Monday, May 07, 2012

"Incontinent Speeches", and those racist anonymous trolls.

I have been reading and hearing about these empty seats at Obama's kick- off in Ohio, recently. George Will had a snarky remark about O's ego and why there were empty seats at the event. Trudy Rubin wrote about it in her daily Romney Talking Points section, and wingnut radio hosts like Hugh Hewitt cant stop chirping about how his Oness is in trouble because of his poor start.

Anyway, I keep looking at that picture of Flipper's stadium debut, and I can't help but wonder what type of gas they put in the ventilation system in conservative homes. Whatever it is must have them seeing into some type of  parallel universe. Because, unless I am missing something, that bad boy is EMPTY!

Can you imagine if O had opened to a crowd like that?

The sad thing is that the national press is playing right along. I guess they will do anything to not appear to be in the tank for O. In sports we call this a make up call.

Still, if I was a wingnut I wouldn't start measuring the curtains at 1600 Pennsylvania, Avenue just yet. To stay with the sports metaphor: we are just in the first quarter. There is a lot of playing left to do.

Finally, I read an interesting article by Latoya Livingston and Kenneth Mallory from the online MMTC news letter.

They talk about something that we know all too well about on this blog, and what drives it.*

"It happens all too often: We read an interesting article and feel compelled to add our two cents about the topic, so we scroll down to the comments section only to be faced with a barrage of hate. Arguably, most people who write articles would love for their work to be a catalyst for discussion and learning. Unfortunately, many journalists have found the opposite, their words being a springboard for racists and Internet trolls to graffiti their work with odium.

According to digital scholar Vint Cerf, "The Internet is a reflection of our society and that mirror is going to be reflecting what we see. If we do not like what we see in that mirror the problem is not to fix the mirror, we have to fix society." But is this true? Are the vile words of so many on the Internet true representations of American society? And what effect does that have on minority broadband adoption and their desire to allow access to this type of expression into their home?
Several online events seem to call into question Cerf's remarks by forcing many to ask whether the Internet can engender racism not seen during day to day "real world" interactions.
Many have expressed outrage and shock at what they contend are racist comments made online regarding minorities portrayed in and producing popular media. These expressions of hate, from tweets to comments, which would never have been voiced in public or "mixed-company," thrive on the Internet"..[More]

Yes, "But if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, did it really make a sound?" Look, I know they are out there, but I actually think that the racist and ignorant among us do more damage in the real world than they do on the Internet.  

Now once they start acting on their Internet urges we might have a problem.
Still, at least the Internet lets us know that they are out there, and that things aren't always what they seem. 

* Pic from MMTC Broadband&   



  1. You've got a particularly virulent strain of storm-troll infesting your comments section Field; they're almost as bad as poxnews.coms regulars.

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    You've got a particularly virulent strain of storm-troll infesting your comments

    Psychological projection, much?

  3. Free speech is a wonderful thing but that doesn't mean you have to invite someone into your home to insult you.

  4. NSangoma10:03 PM


    George Will, a playa; damn, field, there is hope for you, yet:
    George Will has always been a hypocrite (Mr. Old-Time Family Values was famously thrown out of the house when his then-wife found out about his affair with his now-wife and threw all his belongings onto the lawn),


  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I hear that Travis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West have written a book that's on the New York Times best seller list. Does anyone here know what the title of the book is and 'why' Field has not even mentioned it?

  6. the problem with internet troll is that there is absolutely no way to know how representative they are. One knucklehead can post a million comments under different names creating a perception of a whole crowd or a common idea, when really its just one jerk.
    People lie.

    But then sometimes they tell the truth they wouldn't tell in public.

  7. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Whitey, "You've got a particularly virulent strain of storm-troll infesting your comments section Field; they're almost as bad as poxnews.coms" regulars.

    9:25 PM
    These trolls have been handpicked by the President of Anon, Inc to insure they are not virulent nazis. Anon Inc resents your accusation and feels you are questioning the integrity of our fine company.

    FYI: Anon Inc's integrity and honesty is beyond reproach. Our solid contract with FN speaks for itself. We help keep FN in the business of epic debates never before seen or heard of! Mr. Whitey, you and the rest of the resident IDs owe us an apology!

  8. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Did Brohammas just call one of us a "knucklehead?" I've read his comment twice but still can't tell. I mean, I don't want to call him a "Philly Cheesesteak" when he doesn't deserve it.

  9. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "I have been reading and hearing about these empty seats at Obama's kick- off in Ohio, recently."

    Contrasted with his last visit there...when every seat was's a graphic illustration of his plummeting popularity.

    As always, you completely miss the point.

  10. Anonymous11:06 PM

    poor Obama is going to lose this fall.

  11. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "George Will has always been a hypocrite"

    LOLOL George will has a loyal readership, and is paid handsomely for his writing.

    You don't, and you aren't. But keep drinking that haterade...

    Speaking of hypocrites, are you aware that Cordell Lamar Jude, the black male who murdered unarmed hispanic Daniel Adkins at a Taco Bell in Phoenix STILL has not been arrested??

    Where's the outrage?

  12. Anonymous11:09 PM

    PR's Miguel Cotto lost to Mayweather this past week. Looks like those PR boxers have been eating to much of Desert's cakes.

    I tried to tell them to leave those cakes alone but they wouldn't listen!

  13. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Bill Bunion said-

    A.N.O.N Inc. is a branch of the Church of Satan. Anon stands for Assholes & Nutcases who Obfuscate about Nothing. I have tried many times to direct them to an exorcist, but alas, without results.

  14. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "But then sometimes they tell the truth they wouldn't tell in public."

    For publicly speaking the truth, you will be fired from your job, or assaulted by angry blacks who react violently to uncomfortable facts.

  15. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Anonymous @ 11:09 said-
    PR's Miguel Cotto lost to Mayweather this past week. Looks like those PR boxers have been eating to much of Desert's cakes.

    I tried to tell them to leave those cakes alone but they wouldn't listen!

    could you pleaase explain to me how you could say bad things about a lady who bakes birthday cakes for children? What has happened to you in your miserable life that would make you make fun of a person who brings happyness to little children? Please take your pedophilic tendencies and hatred of children elesewhere for you are surely an abomination.

  16. You got the parallel universe thing right. Up is down and left is right. It's almost as if the insane wing of the GOP has taken over. You would be led to believe that there was a concerted effort by the John Bircher types to slowly and methodically take over media outlets and install judges that would rule in their favor in decisions such as Citizens United to let a crazy, but rich, minority control the dialouge and influence elections. Hmmmmm, didn't daddy Koch have a role in early Bircher stuff? Just saying.

  17. Anonymous11:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    You got the parallel universe thing right. Up is down and left is right. It's almost as if the insane wing of the GOP has taken over. You would be led to believe that there was a concerted effort by the John Bircher types to slowly and methodically take over media outlets and install judges that would rule in their favor in decisions such as Citizens United to let a crazy, but rich, minority control the dialouge and influence elections. Hmmmmm, didn't daddy Koch have a role in early Bircher stuff? Just saying.

    You are completely clueless aren't you? You seem to gloss over the Sgt Schultz obamabot highlights but don't have a clue what they mean. The Radical left, very rich con men elected by the ignorant racist such as you.

    Obama has been dirty since day one, foreign campaign donations, acorn and on and on. There is nothing wrong with free speech no matter who funds an ad. After all, you aren't that stupid are you that you believe whatever they say, Just because they have money to buy time and say it. Or is this why you protest so much, you are.

  18. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Well, to those whose only significance in life was to be born white...Obama is the Wurst President Evah...because it means the wites will have to face that the majority of the US declines to beleeve.

    Poor wingnuts, now the Kochs can have unpaid suckers to spew the same lies. All that hoperating to be the next Breitbart or Jonah Goldberg...and the Kochs can have Goober do it...for Free.


  19. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "could you pleaase explain to me how you could say bad things about a lady who bakes birthday cakes for children?"

    Oh you poor sap, you missed the entire point.

  20. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Well, to those whose only significance in life was to be born white...Obama is the Wurst President Evah...because it means the wites will have to face that the majority of the US declines to beleeve.

    Poor wingnuts, now the Kochs can have unpaid suckers to spew the same lies. All that hoperating to be the next Breitbart or Jonah Goldberg...and the Kochs can have Goober do it...for Free.


    What a racist prick you are Steven. Did you really get kicked out of your gated community for pulling a Trayvon?

  21. Anonymous12:29 AM

    :) hey Anon!(wave) all of those fights are fixed. It's just a money making machine. But people love fantasy so.....

  22. My policy is never to respond to comments by "Anonymous." But I do have a question: Did you really write all that old poetry?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc.,for the most part, you run a fine organization. However,sadly, your outfit might have also been subject to a troll infestation.:)

  25. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Field, "Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc.,for the most part, you run a fine organization. However,sadly, your outfit might have also been subject to a troll infestation.:)"

    Oh Lord, getting rid of this infestation is going to hurt my profit margin.

  26. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, "Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc.,for the most part, you run a fine organization. However,sadly, your outfit might have also been subject to a troll infestation.:)"

    Oh Lord, getting rid of this infestation is going to hurt my profit margin.

    Open a non-profit and get Obama to fund it from his stash, while he is still in office. Or just become a reverend like Al and Jesse.

  27. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Another 35 billion bailout to save the failing post office. Can you imagine another government service that has turned into a major black employer that is failing and requires capitalists to bail it out?

    What do kinney shoes and the Post office have in common? 100,000 Black Loafers. Run it like UPS or Fed Ex and you will have better service, qualified employees and make a profit providing more tax money for other "social programs".

  28. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Sorry, FN, but I gotta vent here:
    You mean to tell me that the successful/failed re-election of "His One-ness" is contingent upon our President's position on "same-sex-marriage" BECAUSE "KNEE-GROWS" (especially bible-thumpin', evangelistic, church-going ones)are notoriously homophobic - and we know they are.
    Un-fu..king-believable! And yet, we find time to piss and moan about crackers' racism. How f--ing dumb are we? Racism and homophobia share a common parent:
    Thank you for your time.
    The G'Man Here

  29. Racism exists on the Internet like road rage on the highway; people say and do things they otherwise wouldn't believing they're protected by a cloak of anonymity. Think of net racism like beer goggles or liquid courage.

  30. Aquaman11:00 AM

    William L. Tucker, Jr. said...
    Racism exists on the Internet like road rage on the highway; people say and do things they otherwise wouldn't believing they're protected by a cloak of anonymity. Think of net racism like beer goggles or liquid courage.

    You are all wet.

  31. Third Eye Blind11:02 AM

    Un-fu..king-believable! And yet, we find time to piss and moan about crackers' racism. How f--ing dumb are we? Racism and homophobia share a common parent:
    Thank you for your time.
    The G'Man Here

    Ignorance is not being able to understand, deal with or denying reality. If you get poop on it you are bound to catch some kind of disease. It isn't natural. It is against all nature and mankind, it is sick.

  32. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "Open a non-profit and get Obama to fund it from his stash, while he is still in office. Or just become a reverend like Al and Jesse."

    Thanks for the advice. You are a very creative anon.

  33. memo to hobama:

    no lies live forever

    ditto for cia babies' hoaxes

    the empty seats have just begun!

  34. memo to hobama:

    no lies live forever

    ditto for cia babies' hoaxes

    the empty seats have just begun!

  35. The Ugly Nubian11:47 AM

    AB is just like Herpes. Wait a while, and it will rear it's ugly head again.

    I'll take an Anon over her camel toe lips any day.

  36. Anonymous12:12 PM

    alicia banks said...
    memo to hobama:

    no lies live forever

    ditto for cia babies' hoaxes

    the empty seats have just begun!

    Link goes to a post that says happy 2012 dated Jan 3rd. How is this related to empty seats and CIA babies? I thought you had some news?

  37. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Mr Field, I love the title of your post, esp the latter half, "..and those racist anonymous trolls". Please continue to allow the nature of real life racism to display its evil ugliness on FN. I applaud you for doing so.

    Racism is a practice, as shown by some here, that is a major barrier to harmonious human relations and the unity of a nation. It violates human dignity to such a degree that it cannot be accepted under ANY pretext.

    Racism is an outrageous insult in the face of Creation. It corrupts its offenders, prevents the growth of its victims, and therefore blights human potentiality which is so necessary for the survival of a nation and the planet.

    Mr. Field, I recognize there are some racially comments that are of the lowest denominator which cannot be displayed. However, I hope you will continue to allow as much as possible. This historical hatred must be recorded during this opportune time of the internet in America.

    Keep going, Field....Thank you for FN.

  38. Anonymous12:37 PM

    AB, I am beginning to suspect that you are not a person who respects herself. So many insults have been hurled at Blacks on FN and you still remain silent but spend your time attacking Obama with same words and phrases over and over again. Do you really think racism will go into hiding once Obama is out of office?

  39. parvenu2:00 PM

    Field, regarding the video of the "empty seats" at the stadium in Ohio for Obama's campaign kickoff. It has been reported and verified that these pictures were taken at a previous event at the stadium days before the Obama kickoff rally. The "empty Stadium" pictures were originally broadcast by FOX as supposedly being recorded immediately before Obama's speech at the stadium.

    FOX is well known for doing this picture swapping shit. They did something similar for a Glenn Beck rally in Washington DC. A huge crowd of black folks were having a separate outdoor convention(with people from all around the nation) on a different area of the concourse at the same time as the Beck rally. Fox turned their cameras on the black folk's convention for all of their long shots to give the appearance of a huge turnout for the Beck Rally; whereas Beck had only around 400 people at the most attending his rally.

    We need to wise up and stop being tricked by these Right wing video technicians.

  40. Show Me The Money2:26 PM

    " parvenu said...
    Field, regarding the video of the "empty seats" at the stadium in Ohio for Obama's campaign kickoff. It has been reported and verified that these pictures were taken at a previous event at the stadium days before the Obama kickoff rally."

    If that truly is the case, surely you can post us a link that will "verify" what you say.

  41. vdlr:

    you are a hobama nazi moron

    and you prove that each time u lie like hobama about my site/your ineptitude/hobama's cia life/hobama's racist global bloody legacy as prez etc

    carry on u dizzy bitch

    and only one date need vex u

    selection day nov 2012


  42. see much more on that washed up cia baby hobama and his racist blind black moron drones here


  43. 5/8/12

    enjoy u turbo breeding hobama baby deddy fantasy drunken bitch

    cc this to hobama's jobless homeless black agendaless fans

    Because they connect to much bigger problems that go to the heart of the Obama campaign’s arguments for a second term. Moreover, the time to repair these problems is rapidly running out.

    Obama semiofficially launched his re-election campaign—as opposed to the hundreds of “nonpolitical” appearances he has made over the past three years—at a rally Saturday at Ohio State University. Some 14,000 supporters filled the arena—or rather, did not fill the arena. Coverage of the event focused heavily on the 4,000 empty seats, and Obama’s senior campaign adviser David Axelrod was pressed by ABC’s Jake Tapper about whether the turnout demonstrated a lack of “enthusiasm” for the president.

    What makes those empty seats mean more are other, more substantive matters: The jobs picture for young people is especially bleak; the April unemployment rate for workers under 25 was 16.4 percent—double the overall national rate; as many as half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed; younger workers have fared worse than any other age group in terms of recovering from the hammer blows of 2008.

    If the president is to be re-elected, he is going to have to come reasonably close to his success with younger voters four years ago, when he won 66 percent of the vote among people between the ages of 18 and 29. It was that margin, along with a respectable (though not spectacular) turnout, that made the difference in close states like Florida and North Carolina. If the jobs outlook for new college graduates and younger workers continues to be bleak, the problem won’t be filling seats in an arena, but filling the polls in November.

  44. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Field, regarding the video of the "empty seats" at the stadium in Ohio for Obama's campaign kickoff. It has been reported and verified that these pictures were taken at a previous event at the stadium days before the Obama kickoff rally. The "empty Stadium" pictures were originally broadcast by FOX as supposedly being recorded immediately before Obama's speech at the stadium.

    FOX is well known for doing this picture swapping shit. They did something similar for a Glenn Beck rally in Washington DC. A huge crowd of black folks were having a separate outdoor convention(with people from all around the nation) on a different area of the concourse at the same time as the Beck rally. Fox turned their cameras on the black folk's convention for all of their long shots to give the appearance of a huge turnout for the Beck Rally; whereas Beck had only around 400 people at the most attending his rally.

    Where in the world did you get this fiction from? It was quite the opposite. Research it, here is a picture. The parks service noted the national mall was jam packed and there were over 400,000 people. You are thinking of The Jon stewart and Sharpton rallies where there werent' enough people to fill the seats in the front of the mall and they even had unions, acorns etc paid and bussed in.

    Democrats are a teeny portion of this country, especially radical ones. YOu can thank god for that otherwise we wouldnt have what we do for everyone to suck dry.

  45. 352 E.5:54 PM

    Lil'george did well for a kid who was born in the middle of a corn field. He went to school overseas and during the 80's was positioned as the new Mark Twain with a little Will Rogers thrown in. He was a journalist who benefited from national TV exposure. He was wrapped in newsprint and had printers ink running thru his veins, in fact he was kinda likable.
    But as they say,"anything that gets too hot has got to cool down." Now it seems that he is trying to stay current by taking a cheap shot at Pres. Obama. While he never fit as a lead on-camera persona, his hyperverbalized use of the english language was what kept people tuning in. It's sad to see how he has become impotent and that he's no better than some of the anons who troll these bandwidths.Personal attacks are always in bad taste when your skeletons are visible and hanging in the closet next to your raincoat and umbrella.
    Talk about ego!

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Anonymous5:54 PM

    why does the black stormfront draw so much hate? like the ol' sayin'

    a thousand flies can't be wrong.

  48. stormfront is relic ghost compared to the kkklowns that rule this blog


  49. " Look, I know they are out there, but I actually think that the racist and ignorant among us do more damage in the real world than they do on the Internet."

    I don't know if I agree with this Field. In real life and outside of work, a stalking, jealous, racists assnon can't do much. But as a former regular poster told us, with just a little bit of information about a person gained from the internet, this same a$$hole can just about ruin someone's life, anonymously.

    And all because some folks wanted to share personal info in the hopes of bonding with like minded people???

    Seems an awfully high price to pay IMHO, but I certainly appreciate the "lesson". When it comes to the Internet, especially where stalking, jealous, racists assnons are concerned, the less you reveal, the better off you are in the long run. Unless you're an Attorney.

  50. vdlr:

    check it ALL out u illiterate trick!

    endless new info

    endless relevant links

    and a site search engine

    u lie like hobama u blind bimbo

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. memo to hobama and the vdlr:

    do the twist on this

    eff u both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. LickaWanda Jones9:04 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    "I don't know if I agree with this Field. In real life and outside of work, a stalking, jealous, racists assnon can't do much. But as a former regular poster told us, with just a little bit of information about a person gained from the internet, this same a$$hole can just about ruin someone's life, anonymously.

    And all because some folks wanted to share personal info in the hopes of bonding with like minded people???

    Seems an awfully high price to pay IMHO, but I certainly appreciate the "lesson". When it comes to the Internet, especially where stalking, jealous, racists assnons are concerned, the less you reveal, the better off you are in the long run. Unless you're an Attorney.

    It took you 30 years of being edumacated to figure out the internet is the last place to share personal information? It isn't like you are spreading joy and wisdom on these interwebs, in fact you could be a poster ho for how to lose friends and make people hate you.

    Just as in real life, people don't cotton to you very much. oh-oh is using the word cotton racist yet?

    You shit sure will never be a Doctor!!


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