Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Throw (only) the Negro from the plane.

I honestly was not going to blog about this sagging pants (dude kicked off the plane) story. Because, quite frankly, I just couldn't come to the defense of this Negro. He set the sartorial aspirations of black folks back a hundred years. He gets no love from the field. Yeah I know he was having some issues, and unless he was exposing his private body parts, he had every right to make a fool of himself. This is, after all, A-merry-ca. US Air was wrong to kick him off, but I just didn't feel like blogging about it.

That is until now. Why? Because, once again, I see hypocrisy in A-merry-ca.

Why does a young black man get kicked off a plane for showing his boxers, and a white man gets to wear nothing but his favorite Victoria's Secret outfit? [*pic] Black folks you have a right to cry double standard on this one.

"The gray-haired cross dresser boarded a June 9 flight from Fort Lauderdale to Phoenix wearing a little more than stiletto heels, thigh-high black stocking and tiny, electric blue panties, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
Witnesses said passengers complained about the flamboyant flyer, but U.S. Air let him board because the company doesn't have any rules against showing skin.
"We don't have a dress code policy," spokeswoman Valerie Wunder told the Chronicle. "Obviously, if their private parts are exposed, that's not appropriate…So if they're not exposing their private parts, they're allowed to fly." [Story]

"We don't have a dress code policy"? Ahh, let me amend that statement a little bit: "We don't have a dress code policy" for white folks. But we do have a dress code policy for  Nig black people.

*Looking for my US Air frequent flyer card* Now where did I put those scissors?



  1. OMG Field, I thought that was photoshopped!! Well, living in West Hollywood, CA - middle aged drag queens are nothing new to me. And if this old geezer wants to let his goodies hang out, I can't see why homie with the pants sagged low would give more issue. But this is America, so I guess young black man stuff is a lot more purse clutching than an old man letting it all hang out in lingerie. Did I just type that?! OK, I hear an Eddie Long or Catholic Bishop joke coming, so I'm gonna stop right here....

  2. Sagging pants are assoicated with thugs, ie automatic criminals to white folks.

    BIG difference, to white folks at least.

  3. Hello Field:

    Maybe seeing video footage of what actually happened will further validate your feelings of hypocrisy.

    Dude was already seated and was ready to go:

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Thanks Bride! Wow! That is some sad ish!

    Now who would you rather have sitting next to you on a plane? That filthy freak in undies or Mr. Marman with his pants slightly below his waist, (which is how he stated they were in an interview he gave). I think that double standard is cause for suit but Mr. Marman prolly won't bother, he seems like such a nice guy!

    I dunno bout you but I'll sit next to Marman anytime! ;P

  5. True Dr. Queen, but in my neck of the woods, usually old guys dressing like women are either going out to party or are working the stroll, depending on which end of Santa Monica Blvd. So does that mean J. Edgar Hoover wannabe in the picture should be stop for soliciting or indecent exposure? I highly doubt that.

  6. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Field, Field,- You fight for illegal aliens, they take our jobs and break us.

    You fight for gays they take our plane seats and make us look at this stufff aerrrrghghghghghghgh

    Next you are going to start hatin on everyone else to bring over transgender illegal aliens who sag..

  7. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I just heard the negligee guy is running for Republican Congressman next year!

  8. There is no such thing as "double standard" in America; there's only the white way and the wrong way. Your choice as to what side you fall on.

  9. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I just heard the saggin' black guy is a baby daddy, thug, semi-retard, woman beating, gay bashing piece of you-know-what.

    I would defintely feel SAFER meeting the cross-dressing whatever in a dark alley. I would be TERRIFIED if I met the thug in an dark alley. Not that I would ever be in a dark alley. Just sayin'.

  10. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Do goobers forget its 2011? If a lad wants to have some fun_should some Rick perry wannabe con who dress like that in privite?

    This isn't nazi Germany.No one wants dress codes.

    No more"you am gay" lie.

    Was the black man kicked off the play cause wite mens afraid their wives and daughters would fantasize?

    Yes wite fems desire dark meat.You get seconds.Get over it.


  11. NSangoma9:56 PM

    Mother Phock that Negroe:

    Next time, let the Negroe show his krack to Mrs field.

  12. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Dr Queen, "Sagging pants are assoicated with thugs, ie automatic criminals to white folks."

    I agree. But sagging pants also mean to some of us black folks a thug also.

    They both should have been kicked off the plane. Why should ANY passenger have to deal with either one?

    I am sick and tired of gays and lesbians having the right to flash their weird freaky behavior and expect heterosexuals to have to deal with that.

    Btw, the Bay Area is home to gays and lesbians. It is also home to some of the most white racists on the planet. You see, white gays/lesbians look down on Blacks even more so than het racists. That's why that freak could do what he wanted and the Black child got thrown off the plane, arrested, handcuffed and shamed.

    So, Mr. Field, while you are fighting for those gay/lesbian folks' rights, remember that you are fighting for more abuse of Blacks. As a bm I have never encountered as much racism as I have from white gays and white lesbians in the Bay Area. They are vicious.

  13. Anonymous10:09 PM

    O/T: Alcee Hastings is being accused of sexual harrassment by one of his staff. Alcee sure stays in a lot of trouble...he is as crooked as a $3 bill. I hope they get him this time. He is a disgrace to Congress and to the black race.

  14. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Blaq Mind said...
    There is no such thing as "double standard" in America; there's only the white way and the wrong way. Your choice as to what side you fall on.

    I guess you are of those guys who tells his friend, who is going to school- why you actin white wit all dat uppity shit - start speakin like ma dammit!! Readin and ritmatic aint white dey right.

  15. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Not that I would ever be in a dark alley. Just sayin'."

    Fly your freak flag!!! LOL!
    That's okay, in a dark alley anyone can do whatever they please! :P

  16. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "As a bm I have never encountered as much racism as I have from white gays and white lesbians in the Bay Area. They are vicious."

    As an obviously gay black man, I have been the victim of black homophobia (mainly homophobic name-calling: fag this and fag that, faggot this and faggot that, punk this and punk that).

    I am at my wits end. As a gay black man, I sometimes HATE STRAIGHT BLACK PEOPLE. Maybe the white so-called gay mafia will save me (and other gay black men) from the vicious straight black homophobes who despise gay black men.

  17. I see we have jokes up in here tonight.

    Chocolate Bride, thanks for that link

    "Fly your freak flag!!! LOL!
    That's okay, in a dark alley anyone can do whatever they want"


    Desert Flower you need to quit.

    "So, Mr. Field, while you are fighting for those gay/lesbian folks' rights, remember that you are fighting for more abuse of Blacks."

    What about black Gay and Lesians?

  18. rettra10:44 PM

    Seriously FN, how can any grown man condone sagging pants. Brother, how can any group of people ever be taking seriously if they wear their britches to to their knees. You know better than that. Double standard, yes!

    However, if you are asked and refuse to pull up your britches, then you don't fly. Plain an simple--IF there is a dress code policy.

    Again, Black males will never be taken serioulsy with their asses hanging out. You know it and I know it Field and brother I am a good 10 years younger than you.


  19. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I agree with Rettra. Kind of. It was racist and wrong and US Air should be punished. But c'mon folks, as a community we gotta start teaching our boys and men to pull up the pants. It's embarrassing.

  20. "Because, quite frankly, I just couldn't come to the defense of this Negro. He set the sartorial aspirations of black folks back a hundred years"

    rettra and Anon. just in case you didn't catch the first part of my post

  21. Anonymous10:53 PM

    field, "What about black Gay and Lesians?"

    They catch as much racism from the white gay community as the rest of us. Are you hiding behind our black gays to justify your support of those malicious white gay racists? your freeing those white racists don't free our gay/lesbian brothas and sistas...they will tell you that...don't you know that? if you don't then you don't understand a damn thing about racism in the homosexual community.

    GET REAL, field. nobody is going to buy that, esp gays/lesbians who are Black.

  22. "...don't you know that? if you don't then you don't understand a damn thing about racism in the homosexual community."

    Please educate me.

  23. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "We don't have a dress code policy"? Ahh, let me amend that statement a little bit: "We don't have a dress code policy" for white folks. But we do have a dress code policy for Nig black people."

    I am glad they have a dress code for bm with pants hanging below their asses. They are helping to discipline and teach our young bm what is appropriate in public.

    I am so grateful for white parenting considering there is none in the black community.

    Hmmmmmm. Racism does have a positive side to it afterall.

  24. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Field, "Please educate me."

    I would be happy to educate you, but at your age it's too late. You simply are not teachable.

  25. "I would be happy to educate you, but at your age it's too late. You simply are not teachable."

    You are never too old to learn. So please, teach me. It's never too late for a "teachable moment".

  26. Anonymous11:05 PM

    as your resident social justice guru, I have tried and tried to educate you concerning your homophobia, heterosexism, classism etc. You never listen. So please do not act like you want to learn.

    Quick recap:

    Your statement about this so called "man code" about not pissing next to you in a urinal is homophobic and quite offensive.

    You use the term "queer" or have and you should not. I am white, but would never use the word nigger.

    You constant remarks belittling those who struggle to make ends meet nad perhaps live in trailers reek of your class privileges....

    I could go on and on, but please don't pretend you really want to be educated. I pop in from time to time and try and you NEVER have regarded any of my statements.

    As I have said before, you lens is focused solely on race, bypassing all other social identities and intersectionalities. I for one wish your vision and passion ran deeper as we are not monolithic, but comprised of much more than just skin color.

    LASTLY, don't you get tired of being the one who educates those ignorant white folks. We get tired of educating you ignorant straight folks. Same principle.

  27. Anonymous11:07 PM

    And I am sorry if I am offensive, but your "educate me" statement really rubbed me the wrong way. Because as I (and others) have pointed out various things. You either

    A. Don't learn.
    B. Don't care to learn.

  28. "Your statement about this so called "man code" about not pissing next to you in a urinal is homophobic and quite offensive."

    How so?

    "You use the term "queer" or have and you should not. I am white, but would never use the word nigger."

    You just did.

    "You constant remarks belittling those who struggle to make ends meet nad perhaps live in trailers reek of your class privileges...."

    No, just ignorant white people who happen to live in trailers.

    "As I have said before, you lens is focused solely on race, bypassing all other social identities and intersectionalities. I for one wish your vision and passion ran deeper as we are not monolithic, but comprised of much more than just skin color."

    Reading that statement I am reminded of the joke about the chicken and the pig, and their contribution to breakfast.

    "LASTLY, don't you get tired of being the one who educates those ignorant white folks..."

    Yes, I do.

  29. Whitey's Conspiracy11:16 PM

    Fair to say that fairness isn't our first reaction; unless you're fair.

  30. Anonymous11:16 PM

    S.O.S.....S.O.S....S.O.S...S.O.S...transmitting from Bermuda Triangle...S.O.S...S.O.S...calling Desertflower...calling Desertflower...S.O.S...S.O.S...where the eff are you? I just saw a cross-dressed gay mermaid. I can't seem to find anything in the Bible about what I saw...Is Mellaneous around to refer me to the right verse?

    Get me Pat Roberts please.

  31. BTW, you are NOT being offensive.
    We are just two people communicating on the Internet and trying to learn from each other.

  32. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Field, "You are never too old to learn. So please, teach me. It's never too late for a "teachable moment"."

    Mr. Field, please see what anon11:05p and anon11:07pm said.:)

  33. Look, for everyone thinking that this cross dressing cat is getting gay-bash, let set the record straight, homeboy showed up in LINGERIE AND HIGH HEELS. Forget the fact that he was in underwear, he was dressed like a prostitute. In my hood, the only dudes running the streets in lingerie and high heels are the working "girls". If a woman had tried that, she'd be yanked off a plane along with homey with the baggy jeans.

    Btw, the Bay Area is home to gays and lesbians. It is also home to some of the most white racists on the planet. You see, white gays/lesbians look down on Blacks even more so than het racists. That's why that freak could do what he wanted and the Black child got thrown off the plane, arrested, handcuffed and shamed.

    As someone who has worked with rather racist LGBT folks, living in CA for two years and having met some Bay Area folks so damn right wing and racist you'd swear they were Rush Limbaugh's love child, I can attest to a few things:

    A. Being gay isn't an automatic freedom from racism. Again, some the most flamboyant gay dudes I've ever met are some of the most racist and sexist white men I've ever known. And gay dudes lusting after a big black Mandingo is just as, if not more racist, than any Tea Party comment.

    B. The Bay is known for its hippy-dippy nature, but its got some rather strong pockets of backwater wing-nuttery.

    C. Yes, young black men shouldn't sag their pants. But (my boy in college would say) if 'Twinkle Toes' can walk on the plane dress like a damn she-man street walker, a shorty in hip-hop gear shouldn't get any flack. This was racism, pure and simple.

  34. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I just read your statements. To be honest, I guess I am a little hurt. I have come here for years, always working for social justice in my corner of the world, hoping to learn. However, I think I may have believed in you a little too much. I hope that you know full well where my statements are coming from and that you in spite of saving face they touch your heart. As one of my favorite scholars says, "It is imperative that we maintain hope even when the harshness of reality may suggest the opposite."

    I hope you get it more than your responses indicate. You asked to be "educated" I shared, yet you dismissed. Please don't ask if you really don't want criticality. For the first time ever, I feel that you have already made up in your mind what you think before my post was even written.

    I shared some issues and many of your female readers have shared some of their concerns that your statements are sexist. I guess we are all wrong. Because what I read of your post is that you cannot be :(

    I don't like emotional stuff. But let me just say I have supported your site and have always done what I can to further equity for all. You have let me down my friend. There is not enough time ore the platform for me to "teach" you. But the real lesson tonight I have learned, that my faith in you was misplaced. Some day, maybe you will get it. But your mind must be open and you must be humble. You dismissed all my comments, and I won't take the time to justify them or write more. I hope on some level they stay with you, as you continue your journey.

  35. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    S.O.S.....S.O.S....S.O.S...S.O.S...transmitting from Bermuda Triangle...S.O.S...S.O.S...calling Desertflower...calling Desertflower...S.O.S...S.O.S...where the eff are you? I just saw a cross-dressed gay mermaid. I can't seem to find anything in the Bible about what I saw...Is Mellaneous around to refer me to the right verse?
    ANON! There you are! OMG! Be careful don't invade Cuban waters or they'll shoot the crap outta you!!!

    Those crossdressing gay mermaids are cool, they just want to be your friend and help you out of there. Trust them! They get to dress any old way cuz there are no dress codes in the sea! Only on airplanes.

    I'll ask Pat to pray for you!and maybe Mell will oblige with a verse or two....oh dear....

  36. Anonymous11:53 PM

    LAC, you nailed it. Thanks.

    Btw, same sex marriage brings out the most outrageous cross-dressing you will ever see. And it will be happening on the neighborhood sidewalks, coffee shops, supermarkets, schools k-12 near you!

    Yep...this same sex marriage is going to turn out even more colorful than the dude called Howard in the photo. Throw in their racist attitudes and you have a whole new level of racism against Blacks.

    Prepare yourselves folks.

  37. Anonymous12:00 AM

    LACoincidental said...

    Look, for everyone thinking that this cross dressing cat is getting gay-bash, let set the record straight...
    11:35 PM
    Great post!

  38. They should have thrown that old faggot out the door over the Pacific Ocean. Enough of this bullshit.

  39. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Anon 11:51p, I feel what you feel. Unfortunately, Field has a history of being bullheaded and not feeling much. He has yet to admit he doesn't know everything. That's where he falls short as a human being. But at the God level, sadly he thinks he is omniscient.

    He is like an alcoholic: "you can tell an alcoholic, but you can't tell him much."

  40. Gerbzilla12:44 AM

    LAC: "C. Yes, young black men shouldn't sag their pants. But (my boy in college would say) if 'Twinkle Toes' can walk on the plane dress like a damn she-man street walker, a shorty in hip-hop gear shouldn't get any flack. This was racism, pure and simple."

    The only way to prove that is for to dress just like Mr. Freakbag and try to fly to San Francisco. Come on LAC, put your money where your ballsack is.

  41. Anonymous12:46 AM

    "They should have thrown that old faggot out the door over the Pacific Ocean. Enough of this bullshit."

    With same-sex marriage happening you can count on even more cross-dressing in your neighborhoods, communities, supermarkets, coffee shops, restaurants, schools K-12,'s going to get worse, thanks to laws allowing same sex marriages.

    Isn't it amazing what we are doing to America?

  42. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "With same-sex marriage happening you can count on even more cross-dressing...."
    I think there's a lot of cross dressing going on right now that most of us unless we have a very keen eye, are totally unaware of.

    I personally know men that can dress so successfully as women, that they look exactly like beautiful, well dressed women. No one is the wiser.

    The point here is about dressing in underwear.
    That's a little bit crazy, be it straight people or cross dressers! This is not yet a nudist country for people to be allowed on planes in sexy underwear!

    Now a young man that's simply following the tenets of fashion is an entirely different situation...

  43. Desertflower said...
    I personally know men that can dress so successfully as women, that they look exactly like beautiful, well dressed women. No one is the wiser.

    Not that old motherfucker. He ain't gonna fool nobody, cept maybe that uptownpeter dude.

  44. "With same-sex marriage happening you can count on even more cross-dressing...."

    Can someone please try to educate this guy?

    "But the real lesson tonight I have learned, that my faith in you was misplaced. Some day, maybe you will get it. But your mind must be open and you must be humble."

    Thanks for supporting the site and leaving your comments. That is always appreciated. And, for the record, my mind is always open. The humble part....well, I am working on it. ;)

  45. Terry6:25 AM

    Somethings you find on Google you just can't unsee.
    Somewhere I have seen that photo before on the web, either that or he still has the same head of hair (and a very similar outfit). Not a big story true, but I wonder if the reporter got the photo from the camera or was it emailed in ? Very quiet at the check in desk too, no flight info and no one else in shot just like the photo I saw years back - a scam ??

  46. A 20-year-old college football player is less likely to sue an airline over being kicked off the plane than a 40 or 50-year-old guy dressed like a cross between a drag queen and Borat.

    With any luck, the college football player won't have any more need for traveling with the plebs on the major airlines, as he'll be traveling on chartered flights and private jets like his contemporaries in the professional football leagues.

    "Hmmmmmm. Racism does have a positive side to it afterall."

    There's nothing positive about racism. I hope you're just bullshitting everyone here.

    "I am so grateful for white parenting considering there is none in the black community."

    On second thought, perhaps you're not bullshitting us all. And now I see how you became.....what you are.

  47. I bet if it was Justin Bieber, Robin Thicke, Eminem, and Paul Wall on an airplane; the flight crew would have taken pictures of them and let them slide. We ALL know how they dress. I think the look is stupid, but then again I wore a Zoot Suit in high school and my mom didn't like that. My older brothers and my older sister wore stacks and platforms. Unless it's a threat to the passageners no one should make a big deal about it.

  48. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I am an gay black man. I can give you examples of BLACK HOMOPHOBIA. I have been called a "fag" at work, in CHURCH, at funerals, at weddings, walking down the street minding my business, AT FAMILY REUNIONS BY RELATIVES, in the grocery store, at restaurants, at the gym, you name it. In other words EVERYWHERE I GO.

    On the other hand, whether white LGBT people are racist are not, they don't call me the "N" word EVERYWHERE I go. At least not to my face or loud enough for me to hear.

    I am black and gay but I have suffered far more discrimination for being gay than I ever have for being black. That's a fact.

    I was in a predominately white gay bar once when several black guys walked in, looked around, and started calling people (including me) "fags". The bartender, who was a white gay man, didn't do/say anything while they were there. After a while, the black male creeps (who I assume were "straight") left the bar. After they left, we (the bartender and me) just looked at each other and shook our heads.

    LACoincidental: When guys like you talk about white gays being racist, what exactly are you talking about? Give specific examples, please.

  49. @Field

    I guess you can see it too. First you have no_slappz attacking you for hating Jewish people, now you got some Republican trying to spread the meme that Straight blacks and White Gays hate each other. They got until November of next year to get one of their racist Republicans elected President. People DON'T fall for 'da Okie Doke. The enemy isn't Gays, Planned Parenthood, undocumented workers, Muslims, or Feminist, it's the Republican Party.

    Another thing most cross dressers ARE STRAIGHT. Don't believe me? Ask Milton Berle or Flip Wilson.

  50. "Again, Black males will never be taken serioulsy with their asses hanging out"

    But a white dude in blue satin panties and stiletto heels could very well be your pilot!!!

    Isn't America wonderful?

  51. "When guys like you talk about white gays being racist, what exactly are you talking about?"

    They wear lavender hoods and sheets?

  52. Anonymous 7:43 AM

    Sorry I don't believe you. Gays of all colors usually MOVE into a Black community. You do have blacks that are bigots but don't give me that shit that whites folk are so nice and kind and polite. You're overselling it.You sound like Herman Cain. You go to some black Gay theme blogs and they will tell you what's up.

    We don't need to be putting up walls right now when the Republicans are going on radio calling for the execution of young blacks in Atlanta.

  53. Anonymous8:20 AM

    kid said...
    We don't need to be putting up walls right now when the Republicans are going on radio calling for the execution of young blacks in Atlanta.

    We do need to put up walls to stop racist black mobs who are attacking whites and asians all over the country.

  54. Anonymous8:34 AM

    With gay marriage...gays will get married. What they do will continue...just like the morally wonderful BabyMommy of two, Bristol Palin. Or the marriage of Newt and his employee.
    The elimination of millions of moderately paid Civil Service positions is this person. Yet the concept of two adults making a 'contract' gives him filled Vitters?

    Although I won't discount racism...I wonder if there is not more to the tale of the football hero. I did recently travel to Jamaica and my perception of the Staff at the locations differs greatly from another who was there as the same time and place. They felt the Jamaicans were rude, unhelpful, snotty, arrogant, smug, and 'uppity'. I disagree.
    But then, I never expected to be waited on by desperately grateful Fourth World tribes.


  55. Sagging pants? The thug look? And that is compared with the transvestite look? Somehow the two looks are compared and contrasted on the basis of underwear?

    Nonsense. Imams in full beards and wearing the standard Islamic man-dress are booted off planes. Why? They make other passengers nervous.

    Apprehension and nervousness among passengers seem to be sufficient grounds for a pilot to take action, which might include throwing a passenger off a plane.

    The laws and regulations covering people flying on commercial airlines are differenct from the rules we live by on the ground. This is a fact.

    Thus, the real question is about the authority of the pilot. Is the pilot an autocrat, like a commanding officer of a military vessel, where his word is law?

    Seems the answer is -- yes.

    When I see a big, rough-looking, shaggy-haired guy in a black leather jacket with "Hell's Angels" stitched across the back, I consider the likelihood of truth in advertising. He's probably what his clothes say he is.

    Isn't that the standard line? Clothes Make the Man? Isn't that it?

  56. Kid

    "We don't need to be putting up walls right now when the Republicans are going on radio calling for the execution of young blacks in Atlanta"

    Boortz is just doing the "RAHOWA" holler for the racist pinheads in Georgia who are his radio audience.

    There isn't going to be any race in Atlanta.

    The goobers don't have the balls.

  57. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Golly, Stewart was 100% correct about the 'marching orders'! Thank you Trolls for making the electronic travel to the FOX site you repeat the Daily Gospel verbatim. Oh, and neglecting to source your faux-pinions makes it very obvious that you haven't a though in your empty, hollow heads.
    Will your next attention-seeking ploy be a 'bus trip'? Or the foster system prosetylization of helpless children? Or covering your self with urine and feces to 'protest' literacy, Universal franchise, and DFHs getting dates?

    The MSM ran with great delight the insane ramblings of a christian during the Day Care scare. People were jailed because 'jebus said so'. We also are treated to the Sarey version of the Bristol pregnancies...but not alternates. Ever hear of Susan McDougal or Don Seigelman? Why does the MSM treat Breitbart as honest...when he is a liar?


  58. Meanwhile, the clown wearing saggy pants was NOT thrown off the plane for wearing saggy pants.

    He was thrown off the plane for refusing an order to hoist his saggy pants.

    Marman had been pulled off a flight to Albuquerque and even arrested after he refused to pull his pants up in response to an employee’s request.

    The rules of life are different in the air.

    Marman’s attorney says that surveillance video proves that the young man’s skin was not visible.

    This is a diversionary sidestep. No skin is visible on imams who look like al-Qaeda operatives either. But they get booted off flights.

    Marman was taken into police custody when he refused to get up from his seat on the plane. He was then booked on suspicion of trespassing, battery and resisting arrest.

    My, my. He could have avoided all the headaches if he had only pulled up his pants. What a guy. Yeah, a true freedom fighter.

    He is now at risk of having a criminal record for doing something that would have been overlooked if he’d been a white male drag queen wearing panties.

    If the drag queen had refused to cooperate the same would have happened, as we know from a number of cases of passengers getting arrested for minor issues like uttering a few unkind words to in-flight personnel.

  59. Slapnuts said...

    We do need to put up walls to stop racist black mobs who are attacking whites and asians all over the country.

    @slappy the squirrel

    You mean like all the Muslims of Asian extraction that were BEATEN OR KILLED by you nice Christian folk? Don't get me started on in the 80's when a Chinese man was killed in Detroit by whites because he looked like he was Japanese. That was because of the sales of Japanese cars. there might be a little problem with blacks and Asians, but not like Asians and whites. Don't forget some Asians have problems with immigration as well. What race of people you haven't effed with?

  60. "If the drag queen had refused to cooperate the same would have happened"

    But they didn't force the drag queen to put on clothes or get off the plane.

    You're a dummy Slappy.

  61. There isn't going to be any race in Atlanta.

    The goobers don't have the balls.


    You'll be suprised. Richard Poplawski shot five cops. Tell them a black Man is taking their gun, putting them in a camp, taking their girlfriend, or their job and see what happens.

  62. Kid

    Poplawski was militiaman nut from Pittsburgh who fired on cops who tried to arrest him in his (mother's)home.

    The blacks in this country aren't hard to find.

    All the goobers who are always mumbling about "race war" have to do is load up a few trucks, head to the nearest MLK Blvd in their area, talk some $hit and they'll get all the race war they want.

    But of course, that's not going to happen because they're all mouth.

    They're more likely to be found posting as "anonymous" on black blogs.

  63. at least his panties were not sagging!

    this fool is a freak who simply wanted to party with his peer tsa freaks/rapists/kiddie fondlers etc...

    airports have become lewd and traumatic jokes UNDER HOBAMA and HIS tsa nazis


  64. @uptownsteve

    I hope you're right. But remember when those guys were caught in Denver at the DNC with rifles? They want to do it, they also know that every black person in America will be looking for their butt.

    @Alicia Banks

    THIS IS A PROMISE. The next time you say shit I'm calling Secret Service on your ass. It was dumb as hell to put your name and face up AND THREATEN THE PRESIDENT like you do every day. You left a trail with your 300 I.Q.

    IT WILL BE EASY FOR THEM TO FIND YOU! You need mental help, seriously. What genius go to a blog and threatens the POTUS everyday? Hopefully you can get medical help!

  65. Anonymous9:35 AM

    d said...
    Slapnuts said...

    We do need to put up walls to stop racist black mobs who are attacking whites and asians all over the country.

    @slappy the squirrel

    You mean like all the Muslims of Asian extraction that were BEATEN OR KILLED by you nice Christian folk? Don't get me started on in the 80's when a Chinese man was killed in Detroit by whites because he looked like he was Japanese. That was because of the sales of Japanese cars. there might be a little problem with blacks and Asians, but not like Asians and whites. Don't forget some Asians have problems with immigration as well. What race of people you haven't effed with?

    The majority of interracial rape and murders are commited by blacks.

    Why do blacks such a problem with people of other races?

    Racist steve said...

    All the goobers who are always mumbling about "race war" have to do is load up a few trucks, head to the nearest MLK Blvd in their area, talk some $hit and they'll get all the race war they want.

    Why are MLK blvd's the most violent place to be in every major city in this country?

    Why do you call for a race war when your killing each other at such high rates?

    Americas' chickens coming home to roost...............

  66. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Muslim Marine Reservist Detained Near Pentagon Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings.

    The case had apparently gone cold. But after several months of no progress, federal authorities have now zeroed in on a suspect in last year’s shootings at several military sites around the nation’s capital. Their suspect: the 22-year-old Marine reservist arrested Friday after causing a terror scare near the Pentagon.

    Ballistics obtained at the suspect’s home have been linked to evidence found at the scenes of the 2010 shootings, including the Marine Corps Museum in Triangle, Va., a vacant Marine recruiting station in Chantilly, Va., and the Pentagon itself, Fox News has learned.

    Authorities are now trying to track down a vehicle once owned by the suspect, Yonathan Melaku of Alexandria, Va., who has since sold the vehicle.

    Melaku was arrested early Friday morning at Arlington National Cemetery when the site was closed. He was carrying a backpack with what authorities initially thought might be explosives, and they found a notebook containing words and phrases such as “Taliban,” “Al Qaeda,” “defeated coalition forces,” and “mujahedeen.” The discoveries caused “concerns about the public’s safety,” the FBI said at the time, and shut down major highways for much of Friday.

    In the hours after Melaku’s arrest Friday, FBI agents swarmed his home in Alexandria and interviewed neighbors.

  67. "Why are MLK blvd's the most violent place to be in every major city in this country?"


    Put up some "MLK Blvd" signs in white ethnic neighborhoods and you'll see some goobers go ballistic immediately.

  68. Anonymous9:57 AM

    UTS, I had noticed that the 'race war' proponents heroically declared war on such threats to public safety as happily married couples. Or kids in school. Or young people going to University.
    One Turner Diary Troo Beleever told me that the wite wimmens was being lead astray from the path of Real 'Mericanism by eveel AfAms with lines of patter. I might mention that the woman in question was quite attractive. The AfAm was a full, tenured professor with an international reputation as an expert in their field. The Heeyuck was a hired hand with barely functioning literacy. Oh, the prof was a world-traveler and Goober had yet to leave the village environs. Yet, somehow the need was there to shoot the eveel AfAm for leading wite pure womanhood astray.
    One would think that Bristol 'TwoBaby' Palin should have put that fiction to rest.
    The 'coming to roost' is a nice fantasy of losers hoping that the US will have a vast upheaval and that their lowly status will change. Folks, I've heard this silly tale for over 40 years. I suppose some morons are still hoperating that being stupid, lazy and ill-educated may miraculously become worthy.

    Consumerist blog has tales of 'customers' who are 'wronged'. Until you look at the entire story


  69. uptownsteve said...
    Put up some "MLK Blvd" signs in white ethnic neighborhoods and you'll see some goobers go ballistic immediately.

    Great point Steve, I have NEVER seen an MLK anything in a white neighborhood.

  70. Dr. Queen,

    Read Mike Royko's "BOSS, the story of Mayor Richard J. Daley".

    After MLK's assassination, the black Chicago aldermen tabled a proposal to name a major thoroughfare after Dr. King.

    Daley and his henchmen knew that if they put up street signs with "MLK" on it in white neighborhoods they would be defaced or torn down.

    So they decided that a boulevard in the black Southside ghetto would be named after King.

    And that was the pattern that was followed in cities throughout the country.

    As recently as 10 years ago in Riverside, CA white residents went nuts when they found out that a school being built in their neighborhood was being named after Dr. King.

    The board ended up naming the school something else.

  71. Anonymous10:15 AM

    As sure has there's a Sunday coming,whats the 3rd thing that pops up when you do a yahoo search on MLK blvd??

    Man shot in head on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

    TRENTON -- A police source just told The Trentonian that a man has been shot in the head in the 600 block of MLK Jr. Boulevard.

    uptownsteve said...
    Put up some "MLK Blvd" signs in white ethnic neighborhoods and you'll see some goobers go ballistic immediately.

    Dr.Queen said...
    Great point Steve, I have NEVER seen an MLK anything in a white neighborhood.

    There's been a street named after MLK in my majority white city since the late 70's.In fact,my city was one of the first in the state to do so.

  72. Anonymous10:18 AM

    The 'coming to roost' is a nice fantasy of losers hoping that the US will have a vast upheaval and that their lowly status will change.


    So Malcolm-x is a loser,mold?

  73. "There's been a street named after MLK in my majority white city since the late 70's.In fact,my city was one of the first in the state to do so."

    What city is that?

    Watch the lying POS won't answer.

  74. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Tift County,Georgia

  75. Frightening Statistic of the Day:

    Census shows whites lose US majority among babies

    Jun 23, 2011


    WASHINGTON (AP) - For the first time, minorities make up a majority of babies in the U.S., part of a sweeping race change and growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and predominantly minority youths that could reshape government policies.

    Preliminary census estimates also show the share of African-American households headed by women - made up of mostly single mothers - now exceeds African-American households with married couples, a sign of declining U.S. marriages overall but also continuing challenges for black youths without involved fathers.

    The findings, based on the latest government data, offer a preview of final 2010 census results being released this summer that provide detailed breakdowns by age, race and householder relationships such as same-sex couples.

    Demographers say the numbers provide the clearest confirmation yet of a changing social order, one in which racial and ethnic minorities will become the U.S. majority by midcentury.

    "We're moving toward an acknowledgment that we're living in a different world than the 1950s, where married or two-parent heterosexual couples are now no longer the norm for a lot of kids, especially kids of color," said Laura Speer, coordinator of the Kids Count project for the Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation.

    "It's clear the younger generation is very demographically different from the elderly, something to keep in mind as politics plays out on how programs for the elderly get supported," she said. "It's critical that children are able to grow to compete internationally and keep state economies rolling."

    In other words, the Africanization of the United States is reaching the tipping point.

  76. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Wonder if the naming was done with the crime rates in mind? Sort of like the bush KKKlean Skies...which was designed to eradicate breathable air. Or the numerous 'Family' orgs...almost all being scams.

    If you are interested, Rolling Stone has a Matt Taibi piece on the Liar fer Jebus, Michelle Bachmann. She is indeed the Most Victimized christian Since Jebus (tm)!!
    I really enjoyed the 60% Bar FAIL rate of Oral students. Ummm... I 'took' the Bar...and passed. First time. How can these folks spent years and thousands of dollars...and still not pass?


  77. downssyndrome steve writes:

    But they didn't force the drag queen to put on clothes or get off the plane.

    Like I said, Mr saggy pants refused to obey a command.

    Get it? To board an airplane, a passenger willingly relinquishes many civil rights. A nitiwt on an airplane who thinks he has more power than the crew and pilot is simply wrong.

    Typical of you, you can't grasp the fact that personal behavior on an airplane is seriously restricted. Like I said, imams in full beards and standard Islamic man-dresses get booted off flights because other passengers think they're on their way to an al-Qaeda meeting. Thus, even a goofball like you can see that completely clothed people who may have said nothing to the flight crew are put off the plane.

    We had a shoe bomber, an underwear bomber and, of course, in the 1960s and 70s, there were a load of hijackers looking for rides to Cuba.

    Therefore defying a member of the flight crew is a perilous activity.

  78. dumbdown steve,

    What would happen in America if blacks became the majority of the population?

    Would it mimic Nigeria? Zimbabwe? Congo?

  79. @uptownsteve

    Guess the name of the school I went to on 71st and Hough that was pipebombed by a white racist.

    Do you want to guess slappy? BTW, the person who did it was White. It's called Martin Luther King Vocational High School.

  80. "Would it mimic Nigeria? Zimbabwe? Congo?"

    Those nations and it's people's flourished for tens of thousands of years before they came in contact with whites.

  81. @no_slappz

    What's your FINAL SOLUTION? You want to put us in a oven? I know you want to do that to Muslim.

  82. Harry Whiteman10:53 AM

    kid said...
    "I wore a Zoot Suit in high school"

    Hey did you use to hang out at the Deli Quick Pick on Chester?

  83. Disturbing Estimate of the Day:

    US to Lose Second Place in World Trade to India: Citi

    23 Jun 2011

    By: Patrick Allen
    CNBC EMEA Head of News

    In less than 40 years India will overtake the US as the world’s second-largest trading nation, pushing today's superpower into third place and Europe in to the little leagues, according to a new report by Citi.

    “According to our projections, world trade in goods and services will grow from $37 trillion in 2010 to $149 trillion in 2030 and $371 trillion in 2050,” Citigroup’s William Buiter and Ebrahim Rahbari wrote in a research note released on Thursday.

    “But at least as interesting as the growth in world trade that we forecast are the changes in its composition that we expect over the course of the next four decades, with today's emerging markets set to gain much more prominence in world trade relative to advanced economies,” they added.

    The report predicts that trade between emerging markets will overtake that between advanced economies in just four years in a clear sign that the world’s major economies of Europe and North America are set to lose relative importance to the global economy.

    The big winner according to the report will be Asia. “Developing Asia accounted for 24 percent of world trade in 2010, but its share is expected to reach 42 percent by 2030 and 46 percent by 2050,” said Buiter and Rahbari.

    India and the rest of Asia are the winners. No mention of Africa.

  84. "Like I said, Mr saggy pants refused to obey a command."

    Why wasn't Mr. La Cage a Folle commanded to put some clothes on?

    Saggy pantys is a no no but a man in woman's panties is alright?

    Huh, Slappy?

  85. Fischer10:59 AM

    no_slappz: "something to keep in mind as politics plays out on how programs for the elderly get supported,"

    How tenable will medical and retirement benfits for the elderly be then? I can already hear the arguments - Why should the taxes of brown people go to support a bunch of old white people?

    Demography is destiny.

    Diversity is death.

  86. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Ummm... I 'took' the Bar...and passed. First time. How can these folks spent years and thousands of dollars...and still not pass?


    Was this before or after you were recruited by the CIA,FBI,and NSA?

  87. kid,


    What's your FINAL SOLUTION? You want to put us in a oven? I know you want to do that to Muslim."

    Like I said kid, goobers like Slappy are all mouth.

    He doesn't have the balls to actually act on his hate.

    All he's going to do heckle black folks on the internet.

  88. Fischer11:04 AM

    @ no_slappz: From the linked article:

    "The decline of the traditional family will have to correct itself if we are to continue as a society," Perkins said, citing a responsibility of individuals and churches. "We don't need another dose of big government, but a new Hippocratic oath of 'do no harm' that doesn't interfere with family formation or seek to redefine family."

    The end goal of leftism is in sight. Destroy religion, destroy the family, and you will destroy the nation.

  89. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc this to a white/guido blog asap

    James "Whitey" Bulger, the notorious Boston mobster accused of murdering 19 people, is in custody in California after an epic 16-year manhunt that turned him into a global sensation.
    The FBI finally caught up with the 81-year-old Bulger on Wednesday at a residence in Santa Monica, Calif. He was apprehended along with his longtime girlfriend, Catherine Greig, just days after the government launched a new publicity campaign to locate the fugitives, said Steven Martinez, FBI's assistant director in charge in Los Angeles.

  90. Anonymous11:05 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Like I said, Mr saggy pants refused to obey a command."

    Why wasn't Mr. La Cage a Folle commanded to put some clothes on?

    Saggy pantys is a no no but a man in woman's panties is alright?

    Huh, Slappy?

    Is there a story behind this picture that you seem to know or are you just making shit up in your head to fit your normal delusional state? I heard the picture is Mold and that you took it right before your liason at the holiday inn at the airport - is this true?

  91. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Obama caught whitey and OJ's going to confess to Oprah.

    Obama's sure to get re-elected!!!!

  92. no_slappz said...
    What would happen in America if blacks became the majority of the population?

    Would it mimic Nigeria? Zimbabwe? Congo?

    Blacks in America don't stick together as a collective group to realistically ANY other grope on America.

    The people white folks need to be on the look out for are the Indians (from India). They work with/and live around white folks just fine, but deep down they hate white folks more than any other race I've ever seen.

    They're educated and move into the upper SES within ONE generation from the time they get here. And they're stingy as hell!!!

  93. Dr. Queen:


    And, we shall all soon see!!!

    WASHINGTON (AP) - For the first time, minorities make up a majority of babies in the U.S., part of a sweeping race change and growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and predominantly minority youths that could reshape government policies.

    Preliminary census estimates also show the share of African-American households headed by women - made up of mostly single mothers - now exceeds African-American households with married couples, a sign of declining U.S. marriages overall but also continuing challenges for black youths without involved fathers.

    The findings, based on the latest government data, offer a preview of final 2010 census results being released this summer that provide detailed breakdowns by age, race and householder relationships such as same-sex couples.

    Demographers say the numbers provide the clearest confirmation yet of a changing social order, one in which racial and ethnic minorities will become the U.S. majority by midcentury.

    "We're moving toward an acknowledgment that we're living in a different world than the 1950s, where married or two-parent heterosexual couples are now no longer the norm for a lot of kids, especially kids of color," said Laura Speer, coordinator of the Kids Count project for the Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation.

    "It's clear the younger generation is very demographically different from the elderly, something to keep in mind as politics plays out on how programs for the elderly get supported," she said. "It's critical that children are able to grow to compete internationally and keep state economies rolling."

    Currently, non-Hispanic whites make up just under half of all children 3 years old, which is the youngest age group shown in the Census Bureau's October 2009 annual survey, its most recent. In 1990, more than 60 percent of children in that age group were white.

  94. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    The people white folks need to be on the look out for are the Indians (from India). They work with/and live around white folks just fine, but deep down they hate white folks more than any other race I've ever seen.

    Queen sometimes you be speakin' da real yo.I be tell my white bruthas to be watchin' out fo Bbby Jindal ass.I see he be havin' dat hate whitey look on his face.I be knowing what that look is living in the hood ya know.

    Best be watchin' out fo Nikki Haley Barbour.I know she be lettin' the white man take a dip in dat but i be tellin' y'all she might go basic instinct on yo white ass.

  95. Anonymous12:08 PM

    kid said:
    "Sorry I don't believe you. Gays of all colors usually MOVE into a Black community. You do have blacks that are bigots but don't give me that shit that whites folk are so nice and kind and polite. You're overselling it."

    What don't you believe? Who said ANYTHING about "white folks [being] so nice, kind and polite"? Not me.

    I DID say that I had not been called the "N" word by ANY white LGBT person, to my face or loud enough for me to hear.

    I provided specific examples of straight black people being homophobic. So far, no one has provided specific examples of white gays being racist.

    Nowhere did I say that white gays are not racist or that they can't be racist. Several people, including LACoincidental, on this thread have said that white gays are racist. I asked them to give specific examples of white gay people being racist. So far no one has offered any examples of white gay people being racist. If they don't offer any examples, I can only assume they made it up. Probably because they don't like LGBT people, of ANY "race"

  96. racists and fools do come in het and gay in all

    Those of you who watch gay films or read gay magazines have CERTAINLY noticed glaring omissions. Major gay media almost NEVER feature Black couples. Why?!

    Research it. Pay close attention as your peruse major gay media. You will almost NEVER see two Blacks loving each other.

    Read any glossy gay magazine, like The Advocate or Curve. Notice how few Black couples you see within its pages? Those few black faces which are there are almost always grinning longingly into the faces of their white lovers/friends.

    Visit any video store. See “The Incredibly True Adventures Of Two Girls In Love, The Watermelon Woman, When Night is Falling” etc... All of these films are renown love stories about Black lesbians chasing white women.

    Even in the pages of Essence magazine, Black lesbian voices are rare. Black gay men are far more prominent and safe therein. Even Linda Villarosa, the resident lesbian editor at Essence, has featured her own exclusive penchant for caucasian flesh.

    Diversity is the key to realism. There ARE MILLIONS of African homosexuals who love each other. EXCLUSIVELY. Why are we so nonexistent in print and on screen? Why must we all be depicted as O. J. Simpsons?

    Racist pseudo-African gaybashers enjoy this white supremacist propoganda IMMENSELY. It is useful to them as they slander all African homosexuals as “eurocentric freaks and perverts infected with a white man’s disease”...True African scholars do not blame the white man for biology or that which is documented before his invasion of our motherland. And, they do not fictionalize Africa as a selective and macho utopia.

    These demented homophobes are as wise about their opportunism as they are arrogant about their ignorance. Homosexuality is ancient and universal, in EVERY LIVING SPECIES. God creates homosexual plants, insects, animals, and humans. Africans were the first humans. Thus, we were the first homosexuals.

    Incidentally, I do not blame these kufi-clad Nazis in blackface for their hostile reactions to these blatantly eurocentric images. I blame the demonic and moronic messengers. Those racist white editors and directors who dare to sacrifice our images with their deliberately limited and loathsome depictions. Those who can only accept us when we do not come in twos. (Pun intended.)

    I am FURIOUS about NEVER seeing afrocentric homosexuals like me, my soulmate, and our friends in the “gay” media! I long for gay images that reflect my African reality. Such superior messages can only come from superior messengers. On that note, skip the “gay” media’s fare. Instead, see “Set It Off”, “The Women Of Brewster Place”, “The Color Purple” and “Get On The Bus”. All of these films feature superior African homosexuals.

    Do not believe the hype!!! I am no less African because I am a lesbian. I am no less revolutionary because I am not an incubator, a maid, or a babysitter. I am no less afrocentric because my reality is absent from gay media.

  97. see more on racist gays here

  98. Anonymous,

    Stop the bull$hit.

    You are neither black nor gay.

    You are just another lying racist goober on here bashing black folks and glorifying whites.

    Examples of white gays being racist?

    I showed that racist queer Grinder last year news reports of how in white DC gay bars when too many blacks start shwoing up they change the music format from dance to country and western.

    Oh and David Howard of "niggardly" fame just happened to be a white gay.

    Goes into a room full of black people, uses an obscure word that could easily be misinterpreted, and then feigns innocence.

    That POS knew exactly what he was doing.

  99. dr queen writes:

    They work with/and live around white folks just fine, but deep down they hate white folks more than any other race I've ever seen.

    First, there's no evidence that Indians hate whites. But even if you were correct, whites don't care. Why? Because no one gets mugged by Indians. Schools don't go down the toilet when large numbers of Indians enroll, and their culture blends pleasantly with the white middle class.

    Furthermore, having worked with Indians, I've seen plenty of lasting friendships develop.

    They're educated and move into the upper SES within ONE generation from the time they get here. And they're stingy as hell!!!

    Based on your tone, you think educated, upwardly mobile and financially prudent people are losers.

  100. see more on racist east indians here

  101. Anonymous12:53 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Stop the bull$hit.

    You are neither black nor gay.

    I don't know about him but do about you. You are both. So how did they get the picture of Mold you took at the airport while you 2 were headin to the holiday Inn?

    Nothin worse then a suburban tough guy who would run and hide in his gated community and call the poo-leese at the first sign of trouble. Lawdy noes, save my black ass. Nutin but a chimped out chump.

    Smile, have a nice day sweetums.

  102. dumbdown steve writes:

    Those nations and it's people's flourished for tens of thousands of years before they came in contact with whites.

    Yeah. Not one of them knew how to read or write till the 20th century, so they didn't know that dying from jungle and water diseases by age 30 was their own fault. Now that they've ben told they die from diseases, they, and nitwits like you, blame whites.

    Thus, stevie, even though the facts ALWAYS contradict your foolish claims, you're trying to make the case that an all-black America is what you want.

    But if that sad day approaches, you know that before it arrives, airplanes will stop flying, businesses will cease to function, cars won't run, doctors will graduate from med school even though they flunked out of high school, and almost all children will be illegitimate.

  103. Anonymous12:57 PM

    alicia banks said...
    see more on racist east indians here

    You do know this is a fictional movie right? This isn't a real life example of anything. What is with black disconnected thoughts, can't you distinguish between wishes and reality?

  104. stupid assnon:

    there is always great truth in great fiction


    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    wf pookie baby killer


    cc this to white blog now!

    A teenager in North Carolina gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last Friday, then brutally stabbed her to death, authorities said.

    The 16-year-old is now facing first-degree murder charges and is in the custody of the Currituck County Sheriff's Office.

    Police say Rebecca Blackmore, a sophomore at Currituck County High School, went to the emergency room at Chesapeake General Hospital to report she'd given birth to a baby.

    The Knotts Island teen told hospital workers the baby was dead and she left it in her bedroom closet, authorities said.


    Sheriff deputies retrieved the dead child from the home and brought her body to the medical examiner. It was later determined the baby was alive at birth, but died as the result of multiple stab wounds, WVEC 13 News reported Wednesday.

    Blackmore was known to be dating fellow Currituck County High School student Michael Derosier, WVEC 13 reported. He has not been charged in connection to the crime.

    It is unclear if the girl's family was aware she was pregnant, WTKR 3 News reported.

    North Carolina's Safe Haven Law could have protected Blackmore if she had decided to give up the baby. The law allows anyone who has given birth to drop off their newborn within seven days at a hospital and face no criminal charges.

  105. dumbdown steve askes:

    Why wasn't Mr. La Cage a Folle commanded to put some clothes on?

    The reason doesn't matter. Like I keep trying to tell you, but you can't grasp -- passengers on a commercial airliner are under almost total control of the crew and captain. Once on board, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are subordinate to the captain's assessment of safety.

    Thank al-qaeda and bin Laden. Well, you can't cuz he's dead, but even though he's dead, we're still stuck with what he wrought.

  106. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    wm drug thug mass murderer

    cc this to a white blog now!


    He's not sorry.

    A day after David Laffer was busted for the Long Island pharmacy massacre, the scrawny suspect was shedding no tears for the four innocent people he gunned down.

    "He has not been cooperating with our detectives and has shown no remorse," Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said Thursday.

    Meanwhile, Laffer's junkie wife, Melinda Brady, was telling cops everything she knows about the Father's Day slaughter.

    "She has cooperated," said Dormer.

    Shortly after she was busted, Brady told reporters her gun-loving husband killed four times to help her.

    "He was doing it because he lost his job and I was sick," Brady said as she was walked out of the Suffolk County Police Department headquarters Wednesday night. "I'm sorry that he did all this."

    The only thing Laffer said was, "No." And that was in response to a question about whether he was high when he allegedly went on his killing spree.

    Brady, 29, described by cops and acquaintances as a pill popper who had been jonesing for a refill, drove the getaway car to and from Haven Drugs in Medford, L.I., according to Dormer.

    So far, the most serious charge Brady faces is third-degree robbery.

    Laffer, a 33-year-old Army vet, was charged with first-degree murder and makes his first court appearance later Thursday. He used a registered handgun to commit the crimes, Dormer said.

    Laffer and Brady were both "strung out" when they were arrested and put up a fight when cops cuffed them, Dormer added. They were both charged with resisting arrest.

    "Numerous weapons and ammunition were recovered from that house," he said. "We also have evidence from his home."

    Dormer did not go into details.

  107. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    toxic coddling parents of wf baby killer finally awaken... a bit.

    cc this to a white blog now!

    A lawyer for Casey Anthony's parents told a CNN reporter that even his clients don't believe their daughter is innocent, the network reported on Wednesday.

    Mark Lippman, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony, told CNN's Gary Tuchman Wednesday that while the couple doesn't want their daughter to receive the death penalty, they also aren't convinced she's not guilty in the murder of her 2-year-old daughter.

    "But this is important and they wanted me to stress this," Tuchman said during a segment on the trial Wednesday. "They love her, they support her and they do not want her to get the death penalty and they will do all they can to avoid her getting the death penalty in this case."

    But by Thursday, Lippman sought to dial back his controversial comment, saying his clients just wanted justice for their granddaughter.

    In a statement to CNN, Lippman tried to back off the notion that even the 25-year-old's parents think she committed the crime.

    "The Anthony family maintains that they simply want justice in this case," the statement said.

    It continues, "The Anthony family maintains they want the truth about what has happened to their granddaughter."

    Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder and could face the death penalty if convicted. Her defense team maintains that Caylee Anthony drowned in a tragic accident in her grandfather's pool and that George Anthony helped cover up the death.

    Caylee wasn't reported missing until almost a month after she died.

  108. And The Bell Curve Rings1:15 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    Oh and David Howard of "niggardly" fame just happened to be a white gay.

    Goes into a room full of black people, uses an obscure word that could easily be misinterpreted, and then feigns innocence.

    That POS knew exactly what he was doing.

    12:27 PM"

    Here Steve, let me help you with that, with a Minor correction:

    "Goes into a room full of IQ-deficient people, uses an obscure word that the dumbasses easily misinterpret,and then gets blamed for their ignorance."

    That POS knew exactly what he was doing.

    There. That's better.

  109. Slapped stupid

    "The reason doesn't matter."

    Of course it does.

    Why was a black man with sagging shorts put off of a plane but a white guy with women's panties and little else left alone?

    Answer the question you fraud.

  110. stupid assnon:

    per hobama, fiction = truth!


    war = peace

    does that vex u like a film???????

    What to do when you’ve engaged in one imperial war too many? Deny it’s a war. Obama is well versed in the history of his European allies, who been at war with the rest of the world for five hundred years, often annihilating whole peoples without ever formally declaring war against them. “America’s First Black President is wholly compatible with the old-school imperialists of Europe, now reborn and rejuvenated through NATO as the unchallenged masters of Africa.”

    Former supporters of Barack Obama, a class that, sadly, includes most of what passes for a Left in the United States, are disturbed, angry, shocked and appalled at his refusal to comply with the War Powers Act by denying that there is a war. In fact, they encouraged President Obama to pretend that there is no war, when they pretended that candidate Obama was not your average, garden variety, center-right Democratic imperialist, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    These Left Obamites held demonstrations against wars in general, without mentioning the name of the War-Maker-in-Chief – denial on a mass lunatic scale. So, why shouldn’t Obama take the logic of the pretend anti-war folks to its logical conclusion, and simply pretend not to be waging war on Libya?

  111. Anonymous1:40 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    toxic coddling parents of wf baby killer finally awaken... a bit.

    cc this to a white blog now!

    AB whats missing in this? Do you know what? I will tell you, if she were black there would be tons of stories with people crying how the racist system set her up she a po black single mom who had no life because she had a kid and the system wouldn't take care of it for her and went temporarily crazy and blah, blah, blah.

    Whites are saying good, fry her ass. See the difference yet?
    If we ever get over color and just focus on issues, then the real pieces of shit who have nothing but fake racism to hobble around on (UTS) are done.

  112. Anonymous1:42 PM

    alicia banks said...
    stupid assnon:

    per hobama, fiction = truth!

    Well, I am not the stupid one. I don't believe him, just because he is black you need to look to someone else who believes that any story is real and Obama is a good president, it aint me.

  113. racist lying assnon:

    how many black convos have you engaged?...heard in earshot??

    very few i see!!!

    u lie like hobama

    millions of blacks pray that all such pookies in all races are fried daily

    myself included


  114. No Slapzz isn't it time you got a life?

    If you've got homework to do, then do it - don't waste your entire life telling people that you hate how much you hate them.

    Even a mind as empty as yours must find that to be a shallow and meaningless existence.

    One day when you leave school you are going to need to find a job, try writing "spent 5 years insulting black people" on your C.V.

    See how far that gets you.

  115. ps:

    and the dif between u/kosher kkk needs slaps and me is:

    i do NOT lament white pookies ONLY on white blogs all day!!!!!!!!

    your racist antics expose your racist selection


  116. Bell Curve

    "Goes into a room full of IQ-deficient people, uses an obscure word that the dumbasses easily misinterpret,and then gets blamed for their ignorance."

    Let's try this then.

    Suppose some brother went into a room full of white gays and said "I think I'm going to burn my fireplace tonight so on the way home I'm going to pick up a faggot of wood."

    Perfectly legitimate word but, given your audience, why would you even go there unless you were trying to get a rise out of 'em?

  117. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Suppose some brother went into a room full of white gays and said "I think I'm going to burn my fireplace tonight so on the way home I'm going to pick up a faggot of wood."

    Perfectly legitimate word but, given your audience, why would you even go there unless you were trying to get a rise out of 'em?

    Can you please stop telling stories about the time you went into a room full of white gays and got them all to rise. It is sickening. I know, I know, it wasn't you, it was another brutha.

    Hot cross buns for breakfast and a pearl necklace for gratitude, what a man you are.

  118. Anonymous2:08 PM

    alicia banks said...

    and the dif between u/kosher kkk needs slaps and me is:

    i do NOT lament white pookies ONLY on white blogs all day!!!!!!!!

    your racist antics expose your racist selection


    Nah, the difference is you think you know something you don't have a clue about and all because you read it in a storybook. So when do you get your fairwings and how is the land of the hobbits treatin ya? Fiction is truth so then you surely are a hairy little hobbit right?

  119. Let Me Give You A Hand With That Fag2:21 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Let's try this then.

    Suppose some brother went into a room full of white gays and said "I think I'm going to burn my fireplace tonight so on the way home I'm going to pick up a faggot of wood."

    Perfectly legitimate word but, given your audience, why would you even go there unless you were trying to get a rise out of 'em?

    1:59 PM"

    Most all of the white guys I know would ask you if you needed any help carrying the little fairy home, or ask if you might want some extra help picking up a few more on your way home.

  120. Truth Hurts2:22 PM

    You can tell a lot about the validity of someone's opinion when they use insinuations of sexual preference as a rebuttal.
    Anon's must be scraping the bottom of a very shallow and very angry gene pool.
    But, hey, cheer up anon's; in a few years, after you've lost the race war (assuming you ever get the courage to publicly spout your bile), and you've become an actual minority, you can proudly tell your (mixed race) children that you were a lying, racist, cowardly member of Anon Inc.
    Keep the faith, truthsayers!

  121. uptownsteve said...
    Bell Curve

    "Goes into a room full of IQ-deficient people, uses an obscure word that the dumbasses easily misinterpret,and then gets blamed for their ignorance."

    Let's try this then.

    Suppose some brother went into a room full of white gays and said "I think I'm going to burn my fireplace tonight so on the way home I'm going to pick up a faggot of wood."

    "Faggot" is spelled and pronounced the same.

    "Niggardly" has only one meaning.

    Even ignorance is a "right" for black people.


  122. Garcon2:25 PM

    uptownsteve, like most black people, is very niggardly when it come to tipping a waiter.

  123. To Anon@743:

    Let's assume you're a gay Black man, you've never encountered racism from gay people, then you live in a very small world. You need examples of racist gay guys here are two names, J. Edgar Hoover and Roy Cohn. Yes, two of the biggest icons of the authoritarian right were as flaming as Studio 54.

    From personal experience, gay white men are just like any other white guy, some a open minded and respectful to Black people, but many are not. I've had a White gay co-worker tell me to my face that I didn't deserve my job and I was here for affirmative action. I've heard some of the most racist jokes from white gay men in college. I've seen gay men of all races say some of the most disparaging remarks against women, even more so than many straight people I've met.

    Yes, being openly gay can allow one to empathize with others who are oppressed - but only if yo open up your mind to it. That doesn't come from simply being gay, as being gay doesn't mean you're no longer a misogynist.

    If you're gay man and white, but harbor the same racist and sexist attitudes of the greater society, then you're just a red neck knuckledragger who has sex with other men.

    End of lesson, go on with your day.

  124. Blount2:31 PM

    Our government's approach to food stamps is twofold: 1) vastly increase their use and 2) facilitate the inevitable fraud. Here at least Obama's disastrous presidency has been a big success:

    Thanks in part to vigorous federally funded campaigns by nonprofit groups, the government's AmericaCorps service program, and other organizations urging people to accept government handouts, the number of food-stamp recipients has soared to 44 million from 26 million in 2007, and costs have more than doubled to $77 billion from $33 billion.

    The USDA's Food and Nutrition Service now has only 40 inspectors to oversee almost 200,000 merchants that accept food stamps nationwide. The Government Accountability Office reported last summer that retailers who traffic illegally in food stamps by redeeming stamps for cash or alcohol or other prohibited items "are less likely to face criminal penalties or prosecution" than in earlier years.

    • Thirty percent of the inmates in the Polk County, Iowa, jail were collecting food stamps that were being sent to their non-jail mailing addresses in 2009. …

    • Last December, two veteran employees for New York City's Human Resources Administration were busted for concocting 1,500 fake food-stamp cases that netted them $8 million. Nine Milwaukee, Wis., staffers plundered almost $300,000 from the program during the last five years, and a Louisiana state bureaucrat pleaded guilty last year for her role in a scam that snared more than $50,000 in fraudulent food-stamp benefits. …

    • The food-stamp poster boy of 2011 is 59-year-old Leroy Fick. After Mr. Fick won a $2 million lottery jackpot, the Michigan Department of Human Services ruled he could continue receiving food stamps. …


  125. Lex

    Are you upset?


    ""Faggot" is spelled and pronounced the same."

    And your point is?

    ""Niggardly" has only one meaning."

    But he had to get passed "nigger" to get to "niggardly".

    And he knew that.

    In front of a room full of blacks.


  126. Adolf_slappz said: 'What would happen in America if blacks became the majority of the population?

    Would it mimic Nigeria? Zimbabwe? Congo?

    And what state of chaos and destitution would Europe and America be in today if your kind weren't able to ravish, steal, plunder African resources; AND abduct, rape, murder, enslave and profit off the backs of Black people in and out of Africa for centuries and generations?

    You make me sick with your racist willful taunting ignorance. Take heed one day you get hung by that nose of yours somewhere in hell.

    Anony 9:58pm said: ?"You see, white gays/lesbians look down on Blacks even more so than het racists. That's why that freak could do what he wanted and the Black child got thrown off the plane, arrested, handcuffed and shamed. "

    Agreed, and someone mentioned something similar before, blacks are still NOT a protected class as compared to other groups. I don't agree with the sagging pants culture, and I don't feel for this individual, but it's the hypocrisy that annoys me. Furthermore, I don't see the relevance nor the justification for throwing someone off a plane for "sagging pants", it should not have been an issue in the first place. He passed the security check point, so what was the effing problem thereafter?

  127. Trudat2:41 PM

    LAA: "And what state of chaos and destitution would Europe and America be in today if your kind weren't able to ravish, steal, plunder African resources"

    Much better off, I am sure.

  128. LAA

    "Agreed, and someone mentioned something similar before, blacks are still NOT a protected class as compared to other groups."

    I agree that white gays can be ugly racists but just who or what is a "protected class"?

    I hear white bigots claiming that blacks are a "protected class".

    "Protected" from what?

    "Protected" by whom?

    What does that mean?

  129. Liar in Chief2:46 PM

    Good thing that the collapsing housing market that caused the Great Recession is all better now:

    Beginning January 1, 2013, ObamaCare imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on unearned income, including the sale of single family homes, townhouses, co-ops, condominiums, and even rental income. … This new ObamaCare tax is the first time the government will apply a 3.8 percent tax on unearned income. This new tax on home sales and unearned income and other Medicare taxes raise taxes more than $210 billion to pay for ObamaCare.

    Unfucking believable.

  130. White Bigot2:50 PM

    uptownsteve said...I hear white bigots claiming that blacks are a "protected class".

    "Protected" from what?

    "Protected" by whom?
    From the consequences of poor academic or job performance.

    By the government.

  131. The following characteristics are considered "Protected Classes" and persons cannot be discriminated against based on these characteristics:

    Race - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Color - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Religion - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964

    National origin - Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Age (40 and over) - Federal: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

    Sex - Federal: Equal Pay Act of 1963 & Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Familial status (Housing, cannot discriminate for having children, exception for senior housing)

    Sexual orientation (in some jurisdictions and not in others)

    Gender identity (in some jurisdictions and not in others)

    Disability status - Federal:

    Vocational Rehabilitation and Other Rehabilitation Services of 1973 & Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

    Veteran status - Federal Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974

    So in other words every freakin body in the world is a "protected class".

  132. So white goober is claiming that blacks can't be fired?

    Nah, he's not THAT dumb.

  133. Steve, these days even a heterosexual white male would receive more heat for using the F word in the media as compared to using the N word. And if you don't believe me, give it some more time, it will be even more obvious soon.

  134. Chili Whitcomb3:04 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    The following characteristics are considered "Protected Classes" and persons cannot be discriminated against based on these characteristics:

    Everyone except healthy straight white males who din't serve in the military.

    You do have a point, uptown,that government favortism has led to everyone believing everyone else has some sort of unfair advantage.

    The idea is to fracture society by sowing mistrust and resentment. That's what leftism is all about.

  135. "Everyone except healthy straight white males who din't serve in the military."


    Can you show me how or where they are being discriminated against or slurred with repercussions?


    I can clearly recall Imus's stooge Bernard McGuirk saying on the air "Anderson Cooper takes it up the pooper" and not one damn thing happened to him.

  136. Queen Laa:


    but bm rappers share the blame in making the nig word an item RAMPANT within public domain for racists to usurp and abuse...


    if gay stars/bands were were all over the radio and tv using "fag" as often, it would ALSO be usurped and abused EQUALLY...

  137. I meant slurred "without" repercussions.

  138. It's The Truth3:17 PM

    Anderson Cooper DOES take it up the pooper.

  139. la audio writes:

    And what state of chaos and destitution would Europe and America be in today if your kind weren't able to ravish, steal, plunder African resources; AND abduct, rape, murder, enslave and profit off the backs of Black people in and out of Africa for centuries and generations?

    Wow. What a moron. Let's see. Europe passed out of the medieval era and soon enough the Renaissance began. The Age of Elightenment was underway. This dawning occurred without the presence of blacks, without black slaves, and unfortunately for blacks, this extraordinary era passed by Africa, leaving all the idiots south of the Mediterranean Sea in a state of abject misery and benightedness. Even today, Africa is a benighted continent.

    The point is this. Slavery did not offer much. It might have provided some economic advantage at the time. But advancing technology made slavery obsolete long before the Civil War ended it. Meanwhile, slavery was ended in Europe well before it ended in the US.

    Furthermore, the people who lived in Africa were themselves not slaves. Since they were not slaves, why were they unable to benefit from the export of resources found in lots of African nations?

    I know you'll argue that Africans were so easily dominated by whites that they were unable to manage their own affairs, and thus ceded all power to white colonizers. But today, the nations of Africa are run by Africans -- who rip off the nations and the people.

    The issue always returns to the question of why blacks are totally incapable of running a country, no matter how big or how small.

    Gabon is a nation of 1.5 million, Ali Bongo, the leader steals all the oil money for himself and his wife. Nigeria is a nation of 140 million, and the current leaders steal much of the oil money for themselves.

    Where is the black leader in Africa who has actually built up his nation into a prospering state?

    Do the Japanese claim their nation was ruined because white America bombed them into complete submission? Or did they learn from their mistakes?

  140. "but bm rappers share the blame in making the nig word an item RAMPANT within public domain for racists to usurp and abuse..."

    Yeah. And that Lil Kim is a model of decorum.

    Willya quit with the black male bashing for one day?

    You can watch some of the most celebrated Hollywood movies over the last 40 years and white folks are spewing the word "nigger" all across the screen.

    From the Godfather to Dirty Harry to Goodfellas to Pulp Fiction.

    So stop it.

  141. la coincidental writes:

    From personal experience, gay white men are just like any other white guy...

    Oh. So based on what you wrote, you're a gay white man. Hmmm. Who knew?

  142. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    u r a racist uneducated moron

    A four-day strike by oil workers in Gabon cost the government and two main oil companies 60 billion CFA francs ($131 million) in lost revenue, according to the labor union that organized the walkout.

    The strike, which started April 1, halted the operations of Total SA (FP)’s Gabon unit and Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA)’s branch in the central African nation, according to Guy Aurat Reteno, head of the National Organization of Oil Employees, who spoke on national radio today.

    “The strike by ONEP recalls once again the dominance of the oil sector in the national economy,” he said. The strike ended yesterday after reaching a deal with the government over alleged illegal workers in the industry. Total and Shell both said they resumed operations after the dispute ended.

    A previous strike in 2008 cost an estimated 6 billion francs, Aurat Reteno said.

  143. "Do the Japanese claim their nation was ruined because white America bombed them into complete submission? Or did they learn from their mistakes?"

    Uhh, didn't the US rebuild Japan after the war?

    Ever heard of the Marshall Plan Slappy?

    Damn you're ignorant.

    For all the wealth that the West stole out of Africa, if one-tenth of it was invested back into Africa you would see an entirely different environment.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Alicia Banks:
    "I am FURIOUS about NEVER seeing afrocentric homosexuals like me, my soulmate, and our friends in the “gay” media! I long for gay images that reflect my African reality."

    It would probably be too expensive for you (or anybody) to start a "paper magazine" for black LGBT people.

    However considering how much time you spend on the computer, Alicia, you could start an e-magazine and feature all the black lesbian/gay couples you want. Why don't you do that instead of being "furious" with white gays over not showing black-on-black couples in THEIR publications? Black (straight) women now have that 'Clutch' e-magazine. I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to start a black LGBT e-magazine. It beats being "furious" over something you have no control over.

    "You are neither black nor gay"

    And how did you come to this conclusion? Let me guess. Because I don't think what you think a black person is "supposed" to think. I know who I am. I am a gay black man. I do not think that being black is more "important" than being gay as so many black LGBT people do. They do this, of course, to prove their "loyalty" to straight black people. The irony is that straight black people don't care. They hate black gay people (especially, gay black men*) regardless. I don't have ANYTHING to prove to straight black people. I tell the truth as I see it.

    *See my earlier comments on this thread: anonymous 10:29 PM and 7:43AM.

  147. evasive beta male coon nig uts:

    cc that bs to 50 c and snoop dogg

    what do lil kim and old hollywood films have to do with an entire generation of bm clones of u who have ruled the global rap phenom for decades???

    u dodge like hobama!!!!

    boys like YOU made nig a public word LONG before lil kim copied them

    BOYS like u still rule all rap globally

    that is fact

    i have never bashed the real bm i love

    like tavis and cornel and mumia etc...

    i will never stop bashing court jester perp nig bitches like u


    the word does not offend me

    nigs like YOU do!!!

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. racist assnon:

    cc that bs to all wm nba/nfl players

    per your logic, they should start their own white teams to shine like kobe and dewayne


    there are MANY black gay mags u fool!!!

  150. You Get To Keep What You Kill3:36 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    For all the wealth that the West stole out of Africa, if one-tenth of it was invested back into Africa you would see an entirely different environment.

    3:27 PM"

    Yeah I guess some folks are just born losers. What're ya gonna do?

  151. knucklehead steve writes:

    Why was a black man with sagging shorts put off of a plane but a white guy with women's panties and little else left alone?.

    Two different planes, two different captains giving orders. Two different sets of circumstances, and two different people setting the rules.

    Like I've been saying, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are largely voided the moment you step into a commercial airliner.

  152. downssyndrome steve writes:

    Uhh, didn't the US rebuild Japan after the war?


    Ever heard of the Marshall Plan Slappy?

    Yes. That was the plan for rebuilding EUROPE, you ree-tard.

    Damn you're ignorant.

    Your comment reminded me of John Belushi in Animal House when he screams about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor.

  153. racist assnon:

    i am elated and content with al lof my own media online

    u enjoy all asap:


  154. Slappy, I'm getting real tired of making you look like an idiot.

    "Japan, the World War II adversary of the U.S. in the Far East, had to be rescued from the threat of communist revolution. Under the administrative leadership of Douglas MacArthur and American economic aid, it was put back on its feet. The same consideration applied to South Korea and Taiwan. The former had communist North Korea as its neighbor. The latter was considered by China to be a province. In addition, both North Korea and China were allies of the Soviet Union. Accordingly, the Truman Doctrine had to apply both to Western Europe and the Asian Far East. Logically, the Far East had to have its own version of a Marshall Plan."

  155. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    u r a racist fool and a revisionist ahistorical liar...always.


    Gabon's main oil workers union went on strike Friday in protest against the employment of foreign staff rather than local workers. Around 300 members of the National Organisation of Petroleum Employees demonstrated outside the headquarters of Total Gabon in Port Gentil.

    Angry oil workers brandishing banners reading, “Unlimited general strike against the abusive employment of foreign workers” may have the Gabonese government over a barrel.

    The oil industry is crucial for Gabon, making up a large part of the country’s Gross Domestic Product.

    President Ali Bongo Ondimba had announced consultations on the employment conditions of foreign workers on Wednesday.

    But this does not seem to have satisfied the unions.

    Around 17 per cent of the executive positions in the country’s oil industry are held by locals, leading to much resentment, according to Patrick Raleigh, a specialist on the Gabonese oil industry, from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

    The government has agreed in principle to demand that a much higher proportion of workers are Gabonese citizens but this may take some time.

    There are also concerns that some foreign multinationals will push to get around these requirements, for example securing Gabonese citizenship for some of their executives.

    Petrol pumps are unlikely to run dry but the strike is pushing the government to invest in training and skills, while forcing it to keep an eye on the ratio of foreign workers

  156. Sir Loin of Beef3:51 PM

    uptownsteve...."For all the wealth that the West stole out of Africa"

    There was no wealth in Africa to steal.

    There were minerals and resources under the ground, but the people there were ignorant of their existence, and thus these resources were worthless to them.

    Africa is vastly more wealthy today because of European contact than it it would have been otherwise.

  157. Anonymous3:53 PM

    @Alicia Banks
    "there are MANY black gay mags u fool!!!"

    If true, then what are you whining about, fool? If these so-called black gay mags don't feature the black gay couples you want to see then you need to "furious" at THEM.

  158. stupid assnon:

    your solo "debate: is as ignorant as you are...

    ditto for wm who whine about balcks in the nba/nfl????


    the black gay mags are flawless.

    the white gay mags...not.

    u r a moron mixing the 2.


    nig coon uts:

    more on u nigs from that bm i adore, bill cosby

    As Dr. Cliff Huxtable, TV's quintessential sitcom dad, Bill Cosby offered gentle, homespun advice to his young family each week. But in real life, Cosby lately has been delivering a much harsher message: African Americans, particularly the young, have only themselves to blame for a variety of social ills.

    For the second time in six weeks, Cosby attracted wide media attention with public criticism of black youngsters. Cosby was cheered on Thursday when he told a group of black activists in Chicago that young African Americans are the "dirty laundry" that many would prefer he not criticize despite their poor grammar, foul language and rude manners.

    "Let me tell you something," Cosby, one of America's most admired men, told the group. "Your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other [the N-word] as they're walking up and down the street. They think they're hip. They can't read. They can't write. They're laughing and giggling, and they're going nowhere."

  159. stupid assnon:

    your solo "debate" is as ignorant as you are...

    ditto for wm who whine about black in the nba/nfl????

    the black gay mags are flawless.

    the white gay mags...not.

    u r a solo moron mixing the 2...

  160. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Thanks for reminding me the FBI wanted me to work for them.
    Although some will now cry copious tears into their fake 'Merican 'beer' their worldview can't grasp the concept of merit and talent and being respected.
    If they would like to experience this, renounce the FOX Gooberism and join the ranks of adults.

    Ummm...Troll, I am a bit larger and more female than the picture. I also have avoided 'heels' since about the age of 11. Although attractive to elderly Geezers and perverse fashionistas...they hurt my feet. Why should I endure the US version of foot-biding for your delight?

    UTS, the Trolls like even the Negative attention. Which indicates that they have little, or nothing, of value to add. Sad Joe Nobodies, Losers in Life. Thinkerating that by emulating paid wingnut welfare PR flacks, aristocratic heirs to media thrones, or feckless rich weenies...they will somehow come into respect.
    Sorry boys, all that does is point out that you lack the backing of FOX to pretend you are not a dorktrooper. It illuminates the vast life opportunities given to bush, but never to you. Being a talentless slowtard may be kewl for the Russert moron or the twice impregnated Bristol...but you probably won't have an inheritance that protects you from having to show up and do your job.
    If you ask why I vote Socialist...ask why you don't. I prefer the European concept of a comfortable, educated and contributing citizenry. The Randian/Fwee Market Plantation/Fast Food economic model is great...but only if you are the Kochs. For everyone else, it is miserable. Why vote for misery? So some weenie with a hygiene problem, crappy suit and zero Real World experience can applaud your 'sacrifice'?
    Pardon me, but even the Amish martyrs have been recognized. You are asked to hand over your wages, benefits and medical care to already wealthy people...and what do you get in return? Not even recognition. They expect you to genuflect in the vain hope that some darker person will have it worse. Really? Who? Obama won't. Neil DeGrasse Tyson won't. Powell won't. Clarence might...but he has Tom issues. You think Crazy Alan West will let you call him 'George'?


  161. "Because I don't think what you think a black person is "supposed" to think. I know who I am. I am a gay black man. I do not think that being black is more "important" than being gay as so many black LGBT people do. They do this, of course, to prove their "loyalty" to straight black people. The irony is that straight black people don't care. They hate black gay people (especially, gay black men*) regardless. I don't have ANYTHING to prove to straight black people. I tell the truth as I see it."

    You would'nt know the truth if it was dangling on your chin.

    If you are actually black, you are just another pathetic casualty of American racism.

    You hate your own reflection in the mirror.

    You were born a black male and wish you were a white woman.


  162. sir lonely and beefy:

    u r a racist fool

    cc that bs to pre-colonial africa


    cc that to the native americans who had "not yet discovered" their own home/america when that brutal lost moron serial killer christopher comebustus discovered "india"

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    your entire his-story is a racist lie!!!!

  163. "There was no wealth in Africa to steal."

    No gold and diamonds in Africa?

    Yup. okay.

  164. ancient africans were masters of metallurgy LONG before the first wm STOLE one pc of gold/one gem from africa!!!

  165. Louis Leakey4:06 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "There was no wealth in Africa to steal."

    No gold and diamonds in Africa?

    Yup. okay.

    Yup. Just people in grass huts, sitting in the mud shooing flies away.

    Millenia after millenia.....

  166. No Slapzz, we need to establish why you are so embittered before we can move on with your therapy.

    Why is your life such a disappointment to you, NoSlapzz?

    And what is it about your disappointment that causes you to vent your frustration and anger on black people?

    It's not black people's fault that women cross the road when they see you coming.

    It's not black people's fault that you don't have a job, (or perhaps things aren't going well at high-school.)

    Does lashing out at black people make you feel better? Does it make you feel like a big man?

    (and I think you know what I'm getting at there, slappy-boy).

    Surely to find the root cause of your social-ineptness we need to look at your childhood. Tell us about your mommy, No Slapzz. Was she, y'know, a little too controlling?

    How about your daddy? Was he mean to you? Are you trying to win his approval by being as racist as he was? It's never too late to win your daddy's approval, now it is Slappy.

    How about your Catholic priest, Slappy, was he a paedo? Did he fiddle with you after choir practice? Did it feel good? Are you guilty about that?

    So many ways a young boy can be hurt.

    C'mon NoSlappy, open your heart, we are all here to help you.

    You do have a heart don't you?

  167. Purple Cow


  168. Quincy4:24 PM

    Jeez, Cow, that rant makes you look like a real cunt.

    You are no Sigmund Freud, that's for sure.

    My experience is that it is lefist socialist weenies such as yourself that have "daddy" issues.

    Why do you troll here seeking the approval of black liberals?

  169. Better question Quince.

    Why do you troll here obsessing with black liberals?

  170. more on the racist revisionist lies about "undiscovered" america/africa etc

  171. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "You hate your own reflection in the mirror.

    You were born a black male and wish you were a white woman."

    When did you become a therapist? And if you are a therapist, when did you become MY therapist? lol

  172. kosher kkk needs slaps needs an african history class or 2:

    ancient africans WOULD also describe u as a gemless trinketless kapo peasant!!!

    u lie like hobama....shame!!!!!!!!!

    A comprehensive survey of these lively and imaginative artifacts.

    Over 600 years ago the Akan began making brass weights for measuring gold dust, the currency of their region in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. They eventually produced the most complete three-dimensional inventory in any culture in history.

    Here is a selection of more than 500 weights chosen for their artistry and interest, accompanied by a full descriptive text about their history, styles, and modes of manufacture. Virtually every animal, bird, fish, or object known to the Akan became the subject of a miniature sculpture. Human figures are represented in the activities of everyday life and sacred or courtly rituals. 248 color photographs

  173. SteveyDefinesTheBellCurve4:55 PM

    Under the bell curve steve said...

    Slappy, I'm getting real tired of making you look like an idiot.

    "Japan, the World War II adversary of the U.S. in the Far East, had to be rescued from the threat of communist revolution. Under the administrative leadership of Douglas MacArthur and American economic aid, it was put back on its feet. The same consideration applied to South Korea and Taiwan. The former had communist North Korea as its neighbor. The latter was considered by China to be a province. In addition, both North Korea and China were allies of the Soviet Union. Accordingly, the Truman Doctrine had to apply both to Western Europe and the Asian Far East. Logically, the Far East had to have its own version of a Marshall Plan."

    Are you kidding? I honestly knew you were not to bright as simple realities seem to slip through your grasp, but really this sentence indicates to you that the far east was covered under the marshall plan? Really is that the level of your reading comprehension?

    " Logically, the Far East had to have its own version of a Marshall Plan."

    The European recvery program (ERP) was also known as the Marshall plan. Was backed by an act of Congress committing over $5 billion, is now in operation in sixteen nations of Western Europe.

    They initially intended to see how well it worked out and then consider a similar plan for Asia. No Asia was not under the Marshall plan or the plan also known as the "European Recovery Program.

    You are scarily stupid and arrogant to boot and you are the type that is going to keep the U.S going? Good luck with that.

  174. Anonymous4:58 PM

    @Purple Cow - Read your rant to slappz. Funny you probably think you are witty like the bitter british cunt that you are, I immediately see complete projection. You are not even funny, your a miserable brit. I have yet to see you deal with one fact honestly, anything and everything you are about is precisely what you accuse slaps of. We are sorry you lost a family member recently, that doesn't give you the right to be some sodomite sneaky butcher twat. As anyone who knows you in Britain has told you, fuck off you miserable little twat.

  175. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Quincy said...
    Jeez, Cow, that rant makes you look like a real cunt.

    You are no Sigmund Freud, that's for sure.

    My experience is that it is lefist socialist weenies such as yourself that have "daddy" issues.

    Why do you troll here seeking the approval of black liberals?

    Cause his father hated him and now it is too late to change so he is doubling down.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. the unglued uneducated unlicked unloved henny drunken hyena vdlr =

    perpetually looped tourette syndrome in stereo on crack....


  179. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Purple Knob Slobberer Said..

    " So many ways a young boy can be hurt"

    Tell us about it. Understand your son after viewing you and your admirable traits growing up, decided to go start sucking some other mans penis at ramdom. How else did you abuse him? What did your dad think of all of this? Did he also do it to you, is this where the gay trend started with a litle incest? Tell us Mr Cow, tell us your deep dark sneaky butcher secrets. Is this why you are acting out? You are projecting the horror you pushed onto your family onto others? Does it help? Do you feel less guilty and more remorseful? Tell Us Cow, tell us all.

  180. Anonymous5:20 PM

    While the fake history is great for selling wildly incorrect scribblings to homeskoolers and School Districts populated by fools who beleeverate that being a salesman on TV is 'just the same' as academic does highlight the abject horror of US education when allowed to be chosen by Sarey and other well-intentioned silly people.
    Wite excellence is a nice tale...for children. Since some are trying to cover their lack of...well, using der Google, I suggest they use this tool to research the vast store of knowledge about Africa. No, FOX lies do not count. Nor do the fables of Sarey, the writings of RonPaul or the KKK musings of David Barton. With the entire base of some posters being quick Intertube searches...I surmise that they can also easily do the same over the incredible amount of data that exists on African history.
    Or, they can hide like scared little Randall Terrys (ask those who lived in the Triple Cities).


  181. hey oj uts:

    oj may finally grow a spine and adnit he is a double murderer

    stay tuned!

    kudos to oprah!!!!!!!

    O.J Simpson has confessed to Oprah Winfrey that he murdered his former wife, it has been reported.
    The talk show host made headlines recently saying that one of her regrets was never having got the shamed former sportsman to confess to the killing.
    And it appears her wish may well have come true with reports Simpson has already told one of her producers in an interview from jail that he knifed ex-wife Nicole in self-defence - a confession he will now repeat to the talk show queen during a spectacular televised sit down interview.

    Read more:

  182. hey oj uts:

    oj may finally grow a spine and admit he is a double murderer

    how will u do a hobama and lie/evade that?????

  183. hey oj uts:

    i think oj is about to get killed on his second beatdown in prison and does not want to die with his lies....

    karma is real.

    buh bye.

  184. "Tift County,Georgia"

    Be more specific.

    In fact, how about providing us with a Google Map of this street?

  185. oj is a woman beating brute

    but these were prozac murders

    see more on that here:

    So why is Gilbert speaking out now? Has he gone from sinner to saint? Is he making a play for sympathy or looking to make a quick buck? No. (Proceeds from this book are going to the March of Dimes and other selected charities with which Gilbert has long been associated.) Gilbert is writing this book because he regrets what he did for his adored, childhood idol. He can no longer find any excuse for how he has shielded O.J. Simpson; and he is determined that the full truth must now be told, including:
    * O.J.'s late night confession to Gilbert
    * How Gilbert was responsible for O.J.'s hand not fitting the murder glove
    * Why O.J. murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman (it was more than jealousy)
    * Why Gilbert defended O.J. for so long--and what finally convinced him he could do so no longer
    * How O.J. ignored his financial obligations to the Goldman family and milked the tabloids for money
    * The real reason why an armed O.J. burst in on the memorabilia collectors in Las Vegas (Gilbert had what O.J. was looking for)

    Told with searing candor, this book leaves no one's reputation intact--not even Gilbert's. But he casts a glaring light on how celebrity can corrupt, how power can mislead, and how friendship and loyalty can be perverted. His book is meant to set the record straight, to lay to rest the ghosts of that dreadful night that have haunted him ever since, and to now play what little part he can to forward the process the of justice.

  186. Oprah O.J. Simpson Confession Interview Report False, Reps Say

    Oprah's representatives moved quickly to quash rumors that the talk show queen is conducting an interview with O.J. Simpson in which he confesses to murder.

    The rumor raced around the Internet after the Daily Mail picked up a National Enquirer report that Simpson will admit to killing his late wife Nicole in a jailhouse interview.

    But representatives for Harpo, Oprah's company, flatly told the Hollywood Reporter, "that's not true."

    However, it's no secret that Oprah has been pining to do exactly this kind of interview. During an appearance at a cable convention earlier this month, she said that her dream is to have Simpson confess to her.

    "And I am going to make that happen people," she said. "I don't just want the interview. I want the interview on the condition that you are ready, Mr. Simpson."

    You might as well put away the sparklers, AB.

  187. Oprah Hasn't Landed O.J. Simpson Confession -- Yet

    A Harpo rep tells THR online rumors are "not true."

    Oprah Winfrey hasn't landed that confession from O.J. Simpson -- yet.
    our editor recommends
    Oprah Winfrey Determined to Land O.J. Simpson Confession
    Oprah's Farewell Spectacular - Live Blog From Chicago!

    Despite a National Enquirer report that Simpson confessed from prison to murdering ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, a rep for Harpo tells The Hollywood Reporter, "That's not true.""

  188. mack:

    stay tuned

    he lied about his recent severe beating too

    oj and his reps lie all the time

    i trust oprah much more than oj...

  189. mack:

    oj's lying amoral reps denied his beating 4 weeks

    until staff and his own children busted him...
    they spoke of the wt he is gaining afraid to leave his cell/medicating with junk food
    they fear he will eat himself into cardiac arrest


    his own children know and say he killed nicole
    ditto 4 me


    my sparklers are at the ready!

  190. even marcus allen knows oj killed nicole


  191. oj raped nicole on their 1st real date
    when she was only 17
    and he was a legally wed grown man

    and rick james knew oj killed them too
    and said so before he died

    jim brown predicted oj would kill her decades in advance

    see more:

  192. i think oj is genetically butch gay like his dad was...


    i think he was in love with marcus

    and that is the real reason nicole died

    she loved marcus more than oj
    especially his legendary sex/organ

    see more here:

  193. This comment has been removed by the author.

  194. ie:

    marcus wed someone else in oj and nicole's backyard

    nicole cried and was wounded during the wedding...

    nicole and oj cheated on each other often

    but oj told nicole and nicole's mom weeks before the murder

    "if she ever sleeps with marcus again i will kill her"

    and she did....

    and he did...

  195. see more on marcus here:

  196. More Airline News:

    U.S. Jews not able to fly on Delta flights to Saudi Arabia

    By Michele Chabin

    JERUSALEM — Jews and Israelis, or passengers carrying any non-Islamic article of faith, will not be able to fly Delta Air Lines flights from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia under Delta's new partnership with Saudi Arabian Airlines.

    Passengers carrying any non-Islamic article of faith will not be able to fly Delta airlines to Saudi Arabia under Delta's new partnership with Saudi Arabian Passengers carrying any non-Islamic article of faith will not be able to fly Delta airlines to Saudi Arabia under Delta's new partnership with Saudi Arabian Airlines.

    Saudi Arabia, which is governed by strict Islamic law, requires citizens of almost every country to obtain a visa.

    People who wish to enter the country must have a sponsor; women, who must be dressed according to Saudi standards of modesty, must be met at the Saudi airport by a man who will act as a chaperone.

    Saudi Arabia bans anyone with an Israeli stamp in their passport from entering the country, even in transit. Many Jews believe the kingdom has also withheld visas from travelers with Jewish-sounding names.

    Religious items such as Bibles that are not related to Islam may be confiscated at the airport.

    Colby M. May, senior counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative legal group founded by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, said his office is trying to determine if the agreement runs afoul of U.S. law.

    "The very idea that there is a common carrier airline service that would deny an American citizen in America access to their services because they are Jewish or have religious items such as a yarmulke, a cross or a priestly collar, is deeply disturbing," May said.

  197. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Some one should have told her....

    Once you go black, you might get stabbed.

  198. Anonymous6:05 PM

    That is sad no_slappz. If only black Amerkkka knew that kind of racism.

    We over came Jim Crow.Now its time to come together with our Jewish brothers and fight these Abdullah Crow laws.

  199. like most men who beat women/bullies
    oj is a wimp around all other men/those his own size

    pookies rule the world and all prisons!!!
    even hardcore OGs MUCH tougher than oj are hiding in solitary to evade pookies who have no respect/honor

    a young wm skinhead just beat oj unconscious
    oj knows he cannot endure too many more guaranteed beatings that his karma has coming

    he needs oprah to make peace with his own lost euro soul...
    while he still wakes up
