Saturday, July 02, 2011

It takes a village.

I am on vacation, but racism and ignorance is not. (h/t to Lynn for this story)

"JACKSON, Miss. -- A Brandon pastor said he had warned police and school officials that if something wasn't done about Deryl Dedmon's behavior, the teenager may one day kill someoneDedmon, 18, is charged with murder in connection with the Sunday death of James Craig Anderson. He is accused of running Anderson, 49, over with his truck. Dedmon is currently free on a $50,000 bond.

Pastor Brian Richardson, of Castlewoods Baptist Church, said his son, a student at Brandon High School, was bullied by Dedmon.

"My son was harassed by Deryl Dedmon. Beginning in 2008, specifically September 2008, Deryl began this campaign of harassment against my son and it continued for two years," Richardson said.

Richardson said in 2009, his son called police after Dedmon and a group of boys confronted him at a Brandon pond and tried to start a fight. He said the group, including Dedmon, tormented several teens in the community, using racial and homphobic slurs.

Richardson spoke during a news conference Friday at the Cochran Law Firm, which is representing Anderson's family in a wrongful death lawsuit. Attorney Winston Thompson said the pastor reported the harassment to the Brandon police and school district.

"(Richardson) went so far as to send emails and made statements to the effect that if something's not done about Deryl, it's possible that he may take a life," Thompson said.

The pastor said Dedmon transferred to a different school last year. Richardson said the Brandon police and school district did the best they could in dealing with Dedmon.I thought it was obviously painfully clear that Daryl was going to injure someone severely or possibly kill someone. And I believe if he doesn't get some help, if he isn't taken off the streets that it's going to happen again," Richardson said.

Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith sat beside Richardson during Friday's news conference. Smith said after reviewing the facts in the case he filed a motion Thursday to revoke Dedmon's bond. A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday before Jackson Municipal Court Judge Ali Shamsideen.

John Rice, 18, is also charged with murder in connection with Anderson's death. He was denied bond Thursday during an initial hearing before Municipal Court Judge Henry Clay.

Anderson's family claims that the fatal hit-and-run was racially motivated and should be considered a hate crime. A witness to the incident told 16 WAPT News that he heard Dedmon yell racial remarks and expletives before Anderson was killed." [Article]



  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    It sure does take a village!

    Another one that falls between between the cracks...

    On a way that's one of the good things about living in small towns. is that everybody knows everybody else and their business, so everyone is sort of keeping an eye out and can spot any wrongdoing and nonsense can be quickly addressed an nipped in the bud if possible and it works!

  2. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Desertflower, am I to conclude that your gaydar is gay? If so, am I to conclude that had I found my way out of the Bermuda Triangle to PR, you would have dropped the bomb on me that you are gay?

  3. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, that killing in MS is bothersome but it IS Mississippi where Blacks are considered less than human by scumbag trailer park trashy Whites. That crap will go on until America is no more. So, why bother to post about it?

    As your self-proclaimed assistant let me put an end to a post with the same old recurring story in Mississippi:

    "If you are Black, get the hell out of Mississippi. Move to Philadelphia...NOT Phila. MS...BUT PHILADELPHIA, PA."(

    I hope they electrocute that white sick SOB. But again, it's MS. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets off with a very light sentence or no sentence at all.

  4. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desertflower, am I to conclude that your gaydar is gay? If so, am I to conclude that had I found my way out of the Bermuda Triangle to PR, you would have dropped the bomb on me that you are gay?"

    No I am not gay, but let me say that I have have many gay friends and two of my doctors are gay and they are great doctors and I don't say that lightly.

    What I abhor is for people to be hypocritical and bash gays and cause harm when they are hiding the fact that they are gay also!

    As for our failed liaison, (all because you can't sail)I was looking forward to riding on your yacht and watching films in it's movie theater, and then you said we would go to Mickeys Dees or something like that, and I would show you the sights around town.. What does that have to do with the possibility that I would have announced that I was gay, which I'm not.
    I'm sure you don't have anything against gays. I'm sure you have gay friends. Please try to answer soon, it's late and I must get my beauty sleep:)

  5. @Desertflower: Especially a village with a dominant moral code and apparatus to ensure justice when the rights and lives of others are trampled on or ended.

    Those folks who believe in the rights of others regardless of their ethnicity, sexual preferences or gender issues should speak up and out!

    Anon 12:22--What does the Bermuda Triangle and PR have to do with the article.

    Don't feed the troll!!

  6. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Dear Desertflower, it is a relief to learn that you are not gay. That gives me the courage and energy to try once again to sail to PR to see you to carry out our plans...just YOU and doctors please.

    I can appreciate your position about 'closet' gays acting straight. I support that. In fact, this Dr. Bachmann matter has brought to light something that I feel Mr. Field must attend to immediately on his blog.

    I know, I know. He's on vacation. But this is an emergency. I will be posting this urgent matter to Mr. Field shortly.

    I think it is a really good idea, if I say so myself. Look for it.

  7. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Carolyn Moon (Amina) said...

    @Desertflower: Especially a village with a dominant moral code and apparatus to ensure justice when the rights and lives of others are trampled on or ended.
    Exactly! You are so much better with words than I! That's exactly what I meant. but in the case of that Mississippi town, there obviously was no apparatus in place to insure the rights and justice for others. Because the pastor indicates that he had given the cry of alert and that in his judgment/opinion this young man was very unwell. Apparently the authorities did not take him seriously, although seeing as he had previous run ins with the law, my thoughts are that he's probably related to a "good ole boy" and you know how that goes! So no one did anything and now look what he did!

  8. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Desertflower, it is a relief to learn that you are not gay. That gives me the courage and energy to try once again to sail to PR to see you to carry out our plans.
    I'm going to say this in my best Judge Judy voice: Listen to me! You're not listening to me Sir! Just listen to me. You MUST take sailing lessons first sir! ;)
    (now I'm me again)For your own good. If you get lost again you might be near Cuba, Chavez is staying there with Fidel now. They will blow you out of the water!!!
    Anyway, think about it...and what's the idea about Mrs. Bachmann and her ga..oops..husband. Can't wait to find out.

  9. Anonymous2:28 AM

    @ Carolyn Moon: You really hit it out of the ball park at your blog with your post today! Food for thought!

  10. and he is not alone...

    pookies of all races and classes have bred at least one generation of psychos/serial killers/convicts etc...

    ask any teacher


  11. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Carolyn- "Anon 12:22--What does the Bermuda Triangle and PR have to do with the article."

    You don't see the connection?

  12. Black News Today:

    Somewhere down South (near the site of the Dedmon/Anderson hit-and-run) a couple of Dark Americans used each other for target practice.

    Million dollar bond set for shooting suspect

    Posted: Jun 30, 2011

    Police say Calvin Washington waived his preliminary hearing in court Thursday morning.

    His bond is now set at one million dollars.

    Washington was charged with aggravated assault for shooting Enis Locke in the stomach and wrist Saturday night.

    They say Locke returned fire, but missed his target.

    Locke remains hospitalized in critical but stable condition.

    Washington is also facing a charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

    No one -- no whites -- will object when Dedmon is found guilty of killing Anderson. He'll receive a long sentence and he'll disappear for a long long time.

  13. Black News Today:

    Queens mom slain in car


    July 3, 2011

    Two gunmen opened fire into the car where a hardworking Queens hospital worker sat with her teen son last night -- killing the mom in what may have been a revenge shooting, authorities said.

    Christina Coleman, 39, and son Hassan Gil, 18, were targeted at 5:46 p.m. as they sat in their 2006 VW in front of the Pomonok Houses at 159-09 Jewel Ave., police and relatives said.

    "Two men walked up to them on both sides of the car and shot them," said distraught aunt Linda Coleman.

    Coleman died at New York Hospital Queens; her son was in stable condition.

    Relatives said the gunmen were looking for Coleman's 23-year-old son after an earlier dispute.

    Linda Coleman said her niece worked in the psychiatric ward at Queens Hospital Center. "She wanted to get her children out of those projects," she said.

  14. This is some real color-aroused behavior on the part of the accused that has proved to be a "danger to himself and others," and so clearly should have been a case for psychiatric intervention before it got to the point of killing someone. The defendant expressed hateful ideation associated with skin color. He expressed color-aroused emotion i.e. "anger," when ehe screamed color-aroused epithets at the victim. And then he ACTED out (behavior) violently on the color-aroused ideation, speech and murderous behavior.

    In my book, because the defendant engaged in color-aroused behavior, including screaming epithets in public, he should have been made to undergo inpatient or outpatient screening, diagnosis and treatment for his color-aroused speech and behavior, BEFORE he killed someone.

    Unfortunately, in our society, mild, moderate and extreme color-aroused behavior are not seen as unusual, and so the symptoms of Extreme-Color-Aroused Disorder (ECAD) are not screened for, diagnosed or treated even after a murder, which is per se symptomatic color-aroused behavior because it puts the defendants life and liberty in jeopardy.

    Even in prison, this young man will not get treatment for ECAD, even though ECAD is the reason he is in prison.

    Any illegal color-aroused behavior is a symptom of Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder (ECAD) that may lead to even more extreme behavior, like shoot co-workers in the workplace or at school, or running someone over with a pick-up truck.

    Because this younger's anger was focused at Black people, his color-aroused ideation, emotion and behavior were considered "normal." Most whites hate, resent and fear Blacks at least a little big, right? And psychiatry doesn't treat "normal" behavior so psychiatry has mostly ignored the symptoms of Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder (ECAD).

    The psychiatric profession is responsible for this kid's behavior because it has not clearly stated that Extreme Color Aroused Disorder is just as potentially dangerous as anti-social personality disorder and schizophrenia. ECAD hurts the psychiatrically ill person certainly as much as other illnesses that have been recognized by psychiatry, like agoraphobia (fear of large crows and the public), claustrophobia (fear of elevators and other cramped spaces), schizophrenia (this kid killed a person) and manic depressive disorder (where bipolar may commit serious crimes and hurt themselves and others when they are in the manic and psychotic states).

    Diagnosing Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder(ECAD):

    Has the patient used color-aroused epithets in private?

    Has the person used color-aroused epithets against strangers in public? (This is is per se Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder because it can and does lead to physical harm to self and others.

    Has the patient been confronted about his color-aroused behavior by victims, co-workers, supervisors, teacher, police or others in the past?

  15. Diagnosing Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder(ECAD):

    Does the person express a desire to hurt other people based on their skin color?

    Does the person express plans or ruminations about hurting sekf or others associated with their skin color?

    Has the patient lost a job or other opportunity do to color-aroused ideation, emotion or behavior?

    Does the person make color-aroused jokes when he is with people of his same color or ethnic group?

    Does the person make color-aroused antagonistic jokes when he is with people of another color or ethnic group?

    Does the person have a delusional belief that whites are being persecuted and disadvantaged relative to Blacks and other minority color groups?

    Has the person been expelled from school because of color-aroused ideation, emotion and/or behavior?

    Has the person had fights and/or terminated relationships because of color-aroused ideation, emotion and /or behavior.

    Does the person have a delusional belief that minorities are taking over the country?

    Is he person publicly recognized as a color-aroused antagonist, e.g. David Duke and the shock jock who lost his radio program?

    Has the person been the defendant in a discrimination suit or a criminal prosecution due to color-aroused behavior, which includes color-aroused speech?

    Does the person avoid all contact with people of his own or another groups' skin color?

    Is the privately opposed to others' friendships, romances and other contact between people of different skin colors?

    Is the person openly opposed to others' friendships, romances and other contact between people of different skin colors, within the family or any other place?

    Has the person ever hurt physically or emotionally himself or one or more other people, aroused by ideation, emotion (expressed or not) and/or behavior associated with skin color.

    If the above were used by competent mental health professionals as a screening form for Extreme Color Aroused Disorder, it would be possible to predict the likelihood that a person would engage in MORE color-aroused and more serious color aroused behavior that is harmful to themselves and others.

    But, since color-aroused ideation, emotion and behavior are considered normal in A-Merry-Ca, there is no screening or diagnosis for mild and moderate color-aroused disorder for that level which can be predictably be expected to to escalate into Extreme Color-Aroused Behavior, such as running someone over with a pickup truck.

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Man stabbed with fork after fight over meat

    Police say a fight over meat and bread ended after a pregnant woman stabbed her brother with a fork.

    Eric Swanigan, who’s been charged with domestic violence for the incident, told police that his sisters got into an argument Monday afternoon over luncheon meat and bread.

    At some point during the altercation, the 20-year-old man claims one of his sisters Erika Davis used a fork to stab him at a home in the 4100 block of Arrowood.

    However, Davis, who’s also behind bars, tells a different story. She told officers she stabbed her brother because he was hitting and choking their sister.

    Police say both Davis and Swanigan have a history of domestic violence. They’re both behind bars on $1,000 bond.

  18. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "Color Aroused Disorder"

    How do we get these roving bands of black youths into the mental programs you are advocating to eliminate color arousal?
    Is saying things like kill whitey or lets go rob that white store or whitey owes us - color arousal speech? Are there bands, mobs, packs, tribes of any other race going around committing crimes frequently in this nation? If so, then we need to get them into the color arousal program as well. Or perhaps we need a speak to the truth program that kills political correctness so problems can be fixed.,58379/

  19. Thomas "We the People" Jefferson10:45 AM

    "Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto."
    Thomas Jefferson

    This should apply to Israel.

    "Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor."
    Thomas Jefferson

    Sounds familiar to me.

    "He who knows best knows how little he knows."
    Thomas Jefferson

    Must have been channeling No_Slapz

    "If God is just, I tremble for my country."
    Thomas Jefferson

    Enough said.

    And my new favorite:

    "If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?"
    Thomas Jefferson

    I'll be back tomorrow to enlighten the rest of you fools whose only desire is to demonize others to bring down America.

  20. NSangoma11:02 AM

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn's accuser wasn't just a girl working at a hotel -- she was a working girl. ...

    If in addition to guinea hens working as maids in that hotel, there are
    also guinea cocks working there as maids in that hotel; then as the French might say, u lɑ la ˈlɑ.

  21. Francis L. Holland writes:

    Diagnosing Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder(ECAD):

    Nice parody.

  22. Color arousal. Hilarious.

    Al Sharpton, Alton Maddox and Vernon Mason helped Tawana Brawley, a black teenager, concoct her crazy story of white rapists abusing her for hours.

    Crystal Mangum, a black stripper, told District Attorney Nifong that white members of the Duke University Lacrosse team raped her.

    The subsequent medical exam found traces of semen from almost every male within a hundred miles EXCEPT those who were on the Duke team.

    The woman from Guinea claimed Dominique Strauss Khan raped her.

    What she meant to say was that she's a black hooker and she was angry when her john refused to pay.

    Bottom line: When a black woman says she was raped by a white male, she's lying.

    The problem New York City now faces will come from the defamation suit Khan is sure to file.

    What will it cost NY City?

  23. Anonymous11:39 AM

    no_slappz, "Bottom line: When a black woman says she was raped by a white male, she's lying."

    You are a fine example of ECAD. Go get psychiatric help, my Jewish brother.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. – A white man accused of dragging a black woman out of a Colorado bar by her hair has been charged with a bias-motivated crime.

    Cleveland, Ohio. A white man on a moped accidentally bumped into a truck being driven by a black man. He fell over but was not injured. A crowd of 40 white people pulled the black driver from the truck and brutally beat him. One of them climbed in the truck and ran over the driver, killing him. The crowd cheered.

    Jacksonville, Florida. A group of four to six white men agreed that they would brutalize the next black person they saw walking down the street. That person turned out to be a mentally disabled 50-year-old, whom they beat and stomped into unconsciousness. He later died of his injuries.

    Boulder, Colorado. After discovering that one of their members had never had intercourse with a white woman, an Asian gang went looking for one. When they found a white University of Colorado student, the six men gang raped her in their minivan for two hours.

    A group of white men set upon three black men on the streets of Howard Beach, Queens, early yesterday, beating one with a baseball bat and fracturing his skull, the police and prosecutors said.

    Hate-crime charges were dropped today against two white men accused of attacking a black man in Mariners Harbor earlier this week as several black teenagers appeared in Stapleton Criminal Court to vouch for the suspects.

    BIG CREEK, W.Va. — Authorities decided Wednesday not to pursue hate crime charges in the kidnapping and weeklong torture of a black woman, instead going after the suspects, who are white, on state charges that carry stiffer penalties.

    I guess the internet is big enough where you can find anything to fit your narrative.

    Did I see an Asian gang in there somewhere?

    Give it up dude.

  26. And look what I found:

    This Jewish extremist hate group in America is called the Jewish Defense League (JDL). They claim to have 6,000 members. They are a racist, terrorist, extremist, militant, Zionist hate group. JDL member numbers are growing in the United States every day.

    Americans, especially European-Americans need to be aware of the threat the JDL are to us and to the Nation as a whole. Since the mainstream media won’t give this topic the attention it deserves, I will.

    Sounds like someone we "know" could be a part of this..Neh..Couldn't be.

  27. Anonymous11:52 AM

    no_slappz said, "Francis L. Holland writes:

    Diagnosing Extreme Color-Aroused Disorder(ECAD):

    Nice parody."

    For you, it's a parody. There is no way you could possibly begin to understand ECAD when you are in it. You are like a fish looking for water.

    This quote is specifically directed to people like you:

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance---that principle is contempt before investigation."--Herbert Spencer

  28. Anonymous11:55 AM

    RttnKid, re: JDL, where did you get this information from?


    You see, like I said earlier, you can find anything on the internet to fit your personal views. Is this true? I don't know, but I can gaurentee you that there are people out there who will believe in this.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. In closing, I give you a short compiled list summarizing a few JDL activities to look over:

    •The 1985 murder of Alex Odeh, director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
    •Terrorist bombings.
    •Plotting to bomb a mosque in Culver City, CA in December of 2001.
    •Conspiracy and terrorism charges.
    •Organized militant programs of firearms and the martial arts.
    •Solicitation with murderous intent.
    •Ties with Mossad, the Israeli Zionist militant extremist group.
    •Explosives and stockpiled weaponry.
    •Blatant hatred towards Christians, Arab-Americans, Muslims, Blacks and European-Americans.
    •1988-shooting incident in which Levy fired a semi-automatic assault rifle at a private investigator and Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin and convicted of assault in the first degree.
    •Training Jewish children to use guns and martial arts.
    •JDL slogans like; “I want every Jew, a .22” and “Keep alive with a .45.”
    •Mysterious assassinations.
    •Convicted felons owning and handling firearms.
    •Website advertising weapons courses at Camp Jabotinsky.
    •Stirring up hatred by faking “anti-Semitic” activity.
    •Twisting the truth and using it as propaganda.
    •The JDL belief that intermarriage is forbidden because Jews must perpetuate the Jewish race by having children who are not only religiously Jewish but ethnically Jewish.
    •Whole-heartedly dedicating their lives to fighting a holy war using violence, intimidation tactics and murder.
    •Victim mentality scapegoating combined with a superiority complex that leads to self-righteous criminal behavior motivated by hate and fear.

    Who knew Jews were this active.

    Man the internet is a wonderful thing.

    And this is how you perpetuate hate.

  32. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198212:21 PM

    The Hate Crimes You Don't Hear About - by Russ Kick

    Cleveland, Ohio. A white man on a moped accidentally bumped into a
    truck being driven by a black man. He fell over but was not injured.
    A crowd of 40 white people pulled the black driver from the truck and
    brutally beat him. One of them climbed in the truck and ran over the
    driver, killing him. The crowd cheered.

    Jacksonville, Florida. A group of four to six white men agreed
    that they would brutalize the next black person they saw walking down
    the street. That person turned out to be a mentally disabled 50-year-
    old, whom they beat and stomped into unconsciousness. He later died
    of his injuries.

    Are you surprised that you've never heard of these sickening
    murders based on racial hatred? You didn't see saturation coverage on
    the news. You didn't hear politicians decrying racism. You didn't see
    a livid Jesse Jackson on CNN. Why? Because these acts of brutality
    didn't happen exactly as I described above. Oh, they happened, all
    right. The only thing is, the races of the attackers and victims were
    reversed. That is, a white man was beaten and then crushed by a mob
    of 40 black people who were furious that a black man bumped into his
    truck.¹ In Jacksonville, it was a gang of black men who stomped a
    mentally-disabled man to death solely because he was white.²

    Thanks Rottnkid for pointing out more black hates crimes!!!!!

  33. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198212:27 PM

    More for Rottnkid,

    Below are some more hate crimes that have been ignored because
    they happened the "wrong way" (i.e., they were black-on-white instead
    of white-on-black).

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Upset about a racial name-calling that occurred
    earlier that night, several black men savagely beat a random white
    man who had had nothing to do with the incident. He slipped away from
    his attackers, but they forced him to swim into a lake to escape. He
    drowned. The three men were sentenced to less than a year in jail.3

    Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person
    they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom
    the men stabbed to death.4

    Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with
    a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his "deep-
    rooted hatred" of white people.5

    Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e.,
    the "Yaweh ben Yaweh cult") was convicted of the murders of several
    white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all "white
    devils." They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body
    parts to their leader.6

    North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her,
    put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body.
    The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.7

    North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl
    into an empty house. "There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a
    cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few
    weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive
    coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three
    defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third
    now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the
    story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a
    single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race
    of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in
    the case of Amadou Diallo."8

    Boulder, Colorado. After discovering that one of their members had
    never had sex with a white woman, an Asian gang went looking for one.
    When they found a white University of Colorado student, the six men
    gang raped her in their minivan for two hours.

    At their trial, "Detectives described the woman's night of terror,
    including repeated threats to kill her.

    "The woman leaped out of the minivan after one of the men raped
    her. Naked, she sprinted across Lefthand Canyon Road before Steve
    Yang tackled her, authorities said.

    "`They were all screaming at her, calling her names and hitting
    her,' Detective Jane Harmer testified.

    "Yang put her in a headlock and dragged her back into the van,
    where she was raped repeatedly, Harmer said.

    "`It was a free-for-all,' Harmer testified.

    "One man threatened to `cut and burn her,' and another put a gun
    barrel to the back of her head when they released her, Harmer said."9

    New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was
    assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her
    racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate

  34. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance---that principle is contempt before investigation."--Herbert Spencer"
    Yes indeed! One of the causes of racism also. I would think

  35. Anon Inc. President and CEO1:48 PM

    One could say that the chickens have come to roost. All those lynchings and cross burnings, the slave trade. So what's a few white people getting fucked up compared to the overall scheme of things? Leave rtnkd alone.

  36. Like I said Lib. Torm -The internet is a wonderful thing if you want to find stories that fit your narrative. You just proved my point.

  37. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    Like I said Lib. Torm -The internet is a wonderful thing if you want to find stories that fit your narrative. You just proved my point.

    Only your's are old tired and disengenious. Let's see what the holiday brings. Holiday, large black gatherings, shit any gatherings equal violence. Don't you agree?

  38. Anonymous2:45 PM

    One could say that the chickens have come to roost. All those lynchings and cross burnings, the slave trade. So what's a few white people getting fucked up compared to the overall scheme of things? Leave rtnkd alone.
    There is not a crime that the white man perpetrated on blacks that blacks haven't perpetrated on blacks from the beginning of time to this very day. The logic the person above uses "you did it to us!" is especially funny when they use it to excuse cheering injustice towards Jews such as the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum or Ron Goldman. Jews died fighting for blacks civil rights yet blacks demand the right to treat Jews the was the KKK did them. Before anyone jumps on the "Jews were involved in slavery too" excuse for this, blacks enslave more blacks today then Jews have in in the entire existance of the earth, so drop that bullshit.

  39. Ask your Mom when we get back.

  40. Anonymous2:51 PM

    This Jewish extremist hate group in America is called the Jewish Defense League (JDL). They claim to have 6,000 members. They are a racist, terrorist, extremist, militant, Zionist hate group. JDL member numbers are growing in the United States every day.

    Americans, especially European-Americans need to be aware of the threat the JDL are to us and to the Nation as a whole. Since the mainstream media won’t give this topic the attention it deserves, I will.

    The JDL is responsible for less murders in their entire existence then young black males are in one day. Any mainstream Jewish politican or celebrity who praised or promoted the JDL would have their reputation destroyed. On the other hand, African America politicaians, entertainers, and the NAACP openly promote and associate with Nation of Islam without any fall out. NOI speaks at colleges all over the country, JDL is banned. Shows who has more power in this country.

  41. IAmNotYourDaddy3:38 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    Ask your Mom when we get back.

    Ladies and Gentleman I give you Negro Attitude, behaviour and intellect in exhibit A; Shining typical example.

  42. Anonymous4:13 PM

    RttnKid, "Who knew Jews were this active.

    Man the internet is a wonderful thing.

    And this is how you perpetuate hate"

    I noticed that you couldn't find anything where the JDL brutalized Blacks. Why? Because the JDL is an organization that does not attack Blacks, it supports civil rights, not tear it down.

  43. Anonymous4:25 PM

    "One could say that the chickens have come to roost. All those lynchings and cross burnings, the slave trade. So what's a few white people getting fucked up compared to the overall scheme of things? Leave rtnkd alone."

    Dear Mr. Field, I hope you know that the President of Anon, Inc. would not write or say anything of the sort regarding the above comment. The person who wrote it is an imposter.

    It is the policy of Anon Inc. to NOT take such racist views toward anyone, regardless of race, color, or religion. We are part of the American "solution", NOT the racist "problem". But our agents WILL tear into your Black or White racist ass if necessary.

  44. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I know what JDL stands for but what does "NOI" mean? I have never heard of it. Is it less known and less threatening than JDL?

  45. Anonymous5:18 PM

    NOI= Nation of Islam. NOI is responsible for hate crimes in a year then the JDL has in a lifetime. The NOI fabricates lies about Jews (such as claiming they are behind slavery) while JDL doesn't fabicate similar lies about blacks. Prominent blacks, entertainers and politicians openly mingle or praise NOI. NOI speaks at colleges accross the country. JDL, which is responsible for far less hate crimes and speech is banned from speaking at colleges, and no prominent Jews would be seen promoting it.

  46. Whitey's Conspiracy7:17 PM

    50k gets you murder bail in ol Miss? Up here in Cali that's robbery bail. Reminds me: Isn't this the same place that gave those sisters life for accessory to robbery? Life's still ridiculously cheap down South, some lives much cheaper than others.

  47. Anonymous8:18 PM

    50k gets you murder bail in ol Miss? Up here in Cali that's robbery bail. Reminds me: Isn't this the same place that gave those sisters life for accessory to robbery? Life's still ridiculously cheap down South, some lives much cheaper than others.

    7:17 PM

    Not any more, now Cali just lets you out if you are a minority, prisons are crowded, special consideration provided for illegal aliens, they get out of jail first so they can continute to drink and drive and get back to the job they don't pay taxes on that they took from a brother. What an assbackwards country in some things.

  48. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "NOI= Nation of Islam. NOI is responsible for hate crimes in a year then the JDL has in a lifetime. The NOI fabricates lies about Jews (such as claiming they are behind slavery) while JDL doesn't fabicate similar lies about blacks. Prominent blacks, entertainers and politicians openly mingle or praise NOI. NOI speaks at colleges accross the country. JDL, which is responsible for far less hate crimes and speech is banned from speaking at colleges, and no prominent Jews would be seen promoting it."

    Really? where might I find such wrongs by NOI against Jews and JDL? BTW, what is JDL doing about it? The persecution of Jews in America? doesn't sound right, considering Jews run the media, Hollywood, Wall Street...You remember Madoff, don't you?

    Did you know that America supports Israel against the world, while no one will? Now, what group in America could swing such political power and money to cause the USA to do something like that?

    And you are pissing and moaning over tiny NOI, with little to no political power,let alone money?

  49. Anonymous9:40 PM

    "Not any more, now Cali just lets you out if you are a minority, prisons are crowded, special consideration provided for illegal aliens, they get out of jail first so they can continute to drink and drive and get back to the job they don't pay taxes on that they took from a brother. What an assbackwards country in some things."

    You think like an alcoholic: "stinking thinking". Have you tried attending Alcoholics Anonymous?

  50. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy-"50k gets you murder bail in ol Miss? Up here in Cali that's robbery bail. Reminds me: Isn't this the same place that gave those sisters life for accessory to robbery? Life's still ridiculously cheap down South, some lives much cheaper than others."

    Yes, I believe you are right. But imo the same frame of mind exists across ol Miss. Jim Crow is a stubborn state of mind that refuses to surrender.

  51. Anonymous10:21 PM

    The persecution of Jews in America? doesn't sound right, considering Jews run the media, Hollywood, Wall Street...You remember Madoff, don't you?
    Jews run the media, Hollywood and Wall Street while blacks dominate the old lady mugging, car jacking, and robbing/attacking strangers on public transportion industries.
    Yes, Madolff got 150 years for stealing from rich people while the 7 black males who stomped to death the Tuba Man (an elderly musician) in Seattle "for fun" served between 2-24 weeks in jail.
    The 3 white males in Jasper TX who killed a black guy in a hate crime are all on death row while the 15 black guys who killed a Jewish scholar in a hate crime, Yankel Rosenbaum, served years then 10 years COMBINED. Yup, Jewish power at work!

  52. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "The persecution of Jews in America? doesn't sound right, considering Jews run the media, Hollywood, Wall Street..."

    Speaking of racial profiling, I live in a neighborhood that is 95% white (and a city which is 70% white) yet the subsidized housing accross the street is 95% black. I walk by 2 other buildings frequently and it looks like little Somalia. Yet I'm a racist for thinking most subsidized housing goes to blacks although I can see it with my own eyes?

  53. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "The 3 white males in Jasper TX who killed a black guy in a hate crime are all on death row while the 15 black guys who killed a Jewish scholar in a hate crime, Yankel Rosenbaum, served years then 10 years COMBINED. Yup, Jewish power at work!"

    In Texas, you get the death penalty for murder. No discussion about Texas they WILL fry your ass, Black or White.

    Yankel Rosenbaum was killed in New York. I have no idea 'why' the verdict turned out the way it did. But you can be sure that the "powers that be" were Jewish. Hence, take up you argument with NY Jews.

  54. Anonymous10:54 PM

    "Speaking of racial profiling, I live in a neighborhood that is 95% white (and a city which is 70% white) yet the subsidized housing accross the street is 95% black. I walk by 2 other buildings frequently and it looks like little Somalia. Yet I'm a racist for thinking most subsidized housing goes to blacks although I can see it with my own eyes?"

    Racist or not, you have every right to believe what your mind tells you. But it may not be the complete truth. For instance, some Jews don't live across from subsidized housing. Some Jews live at a much higher level and see Blacks living at a much higher income than even you, and would beg to differ with you.

  55. Anonymous11:29 PM

    All this hatred of black women on this site by these racist. FN, no wonder so many of the black female commentors are no loner around.

  56. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I think by all these outlandish comments that we as a nation have not worked on our brotherly love thing much if we are still acting as if we still are savages that just finally came out of the cave and saw the light for the first time. Really in my life before I died I hoped that we by now would have been passed all this race shit. But as Rome we will collapse as a nation and within as our souls, we are soiled by our misdeeds and our countrymen are still treated as chatel and honestly we still have a long way to go and time is very short. I hope we can enjoy the 4th without tragedy by the hand of man. Peace, out.

  57. Anonymous3:05 AM

    "Yankel Rosenbaum was killed in New York. I have no idea 'why' the verdict turned out the way it did. But you can be sure that the "powers that be" were Jewish. Hence, take up you argument with NY Jews."

    And I have no idea 'why' blacks have been selling each other for a bottle of rum from the beginning of time to this very day but don't whine to whitey about slavery, take up your gripes with the negroids who sold you.

    "Racist or not, you have every right to believe what your mind tells you."

    No, I believe what my eyes tell me. If every time I see subsidized housing and see that the rate of African Americans living there is 9900% higher then the rest of the city then logic tells me blacks are disproportinately receiving subsidized housing. My mind is not telling me this, the facts are in front of me.

  58. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "hate crimes" is a bullshit term. Murder is murder. All men are created equal and all that. Do we really want the justice system -- or anyone for that matter -- determining punishment based on what they think was going through someone's head when they committed a crime?

  59. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Sure am glad i found out about this "blog". Now I know how the criminals in north carolina are really thinking and its just as we all supposed. Career , organized criminals always planning their next move with the help of north carolina democrakkks. I can smell the feces and flies buzzing around now as Coleman becomes lt. govenor of the great state of north carolina and the crime sky rockets as career criminals make their way back into homes and streets. Then the molestation of the mulato woman occurs as in the Shanyia Davis case but as usual the mulato woman is never enough for the negro thug for he must have and hungers for his true price the white woman ie Eve Carson. Watch out voters this election depending on the outcome gives a free pass to every criminal that was in nc and the ones hidding out in other states just waiting to return. The savage brutatlity of home invasions and rapes of women will be back didnt we just leave that behind. NO the democrated party wants the "good old days" back again.
