Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Terror!

I have to interrupt my vacation with a quick post. The "Breaking News"of the day is that a very radicalized young Nigerian from an affluent family, decided to ruin Christmas for a bunch of innocent folks. The president was informed of his actions and has declared him a terrorist. Fortunately, he was caught and the counter- terrorism folks are all over it.

Now my question is this: Are there more Umar Famoul Abdul Mutallabs out there? And if there are, were they working in concert with this genius? I use the word genius facetiously of course, because there is nothing genius about this guy.

Umar, you had a chemical engineering degree, I am guessing you are smart enough to know better than trying to kill your fellow human beings . Religion can be a beautiful thing, but it sure can make people do some crazy things.

Also, for all of you black folks who thought that only Arabs were going to be profiled, think again. This Nigerian brotha just changed the game for some of us Negroes here in A-merry-ca. Thank you Umar. Now my flight home will be delayed due to increased security and longer lines.

Anyway folks, I jut wanted to say a few words about that, and to get your take on the situation and the mood of the country right now.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Damn Racist Homeland Security Thugs...
    And how'd y'all let Bush get away with that "Homeland" bit in the title..don't y'all know "Homelands" are where the evil White South Africans tried to keep the Nice Black South Africans?? And don't y'all know its the first day of Kwanzaa, "Ujoma" where you celebrate havin a 15 inch Schlong by settin your pants on fire???


  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    It' no coincidence that many of Al Qaeda terrorists are often educated. These are the people who are most perceptive to the crumbling and inept state of their cultures and nations, be they from Africa or the Middle East. They are cognizant that the rest of the world is leaving them behind. They look to the past and an imagined perfect Islamic society that will somehow transform the moribund countries if only they can get back to those "ideal" values. The whole thing is a lesson about how dangerous moribund and overpopulated countries with millions of young, angry men can become. Especially when they fall into the hands of religious fundamentalists.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    The 'Umar...Mut...' dude should be ceremoniously taken out and shot dead for the whole world to see.
    Now, we have to go through more nonsensical B.S. when we fly because of this educated fool. So, shoot the mo'fo - and don't miss.

  4. Now lets see how many black folks will still support terrorism profiling when they get held up in the airport.

  5. Say word, Citizen Ojo -- the fact that so many Black folks are enjoying on the immigrant bashing appalls me. 'They came for the Jews...'.

    I'm just wondering if my Nigerian gf's parents are flipping out. Why any college educated Black African from a rich family would throw his life away for a bunch of the Arab version of crazed, Snake-Charming, Hillbilly Klansmen is beyond me.

  6. Anonymous7:29 PM

    They caught this guy while he was on the plane trying to light a "powdery substance" tied to his leg.According some reports the substance failed to explode but popped like a firecracker. He must had missed the explosive materials class while he was getting his degree.

    Profiling is not a substitute for intelligence operations and investigation. Al Qaeda has recruited white operatives including a percentage of Slavs,French, Ukrainians, and even white Americans . They are prized within Al Qaeda because has one Al Qaeda leader stated the inherent racism of the West will make such operatives "invisible", negating law enforcement apparatus within western countries.

    You can read about Al-Qaeda's Caucasian Foot Soldiers here

  7. Field sez: Religion can be a beautiful thing, but it sure can make people do some crazy things.

    No, FN, people do what they do and add religion as a co-signer after the fact.

  8. I just wanna know why they keep trying for airplanes? Not trying to give anyone ideas but wouldn't there be lots of targets that are less secure and still provide a punch? Where is the creativity?

    How bout some
    IED's in Manhattan or anything that won't get me delayed in the airport... sorta makes me question your real goals.

  9. This terrorist act continues to shatter the myth that the Jihadists are poor, uneducated, and suppressed individuals.

    They can be educated, intelligent, and well off, too, and, at the same time, stupid, brainwashed, and misguided.

    I propose that every person henceforth brought into the world be given a free, life-time, course in thinking--critical thinking, adaptive thinking, survival thinking, commonsense thinking, creative thinking, analytical thinking, and just plain how-to-avoid-doing-something-like-blowing-yourself-up-and-hundreds-of-others-while-40,000-feet-up-in-the-air-as-you-pass-over-a-heavily-populated-area, thinking.

  10. This terrorist act continues to shatter the myth that the Jihadists are poor, uneducated, and suppressed individuals.
    This terrorist act will only serve to make it more convenient to racial profile, AND, it seems opportunist to me, it also brings attention to the recent US bombings in Yemen. Oh wait, nobody probably cares about Yemen?

  11. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Let's get into the minds of the leaders of Al Qaeda. The leaders of Al Qaeda have been really pissed over Obama's election to be POTUS, simply because his international popularity has seriously hurt their recruitment in the Black African Nations. I believe that Al Qaeda exploited Umar's youthful rebellous attitude, and considering that he was a member of elite Nigerian society, carefully groomed him for this christmas attack.

    A key part of Al Qaeda's plan was that if Umar was succeeded in destroying that North West flight over Detroit, it would have resulted in a tremendous Public Relations blow against President Obama at home in the United States. In the aftermath of such a disaster, Obama would have faced a gigantic tidal wave of inflamatory right wing criticism ranging from Russ Limbaugh to Congressional Republicans. The unform message would be constantly repeated throughout the media "this attack demonstrates that Obama is so WEAK that he is incapable of protecting innocent Americans from the scrouge of Islamic terrorism". Glenn Beck would wonder aloud to his TV audience, "maybe it's because Obama is actually a muslim and that prevents from him from stopping his "brother Islamists" from killing Americans". And so on and so on, and so on...

    What I am suggesting here is that the leadership structure of Al Qaeda are completely in tune with the political atmosphere here in the United States. They are counting on using terrorists acts on America soil and the the fear it generates throughout the country to cause Americans to severely restrict their own freedoms.

    Further, I think Al Qaeda thought Umar would have a high probability of success in this attack due to his education in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. I think that all of the passengers on that North West airliner and President Obama were blessed to have avoided a horrific catasrophe largely due to the poor capability of Umar to function as a real chemical engineer in the implementation and actuation of his onboard smuggled explosives.

    In my opinion Americans always underestimate how much the enemy knows about life in these United States. I only hope that someday Americans will wake up and realize that Al Qaeda watches and constantly analyzes the content present on American main stream media.

  12. jane doe10:11 PM

    He wasn't the only African who ruined people's Christmas:

  13. This idiot has ruined the reputations of Nigerians in this country. First it was scamming. Type in "scammers" on google and the first thing they give you is "Nigerian scammer." Now there's terrorist/ bomber to add to the list. And now airport security is going to suck. I heard that they'll now be no blankets/ pillows allowed and no standing up in the last hour of a flight.

  14. My thoughts were DAMN they are still up to this shit! Of course!!!



  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    @Black Dispora on terrorists
    "They can be educated, intelligent, and well off, too, and, at the same time, stupid, brainwashed, and misguided"

    take a look in the mirror. american negroes are the most ignorant beings on the planet earth.

    i suspect you were "stupid" enough to vote for mr "change we can believe in." and probably still don't realize he and his white masters made a fool of you. i can't think of a better example of ignorance.

  16. You have a great site here. I have one myself where people from around the world come and debate on popular issues. I am telling you this because I believe you can provide some valuable insight to the readers and other debaters.

    Also, I'd like to exchange links with you. If you agree, please leave me a comment under my "Compadres" page letting me know when you have placed my link on your page and I'll return the favor.

    Keep up the good work.


  17. Anonymous12:01 AM

    they "terrorists" are over here because we are over there. if this country was not bullying other nations and stealing their natural resources, through out the world, we wouldn't have this problem.

    since 1992, this country has dropped bombs in iraq, afghanistan, the sudan, somalia, pakistan, yugoslovia, yemen and we've threatened to do the same in many other countries.

    but somehow, they are the "terrorists" and we are the good guys.

  18. Hope your holiday vacation is going well Field.

    re: Nigerian suicide bomber-wannabe. Oddly, my first thought when I was heard the story was 'happiness'. I was happy that the bomb/device didn't work as intended. I was happy that innocent lives were spared.

    Mostly, I was happy that the city of Detroit didn't have to be a household location around the world for a successful suicide bombing of a major plane. Detroit has enough bad karma. It would have been truly unfair for the city to have to live down the madness of a 23-year old pampered Nigerian with a screwed up sense of scruples...

    I was 'happy' for Detroit.

    peace, Villager

  19. Tersi1:46 AM

    @Anothing: "i suspect you were "stupid" enough to vote for mr "change we can believe in." and probably still don't realize he and his white masters made a fool of you. i can't think of a better example of ignorance."

    Is that you, Bush? Or perhaps your sidekick, Cheney? Or should I pronouce it Cheeney, as in cheesy, and Bush, as in shrub.

  20. I say security is a myth and like the war on drugs an abject failure. How many billions spent on airline security and people can still get this stuff on the planes. Brohammas said it best how come they keep going after airplanes, this country is loaded with soft targets the "War on terror" is a fraud. It is mainly contrived to justify our bloated and unnecessary military expenditures. Remember during the Cold War when this country had a defensive posture called MAD (Mutually Assured Detruction) we were prepared to slug it out with the Soviet Union with thousands of nukes. Now we are scared if Iran gets even one nuke. What is the real story here? Something is stinking in the kitchen and it's not leftover turkey.

  21. More likely Umar was inspired by al-Qaeda than directly conspiring with it, but we shall see. Yes. there are more like him, educated in the West, & more to come. They are attracted not by the certainty of faith - the practice of Islam that gives millions hope to go on & live in the most miserable of conditions, but the certainty of ideology, which is another thing.

  22. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Lady M:

    You should be proud of Nigerian Scammers. Every time I hear of a successful scam I smile and am proud that my brothers have fucked the white devil at their own game. They have ripped off billions and murdered millions from Africa in their Shenanigans. Don't listen to Field. He is a house negro first and foremost.

  23. Consesor2:52 AM

    Anon, "You should be proud of Nigerian Scammers. Every time I hear of a successful scam I smile and am proud that my brothers have fucked the white devil at their own game."

    Don't shit were you eat. It's unsanitary.

  24. agape20103:17 AM

    @ FN:

    "Religion can be a beautiful thing, but it sure can make people do some crazy things."

    We have to part ways on this statement FN. Religion is terrible thing that keeps people divided. It's one of the precepts of TRUE Christianity (which aint no white folks religion to keep slaves in was never a religion...but slave owners did use it against slaves, white women and the poor whites...still do...but I digress).

    But honestly, what do you expect? Since the invasion of Osama bin Laden and his cohorts in that ocuntry and other African countries did you honestly think it could not happen?

    And you think that's something...wait until the "Christians" that have been indoctrinated from this country rise's called a Holy War..wo jes aint holie dough main (MHO)


  25. @ Anon 12:01 "they "terrorists" are over here because we are over there. if this country was not bullying other nations and stealing their natural resources, through out the world, we wouldn't have this problem."

    I completely agree. The United States, in all its pride and glory is filled with a bunch of manipulative, hypocritical, violent snobs. Bush was the epitome of this 'we're better than you and we will blow this shit up if you don't agree with us" attitude. Obviously the US didn't cause 9/11, but part of the problem was a build-up of all the negative sentiment towards the US as a country and all it stands for. Putting all his issues aside, one of the most important things Obama has accomplished in office was try to change some of this negative sentiment into goodwill. The key word here is try, because other countries still despise the US. Maybe if we tried to mind our own damn business and stop trying to save the world/ assert our status as a global superpower at every turn we'd be getting somewhere.

  26. [quote]Now lets see how many black folks will still support terrorism profiling when they get held up in the airport.[/quote]

    My good friend Brother Ojo:

    Upon seeing many Black folks applauding earlier this year as a team of White "Navy Seals" shot 3 Somalians in the head to save one 1 man that they were holding hostage - I suggest that you not be too surprised what the Negro is inclined to support.

    That which he seeks to "save face for" proves to be more deterministic than that which he invariably believes.

    Especially people like Rogue-DEM-Trick or Turkey (I mean Tersi).

  27. Weren't some of the 911 terrorit educated very well educated?

    Profiling is not a substitute for intelligence operations and investigation. Al Qaeda has recruited white operatives including a percentage of Slavs,French, Ukrainians, and even white Americans . They are prized within Al Qaeda because has one Al Qaeda leader stated the inherent racism of the West will make such operatives "invisible", negating law enforcement apparatus within western countries."

    Good point John Crow.

    Roderick, you might be right about religion. Agape 2010, I am ure that we are not far apart when it comes to religion.

    finefroghair you are scaring me.

    Jaon, I am out of pocket now, but I wil link up with you when I get back.

    Thanks for the kind words.

  28. Whoops, I am missing a lot of words, but hopefully you all can understand what I am trying to type. (I hate working with strange comuters :(

    Hey did I say that this guy i a chemical engineer? I think I might have been wrong. My man is a mechanical engineer.:( Hmmm, that might explain the bad mix he tried to use to set his explosives.

  29. Anonymous9:46 AM

    1)...Lady M 10:46
    "This idiot has ruined the reputations of Nigerians in this country"

    i'm sure when "the man" tells you to drop your pants and spread your cheeks, he'll imediately stop & apologize when you say "i'm not a nigerian"

    2)when banks & mortgage companies in this country rip people off, its legal. and when they lose money, Oreobama reimburses them with billions of tax dollars. when nigerians rip people off, they're "scammers."

    @Tersi"is that you Bush?"

    Oreobama equals Bush-lite. i voted Nader.

  30. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Isn't this exciting!

  31. Here in the "D" we deal with all manner of criminals aka terrorists and all manner of profiling from racial, class, venue driven protocols..

    Nobody is hiding under any covers here..

  32. Filled Negro:

    Why didn't you tell us about this detailed review of the Criminal Justice situation in Philadelphia that was ran by the Inquirer a few weeks ago?

    It sounds like the last thing that you guys are worrying about is a plane being blown out of the sky by a Nigerian and crashing on 52nd and Market Street thus killing a lot of people.

    Its already happening sans the plane!!!!

    God Bless Seth Williams.
    He is going to need this and much more.

  33. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I have a bit of advice for all my Black travelers for the rest of this holiday season, Wear clean underwear, and shower before you go thru security.

  34. Plantsmantx11:36 AM

    "In the aftermath of such a disaster, Obama would have faced a gigantic tidal wave of inflamatory right wing criticism ranging from Russ Limbaugh to Congressional Republicans. The unform message would be constantly repeated throughout the media "this attack demonstrates that Obama is so WEAK that he is incapable of protecting innocent Americans from the scrouge of Islamic terrorism". Glenn Beck would wonder aloud to his TV audience, "maybe it's because Obama is actually a muslim and that prevents from him from stopping his "brother Islamists" from killing Americans". And so on and so on, and so on..."

    ...and the fact that he was unsuccessful means that the rightists aren't goint to say all that?

  35. Plantsmantx:

    YOU NEED to read the expose' that I just posted about the street pirates in the City of Philadelphia.

    After reading about their REAL WORLD ANTICS - people won't keep falling for your obfuscation attempts over toward Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

    [quote]Kareem Johnson stood over Walter Smith and executed him. He fired so close that Smith's blood splashed up onto Johnson's Air Jordan baseball cap.

    He shot him as a favor to a childhood friend.

    Smith was a threat because he had come forward as a witness in a murder case against Clinton Robinson.

    With the witness dead, Robinson cut a sweet deal. He pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and was sentenced to just 2 1/2 to five years.

    "Basically, I beat it," he says now.

    He and Johnson know all about beating cases in the Philadelphia courts. In just three years, Johnson, 26, and Robinson, 24, were arrested a total of nine times for gun crimes, but until the charges escalated to murder, nothing stuck.

    Johnson's bloodletting came to an end only after he killed a 10-year-old boy in 2004 in one of the city's most notorious murders. As for Robinson, he's locked up on a drug charge, but expects to go free soon.

    The two men's violent path from the streets into the courts and back again vividly illustrates the failure of Philadelphia's criminal justice system.

    At this point the MUCKRAKING journalist or local television news reporter is MORE VALUABLE TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY than are:

    * The Black politician
    * The Civil Rights Actor-vist
    * The Black Journalist

    THEY ALL are more interested in DEFENDING the establishment or going after non-involved Republicans.

    In the end the BLACK COMMUNITY suffers because it too often goes along with the scheme.

    Filled Negro - I hope that as a Defense Attorney YOU DON'T engage in the delay tactics that help contribute to the large number of felons on the streets of Philadelphia who terrorize our communities.

  36. Field, not sure what I said that was overly frightening. I am just not sold on the war on terror. We piss away too many resources trying to catch people in caves without examining the root causes of their angst. There has been no rational discussion about the causes just Bush's assinine cowboy tactics and his repulsive "Bring it on" statements. Please give me some clarity what it is all about something tangible. If it's oil okay, is it religion, are they angry at hollywood? I just can't wrap my mind around this fiasco and it just seems contrived and unwarranted. 9-11 was an absolute bitch slap but our reaction to it was worse than the crime. Where is the justification? Millions displaced in Iraq hundreds of thousands killed, little girls forced into prostitution, and all of this caused by A-merry-ca! How can we stand the sight of ouselves in the mirror. Where did our priorities get so skewed or have we always been the harbingers of evil. Yes I have read Howard Zinn so maybe that question was not needed. It just sucks to realize that this country is not great and probably never was.

  37. finefroghair, I meant that in a good way. You speak truth.

    CF, that story wa featured on this site, and I think Jody did a good job of explaining it to you. Of course you didn't process it, because your mind has blinders on when it comes to certain things.

  38. [quote]We piss away too many resources trying to catch people in caves without examining the root causes of their angst. There has been no rational discussion about the causes just Bush's assinine cowboy tactics and his repulsive "Bring it on" statements.[/quote]


    I am not sure what your profession is but I am seeking out a leftist historian who is willing to go back through the legacy of WHITE AMERICAN TERRORISTIC ASSAULT upon Black people and instead of primarily focusing on the PROSECUTION OF THE OFFENSE........studying their MOTIVATIONS of why they assaulted the Negroes.

    Are you willing?

    You see the average "Klan boy" who assaulted and intimidated Black people was POOR WHITE TRASH. He was riled up by the WEALTHY WHITES in that the Negro stood between them and the BOTTOM OF SOCIETY. Thus we should not key in upon the lynchings, the rapes, the INTIMIDATION which kept Blacks from testifying against them in open court with the fear of retribution or job loss for not KNOWING THEIR PLACE.

    Instead we should leave no stone uncovered as we determine the REAL REASON why they assaulted Black people - FEAR OF ECONOMIC DISPLACEMENT.

    Are you game to pen a book on this subject?

    [quote]How can we stand the sight of ouselves in the mirror. Where did our priorities get so skewed or have we always been the harbingers of evil[/quote]

    Please APPLY THIS SAME LINE OF THINKING to what I just posted above.

    [quote]Yes I have read Howard Zinn so maybe that question was not needed. It just sucks to realize that this country is not great and probably never was.[/quote]


    Why do you volentarily remain in the BELLY OF THE BEAST?
    How many times have you exited this nation yet used your CREDENTIALS to get back in?

    The Anti-America American club has opened its doors to a new member.

  39. [quote]CF, that story wa featured on this site, and I think Jody did a good job of explaining it to you. Of course you didn't process it, because your mind has blinders on when it comes to certain things.[/quote]

    Woah there big fella.
    I just scanned the entire month of December of YOUR message postings.

    I saw a larger threat from:

    * Sarah Palin
    * Evangelical Conservative Christians
    * Fox News Black Conservatives

    than I saw anything about

    * Killer Kareem Johnson
    * Hip Hop Rapper and Killer Omar Cash
    * Tealia Charles & John Bailey who was inspired by Bush and Abu Gharab to TORTURE a man in a witness intimidation case

    NONE OF THESE PEOPLE'S names appeared upon the Filled Negro Blog despite them having done more damage to the Black community in Philadelphia than the people who DID appear.

    Did you actually read the series Filled Negro?
    It is SHAMEFUL!!!

    I struggle to understand how today's Philly is any different from 1949 backwoods Mississippi in some communities.
    Thank goodnes for the investigative reporter to shed light on the situation.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Further, I think Al Qaeda thought Umar would have a high probability of success in this attack due to his education in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING.

    The terrorist was a mechanical engineer not a chemical engineer. If he had been a chemical engineer, the story would have likely turned out a LOT differently.

  41. cinco7:34 PM

    Another example of how wealth, opportunities, a good upbringing/environment, a supportive family can't make you mentally healthy/stable. Once again wrong choices have been made. Muslims don't have the market on lunacy. Anyone, anywhere can be subject to a set of circumstances that draws them into the 'dark' side. It's unfortunate that this action will spew hatred, discrimation, pain and suffering on others for a long time.

    Too all that are 'bothered' by changes in airport security/ travels, grow the Hell up! Unless you want to die, a small inconvenience is better than not having a choice to fly....

  42. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Every time I hear of a successful scam I smile and am proud that my brothers have fucked the white devil at their own game.

    To Mr. Bitter,
    The White Man is still winningthe war, even with a BLACK person!

  43. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I meant to type even with a BLACK president!

    Every time I hear of a successful scam I smile and am proud that my brothers have fucked the white devil at their own game.

    To Mr. Bitter,
    The White Man is still winningthe war, even with a BLACK person!

  44. Anonymous9:46 PM

    i finally figured out reason for this latest "terrorist" plot.

    Mr. Bushama term isn't going well and the Patriot act has to be renewed on 31. of December this year. Don't you get it?

  45. Plenty of crazies within our own borders... the lunacy of the Bilderberg Group is infinite.

  46. FN,

    you wrote about our potential bomber that he brought racial profiling BACK to the Black man..

    um, FN..

    when has racial profiling ever LEFT the Black man?

  47. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Having flown from New York to a Midwestern city which shall remain unknown, on the day after Xmas, I must tell you, as a person of color, that was the scariest shit ever. I was sweating, afraid security would take my new makeup mousse and mascara. Upon landing in this midwestern city, I reached into my bag to take a sip of my metallic water bottle, only to be stared down my 2 white folks who seemed to assume that I had an illegal device in my bag. I took a sip of my water and gave them the meanest side eye my brown body could muster.

  48. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Thrasher, "Here in the "D" we deal with all manner of criminals aka terrorists and all manner of profiling from racial, class, venue driven protocols.."

    Didn't know they were that way in Dallas.

  49. agape20102:01 AM

    @ FineFrog:

    I agree with so much that you write; however I just want to point out this little known fact:

    We actually had to go to war with some country because one of our military facilities/installations was attacked...the Pentagon...that's an automatic declaration of war against us.

    George-who-shoulda-stayed-in-the-Bush, along with his opportunistic friend Cha-ching Cheney saw a way to make a lttle flow and took it. Was it about oil? Yes...(how did OUR oil get under THEIR sand anyway?) Is it about religion (they would have you to believe...and in some is).

    Mostly it's about the domination of one group over another. Sounds simplstic...but highly complicated. Peace.


  50. stupid is as stupid does
    said the wise man Forrest Gump
    if this is axiomatic
    no wonder we're such a dump

    spinning round in circles
    a mad dog chasing his tail
    if the USA was a person
    it would be locked away in jail

    criminal deplorable behavior
    is the flavor of the day
    gonna catch the terrorists
    there will be hell to pay

    can't you see them shaking
    Al Qaida is on the run
    is our strategy working
    or has it yet begun

    nine years of fighting terror
    from sunrise to setting sun
    aren't the results just awesome
    this country's number one

    if one was a negative number
    we just might attain that score
    but the terrorists aren't counting
    where's the sanity I implore

    a war that will never end
    who'd think we see that day
    it's all so damn depressing
    makes an atheist want to pray

  51. I can't believe how stupid the writer and those commenting are.

    There is no ones word it was an actual terrorist act except those "Whites", intent on making "Black men" the perpetual enemy, and this so-called feild Negro jumped on the band wagon like a good House Negro.

    An engineer is well able to blow up a plane, and Blacks in general have not taken that tact.

    The U.S. has created at least three incidences using Black men in the past five years as terrorist even when in two cases it was the "White" FBI informant that instigated and supplied them with monies to travel where the FBI picked them up and locked them up for the set-up purpose of the Blck male terrorist propaganda program.

    This event was staged, and made to look like something it was'nt, and those of you that believe it can come buy a bridge I have for sale

  52. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Well put me down as a terrorist sympathizer, so here we go. What is a terrorist, in my view a person whom believes in something so much that he is willing to die to get his point across. He doesn't have an army so he could send 200,000 troops to enforce his point, but he believes that he has been done wrong and his only means of retaliation is to inflict terror on his enemy. I hope one day to believe in something so strong that I am willing to die for. Like that my life is being led by God and I don't want someone else's way of life in my country, so much that I am willing to kill myself and believe that, such an act will make my invader not want to come to my country. We must remember that we could be terrorist, if we believed in something, instead of falling for what our enemy has given us.

  53. False flag operation here! Dude was able to board several planes WITHOUT pastport. Now how real is this? Someone wanted him to board the plane and it was not his fellow terrorists. They knew that crap he had would not work, and this dude may even be mentally challenged. He is at best a wanabee terrorists. He will be placed behind bars for the rest of his life

  54. just how oppressed was Obama bin Laden and His cohorts. The best education and opportunities where they could have uplifted their people but instead use their abilities to bring about a culture of ignorance. Some idealistic pastoral society which could not pump water for its citizens. It reminds me of the Cultural Revolution in which the Chinese got rid or retrained the intellectuals. I have no idea why Black people think they are the on righteous side of evil. Those poor people which America is supposedly mistreated are not the masterminds of terrorism, they are the pawns.The west has done nothing without the collusion of their leaders.
    Bin Laden had enough money to bring Afghanistan in to the 21th century and enough intellectual capitol to rebuild the country after the Russians left. He could have made it his model Islamic country that he sought for Saudi Arabia.

  55. StillaPanther28:46 AM

    Brother Field... I have much doubt about all thes so called attacks..both of the so called attacks were carried out by people of color. Bin Laden can't find a competant "other than Colored" to carry out these so called attacks. I agree with FineFrogHairs. Again for the enth time living/be a participant in these periods of being afraid, i feel most of these activities are done for the bigger goal.. to keep people afraid and to allow this government to control ALL PEOPLE. Have you ever thought ...why would these two so called bombers try to ignite some materials in plain view of the other passengers. Don.t the planes still have bathrooms/toilets? That Nigerian for all we know may have been duped or he was a stone dummy like the last dummy...the shoe bomber. I am sure if Ben and the boys did that 9/11 (which I can't run with}, why can't they practise? Don't read into these comments that I am for them to get better...but I have been a part of this country being in other countries and blasting more people in one day than Ben and the boys could ever dream of. PS as far as Nigerians being can't be scammed if you too were not trying to scam. They just tap into Americans' greed and need to be on top of things. Brother Field as far as the spelling ...very few of the peolple who use computers cant decipher the content of your text. Not with what I have seen in coasting the intrnet.

  56. A Person of Interest9:18 AM

    I can't understand why all these radical Africans & Middle Easterners seem to congregate in the northern US, where it stays so damn cold for so many months.

    Seems like they'd all be hanging out in Atlanta...or some similar southern clime.

  57. Anonymous9:50 AM


    Don't shit were you eat. It's unsanitary.

    Maybe you should tell yo negro bro's in african, seems to me every pic i see of that shit hole looks like they do exaclly

    Lady m:
    @ Anon 12:01 "they "terrorists" are over here because we are over there. if this country was not bullying other nations and stealing their natural resources, throughout the world, we wouldn't have this problem."
    (then you said)
    Obviously the US didn't cause 9/11, but part of the problem was a build-up of all the negative sentiment……
    (kind of contradicted yourself ? didn’t you?)
    (then you said)
    one of the most important things Obama has accomplished in office was try to change some of this negative sentiment into goodwill.
    (that’s not really working out for him I guess? Or obe or whatever his little mussslum name is would have tried to pull his dumbass stunt)
    Typical anti-American sentiment from the black community…….percentage wise doing better that any race!
    That’s it point your black finger…….the black race can be proud.

  58. What I don't get is that with all that is wrong with Africa, this clown and others want to get involved in other peoples battles. His pig of a father is one of the many things wrong with Nigeria today. A corrupt former politician. If he has to have a beef with people he needs to look no further than his country and multinational companies in cahoots with the government.

    I posted more on my blog. Umar, you picked the wrong people to blow up

  59. Tersi2:27 PM

    finefroghair said... "it's all so damn depressing makes an atheist want to pray...."

    Fine poem. Whatcha got to lose!

  60. Consesor3:05 PM

    @anon, "Maybe you should tell yo negro bro's in african, seems to me every pic i see of that shit hole looks like they do exaclly"

    Who said I'm black, bro? It's clear you haven't seen all of Africa, or you have a selective memory. Either way, we know what your agenda is....

    "Obviously the US didn't cause 9/11, but part of the problem was a build-up of all the negative sentiment……
    (kind of contradicted yourself ? didn’t you?)"

    The writer probaly meant this: Not direct causation, merely indirect. You see what you want to see, I see.

    "one of the most important things Obama has accomplished in office was try to change some of this negative sentiment into goodwill.
    (that’s not really working out for him I guess? Or obe or whatever his little mussslum name is would have tried to pull his dumbass stunt)"

    You really have issues don't you? What are you, one of those RepubliKKKans? That was for the misspelling of "mussslum."

    The terrorist pulled that "dumbass stunt," because of dumbass shit we're perpetrating around the world, and your stupid, "dumbass" support of it.

    It's too bad we're allowing "dumbass shit[s]" like you to set the national agenda. Remember Bush?

    For the record, and I know it galls you, President Obama has drawn more respect from those around the world than Bush, who has made many Europe nations less safe with his cowboy antics: Attack first, and call it our national interest, but forbid others the same self-serving logic.

    "Typical anti-American sentiment from the black community…….percentage wise doing better that any race!"

    I'm sure blacks are thanking Massa everyday, so are Native Americans, Hawaiians, and Mexicans.

    When will they, "percentage wise," do as well as Massa. Or is that taking it too far. Massa gotta stay on top, keep those inferior races down, and obedient.

    Do you sport a swastika, or cover your head with dirty pillowcases?

    What would these inferior races ever do without the magnanimous white man, and the white man's religion, a religion, by the way that he signs on to, but rarely practices?

  61. A Person of Interest4:35 PM

    Some of you guys act like we've just recently pissed off the Muslim world, and now they're getting their revenge on us.

    The Western / Christian world has been in conflict with the Muslim world for a thousand years, at least. Ever heard of El Cid? Charles "The Hammer" Martel? Jan Sobieski? The siege of Vienna? The Battle of Lepanto?

    These are just a few of the Western / Christian warriors and events that have kept the Muslim horde at bay. The Muslim goal is world domination. Make no mistake about it, it's right there as plain to see in their Koran, just as it was plain to see Hitler's goal in Mein Kampf.

    Some of you need to do a little more research for yourself, rather than swallowing that "religion of peace" crap they're trying to shove down your throat hook, line, & sinker.

  62. Everybody is kung foo fighting all around the world.

  63. Consesor6:09 PM

    @APOI: "Some of you need to do a little more research for yourself, rather than swallowing that "religion of peace" crap they're trying to shove down your throat hook, line, & sinker."

    Thanks for the history lesson, but it doesn't seem to matter much if we pissed them off hundreds of year ago, or a decade or two ago, the results are still the same: they're pissed off.

    "Some of you need to do a little more research for yourself, rather than swallowing that "religion of peace" crap they're trying to shove down your throat hook, line, & sinker."

    They sure as hell didn't fool you, did they?!

    Now that you've shown us just how ignorant we are, and how knowledgeable you are, tell us, Ol' Wise and Brilliant One, what would you have us do, nuke them?

  64. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Now that you've shown us just how ignorant we are, and how knowledgeable you are, tell us, Ol' Wise and Brilliant One, what would you have us do, nuke them?

    my, my consister is it that special time of the month?

    seem to be having issues with everyone?

  65. Consesor9:16 PM

    @anon, 9:06 PM "seem to be having issues with everyone?"

    No, not with everyone, just those that use insults to make their case, rather good ol' fashion logic.

    And those that are quick to find fault without having a modicum of a solution to back up their carping.

  66. Anonymous9:24 PM

    What are you, one of those RepubliKKKans?

    because of dumbass shit we're perpetrating around the world, and your stupid, "dumbass" support of it.

    Do you sport a swastika, or cover your head with dirty pillowcases?

    Ol' Wise and Brilliant One, what would you have us do, nuke them?

    oh, i get like this huh?

  67. Consesor11:42 PM

    oh, i get like this huh?

    No, like this:

    "Maybe you should tell yo negro bro's in african, seems to me every pic i see of that shit hole looks like they do exaclly"

    And this:

    "Or obe or whatever his little mussslum name is would have tried to pull his dumbass stunt)
    Typical anti-American sentiment from the black community…….percentage wise doing better that any race!
    That’s it point your black finger…….the black race can be proud."

    Now, do you get it?!

  68. Anonymous8:26 AM

    consister said;

    No, not with everyone, just those that use insults to make their case, rather good ol' fashion logic.

    I was being sardonic, go ahead I’ll give you a couple of minutes to look it up and then follow the tread.

  69. trickster2069:25 PM

    The whole story stinks. The boy's father is an international banker who dropped a dime on his own son? Dropped a dime to the FBI no less? Did he call Interpol, Scotland Yard also or just the FBI? Where are the videos of the well dressed man who got the boy on the plane without his passport? And a previous poster is right, why didn't the son do the freudian thing and go against his father's actions which are detrimental to his OWN country (Nigeria)? I think its just an escalating war against Blacks because of Obama's bullshit. And if you notice the US media has been hyping the al-cia-duh fear mongering. They have no shame, yet the international bankers can rob America's treasury, get more money in the form of bailouts and regular folk are getting screwed via credit cards, bank accounts and foreclosures. Another poster was right, there are so many other targets why fuck with planes? You notice with all the black and brown people working on the peripheral of Wall Street, no attacks are made there!

  70. Can you say "Manchurian Candidate?"

  71. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "Now my question is this: Are there more Umar Famoul Abdul Mutallabs out there? And if there are, were they working in concert with this genius?"

    I guess we will never know now that he has "lawyered up".

    If O man declared him a terrorist, then why was he arrested and allowed to have the rights that Americans have fought and died for and jackasses like umar are trying to destroy?

    He should have been taken prisoner and interrogated like any other enemy combatant. Instead of arrested and given a lawyer and a taxpayer funded trial.

    Obama is clueless and the master of cluelessness.

  72. A few questions from a lass in London.. .
    1.How do you know this guy wasn't under some kind of administered cocktail of mind altering chemicals?
    2.Is it wholly coincidental a black man is doing this after a black man becomes president of US?
    Like any black leader in westrn societies,Obama is and will encounter that old "if you ain't jiggin',you ain't winning" attitude from those folks who can't stand an African American in that position and a success story.So,this latest "terrorist" attack ought to be viewed with a critical mind.
