Sunday, July 31, 2011

Biracial blues.

I just read an interesting article over at "The Grio" from a writer named Jessy Schuster. It deals with her biracial heritage and what she perceives as the wrong way to approach the subject.

"My French accent has always been source of questions in Miami. Despite my 11 years of residency in the so called "melting pot" city, I have never spent one day in Miami without answering the "where are you from' question. It became my daily routine but as the years passed by I also realized that another question has been thrown at me even before I started talking.

'What are you?', or 'what is your ethnic background?' has become the new rite of passage for any social event I am attending. At the beginning, I was amused by the question as I felt empowered by a mission to educate people on mixed offspring, but the usual reaction I get when I explain that my father is French "from France, and not Haiti", and that "my mother is black from Guadeloupe, a French island in the Caribbean" is what started to really aggravate me.

Mixed children are born with no real same combination of genes and features. I have three sisters and we all display different skin tones, body type and facial features. United Colors of Benetton could have hired us for their international billboards ads. I would have been the light skin woman with kinky hair and a muscular body and prominent behind!

Everyone asked me the question, blacks, white, and Latinos among others, but there is a difference between white people and black people asking the question. The first group will have that surprised look as I announce the "French" part of my heritage, then a high pitch "really?" usually escapes their mouth as they start a cross examination with questions such as "not Haiti? Or a Brazilian background? Are you sure?"

The need to discern where the black features on my face or body come from is always stronger than just accepting my answer. I guess every French person should come dress with a beret and a baguette at hand while singing "La vie en rose" and having Pepé le Pew on a leash.

This is exactly what bothers me when the question comes from a white person. Most of the time, they look disappointed when I explain that I am a mixed child born from a black woman and a white man, as they were expecting a more exotic and interesting explanation.

When I usually return the favor, they often look surprised and simply answer " I'm from here" or "I'm from New York." I have yet encountered someone who would explain "My mother's family came from Poland, and my father's side fled England for a better life in the State, and that is why I am white with green eyes!" So if they don't feel obligated to give me their geological tree story when I ask them, why should I?" [Article]  

I think I see where you are coming from Jessy, but I never get questions about my Maroon and Jamaican heritage when people meet me, (except if I break out into deep patois) so I can't really relate.

Jessy's blog.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    FN, thank you for the thought-provoking post. It was very nice.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  2. Since O: I've been asked, where are you from or what are you. Strange to me since I've never felt unique, since most US Black families are a hodge podge of looks.

  3. I'll deem this a convo worth having when I see the same genotypic/phenotypic angst expressed by hordes of bi/multi racial men.

    Otherwise, meh!

  4. Tutsi Roll9:43 PM

    She is a very attractive woman, she looks latino. Guadeloupe is Haiti once removed. Only the French stayed in charge and were able to offset the normal tendencies that make Haiti what it is. If she is in Miami, it is the absolute culture to ask where one is from and then get deeper into detail. Latinos live by this and its a social norm to ask De Donde Eres, where are you from when you first meet someone, simply because Latinos hail from all over Latin/South and Central America. I do wonder why she Emphasizes that her father is French however making clear to everyone he is NOT from Haiti, again the cultures of Haiti and Guadeloupe are identical, only cities like Point De Pitre remain highly europeanized versus Haitianized due to french colonist status, culture, civilization and the support associated with same.

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    "I'll deem this a convo worth having when I see the same genotypic/phenotypic angst expressed by hordes of bi/multi racial men.

    Otherwise, meh!"

    LOL! That's funny!
    I think, if I'm not mistaken, and I may be, that I've read somewhere that Lenny Kravitz has had the same types of experiences. But, this chick is like a little thou doth protest too much kinda thing. With me it used to be that when any whites found out that I was Latina, which I made a point of making known, they would ALWAYS say "oh I could have sworn you were Italian" pissed the shit outta me. I would seethe inside. The stupid ^&*%s, so I would always counter with "I'm a little Mexican,PuertoRican,Black,Lebanese,Corsican and whatever else I could think of or make up.
    I would do this especially if I didn't care for the person. I was such a rebel ;)))

    When I worked in Borough Park the Hasidim would exclaim " OMG I thought you were a Sabra, doesn't she look just like a Sabra???" LOLOLOLOL! I gave up, I'll be whatever you want!!!

    People just like exotic looks.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    With me it used to be that when any whites found out that I was Latina, which I made a point of making known, they would ALWAYS say "oh I could have sworn you were Italian"

    This happens to my wife every day, she IS italian and people think she is a Latina, it makes it even more fun and confusing when her gringo husband starts speaking in spanish.

    People need to stop taking themselves so seriously or rather dont expect others to think as highly of them as we do ourselves. People only know what they are exposed to and seek out. Because someone is exotic and racially mixed doesnt make it someone elses job to be so sensitive as to do research and get it right from the getgo. If someone only knows Haitians in Miami, then mistaking a black french person for haitian is easily understandable and with love for everyone no one should get offended unless they think they are better then someone else.

  7. Jonston10:06 PM

    Cry me a river. Thing is, she implicitly reinforces the very thing she complains about when she identifies her mother as "black from Guadeloupe" but her father as "French." Really? Not white from France? This French=white (and for many in the world American=white) attitude is one dimension in reinforcing a white supremacist identity. Obvious to me but somehow not to many (most?) others. Then she wonders why they're surprised about the "French part of [her] heritage."

    It is further reinforced when they insist, demand, and throw a tantrum for Black people to recognize them as Black but you never, ever see them do so to whites. To afraid to challenge their white masters? I don't know but they have no problem telling Black folk what to do and what to think. I have some half-whites in my family and I love them. But I also recognize that most such people do far more to reinforce the existing white hegemony than to challenge it. Middle-man-in-chief is no exception.

  8. ". I do wonder why she Emphasizes that her father is French however making clear to everyone he is NOT from Haiti.."


  9. It's a balancing act concerning my kid because he looks like he's Puerto Rican and people assumed that. He knows his Daddy is Black and he knows his Mommy is White. He knows when we go Family Reunions on my side of the Family his cousins are his Family and the same goes for his Moms side of the Family. What surprised me was when his little buddy asked him what he was, he said mixed. I never pushed race on him so at this point, we'll see where it goes as he still young. Life happens, so his perspective can change but I will be there every step of the way to make sure he rolls into adult hood smoothly concerning his background.

    The Dude is gonna be a lady killer.

  10. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Tutsi Roll said...
    "I do wonder why she Emphasizes that her father is French however making clear to everyone he is NOT from Haiti,"
    Yeah! Like so what if he's from Haiti?
    Shes needs to come down a notch or two.

    I went to her blog, and to me, she looks like the epitome of a Latina. She looks just like a cousin of mine, black dad white mom!

    Girl you look like a Latina, like Tutsi Roll said that's why they're asking you LOL! and I hope, hope, hope hope, *shaking my head like a snake being charmed* that you don't mind! ;)

  11. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    "The Dude is gonna be a lady killer."

  12. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Fiiiiieeeeeld! When you gonna take my baby Soulja boy outta that sidebar? He's not house, he's noooot!! :((

  13. "Fiiiiieeeeeld! When you gonna take my baby Soulja boy outta that sidebar? He's not house, he's noooot!! :(("

    OK Desertflower, you lobbied long and hard and you got your wish. :)

  14. Anonymous11:37 PM

    field negro said...
    "OK Desertflower, you lobbied long and hard and you got your wish. :)"
    And I did make my case.No one posted anything bad about the kid ;0

    Thank you sir! :) (breathes a sigh of relief!)

  15. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am very disappointed that you took down Soulja Boy just because Desertflower asked. Hell, I have begged you many times over the years and you have never even acknowledged my request. I must say you islanders sure know how to stick together.

  16. Anonymous12:20 AM

    ". I do wonder why she Emphasizes that her father is French however making clear to everyone he is NOT from Haiti.."

    America being the racist country that it is, why shouldn't she make CLEAR that she is not part Haitian? Who the hell wants to be Haitian? That is worse that being AA in the States.

    You FN Negroes ain't nothing but a bunch of jealous black-ass racists. You always got to be self-righteous judges and tell people HOW they should define themselves. You can't even come together as a race, yet you got the nerve to wonder about another....SICK!

  17. Anonymous12:26 AM

    As a white guy from Philly, she looks a lot like Jennifer Lopez. Beautifully stunning!

  18. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "I have begged you many times over the years and you have never even acknowledged my request."
    Anon, I proved my case, I didn't just beg! I proved that he's a good kid, an example to follow, and nary a one has anything bad to say about him. And Mr.Field,being the fair and impartial, (soon to be judge), lawyer that he is, saw that!
    Hah! so there!

  19. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Yep. AAs need to work at interracial marriages between Whites and Latinos before you get left behind.

    Never mind. It's too late. Mack Lyons and PilotX are living proof, among the living dead.

  20. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "America being the racist country that it is, why shouldn't she make CLEAR that she is not part Haitian? Who the hell wants to be Haitian? That is worse that being AA in the States."
    Because one must stand up for what is right and educate people, that's why!

    If she were Haitian which in all probability she is, with Guadalupe being a stones throw from Haiti, she should not be ashamed of it!

    Wait a minute, does that make her an illegal immigrant? I think so...OMG!

  21. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Desertflower, "Anon, I proved my case, I didn't just beg! I proved that he's a good kid, an example to follow, and nary a one has anything bad to say about him. And Mr.Field,being the fair and impartial, (soon to be judge), lawyer that he is, saw that!
    Hah! so there!"

    Boy, you can really lay it on thick.

  22. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Desertflower, "If she were Haitian which in all probability she is, with Guadalupe being a stones throw from Haiti, she should not be ashamed of it!"

    Now see. There you go with that self-righteous 'SHOULD' attitude. My dear Desert, you have been afflicted with FN Negro Stateside Attitude. It is a delusional disease that tells you that things SHOULD BE THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO BE.

  23. Maroonage worked almost everywhere the slave trade touched, but never in North America. I wonder why?

  24. mellaneous1:47 AM

    @ Desertflower- I think you hit the nail on the head when you said this woman "doth protest too much."

    She is full of herself. Who cares, really!

    People are just making conversation with her obviously stuck up but. Trust me I have encountered her kind in Miami.

    I am originally from Miami and had to go back after my mother got ill so I spent a good part of the decade back there as some of you know.

    Anyhow Miami is a serious melting pot with folks from all over, its why the women are so beautiful because there is all this inter cultural and interracial mixing going on and has been going on for quite some time. It has quite the gene pool.

    This woman fits right in. She is full of herself yet she doesn't look all that unique in Miami. She pretty much looks like a black woman who may be mixed.

    She has two issues; one she is self absorbed, because people really don't care that she thinks she is all that; two she is self hating, she is trying to be everything but black and working class.

    She wants everyone to know as somebody already said that her Dad is from France and not Haiti (which in Miami is where most of the French and Creole speaking people are from).

    IN other words she is letting you know she is a "cut above" the black folks from Haiti, she is from European stock.

    Come on Field if you wanted to talk about this subject you could have picked a better person, than this stuck up, bourgeosie,wannabe.

    There are lots of young women like her in Miami she just happens to be full of herself and uncomfortable with her blackness.

    When I saw her picture I thought, black woman. What a crock!

    The Grio is about black folks and it aint even run by black folks, because surely they would have seen the un-newsworthiness of this self hating fasod.

  25. Anonymous3:34 AM

    witey, maybe you should review your History. While the wingnut and christian historees miss this aspect....others are more Reality-based and should provide you with the answer to your question.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  26. NSangoma3:52 AM


    ever meet a Black or a Coloured from the Caribbean island of Curaçao?

    Haitians are very proud Black people; Jesse Schuster is not putting Hatians down, she is almost putting herself down by saying, I'm not one of them.

    Guadeloupe is still a part of France. Maybe the French consider the Guadeloupe/ans/ians/anos to be their good Darkies, whereas the Haitians are of course, ...


  27. Anonymous3:54 AM

    witey, maybe you should review your History. While the wingnut and christian historees miss this aspect....others are more Reality-based and should provide you with the answer to your question.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


    And so the resident retard rears his ugly head and somehow interjects politics and religion....I thought once you had that thought earlier- it died from loneliness, but alas here you are..oh well. One can always hope for change..or so someone told me once.

    I heard a young white male got arrested for indecent exposure, but was let go due to lack of evidence, know anything about this small matter? Field is this legal precedent?

  28. Anonymous4:01 AM

    witey, maybe you should review your History. While the wingnut and christian historees miss this aspect....others are more Reality-based and should provide you with the answer to your question.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  29. NSangoma4:06 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy,

    there is plenty of information on Black Maroons, cimarron or runaways, in the US: Florida, South Carolina, Texas.

    the US v Seminole wars were against Black Maroons in Florida.

    the purpose of the War of 1812 was to take Canada from Britain and Florida from Spain, to keep obstinate enslaved Africans from escaping to Canada and Florida; ah, those freedom loving American forefathers.

    copy, paste, and launch at your leisure:


  30. NSangoma4:26 AM

    A light hearted look at life on a modern plantation:


  31. My parents are from St. Martin, another French island in the Caribbean. I have many relatives in Guadeloupe.

    I have both an American a French passport. Also, like both of my parents, I'm dark. I've noticed Americans think it's weird that I would have a French passport. What black people can't be French?

    Anyway, I think homegirl needs to relax. Of course in Miami/many American people would ask. The French Caribbean islands are TINY compared to Jamaican, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Many people haven't heard of Guadeloupe.

    I live in Rome and an woman from an African country in my Italian class said she finds it offensive when people ask where she's from. She said when she went to college in America nobody cared about race. I doubt that. When you have an accent in the States as a black person, you are treated differently.

    I don't know if growing up in America where I dealt with racial BS has given me a tougher skin or something, but I don't find that question rude. It's clear by my accent, I'm not Italian. There are black people from all of the world here, not just African-Americans. When people ask me if I'm Jamaican, a New Yorker or from Ghana, I don't get all bent out of shape. I tell them. Anyway, I ask Italians where they're from (Milan, Sicily, Bolonga, native Roman etc.)

    I do think it's funny African guys always try to talk to me in French or Italian. I've been asked a million times if I'm from Cameroon or Ghana. When I say I'm American, they are thrown. An African-American male friend who was visiting Rome said my natural hairstyle was throwing the African brothers off. ha

  32. Anonymous6:03 AM

    "Anyhow Miami is a serious melting pot with folks from all over, its why the women are so beautiful because there is all this inter cultural and interracial mixing going on and has been going on for quite some time. It has quite the gene pool."

    Notice Mell calls the lady self hating but says the above.
    Mell you only prove LAA right when she said that black men are always the ones trying to go with the "We are all people of Color" rhetoric.

    You all do this even if it is against the best interest of black people.

    From your comment it is obvious that you simply want mixed half caste women and that is why it is so important for you to believe blacks and hispanic latino's are united or should be united.

    I feel bad for any black person who is affiliated with you and your organization.You pretend to be for what is in their best interest when you simply would like access to latino and hispanic women.

    You are no different from the Anon poster who lacks self respect and feels they need to breed with latinos and hispanics in order to see success in life.

    Everyone should have a sense of community.Everyone should be able to live and form healthy happy communities.I wish this for you,Mell,and ANON

    But Even if you go to another group,which really THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IN MY OPINION,you should still have self respect and a knowledge of your own good and valuable history.

    People who lack self respect and have no identity due to their own ignorance will find it very hard to be respected amongst other people from different cultures who know their history.

    You will not be respected among your non black family members.Likely USED but definitely not respected.

  33. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I'm commenter at 6:03 AM btw


  34. "I heard a young white male got arrested for indecent exposure, but was let go due to lack of evidence, know anything about this small matter? Field is this legal precedent?"

    *laughing too hard to comment*

    TP/blinks you came down pretty hard on Mell there. Mell, I hope you take the time to respond.

    I sense a constructive dialogue coming on.

    Anon@ 12:14 AM, as one of my better Anon posters I feel bad about letting you down. From now on I am going to start looking out for your suggestions.

  35. I KNEW IT..... You ARE a Maroon. This explains A LOT

    1 Heart,

  36. Anonymous6:53 AM

    In regards to Jessy,I understand her.People ask too many personal questions too soon.

    I don't live in Miami but if you want to know about me get to know me first.Coming up to me randomly off the street asking questions is rude.

    I don't care what area you live in.

    I suspect there are people who probably thought she would be flattered that they acknowledged her being mixed, which to their racist colorist feature-ist minds is better than being just black.

    But not everybody is flattered by intrusive questions from strangers.Some people are not even flattered by certain compliments.

    People need to be mindful of these things.

    I also wonder how many black skinned individuals in Miami or White skinned individuals in Miami are asked such intrusive questions?Seeing as though many of them also come from all over the world and are very diverse.

    I wonder how many people who only "look black" or only "look Asian" or only "look white" but may be bi or multi racial get stopped and asked so many questions?

    I bet not a lot in comparison to people who look like a mixture of "races" and I bet they would not like it if it was a regular occurrence either.

    Laslty, I nominate Soulja Boy back into the HOUSE.
    Reasons are as follows
    1.Did you hear that "Crank that" song? it was marketed to kids.
    Much of his adult themed music has always been marketed towards kids.
    Check his videos

    2.Using coke and being an artist
    who's fan base is children

    3.The tragedy that is Kat Stacks.

    4.Even though he didn't buy a 55 million dollar jet,if he could afford it he would have.He's a gold and diamond tooth wearing HOUSE NEGRO.

    I sincerely hope you will take this into consideration Field.

    With much respect and sheer disrespect and disgust for Soulja Boy/Black Peter Pan,


  37. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Field,I nominate Plies into the Field Negro section.

    He's better than Soula Boy.

    Here take a look

    He did not want a twelve year old girl at his show and he gives her $1000 to leave.He apologizes and says he did not know children were there.He gave her the money and told her to get up out of there.

    God Bless Plies!


  38. Hot Rims8:43 AM

    Hit By Hell On Wheels

    Ex-con kills hero B'klyn girl


    August 1, 2011

    The man behind the wheel of an out-of-control SUV that fatally mowed down a brave Brooklyn girl seconds after she shepherded six kids to safety was an ex-con with a lengthy rap sheet and two stints in state prison under his belt, cops said yesterday.

    Sean Lewis, 44, of Harlem, who also died in the crash, had been stabbed and was trying to drive himself to the hospital when his Range Rover slammed into four parked cars on Pacific Street in Brownsville at about 10:15 p.m. on Saturday.

    Cops said the SUV flipped over onto 13-year-old Kira Goddard, killing the girl hailed as a hero for saving others before trying to flee inside her building on Pacific Street herself.

    Lewis suffered head injuries and was taken to Brookdale Hospital, where workers discovered that he had been stabbed in the torso before the accident. He was pronounced DOA.

    Cops yesterday had no details on the stabbing.

    But several Pacific Street residents said Lewis had had a longstanding feud with a neighbor that appeared to have boiled over again last night, with the pair yelling at each other on a nearby street.

    "[They] had been arguing over money the past couple of weeks," one neighbor said.

    Lewis had a well-documented tendency for trouble.

    He did two years in state prison for robbery starting in 1992 and spent another two years in the joint on a drug-dealing rap four years later.

    He had nine priors, including three for driving with a suspended license, although his license was valid at the time of the crash.

    Lewis' son, Sean Norman, 24, insisted that the smashup wasn't his dad's fault.

    "The reason my father crashed is because he was stabbed," Norman said.

    Lewis "had 11 kids. He was a real family man," Norman said. "I'm mourning my father and also that innocent little girl. Neither of them deserved to die.

    "I don't know why my father was stabbed. He didn't have any problems with anyone . . . We need to find out who stabbed my father. He is the one responsible for these deaths."

    Meanwhile, Kira's mom, Joyce Lovelady, said her daughter was "a hero," adding, "I wouldn't have expected anything less from her."

    The slain girl's weeping sister, Tanisha, 14, said that Kira had spotted the SUV careering toward the stoop where the youngsters were sitting and had shouted, "Run! run! run!"

    The kids ran inside, but Kira could not get out of the way fast enough.

    "She always looked after us," her sister said.

  39. black labrador9:01 AM

    Mixed-race babe Jessy Shuster seems to be mixed-up

    'What are you?', or 'what is your ethnic background?' has become the new rite of passage for any social event I am attending.

    Yeah. Ethnic background. A person's ethnic background is NOT defined by the nations from which his/her parents are from, although in a casual way, we may draw links.

    At the beginning, I was amused by the question as I felt empowered by a mission to educate people on mixed offspring, but the usual reaction I get when I explain that my father is French "from France, and not Haiti", and that "my mother is black from Guadeloupe, a French island in the Caribbean" is what started to really aggravate me.

    Here, Shuster describes herself by citing her father's nationality and her mother's race, but in the context of her nationality.

    If the question she answered were the question that was actually asked, the question asked would have been about her citizenship. But NOT her gene pool.

  40. white russian9:05 AM

    More mixed-up nonsense from mixed-race Jessy Shuster:

    Mixed children are born with no real same combination of genes and features.

    Here she makes it clear she knows nothing about genetics.

    Every human receives half his/genes from mom and half from dad. Period.

    I have three sisters and we all display different skin tones, body type and facial features.

    Wow. Who knew siblings were not identical? What a shock.

  41. brown rice9:17 AM

    Mixed-race Jessy Shuster can't get ovr herself:

    The need to discern where the black features on my face or body come from is always stronger than just accepting my answer.

    Her answer is not an answer, which says a lot about what she knows of herself and the world.

    I guess every French person should come dress with a beret and a baguette at hand while singing "La vie en rose" and having Pepé le Pew on a leash.

    Here the nitwit mistakes cultural elements for ethnic traits.

    This is exactly what bothers me when the question comes from a white person. Most of the time, they look disappointed when I explain that I am a mixed child born from a black woman and a white man, as they were expecting a more exotic and interesting explanation.

    Oh. It appears she's got that special mind-reading skill that blacks claim to have when they're near whites. On what basis would a curious person feel "disappointment" over hearing that a hot woman has a father from France and a mother from Guadaloupe? Total nonsense. Total paranoia.

  42. Yutes On The Rampage9:23 AM

    More fun in Cleveland!

  43. ditto

    the accent would never spare her from slavery/DWB/racism etc...

    regular racial looks trump exotic racial genes always

  44. yellow fever9:30 AM

    Mixed-up, mised-race Jessy Shuster says:

    When I usually return the favor, they often look surprised and simply answer " I'm from here" or "I'm from New York."

    If someone aske me where I'm from, I say "New York City", because that's where I was born and that's where I live. What other answer is there?

    I have yet encountered someone who would explain "My mother's family came from Poland, and my father's side fled England for a better life in the State, and that is why I am white with green eyes!"

    For millions of people it's customary to answer the question asked. No long story, just an honest answer. It's also common for people to say little about their whole family history -- unless asked about it.

    So if they don't feel obligated to give me their geological tree story when I ask them, why should I?"

    Obligated? The only obligation is for Shuster to ask a direct question. I've never met anyone who would not discuss their family trees and where their ancestors came from -- if asked.

    Meanwhile, for someone who claims to have written an article on the subject of issues about ancestry, she ought to know the difference between "geological tree" and "genealogy".

  45. Anonymous9:36 AM

    WRus, you are not correct about the genetics. Perhaps you should review the actual Science first.

    Rice, while she (Jessy) could see the person and read the verbal and non-verbal cues and done readerated her mind! And have nice excuses for the racist idiocy of wites. Not to mention, like all wingnuts, the sense of humour is utterly missing. Or was it discernment?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  46. Field said; "TP/blinks you came down pretty hard on Mell there. Mell, I hope you take the time to respond."

    She didn't come down too hard Field, she simply had a good aim and tapped that nail dead center and called it a day. LOL. I actually smiled inside when I first read Mell's statement.

    "I suspect there are people who probably thought she would be flattered that they acknowledged her being mixed, which to their racist colorist feature-ist minds is better than being just black."

    You made a good point. I've seen it so many times, and there are biracial blacks and lighter skinned blacks who do indulge and get flattered by it. That's the sad part.

    Mell said: "This woman fits right in. She is full of herself yet she doesn't look all that unique in Miami. She pretty much looks like a black woman who may be mixed."

    Gee, Mell is showing his true colors today. LOL.

    Also, I don't see why she couldn't specify that her father is a french man from France oppose to Haiti. These are two different countries with different cultures etc., the specification makes sense. She clearly stated that her mother is "black", so her father being from France is an obvious indication that he is likely white, oppose to being a french creole lighter-skinned black man from Haiti or any other island (Rhianna's father in example).

    Now let's get to the real pink Elephant, or the underlying annoyance where some people may be concerned. Being that her mother is black and her father is white oppose to the other equation, could that be the real reason a certain folks on this blog thinks she's self absorbed, a non "unique" black woman, "full of crock", etc and etc? LOL. Just asking folks, throwing out that wild card. LOL.

    I have so much more to say, but I just had to make this quick. I'll be back later.

  47. LOL at Desertflower and the Anony on the previous thread.

  48. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Yes the fundies and left behinds still want to label me with the "L" words.Liberal and lesbian.Silly goobers.These words have little effect on me.

    Yes i am a lighter shade than the woman in the picture.I have been passed has wite.How could someone smart as i been AfAm? Many wites wanted to date me.I laugh and than exposed their racism.I quickly turned into a "migger".How gawd furin' of them.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  49. white russian10:12 AM

    mold metastisizes

    WRus, you are not correct about the genetics. Perhaps you should review the actual Science first.

    It's possibly you're the product of Spontaneous Generation, but humans get half their genes from mom and half from dad -- no exceptions.

  50. I had to read Mell's comment again before I go.

    Ok, so here we have a "stuck up, bourgeoisie, wannabe".... a self absorbed nothing "unique" black woman who's a "self hating fasod". Phew. Got it. LOL. And all because she says her father is from France and not from Haiti. (Oh, and now we so care about Haitians all of a sudden... LOL).

    Yes, I'm actually laughing that much. I think Mell was foaming at the mouth when he wrote that.

  51. mellaneous said...
    IN other words she is letting you know she is a "cut above" the black folks from Haiti, she is from European stock.

    This is exactly my take on her article.

    It seems to me that half-white women go out of their way to let you know they're half-white as if that somehow makes them "special".

    As in "house nigga" special.

  52. half white black woman10:22 AM

    Dr.Queen,lets stop the hate.

  53. Anonymous10:36 AM

    white russian said...
    mold metastisizes

    WRus, you are not correct about the genetics. Perhaps you should review the actual Science first.

    It's possibly you're the product of Spontaneous Generation, but humans get half their genes from mom and half from dad -- no exceptions.

    Mold, did they charge you with anything when they they let you off from indecent exposure -due to lack of evidence? Anything? Not even a teensy weensy fine?

  54. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Yes the fundies and left behinds still want to label me with the "L" words.Liberal and lesbian.Silly goobers.These words have little effect on me.

    No silly the L word for you is Lunatic, you aren't listening.

    Yes i am a lighter shade than the woman in the picture.I have been passed has wite.How could someone smart as i been AfAm? Many wites wanted to date me.I laugh and than exposed their racism.I quickly turned into a "migger".How gawd furin' of them.

    So you went to a gay bar and the white guys wanted you but then slipped away when you told them you were afam? Probably because they could see you were crazy right away and they didn't want to have gay sex with a pure white boy talking about politics and race when all they wanted was to pop him in the ass.

  55. Anonymous10:50 AM

    WRus, you are incorrect. And I dropped the hint so you could correct your error. What you are spouting is NOT genetics. Please review the Science. Another involves statistics.

    I've listened to white folk insist on the minutiae that separates them from their why is her plaint so focused upon...could it be her being 'uppity'? Or is it some easily observed characteristic that makes her somehow lesser and undeserving...hmmm.

    Maybe she is just very, very tired of nosy people. As if the only Real 'Mericans were poorly educated, racist, Fundie, low-skill, low-pay wites.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  56. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Moldilox said...

    "Maybe she is just very, very tired of nosy people. As if the only Real 'Mericans were poorly educated, racist, Fundie, low-skill, low-pay wites."

    You just singlehandledly wiped out any claim of white supremacy. Good work. C'mon share with us, not even a itsy bitsy fine? they just let you go free and queer?

  57. high and tight11:09 AM

    Livin' in DC:

    D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country

    Also frequent marijuana, cocaine users

    Monday, Aug 1, 2011

    District adults had the highest rate of alcohol abuse in the country, according to a new survey.
    advertisement A new report says that adults in Washington D.C. abuse alcohol more than anyone else in the country.

    According to a new study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8.1 percent of adults age 26 or older in D.C. are alcohol dependent.

    Looking at a long-term sampling, alcohol abuse rate is on the rise for the District, according to the survey.

    The Washington Examiner first reported the story, noting that alcohol abuse has been a chronic issue in the District, affecting residents from the city's streets to former First Lady Betty Ford in the White House.

    D.C. was also among the 10 states where residents most frequently reported smoking marijuana within the last month.

    Alaskan residents inhale the most, according to the survey, with 11.5 percent of residents saying the lit up with four weeks of the survey.

    Cocaine use in the District was also high. The survey says District adults were among the top coke users in the United States, with 3.78 percent of residents saying they had used over a one year period.

    The Examiner reported that overall, D.C.'s combined alcohol and drug dependence rate was 11.3 percent of residents age 12 and older.

    Virginia's rate for the same age group was 9.4 percent, and in Maryland, the abuse rate in Virginia was 9.4 percent.

    SAMHSA's numbers are based on data from the 2008 and 2009 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health.

  58. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Moldy shorts;

    You might be interested in this one. I am thinking in one of your 27 professions (oh wait 28, I forgot the most recent NASA diddler) maybe you ran across some of this bias?

    Should people who have been hit with the ugly stick one to many times get legal job protection?

  59. half white black woman said...
    Dr.Queen,lets stop the hate.

    Hate implies a feeling of inferiority. And given that people from MULTIPLE heritages (like 90% of US Blacks) surpass most "half-white" folks when it comes to physical beauty, there's absolutely NO reason for hate.

    Case in point who's more attractive, Prez Obama or Denzel Washington?

    I rest my case!

  60. mellaneous11:57 AM

    Since Field said he wanted to see me respond I will.

    First TP I don't know what my opinion about this woman making a big deal about people's natural curiousity about her background has to do with Black and Latino unity.

    And what does me saying what I said have to do with what kind of women I like? And if I did like a Latino woman I really wouldn't feel the need to justify myself.

    I just don't roll like that.

    I talk about "People of Color" because more often in our society not only are black folks discriminated against, but so are other people who are brown,red and yellow. And the idea is since we have that in common we should work together.

    I didn't create the phrase but it makes sense. Its similar to when me and other activists support movements in other places by people against oppression. I know, I know there is no oppression in the US but us oppressed (who know we live in an oppressive state) bond with other oppressive situations. We bond for example with those in North Africa who are seeking real freedom and real democracy in their countries.

    Actually all the things I take part in are forward looking and forward thinking. I am an anti-war activist, anti police brutality activist, pro union,pro workers right activist, anti-racist activist anyway everything I am involved even on the community level is about bettering black folks, workers and other folks who are oppressed.

    I don't think that we are on the same page I am an activist I try to work with anyone who wants to change this social/political/economic system that we live under that is killing our people and working folks and folks in several countries and undermining the ability of much of the developing world to even feed itself.

    That being said, some folks don't want to identify with this struggle and not even their own struggle, some do everything they can to not identify with the race.

    And this is the point I was trying to make nothing more and nothing less.

    That is the point I was making. And again I really never ever feel the need to defend something that doesn't fit me,(its why I seldom respond to personal attacks on Field's blog, because it ain't true so what's to defend) so I am just responding because Field asked me to.

    liberation then peace!

  61. mellaneous12:14 PM

    @Dr. Queen thank you for understanding my point. And its true.

    @LAA- I am political person which is why I avoid a lot of discussions on this blog.

    But I hope you read these words carefully.

    I am from Miami. When I was young and the Haitians came to Miami the word Haitian itself was used as a put down, a bad word, a perjorative.

    If someone called you a Haitian they were calling you a peice of do-do. And African Americans did this.

    And ask anyone from Miami-Dade and they will tell you that black people did this and they put our brothers and sisters from Haiti down and talked about them like dogs.

    So LAA noone I mean no one wanted to be identified as Haitian. I on the other hand had Haitian friends and I would see the hurt on their faces when one of my other friends would --right in front of them ask me why I was hanging out "with them Haitians."

    Things changed a little when I went back in the early 2000's because my mom was ill.But I still heard young native blacks use the word Haitian as put down and I couldn't believe it. I spent a lot of time being mad at the African American churches for not addressing this issue.

    Only now the petty bourgeoisie (the upper class)Haitians wanted you to know that they had some French blood and they would make it clear they were not like the rest of "them."

    And unlike the vast majority of Americans I joined the groups of Haitians that were fighting the unfair deportations of their people. I fought with them against the "wet foot dry foot policy" that allowed Cubans in but not Haitians.

    Biship Victor Curry and myself were a part of a handful of African Americans who helped them organize rallies and speak at them.

    So many folks in Miami do not want to be identified has Haitian and IMHO LAA it appears that this woman is making a big deal about not being from Haiti, because she wants it to be clear that she comes from a little bit better cultural stock (in her opinion.)

  62. kunta kinte12:38 PM

    mellaneous says:

    We bond for example with those in North Africa who are seeking real freedom and real democracy in their countries.

    Yeah, your bonding shows what you don't know about the forces at work in North Africa.

    Maybe you are pleased that Islamic fundamentalist -- Muslim Brotherhood and more extreme groups -- are becoming the dominant force in Egypt.

    Instead of moving toward democracy and freedom, and possible prosperity, Egypt is far more likely to become the new Saudi Arabia, without the oil. But with nuclear weapons.

    Once agains, wherever Islam dominates, nightmare societies arise.

    It is the hopeless naivete of peoplel like mellaneous that allows the despotic thugs of the world to gain power and keep it.

    In virtually every Africa nation, there is a thug in charge, or a group of black morons running the place into the ground.

    The most resource-rich nations on the African continent are popuated by people living in the most vile and abject poverty -- thanks to the thugs in charge, many of whom are muslim.

  63. mell and Dr. Queen:


    Race is complex. Racism intensifies that complexity. Mixed race persons should see their reflections in many races. Yet, even they most often seek only the whitest lovers they can find. Because even their exotic blood is no shield from mundane white supremacy.

    It is impossible not to be affected by racism and colorism in this world. We must defeat these ills rather than embrace and perpetuate them. Love heals all hatred. Self-hatred is the most virulent of all. Only self-love can cure global hatred. No one who values their own life would deliberately breed themselves out of existence...


  64. racist drunken assnon:

    cc that bs to all the lushes in follywood

    start with mel gibson

  65. peace nik12:47 PM

    mellaneous claims:

    I am an anti-war activist, anti police brutality activist, pro union,pro workers right activist, anti-racist activist anyway everything I am involved even on the community level is about bettering black folks, workers and other folks who are oppressed.

    This "anti-" list convinces me this dope does not understand he's actually working against himself on every level.

    Anti-war? So then he would have opposed the US Civil War, which would have meant that slavery would have lasted a few more decades.

    Anti-war would have kept us out of WWII after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and after Germany invaded much of Europe.

    Anti-war would have meant that the North Korean invasion of South Korea would have gone unchallenged. South Korea would have been annexed by North Korea, and today, both countries would me one huge starving mass of economic failure,

    Anti-war would have meant the US would have NOT responded to the 9/11 attacks. The nitwit would have preferred for the US to do nothing while Osama bin Laden attacked at will.

    Yeah, war never settled anyting, except for ending slavery, ending fascism and stopping the spread of communism.

  66. Mell, I know exactly what you're talking about with regard to Haitians, having spent a number of years during my 20's partying in Miami.

    Mainland Blacks and US whites tend to associate Haitians with being HIV positive, hence the reason why they're treated differently when it comes to immigration and in Black social circles.

    Speaking of Miami, I've never seen racism quite like that which a Cuban will put down on you.

  67. alicia banks said...
    No one who values their own life would deliberately breed themselves out of existence...

    DEEP AB, just plain DEEP!!!!!!

    And certainly something I purposely thought about when I got married and had a child. I knew if I went the "white/very fair skinned" husband route, that within 2 generations the "black" could all but "disappear". And for some reason, the possibility of that bothered me.

    But really, who can resist a Denzel Washington/Idris Elba looking man???? DEFINITELY NOT ME!!!!!

  68. mellaneous1:24 PM

    @Peace Nik
    You raise a very good point LOL my bad.

    I am opposed to US military rintervention in Iraq, and Afghanistan. I am also opposed to the US actions against Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia in the form of US drone attacks.

    Thanks for pointing out my error. I am definitely for ending the violence by the worlds super rich powers, by any means necessary!

  69. mellaneous1:37 PM

    @peace nik I don't agree with you the name calling doesn't change anything or make you right.

    The only war that was close to "just" was the Civil War and in reality that was two systems fighting for hegemony; Slavocracy vs Capitalism. Ending slavery was good for the advance of capitalism. (which of acourse is a different form of slavery, if you are working class)

    In fact you are the one who is not too knowledgable if you still believe the US was justified in attacking Afganistan. The attack was a criminal action by citizens of Saudi Arabia, and should have been handled as a criminal case.

    You are naive, if you believe that it gave the US justification to invade and occupy Iraq.

    And surely you are the confused one if you think that US imperialism gets involved in other folks countries because they want to help them,because the reality is they get involved to help themselves.

    I mean the US doesn't care about whole parts of its own population, it barely educates its people and unlike ALL of the other developed nations of the world does not set up a system of Universal health care in which all of citizens can receive health care!

    Really the US went to war to stop communism. What history class did you learn that?

    And if you must know the World Wars were struggles between capitalist countries basically trying to expand their territories.

  70. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I don't believe you Mell you need more people.I have seen what you wrote here.I think you being idealistic is harmful and not to the existence of racism or colorism but to black people.

    I wish no harm on anyone of any color but I am not naive and stupid.

    I also resent the silent belief that I believe you and Anon hold about black people actually NEEDING Hispanic and Latino's to advance.

    There is a lot that black people can accomplish WITHOUT the assistance of Latino's.If anything they NEED us.They have proven this through their lies and deceit which leads to the usury of black people.And to make matters worse so called black male leaders are the one's signing black people on to champion these other folks causes. I think it is a crying shame.

    I think your comments prove who you are and what you are about.You have not changed my mind about you.I take what you say/type to heart.

    And speak for yourself about those people in North Africa.I do not bond with them/Arabs.I think it is wrong what is going on over there but they kill black Africans and discriminate against black Africans for being black so screw them too.I find your thinking to be downright odd and ANTI ME as a black person.

    "And the idea is since we have that in common we should work together"

    These people have shown time and time again that they only want to work together for THEIR individual benefit not for black folks benefit.Everyone knows this already.You are silly.

    They are not going to stop being the way they are to champion any causes for black people because accepting free help from blacks and not giving anything back has been working just fine for them.They like things as is.They don't want to change.


  71. mellaneous1:40 PM

    @AB thanks for the compliment.

    I have to go, much to do,but I'll be back to take on all responses. Today Peacenik I will def be your huckleberry.

    I think Malcolm said it well, not just black folks but of most of the US population has been, "hoodwinked, took, bamboozled"

  72. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Wite Kinte, exactly how does NOT mindlessly repeating FAUX talking points make one 'naive'? While you like to pretend to have an understanding of the issues in North Africa...why then do you push trite, shallow and incorrect wingnut drivel? For one alleging knowledge of the give the IntelligentCreationismDesign version.
    Since we are looking at this...what credentials do you have to make the accusation that Mell has 'naivete'? Self-awarded? The ability to spread neo-con poo on blogs?
    Maybe your 'expertise' could list all the christians at gawds werk in those parts?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  73. mellaneous1:54 PM

    Oops didn't see this

    Kunte said:

    "It is the hopeless naivete of peoplel like mellaneous that allows the despotic thugs of the world to gain power and keep it.

    In virtually every Africa nation, there is a thug in charge, or a group of black morons running the place into the ground.

    The most resource-rich nations on the African continent are popuated by people living in the most vile and abject poverty -- thanks to the thugs in charge, many of whom are muslim."

    Hey Kunte I have ever given oppression of any kind a pass. AndI have never justified the abuse of its people by African despots. In fact on this very blog I have brought it up, maybe you haven't been reading for very long.

    I haven't done it, won't do it. So you got the wrong person. Now I do point out that,the legacy of much of that criminality comes from colonialism.

    And the despots and dictators in the Third World are not just in Africa and they are not limited to Islam,they are are sometimes Christian, Buddhist and Hindu as well.

    I am curious why you didn't mention Saudi Arabia, since it has a very oppressive monarch and is not democratic and recently bullied Bahrain.

    Your biases are showing there are some well run countries in Africa. But I know where you are coming from, you are painting all the African countries and leaders with the same brush. And you also did it with your saying the thugs were all Islamic.

    Note: Its not a good idea to mix the truth with your prejudices, it tends to take away from your credibility. Hint, hint!

  74. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Mell, nice analysis. If I may...the US Civil War was when the wingnuts and Goobers attacked the Rationalists. The TaxBaggers are the mental descendants of the slavers...and just as reasonable. Their way...or war.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  75. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, thank you for this post. Your selection of Ms. Jesse Sdhuster was 'perfect'. She represents the state of mind and emotions that secretly run through the minds and hearts of so many AAs. She also represents the reason why Blacks are so hard on themselves about being Black in America. Whites can never do to us what we have done, and continue doing to ourselves.

    Mr. Field, I sincerely hope you will continue to do more posts like this one that will keep the spotlight on ourselves and not so much on Whites.

    Thank you so very much for this post. I am amazed at your insight into the nature of our 'own' racial problems. Judging from the comments today, it's quite a mess. You are a very smart man.

  76. mellaneous1:57 PM

    @ TP I got to go but will say I don't think that Blacks need Latinos to advance. I think that if working class people of all races and stripes come together to change this system then we all will advance.

    And how did this come up? Isn't this young woman part French?

  77. Dr. Queen:


    both dz and ie are 10s

    but blair underwood is a 100!

  78. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "One must truly love and appreciate
    themselves and their own cultures to be interculturally competent and racially sane"

    I think Alicia Banks sums up my point pretty well.
    And this is where I know Mell and Anon fail.


  79. PT/Sneezes (paper towels)3:00 PM

    Ok, what is


    I am sure it doesnt' stand for toilet paper winking at the one brown eye or does it?

  80. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Mr. Field, I sincerely hope you will continue to do more posts like this one that will keep the spotlight on ourselves and not so much on Whites.

    so we wont talk about her half as Obama said mongrel-ness?

  81. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I don't have to have my bean diddled to know alicia banks is a wingnut fraud. A racist wite prentending to be AfAm.Does the left behind know he will be discovered?

    This ol' lady takes pleasure in exposing gawd furin' wingnuts.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  82. peace nik3:17 PM

    mellaneous says:

    I am opposed to US military rintervention in Iraq, and Afghanistan. I am also opposed to the US actions against Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia in the form of US drone attacks.

    I see. So if the killing is just internal hate, like the hate that led Hutus to slaughter 800,000 Tutsis, you can tolerate it?

    Yeah. That fits with your comments.

  83. peace nik3:26 PM

    mell says:

    In fact you are the one who is not too knowledgable if you still believe the US was justified in attacking Afganistan.

    When waging war, you fight the enemy where he is living, which is not necessarily where he was born.

    The attack was a criminal action by citizens of Saudi Arabia, and should have been handled as a criminal case.

    You are a child.

    Afghanistan is just a region. It's not a country in the modern sense.

    Second, I can tell you live in that black alternate reality.

    Third, to conduct a criminal investigation in a foreign country, the US must get permission from the country to send in investigators. Do you realy think it's possible for American investigators to go to the al-Qeda region of Afghanistan to question suspects?

    If your answer is "yes", which I think it would be, then your answer will confirm your residence in the black alternate universe.

  84. half white black woman3:27 PM

    I'm thinking there's a lot of hate and jealousy aimed at bi-racial sistas.

    Big lips,nappiness,and dark skin is yesterday.Brown is whats now and whats in the future.

    Why do you think dark skin sistas are going for white or light skin mens?

  85. anon:


    molded moron is a sexist racist lying fool...tragic!

  86. kunta kinte3:35 PM

    mellaneous claims:

    I am curious why you didn't mention Saudi Arabia, since it has a very oppressive monarch and is not democratic and recently bullied Bahrain.

    Islam is a vile belief system by which muslims oppress themselves to varying degrees. Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive nations on earth. The world would be a better place if the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia were wiped out by a few well-aimed cruise missiles.

    Your biases are showing there are some well run countries in Africa.

    Name one. Just one. Here's a hint. There are none. ALL African nations are corrupt and abjectly poor. The nations are poor because the black leaders are horribly corrupt and incapable of doing anything except stealing whatever they can grab.

    South Africa is the only island of prosperity. But the prosperity is a function of the white population, the 10% of South Africans who are white.

    But I know where you are coming from, you are painting all the African countries and leaders with the same brush. And you also did it with your saying the thugs were all Islamic.

    All black nations are poor. All Islamic nations are corrupt and many are desperately poor.

    When a nation is both black and Islamic, the misery of its citizens rises to unbearable heights.

  87. Mold Is A Fecal Ingester3:39 PM

    Mold is just a drooling, over-medicated dumbass.

  88. Mell said: "And how did this come up? Isn't this young woman part French?"

    But, but, but Mell, you were the one who first uttered the statement below.

    "Anyhow Miami is a serious melting pot with folks from all over, its why the women are so beautiful because there is all this inter cultural and interracial mixing going on and has been going on for quite some time. It has quite the gene pool."

    And we all know for some decades now, the women in the Miami area are predominantly and obvious looking Latin/Hispanic from Latin/Hispanic regions. So who were you referring to? And for the record, she said her French accent is usually the source of her interrogation. If I met her in Miami, based on how her "broken" her French accent is, I would have assumed she's Haitian Creole or from further down the French Carib chain. If her French accent sounded more Euro Continental, I might have assumed she was from France and was mixed with Carib/African black and White French.

    Again, why do you assume she has issues and thinks she's a "cut above" the rest. That could almost sound like projection on your part. And why can't she let everyone know that her father is from France and not from Haiti? What if it was her mother who was [white] from France, would you have been as annoyed? :)

    Believe me, I understand what you are saying, I would be the first one to jump all over it. But perhaps I'm giving her the benefit because of her "Caribbean" influence. You see, with some Caribbean people, you also have to take into consideration "culture" and not just colorism and race, even though that too is VERY prevalent. But in many parts of the Caribbean, "island reputation" can play a big role in association denial. Bahamians think they are higher up the chain and better than everybody else. Native US Virgin Islanders do not like to be associated with other Carib islands, because they have TAKEN OVER and suck those island dry due that American flag. Antiguans do NOT like to be associated with Jamaicans, vice versa. And based on the poor rep Jamaicans have, many Carib people DO NOT want to be associated with Jamaicans when they visit abroad. I have to keep it real. The list goes on and you can't even tell the difference between some of these island black people. Don't even get me started on the Spanish island people. (Yeah you too Desertflower, LOL).

    Personally, I would prefer Trinidadians, the French Carib people from Guyana, St. Martin and even Haitians oppose to the Kitians/Nevisians and particularly the French people of Dominica (not the Dominican Rep. in Hispaniola, it's another totally different island country right below Guadeloupe). Yup, I do not like "Dommanicans" (spit) as they are often referred to as "dommies in a can". A bunch of bad-minded, ignorant backward ass thinking wicked people, even after you academically educate them, and train them not to stammer nor speak through their noses as they annoyingly do. You see what I mean?

    Mell, this stuff among some of us "island" people is much more complex than just color. Perhaps it's pathological and sick, but it goes way back.

  89. Queen Laa:


    the denial and the white supremacy are both ancient and global ills...

    To protect their children from being sold into slavery, they would declare them legally “white” – hence the expression “white-by-law.” Landowners could count on their offspring to protect their interests in Jamaica during their absences back in Britain.

    That would account for at least some of today’s “Jamaica white” islanders. Others, of course, are descended from colonial civil servants who came to Jamaica and founded families there. And a few came from America and other countries as clergymen, missionaries or businessmen – or for some other reason.

    A significant part of Jamaica’s heritage is Jewish. Sephardic Jews fled from Spain and Portugal to escape the Inquisition, and remained in the island after the British drove out the Spanish in the mid-1600s. You can see this heritage in many Jamaican surnames. One of my great-grandmothers was a Miss Salomon, a distinctly Jewish name.

  90. Anonymous4:06 PM

    @Anon If that was the best you could come up with you ought to be ashamed.

    I personally would have said "bloody tiny pads/bloats",you know just for sexist effect.Or maybe bald headed ho on the brink/of a TouPee'

    I'm bored, sitting her killin time at the 'puter.If you're gonna dog me at least make the sh*t funny.

    I know you'll try better next time though,so thanks in advance sweety!:D


  91. Anonymous4:12 PM


    In response to your comment at 3:56

    I know that Mell knew what I was talking about when he asked.I just did not care to re-post yet again what he already wrote.I felt he was playing dumb,so I played dumb right with him.

    But thank you for re-posting anyways.

    'Preciate it


  92. Anonymous4:13 PM

    WiteKinte, thank you so much for lying to us. If you had even a smattering of knowledge about Africa you could list those nations that met the conditions Mell stated. Since you can't, your fictitious 'expertise' is revealed as the simple-minded repetition of Goober tract poo.
    Your grasp of International Law is about as good as that of Palin, Bachmann, Cantor, Bolton, or other liars fer jebus.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  93. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Oh, South African prosperity is BASED upon the quiet and discrete abortion of multitudes of wite babees...among other things. Yeppers, while you extoll the grate wite hoperation...some bushTwin is ridding her body of the products of sex. And her Mom was there. Hmm...
    Now why is some anonymous Goober trying, with all his 'special' intellect, to TELL us the onliest worthwhile nation in all of Africa is one run by wites. Credentials, please. And being able to wead Human Events or LGF or PJadults or Pammy or Brietbart or Drudge...isn't much more than showing us you have poor entertainment.
    Facts, you know...what the smart kids dealt with.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  94. And being able to wead Human Events or LGF or PJadults or Pammy or Brietbart or Drudge...isn't much more than showing us you have poor entertainment.
    Facts, you know...what the smart kids dealt with.



    Mold isn't one of the "smart kids" she speaks of.Her lack of facts and knowledge shows with every post.

    Why would she lump LGF is with Drudge or Human Events?

  95. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Because I have no wish to pretenderate that LGF isn't of the same 'cloth' as the others.
    Keep selling that wingnut soap. Oh, don't be surprised if we know it's wingnut matter how often you TELL us it is Ivory...or French-milled. It is still wingnut.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  96. Antiguans do NOT like to be associated with Jamaicans, vice versa. And based on the poor rep Jamaicans have, many Carib people DO NOT want to be associated with Jamaicans when they visit abroad. I have to keep it real"

    Dat nu true! Big up to all de yawdies world wide. Come on now; where is the first place you think of when you think of the Islands? I will give you folks a hint: it isn't Bahamas.

    We are to the Windies what New York is to Merica, no? A we a run tings mon! :)

    Big up Geoffrey!Yes, Maroons in the house. Shout out to Nanny and all the warrior queens representing.

    I bet that none of the other islands can claim a sista like that. :)

  97. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I know you'll try better next time though,so thanks in advance sweety!:D


    I'm really not trying to dog you, what does TP/Blinks mean?

  98. La♥audiobooks said...
    Personally, I would prefer Trinidadians, the French Carib people from Guyana, St. Martin and even Haitians oppose to the Kitians/Nevisians and particularly the French people of Dominica (not the Dominican Rep.

    Shout out my peeps, the Trinidadians!

  99. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh, South African prosperity is BASED upon the quiet and discrete abortion of multitudes of wite babees...among other things. Yeppers, while you extoll the grate wite hoperation...some bushTwin is ridding her body of the products of sex. And her Mom was there. Hmm...
    Now why is some anonymous Goober trying, with all his 'special' intellect, to TELL us the onliest worthwhile nation in all of Africa is one run by wites. Credentials, please. And being able to wead Human Events or LGF or PJadults or Pammy or Brietbart or Drudge...isn't much more than showing us you have poor entertainment.
    Facts, you know...what the smart kids dealt with.

    What in the name of Holy Odin are you talking about batshit crazy bloodclot. Every post you make has gibberish, every post has something about wingnuts followed by delusional fantasies. Are you batshit crazy, insane or just a really stupid person? No one can be this dumb and survive so I will guess you are a really sick fuck who gets off having people hate him. So you like making people you don't even know hate someone you are pretending to be. What a sick puppy.

  100. SmellDaGlove5:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Because I have no wish to pretenderate that LGF isn't of the same 'cloth' as the others.
    Keep selling that wingnut soap. Oh, don't be surprised if we know it's wingnut matter how often you TELL us it is Ivory...or French-milled. It is still wingnut.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


    You wouldnt know soap if it lathered in your ass. That white foamy stuff daddy binks been sayin is soap real name is semen. Try real soap, it foams, lathers and will get you out of the dirty state you are now. Might even stop the rashes so try it.

  101. This was an interesting article Field. It's interesting how you said that people don't ask you about your heritage so you can't relate. People aren't curious? Whenever I meet someone new I always ask them where they are from, but then again where I live there is a lot of ethnic diversity and many people from parts of Asia I never even heard of until I moved to this place. Seems like your Maroon heritage is something to be proud of!

  102. Anonymous5:44 PM

    @Anon I don't know if you are the original Anon but it's my name + the blinks part is me being dumbfounded at some of the stuff I read here and elsewhere.

  103. Anonymous5:49 PM

    @5:42 many people exclusively ask intrusive questions to people who appear mixed.But some will ask if the feel the person is unmixed and very very black or very very white and has an accent.

    I don't see why people walk up without knowing a person and ask them so much personal's just rude.


  104. kunta kinte6:00 PM

    mellaneous declares:

    Hey Kunte I have ever given oppression of any kind a pass. AndI have never justified the abuse of its people by African despots. In fact on this very blog I have brought it up, maybe you haven't been reading for very long.

    The most brutal oppression faced by blacks -- anywhere in the world -- is other blacks.

    Black Africa? A cesspool of black brutality, corruption and thuggery.

    Black America? It's black-on-black crime and the damage of fatherlessness, illegitimacy, substance abuse and low educational attainment.

    You give off the notion that it's possible to force people to learn. Your comments suggest you believe a government "educates" people.

    Here's how it really is. Learning is work, and the only peron in control of learning is the student himself.

    According to you, there are secrets known to a few teachers who use it to put calculus and physics knowledge in the heads of white and asian kids, but refuse to do the same for black kids.

    You've lost.

  105. double shot7:14 PM

    NYPD Daily Police Blotter


    August 1, 2011


    One man was fatally shot and another wounded when gunfire rang out at an illegal, late-night party in a Coney Island park, police said yesterday.

    Shamar Watts, 25, was hit in the chest when a gunman let loose a fusillade of bullets after a fight at 11:26 p.m. Saturday in Leon Kaiser Park at Bayview and Neptune avenues opposite the Gravesend Houses, authorities said.

    Watts, who lived nearby on West 33rd Street, died at Coney Island Hospital.

    A 19-year-old man was hit in the legs, and is in stable condition at Lutheran Hospital.

    It's unclear if the men were the intended targets, but one law-enforcement source said they had been seen arguing with the shooter before he fired.


    Thou shalt not hit thine minister.

    A hothead who disagreed with his pastor pummeled him during a brawl in Bedford-Stuyvesant, cops said.

    John Davis, 28, allegedly punched his minister, Herbert Ward, 49, as the two tussled in a Throop Avenue building at 11:20 a.m. July 24 during a congregational get-together.

    Davis fled, and Ward called the police, cops said.

    "[Ward] did not see my way of seeing things, and I threw a chair at him in front of the others," Davis allegedly told officers when they picked him up Wednesday.

    He is charged with assault, weapons possession and menacing.


    The gunman who shot and killed an ex-police officer in Jamaica has been arrested, cops said yesterday.

    Devante Seabrook, 19, allegedly blasted Colin Bowlin, 28, once in the lower back at 4:14 a.m. Saturday after an argument over money stemming from a dice game the two were playing on 113th Avenue at Sutphin Boulevard.

    Bowlin, who served three years with the NYPD before resigning in 2008, died at North Shore-Forest Hills Hospital after being driven there by a relative. Seabrook was charged with murder.

  106. biwtican8:05 PM

    the interesting thing is the white person's answer. no talk of part this, part that, 1/8th this or 1/4th that. the answer we give is that we are embarressed or ashamed to not be white and the closer to white we can describe ourselves the better we feel.

  107. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Isn't it sad when a little old lady knows more, about pretty much everything, than a host of wingnuts? Maybe the wingnuts could, like, learn?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  108. Field. I started replying the other day and deleted before posting on account of reduncancy factor. Re you being out of the Maroons. That's fierce shit. I don't know how well you might know about my tribe. Cape Verde. But I get the whole bit about saying fuggit, and taking to the hills. Well some of my ancestors likely took that option.

    PS. I don't know "Nanny," but I know (knew) my own grandmaw. She was so good with a knife she could peel an apple in one consecutive strip, time after time. Well (as you likely know) to people who know and routinely skin fish,kill and dress their own chickens, all that? That just the easy knife work.

  109. Maybe it's a New Orleans thing, but I don't ever ask anyone "What are you?" If they speak and the accent is one I can't place, I may ask "where did you grow up?" but that's because I want to know about their culture. Or if I'm in another part of the state and I hear a New Orleans accent (we have several), I may ask the person did they grow up in the city because that establishes our connection. But as your wife would know, there is a lot of mixture down here, so what's the point of asking about race, which is a manmade construct anyway, and we have groups of people down here who are obviously of African descent but they don't want to accept that themselves or be classified as black.

    Field, my daughter is often asked if she's from Jamaica and we can't figure out what's that about. She doesn't have a Jamaican accent or anything placeable. But her sense of style is unique. Maybe that's it. :-)

  110. Anonymous11:56 AM

    The truth is people that most biracial people want to identify with white because being black is seen as such a negative thing.

    I think that these people are nuts until I start thinking what if I were mixed race? Would I think the same way? That is why I am glad that I am not. And as much as it would be a smart move for black women to date interracially I fear having a mixed up in the head biracial child.

  111. She is looking soo smart and cute.

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