Saturday, March 08, 2025

"State of the Union causes State of Confusion"


The state of this fragile American union is not good. It's not good because the leader is intentionally trying to divide us and destroy it. I am not one to dabble in conspiracy theories, but I am really starting to believe this one about the Russians having something very incriminating on Donald J. trump. 

  How else do you explain his latest move to isolate Ukraine and allow Russia to take some of the land they took from that country? How else do you explain his appointment of Tulsi Gabbard, a known Assad and Putin sympathizer, as Director of National Intelligence? For years many folks believed that she was a Russian asset, and she still very well might be. Donald trump disparages every world leader, including the Prime Minister of Canada, but he is afraid to say a bad word about Putin.  Why?  

What's scary is that he now has most of his followers (the MAGA cult members) believing that the Russians are the good guys, and all the other countries in Europe are bad. The same Russians who kill  their political enemies,  bomb hospitals,  and slaughter innocent  children. This is  what MAGA is embracing, because their leader told them that it's alright to do so. 

Those videos of trump and his bully friends ganging up on Zelenskyy in the White House was painful to watch and has been seared in my memory. The poor guy didn't have a chance. In Russia they were celebrating, in America we were wondering, what the f**K just happened?  And then, to top it off, some clown in a clown suit asked him, Zelenskyy, why HE wasn't wearing a suit? Imagine that. Your country is under siege, and you are fighting a war for your very survival, and some MAGA clown admonishes you for not wearing a suit to meet the most cowardly man to ever sit in the White House. A man who lied his way out of having to serve in battle for his own country. Here is another thing, I have seen Zelenskyy in a suit, and he wears one better than all the men who were sitting in that room with him. Apparently trump likes Baroni suits, bur the company should tell him to stop wearing them. On any given day he looks like Alfred Hitchcock in a bathrobe. And if they are bespoken, shame on Baroni for not telling the emperor how f****d up he looks. But I digress. The point is, the MAGA journalist was way out of line, and so was the president and JD Vance for the way they ambushed the poor man. 

But this is where we are in America.  Trump's address to congress was nothing but a plethora of lies, double speak, and misdirection. Nothing, and I mean nothing he said many any sense. "Eight million dollars to experiment on transgendered mice"? No! That is TRANSGENERIC mice. These mice are genetically modified with foreign DNA introduced into their genomes "to study the function of specific genes, model human diseases, or to test potential treatment." I know that science is hard for the MAGA crowd, but without this and other types of research, we would never be able to make advances in medicine.  So either trump can't read or he just flat out lied. It drew a few laughs from the GOP sycophants in congress, but there was nothing funny about what he was doing: Gaslighting the American people.   

We are now almost two months into Mr. trump's administration, and the price of eggs keep going up, gas prices are not going down, and the stock marker is going up and down like a Six Flags rollercoaster. Sadly, I suspect that trump is purposely trying to manipulate the markets for some pump and dump scheme with his buddies, but I obviously can't prove it. It would take a real journalist to look into it, but sadly, there are none of those left in America.   

On the foreign policy front, our traditional adversaries like Russia are now our allies, and our allies (See Canada) are now our enemies.  Trump wants to pull out of NATO, and we are no longer sharing intelligence with Ukraine. And, more importantly, our allies in Europe are going to be sharing less intel with us.  I don't feel safer, and neither should you. 

Shout out to Al Green for walking out of that lieathon to congress and heckling trump. Shame on the ten democrats who voted to censure him. You are what's wrong with the democratic party, not Al Green.

 At some point you will all have to stand up and say enough, before it's too late for the rest of us.