Sunday, May 06, 2012

Mr. Grenell's reality check.

I remember back in the day when I was a youngster trying to work my way into the A-merry-can political scene. I wasn't so much of an ideologue back then. My mind was pretty much still open to new ideas and ways of doing things politically.

So when a friend of mine, who happens to be one of those rare black republicans, (Shout out to GG!) asked me if I wanted to go to their convention in New Orleans, I hesitated at first but still went for it.

Folks, I am here to tell you that there is a reason why the republican tent is so small. Trust me when I tell you that they kind of like it that way. I will give you that this was the late eighties, but still, if looks could kill I wouldn't be here today. I don't care how much progress wingnuts claim they have made, you will never catch my black ass at such an event again. Ever!

Anyway I gave you that little vignette because I want to talk about  Richard Grenell for a minute. Mr. Grenell is one of these guys who believes that he can fit into that republican tent even though he is openly Gay. Sadly for Richard, he is under the illusion that just because he thinks like they do the [right] wingnuts will accept him. They will not. I saw that up close and personal as a black man walking around the Louisiana Superdome in 1988.

"Richard Grenell, whom Mitt Romney chose last month as his presidential campaign’s national security and foreign policy spokesman, stepped down from his post Tuesday, suggesting that the conservative backlash over his sexuality prevented him from being effective in his role.

In a statement provided to The Washington Post, Grenell, who is openly gay, said: “While I welcomed the challenge to confront President Obama’s foreign policy failures and weak leadership on the world stage, my ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign.” He added: “I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team.” [Source]

Richard, don't blame the fact that you are getting the business for being Gay from your wingnut friends on the "presidential campaign". You might want to take a look at the people who are attacking you, personally. They are not liberals or democrats; they are your ideological soul-mates who are right there under the tent with you, and they want you out.

Remember that old joke that us black folks like to tell about a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders? Well you belong with us chickens.




  1. That was Willard's first real attempt at "etch-a-sketching" a moderate/serious dog-whistle to swing voters and neocons without upsetting the white evangelical theocrats. So, how'd that work out for him? Well, the swing voters are more turned off than ever by the crazies' ugly attack, the neocons are disgusted by his lack of support for a charter member of their club, and the crazies are only more confirmed in their belief that he's only paying them lip-service and can't be trusted. In other words, just about perfect.... but then I'm an Obama supporter, so....

  2. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Love the 'purity' litmus tests for Rs. Reminds me of the old Nazi/witey ones.

    Once they eradicate the 'heretics'...they begin to go through the ranks of the 'faithful'...until all 'non-beleevers are removed.
    Couldn't happen to a 'nicer' bunch of folks. ;)


  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "Mr. Grenell is one of these guys who believes that he can fit into that republican tent"

    How do you know what Mr. Grenell believes? Do you know him? When was the last time you talked to him?

    Love how libs are always telling us how we think and what we believe.

  4. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Field, even if you killed all conservatives tomorrow, you would just end up in another Soviet Union. Conservatives are all that stand between you and that dismal fate.

    Oh and your typical leftist tricks of trying to make what you believe be mainstream and what is normal be radical is laughable.

    There are 2-3 times as many conservatives in this country than there are lefties if not more and there are only 1-3% Homosexuals. Adding to this the entire Black population of 13%, of which we should clarify the majority is vehemently anti gay. Blacks are majorly Anti gay despite voting Democrat.

    Surely you aren't trying to say in a roundabout fashion that you are Gay and thus the reason you are a democrat is your feeling you got the "stinkeye" when you attended the Republican convention? You do know that we really didn't need to know this.

    Why this conclusion? In so many words all you could offer as support of your position is that you thought you got dirty looks and then talk about someone Gay. What were you wearing? Where you selling weed? Did you touch someone else's leg in a homoerotic inviting manner? You might find this hard to accept but some democrats don't like that while some Republicans do.

  5. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Wow Field, what's up with criticizing Grenell for being a Republican? Hell, Van Zant had to quit the President's team because he had been rendered ineffective too. What was the reason for that? Was he gay, or was it because he was Black and a male?

    You really ought to stop throwing stones. Don't know if you have noticed but you live in a glass house. You spend "too much time" covering gay stories.

    You are making more of black folks suspicious of you. But maybe that's your way of coming out?

  6. Mary Cheney, Dick's married lesbian daughter, served as her father's director of vice presidential operations for the 2004 campaign. The only people who tried to make an issue of it were Democrats. Repugs were silent. Dick Cheney's power was so great, his reputation so fearsome, no Repugs dared call him out on it. What we're seeing now are things: First, Mitt has very little juice with the party base. Second, male homobigots are much more disturbed by male homosexuals than by female homosexuals. They enjoy watching girl on girl porno. They're terrified that guy on guy sex might give them a little thrill.

  7. That's the problem coming to haunt the GOP. They are the last bastion for white males but the country is becoming more diverse so what to do. Embrace the diversity and risk losing the base? Such a quandry. I love the true believers that claim they are the party of diversity. These are the same silly people who claim the prez is the one dividing us while ignoring the fact that so many different groups voted for Barack while only whites are backing Romney and vote Repub. Strange bizarro world conservatives live in.

  8. "The only people who tried to make an issue of it were Democrats."

    Only as far as pointing out Republican hypocrisy on the issue.

  9. It does seem that everybody is into this kind of stuff lately. Don’t really understand it though, but thanks for trying to explain it. Appreciate you shedding light into this matter. Keep it up

  10. Anonymous3:07 AM

    PilotX, apparently you erroneously believe Obama is going to win? Forget it. He is in worse shape than Romney. Obama's record is 'very poor' but Romney's record is 'average to good'.

    Face it. It's time for a more honest President and that clearly is Romney. Obama is toast

  11. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Field, need I remind you that white gays are the biggest racists on the planet against Blacks? I live in the bay area and white gays hate Blacks. Do you remember what Savage said about Blacks?

    Why do you court such racists? I mean, they NEVER showed up to march with us lately or during the Civil Rights era. As a matter of fact, they have NEVER supported us....NEVER!!!

  12. Anonymous3:50 AM

    PilotX said...
    That's the problem coming to haunt the GOP. They are the last bastion for white males but the country is becoming more diverse so what to do. Embrace the diversity and risk losing the base? Such a quandry. I love the true believers that claim they are the party of diversity. These are the same silly people who claim the prez is the one dividing us while ignoring the fact that so many different groups voted for Barack while only whites are backing Romney and vote Repub. Strange bizarro world conservatives live in.

    Actually what you call diversity is the fringe of society, the outcasts, the lunatics, the ones who are demented. Small, small groups. Who does Obama have in his corner?

    Illegals - some. Why? Free Stuff. You are fool enough to give away what your own brothers don't have.

    Blacks - majority - Racism pure and simple. Stick with the skin wether it kills you or not.

    Far Left Whackjobs/Radicals, communists - those who don't have a clue how life really works but sure want someone else to work to support their life.

    Gays - No, sorry. No matter how much you want to try and force me to accept it, one man sucking off another and getting excrement on him is not natural and god proves this by creating diseases. If you like it go for it. But you better know now, I will never accept the next item already being worked on by you radical democrats of promoting man/boy sex. I will bury you first.

    Anyone of any race can be conservative, it isn't even a huge issue. But you see thats the problem to the ragtag infidels, they want race to be an issue, it's all they have.

    Obama is toast. He is the head of a radical ragtag of societal misfits.

  13. "Actually what you call diversity is the fringe of society, the outcasts, the lunatics, the ones who are demented. Small, small groups. Who does Obama have in his corner? "

    Essentially anyone who doesn't want to walk the primrose path of extreme nativism, austerity, bigotry and general lunacy that the GOP now represents, not to mention those who see the GOP as a bunch of hypocritical and morally degenerate bagmen who stand at the beck and call of capricious corporate interests.

    Dismissing Obama's supporters as a motley collection of niggers, spics, hippies, commies and queers is part and parcel with the GOP Playbook. Always was, ever since the moneyed interests behind the Dixiecrats and Republicans felt miffed over FDR's New Deal.

    Thanks to the overwhelming insanity of major portions of your party, you're now stuck with a feckless yet well-funded Etch-A-Sketch who does absolutely nothing to satisfy your deep-seated lust to wail on and lynch as many queers, niggers, spics and hippies as your heart desires. And you'll watch impotently as Obama cruises to a second term.

    "Blacks - majority - Racism pure and simple. Stick with the skin wether it kills you or not."

    Irony of ironies, black Americans could care less about their skin. It's their white American counterparts who seem to make a big deal out of it.

  14. Oh my, so many folks concerned with my sexuality. I would say that only my hairdresser knows for sure, but I don't have one.

    I was actually wearing a very nice suit at that convention. Maybe that was the problem, republicans are not very in touch with their sartorial side.:)

  15. fn:

    what the hell have that dl liar hobama and his dem drones done for gays???

    other than make them legal corpses and unequal cannon fodder???

    reps = dems

    hobama is an evil dl frenemy to blind fool gays

    this fool is more proof

    and no different from his equally foolish gay dem doormat peers


    cc this bs to hobama's homohating dl homo pals rick warren/donnie mcclurkin/tony dungy etc


  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. jay z is far more than an entertainer

    he is a brazen warlock and hobama's fav illuminati pal

    ditto for his witch wife bey who has never been pregnant


  18. letter to that fake dl frenemy hobama

    Unlike former president King Shrub/George W. Bush, you did not veto the belated Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

    Thank you for enacting this new law that will finally equate the deaths of homosexuals with others who are hated, beaten, and murdered.

    We homosexuals sincerely appreciate that our ongoing murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings will now be as legal as the countless murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings of heterosexuals. All hate crimes are escalating in this violent world increasingly filled with bigoted, jobless, homeless, and hungry people…

    The excessive and unequal frequency of our violent abuses may wound us a bit less, now that our fatal gaybashings will be illegal. We homosexuals are indeed violently abused by all races and classes of persons all over the world.

    Please remember that the profound and valid equality we seek still escapes us as you continue to evade and ignore the real legal changes that we homosexuals so desperately need. That equality includes:

    The equality of marriage and international marital benefits

    The equality of not being forced to live lies in uniform

    The equality to share all insurance benefits and other financial assets with our spouses

    You must understand that all of the above human rights make the equal right to become an illegal punching bag or a corpse feel like a criminally small feat.

    We are weary with your waiting and window dressing Sir.

    And, we are watching you…

  19. reps = dems = all homohaters

    fretting over sterile gays...why???

    amoral absentee het breeders are destroying america


    Desmond Hatchett, 29, has almost two dozen children by 11 different women, unfortunately his minimum wage job doesn’t allow him to take care of them all, reports Tampa Bay News.
    His 21 children range in age from newborn to 11 and Hatchett holds court as the biggest deadbeat at the Knox County Juvenile Child Support Court in Tennessee.
    According to Tampa Bay News, the state of Tennessee can’t stop him from pro-creating, but they can make sure that he stays in jail — or court — unless he pays the mothers. Friday, Hatchett appeared 11 times to settle with about 15 of children, with nothing but a $400 check. He waited behind bars while a “child support referee” decided how to split the check between the women.

    By the time his check is garnished monthly, some of the mothers get only $1.98 a month.

  20. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    Irony of ironies, black Americans could care less about their skin

    That's because blacks spend all their time obsessing over white skin.

  21. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Field, "I was actually wearing a very nice suit at that convention. Maybe that was the problem, republicans are not very in touch with their sartorial side.:)"

    I can tell you are a lover of fine tailored clothing because you have mentioned often enough that you like to wear fine suits. There is nothing wrong with that but not everyone, Repub or Dem, is a connoisseur of clothing.

    For example, Cornel West is a Princeton Prof and a scholar and he dresses like a poor person and a black does Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. As a matter of fact, I can't think of 'one' black Dem who dresses the way you dress. Do the black Dems marvel at your attire at their conventions?

    But Allen West, Herman Cain, Michael Steele, Kenneth Blackwell, Allen Keyes, Colin Powell, J C Watts, and many others are 'power' dressers who wear fine clothing. So, I doubt if the Repubs were disturbed at all by your dress.

    BTW, Mitt Romney wears the finest clothing of people. No one can say Mitt, who is a fine individual, doesn't dress to the "T". He looks a lot better in a suit than Obama could ever look!

  22. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, 'when' are you going to ease up on the Republicans? I mean, most of the time they are very caring and fair, trying to 'do the right thing'. Do you not agree?

    Dear Mack Lyons and PilotX, it is very clear to me that BOTH of you would make good black Republicans. So, what are you waiting for? Sorry, Mr. Field, you just don't have what it takes. Maybe in the next lifetime?:)

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Exactly Mack, if they want to know the truth they just need to open their eyes. Look at the Dem convention versus the GOP convention. The Dems have every ethnicity and group represented while the GOP is a collection of 90% + whites. It may work now but they really need to find a way to broaden their message because the future doesn't bode well for them.

  25. psycho pookies rule the world

    and all school busses


  26. fn:

    any word on the DEMS'/HOBAMA'S NDAA???????

    cc this to the repubs:

  27. Anonymous12:26 PM

    PilotX, "Exactly Mack, if they want to know the truth they just need to open their eyes. Look at the Dem convention versus the GOP convention. The Dems have every ethnicity and group represented while the GOP is a collection of 90% + whites. It may work now but they really need to find a way to broaden their message because the future doesn't bode well for them."

    The GOP doesn't measure its diversity by the Democrats. Why should they? Dems consistently shoot themselves in the foot time after time. The GOP would love to have you and Mack come under its tent this year IF you can get over your insecurities.

  28. Anonymous12:28 PM

    AB, word on NDAA. Obviously, the Dems want to keep it quiet.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. vdlr:

    u can erase my posts u illiterate inept trifling trick

    but u can never ever erase the global blood from hobama's icy blackish cia hands

    and u can never ever erase my truths!!!


  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. The difference now Field is that the GOP would make you a superstar and make sure you were on stage so they can show the world their supposed diversity. Times the are a change'n. They are still as white as ever but now they give lip service to diversity.

  33. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Field, as a friendly reminder: Stop talking about gays and get back to what you do best...Chasing the big R.

    BTW, I noticed that you have NOT noticed how the big R has been hurting us in the white gay communities. Why is that?

    Dan Savage has said some pretty bad things about Blacks, esp around Prop8. He recently had some bad things to say about Christianity too. Students even walked out on him!

    Why are you so mute about that?

  34. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Actually what you call diversity is the fringe of society, the outcasts, the lunatics, the ones who are demented. Small, small groups. Who does Obama have in his corner? "

    Essentially anyone who doesn't want to walk the primrose path of extreme nativism -

    "Extreme Nativism" you mean wanting the laws enforced so that our failing economy isn't burdened by illegal aliens? You seem to be the extremist, unable to understand what this does to us. But of course in the democrat mind, someone else will sort out the problem.

    Austerity - You mean financial responsibility? Stop spending and borrowing throwing money down sewer holes? Again someone else will be accountable in your mind .

    bigotry and general lunacy that the GOP now represents - Ironically the only lunacy and bigotry I see is from people in your group. Violence, attempting to make even the smallest of things doomsday like and extreme.

    Not to mention those who see the GOP as a bunch of hypocritical and morally degenerate bagmen who stand at the beck and call of capricious corporate interests.

    Right - you are a total leftist fool. The biggest bagman and reapers of corporate interests are Obama and his radical left party. They are con men elected by the ignorant.

    Dismissing Obama's supporters as a motley collection of niggers, spics, hippies, commies and queers is part and parcel with the GOP Playbook.

    No one said anything about spanish. However you tell me, if someone black doesnt support Obama do you accept it? Or attack him? As far as violent, useless hippies, well Occupy are in the left, communists are in the left and homo's well we just got done talking about them. Which category do you fall into or is it several?

    Thanks to the overwhelming insanity of major portions of your party, you're now stuck with a feckless yet well-funded Etch-A-Sketch who does absolutely nothing to satisfy your deep-seated lust to wail on and lynch as many queers, niggers, spics and hippies as your heart desires. And you'll watch impotently as Obama cruises to a second term.

    What a bunch of say nothing useless words put together. No one wants to lynch anyone, no one hates anyone. You are confusing leftists with create and earn conservatives.

    "Blacks - majority - Racism pure and simple. Stick with the skin wether it kills you or not."

    Irony of ironies, black Americans could care less about their skin. It's their white American counterparts who seem to make a big deal out of it.

    Now I know you are just a liar. You can't possibly be this stupid. Your skin is all you talk about, it is your way of life, it is your mantra. I don't see you talking about achievements, results. I see you talking about skin, race over and over and over. Conservatives would love to be colorblind, you won't let them, to you that is racist as you won't get the set asides from your skin with everyone else just judging you on what you say and do.

  35. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Field, The Bible says homosexuality is wrong and I think you need to do a post honoring what the Bible says. For your sake, I recommend that you do this before it's time for you to die...know what I'm saying?

    The GOP and Tea Party are very much "in-tune" to the Bible. Michelle Bachman has mercifully provided a retreat for homosexuals to help them............ God bless Michelle.

  36. Anonymous2:15 PM

    your amazing the way you read peoples minds,tell me why you are not wealthy if you know what people are thinking or is it your bigotry showing?

  37. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Thanks to the overwhelming insanity of major portions of your party.

    Ha. Liberalism IS a mental disorder. Demanding concessions from everyone for your choice of life and then when they resist call them extremists. Only liberals would say things are just great, fine and dandy. When the rest of the country knows that the con man in charge is manipulating statistics to make things appear better as they get worse. As I said, con men elected by the ignorant. Look at unemployment. Look at the U6 real unemployment hasn't changed at all since mushrooming under Obama, it's 14.5%, yet Obamaholics keep taking people out of the workforce as if they don't exist. I know, I know it's all Bush's fault. Did you ever think we need someone skilled to put this country together? Rather than someone skilled at pointing the finger and dividing us? We know after nearly four years Obama is real good at pointing the finger and blaming everyone else but not so good at doing anything creative. Sort of like you.

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U-6 unemployment rate remained flat in April at 14.5 percent – meaning some 22.8 million people are either unemployed, have stopped looking for work, or need full-time work but can only find part-time employment.

    The U-6 rate is considered to be a more accurate measure of the unemployment picture because it includes a broader sample of those affected by poor economic conditions. By including both unemployed persons and those marginally attached, this measure captures people the BLS would normally count as out of the workforce.

    Being marginally attached to the workforce means that a person is not employed and has not looked for a job in the past month – but would accept a job if any were available. The measure best captures people who are available to work but who have given up looking for a job.

    The government does not count these people as officially unemployed because they have not looked for work in the past month. They are usually deemed not to be in the labor force at all, and essentially disappear from the government’s survey of unemployment.

  38. Selective News Reporting5:39 PM

    Odd. This happened in Coral Springs, FL, just a few weeks before the "Trayvon thing".

    Funny; I don't remember hearing about it.

    Go figure, huh?

  39. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "Odd. This happened in Coral Springs, FL, just a few weeks before the "Trayvon thing"."

    There must be something in the air and water down there in FL. It probably wasn't reported because no one died.
