I have always liked nice pens. I was rocking Cross way back in the day before graduating to Montblancs.
Anyway, because of my attraction to pens, there is a story out of Chile today that caught my eye.
Apparently it seems that the President of the Czech Republic tried to pull a fast one and do the old dissapearing pen act. (Don't you just hate when people do that?) My man gave the writing intrument the once over, and then decided that it was better off in his pocket. Now, as is to be expected, his own people are crying foul. I swear I hate pen theives. The man should be impeached!
But wait, it gets better: It seems that my man is a wingnut. "..Klaus, whose most notable prior controversy was probably his flat rejection of climate change science—a position that he even appeared on Glenn Beck's show to tour.."
Gee, there is a surprise; a wingnut who steals other people's pens. President Pinera, you might want to check your pockets.
Finally, if you want to be named police officer of the year in White Plains, New York, it might help to kill a young black college student.
Dyaaammn! How do you get a promotion? Kill a black family?
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»Wingnuts are liars AND thieves...too funny.
But not surprising in the least.
The paper indicated that the young sir was using his car to hit the officer. I do believe I would have shot at someone trying this.
I'll do more research.
Saw the vid of the alleged 'groping'. How dare that dark-skinned person do their job! It is not to be forgiven that she treats everyone the same. Doesn't she know who gawd created better than her and hers.
I smell lawsuit hungry greedy Mommie. One good settlement and she will never have to do miggerwork ever again.
Since Ritter is an R, how do Ds disown him? All he did was tell the Truth, there were no WMDs. Oh, he told the Truth and must be smeared. That behavior is not tolerated by wingnuts.
Anonymous said...
Saw the vid of the alleged 'groping'. How dare that dark-skinned person do their job! It is not to be forgiven that she treats everyone the same. Doesn't she know who gawd created better than her and hers.
I smell lawsuit hungry greedy Mommie. One good settlement and she will never have to do miggerwork ever again.
Since Ritter is an R, how do Ds disown him? All he did was tell the Truth, there were no WMDs. Oh, he told the Truth and must be smeared. That behavior is not tolerated by wingnuts.
You obviously like the idea of having a job where you "have" to grope little kids. Stay away from mine or anyone else's, you wont get a second warning you white ass pretendin to be granma freak!!!!
Shhhhhh! Be very, very quiet. The raging beast doesn't know there's a new thread.
I saw this on you-tube and it was hilarious!
Yeah, MontBlanc(green marble) is the ONLY way to go! Just don't take them with you when you fly or you'll be minus a pen on the other side of security!
About the young college kid, it's just another day in America that an officer responsible for killing an unarmed man would rewarded for it!
sumerians were ebony black africans
FN & folks, and alicia, forgive me for the off topic response, but i have to correct you here. i did my doctoral work in Sumerian culture at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute and Divinity School; i'm probably one of ~600 people in the world fluent in Sumerian archaeology and language. it's utterly true that the term "Sumerian" as we use it translates in their own terms into roughly "the Black-Headed People," but that was mostly about the color of their hair. their skin, and "race" as we define such today (which was of course totally unknown to them at the time while what they thought of as "ethnicity" was much, much more important than skin or even hair color) archaeology has NOT yet established "where they came from" or why they ended up founding one of the earliest literate societies in human history. they are known as "isolate" language speakers, which basically means they spoke a language that isn't readily connected to any other language or culture in the region. which means they likely came from elsewhere, but where? we just don't have the evidence, yet. given their depictions of themselves in cuneiform and monumental art, i think we'd probably call them of "Semitic" ethnicity today. their noses were broad and they were hairy but not nappy; lots of African societies from that time were much more like you and me than Sumerians.
Egyptians, which I've also studied extensively, were what we'd probably call today more of a "mixed ethnicity/race" society. if you look at representations from the Middle K and even Old Kingdom, it's clear even back then: they knew the "difference" between people with coffee colored, pink, brown, and olive skin, for all the only thing that mattered was "are you a friend of the Bearer of the Crown of the Upper and Lower Retenu?" Also: you should know that the correct transliteration of "Khemet" has an H, and it means "She Who is Black," referring not to the people of Egypt, but to the rich soil of the Nile lands. any time you see that -t at the end of an ancient Semitic word, it suggests the female gender- human, animal and divine. if Egypt had been a 'fatherland' like modern Germany, it would've been pronounced "Khem" or "Khemi" (there are some diacritical tags i can't up over those letters via blogger but think of 'french accent' marks and you'll recognize them if you see them in scholarly work).
race is a modern invention. never, ever forget that. even "white" people in europe in the 1300s (before colonization and black slavery by euro whites) in europe didn't 'see' race; they saw religion, ethnicity and region much more. think of Bosch's paintings, with the coffee black woman with the proverbial apple on her head, entering heaven with all the white folks. or one of the "wise men" of the nativity story. etc. but if you will speak of Sumer and it's people, please believe me when i say: there is no conclusive proof they came from Africa. they may have, they may not. /end pedant/
-"Chicago Dyke" who is having problems signing into blogger just now, sorry.
Dyke! Welcome back!
Interesting bit on Sumer.
Mr Klaus, the Kleptomaniac is a follower of Hayek and Friedman, that is why he took the pen...the 'tragedy of the commons'.
thanks chicago dyke maybe that nasty filth pile will listen to what u said if anyone mite get through to her itd be u and thanks for opening up our heads a bit
Help Expose Hush Crimes said...
Saw the vid of the alleged 'groping'. How dare that dark-skinned person do their job! It is not to be forgiven that she treats everyone the same.
And how do you know she treats everyone the same?Is there video of her molesting black/hispanic/asian 6 year olds?
Doesn't she know who gawd created better than her and hers.
I smell lawsuit hungry greedy Mommie. One good settlement and she will never have to do miggerwork ever again.
I guess you believe whites don't deserve legal recourse.
This molesting almost became a international incident.This black TSA agent came pretty damn close to saying this white girl had FINE HAIR.
Alicia Banks and thousands of angry black female bloggers would have taken to their keyboards angrily demanding this black TSA agent be fired.
Thank Allah all that was avoided.
Here's part of a police interview with the 6 year old white girl--
Det. Poke
“Show me on the doll where the TSA agent touched you.”
Mold, maybe it was a justifiable shoot. Maybe. But why did they (the police) taser his friends when they tried to help their dying friend after he was shot by the police?
Great post Field. A pen was pocketed. You're so on those "wing-nuts".
Keep it real, keep it edgy.
field negro said...
"Mold, maybe it was a justifiable shoot. Maybe. But why did they (the police) taser his friends when they tried to help their dying friend after he was shot by the police?"
Because they didn't listen either. In a situation where someone you are with tried to kill a police officer with a car, and then was shot, things require strict obedience to police direction. They are extremely lucky they only got tazed.
Chicago, I ran into a Sumerian the other day and couldn't understand a word he said. I found "The 12TH Planet; Book one of the Earth Chronicles," very interesting when it came to the Sumerian's. Good read, strange at times. Zecharia Sitchin, 1976, 436 pages.
Pens? Everyone steals pens, by appointment or unexpectedly.
Anyone killing blacks or anyone else should be put in a barn, their Johnson nailed to the floor, given a rusty knife and the barn set on fire. That would likely be good for rape to.
Another dead nigger went looking for white girls, who cares.
rainywalker aint no joke mane eye ca tell u been in nam brother eye ca tell u got a vivid imagination brother a disturbingly vivid imagination but eye get that rapists and pychos need to be dealt with harshly gee remind me never to piss u off nucka!
In 1999, as a California resident, I witnessed the disparity between how law enforcement treats whites and blacks.
Tyesha Miller, a black 19-year old woman who was sleeping in her car when Riverside police startled her, then shot her dead.
Janet Lucero, a 58-year old white woman threatened another motorist with a gun during a road-rage incident. The motorist called the cops on Lucero. The cops pursue Lucero. She refused to pull over. And the bitch held up traffic on three San Diego freeways. I know, because I was stuck in traffic.
Law enforcement didn't shoot her dead even though they would have been in their right to do so. Instead, they handled her with kid gloves.
That's all the evidence that I needed to come to the conclusion that law enforcement treatment is largely dependent on race.
Anonymous said...
In 1999, as a California resident, I witnessed the disparity between how law enforcement treats whites and blacks.
Tyesha Miller, a black 19-year old woman who was sleeping in her car when Riverside police startled her, then shot her dead.
You fail to mention she had a gun in her lap and was reaching for it.Also, you fail to mention OJ'S low speed chase.
You need to know more than you think you know.
Anonymous, I'm crazy but you know I wouldn't really do those things I'm getting to old. I just want to make the point I believe in justice for all. If I kill someone they should put a Hefty trash bag over my head, stand me in water and hook me up to 220v. Save the taxpayers a quarter millon dollars. Not really complicated and very cheap.
A real scholar (Chicago Dyke) schools a charlatan (Alicia Banks) with facts (not cut and paste drivel)! PRICELESS!
Chicago, brace yourself for the ferocious and vitriolic retort from a frothing-at-the-mouth hateful beast.
Anonymous said...
In 1999, as a California resident, I witnessed the disparity between how law enforcement treats whites and blacks.
Tyesha Miller, a black 19-year old woman who was sleeping in her car when Riverside police startled her, then shot her dead.
You fail to mention she had a gun in her lap and was reaching for it.Also, you fail to mention OJ'S low speed chase.
You need to know more than you think you know.
Yeah, I forgot. Thanks for strengthening my point. They both had guns and were treated differently.
Further, it was suspected that Tyesha Miller was suffering diabetic coma or seizure.
Typical response from a Police apologist.
The six year old wasn't groped. She was subject to the same treatment as everyone else. Terrorist have been known to conceal explosives on babies, children and women.
Oh, pardon me. A white girl doesn't fit the racial profile of a terrorist.
Carry on in-denial-whites.
Anonymous said...
rainywalker aint no joke mane eye ca tell u been in nam brother eye ca tell u got a vivid imagination brother a disturbingly vivid imagination but eye get that rapists and pychos need to be dealt with harshly gee remind me never to piss u off nucka!
Just like I thought, a weak a$$, punk muthaf*cker, who sucks virtual p*nis on the internet! I bet you don't even have a GED and what does your mammy call you, her son or cousin because I know your parents are probably first cousins.
BTW B*tch, you need me to send you some K-Y to make the "taking" a little easier??
what's it matter if whites don't kill blacks, blacks will kill eachother. just helping you all out it looks like to me.
BTW B*tch, you need me to send you some K-Y to make the "taking" a little easier??
No bitch, you keep it for yourself so when i visit you, you can take it a little easier.
Then again, you probably don't need it, because you've been taking it up the ass for years from that faggot ass down low brother of a husband of yours...lol.
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
Muah, Muah, Muah!!!!
A real scholar (Chicago Dyke) schools a charlatan (Alicia Banks) with facts (not cut and paste drivel)! PRICELESS!
Chicago, brace yourself for the ferocious and vitriolic retort from a frothing-at-the-mouth hateful beast.anon wit sense
well anon either the nasty filthy bovine excrement looking qoohole will respond or have wannabe dawktaw qoohole respond by avoidance notice how they never admit when they got schooled instead they toss out ad hominems or spam the place. duh!
942 is a case in point the rogue state alterego has no pot to piss in so it tries to trivialize the truths others have pointed out ure as transparent as glass dumb idgit wannabe scientist ure only laughing cuz ur ass has nothing else to say given ur level of ignorance ya qoohole frontin imbecile
"Anonymous said...
927 and 930 u is crazy nucka but rite that nasty filthy ghettoese snatch probly been around ten blocks nasty filth pile! see that's what they look out for with drug mules bytches trying to sound more classy then they really is miss wannabe dawktaw is a shonuff example of a chrifling chrick tryin ta front chrick please! always tryingta get in the last werd nucka!"
I may have been around ten blocks, but I would still "hit it." I love feisty kitty kat.
It may have been around ten blocks, but I would still "hit it." I love feisty kitty kat.
Dr Queen I don't have a mommy. I crawled out from under a rock. They don't have GED's for the third grade, could you send me one. There was a time I would have stuck a broomhandle up your ass and made you spin. But since you can't say anything close to human I'll excuse your ignorance.
Any group that is considered different on this planet is open season for killing. That is wrong but just the facts. If aliens came down in a UFO we would automatically kill them because we can. This really has nothing to do with black and white. It has to do with genetics 40,000 years ago. We are designed to kill, some more, some less.
Oh my d*mn, flipping the script is so much fun, LOL!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
Muah, Muah, Muah!!!!
Blogger Dr. Queen said...
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
LOL, smiley face!!!!
Muah, Muah, Muah!!!!
9:42 PM
What on earth was that about? Did you forget to change profiles? YOU are the troll all along. And that was said by your profile too, I followed the profile like to be sure.
rainywalker said...
Dr Queen I don't have a mommy. I crawled out from under a rock. They don't have GED's for the third grade, could you send me one. There was a time I would have stuck a broomhandle up your ass and made you spin. But since you can't say anything close to human I'll
1) That wasn't directed at you okay, hun? That was directed at the assnon who posts about 50 vile bs messages at me EVERY day.
2) I believe men should fight men, so I'd be happy to have my (former)navy seal/naval officer husband address you directly. That is, if you can man up enough courage to deal with him one on one.
3) And since you like broom handles up the ass so much, why don't you go find one and fuck yourself! Better yet, get your assnon "friend" to join you.
You know it's interesting, you took a post NOT directed at pretty personally. Any reason why?
Check yourself Asshole!
Would you want someone like Queen treating you medically??? I think not.
Dr Queen,
You need Jesus.
If you had been paying attention you would have seen my disclaimer that I am crazy. I had no idea you were a woman and I therefore apologize. Your husband being a Veteran and brother of mine, we have no bad or mess.
rainywalker assuming that lying sack of shyt even has a husband dont let that manipulative shyt stain get to u she is a liar and a fraud any asshole who aint never been to grad school talkin bout eye is a dawktaw is nothing short of a low class lying ghettoese FRAUD see the language she uses and the nastiness she puts on others u think she gots some edumacayshun? please
Anonymous said...
What on earth was that about? Did you forget to change profiles? YOU are the troll all along. And that was said by your profile too, I followed the profile like to be sure.
So lemme get this straight. Assnon posts 50+ post toward me and about about 50 toward AB EVERYDAY, for the past month or so since I've started posting here again, and you're asking ME what the problem is? You think I'm the troll?
GTFOH!! You're crazy as hell if you think I'm trolling this site and for what purpose?
I posted ONE response directed at this unrelenting stalking assnon m*therf*cker, and you and the old man from 'nam got problems now?
I'll say it again, this time so I'm clear...GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT!
Now who wants to move on and get back to the topic at hand?
I'll say it again, this time so I'm clear...GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT!wannabe college graduate talkin bout she a dawktaw bytch please
this is supposedly form someone who cough directs a lab at a secure government funded organization u dumb idgit fool!
Field, it's too soon for the thread to go to shit.
rainywalker said...
If you had been paying attention you would have seen my disclaimer that I am crazy. I had no idea you were a woman and I therefore apologize. Your husband being a Veteran and brother of mine, we have no bad or mess.
Siding with a 2 year demonstrated stalker didn't work out well for you tonight, but I'm woman enough to apologize for taking out some of my frustrations for why this 2 years old and counting situation even exists in the first place.
My husband says we need to "stay friends" with Marines, otherwise Seals would have nothing to "clean up".
Ms. Queen said...
Just like I thought, a weak a$$, punk muthaf*cker, who sucks virtual p*nis on the internet! I bet you don't even have a GED and what does your mammy call you, her son or cousin because I know your parents are probably first cousins.
BTW B*tch, you need me to send you some K-Y to make the "taking" a little easier??
What a mouth! I'm sorry, but someone of your temperament and limited intellect just isn't cut out to be a physician.
You wouldn't be able to answer phones either, but perhaps there is some janitorial function that has limited contact with the public that you may be qualified for. We'll let you know. Don't call us.
wheres miss ann when u need her muah muah muah
Anonymous said...
Field, it's too soon for the thread to go to shit.
Yeah sure, lets just continue to let the stalking and harassment continue ad nauseam just as it has for the past 2 years.
I'm sure that will allow for PLENTY of great conversations!
And to AMA review, OBVIOUSLY you don't know ANY Surgeons!!!
No, a $hit talking Doc is what you NEED when the insurance company has turned down the experimental chemo that could save your life. So why don't you ponder that for a minute, that is, assuming I'm not talking to the psycho stalker in the first place!
Ms. Queen said....
No, a $hit talking Doc is what you NEED
Actually, no.
And please refrain from using the title "Dr." in front of your name, unless you want to hear from our attorneys.
lol..I expected 3 responses over a "pen"..lol.. You always start some shit Field - and I like it!
11+ posts from the assnon directly at me (I'm pretty sure).
And counting and counting and counting and counting and counting.................
Marine or Navy Queen? Just curious. Prior Air Force and Army here.
Make that 12
Rottnkid said...
Marine or Navy Queen? Just curious. Prior Air Force and Army here.
Dad was a Marine, 'Nam vet and Hubby was a Navy man, Desert Storm vet.
So BOTH to answer your question, but my Navy Fed checks are ALL Marine!
And brothers who survive serving in the military deserve 10 tumbs up!!! So proud of you guys!
Thanks. I went to Desert Storm/Shield. Stationed in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Funny thing though..I didn't get beat down by a hard covered Koran while I was over there..(Just saying Slappz)
And thank you for holding it down for the family, vets need that.
Dr. Queen, "old nam Vet." Old is a relative term. A Coelacanth is old.
Your husband being in the Navy I think him for his service.
But getting back to the pen Field. Have you seen one of those new German pens. Got one for Christmas. They don't click from the end, they pull apart in the middle and fit in your pocket nice.
What we are having here the Romans refered to as the arena. Field has set us up as Gladiator's. We fight over what may or may not be important, get hot headed and in the end with our conversation we all win.
Rottnkid said...
Funny thing though..I didn't get beat down by a hard covered Koran while I was over there
That's cause you didn't do no fighting.
Anonymous have you read, "Seize The Time." Some killing there, both black and white.
lol..I fought, I have the damn heat - 115 degree heat and 120% humidity, I fought the other Airmen. I fought my superior because I was boning a white chick(*Wink* LAA). I fought deciding between steak or chicken. I fought superiors because as a food facility inspector, as a Airman First class, I failing E-7's - Master Sgts, running the facility. I was part of the Decon Team, that as Medics, decontaminated soldiers that may have been contaminated - We wearing charcoal suits in 115F/110% humidity cutting off clothes.
I did my job.
I was a (AFSC)90250
Rottnkid said...
I was a (AFSC)90250
Back bencher. Nothing to say.
Anonymous said...
Back bencher. Nothing to say.
11:16 PM
Like I said - I did my job..lol
a damn shame this thread went to waste cuz of qooholes like wannabe dawktaw jess like eye suspected those shyt stains dont want to accept when theyre wrong about anything so they either throw out insults or they spam and bullshyt so eyel post Miss Chicago Dyke's comment again so it isn't lost in this chaos:
sumerians were ebony black africans
FN & folks, and alicia, forgive me for the off topic response, but i have to correct you here. i did my doctoral work in Sumerian culture at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute and Divinity School; i'm probably one of ~600 people in the world fluent in Sumerian archaeology and language. it's utterly true that the term "Sumerian" as we use it translates in their own terms into roughly "the Black-Headed People," but that was mostly about the color of their hair. their skin, and "race" as we define such today (which was of course totally unknown to them at the time while what they thought of as "ethnicity" was much, much more important than skin or even hair color) archaeology has NOT yet established "where they came from" or why they ended up founding one of the earliest literate societies in human history. they are known as "isolate" language speakers, which basically means they spoke a language that isn't readily connected to any other language or culture in the region. which means they likely came from elsewhere, but where? we just don't have the evidence, yet. given their depictions of themselves in cuneiform and monumental art, i think we'd probably call them of "Semitic" ethnicity today. their noses were broad and they were hairy but not nappy; lots of African societies from that time were much more like you and me than Sumerians.
Egyptians, which I've also studied extensively, were what we'd probably call today more of a "mixed ethnicity/race" society. if you look at representations from the Middle K and even Old Kingdom, it's clear even back then: they knew the "difference" between people with coffee colored, pink, brown, and olive skin, for all the only thing that mattered was "are you a friend of the Bearer of the Crown of the Upper and Lower Retenu?" Also: you should know that the correct transliteration of "Khemet" has an H, and it means "She Who is Black," referring not to the people of Egypt, but to the rich soil of the Nile lands. any time you see that -t at the end of an ancient Semitic word, it suggests the female gender- human, animal and divine. if Egypt had been a 'fatherland' like modern Germany, it would've been pronounced "Khem" or "Khemi" (there are some diacritical tags i can't up over those letters via blogger but think of 'french accent' marks and you'll recognize them if you see them in scholarly work).
race is a modern invention. never, ever forget that. even "white" people in europe in the 1300s (before colonization and black slavery by euro whites) in europe didn't 'see' race; they saw religion, ethnicity and region much more. think of Bosch's paintings, with the coffee black woman with the proverbial apple on her head, entering heaven with all the white folks. or one of the "wise men" of the nativity story. etc. but if you will speak of Sumer and it's people, please believe me when i say: there is no conclusive proof they came from Africa. they may have, they may not. /end pedant/
-"Chicago Dyke" who is having problems signing into blogger just now, sorry.
7:19 PM
Mr. Field, after posting an outstanding article yesterday you post a piece of shit like this one? What's even more pathetic you are getting a lot of comments. I must say, "you certainly know the level of your audience."
Rainywalker, you should have kept your crazy ass in Nam.
'I must say, "you certainly know the level of your audience." 'anon wit sense
well when 85% of the comments are from some whacko and their alterego sockpuppets what u expect sweetie pie? this aint mensa for certain this actually is a place where people who like to pretend they are somebody who really aint nobody like to dominate the space and eyem out
So some guy steals a nice pen in an (un)intentionally funny manner. Meh.
And no one's gonna be concerned about some upstate cop getting an award after blowing away yet another "aspiring" black male. It's understood how those young negroids are basically disposable. The Lil' Ray Ray down the block will run a train on Shaniqua and dem and have another 10 or 15 of those knocked out before the week's out.
"Saw the vid of the alleged 'groping'. How dare that dark-skinned person do their job! It is not to be forgiven that she treats everyone the same. Doesn't she know who gawd created better than her and hers.
I smell lawsuit hungry greedy Mommie. One good settlement and she will never have to do miggerwork ever again."
Nah, it's not about colour, not this time. I wouldn't have my kid being groped and patted down like that, either. Leave the security theatrics to the adults.
"well when 85% of the comments are from some whacko and their alterego sockpuppets what u expect sweetie pie?"
The astroturfers and sockpuppets are hell-bent on blasting this blog's comments into unreadability. Who wants to stay on when 9 out of 10 comments are from the same two or three idiots operating under 11 different personas and the "anonymous" name? I do my best to stay for the 1 golden comment that's worth reading, but why should anyone have to sift through mountains of horseshit for that?
It's what most of these comments are. Horseshit. And sooner or later, this place is gonna be filled with 100% horseshit, thanks to the same two or three astroturfers who want to make it appear that a flood of conservatism is knocking this place down. It isn't. It's the same loony motherfuckers with mental issues that's driving the place down to the gutter.
I remember the days when the only committed spammers were the Chinese guys and gals who hawked Air Jordans after most of the conversation was finished.
well mack there is some equine excrement there is also some good stuff a little more then just one comment per shyt pile hopefully u saw miss chicago dykes comment that eye highlighted so it wouldnt get lost in this bullshyt shuffle of retardation there was some serious knowledge being dropped in her comment tonight so not all is lost
sadly magilla will be at it first thing in the morning with her monkey shinin antics tossin shyt balls as usual the imbecile actually thinx she foolin somebody wit all those different sockpuppet aliases when we all know its her nasty filthy disgustin heathen ass
eye feel u things was better when constructive feedback came around cuz at least hede make a joke but not insult folks magilla over here and her rogue state alterego wannabe dawktaw ignint send personal insults and spam this blog day in and day out to where some people is scared to comment unless they post anon muphukkin bullies!
"Great post Field. A pen was pocketed. You're so on those "wing-nuts".
Keep it real, keep it edgy."
Keep it real crazy, wingnut.:)
The truth is this is a serious issue. The man is a powerful world leader of an industrial country and is a global warming denier. He is also, from the looks of it, a kleptomaniac.
Had this been O there would have been an entire day on FOX devoted to this one incident and all types of experts on stealing giving their 2 cents.
So yes, wingnut, I do think it's a "great post “because it allows us to look into the character and mindset of folks who deny the obvious.
BTW folks, for those of you saying it's just a pen. It wasn't. It was a ceremonial pen used for an important event.
I don't like pen thieves.:(
Mack Lyon, so did you get tired of posting as the assnon sockpuppet astroturfer?
'Cause it's odd you'd feel the need to defend the indefensible, using similar illogical language.
I guess people with multiple personalities have a hard time keeping their mouth shut! Plus I understand insomnia is a common side effect of the drugs you take.
So who you gonna respond as, illiterate assnon, socranut, assnon with a username, or as mack the mut?
field negro said...
The truth is this is a serious issue. The man is a powerful world leader of an industrial country and is a global warming denier. He is also, from the looks of it, a kleptomaniac.
Had this been O there would have been an entire day on FOX devoted to this one incident and all types of experts on stealing giving their 2 cents.
So yes, wingnut, I do think it's a "great post “because it allows us to look into the character and mindset of folks who deny the obvious.
BTW folks, for those of you saying it's just a pen. It wasn't. It was a ceremonial pen used for an important event.
I don't like pen thieves.:(
Wow, FN, how do you know that the person was a "wingnut" ? Loony lefties have standards too every once in awhile.
You really should re-read your post. You sound like a loony well..dimmycrat.
"Yeah, well, he is a global warming denier and from the looks of it a kleptomaniac. Being that he has a view I don't like and "I am attracted to pens" this is a "serious" issue, because this allows us to see the mindset of people who disagree with us, they steal pens. So all global warming deniers and pen thieves must do so because they are "wingnuts" and have serious character flaws and are destroying the earth,you really should listen to me, because stealing a pen is right up there with the fake science of global warming.
No, this doesnt sound cuckoo at all, sure. Well, you can always come back and say "you were joking" Uh-huh.
Do you have any other "fetish's" that might entertain us?
Field - Did you write the script for this discussion on affirmative action?
the pen thief looks a lot like Channey.
for the record, Obama would never steal a pen. there. that should make you progressive liberal blacks feel better about yourselves.
have a wonderful day with ab.
Umm..Engineer RainyWalker...just so you know...some of us have actual Biology cred.
Note how the TSA actions are normal and usual...but there still is FOXhype to call it 'groping'. Because no meth-head wite going to put the drugs with the kids. And FOX needs the spin. I don't fault the child. But, why are you not asking what about the settlement-seeking Moms triggered the closer inspection?
Funny how Chickenhawk 101st Fighting Keyboarders can be dismissive of those who served. Where was the Chickenhawk?
Global climate change is junk science. And how does Gomer know this? A man in a double-wide trailer in SD with a PC that spews 'degrees' done told him so. At least the scammer gets paid by oil companies. While the Scientific Community agrees on this...the troof done lies wif the sooper-geniuses who could not pass high school GenEd classes. Right. I'll accept the reasoned discourse of Goober who wants to drive a SUV at 100L/100km.
The practiced ease of the thievery and obvious pathological Entitlement of the klepto wingnut show why wingnuts should never, ever be allowed out unsupervised. Probably why they are pouting.
With all of the budget crisis and world problems happenings and Field is concerned with someone taking a pen? Well, I suppose-if you stretch it- it could lead to WWIII?
You folks can make a mountain out of a molehill. You "really" know how to set priorities!
"have a wonderful day with ab."
you forgot 'mold'.
Did Klaus "steal" the pen?
Ceremonial pens are typically gifts. It's not as though they are the crown jewels meant only for display purposes, to be put back on their racks after the visiting dignitary leaves.
The situation is more like the hotel scene where the guest is given stationery and pens bearing the name of the hotel to take home.
field writes:
...the old dissapearing pen act.
It's d-i-s-a-P-P-e-a-r-i-n-g. One "s", two "p"s.
(Don't you just hate when people do that?)
...Klaus, whose most notable prior controversy was probably his flat rejection of climate change science...
The latest reports about the impact of the oil that gushed into the Gulf of Mexico show virtually no harm done. Moreover, scientists and researchers are mystified by the fact that the oil has vanished.
Inasmuch as scientists are unable to identify and explain the effects of an event that occurred over several months last year, why does anyone believe scientists can PREDICT the impact of a process that has yet to cause any harm?
The Global Warming nuts claim that terrible things will happen a hundred years from now. Really? How do they know? What experiments have they conducted? How does Earth respond to the ongoing changes that are always underway?
Hint: No one knows.
Meanwhile, the Climate Change idiots blithely ignore the fact that every year, in Africa, drinking contaminated water kills FIVE MILLION people.
Since Africa is Africa, we know that number will NOT decline over time. Meanwhile, according to Climate Changers, the big changes will hit in a hundred years -- which means 500 million Africans will have died untimely deaths from drinking dirty water.
And, a hundred years from now, almost every person alive today -- 6.8 billion people -- will be dead. However, based on demographic trends, the population if likely to hit 9 billion by 2050. No one has offered a population prediction for 2111. But, you can be sure the actual number will exceed the estimate for 2050 by a big margin. Maybe 12 billion.
What are the purported effects of Climate Change? Who knows? But we do know the expected life span of someone born in Africa today is about 50.
The combined effects of dirty water, AIDS, loads of other uncontrolled diseases, famine and war currently make life about as miserable as it gets on the planet.
Inasmuch as blacks have failed to build a single successful nation, is there any reason to think life in Africa will improve over the next century? Especially if much of the world concerns itself with Climate Change, a condition that has harmed no one?
Climate Change -- the way to take your eye off the ball to focus on nonsense.
More proof global warming pimps are full of sh*t...
UN Predicts 50 Million Global Warming Refugees By 2010
Rising sea levels, desertification and shrinking freshwater supplies will create up to 50 million environmental refugees by the end of the decade, experts warn today. Janos Bogardi, director of the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University in Bonn, said creeping environmental deterioration already displaced up to 10 million people a year, and the situation would get worse.
"There are well-founded fears that the number of people fleeing untenable environmental conditions may grow exponentially as the world experiences the effects of climate change," Dr Bogardi said. "This new category of refugee needs to find a place in international agreements. We need to better anticipate support requirements, similar to those of people fleeing other unviable situations." [...]
Hans van Ginkel, UN under-secretary-general and rector of the university, said: "This is a highly complex issue, with global organisations already overwhelmed by the demands of conventionally recognised refugees. However, we should prepare now to define, accept and accommodate this new breed of refugee."
In 2006 Al Gores says we have 10 years to save earth...
We now have less than 4 years,9 months, and a few days to save mother earth.
Its worth reposting.
MOLD Said...
Umm..Engineer RainyWalker...just so you know...some of us have actual Biology cred
Awesome, MOLD you are truly a democrat. Now you are a bioligist? Damn, I wish I could be half as intelligent and untiring in life considering all the multiple professions and academic accomplishments you have achieved. Being a bioligist I am sure you have a thorough understanding of a basic ZEFL law.
What do you think of ZEFL and how it applies?
If only you could apply this to writing so that everything you post wouldn't be such total nonsensical gibberish. You know, you don't need to keep playing this game with your fake ebonics, everyone knows you are Socrates a White guy pretending to be a Black Granma, do yourself a favor, start writing as if you intend people to understand what you have to say and dont spend so much time making up the fake ebonics. You forget a lot when you start getting pissed and posting between the vulgar anon and fighting with AB and have been seen to write somewhat coherently as MOLD anyway. I mean you don't want people to keep skipping your posts because they read like your lips flapping against a big fan...or do you?
Heres wishing you a peaceful life, lord knows living with schizophrenia must be a difficult thing.
this was a literal joke
but that figurative joke that is the reality of hobama channeling the pens of raygun and gwb...
as hobama literally pens policies that slay unions and kill america are far more interesting...
Where's AL?? Where's Jesse?? Where's field????
The boyfriend of prostitute/ civil rights icon Crystal Mangum has died.Murder chargers are pending.
Only a OJ jury can save our sista now.
ever heard "asiatic black man"???
all humans began as black ebony skinned african
all egyptians and sumerians were black!!!
scholars are paid to disagree...
i am black
are u?
only racists and mulattos like hobama seek to whiten african
and cheikh diop is a FAR greater blacker more revered scholar than you....no???
i agree with him rather than you...
happens in academia perepetually
ivan van sertima
ja rogers
many other great scholars
and i disagree with u too
more proof that sumerians and ancient asians were both BLACK SKINNED!!!
Nathaniel Deutsch - "The Asiatic Black Man": An African American Orientalism? - Journal of Asian American Studies 4:3 Journal of Asian American Studies 4.3 (2001) 193-208 "The Asiatic Black Man": An African American Orientalism? nathaniel deutsch In 1966, a group of reporters in Miami asked Muhammad Ali, then the heavy weight boxing champion of the world, what he thought about the Vietnam War. In what would become the most famous of his many public statements concerning the war, Ali responded: "Man, I ain't got no quarrel with the Viet Cong." Later, in an interview with Sports Illustrated, Ali expressed his solidarity with the Vietnamese people in racial, political, and religious terms: "Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs? . . .I either have to obey the laws of the land or the laws of Allah. I have nothing to lose by standing up and following my beliefs. We've been in jail for four hundred years." For his refusal to don an American uniform, Ali was sentenced to five years in prison, received a ten thousand dollar fine -- the maximum possible -- and was banned from boxing. Later, the Supreme Court vindicated Ali, but not until three and a half years of his boxing career had already been lost to the ban. Today, thirty years later, Muhammad Ali is remembered for being one of the most powerful...
more on the black origins of ALL races
sumerians, asians and egyptians included
Great, this thread, like all of the others, has turned to shit.
I read everything
Unlike that illiterate uneducated vdlr
I gladly welcome anything u paste or link
More on the “blackheaded” sumerians
The black hair thing is ludicrous racism
as baldness is typical of ancient asian cultures
There were so many black people in ancient Asia that Herbert Wendt wrote: “All indications point to the fact that Asia was the cradle of the black race.” (It Began in Babel by Herbert Wendt. New York: Delta Dell Publishing Company, 1964, pg. 368.)
The Black people of Egypt certainly influenced the Sumerians. The seeds of civilization in Sumeria passed through Egypt. Albert Churchward said that the Sumerians, Chaldeans and Babylonians obtained all their laws and learning from the Egyptians. (Signs & Symbols of Primordial Man by Albert Churchward, Brooklyn:A&B Books Publishers, 1993, pg. 209) Therefore, we can trace the roots of the Sumerian society back to Africa and black people
The founders of the first Mesopotamian civilization were Black Sumerians. Mesopotamia was the Biblical land of Shinar (Sumer). The Sumerians left no doubt to how they viewed themselves racially. The Sumerians called themselves sag-gig-ga, the Black headed people. Sumer was at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe. While Sumer was not a homogenous society, the Blackheads of Sumer were politically and socially dominant. (Introduction to the Study of African Classical Civilizations by Runoko Rashidi, London: Karnak House, 1992, pg. 69)
Sumer was the earliest ancient civilization of west Asia. Sumer was the foundation of the later civilizations of Babylonia and Chaldea. The Sumerian civilization, which ruled the southern portion of the fertile Tigris/Euphrates River Valley, sprang up around 3000 B.C. and lasted until about 1750 B.C.
The Sumerians are often describes as “non-Semitic”, “pre-Semitic”, or “non-Indo-European.” But what does that really mean? These are attempts to veil the fact that the Sumerians were black people. Historians are willing to use any ambiguous terms they can to cloud the true racial origins of the Sumerians.
John Baldwin wrote: “The early colonists of Babylonia were of the same race as the inhabitants of the Upper Nile.” (PreHistoric Nations by John D. Baldwin, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869, pg. 192)
H.G. Wells said that the “Sumerians appear to have been a brownish people with prominent noses.” (A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells, New York: MacMillan, 1922, pg. 75) Sir Arthur Keith said that the Sumerians were dolichocephalic. (Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilization: Being an Official Account of Archeological Excavations at Mohenjo-Daro Carried out by the Government of India Between the Years 1922 and 1927 by John W. Marshall, New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 1996, pg. 109) Dolichocephalism is a skull characteristic predominately found in blacks. (The African Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop, Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1974, pg. 261)
Anonymous said...
Where's AL?? Where's Jesse?? Where's field????
The boyfriend of prostitute/ civil rights icon Crystal Mangum has died.Murder chargers are pending.
Only a OJ jury can save our sista now.
And the entitled jerks who LOVE strippers are free to rape/assualt again.
What's your friggin' point?
And why didn't they hire white strippers?
the black madonna and christ chikd are further proof that africans were even erased from ancient catholic religious imagery
the pope sleeps unders that same black truth in the ceiling of the vatican even at the helm of the most racist REVISED religious sect on earth
hair is a random genetic variable
wholly unreliable as any racial litmus test
blood kin in an immediate nuclear family can have 5 dif hair textures
needs slaps can confirm that many jews have nappier hair than most blacks
all male hasidic jews wear 2 dreadlocks etc
the only thing worse than africans being erased from history in ALL races is that such white lies are taught to black students like u who dare to repeat them
Anonymous said...
Great, this thread, like all of the others, has turned to shit.
You know maybe if you and others weren't so passively supportive of internet stalkers, the thread could stay legit.
Or maybe that would be like talking to yourself?
In all ancient religious art
Jesus looks like jimi hendrix with an afro
Now jesus looks like bret Michaels in most art
And that is due to the same white lies that erase the blackness of the Sumerians and the Egyptians now
Someday mj will be known as the wf he chose to become..ie Micheala/Michelle Jackson???
Dr. Queen:
the vdlr bashing scholars is akin to jefferey dahmer bashing vegans
more on nappy jews
diahnn carroll married a jew and thought he was black until after her wedding because he was so dark and nappy
she was shocked to know she was in an interracial marriage...
see her comical tale:
the jews call their nappy locks
Why do some religious Jews have long beards and curls on the sides of their heads?
Leviticus 19:27 gets translated a bunch of ways but the basic idea is:
"Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard"
The "hair at the sides of the head" is generally agreed to mean sideburns, or payot (פאות). Other pronunciations and transliterations include "peyot," "payos," and "peyes." I've seen it written as "pais", too.
If this topic interests you, there's good detail at Wikipedia on both payot and Jewish shaving customs.
My own theory is that when one has thick, coarse, curly facial hair, shaving can become very, very uncomfortable.
Dr. Queen said...
And the entitled jerks who LOVE strippers are free to rape/assualt again.
What rape/assualt?
And why didn't they hire white strippers?
They did.......
What on earth was that about? Did you forget to change profiles? YOU are the troll all along. And that was said by your profile too, I followed the profile like to be sure.
9:51 PM
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that.
And she did NOT work for the government. And still doesn't.
Cart before the horse? Just more lies.
excuse all the typos
rushing as always
as all scholars do
waiting for your links...
i will read them all
did that uneducated selective stalker the vdlr ask you for your thesis/transcripts/univ etc????
she is a vulgar butch dl psycho who is UNIQUELY obsessed with me just as Dr. Queen noted herein...
uneducated unglued vdlr:
an envious illiterate nig like u will never bait me against a scholar like cd
intelligent debates with intelligent people made me a radio superstar
i welcome that!
u ain't know dat 4 real tho???
u vulgar foolish uneducated hater!!!!!!!
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
baldheaded brain dead vdlr:
"More on the “blackheaded” sumerians
The black hair thing is ludicrous racism
as baldness is typical of ancient asian cultures"
do u gat some baldheaded asian in u...up unda dat weave????
is u a bama sumerian????
AB we get it, we unnerstand how u feel, Blacks were great everything came from Blacks.....I have one question, all people at one time or another had issues, genocide, slavery, wars etc. What happened with Blacks? Why in no recorded history ever is there any "great" civilization of Blacks, in fact recorded history from all races says the opposite of what you are trying to make myth fact it so bad you to rely on such shit as loookk...some artist drew one picture of jesus and he wook wike he hab a nappy head....
hows bouts you stop postin your damn resume, we aint impressed in fact your just as crazy as Mold anyone ever tell you that no one pats you on the back cause your own damn hand is always in the way?
and baldness aint typical of ancient asian cultures, nobles, warriors and ALL women had a very long hair with the men puttin it in ponytail, dont think you know shit cause yo uwatched the shaolin temple
alicia banks said...
uneducated unglued vdlr:
an envious illiterate nig like u will never bait me against a scholar like cd
I'm just wondering when all the "outrage" over how Field's threads ALWAYS turn into a harassment and stalk fest, is going to start.
Of course, it's clear to me that one person's very obvious miserable life/actions, resonate with far more people than we could ever imagine.
Sad and infinitely pathetic!!
I'm just trying to enjoy the month or so I have left not working while I can, because it's about to be on and poppin' up in my life REAL soon, LOL!!!
Ummmmm, I have a confession.... OMG, Mr.Field, please don't hate me.....Once I had to take one of those job related seminars. Part of which included an instructor that was boring me to death with stuff about the internet that I already knew. I noticed she had a silver pen in her hand which she would gesture with. At one point the assistance sheet came around to be signed, and she had included the pen. And what a pen it was! It was a Parker,silver, heavy, it wrote smooth and dark, just fabulous!!! So by coincidence,or my hypnotic powers :),the assistance sheet and the pen came to rest on my computer workstation in the dimly lit room!!! I picked it up and continued taking notes with it, just to try it. At the end of the lecture in the ensuing last minute question and answer, everybody getting up etc. Nobody had taken the pen yet....I couldn't resist, I put the pen in my bag and walked out!!! I never steal anything, I felt so guilty, even though one time I had occasion to sort of pay her back by giving her some valuable info on some meds her child was taking, so that kind of ameliorated the guilt. I never found refills for it though. and that's my pen theft story..please don't judge me....:(
molefi kete asante and i disagree with u
what land/soil is not black in africa/ALL over the world???
"black land" = white racist lunacy
more sanity on "Khemet"/kemet
It's also being taught by these so-called scholars that the name Khemet means Black-Land. "Referring only to the soil, not the people." I heard this being said by the Vice Minister of Culture in Egypt, Zahi Hawass. Most of Africa has Black soil. Still more, Egypt has somehow been classified as a part of the so-called Middle East and the Arab world, not Africa. National Geographic supports this bogus claim by writing of Egypt; "The world's original tourist destination, the seat of thought and influence in the Arab world." Further, "The first Arab country to make peace with Israel." Huh??? This is pure nonsense by one of the most prominent and influential institutions in the world today. Why not ask the Ethiopians or the Sudanese who their Ancient neighbors the Egyptians were? Ask the Libyans or the people of Kenya and Chad or Somalia. I'm sure they would know who their ancient neighbors were and what they looked like. Let us remember the false image of Jesus that is being published, promoted and pushed throughout the entire world as the most prominent example of deception in modern history. It is a potent form of spiritual genocide. What image comes into your mind?? I picked up an English newspaper and was surprised to see that Egypt also has an "immigration" problem. Apparently Africans are coming into the country in large numbers disturbing the population. Much like America has an "immigration" problem with the Mexicans, who by the way populated America hundreds if not thousands of years before it was taken by force by Europeans. Black Family, Time will reveal and correct all things.
racist illiterate whitewashing assnon:
your denial of ancient african truths is a personal illness
get well soon
read a mf book as medicine asap!
Dr Queen:
nigs like the vdlr thrive on envy and hatred
it is why they never become educated or excel
and pookie nigs like the vdlr rule the world and this blog
they are professional slackers and haters
and they get more serious about their toxic bs as they FAIL more each day
they have doomed our race and our planet
this is why smart kids suffer so in public schools
the bully demon seed of the vdlr and her clones who rule all arenas
and ONLY because they are allowed to
pvt schools do not allow them to torture smart kids
that is why pvt schools thrive
alicia banks said...
molefi kete asante and i disagree with u
what land/soil is not black in africa/ALL over the world???
"black land" = white racist lunacy
more sanity on "Khemet"/kemet
right all black nations are shit because evertin is black and white racist lunacy and dirt is blakc so what nation is not black and african...well with this you can also say your dirt...ok you said it not me.
wut is your IQ 60? This is black scholarship...dirt is black so everytin black....culd you do sumtin else for da rest of da dey youre ringin my bell curve so much heyurrrts my head
baldness = ancient ritual and rank in asian cultures
hey uts/da mayor of utopia:
The share of the population that is working fell to its lowest level last year since women started entering the workforce in large numbers three decades ago, a USA TODAY analysis finds.
Only 45.4% of Americans had jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983 and down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000. Last year, just 66.8% of men had jobs, the lowest on record.
The bad economy, an aging population and a plateau in women working are contributing to changes that pose serious challenges for financing the nation’s social programs.
"Dr. Queen:" This one's for you. Quit deflecting!
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that.
And she did NOT work for the government. And still doesn't.
Cart before the horse? Just more lies.
10:23 AM
FYI, pens are one of the primary fomites responsible for transmission of cold and flu viruses, so pen stealing would NEVER be a consideration for me, LOL!! Not to mention the fact that people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Yuck!
I ALWAYS carry/use my own and almost NEVER get a cold or the flu.
charles k slew hobama!!!!
the wsj slew hobama too!!!
thank u to all pookies who have proven/fashioned hell is on earth!!!!
Black News Today:
Woman who killed self and three kids acted strange weeks before river plunge: sister
April 14, 2011
The mom who killed herself and three kids after driving her minivan off a Newburgh pier and into the Hudson River had grown increasingly paranoid over the past few weeks, saying she felt someone was watching her, the woman's sister said.
Lashanda Armstrong, 25, decided to die on Tuesday night, packing her kids into the van before deliberately driving down a boat ramp and into the river.
Lashanda's sister Darice Armstrong told NBC's "Today" show in an interview that aired this morning that Armstrong was acting strange over the past few weeks.
"She was talking to me about how she felt someone was watching her," she said.
Darice Armstrong said that her sister claimed that pages of her diary were missing and that she was constantly apologizing.
Armstrong also recounted how Lashanda told her the "lights in her home flickered on and off."
Lashanda's four kids -- Lashaun Armstrong, 10; Landon Pierre, 5; Lance Pierre, 2; and 11-month-old Lainaina Pierre -- were all in the van at the time. Lashaun was the only survivor after he was able to escape through an open window and swim to shore.
In an interview with The Post this morning, Lashanda's mother Datrice Armstrong, 47, who lives in upstate Middletown, said, "It still hurts and it will for the rest of our lives."
Armstrong said she has no clue why her daughter decided to drive into the river.
"We may never understand why," she said. "We just want everyone to pray with us."
On Wednesday, Police Chief Michael Ferrara said, "This is a very difficult tragedy for our department. It hasn't been easy, especially because we have such young officers who have families."
Friends struggling to understand Armstrong's motives said she had been upset over her troubled relationship with her boyfriend Jean Pierre, 26.
About 10 minutes before Armstrong's fateful drive, police went to her home just blocks from the scene.
They'd been called by Armstrong's aunt Angela Edge-Gilliam, who said there was "tussling" in the home between Pierre and her niece. Edge-Gilliam also told cops that there was a history of domestic problems, police said.
Cops quickly arrived, but the apartment was empty.
"She was a good mother," said Edge-Gilliam. "She was going through some stuff."
As for the brave little boy, Edge-Gilliam said he was recovering, adding, "He had the strength to get out and go for help."
Shaniesha Strange, 32, an employee at Young and Unique Christian Children's Childcare Center, which all four kids had attended, was sympathetic toward the troubled mother, who was 15 when she had Lashaun.
"She didn't have anybody," Strange told The Post. "It's sad for her to feel so alone."
Keep making 'excuses' for the theft. Then you are enablers and apologists. And the gift takes place later.
I would also like to thank the person who projects that I am 'Socrates'. As I have already stated...I use but one nom de Internet. Saying otherwise is a lie. Must be their fauxtrage over my mention of sockpuppets and wites sneaking around. Would there be fear for them?
Slappy, you are lying again. The oil is still there. Just because Goober don't see nuttin...is not evidence or proof. You might want to, like, read some actual reports from your tax-paid scientists before your Masters get rid of them. No, the scientists are not mystified as to the vanished oil...because it hasn't.
No harm? Maybe not for Goober in rural US Podunkia...yet. Others have already described the impact they feel. And modeling has been a scientific tool for decades. Wonder why you don't know about it. Your contact with modeling would be...the weather forecast.
There is also the idea of trending. Another simple, basic scientific concept you utterly miss. As to experiments...go ahead and design one. I'll wait.
YOU don't know.
Climate change scientists have already written lay papers detailing what could happen with diseases, parasites and nutrition with regard to climate disruptions that are human-caused.
Climate Spare Change:
IN asmuch as we cannot preict the weather more than a few days or weeks ahead, nor can we predict rainfall or snowfall, there is zero reason to believe we can predict the changes that will occur in the climate a century from now.
The predictions about the coming changes in the climate always include predictions about the weather we will experience along the way. But, once again, because we cannot predict the weather a month into the future, there's no basis for believing we will improve our forecasting accuracy by choosing a date when no one alive today will be around to see for themselves what our energy culture has wrought.
Meanwhile, humans have been predicting doom and gloom relentlessly after it was realized that predicting disaster is at worst, harmless, but, at best, a big money-maker for those who predict.
What predictions have proven reasonably accurate:
The Stock Market? No.
The Economy? Sometimes.
Sports? No.
Industry Changes? Sometimes
Agricultural output? Somewhat.
Inventions? No.
The Future of Africa? Easy. Always a mess.
needs slaps:
depression trumps hedonism
at least she is better than that wf baby killer whore susan smith
who murdered her kids JUST to party with a new lover who hated kids
u know???
blog serial killer kosher kkk needs slaps:
ditto for depressed homohating religious fool bath fan andrea yates
and club hopper whore/chloroform as a babysitter fan casey anthony etc
and countless other wfs who murder their kids daily
ya know???????
see fresh baby kills by their wf moms here DAILY:
kosher kkk needs slaps:
at least she is better than that RACIST LYING wf baby killer whore susan smith
who murdered her kids JUST to party with a new lover who hated kids
and then blamed it on a fictional black man...
Blogger alicia banks said...
excuse all the typos
rushing as always
Not to worry. No one is reading you.
Slappy, again you assume that all readers are as illiterate as you. That may hold in church or TeaBagger meets.
Try again.
I'm sure FOX will have some blonde in a mini-skirt telling you the words.
Maybe you should do the work (as if!) and review the actual science.
You know, pretty much the only 'smoking gun' the deniers have is that really some smart people sneer at Goobers. Like that is news....or relevant.
fat greasy wf racist illiterate envious hanky headed greasy whitehead smooth brained tranny moron agm/sql:
U just did u fool!!!
TrollAnon, did you mean ZFEL?
proudly illiterate racist blubbery pasty tranny sql/agm:
that dl demon hobama will never read your sexted msgs nor your XXX fan mail...
no matter how u crave being his big fat tranny bottom bitch u psycho wigger fag hag
field negro said...
"The truth is this is a serious issue. The man is a powerful world leader of an industrial country and is a global warming denier"
Oh so that's his real crime: He's not a Believer. This sounds like an accusation of heresy.
Isn't "global warming" supposed to be based on science, not faith?
There are plenty of climate scientists who base their skepticism of AGW on their interpretation of data, not simply the "denial" of other people's interpretations.
What is becoming apparent is that the earth is getting colder, and has been for several years, just as those "deniers" who based their opinion on their understanding of solar cycles predicted 10 years ago.
So don't start getting ready the stakes to burn heretics just yet Field. You are going to need that wood to keep warm next winter.
kosher kkk kapo needs slaps:
are u an OG???
Documents recently released by the FBI name late rappers Eazy-E and 2Pac as targets of extortion. The pair were allegedly targeted by the Jewish Defense League.
Click here to view Pac’s FBI file
“On September 11, 1996 [redacted] reported that JDL, and others yet unidentified have been extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats,” the report states. “The scheme involves [redacted] and other subjects making telephonic death threats to the rap star. Subjects then intercede by contacting the victim and offering protection for a ‘fee’. Source reported that ERIC WRIGHT, also known as EAZY-E, who owned RUTHLESS RECORDS, Woodland Hills, California, was a victim of this extortion scheme prior to dying from AIDS. [Redacted] had also reportedly targeted TUPAC SHAKUR prior to his recent murder in Las Vegas, Nevada.”
The investigation into the Jewish Defense League was closed in May 1999 after the FBI were unable to get anyone to corroborate their initial source’s claims.
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that.
And she did NOT work for the government. And still doesn't.
Cart before the horse? Just more lies.
10:23 AM
Blogger no_slappz said...
Black News Today:
Woman who killed self and three kids acted strange weeks before river plunge: sister
In White News today:
48-year-old twins found living with dead mother charged with murder
HOUSTON – Twin brothers were charged with murder Tuesday after police said they were found living with the decomposing body of their 89-year-old mother. Edward Larry Berndt and Edwin Christian Berndt, both 48, were arrested Monday afternoon at the home they shared with their mother in the 8400 block of Glenscot. According to police, neighbors had called for a welfare check on Sybile Berndt after they didn’t see her for several months.
When detectives arrived at the scene and knocked on the door, Edwin Berndt looked out the window but didn’t answer. Police said a few moments later, he came out of a side door and told them that everyone was fine, and they didn’t need anything from the police. But when the officer insisted that she needed to see his mother, she said Berndt let her in.
That’s when she found Sybile Berndt’s body, lying face-down on the floor in the foyer. The smell was unimaginable, and there were insects crawling all over the corpse.
"I’ve been a cop for 17 years and this is the first time I’ve dealt with anything like that," said HPD Homicide Investigator J.R. Johnston.
Police said the dead woman was wearing a nightgown that was pulled up under her arms and no underwear.
Check out these handsome boys
alicia banks said...
kosher kkk kapo needs slaps:
are u an OG???
Documents recently released by the FBI name late rappers Eazy-E and 2Pac as targets of extortion. The pair were allegedly targeted by the Jewish Defense League.
HAHA now I have heard everything, the Jewish Mafia and protection rackets against thugs......HAHA do you really beleive this shit? Or do you write it? Trust me, this shit would never fly if it were an organization like the Jewish Defense league they would have found out from the real "OG's"
that business can be conducted with class and you don't have to wear your pants around your ass while your doing it.
Ummm...can you FOX MILF watchers name some scientists not on the company dole who do this? So far, all we have are people who seem to trade the PhD for cash...and the oil and coal dudes pay.
As far as colder, is this more throwaway Gooberish from FOX, like the idiocy that one can get a PAP from a neighbourhood Walgreens. Must be the manly stuff that keeps the icky girls cooties away from their 'beautiful minds'.
On a more pleasant note, if GCC is on a trend...all those who caused it will be fair game.
The Zero Force Evolutionary Law seems to be a tad odd. It was published, not as a Biology book...but as a Philosophy one. Weird. Both authors are Philosophy profs...not Bio. Again, weird.
This particular book was out in 2010. Wonder why it is sooooo against 'natural selection'. Could it be a backdoor attempt to 'delegitimatize' Darwin? That there is a 'force' that makes the watch go?
just like eye said chicago dyke this shyt stain would not admitwhat u saidis rite
chicago dyke said...
sumerians were ebony black africans
FN & folks, and alicia, forgive me for the off topic response, but i have to correct you here. i did my doctoral work in Sumerian culture at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute and Divinity School; i'm probably one of ~600 people in the world fluent in Sumerian archaeology and language. it's utterly true that the term "Sumerian" as we use it translates in their own terms into roughly "the Black-Headed People," but that was mostly about the color of their hair. their skin, and "race" as we define such today (which was of course totally unknown to them at the time while what they thought of as "ethnicity" was much, much more important than skin or even hair color) archaeology has NOT yet established "where they came from" or why they ended up founding one of the earliest literate societies in human history. they are known as "isolate" language speakers, which basically means they spoke a language that isn't readily connected to any other language or culture in the region. which means they likely came from elsewhere, but where? we just don't have the evidence, yet. given their depictions of themselves in cuneiform and monumental art, i think we'd probably call them of "Semitic" ethnicity today. their noses were broad and they were hairy but not nappy; lots of African societies from that time were much more like you and me than Sumerians.
Egyptians, which I've also studied extensively, were what we'd probably call today more of a "mixed ethnicity/race" society. if you look at representations from the Middle K and even Old Kingdom, it's clear even back then: they knew the "difference" between people with coffee colored, pink, brown, and olive skin, for all the only thing that mattered was "are you a friend of the Bearer of the Crown of the Upper and Lower Retenu?" Also: you should know that the correct transliteration of "Khemet" has an H, and it means "She Who is Black," referring not to the people of Egypt, but to the rich soil of the Nile lands. any time you see that -t at the end of an ancient Semitic word, it suggests the female gender- human, animal and divine. if Egypt had been a 'fatherland' like modern Germany, it would've been pronounced "Khem" or "Khemi" (there are some diacritical tags i can't up over those letters via blogger but think of 'french accent' marks and you'll recognize them if you see them in scholarly work).
race is a modern invention. never, ever forget that. even "white" people in europe in the 1300s (before colonization and black slavery by euro whites) in europe didn't 'see' race; they saw religion, ethnicity and region much more. think of Bosch's paintings, with the coffee black woman with the proverbial apple on her head, entering heaven with all the white folks. or one of the "wise men" of the nativity story. etc. but if you will speak of Sumer and it's people, please believe me when i say: there is no conclusive proof they came from Africa. they may have, they may not. /end pedant/
-"Chicago Dyke" who is having problems signing into blogger just now, sorry.
7:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that
U got that right...Queen is full of it
"Dr. Queen:" This one's for you. Quit deflecting!
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that.
And she did NOT work for the government. And still doesn't.
Cart before the horse? Just more lies.
10:23 AM
I guess I'm not really getting the point with posting the crazy murderous acts of people. I mean really, just read the comments section here for proof of the mental diability present in today's society, LOL!!
Speaking of which, hey assnon, no matter how many times you post that bullshit, those THREE science diploma's STILL hang on my mother's wall. And my time with the Gov't STILL counts toward retirement, LOL!!!!
You know, I think your face would look fab next to the hood ornament of my car, since that's as close as you'll EVER come to having one yourself.
Wanna take a ride, LOL???
Anonymous said...
"Ummm...can you FOX MILF watchers name some scientists not on the company dole who do this? So far, all we have are people who seem to trade the PhD for cash...and the oil and coal dudes pay."
Yes. My brother has a PhD in Atmospheric Science and works for NOAA. He is not blonde and does not look very good in a skirt.
Ms. Queen said....
You know, I think your face would look fab next to the hood ornament of my car, since that's as close as you'll EVER come to having one yourself.
Wanna take a ride, LOL???
Class is not a function of race, wealth, or credentials. Class is a quality of bearing that commands respect from others while treating others with respect.
We have been watching.
You, Ms. Queen, do not have "class".
You will not be permitted to become a licensed Medical Doctor.
Please refrain from using the title "Dr.". This is your final warning.
Hey AB, you happen to have any estimate of the number of posts the obsessive assnon has directed at us? I'm guessing it's in the hundreds, probably hitting close to a thousand by now, LOL!!!
I certainly hope Field gets paid in some way everytime it posts something and would that be fitting. A jealous racist with it's diaper changing crew, helping a Black man. Yeah, that's funny as hell!!!!
Ms. Queef: Yeah, that's funny as hell!!!!
It's funny that you'll never be a doctor? Seems kind of sad to me, or at least pathetic.
Ms. Queef: Yeah, that's funny as hell!!!!
It's funny that you'll never be a doctor? Seems kind of sad to me, or at least pathetic.anon wit sense
the only thing this nasty filthy ghettoese hoochie ca do is pretenderate that she is actually somebody irl keep pretenderating missus wannabe dawktaw queef but all of us ca see rite thru u nucka!
And your 'brother' who works for NOAA bases his thoughts on what, exactly? What was the PhD in? What you gave is a tad too broad. Is this person a physicist, chemist...or weather person (Al Roker)?
Oh, feel free to list their name and CV.
Or not.
Cha Ching, LOL!!!
It must REALLY SUCK to be you Assnon, huh?
Muah, Muah, Muah, MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!
9 Things The Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes
1. Poor Americans do pay taxes
2. The wealthiest Americans don’t carry the burden.
3. In fact, the wealthy are paying less taxes.
4. Many of the very richest pay no current income taxes at all.
5. And (surprise!) since Reagan, only the wealthy have gained significant income.
6. When it comes to corporations, the story is much the same—less taxes.
7. Some corporate tax breaks destroy jobs.
8. Republicans like taxes too.
9. Other countries do it better.
Read the whole piece.
"And as is the case in real life, a large percentage of Internet stalkers make the jump to real physical harm, which is why it's important to stop a stalker as soon as possible".
And when you do Asson, me and my glock will be waiting with Gold. Dot. Hollow. Points.
"The cyber bully is very similar to the Internet stalker, but with a few key differences; your average cyber bully is young, often a kid, and immature."
The only thing that was left off this list was white male, sexually deviant and confused, with your buddies Urinade and Garlique being the exceptions because they both have Black ancestors.
Gold. Dot. Hollow. Points.
Anonymous said...
And your 'brother' who works for NOAA bases his thoughts on what, exactly?
He does primary science on temperature data, that's what. He has a PhD from a leading Atmospheric Science program. He bases his thoughts on his understanding of science, not politics. Most of those accredited people who are advancing AGW are not engaged in primary science. He does not feel the underlying data support the theory of siginificant, problematic AGW, and that this idea has become less supportable and will continue to become less supportable if climate trends hold for the next several years.
yeah rev rite my brother gots a degree in atmospheric science too and he thinx ure phukkin full of shyt cuz u aint know what ure talkin bout u could hve just as well given links to ur alleged brother work but since ure just making shyt up out of ur asshole like ballzack and buceta breaf then well...aint nothin here qooholes!
Ms. Queef: And when you do Asson, me and my glock will be waiting with Gold. Dot. Hollow. Points
Fantasizing about killing someone is not going to help get you into med school. Shouldn't you be studying for them EMPCATS?
Yes, you are right, I really should give my brother's name and place of employment for the sake of bolstering a casual argument with a crazy person on the internet.
Maybe I should include his home address and SSN too. Would that help?
Ms. Queef: And when you do Asson, me and my glock will be waiting with Gold. Dot. Hollow. Points dawktaw wannabe
Fantasizing about killing someone is not going to help get you into med school. Shouldn't you be studying for them EMPCATS?anon wit sense
yeah anon this nasty filth pile tryn to front like she got edumacayshun eye dont have nearly the edumacayshun she claims to have but can put together a sentence without profanities if put to the test this nasty wench has naught that capability and the emptiness between her ears is pretty noticeable she clearly aint no dawktaw and clearly aint ha no education at all
nope rev rite all u got to do is post a link to a paper he wrote and u ca redact his name if u want but just like all ab sockpuppet clones ure just a liar wit no proof to back up anything u say shyt eyem from mars and my brother is the queen of england and what?
Dr. Queen!!!
that nasty moron the vdlr could have earned 10 GEDs just this month alone....
in the time she has wasted REpasting loony lies on this blog!!!
Anonymous said...
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that
U got that right...Queen is full of it
1:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Dr. Queen:" This one's for you. Quit deflecting!
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that.
And she did NOT work for the government. And still doesn't.
Cart before the horse? Just more lies.
10:23 AM
1:11 PM
You just pile fraud upon fraud, yet refuse to acknowledge the truth as stated above. You are NOT yet in medical school anywhere, and you had to quit your NON-govt job to study. That's pathetic!
Hmmm...you want to call me crazy for finding it rather convenient that you have a 'brother' with a 'PhD' in Atmospheric Science who agrees wholeheartedly with wingnut Wurlitzer tales?
Does your 'brother' live next to st reagan's Welfare Queen? Or the imaginary Libruls?
Still, what is the PhD in, exactly? I even dropped a few choices that you could Google to see what would fit your needs most closely.
Dr. Queen:
countless coonery abounds from that dl butch psycho UNEDUCATED UNGLUED UNLICKED vdlr each day...
vdlr is the queen of the ILLITERATE hater coons herein!!!
she and that racist kosher kkk needs slaps need to be fatally boot stomped!!!!
they use this blog to paste NOTHING but MINDLESS IGNORANT HATRED...DAILY!!!!!!!!
Classy Coon Slayer/Dr. Queen:
the vdlr lamenting a lack of class
is akin to the kosher kkk needs slaps lamenting racist revisions/racist omission in stats
a gd universal nig/kike joke!!!!!!!!
Rev. Right said...
Anonymous said...
"Ummm...can you FOX MILF watchers name some scientists not on the company dole who do this? So far, all we have are people who seem to trade the PhD for cash...and the oil and coal dudes pay."
Yes. My brother has a PhD in Atmospheric Science and works for NOAA. He is not blonde and does not look very good in a skirt.
Careful there Rev Wright, ANy White guy posing as a Black Quasi literate granny, may just find your brother attractive in a skirt. He chooses to wear a mental one each day.
poor people of all races are suffering in amerikkka!!!!
a song for ya:
kosher kkk kapo needs slaps:
a song for u too :
Kick me, kike me / Don't you black or white me / All I wanna say is that / They
don't really care about us / All I wanna say is that ...
ruthless coon uts:
u and i are blessed
but millions are cursed...and their curses via hobama and his banksters have just begun!!!
grow a heart asap u elitist gated fool!!!
Given the focus on spending cuts in Washington, one might think that America's unemployment problem was under control. But our jobs quandary is far from over, surpassing even the Great Depression in one respect: The gap between the number of people out of work (13.9 million) and the number of job openings (2.8 million) has never been so wide. Congress responded to these historically grim conditions in 2009 by extending unemployment benefits to an unprecedented 99 weeks. For many Americans, however, time is up, with no job in sight.
"We're in extraordinary times that break all the rules with respect to recovery," Gregg Rosen, co-founder of the American 99ers Union, told The Root. He explained that "99er" is a generalized term representing individuals who have exhausted all benefits up to 99 weeks, since the length of emergency unemployment insurance varied depending on the state. While the March jobs report (pdf) showed that nearly 1.9 million workers have been unemployed for the maximum 99 weeks (an increase of 127,000 from February), more than 6 million have actually reached the limit of their insurance.
Anonymous said...
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that
U got that right...Queen is full of it
1:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Dr. Queen:" This one's for you. Quit deflecting!
Yes, she IS the troll as well as her own stupid racist self. Folks--remember the truth. She ISN'T a doctor. She has NOT be accepted to ANY medical school. She had to quit work to study for her MCATs. Uh, no body does that.
And she did NOT work for the government. And still doesn't.
Cart before the horse? Just more lies.
10:23 AM
1:11 PM
You just pile fraud upon fraud, yet refuse to acknowledge the truth as stated above. You are NOT yet in medical school anywhere, and you had to quit your NON-govt job to study. That's pathetic!anon wit sense
and anon its so clear that rogue state alter ego qoohole the ghetto hoochie is here to threaten and bully and bring the class quotient of this blog way down but kuntbreaf banks is talking to herself getting more unhinged as time progresses
kudos to gifted black babies!!!!!
these are clones of the gems i tutor in ar and il
oakland rocks!!!
can u even imagine how dumb demon seed clones of the vdlr will torment these baby s/heroes????
new nominees for fnotd!!!!!!!!!
Desertflower, "I never found refills for it though. and that's my pen theft story..please don't judge me....:("
THIEF!!!You are going straight to hell for what you did. St Peter doesn't favor pen thieves and he will remind you about that theft at the pearly gates and pull the trap door lever on your ass and you will find yourself zooming down to hell. But don't worry, Satan will roll out the red carpet for you.:)
And you know how much Field hates pen thieves. He just might kick you off of his blog. You should be ashamed of yourself. The karma from stealing a pen is immense! The punishment for stealing could be worse than shooting someone in the hood, if you are a POC.
I hope I have instilled in you the seriousness of the crime you have committed. I think Slappz will vouch for it.
how does someone with a job in it and tutoring kids or teaching adults have time to post bullshyt on a blog all day?then at night ur alteregos come out and pollute the place kuntheaded banks u aint ha no job and u aint ha no life or prospects ya kuntlickin moron
A real scholar (Chicago Dyke) schools a charlatan (Alicia Banks) with facts (not cut and paste drivel)! PRICELESS!
Chicago, brace yourself for the ferocious and vitriolic retort from a frothing-at-the-mouth hateful beast.anon wit sense
well anon either the nasty filthy bovine excrement looking qoohole will respond or have wannabe dawktaw qoohole respond by avoidance notice how they never admit when they got schooled instead they toss out ad hominems or spam the place. duh!
9:43 PM
Slappz, you made some very good points. You are the 'real' deal-such insight! Too bad there aren't more straight talkers like you on FN.
what has the slumlord prez hobama done for poor blacks in chi???
not one gd thing!!!!
President Barack Obama is in for a lucrative night in sweet home Chicago.
Obama stands to earn $17 million in contributions at three fundraisers to kick off his re-election campaign. That's almost two percent of a 2012 campaign goal to raise nearly one billion dollars.
Attendees at Thursday's first two private events -- at restaurants N9NE Steakhouse and MK Chicago -- will pay $35,800 per person. Early estimates say about 225 supporters are expected to attend each shindig.
the vdlr bashing scholars is akin to jefferey dahmer bashing vegans
"Dr. Queen said...
And when you do Asson, me and my glock will be waiting with Gold. Dot. Hollow. Points.
1:37 PM"
You and your ugly, cheap, sissy-assed girly-gun Glock 9mm Gold.Dot.Hollow.Points. You can keep them.
When you decide to man-up, get yourself a Springfield Armory with Federal Hydra-Shok .45's.
You can shoot someone point-blank in the head with a 9mm, and just give them a bad headache (as we have recently seen).
You shoot 'em with a .230 grain .45....they don't have a head.
If your bullet don't start with a .4, you're a pussy....(I'll give an exception to a .357 mag).
glock only a fool who aint know anythin about guns would even suggest a nine mm that dumb idgit qoohole once again shows its lack of class and firm entrenchment in ghettoese culture dumb animal filth piles!
more on the warlock regime of that demon hobama
Earlier this week, President Barack Obama appointed retired General Stanley McChrystal to lead an advisory panel on military families. McChrystal joined first lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, on a program called "Joining Forces," which seeks to highlight the problems military families face when a member is deployed to combat zones.
The choice of McChrystal was slightly surprising, because it came ten months after he was fired for criticizing the Obama administration. Now, Mary Tillman, Pat Tillman's mother, tells ABC news that McChrystal is not the "right person for the that kind of job."
Pat Tillman became one of the most high profile military enlistees after he left a professional football career to become an Army Ranger. He was killed by friendly
anon jess as eye prophesied this qoohole smellin buceta breaf moron is spamming the place she cant admit she got schooled by a legitimate radical dyke no instead she spams the place with more bullshyt eye truly hope someone harms her and causes her great pain she deserves it
Anonymous said...
A real scholar (Chicago Dyke) schools a charlatan (Alicia Banks) with facts (not cut and paste drivel)! PRICELESS!
Chicago, brace yourself for the ferocious and vitriolic retort from a frothing-at-the-mouth hateful beast.anon wit sense
well anon either the nasty filthy bovine excrement looking qoohole will respond or have wannabe dawktaw qoohole respond by avoidance notice how they never admit when they got schooled instead they toss out ad hominems or spam the place. duh!
u got a lot of nerve calling anyone a warlock or a demon ya pagan carpetlickin black man hating shytstain buceta breaf alicia banks u aint shyt
alicia banks said...
Dr. Queen:
countless coonery abounds from that dl butch psycho UNEDUCATED UNGLUED UNLICKED vdlr each day...
Girl, it's just pathetically FUNNY to me at this point, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!!!
hey skool skeeza vdlr:
your IQ is FAR too low to judge ANY debate
you have 0 schooling...therein lies your problems
you missed my scholarly replies....
scan up trick and pay attn like u do to those serial baby deddies' stiff thug peens!!!
Though my question to Field is the same as it was whenever it was I stopped posting here last year:
A person with severe mental illness can't be helped from acting deranged on the internet, but why allow it?
And Human Nature, isn't the response I'm looking for, LOL!!!
Anonymous said...
Hmmm...you want to call me crazy for finding it rather convenient that you have a 'brother' with a 'PhD' in Atmospheric Science who agrees wholeheartedly with wingnut Wurlitzer tales?
Does your 'brother' live next to st reagan's Welfare Queen? Or the imaginary Libruls?
Still, what is the PhD in, exactly? I even dropped a few choices that you could Google to see what would fit your needs most closely.
i got a PHD in your moms a Pretty Hard Dick...she likey she likey....
hey needs slaps:
file this under
pookie jew granny killer
An ex-con crackhead has admitted fatally stabbing a 70-year-old Bronx granny, claiming she attacked him first in a fight over $80, prosecutors said Wednesday.
Tyrone Ragland, 50, told detectives he was high on crack when he repeatedly stabbed Ethel Klein on Jan. 5 in the kitchen of her 15th-floor apartment at the Murphy Houses in Crotona Park.
"We got into an argument over money she owed me," Ragland told investigators, according to a prosecutor. "She picked up a knife and started cutting me. She put the knife down and I picked it up and cut her.
"Next thing I know, she was on the floor covered in blood," Ragland claimed. "Then I covered her face with a towel and threw the knife in the incinerator."
Dr. Queen:
notice how sexist racists dogs like needs slaps are blaming/wilding ONLY on the killer mom....
and not the sorry fertile broke cheating male turbo breeder who drove her criminally insane???
pookies rule the world
but it takes 2 pookies to make a baby!!!!
more on that cia baby/bc-less satanic illuminati hoaxed DEMON hobama
u have to be a bona fide warlock to HEX nigs like the vdlr so that they adore u no matter how u diss and starve them!!!!!
Barrack Obama is pictured above giving the Illuminati sign of Baphomet.
Yes, technically the thumb should be folded in, and his excuse is that it is the American Sign Language "I Love You." Just like Bush who pretended this was the Texas Longhorn sign, these Satanists need a cover story.
Have you ever wondered why the ASL signal is so similar to the sign of Satan? ASL was financed by the Rockefeller's and devised by Helen Keller, a theosophist i.e. Mason.
History repeats itself because the Masonic Jewish bankers use the same old bag of tricks. If this is an indication, we are in for tough economic times. If the government controlled its own credit, we could easily re inflate the economy at no cost in debt or interest. But with the central bankers controlling credit, I wonder if they will do enough to replace the capital they have drained from the system.
The Bush Administration is complicit in 9-11; in blowing the levees after Katrina, and responsible for the gratuitous, costly and deadly Iraq War. How much confidence can we have in them?
hey needs slaps:
file this under
rabbinical pookie letches
Talk about unorthodox behavior.
A rabbi flying to New York from Israel allegedly fondled a female passenger as she slept aboard a Delta plane, according to federal court records made public today.
Rabbi Gavriel Bidany, 47, was named in a criminal information charging him with misdemeanor assault.
A complaint sworn by FBI Agent Janet Ambrisco provided a detailed account of the March 27 incident on Delta Airlines Flight 269.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/rabbi_gropes_woman_during_report_So1eUEULk1e8gMJB8rPq5M#ixzz1JWo5S3oG
funny that as u talk to urself ya schizoid fool and try to get the last werd in it is hilarious u a wannabe scholar who aint never published shyt and who aint never done shyt in life tryin to school a self professed expert and PhD on the language isolates of Sumeria? u phukkin idiot there is nobody bolder and more stoopid then u and ur rogue state alteregos so clearly all of them like u want to be seen as important to cover up a serious lack of achievements in offline life ya dumb qooholes we see rite thru u and wannabe dawktaw scientist wouldnt make comments unless this anon got under her skin and good for that maybe it will teach it a lesson for lying about itself
340 is directed to buceta breaf alicia stank breaf banks and all her incarnations on this site from fp to laa to wannabe dawktaw scientist
A person with severe mental illness can't be helped from acting deranged on the internet, but why allow it?
yeah eye know why they allow u and stank breaf banks to post here and ruin the comments each day this blog was fine till yall showed up ya idgits
hear that warlock hobama's fav demonic bff jay-z here:
see more on the demonic free mason who inspires hobama and jay-z
hey hexed hobama nazi vdlr:
satanic orgs/conspiracies/the illuminanti/freemasons/skull and bones/cia hoaxes
that demonic mf hobama are real!!!!!!!!!!!
The CIA's Project MOCKINGBIRD, developed under the aegis of Cord Meyer, was a Cold War-era program designed to influence the foreign and domestic media and its successor programs governed the CIA's use of BIC journalists, of which Obama was one, to push propaganda and disinformation at home and abroad.
With the approval of the new Political Action doctrine by the Reagan administration, there was a major push to use companies like BIC and other private sector operations to push U.S. propaganda abroad. The cover for the Reagan administration had to be in the private sector for, as the memo states, "Obviously as a government we cannot and should not simply emulate Soviet methods. Nor will our political parties be able in the foreseeable future to play the international role of European parties. But there is much that we can do."
hey vdlr/sql:
pick a betta baby deddy/dl top...asap!!!!
more from that cia warlock hobama's evil ipod fare/demonic bff posse
Ten posts per hour, every hour.
All gibberish with links to wacked out conspiracy sites.
Give us a break AB. Nobody reads your posts anymore anyway.
ab "hey hexed hobama nazi vdlr:"
what is "vdlr"?
retarded hater envier/#1 fan:
"...tryin to school a self professed expert and PhD on the language isolates of Sumeria? "
thanks for the special ed kudos!!!!
tranny agm/sql:
the vdlr IS reading my posts!!!
vldr =
vulgar down low retard
she is a dumb psycho XXX filthy illiterate stalker dl butch dyke...
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