Friday, September 04, 2009

On lock.

Hi field hands. Your boy,thanks to Mrs.Field, is on lock down tonight.

Hey,it's either the blog or my wife...OK I think the wife wins.

Seriously, I spent the day taping a program at the "Newseum" in DC,and I am now at my vacation spot with the Mrs. I will have more about my DC experience later.

You field hands be safe this weekend and I will holla at you later.(Hopefully tomorrow if I get off lock down.:(


  1. Congrats on the 2009 Black Weblog Awards win my man. Have a safe weekend.

  2. Nice to see my vote counts…congratulations on being the Best Political/News Blog. Enjoy your vacation with Mrs. Field and DO NOT ruin it by trying to get back to blogging before she gives the okay sign :-)

  3. hey field...
    firstly congrats
    it's a holiday weekend and you hope to get off lock down??

    are you crazy..? + as blinders says above....

  4. Have a good time!

    Does this mean I can abuse Alicia, the warrior, some more?

  5. A Person Interested in your Vagina4:00 AM

    I guess so.

    Hey, you fat dyke, how's life? how's that cooter working, without detergent?

  6. I love Mrs. Field!

    Have a great weekend. you think true field negroes ever got to celebrate labor day? Or did we just get more labor?

    Uh-oh...does celebrating Labor Day by not working make us the dreaded House Negroes?

    This is too much!

    Have fun, and I will see you in the fields on Tuesday!

  7. APOI....The raaapist, and woman-hater5:33 AM

    I could see Ms. Alicica picking up a BIG cucmber and peeling them just to get bumps off for her girlfiend.

    Produce sections are really popular with those carpet-munchers.

    You deny that, Alicia, HEREIN.

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    That "Community Service" sucks doesn't it...
    Keep that Pimp Hand Strong

  9. DuchessDee10:22 AM


    Glad to see Mrs FN getting some quality time too.

  10. A Person of Interest10:39 AM

    I still want that husky ole black girl to get up & make some obnoxious noise,

    Ditto! Shame! I'm an educator with 500 degress hanging out my butter-chocolate butt! (just ask the wife we've never seen a peep out of. She probably has a black cat)

  11. You, and your blog. The other day I almost got locked down because of it. I'm going to compromise, you're not gong to see me much at nights either.

    Props to Mrs. Field, it's about time. You are always on this blog, it was actually staring to bother me, seriously. Enjoy!

    (got to go and clear my history now)

  12. A Person of Interest10:58 AM

    La♥Incognita said...

    pssssst. I'm just trying to piss her off. I enjoy it. Even if big A wears underwear twice our size!

    (At least, UptownSteve tells me she does, anyway)

  13. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Frank Drackman said...
    That "Community Service" sucks doesn't it...
    Keep that Pimp Hand Strong

    A nergo always keeps his pimp hand strong and his pimp stick near.

    Community Service is just another form of slavery.

  14. Aww Field, isn't that sweet? Even the trolls miss you!

  15. No blog post while on vacation?

    That's what The White Man WANTS you to do, brotha.


  16. Congratulations Field!!! You deserve it. Enjoy your vacation, stay off the computer.

  17. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Mrs. Field rocks! And even though you often irk me, I keep coming back. Quality over quantity, I guess! Congrats on your win; enjoy your lovely wife! That's the kind of lock down you want (and your frowny face indicates that you HAVE been blogging too long)!

  18. Anonymous5:43 PM

    heyy congrats field! Yes that fat clam slammer A. Bitch and Mr. (R)acist make this blog a real black successful political blog is complete without a self hating race traitor going through the anti social phase all fat homosexuals go through and a deranged token batshit crazy, daft, inane redneck or the pat Buchanan.

    and as a fellow sista draggin the ball and chain go mrs. field! get your QT in.

    by any means necessary.

  19. Shabazz5:51 PM

    Visibility said...

    I love Mrs. Field!

    Have a great weekend. you think true field negroes ever got to celebrate labor day? Or did we just get more labor?

    Ha! I just got home from work, and they asked me if I wanted to work Monday

  20. Shabazz said...
    Ha! I just got home from work, and they asked me if I wanted to work Monday

    Glad to hear Wendy's will be open on Monday.

    Anonymous said...
    heyy congrats field! Yes that fat clam slammer A. Bitch and Mr. (R)acist make this blog a real black successful political blog is complete without a self hating race traitor going through the anti social phase all fat homosexuals go through and a deranged token batshit crazy, daft, inane redneck or the pat Buchanan.

    Yo mama so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone!!


  21. Shabazz7:10 PM

    MR.R said...

    Shabazz said...
    Ha! I just got home from work, and they asked me if I wanted to work Monday

    Glad to hear Wendy's will be open on Monday.

    Please bitch, don't you wish!
    What kind of job do you have
    You still suck dick for hits?
    Everybody doesn't sit at home juicing the system like you seem to do since you have all day to sit on a blogsite ranting about where you think others work.
    Or do you sit home spending your privileged white dollars at the expense of someone else?
    You probably sit in your trailer all day getting blasted off of meth and pain pills while chain smoking winstons back to back.(don't forget the coors light!)
    You know, the good ole boy (white) way?
    Go fuck yourself and your stinkin' ass mammy you fucking yahoo.
    You're just the type of punk I'd love to meet in person.
    That'll never happen though.
    You don't have the balls to step out of the safety of your all white community.

  22. @Shabazz: Bro, that response to Mr. R should be framed. That shit was fuckin hilarious. For the most part the back and forth bullshit gets on my nereves. But that shit was classic son!

  23. Shabazz7:40 PM

    'Sup Rippa!
    I can't stand these pricks.
    I wish they would get together Jim Jones style and just kill themselves!

  24. Shabazz, you can come on over negro.I need my shoes shined and lawn cut.

    If you work hard negro i might buy you some malt liquor and pork rinds.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Shabazz8:35 PM

    MR.R said...

    Shabazz, you can come on over negro.I need my shoes shined and lawn cut.

    If you work hard negro i might buy you some malt liquor and pork rinds.

    You think that's what I'm about cocksucker?
    That's highly unlikely, since I don't comb trailer parks.
    I bet you shine things, and they ain't shoes faggot.
    You probably don't even own a pair of dress shoes you fucking hick!

  27. Shabazz said...
    'Sup Rippa!
    I can't stand these pricks.

    Negro you ought to be on your knees praising you white masters for where you are and what you got.

    If it wasn't for us, you would be running around with a bone in your nose raping negro woman in the mother land.

    Over 50% of negro men in the motherland have raped or think its ok to rape negro woman.

    No wonder ya'll so angry and violent.Violence is in your genes just like sickle cell.

  28. Shabazz9:12 PM

    mr. r(acist) rants...
    "Negro you ought to be on your knees praising you white masters for where you are and what you got.

    If it wasn't for us, you would be running around with a bone in your nose raping negro woman in the mother land."

    I don't owe you honkeys for shit!
    You white people are a fucking joke.
    You really think I (or any other Black person) needs you crackers to survive?
    We are some of the strongest people in the world, partly due to being subject to subhuman conditions, we endured and survived! The other half is being blessed with rich African/Nubian DNA.
    You honkeys wouldn't last a month if you had to live the way some of us have to.
    The funny thing, mr. racist is, racists like you like to hurl insults and slurs at others you feel are inferior to your "race".
    Take a good, long stare in the mirror white boy.
    You're pale, ugly, weak, you look old early in life, you seem to be genetically hardwired with sick fetishes, you smell funny, can't dance, can't fight, can't play most sports (you can have golf) oops! I forgot, someone (Black?) already beat you at that too, can't sing/have no soul, can't dance, have little dicks/flat asses,etc.
    The really funny part about whites like you, is that deep down you secretly hate your inferior self, and wish you could be like us.(or with us).
    If you don't believe me, ask your wife.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Kathy "that is so good, i almost shaking, my husband was sooo good to me tonight, omg i am so in love with him.
    I love him so much."

    You dream a lot. Your husband doesn't want you.

  31. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I really do believe the Mr. R(acist) is the alter-ego of Frank Drackman. He has so much time on his hands one avatar wasn't enough. I detect attitudes, fake accent and his obsession with sickle cell all belong to the same blogger.

  32. Shabazz said...
    I don't owe you honkeys for shit!
    You white people are a fucking joke.

    honkeys??? Negro you need to stop watching The Jeffersons.Get out and better yourself.You might be able to work your way up to Burger King.

    You really think I (or any other Black person) needs you crackers to survive?

    Don't know about crackers ,but ya'll negros can't do without watermelon and fried chicken.

    We are some of the strongest people in the world.

    Yeah negro,Katrina showed just how strong ya'll negros are.Ya'll negros can't grow food to feed yourselves in the motherland.

    Can you name one negro country that isn't a 3rd world country?? LOL strong indeed.

    You honkeys wouldn't last a month if you had to live the way some of us have to.

    We would never live the way you negros lived.We would work together to improve our lives instead of acting like a bunch of negros tryin' to kill each other.

    The funny thing, mr. racist is, racists like you like to hurl insults and slurs at others you feel are inferior to your "race".

    Good way to self-analyze yourself.I was wondering why you was using slurs like" faggot" and other insults.Negro, you on the down-lo to?

    Take a good, long stare in the mirror white boy.
    You're pale, ugly, weak, you look old early in life, you seem to be genetically hardwired with sick fetishes, you smell funny, can't dance, can't fight, can't play most sports (you can have golf) oops! I forgot, someone (Black?) already beat you at that too, can't sing/have no soul, can't dance, have little dicks/flat asses,etc.

    Yet we control you negos.We box you negros in the inner cities and watch you shoot each other,babies,sell crack, and pimp 12 year old negro females out.

    And we laugh.

    We send in hispanic gangs in and watch them kick your negro ass.

    And we laugh.

    We work you negros in the heat and make you do what we want.Than on Sundays we treat you negros like toys.Than when we get done playin' with you we let you go home.But only when we get done with you.

    And we laugh.

    The really funny part about whites like you, is that deep down you secretly hate your inferior self, and wish you could be like us.(or with us).

    Why do i want to be the slave when i can be the master?

    If you don't believe me, ask your wife.

    I would rather ask yo wife.You been noticing the change right?? She got fine hair now,she takes showers everyday,she's talking and acting different.She's happy for a change.

    It ain't you thats changed her negro.

  33. Anonymous said...
    I really do believe the Mr. R(acist) is the alter-ego of Frank Drackman. He has so much time on his hands one avatar wasn't enough. I detect attitudes, fake accent and his obsession with sickle cell all belong to the same blogger.

    Uhhhh..... Nope. I must admit i did copy the "sickle cell" from Frank but thats it.I basically use "ya'll" to mock.I do misspell it on purpose.

    I try to make points sometimes but the hypocrisy of some of the posters here slay me.

    Sometimes i'm the racist,the old negro, or sometimes i'm me.But at no time am i Frank.And i'm not in prison.

    Gots to luv the internet. ;)

  34. Shabazz12:04 AM

    Sorry mr. racist, you missed the mark again.
    I will not be deterred by your stereotypes.
    Shut the fuck up already you irrelevent piece of rural republiklan shit, your rants are useless.
    Get a life and a brain.
    And "Hispanic" gangs will NEVER kick our asses.
    You need to worry about your ass snowflake.

    "Gots to luv the internet. ;)"
    Yeah, so pussies like you can talk shit from the safety of home.
    I would pay to spend 5 minutes in a locked room with you whiteboy.

  35. Anonymous3:48 PM

    In reference to the picture of President Obama and the caption "Falling Down" The President is not only falling down but he is taking down everyone on the ship with him.
