Saturday, May 05, 2012

The other team in town was once called the "Niggerbockers".

So, let me see if I get this straight, you go on a racist rant, and you defend your idiotic comments by saying that the person you ranted about is a misogynist and a racist himself.
OK Mr.Mushnick, I get that you are with the New York Post, which automatically doesn't make you too bright in my book. But you don't address a problem by showing the world that you are on the wrong side of a larger one.

"NY Post sportswriter Phil Mushnick is firing back at critics after he suggested that the Nets should be renamed “The New York N—–s” in honor of co-owner Jay-Z.
Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York N——s? The cheerleaders could be the Brooklyn B—-hes or Hoes. Team logo? A 9 mm with hollow-tip shell casings strewn beneath. Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!
After Twitter blew up over the piece, including comments from high profile figures like Questlove of The Roots, Mushnick did not back down. He claimed his work was “mischaracterized,” and that he was not supporting the racist language, but criticizing Jay-Z for profiting “from the worst and most sustaining self-enslaving stereotypes of black-American culture.” [Source]

The sad thing about this is that Mushnick would actually have a point worthy of discussion if he didn't go about making it in this way. There are elements surrounding rap and Hip Hop that needs to be checked and called out.
I just don't think that this is how we do it.  

But this is where we are in A-merry-ca these days, it's actually kind of chic in some circles (yes wingnuts, I am talking to you) to show your ignorance and lack of sensitivity by dropping the N word for effect. This will actually make you a hero in some circles. (Watch, Mr. Mushnick will be all over the news network for dummies really soon.)

We might also want to keep in mind that Jay- Z is an entertainer. Yes, entertainers make movies, and they sing songs with racy and controversial lyrics. And, of course, entertainers also make money, which allows them to buy an interest in sports teams.

Honestly, I suspect that Mr. Mushnick's problem is with the fact that a young black man from the projects of New York can actually have a major ownership stake in a sports team. This clown is a sportswriter who is probably not even making six figures, and he makes his living in a culture where team ownership is at the very top of the pecking order.

Yes Mr. Mushnick, I know that you are not supporting "the racist language", you are just using it to make a point.

Well I think that I speak for most black people in A-merry-ca when I say that we got your point loud and clear. (h/t to Paula for hipping me to this story.)


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    More "color arousal" field won't post about.

    Gang of girls attacks two teens on subway

    -- The search is on for as many as 12 teenage girls wanted in a brutal and violent attack that started on a subway train.

    The NYPD only released thirty seconds of the assault, but after further investigation Eyewitness News found the full three minutes clip posted on World Star Hip Hop.

    You see at least twelve girls against two, and in the most brutal part, the group is punching the victim. Seconds later you that victim sprawled out on the platform after being dragged off the train. Next, three girls are latched onto the redhead's hair. They drag her out, and then in comes another girl, who punches her repeatedly.

  2. 352 E.10:23 PM

    It should be noted that prokorhov is someone who made his money from a sweet government deal in russia. Not quite a thug but, you know. I wonder did mushnick ever consider a team name reflecting that?
    I also wonder why mushnick didn't try to write about some of the positve things that carter is doing in the community. America can use more positive messages.

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    @ NSangoma, I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the tip- Paula :-)

  4. Wesley R11:49 PM

    Mushnick is full of shit. His newspaper is as well for not calling him to the carpet on this.

  5. ItsAllGoodInTheHoodie1:58 AM

    Shhhhhhh......don't talk about ghettofication. Be sensitive....

    motherfcuk that! When those white folk stop watchin the NBA like they doin its all going down

  6. StillaPanther25:52 AM

    Brother by the sword...die by the sword. A common thread of many rappers and hopsters.start our by demonizing and fellagating my race then they mump up and go into the white world and then want to be Beaver Cleaver. If nicker was good for my race then it should be good enpough for the majority race. We have allowed these guys to tarnish our image but now they don't want the spatter. The ones that sold drugs and guns should seek out and help rehabilitate the lives they have assisted in destroying. This is my world if I was HNIC, but.... now commenters I only know about these guys through reading and hearing about their past which many of them tell about moving up in the world of hustling and dealing and etc....America don't care about certain segments of my race moving up... with our economics we could have a vibrant and diverse let me turn down (in my head) that booty music. I will put some Delphonics on and think about the love I have for my Black spouse. I am the only loony tune up this time of night in this household.

  7. The Rusian owner has a thing for prostitutes as well. Should we call them the New Jersey Hookers?

    StilaPanther, go on and tell it!

    And if young bucks would listen to more Delphonics I guarantee u that they would be less violent.

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    (YAWN)I have NO issue with Mushnick, or whatever the fudge his name is, calling Jay-Z or his team the N-Word as I'm sure most of them call themselves that.

    I'm know they've called people (especially women) WORSE

    And I'm sure that some of those men have been called that word by white women that they have dated at some point in time.

    What's with so many white women using the N-Word,or calling themselves slave catchers, and getting a pass Field?

    I've overheard white women (very obese and ugly white women too) on their cell phones talking to whom I assume to be their black baby daddies and they are calling these dudes the N-Word.I never get mad at them for using that word though.I leave that to the nigga on the other end of the phone.But something tells me those niggas don't mind.

    MushDick didn't offend me at all.


  9. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Gang of girls attacks two teens on subway

    when are white people gonna learn? the only way to handle the negro problem- is to go zimmerman. thats the only way negros understand.

  10. Anonymous8:45 AM

    So......Shirley Q Licquour isn't racist because it's entertainment....??

  11. NSangoma9:40 AM


    Damn, must see tv:


  12. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Gang of girls attacks two teens on subway

    when are white people gonna learn? the only way to handle the negro problem- is to go zimmerman. thats the only way negros understand.

    We know. It's gonna be a hot summer. A damn hot one. I am personally going to organize a march for justice the next time I see a white old man beat down and killed or some thug who rapes an 80 year old woman. Lets let it get the press it deserves and stop wasting time talking about the "sensitive" Negroes who will go crazy and go after someone who notices what they do, but never change or go after the people who cause others to notice.

    If you don't want to be called the new jersey bitches and hoes and whatever, talk to Jay Z. Take your speech sensors and stick em in the hole with the rest of your morals.

  13. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Shame! What fury over somebody other than a white person owning a team.

    So maybe as a singer/songwriter his lyrics may be controversial to some, but isn't seeing a child being raped in a shower by a coach a lot worse? and who spoke up about that? and who kept it under wraps?

    Shame! But I guess some folks have none do they!!!

  14. Anonymous3:09 PM

    field negro said...
    The Rusian owner has a thing for prostitutes as well. Should we call them the New Jersey Hookers?

    Only if that means that the team will suddenly change from Men to women and they will become hookers. Then serve as role models and encourage the youf's to become male and female hookers.

    Do you even see your parallels?

    Would you look at the source then? or would you try and outlaw using the word hooker as insensitive to hookers?

  15. I have two thoughts about this, one I'm glad a brotha is doing well enough to buy a team but as an over 40 man he should grow the f up. He and Kanye should not have named a song with the "n" word in it. That, like Dave Chappelle and Key and Peele's show just gives license for others to use that word about me and in my presence so they can use the excuse "it was in the show/song".

  16. From Alternet, your trolls are perfect examples of conservative paranoia.

    "In reality, Americans are safer and more secure today than at any point in human history. But inhabitants of the world of the hard-right are surrounded by danger – from mobs of thugs at home to a variety of powerful and deadly enemies abroad."

  17. So Anon, to follow your logic; if Jay-Z had baught a stake in the NY Rangers he would have been alright.

    Is that correct?

  18. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Phil is a "Chosenite" so he is allowed to say racially insensitive things and get away with it. The 'Eternal victims' can say anything they like and get away with it. We all know this but sometimes others are afraid to point this out.

  19. 352 E.7:18 PM

    Was mushnick having an Imus moment?

    But then he said...
    " he was not supporting the racist language, but criticizing Jay-Z for profiting “from the worst and most sustaining self-enslaving stereotypes of black-American culture."

    Wouldn't the distributors of Jay-Z's music need a shout out, too! Sorry, I forgot they're not black.

    "Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!"

    Yeah and let's not forget those innocent little victims who buy the cd's...what about them? That's right, sorry, the majority of them aren't black, eitherW.

  20. Anonymous7:31 PM

    field negro said...
    So Anon, to follow your logic; if Jay-Z had baught a stake in the NY Rangers he would have been alright.

    Is that correct?

    Not sure I grasp the invented reach. Frankly about Hockey I see no relation and dont give a puck.

    He can buy whatever type of team he feels like.
    No one is going to say he can't like Rev Al and other Black leaders did about Limbaugh, however your specific point is people should not be thinking what they want and try to PC speech in regards to ghetto and nigga-ism's. It won't go away but someone else can't offer an opinion or it's racist.

    It is what it is. He can buy what he wants and people can think and say what they want. You though seem to be focusing your energies on browbeating people into not speaking their minds and accepting ghetto as OK and ignoring who Jay Z is what he says and the culture that made him uberrich. Sorry, not gonna happen. If you don't like ghetto being called ghetto...what can I tell ya. Don't think you resolve the problem by demanding I ignore or accept it and god forbid if I don't agree you will call me racist because I gasp speak the very thoughts you have. The hell with that. Ghetto is as ghetto does and again if you don't like it, talk to the hoodrats, don't think you fix it by demanding I don't say certain words. Problems don't get solved when you change the names or shift the blame on to those who recognize them.

    Lets be frank; you have no issue with the content of what was said, you already validated it's accurate. You do have issue that some white guy has the nerve to say the truth about someone black and that isn't allowed. Break out the racist/dont tell the truth PC police.

  21. Anonymous7:32 PM

    @Pilot X

    More Global Warming/Climate Change fun for you.

    Pull my finger!! Use both hands.

    Dinosaurs may be partly to blame for a change in climate because they created so much flatulence, according to leading scientists.

    Professor Graeme Ruxton of St Andrews University, Scotland, said the giant animals spent 150 years emitting the potent global warming gas, methane.

    Large plant-eating sauropods would have been the main culprits because of the huge amounts of greenery they consumed.

    The team calculated the animals would have collectively produced more than 520m tons of methane a year — more than all today’s modern sources put together.

  22. "Lets be frank; you have no issue with the content of what was said, you already validated it's accurate. You do have issue that some white guy has the nerve to say the truth about someone black and that isn't allowed"

    I am glad we are being "frank". You are right; I have no real issue with what was said, or even a white guy saying it. I DO take issue with the white guy using the N word to make his point.

    If you can't understand that maybe you are a...well, racist.

  23. Are these fools still trying to debate climate change? Sad.
    Too bad they don't mention the methane that would be released do to increased melted ice from the Northern Atlantic. Ignorance is bliss.

  24. Anonymous3:35 PM

    there is no glow bull worming caused by man because nothinhg we do or don't do will change the temp. of the planet.co2=life it is not a green house gas and we don't less we neede more co2.x if you can prove glow bull worming why don't you go over to junk science and prove glow bull worming and win $250,000 prise given to any one who can prove glowbull warming caused by's a hoax!!!
