Thursday, June 23, 2011

The end of the road for "Whitey".

I see that the feds finally caught "Whitey". Dude was chilling in Santa Monica in plain sight. He was even wearing a Red "Sax" hat for crying out loud! And here I thought he was living in some town way off the beaten path down in Mexico. It must be nice to have a certain skin tone when you are a criminal,---especially when you are an old one. Folks just tend to kind of leave you alone.

Whitey, it was a nice run, but it's time to retire to a nice quiet and secure nursing home run by the feds.

Speaking of aging white people; as the white population ages, you minorities just continue to kick out these damn babies. Now, unfortunately for some, A-merry-ca might have a problem.

"For the first time, minorities make up a majority of babies in the U.S., part of a sweeping race change and a growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and predominantly minority youths that could reshape government policies.

Preliminary census estimates also show the share of African-American households headed by women — mostly single mothers — now exceeds African-American households with married couples, a sign of declining U.S. marriages overall but also of continuing challenges for black youths without involved fathers.
The findings, based on the latest government data, offer a preview of final 2010 census results being released this summer that provide detailed breakdowns by age, race and householder relationships.

Demographers say the numbers provide the clearest confirmation yet of a changing social order, one in which racial and ethnic minorities will become the U.S. majority by midcentury.

“We’re moving toward an acknowledgment that we’re living in a different world than the 1950s, where married or two-parent heterosexual couples are now no longer the norm for a lot of kids, especially kids of color,” said Laura Speer, coordinator of the Kids Count project for the Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation." [Story]

Oh Lawd! Could this be far behind?

Finally, I know that you Negroes love your television, but this is ridiculous. And can some USC fan out there tell me if the guy that the Sixers took with the 16th pick can actually play? Is he the next Dirk? Or is he the next Shawn Bradley?


  1. Wesley R10:37 PM


    The whole draft has been weak. Why would anyone pick a Dukie Guard #1? The Cavs have made themselves the clippers for the next 10 years. The should have went with Derrick Williams #1 and Kemba Walker #4.
    I hope the rumor of #9 to the Lakers for Hollywood Odom is true.

  2. Farley10:42 PM

    My half-white ass loved being beat by my white step dad.

    That was 1 to 18. So gad that marriage lasted.

    The 70's were such fun.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    That sterilization article was just too sad! But not surprising.

    I have read that in the 1930's there was a doctor here on the island, a Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoades, who was doing research here on behalf of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and admitted in a very nasty letter, that he had implanted live cancer cells in Puertoricans and caused many a death.
    In this letter he described Puertoricans as the vilest, lowliest of humans walking the earth and stated that he and his physicians took pleasure in seeing them suffer. Some physician huh?

  4. Whitey's Conspiracy11:22 PM

    Bechya surprised I'm still here.

  5. Wesley R11:33 PM


    Better than the NBA Draft this week are the USA and Jamaica Track and Field National Championships. Can't wait to see the results of the 100 meters. The USA Womens 400 Meters is going to interesting as well.

  6. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Its about time.Shitt i be waitin' 3years fo Obama to get whitey.

    Y'all don't be knowing how good niggas feelin' know dat whitey's... WTF???Talkin' bout some old white dude not whitey in general??

    Damn fields, you done lowered a nigga's blood pressure by 5 points.Now i got to sit back cause my head be spinning.

    Fields,dem gubmit nigga's been lookin' fo whitey fo a long time.He be embrassed de FBI and corrupt they agents.

    Don't say much fo our gubmit.How come niggas can't avoid da man like whitey can?

  7. Anonymous1:37 AM

    "Don't say much fo our gubmit.How come niggas can't avoid da man like whitey can?"

    Good question. The answer is the white race has such large numbers and they look so much alike that it's easy to hide among Whites IF you are White. Blacks have tried to hide among Whites but it didn't turn out so well. Just ask OJ.

    Actually, I'm sorry they caught Whitey. I really wanted to see him finish out his life "on the run". That would have been karmic justice. Now, he will be cared for by the Feds with the best of care. That's a better deal than living in an apt in Florida.

  8. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Field, "Preliminary census estimates also show the share of African-American households headed by women — mostly single mothers — now exceeds African-American households with married couples, a sign of declining U.S. marriages overall but also of continuing challenges for black youths without involved fathers."

    Well, now that same-sex marriages is happening, there will be an EXPLOSION in married couples. Of course, that won't do a damn thing for fathering the kids.

  9. Anonymous1:50 AM

    "“We’re moving toward an acknowledgment that we’re living in a different world than the 1950s, where married or two-parent heterosexual couples are now no longer the norm for a lot of kids, especially kids of color,”"

    Why is it that the black race always end up losing? I swear, things are getting worse. Soon the black race will only be homosexuals with NO USE for kids.

    Thanks to folks like Field, uts, AB, KID and mack lyons who support same-sex marriage, our race will soon be ALL GAY.

    I am sure some of you will love that.

  10. Browny Bulger1:55 AM

    "Why is it that the black race always end up losing? I swear, things are getting worse"

    White people are becoming a minority, but blacks are fading even faster. It will be worse once whites are no longer in charge. Mexicans hate blacks. Asians that them even more.

  11. Anonymous2:20 AM

    "White people are becoming a minority, but blacks are fading even faster. It will be worse once whites are no longer in charge. Mexicans hate blacks. Asians that them even more."

    A lot of Blacks on FN blog support Mexicans and illegal immigration. Go figure. Now why would some Blacks fight for the Mexicans in America when Mexicans can't stand Blacks?

    The answer is we have been losing for so long, some of us set us up to lose out of habit! It's a losing proposition to be Black in America.

  12. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Ever wonder why everyone hates Blacks?

    what can we do to get people to respect and like us?

    does anyone have a solution besides slappz?

    Field, you really need to do a post about our "losing" situation.

  13. Quote:No Slapzz
    "does anyone have a solution besides slappz?

    Field, you really need to do a post about our "losing" situation."

    Give it a rest Slapzz, you're convincing nobody.

    Talking about being in a losing situation though Slapzzz, isn't it time you got a job?

  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Talking about being in a losing situation though Slapzzz, isn't it time you got a job?

    I don't know about him but I know a bum looking for a blow-job, you applyin? You can chew his cud and then have it "cum" in the family.
    Did you have to work really hard to queer your kid? Or was it just natural for you?

  15. "Field,

    Better than the NBA Draft this week are the USA and Jamaica Track and Field National Championships. Can't wait to see the results of the 100 meters. The USA Womens 400 Meters is going to interesting as well."

    Yes, this was a weak draft, and I agree with you about Irving. (I am not a fan of Duke players. Sorry EB)As for the track championships, I am still licking my wounds after the Yanks gave us a beatdown in soccer in DC the other day. :(

    "Don't say much fo our gubmit.How come niggas can't avoid da man like whitey can?"

    Because you all look like each other.(See what Anon.@ 1:37AM said.)

    "Why is it that the black race always end up losing? I swear, things are getting worse..."

    Speak for yourself. Lots of black folks are "WINNING!" Just ask my black conservative friends.

    "Ever wonder why everyone hates Blacks?"

    Jealousy? Honestly,I don't care. I need more people to hate on me.

    "Thanks to folks like Field, uts, AB, KID and mack lyons who support same-sex marriage, our race will soon be ALL GAY.

    I am sure some of you will love that."

    It's fine with me.

    "Talking about being in a losing situation though Slapzzz, isn't it time you got a job?"

    I think he would love to but he needs his PE certificate. :)

    I bet Anon @ 7:05 AM considers themself a Christian.

  16. Somebody snitched on Whitey:

    Cash in the Walls, Pistols in the Books


    SANTA MONICA, Calif.—It seemed like the perfect hideout for a reputed crime boss on the lam: rent-controlled digs inside an unassuming stucco apartment building here; pistols secreted inside of hollowed-out history books; $800,000 in cash, some of it stuffed inside the walls; and a bag seemingly packed for a quick getaway.

    Then, according to people familiar with the case, James "Whitey" Bulger's 16 years on the run came to an end Wednesday night with a phone call and a lie.

    Federal officers arranged for a call to Mr. Bulger in his third-floor apartment to say that his storage locker might have been broken into.

    When he came to investigate, federal agents arrested him. Within hours officials said they had nabbed Mr. Bulger, an alleged crime boss sought in connection with 19 murders in the 1970s and 1980s.

    The 81-year-old has been on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's "Ten Most Wanted List" since 1999.

    For the past 14 years, Mr. Bulger and Catherine Greig, a 60-year-old former dental hygienist, lived in this city west of Los Angeles famous for its pier and Third Street Promenade shopping district a block from their apartment, which is a short walk to the beach.

    The arrests came as a "direct result" of an FBI publicity blitz that began Monday, Richard DesLauriers, special agent in charge of the investigation for the FBI, said in a news conference Thursday in Boston.

    The effort included plastering pictures of the pair on billboards and running public-service announcements focused on Ms. Greig in 14 cities, he said.

    The crucial tip from an unidentified source came to agents in Los Angeles at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Mr. DesLauriers said. Those agents relayed the information to agents in Boston, who recognized that "certain information appeared to be credible and promising," he said.

    At 4 p.m. Wednesday, authorities began conducting surveillance of Mr. Bulger's apartment and soon saw two people who resembled the fugitives, Mr. DesLauriers said.

    At 5:45 p.m., agents "lured" Mr. Bulger out of his apartment and arrested him, Mr. DesLauriers said. The agents then arrested Ms. Greig in the apartment.

    Over the past 16 years, the FBI has followed leads from around the world concerning Mr. Bulger, who rose from the working-class Irish-Catholic community of South Boston to become one of the top crime figures in the country. This week's tip was the first time agents had received an indication the couple was in Santa Monica, authorities said.

    Mr. Bulger faces federal charges that include murder and narcotics distribution that could result in life imprisonment.

    Ms. Greig is charged with harboring a fugitive, a federal charge that carries a maximum sentence of five years, officials said—adding that they will also be continuing to investigate who else may have assisted the couple as they lived a life on the run.

  17. I've read a couple of books about the Bulger Brothers and the Boston Irish mob.

    I've also seen a few documentaries about them and the South Boston Irish ethos in general.

    What is striking is how intensely racist they are.

    1950 Alabama has nothing on Southie.

    They are totally unrepentant for their violent reaction to busing and integration during the 70s.

    Some folks like Kevin Weeks, a Bulger accomplice, seemed to express pride in throwing molotov cocktails at schoolbuses and attacking black schoolchildren.

  18. @Field

    I thought you were really going to go hard at Bulger. So many jokes, so little time.


    The year in Boston when the black guy was rammed in the face with the flag pole was the year Bussing was made legal in Cleveland. The next year I was Bussed. Funny that the riots weren't reported on TV that much back then. It was just like Boston for a few years.

  19. Anonymous8:59 AM


    I thought you were really going to go hard at Bulger. So many jokes, so little time.


    The year in Boston when the black guy was rammed in the face with the flag pole was the year Bussing was made legal in Cleveland. The next year I was Bussed. Funny that the riots weren't reported on TV that much back then. It was just like Boston for a few years.

    That was in 1976 - you are an old coot, why do you call yourself kid?

  20. Why do you call yourself "Anonymous"?

    Oh that's right.

    You're a pussy.

  21. kid,

    I can believe it.

    I lived in Cleveland for two years when I was in the Coast Guard and it was without a doubt the most racist and segregated city I had ever been in before or since.

    Six months after I got to Cleveland in 1984 a black woman and her two children moved into Section 8 housing in a neighborhood called "Slavic Village".

    The goobers firebombed the home and all 3 were killed.

    Didn't make the national news though.

  22. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Why do you call yourself "Anonymous"?

    Oh that's right.

    You're a pussy.

    See I knew you were a polesmoker, you don't like pussy.

    So what other stupid things are you going to say today to prove your low IQ? Hows that marshall plan workin for ya?

  23. fertile pookies like the vdlr use unmonitored tv/adult cable tv as babysitters!!!

    my parents only let us watch a few hours of monitored tv on the weekends until we were teens!
    and we always had extensive home libraries....

    my 2 baby bros and i are all literate because of it!

    most children under 13 today are shockingly illiterate and their fav show is CSI....


  24. anon 6/23:


    u may use any name anytime

    have a great day!

  25. word-challenged steve writes:

    ...a black woman and her two children moved into Section 8 housing in a neighborhood called "Slavic Village".

    For you, "slavic" falls into the same category of misunderstanding as "niggardly."

  26. Dr. Queen:

    the vdlr is to rabid joker court jesters what casey anthony is to baby killers...

    a brazen twisted classic!!!!

    have a regal day DOCTOR!

  27. I see Slappy/Anon's booty is still smokin from the kickin I gave it yesterday.

    Want some more fool?

  28. the main reason blacks are hated by so many is because not one of us blacks was ever intended to survive what whites like you have forced upon us globally for centuries ...

    we still we endure and excel!

    nothing breeds hatred like YOUR envy!

    THAT is why blacks are hated by inferior racists like you...always.


    (lying coon uts: MUCH more on bm i adore below...check it!)

    see more:

  29. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Another black mob.Another hate crime.

    Obama's war on white people continues.

    COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - All eight suspects are in custody after a brutal attack in Five Points early Monday morning which left the teenage victim in critical condition, according to Columbia police.

    Columbia Police Department spokeswoman Jennifer Timmons said most of the eight suspects are juveniles, and did not release the names of any of the suspects. Timmons said no charges have been filed so far, though possible charges could include assault and battery and strong-arm robbery.

    Police Chief Randy Scott said the 18-year-old victim, later identified as Carter Strange, was jogging through a parking lot near the intersection of Blossom Street and Saluda Avenue just after midnight on Monday when the assault happened. "This teenager was minding his own business, trying to make his curfew when he was brutally attacked and robbed," said Scott.

    Strange's mother, Vicki, said her son was headed home after visiting a friend slightly past his midnight curfew. "At 12:07 he wasn't home, I called him and said 'Carter where are you?'" recounted Vicki. "He said 'Momma, I'm almost home. I'll be there in just a minute.' At 12:15 I called, but the phone was dead."

    Timmons said surveillance video taken in the area shows four of the suspects running towards Carter, though police only released video of the suspects walking on Harden Street. Investigators believe the suspects assaulted Carter and stole his cell phone before leaving him in the parking lot.

    After the assault, Scott said Carter managed to make it a block down the road to Edisto Avenue, where a passerby found him two hours later and called 9-1-1. Carter was taken to a local hospital, where he is still in critical condition.

    Vicki said she rushed to the hospital and found a son she could barely recognize. "I literally bent over him; I recognized his hand and his hair, and I said 'that's my son,'" Vicki told WIS News 10.

    Carter's family told police the beating was so severe he required emergency surgery to remove a brain clot. He's also expected to need reconstructive surgery on his face. "He did nothing to them," said Vicki. "They didn't know him, they didn't know the kind of person he was, they don't know the kind of man he's grown up to be and they don't know the lives he's touched. But they thought he was so less of a person, they thought this would be okay."

  30. moron homohater assnon:

    sexuality is not contagious.

    het and gays are ancient and eternal

    but your ignorance and fear are...

    fix both asap u frightened fool!!!

    in all species
    and we BOTH always will be

    The Science Of Sexuality

    Gaybashers chant many moronic mantras. Perhaps their most favorite one is: "Homosexuality is unnatural!" . This is a shockingly ignorant and blasphemous statement. It evidences the arrogance of academic ignorance, the severity of illiteracy, and the inadequacy of scientific education in America.

    Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton fired Dr. Jocelyn Elders because she was too honest about sexuality, in a country where pseudo-christian voters believe that denial is birth control, politicians must be liars, and sexual promiscuity is mandatory for capitalist marketing and biological warfare. Dr. Elders is a brilliant pediatric surgeon. Unlike the fools who slander her, she has dedicated her professional life to the reality, diversity, mystery, and mastery of human sexuality.

    Most pseudo-christians have never read/understood the bibles that they use exclusively as primers for hatred. Likewise, they have never researched sexuality or owned a library card. If they ever become educated, they will discover the following.

    -Human sexuality is not black or white. There are droves of gray areas. All human males begin as females in the womb. Many humans are born with male genitalia and female internal organs, and vice versa. Many humans reach puberty or have menstrual periods before age six. Many humans are born with ambiguous or dual genitalia. (Research pediatric surgery, hypothalamus gland studies, precocious puberty, homosexuality in siblings, hermaphrodites, sexual arousal etc.)

    -The film "Jurassic Park" is based on ACTUAL scientific study. Millions of viewers missed the actual bisexual frog used to clone all those female dinosaurs. These exclusively female dinosaurs bred.

    -Many animals can change their sex at will. Many animals are bisexual. Many male animals become pregnant. Many animals have multiple sex organs. When such animals mate, both parties are impregnated simultaneously. (Research oysters, frogs, sea lions, cardinal fish, sea horses, river bullhead fish, mouth brooder fish, angler fish, lyre-tail coral fish, ten-spiked stickleback fish, orange sea perch, slipper limpets, roman snails, banana slugs, ravens, emperor penguins etc.)

    -Many animals are homosexual. Many homosexually mate for life. (Research dolphins, monkeys, pigeons, dogs, cats, graylag geese, pink flamingoes etc.)

    -There are many all female animal societies. Many of them reproduce females exclusively, by parthenogenesis. Many of them have sex for pleasure with fellow females. Many animals strictly segregate themselves by gender. (Research desert grasstail lizards, lions,whiptail lizards, water snails, rare birds, elephants, bees, ants, and spiders etc.)

    -There are even homosexual plants. (Research Jack-in-the-Pulpit etc.)

    For more information on the science of sexuality, read:



    HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN ANIMALS by Volker Sommer & Paul L. Vasey

    Jocelyn Elders M. D. by Dr. Jocelyn Elders

    Lesbians Lists by Dell Richards

    The Gay Book of Lists by Leigh Rutledge

    Queer Science by Simon Levay

    Human Sexuality by Vern Bullough

    And, there are countless other sources...

    We homosexuals are who we are born to be, in EVERY species!!! God creates us and always will. Unlike ignorance and blasphemy, life reigns supreme, in all its wonder and splendor.

  31. moron homohater assnon:

    sexuality is not contagious.
    but your ignorance and fear are...

    fix both asap u frightened fool!!!

    het and gays are ancient and eternal

    in all species
    and we BOTH always will be



    if sexuality was contagious

    why are most gays born from hets and have 0 gay siblings?

    why do most gay couples rear het kids???

    why don'd all of the hets who outnumber us/appear on all mag covers/tv shows/films/family reunions etc make us gays het????

    u r a gd homohating fool

    get over that asap

    r u gay?

    because your foolish fears out YOU!!!

  32. why don't all of the hets who outnumber us/appear on all mag covers/tv shows/films/family reunions etc make us gays het????

  33. scared homohating assnon:

    i expertly decode gay hating gays like u

    "i know being gay is a choice" =
    you gays better live a cowardly het lie/cursed closeted self hating life just like i do!!!....

    "the whole world will soon be gay" =
    the more out honest gays i see the harder it is to live my own het lie...


    YOU fix both asap!!!!

  34. donnie m assnon:

    fix that asap!!!!

    Maybe some people need to believe that God hates homosexuality, simply so that they can have a reason to feign at resisting it. However, fear alone is rarely a sufficient deterrent for any reform. People fear Hell. Yet, they flagrantly sin by boldly judging homosexuals incessantly. People fear prison. Yet, they commit heinous crimes daily. Poor Donnie and all of his fellow "holy" gaybashers fear homosexuality. Yet, what do they do in the dark?

    Thousands of gaybashing Sunday pastors spend Saturday nights sexing with their gay choir directors. Millions of macho men who bash homosexual men are perpetually drunken with lust for lesbians. I have to beat men off with sticks daily. And, when they find out I am a lesbian, I have to carry bigger sticks.

    Sex is not sexuality. Sex is a physical act. Sexuality is an emotional identity. One can die a virgin, gaybash eternally, marry a member of the opposite sex, claim to be sexually healed, abstain, procreate, or be celibate for life, and still be a homosexual all the while. We all know who we are in our hearts, irrespective of the actions and words we use as camouflage.

    If Donnie was as cured and blissful as he claims to be, he would not have time to hate and slander us homosexuals as he does. Watch those haters who are loudest, always. Like Eddie Murphy, Andre 3000, and J. Edgar Hoover, they always protest far too much...

    If he was truly Christian, Donnie would reserve his energies to help others who were raped and confused like himself. He would be too busy loving them to hate and curse all of us. He would be a counselor not a liar. He would be a comforter not a murderer of spirits and souls. He would testify rather than signify. He would find more peace and piss me off less.

    Has Donnie forgotten how alienated he felt in churches before his alleged reform? Has he forgotten the uniquely excruciating pain of divine hatred and spiritual rejection? The only pain that is worse is the pain of living a lie. I believe Donnie knows that greater pain...

    The black church has rivers of blood on its collective hands. Donnie's hands grow bloodier every time I hear him speak...Surely he remembers all of the lost souls he met in clubs, bars and restrooms. Surely he has not forgotten all of those wounded gays whose families have told them: "We hate you! God hates you! You are going to hell!" So they are wandering and wallowing in vices. They are whores, alcoholics, and junkies because they know they are homosexuals. They know they cannot be "healed" or "fixed". So, they figure they will fully enjoy their doom to Hell. And, when they get there, they will make sure that they do not have to wait in that long line...behind all those preachers and gospel celebrities who judged them until they hated themselves.

    Fortunately, homosexuals like myself are immune to such madness and moronism. We refuse to be broken. We expose biblical lies. We excel in defiance. We know that we are divine. We know God. And, we know your bibles. You know that we are your worst nightmares. And, we hate your REAL sins far more than you could ever even begin to hate our mythical "sin". That makes us invincible.

  35. ps:

    any silly nig that can look at the horrid state of black america

    teen parents
    academic doom
    absent dads

    and find a second to lament gays is a gd dl fool!!!!!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. donnie m assnon:

    when was the last time u saw a gay gang spray kids with bullets?

    when was the last time u saw one het catch some imaginary gay virus suddenly become one more gay?

    when was the last time u saw lesbians turbo breeding like the vdlr and her generation of het clones????



    MOST people under 30/het and gay have no desire to wed

    they have watched too many elders fail at it too often

    gay marriage is not a problem...

    HET divorce is a problem!!!!

  38. @ UTS , Cape May PAPA-110

  39. hobama is a liar and a dunce who really NEEDS his teleprompter always...

    the empty suit struck again!!!


    First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously."

    The problem is, Jared Monti was killed in action in Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously, September 17, 2009. President Obama handed the framed medal to his parents, Paul and Janet Monti. He and the First Lady comforted them in the Oval Office following the ceremony.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. They Shoot Horses Don't they?

  42. tired old donkey uts:

    find some new lines u conked coon beta male lying bitch

  43. dented donkey uts:

    just because i slay your ass with horsepower herein?

    i do see.

  44. kudos to nyc!!!

    even his own banksters are done with him now that no more big blank checks from him loom...dyam!

    President Obama hit the Big Apple last night hoping to score a fund-raising hat trick for his re-election campaign -- but he faced lackluster donors tired of being taken for granted and some pointed no-shows by prominent Wall Streeters.

    "The Democratic business-donor community is demoralized," a Democratic fund-raiser told The Post before the three cash-currying events Obama was attending in Manhattan over a three-hour span. "There's not the level of enthusiasm or excitement. They don't believe he's interested in what they have to say."

    Among those feeling burned by Obama are financial execs sick of being demonized by the White House and made a scapegoat for the nation's economic woes.

    Although Obama raked in lots of cash last night from a dinner at the Upper East Side restaurant Daniel -- where about 70 hedge-funders and other deep pocketed donors forked over $35,800 a head -- it was big-time execs turning down the invitation who raised eyebrows.

    Read more:

  45. more proof that hobama is WORSE than bush


    The Obama DOJ's effort to force New York Times investigative journalist Jim Risen to testify in a whistleblower prosecution and reveal his source is really remarkable and revealing in several ways; it should be receiving much more attention than it is. On its own, the whistleblower prosecution and accompanying targeting of Risen are pernicious, but more importantly, it underscores the menacing attempt by the Obama administration -- as Risen yesterday pointed out -- to threaten and intimidate whistleblowers, journalists and activists who meaningfully challenge what the government does in secret.

    The subpoena to Risen was originally issued but then abandoned by the Bush administration, and then revitalized by Obama lawyers. It is part of the prosecution of Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA agent whom the DOJ accuses of leaking to Risen the story of a severely botched agency plot -- from 11 years ago -- to infiltrate Iran's nuclear program, a story Risen wrote about six years after the fact in his 2006 best-selling book, State of War. The DOJ wants to force Risen to testify under oath about whether Sterling was his source.

  46. donnie m assnon:

    cc that homohating bs to a het deadbeat deddy asap


    wtf do gays have to do with all these single black moms???


    WASHINGTON (AP) — For the first time, more than half of the children under age two in the U.S. are minorities, part of a sweeping race change and a growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and fast-growing younger ethnic populations that could reshape government policies.

    Preliminary census estimates also show the share of African-American households headed by women — mostly single mothers — now exceeds African-American households with married couples, reflecting the trend of declining U.S. marriages overall.

    The findings, based on the latest government data, offer a preview of final 2010 census results being released this summer that provide detailed breakdowns by age, race and household relationships.

  47. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Alicia Banks....Threadkiller!!!!!!

  48. illiterate kapo nig kosher kkk needs slaps:

    ALL of u link/book hating nigs herein prove this is true daily


    read a mf book asap!!!!

    lac: ditto for u and ALL of the open secrets of the very REAL bilderbergs/trilateral commission and REAL dated conspiracies etc

    Want To Hide Something From African-Americans?
    …put it in a book. At least, that’s how the saying goes.
    And the main folks guilty of making such an allegation…?

    You guessed it… Black folk themselves.

    You see, many of us who say this do so not to hate on our own community, but rather to stir black folk in to understanding what we’re missing in life by not consistently reading books.

    For there are many secrets contained in books. Secrets other folk don’t want you to know. Secrets of knowledge; of the world around you; on how you can succeed in life; on how you can transform a negative situation into a positive one … secrets on who you are and where you come from; or on how you are currently being lied to about who you are and where you come from. There are many secrets hidden between pages, valuable ones, holding the very keys to our economic and spiritual success, and our mental emancipation as a people.

  49. lying faceless brainless assnon:

    cc that bs to your assnon clone at 1:50 am!!!

  50. lying linkless faceless brainless assnon:

    let me be clear

    i take great pride in killing liars and fools like you anywhere anyhow any place and anytime!!!

    i love killing fools even MORE than u love being one!!!


  51. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Beantown is an interesting place. Working-class trogs sharing space with some of the most privileged folks on the planet.
    Grime-filled industrial hells abut the very expensively furnished flats of the inherited wealthy.

    Basketball, to me, has always been homoerotic. Even when the players where all white.


  52. Quote Anonnymous 07:05
    "I don't know about him..."

    Oh yes you do Slappy.

  53. Oh by the way, where's that moronic anonny-poster who wanted to argue global warming with me?

    Has he got the guts to come back?

  54. Purple Cow

    That "anon" is one of Slappy's aliases.

    They should take him and AB to a barn.

    And do what they do to horses who outlived their usefulness.

  55. You Look Like You Could Use Another One12:48 PM

    This stuff is getting steadily worse:

    It's gonna take gunpowder to show then the err of their uncivilized ways.

  56. useless uts:

    how dare a dimwitted donkey like you invite such superior beings to your home u hapless hick!!!???

  57. hobama donkey uts:

    ruin and save your global barn burning/war loving god's ass asap u nig bitch ass!!!

    The House of Representatives registered its disapproval of U.S. involvement in the NATO-led Libya campaign Friday, solidly rejecting a resolution expressing support for American military engagement in the war-torn North African country.
    The resolution -- similar to a measure introduced in the Senate by Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, and Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona -- lost in a 123-295 vote. Republicans voted overwhelmingly against the measure, while Democrats voted more narrowly in favor of it.

    The House is also expected to vote Friday in favor of sharp restrictions on funding for America's role in the mission.

    The Republican-sponsored bill, which would effectively prohibit U.S. offensive operations such as drone strikes, is seen as a sharp rebuke of President Barack Obama's policy in the war-torn North African country.

  58. slow senseless coon uts:

    RUN and save your global barn burning/war loving god's ass asap u nig bitch ass!!!

  59. Delta adopts Saudi ‘no-Jew’ fly policy

    Well, well, well..Globalization is a mutha

  60. Of course I had to go a conservative sight just make some people more comfortable in believing the story. Score 1 for the Muslims? Just asking questions.

  61. The Purple Cow said...
    Oh by the way, where's that moronic anonny-poster who wanted to argue global warming with me?

    Are you proposing a retard-fight? Because you are a complete fucking idiot, just the kind of smug, no-idea-how-stupid-you-are scientific illiterate who would be eager to spew your regurgitated global warming propaganda in defense of the largest hoax ever attempted.

    God you are insufferable.

  62. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "It must be nice to have a certain skin tone when you are a criminal,---especially when you are an old one. Folks just tend to kind of leave you alone."

    What a silly and gratuitous slam at white people.

  63. Isn't This Jiggin?1:16 PM

    So, the Obama breeder had to spend taxpayer's money, and go all the way to Africa, just to see this?:

    Hell, New Orleans is a lot closer & cheaper. Some of them boys down on Bourbon Street can dance a lot better than that!

  64. Know any black mass murderers who can escape a global manhunt for 16 years?

  65. Anonymous1:29 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Know any black mass murderers who can escape a global manhunt for 16 years?

    Don't know any black mass murderers smart enough.

  66. lying kapo nig kosher kkk needs slaps:

    casey a is a psycho lying wf baby killer

    cc this to a white blog now!!!!

    Her final conclusion about the woman now facing a possible death penalty in Florida? ”She’s crazy, always exaggerating,” Conroy tells The Daily Beast. “She didn’t have a babysitter, she had a nanny. The smell in her car wasn’t from one dead squirrel but two. She didn’t graduate from high school but she told people she was working on not one but two degrees. It wasn’t just her father who molested her but also her brother. She’s not of this world. She’s a sick woman.”

    Tracy Conroy allowed The Daily Beast to read lengthy contemporaneous notes she took during her time inside the Anthony home. Of her first meeting with Casey she wrote: “Casey walked into the room and said, ‘So you’re the babysitter?’ To my amazement, she gave me a hug and she was very upbeat and talkative. I thought there would be a few tears or at least some sadness displayed in her nature. There was no mention of the child—no tears for Caylee.”

    From Tracy’s contemporaneous notes: “My first night at the Anthony home, I awoke to George and Casey arguing. He had started questioning her. I really couldn’t make out much of their conversation until he exploded, screaming, ‘Don’t fucking lie to me anymore! I am sick of your fucking lies! You have to know where she is! What did you do with her?’ She told him to ‘quit acting like a scumbag fucking cop and that he needed to act like a father.’” In the heat of the argument, Casey and Cindy told George to leave the house immediately and he complied.

    Late one night Conroy heard what she thought was Casey finally breaking down in her bedroom. She knocked on the door to comfort her only to find Casey, not crying, but laughing at a Facebook message from a stranger, “a hot guy who said he thought she was ‘gorgeous.’” With a whoop and giggles, Casey, the mother of a still-missing child, waved Conroy in to take a look at his message and picture.

    On another occasion, while looking at a book of baby pictures of Caylee, Conroy remembers cooing a compliment about the child. “Suddenly, there was Casey with her own book saying, ‘Yeah, but look at my baby pictures!’ And she plopped her book on my lap, covering up Caylee’s.” One night while getting ready for bed, Tracy brought up the missing child and Casey responded by baring her new shoulder tattoo which read “Bella Vita” (Italian for ‘Beautiful Life’) and declaring she’d gotten it in honor of her daughter.

  67. Doncha love how goobers celebrate white criminals?

    Now using goober logic ol Osama must have been a genius for 10 years, right?

    Until Barack got a hold of him, that is.

  68. Anonymous1:34 PM

    "It must be nice to have a certain skin tone when you are a criminal,---especially when you are an old one. Folks just tend to kind of leave you alone."

    Lets stop pretending negro skin tone doesn't get you many privileges in black run Amerkkka.

  69. Anonymous1:39 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Black gangs prey on St. Louis tornado victims..,0,4702653.story

    Tornado victims have been repeatedly hit by burglars in Berkeley. The Brown family home has been targeted three times since the Good Friday tornado. Tonya Brown said, “It just feels like you know another slap in the face.” The family of seven is staying in a hotel while their residence is repaired. So far looters have stolen appliances, jewelry, cell phones and cooper pipes.

    Andre Brown said, “We’re already going through enough but on top of that people are taking advantage of somebody that’s already down. It’s like they’re kicking us while we’re down.” The family said their neighbors have also been hit. A broken street light seems to be a benefit for the looters. Andre Brown said, “They just have the cover of darkness to do whatever they want to do.”Police have no suspects but have increased patrols. They need help from citizens who may have seen something suspicious. Berkeley Police Chief Frank McCall said, “Today it might be the house across the street, tomorrow it might be your house. It’s all about coming together, working together and coming together and keeping us in the loop.”

  71. Anonymous1:50 PM

    alicia banks said...
    "Maybe some people need to believe that God hates homosexuality, simply so that they can have a reason to feign at resisting it. However, fear alone is rarely a sufficient deterrent for any reform. People fear Hell. Yet, they flagrantly sin by boldly judging homosexuals incessantly. People fear prison. Yet, they commit heinous crimes daily. Poor Donnie and all of his fellow "holy" gaybashers fear homosexuality. Yet, what do they do in the dark?.......

    This is a beautiful and moving post you quoted! Truer words were never spoken!

  72. braininjured steve asks:

    Know any black mass murderers who can escape a global manhunt for 16 years?

    There's a long list of black mass murderers. But they were never the objects of global manhunts because the world knew they were going to sleep every night in their palaces and mansions after spending their days raping and murdering the hapless citizens of the African nations over which they ruled.

  73. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Why does Obama hate homosexuals?Why doesn't he enact gay marriage laws?

  74. As opposed to invading other nations under the guise of "nation building" and murdering their hapless citizens.

    Or perhaps taking other people's land and killing them off and justifying it by claiming God is your Real Estate agent.

  75. I thought Congress made laws.

  76. rottnkid retardedly writes:

    Delta adopts Saudi ‘no-Jew’ fly policy

    Well, well, well..Globalization is a mutha

    It is NOT Delta that has set the anti-Jew policy. It's Saudi Arabia, and the policy is as old as Saudi Arabia.

    The same nonsense goes on in the United Arab Emirates.

    A few years ago, just for fun I tried to book a room in the one of the new Bahrain hotels. By e-mail. I told the person at the hotel I wanted my wife to have a car to drive. In response I was told that a car with a driver would carry her around. I said no, she wants to drive. Nope, she can't do that.

    Then I mentioned bathing suits at the pool. Bikini, I wrote. Nope, she can't do that.

    Then I mentioned were were traveling on Israeli passports. Suddenly I was put in touch with a higher level person who subsequently informed me that it was not possible to accept my reservation.

    Same old, same old. Practicing Islam is evidence of psychosis.

  77. Anonymous1:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I thought Congress made laws.

    You should tell that to Obama.

  78. Phew!2:03 PM

    Damn. I think I smell UTS's ass hairs burning.

  79. Anonymous2:06 PM

    54 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    As opposed to invading other nations under the guise of "nation building" and murdering their hapless citizens.

    Or perhaps taking other people's land and killing them off and justifying it by claiming God is your Real Estate agent.

    Yeah the country you are a part of under Obama is fucked up, isn't it Jackoff-Ass. You aren't playing with a normally small IQ being a little lower then average so see what I did there?

  80. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Don't pretend like we don't do our share of celebrating thugs.America Gangsta,Tookie,OJ, many others.

    Difference is wite goobers thinkarate its ok well telling us its bad for us.Silly goobers we not need them to think for us.Go back thinkabating about Saray.


  81. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Commander In Chief Misspeaks About Soldier Killed in Afghanistan

    First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously."

    The problem is, Jared Monti was killed in action in Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously, September 17, 2009. President Obama handed the framed medal to his parents, Paul and Janet Monti. He and the First Lady comforted them in the Oval Office following the ceremony.

    All those millions of tax payers money gone to speech and teleprompter coaches.Is this the best we get?

  82. NS - Delta is a "partner" of Saudi Arabia. Why do you think they "adopted" the policy.

  83. "Lets stop pretending negro skin tone doesn't get you many privileges in black run Amerkkka"

    Like what?

    Being racially profiled?

  84. uptownsteve said...
    "Lets stop pretending negro skin tone doesn't get you many privileges in black run Amerkkka"

    Like what?

    Being racially profiled?

    Why is it that ONLY white folks with money understand that being Black isn't a privilidge in America?

  85. Anonymous2:36 PM

    AB, "moron homohater assnon:

    sexuality is not contagious.
    but your ignorance and fear are...

    fix both asap u frightened fool!!!

    het and gays are ancient and eternal

    in all species
    and we BOTH always will be"

    which anon are you talking to? that's the problem with gays like you. no one knows who the hell you are talking to...FIX THAT ASAP.

  86. uptownsteve said...
    As opposed to invading other nations under the guise of "nation building" and murdering their hapless citizens.

    Or perhaps taking other people's land and killing them off and justifying it by claiming God is your Real Estate agent.



  87. Queen,

    "Why is it that ONLY white folks with money understand that being Black isn't a privilidge in America?"

    They understand it isn't.

    It it was their sorry asses would be marking "African-American" on the census form in a millisecond.

  88. Anonymous2:48 PM

    ab-"any silly nig that can look at the horrid state of black america

    teen parents
    academic doom
    absent dads

    and find a second to lament gays is a gd dl fool!!!!!"

    you are right, ab. but you won't find uts mentioning anything about the truth you have spoken. instead, he will talk about "they shoot horses, don't they?"

    i interpret his horse shooting comments are directed at you for telling the truth.

    what you listed IS OUR PROBLEM, which people like uts AND Field refuse to talk about.

    how the hell do you fix problems when you won't look at the problem?

    there is no way you can change ANYTHING that you won't identify.

  89. Middle Class White Guy3:00 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Why is it that ONLY white folks with money understand that being Black isn't a privilidge in America?

    Because only "white folks with money" are not impacted by the privileges granted to blacks and other minorities.

    Rich whites don't compete for the kind of wage jobs affected by affirmative action. Their kids don't go to public schools, and they will not have to miss out on an elite college education because of black admissions quotas. They don't worry about crime, because they can just move to a more exclusive community.

    What they worry about is the almost rich whites catching up, so extending priveleges to other groups helps to impede that possibility.

    Also, they have so much while so many have so little, and it makes them feel better about everything if they posture and jostle for moral superiority by using black people as a prop.

    A takes from B and gives to C and calls it "social justice".

    C is bought off cheap.

    A gets to feel good about himself at the expense of B.

    B gets called a racist by A and C.

    Get it?

  90. Anonymous3:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Know any black mass murderers who can escape a global manhunt for 16 years?

    Nope, my imagination would have to be pretty vivid to imagine one smart enough to know what to do, plan and then actually apply the plan to escape for 16 years.

  91. Anonymous3:04 PM

    slapnuts-"The problem is, Jared Monti was killed in action in Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously, September 17, 2009. President Obama handed the framed medal to his parents, Paul and Janet Monti. He and the First Lady comforted them in the Oval Office following the ceremony."

    This is worst than the "57 states" comment by Obama. But it is indicative of the ignorance and apathy of a President who has never served in our Armed Forces. He just can't relate and neither can the civilian population.

    This is one of the reasons I would rather have a Republican President. They have a deeper respect for our troops and honor them accordingly.

    The Medal of Honor is one of our highest awards to Americans for outstanding and self-less actions. For our President to NOT take the time to make sure he has it RIGHT before he speaks to the troops only shows he basically doesn't give a damn, which is the attitude of dems toward our servicemen.

    Three things Democrats don't give a damn about:
    1. God
    2. Abortions
    3. Troops

  92. Anonymous3:09 PM

    dear dymentia ab, why won't you answer my quesions?

    are they too hard for you, or are you afraid?

    shall I give you a lesson in "courage" and how to slay?

  93. thanks!

    no sexually secure het ever has any issue with any homo

    why would they??


  94. Anonymous3:13 PM


    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    uptownsteve said...
    "Lets stop pretending negro skin tone doesn't get you many privileges in black run Amerkkka"

    Like what?

    Being racially profiled?

    Why is it that ONLY white folks with money understand that being Black isn't a privilidge in America?

    Interesting, someone who clearly is a race chaser blaming whitey for most things, someone who claims they have several degrees and is educated and superior - Does not know how to spell "privilidge"

    That is proof of white privilege, whites have to make the grade without anyone giving us passes and stand on our own two feet. You get multiple degrees and still don't know how to spell privilidge" must be different standards.

  95. Anonymous3:16 PM

    FYI, info from previous thread:

    "The US Airways cross dressing passenger is a repeat offender"

    Imagine that. The old gay white geeza gets to cross-dress as many times as he likes and board airliners as many times as he likes.

    But try this if you are Black! Isn't that right, slappz?

    Thanks for the info, Brenda.

  96. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Uptown Stupid Said...

    They understand it isn't.

    It it was their sorry asses would be marking "African-American" on the census form in a millisecond.

    So you readily admit marking that box gives you a pass that other competent adults do not receive. Must suck to see so much failure even when you are given a 70 yard head start in the 100 yard dash of life.

  97. Speaking of academic doom as AB/Anon lament, check my little Boogie Down home girl:

    "This fall, Autum Ashante will be like any other giddy freshman starting college, with one notable exception - she's 13 years old."

  98. desertflower:

    there is a classic scene in "the women of brewster place

    where oprah and jackee harry are discussing what a shame it is how their
    neighbors are so cruel to the classic realistic cool femme lesbian couple played by paula k and
    lonette m

    that dialogue is classic and i am paraphrasing

    "the reason they are feared is not because our intimate female friendships are so different...but because they are so very similar..."

    a het female corp co-worker in atlanta blew my mind once when she said:

    "i cannot believe it took u so long to tell me u were gay alicia...i am cool so u should never have been afraid of my reaction...i think i am attracted to u and i should be afraid of my reaction..."


  99. "So you readily admit marking that box gives you a pass that other competent adults do not receive"

    A pass to do WHAT imbecile???

    The point is that if being black presented some sort of advantage in America you can bet a limb that a whole bunch of white folks would be claiming blackness.

    As it stands however, NOTHING will make them give up their precious whiteness.

  100. Anonymous3:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Lets stop pretending negro skin tone doesn't get you many privileges in black run Amerkkka"

    Like what?

    Did you know black racist mobs are attacking whites all over America?

    Did you know blacks are mass murdering whites all over America?

    Did you know the vast majority of interracial rapes,assualts, and murders are commit by black males?

    Did you know black males produce more serial killers/serial rapist than their percentage of the population?

    You didn't know that?Yeah, things like that never get reported on tv.If it does,the race of the preps/victims get censered by the media.

    Did you know police and firefighter exams are being made easier and simple so blacks can pass?

    Did you know Afrimative Action is being used to promote unqualified blacks over whites?

    When are whites going to be able to celebrate white history month?

    When is McD's gonna gonna go white 365?

    No,no, being Black isn't a privilidge in America.....

  101. uts:

    u r late blind and senile
    as always

    i posted that same link weeks ago

    and i give kudos to young gifted and black babies herein andin my daily life always



  102. Anonymous3:24 PM

    UTS, "This fall, Autum Ashante will be like any other giddy freshman starting college, with one notable exception - she's 13 years old."

    uts, that is nice but you fail to recognize that AB entered college at the age 12 or 13 and was exceptional college student, you fool.

    I would appreciate it if you would give ab credit as well. That's the trouble with bm like you. You only select certain Blacks, the rest you ignore. and you call yourself a true brotha? GTFOH.

  103. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Umm...they didn't 'take' from you. Instead of using some funds for RandPauls 'clinic'...they gave those tax dollars to deserving students who otherwise might not have had the opportunity. Why are you weeping for the Paul tax scam?
    As far as poor white folk not getting keep voting for st reagan and bush. Who delight in stripping you of wages and benefits.
    Weep and wail all you want about those eveel Comnist Soshlust Yurpean parasites...they vote their interests. The Europeans had to astroturf their Fascist Parties as most of the European workers like Socialism. Feudal overlords hates they hated the guilds. Joe Sixpack could work with dignity and earn enough to tell jerkholes to go away.
    It would be easier to sell the lie of 'robbing gawd-fearin wite humans to give the munney to Welfare Queen Latifah'...if it wasn't already obvious our elites are trying to impose Third World conditions on the majority of the US public. 'Sacrifice'...'austerity'...and the constant yapping by dorktroopers to eliminate Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Umm...that ain't AfAms doing the lying fer Jebus. It is POS weenies on wingnut welfare. And, for a large section of us, Social Security is IT for retirement. Medicare/Medicaid is IT for medical. Why are the rich so incensed that some working-class person could receive benefits from their government? Why is it morally bankrupt to have retirement after decades of labour? Why is it imperative that the poor never receive any medical care...even the mil spec of Medicare/Medicaid?

    Global Climate Change is Science. Which, had you ever darkened the classes that taught such subjects, you might know. Of course, christian skools, homeskools, and charter skools are doing their utmost to sell the lie that Science and Beleef are 'exactly the same'. You might Beleeve with all your heart that you are just as proficient as I...but the proof is otherwise. Are we equal as citizens...for now.
    Oh, if you are going to use Orwell to push wingnut welfare might gather that some of us have read the work. And others by the same author. So, you are essentially showing me that not only are you stoopid, gullible and and functionally like to show this off.
    Well, it works when you have Trust Funds or Koch inheritances. Nto so much for rural wite dudez with delusions.


  104. desertflower:

    these are my 2 fav black lesbians ever on film


    I am FURIOUS about NEVER seeing afrocentric homosexuals like me, my soulmate, and our friends in the “gay” media! I long for gay images that reflect my African reality. Such superior messages can only come from superior messengers. On that note, skip the “gay” media’s fare. Instead, see “Set It Off”, “The Women Of Brewster Place”, “The Color Purple” and “Get On The Bus”. All of these films feature superior African homosexuals.

  105. anon:


    that moron uts never respects ANY bf...and he envies ALL about me!!!

    want nothing more than to see more African-American students excel academically. Education is the key to success. For four brief years, president select Shrub and his ilk will make success more difficult than ever in every arena. I know the value of superior education because I
    have always cherished and been blessed by my own:

    In 1976, I began attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, at the age of 12. I was admitted due to my superior intelligence and my acceptance into a university preparatory school program. In order to be admitted to that adult curriculum as a pre-teen, I endured several days of intensely competitive testing with predominately white students. My parents and I were interviewed extensively. My IQ was tested and my parents were instructed to keep my bona fide genius score a secret....

    I was the only black girl in my class for three years. And, each year I graduated at the top of my class. In 1980, I proceeded to become a formal undergraduate student at that same university. In 1984, after extensive extra-curricular pursuits (including paraprofessional peer consulting, becoming an honorary mock attorney, attending formal conferences to speak for faculty members, ad hoc membership on chancellors' committees, numerous afrocentric student organizational actions and protests, managing the award winning campus newspaper office, and founding a black campus radio station etc...), I graduated as a member of Who's Who in American Universities & Colleges. In a graduating class of 7500, I earned a selection as a member of 100 Honorary Seniors. In 1984, I began a fifteen year quadruple career as a corporate staffer, a radio producer/host, and a columnist. Now, at 37, I am currently completing a graduate degree at the top of my class with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average.

    Unlike the admittedly insecure and professionally haunted McWhorter, I do not doubt any of my qualifications for any of my posts. And, I never will. I am certain that I have earned every post that I have ever held. In fact, I am certain that I would have been rewarded with even greater posts had my skin been white. I regret that McWhorter feels he may have been handed his career by liberal Democrats. My hands are worn from the toil that I have spent earning each of my own careers.

  106. Big Deal3:29 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    Speaking of academic doom as AB/Anon lament, check my little Boogie Down home girl:

    "This fall, Autum Ashante will be like any other giddy freshman starting college, with one notable exception - she's 13 years old."

    So many whites and asians accomplish this on a regular basis, it's not even news.

    When a black does......lawd be's! It'a a miracle! We's smarterate!

    She's probably half white.

  107. Anonymous3:30 PM

    uts, "As it stands however, NOTHING will make them give up their precious whiteness."

    well, can you blame them? hell, if I were White, I wouldn't want to be Black either. Let's face it. Being White is a blessed privilege; being Black, is not.

    Let's not pretend that we don't know where the privileges are and what it means to be White or Black in America.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. anon:

    if i was posting all of the exact same ideas...even hating hobama...

    and i looked like ellen d or halle

    uts would never be as hateful to me

    because he is a euro colorist coon and i look WAY too much like him and his mammy!!!

  110. "So many whites and asians accomplish this on a regular basis, it's not even news."

    Oh yeah.

    Let's see one.

  111. Dr. King3:35 PM

    mold gibbered..."You might Beleeve with all your heart that you are just as proficient as I..."

    By "You" I assume you mean an encephalatic lobotomized vicitm of brain trauma, becasue that's what you come off as.

  112. Slapnuts,

    "You didn't know that?Yeah, things like that never get reported on tv"

    So how do you know about them then?

    The Grand Kleagle told you?

  113. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Big Deal, "So many whites and asians accomplish this on a regular basis, it's not even news.

    When a black does......lawd be's! It'a a miracle! We's smarterate!

    She's probably half white."

    You nailed uts really good. I get so tired of his racist dumb comments. He is talking about an article that is OLD NEWS. He is such an ignoramus. I am embarrassed to be in the same race with him.

    Maybe Whites could create a separate race just for UTS? the brothas and sistas would certainly appreciate it.

  114. No Shit Sherlock3:40 PM

    alicia banks said...My IQ was tested and my parents were instructed to keep my bona fide genius score a secret....

    Well, you've done a great job all these years keeping your bona fide genius a secret. I've been reading your comments for a long time and never in a million years would I have had the merest suspicion that you were a genius. Quite the contrary, actually. You must be very clever.

  115. Anonymous3:42 PM

    "By "You" I assume you mean an encephalatic lobotomized vicitm of brain trauma, becasue that's what you come off as."

    SAY WHAT???

  116. AB's former manager at Wendy's3:44 PM

    alicia banks said..."I am certain that I have earned every post that I have ever held."

    Don't you work as a babysitter now?

  117. nss/nig slug snake:

    your blithering envy is slithering again!

  118. Anonymous3:51 PM


    "You didn't know that?Yeah, things like that never get reported on tv"

    So how do you know about them then?

    The Grand Kleagle told you?

    Yes, we know Mr Bell Curve, in the world you circle in the only way to learn something is "from da TV"
    you watch too much Rachel Maddow, it isn't real life. Read a book, use the internet for something else besides whacking off to white chicks, you might learn something and at least not present yourself as foolishly and clearly IQ deficient as you do day in and day out. Oh, be sure to READ what you find and ask for help if you comprehension deficit disorder kicks in again.

  119. Anonymous3:52 PM

    How come the first person to get a big hug from every brother when their name was called, was not moms, not dad, not girlfriend, but a short white guy?
    Aren't there any black agents in the NBA?

  120. The short white guy is the commissioner.


  121. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Whites are done with guilt, slowly but surely they are not standing for the black lawlessness so prevalent of late. Even a woman jumps into action and has enough of blacks just thinking they are entitled to anything they want and stealing without care.

    What will happen when everyone has had enough? It's here!!

  122. Bet The MSM Ignores This4:40 PM

    More to the story:

    They're "thinking" about calling this a "lynching".

    The chickensh!ts just can bring themselves to call it a "hate" crime, when the victim is white.


  123. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    file under

    wf mom and wm son grifter duo

    cc this to white blog now!

    A mother and son pleaded not guilty Friday to allegations they stole $16 million from Manhattan textile companies to finance a luxury lifestyle, including a million-dollar yacht.

    Judy and Joseph Del Galdo were cuffed as they were hauled into a Manhattan courtroom to face grand larceny charges that could put them behind bars for 25 years.

    Judy Del Galdo, 66, of Sayreville, N.J., worked as a bookkeeper for the Soho companies she allegedly fleeced, Hi-Fashion Fabrics and Timeless Treasures.

    She used her position to forge the business president's name on hundreds of checks that were deposited into a dummy bank account controlled by Joseph Del Galdo, 45, of Buford, Ga., investigators said.

    The scam ran from 2003 to 2010, when mama Del Galdo retired, officials said.

    The money was poured into homes, electronic equipment, custom-tailored suits, a $127,000 Mercedes S63, private school tuition and private jets.

    It was also used to fund Joseph Del Galdo's now defunct ambulance company, officials claimed.

    "The defendants presented themselves as successful, high-rolling entrepreneurs but the appearance of wealth and success was just a charade forged on the back of the owners and employees of the textile business," District Attorney Cyrus Vance said in a statement.

    Judy Del Galdo is also accused of pocketing another $400,000 by submitting false expense claims to her employers.

    A lawyer for the pair said they were "shocked" at their arrest as they had already paid back most of the money and were now living "very modestly."

    "We gave them everything - cars, houses, memorabilia, jewelry, money," Richard Portale said after court.

    "How are we going to get any bail money?"

    The two were ordered held without bail.

    Read more:

  124. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Wow, some wite folks really, really need to wrap their wimpy, Liars fer Jebus selves in the flag O Victimhood. Like their photogenic idol MILFs, Sarey and Michelle...they are the MOST VICTIMIZED EVAH!!!
    Lynching also had the blessing of the local feudal overlords. Kept the uppity darkies in well as satiating the lower orders need for venting inchoate rage.
    Not quite the same...unless you beleeve it to be.


  125. Mold On The Brain5:04 PM

    Mold, you truly are an ignorant skank..

    And, your infautation with "Sarey" is most telling....when you don't have a dildo up your ass fantasizing about the Koch Bros.

  126. Anonymous5:05 PM

    ....and scrape the mold off the bathroom floor....

  127. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Wow, some wite folks really, really need to wrap their wimpy, Liars fer Jebus selves in the flag O Victimhood. Like their photogenic idol MILFs, Sarey and Michelle...they are the MOST VICTIMIZED EVAH!!!
    Lynching also had the blessing of the local feudal overlords. Kept the uppity darkies in well as satiating the lower orders need for venting inchoate rage.
    Not quite the same...unless you beleeve it to be.

    Do you ever get tired of not making one lick of sense? How can you insult anyone when no one can understand what the fuck you are trying to say? Or is it a damaged brain with IQ's under 60 only that get you? That guy Steve seems to understand you, maybe he can trans-la-rate.

  128. Queen Laa:

    cc this to that moron uts

    who thinks that blacks and latinos in cali get along as well as he and white women do...

    UNION CITY — A Union City school district will be forced to pay $725,000 to the families of 12 African-American students who accused the district of not protecting them from racial harassment and violence, leading to the fatal shooting of a 14-year-old classmate.

    The suit alleged that the New Haven Unified School District ignored years of complaints that the Decoto gang, predominantly Latino, was entering campuses and attacking Black students.

    In December 2007, Vernon Eddins was shot and killed on the steps of Barnard-White Middle School. Police described his attackers as young Latino men but have yet to make an arrest.

    The $725,000 settlement, which comprises attorneys’ fees, also includes the requirement for high school students and visitors to carry identification on campus, the launch of a class on “restorative remedial justice” that includes issues of gang violence, and the training of teachers on gang-related issues.

  129. hey uts:

    even your beloved dems hate hobama...yay!!!

    HOBAMA IS GWB 2.0!!!

    WASHINGTON — The House has voted down a measure giving President Barack Obama the authority to continue the U.S. military action against Libya.
    The vote was 295-123 on Friday. The congressional action has no immediate effect on American involvement but represents a repudiation of the commander in chief.

    The vote marks the first time since 1999 that either House has voted against a military operation. The last time was over President Bill Clinton’s authority in the Bosnian war.

  130. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Global Climate Change is Science.


    Global cooling and the ice age of the 70's was science.

  131. Being an old-time communist, Dad wanted a humanist ceremony, so today a 'humanist minister' (!) turned up at mom's home to plan the service next Friday. I never knew that such a beast existed, but apparently she was very nice and very efficient. So that's ok then.

    I have one small victory to report, we are allowed to pick four songs to play during the service, and I managed to talk Mom into using Mahelia Jackson's version of 'Amazing Grace' rather than the lame version she was planning to use by a group called 'Il Divo'. So we will enter to the sound of 'The Nun's Chorus' from the opera Casanova, then Mahelia will sing before my eulogy (tough act to follow), and then after my eulogy we will have 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' by Jusdy Garland. Then later as we all file out, it will be to the sound of Satchmo's 'What a Wonderful World'.

    I can live with that.

  132. Quote: Cheese Guevara: "Are you proposing a retard-fight? Because you are a complete fucking idiot, just the kind of smug, no-idea-how-stupid-you-are scientific illiterate who would be eager to spew your regurgitated global warming propaganda in defense of the largest hoax ever attempted.

    God you are insufferable.

    C'mon then little boy, show me what you've got.

    Global warming is a subject I happen to know rather a lot about. So why not challenge me? Give it your best shot.

    Have you got the guts to take me on?

  133. Sofarsogood6:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Being an old-time communist, Dad wanted a humanist ceremony, so today a 'humanist minister' (!) turned up at mom's home to plan the service next Friday. I never knew that such a beast existed, but apparently she was very nice and very efficient. So that's ok then.

    I have one small victory to report, we are allowed to pick four songs to play during the service, and I managed to talk Mom into using Mahelia Jackson's version of 'Amazing Grace' rather than the lame version she was planning to use by a group called 'Il Divo'. So we will enter to the sound of 'The Nun's Chorus' from the opera Casanova, then Mahelia will sing before my eulogy (tough act to follow), and then after my eulogy we will have 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' by Jusdy Garland. Then later as we all file out, it will be to the sound of Satchmo's 'What a Wonderful World'.

    I can live with that.

    Don't you have any family or even friends that cares for you to share this stuff with? Sounds like the "humanist" is the poor man's version of a funeral director. Or just renamed for marxist isolationist tendencies.

  134. StopTouchingMeMister7:06 PM

    Purple CowShit Pedophiliac Said....

    "C'mon then little boy, show me what you've got."

    I bet you have said this many, many times in your life. Right son? I hope they catch you and castrate you some day you nasty pig!!!

  135. Quote:Soraarsogood"Sounds like the "humanist" is the poor man's version of a funeral director. Or just renamed for marxist isolationist tendencies.

    Is that it?

    Is that really the best you've got?

    Kinda lame, even by the standards of the usual neo-nazi shit we get here.

    But for the record cuntface, the funeral director is the bloke who organizes the funeral and the minister is the person who hosts the funeral.

    I'm sorry if this is intellectually too challenging for you, I do try to pitch my posts at your intellectual level, but I don't know enough single syllable words.

  136. Quote:AdolfHitler "I bet you have said this many, many times in your life. Right son? I hope they catch you and castrate you some day you nasty pig!!!

    The panel can't give you more than 2/10 for that tame effort I'm afraid.

    But don't give up, I beseech you.

    If you continue to work hard, you will, one day, with much effort and sacrifice, be as effortlessly brilliant at off-hand put-downs as I am. You may lack the intellectual nitty in your gritty that I have, but I'm sure you can do better than that with time. Practice makes perfect and all that.

    Try and utilize the vast range of your enormous intellect to find some more original form of abuse.

  137. Anonymous7:21 PM

    If you continue to work hard, you will, one day, with much effort and sacrifice, be as effortlessly brilliant at off-hand put-downs as I am. You may lack the intellectual nitty in your gritty that I have, but I'm sure you can do better than that with time. Practice makes perfect and all that.

    Now leave those little boys alone before you get caught and castrated. Wasn't the problem with your son lesson enough for you?

    Yes, you are a legend in your own mind. No wonder why you don't have any friends and need to come on a blog to talk about personal matters with faceless strangers. You truly are an insufferable cunt.

    Carry on with your tired oh so tired cliches. Of course if you apply affirmative action lenses, then you might be witty, without them, not so much. Just old tired and pointless. Sort of like you, yeah?

  138. rottnkid writes:

    NS - Delta is a "partner" of Saudi Arabia. Why do you think they "adopted" the policy.

    Here's some news for you. Nations set their own standards for entry.

    Laws. Made by the governments. Going to Saudi Arabia is not controlled by Orbitz, Delta, Amtrak or Greyhound.

    Every airline that feeds into Saudi Air has agreed to these anti-Jewish restrictions. Again. nothing new.

    But Delta is entering into the agreement to feed passengers into the Saudi Air pipeline voluntarily.

    Unlike the government of the Saudi Arabia, the US government is not empowered to take action action against a government that discriminates against the people of the world on the basis of religion, nationality and gender.

    I know it's a long shot, but maybe this typical bit of Islamic nonsense will give you a clue that Islam hates all that is not Islamic.

    Of course those clown muslims can't build airplanes, airports or anything else it takes to run an international business.

  139. Anonymous7:28 PM

    alicia banks said...

    "i cannot believe it took u so long to tell me u were gay alicia...i am cool so u should never have been afraid of my reaction...i think i am attracted to u and i should be afraid of my reaction..."


    ;)going to check out those links

  140. Anonymous7:38 PM

    ab said, "cc this to that moron uts

    who thinks that blacks and latinos in cali get along as well as he and white women do..."

    Yeah, I live in Cali and I KNOW Blacks and Latinos don't get along, esp with the Mexicans and white Latinos.

    Does anybody know how that hatred toward AAs translate to Latinos who look like AAs but speak spanish?

    Are they discriminated against and beaten also?

    Maybe Desertflower in PR can answer that for us? Or maybe LAA?

    racism and hatred can be quite complex.

  141. the cow writes:

    Global warming is a subject I happen to know rather a lot about. So why not challenge me? Give it your best shot.

    Yeah. Sure. You know what's ahead in the next hundred years. Or maybe the next 50 years.

    Actually, you haven't got any idea what's coming in the next five years.

    But here's something you can bank on. Oil consumption will increase, and it will increase because the global population is growing, which means a lot more people will start drving cars.

    As for Global Warming. Whatever's happening to the atmosphere makes no difference because whatever's happening is having no effect on anyone's health.

    Not like smoking that kills millions every year. Or drinking dirty water, which kills 5 million people every year in Africa alone.

    A little crap in the air that has yet to cause a single death is a great subject for useless debate, in which you will participate while oil drillers are out sinking wells wherever the law allows.

    Obama is cutting off job growth by limiting access to the most oil-rich properties in the US WHILE desperately trying to sell the utterly bankrupt idea that electric cars are the answer.

    The Chevy division of GM sells less than 500 Volt electric cars per month. In other words, this $41,000 golf cart is a total failure, as is the electric car industry.

    That's the Obama plan. Ruin the profitable side of the auto business by sinking it with electric cars.

    Meanwhile, people who know something about energy -- that's me -- understand that people like you believe fairy tales. Maybe a hundred years from now the efficiency of solar panels will make them competitive with oil, but for now, solar energy is the equivalent of oil at $500 a barrel.

    In other words, we can bankrupt ourselves or keep using oil. For the obvious reason, we will continue to use oil. Global warming? Who cares?

    If the sea level rises, only the ree-tards will remain in their seaside homes. Everyone else will move back a mile.

    Of course New Orleans is a city that's largely below sea level. So we already know how to stem the tide, and what happens when things go wrong. The people living below sea level were finally convinced to move.

    Really, what kind of morons live below sea level and believe they are safe?

  142. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Do any Latinos like Mexicans?

  143. Quote:NoSlapzz "As for Global Warming. Whatever's happening to the atmosphere makes no difference because whatever's happening is having no effect on anyone's health."

    Please tell me that this is some kind of post-ironic joke that I'm not getting.

    Surely even you can't be that stupid.

  144. Quote:Anonnymous "Yes, you are a legend in your own mind. No wonder why you don't have any friends and need to come on a blog to talk about personal matters with faceless strangers. You truly are an insufferable cunt."


    You are a disappointment to me. You are not even capable of coming up with your own original insults - all you are capable of is recycling mine!

    Just how lame are you?

  145. Anonymous7:50 PM

    There's absolutely nothing to suggest that the guy being white had anything to do with him not being caught.

    Nothing. Lots of criminals of all colors go a long time before being caught--and lots get caught right away. Black and white.

    And as far as a "mass murderer," he was a mob boss.


    Chances are he never killed anyone of color. Isn't that the distinction for caring at this blog? Especially among the BFs?

    Chances are Field wouldn't even be writing about him if his nickname wasn't Whitey.

  146. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:Anonnymous "Yes, you are a legend in your own mind. No wonder why you don't have any friends and need to come on a blog to talk about personal matters with faceless strangers. You truly are an insufferable cunt."


    You are a disappointment to me. You are not even capable of coming up with your own original insults - all you are capable of is recycling mine!

    Just how lame are you?

    Is this a joke? You get told your use of cliches is tired and old and then you try and claim someone else is using your material.

    Dissapoint you? You are nothing but a piece of cow dung, who cares what the fuck you think, go share your sob stories with someone who doesn't know you are a misearable twat and who may give a fuck if you pay em enough. Fuck you and anyone that even looks like you.

    Piss Off Twit.

  147. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Alicia Banks what have you done to me?????!!!

    I watched a little bit of Brewster Place on Hulu, and now I'm HOOKED!!! Now I have to watch the entire series!! On episode 2 now......
    It's GOOOD! Thaaaanks!

  148. Anonymous8:37 PM

    alicia banks said...

    "i cannot believe it took u so long to tell me u were gay alicia...i am cool so u should never have been afraid of my reaction...i think i am attracted to u and i should be afraid of my reaction..."


    Wait if she is gay of course she would be afraid of your erection, what do you mean?

  149. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Mr Field, it is time to post racial Reality of what is happening between Blacks and Latinos?

    Do Blacks and Latinos have a problem with each other or not?

    I hope not, but Southern Cali sure does. The Bay Area? NY? Chicago?

    Is it just the Mexicans?

  150. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "Mr Field, it is time to post racial Reality of what is happening between Blacks and Latinos?"

    Give him time. I'm sure he's doing his research. In doing his research, I'm sure he's discovering that the "relationship" between blacks and Latinos (especially Mexicans) in Southern Cali. is more complicated that he could have ever imagined.

  151. Anonymous4:28 PM

    maybe you can under why we don't like knee grows and it has nothing to do with skin color but the content of your character

  152. Anonymous4:32 PM

    there is no glow bull worming caused by man it is a big scam and hoax.
