Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Google has a problem.


Just a note to you field hands. I tried posting an article a few days ago and it was shot down by the gatekeepers at Google. Why? Because they thought that it was offensive. (I can assure you it was not.) 

Those of you who know me know that I do not post offensive content. (At least not anymore.) I allow offensive comments, because I believe in free speech, but my posts are never offensive. 

The problem is that there are not a lot of folks at Google who look like I do, and they do not understand that that when I write the word *****  it is not meant to be offensive. The fact is, most of the people who look (and think) like I do consider the phrase field ***** a term of endearment. They are not offended by it, and neither should anyone else.  As for the phrase house *****, it should be no more offensive than the words snob, or clueless. If I had written an article about snobbish or clueless people, I am sure that it would have been allowed.  But such is life with the new gatekeepers. They decide what is offensive and what is not.  

Maybe at some point I will be allowed to repost the article, but for now,  I am reconsidering my relationship with Google. 

Sadly, after over fifteen years and millions of page views, it might be time for a change.



  1. I saw the link to that post on Comrade Misfit's sidebar, but it only led to a page saying "no such post exists" or some such horse shit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. I just checked and it would appear that the link has disappeared from her sidebar.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Comments sometimes also disappear mysteriously, without even any note explaining what happened, such as “deleted by blog owner.” I had assumed this was the work of some sort of software algorithm that automatically deletes what it thinks constitutes offensive content because it contains forbidden keywords or something.

    Note: Most of my deleted comments were not remotely hate speech or anything close to that. But the algorithm is an idiot and can’t tell the difference.

  4. I had a similar experience to dinthebeast. It made me wonder if I was going crazy.

    Keep doing the good work, wherever and in whatever format you feel is best for you, Field!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Fuck google!

  9. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Not sure if he’s gonna be the eventual candidate but Texas is making the same mistake they made when running Beto for governor. They need to run a Latino candidate to animate that growing population there. We need the Castro brothers to run for the senate and governor. Not saying they would win but they would have the best chance of any Dem. I mean I like Colin Allred and he would do well but he’s not the right guy for that office. Another seat conceded to the Repubs.

  10. I is easily distracted, here he goes again....
    Crowe paid tuition for Thomas' adopted nephew's private schooling.

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Twitter is completely down. The cracks are starting to show, after Elon fired half the company’s employees. Did he fire the ones who keep the lights on?

    His attempt to monetize blue check verification was (predictably) a crushing failure as well. And, soon, there will be additional fallout from Twitter no longer having a working verification system. He’ll probably lose more users and advertisers as a result.

    Someone should set up a betting pool for he public to wager on how long it will be before Twitter is sold off for a song, or collapses.

  12. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Bad day for the Proud Boys. Four of them were convicted of seditious conspiracy for their Jan 6th antics.

  13. I bet Enrique Tarrio and his pals are furiously avoiding all masturbation in anticipation of their sentencing.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Fergus keeps losing. His suit against the NYT was thrown out and he was ordered to pay court costs. His niece Mary has filed a motion to dismiss in a related suit. Filing lawsuits based on fantasies almost never succeeds, no matter how batshit right wing insane those fantasies are.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Anonymous6:15 PM

    “Filing lawsuits based on fantasies almost never succeeds, no matter how batshit right wing insane those fantasies are.”

    Which is why Republicans are trying to pack the courts with wingnut loony judges:

    So they can bring meritless cases and still somehow win. They want to file lawsuits to assert that the Earth is flat, and have courts of law agree with them.

  16. “Crowe paid tuition for Thomas' adopted nephew's private schooling.“

    Nope, no conflict of interest there.

  17. “Bad day for the Proud Boys.“

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch.

  18. It is difficult to believe, given the name of the blog/blog host???

    I do not use the N-word, particularly being quite careful never to use it in print. But I would not be surprised if I could use it in comments on Blogger. It is typically okay to talk about butt-fucking and other obscene acts.

    Last time I checked, Blogger was a service hosted by Googol. Field was talking about publishing a post on his own blog, right?

    I have many times quoted or cited this blog in my disqussions on the popular commenting platform, Disqus, which may connect to any number of forums, (Blogger, WordPress, FourSpace ad hominem.) Invariably the algorithm places my comments into the Spam folder any time that I use the name of this blog.

    Negro used to simply be a term for people of African descent anywhere in the world when I grew up in the 1960s, very similar to the way that people use "Black people," today. I could see how this would be frustrating.

  19. Ginny's gotta grift as well.

  20. Anonymous10:10 AM

    “Ginny's gotta grift as well.”

    Ginny’s career, if you can call it that, is nothing BUT grift.

  21. imho, calling a person of color a "field boy" or a "house boy" would likely be much more offensive. Wasicu privilege has pretty much protected me from those indignities and much worse.

  22. WHO: COVID-19 no longer global health emergency. Probably too soon to relax.


  23. Proud Boys will end up profiting off all this. Their leaders will probably serve only a couple years at most. Also, they'll spend the time writing a book about their story. Just Like Hitler did when he wrote Mein Kampf. And once released, they'll be in demand by all Conservative Media outlets.

  24. Anonymous7:05 PM

    “Proud Boys will end up profiting off all this. Their leaders will probably serve only a couple years at most. Also, they'll spend the time writing a book about their story. Just Like Hitler did when he wrote Mein Kampf. And once released, they'll be in demand by all Conservative Media outlets.”

    The potential sentence is 20 years. So they may end up serving more than a couple years. But these guys aren’t brain surgeons anyway. They’re expendable. They won’t be leading any movements in any case.

    The problem for democracy isn’t: How do we get rid of the low-level Nazis.

    It’s: How do we get rid of the high-level Nazis — the Trumps, the DeSantises, the media propagandists, the fascist think-tank functionaries, the law-debasing lawyers.

    The guys in business suits always seem to get away with it, while the foot soldiers in camo and body armor go to jail.

  25. The walls are really beginning to close in on Fergus: half of the fake electors in Georgia have immunity deals to cooperate with Fani Willis' investigation, a Mar a Lago employee has flipped and is providing evidence that Fergus moved the documents after the subpoena, and the judge has given Fergus until Sunday to decide whether he will testify in the E Jean Carroll case.
    And the Proud Boys are all convicted of seditious conspiracy (along with the Oath Keepers) after both the the prosecution and the defense blamed Fergus for the whole insurrection.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. A homeless man having a mental breakdown related to his lack of food and drink, just murdered on a New York subway train, by a chokehold which lasted for 15 minutes. Shades of George Floyd's murder. The murderer, a veteran, confronted the man, then got behind him to administer the chokehold. Police, when this hold was still legal fifty years ago, usually only held a suspect in this chokehold for less than one minute, during which time most people will surrender. Apparently, Jordan Neely was resisting the chokehold for well over ten minutes. Then after death occurred, the veteran held the man in this suffocating hold fully two more minutes to ensure death.

    Mayor Eric Adams warns us not to jump to conclusions. Subway passengers regularly help other passengers. Let us not assume that this was a murder while it is "still under investigation."

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. What I meant to say was this....

    90 year old magats should not be allowed to serve our gubmint in any fashion except as greeters for Wal Mart.

  29. Mississippi guv put out reelection vid showing himself as Clint Eastwood shooting POC.

    Short vid is near bottom of article.

  30. Someone drew a giant penis on a lawn that was to be used in King Charles coronation.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous6:28 PM

  32. Anonymous6:30 PM

    You lefty types have created this nonsense. You got a dose of your own medicine.

  33. Manners. They really aren't mostly about salad fork protocols. Nope, they are a tool to be used to suppress the homicide rate as the population density goes up.
    All of this bitching about self-censorship is from the realm of toddlers.
    Manners are also about respect. Why do we avoid talking about weed and blowjobs in front of grandma, when she most likely knows as much or more about them as we do? Respect. Which is a part of the glue that holds society together.
    When meatheads like that guy start believing that they don't care if there's a society left when they're through with it, they erode that glue a little. Now they are the driving force behind the Republican party, and if they are not stopped, we will be living in an authoritarian hellscape, all because they are too addicted to their propaganda to make any real sense.
    Well regulated, you asshole, well regulated.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Another day that ends in Y
    Another slaughter of innocents. WHY?

  35. More slaughter in Texas, this time without an AR-15. Seven migrants were killed in Brownsville when a car plowed through them at a bus stop.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "More slaughter in Texas, this time without an AR-15. Seven migrants were killed in Brownsville when a car plowed through them at a bus stop."

    Sounds like police aren't sure at this point whether it was a hate crime, or just a routine car accident.

    The driver was a Latino dude, which cuts against the likelihood of a hate crime. Although some immigrant-hating Latinos weirdly do exist.

  37. Some Texass magat dumbfuck blamed god for the mall massacre since he allegedly gives us all free will, whatever that means. Still, no magats have admitted the obvious common denominator in all mass shootings is, wait for it..... guns!

  38. Arizona Dem? sinator Cinema says there is no way she will join the magat party. Personally i believe she is lying out her ass and probably has already switched partys.

  39. Anonymous7:52 PM

    “Arizona Dem? sinator Cinema says there is no way she will join the magat party. Personally i believe she is lying out her ass and probably has already switched partys.”

    She’d probably like to, but I don’t think they want her.

    I image that Arizona GOP leaders are thanking their lucky stars for the situation she’s created. If she runs as an independent, she will end up splitting the left-of-center vote with the Democratic candidate, thereby causing the (likely) extreme right-wing Republican candidate to win, who otherwise would never have had a chance.

  40. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Shorter version:

    We’d be lucky if Sinema ran as a centrist Republican in the next election. The reality of what will actually happen is probably much worse: The Republicans will nominate a far-right lunatic instead, and Sinema will help him/her win.

  41. Neo my ass:

    Texas Mass Shooter Was a Neo-Nazi

    May 7, 2023 at 7:39 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 130 Comments

    “The suspected mass shooter who killed at least eight people at an Allen, Texas mall on Saturday frequently posted pro-white supremacist and neo-Nazi materials on social media,” Rolling Stone reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. @ Unknown but True
    " they'll spend the time writing a book about their story. Just Like Hitler did when he wrote Mein Kampf."

    And their books will be as much garbage as the first. 80 years from our, our great grandchildren will know their kooks by which ones have these freaks' memoirs as their reading material.

  43. drumpf guilty of sexual abusement and defamation and ordered to pay E Jean Carroll nearly 5 million.

    drumpf, meanwhile, is pitching a shit fit, whining and crying about world's largest witch hunt, etc, etc.

  44. Ferg's on a losing streak. Let's hope that it continues through the insurrection stuff.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Anonymous4:25 PM

    “drumpf guilty of sexual abusement and defamation and ordered to pay E Jean Carroll nearly 5 million.”

    Whoa. Did not expect that, honestly. I thought he was likely to win this one, given that the plaintiff had nothing to corroborate her story of an assault other than a couple of friends’ secondhand testimony.

    He’ll probably appeal, but for now, I’ll enjoy Trump having a very bad day.

  46. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Of course, I imagine it helped the plaintiff’s case that dozens of other women have accused Trump of assault, and he’s on tape bragging about how much he likes to do it.



    Turley jumped all sharks when he signed with Fake Noize, but I guess he is spot on in this case.

  48. Loosersanna man shoots a 14 y/o girl in the back of the head while she is running away and gets charged with aggravated battery and not attempted murder.

    Kids playing hide and seek in neighbor's yard when he comes out with a gun and shoots. He said he was afraid of shadows by his house.

    Girl is lucky and will survive.

  49. George Santos has been criminally charged by the DOJ. His arraignment is Wednesday.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. It's looking intentional (from the Independent):

    A witness to the car crash that killed eight people outside a migrant shelter in Texas says the driver made anti-immigrant remarks before he was detained by members of the public.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Brace yourselves for an onslaught of fear-mongering, racist lies from Republicans as Title 42 comes to an end.

    Title 42 was the Trump-era order that basically blocked people from applying for asylum, as part of quarantining the country to keep out COVID. Of course, Trump closed the borders way too late, with regards to the much larger number of people entering on travel visas, so blocking entry of the asylum seekers didn’t actually matter. We ended up with massive infections and deaths anyway.

    In any event, now that COVID levels are much lower and the pandemic is effectively over (unless some new strain evolves that sends us back into crisis mode again — fingers and toes crossed that that doesn’t happen!), there’s no longer any excuse for this, so normal asylum applications will resume, and Republicans will collectively shit their pants over this.

  52. Anonymous9:45 PM

    And then there’s the impending chaos of the debt ceiling. Either Biden is going to have to play chicken with SCOTUS by exploiting some sort of shady legal loophole in order to evade/destroy the debt ceiling, or else Republicans are probably going to cause the federal government to default on its loans and thereby crash the economy. I do not see Republicans backing down on their dumb extortion demands under Speaker of the House Marjorie Taylor Greene, and giving in to those demands would be insane and morally reprehensible.

    And no, McCarthy isn’t the actual speaker. Marjorie just lets him hold the gavel so he can feel important.

  53. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Yet another sign that Twitter is circling the drain …

    Tucker Carlson Says He’ll Bring ‘A New Version Of His Show’ To Twitter


  54. “drumpf guilty of sexual abusement and defamation and ordered to pay E Jean Carroll nearly 5 million.”

    A certain “news” network hasn’t said a peep about it. They are running a story called “daddy Biden protecting Hunter”. Are you fucking kidding me? The first former president to be found liable for sexual assault but they want to focus on someone who isn’t an elected official. Geez, that is just shameful!

  55. Biden said he's considering invoking the 14th amendment, and he might have to because even if MTG/Kevin were to cave, McConnell claims to have the votes in the senate to stop a clean increase.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Anonymous2:02 AM

    "A certain 'news' network hasn’t said a peep about it. They are running a story called 'daddy Biden protecting Hunter.' Are you fucking kidding me? The first former president to be found liable for sexual assault but they want to focus on someone who isn’t an elected official. Geez, that is just shameful!"

    Also, most reputable news sources seem to be indicating that Hunter Biden is only being investigated for some comparatively minor underpayment of his taxes and for not mentioning his drug habit when applying for a gun license.

    If true, then these fairly petty offenses are hardly going to result in the trial of the century. Fox viewers have been led to believe Hunter is the new Pablo Escobar, so they are going to be very disappointed if a judge sentences him to ... probation and a fine.

    And even more disappointed when it doesn't meaningfully impact Hunter's dad's election chances because nobody outside the Fox News-consuming bubble gives a crap about this nonsense.


    Grassley i8s 91 and long past his expiration date. He soured decades ago.

  58. My bet is magats have every bit as much proof of Biden chicanery as they do of voter fraud and of HRC selling our uranium. At least as much!

  59. Santos hit with 13 felonies.

    Too bad, so sad.

  60. magats trying to Benghazi Bidens with innuendoes, alleged crimes and zero proof of illegalities.

  61. Anonymous5:38 PM

    “Tucker the fucker gonna have his own show on Twitter so Musk should shut him down for offensive content before he gets started.”

    Er, not sure if you’re aware of the reputation of this Elon Musk feller and his stance on “offensive material” …

  62. I guess it goes without saying, Field, that there's no human at Google that you can reach about this. I hit the same snag with Facebook and a very innocent image... and again no sentient being minding the store. Make sure you leave a forwarding address...

  63. From Pam Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Jessica Valenti
    A new Alabama bill would charge women with murder not only if they have an abortion - but if the state decides their miscarriage was caused by recklessness or negligence

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Anonymous9:39 PM

    “A new Alabama bill would charge women with murder not only if they have an abortion - but if the state decides their miscarriage was caused by recklessness or negligence”

    The criminalization of “reckless” miscarriages was de facto happening in several states already (usually involving pregnant female drug users). But it will be a big deal when the first state officially decides that women who get abortions are murderers. It seems possible this is on the horizon.

  65. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Now Elon Musk is trying to entice Don Lemon to join the other newly jobless former talking head, Tucker Carlson, in hosting some sort of news or talk show on Twitter. Presumably not together with Carlson, but who even knows?

    I will laugh if it does turn out to be the Tucker and Don show. Endless clips of Tucker snottily explaining how entitled and lazy and criminal black people are, and Don angrily objecting. Good times.

    It sounds like Elon's trying to turn Twitter into another trash-ola tabloid news outlet. He is desperate for some way to stop Twitter hemorrhaging money, but I don't think this is going to work.

  66. Watching the trump town hall on CNN. Holy shit! THIS mf was the leader of the free world and looks like he may be again. How can any sane individual look at this guy and say “yup, this is what we want again”? Welp, it was fun while it lasted.

  67. If magats wanted to cut spending they should automatically cut every congressional magat investigative committees and prevent them from wasting another dime of taxpayer monies, ever, looking for n on-existent Democratic crimes.

  68. Anonymous3:20 PM

    More and more black people are seeing the liberal Marxist Democrats for what they really are, racists filled with hate and contempt for anyone they can’t control. the last thing the “progressive” left wants is the black people they’ve been using as a voting block for decades to wake up. Especially now that Dummycrats are starting to abandon black people to their crime filled slums as they cater to the growing illegal alien population as the new voting block. It’s been a while since hate filled Democrats have put on the hood and robe and went on a lynching party but everyone knows the deep hatred is still there.

  69. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Trump "owned" CNN last night!!!

  70. Anonymous6:12 PM

    “Trump "owned" CNN last night!!!”

    Trump “owned” his own followers last night. Unfortunately, they’re too dumb to realize when they’re being lied to.

  71. "Trump "owned" CNN last night!!!"

    trump can't afford to "own" anything.

  72. "More and more black people are seeing the liberal Marxist Democrats for what they really are, racists filled with hate and contempt for anyone they can’t control."

    Which is really interesting because it was a Republican senator that is cool with white nationalists in the military. Republicans will never get more than the 10% of Black folk they have historically gotten. Also interesting because Black Americans have always been more comfortable with Marxism than the American brand of capitalism. Look especially during the civil rights movement where you'll find many socialists and Communists in the ranks of many organizations. I recall Black Panther leaders extolling the writings of Marx and who is Blacker than the Panthers. LOL! The problem is more and more poor whites are voting against their own interests and aligning with stupid and racist Republicans. Life was so much simpler when stupid people stayed in their lanes and just let smart people run things but now idiots want to take the wheel and run us into a ditch like trump did.


    Republican senator cool with white nationalists in the military.

  74. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "trump can't afford to 'own' anything."

    Well, that may end up being the case by the time he finishes paying all his attorneys' fees and settling all of the many, many lawsuits against him.

  75. “by the time he finishes paying all his attorneys' fees“

    Pay attorneys? Are we talking about the same guy?

  76. Anonymous12:24 AM

    "Pay attorneys? Are we talking about the same guy?"


    Honestly, it's amazing that anyone still wants to work for this slimeball, with his record of stiffing employees and suppliers.

  77. "More and more black people are seeing the liberal Marxist Democrats for what they really are..."

    You can't be a liberal and a Marxist and a Democrat, numbnuts. You can be one or the other but not all three.

  78. drumpf town hall.... cheering was allowed, booing was not. Typically drumpfian garbage.

  79. Anonymous11:35 AM

    CNN shit themselves on the Trump town hall and ended the debate 20 minutes early because Trump took control and dominated the event!!!

  80. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The CNN handpicked studio audience at the Trump town hall loved DJT!!!

  81. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “The CNN handpicked studio audience at the Trump town hall loved DJT!!!”

    No, the TRUMP-handpicked studio audience loved Trump’s bullshit, unsurprisingly. CNN rolled over and let Trump do whatever he wanted on their channel. They let his team set up this town hall.

    Billionaire John Malone, who sits on the board of the company that owns CNN, has been pushing CNN to coddle wingnuts (i.e., don’t offend them by refusing to air wingnut lies).

    CNN is going down the tubes.

  82. drumpf's campaign commercial on CNN ran overtime.

  83. Sup TPC. Long time.

  84. And so it began.... guy in Texass murders girlfriend because she travelled out of state for an abortion.

  85. Ron Johnson has a problem. He developed a new guilty theory for Bidens. You have to infer their guilt because proof doesn't exist.

    In a magat ruled judiciary this will probably suffice.

  86. Sasha Obama graduates from USC. A while back Michelle Obama sang backup or the "Boss" in Spain. Must be nice to be Obamas.

    Wonder if any drumpf's graduated or sang backup for anyone not associated with criminal enterprises.

  87. Anonymous4:41 PM

    “Wonder if any drumpf's graduated or sang backup for anyone not associated with criminal enterprises.”

    Donald appeared in a porno.

    And Wrestlemania.


  88. When you're an actual star:

    Fantastic Negrito
    May 11
    “Historically” I don’t just walk up and start kissing anyone or just grab them in the pussy nor do I know anyone else that does

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. Looks like drumpf broke the seal on champagne bottle, so there's that.


    2 staffers of Virginia Democrat were injured, likely by a drumpf supporter. Hard to say.

  91. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Shorter Durham: The feebies suck but we got nothing.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Now Rudy is being sued for sexual harassment.

    How many current or former members of Team Trump aren't in some sort of legal trouble? It seems like the answer is zero.

  94. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I saw a movie once where the police and the military were the only ones that had guns. The movie was called “Schindler’s List”

  95. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Durham report PROVES once again that Trump is always correct. Hillary and Obama conspired against Trump and weaponized the alphabet agencies against him and the American people.

  96. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Whatever the Marxist left accuses Trump of, they themselves are guilty of....................

  97. Of course, like all magats, anymoose has zero hard proof to back up his lies about Obama and HRC and every other liberal in the world.

  98. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "Durham report PROVES once again that Trump is always correct. Hillary and Obama conspired against Trump and weaponized the alphabet agencies against him and the American people."

    Durham report proves Trump assigned one of his henchmen to fabricate evidence of the FBI and intel agencies persecuting Trump, and he still couldn't manage to do it.

    Yet another nothingburger in Trump and Republicans' doomed quest to prove they are victims of some terrible "witch hunt." How many is that now?

  99. A 12 year old boy in Texas shot and killed a Sonic employee in the parking lot with an AR-Jr .22 rifle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    More racism from a republican senator. Shocking.

  101. "I saw a movie once where the police and the military were the only ones that had guns. The movie was called “Schindler’s List”

    I visited a few countries where only the police and the military had guns. Those countries were Japan and Singapore. They were beautiful and I had a great time.



  104. Anonymous11:55 PM

    "I saw a movie once where the police and the military were the only ones that had guns. The movie was called 'Schindler’s List'”

    This is such an insane and illogical talking point. And ironic, since the people throwing it around are mainly fascists.

    1) Jews in Weimar Germany were less than 1% of the population. When the government decided to exterminate them, they had no meaningful chance to resist, guns or no guns. And, by the way, Jews DID have guns in Weimar Germany, before the Nazis took over. But like I said, that didn't help them. Their only realistic option was to flee.

    2) Equally, civilian guns are no protection against tyranny here in the United States. Our government has the most powerful military in the world.

    You may have an AR-15. But the feds have tanks. The feds have Apache helicopters and drones equipped with hellfire missiles. The feds have flame-throwers and white phosphorus munitions and bunker-busting bombs. If the U.S. government goes bad, you are not going to defeat them with the small arms you bought at the local gun shop. That's laughable. If they want to stomp you, you are getting stomped.

    3) Most importantly, everyone knows you don't want to own guns in order to defend against tyranny anyway! YOU WANT GUNS IN ORDER TO FIGHT DEMOCRACY. You think you have a right to start shooting people if the majority of citizens happen to vote in a way you don't like. Sorry, no you fucking don't.

  105. Yeah, take your AR and pick a fight with the US government, I dare you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous1:14 PM

    “Yeah, take your AR and pick a fight with the US government, I dare you.”

    Maybe he will. Fascists are dumb enough to do this. Every so often, there is an outburst of Tim McVeigh-style violent assaults on the government, resulting in the self-styled “patriots” getting annihilated.

    The major danger, though, isn’t that fascists overthrow the government outright, by force, which is very unlikely to succeed. The danger is that liberals let them sneak in the back door, by stealth.

    The fundamental problem for everyone who cares about democracy is: How do you stick up for fundamental civil liberties that are the bedrock of a democracy, like free speech and due process, without allowing them to be abused by fascists, who hate democracy and would revoke these rights in an instant if they got hold of all the levers of power? Trump has already given us a preview of what that looks like.

    And then there’s the money problem: A lot of rich people quite like the idea of fascism, and are happy to fund it.

  107. Colorado's state witch Boobalert filed for divorce from her pedo hubby and she blames the media for making up false stories about his past troubles.

  108. Anonymous4:41 PM

    “Colorado's state witch Boobalert filed for divorce from her pedo hubby and she blames the media for making up false stories about his past troubles.”

    Except it wasn’t the media, was it? A cop decided that Bobo’s husband took his weiner out at a bowling alley, and he pleaded guilty, I believe.

    Also, to be fair, he’s probably not a pedo, just a stupid drunk. Stupidity can make you do some ill-advised things, like tattooing your penis. And alcohol can also make you do some ill-advised things, like proudly showing off your penis tattoo to uninterested strangers.

    This is all par for the course for Bobo’s family life, as she is America’s most rednecky congressperson.

  109. Tuberville doesn't think we should even have elections any more. But Tommy, how could you get to be a senator without an election?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Stormy Daniels has a spank video out. It's hot stuff!

  111. Honey Boo-Boo and Mean Margie Green are banging pussies in the ladies room right now.

  112. “When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.“

    Isaac Asimov

  113. Good news or environment and water quality...,. the Lower Klamath Power District has decommisioned and is preparing to remove 4 dams on the Klamath river which will open up 4oo miles of river for fish migrations and recreation. The dams haven't produced much electricity in recent years.

  114. Cleveland Browns legendary running back, Jim Brown, has left the stadium at age 87. Active in social issues and as an actor.

  115. Patriot Front mocked:

    Mike: I spent a good portion of my childhood in a boat on the LOWER lower Klamath. That dam removal has been in the works for decades, fought for by sane folks and tribes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. Manifest Density8:31 PM

    "The problem is that there are not a lot of folks at Google who look like I do, and they do not understand that... it might be time for a change."

    Diversity requires control to be shared. As an invasive species the Eurapeon would rather do without any suggestions that might require their effort to address their lack thereof.

  117. Manifest Density8:38 PM

    Malcolm X would have been 98 years old today and America a better place.

  118. Doug, them there dams aren't used for flood control, irrigation or power generation. Seems all they do is hold back progress of fish and recreators. Good things are worth waiting for. Sounds like this time they will be disappeared and make people happy.

  119. Anonymous12:56 PM

    “Doug, them there dams aren't used for flood control, irrigation or power generation.”

    No, they are used for power generation. But the amount of power they use is relatively modest — estimated at 2% of the power generated by the local power company.

    Also, the dams create one or more lakes upstream. The people who live along the lakefront aren’t happy that it will be taken away. Obviously, if you bought lakefront property, you aren’t happy when it turns into nothing-front property.

    These negatives were deemed to be less important than the environmental benefits of removing the dams.

  120. Anonymous12:56 PM

    *power they create

  121. 30 tons of ammonium nitrate are missing from a railcar shipped from Wyoming to California.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. Anonymous10:57 PM

    “30 tons of ammonium nitrate are missing from a railcar shipped from Wyoming to California.”

    The story is indicating that the authorities think the ammonium nitrate gradually fell out of the rail car over the course of its travel, because somebody left a gate open.

    Hmmm. I guess the rest of us have to cross our fingers and hope that’s what actually happened. Thirty tons (!) sure sounds like a hell of a lot of explosive material to just go, “Whoops, guys, it fell out.”

  123. I paid 26 bucks for 4 lbs of ammonium nitrate (21% nitrogen, 24% sulfur) from Dixondale Farms onion farm in Texas. It is used to boost onion growth during bulbing growth and works really well.

    I figured the rail car was hijacked by white scumacysts since there a lot of militias out that way and Wyoming antelopes are incapable of opening under car doors.

  124. Manifest Density9:20 PM

    "I tried posting an article a few days ago and it was shot down by the gatekeepers at Google."

    Look on the bright side. In the pantheon of trolls Google is easily in the top 3.

  125. Anonymous12:33 AM

    E. Jean Carroll is suing Trump again, because he has defamed her again.

    Maybe he'll just keep defaming her repeatedly, and paying court judgments repeatedly, until he goes broke. Trump does not seem able to restrain himself from being an asshole, even when being an asshole is expensive.

  126. In his defense of subway strangler, Theodore Nugent compared hisself to MLK with a Glock.

  127. Anonymous12:25 PM

    “In his defense of subway strangler, Theodore Nugent compared hisself to MLK with a Glock”

    Personally, I feel like Ted is more like Hitler with a pool noodle.

  128. drumpf just can't shut the fuck up...

    Hope it costs him double this time.

  129. Ted? You mean the guy who shit himself and wallowed in it for days to weasel out of being drafted?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. That'd be the one, Doug.

  131. SC governor wants to hunt Democrats with dogs, or thinks that's a good joke:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  132. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The problem of blacks explained:

  133. Anonymous7:57 PM

    "I paid 26 bucks for 4 lbs of ammonium nitrate (21% nitrogen, 24% sulfur"

    what can you do with that besides feed your tomato plants................

  134. Anonymous8:00 PM


  135. what can you do with that besides feed your tomato plants..

    It is advertised as onion fertilizer and i suspect it would bve excellent for asparagus in moderation. I buy it for onion plants and it makes a big difference when you feed onion bulbs that are just starting to grow.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Way off topic, Legendary singer with fabulous legs, the one and only, Tina Turner has left the building, age 83.

  138. Town's best pig went to a house on a domestic violence call and shot and seriously wounded 11 year old innocent black child for no reason.

  139. Rhonda Santis recruited and hired pigs who had committed crimes in their earlier pig-jobs including rape and murder.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Anonymous6:37 PM

    “Rhonda Santis recruited and hired pigs who had committed crimes in their earlier pig-jobs including rape and murder.”

    Yeah, he has a whole “Come to Florida! We’re not woke here!” sales pitch aimed at police officers from blue states.

    The officers who are taking him up on the offer are obviously interpreting “not woke” to mean police brutality and extracurricular violence is perfectly fine in the Sunshine State.

    The rest of America might need to secede from Florida. DeSantis is turning it into a dystopian hellscape.

  141. So the orcas off of Spain have started banding together and sinking boats.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  142. So there were technical problems during Desantis’ announcement? I guess God has spoken.😂

  143. “So the orcas off of Spain have started banding together and sinking boats.“

    I’ve seen that movie, it doesn’t end well.


    "The hills we climb" poem read at Biden's inauguration banned in Florida. And here we thought Republicans were for freedom. I guess we're not free to read a poem by a young Black women. WTF?

  145. Anonymous12:17 AM

    “‘The hills we climb’ poem read at Biden's inauguration banned in Florida. And here we thought Republicans were for freedom. I guess we're not free to read a poem by a young Black women. WTF?”

    That’s what happens when there’s an insane rule that says even a single parent’s objection is enough to cause educational materials to be banned from the curriculum. It won’t be long before there’s nothing left for the school to teach anymore, and they just close the doors and let everyone stay ignorant.

    In this particular case, the one parent is a mom who alleges the poem contains “hate messages.” (Apparently, any kind of demand for political reform constitutes a hate message.)

    Also, she thinks the poem was written by Oprah. And obviously, Oprah is very dangerous. :-D

  146. “It won’t be long before there’s nothing left for the school to teach anymore“

    Oh they’ll have plenty to teach. They can teach that the constitution was written by Jesus, Black people enslaved white people, the north invaded the south because they hated Black people and trump is the greatest president in history. Lots to learn.

  147. That is indeed a powerful and well-written poem.

    Up is down, wrong is right and love is hate. Obama, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are race-baiters and T**** is the least racist guy you're ever gonna meet.

    I'm not surprised that DeSantis banned the poem. It represents everything that he is trying to quell and put down. He is an extreme example of denial, and at the same time a manifestation of the most cherished Klan ideals. He is every old-timer NFL fan who hated the "taking of a knee." He puts old George Wallace to shame in his unabashed and pure racist thought. He's the sheriff that gave George zimmerman a ride home the night he murdered Trayvon Martin. He's the three rednecks who chased don Ahmed Arberry.

    But most of all he is a big, fucking pussy. Sorry Ronald. There is nothing you can do to kill the movement any more than you can pray away the gay. Once when our nation fought hard to defeat the fascists, publishers imprinted upon the frontispieces of the war-time books this inscription:

    Words are Weapons in the War of Ideas

    I had a 2-volume collection of Carl Sandburgs's "Lincoln" that had this motto emblazoned on a ribbon held in the talons of a screaming bald eagle.

    DeSantis is just a big sissy. Afraid of the words of one little girl.

  148. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Lauren Bobo says having a third kid was less expensive than going on birth control.

    Hmmm ...

    Pessimistic view: DCFS needs to pay her house a visit to check for child neglect. Sounds like she might be doing the whole parenting thing wrong.

    Optimistic view: Bobo didn't finish high school, so her math skills ... might be suspect.


    Floriduh mom behind book ban is linked to Prowd Boys.

  150. Anonymous10:51 AM

    “Floriduh mom behind book ban is linked to Prowd Boys.”

    Wow, shocker, who would have guessed she’d turn out to be a racist nutjob? What are the odds?

    (Ron Howard voice: The odds were 100%.)

  151. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Well, DeSantis made a great move launching his campaign on Twitter, eh? Too bad nobody could see it, because of all the glitches.

    Someone should have warned Ron that Elon fired half the staff and now Twitter is broken. But at least it’s not woke anymore!

    There’s a lesson in there somewhere, but I can’t quite put my finger on it …

  152. Anonymous11:48 AM

    WaPo did a public records analysis. Just 11 people are behind the majority of book bans nationwide.

    Wingnut politicians have made it possible for a tiny handful of creeps to decide what millions of kids learn in school.

    Sounds like a completely practical and sensible plan to me!

  153. Oaf Keepers boss gets 18 years for seditious conspiracy. But, HRC had emails.

  154. This is very interesting....

    Texass magats hand AG 20 articles of impeachment because he ius a crook and an embarrassment to the party of embarrassed drumpf.

  155. Just hours after Paxton found out he was possibly being impeached, a dumpster near his office, full of paper, mysteriously caught fire and burned.

    What a freaking coincidence.

  156. Anonymous12:57 PM

    “Texass magats hand AG 20 articles of impeachment because he ius a crook and an embarrassment to the party of embarrassed drumpf.”

    Paxton is super sleazy, but it will be mind-blowing if the legislature does follow through and remove him. In recent decades, Republicans have shown that they are largely okay with sleaze.

  157. Politics Girl explains the debt ceiling fight:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  158. "Suspicious dumpster fire" is as good of a description of Paxton as any.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  159. Anonymous9:02 PM

    “Politics Girl explains the debt ceiling fight:”

    In a democracy, if you want to reduce the debt, you either have to win elections, which Republicans cannot do, or you have to compromise, which Republicans do not like.

    So, instead, they have assaulted democracy, once again, by resorting to a third option: extortion.

    There, I explained the debt ceiling fight.

  160. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Also, Republicans do not actually care about the debt at all. Demands for debt reduction are just a pretext to block policies that protect the environment, or to inflict misery on people they hate (minorities of any kind, poor people).

  161. All is not hugs and kisses between magats on SCOTUS.

    Kavernmouth accuses Alito of making law from the bench in EPA case Kavernmouth agreed with. In this ruling scotus basically stripped EPA of ability to protect bodies of water since it passed under Obama.

  162. Texass magats vote to impeach Paxton and he is to be removed from office immediately.

  163. Ultimate war criminal, Henry Kissinger turned 100 and should never have been allowed to live freely that long.

  164. Paxton impeached by Texas statehouse, removed from job while awaiting trial in state senate:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. Red hatters become confused when "Trump Bucks" they spent thousands of dollars on turn out to not be redeemable for money at banks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  166. Lucky Miss lindsey Graham, someone finally wants him....

  167. Rosalynn Carter has dementia.

  168. Republican, of course, is a flat-earther and is against the conspiracy to push the idea the planet is a sphere. This is where we're at.


  170. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Fidelity has assessed Twitter’s value and determined that the company has lost two-thirds of its value since Elon took over.

    Things are going great!

  171. Oklahoma senator Markwayne Mullin doesn't want reality, a common Republican position rarely plainly stated:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  172. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Blogger’s censorship bot is still in full effect. I used a profanity and it deleted my comment. I guess the world will have to survive without the benefit of my brilliant insights.

  173. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Field, if you do decide to switch blogging platforms to get away from the censorship bot, I hear Medium and Substack are both prominent options.

  174. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Chick-Fil-A! You know, the chain of fast food restaurants owned by anti-gay Christian fundies! Apparently, now those guys are considered “woke.”


  175. It passed the senate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  176. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Twitter’s head trust and safety officer has resigned. Presumably because Twitter no longer has any intention of being trustworthy or safe.

  177. “OMFG, PilotX!!!“

    You seem surprised Mike😂

  178. Hornswoggled by gawd as ever wuz, PilotX.

  179. Anonymous3:21 PM

    “Republican, of course, is a flat-earther and is against the conspiracy to push the idea the planet is a sphere. This is where we're at.”

    It’s only a matter of time before DeSantis denounces “woke Round-Earthers” and bans all science books and maps in the state of Florida.

    For extra laughs, here is the Flat Earther theme song.

  180. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Flat-Earthers are the REAL conservatives, not like those squishy rhino cuck Republicans in Washington. They want to go back to the good old days before the libtards ruined everything with their politically correct insistence on round planets — the 3rd century BC!

  181. "It’s only a matter of time before DeSantis denounces “woke Round-Earthers” and bans all science books and maps in the state of Florida."

    That hasn't happened yet?

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