/t: Crooks and Liars) "Hackers from the Ukrainian collective 'Cyber ​​Resistance' have managed to crack the AliExpress account of Russian Mikhail Luchin. With the 23,000 euros he had set aside to buy drones for the Russian army, they then bought a whole load of sex toys."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. NBC has called it for Protasiewicz.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Anonymous10:49 PM

    "NBC has called it for Protasiewicz."

    Sweet. Wingnuts losing control of the Supreme Court gives the Dems a fighting chance to un-rig the political system of Wisconsin. That state should by rights be a purple state. It is currently a red state only because Republicunts gerrymandered all the legislative districts.

    Hopefully, with Dems running the Supreme Court, bye-bye gerrymandering.

  25. Brandon won. Let’s go Brandon😆


  27. My fave of the day. MAGA=My Ass Got Arrested.😆

  28. Wasn't Mean Margie Green coming to take names and kick asses?

  29. Anon @ 10:49 PM, I believe Dems can remove Chief Justice and vote in one of their own. Magats changed that rule because a Dem had been CJ for a long period of time and they had no other way to replace her. Karma/Kismet is a bitch.

  30. Anonymous12:01 PM

    “Brandon won. Let’s go Brandon”

    I hope people chant this at the new mayor’s appearances for the next couple weeks. Any opportunity to mock the MAGA crowd should be seized.

  31. Anonymous12:07 PM

    “Wasn't Mean Margie Green coming to take names and kick asses?”

    She came to play games and be an ass.

    She compared Trump’s arrest to the persecution of Nelson Mandela and Jesus. So, pretty much what you’d expect from her.

  32. Anonymous5:26 PM

    “‘NBC has called it for Protasiewicz’

    Sweet. Wingnuts losing control of the Supreme Court gives the Dems a fighting chance to un-rig the political system of Wisconsin. That state should by rights be a purple state. It is currently a red state only because Republicunts gerrymandered all the legislative districts.

    Hopefully, with Dems running the Supreme Court, bye-bye gerrymandering.”

    It’s possible I celebrated too soon. The media is reporting that Wisconsin also held a special election for a state Senate seat, and Republicans flipped it. Which ordinarily wouldn’t be particularly consequential, but the addition of that seat now gives Republicans a supermajority in the Wisconsin Senate — and that implies impeachment power.

    I wouldn’t put it past them to invent flimsy pretexts to remove liberal Supreme Court justices if the Supreme Court issues rulings they don’t like. These bastards don’t know how to do anything else but cheat.

  33. 55 years ago yesterday, MLK was murdered.

  34. Uncle Tom C Thomas has been enjoying perks from a billionaire donor for decades. Supreme Injustice likes to travel in style to stylish places.

  35. Thomas has received these perks for years and never disclosed any of them. Figures.

  36. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?

  37. Anonymous2:10 PM

    America is now a banana republik................

  38. Anonymous2:10 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  39. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Trump is great!! The marxist left is terrified of him!!

  40. Anonymous8:10 PM

    “Trump is great!!“

    He’s gonna be somebody’s great bitch😆😂

  41. Anonymous8:12 PM

    “Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?”

    Nobody because there is no such thing?🤷🏾‍♂️

  42. Manifest Density8:54 PM

    Anti-Woke equals Comatose.

  43. The Tennessee state legislature GOP just expelled the two Black male Democrats who protested for gun regulations with their constituents and not the white female.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Anonymous11:12 PM

    “The Tennessee state legislature GOP just expelled the two Black male Democrats who protested for gun regulations with their constituents and not the white female.”

    Expulsion is a way-over-the-top response for breaking the rules of the legislature by leading a protest.

    Typical Republican assholery.

  45. Anonymous11:28 PM

    “The Tennessee state legislature GOP just expelled the two Black male Democrats who protested for gun regulations with their constituents and not the white female.”

    Most of the Republicans voted to expel the white legislator as well. But a handful didn’t, which saved her.

  46. “The hospitality we have extended to the Thomases over the years is no different from the hospitality we have extended to our many other dear friends" ... "We have never asked about a pending or lower court case, and Justice Thomas has never discussed one, and we have never sought to influence Justice Thomas on any legal or political issue. More generally, I am unaware of any of our friends ever lobbying or seeking to influence Justice Thomas on any case, and I would never invite anyone who I believe had any intention of doing that” - Harlan Crow

    No lobbying necessary. Uncle Thomas knows what it takes to be Harlan Crow's friend. And what it takes to continue being Harlan Crow's friend. And what it takes to no longer be Harlan Crow's friend.

  47. “Expulsion is a way-over-the-top response for breaking the rules of the legislature by leading a protest.“

    Hopefully this will backfire.

  48. Scary times. I wonder if some of these same MAGA folks crying over what happened to tfg will have something to say about what is happening in TN. I'm pretty sure that energy won't be there.

  49. U S congress has a bunch of radical magats that deserve to be kicked the hell out, but do you think magats will do the right thing for once?

    Wisconsin Senate has a supermajority of magats, but no one is sure if they have the power to impeach a Supreme Court justice once she is sworn in. If not let the games begin.

    Dems have won the majority of statewide votes in 14 of the last 17 elections and yet magats control over 60% of the congressional seats due to gerrymandering.

    I worry the SCOTUS will step in and block Wisconsin's court from getting involved with gerrymandering cases.


    Disney's ouitgoing Board tied knots in DeSatinist's tail and stripped new board of power. Well played, fellas.

  51. Anonymous10:09 AM

    “U S congress has a bunch of radical magats that deserve to be kicked the hell out, but do you think magats will do the right thing for once?”

    Congress has Republican members who helped violent insurrectionists, not merely protesters, enter the federal legislature. But there is zero chance they will be expelled.

    Of course, they won’t even acknowledge the Jan 6th mob were insurrectionists. They’re still pretending they were tourists.

    Tourists who got sent to federal prison for committing tourism.

  52. Billionaire behind Thomas largesse has also given thousands to Sinema and Manchin. Matter of time before they become wholly owned subsidiaries of magats R Us.

  53. drumpf appointed Texass judge basically outlawed abortion pill against all evidence it has been tested and found safe. Outfit from Virginia moved their business to this judge's district in Texass for the purpose of shopping for a favorable outcome, which includes the worst circuit court, the 5th district based in Nawlins. the justices appointed by dumbass dubya and drumpf can't write opinions and had little grasp of law.

  54. Federal judges who are members of the Federalist Society now know more than the FDA when it comes to approving drugs. The conservative takeover of America is going as planned. Can’t trust the people to choose their own fates. Welp, hope everyone who didn’t vote in 2016 because it didn’t matter aren’t harmed by any recent rulings.

  55. “the justices appointed by dumbass dubya and drumpf can't write opinions and had little grasp of law.”

    But her email.


    for my last comment.

    HRC was 1000% correct about deplorable magats.

  57. "HRC was 1000% correct about deplorable magats."

    But like all Dems she backed off her statement.


  58. Blogger unknown but true said...

    Trump is guilty as they come. But since the majority of White folk people worship him, all of this will be swept under a rug.
    I respectively disagree. Yes, I believe that that Trump is guilty, but this won't be swept under the rug. I'm a white person with many white friends, and I want to see him go to prison, as do ninety percent or more of the people I know. My family is multi racial and can't abide Trump and his vile followers.
    The die-hard Trump lovers are a small minority of the electorate, but the MSM allows or even encourages them to seem greater than they really are by reporting on everything they say without any rebuttal to their lies.


  59. Blogger Bloviating Ignoramus said...

    Wasn't Mean Margie Green coming to take names and kick asses?
    We all know how well that went for her. She is so dumb, she thought her presence would be welcome in in New York City. Apparently she is just as ignorant as all of the other people who blindly follow Donald Trump.

  60. Manifest Density12:14 PM

    "The truth is that Donald trump has been singled out for favorable treatment...for years."

    Thereby creating the first affirmative action president.Donnie Favors stumbled on the highest office in the world. He was the perfect front man. He could hold a pen and sign whatever they put on the desk in front of him.

    Unfortunately being the most powerful man in the world for him became a problem. Instead of cleaning the swamp he turned the country into the ghetto for a day. For that I think he should pay. I believe we can do better.

  61. Texass judge cited the “Comstock” act when blabbing about the abortion pill and was ridiculed for it. Exactly who was taking underage drugs across state lines for the purpose of prostitution?

    magats in Tennessee were videoed celebrating expulsion of 2 young black members of congress for insurrection while claiming this was just the beginning. Must be racially motivated.

  62. Anonymous3:00 PM

    “Texass judge cited the ‘Comstock’ act when blabbing about the abortion pill and was ridiculed for it. Exactly who was taking underage drugs across state lines for the purpose of prostitution?”

    You’re thinking of the Mann Act. That was an early anti-sex trafficking law that prohibited transportation of underage females across state lines. (One that was passed, however, as the result of a moral panic over a myth that huge numbers of white girls were being kidnapped by gangs and forced into prostitution. This was never a real thing.)

    The Comstock laws were a set of prudish, generally anti-sex laws from the Victorian era that prohibited the distribution of porn, sex toys, contraception, and abortion methods by mail.

    The fact that Christian fundies are trying to enforce archaic 19th-century laws to control other people’s sex lives, shows just how insane they are.


    Trauma doctors answer questions about the damage done to children's bodies from high powered weapons and it isn't pretty.

  64. Statute of limitations for appealing FDA decisions is six years and so the group suing the FDA has no legal standing and the judge should never have allowed it.

    But, again, the rules apparently don't apply to magats in magat courts.

  65. Anonymous11:13 PM

    “Statute of limitations for appealing FDA decisions is six years and so the group suing the FDA has no legal standing and the judge should never have allowed it.

    But, again, the rules apparently don't apply to magats in magat courts.”

    Everything about this ruling is nuts. It’s a farce from beginning to end.

    1) There’s no reason for the plaintiffs to be granted standing to sue, as they haven’t been injured in any discernible way, nor will they ever be.

    2) There’s no basis for the judge to issue a ruling. He agreed with the plaintiffs that the FDA did their jobs wrong, but even if that were true (and it’s not), that is not a legal question and is frankly none of his goddamn business.

    3) The evidence that the FDA did their jobs wrong is pure bullshit. Mifepristone is obviously both safe and effective — it has been used all over the world for decades to carry out abortions, and serious side effects are very rare.

    This is a textbook case of naked abuse of power by the judge.

  66. Texass judge's decision would be more acceptable if he wasn't backed by 5th circuit court of banana peels, the most conservative and least competent collection of judges appointed by messrs dumbass dubya and drumpfuck. Their only competency comes from their strict adherence to and rabid support of ideological bullshit.,

  67. drumph lawyersays attacking judge's family is not personal.

    Maybe magats call it tough love.

  68. Anonymous8:09 PM

    “drumph lawyersays attacking judge's family is not personal.

    Maybe magats call it tough love.”

    Tough hate?

  69. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Nicholas Irving says.......

  70. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Don't be a chump. Vote for TRUMP!!

  71. Tennessee SOH met with students who wanted to go to school and not worry about being shot with assault weapons. Dumbass magat asked them which gun they would prefer being killed with. He just assumes the killings will go on if assault weapons are banned.

    Magats worry more about which bathrooms kids use than how many students are scheduled for mass murder. Just like jeebus would do, right?

    I heartily disagree with Nicholas Irving, btw.

  72. Anonymous5:51 PM

    “Tennessee SOH met with students who wanted to go to school and not worry about being shot with assault weapons. Dumbass magat asked them which gun they would prefer being killed with. He just assumes the killings will go on if assault weapons are banned.”

    The killings will go on, although possibly the body count in each such event will go down if Americans no longer have easy access to such high-powered weapons.

    Which would be the point of such a ban.

  73. Well, since y'all are so het up about this (h/t:Crooks and Liars):

    In a statement on Monday, a spokesperson for Republican Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton said that the two expelled Democratic representatives would be readmitted to their seats if their local boards reappoint them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. Anonymous12:42 AM

    “Don't be a chump. Vote for TRUMP!!“

    Oh yeah, he should win the prison talent show easily. LOL!

  75. Anonymous12:44 AM

  76. Magats are drooling over the likelihood of adolescents with PTSD. What will magats do to help them out? Likely ban psychiatric help if they have not already done so.

    Kids probably should have suggested getting shot with Airsoft or squirt guns.
    Magats and the NRA would have passed legislation making both harmless guns fully lethal and allowed toddlers on up to conceal carry them.

  77. Anonymous1:09 PM

    From David Sirota on Twitter:

    “Conservatives are simultaneously insisting that money from Holocaust survivor George Soros buys influence, but money from Nazi memorabilia collector Harlan Crow buys no influence”

  78. Liar Hucksterbee Sanders wants state job and commission applicants to tell her what they admire most about her.

  79. Hake Noize kwietly settled a defamation suit over the weekend. Suit was for 250 mil.

  80. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Let’s go Brandon!!!!!

  81. Anonymous9:08 PM

    “Liar Hucksterbee Sanders wants state job and commission applicants to tell her what they admire most about her.”

    It sounds like working for Trump caused his narcissism to rub off on her.

    “Enough about YOU. Let’s talk about ME!”

  82. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Tennessee state legislator Paul Sherrell (R, obviously) proposed that “hanging on a tree” be added as a standard means of execution when carrying out capital punishment in his state.

    So, Paul, how should state officials be attired while administering these tree-based hangings? Are you thinking “white robes with hoods”? Because that would be the traditional way to go.

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