Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Tell me something


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I am respectfully requesting you to opine on the Gov going after the Hispanic gangs targeting Black folks in Ca. ????

  2. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I love you man.........

  3. Anonymous11:59 PM

    ^^What the first anonymous said.^^

  4. Slapnuts you are funny.
    Ok, what the first person said.
    I am out of pocket right now but I will blog on it later. Whoops, I should have finished this post by saying thay I don't already know

  5. I'm telling you Field my brother that No Slappz and his aliases have decided to camp out on your blog and flood it with their racist vitriol.

    They are not here to discuss or debate.

    They hate it that an intelligent informed black man has a popular forum for discussion of topics and issues that reflect views which offend and refute their racist sensiblities.

    They are determined to destroy it.

    I'm sad that they have already succeeded in steering many thoughtful posters away from here with their trolling and non-stop rants.

    I know that you are a fierce first Amendment adherent and don't want to restrict speech.

    But the fact is that they are winning in their mission currently.

    Pretty soon its just going to be THEM cluttering up your blog.

    And then they've won.

  6. That I don't already know.

    Sorry. Damn crackberry :(

  7. Uts keep fighting the good fight my brother, I see you in here slugging it out with them everyday.

    They (the haters) will never win.

  8. I heard the story about the Hispanic gangs going after Black folks in Ingelwood. And yes, we need to go after these gangbangers and thugs.

    But let's remember they are just that, thugs. These hooligans will act Latino middle class families as quickly (and sometimes quicker) than they'll attack Black folks. Let's not make this a race issue - its a gang issue. If Black gangstas were attacking innocent Latinos or other Black people, would we in the fields feel differently?

    We need to go after criminals, lets not follow the thought process of bigots and make this about going after Hispanics.

  9. Anonymous12:58 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I'm telling you Field my brother that No Slappz and his aliases have decided to camp out on your blog and flood it with their racist vitriol.

    They are not here to discuss or debate.

    They hate it that an intelligent informed black man has a popular forum for discussion of topics and issues that reflect views which offend and refute their racist sensiblities.

    They are determined to destroy it.

    I'm sad that they have already succeeded in steering many thoughtful posters away from here with their trolling and non-stop rants.

    I know that you are a fierce first Amendment adherent and don't want to restrict speech.

    But the fact is that they are winning in their mission currently.

    Pretty soon its just going to be THEM cluttering up your blog.

    And then they've won.

    Squeak, Squeak, Squeak, Squeak, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Says UTS firmly entrenched in his racist wheelchair. Look at what you have written and know thyself - racist.

    "views which offend and refute their racist sensiblities" ---this is you, precisely.

    Why is that you cannot discuss anything without becoming racist? Why is that you want FN to I assume block anyone who isn't completely black militant racist and lives in a world of incompetent half baked delusions like you do and does not agree with your fantasies when facts are readily availible. Why are you such a woman that you can never have a strong debate and run for your racist wheelchair the minute facts come out or resort to violence or threats and name calling. Why do you cry when you try and bitchslap somebody and they turn around and slap back?

    Why are you so weak and whiny? Oil that racist wheelchair, you are squeaking. Or better yet, stand up man, stand proud on your own two feet and take the first steps towards open mindedness and enlightenment. You don't have to live in the dark until your dying days. Stand up!!

  10. Whitey's Conspiracy1:12 AM

    Dallas County, Texas has more exonerations than all but a few States.

    Police in Miami filmed shooting a man to death, robbed the man filming it of his cel phone, with guns to his head, and smashed it. He then retrieved his simcard and hid it in his mouth. Otherwise, he'd be nothing but another locked up statistic.

    Justice is delivered to mothers and children; it doesn't take away fathers and uncles.

  11. Anonymous1:13 AM

    apparently ure suffering with a greater lack of creativity then normal field negro whatever it is feel better! and senile steve is right; these unedumacayted ignint fools have taken over ur blog but eye think u like the attention;)

    wutever happened to maria?

  12. Anonymous1:14 AM

    u know, maria with the long black hair like a raven and the big blue eyes and long eye lashes poor pretty maria she must have gotten discouraged from all these digsusting filthy black hags talking that bullshit every day to her especially kimqueef that shit pile is nasty but not as nasty as her alterego buceta breaf banks !

  13. Anonymous1:45 AM

    "wutever happened to maria?"

    I wonder about her myself. I really miss her.

    Has anyone noticed how the same sistas have driven away every ww who come on this blog?

    Field, I want to Tell you something": You need to write a serious Post to the racist sistas who drive away white women!

    The other thing I would like to read about is the denial we are in regarding Mexicans and Hispanics. I have said it many times before: they are racists and don't like Blacks, esp the Mexicans. What's it's going to take before denying excusing rationalists like LAC will WAKE UP, a black masacre by Hispanics?

    it's tomming naive morons like LAC that makes it possible for the racists to kill us off even faster. LAC "dreams" while "reality" happens.

  14. Anonymous1:54 AM

    dear mr. field, it would be a pleasant surprise to see the man who wants to deny the rights of the 1st Amendment removed from your blog....that be brotha uts himself. He is an authentic racist who doesn't know he is one. He sees the world through his distorted racist lens blaming others for his own biased predicament.

  15. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Mr. Field, the greatest thing about your blog is that EVERYONE can express themselves from the most Conservative to the most Liberal; from the most atheist to the most faithful; the hater to the lover; from the most prejudiced to the most unbiased; from the least talkative to the most winded; from the profane to the holy; from the ugly to the beautiful; from the weak to the stong; from the shy to the extrovert...

    Mr Fields you are to be commended for your foresight and insight into the human condition, for you have created an environment where all of humanity meet. It's like a watering hole where the all the animals in the forest come for their daily drink.

    There is no other blog like yours in the entire blogosphere. You are the best blogger...incomparable!

    I am truly thankful to you for it. I have a feeling that FN blog will go down in the history of blogs as "one of kind" and one of the "best of the bests."

    God bless you.

  16. Anonymous2:36 AM

    i am concerned about having kid, granny, desertflower and ab commenting in the same day. field, could you do something about that?

    actually, somebody needs to convince Kid to stay on his local cleveland blog because the man is always attacking the wm. that negro is a racist and just not ready for prime time blogs at this time. Kid should go to "blog socializing school" before he is allowed on FN.

  17. Dreams
    by Langston Hughes

    Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly.

    Hold fast to dreams
    For when dreams go
    Life is a barren field
    Frozen with snow.

  18. Clear Marcus Garvey's Name
    By Geoffrey Philp

    To be delivered to: President Barack Obama

    “We are petitioning President Barack Obama to issue a full pardon and to clear the name of Marcus Mosiah Garvey, a national hero of Jamaica.”

    Marcus Garvey, founder of the UNIA, was arrested by the FBI under the Hoover administration and charged with mail fraud for which he was sentenced to five years in prison. Although his sentence was eventually commuted by President Calvin Coolidge, it is now abundantly clear that Garvey did not commit any criminal acts, but as Professor Judith Stein has stated, “his politics were on trial. 

    Help's, Field!

  19. If anyone have any questions about Blacks and Latinos, then go buy the latest from Cyprus Hill.

  20. @Bob

    A Dream Deferred
    by Langston Hughes

    What happens to a dream deferred?

    Does it dry up
    like a raisin in the sun?
    Or fester like a sore--
    And then run?
    Does it stink like rotten meat?
    Or crust and sugar over--
    like a syrupy sweet?

    Maybe it just sags
    like a heavy load.

    Or does it explode?


    If Republicans keep at it, a dream deferred explodes. I don't want it to be that way.

  21. WTF is this? Oh lawd, Field up to no good. This man busy sextin' pics to Angry Black Lady or somethin. Fall back, Field, fall back. :(

  22. LOL@Swiff :) No sextin for me my friend. Besides, how big are those PDA screens?

    La~Coincidental, I love what you said about the Black Latino violence in Cali.

    Geoffrey, I feel you on the brother Marcus thing my brother, I got your e-mails, but believe me when I tell you that there hasn't been enough hours in the day for me. It's summer time here, my cousins tend to act the fool. This is a busy time of year for me.But that is a great cause, I hope the folks here will use the link and check it out.

    BTW, when are you writing another book?

    Speaking of acting the fool:

    My my, that has got to be the lowest of the low.

    TY Anon @ 2:17 AM. And right back at ya!

  23. kid pasted:

    A Dream Deferred
    by Langston Hughes

    Where are today's black poets?

    They're not the guys writing rap "lyrics".

    a raisin in the sun?

    Is there a contemporary Lorraine Hansberry? Apparently not.

  24. I STRONGLY disagree with you about Rhianna being the House negro. As you probably know, there are thousands of Black women in prison for capping the ass of some abusive jerk and given some of the stories I've heard from women, many of the men deserved it! There are also thousands of Black women dead or severly maimed due to being abused.

    I think Rhianna's video brings to light a very serious problem in the Black community and I commend her for her courage in doing so!

  25. Anonymous said...
    from all these digsusting filthy black hags talking that bullshit every day to her especially kimqueef that shit pile is nasty but not as nasty as her alterego buceta breaf banks !

    PHUCK you, urinade!

    And here's a question for you, courtesy of my MCAT Physics review.

    If your husband stands 2 meters from you and throws your son's shitty diaper toward you at a 30 degree angle from the horizon, at what speed with it land all over your ugly face?

  26. Dr. Queen,

    "As you probably know, there are thousands of Black women in prison for capping the ass of some abusive jerk and given some of the stories I've heard from women, many of the men deserved it! There are also thousands of Black women dead or severly maimed due to being abused."

    And coming from the other direction there are thousands of black women who initiate violence and expect men to just take it off them.

    Don't tell me it doesn't happen. I've experienced it and seen it.

    There are others who make false claims of violence in order to justify shooting their men or getting others to attack their men.

    And domestic violence is not just a "black" problem.

    Hope we're still friends.

  27. uptownsteve said...
    And domestic violence is not just a "black" problem.

    Hope we're still friends.

    We're eternally cool Steve, so don't sweat the debates we have!

    And I agree with everything you wrote and for the record, I'm not saying I believe Chris Brown was totally at fault when he whipped Rhianna's ass. But a real man would have found a way to NOT beat her face in, even if it meant taking a few hits and walking away.

    I know some women who would have popped a cap in his ass after that beat down, me being one of them.

  28. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...

    I STRONGLY disagree with you about Rhianna being the House negro. As you probably know, there are thousands of Black women in prison for capping the ass of some abusive jerk and given some of the stories I've heard from women, many of the men deserved it! There are also thousands of Black women dead or severly maimed due to being abused.

    I think Rhianna's video brings to light a very serious problem in the Black community and I commend her for her courage in doing so!

    8:16 AM
    I entirely agree with you! On this island one and/or several women are killed EVERY day by their spouses!!!

    What I didn't like about RiRi is the S and M song. I think it sends the wrong message.

  29. Anonymous8:47 AM

    LACoincidental said:
    "These hooligans will act Latino middle class families as quickly (and sometimes quicker) than they'll attack Black folks."

    Hispanic (mostly Mexican) gangs have been systematically chasing blacks out of certain neigborhoods in the Los Angeles area since at least the early 1990s. THIS IS NOT NEW!

    Entire neighborhoods in LA that were once predominately black, as recently as 1990, are now entirely or almost entirely Hispanic. Where did those black people go?

    LACoincidental must have a Latina girlfriend or something.

  30. Anonymous8:49 AM

    You can play the electric guitar with with the Google logo today!

  31. Wesley R9:02 AM


    I just saw your Representative on Morning Joe, Chaka Fattah. He presented his tax plan which is very close to what I've been arguing with folks that we should do to wipe out the deficit.

    His plan is to add a 1% 'consumption tax' to every transaction made in this country. If you think about everythig that is bought and sold, including companies, the deficit could be gone in a couple of years.

    Once the deficit is gone you get rid of income tax, corporate tax, capital, gains tax etc. Set the 'consumption tax' at one, or a half percent, and go forward.

    Liberals will have funding for their programs, Libertians will do away with income taxes, and Conservatives will do away with taxing the corporations and rich.

  32. Hey Anon

    Entire Washington DC neighborhoods like Shaw, Foggy Bottom and Lincoln Park that used to be black are majority or entirely white these days.

    Are the white chasing the blacks out?

    Do white people hate blacks?

    What is the difference between what you're describing in LA and what has happended in DC?

    I'll await your reasoned response.

  33. 6/9/11


    a menace thief with a gun toting posse/enforcer = "armed robber"


    oj should be happy he is not doing double life for slaying ron and nicole

    cc your love letters to him...sure he could use them...

    oj and obama are your heros

    while u diss huey and mumia

    that is why i loathe u


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. 6/9/11

    silly vdlr fan assnon:

    cc your bs to that vulgar turbo breeding troll

    she is the most vile XXX uneducated unemployed dl butch stalker moron dreg on this blog

    u r a blind hypocrite

    got glasses?

  37. Lewevelyn9:39 AM

    I would just like you to recognize that Denver, CO has elected a second Black Mayor, Michael Hancock, 41 years old and truly a story of coming up from nothing to become the leader of city on the brink of greatness. He is the youngest of 10 children, his father abandoned the family when he was around 3, they were homeless, lived in hotels and shelters, mother had to work numerous jobs, sometimes didnt have food to eat. But through it all Michael pushed hiself to get an education, college degree and Masters, became the President of the Urban League, then went on to run for City Council, where he was elected for two terms as well as being selected President of the City Council. Mr. Hancock ran a clean campaign, whereas his opponent started off with a smear campaign. The voters overwhelmingly voted him in as the mayor with 58% of the vote. The race was called by 7:00 pm. That there shows that Mr. Hancock is something to be admired. Good Luck to this amazing Black man and may he continue to have success as a leader in his community.

  38. I'll tell you something: Doomsday 2 is coming Oct 21st and I never got a chance to see part 1 this past May. Did you?

  39. Anonymous10:02 AM

    U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes

    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has intensified the American covert war in Yemen, exploiting a growing power vacuum in the country to strike at militant suspects with armed drones and fighter jets, according to American officials.


    ‘The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.’


    "We cannot be the policemen of the world, as tragic as the situations are across the world, the United States cannot afford nor do we have the authority to go and intervene.”

    Where's the anti-war left?Is Cindy Sheehan still alive? Where's Code Pink?

    Where's the outrage?

  40. gated clueless elitist uts:

    there is no difference!!!

    hobama and his banksters have gentrified/whitened every urban enclave/campus in america

    only rich people can afford urban real estate/4 yr colleges

    foreclosed people are too broke and jobless to rent
    as rents are soaring everywhere!!!!!!


    only tokyo japan has higher real estate than san francisco

    there is a FORCED black exodus by design via poverty/foreclosures/unpaid utility bills as forced liens etc

    take a field trip to any whitened city osd your gates asap

    hobama is a socialist only for banksters/land moguls etc


    There is nothing left of Obama, except the “moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer” that he has always been. He refuses to fight in the people’s interest, because he is not interested in the people – only in his foolish dream of a grand alliance with the GOP in service of Wall Street. But the GOP feels triumphant, and isn’t playing his games. “Obama has already sacrificed trillions in social spending trying to split the budget difference with Republicans who persist in seeking total victory.

    President Obama is pulling the same stunt with the housing crisis as he did with health care: packing his public policy events with corporate operatives while excluding the grassroots and progressives. "Only the bankers, the stock speculators and the academics that are paid by the rich, qualify as stakeholders at Obama's housing conference."

    President Obama's greatest domestic imperative is the transfer of public wealth and resources to the private sector. He moved tens of trillions of dollars to Wall Street in the guise of rescuing the economy. Hundreds of billions in public funds are scheduled for transfer to private insurance corporations over the next decade or so, masquerading as a health care plan. His support for corporate-backed charter schools and other so-called public-private partnerships has dramatically escalated the privatization of education in the United States. Obama calls it a "Race to the Top." Now, the Obama administration is serving up to corporate vultures the nation's dwindling stock of public housing, with bankers as the ultimate beneficiaries.

    Professor of Africana Studies, Bill Sales, asked, “How can Obama represent us, when he compromises with people who are trying to beat our brains out.” Obama, said Sales, “is a moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.”

  41. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Hey Anon

    Entire Washington DC neighborhoods like Shaw, Foggy Bottom and Lincoln Park that used to be black are majority or entirely white these days.

    Are the white chasing the blacks out?

    Do white people hate blacks?

    What is the difference between what you're describing in LA and what has happended in DC?

    I'll await your reasoned response

    Different anon, not particularly set on a answer, however one significant difference is violence. I don't believe there were white gangs, muggin,robbin and fightin black folks in these neighborhoods and no force was applied to force blacks out, nor did whites set out to specifically force blacks out, as was specifically the case the other guy provided with latinos and blacks in LA. You can tell the difference right?

    Did the whites destroy the neighborhood and property values by thuggin, non maintenance and no improvement of property turning the neighborhoods into crack dens and or wild streets? If so we need to check that.

  42. President of the vast right-wing conspiracy10:30 AM

    I am sick and frickin' tired of you leftwing nuts blaming your problems on us.

    First it was thunder-thighs Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    Now its that Jew Anthony David Weiner.


    We're the people that control the Koch brothers.

    We're the ones that call Rupert Murdoch "Keith".

    In other words, stop f*cking with us.

    Unless you want Blogger to have more tech problems.

    Yeah.......That was us.

  43. Anonymous10:32 AM

    President of the vast right-wing conspiracy said...
    I am sick and frickin' tired of you leftwing nuts blaming your problems on us.

    First it was thunder-thighs Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    Now its that Jew Anthony David Weiner.


    We're the people that control the Koch brothers.

    We're the ones that call Rupert Murdoch "Keith".

    In other words, stop f*cking with us.

    Unless you want Blogger to have more tech problems.

    Yeah.......That was us.

    Shut up Mold, we know it's you, only a left-tard would post crap like this.

  44. Salami Lickem10:40 AM

    Hey LAC and my other fav Islamic Supporters. Check this out, In Somalia 10 women were arrested for raising thier voices at a wedding and 10 teens were arrested for playing soccer. Don't you know women cannot be loud and joyous? It is against Allah's will.

    It is going to be amazing in the U.S when Islamic Law gets put into place and people get arrested at movie theaters all over the country. Damn, they are going to need extra sharia cops just to round up loud sisters.

    Afgoye — Fighters loyal to al-Shabaab have seized some15 women in Afgoye district in Lower Shabelle region, 30 kilometers south of Mogadishu.

    The women were accused of taking part at a wedding party in the town of Afgoye with shouting and loud voice.

    All apprehended women were taken into custody as officials of Al shabaab said the women have publicly overjoyed and shout.

    Al shabaab believes women can't up their voices during the participation of wedding parties.

    Al-Shabaab also captured on Monday 10 teens in the IDPs camps just outside of Mogadishu, a shelter for tens of thousands of Mogadishu people. They all charged with playing football.

  45. racist illiterate ahistorical kkk assnon:

    when whites force blacks out it is usually done with

    a torch
    a gun
    a white hood/sheet
    rent gouging
    bankster redlining etc

    read a mf history or social studies book asap


    For a community of its size, the Greenwood business district could boast of a number of impressive commercial structures. John and Loula Williams, who owned the three-story Williams Building at the northwest corner of Greenwood Avenue and Archer Street, also operated the seven-hundred-fifty seat Dreamland Theater, that offered live musical and theatrical revues as well as silent movies accompanied by a piano player. Across the street from the Dreamland sat the white-owned Dixie Theater with seating for one-thousand, which made it the second largest theater in town. In nearby buildings were the offices of nearly all of Tulsa's black lawyers, realtors, and other professionals. Most impressively, there were fifteen African American physicians in Tulsa at the time of the riot, including Dr. A.C. Jackson, who had been described by one of the Mayo brothers as the "most able Negro surgeon in America".11

    The overall intellectual life of Greenwood was, for a community of its size, quite striking. There was not one black newspaper but two - the Tulsa Star and the Oklahoma Sun. African Americans were discouraged from utilizing the new Carnegie library downtown, but a smaller, all-black branch library had been opened on Archer Street. Nationally recognized African American leaders, such as W.E.B. DuBois, had lectured in Tulsa before the riot. Moreover, Greenwood was also home to a local business league, various fraternal orders, a Y.M.C.A. branch, and a number of women's clubs, the last of which were often led by the more than thirty teachers who taught in the city's separate -- and, as far as facilities were concerned, decidedly unequal -- African American public schools.

  46. lupe is a man i love!!!

    kudos to all chi rebels who know and see hobama!!!

  47. Anon

    "and no force was applied to force blacks out, nor did whites set out to specifically force blacks out,"

    Evidence that the latinos were forced out.

    The blacks in DC were forced out by being priced out.

    Many leases in units in brownstones and townhouses were not renewed so owners could sell to rich single buyers.

    Rising property taxes forced working class and poor black folks out.

    "Did the whites destroy the neighborhood and property values by thuggin, non maintenance and no improvement of property turning the neighborhoods into crack dens and or wild streets?"

    So you're saying that these were middle class black neighborhoods in LA that were run down by latino thugs?

    What neighborhood?

  48. hey lack:


    conspiracies and the bilderbergs who selected and own hobama are real

    more real than ever
    more real every day!!!!

  49. The attendee list of Bilderberg is still pretty much the only thing that is not a closely guarded secret, as 120 of the world's richest and most powerful people meet behind closed doors, this time at the Suvretta House hotel in Switzerland, a venue which not only boasts a "fairytale castle" design, but also its own "Teddy World."

  50. outtatownsteve writes:

    Entire Washington DC neighborhoods like Shaw, Foggy Bottom and Lincoln Park that used to be black are majority or entirely white these days.

    Are the white chasing the blacks out?

    YOu know how it goes. Whites populate an area, then changes begin and blacks start to arrive. When blacks arrive, whites leave. A few muggings and concerns about the decline of the local school system starts the exodus.

    Then, after neighborhoods become totally black and the violence reaches epic levels, even blacks begin to leave. After they go, there are empty buildings, destroyed buildings and totally dysfunctional schools.

    However, among intrepid whites, hope springs eternal. In response to the low real estate prices in run-down, dilapidated black neighborhoods, whites begin a slow return.

    Unfortunately, the white exodus is still underway in Brooklyn's Canarsie neighborhood. But a few whites have ventured north to Harlem. However, the trickle is not enough to make Harlem vibrant. The despair is evident every day on 125th Street.

  51. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    file this under

    shady white pookies gaming welfare

    hobama's wm banksters would be proud!

    Buying $141.78 worth of lobster, steak and Mountain Dew with a Bridge card violates no laws or rules.

    But turning around and selling the stuff for 50 percent of its value, well ... that's a different matter.

    Louis Wayne Cuff, a 33-year-old Menominee man was arraigned in 95th District Court in Menominee last week for food stamp trafficking, a felony. Cuff's arrest resulted from a month-long joint investigation by the State Department of Human Services' Inspector General and the Menominee County Sheriff's Department. Cuff allegedly bought the lobster, steak and Mountain Dew and resold it for 50 cents on the dollar.

  52. It's a shame the way the NBA has treated Allen Iverson. Bring back AI!!!!!

  53. Anonymous11:29 AM

    racist illiterate ahistorical kkk assnon:

    when whites force blacks out it is usually done with

    a torch
    a gun
    a white hood/sheet
    rent gouging
    bankster redlining etc

    read a mf history or social studies book asap


    Wow, your pretty fucked up, racist, kkk..... Get a life and come back to reality, when was the last time this happened? Post the most recent incident..

  54. Lewevelyn,

    Thanks for the news about Denver. Always liked that town.

    It's funny how black Democrats can win at the top of the ticket in diverse communities and everytime a black Republican runs at the top of the ticket on his own they get trounced.

    WHOSE on the plantation?

  55. kosher kkk moron needs slaps:

    thank you for that flawless example of arrogant ignorance and revisionist history

    try again u racist yapping kapo dog:

    It is also assumed, against all relevant evidence, that this mass movement of Black people from New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit, Oakland, and so many other cities is totally voluntary – that economic push-out has played no major role in emptying the cities of Blacks, and sending hundreds of thousands down to Dixie. It is an absurd assumption, by journalists whose elation at the Black exodus compels them to ignore gentrification as one of the main factors.

    People who are priced out of the cities by gentrification cannot be considered voluntary migrants. Gentrification has become an overarching fact of Black urban existence, making life less tenable every day. – especially in New York. It is no wonder that 17 percent of Blacks that relocated to the South in the past decade were New Yorkers, far more than from any other state. When gentrification places the monthly rent hopelessly out of reach, there is no choice but to leave – and why not South, where it’s cheaper, and there are so many people who look like you, some of whom are related.

    Whites are also in flight from the truth: that the deeply racial dynamic of gentrification is forcing Black folks to cheaper suburbs and the lower-cost South – including many Blacks that claim the move is strictly voluntary.

  56. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The attendee list of Bilderberg is still pretty much the only thing that is not a closely guarded secret, as 120 of the world's richest and most powerful people meet behind closed doors, this time at the Suvretta House hotel in Switzerland, a venue which not only boasts a "fairytale castle" design, but also its own "Teddy World."

    I heard Aliens tried to anally probe you only they got the wrong hole cause so much shit comes out of your mouth.

  57. Anonymous11:41 AM

    kosher kkk moron needs slaps:

    thank you for that flawless example of arrogant ignorance and revisionist history

    try again u racist yapping kapo dog:

    What you have posted with all those links ding dong is how blacks have fled the trashed neigborhoods and some whites come back in and fix things up.

    What is your alternative are you suggesting someone just keep sending checks to people to force them to stay in totally decayed neighborhoods? Middle and upper class blacks are free to purchase brownstone buildings and move in the way you claim a white person does. So what is your point? Is it racist that a Black person with money is NOT buying a building in the ghetto and improving it? Why don't you do this, WHY? You don't want to live amongst poor black folk?

  58. Anonymous11:45 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    Thanks for the news about Denver. Always liked that town.

    It's funny how black Democrats can win at the top of the ticket in diverse communities and everytime a black Republican runs at the top of the ticket on his own they get trounced.

    WHOSE on the plantation?

    Why you are steve.You attack any black poster who you think dares step off the Democrat Plantation.

    Black Republicans are free to think,act,speak has they feel.

    You on the other hand,has to obey your Democrat masters.

  59. slumlord wannabee kosher kkk needs slaps:

    hobama and valerie j and tony rezko are the slumlords u wish to be

    from grove parc in chi to nola to nyc
    gentrification is one of hobama's greatest legacy

    his homeless black fans are packing up their tattered hobama tees and moving to cheap apt complexes in the burbs
    not by choice
    it is a forced mass exodus

    america is whiter than ever under that ruthless blackish hobama and his banksters

    gentrification is the new apartheid/colonization/ethnic cleansing etc
    just as hobama is the new gwb


    New Orleans, the city where Hurricane Katrina struck in September 2005 is barely covered in the media these days. The failure to report on New Orleans is a deliberate omission as the city and its people continue to suffer. Hurricane Katrina is the precursor to “clean” the city of its African-American population, and creates a resort for affluent Americans and tourists. The aim is to gentrify New Orleans and deny its black poor population their ‘right of return’ to their city.

    The “reconstruction” of New Orleans has become a euphemism for the destruction of the city’s cultural and historic heritage. Major developers and real estate agents are taking advantage of the city new development at the expense of New Orleans low-income population. In the current political milieu, economic developments seem to be guided by an extremely narrow vision capable of responding only to big business and tourism.

    The current restructuring of New Orleans provides an excellent social experiment of the new epidemic of privatisation of public housing and public assets. The destruction inflicted by Hurricane Katrina allows politicians, the ruling elites and their cronies to remodel the city as free-market and privately-owned city catering for the rich and tourists. With billions of dollars of taxpayers monies made available for “reconstruction”, the disaster brought by Hurricane Katrina is the smokescreen for the gentrification of New Orleans and corporate looting of public resources.

    In Chicago, for example, 50 percent of renters spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent, and more than 30 percent of renters spend 50 percent of their income on rent. In all there are more than 12 million renters who pay more than 50 percent of their income toward their rent.

    According to one report, there is no state in the country where a minimum-wage earner can afford the market rate on a one- or two-bedroom apartment. In 30 states, more than two full-time minimum wages jobs are needed for a two-bedroom apartment.

    The crisis in housing was illustrated graphically recently when more than 30,000 people in Atlanta lined up to just to get an application for Section 8 housing vouchers, a federal program that provides rental subsidies to low-income families and individuals. The news media focused on the fact that the crowd was mostly Black, and that riot police were called in to quell the threat of unrest—while ignoring the larger story of the level of desperation for affordable housing that would lead people to endure 100-degree heat just to get an application for housing subsidies.

  60. Anonymous11:52 AM

    alicia banks said...
    slumlord wannabee kosher kkk needs slaps:

    Exactly how old are you woman? You seem to pout at everything you try to talk about. Your posts while some contain good information and even a few good links are drowned with excess nonsense name calling and often completely non related links. You make people think you are crazy instead of getting your point accross.

    Quality is not made out of quantity, your not earning any respect by competing with yourself for jamming in the highest number of non sequiturs and childish infantile grammer school mentality names.

    With the way you post you might as well just start telling "yo momma" jokes, that is all it amounts to. Anyone who thinks will skip a post that it takes a minute to read all the nams you call people just to kick off your loosely floating comment.

    HA-HA word verification is preteen- now that fits!!!

  61. illiterate lying racist assnon:

    cc that bs to:

    any bank loan officers

    any rich black brownstone owners

    where are your links to your lies u kkk fool????

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. linkless pointless brainless lying aassnon:

    u r no einstein kkklown

    and u NEVER make a valid


    if the name fits fool
    don it

    cc that bs to your fellow FAKE sage kosher kkk needs slaps

  64. Black News Today:

    Rarely do rappers have anything of value to say, but it's evidence of something bad for Obama that he's becoming their target. The days of his golden ascendancy are over.

    Lupe Fiasco Calls Obama a "Terrorist"

    Popular rapper criticizes fellow Chicagoan

    By Marcus Riley
    Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011

    Lupe Fiasco called out President Barack Obama this week, calling his fellow Chicagoan "the biggest terrorist."

    The comments came in an interview with CBS News Tuesday while discussing the political content of his music.

    "My fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America. I'm trying to fight the terrorism that's actually causing the other forms of terrorism.

    You know, the root cause of terrorism is the stuff the U.S. government allows to happen.

    The foreign policies that we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists."

    As political as the statement sounds, Fiasco, who grew up on the West Side, says he doesn't vote or get involved in politics.

  65. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Alicia Banks;

    I see a lot of blaming, finger pointing without your clarifying what the solution is,

    I will ask you again: What is your alternative are you suggesting someone just keep sending checks to people to force them to stay in totally decayed neighborhoods? Middle and upper class blacks are free to purchase brownstone buildings and move in the way you claim a white person does. So what is your point? Is it racist that a Black person with money is NOT buying a building in the ghetto and improving it? Why don't you do this, WHY? You don't want to live amongst poor black folk?

  66. blind bumbling lying envious inept assnon:

    cc that name calling bs to all of my peers herein

    and stop hating because i name call better than u all combined




    eff u kkklown!!!

  67. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...

    PHUCK you, urinade!

    And here's a question for you, courtesy of my MCAT Physics review.

    If your husband stands 2 meters from you and throws your son's shitty diaper toward you at a 30 degree angle from the horizon, at what speed with it land all over your ugly face?
    wannabe dawktaw kimqueef

    gosh queefa is this the language of someone with how many degrees was it- three or four or five this how an educated person is supposed to talk? ude think a person with a brain could do better then that but when u try to convince everybody that ure something ure not it all falls short in the end

    kim ure nothing but a pathetic shit stain vomit licking imbecile who we all know could never be a doctor nor pass the MCAT u have no edumacayshun and u have no sense u will NEVER be a doctor u incompetent idgit! and what a funny physics question urself that when ur next chrick jizzes in ur face sweetie pie what was the angle of jizz attack to shut ur awful fish lipped mouth? ya nasty filth pile!

  68. Anonymous12:04 PM

    alicia banks said...
    illiterate lying racist assnon:

    cc that bs to:

    any bank loan officers

    any rich black brownstone owners

    where are your links to your lies u kkk fool????

    Do you think you could come back and try to say this in english and adultspeak, doesn't make any sense. I am sure you had a thought started somewhere in here but apparantly didn't finish it before you posted. You do understand communicating with others takes a bit more then random disconnected thoughts interlaced with infantile name calling I hope. Half of yoru words are names, want a ba-ba or binky? Have you gotten rid of your blanky yet wittle girl?

  69. Anonymous12:05 PM

    blind bumbling lying envious inept assnon:

    cc that name calling bs to all of my peers herein

    and stop hating because i name call better than u all combined

    Well, yes, I agree. You certainly are the biggest child and I am not talking about your weight so don't go off on a name calling rant eh..

  70. hilarious hater assnon:

    check that name caller at 12:06


    see much more of my superb info and slurs here anytime:

  71. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Alicia Banks;

    I see a lot of blaming, finger pointing without your clarifying what the solution is,

    I will ask you again: What is your alternative are you suggesting someone just keep sending checks to people to force them to stay in totally decayed neighborhoods? Middle and upper class blacks are free to purchase brownstone buildings and move in the way you claim a white person does. So what is your point? Is it racist that a Black person with money is NOT buying a building in the ghetto and improving it? Why don't you do this, WHY? You don't want to live amongst poor black folk?

    Here is an open and honest question about a serious problem and this is how it is answered..


    blind bumbling lying envious inept assnon:

    start with five names:

    cc that name calling bs to all of my peers herein

    Blame everyone else.

    and stop hating because i name call better than u all combined

    live in bizarro world, it is a lowdown filthy name calling contest isn't it? If it were, you are the winner for sure.




    Everyone else is worse then me.


    eff u kkklown!!!

    End with a nice profanity bullet laced with racism.

    Enough said. The proof is in you, pudding and you teach chidren how to be like this?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. ignant bold jealous juvenile loser assnon:

    i promise to never call u intelligent/relevant...ok whiny witless retard?

    i win at all i do.

    got envy u manic moron?

    got glasses?

    lots of winning name callers LIVE herein!!!

    why am i the only one that vexes u so????

    because i am better and smarter and faster and a link master who researches and documents all i claim etc????

    eff u kkklueless kkklucking kkklown!!!!!!!!!

  74. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Alicia Banks;

    I see a lot of blaming, finger pointing without your clarifying what the solution is,

    I will ask you again: What is your alternative are you suggesting someone just keep sending checks to people to force them to stay in totally decayed neighborhoods? Middle and upper class blacks are free to purchase brownstone buildings and move in the way you claim a white person does. So what is your point? Is it racist that a Black person with money is NOT buying a building in the ghetto and improving it? Why don't you do this, WHY? You don't want to live amongst poor black folk?

    Here is an open and honest question about a serious problem and this is how it is answered..


    blind bumbling lying envious inept assnon:

    start with five names:

    cc that name calling bs to all of my peers herein

    Blame everyone else.

    and stop hating because i name call better than u all combined

    live in bizarro world, it is a lowdown filthy name calling contest isn't it? If it were, you are the winner for sure.




    Everyone else is worse then me.


    eff u kkklown!!!

    End with a nice profanity bullet laced with racism.

    Enough said. The proof is in you, pudding and you teach chidren how to be like this?

    yep the numbskull fails to see how she slaughters any semblence of her own sanity on a daily basis but we all know this anyway the nasty filthy sow collects a check from the gubment then turns around to talk about hobama one day shelle get her checks discontinued due to her seditious lies

  75. teacher wannabee troll assnon:

    do u teach children to be faceless cowards who hate to read and brag about their aarrogant ignorance???

    never fret

    i would never teach your dunce seed anything!!!!

  76. Anonymous12:19 PM

    So you're saying that these were middle class black neighborhoods in LA that were run down by latino thugs?

    What neighborhood?

    UTS; Pretty much every black neighborhood in south florida with the exception of liberty citi and little haiti, cubans don't seem to want these areas yet.

  77. Anonymous12:19 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  78. Anonymous12:25 PM

    if u had a job ude be doing it now not talking shit on the internet u moron fact to bidness a nucka got to go werk now unlike some unemployed kunts talking bullshit around here they only mad cuz they too stoopid to make money for theyselves

  79. hey vdlr:

    go pen a book on netiquette with that roasted weiner...


    u r too funny!!!!

  80. Anonymous12:26 PM

    teacher wannabee troll assnon:

    do u teach children to be faceless cowards who hate to read and brag about their aarrogant ignorance???

    never fret

    i would never teach your dunce seed anything!!!!

    Teacher wannabe? I see the LSD is kicking in even more.

    Yet again we agree 100%. You certainly would NEVER teach my children anything.

    Who hates to read? Who hates to brag about their "aarrogant ignorance" (did you cough up a furball on that word?)

    No one hates to read, I don't exactly hate to brag as you said but it isn't becoming, nor adultlike so I don't like it. Are you trying to say with your latest grapple with making sense that you love to brag and be arrogant and ignorant, by claiming that I hate it?

    Is there a translator in the house?
    Maybe if you write in spanish you could be clearer.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. it is so bold of u faceless illiterate name calling trolls to demand


    u brain dead bold bitches TRULY amuse me so!



    your psycho bolder blacker bigger ignorance
    just makes u look DUMBER!!!!


  83. Anonymous12:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  84. LACoincidental said...

    I heard the story about the Hispanic gangs going after Black folks in Ingelwood. And yes, we need to go after these gangbangers and thugs.

    But let's remember they are just that, thugs. These hooligans will act Latino middle class families as quickly (and sometimes quicker) than they'll attack Black folks. Let's not make this a race issue - its a gang issue. If Black gangstas were attacking innocent Latinos or other Black people, would we in the fields feel differently?

    We need to go after criminals, lets not follow the thought process of bigots and make this about going after Hispanics.
    12:22 AM
    Those Hispanic gang members made it about Black gang members by openly declaring "war" Black gang members. There so many things that are wrong about this to comment on but I don't have time to read the annons rebuttals. Because I'll say this: The Mexican/Hispanics are gonna need somebody on their side and it probably won't be whitey unless they're getting something out of it that benefits them and then when that's fulfilled they'll get discarded too.

  85. vdlr:

    go pen a book on how to use the net wisely with that roasted weiner...


  86. Slapnuts

    "Why you are steve.You attack any black poster who you think dares step off the Democrat Plantation."


    Republican negroes are nothing buck-dancing bootlickin sellouts who owe their whole existence to grinning and cooning for white racists.

    You'll use 'em and pat 'em on the head but you won't VOTE FOR THEM, will ya Slappy?

    "Black Republicans are free to think,act,speak has they feel."


    So Thomas Sowell was "free" to say that the "only acceptable racism in America was against white men"?

    Or did Massa order him to?

  87. i have never seen so many jobless jokers demand resumes etc

    u nigs and wigs are sooo extra!!!



    go pen a college prep book asap!


  88. Anonymous12:44 PM

    alicia banks said...
    illiterate faceless assnon:

    each post simply proves that u r unable to read

    scan up

    stop. now. it is too painful to witness!!!

    Really, or is it perhaps your communications skills falter when you speak to someone over the 2nd grade level. YOU read what you wrote, I know what you meant by just applying reverse logic, however look at your word structure. You do not make sense.

    "do u teach children to be faceless cowards who hate to read and brag about their aarrogant ignorance???"

    Perhaps what you meant to say MS Please dont' teach my children was:

    Do you teach children to be faceless cowards who hate to read, who then brag... I haven't met anyone who hates to read and brag. Just look at you.

    Communications lesson for the teacher is over and has ended. Maybe if you didn't focus so much on competing with the kids in your name calling contests, you would be able to structure a sentence that made sense.

  89. Anonymous12:48 PM


    Absolutely the same as AB's IQ 250%

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. selective defective demented dimwitted dishonest assnon:

    i have never seen so many "experts" who have never read one book as u and your faceless foolish clones herein

    your ignorance is glaring in the linkless lying imaginary bs u spew

    your complete insanity glows brighter than the vdlr shines at her local vd clinic!!!

    when she walks in her name is routinely yelled in unison by nursing staff ie:


  92. Anonymous1:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Why you are steve.You attack any black poster who you think dares step off the Democrat Plantation."


    queen,cary,lac,and many others.Than you kiss and make up after performing fellatio on them was funny.

    Republican negroes are nothing buck-dancing bootlickin sellouts who owe their whole existence to grinning and cooning for white racists.

    You'll use 'em and pat 'em on the head but you won't VOTE FOR THEM, will ya Slappy?

    Shhhhh... I think i hear Clinton and Reid calling for you to bring them tea.

    "Black Republicans are free to think,act,speak has they feel."


    So Thomas Sowell was "free" to say that the "only acceptable racism in America was against white men"?

    Or did Massa order him to?

    Thats a true statement.The gubmit openly promotes racism against white males everyday.

  93. Anonymous1:04 PM

    More women are coming foward.Weinergate is growing.

  94. Slapnuts

    You ever vote for a black Republican?

    If so, who?

    "The gubmit openly promotes racism against white males everyday"

    How so today?

  95. Anonymous1:20 PM

    If you-all are going to Breitbart(lie)...feel free. You have nothing else.
    For Truth, I was in Jamaica for a bit. Very lovely. Wonderful people.


  96. alicia banks said...
    psycho stalker vdlr:

    only u assign deep meaning to my every move

    carry on u dl butch bimbo


    You are killin' that degreeless, vagina obsessed 'ho!!!

    And I think that shitty diaper landed between her crossed eyes, LOL!!!

  97. Slapnuts said...
    More women are coming foward.Weinergate is growing.

    Nothing more than yet another crop of white ho's looking for a reality show!

  98. Anonymous1:37 PM

    UTS, it is the 'discrimination' of not giving all the goodies to Goobers. It is the idea that low-skill, low-info folks are not being awarded for their sloth and indolence. It is that the Bad Old Days of all rewards going to Heeyucks are over.
    whine is because AfAms can get scholarships and loans...but you might notice that witeboy hasn't even applied for admission.
    Poor WATB, they vote in radical Libtards or missionaries for fwee markets...and then are stunned, stunned when their own wages decrease. Well, Duh...your religio Koch-sucking sleazes think of them as 'miggers'.
    It makes them feel so 'superior' to make the irrational claim of a D plantation. But they are doing the bidding of Massa...just like they did when they died for Mass in the US Civil War.


  99. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Tim Scott 1st district,South Carolina.

    We can start off with how government contracts are given out.

    "White males need not apply"

    Diversity programs,minority lending programs.

    Lots of examples.

  100. Slapnuts,

    You don't live in Charleston, SC so stop lying.

    People like you reall crack me up.

    The reason for diversity and minority programs is because minorities have been and continue to be locked out of the traditional mainstream programs.

    This isn't rocket science.

    What kind of logic is it that infers that whites getting 90% of all the goodies as opposed to 100% is somehow discrimination?

  101. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    UTS, it is the 'discrimination' of not giving all the goodies to Goobers. It is the idea that low-skill, low-info folks are not being awarded for their sloth and indolence. It is that the Bad Old Days of all rewards going to Heeyucks are over.
    whine is because AfAms can get scholarships and loans...but you might notice that witeboy hasn't even applied for admission.
    Poor WATB, they vote in radical Libtards or missionaries for fwee markets...and then are stunned, stunned when their own wages decrease. Well, Duh...your religio Koch-sucking sleazes think of them as 'miggers'.
    It makes them feel so 'superior' to make the irrational claim of a D plantation. But they are doing the bidding of Massa...just like they did when they died for Mass in the US Civil War.


    Shittttt it is the 'discrimination' of giving no skilled negros all da goodies and be tellin' da wite man he don't get none.

    De bad ole days of working had advancing is overrrrrrr.Negros gonna be getten dares no matter how lazy a mofo is.

    High five to alls my niggas fo beaten da white man.

    Fo sho, negros can bes getten som scholarships and loans jusa cause we negros.

    On dee real yo, negros wages are increasing fo sho,while da wite man wages be decresing.

    Yeah, y'all be knowing fo sho dey be shocked bout has shocked has dey daughters birthing negro babbies.

  102. Anonymous1:55 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    You don't live in Charleston, SC so stop lying.

    People like you reall crack me up.

    The reason for diversity and minority programs is because minorities have been and continue to be locked out of the traditional mainstream programs.

    This isn't rocket science.

    What kind of logic is it that infers that whites getting 90% of all the goodies as opposed to 100% is somehow discrimination?

    I did from mid 2009 to Jan. 2011.

    What kind of logic says its racist when the gubmit tells negros they can't get contracts because of their color and it not be racist when the gubmit says you have to wait last in line because of your color.

  103. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Obama Department of Education SWAT Teams are raiding homes and holding residents captive for 6 hours.

  104. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) says he’s staying in Congress for his wife.
    CNN reported:

    Despite mounting calls from even some fellow Democrats for him to resign, Rep. Anthony Weiner has told colleagues he has no plans to do so, a Democratic source told CNN Thursday.

    Weiner told a House Democratic colleague from New York on Wednesday afternoon that he does intend to step down, the source familiar with the conversation said.

    Weiner also said his wife, Huma Abedin, wants him to stay in Congress, and he cited polling data showing a majority of New York City voters want him to remain in office, the source said, describing Weiner as “dug in.”

    Awwwwwww how sweet.Weiner is the face and penis of Democrat family values.

  105. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Queen, Ahoy sailors said....
    alicia banks said...
    psycho stalker vdlr:

    only u assign deep meaning to my every move

    carry on u dl butch bimbo


    You are killin' that degreeless, vagina obsessed 'ho!!!

    And I think that shitty diaper landed between her crossed eyes, LOL!!!

    For somoeone who is supposed to have been educated, why do you sound like such utter ghetto trash?

  106. Ghetto Blaster2:14 PM

    You can take the trash out of the ghetto; but you can't take the ghetto out of the trash.

  107. hey Dr. Queen:

    i am just trying to do as u do daily and slay that vulgar contagious std laden troll!!!

    see her new faceless illiterate lying racist pal assnon???



    its feigning an aversion to name calling will never mask its inept lies... nor tame my habitually superior wisdom/posts herein

    have a regal day!

  108. Rottenkid - forget that this is Black vs Latinos, these are gangbangers doing gangbang s***. We should fighting against thugs in our communities not making this about the "Mexican Menace". Leave the ignorant race baiting to Lou Dobbs.

  109. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Dis bees sum funn chit here.

    Another bizzness dat Obama said be done benefited from Obama's bailouts and stimulus package done gone out of bizzness.

    Lawd almightly how many people dat Obama done said benefited from his bailouts/stimulus packages have lost/gotten fired from their jobs,or had their places of work closed?

    dey be some pissed off mofos--i but sum shocked mofos-shocked at what Joe done bite me mention when he says dis be the summer of recovery.

    Recovery my black azz.

    It be to bad the media be more interested in Obama getting elected than the state of Amerkkka.

    Negros be mo concern without Obama getting re elected than the sad state he has us in.

    It be like whip me again massa it sho done feel goods.

  110. And to our 'good friend' AB - I haven't said anything to our about you. But now we've cleared that up, take your tinfoil hat nonsense somewhere.

    The great conspiracy of American politics is that .....THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY. For most part, no one is hiding their BS or aren't doing it very well.

    And conspiracy theories/secret order crap is for the the politically and mentally lazy and political cowards. Its easier to think that there some great boogie man puppet master than to believe that voting and staying informed matters. Its far linear to think that George Bush had planted bombs in the WTC than to accept that 19 dudes with box cutters could scare the crap out of the world last real superpower.

    You can sit in your bed and pull the sheets over your eyes than to think that you need to get out of your bed, get up and do something.

  111. ghostfaced loony goonie pissy assnon:

    your's + the vdlr's combined IQ = .02% of the IQ of the feces inside the avg 2 mo old infant's used diaper

    said feces is also 200 x less germy than any item in the vdlr's filthy $20.00/mo section 8 apt.

    just a factoid for u 2 factless faceless clueless linkless nasty mfs to share

    u r 2 welcome!!!

  112. hey lack:

    cc that to the trilateral committee VIPs within your false god hobama's heavenly body in dc...

    ok hobama girl????


    fbi assnon/foolish blind idiot:

    u flag waving dumb bold cowards pretend conspiracies do not exist so that you do not have to read and research them...

    carry on u library cardless card carrying clueless moron

    2 planes could never sink and melt 3 bldgs...duh deet deet deee?????

  113. hey no shock shaking sherlock assnon/blind sheeple:

    u dumbed down illiterate brain dead bitches are WILLFULLY ignorant

    that is why hobama needs no black agenda
    he knows u r stupid enough to believe whatever he says and vote for him whenever he tells u to...


    cc that scared lying bs to conspiracy scholar jesse ventura/and jfk's ghost too:

    There’s the Freedom of Information Act, and then there’s Ventura’s way.

    The official spin on numerous government programs is flat-out bullshit, according to Jesse Ventura. In this incredible collection of actual government documents, Ventura, the ultimate non- partisan truth-seeker, proves it beyond any doubt. He and Dick Russell walk readers through 63 of the most incriminating programs to reveal what really happens behind the closed doors. In addition to providing original government data, Ventura discusses what it really means and how regular Americans can stop criminal behavior at the top levels of government and in the media. Among the cases discussed:

    • The CIA’s top-secret program to control human behavior
    • Operation Northwoods—the military plan to hijack airplanes and blame it on Cuban terrorists
    • The discovery of a secret Afghan archive—information that never left the boardroom
    • Potentially deadly healthcare cover-ups, including a dengue fever outbreak
    • What the Department of Defense knows about our food supply—but is keeping mum

    Although these documents are now in the public domain, the powers that be would just as soon they stay under wraps. Ventura’s research and commentary sheds new light on what they’re not telling you—and why it matters.

  114. Anonymous2:41 PM

    OMG, AfAms are, like, citizens now. How quaint. That means they too can line up for contracts that used to be exclusively for wites. So sad.
    The pretense that wites can shove minorities like women and others aside sounds good to the clewless. After all, their daddums threw wimmens out of factories after the Wars, and the Glorious Conservative Heroes shot children to support the incomes of mine owners. And see how upset they are that we won't go meekly away and let them have it all. How about never? You lack the skills, education and work can have your richly deserved lowering of wages and benefits...after all, you volunteered.
    Jamaica, much like Pennsyltucky..


  115. hey lack/deet deet dee:

    u r a trillion times dumber than most hobama nazi nigs i know


    The reality is that the American people, as individuals, have lost their courage. The government prefers it that way as a fearful people are easier to rule than a courageous one. But Americans don't wish to lose their self-image of courage. So, when confronted with a situation demanding courage, in the form of a government gone wrong, the American people simply pretend that the situation does not exist.

    When the World Trade Towers collapsed, most Americans simply refused to believe suggestions that the attacks had been staged by parties working for the US Government itself. Americans were afraid to, even as news reports surfaced proving that the US Government had announced plans for the invasion of Afghanistan early in the year, plans into which the attacks on the World Trade Towers which angered the American people into support of the already-planned war fit entirely too conveniently.

    But so trapped are Americans by their belief in their own bravery that they will themselves to be blind to the evidence before their eyes, so that they can nod in agreement with the government while still imagining themselves to have courage, even as they avoid the one situation which most requires real courage; to stand up to the government's lies and deceptions. The vast majority of the American people, their own self-image dependant on continuing blindness to the government's deceptions, never question why Afghanistan would have done something so stupid as to attack the United States, and as a result, Americans find themselves in a war.

  116. lacking logic and balance:

    it thrills me that you actually brag about believing that:

    hobama is real


    govt conspiracies are fake


    classic denial and simultaneous classic dimwittedness
    make you more priceless than your vintage hobama tee

  117. I bet you think they are Aliens in Roswell and Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy, Alicia. More and more, you reveal yourself more unhinged than I previously thought.

  118. lacking any knowledge:

    i happen to know so x 2.

    if u researched and read both, u would know so too

    u r late
    as always

    what will you do when your govt finally admits both someday u fool????

  119. Anonymous3:00 PM

    unglued diseased cuntlickin banks:

    your stuttering stalker is showing again

    u schizo psycho faceless petri dish!!!

  120. lack/wmd/weapon of mass delusion:

    bet u believed hobama's kinder gentler less racist and elitist clone cuz gwb when he told u sadam had scary bombs too?

    where are all those jobs your god promised????

    they are MORE elusive than aliens no????

  121. Anonymous3:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  122. i bet we all see the green men from space before we see any green jobs on earth via that cia alien

  123. LACoincidental said...
    I bet you think they are Aliens in Roswell and Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy, Alicia. More and more, you reveal yourself more unhinged than I previously thought.

    And I guess you think that psycho vagina obsessed jack ass AB's responding to is posting poetry on this blog?

    IMHO, silent complicity is just as bad as being the idiot poster itself!

  124. i have NEVER dismissed anything until i research it myself...

    shame on these proudly ignorant fools with attitudes!!!!

  125. Slapnuts

    "What kind of logic says its racist when the gubmit tells negros they can't get contracts because of their color"

    That's called American reality. Something goobers like you will never accept.

    Labor Dept studies have shown that when equally qualified white and black job applicants and contractors apply for the same work, the white gets the job 80% of the time.

    "and it not be racist when the gubmit says you have to wait last in line because of your color."

    Once again that's been the reality for black people in America since the getgo.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. vdlr:

    only u assume The Doctor is using new words


    only because most words are new to vocabless lickless morons like u


    ya heard lil bird???

  128. ie

    i thought that clueless mf lack had learned to research after his trilateral commission slaying...sheesh!!!!

    even when they "hide" in plain sight!!!

    even inside hobama's own regime!!!

    As previously noted in Pawns of the Global Elite, Barack Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, it was Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, who was Obama's principal foreign policy advisor.

    The pre-election attention is reminiscent of Brzezinski's tutoring of Jimmy Carter prior to Carter's landslide election in 1976.

    For anyone who doubts the Commission's continuing influence on Obama, consider that he has already appointed no less than eleven members of the Commission to top-level and key positions in his Administration.

    According to official Trilateral Commission membership lists, there are only 87 members from the United States (the other 337 members are from other regions). Thus, in less than two weeks since his inauguration, Obama's appointments encompass more than 12% of Commission's entire U.S. membership.

    Is this a mere coincidence or is it a continuation of dominance over the Executive Branch since 1976? (For important background, read The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty.)

    Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
    Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
    National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones

    Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
    Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
    Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
    Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
    Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
    State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass

    State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
    State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke
    There are many other incidental links to the Trilateral Commission, for instance,

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is married to Commission member William Jefferson Clinton.

    Geithner's informal group of advisors include E. Gerald Corrigan, Paul Volker, Alan Greenspan and Peter G. Peterson, among others. His first job after college was with Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associates.

    Brent Scowcroft has been an unofficial advisor to Obama and was mentor to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

    Robert Zoelick is currently president of the World Bank

    Laurence Summers, White House Economic Advisor, was mentored by former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin during the Clinton administration.

  129. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Dr. Queen:


    have you ever seen so many fools who have never read a book diss ALL scholars so????


    3:08 PM

    If you and Queefa a prime examples of Scholars, god help the Black race it is doomed.

  130. Dr. Queen:

    that unbeweaved unwashed uneducated uncouth uncivilized untamed unseen unchecked unread unruly unashamed unglued vdlr is VULGARLY projecting yet again...


  131. alicia banks said...
    lickless morons like u


    ya heard lil bird???

    Help me out AB, what is this bitch's OBSESSION with vagina? You know I heard once that one sign of a child molester is a person who is obsessed with genitalia like this bitch CLEARY is.

  132. Dr. Queen:

    2 reasons

    she has been unlicked for way too long

    she is a lustful longing dl butch dyke

    shame x 2!!!!!

  133. alicia banks said...
    Dr. Queen:

    she is a lustful longing dl butch dyke

    I think the dl butch dyke (hilarious moniker BTW) is less likely than being a child molester IMHO.

  134. Dr. Queen:


    sex offenders are as fluid as the henny that the vdlr swills...

    with crack...sans coke!

  135. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Dr. Queen:

    that unbeweaved unwashed uneducated uncouth uncivilized untamed unseen unchecked unread unruly unashamed unglued vdlr is VULGARLY projecting yet again...


    Wooo-hhooooooooo another Alicia Banks record - 13 names in one post - wait I think it is just a post with names. Now Alicia, did you eat the Elmer’s glue with your little pals today, is that why you feel extra retarded and frisky? What an incessantly infantile droll woman. The freakazoid headcase part is understandable, somewhat tolerable too. But these delusions of grandeur, why it is almost as if you have a Napoleonic complex, you know where the mentally disturbed have bouts of delusional competencies interspersed amongst their normal feelings of complete inadequacy. I don't recall seeing a woman actually loose in the world who acted like a ten year old kid before observing you. This is a hell of a case study.

    Now Queefa on the other hoof, is just a ghetto bison. So we know what that garbage is all about. Sewage.

  136. assnon/vdlr:

    cc that to your XXX name calling self...

    i know name calling like u know serial solo pregnancies...

    so why u mad boo????

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. Anonymous3:47 PM

    As previously noted in Pawns of the Global Elite, Barack Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, it was Zbigniew Brzezinski from the planet Krull. Zbigniew is from the race of Physclos from the Planet Physclo of which AB hails from. AB is a Physclo really named Chirk in drag.

    So after Zbigniew groomed Obama the intent is to destroy the worlds economy this way Chirk (AKA AB the Physclo) can bring in intergalactic mining and steal all of earths resources, sending them back to the planet Physclo.

    Here is Queen and AB, Dreds and all. Amazing Terl speaks just like AB does, listen this is her!!!!

  139. hey vdlr:

    weave and name and lick this!!!

    Lupe Fiasco needs to be applauded for not being afraid to stand alone, nor fall victim to groupthink.

    The African-American community can pretend now that the bar wasn't higher for this president, but it was. President Obama did not get overwhelming support and tears and comparisons to Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. and the Christian messiah because everyone thought that he was going to be a basic beltway politician. Yet, he gets a pass when he continues former George W. Bush's dangerous and imperialistic foreign policies. If he were a white Dixecratic president who broke campaign promises, there would at least be an admission that he was a liar, but not with Obama. Let's ask ourselves why that is:

    Why are African-Americans so afraid to criticize him? Why are Lupe Fiasco’s words so controversial?

    Because a criticism of him, is a criticism of us; because we made him ours, and we don't want to prove anyone who argued against him as right. He has proven to be an excellent politician, and there is much to commend him for, but he must be held accountable -- just like everyone else -- for his deceptions and ambiguity. Especially by African-Americans. This fear of fighting in front of company, so to speak, has to end.

    President Obama’s lack of backbone as well as his George W. Bush impersonations of late deserve to be addressed just as loudly as his achievements. He is supposed to represent us, all of us, and when he does not, he should know it. He has done back bends for the right, and some of the concessions were justified. Now, for his next trick, let's see if he can be a man true to the words he spoke Election Night, 2008:

    "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree."

    Well, some of us do not agree with you, Mr. President. Are you listening?


    hey retarded assnon:

    my global truths trump your local lies

  140. hey video dumbo:

    as long a u debate by posting unrelated videos and unglued lies

    i will keep WINNING!!!


    see the real me and my real locks here

    got hair/beauty/an online gallery???


  141. Anonymous3:55 PM

    AB gotta admit it you are right I loves me some Lupe too.....

  142. molded moron/nell in trailer pk hell:

    how many assnons have u been

    your loony lingo is not an insult to blacks

    it is only a weird verbal vocal voodoo on u


  143. hey molded:

    i bet you one rusty old junk car to add to your car cemetary/lawn that you have no idea who lupe is!!!

    one of the vdlr's burning thug peens just jacked it...he has them to spare

  144. Anonymous4:15 PM

    one of the vdlr's burning thug peens just jacked it...he has them to spare

    what language is you speakin is dis Physclo you dredded big furry monster

  145. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Dr. Queen:


    have you ever seen so many fools who have never read a book diss ALL scholars so????


    3:08 PM

    If you and Queefa a prime examples of Scholars, god help the Black race it is doomed.

  146. Anonymous4:19 PM

    AB prefers to speak in her native tongue.


  147. hey vdlr:

    just because i boot stomp your tiny weaved head herein so hard that it gives u amnesia

    does not mean that i am not posting ideas you are too illiterate to read and too ignorant to comprehend

    nahmean trick????

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. fried dyed gelled down to the side/monkey brained baldheaded monkey shining vdlr:

    your colorism and your coonism are showing again

    mighty joe young called

    he said he wants his fur back just like mr ed wants his tail u baldheaded beast!!!!

  150. Anonymous4:39 PM

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  151. Anonymous4:41 PM


  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  154. hey vdlr:

    u love hobama's swagger so far???

    how is his hope and change working for u unfed uneducated homeless hopeless unchanged agendaless pregnant hood rats????

  155. hey vdlr:

    u have no IDEA how much u lie like hobama

    but u r keenly aware that you lie like a ho up under each of your baby deddies

    u fertile fool!!!!

  156. Black News Today:

    Obama's Kiss of Death.

    Ohio restaurant referenced by Obama is closing

    Associated Press - June 9, 2011

    TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - An Ohio restaurant mentioned last week by President Barack Obama as an indirect beneficiary of the government's Chrysler bailout will go out of business Sunday after a more than 70-year history.

    Co-owner Richard Lawrence of New Chet's Restaurant in Toledo says business has fallen victim to the economy and the workplace smoking ban approved by Ohio voters in 2006. He told The Blade newspaper of Toledo on Wednesday that auto industry cutbacks also hurt.

    Lawrence says he used to deliver up to $300 in food per week to Chrysler Group LLC's Jeep plant in Toledo, but now that's down to about $100 worth.

    Obama visited the plant on Friday and told workers that without them, who would eat at Chet's or patronize other local businesses?

    One word from the idiot Obama and a business goes into bankruptcy.

    Chrysler and GM are not yet saved. But the sale of Chrysler to Fiat is almost complete. With that it will become an Italian problem.

    Meanwhile, GM is getting closer to the day when it has to declare the utter failure of the Chevy Volt, it's $41,000 electric Edsel.

    GM stock is sinking. Nevertheless, GM is making its biggest push in China. For GM, that's where the job growth is.

    On the other hand, while Obama twiddles his thumbs, oil is trading over $100 a barrel, and the most needed oil -- West Texas Intermediate -- is trading for $118. WTI is the best stuff for gasoline.

    To help the economy in two ways, Obama should open the door to drilling more of it. But he's too big a moron for that.

  157. molded moron:

    my real dreadlocks have nothing to do with your clown wig or that clown's weave!

    stay in your car cemetary!!!

  158. molded moron:

    hobama's peen is only an issue for u and the vdlr who want to do him...

    and for larry sinclair who already did him.


  159. Vidal Baboon5:18 PM

    Hey often do you wash that nasty mop of yours?

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. vdlr:

    STALKER MINDS Talk about Alicia
    Below Average Minds Talk about Alicia
    GREAT HATER MINDS Talk about Alicia




  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. vdlr:

    blue is the color of pain

    i feel your pain in spades!!!

    i bet u wish u were purple like me

    especially after your pookies beat u down while drunk off of that crown in dem purple bags u save to keep your itsy bitsy teeny tiny pink "hair" rollers!!!

  164. Vidal Baboon5:36 PM

    Heh. Yeah, just as I suspected.

  165. AB, I know we have our difference, but may I suggest ignoring these stalkers? Their so purpose is to egg you on and annoy you.

  166. lac:

    thanks...i do try!

    it is just sooo eacy and soooo much irresistible fun!!!

    just like old times on air...

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

  167. just toooo addictively easy!!!!

  168. Anonymous5:46 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    AB, I know we have our difference, but may I suggest ignoring these stalkers

    Notice AB stalkers didn't come back on this board til mold starting posting again.

    Mold=AB stalker?

  169. Anonymous5:50 PM

    LOL true

  170. if these haters could hear my silky sexy feminine voice

    they would hate me even more

    just as the horny homohaters did on air...

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

  171. Anonymous7:03 PM


    alicia banks said...

    thanks...i do try!

    it is just sooo eacy and soooo much irresistible fun!!!

    just like old times on air...

    IZ YOU IZ OR IZ YOU AINT MY CRAZY wut kin of nutjob comes on a blog and does nothin but talk bout herself I 'ze bootiful...heres my resume...gibbons banks u gots sum serious issue you gotz to be crazy who else has no shame and keeps talkin good things bout gots one lonely lonely lonely life!!!

  172. Field, 'Fire in Babylon' is out on DvD. Far be it for me to tell you what you should watch, but I think you should invest in this one.

    I saw it at our local Cineplex, and I would describe it as very good - but not quite a great movie.

    The problem is that the movie tries to shoe-horn black nationalism into the success of the great Windies team of the '70's and '80's, when the evidence for its influence is rather thin.

    Certainly Viv Richards was very much influenced by the rise of black conciousness, but there is little hard evidence that supports the movie's efforts to extrapolate that across the entire team.

    The movie shows that before Clive Lloyd, the Windies were a disperate bunch of individuals from a variety of islands playing largely for island loyalties. Lloyd changed all that, he molded them into a relentless machine that ground all opposition teams into the dust.

    No other sporting team in any sport anywhere in the world achieved what this team did. The effect that the team's success had on (for instance) the apartheid movement in South Africa was startling, and previously unknown to me.

    The Windies team galvanized black conciousness around the World - that is their great legacy. The only problem is that the movie wrongly attributes the motivation to the black power movement of the day, when in fact there were almost as many contributory factors as there were players in the squad.

    But still, a seriously watchable film, especially if you are as given to nostalgia as I am. It's great to see interviews with the likes of Clive Lloyd, Viv Richards, Joel Garner, Courtney Walsh* and old 'whispering death' himself Michael Holding.

    Oh, and the soundtrack? FAN-TAST-IC...

    *I wanted to name our twin sons Joel and Courtney, but my wife vetoed my plan, because she has a cousin Joel that she doesn't like, and apparently in America Courtney is a girl's name.

  173. Slapnuts said...
    Notice AB stalkers didn't come back on this board til mold starting posting again.

    Mold=AB stalker?

    Obviously you aren't paying attention.

    Mold IS Mandisha R the vagina obsessed, bold font using, shit breathing, internet stalker!

  174. PC, thanks for the tip on that DVD. That's the kind of knowledge I wanted, not the same old vulgar cursing and disrespect that I have been getting from these anons. They are killing my delete button.
    I love a good verbal smack down as much as the next guy, but this stuff isn't even creative.

    I have to talk to the President of Anon. Inc. about this crew. :) AB you really should not try to engage certain folks. You don't have to respond to everything, do you?

    Mold, I hope you enjoyed your time on the rock. Did you get a chance to visit my home town of Mandeville? It's the best place on the island.

  175. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Slapnuts said...
    Notice AB stalkers didn't come back on this board til mold starting posting again.

    Mold=AB stalker?

    Obviously you aren't paying attention.

    Mold IS Mandisha R the vagina obsessed, bold font using, shit breathing, internet stalker!

    Damn queen,thats messed up.I will apologize to you and AB for all the nasty stuff i posted.

  176. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Since that guy/girl does nothing but antagonize AB,he/she is basically spaming.

    So why not do to he/she what you do to spammers?

  177. You have a great blog and I read it every day?

    Cheers, g.

  178. Thanks Gaz!Back at ya. *raising glass*
