It was bound to happen. It happened to Beyonce with Destiny's Child. It happened with Diana Ross with the Supremes, and it happened with Patti Labelle, and her former group, Labelle. At some point the star of the group realizes that it's their show, and as a result, they decide to break off and go solo.
Well, we can add Sarah Palin to that list. Girlfriend has realized that it was her, and not Mr. Morton, who has been the star of the republican show. And now she wants to go solo. She wants to break away from the restraints of the RNC's grip, and do her own thing. As a result, there has been some serious infighting between the beauty queen and Mr. Morton's people; and now, rethuglicans from coast to coast, are starting to turn on each other like a bunch of robbers caught red handed by the po po. From where I sit, it couldn't have happened to a nicer set of folks. Go figure, just a few months ago Sarah was supposedly electrifying the base, but now she is a drag on the party, and republicans are jumping ship faster than the rich folks on the Titanic. Apparently, Sarah just doesn't have it anymore. (I am sure Beyonce can relate), and she needs a hit. It's been a couple of bad weeks for poor Sarah. (Tina Fey, may you rot in hell) I bet she can remember when she was packing them in all by her lonesome, and raising the roof while the party faithful chanted her name. But now, the McCain folks are acting like their failure to gain some traction is all her fault, and it's only her negatives that are hurting the salty ones chances. They made her the designated attack dog, but now the the rest of A-merry-ca is turning on the attacker, and the RNC is in a bind.
Still, it doesn't seem Sarah is buying it. Like Patti, and Beyonce, girlfriend is a Diva (or at least that's what RNC operatives say) and you how Divas can be. The world centers around them, no matter who else is in it. Even pesky RNC operatives.
Personally, I never believed the Sarah hype (as you all can see from my multiple posts about Ms. Thing), maybe it's the Philly in me, but I knew she was a fraud all along. She might have been the lead singer in the RNC band, but unlike Beyonce, and Patti, she didn't have any talent, and it was just a matter of time before the rest of the country saw what was so obvious to us field Negroes. (Thank you Tina Fey)
And I am not crying for Sarah, she will be fine. I hear she might end up being the leading figure in her party after these elections. And while she waits to be crowned as the rethuglicans version of George W. Bush, she can cool her heels doing a talk show on FAKE NEWS like the rest of her washed up republican friends.
Should be fun. Hey, maybe she can even do some Tina Fey impersonations.
All I can say is GO GIRL!
By the way, 50,000 people came to hear Obama last night in Albuquerque and more than 100,000 came to see him today in Colorado. The momentum is building.
I've been too afraid to believe that Obama's got this thing in the bag, but with the Republicans tearing each other apart and casting blame before the election's even over, it tells me everything I need to know: This thing is over. None of us should let up, however. I want this thing to turn into a bloodbath with a landslide victory and lots of Dems in power.
For those of you who didn't get this link I sent on Field's earlier posting ... here's a Web site with Obama stencils so you can make your own Barack O'Lanterns for Halloween. http://yeswecarve.com/ I know, Field ... probably too much Obamamania for you, but maybe Mrs. Field might want one on the doorstep. Or you could just put out your scary Mr. Morton pumpkin. That ought to frighten the children.
I just got through watching McCain on "Meet the Press". He said he hasn't defended Palin, he praises her, and he thinks she is doing a great job. Okay, so does that mean that he agrees with her using racist, hate, label tactics, her attacking fruit fly research that is helpful with autism, her view on what a VP's job is, the fact that she said the definition of elitist means "people who think their better than others." (her veiled code for uppidity negro), and scamming the taxpayers out of $150,000 worth of clothes for her whole family, which includes strollers, and Louie Voutan (spelling?) purses?
Oh, he seemed to have a big problem remember one of his Secretaries of State that he claims backs him. Granny thinking to herself out loud and wondering if this is another one of those General Petreaus endorsements.
He is a very angry man and it comes out everytime someone disagrees with him like a time bomb waiting to explode. He said that he doesn't pay any attention to those he doesn't agree with.
He still continues to tell that lie that Senator Obama's tax plan will tax those making $40,000. Whelp, nothing else to do, I guess, but let McCain keep putting his foot in his mouth.
Oh yeah, and he said that he is confident that the outcome of the elections is going to tight and he'll win in the key states.
I think I'll settle for the Obama pumpkin, I don't want any kid's parent suing me over giving their child a cardiac arrest or accusing me of child abuse. (wink)
No need to worry about Sarah, Field. She's going to be the next VP of the USA! Get ready.
HaHa! Another Pit Bull turns on its owner!
Haven't you heard Field? Mr. Morton says that he and Mrs. Palin sometimes bump heads b/c they're both mavericks. Sarah's just acting maverick-y!
Here's the thing, the dumbocrats are listening to mainstream media and mainstream media is telling the what they want to hear in the hopes of swaying everyone over to the Obama side. Fortunately, there are lots of folks out here who have working brains and know when they are being taken for fools. There is no infighting in the McCain campaign. That's just more hyped up nonsense news. The mainstream media has not been reporting the news, it has been creating the news. When Joe Biden can't be asked any "tough" questions just because it might reveal the true agenda of the Obama ticket--that's just ridiculous. They must cancel all interviews with that station because (just like joe the plumber) they didn't like the QUESTIONS. Do you realize what this says about Obama and Joe? It says that they are unwilling to answer any question that might veer away from their prepared answers. It says that they feel they are above being questioned when they want us to elect them to the highest positions in the US. What pompass asses they are!
McCain will win. Mark my words.
McCain will win. Mark my words.
Consider them marked. Along with your underwear at about 9 p.m. EST, Nov. 4th.
As for Palin, my prediction is that as soon as she gets back to Alaska on Nov. 5th or 6th, she'll begin to learn what happens to politicians there who piss off the state establishment and who are seen to have exposed their state and its people to national scorn and ridicule.
So, anon 7:05 you can mark MY words: A year from now, the lovely Sarah Palin will be a distant figure in the rear-view mirror. Ain't much of a political market for impeached governesses from hicktown states that took a second look and threw 'em to the wolves.
Why so angry grinder? If you're so confident, you should relax a little.
I'll be back on the 5th to gloat about the McCain/Palin win!
Anonymous 7:05 pm:
I am truly beginning to think that a major portion of you in the GOP party are suffering from dyslexia, because throughout this whole campaign you guys have gotten things backwards. Palin and McCain have been the ones to avoid interviews, and answering tough questions, but yet you say it's Obama and Biden. Every single thing the GOP has done, they've tried to twist it around and accuse Obama/Biden of it. You GOP folks can't see for looking.
It's just been one thing after another that the McCain campaign has been guilty of, but yet, the GOP has tried to twist it around and accuse Obama and Biden of what the GOP is guilty of and people are not stupid.
I'm sure that you guys plan on cheating in this election and that has already been underway, no doubt, but I've said this one time too many, and I'm not going to say it too many more times, IT WON'T WORK!!!!!!
One thing is for sure, when this election is over, I'll be glad to say good riddance to the GOP party that has used some of the most gutter, low-life, racist, corrupt, trifling, dirty, hateful, lying, disgraceful, treasonous, appalling tactics in their campaigns and while they were in charge that I've ever witnessed in my entire life. The GOP actually gives the word thug a new meaning.
As for the infighting in the McCain camp, that may and may not be true, and I don't think anyone really gives two hoots about it. Palin is one dumb bimbo, and that is obvious to us Democrats, Independents, and wow, even some Republicans are seeing it. It is obvious that McCain is not too happy with Palin because his body language showed that when she was taking over the interview and trying to outshine him. One more thing, no one really trust the media anymore, they sullied their reputation a long time ago. If I were them, I would be trying to clean up its act.
I understand that you cannot stand to see your leader of hate lose, however, get over it, because he is going to lose. No doubt about it, because he chose a path of evil to win at all cost. Besides which, no one wants to see Palin become President of the USA, since, it's a possibility McCain might not be around to live out those four years. No one wants a President whose only foreign experience is seeing Russia from Alaska, who is corrupt, lies, and Lawd the list gets much longer. She is just not how you say, up to par.
I disagree with you about Sarah Palin not having any talent, and we tend to grossly underestimate her. She's much smarter than she leads on, and it's a part of act. Palin has been campaigning to getting the VP job for months according to an article in the New Yorker Magazine. Her friend John Bitney who has known Palin since high school has described as ambitious, and Paulette Simpson, the head of the Alaska Federation of Republican Women said that from the very beginning Palin has been underestimated, "She's very smart" Bitney has stated that Palin has conscientious about crafting the story of Sarah. She is very calculating, and although she has made a point of not being a Washington outsider, she made a concerted effort to get the attention of east coast publication and even hired a public relation firm with strong east coast-connections. In fact, a blogger named Adam Brickley started a website, palinforvp.blogspot.com which got attention in the conservative blogosphere. To make a long story short, tradition conservative media got into the act and the "American Spectator embraced Palin, and Rush praised as a "babe."
Palin wooed a number of well-connected Washington conservative thinkers, and due to the fortuitous circumstances, the Weekly Standard and the National Review planned a luxury cruise in the Summer of 2007. Imagine that Palin didn't have to leave Alaska to meet these people. She gave a lunch at the governor's mansion with William Kristol, Fred Barnes, and Michael Gerson who fawned over her. Kristol referred to Palin as "my heartthrob" on Fox, not to mention an positive mention in the Weekly Standard and the NY Times where he is a columnist.
So she was not necessarily plucked from obscurity as first believed, but more a quiet and very calculated campaign on Palin's part. Bitney even said in the article that Sarah isn't interested in being on the junior varsity team.
Palin is the work of throwing grandpa under the bus. She is purposely not listening to the McCain advisers, and interesting in moving on with the continual process of crafting her imagine. She made a point today during a rally that she is wearing her own clothes which means she is throwing the RNC under the bus as well. She is strategically placing herself up for 2012. Now on the short-term, Sarah was have some damage. However, four year is enough time for most people to forget (Americans have short memories). You do not have to be intellectual to be smart. It's about being successful and that Palin knows how to do. She has talent, the ability to connect with the people and it's a skill she learned as a beauty pageant contestant. Remember, politicians have to dumb down for the purpose of getting elected even Bill Clinton had to do that despite him being a Rhodes Scholar. Palin is only 44 years old, so she has time to become an even larger force.
Just read the article by Jane Mayer in the New Yorker.
"There is no infighting in the McCain campaign. That's just more hyped up nonsense news. The mainstream media has not been reporting the news, it has been creating the news."
LOL! Very funny Mr. Morton. How about turning your girl loose on the Sunday morning talks shows? You've got one more weekend to do it.
McCain's false confidence--"We've got them right where we want them"--in the face of all the polls reminded me that in 2006 Karl Rove claimed that the poll numbers were not the "real" numbers, which he had in his possession. I always took that to mean that he believed the fix was in and it didn't matter what the polls said. Rove was wrong, and so is McPalin. Don't forget, you promised to donate those clothes to charity after the election.
I made a few phone calls to Florida and North Carolina today to MoveOn.org members, asking them to get out this coming weekend and talk to voters in their neighborhoods. It being Sunday afternoon, most people weren't home, but the few I did talk to were very upbeat. Both states have early voting, and they reported a very brisk business at the polls, which has to be good for Obama. I'm hoping for--dare I say it?--a landslide.
Every state should have early voting. And Election Day should be a national holiday. Maybe we can bring that up with the next Congress.
One thing is for sure, when this election is over, I'll be glad to say good riddance to the GOP party that has used some of the most gutter, low-life, racist, corrupt, trifling, dirty, hateful, lying, disgraceful, treasonous, appalling tactics in their campaigns and while they were in charge that I've ever witnessed in my entire life. The GOP actually gives the word thug a new meaning.
They'll still be around. Think of the bubonic plague, which to this day is spread by -- and I kid you not -- rats and squirrels in Arizona.
Ehhh... I'm not convinced that McCain and the Repubs want this job anyway.
Here is an interesting website called "Stop Dog Whistle Racism.
Infighting goes on a lot throughout campaigns, however, McCain is going through the same thing and it's nothing new. The McCain campaign is making the same mistakes as in the Cliinton Campaign. Here is the deal McCain and Palin do not have consistent messages and it's obvious when you hear them give speeches. Palin is not on message, and while Colorado she ignored her publicist and continue to speak to the press and answer questions. One doesn't have to look at the mainstream media, but just watch C-Span and make up your mind.
Ok, damn!
Did Alaska's largest newspaper, The Anchorage Daily News, just endorse Obama???
"Here's the thing, the dumbocrats are listening to mainstream media and mainstream media is telling the what they want to hear in the hopes of swaying everyone over to the Obama side."
anon, you're wrong. the media is not trying to sway people to Obama. They want a very competitive race. The more competitive, the more people watch, which means higher ratings and millions in network profits. And McCain is going to lose for two reasons: He's not team-oriented. Too self-centered. Second, he picked Vice President that even Helen Keller without a braille book in the house can see is not competent enough to be Vice Prez. Tina Fey got her pegged.
Go post. field. Go Eales!
"I am truly beginning to think that a major portion of you in the GOP party are suffering from dyslexia, because throughout this whole campaign you guys have gotten things backwards. Palin and McCain have been the ones to avoid interviews, and answering tough questions, but yet you say it's Obama and Biden"
granny, go figure.Do those guys have bog ones or not?
"LOL! Very funny Mr. Morton. How about turning your girl loose on the Sunday morning talks shows? You've got one more weekend to do it."
Sharon, they won't do it,there is just too much at stake.
hennasplace, you make a good point about Sarahs smarts and her calculating ways. And I have heard that all before. Yes she might be very Machevellian, and she knows how to get what she wants, but that still doesn't make her smart enought to be VP.
Chris, you and your boy must know something the rest of A-merry-ca doesn't. Because like you, Mr. Morton has guaranteed a victory.
Hmmm, I wonder why.
Sheila, I will tell Mrs. Field about those pumpkins:) I swear, you Obamaholics, no wonder the rethugs are scared of you all.
Yes macdaddy, my birds won. Problem is, everyone else in the NFC East won as well.
Did Alaska's largest newspaper, The Anchorage Daily News, just endorse Obama?
They've always been a liberal paper, and Anchorage has long been a Democratic town.
Amen, Hennasplace, CSPAN is the place to get the real news if you want to really be informed on what's going on in our government. Late at night and in the wee-wee hours is really some good times to watch it. You get to find out a whole lot of stuff that MSM don't tell you. I give CSPAN an A+. I get all of the CSPAN channels on my cable, because its more than one of them. Although, I still watch Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann.
CNN and FOX, I hardly pay them any attention, those are Rupert Murdoch's lil playhouses. Rupert and the White Citizens Council want to start a race war. They've been working on it for years now. Yup, their hoping that this election will do the trick. Why no investigative reporter has figured that one out yet is amazing and tells me that journalism is not what it used to be.
I know Sarah doesn't not have intelligence to VP, but we shouldn't fall asleep on her either. It's really not about her, but about us. there Americans who are gullible and believe in the act that she is presenting (Beware of people who claim that they are just a country boy or girl because they usually are not). I do not question her smarts, but the stupidity of the American people. It could change if the American people would overhear Sarah call her supporters a bunch of stupid bumpkins, but that is probably asking for too much.
What does bog stand for?
"Second, he picked Vice President that even Helen Keller without a braille book in the house can see is not competent enough to be Vice Prez."
@ Field "What does bog stand for?"
Sorry granny, that should have been big not "bog". :)
I am trying to watch this damn World Series :)
Field, by now you should realize I'm not so verse in the political arena. But can I give you a little sisterly advice? Perhaps you should start seeing a psychiatric specialist from now. That way, after you do your naked run this November, you'll have better ammunition to plead with a "mental disorder". I hold you to your word. You should actually be the one under more pressure than McCain right now.
Ms thing needs to hurry go rouge and prove to America she's really bat shit crazy. I can't believe the reality might actually be happening for Obama and the first Black First Lady!
Is first impression really lasting? How many times have you met someone and they gave you a bad first impression, but then around the second or third time you found out that the first impression wasn't really them? I usually allow for people having a bad day or a lot on their mind on the first impression. Because you never know what a monkey eat, until he...
"Sorry granny, that should have been big not "bog". :)"
Granny think she better leave you alone until you finish watching the world series. Granny tiptoeing quietly away, going to the corner, sit down, and stop disturbing Field's game. (smile)
I will let you in on a little secret. I work for the public station in New York City, WNYC Radio and haven't watch the news in years. I do watch Olberman and Maddow along with C-Span. I do a lot of reading and tend read more weekly and monthly periodicals such as the New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Newsweek, the Nation, Mother Jones because they are just more in-depth in terms of information that daily news doesn't have the resources to cover. Of course, I do listen to NPR and one of the favorite shows is "This American Life." I admit, I am one of those east coast thinking people. My mother did this foolish thing when I was small, she brought me books and been reading ever since. It's too bad Anon, 7:05p hasn't had the same experience or else his view would be different.
I wasn't aware anyone was watching the World Series. lol.
That McCain sure does have a bad temper and maybe a little touch of Tourettes Syndrome too. Imagine his finger on that little red button if he disagrees with another nation. This video is an interesting demonstration of McCain's temper.
Granny! Tell me that video was edited to look that way. Just tell me. Now why is he calling the woman a B#itch?
"Now why is he calling the woman a B#itch?"
Nope its legit and he said a whore. Look at the other videos theres more.
I agree that Palin is very crafty politically savvy--savvy enough to know that she has to throw gramps under the bus and reform her image before this thing is over with. But in other ways, she's still too dumb and she's extremely divisive. And let's face it, she's got a hell of an image problem to overcome. And don't underestimate the old soldier's ability to inflict some real damage to her. His minions are already out there saying she's a diva and they had to sequester her from the beginning because she was the dumbest political candidate in history. Let them spend the next week and a half cutting each other's throats.
"I wasn't aware anyone was watching the World Series. lol."
Very funny! We are up 5-2 now in the fifth.
hennasplace, would that be Mets or a Yankees fan?
granny tell me that video isn't ligit? And if it is, I think we have to rethink this media only being friendly to the O man talk.
"Field, by now you should realize I'm not so verse in the political arena. But can I give you a little sisterly advice? Perhaps you should start seeing a psychiatric specialist from now. That way, after you do your naked run this November.."
la~ingocnita, I am no sciolist when it comes to this stuff, either. But I do know this; come November 4th, if the O man wins, making that run won't be that bad. Now, on the other hand, if he doesn't win, quite a few Obamaholics are going to have to see that shrink you suggested.
The ratings have been so low for the World Series for you years now that it doesn't even matter if it was the Mets or Yankees, lol. I think they going to put the series on fancast.com next year. It doesn't matter to me because I no longer have brothers living with me watching any sporting events. I do not hate sports as I use to be huge boxing fan, but that doesn't excite me anymore. I am a bad fan.
"My mother did this foolish thing when I was small, she brought me books and been reading ever since."
Hennasplace, I can relate. I'll bet a lot of us here can. By the time I was 12, I was taking the bus downtown to the main ranch of the library and spending all of Saturday there. Reading does widen one's world, and it can even be downright subversive. Why else would the Republicans want to starve public education and public libraries?
My mother did the same thing, and like you I love to read.
la incognita:
Girl, I dunno, someone sent that to me in an e-mail. That woman didn't look too happy though did she?
Of course, I do listen to NPR and one of the favorite shows is "This American Life." I admit, I am one of those east coast thinking people.
I need to say something about this east coast thinking people deal. I grew up in the Midwest. I did wind up in the East for about 15 years, but I was thinking a long time before I ever got there.
One thing I'd really, really like to see (and probably won't) is for the Democratic Party to become less East Coast-centric.
This is one of the very few points on which I give the Republicans higher marks. They seem to have had more flexibility when it comes to opening up their list of issue beyond that's important to their traditional New England base.
Now, with the Republicans the result has been that the really nasty shit from the narrow-minded evangelical right wing has wound up taking them over. But if the Democrats loosened up, maybe we'd see some of the progressivism from the Midwest and the West and even (dare I say it) the South, making itself heard over the Washington, D.C. caution.
Maybe it's not so true now in the age of the Internet and satellite TV, but when I was in my teens and 20s and living in the middle of country where I grew up, I had lots of time on my hands and I did a lot of reading.
To this day, I think the Washington, D.C. poo-bahs who control the Democratic Party could you a blast of fresh air. Obama, this one goes far, far beyond black 'n white: Open the window and let some new breezes into the room!
Anon @ 7:34?
How will we know if anonymous comes back? Anonymous is here all the time.
I tell you what though, I have heard them curse before on CSPAN and make racial slurs too.
Palin wooed a number of well-connected Washington conservative thinkers, and due to the fortuitous circumstances, the Weekly Standard and the National Review planned a luxury cruise in the Summer of 2007. Imagine that Palin didn't have to leave Alaska to meet these people. She gave a lunch at the governor's mansion with William Kristol, Fred Barnes, and Michael Gerson who fawned over her. Kristol referred to Palin as "my heartthrob" on Fox, not to mention an positive mention in the Weekly Standard and the NY Times where he is a columnist.
Did you notice that all of these were MEN?
I did.
What group believe, more than anyone else, that Palin is unqualified?
Women under 50.
That's right.
Women under 50, by 60% believe she's unqualified.
I don't believe for one moment that folks ' underestimate' Caribou Barbie.
Men might.
But, WOMEN have had that heifer's number from DAY ONE.
Women knew instinctively who she was.
Because, we have the healing knife wounds in our backs from the ' Palin' in our lives.
Women who are busting their asses, trying to be taken seriously, know that this ill-educated person has set back female candidates for quite awhile.
THAT is why women turned on Palin.
There's a poster over at JJP who has been saying something for quite awhile, and I agree with her:
The hounds are at the gates in Alaska for Caribou Barbie. The only thing keeping those gates closed are the McCain operatives camped in Alaska. Come November 5th, they will be gone, and the gates will be open.
All the clowns who have 'defended' Caribou Barbie? Most of them have better things to do once Mr. Morton goes down. You actually think those ambitious mofos in the GOP are gonna let THAT be the nominee?
I got a bridge to sell ya.
I have no interest in defending McCain, but in the interest of fairness, it looks like that YouTube video was edited. There are a couple of unedited clips of that same CSPAN segment that don't show any signs of him swearing.
I just want you to know that I was being sarcasm or as my southern mother and grandmother would call it, a smart ass. Yes I do listen to NPR, but NPR has affiliate stations all over the country. By the way, This American Life comes from Chicago which is the mid-west. I also listen A Prairie Home Companion from to time to time and it's a radio program from Minnesota. I think a critical thinking person can come from anywhere in this country and just remember some of the great American writers such as Tennessee Williams, Mark Twain, and Truman Capote who are probably your southern jewels when it comes to writing. There is nothing wrong with being a cultured person, and believe it does not matter if you can from the public housing in New York City or a rural area like Marks, Mississippi. My musical taste range from Charlie Rich to Lauren Hill to Puccini.
A another thing, I live in State of New Jersey and the state is diverse from having cities to farms, and have had conversations with white people who didn't know who Pavarotti was. It didn't have anything to do geography location, but one's interests lay. The east-coast is not as liberal as one thinks, and we have to remember that individuals who come from over parts of the country midwest and south that move to the cities cultural and political and make great contributions. I am a black person who like opera and classical music, and would also kill for some Prince tickets who by the way is a midwesterner. Lastly, Republicans also listen to public radio, Newt Gingrich gives commentary from time to time.
Listening to NPR is not a bad thing, it's how I knew about Field's blog on News and Notes. I do have a rule not to live more than 10 miles from a bookstore, lol.
Why is it that all the clowns who have been defending Caribou Barbie are men? At the risk of sounding catty, I don't think Palin is all that hot. I'm guessing it's because she looks like a porn star whose ready to let down her hair, take off those glasses and do the nasty.
Anonymous 11:44 PM.
Hmmm...okay. Granny don't know how to edit tapes or tell if they are edited. Thanks for letting me know, on top of that I'm hearing impaired so I couldn't hear what he was saying on the tape that good. I just read the caption. But thank you for letting me know that the tape has been edited. I don't want to forward it to anyone if its not true.
"I don't think Palin is all that hot. I'm guessing it's because she looks like a porn star whose ready to let down her hair, take off those glasses and do the nasty."
I was thinking the same thing.
Granny (BTW, I love your posts), don't take my word for it, just an opinion. But if you look closely at his mouth on that video (yeech, not fun), it doesn't look like he had time to say those curse words.
She believes in witchcraft and that people and dinosaurs existed at the same time. That's ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HER.
This country is an international joke already, please President Obama, deliever us from this mess.
I was talking to an older African American gent from my church today. He is retired, probably 60ish. We talked and agreed about the hands off Obama strategy against Palin and how it evidently worked, because she basically showed herself to be a fraud and a lightweight.
It worked out this time. But mark my words, that was a tactical error by Democrats that by sheer luck worked out in favor of team O. It could have been a lot different with a competent VP running mate that would have been a problem for team O.
Assuming the O man gets into high office in January, his team will have to learn the art of defining their opponent and their opponent's VP pick before they attack the Dems, make 'em bleed, and put the Dems in the reacting posture.
It worked out this time, but it won't happen like this again. And the next time, the Republicans will put up a better ticket.
I think Team McCain will rip Palin a new one after the election if they lose by a big margin. The blame game is already starting.
She could try to run in 2012 but Huckebee will give her a solid challenge. They both appeal to the Evangelicals.
Not surprised Palin only targeted male mentors. She's a "Mean Girl". Maybe she forgot women make up a large percentage of the electorate. Never trusted her.
Damn! The Bush administration essentially attacked Syria...SURPRISED!?! last week of the campaign Bush us trying to provoke a war with Syria
In the last four days we've had
(1)Vile racism (Ashley Todd)
(2)Vile antisemitism = Obama = holocaust
(3)And an attempt to start a war--another war--this time against syria.
(4)What is next on the list as we move to the final week of the campaign?
This is going to be a long week. Only heaven knows what else they have in store.....
Sarah Palin's Porn. Totally Not Work safe!!!
More vile racism. One of Palin's rally attendees breaks out the N-word (video).
Nothing like a bunch of classy Republicans.
He is a NIGGER!!
"Granny think she better leave you alone until you finish watching the world series. Granny tiptoeing quietly away, going to the corner, sit down, and stop disturbing Field's game. (smile)"
granny, let's get married:)
"I'm guessing it's because she looks like a porn star whose ready to let down her hair, take off those glasses and do the nasty."
sheila, no need to guess, that is exactly why she is so popular with a certian demographic.
hennasplace, you are dead on! The smartest person I ever knew (and I ave met many so called smart people) was a guy from a rural town in Jamaica who had never even traveled to Kingston let alone leave the country. He got all of his knowledge from reading books, and being a student of human nature.
Okay, I just saw the You Tube video, and yes, Sarah heard it too, because she paused, but she kept right on with her speech. Unbelievable!
field-thought you where an attorney? infighting, what proof?not one thing.
you boy hasn't had a press interview in a month and biden...well he's a fucking idot when he opens his mouth....LOL
oh, are granny and sharon turning to a lesbians??? you think she looks like a porn star.....granny how many porns have you watched??? a few huh?
I'm with ernesto.
Once I heard she believed humans, and dinosaurs lived together, that was enough for me.
Such beliefs should automatically disqualify a person from holding public office.
The Wingnuts are fools if they believe she's their "Future."
I know Mediocrity is the New Disco, but even Mouthbreathers have standards.
i am still loving the SAKSGATE comment LOL.
i too, like some others, feel that even though my hopes are getting higher each day i'm not saying anything YET--until this is IN the bag! i don't want to hex my barack LOL.
but this entire GOP situation is really telling, i agree with that too. like i say (following my mother), if you want to know what's really going on election wise, turn to Fox News! the GOP reporters will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know. if those people get anymore wrinkles on their faces i am going to appoint them to the Sunmaid Raisin council. they are hilarious--bickering and fussing and frowing up the entire Fox News station! they are stressing, and it's obvious AND it's a hoot! and yes, the discord among them shows us where we are standing right now.
susan paylend was one of the BEST moves the GOP could have made for us. that lady is a real looney tune.
YES WE CAN! Obama/Biden 08!
Here's the change you're all excited about. I guess I'd be excited to if I was sitting back waiting for someone to hand me someone else's money.
what like the government giving money to banks to bail them out?
Or to haliburton? big oil? Destroying Iraq and them using taxpayer funds to build a base there? tax cuts that changed a surplus into the highest recorded debt in history?
Just say you're a racist anon and get over it, stop trying to hide your racism behind some fake outrage. take it up with the Creator for putting us on this Earth, I'm tired of hearing your nonsensical rants.
I am very impressed with your blog, and I don't impress easy. Keep doing what you are doing; a lot of eyes are being opened daily. I will be forwarding a link to all my email friends, and they will in turn forward. It's a cycle that will continue toward the path of knowledge. -a
grinder wrote: "But if the Democrats loosened up, maybe we'd see some of the progressivism from the Midwest and the West and even (dare I say it) the South, making itself heard over the Washington, D.C. caution."
I second that! Some of the greatest progressives in US history came from or worked hardest in the middle of the country.
hennasplace wrote: "I do have a rule not to live more than 10 miles from a bookstore, lol."
Or a library. ;-)
I've lived all over the country, and in my experience the most insular of them all was Los Angeles. It's a great city (but then I am so passionately and outrageously in love with this fucked up and inscrutable country that I pretty much say the same thing about everywhere in America except for Houston, Atlanta, Dallas, and Phoenix) but boy oh boy, is L.A. ever inward looking. San Francisco, too.
No need for the back and forth with the McCain folks posting their comments here. The thing speaks for itself. Those that do not believe in Obama, fine, vote for McCain. The rest of us are for Obama and will be working for the victory next week. We take nothing for granted and it aint over till its over. We do look forward to turning the page on the last 8 years and the country going in a new direction.
With regard to Palin. I hope she does become a leader in the Republican party, she will make for a good target.
Palin's Nightmare
I couldn't stand to watch the video clip. Here's the response by Scott Horton for Harper's Magazine:
"In a speech in Des Moines, Iowa, on Saturday, Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin told the crowd that an Obama presidency would present the specter of a socialist state in which fundamental American freedoms are undermined. Let’s go to the video:
"Does Sarah mean a state:
* That snatches its victims off the street, denies them all form of legal process and whisks them away to secret “blacksites” where they can be tortured using all the techniques described in Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon?
* That arrests and prosecutes its political adversaries for imaginary crimes so as to eliminate them from the running in election cycles in which they could do some damage?
* That destroys the careers of professional military men because they got promotions under a prior regime and therefore considers them disloyal?
* That believes it can detain and hold its enemies forever without any charges or any evidence against them, denying them access to courts to prove their innocence?
* That constantly manipulates the population’s fear whenever its public popularity slips and elections begin to approach?
* That believes that it can make no errors, and that those who point to its errors are traitors?
* That systematically spies on millions of its citizens in direct violation of a criminal statute which forbids such surveillance?
* That signs new laws with its fingers crossed in the form of signing statements, so that no one knows whether the laws—or any part of them—will actually be enforced?
* That lies to its people about threats from abroad in an effort to build popular support for a series of wars and then cites the existence of those wars as a reason to suppress dissent?
* That nationalizes the debt of predatory capitalists so they suffer no punishment for their misconduct and then nationalizes major financial institutions, converting the nation’s free market system into a socialism in which crony capitalists are a privileged elite?
"Sarah, you have no need to fear the future."
Okay, we need to boycott Amazon and send out letters to them. Read this article:
I thought people might be interested to know that Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, was just convicted on all seven counts of lying about receiving gifts from an oil company.
Would is be unseemly to celebrate this tragic event? Or would that be wrong?
This is off topic.
I'm heartbroken over reading about Jennifer Hudson's nephew found dead. They did not have to kill that baby. What is this world coming to? I despise people who do bad things to children and have no sympathy for those that harm children in any way, whether it be physically or mentally.
i hope she does because the comedy business will be so busy and we'll be busy being entertained. i truly believe that the 'dumb' segment of America have cemented in that great big empty head that she's somehow worthy of the highest office in the land- you know these people: West VA or they often believe they've caught the vision of the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich & attempt to sell it on E-Bay? these are tho folks, along w/ Falwell & James Dobson who helped sweep in 8 year of the Frat Boy. let's hope America has learned its lesson once & for all...
yes, it would be wrong! But SO FUN! ;-)
My landlords give away books for Halloween, to any kid who's old enough to read. Kids love it! (we get a good mix, because we're a relatively safe neighborhood in the city).
Field, the obama campaign needs you:
Please help!
Thought you should know...According to MSNBC....ATF thwart skinhead plot to assassinate Barack Obama....
With Ted Stevens being convicted, the real story is that his senate seat with definitely go to a Democrat. Had he given up his reelection bid in the face of his then-criminal charges, his party would have at least had a fighting chance to hold on to his seat. But now... not so much. Thanks Ted for helping the Dems to pick up yet another Senate seat.
I actually think Stevens will not drop out the race AND he will win. The Senate will then expel him from the Senate and their will be a special election. Sarah Palin will then run for his seat.
Nah- she's both too stupid and ego-driven to give up higher aspirations - something she'll find in common w/ the current residence of the White House. but don't worry a split is happening in the GOP; however for many of us that doesn't necessarily mean for the better:
As for Stevens... i suspect he's going down the way so many of the good ol' boy politicians we've seen throughout my home-state Louisiana. lots people in LA love him, he just couldn't keep his grubby hands of under-the-table-quid-pro-quo gifts. don't underestimate the legacy of his family name - people will forgive & forget, let me remind y'all - 2 words: Marion Barry
P.S. I agree w/ Anonymous - like a team that's ahead by dozens of points, i want the O-Man to destroy and demoralize both McCain/Palin (however it should be noted that she'll be too stupid to be introspective enough to see her 'hand' in this demise), the GOP, Rove , Cheney, & Bush, AND the people that voted for these a-holes, because that's exactly what they've done to this country the last 8 years.
I completely agree, she is NOT going to give up her higher aspirations, that is why she is going to run for Steven's seat and then run for President in 2012.
Btw, Marion Barry is running for re-election to his Ward City Council seat here in DC and Lord knows he is going to win big.
Hey, a little side note on Stevens. His case was all about work on his house done by an oil company. Well, the Palins built a new house in Wasilla at the same time that Sarah pushed through a new hockey rink there. I've read some suspicions that the outfit that built the hockey rink might have built the Palins' house.
Scandals tend to come in batches. The whole edifice of Republican corruption in Alaska has been crumbling for the past couple of years, and the Stevens conviction might just let loose the floodgates.
If I were Sarah and Todd and my house were built with funds other than my own, I'd be more than a little bit nervous right now.
Marion Barry is running for re-election to his Ward City Council seat here in DC and Lord knows he is going to win big.
That's unfortunate. The man is a corrupt embarrassment to the local population of Washington, D.C. I lived there when he was the mayor, and he and his administration was as bad as they get.
Frankly, I think Marion Barry will be what will keep the District from getting congressional representation.
Here is a link to the tale of the House That Todd Palin Built. It's kind of interesting!
well said Grinder - however the list of Black politicians doin' dirty is whole 'nother discussion that deserves it's very own 'special' place on a blog post that should be called PIMPS With CLOUT & the HOs that VOTE for EM'! This would include but not limited to the Black Ministers who help put these fools into office again and again. I seem to remember that right after Barry got his "get-out-of-jail-free-card" - didn't he find Jesus or something?
As for Palin, yes, I'd heard about her hockey rink and house - but like TrooperGate she seems unfazed by these allegations. and if investigated & found guilty - she'll say it's was a liberal conspiracy. & i still say she's stupid, that doesn't mean she's not greedy or crafty - looking at the Frat Boy that's all you need to be President.
Palin will NOT give up on her aspirations for higher office. She's furiously working hard to change the narrative right now--the narrative that says she was a disastrous pick who is widely considered unqualified to be VP and is hurting McCain. Missy is too much out for herself. If she has to drag the old man down in the final days to try and save her own reputation, she'll do it. She knows who her supporters are and she's going to whip them up in a giant fury in the last seven days of this election. Folks, if we think we've seen meanness out of this woman, we haven't seen anything yet. The next week will be very, very ugly.
Marion Barry did find Jesus when he got out of jail (but don't they all?). Since then Jesus has been a stranger, except at election time.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree.
In court records unsealed Monday, agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school by two neo-Nazi skinheads.
LOL @ them thinking they could rob a gun store.
"Todd Palin told Fox News that he built the two-story, 3,450-square-foot, four-bedroom, four-bath, wood house himself, with the help of contractors he described as "buddies.""
I don't remember where I read it, but the Palin house is worth about half a mil. Zillow.com tends to confirm this. "Middle class," right!
This would include but not limited to the Black Ministers who help put these fools into office again and again.
Yes, there was the black minister in S.E. who threatened to use a Korean convenience store owner's head as a bowling ball. Lovely man of God, that minister.
When I lived in the white trash 99% Irish enclave of Charlestown, Mass., I finally got tired enough of being treated like shit by the "townie" dry cleaner and started walking an extra six blocks to the Korean guy who smiled and greeted me by name.
Of course, just to be completely fair about this, or to try to be, the Koreans in general haven't exactly covered themselves with glory. My understanding is that if you want to see misogyny and racism at its purest ... well, look, I guess the deal is to try hard to look at people as individuals, right?
Individuals? Yeah about that... sure. But then again I'm a 'recovering Catholic' so my penchant for being skeptical that religion - no matter how Black will make your life better. So take what I say w/ a grain of salt & yes, I've met some pretty cool brothers & sisters who just happen to wear the cloth Nevertheless, I digress - let's take bets that Palin will either a) not even ask for Stevens' resignation &/or b) will use this as a rallying cry against this latest attempt by the liberals for taking down their leaders.
Can we wish for someone to bring back a celebrity death match & pit Palin vs Clinton?! Please, anyone?
Go Phils!
Stevens says he is staying in the Senate race. I think he'll be defeated.
"granny, let's get married:)"
Stop making granny blush now. BTW, yup, you can use my "Parrot with Lipstick".
i agree with grinder!
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