Sunday, June 11, 2023


I am pretty sure that none of you reading this were shocked by the federal indictment of Donald J. Trump for his "alleged" myriad of crimes having to do with his handling of classified documents after he left office. Thirty seven counts is a lot. Thirty seven! We all saw this coming. Mr. Trump has never had any respect for the rule of law, and he has always believed that he is above it. Now, finally, he will have to answer for his alleged crimes against the American people. 

Over the next few weeks you will be hearing the spin and gaslighting coming from the right. They will tell you that these charges are all political, and that they have nothing to do with the law.  Don't believe them. The truth is, if this had been anyone besides a former president who leads a cult of about thirty five percent of the voters in the republican party, he would have been charged and tried a long time ago.  He would more than likely be cooling his heels in one of the many federal detention facilities in our country as I write this.  

Still, I love the irony of all this. Here is a man who called for his political opponent (Hillary)to be locked up before she even had a trial, and for the death penalty to be handed down on five young men for a crime that they have been since exonerated from committing.  And now, he and his cult members are crying foul. They are saying that his arrest is political and never should have happened.  But I read the indictment in its entirety, and it's solid. I would recommend that if you are skeptical about the veracity of the charges, you do the same. And unless you are a member of the MAGA cult, I m sure that your conclusion will be the same. 

Donald J. Trump was indicted by a grand jury made up of ordinary citizens with no political agenda. They looked at the facts and came to the same conclusion: Donald J. Trump should be charged with these crimes. He will now have his day in court like any other ordinary citizen, and we will wait to see if justice will be served. 

This is a sad time for America. Imagine a former president being charged by the department of justice with committing crimes that could undermine our peace and security in the world. I would argue that an even sadder day, was when we elected this grifter and narcissist to be our leader in the first place.  Old black folks like to say that when someone shows you who they are, believe them. 

We have always known who Donald J. Trump is, so this indictment should not surprise any of us.  

Now let's just hope that justice will be served. 


  1. Icing on the cake, Lauren Boobalert, dingbat magat congressvarmint from Colorado, and a staunch supporter of drumpf's. is considered a security threat by the Pentagon.

  2. "He will now have his day in court like any other ordinary citizen, and we will wait to see if justice will be served."
    Yes. That is all I have ever wanted for him, to face the same consequences of the law that anyone else would face.
    I would argue that it is not a sad day but a hopeful one. Nixon and Reagan exposed shortcomings in our political system by skating from their crimes. Now perhaps Fergus has taken the criming to a level where even the adherents to our flawed system agree that something must be done, and that something may prove to be the first step toward righting those flaws.
    And now Hillary Clinton is selling special edition "but her emails" merchandise with the proceeds going to her OnwardTogether organization's efforts at saving democracy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. It was quite humorous listening to TFG bitch about hoaxes and weaponized DOJ and whatnot. Just one day earlier I had watched the CBS Special Report at 12:00 noon PST. As he groaned, cajoled and no doubt played to his base, I just kept seeing in my mind the bathroom storage room with I believe what was a toilet in the foreground. It looked like maybe about 80 or 90 banker's boxes full of files. Several of the boxes were upset and with quite a bit of their contents scattered across the floor like an abandoned storage unit. I could just imagine TFG giving the orders to once again move and try to hide the Top Secret documents from the FBI. It's really laughable, amateur hour stuff. What a fucking dope!

    There is literally a mountain of evidence in this case.

    This myth of the investigation being ordered by Biden will not die. And the hypocritical SOBs in the House who are decrying this all as politically motivated --- are scrambling to investigate Biden over nothing at all. You can't make this shit up.

  4. OK, I just finished reading the whole indictment. My reaction to it is that he will most likely try to throw Nauta and his attorneys under the bus, but that I doubt it will help him any. I encourage everyone to read it. It isn't that long and the stories it tells are mostly familiar, just set out in logical and chronological order, with emphasis on which crimes were committed by whom, where, and when.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Mr Field, you have summed this up better than I could have. I hope Trump gets a fair trial and pays for his crimes. I have read the indictment, he and his "followers" are dangerous to our country. Living in Alabama, I hear the crazy maga crap all the time.

  6. If drumpf isn't exonerated, no trial will ever be fair to him and a third of the magat party. That is the way of the magat universe.

  7. Rod Stewart's wife made him unfriend derumpf after drumpf made disparaging remarks about women. Stewart used to perform at drumpf casinos and go to his Christmas parties.

    Smart, strong woman.

  8. That bathroom photo is vivid. The chandeliers! The fake marble! The gilded mirror frame! The wall of stolen top secrets! The commode!

    To complete the farce, imagine the Dork Lard, Don the Con himself, sitting upon that porcelain throne, with phone in hand and pants down to his ankles, tweeting and excreting simultaneously!


  9. Trump is guilty as sin but nothing will come of it. He will still be allowed to do what he pleases.

  10. Fergus did this to himself. Note that he wasn't charged for the 197 documents he gave back, only for 31 of the ones he didn't.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. So it looks as if Fergus' idiot hordes didn't tear Miami down today. Maybe because the leaders are mostly in jail from J6?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Manifest Density3:39 PM

    " We all saw this coming, Mr. Trump has never had any respect for the rule of law, and he has always believed that he is above it. "

    America has always loved and made celebrities of criminals. Jesse James, Al Capone and Ronald Reagan just to name a few. ( Insert Jack the Ripper. Reagan was a celebrity before he became a criminal.)

    And now we have Donnie Favors. Not since Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were tried for the murder of Emmitt Till have we seen the system rigged so much in favor of the defendant. Justice ain't blind. It's wearing a blindfold. It sees what it wants to see.

  13. McCarthy swears magats will use Gym Jordan's weaponized committee to go after the AG and Jack Smith. That will end up in failure just like all the rest of magats investigations.

    Witch Hunts R magats.

  14. Miami's magat mayor throws his hat into potus race. Another lewzer.

  15. No, you despicable fucks, you only matter if the race is close.

    No Labels Vows to Drop Race If Biden Way Ahead

    June 15, 2023 at 3:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 203 Comments

    “The co-chair of No Labels, the political organization trying to mount a third-party presidential campaign in 2024, vowed on Thursday to end the group’s effort if polling next spring shows President Joe Biden ‘way, way out ahead’ of former President Donald Trump,” NBC News reports.

    Said Dr. Ben Chavis: “No Labels is not and will not be a spoiler in favor of Donald Trump in 2024.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Anonymous3:07 AM

    My dream scenario is that Republican voters stupidly make Trump their nominee, because he insisted he was innocent and this was all a “witch hunt.” And this is followed by Trump getting convicted and sent to prison in the fall of ‘24.

    And then his whole party just stands there dumbfounded, like, “Uhhhhh, what do we do now?” before inserting some pathetic no-hoper like Nikki Haley or Mike Pence as a desperate last-minute substitution, and Biden waltzes into a second term effortlessly.

  17. Anonymous4:48 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  18. Read indepth report of Paxton's felony charges. He is one bad hombre who, like drumpf, figures the rules don't apply to him.

    Rhonsa Santis is badly losing popularity contest nationwide with Disney.

    Heard a drumpd supporter claim that the 60-70 court cases about the 2020 election drumpf lost never happened. I guess they were fake.

    magats are too stoopid to live without being watered at least once a week.

  19. An important hero from Watergate era has passed away at 92.

    A true American hero. He opined last week he was not long for the world and begged Americans not to forget the lessoins from that time.


    Cops used excessive force even while DOJ watched them.

  21. I am trying to imagine a world where somehow I meet a time traveler from late 2019, early 2020 or even early 2021. They ask about Trump and what happened with all that?

    Then you have to explain that he has been finally been arrested not for the longstanding Russian ties, the ordering of his goons to separate children from their parents, not for any of the financial shenanigans that occurred in his administration, not for the massive botched pandemic response, not the violent insurrection or the attempts to throw out the legitimate election results in swing states, not even the financial kickbacks from countries like Saudi Arabia.

    Instead you have to tell them a story involving missing classified documents, a tacky bathroom, and Kid Rock.

  22. Ian:
    He rose by chaos, so he falls by chaos. Trump 20 to 24 years hard time.

  23. Anonymous3:31 AM

    “Then you have to explain that he has been finally been arrested not for … the violent insurrection or the attempts to throw out the legitimate election results in swing states …”

    He may well still be arrested and charged for the latter two offenses, though.

    The civil suit for rape/defamation, and the criminal charges for hush money and classified documents were merely the appetizers. Or maybe the soup and salad. If Trump is unhappy now, he’s going to be furious when they serve him the main course.

  24. Agree with Anon@3:31, there may still be another shoe to drop. Keep an eye on the DC proceedings. Jack might not be done.


    Smith wants to prevent drumpf from disseminating sensitive evidence in ongoing federal casesm against drumpf. Good luck shutting tyhat dumb fuck up.

  26. Anonymous12:42 PM

    We are officially like Venezuela now. Banana republik

  27. Anonymous12:44 PM

    CHICAGO June 1st - 16th 2023
    Shot & Killed: 29
    Shot & Wounded: 149
    Total Shot: 178
    Total Homicides: 31

  28. Anonymous12:46 PM

    38% jump in Chicago crime during Mayor Johnson’s first month – Wirepoints

  29. Why magats are so glaringly bad at investigating alleged wrongdoing....

    Comer's key witness against Biden corruption has not been heard from in 3 years and could be dead already. Magats are so fucking dumb they could not be trusted to find fleas on a dog carcass infested with fleas.

  30. Former MLB pitcher and drumpf ass kisser, Curt Schilling, says someone has to pull a trigger to stop unconstitutional persecution of drumpf.

  31. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Chicago shootings: At least 55 shot, 9 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say

  32. Anonymous11:26 AM

    ‘Upwards of 50’ shots fired as gunman chases victim in River North

  33. Anonymous11:27 AM

    No beat car was on duty the night five people were shot outside Lincoln Park Zoo, despite repeated assurances by police, alderman

  34. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Mass shooting during Juneteenth celebration in Willowbrook, Illinois leaves 1 dead, 22 hurt (all black)

  35. New poll by GLAAD says 90% of pollees want LGTBQ people b e fully accepted.

  36. Manifest Density2:54 PM

    These shootings serve as a reminder that America has no shame. Every school day, I would argue, each of these individuals whose actions are addressed in the previous comments highlighting the violence inherent in Eurapeon culture, pledged allegiance to a country that offered no allegiance to them.

    So thank you Anon for pointing out the failure of this country's adherence to the founding principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Thank you Anon for showing that you can't solve crime from inside a squad car. Thank you Anon for reminding us that we pay for the pensions and benefits to those charged to serve and protect who obviously aren't doing their job.

    And thank you Anon for ignoring the lying, cheating and profiteering of Donito Trumpolini aka Donnie 2x's aka Dumbold Trump. With a role model like him, is there any question why crime is rampant in these streets?

    It took 1500 years for the Europeon to become comfortable being poor, oppressed and neglected. Do you think we should give in after only 150? Is that why CRT is being maligned? Are you afraid that we not only have the receipts, but the invoices, too?

    So Anon I have to ask... why do you neglect to shine a light on resources sent to Ukraine to address the murder, rape and destruction over there that would be best served here at home? Why does White on White crime rarely get the attention afforded those in the Black community? Why is the Eurapeon involved in every conflict across the globe?

    Why can't we all just get along?

    I know why and so do you.

    Happy Juneteenth!

  37. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "New poll by GLAAD says 90% of pollees want LGTBQ people b e fully accepted."

    Pure DELUSION!!

  38. Anonymous3:24 PM

    A confusing time yesterday in the ghetto and now the Juneteenth genocide that blacks perpetuate against each other.

  39. Manifest Density4:21 PM

    Anon @ 3:24 PM

    But what about Ukraine?

  40. More magat sexual shenanigans....

  41. Happy Juneteenth!

  42. “With a role model like him, is there any question why crime is rampant in these streets?“

    Exactly MD. Republicans are weird. Their top two choices for president are two of the goofiest people on the planet and should be relegated to a circus sideshow. Can ya at least nominate somebody who hasn’t been indicted or someone without “woke” Tourettes? I know, they can’t 😆.

  43. “38% jump in Chicago crime during Mayor Johnson’s first month – Wirepoints“

    Welp, we all know CPD has some of the finest most dedicated officers so it’ll come down🤷🏾‍♂️

  44. Manifest Density9:34 AM

    PX said

    "Welp, we all know CPD has some of the finest most dedicated officers..."

    I agree wholeheartedly, but unfortunately, we also know CPD has some of the worst, too.

    There's a saying in some corners of the Black community that says, "Everybody hates the cops until you need them." In their defense, we know, not all cops are bad.

    But then there is current Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara, a former police officer with the city of Chicago. He is a Trump supporter and defender of the January 6th insurrection," who had been suspended 9 times for a total of 131 days during his career. He was the subject of 50 civilian complaints, which put him in the 96th percentile of officers. (Damn…there's worse than him?) He survived two previous attempts to fire him, before he resigned in the middle of another disciplinary action where he could potentially have lost his job."( Source: Chicago Sun Times Nov. 2021 )

    Then we have Jon Burge and his Midnight crew. He was famous for using torture to force people to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Burge was so bad the city of Chicago has planned on building a memorial to honor the victims of his torture. (You can't make this up!)

    It should be noted that on April 14, 2015, then Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel, announced the creation of a $5.5 million city fund for individuals who could prove that they were victimized by Burge. (USA Today April 2015) It should also be noted that Commander Burge collected a pension at his home in Florida until his death.

    The National registry for exoneration lists Illinois the second highest state for exoneration with Texas being number 1. The city of Chicago has paid over 275 million dollars in settlements for wrongful convictions since 2010. (Some estimate as the total as high as 500 million.)

    Does Chicago have a crime problem? Hell yes. Is the Black community working to address it? Damn right! Did we get here by ourselves? Hell no, we didn't!

    Dumb-old Trump, the right wing's biggliest role model and frontrunner in the upcoming presidential election said, he could stand on 5th Ave. and shoot somebody and not lose votes. What type of message does that send to our children?

    You say Chiraq, I say, but what about Chireland and Chitaly?

    Chicago is a "gangster town. We didn't create it. It was like that when we found it. Lest we not forget, before becoming mayor, Richard J. Daley was 'banging with the Barrons on the South Side beating up Blacks who dared cross over into Bridgeport. And for those who think we are natural born criminals with a penchant for violent crime, I say we didn't get here by ourselves, we had help. And I would posit that we could use some help getting out of it.

    So the next time you hear about Black violence in Chicago know that there's more to it than single parent households, welfare queens, gangs and drugs. (I see you, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton!)

    I nominate substandard living conditions in some of the largest housing projects in America. I nominate Urban Renewal projects that built interstate highways thru the heart of Black communities. I nominate educational systems designed to maintain an industrial working class in a technological world. I nominate mass incarceration that caused serious harm to millions of families over the years. Not to mention the false imprisonment of innocent men and women. I could go on but I don't want to give the trolls here any more pleasure and enjoyment derived from our pain.

    Donnie Favors says he's got the "Platinum Plan," a 500 billion dollar development plan earmarked for assisting some of our most affected communities.

    Come on man! Although that's a start, let it be known that it's going to take more than that. We got the receipts and we got the invoices, too! Let's make America great period!

    For further information read: The Chicago Police Department's History of Torture by Ed Burmila Feb. 2020, The Nation

  45. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The Trump trash are going to lose their minds today as reality sets in regarding Hunter Biden, who has made a plea deal with the feds for tax evasion and not disclosing his drug habit on his gun license application. No jail time.

    The wingnut-o-sphere is going to be filled with “what about [insert made-up Hunter crime]? Cover-up! Outrage!” After hearing endless lies about the president’s son eating babies and engaging in God knows what kind of epic atrocities, the petty nature of his misconduct will be a crushing disappointment.


  46. Chaint Louis. Ch-uzianna. Chississippi. Choriduh. Chexass.

  47. Manifest Density12:17 PM

    Mike from the Hawkeye State

    From " Field of Dreams." Is this Heaven? No this is Iowa.

  48. Anonymous2:48 PM

    “Chaint Louis. Ch-uzianna. Chississippi. Choriduh. Chexass.”

    Red State America: Where the general shitty economic standards of living, healthcare, rampant opioid overdoses, and gun accidents are more likely to kill you, before even CONSIDERING red state homicides.

    Wingnuts might want to take a look at their own epic, horrendous failures in governing their backward redneck hellholes before opening their mouths to spew (usually distorted) statistics about the dangerousness of blue-state big cities.

  49. Field of Dreams made me appreciate the acting talents of James Earl Jones and Burt Lancaster, more than ever. Too bad JE Jones didn't actual beat Costner with a crowbar until he went away.

  50. "Everybody hates the cops until you need them."
    I've heard that. Still waiting for the time I "need" them. I lived in Oakland for 35 years and never once saw a situation improved by the presence of police.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. No, Fergusites, this isn't corruption, it's what Fergus could have had if he had listened to his lawyers and cooperated with the DOJ: (h/t: Steve Benen)

    The Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney for Delaware has reached a plea agreement with Hunter Biden, in which he is expected to plead guilty to two federal misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his taxes. Biden also faces a separate felony gun possession charge that will likely be dismissed if he meets certain conditions, according to court documents filed on Tuesday. Two sources familiar with the agreement told NBC News that it includes a provision in which the U.S. attorney has agreed to recommend probation for Biden for his tax violations.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Another Scotusscum is outed for not recusing himself after accepting luxury fishingntrip from billionaire with items in front of court.

  53. WSJ published an opinion piece on Tuesday from Alito as a pre-emprive strike against as of Tuesday unpublished accusations about Alito and Singer by Pro-Publica.

  54. Anonymous10:26 AM

    “Another Scotusscum is outed for not recusing himself after accepting luxury fishingntrip from billionaire with items in front of court.”

    What a weird coincidence that the two wingnuttiest justices (Thomas and Alito) are on the take. Shocking. Why, it’s almost as if conservatism isn’t based on “constitutional principles” at all, but really just all about greed!

  55. Prosecuting atty in Hunter Biden case was appointed by drumpfuck the dumbfuck, hizownself.

  56. House judiciary Comm Dems expose John DFurham's incompeternce as an investigator durin testimony. Dutham showed little knowledge of drumpf's activities as potus.

  57. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Just your everyday youthful hijinks here in the US of A …

    Teens attempt to light dynamite inside Philadelphia Fresh Grocer: police

  58. Manifest Density9:49 PM

    Marginal Taylor Greene called Lower'n Boar Butt a bitch?! "They" are turning this country into "the ghetto."

  59. Allegedly Greene was pissed that Boobalert stole her impeach Biden resolution.

  60. Texass sinate votes to bar Paxton's sinator wife from his impeachment proceedings.

  61. Anonymous12:30 PM

    CHICAGO June 1st-21st 2023
    Shot & Killed: 41
    Shot & Wounded: 207
    Total Shot: 248
    Total Homicides: 43

    BLACK: 82.3%

    Hispanic: 13.5%

    White/Other: 4.2%

  62. Anonymous12:32 PM

    RED States flourish.......Blue States degrade and suffer.

  63. Manifest Density1:46 PM

    CHICAGO June 1st-21st 2023
    Shot & Killed: 41
    Shot & Wounded: 207
    Total Shot: 248
    Total Homicides: 43

    AMERICANS: 100%

  64. Anonymous3:37 PM

    “RED States flourish.......Blue States degrade and suffer.”

    Educational and life expectancy statistics would beg to differ.

  65. Red states flourish with Blue state govrtnmentmntax refunds. Blue states give. Red states take.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. According to 538, more people today favor abortion rights than ever and it could be the downfall of magats. Secondly, Biden nominated the nation's number one experienced lawyer for abortion rights to the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals and got her seated. Too bad the !st Circuit isn't a hot bed of abortion cases.

  68. Apparently Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are thinking of fighting each other in the Octagon. I say give both of them a ballpeen hammer...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous3:52 AM

    RED States flourish......


  70. "I agree wholeheartedly, but unfortunately, we also know CPD has some of the worst, too."

    I know, that was tongue in cheek. Many officers guaranteed a rise in crime if Brandon was elected. When I ask them why exactly that would happen I never got a straight answer. I mean I'm at least smart enough to know what it means but so far Brandon is establishing a pretty good relationship with cops.

  71. Manifest Density7:55 AM

    "I mean I'm at least smart enough to know what it means but so far Brandon is establishing a pretty good relationship with cops."


    Mayor Johnson's approach to leadership seems to be working albeit still too early to tell. He has promised to devote city resources to youth employment and enrichment programs instead of heavy handed policing which over the years has shown to be ineffective.

    Sadly he has to deal with People like Catanzara who give police a bad name and only make things worse as they create an adversarial environment in those areas where police are viewed as an occupying military force.

    The Democratic National Convention is going to be in Chicago in 2024 and its going to be important too that "Hizzoner da Mayor" is able to spotlight a "City that works."


    Toddler fatally shoots pregnant mom in the back and killed its unborn sibling, too. I'm sure the gun had nothing to do with these deaths.

  73. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I am already seeing epic dumbasses on social media blaming the Titanic submarine implosion on the submarine company not knowing what they are doing because of having too many “diversity hires” (i.e., engineers who are incompetent due to being female or non-white).

    These people have absolutely no idea who works for the sub company. They’re making shit up, as usual.

    There is literally no bad event that cannot be shoehorned into wingnuts’ insane War on Woke. Just completely ridiculous.

  74. Floriduh is trying to peosecute Dems who were told they could vote and later the state claims they were not eligible. However, the state is giving free passes to magats who did the same thing at election because they were misled by the state.

    Inequal protection for all in Floriduh.

  75. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. For magat crybabies everywhere....

  77. "Educational and life expectancy statistics would beg to differ."

    Facts, smacts. Counties that voted for Biden in 2020 account for 71% of U.S. aggregate GDP, according to Brooking Institution

  78. Putin seems to be getting a lesson about the use of mercenaries...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. It would appear that the Biden administration is following through on its promise to the rail unions to get them paid sick days.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. NY passes bill protecting telehealth providers of abortion pills to states with abortion bans:

    "Extremist lawmakers in other states can stop their health care providers from supplying abortion pills. If that's your state, I feel sorry for your constituents. But they can't stop us. They can't stop our providers," Hochul, a Democrat, said at a bill signing ceremony.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Manifest Density10:51 PM

    Trump and Putin pissing on the tree,
    of human rights and liberty
    First their guilt, can't be disparaged
    indicted, convicted, then a jailhouse marriage.

  82. Anonymous12:24 AM

    “It would appear that the Biden administration is following through on its promise to the rail unions to get them paid sick days.”

    Still pretty stingy at only 4 sick days a year.

    Nonetheless, 4 is much better than zero. Zero is bullshit. And it would be nice if Biden got some credit, for this, since he previously took the heat for shutting down the railworkers’ unfortunately timed strike. (Unfortunately timed, in the sense that supply chains were still a complete mess and inflation skyrocketing, AND the country was heading into a midterm election, meaning even Democrat elected officials weren’t about to back another disruption in the form of a rail strike.)

  83. Railroad trestle over Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed dumping cars with hot asphalt and molten sulfur into the river.



    12 year old girl and her dad took a photo holding guns. Dhe later shit him and then herself. Another 12 year old girl was charged for making suicide pact with first girl. Family values rears its ugly head.

  86. WSJ did not fact check Alito's pre-published Pro Publica article response on Alito's fishing trip that has him under observation.

    This just gets better and better for forcing the SCOTUS to live by new ethics code.

  87. MTG tells BATF at a Matt Gaetz sponsored hearing in Floriduh that gun laws create murder. Fucking dumb ass. Typical magat.

  88. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Chicago shootings: At least 29 shot, 8 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say


    Q club shooter gets 2000 years behind bars or 5 murders an 40 some attempted murders. Keep him busy for awhile.

  90. Manifest Density6:18 PM

    Thank you Anon @ 2:48 PM

    "Chicago shootings: At least 29 shot, 8 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say"

    I say what the police "didn't say" is more important.

    What the police didn't say was that the clearance rate in the Black community is less than 25%.

    What the police didn't say was that the criminals are better organized than they are.

    What the police didn't say was that they are going to get out of their cars and do some real police work

    What the police didn't say was that they are going to turn down any raises until the streets are safer.

    What the police didn't say was that society has created this mess and they don't feel they should have to clean it up.

    What the police didn't say was why the numbers are so high.

    What the police didn't say was that they are working with the community to solve these crimes.

    What the police didn't say was that more police don't reduce crime.

    What the police didn't say was that moral is low because they don't feel appreciated.

    What the police didn't say was that they were going to weed out the bad cops who terrorize the citizenry.

    We don't need the police to report on crime in the streets, we've got reporters to do that. We just need them to do their jobs.

  91. So I've been playing my damn Les Paul pretty much every night for 19 months now, and I pretty much play the same 45 minutes of stuff every night, working on improving my playing in areas I have included in the material. Lately I've felt like I needed something new, so I'm learning "Shipping Up To Boston" by Dropkick Murphys (the same music Biden took the stage to in Ireland) mostly because of this smoking hot version of it:

    Never let anyone tell you that bagpipes aren't rock and roll.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Anonymous2:28 AM

    “so I'm learning "Shipping Up To Boston" by Dropkick Murphys (the same music Biden took the stage to in Ireland) mostly because of this smoking hot version of it:

    Never let anyone tell you that bagpipes aren't rock and roll.”

    When you said it was a “smokin hot” badpipe performance, I thought maybe you meant this guy.


  93. SCOTUS rejects magats attempt to allow states to take over federal electionsd.

  94. Anonymous1:30 PM

    “SCOTUS rejects magats attempt to allow states to take over federal electionsd.”

    I felt pretty confident that SCOTUS wasn’t going to accept the “independent state legislature theory.” It’s a relief to learn that they didn’t.

    Still very disgusting that Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch all think state legislatures can ignore any existing election laws and rig the outcomes of elections for their preferred candidates, which is what these justices essentially voted for.

  95. Great Grand Girlie number 2 made her rntrance into the world today. Miss Madison has older half sister, Che, who is almost 6.

    Fuck magats!

  96. Anonymous3:38 PM

  97. Sky News .com au Does that stand for comedy gold?

  98. Fake Noize named Jesse Waters bas Tucker the Fuckers replacement at night.

  99. Anonymous5:38 PM

    “Fake Noize named Jesse Waters bas Tucker the Fuckers replacement at night.”

    That won’t last. Watters is a weenie. He’s like a dumber version of Tucker.

  100. drumpf filed a defamation suit against E Jean Carroll for claiming he raped her even thouigh he was not convicted of rape.

    In other drumpf news, rumour has it drumpf threatened the3 family of Jack Smith. No confirmation, yet. Would not surprise me.

  101. Texass guv A-Butt recently suspended water breaks for construction workers while Texas and the South are trapped in a heat dome. Some construction workers have died freom waterless breaks in the oppressive heat. A-Butt likely thinks the dead should be docked pay for loafing on the job because he is one of the dumbest fuckers ever.

  102. Member of Central Park 5 on track to win NYC council seat.

  103. Manifest Density10:33 AM

    He couldn't serve his country
    because his feet were sore
    So he left Queens for Manhattan
    Where he purchased the Commodore
    Now he buys this sleazy flop house
    known for its pimps and whores
    And coifs his hair like a bicorne hat
    from the Napoleonic wars
    Fast forward to his trial date
    a day we'll all look for
    he'll try to explain the boxes
    hidden behind a gilded commode door.

  104. Manifest Density for Field Negro Poet Lariat.

  105. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Bye-bye, affirmative action.

  106. Manifest Density5:12 PM

    Thanks to you Mike from Iowa. If you were Mike from Mississippi I might be worried!!!

  107. Never been further South than Sedalia Misery, decades ago.

  108. Manifest Density7:05 PM

    No offense taken. I respect your posting here in the field. It's just something about the mention of a rope with a loop at the end, er, you know...well, I'm just saying.

  109. Newest justice Jackson teedoff on Uncle Clarence over affirmative action, which helped Thomas right along.


  110. “Bye-bye, affirmative action.“

    Hopefully hello voter involvement.

  111. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Yikes. SCOTUS just legalized workplace discrimination. As long as you say you're doing it out of a "sincerely held religious belief," the Court apparently thinks you can ignore anti-discrimination laws.

    Most immediately, this will affect LGBT people. But get ready for arguments that "my religion says I shouldn't have to associate with Negroes and Mexicans." What is the counter-argument? Do you really think you can prove that this individual's hateful religion doesn't count as a real religion? Good luck with that.

    Christian fundie nutjobs are creating a get-out-of-jail-free card for bigots of all stripes.

  112. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Not exactly a minor detail, but SCOTUS blocked Biden's student loan forgiveness plan as well. This was expected, but will still be hugely disappointing to anyone with a low income trying to cope with student loans they can't really afford to pay.


    Apparently this case was based on a gay couple who don't exist and did not file anything. This could get real interesting, although the decision was a foregone conclusion, like Biden's student loan forgiveness. There is a possibility Biden can get the loan forgiveness on his own.


    Paxton just spent 3.5 million on real estate all over the place, just about the amount of money ordered to pay former employees he fired and they sued his ass.

    The scummiest of the scumbags.

  115. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Apparently this case was based on a gay couple who don't exist and did not file anything."

    It's based on a hypothetical gay couple.

    A website designer argued that, although she doesn't actually design wedding websites now, she might want to, someday, and then a gay couple might demand that she should make a wedding website for them, someday.

    And if that day should ever arrive, she should then have the right to tell them they're perverted sodomites and she won't take their business, praise Jesus.

    SCOTUS agreed that that was sensible and she should be allowed to.

  116. Screwdy Rudy has a proffer agreement with Jack Smith. Not sure of ot is a big deal or not.

  117. So let me get this straight: SCOTUS ruled yesterday that discrimination by race is unconstitutional 6-3, and today it ruled that discrimination by sexual orientation is constitutional, 6-3.
    This is a fucked up SCOTUS.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. Anonymous6:55 PM

    “So let me get this straight: SCOTUS ruled yesterday that discrimination by race is unconstitutional 6-3, and today it ruled that discrimination by sexual orientation is constitutional, 6-3.
    This is a fucked up SCOTUS”

    Maybe more like discrimination is unconstitutional — unless the Old Testament says you can discriminate, and then it’s fine?

    And yes, this is fucked-up.

  119. So as of right now Twitter won't let you view any tweets unless you have an account and are signed into it. That ought to help their ad revenue a lot.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Anonymous10:54 AM

    TRUMP is Great!!

  121. Anonymous10:58 AM

    why are most kneegro-perp mugshots photoshopped to skew the ugly images towards white appearing??? ‘dat ayn goan change nuffins…duh black iz still duh perp’. yooo feeelz mee?

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