Saturday, October 05, 2024

Thirty One days!

 Oh chile! There has been a lot going on in these Divided States of America since my last post. 

I guess you all saw the Vice Presidential debate. The Ivy League Hillbilly was trying so hard to do an image makeover. Both men were so nice to each other that I thought they were going to hold hands and sing Kumbaya , My Lord at the end. The Hillbilly was trying his damnedest to  out nice the coach. It almost worked, too. Almost. With all due respect to folks like Abby Phillips who was having a meltdown over at CNN about the way the coached performed, the coach did just fine. Yeah I get that the Don Rickles face when the Hillbilly was telling lie after lie was a little off putting, but for the most part, the Coach held his own. CNN was shocked to see that the polls were split on how the two men performed.  I am not sure what they were expecting, but I digress. 

So the one and only thing that I want folks to take from the Vice Presidential debate is this: The Ivy  League Hillbilly refused to say that the felon lost the last election. Think about that for a minute. That alone should be disqualifying for him to hold the office of the second most powerful person on earth. And yet, that's exactly what happened. And now we are all left wondering what will happen if the felon losses a close election. Or worse, what if he wins? 

My heart goes out to the folks in North Carolina and parts of Georgia and Tennessee. This last storm was not a joke. Not so fun fact: It was heading right for us here in our little part of the world in North Georgia, and then it made a shift to the East.  There are a lot of nice things about living in the South. Hurricanes and tornadoes are not included.

The felon, true to form, was trying to make political hay out of this latest tragedy. He blamed the Bien administration for not doing enough for people in red states. Of course his lies were easily debunked by the governors of Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. This was all just projection on his part. Because, if you will recall, the felon himself tried to hold back federal relief from California after the deadly wildfires out there because they didn't vote for him. Think about that. The president of the United States withholding aid from fellow Americans for political reasons. And yet, that is just what the felon did when he was president.  There is no bottom with this guy. 

He is now calling for a day when law enforcement can do whatever the hell they want to rid our streets of crime. In other words, a Purge. Just like the movie.  And if you think it's too far fetched, think again. This is the guy who wanted to shoot protestors in Washington D.C. during the George Floyd protests. Nothing is too grotesque or repulsive for the felon, and he is sending all kinds of signals to let us know what's to come if he is given another shot at the White House. 

Meanwhile, it's still a fifty fifty race. That, to me, is the most shocking thing about this election season. After all we have seen and know about the felon, fifty percent of you are still willing to vote for him and put him back in office. Racism is a powerful thing. Credit to the felon for figuring it out. Half of you will surrender your freedoms as long as the person taking them away looks like you do. Germany 1933.

And as for you Negroes who think it's cool to be contrarians and vote MAGA because you didn't get enough attention when you were kids. You better start rethinking your position. I saw the images of that brother getting curb-stomped at a MAGA rally in Saginaw, Michigan, and like the rest of you in the black delegation, I said to myself: serves him right.  I am not sure why you all think that you are any different than those Haitian immigrants and brown people that the felon and Ivy League Hillbilly have been demonizing over the past few weeks. To them, we're all the same. Trust me on this one black MAGA, you're not special.  At the end of the day, you're just another n word to them. Just like all the rest of us. But as the old black aunties would say:  You keep doing you, boo.  





Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Bidet and kumala failing in spades to help Helene victims. They dont care about you.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf lied to hurricane victims about truckloads of supplies he claimed he brought them. Samaritan's Purse brought truckloads to victims as they do with all disasters and have nothing to do with liars like drumpf and anymoose.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Biden Harris administration blocking private aid to Helene victims. FEMA not doing much and over a billion dollars given to illegal aliens, not US citizens.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Orange Man is coming!!

mike from iowa said...

If everyone could maybe please put aside the hate for a bit and pitch in to help, that would be great,” posted Glenn Jacobs, the retired professional wrestler known as Kane, who is now the Republican mayor of Knox County, Tennessee. Jacobs’ post was intended to rebut rumors that workers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency were seizing relief supplies from private citizen

mike from iowa said...

Not a penny of money for immigrants came out of FEMA"s budget, liar.

Anonymous said...

Border Czar!!

Anonymous said...

Over 1 Billion

Anonymous said...

Money for illegal aliens, but not Americans. You are being replaced.

field negro said...

This. Is. A. Lie.