Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Tim Scott does not want to be defined by his blackness. His party will do it for him.


I recently ran across an article about Tim Scott, Senator from South Carolina, and declared republican candidate for president, which I found quite interesting.  Mr. Scott is African American, and I think the fact that he is running for President of the United States is a good thing. What's not good, though, is the reason he is giving for running, and the message that he hopes that his candidacy sends. He recently appeared on The View, and I will give him credit for at least attempting to debate the merits of his positions. 

Anyway, here is the article about the aforementioned Mr. Scott. It's a bit harsh, but I actually agree with most of what the author had to stay. 

"Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) hopped in the 2024 presidential race Monday with a campaign speech in his hometown of North Charleston, South Carolina.

Scott employed language similar to every other Black evangelical politician: “Victimhood or victory? I choose freedom, hope and opportunity.” “I disrupt their narrative.” And more language suggested that he refuses to be defined by his Blackness.

In his most attention-grabbing comments, Scott diminished the existence of racism to what appears to be a largely white audience.

“For those of you who wonder if America is a racist country, take a look… at how all of God’s people come together… because unconditional love binds hearts together,” Scott said. “We are not defined by the color of our skin; we’re defined by the content of our character. If anyone tells you anything different, they’re a-lyin’!”

Scott doubled down on this inherently flawed idea as a guest on Monday’s episode of ” The View ,” suggesting that the American playing field is level because Black folks have achieved high-level jobs within the U.S. government and elsewhere (though the audience reserved their boos for when he regurgitated the asinine suggestion of his competitor, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, that Disney is “indoctrinating” children with evil LGBTQ propaganda.)

Most sensible Black folks see through this bullshit like a Ziploc bag. For the woefully uninitiated, however, I’ll put the snark on hold, just for a second: Racism is forever. And it’s everywhere, including America. That no one is dragging Black folks by their noosed necks behind moving cars in the open anymore doesn’t suggest it’s completely nonexistent in all its forms.

Look no further than the 2016 election of Donald Trump, which galvanized the tiki-torch protesters and U.S. Capitol insurrectionists to say all the quiet parts very loudly in a manner I hadn’t seen before in my life. Having working eyes and ears and suggesting that racism is a thing of the past is like passing the third grade convinced that the Earth is flat.

Yet, Scott is just one of several charisma-free, cookie-cutter conservative House Negroes propagating the notion that Black folks bucking up and letting go of that pesky racism issue that apparently hasn’t been an issue since the mid-20 th century is the true anodyne for all our problems. When these clowns vie for their respective political thrones, it’s almost always on the back of Black Democrats whom they insist are playing the “race card” as victims.

In 2004, Alan Keyes was installed by Illinois Republicans as a carpetbagger to challenge Barack Obama for the state’s U.S. Senate seat. An avowed evangelical Christian staunchly opposed to affirmative action and abortion, Keyes was curb-stomped by a young Obama during his unprecedented ascendancy. Keyes was a puppet for white Republicans, and everyone saw through him.

Despite his failed presidential bid, the late Herman Cain made his millions by slinging Godfather’s Pizza and having a keen business and investment acumen. Though Cain made it a point to let everyone know that he got out of the mud all on his own despite having been born a Black man in the 1940s Deep South, his Black ass most assuredly benefited from affirmative action . May he rest in peace and all that.

Larry Elder, the patron saint of Black conservatives, has spent his decades-long radio career espousing the virtues of being a sellout. He even created a self-aggrandizing documentary, 2020’s ” Uncle Tom ,” in the hope that people listening to all his buddies talk about how cool it is to be a Black conservative might influence more people to vote for Trump again.

Elder tried to take California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s seat in a 2021 recall election. He’s running now for president in 2024 , at which he’ll also fail.

I know I must include Herschel Walker in my polemic, since he was the loudest Black Republican candidate before Scott to downplay racism . But I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen such an obvious Uncle Ruckus-shaped pawn in my life, so despite the eye-wateringly amazing progress he made in last year’s Georgia Senate race before losing to Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock, I never took Walker to be a serious human.

These morons all have one thing in common: When it’s time to get elected, the white Republicans they courted drop them like used napkins and the Democrat they challenged ultimately gets the office.

(Perhaps the only exception to this rule is almost the most dangerous: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, appointed by President George H.W. Bush, has the power to constitutionally send America back to the late 1800s. All while being openly financially shady .)

Outside of politics, there’s a gaggle of sellouts who, despite being born and raised to two Black parents in the 20 th century, have built sizable social media followings spewing “post-racial” rhetoric so absurd that I’m unconvinced that most of them actually believe their own hype.

Candace Owens is not a stupid woman ― I don’t believe she’s achieved the success she has in her mid-30s while lacking a fundamental understanding of the limitations society will always attempt to heap upon a dark-skinned Black woman. She’s simply riding the white supremacist wave to secure a bag, which makes her worse than the nakedly racist white people we expect it from.

For my bread, the image of Owens and her buddy Ye ― who, despite being a wildly successful billionaire, still longs for white acceptance – draped in “White Lives Matter” T-shirts last year is far more disgusting than a bunch of white incels hoisting tiki-torches.

I agree that Black people shouldn’t embrace victimhood as a crutch to keep us from achieving the goals we desire. But there’s a wide chasm between rejecting victimhood and suggesting that racism died with Jim Crow, or that we’re “post-racial” because we elected a Black man to the White House in 2008.

Racism is not our utter inability to accomplish the goals of our white counterparts. It’s our need to work a bit harder to do so. To be more agreeable and palatable. To go the extra mile to prove that we belong in spaces in which we’re not traditionally expected… spaces in which we literally weren’t allowed at a time when our parents walked the Earth.

Recognizing the perpetual existence of systemic racism and working to mitigate its effects should be part of every human’s social contract ― even for those who benefit from it.

Even if Trump manages to stay out of prison, Scott won’t come within spitting distance of the Republican nomination in a race that includes Ron DeSantis . But as he goes through the process, he’ll learn just how squeaky-clean his closet must be to even be considered for the Oval Office as a Black man… a lesson Obama had to learn before him.

Scott will be forced to compare his experience with all the ridiculous shit that Trump did, only to get elected anyway. Then perhaps he’ll finally understand racism.

CORRECTION : A prior version of this story referred to the incorrect President Bush in one instance." [Source]

Tim Scott has a very optimistic view of race in America. The problem is that most Americans in the majority population, especially those in his party, do not share his sense of optimism and hope for race relations in America. It's a party that is led by Donald Trump, a man who has made it cool for poor white folks to hate again.  So with that said, I am not quite sure where Mr. Scott's vision fits in with all the hatred and bile that has festered in his party over the past few years. 

Still, I wish him luck. He will need it.   




  1. I guess making racist white Republicans feel better about their racism is a job like any other job.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Tim Scott doesn’t have a snowball’s chance, anyway. He’s really running for a Cabinet position in the (God forbid) next Trump administration.

    The only contenders for the GOP nomination that I see so far are Trump and, if Trump goes to prison, DeSantis. So, the two worst people in America, basically.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Apparently, some enterprising lefty parent is testing the recent “if one parent objects to a book, it’s banned” laws that wingnuts have been passing in states they control. S/he got the Bible removed from some Utah schools, on the grounds that it was unfit for children to read.

    According to the complaint filed with the school district, the Bible contains “incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape and even infanticide.”

    Way too spicy for the young’uns to be exposed to, wouldn’t you agree?

  4. Some in Utah want to ban Book of Mormon, too. Biblr might be left in high schools, though it is the most pornographic collectoion of mortal sins ever conjured up.

  5. North Duhkota guv, another wasicu wastey, throws his hat into the potus cesspool on the magat side. His whole campaign will be claiming to be white, not Black.

  6. Field Said,,,
    "Recognizing the perpetual existence of systemic racism and working to mitigate its effects should be part of every human’s social contract ― even for those who benefit from it."

    I agree with this statement one-hundred percent. But I would add to it and say this may be the only way to defeat systemic racism.

  7. Manifest Density10:39 PM

    "Scott... suggested that he refuses to be defined by his Blackness."

    That's a mistake. Nothing wrong with being black. In fact, Black is beautiful again!

  8. t said. “We are not defined by the color of our skin; we’re defined by the content of our character.

    Shouldn't Scott have given attribution to MLK for using those words w/o permission?

  9. Televangelist and scammer of old ladies, Pat Robertson, has finally gone to the devil.

    I, for one, will not miss his pastey white hide.

  10. Am I the only one who missed any mention of D-Day anni on June 6th?

  11. Anonymous2:27 PM

    “'We are not defined by the color of our skin; we’re defined by the content of our character.'

    Shouldn't Scott have given attribution to MLK for using those words w/o permission?"

    LOL, potential Scott voters are the only ones clueless enough to not already know that quote came from MLK.

  12. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Whoa. Alabama Republicans pulled such a blatantly racist gerrymander of congressional districts that they even lost Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh when the case came to the Supreme Court. They had drawn the maps so as to minimize the effect of votes by black residents on Alabama election outcomes.

    The decision in case Allen v Milligan means SCOTUS will now force them to redraw the maps to include a second majority-black district.

  13. Scott should be jumping for joy the Scotus rules Aladamnbama must redraw voting maps and include a second majority black district due to Alabama's 27% black population.

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM


  15. I keep saying that it's the S.C. Dem's fault for having to put up with Mushmouth for the next year as the GOP's newest pet. They could have gotten rid of him TWICE but each time they ran nobody candidates. If they had run a serious white male candidate Timmy would be guest hosting a Fox shown right now. Not sure what kind of deal they made with the Republicans, maybe a non-gerrymander?, but something is fishy in S.C.

  16. Lucifer is using body fat from Robertson's descent where it is warm year around to lubricate the bung hole so Robertson gets what he would have gotten had he gone to prison. Make him squeal like the pig he is.

    I believe Robertson's first born was born out of wedlock or soon after his parents got married.

  17. "Shouldn't Scott have given attribution to MLK for using those words w/o permission?"

    they all use that quote without knowing any of the rest of the speech.

  18. Fergus indicted again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “Not sure what kind of deal they made with the Republicans, maybe a non-gerrymander?, but something is fishy in S.C.”

    It’s not really necessary for Republicans to resort to fishy behavior in South Carolina. It’s 64% white, and the overwhelming majority of those whites are hardcore wingnuts. The Dems don’t have a decent shot at winning a Senate seat there, no matter who they run.

  20. https://www.rawstory.com/classified-documents-2661024619/

    7 counts.

  21. "It’s not really necessary for Republicans to resort to fishy behavior in South Carolina. It’s 64% white, and the overwhelming majority of those whites are hardcore wingnuts. The Dems don’t have a decent shot at winning a Senate seat there, no matter who they run."

    S.C. is a typical southern state. They would have to choose between voting for a white man and a Black man. I say there is a good shot at getting Scott's seat but for only 6 years because they would run a white male the next time. Make them choose between their racism and their political ideology. Because I'm a cynic I'm pretty sure which one they'd choose.

  22. Here's an example of what I would do if I were the head of the S.C. Dem party. I would get James E. Smith Jr. to run against Timmy Scott. Smith is an Army veteran who won the Bronze Star and Purple Heart in Afganistan. His family's military history dates back to the Revolutionary War. Now, that is a candidate the flag waving yAhoos in S.C. could get behind. Yes, he's a Dem but by god Scott is still a negro. But hey, why try for a winnable seat Dems.

  23. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Well, they fucked around … and they found out.

    Republicans are furious that their dumb rules have, predictably, led to dumb results. But this time, the dumb results are ones they don’t like. Their “one parent can ban a book” rules have caused the Bible to be banned from a bunch of Utah schools, and they are now angrily protesting, as if they didn’t do this to themselves.

    Utah district's Bible ban spurs protest by parents, Republicans

  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Facebook smells blood in the water over in Elon-land. They’re going to open their big checkbook to create a Twitter clone and try to steal his unhappy users. Which is all the Twitter users, aside from the Trump trolls.

    It was only a matter of time. Hopefully, there will soon be other big-name rivals as well — ones who will run their Twitter 2.0 better than Zuckerberg would.

  25. “and they are now angrily protesting, as if they didn’t do this to themselves.”

    That is a hilarious take on it.😆

  26. According to WAPO (pay wall) drumpf faces 37 charges in unsealed indictment.

  27. Texas impeached AG's wealthy buddy arrested and faces 8 federal charges.


  28. 37 counts. That brings the total to 71 so far, does it not?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. This tidbit from the indictment:

    As President of the United States, on July 26, 2018, TRUMP issued the following statement about classified information: "As the head of the executive branch and Commander in Chief, have a unique, Constitutional responsibility to protect the Nation’s classified information, including by controlling access to it. ... More broadly, the issue of [a former executive branch official’s] security clearance raises larger questions about the practice of former officials maintaining access to our Nation’s most sensitive secrets long after their time in Government has ended. Such access is particularly inappropriate when former officials have transitioned into highly partisan positions and seek to use real or perceived access to sensitive information to validate their political attacks. Any access granted to our Nation’s secrets should be in furtherance of national, not personal, interests."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. OK, Scott has had his 15 minutes of fame. Next topic.

  31. Here is a real corker for drumpfuck.... he was indicted using a law he himself signed into law.


  32. “OK, Scott has had his 15 minutes of fame. Next topic.“

    We’re all stuck with Timmy, Namrita and the rest of the island o fs misfit toys for the next year to prove America isn’t racist. Funny how much they protest against something that doesn’t exist but this is what we have to deal with every 4 years in route to them nominating some racist white dude in the end. We can play the game of how long before something causes Mushmouth to drop out of the race such as him being caught with Lindsey in a closet. Then they would have to go with a bargain basement negro such as Larry Elder or whomever they have warming up in the bullpen. In their defense it is kinda smart to keep spare negros around for emergencies.

  33. Anonymous10:13 PM

    “Here is a real corker for drumpfuck.... he was indicted using a law he himself signed into law.”

    The Big Lie of 2016 was that Hillary Clinton could gave gone to prison for neglectful handling of classified documents under the Espionage Act, and that could’ve prevented her serving as president. But this was always bullshit, because the absolute worst she was facing under that law was possible conviction on a misdemeanor.

    So after years of stupidly pretending that Hillary’s emails were THE WORST THING EVER!!!, to avoid looking hypocritical, congressional Republicans — again, stupidly — amended the Espionage Act to actually make mishandling classified documents a felony. (At least if you do it knowingly/wilfully.)

    And guess who then went on to do exactly that?

    So now, when Democrats chant “Lock him up!,” it’s not a lie at all. Trump really can end up in the federal slammer for the documents he kept. And even after keeping them, he could still easily have avoided charges! When the government demanded he return the documents, he could have just given them back. But, being a pathological lying moron, he denied everything and forced the FBI to get warrants and bust into his home.

    And now he’s been indicted.

    Trump is an embarrassingly bad joke, but so is his whole political party.

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  35. Thanks for sharing this with so much of detailed information.

  36. Keep sharing such good stuff

  37. Helpful and interesting too.

  38. Youre so right. Im there with you.

  39. https://abcnews.go.com/US/unabomber-ted-kaczynski-found-dead-jail-cell/story?id=99984583

    Another one bites the dust, hey, hey

  40. From Charlotte Observer..... South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, often touted as the conscience of the Republican Party, said the Trump indictment proved we have a “justice system where the scales are weighted.

    Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article276268581.html#storylink=cpy


  41. Timmy Scott is America's favorite Uncle Remus Negro, Zippity - a - Doo - Daa.
    He's a slap Happy Slave who probably has a Confederate Civil war uniform in his bedroom closet. He just wants to make white folks feel good at the suffering of black Americans. ANd to be fair there are some black Democrats who are just as bad.

  42. Where the scales are weighted? Scott and his magat overlords in the Sinate sure fumped on America a plethora of unqualified ideolgue justices with lifetime appointments and little practical knowledge of the justice system.

  43. Justice, finally, for police misconduct against Black man.....


  44. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hollywood made a movie about where the Govt has all the guns and the people do not.
    It's called Schindler's List.

  45. Anonymous12:14 PM

    “Hollywood made a movie about where the Govt has all the guns and the people do not.
    It's called Schindler's List.”

    Hollywood made a movie about where people like you got to run the government. It's called Schindler's List.

  46. South Duhkota Junior Sinator, Marion Micharel Rounds, endorsed Scott for Potus, but dropped a bomb claiming the persecution of drumpf for the same crimes Dems have done recently is shameful and political in nature, Just like Field predicts in newest post.

  47. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hollywood made a movie about where people like you got to run the government. It's called Schindler's List.

    12:14 PM

    Incorrect: The DNC (Marxist) wants all the gun control and abolish your 2nd amendment rights to leave you defenseless.

    Only the leftist globalists and democrats want to have the guns for themselves.

  48. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Juneteenth negro murders and shootings ae rampant all across the Nation. Funny way blacks have of celebrating by shooting and killing each other................

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