Saturday, July 30, 2011

"What a Feeling!"

"A day after a crowd of violent youths roamed through Center City and randomly attacked two men, the city's top enforcement officials decried the assaults and business leaders called for a stepped-up police presence.

"We will not tolerate marauding, destructive youth terrorizing our city," said District Attorney Seth Williams. "We will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, and we are working with the police to find ways to prevent these occurrences."

Four people, including an 11-year-old boy, who took part in the attacks face charges with assault and conspiracy.

They were among a crowd of young people who swarmed the sidewalk at Juniper and Walnut streets about 9:15 p.m. Friday and pounced on a 33-year-old man, punching and kicking him. Police say the attack appeared to be random.
Moments later, at 15th and Sanson, a mob descended on a 59-year-old man and kicked, punched and beat him. This attack, too, was random, police said.
Both men were treated and released at Thomas Jefferson University Hopital.[sic]"[Source]

Flash mobs are nothing new. They have been as popular as cheese steaks here in Philly this year, but at some point we have to get on these [so called] parents a little bit.

The parent [or parents] of that eleven year old ought to have their parenting license taken away. They should also be fined and be made to pay for whatever damage their little domestic terrorist caused our fair city.

The po po has a task force; the DA's office has a task force; and merchants in our fair city are taking these incidents quite seriously. Everyone seems to be serious except the parents of these little monsters. Why? For the record, when you parents do get involved, the results are always good.

And let me get the racial angle out of the way with this issue right now, because I know that it will invariably come up: Yes, these little terrorist are usually young and black, and yes, they usually attack -mostly- white people going about their business.

But this is not because they are out looking for white people per se, this is because white people just so happen to be the ones frequenting the areas that are targeted. There is no plan for a secret racial takeover by way of out of control urban youths. Just bad parents who shouldn't be parents in the first place failing to control their damn kids. So relax my white friends, it's all good. Bad parenting is not limited to one particular race.

Finally, did the permed one sell out to Comcast?

"Al Sharpton is back under the mainstream microscope for a series of conflicting interests regarding his co-sign of the Comcast/NBC merger. The Daily Beast claims that Sharpton’s endorsement, which makes him the first “major” black leader to offer one, came with handsome payoffs both for Sharpton and his primary employer – Radio One.

“The Daily Beast has already reported that just months after Sharpton played a pivotal role in pushing the merger, he became a regular substitute host and appears now to be in line for a fulltime anchor post on Comcast’s MSNBC. As awkward as that coincidence is, how about a conflict of interest he did not disclose in his letters to the Federal Communications Commission – or his other pro-merger activities?” the Beast asks.

The site claims that Sharpton cheered on the merger when it had already paid dividends to Radio One and its affiliate TV One. After the merger, Radio One’s ownership of TV One rose to 50.8 percent, a conveniently timed stock transfer that Comcast admitted to facilitating. Radio One/TV One also became part of the basic cable package in Chicago and Miami after the deal, underlining the benefits that sprung from the companies close ties with each other.

“While Radio One is the largest single shareholder in TV One, Comcast has been its partner since TV One’s inception in 2004 and, until recently, held almost as much stock in the television network, 34 percent, as Radio One, 36.8 percent. In fact, Comcast’s role in the launch of this network, which targets a national black audience, was cited repeatedly by the company when questions were raised about its diversity track record during the yearlong debate about this merger,” the Beast reports.

So not only did Sharpton publically attach himself to a controversial cause that has already indirectly paid him for doing so, he virtually signed away the rights for the media giant to tokenize those African-American news mediums. He has been a much bigger asset politically than he has as a host for both his primary employer and his (possibly) future employer, Comcast/NBC. And this is the man who will soon become a trusted “journalist.”' [Source]

Say it ain't so, Reverend.




  1. Damn. The anons are gonna have a field day with this one.

  2. "But this is not because they are out looking for white people per se, this is because white people just so happen to be the ones frequenting the areas that are targeted. There is no plan for a secret racial takeover by way of out of control urban youths. Just bad parents who shouldn't be parents in the first place failing to control their damn kids. So relax my white friends, it's all good. Bad parenting is not limited to one particular race."

    Doesn't matter. It's "feral black youths on innocent white citizens". Some people here may even say you're being too soft on them, with the story and all.

  3. If there are a million black on white and black on asian crimes they are just random things. It goes the other way once and it's hate crime.
    Blacks terrorized Jews for 3 days in Crown Heights due to one black child UNINTENTIONALLY hit by a car by a Jewish guy. I recently heard Chuck D on the radio still defending the anti-Asian hate crimes in LA by saying Asians "were not respectful to my mama". Yet blacks can maul people's mama and stomp to death people's grandpa (See the Tuba Man, Seattle. 7 black youths maul him to death "for fun" and get btw 3-18 months DENTENTION. Not even juvinille hall. This is only one of a 2 dozen elderly people murdered by ebonic mobs in the last 2 years) left and right and anyone who even resents it is slurred as racist. Yup, blacks are so powerless. Mary Mitchell, of the Chicago Sun Times, addressed the epidemic in her city by using it for a shake down. Claiming black youth weren't "provided" enough "structured activities". All these beasts should be provided with is a bullet through the head.

  4. "All these beasts should be provided with is a bullet through the head."

    Hey Field, can't you just imagine Janet at one of those Negro-hanging picnics they used to have back in the day, proudly stating how she was the one who put the bullet in the nigger after the boys got through with him?

  5. Anonymous11:44 PM

    People who do this (attack people randomly) should be referred to as Urban Apes. I don't care if they are black, white, hispanic or asians. That is a perfect description of their behavior.
    Calling it "flash mobs" is insulting- flash mobs are fun and harmless. It's sad that some people can twist that into an excuse to maul and loot. What bloodsuckers.

    btw- FN, would you really be referring to this as not being racially motivated if it was white on black?

  6. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "All these beasts should be provided with is a bullet through the head."

    Hey Field, can't you just imagine Janet at one of those Negro-hanging picnics they used to have back in the day, proudly stating how she was the one who put the bullet in the nigger after the boys got through with him?
    Shooting someone who is mauling you for no reason has nothing in common with lynching someone for being black. If you want to see a brutal senseless lynching refer to Yankel Rosenbaum's lynching at the hands of a black lynch mob. He, unlike the "flash mob", was not doing anything to harm anyone. THAT is a lynching. Shooting someone who is assaulting you is called self defense.

  7. Anonymous11:58 PM

    these flash mobs are hate crimes, pure and simple

  8. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Flash mobs violently attacking innocent people; NO parenting black kids; Al Sharpton evil and corrupt; President Obama missing in action on the debt ceiling crisis-he continually shows his ineptness; 70% of black children born out of wedlock; Black on Black crime; Black on White crime; dropouts from highschool over 60%; in terms of wealth Blacks have fallen behind to LAST PLACE; total inability to come together as a race....the list goes on.

    Black leaders, Black parents, and Black kids are showing the incompetent misery of being Black. Who in their right mind would want to be Black in America? SHAME!!

  9. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Field, "Just bad parents who shouldn't be parents in the first place failing to control their damn kids. So relax my white friends, it's all good. Bad parenting is not limited to one particular race."

    First of all, there is nothing "good" about it. I can't believe you wrote that bs. It is all BAD and it's Black kids heaping violence upon innocent people in downtown Philly! And you call Philly a 'nice' city? BULLSHIT!

    It is a dangerous city where any citizen may be attacked by a bunch of black teenage thugs. It's a city where black teen thugs steal vandalize and hurt people.

    It is quite sickening and shameful for Blacks in the Philly area.

  10. "Black leaders, Black parents, and Black kids are showing the incompetent misery of being Black. Who in their right mind would want to be Black in America? SHAME!!"

    Of course. Because the highest asperation in life is to become "white". I guess all of those "self-hating" Negros were merely blazing a trail for other unfortunate black souls to travel towards the road of "whiteness".

    I'm loving the anons tonight. Just look at the sort of shit they're using to get their point across -- that blacks are somehow an inferior race that deserves eventual extinction, that blacks can only behave like "apes", "savages" and "animals", and that blacks should hate themselves for what they are and how they behave.

    I guess they figure if they whup up a big enough batch of self-hatred, that blacks would seek to wash themselves "clean" through interracial breeding or non-breeding, and simply extinct themselves as a people.

    Damn, with all this hate floating around, it's no wonder America's racial issues are nowhere near being resolved. Not by a long shot.

  11. What do you mean this isn't a secret plot to kill whitey? Didn't Obama get elected? I'm looking for white slaves as we speak.

  12. It'd break my heart to find out if all these anons are really just the sockpuppets of one or two poor bastards with an axe to grind against Field. I mean seriously -- who else would log on day after day to post the same old racist, stereotypical claptrap? These are some rather dedicated motherfuckers here.

  13. "What do you mean this isn't a secret plot to kill whitey? Didn't Obama get elected? I'm looking for white slaves as we speak."

    You know what I'd do if I had some white slaves?

    Let em free. Because no one deserves to be enslaved.

    Would they do the same for my black ass? Fuck no.

    That's why you "lace up" your Air Force Nones (because why the fuck would they give you shoes?) and steal the fuck away to the Underground Railroad, lol lol lol...

    ...wait, where did that come from?

  14. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Mack "Of course. Because the highest asperation in life is to become "white". I guess all of those "self-hating" Negros were merely blazing a trail for other unfortunate black souls to travel towards the road of "whiteness"."

    No the highest aspiration in NOT to be White, it is to be Latino. That IS the up and coming race. But to be Black is to stagnant, even go backwards. The stats clearly show Black wealth even trailing behind the Hispanics. Now how did that happen unless Blacks clearly cannot get themselves together? Of course a Negro like YOU can't admit that, which means you will be stuck in the same mess 100 years from now if we haven't killed ourselves off by then.

  15. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Mack, "I'm loving the anons tonight. Just look at the sort of shit they're using to get their point across -- that blacks are somehow an inferior race that deserves eventual extinction, that blacks can only behave like "apes", "savages" and "animals", and that blacks should hate themselves for what they are and how they behave."

    What do you call the behavior of black violent flash mobs?..civilized? Those violent teens act like animals and you know it. But, again, you can't admit the truth. That's the trouble with bm like you: You can't handle the truth; you can't face reality.

    Those hoodlums are out of control demons and apes....PERIOD.

  16. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Mack, "I guess they figure if they whup up a big enough batch of self-hatred, that blacks would seek to wash themselves "clean" through interracial breeding or non-breeding, and simply extinct themselves as a people."

    Yep. That's about the size of it. With the increase of black on black crime, black violent flash mobs, uneducated bm by the truckloads,....I would say interracial breeding by Blacks would be a grand opportunity IF they can find it from Whites or Latinos.

    I mean, have you read the post? Who the hell wants to be part of a race with an image like that in the 'City of Brotherly Love?'

    I sure as hell don't. But Mack, I am sure you do. So, you stay, while the rest of us get the hell out....Goodbye.

  17. "No the highest aspiration in NOT to be White, it is to be Latino. That IS the up and coming race. But to be Black is to stagnant, even go backwards. The stats clearly show Black wealth even trailing behind the Hispanics. Now how did that happen unless Blacks clearly cannot get themselves together? Of course a Negro like YOU can't admit that, which means you will be stuck in the same mess 100 years from now if we haven't killed ourselves off by then."


    After everyone tells me I have to strive to be white, turns out I have to be Latino! This can confuse any ol' self-hating Negro looking to purge himself of his nasty, filthy, stagnant Blackness. Couldn't he just go back to soft-shoein' for white folks' amusement and call it even? Geld himself so he don't pro-create any of them nasty lil pickaninnies that go around beatin up innocent ol white folk? Can you show him to the dressing room so he can put his chains back on? Oh that's ok -- he can just do it outside behind the new slave pens those white folk were kind enough to build him. Ain't nuthin but a tin shack with a pig trouth and some straw, but he thankful, lawd he thankful.

    Good anons gonna make me lose it up in hurr.


  18. "I mean, have you read the post? Who the hell wants to be part of a race with an image like that in the 'City of Brotherly Love?'

    I sure as hell don't. But Mack, I am sure you do. So, you stay, while the rest of us get the hell out....Goodbye."

    Wat you mean I wanna "stay"? I wanna go wherever you goin. Don't leave me hurr wit dez shiesty ass Negros.

    *does a desperate softshoe, drops to his knees and gives his biggest, bestest "good Negro" smile, hat in hand, teeths showing and white-as-hell, just like folks say they should*

  19. LAA, save me from these folk who want me to be latino *hides behind LAA's skirt* mmm...deez yo legs gurl? Dey smooth as hell....



    (I'm sorry Field, but today, with these anons, I no longer give a good fuck. It's too much energy trying to make sense with the senseless. I've had enough.)

  20. Anonymous2:04 AM

    They should round these thugs up and put them in the Navy, not many black men in the Navy.

  21. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Mack, "Damn, with all this hate floating around, it's no wonder America's racial issues are nowhere near being resolved. Not by a long shot."

    What do you expect, Mack? Black flash mobs are attacking innocent citizens, stealing and terrorizing people in downtown Philly. Do you get it?

    That behavior perpetuates fear of Blacks. Racial problems resolved? Not a chance. In fact, there IS no chance, and I don't blame America.

    Black teenagers are the ONLY violent group of ignoramuses doing this reptilian assinine hurtful hateful bullshit. And YOU are concerned about racial conciliation? GTFOH.


    That would be a good start. That is, DO SOMETHING about our kids instead of crying about what us anons are saying. DO YOU GET IT? Probably NOT. Negroes like you NEVER get it.

  22. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Mack, "(I'm sorry Field, but today, with these anons, I no longer give a good fuck. It's too much energy trying to make sense with the senseless. I've had enough.)"

    Weak-ass Negro. You are another reason why it's time to get the hell out of the race.

    That's all you do, is cry and then have the nerve to run to a strong bw like LAA to save your sorry ass AFTER you have been a bastard to her.

    Yep. It's time to get out. The race is full of black spineless spaghetti like you.

  23. Anonymous2:15 AM

    PilotX-"What do you mean this isn't a secret plot to kill whitey? Didn't Obama get elected? I'm looking for white slaves as we speak."

    You are too stupid and uneducated to own a dog, let alone slaves...and far too vindictive and evil.

  24. "You know what I'd do if I had some white slaves?
    Let em free. Because no one deserves to be enslaved"

    Yeah, you might be right cause then I'd have to be an annoying ignorant troll on some blog named "The Field Cracker".

  25. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Well, I think Anons are off to a good start. Not bad for a Saturday night.

    See some of you Negroes tomorrow. Who knows, maybe some Whites out in the City of Brotherly Love will join the party? Probably not.

  26. (I'm sorry Field, but today, with these anons, I no longer give a good fuck. It's too much energy trying to make sense with the senseless. I've had enough.)

    Hang in there Mack, Field promised to upgrade his stable of trolls. BTW, check out the series "Luther" if you haven't already. It's on netflix. The season finale was the best tv episode I've seen since the "Darkness Falls" episode of the X-Files or the "Blink" episode of Dr. Who.

  27. One last thing for Mack, Mold and PC check this out.

    Seems as though the new 30 year normals are out from the NOAA. Seems as though things are warming up, surprise surprise huh. Hoax my ass.

  28. NSangoma2:45 AM

    field booty,

    this is a punk-motherfucking-gott-damn shame.

    cut the gonads off these little Negroes so that they do not reproduce more of the same.

    Who dey daddy?

    Where dey daddy am / is?


  29. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, what can I say? except WOW! This was a hard-hitting post about those Negroes in Philly followed by one of Black America's esteemed leaders...Rev Al Sharpton. The other leader is Obama. Things are not looking too good, Mr. Field.

    Mr. Field, I hate to admit it, but I feel it is time for me to find a woman outside of the states.

    And I bet you can help me. Mr. Field, I know you have considerable influence among the women in and around the islands outside of the defaulting USA.

    Let me explain...I have had my eye on an island woman for some time. I would appreciate it if you would use your FN Island Influence to set me up with her. Also, should things turn out the way I have planned, I would like you to marry us within the next few months.

    Does that sound ok to you, Mr. Field?

    I have got to do something to get out of the stateside AA race. I have had it with these stateside Negroes. I am ready to bolt.

    Please advise.

  30. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Mack Lyons, "(I'm sorry Field, but today, with these anons, I no longer give a good fuck. It's too much energy trying to make sense with the senseless. I've had enough.)"

    Mack, when have you EVER had a 'good' fuck. My understanding is you are a bad fuck anyway. Talk about trying to make sense out of the senseless.....don't you know you can never 'give a bad fuck' and expect 'a good fuck' as an outcome? I don't blame you. 'enough is enoght.

    Mack, you need a break from us Anons. I recognize we can sometimes be too much for you, and even PilotX. We are smart and clever people. It really takes a special person be able to hang with us. That's because we have such high IQs.:)

    Anyway, why not give yourself a break and take the rest of the year off? Hell, go hang out in an Apple Store. Play with the gadgets. You'll feel better.

    And We'll see you in 2012.

    Your Nemesis,

    P.S. don't worry, you won't be alone. PilotX is about to give up and surrender, also. He has a weak mind like yours.

  31. "P.S. don't worry, you won't be alone. PilotX is about to give up and surrender, also. He has a weak mind like yours."

    You would know alot about weak minds huh? Tell your mom I said hey and she left her panties.

  32. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, Re: Soulja Boy, I think you 'might' have been punked:

  33. Anonymous3:28 AM

    PilotX said, "You would know alot about weak minds huh? Tell your mom I said hey and she left her panties."

    My mother has been dead for over 20 years. How long have you been into necrophilia?

    I love FN because we learn so much about the nasty psycho-peculiarities of bm like you. I guess when you can't get a woman while she is alive, you get 'em after they are dead, eh?

  34. "P.S. don't worry, you won't be alone. PilotX is about to give up and surrender, also. He has a weak mind like yours."

    You wish Mack and I would leave don't you? Nah, I think I'll stick around so you can prove how inferior white males are in every way.

  35. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Field, you might find this article interesting.

  36. Anonymous3:51 AM

    PilotX, "You wish Mack and I would leave don't you? Nah, I think I'll stick around so you can prove how inferior white males are in every way."

    Oh no. I hope both of you stay. In fact, I hope everyone who comes to FN blog will find it a good home. And it doesn't matter to me if they are Black and White. The more diversity, the more we learn.

    So, I am glad you are staying even though you lack in intelligence. Btw, I am NOt white. I am Black. How many times must I tell you?

  37. Anonymous3:54 AM

    "You wish Mack and I would leave don't you? Nah, I think I'll stick around so you can prove how inferior white males are in every way."--PilotX

    It's YOU and Mack who wish some of us would leave, not the other way around. You two are such sissies. You are racists, too.

  38. mellaneous4:12 AM

    What up Field et al!

    Ponder me this! Young toughs run around in gangs and beat people up, however they don't kill anyone.

    The US armed forces drop a bomb on a wedding party in Afganistan (for the umpteenth time, BTW apologies are extended everytime and sometimes a payoff) a drone falls out of the sky in Pakistan killing two families who ooops have nothing to do with anything. In Iraq a family with a pregnant mom on board trying to get to a local hospital to deliver her baby is shot to pieces by a US tank and a machine gunner, all that is left are just pieces of flesh and a doll.

    Are both kinds of violence not immoral and senseless?

    And shouldn't we wonder what kind of parents allow or encourage their children to go kill other folks children who haven't done anything to them, but they chose to kill and take because someone else told them to do it?

    Why do we ignore one and concentrate on the other,(seen a lot of news reports about the wars lately?)especially when one group of perpetrators has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings?

    And why is one given more attention than the other,when one considers that the ones reponsible for ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands and sanctioned the torture of thousands: have gone to the finest schools, been raised in the best of neighborhoods, been raised in two parent households with the most caring of parents, been treated to the best life has to offer?

    Just saying...

  39. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Come one Field.What do you mean by parent or {parents}?

    What child is born with a parent and not parents?

    Unless the other parent is dead....
    or these are test tube babies born to a single mom or father

    In this case.I'm thinking the majority of those kids had parentS
    or is it pookieS?

    (rolling my eyes)


  40. Anonymous5:27 AM

    White supremacists who come here talking shi- about blacks ought to be ashamed.

    You people have been known to commit flash mob attacks and random acts of violence all over the world.

    What's more funny is that you white supremacists actually believe your own hype even AFTER all the evil shi- you have done.

    This is why the Chinese and Arabs just about own you.You got lazy,dependent, and just sat back boasting and
    now it's almost over for Amerikkka

    aw well.Somebody should go tell the tea party it's a done deal and to ready their children for maid service.Tell them to keep an eye out for the DSK's of the world.I hear it's hard out there for maids these days.


  41. Anonymous5:33 AM

    "when one considers that the ones reponsible for ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands and sanctioned the torture of thousands: have gone to the finest schools, been raised in the best of neighborhoods, been raised in two parent households with the most caring of parents, been treated to the best life has to offer"

    That's how they maintain their wealth and power Mell.Without being the murderous bastirts many of them are, they would not have the "best life has to offer"

    By any means necessary Mell.By any means necessary....


  42. Anonymous7:27 AM

    re both kinds of violence not immoral and senseless?

    And shouldn't we wonder what kind of parents allow or encourage their children to go kill other folks children who haven't done anything to them, but they chose to kill and take because someone else told them to do it?

    Why do we ignore one and concentrate on the other,(seen a lot of news reports about the wars lately?)especially when one group of perpetrators has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings?

    And why is one given more attention than the other,when one considers that the ones reponsible for ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands and sanctioned the torture of thousands: have gone to the finest schools, been raised in the best of neighborhoods, been raised in two parent households with the most caring of parents, been treated to the best life has to offer?


    Sounds like you are talking about Obama are you?

    So as a preacher, your way to help people is totally ignoring the problem by pointing out what you think is someone elses superior problem? What has been solved with this? You ignored the original problem, in fact justified it by saying don't worry about that, now this thing over here that's bad. Thats' dreadful.

    BTW how do you know the pilot who oopsied on the afghan wedding wasn't black? How do you know the officer who made the decision to do whatever wasnt' black.

    If you are a preacher, then aren't you supposed to be a leader? Your idea of leading when a problem comes up is to theoretically find something you think you aren't involved in, even though you sure as hell are, point out how that is really really bad and forget the original problem. Where do you think that leaves the original problem? In your mind only, someone elses fault and or not a real problem.

    So to sum up your thoughts on the original problem, you aren't part of america its just whites who are at war and they bad so forget the original issue of wilding kids cause the whites kill people and the kids just rob steal and terrorize and hospitalize so far.

    You dont see a problem with this attitude? What do you think will happen if this continues? I am against the war, can I also be against criminal deviant behaviour? Even if it is being committed by someone who happens to have black skin?

  43. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Bad parenting is not limited to one particular race."

    Doesn't matter. It's "feral black youths on innocent white citizens". Some people here may even say you're being too soft on them, with the story and all.

    When asians, latinos, whites, greeks, italians, poles, puerto ricans, cubans or any other race or ethnic group starts countrywide attacking a specific race..then maybe your permanent victim logic might be logic, until then it is just reality - black youths who are doing this and getting worse by the day and shouting get one else. The last thing I want to hear is how these poor youfs are ignored by blacks as they aren't really a problem, until one of them gets killed because the horrible white victim just isn't in the mood that day for a 6 month hospital stay with facial reconstructive surgery and or permanent brain damage (so far) and defends himself and starts shooting at the feral mob. Then we will see I am guessing all black fury break out and descend on whites for racism. Unitl then, it's all someone else's fault or problem, so fuck it right?

  44. Bad Blake7:46 AM

    field says:

    So relax my white friends, it's all good. Bad parenting is not limited to one particular race.

    Yeah, asians parents are bad when their kids get B's in math. White parents are bad when their kids don't go to college.

    But black parents? They're not bad till their kids are committing flash mob attacks on whites, asians and storekeepers. They're not bad till their kids are arrested for murder, and they're not bad till their kids are members of a street gang.

    To borrow a phrase from Bill Clinton, It Depends On What Your Definition of "Bad" is.

  45. Crips and Bloods7:52 AM

    mellaneous dreams:

    Ponder me this! Young toughs run around in gangs and beat people up, however they don't kill anyone.

    You must live in Oz.

    Gang-related murders are reported in FBI Crime Statistics.

    You really need to escape your ignorance. You and 20 million other blacks.

  46. HammerTime7:53 AM

    Take a look at this video.
    Love to hear your thoughts on this.

  47. PilotX7:58 AM

    pilotX says:

    Seems as though the new 30 year normals are out from the NOAA. Seems as though things are warming up, surprise surprise huh. Hoax my ass.

    Doesn't matter. China, Brazil, Russia and India are going to accelerate their consumption of gasoline and other oil products as their economies surge.

    We have NO control over the 3 BILLION people living in those countries. And very soon they will burn a lot more oil and gas than the US.

    Of course no one mentions Africa becoming a place of major oil and gas consumption.

    Why is that? Why? Because we know Africans will fail to build modern economies where prosperity brings them all that stuff we have in the US that consumes energy.

  48. "First of all, there is nothing "good" about it. I can't believe you wrote that bs. It is all BAD and it's Black kids heaping violence upon innocent people in downtown Philly! And you call Philly a 'nice' city? BULLSHIT!

    Philly is a great city! If you ever visit I would love to show you around.

    Dear Anon@ 2:48 AM. A few years ago I would have been able to help you in your quest, but being married to a very Af. American woman for the past few years has changed all of that for me. Sorry.

    Maybe we can get Desert Flower or one of the other fine ladies on this blog to help you out.:)

    "Black leaders, Black parents, and Black kids are showing the incompetent misery of being Black. Who in their right mind would want to be Black in America? SHAME!!"

    We know you don't. Send me your name and bio information and I will have the "Drop Squad" remove you from our race. Have you found any others races to clam yet, or are you just going to be a free agent for awhile?

    Hey, maybe you can start your own: Jiggro! How does that name sound? ;)

    "(I'm sorry Field, but today, with these anons, I no longer give a good fuck. It's too much energy trying to make sense with the senseless. I've had enough.)"

    Mack, you have the wrong attitude about these Trolls. (See Pilot X)
    Just read what they write and enjoy it. It's kind of like reading a tragic Shakespearean play.

    Let's call it, "Color Arousal & "The Fall of A-merry-ca."

  49. Bad Blake, you left out one: white parents are bad when they get drunk and let their 8 year olds drive their vehilces. No chance of anyone getting kileed from that, huh? *shaking head*

    Mell, not all violence is created equal in A-merry-ca, you know that.

    BTW folks, Soulja Boy didn't punk me, he punked his damn self. His accountant must have told his simple behind to stop dreaming.

  50. Anonymous8:41 AM

    But this is not because they are out looking for white people per se, this is because white people just so happen to be the ones frequenting the areas that are targeted.

    So why aren't they targeting areas frequented by Black people in a just so happens manner?

  51. You're making me rethink my idea of moving back to Philly. After living in the reddest county in Maryland for 30 yrs, I've really had it with these people. Then you bring up flashmobs. You are right about the parenting part. However, you are not going to change the parenting overnight, if at all, it seems. So rationally, what's your solution? Seriously. You are an attorney and a smart dude. I read your posts pretty regularly. What's the solution? We can't have innocent people being attacked. Philly has been a good place to be for a lot of people. What do you suggest as a short term solution other than getting them away from the lack of parents? I'm beginning to think the one good idea Newt Gingrich ever had was to bring back orphanages.

  52. MackTheKnife8:54 AM

    I'm sorry Field, but today, with these anons, I no longer give a good fuck. It's too much energy trying to make sense with the senseless. I've had enough.)

    Mack, I looked for the attacks that made you have enough and all I saw was your immediate ironic comments with not even a nod given to the problem, more of nods given to how people must be overreacting and then you run.

    Telling that you know you couldnt participate in a discussion that to you is not predetermined to fit your usual mantra. Of course you run, most weaklings do. It would be to difficult facing reality unless you were able to spin the blame onto someone you don't like right?


  53. NSangoma,

    You should make sure you aren't the parent.

    As a parent I always noted that the parent that brags the most and downs others children are the most clueless about their own progeny.

  54. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  55. NSangoma10:26 AM

    Hathor, I am sure, in fact, I am surer than a motherfucker that my son is not one of those punk motherfucking fool, nigger-dog, philly-dog niggers.

    Currently, under my supervision my son spends the bulk of his time studying the ACT prep book and the SAT prep book getting ready to take the P-SAT and the PLAN (P-ACT), this fall.

    Then comes required summer reading, sports, his friends.

    They should cut those little philly-dog niggers balls off; and if they can find their punk-gott-damn daddies, they should slap their damn daddy's balls off.

    I don't live in punk-bitch-assed philly anyway.

    feel-booty, I mean field-booty does.


  56. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  57. Mold IsThe Supreme Troll10:41 AM

    Mold Troll,
    one who spews nonsense and gibberish always off are the biggest stalking Troll on this blog. I am sure now that if you ever tried to make sense the boiling cauldron of shit that you call brains would explode.

  58. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  59. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  60. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  61. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  62. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Well, some of the Trolls are paid wingnuts. They have been spreading lies since the days of st reagan. Others are undeveloped juveniles who thinkerate being obnoxious PITAs is the height of comedy and really 'pisses off da Libruls'.
    And yes, they can't operate without a host of sockpuppets. Not only does it offer them the fantasy of friends and supporters, it lets them hijack threads/pretend to be the 'voice of reason'/Overton Windows the discussion/creates a fiction that more folks agree with them. Try going to a public meeting'll see that TaxBaggers and wingnuts are loud, pushy, childish, and not as popular or populous as imagined.
    Screaming for government to crash is the dream of loser 15 yo boys who haven't a clew. It sounderates nice that when the society falls, they will be the rulers of the next one. Yeah, riiight.

    Funny how quickly racist Goobers reach for the 'ape' references. You mean like bush? Man has a chimpy face like no one's business.

    Strange that not one racial fetishist used the term 'criminal' to describe violent youth.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  63. Nsaangoma, I didn't know you were a parent. Nice to know that you have your little rugrat under wraps. Where is he/she looking to go to college? Here in the Philly area we have some very fine institutions: Penn, Swarthmore, Haverford, St. Joes, Villanova .....

    Please consider one of our area institutions of higher learning. I will make sure that he/she is safe from the bad N*&&^r children here in town. ;)

    Larraine, don't always believe the hype. Last night Center City was crowded. White folks out on the town were having a great time. They interviewed folks at the very corner some of the alleged flash mobs attacked, (11th & Sansom) and folks said that they felt quite safe.

    Still, I have some solutions for some of these parenting and other problems that plague our community, but you will have to wait for the book

  64. Anonymous12:07 PM

    If people actually saw how nice city could be...would they suffer through suburban and rural isolation and hardship? Would they commute 90+ minutes? Would they toss money into houses made of ticky-tacky all in a row?
    What will they do when gas hits $12/gallon?
    It is soo amazing that I can post...even with the computer off and me being out-of-doors. Magic.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  65. Anonymous12:28 PM

    With regards to sidebar item on Soulja boy, I beg to respectfully differ..
    This young lad produced and marketed his music by himself and in collaboration with his close childhood friend Arab solely online, without any if the music record industry shark middlemen, He also developed a line of leisure clothes and sneakers. He has earned his money through honest work and plenty of intelligence. I have never been rumors about anything negative written or said about him. Kudos to him!!! He is an example to all youth and should be touted as such.
    He will be celebrating his birthday as a red carpet affair with many celebrities, and making it a pay per view event for which the admission is $2.99. Very affordable and I’m sure there will be many cyber attendees! The kid is a genius, really!!!
    Again I say he is an example to follow for our youth and I wish him the best in all his ventures!

  66. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Using USNooz as a standard for choosing a college? Really?
    What is your 'proof' of her actions? And why are you obsessing over her adult choices?
    Can you say 'slut-shaming'? And an oddly wingnut slant on how to pick a college.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  67. Bring back the woodshed, the hickory switch, and law makers who didn't interfere with a parent's right to kick a misbehaving child where he/she needs it!

  68. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I feel it is time for me to find a woman outside of the states.
    And I bet you can help me. Mr. Field, I know you have considerable influence among the women in and around the islands outside of the defaulting USA."
    Wow! We're getting popular!!!
    The anons are coming, the Anons are coming, (OOOPS! No pun intended)

    Hey LAAudio books, are you up for an arranged marriage? Cuz I know I'm not! At my age shacking up is the way to go, none of that legal stuff for me!
    But of course I know the SUPER moral anons would never go for that!

  69. "Weak-ass Negro. You are another reason why it's time to get the hell out of the race.

    That's all you do, is cry and then have the nerve to run to a strong bw like LAA to save your sorry ass AFTER you have been a bastard to her.

    Yep. It's time to get out. The race is full of black spineless spaghetti like you."

    DONT BEET ME MASSUH! DONT BEET ME! I'S BE A GOOD NEGRO! *does his most desperate softshoe & smile yet*

    "Mack, I looked for the attacks that made you have enough and all I saw was your immediate ironic comments with not even a nod given to the problem, more of nods given to how people must be overreacting and then you run.

    Telling that you know you couldnt participate in a discussion that to you is not predetermined to fit your usual mantra. Of course you run, most weaklings do. It would be to difficult facing reality unless you were able to spin the blame onto someone you don't like right?"

    Gee, don't twist the knife, Mack. I'm not even taking these anons seriously anymore. Say, you can have my job of being the blog's "only sane man" and evangelicalize to these anonymous types -- I'm starting to like this softshoe business *does another softshoe and tap dances away with a big Negroid smile*

    Can't have the account though. Go make your own facsimilie.

  70. LAA, these anons are being mean to me again. I mean I talk their language but they still don't like me. Please sweep me up in your strong bw arms and take me away from these sheisty ass ain't-shit ass Negros.

    Sincerely, Macklina


  71. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Beyond The Political Spectrum said...
    "Bring back the woodshed, the hickory switch, and law makers who didn't interfere with a parent's right to kick a misbehaving child where he/she needs it!"
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~I I agree with you that discipline is definitely needed.
    If any of my children had done that, I would have beaten the ^&^& out of them, plus, and I think more importantly, other types of punishment such as gifts etc., that would have been suspended indefinitely. As well as the knowledge that the wrath and displeasure of the entire family would have been upon them!

    However, I believe that these mobs are a symptom of a greater ill. An ill that must be identified and corrected.

  72. Mack The Knife2:20 PM

    Gee, don't twist the knife, Mack. I'm not even taking these anons seriously anymore. Say, you can have my job of being the blog's "only sane man" and evangelicalize to these anonymous types -- I'm starting to like this softshoe business *does another softshoe and tap dances away with a big Negroid smile*

    Can't have the account though. Go make your own facsimilie.

    More Irony, as if you haven't been softshoeing all along by following the approved non thinking mantra. Keep shufflin it fits your trif'lin and I thought Mold was the only sane one here? Y'all seem to understand and champeen him so well.

  73. There was a flash mob incident in Milwaukee in which a bunch of black kids stormed Mayfair Mall, knocking over stuff and breaking display cases. Luckily no one was hurt.

    Many malls here have a policy in which teens cannot shop there unless accompanied by a parent or adults because they can't come right out and say 'No black teens allowed.'

    But everyone knows who this policy is aimed at, which is a pretty good indication they just as soon black kids (good kids as well as the hoodlums--they are not going to bother and make any distinction) not show up.

    And then some ignorant thugs pull a stunt like this and it gives the malls more reason to try to keep black kids away.

    Field is right. It's bad parenting at its worst because kids with good parents wouldn't be vandalizing property and hurting others. And if such a kids was hanging out with kids like theses and was discovered doing this, there would be hell to pay when he/she got home.

  74. "More Irony, as if you haven't been softshoeing all along by following the approved non thinking mantra. Keep shufflin it fits your trif'lin and I thought Mold was the only sane one here? Y'all seem to understand and champeen him so well."

    Pray tell can you elaborate to this heathen the approved non thinking mantra? I'd really like to know.

    Damn, I think I wore out my first pair of softshoes. Can you softshoe barefoot? Nevermind, I can always have LAA buy me a new pair *sneaks into her purse like a shifty, "typical" negro*

  75. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Damn, I think I wore out my first pair of softshoes. Can you softshoe barefoot? Nevermind, I can always have LAA buy me a new pair *sneaks into her purse like a shifty, "typical" negro*

    you gone haf too ask LAA to buy you sumtin -at the rate your goin aint gonna be no kneegrows allowed into anyplace where you actually has to buy shit instead of flashin it out but don you pay it no nevermine it aint about the kids it about the anons right ...watchin Mack as he shufflin off barefooted with fingers on bof hands pointin at someone else while de kids steal his only pair o socks

  76. Anonymous3:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. mellaneous3:18 PM

    Yeah Field I knew better, but just throw that out as food for thought.

    On the parents:

    Its become clear that the flash mob phenomenon has two components, peer pressure and poorly supervised children.

    When we are talking about the bad behavior of children we shouldn't ignore the fact that joblessness and hopelessness have taken its toll on inner city adults. Some of these folks are parents and of course they are going to be bad parents they are barely keeping their own thing together.

    Some of the kids are neglected and or abused. And then some are neglected because mom and sometimes mom and dad are working day and night to provide, and the folks or family members who are supposed to keep an eye out do an awful job.

    And then there are the children that the parents are doing all they can including setting limits, and curfews. But these kids too are trying to fit in with the in-crowd, who may or may not be good influences.

    And the other thing that we adults and citizens of this country cannot ignore and that is this a violent country. This country worships violence; in entertainment like movies even video games, even sports.

    The country has constantly been attacking or doing violence to the underdeveloped countries overseas.

    So the real truth is that until we as citizens change our outlook the kids will express their angst through crazy and sometimes violent ways.

  78. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sharon from WI said...
    "Many malls here have a policy in which teens cannot shop there unless accompanied by a parent or adults because they can't come right out and say 'No black teens allowed."

    Wow! Is that even legal?
    One would think that nowadays that teens do have money to spend, this would be a source of revenue that the stores are missing out on!

    Not being allowed into a mall without their parents, so how and who at this mall determines who's a teen and who just may "look" like a teen. Because many people don't look their chronological age you know :)

    As nurse having finished her Bachelors degree, my daughter looked so young many patients would ask her if she was a student :)likewise I don't look and have never looked my age at all. So I'm just wondering how do they ascertain this at that mall???

  79. Anonymous3:25 PM

    mellaneous said...
    "On the parents:
    Its become clear that the flash mob phenomenon has two components, peer pressure and poorly supervised children.

    When we are talking about the bad behavior of children we shouldn't ignore the fact that joblessness and hopelessness have taken its toll on inner city adults. Some of these folks are parents and of course they are going to be bad parents they are barely keeping their own thing together.

    Some of the kids are neglected and or abused. And then some are neglected because mom and sometimes mom and dad are working day and night to provide, and the folks or family members who are supposed to keep an eye out do an awful job.

    And then there are the children that the parents are doing all they can including setting limits, and curfews. But these kids too are trying to fit in with the in-crowd, who may or may not be good influences.

    And the other thing that we adults and citizens of this country cannot ignore and that is this a violent country. This country worships violence; in entertainment like movies even video games, even sports.

    The country has constantly been attacking or doing violence to the underdeveloped countries overseas.

    So the real truth is that until we as citizens change our outlook the kids will express their angst through crazy and sometimes violent ways.
    Great commentary! I totally agree!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Dr.Queen said...
    NSangoma said...
    if it be her desire to, fuck every male athletic team member and every fraternity member and then move on to a top 100 academically ranked small college or university

    WOW!! This woman sounds like 99.9% of the white chicks I saw at the BIG SEC football and Big East and ACC basketball Universities where I'm an alumni.

    Chasing that big, Black, future baller "D" I suppose.

  82. ChumbarBlues4:00 PM

    The country has constantly been attacking or doing violence to the underdeveloped countries overseas.

    So the real truth is that until we as citizens change our outlook the kids will express their angst through crazy and sometimes violent ways.

    Well sounds like a excuse justifying nothing.
    The U.S is made up of states, states are made up of cities, cities are made up of towns, towns are made up of neighborhoods, neighborhoods are made up of houses, houses have families, families are made up of people, so the change starts with you. Or it doesnt. It is that simple. You aren't suggesting banning movies, rap music, videogames in order to practice mind control on kids to excuse bad parenting are you? Or using excuses that no one else seems to need to stop kids from wildin that it is all societies fault? We are society, it is us.

  83. As for the flash mobs mentioned in this post, it's just the US coming full circle, I guess.

    40 years ago the flash mobs were ALL white. Actually for the preceding 120 or so years before that, the flash mobs were all white.

    Wait now that I think about it, there are STILL white flash mobs, they simply operate "differently" these days, working in high level positions at places like Banks and in the Republican party.

    An ass whippin' lasts a few minutes. Ruining someone financially, could take a life time to "recover" from.

  84. mellaneous4:04 PM

    @ Desertflower thanks for the compliment!

  85. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Just watched a short clip of Soulja boys party last night.

    After they brought out the cake and wished him a Happy Birthday, he spoke, he raised his hand and thanked God!First thing he did! Then wished everyone there God's safety and health. How's that for a good kid?
    He didn't even look like he'd had a single drink! He's an example to follow! Check it out.

  86. Beyond The Political Spectrum said...
    Bring back the woodshed, the hickory switch, and law makers who didn't interfere with a parent's right to kick a misbehaving child where he/she needs it!

    1:20 PM


    Couldn't agree with you more. Kids now and days are born with an 1-800-see what happens if you hit me number.

  87. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Great and all!! It was really neat to hear all those thoughts and opinions!

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  88. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Field, "Dear Anon@ 2:48 AM. A few years ago I would have been able to help you in your quest, but being married to a very Af. American woman for the past few years has changed all of that for me. Sorry.

    Maybe we can get Desert Flower or one of the other fine ladies on this blog to help you out.:)"

    Mr. Field, I regret that you can't set me up with at 'least' ONE island women to marry. Nevertheless, your mentioning Desertflower as a contact has given me a grand idea. I am getting excited just thinking about it! This is a fine way to be connected to Puerto Ricans and Hispanics. Thank you, Mr. Field.... you are a genius.

    BTW, I remember a while back that you tried to set up LAA with an FN Negro. How did that turn out for you, as a match maker? Was LAA pleased?

    Anyway, I will get in touch with Desertflower as soon as that dude on the yacht floating around in no man's land gets to PR and leaves. i know he is an AA bm, because he doesn't know where the hell he is going.

    Mr. Field, your excellent post has convinced me that to get out of the AA race because there is no future for it. Let's face it. Things are too eff'd up. Those black violent flash teen mobs ARE the future of the Black race, which is NO future at all. The AA race is finished.

    But Hispanics, Latinos, and the folks in the islands! That is the future. Already they have more wealth than Blacks and they are just getting started...

    Don't get me wrong. It's not just the black violent flash mobs, it's Al Sharpton, Obama and other black leaders...well, you can see where the AA race is headed-- it ain't paradise.

    But the Latinos are looking good. They seem to have a purpose and a goal for themseves races. Blacks don't.

    Desertflower, call me when that lost soul on the yacht from Detroit leaves.

  89. Desertflower said...
    Then wished everyone there God's safety and health. How's that for a good kid?

    Does a "good kid" drop 55 milly on an Airplane? Yeah, it's his money, but that seems like a HUGE waste to me.

  90. He didn't get the Jet. He borrowed from some Billionaire.

  91. Anonymous5:25 PM


    Dr.Queen said...
    Desertflower said...
    Then wished everyone there God's safety and health. How's that for a good kid?

    Does a "good kid" drop 55 milly on an Airplane? Yeah, it's his money, but that seems like a HUGE waste to me.

    jealouz buceta bref idjut dats cause da white man ruined you financially by making you stupiod and not nows how to spends or make da money spam eatin nappy headed walkin blowjob

  92. Rottnkid said...
    He didn't get the Jet. He borrowed from some Billionaire.

    Well I guess that makes me feel somewhat better.

    So the purpose of the plane is to..........avoid getting "feeled up" by the TSA, LOL??

  93. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Does a "good kid" drop 55 milly on an Airplane? Yeah, it's his money, but that seems like a HUGE waste to me."
    I see a plane as being a pretty sound investment! Better than all the useless gold and diamond jewelry the majority of rappers buy.

    Why does everybody dis this young man? I really don't understand. Can somebody explain why the hate?

    I wish I had plane!
    Then I could fly anywhere I wanted! Maybe I'd even spot that Anon on the "high" seas living it up!

  94. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desertflower, call me when that lost soul on the yacht from Detroit leaves."
    Wait for it, but don't hold your breath and grab a chair! Because unfortunately and sadly, I think he overdosed! Bwaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  95. Desertflower said...
    Why does everybody dis this young man? I really don't understand. Can somebody explain why the hate?

    Given that many rappers end up broke as hell within 5 years of becoming "famous", I'd say the "hate" masked as financial responsibility is quite appropriate.

  96. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Why aren't the legions of Financial Probity going to the home of Lindsay Lohan...or Justin Bieber with their message?
    Must be a 'rap' thang.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  97. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Wait for it, but don't hold your breath and grab a chair! Because unfortunately and sadly, I think he overdosed! Bwaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    turn it upside down and it fit 4 o youse

  98. Wow! Is that even legal?
    One would think that nowadays that teens do have money to spend, this would be a source of revenue that the stores are missing out on!

    Not being allowed into a mall without their parents, so how and who at this mall determines who's a teen and who just may "look" like a teen. Because many people don't look their chronological age you know :)

    As nurse having finished her Bachelors degree, my daughter looked so young many patients would ask her if she was a student :)likewise I don't look and have never looked my age at all. So I'm just wondering how do they ascertain this at that mall???>>

    It's across the board and apparently it's a business and it can set such rules. As for someone who looks young for his/her age, IDs are requested or have yo leave. It's messed up.

    You would think bad behavior would be the default instead of age. But that's Milwaukee for you.

  99. My son, now 32, graduated from LaSalle. Couldn't wait to get away from our boring, red Maryland county. Stayed in Philly. Bought his first home in deep South Philly near St Monica's coincidentally where my parents had their first home. (Have I mentioned we are Italian-American?) Lived in West Mount Airy while he was married, divorced. Bought a home in "Port Fishington" aka river ward area of Kensington. Confirmed city boy despite being raised in the burbs. I'm glad that Philly is as good as it is. I was born and raised there.

  100. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I thought this was a site run by a Tom.
    I linked it from SBPDL.
    Turns out it's just another whiny ass, relativist groid.
    Just another member of the mythical talented tenth who thinks because he has an IQ north of 90, he's da-bomb.

    I guess I'll go back to Brother Mannings site.
    That there my kind of Negro.

  101. What would happen if a group of white kids from say, Northeast Philly, did a flash mob in say, West Philly, and beat up and robbed mostly black residents for fun? (My Philly area demographics may be off here. It's been a while since I've been home.) I'm not yelling "reverse racism!" here, because that is bullshit, but what do you think the general reaction would be?
