Monday, April 26, 2010

Be safe Mr. President. There are rappers out here trying to get at you.

I knew it! I knew it was just a matter of time before one of these damn rappers took this rap shit too far. After you rap about something long enough you start to believe it.

"Now they all wanna jock my fame (all wanna jock my fame)When I'm comin down in my foreign and I'm rollin one deepThat should tell you bout me (S.U.C.)I don't give a damn about none of you hoesI blast on site cause I ain't trippin no mo'"

So is this why you think you can go to the airport with a gun asking to see the president, fool? Man you rappers are crazy. This Joseph McVey character AKA "Z-Ro" done lost his damn mind. Boy what would your mama say if she knew your black ass done went and got arrested for being a threat to the first black president?......wait......oh damn, I am sorry y'all, I think I have the wrong Joseph McVey.

Joseph Sean McVey, 23, of Coshocton, Ohio, holding a gun and impersonating a police officer, was arrested at an airport in North Carolina as President Barack Obama's plane prepared to take off.

McVey told police that he wanted to see Obama and parked his car, which he outfitted to look like a police cruiser, near a gate that led to a runway.

Air Force One was taxiing when McVey was arrested, according to police.
Police and Secret Service took a handgun from McVey, and he was charged with misdemeanor gun possession. He's being held on a $100,000 bond.

The most distressing aspect of this case is the fact that McVey's front and rear dashboards were equipped with LED police-style strobe lights and a digital camera in the front window. He had a siren located under the steering wheel and large antennas attached to the trunk.
If this guy wasn't up to some serious trouble with the president a few hundred yards away, then my name is Mickey Mouse.

It's great that the authorities were on their toes and caught McVey before he could do any damage.

But the sad truth is that the good guys have to be right every single time, but the criminals who want to hurt the president only have to be right just once to throw this country and the world into chaos.

Unfortunately, McVey won't be the last person suspected of threatening the president. "

Whoops, sorry "Z-Ro", you can go back to your rapping now. The other Joseph McVey is actually a good kid who just got caught up in some stuff. He is such a good boy that I am sure it was all just a misunderstanding.


  1. agape20108:53 PM

    @ FN:

    wow...he's a real whigger...and he names himself zero...he has certainly lived DOWN to this name.

    Wonder what 'hood he got his police car stuff from...?? Surely he went home and got it from his own neighborhood...all we got is pawn shops and liquor stores...


  2. "He is such a good boy that I am sure it was all just a misunderstanding."

    Of course, I bet he grew up in a good ol American home - surely his momma was a good mother. Or maybe he's probably suffering from one of those "take your pick" mental illnesses that's only reserved for when whites act bad, or maybe a mental breakdown,... you know having to pay all those taxes to a country that's not his anymore.

    Heck, I think he was listening to rap music on his way there. That's what did it!

  3. Gregory9:14 PM

    Anyone else notice the similarity of his name to another infamous "patriot"? McVeigh meet McVey. I could understand why he would want to change his name.

    This could just be a ploy on his part to advance his rap career. With a Wonderbread background like his, he's got no street credibility. What's a "good kid" to do? Easy, get sent to prison. I'm sure the brothers there would be delighted to have him as a pupil and teach him how to rap proper. /sarcasm.

    Honestly, this whole incident reads like an article from The Onion.

  4. LOL!

    Not to make light of this, but I'm sure you've heard of these police impersonators that pull over folks and what not. I think law enforcement has even offered tips on how to respond to being pulled over by someone not even close to being a cop. This is mainly what this joker is...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I feel you ch555x, a po po wanna be, huh? :)

    BTW Greg, thanks for the 411 on the CL match.

    La~audio, be nice tonight.

  7. The rapper and the police impersonator are 2 different people with similar names.

  8. "The rapper and the police impersonator are 2 different people with similar names."

    Keith, you have got to come by more often. Don't worry, you will get used to me.

  9. "The rapper and the police impersonator are 2 different people with similar names."Keith

    Thanks Keith; I just wanted that to be clarified. Although I despise the name of the rapper ZRo, he has some hard hitting lyrics that are somewhat consistent with FN's narrative from time to time.

    As to Gregory's observation that is strange the name McVey and its McVeigh similarity in sound; I thought of that as I read the story too. Also made me think of the dead satanist anton levay. Maybe that combination of frequencies means something deeper...

  10. Gregory, check this out:,236778

  11. Filled Negro:

    I bit of juxtaposition there.

    Let me ask you a question as you mixed up the flavor of the chum that you threw out.

    When you did your review of subject matter:

    How did ONE MAN WHO CALLS 'CHICAGO' HIS HOME become a SUPERIOR CHOICE than the cause of the 113 EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS who were murdered in Chicago?

    President Obama ALREADY has protection from Federal Forces. I have little concern about Obama's safety. Yet despite some of the people on this blog who accuse ME of being detached from the cause of "The Least Of These" people - I am the one asking you why you did not highlight the news that Chicagoland's murder rate had several Democratic elected officials calling for the Illinois National Guard to patrol the streets of Obama's hometown.

    Does it seem perverse to you that you focus more about the most protected man on the planet than you do about the PEOPLE who have their hopes vested that he and the other elements of the machine will advance their permanent interests of "SAFE STREETS"?

  12. yea. z-ro has enough problems. he's in jail so often, that i thought this was true. can't believe you quoted a S U C member on your site. (screwed up click)

    southside still holding,

    rip Pimp C

  13. Anonymous10:47 PM

    In the midst of all the ridiculous sh** people do, I was really happy to read about this man who went out out of his way to save people he didn't know from a burning house. I'm glad to know the field spirit is alive out here in the Bay Area.

  14. PeteInAz10:53 PM

    It's not that hard to get lights and sirens and such...

    And, yes, I'm from the state who's new motto is "You a wetback?".
    The state that also says:
    You can't get divorced, but...
    You can carry a concealed weapon.
    You can light off sparklers this dry summer.

    Stay tuned, I'm sure our state legislature will come up with a few more "bright" ideas.

  15. agape201012:20 AM

    @ MR:

    You have hit the nail on the head about the names and frequencies....

    There is a very old expression that goes..."People with V's and K's in their name are old souls..."


  16. Gregory1:31 AM

    That was hilarious. It reminds me of those Saturday afternoons a million years ago, watching our local side.

  17. @Laaudio:

    "Of course, I bet he grew up in a good ol American home - surely his momma was a good mother. Or maybe he's probably suffering from one of those "take your pick" mental illnesses that's only reserved for when whites act bad, or maybe a mental breakdown,... you know having to pay all those taxes to a country that's not his anymore."

    "Heck, I think he was listening to rap music on his way there. That's what did it!"

    You beat me to it before I could say it. I swear I was thinking the same thing. Yup, it's the good neighbor or temporary insanity plea. Some things stay the same in America. Oh yeah, let's see if will the case be dismissed or baby probation or a diversion program?

  18. Gregory1:56 AM

    M. Rigmaiden,
    OK, I was being a little bit disingenuous about the name McVeigh/McVey. They are, in fact, one and the same. Call it the Ellis Island Effect. The spellings for many Irish and Scottish names were phonetic and compounded by the difficulty of turning Gaelic into English.

    The name is derived from the Irish Gaelic "Mac an Bheatha", which incidentally translates into Macbeth in modern Scottish. So, if you are looking for a deeper meaning it I would suggest you look more towards Macbeth than Levay.

  19. Gregory, thanks for explaining how you thought of the names. I was thinking of the similarity in the sounds with my response. There is this philosophy that says that sounds are associated with certain emotions and can affect the personality of individuals. I think Agape got the thought.

  20. @ MR:

    I believe in the forces of what it is we cannot unravel. Rationality has it' place in the earthly realm...but in the spiritual it can be incomprehendable to some...


  21. @ MR:

    Yes, I did. and it was a powerful thought. There are some things that cannot be explained in earthly terms...:)


    wod verf: blessla...;)

  22. @ MR:

    I just had to add one more you notice anything about my name...?...;)


  23. Anonymous3:00 AM

    "He is such a good boy that I am sure it was all just a misunderstanding."

    LOL! I'm sure those "wig-wag" headlights came stock from the Ford factory, too.

  24. StillaPanther23:05 AM

    Brother America there are neighborhoods that have green lawns, safe schools, working people, intact families (shrinking? maybe} and kids that attend schools- and stores (no liquor/pawn shops). AND these are Black neighborhoods- albeit some are traditional. One such is the FIRST BLACK DESIGNED,BLACK MADE AND BLACK OWNED. The name? Aberdeen Gardens, Hampton, VA. Goggle it-- for the non-believers. @ Sister Granny Standing For Truth. Thank you for the kind words/support. I miss coming to the site ---but you know the times when you made a comment and it would be just that. Methink there a fierce competition to embarass others whom have different thoughts. Again Sister Granny, I'll be reading every now and then. And just hearing from you puts me in good spirits tonight.

  25. @ Still:

    Certainly I painted a broad brush when to comes to black neighborhoods...however it was used to paint a broader picture of what the blog is about...:)


  26. (Applause for Field)


    I'm still waiting for your new book to come out ("21st Century Urban Politricks for the New Millenium").


    Now I know you said you don't need the money (as it relates to Blogging) but don't tell me your going to turn down a HUGE Cash Advance for writing a best-selling book.

    Not just any book, better yet a publication to help usher in the next new wave of Minority Leaders (Black & Hispanic) i.e., Activists, Grassroots Leaders, Politicians, Speakers, etc.,

    For those of you who think Prez. Obama already accomplished this via his CHANGE Movement and his Election, WRONG!

    While I do support Prez. O on most things, I'm not jumping in with him blindly.

    Don't forget how Prez. O shut down AG Eric Holder last year when he called Americans "Cowards" for running away from real dialogue on Racial Discrimination.

    Since than Racist behavior from KKK-related organizations has risen to levels only previously seen in the 1950's, 1960's & early 1970's.

    So while I am appreciative of Prez. O's election, there is MORE work to be done because its obvious the struggle is far from over.

    However today's mission sadly lacks such Active, Bold Leaders as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Angela Davis and...The Black Panthers.

    Of course we still have Rev. Al Sharpton but the brother can't do what's needed by himself.

    This is where Field comes in.

    Let's face it, how many Blogs embody the type of Intellect and Raw Soul needed to awaken not just Black America, but Minority America as a whole?

    I will admit there are a few Blogs that come close but Field's is definitely an original which cannot be substituted by any others.

    Especially Psuedo Activists Bloggers looking for fame.

    Just like a few Tea Party protesters ushered in a New Persuasive, Political Movement last year,

    Field Negro's prose via his Blog is also promoting and ushering in the concept or ideology of "Urban Politricks for the New Millenium".

    So where's my book?

    Field God Bless you and your family.

    Let's also keep Prez. Obama in our prayers.

    Please don't forget about your Minority readers who currently live in the South where Extreme Racism appears to be getting worse.
    (North Carolina 2010)


    "The First Amendment means everything to me".
    Julian Bond

    "I do think that some of us began to realize that this was going to be a long struggle that was going to go on for decades, and you'd have to knuckle down. A lot of people in our generation did that. They didn't drop out and run away".
    Julian Bond

    "Violence is Black children going to school for 12 years and receiving 6 years' worth of Education".
    Julian Bond

    "As Legal Slavery passed, we entered into a permanent period of Unemployment and Underemployment from which we have yet to emerge".
    Julian Bond

  27. BrotherStillapanther:

    You hit the bulleye with your comments. In fact, I have to take more than my normal winter hibernation break nowadays. I'm trying to live longer and the change in the atmosphere vexes my spirit. Therefore, I truly understand where you coming from. I've never been one to hold it within because it will cause unnecessary lines in your face, lost of sleep, disturb your peace of mind, more gray hairs, and bad health. Nevertheless, there are many names I missed seeing post comments, and I think about every single one of them all the time and include them in my prayers.

  28. [quote]Not just any book, better yet a publication to help usher in the next new wave of Minority Leaders (Black & Hispanic) i.e., Activists, Grassroots Leaders, Politicians, Speakers, etc.,[/quote]


    You are young. I can tell.
    Thus despite your "dissatisfaction" with this OLD LEADERSHIP you merely wish to retain their IDEOLOGY yet find a younger more EFFECTIVE bunch.

    Let me ask you Lauren - now that these forces have taken over all of the key institutions of the Black Community - WHAT DO YOU ASK OF THEM? - Those who now sit in the seats that we as a people used to PROTEST AGAINST for having failed our interests??

    Is it possible that more than NEW LEADERSHIP we need a MORE TRANSPARENT STRUCTURE FOR EVALUATION AND PROMOTION of ideas as the people who carry them?

    What happens when our community is lead to support a particular STRATEGY only to have TIME PROVE that this was the WRONG strategy which actually worked AGAINST OUR INTERESTS? (ie: Focusing upon Integrating our neighborhood schools with WHITE FOLKS instead of focusing upon making them into world class institutions that educate all who are contained within)

    WHO IS MADE TO PAY Lauren?

    Can we afford to allow POPULAR WILL to trump EFFECTIVE OUTCOMES?

    WHO is your ENEMY Lauren?

    My enemy is IGNORANCE AND BIGOTRY, regardless of the color of the physical body it is implanted in.

  29. [quote]Activists, Grassroots Leaders, Politicians, Speakers[/quote]

    What happened to:

    * Consumers of Labor - who can put the minds of our people to work - exchanging salary for their applied intelligence?

    * EDUCATORS - who can tie the consciousness of those who sit before them to the desired STANDARD OF LIVING that is present within the community?

    * PARENTS - who are conscious of their role in inculcating this next generation and the importance of their joint role as "genetic contributors" to the progeny

    * COMMUNITY ADULTS - who realize that they must manage all of the human resources within their eco-system to ensure that they are aware of the part they play so that they don't have to make reference to how SLAVERY from 130 years ago played the strongest hand in their development.

  30. "southside still holding,

    rip Pimp C"

    UGK in da house. :)

    Laurel, you are too kind. But I honestly would feel sorry for the publisher (not to mention editors) who would have to deal with me.

    "LOL! I'm sure those "wig-wag" headlights came stock from the Ford factory, too."


  31. nice site...good posting.

  32. Lauren - now that the response from Filled Negro have provoked me to actually READ INTO your comments I am even more concerned about you.

    [quote]Don't forget how Prez. O shut down AG Eric Holder last year when he called Americans "Cowards" for running away from real dialogue on Racial Discrimination.[/quote]

    I agree with this one. If the 11% of WHITE FOLKS in Alabama who voted for Obama did so for RACIST reasons then most assuredly we can't be COWARDS about inspecting why 96% of Black folks voted to give the MACHINE that already controls their communities which they are grieving about a PROMOTION.

    Since than Racist behavior from KKK-related organizations has risen to levels only previously seen in the 1950's, 1960's & early 1970's.

    You are indeed correct Lauren.
    STRANGE FRUIT is dangling all around us. Except these new KLAN-LIKE organizations never were Boy Scouts and thus never learned how to tie a know. Thus they just SHOOT BLACK PEOPLE on the streets during their Pirate Attacks. Besides the trees that are in the urban areas have their trunks to HIGH. You know after years of pruning so that delivery trucks can drive by - "Black on Black Lynching" is logistically unfeasible.

    So while I am appreciative of Prez. O's election,
    there is MORE work to be done because its obvious the struggle is far from over.[/quote]

    You just VERBALLY hung a "Mission Accomplished" sign over the head of Obama.

    Let me ask you Lauren: THE NEXT TIME some Negro seeks to translate your ELATION into affirmative VOTING action - are you going to express more SKEPTICISM? What ERNEST MONEY will you demand prior to yielding yourself as such?

    [quote]However today's mission sadly lacks such Active, Bold Leaders as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Angela Davis and...The Black Panthers.[/quote]

    (I just let out a sigh of frustration as I read these words above)

    Lauren - Lets look at CHICAGO.
    Cook County Jail - both INMATES and JAILER are Black. WHO is Martin King Jr GOING TO PROTEST AGAINST?

    Black people getting MURDERED like Tupelo MS 1918. WHO is Malcolm X going to protest against?

    Chicago Public schools - 87% Black and Hispanic. Graduates only 52.9% of them. What is Angela Davis going to say to the rank and file who ELECTED THE DAMNED SCHOOL BOARD!!!!!????? VOTE HARDER next time?

    Gangs providing a family connection that many don't have at home. Is the Black Panthers going to start a membership drive offering Tattoo Removal of all gang signs?


    YOU WON!!!!!!!!!
    Doesn't it feel GRAND???

    Lauren - why should a rational Black person ALLOW those who have orchestrated this VICTORY to DEFINE THE TERMS OF THE NEXT INTERVAL of time for our community?

    Where is the DEBRIEFING for the last INTERVAL - what worked, what failed?

    * Did their take over of our SCHOOLS lead to SCHOLARSHIP?

    * Did their take over of our COMMUNITIES lead to SAFETY?

    * Did their imposition of their own economic theories and labor justice make us more GAINFULLY EMPLOYED and ECONOMIC INDEPENDENT?


    Does it even stand up to the basic level of scrutiny for its own transparency?

  33. [quote]This is where Field comes in.[/quote]

    Filled Negro - when I come to Philly I am going to shake your hand. Let me have that recipe for your "chum sauce". It works.

    Let's face it, how many Blogs embody the type of Intellect and Raw Soul needed to awaken not just Black America, but Minority America as a whole?

    I will admit there are a few Blogs that come close but Field's is definitely an original which cannot be substituted by any others.[/quote]

    AWAKEN US TO WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
    That despite holding more "Minority Communities" the BATTLE RESIDES OUTSIDE?

    That the WHITE MAN in tube socks sitting in Montana with a US Robotics dial modem is a bigger THREAT than the Street Pirates who car jacked 4 Morehouse students?

    FILLED NEGRO is your new "BLANK CANVAS" for you to DRAW YOUR DREAMS UPON Lauren - now that Obama's canvas has no more bare space upon it.

    (Thrasher - I guess I am jealous of Filled Negro. The POWER of his chum which has some hallucinogens in it. )

    Especially Psuedo Activists Bloggers looking for fame.

    Lauren coined the term PSEUDO-ACTIVISTS. "Fake Activists". Feigning injury and then running after the assailant.

    Just like a few Tea Party protesters ushered in a New Persuasive, Political Movement last year,Field Negro's prose via his Blog is also promoting and ushering in the concept or ideology of "Urban Politricks for the New Millenium".[/quote]

    WHAT FORCE controls the POLITICS in these urban areas Lauren?

    Please don't forget about your Minority readers who currently live in the South where Extreme Racism appears to be getting worse.
    (North Carolina 2010)


    You now have the ability to watch full episodes of "Gangland" on the Internet. When it comes to South Carolina and North Carolina they did NOT feature the "Red Shirts Gang Of 2010". Instead they went to Durham and they went to Columbia SC and focused on the STREET PIRATE GANGS and how they are attacking the BLACK COMMUNITY.

    Are you SURE that there is not a BLACK STREET PIRATE underneath that Klansmen's hood? If that WHITE BOY can wear a black mask surely some Negro knows how to get an old bed spread out of the linen closet and cut some holes in it.

  34. [quote]
    "Violence is Black children going to school for 12 years and receiving 6 years' worth of Education".
    Julian Bond

    IGNORANCE is when these DAMNED SCHOOLS have been taken over by FAVORABLE PEOPLE after having WON their struggle and yet they don't fulfill the PROMISES MADE to Black people but instead seek WHITE FOLKS to integrate the schools with so that the Black can learn.

    "As Legal Slavery passed, we entered into a permanent period of Unemployment and Underemployment from which we have yet to emerge".
    Julian Bond

    You were no doubt in the NAACP Children's Auxiliary - weren't you Lauren?

    Do you see how PASSIVE Bond's words are? Whereas Detroit, Trenton, Baltimore and Rochester New York were THRIVING urban centers, powerful enough to ATTRACT BLACK PEOPLE FROM THE SOUTH for gainful employment - when the STRUGGLE was WON - those who now controlled the cities implemented their own policy regime.

    After this victory Lauren there is abundant UNEMPLOYMENT. Note how Bond and other Progressive-Fundamentalist are forced to FIGHT AGAINST the "Consumers of Labor" with the goal of PROTESTING THAT JOBS MIGHT BE CREATED.

    NEVER will they have to own up for the vacation of the jobs which many of their policies had triggered.

    I am trying to get into your head Lauren. (I am serious at this point).


    How do you justify having protested in the past against the occupant of a seat of power and now with that same seat in favorable hands you walk PAST HER on your way to struggle against some other seat in the hierarchy?

    Did that ORIGINAL SEAT become INFERIOR? Or have you reduced EXPECTATIONS upon its present occupant? What about the characteristics of this present occupant caused such reduction Lauren?

    Is it possible that you are mistaking MANAGEMENT for "STRUGGLE"? A struggle can attract a large crowd behind you. They can render INDICTMENTS but never have to own up to their own faults. They retain the MORAL HIGH GROUND and project from there.

    I am struggling to understand how the present dimensions afford you the thought that your SALVATION resides in fighting against EXTERNAL forces rather than guiding the HUMAN RESOURCES that are within your domain to live to a higher standard.

  35. Your welcome Field

    However being that I'm originally from Brooklyn (Bed-Stuy), I don't write compliments as a means of kissing up.

    If I compliment someone for anything, its always Sincere and Warranted.

    To Constructive Feedback:

    Temper, Temper

    I told you to please watch your Caffeine intake.

    Have a great day all and don't forget the struggle is far from over.


  36. Sad part about it is there's a real rapper named Z-RO out of Houston,TX. Probably effed HIM for a minute.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Shabazz9:05 AM

    " One such is the FIRST BLACK DESIGNED,BLACK MADE AND BLACK OWNED. The name? Aberdeen Gardens, Hampton, VA. Goggle it-- for the non-believers."

    Are you joking?
    I know hampton first hand.
    I live in va, and work in hampton daily.
    As a matter of fact, I'll be driving there in about an hour.
    Still a panther, I'm not trying to belittle you, but coming from first hand experience, hampton is not exactly the kumbaya blacks are pulling up their bootstraps successful community type of place. Not to mention, ALL of va is racist and slave driven.
    Va is one of the most depressed racist slave-driven states I've ever had the displeasure of living in.
    BTW- The central part of this area is pretty run-down, while the surrounding areas look better kept and whiter too.

  39. CF, the Everready TOM battery, just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going
    and going and going and going and going

    Massa good, Negroes bad

    You notice how everytime someone asks CF how will things in the hood change if the people CF rhetorically blows took over he immediately changes the subject?

    Like other conservatives and especially black conservatives he has no ideas or suggestions.

    His conversation rarely ventures beyond some variation of the "niggas ain't shit" narrative he's been ranting in the 3 years I've been exposed to him.

    A clown.

  40. this is pretty stupid behavior for a 23-year-old. then again, i think, sadly, 23 is the new 15, and so on.

  41. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Hey Field, I'm with Laurel. I'd love to see a book from you. And if publishers can put up with Sarah "I need a Lear Jet and bendy straws" Palin, you'd be a walk in the park!


  42. [quote]To Constructive Feedback:

    Temper, Temper[/quote]

    Laurel - that was not anger that you detected emanating from me. It was RESOLVE to not allow anything less than a TRANSPARENT process to define the terms of the NEXT interval off our "Community Competency Development Process" that YOU refer to as a "Struggle".

    [quote]I told you to please watch your Caffeine intake.
    Have a great day all and don't forget the struggle is far from over.

    Lauren: Are you familiar with the Cheshire Cat?

    He is a character who was asked by the main character of the story for DIRECTIONS. He responded "IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING than ANY WAY FORWARD will GET YOU THERE"

    To you, beloved, I say "If you don't know what you are STRUGGLING FOR and you have not clearly defined the TERMS OF THE ENDPOINT......then in your lust for the RITUAL OF will be easily diverted by that which LOOKS LIKE that which those who proceeded you STRUGGLED AGAINST".

    The key difference is that THEY did not struggle in reference to figures who were in the ESTABLISHMENT SEATS who told them that THEY ARE FRIENDS of theirs and were thankful for their VOTES.

    Can YOU say the same today?

    Peace be upon you to my sista

  43. "If you don't know what you are STRUGGLING FOR and you have not clearly defined the TERMS OF THE ENDPOINT......then in your lust for the RITUAL OF will be easily diverted by that which LOOKS LIKE that which those who proceeded you STRUGGLED AGAINST".

    Sounds like a great question for conservatives and tea partiers.

    What exactly has got their shorts in such a knot NOW?

    It was under Bush that Medicare was expanded, unemployment doubled, the deficit doubled, and we got involved in two unnecessary wars in the Middle East.

    Maybe, just maybe it's because the guy who initially screwed everything up LOOKED LIKE THEM and the guy presently in charge is one the OTHERS in their mind.

    Ya think?

  44. [quote]You notice how everytime someone asks CF how will things in the hood change if the people CF rhetorically blows took over he immediately changes the subject?[/quote]


    What YOU detect as a "change in subject" because I am fearful of addressing you is really my notation of your FRAUD.

    Put it this way Steve:

    YOU are an agent for Glaxo Smith Klein. The "Least Of These" people have been one of your most profitable base of customers for the blue pill that you assisted in convincing them would cure all that ails them.

    In the process of the wealth, fame and power that you have personally acquired in your pill sales you have also guarded your market share. You spent the bulk of your ad dollars handing out reports to the base of the instances in which the red pill offered by your competitor Pfizer have killed Black people or made them suffer from renal failure.

    A person like ME comes along from his marketplace that you operate in and I observe the POLITRICKS that are going on between both you under the guise of GSK and Pfizer. I have the AUDACITY to play the role of the FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.

    Instead of peddling my own drug I instead put forth GUIDELINES by which any peddler operating within this protected space must live up to.

    In my observation that DESPITE YOUR RECORD MARKET SHARE and the fact that you have more outlets in the Black community than there are fast food joints that define the "Food Desert" that concerns you I note that the MASSES WITHIN ARE STILL SUFFERING FROM THE AILMENT THAT YOUR PILL WAS SUPPORT TO CURE THEM OF.

    In response to my challenge to the EFFICACY of that which you are peddling you have the AUDACITY - the DAMNED NERVE to ask me "What would be different if the Blacks were addicted to YOUR PILL?".

    This is the height of your FRAUD.
    If you were seriously concerned about our people you would seek for us all to go COLD TURKEY. Digest not another PILL from ANY EXTERNAL SOURCE for they have not worked.

    THEN, WhiteBowieSteve you would enlist the brightest minds who CLAIM that they know THEIR OWN BODIES to do a TRANSPARENT assessment of what ails the body, holding TRANSPARENT CLINICAL TRIALS as they seek a different and more EFFECTIVE solution to this ailment.

    Guess what Steve - they might find that the fix is not based on a PHARMACOLOGICAL concoction. Instead the masses had both lifestyle and organic natural substances before them all along.

    For example their high blood pressure could be cured by regulating their weight on the front end.

    Now when it comes to YOU - an embedded operative - you PROFIT NONE if they reject your pills and instead choose to eat less. As a Progressive Capitalist you seek to protect your interests.

    The challenge for this particular community if for them to see that it is in their best interest to put a regulatory system that PUTS YOU IN SERVICE to the aggregate PERMANENT INTERESTS.

    Today you PROSPER in the VOID of control mechanisms.

    Some merely appreciate you because you worked with the scientists at GSK to make the blue coating out of high fructose corn syrup to make it taste good going down.

  45. [quote]Sounds like a great question for conservatives and tea partiers.[/quote]

    I don't have a problem with asking them that question.

    Let me ask you Steve: Can you point to a single post in which I DEFENDED the Tea Parties?

    I merely note how much ATTENTION THE PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISTS give them in the wake of so many other issues that you all leave with benign neglect.

    I already know the answer BUT - Steve - Last year it was "Trinidad DC" with a police road block. The year before it was Baltimore and DC with "Aggressive Frisking". The new Police Chief in Philly then took this policy up to Philly with him when he got the job.

    NOW we see that some in CHICAGO is seeking THE NATIONAL GUARD to protect the lives of Black folks from MURDER.

    Let me ask you a question Steve:
    Do YOU ever tie all of these things together, noting that as the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser follows the okey doke and focuses on "THREATS" that reside outside of his community as the confidence men lead them that the INTERNAL ISSUES that they STRUGGLE AGAINST as the key reason why they retain their seats are NOT merely "The Slave Master's Whip" from 130 years ago still with the POWER to shred the skin off of your back BUT INSTEAD the people who were CHARGED WITH MANAGING THE HUMAN RESOURCES that were raised up as they TOOK OVER OUR INSTITUTIONS have FAILED at doing this vital job?

    [quote]It was under Bush that Medicare was expanded, unemployment doubled, the deficit doubled, and we got involved in two unnecessary wars in the Middle East.[/quote]

    Which of these elements can't be found LOCALLY when it comes to Trenton, Detroit or Milwaukee as the machine POWER that you support gained more entrenchment?

    * Are there LESS of the "least of these" within these places on Medicare/Medicaid/SCHIP?

    * Is their DEPLOYMENT rate in resolving the community's issues HIGHER now?

    * Is the balance between the influx of money from MARKET EXCHANGE (sales of items of value to others) versus the influx from ENTITLEMENT now more favorably balanced?

    * Are there not more than TWO GANGS who battle for supremacy in these places - torturing the community as they battle each other?

    What is the real difference?

  46. CF

    "In my observation that DESPITE YOUR RECORD MARKET SHARE and the fact that you have more outlets in the Black community than there are fast food joints that define the "Food Desert" that concerns you I note that the MASSES WITHIN ARE STILL SUFFERING FROM THE AILMENT THAT YOUR PILL WAS SUPPORT TO CURE THEM OF"

    No they are not and that is the fallacy of your position and philosophy.

    The inner city ghetto is not represntative of black America as a whole.

    However it is essential for people like you to act like it is in order to justify your attacks on blacks in general and liberals in particular.

    "NOW we see that some in CHICAGO is seeking THE NATIONAL GUARD to protect the lives of Black folks from MURDER."


    It is community leaders requesting National Guard assistance to protect innocent citizens from murderous thugs.

    We don't have those issues in my community and we are just as black as those on the South Side of Chicago.

    It is essential for YOU to insert the race angle as you continuallu run interference for white racists.

    How do you sleep at night?

  47. uptownsteve said...
    Like other conservatives and especially black conservatives he has no ideas or suggestions.

    Bullshit UTS!! Unlike a LOT of people BOTH liberals AND conservatives, I LIVE the ideas I espose for improving the bottom line for Black folks, using the thing I know best, Science.

    You know it really pisses me off that you can so easily negatively characterize Black conservatives into one group, as if we ALL think the same. Then you'll purposely fail to address some of the more salient points of CF's arguments. I'll give you that he can be beyond verbose, but if you think he's off the mark ALWAYS, then you really need to ask yourself if YOU are the one just spouting off shit yet blindly accusing Black conservatives of doing the same.

  48. MMM

    Please produce one conservative idea for improving the quality of life in the 'hood.

    Take all the time you need.

    "Then you'll purposely fail to address some of the more salient points of CF's arguments."

    It might be because I haven't seen any.

    Once again, maybe you can produce one right here.

    I'm all ears.

  49. uptownsteve said...
    Pardon me for studying for a final exam I have this evening, roll eyes.

    How about I give you MY suggestions, with 1 quicke to get you started because unlike you, I got better things to do right now than check this blog.

    5 year terms limits on he collection of welfare checks (except free healthcare to kids uner 18), with a requirement that the recipients finish high/get a GED then/or enroll in some secondary post high school education program paid for by the gov't.

    Now would you label that "conservative", "liberal", 'cause I don't really give a shit whose political lines that would fall under.

    Now I noticed that as usual, you taunt "conservatives" without offering YOUR own solution. My bad, I think you're expecting Prez Obama to had out gov't cheese on the white house lawn, LOL!!!

  50. MMM

    Classic Conservative Bull$hit.

    You don't even realize that the welfare rolls have been slashed drastically to the point where barely 4 million people are collecting AFDC benefits.

    Welfare "as we knew it" was ended over a decade agao but coonservatives are still yelping about it because it's the gift that keeps on giving to white racists.

    "Lazy niggers stealing from white taxpayers."

    You can't let it go can you?

    Okay MMM you cut welfare.

    Now how is that going to bring jobs, quality education and quality housing to the inner city?

    You didn't even think about that did you?

    What conservatives can never get through their thick skulls is that behavior changes when conditions change.

    I have made my suggestions known for years on these boards.

    Nothing short of an urban Marshall Plan will suffice for revitalization of the inner city.

    Grants and loans to companies (see Van Jones Green Jobs inititaive) who base themselves in the ghetto.

    The hope is that the money would seed enough fast-growing "gazelle" companies willing to operate in the inner city.

    The real payoff for the government would come in the form of income taxes paid by inner city city dwellerse Americans working for better wages.

    It's hard to believe in an era where every major government initiative seems to last forever, but the Marshall Plan, big and important as it was, lasted only four years.

    This new job creation initiative should also last only a few years.

    Its institutions should be nobody's career.

    When the money's gone, it's gone.

    How's that MMM?

    You got any other ideas besides making people's lives harder?

  51. I meant to say...........

    "The real payoff for the government would come in the form of income taxes paid by inner city dwellers as Americans working for better wages."

    Gotta slow down.

  52. CF says:

    You now have the ability to watch full episodes of "Gangland" on the Internet.

    The Ultimate show in Street Pirate education! Love it!

    Also they focused on the white skin heads and just straight up white gangs in the mid west and the west coast who are against gays, blacks, Jews, drug addicts, drunks and in some cases their own gang..You failed to mention that.

    Street_Pirate - WC3 Footy Frenzy - You can fight me there.

  53. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Must MMM always have to speak of her so call accomplishements on every blog post.

  54. mellaneous4:00 PM

    What up Field great satire.

    What up Granny Agape, Uptown?

    Field sure keeps it interesting doesn't it.

    CF is off as usual will be back later to have fun.

  55. What drives the pathology of criminals on Wall Street and Catholic Priests?

    Where is Gates and his reserach of these offenders??

    Where are those White Jewish Professors on the pathologies of these criminals?

    O shit I forgot working up research of those ruling class interests that they are a part of is only for those angry 'activists'

  56. @UTS: "Nothing short of an urban Marshall Plan will suffice for revitalization of the inner city."

    Such a plan is long overdue. It's easier to cast blacks in negative terms than to realize what was lost during our "struggle" for social and economic justice in this country.

    Blacks have historically been told to emerge from the devastation that racism wrought on their own efforts.

    Not even Native Americans have managed that trick, and Indian Casinos don't benefit all.

    Affirmative Action benefited blacks to some degree, but not all blacks were, because of untoward circumstances, in a position to benefit, nor were their sufficient opportunities to benefit all seekers.

  57. Once I propose to a foundation would they fund a program where inner city folks lived in affluent venues to understand why they express the contempt for poor folks and the like....

    I was hoping to get a reverse inner city peace corps deal. I propose it makes more sense to find out why the ruling class is so dysfunctional and lacks the ability to be ethical etc that instead of fixing those poor people who are being educated by the inept ruling class perhaps if we changed the ruling class they would better stewards of the industries, public policy and related organizations they run..

  58. Urban venues do not need "marshall plans"run by the usual suspects...I was once invloved with the hiring ofa police chief I told himI would support him if he hired ex-convicts as cops and if he would have retired seniors operate the juvenile detention center..

    He said not to worry he attended FBI Academy and he was qualifed...

  59. Our Defense Budget is in excess of 750BILLION dollars. In the nation we have 50 urban venues that look like Berlin after WWII...

    I propose granting to each of these venues 1BILLION dollars for ten years and have these venues under the stewardship of seniors and college graduates from HBCU's where appropriate..

    We still have plenty much left to remain the planet's #1 arms dealer...

    One does not have to make this a mess or a clusterfuck...We can do this with the simplicity of a genius paradigm which is of course KISS

  60. [quote]However it is essential for people like you to act like it is in order to justify your attacks on blacks in general and liberals in particular.[/quote]

    "Attacks On Blacks".
    "Attacks On Blacks".
    "Attacks On Blacks".


    First let me pull out my trusty REPRESENTATIONAL DIAGRAM before I beat this FRAUD back.


    Using your argument - your frequent attacks upon BLACK CONSERVATIVES is an "Attack Upon Black People", thus showing your contempt for Blacks.

    OH WAIT. That is UNLESS you are alleging that "Progressive-Fundamentalism" IS THE DE FACTO ideology for the Negro?

    Here is my corrective argument: BLACK PEOPLE HAVE NO DE FACTO ideology or orientation.

    The only "Real Black" policies are those which ADVANCE OUR PERMANENT INTERESTS.

    I would be GLAD to put your PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISM upon trail to test this theory out. You see 90% of what you would call "Advancement for BLACK PEOPLE" by the PROGRESSIVE is in truth you having gotten WHITE FOLKS to stop molesting you rather than you being able to detail where your flawed theories have BUILT UP THE COMPETENCY OF BLACK FOLKS.

    * With the PROGRESSIVE now in full control over every BLACK MAJORITY PUBLIC SCHOOL IN THE NATION is there now a track record of ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE and BEHAVIORAL discipline? You all use the claim that "EDUCATION IS THE BUILDING BLOCK FOR DEVELOPMENT" on your way to demand RESOURCE DISTRIBUTION. Rarely do you use this in talking to BLACK PEOPLE as you try to get them to PRIORITIZE THEIR OWN MONEY.

    The demands for PROPERTY TAX CUTS in Dekalb County GA last year is CLEAR PROOF OF THAT. Dekalb, the second wealthiest majority Black county in America behind Steve's Utopia - PGC - has its schools now about $110 M in the hole. NO CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER STEPPED FORWARD, TELLING THE PEOPLE THAT "THEY DON'T SAY NIGGRA ANY MORE THEY SAY 'TAX CUTS' YOU BLACKS sound like Republicans as you selfishly demand lower property taxes"

    * Now that you got the KLAN to stop their NIGHT RIDING, Steve, what are you going to do with the Street Pirates who are assailing your people as they listen to "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" Music?

    * ON the subject of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - don't tell me that you fear the POSSIBLE CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. The BLACK MAN who was murdered yesterday on the news suffered the worst kind of CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION. Why didn't anyone frame it in this way?

    The JOB LOSS by Blacks due to ILLEGAL immigration should be looked at IN ONE PRIMARY WAY:

    With the ESTABLISHMENT now RUNNING OUR SCHOOLS - why haven't the Black Students who attend these schools been shifted up ONE STANDARD DEVIATION upon the SKILLS CHART. Thus those who USED TO qualify for UNSKILLED JOBS could now OBTAIN BETTER PAYING JOBS.

    WHAT DID WE GET FROM THIS TAKE OVER that so many of us BELIEVED YOU when you said we would receive material gain.

  61. Thrasher:

    We now spend $1,400 BILLION per year on the big 3 entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid)

    Why not extract funds from them?

    WHY NOT send those young people who could benefit from STRUCTURE, DISCIPLINE and LEARNING A TRADE into MILITARY SERVICE?

    Wouldn't it be great if people FROM CHICAGO'S SOUTHSIDE were in the Illinois National Guard and could PATROL THEIR OWN STREETS, protecting their OWN PEOPLE? (Same in New Orleans)

    WHY do you figure that fundamental change would come if EXTERNAL RESOURCES were rained down upon these communities from the GOVERNMENT?

    I recall having an open and honest debate with my friend Noah the African. He told about DETROIT in the heyday. There were STRONG CORPORATIONS and "right sized" GOVERNMENT. In this environment a BLACK MIDDLE CLASS was born.

    Thrasher now that "Organized Labor" WON control over these places and increased the sales cost of LABOR to the "Consumers Of Labor" look at the aftereffects.

    What if a store manager in your community raised his prices, figuring that people in the community would continue to PAY - they had deep pockets, he reasoned. They accepted the increases until they went beyond a certain point. After that the CONSUMERS began to travel outside of the community to do their shopping. They could justify the travel based on the COST INCREASES.

    Thrasher after losing your customers YOUR STORE IS FORCED TO SHUT DOWN.

    Is it RATIONALE to blame the SELLER who raised his prices thus destroying the market or should you blame the CONSUMERS OF THE SELLER'S PRODUCT who's price sensitivities were violated and they reacted?

    WHY is it acceptable to blame SLAVERY and JIM CROW for the fate of a modern day 21 year old Black man BUT for some of you - YOU CAN'T accept that many of your IDEOLOGICAL PROCLIVITIES indeed......WORK AGAINST YOUR OWN BEST INTERESTS?

  62. Gregory6:39 PM

    First, my apologies regarding the non-existent Barca-Inter match today. I got my dates transposed in my diary. I showed up ready for Barca and got Bayern. At least we know who Barca or Inter will face in the final.

    Barca will play Wednesday, same time. Hopefully it will be somewhat more interesting than today's game.

    Again, apologies all around. This is what you get for relying on old guys for critical information.

  63. Jazzy6:46 PM

    SHOUT OUT to the NJ students who walked out of school in protest the the proposed budget cuts in education. Now that was FN behavior!!!

  64. mellaneous7:06 PM

    CF said:

    "We now spend $1,400 BILLION per year on the big 3 entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid)"

    Why not extract funds from them?"

    Because CF this is part of the social welfare net. In some way folks have earned the right to retire with some kind of pension which of course, they have paid into.

    And ironically its even good business sense to take care of folks who are sick. Its also much more humane.

    These are not hand outs-- as you would like to present them --but these are a part of the social welfare net that has been produced primarily by the people themselves, especially the people who go to work everyday.

    The money spent on the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- which by the way are not benefitiing you and me at all would be a better source to draw on to meet more domestic needs. And the defense budget is nearly half the budget. It just makes sense to start cutting there and redirect them to things that are much less destructive.

    And yes I know that some of the money to wage these wars is borrowed. But they are borrowed because those in power have decided that this is what is important to them. In other words they have "willed" it. Now imagine if they applied this same "will" to making sure that everyone had quality educattion or decent housing. What if they applied this same will to making sure that everyone was gainfully employed.

    It is clear that the advancement of ALL the population is not the "will" of those in power.

  65. mellaneous7:18 PM

    CF lied again saying the following:

    "Thrasher now that "Organized Labor" WON control over these places and increased the sales cost of LABOR to the "Consumers Of Labor" look at the aftereffects.

    What if a store manager in your community raised his prices, figuring that people in the community would continue to PAY - they had deep pockets, he reasoned. They accepted the increases until they went beyond a certain point. After that the CONSUMERS began to travel outside of the community to do their shopping. They could justify the travel based on the COST INCREASES.

    Thrasher after losing your customers YOUR STORE IS FORCED TO SHUT DOWN.

    Is it RATIONALE to blame the SELLER who raised his prices thus destroying the market or should you blame the CONSUMERS OF THE SELLER'S PRODUCT who's price sensitivities were violated and they reacted?"

    Do you see how PASSIVE Bond's words are? Whereas Detroit, Trenton, Baltimore and Rochester New York were THRIVING urban centers, powerful enough to ATTRACT BLACK PEOPLE FROM THE SOUTH for gainful employment - when the STRUGGLE was WON - those who now controlled the cities implemented their own policy regime."

    CF do you think that if you come to this blog and continue to pass on the same spurious and blatant lies that they will become truth.

    Or are you really being paid to push erroneous right wing rhetoric.

    I'll play the game with you, every time you tell this particular lie I will refute it.


    PLEASE STOP WITH THE OUTRIGHT LIES!! If you can't make your point without lying they obviously you don't have a point!

  66. mellaneous7:21 PM

    Thrasher preach brother I really like this idea:

    "I was hoping to get a reverse inner city peace corps deal. I propose it makes more sense to find out why the ruling class is so dysfunctional and lacks the ability to be ethical etc that instead of fixing those poor people who are being educated by the inept ruling class perhaps if we changed the ruling class they would better stewards of the industries, public policy and related organizations they run.."

  67. mellaneous7:51 PM

    Now that you got the KLAN to stop their NIGHT RIDING, Steve, what are you going to do with the Street Pirates who are assailing your people as they listen to "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" Music?

    CF since you asked. Hers a start

    -It would be helpful to make sure that everyone living in those neighborhoods got a legitimate shot at a job, paying a livable wage.

    -Absolutely outlaw all discrimation in hiring.

    -Set up training centers in the various hoods to make sure that everyone was able to acquire a skill.

    -Set up drug rehab centers in everyhood as many as are needed in each hood.

    -provide real rehab and community support for those young people coming out of prison which would include transitional housing and job building skills

    -Use ALL of US military capabality and technology to interdict drugs from entering the country. Make the CIA and other Big Business cease and desist from their drug dealing activity, (why do you think the drugs are so available because Pee Wee and nem shipped them in or flew them in?)

    -Hand out long sentences to gun dealers who sold guns to people as part of a gun fair without going thru checks and balances.

    -Make sure that the housing in the city was affordable and well maintained.

    - Make sure that their children were afforded the same kind of education that the kids in the suburbs got, no matter the cost and the human resources.

    - Use the churches and other volunteer organizations and social clubs to set up programs to catch up the kids that are behind with after school programs.

    - use these organizations to begin to set up community education classes in which black history could be taught, thus restoring ones pride in ones race and ancestry.

    - aiding this would be the absolute outlawing of all forms of discrimination

    - set up the same kinds of businesses that are in other parts of the city as well as grocery stores with the same quality.

    -use churches and social organizations to set up positive forms of entertainment for youth

    - set up venues in which hip hop and spoken word and other art forms can be cultivated in a positive manner that would reflect the changes occuring in their environment

    And of course I am aware that some won't want to go along but we'll just work around them.

  68. CF,

    It is apparent your friend Noah does know about the US Constitution which requires government to promote "the general welfare"..

    There is no studies or proof that enlisting in US Arm Forces makes anybody better on any index ..

    Noah 's chat with you was full of disinformation..The unions here in MOTOWN made the automotive industry the have over 60% of global marketshare..The backward and vision impaired mgt/ownership destroyed the auto industry and Motown with it..

    BTW this ineptitude also destroyed the white middle class in MOTOWN the same middle class the government enforced GI Bill affirmative action plan to buy homes in suburbs..

    One could argue after WWII it made white soilders worse on the racial landscape many were loving the jim crow era..

  69. Mellaenous:

    You are hopelessly one dimensional.

    You talked about the elderly.
    You talked about the invalid.

    You DID NOT talk about your "The Least Of These" who are MENTALLY damaged from the attempts for YOU to PROVE TO THEM that they are WORTHY by handing them a ladle full of SOUP while NEVER pointing out the WINGS that they have which if EXERCISED would allow them to soar.

    Don't think that I forgot about your attempted rebuttal. I have no choice but to accept that THIS IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

    HOWEVER it is quite ironic that at some point in the balance of payments between SELLER OF LABOR and CONSUMER OF LABOR Benton Harbor and Detroit had reached their PINNACLE.

    In YOUR THEORY they became "outmoded". They began looking for SLAVE LABOR.

    You don't know JACK about capital investments.

    If I have a $500M manufacturing plant that has a 20 year lifespan. In year 10 the forces of organized labor monopoly stick it to me, causing my COST OF PRODUCTION to skyrocket from their demands. IF STILL HAVE $250M in book value on this investment. It may be cheaper for me to sweat it out and acquiesce to their demands.

    Come year 17, Mellaneous I HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE.

    1) Invest more capital into retrofitting the EXISTING plant so that it is in line with the state of the art in industrial engineering and production techniques

    2) MOVE!!!! Let that facility stay as is and go BUILD ANOTHER PLANT in an environment where MY COMPANY IS NOT SEEN AS THE EVIL FORCE !!!

    It is JUST A COINCIDENCE that in Detroit MORE BLACK WEALTH has been lost from the fall of PROPERTY VALUES over the past 20 years than any claims of RACISM or Damage from Slavery that you can troll up.

    I am learning from this Arizona Immigration debate that the PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALIST MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO DISAGGREGATE THE ISSUES.

    You all seek to BREAK ART EVERY CRITICAL ISSUE and seek out the MAXIMUM number of INDICTMENTS as you hover upon your MORAL SUPERIORITY.

    Those who are wise will see the best way to upend you:


    As I said before - too many Blacks are left to fight for jobs against Illegal Immigrants in the UNSKILLED LABOR SEGMENT after the Progressive Establishment took over our SCHOOLS yet failed to move us UP one standard of living thus allowing us to qualify for higher paying jobs.

    WHY DID YOU TAKE OVER THE SCHOOL for anything other than bragging rights?

  70. mellaneous8:07 PM

    Hey Field and folks you have got to read this article about the economy and the problem with the loss of jobs by Arianna Huffington. Its in line with what some folks esp Thrasher have been talking about.

    Its really worth reading this excerpt was deep! Check it out:

    "According to Thomas Philippon, professor at NYU's Stern School of Business, in 1947, the financial industry made up 2.5 percent of America's GDP. By 1970, it had grown to 4 percent. By 2006, just before the meltdown, it was 8.3 percent.

    The trend is even starker when you look at the financial sector's share of U.S. business profits. As Simon Johnson recounted last year in The Atlantic, between 1973 and 1985, the financial industry's share of domestic corporate profits topped out at 16 percent. In the 1990s it spanned between 21 percent and 30 percent. Just before the financial crisis hit, it stood at 41 percent.

    That's right -- over 40 percent of the profits of the entire U.S. corporate sector went to the financial industry. James Kwak explains why this is a problem:

    Remember that financial services are an intermediate product -- that is, we don't eat them, or live in them, or put them on in the morning. They are supposed to enable a more efficient allocation of capital, so that the nonfinancial economy is more productive. But what we saw since the 1980s was the unmooring of the financial sector from the rest of the economy.
    In other words -- it's supposed to serve our economy, not become our economy.

    The expansion of the financial industry has come at a significant cost to the rest of us. And those that have paid the highest price are the members -- and former members -- of America's middle class.

    As Paul Krugman put it this weekend: "A growing body of analysis suggests that an oversized financial industry is hurting the broader economy. Shrinking that oversized industry won't make Wall Street happy, but what's bad for Wall Street would be good for America."

    One out of every six blue-collar workers has lost his or her job in the latest recession -- a number commensurate to what happened during the Great Depression. According to Professor Andrew Sum, "Our ability to maintain a healthy middle class is very dependent on being able to get a lot of these individuals back into the workplace and back into jobs to keep the rest of the economy going."

    "There are very high multiplier effects from many manufacturing activities," says Sum. "So the loss of jobs spills over into the rest of the economy."

    But isn't wringing our hands over the loss of manufacturing jobs the 21st century equivalent of 19th century concerns about America turning from an agrarian society into an industrial one? Isn't America's future to be found in newer, better, more modern service industry jobs?

    Actually, no -- for a number of reasons.

    For starters, it turns out that manufacturing jobs aren't just more productive and valuable than jobs in the Wall Street casino -- they're also more valuable than service jobs. As economist and author Jeff Madrick points out:

    Making goods is on balance -- with exceptions -- more productive than providing services, and rising productivity is the fundamental source of prosperity... a major nation must be able to maintain a balanced current account (and trade balance) over time, and goods are far more tradable than services. Without something to export, a nation will either become over-indebted or forced to reduce its standard of living.
    In other words, in the absence of manufacturing, the only way to compete with Third World nations is to become a Third World nation, which is exactly what will happen if we allow our middle class to disappear."

  71. [quote]The backward and vision impaired mgt/ownership destroyed the auto industry and Motown with it..[/quote]

    Thanks for that piece of information. THRASHER IS A RESIDENT OF MOTOWN!!!!
    This explains a hell of a lot.

    It is interesting that "THE MANAGEMENT SCREWED UP" is the favorite cry of the Progressive-Fundamentalist.

    Do you find it odd that after this trip around the block of bankruptcy - the worker at General Motors now finally makes a salary that is in the rage of the worker at the American Toyota plant which he previously REJECTED as he pointed to how much the CEO makes.

    Thrasher - I saw that a baseball player in Philly just got a 5 year $125M contract (and he is a Black man).

    Can you tell me why the left goes crazy over an executive that brings home $11M while you all are strangely silent about ENTERTAINES and SPORTS STARS?

    Do you notice that people who MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD or tickle your imagination are seen as more deserving of MILLIONS than are those who have tens of thousands of "Slave Laborers" working for them?

    Mellaneous I was hoping that you prayed for me during your retreat. I was thanking MY GOD that you have no POWER over me

  72. [quote]That's right -- over 40 percent of the profits of the entire U.S. corporate sector went to the financial industry[/quote]

    Mellaneous - is there a ZERO SUM GAME on PROFITS?

    This entire analysis MAKES NO DAMNED SENSE.

    This is just like Barack Obama last week ATTACKING the fact that Citibank made a PROFIT.

    IF they were piling up LOSSES his behind would be in a sling because this would show that the economy is eroding and that BAD LOANS were still weighing down their balance sheets.

    It is clear that you all want nothing more than to CONTROL THE BANKS via GOVERNMENT.

    The banks are EVILIZED constantly for PROFITEERING.

    When the BANKS shift away from people who hate them - instead of the LEFT forming new financial institutions who can TAKE THE MONEY THAT WAS LEFT UPON THE TABLE - as you all say - you all instead seek to REGULATE THEM, forcing them to come back per the "Community Reinvestment Act".

    Thrasher asked ME if I have a Black banker. He NEEDS TO ask people why they choose to send Bank of America into do hood rather than allowing a smaller, less evil bank to transact with the community.


  73. Stacks8:29 PM

    maria said...

    this is pretty stupid behavior for a 23-year-old. then again, i think, sadly, 23 is the new 15, and so on.

    Actually he's 33.

  74. i'm seeing 23 in every news story i've come across. where do you see 33?

  75. Mack Lyons8:35 PM

    It's the same old - same old from CF. His take on nearly everything? Simple.

    Until Negros "clean up their own befouled nests", they have absolutely no right, NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to focus on racism...or anything else...coming from Whites. Unless it happens to be something that "proves" how humble and subservient that Negros should be towards their White "betters". Can't forget that.

    CF is the perfect Tom. Always critical and despising of his fellow Negros, but he looks up to his White masters with awe, with just a hint (but only a hint) of envy.

    When he goes to sleep at night, he dreams that he's a White Republican man living in a Negro-free neighborhood.

  76. Stacks8:58 PM

    maria said...

    i'm seeing 23 in every news story i've come across. where do you see 33?

    You guys are talking about the rapper right?
    If that's the case, wikipedia is where I found that info.

  77. As smart as he was in school, he did not have ANY common sense. I could tell he WANTED to become a police officer. Well, he should have went to Police Academy. NO EXCUSES he will get treated like a criminal.

  78. CF,

    Why are you obessed over a Black man's contract I bet you never questioned Fabrice Tuorre'compensation or Jim Carrey's

    BTW those white collar workers who believed in the GM's of the world and had contempt for the Union are in the same unemployment line getting the same level of benefit here in MOTOWN

    Oh yeah those property values for whites in the same tank as Black property rights..BTW Black Homeowners paid more for homes and never got the sweetheart deals for thier mortgages and refi-loans as whites did and still do..Finally those white capitalists who got preferential treatment on loans, real estate, better doctors, had kids who get sent home from school but not suspended when are are fuck-ups in class I see them at Tea Party events here in MOTOWN blaming Obama instead of GM..

  79. @UTS

    Why do you engage that person.
    I lurk a lot on this blog and all I see is this dude come in on a topic and go off on some non related tangent EVERY TIME.

    Stop responding to him. Just ignore him for one thread. You will see he will say more outrageous stuff, but ignore him and it. The dude feeds off attention.

    UTS and others can we please avoid engaging or debating nonsense on this scale, it really just encourages him.

  80. @ Mell:

    Hello back!


    "They are supposed to enable a more efficient allocation of capital, so that the nonfinancial economy is more productive. But what we saw since the 1980s was the unmooring of the financial sector from the rest of the economy."

    ...ushered in Reaganomics...the effects of which is what we are experiencing now...sadly.


  81. Mac Is Lying:

    Do you notice your bigotry and how it harms our people?

    On one side you have your charge: "CS who is always critical of Black people".

    OK - one Black man who is critical.

    On the other hand we have you and many other Blacks. YOU confuse YOUR RACIAL DIGNITY with YOUR IDEOLOGICAL PROCLIVITIES. In protection of your IDEOLOGY you have allowed PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISM to take over our community.

    As you wrap your IDEOLOGY in chocolate, deflecting all inspection as an attack on your RACE - OUR PEOPLE ARE, IN FACT, HARMED.

    You see, Mack Is Lying - I believe that it is important that we BOTH build an ACCURATE MODEL OF THE REAL WORLD. It is equally as fraudulent to "over blame" the people who are controlling our community as it is to BLAME SLAVERY from long ago for causing problems with a Black 14 year old TODAY.

    You and others are quick to Blame ME yet you are silent when Mellaneous and others tap into us as HISTORIES VICTIMS.

    Look at this from pure management terms. You have a force that is grabbing MORE POWER as we go along. As they implement their theories IT IS NECESSARY TO EVALUATE THEIR EFFECTIVENESS BY LOOKING DISPASSIONATELY AT THE RESULTS.

    You see, Mac Is Lying, the ESTABLISHMENT POWER is motivated to escape accountability by having a person like YOU AS THEIR SPOKESMODEL. You like the fact that THEY are in the seat of power more than you WANT YOUR PERMANENT INTERESTS ADVANCED.

    In your calculus your victory is in seeing their SKIN and their IDEOLOGY in the seat. You live vicariously through this.

    IF you are bothered with me attacking INCOMPETENCE and not willing to relent for no other reason than they are PROGRESSIVE and in some cases BLACK - then it is YOU who are biased not me.

  82. Mellaneous:

    I am sorry I missed your previous manifesto.

    It is stunning what you expose about yourself when you type in freehand form.

    As I read your posts I make note about how your theories impact the society as a whole. More clearly IF you tried to implement your theories on an island all to itself your "living wage theory" would merely enforce EQUAL WAGES but not HIGHER WAGES.

    The oppressive overlay government that is required to bring forth Mellaneous' vision should be noted. I think I just visited an island like this.

    [quote]-It would be helpful to make sure that everyone living in those neighborhoods got a legitimate shot at a job, paying a livable wage. [/quote]


    Mandate that EVERY JOB in these Utopias shall pay no less than $15. MORE depending upon the CHILDREN that one has.

    So get this Mellaneous - where as today there are charges that evil capitalism discriminates by paying men more than women - in Mellaneous' world a worker of any sex who has 4 children will make MORE PER HOUR than a single person without as much NEED.

    Two people working the very same job. Putting in the very same hours. ONE HAS MORE NEED and thus is paid more toward his LIVING WAGE NEEDS.

    This is not WAGE DISCRIMINATION in the mind of Mellaneous. The single person should see that he is benefiting SOCIETY by sacrificing for the benefit of the human beings that his coworker has at home.

    Mellaneous fails to realize that NOTHING about his thoughts are NEW. Plenty of other societies of note have started with these INTENTIONS. We all know the results.

  83. [quote]Until Negros "clean up their own befouled nests", they have absolutely no right, NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to focus on racism...or anything else...coming from Whites.[/quote]

    Mack Is Lying:

    I plan to use this statement above from you as the basis of a blog post.

    Do you mind if I dissect your rant?

    As PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISTS take over the key institutions in Black America and cause you a great sense of PRIDE you lose yourself.

    Whereas originally such an institutional seat was for GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT, you have perverted it. Now the occupier of the seat is your SOURCE OF PRIDE.

    When the place in question was diverse your protection scheme on behalf of the person who sat in the seat of POWER was done, as you CLAIMED, for RACIAL REASONS. Those who attacked him were RACISTS. Mack Is Lying - as things changed you were exposed.

    When your adversaries MOVED AWAY and you retained the favorable people in POWER (regardless of their race) your protection racket fell on hard times. NOW you needed this establishment to PRODUCE IN SUPPORT OF YOUR PERMANENT INTERESTS. With the point of obfuscation GONE the true character of your theories showed through.

    Listen - I don't get mad any longer at the array of people who think like you. Instead I try to reduce my personal exposure to your power array. You claim that I said "Blacks need to clean ourselves up before looking at Whitey".

    How ironic Mack Is Lying. A more honest person who ACTUALLY HAD THE BLACK INTERESTS IN MIND would learn from this exercise that the EXPRESSION of our community's permanent interests is not associated with a particular IDEOLOGICAL leaning and thus people like YOU should see their primary task as MANAGING those who are in control over these INSTITUTIONS and not CHEERLEADING FOR THEM.

    Do you see how ironic it is to have the "Chambers Brothers From Detroit" (See Gangland) - Thrasher and Mellenous able to operate in such an untethered manner from the REALITY of the city which they live within (or near)?

    Despite being down with the present establishment order, likely having voted it into power - they SUFFER NO CONSEQUENCES from the results that were rendered.

    Instead they have consciously stayed ahead of the issue - BLAMING OUTSIDERS who have applied negative force OR corporations who have DEPARTED as the reason for the collapse of their fair city.

    The real problem with the Black Community, Mack Is Lying, is that there is no TRANSPARENCY. Who is the "Congressional Budget Office" for the Black Community - making dispassionate analysis and judging the effectiveness of the MACHINE that is in power in Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee and Trenton - making note that despite their progressive POPULARITY they are indeed EFFECTIVE?

    Mack Is Lying - it is your taunts that prevent this from happening.
    In ME you see a Black man who DARES LOOK AT THE PROBLEMS and then who is out of his damned mind for believing that the LOCAL PEOPLE IN THE SEAT OF POWER just might have something to do with it.

    If I laid it all at the foot of SLAVERY - I would be your BFF.

  84. I believe Constructive Feedback is Caucasian NOT African-American, nor Hispanic.

    He only visits and comments on Field Negro's Blog to create Chaos and Obstruct versus engage in Intelligent, meaningful conversation.

    Its also possible he may be a Gov't Spy.

    Spying on Political, Urban Blogs.

    I know my theory sounds a little off but if you read his comments, than you'll understand why I've reached this conclusion.

    Thus I will be totally ignoring him from this point on.

  85. Stacks8:39 AM

    "I know my theory sounds a little off but if you read his comments, than you'll understand why I've reached this conclusion."

    Can't bring myself to do that.I'll just have to take your word for it :)

  86. Words of Wisdom From Activist Angela Davis:

    "We have to talk about Liberating Minds as well as Liberating Society".

    "I think the importance of doing Activist work is precisely because it allows you to give back and to consider yourself not as a single individual who may have Achieved whatever but to be a part of an ongoing Historical movement".

    "Jails and prisons are designed to break Human Beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo - obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other".

    "Racism is a much more clandestine, much more hidden kind of phenomenon, but at the same time it's perhaps far more terrible than it's ever been".

    "Radical simply means "grasping things at the root".

    Have a Blessed day all:)

  87. "Can you tell me why the left goes crazy over an executive that brings home $11M while you all are strangely silent about ENTERTAINES and SPORTS STARS?"

    Because people enjoy spending money to watch sports superstars but they don't like seeing the heads of failed companies rake in millions while the rank and file workers lose their jobs and company stock tanks.

  88. [quote]Because people enjoy spending money to watch sports superstars but they don't like seeing the heads of failed companies rake in millions while the rank and file workers lose their jobs and company stock tanks.[/quote]


    So if we were do to an index of WEALTH to PEOPLE EMPLOYED in comparing the Entertainer to the evil CEO - WHO do you think would come out ahead Steve?

    I can give a list of companies that DID NOT LAY OFF workers and who's stock price ROSE and you Leftist Confiscators STILL complained.

  89. Jesus please help this Anti-Abortion Democratic woman.

    "Jails and prisons are designed to break Human Beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo - obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other".

    I wonder if Angie Davis ever interviewed one of the ASSAULT VICTIMS of said "specimen" to determine what she felt about the need to imprison her attacker so that he won't do the same to another person?

    "Racism is a much more clandestine, much more hidden kind of phenomenon, but at the same time it's perhaps far more terrible than it's ever been".

    This is a point that I agree with Angie Davis.

    TO-DAMNED-DAY the Negro has to watch out for RACIST ASSAULTS from BLACK PEOPLE who are AVATARS. They are black but they ASSAULT OUR PEOPLE as did RACIST WHITE FOLKS DID.

    In fact they cut the head off of a Black women in Atlanta and threw her into the bushes - KLANSMAN STYLE!!! After watching all of those "civil rights murders" every 3rd Monday in January and all through the month of February the Street Pirates have learned well from their White Racist mentors.

    Good thing they aren't Tea Partiers. Then the masses really would be after them.

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