Monday, August 01, 2011

We are all tea party hostages.

This debt ceiling bill is bull s&^t! And it was a phony issue created by wingnuts and the tea party crowd to slash benefits and the safety net for the folks who need it most here in A-merry-ca. Congress has never failed to vote for raising the debt ceiling before, but these are strange times here in A-merry-ca. People can't find work, people who have wealth are just sitting on it and are not investing, and our government is so dysfunctional that their approval rating is lower than that of a convicted pedophile.

I love how Katrina vanden Heuvel summed it all up:

"In the melodrama that is consuming Washington this hot summer, featuring the spectacle of how much Tea Party Republicans will be able to extort for agreeing not to blow up the economy, the values and priorities of most Americans were early casualties. That reality will drive — no matter what the resolution this week — new, independent citizen mobilizations challenging both Republican zealotry and Democratic cravenness.

The debt-ceiling debate has lasted long enough for most Americans to start paying attention and to realize just how divorced both parties are from basic common sense. With the economy faltering and 25 million people in need of full-time work, most Americans want Washington focused on how to create jobs and get the economy going, not on slashing spending for the rising number of poor children while sheltering tax havens for millionaires.

Equally inexplicable is the president’s apparent eagerness to negotiate with a legislative faction willing to hold the entire economy hostage — and one prepared to extort concessions in backroom deals that it could not achieve in any normal legislative process. Negotiating with fiscal terrorists only encourages them.
On National Public Radio last week, Rep. Tom Cole, a Republican deputy whip, was giddy about the potential for calamity. Asked if it was a mistake to try to cut spending by threatening the U.S. economy, Cole replied: “No, I don’t think so. Frankly, I think it’s one of the good things that’s come out of this. We’ll never have a debt-ceiling increase again without serious efforts to deal with the long-term spending.”

Whatever the terms of the eventual agreement, we know they will be remarkably cruel. As Robert Greenstein, the respected director of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, noted last week that every plan on the table now is far worse — cutting more from programs for the poor, exacting pain on the most vulnerable in our society — than anything Jim DeMint, the most extreme right-wing senator of all, was demanding last year." [Source]

O, this is not change that I can believe in. I understand that there is a degree of politics involved here, so you had to kick the can down the road after 2012. But did you have to let the wingnuts pick the can to kick, the shoes you will use to kick it, and which one of your feet you will kick it with? No wonder your base is fit to be tied and the leader of the CBC is calling this proposed debt ceiling bill a "Satan Sandwich". (Tea party sandwich, "Satan sandwich, what's the difference?)

Finally, if you happen to be a black man in A-merry-ca, you just might want to start putting your money under the mattress. Why? Because your black ass just might end up in jail for putting your own money in the bank.



  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Damn, I bought a house and had to send out checks, how does someone get a check for 9k I want in on this scam.

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    You know that the debt ceiling should be put on the table and personally I'm glad that we're taking it seriously this time around. The Tea Party may have racist motivations but you got to give where credit is credit is due, they changed the conversation. Respect it, brother, I assume you're a liberal, pathetic. I'm a Centrist who hosted a Centrist-oriented blog.

  3. Here's a pretty good analysis of what's in the bill:

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Wow, a wingnut who thnkerates that by calling themself a centrist, their scam will be beleeverated. Hint, a True 'Centrist' would not be dismissive of a Liberal. But a liar-fer-de-cause would.
    Odd that stealing money from Grandma and poor give it to already massively wealthy sold as a conversation.
    Sounds like 'teach the controversy'. Yep, teach US kids to be some jerkhole doesn't have to feel uneducated.

    Must be the losers had scam-bots seeking Katherine vanDen Heuvel on their 'serch' parameter. so some losers could tinkle in the punch and feel so manly about their lack of dates and manners.

    FN, thanks for the piece. It elegantly states the issues under consideration...and why we should dismiss the Reich-wing maniacs. Very nice!

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  5. Stop pissing and moaning field.The deal is filled with sham cuts and sham triggers that will never happen.

    Its a win for Pres. Obama and Sen.Mitch McConnell.

    Its a loss for Sen.Harry Reid and big government Liberals.

  6. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Somehow, I don't see Reid feeling the 'sacrifice' on this. While you aregleefully imaging the st reagan fictional Welfare Queen and the Bucks on T-Bones will get their colour-based Reality it will have Granny eating cat food...or less. Great Depression mean anything to you, who beleeverates that a B-actor was the Great Saviour of Racism. And your delight in crashing wages may make you able to be a petit'll more likely end up on a soup line.

    It's a loss for the US. Held hostage by Goobers. Since you swallow the Fundie might ask what happened to Rome when the dullards made choices. Come on...we both know the just pretenderate that it pertains to Liberal/Progressive.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  7. Anonymous said...
    Because I have no wish to pretenderate that LGF isn't of the same 'cloth' as the others.
    Keep selling that wingnut soap. Oh, don't be surprised if we know it's wingnut matter how often you TELL us it is Ivory...or French-milled. It is still wingnut.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


    Mold's depth of knowledge is about has shallow as a kids swimming pool.

    Anybody who takes the time to read different blogs know that Charles Johnson took LGF to the Liberal side in early 2009.

    Don't believe me? Take a few seconds and check LGF out.Tell me what you think.

    Mold proves she doesn't do any research herself,she depends on others to do the work for her.She only knows what someone else tells her.

    Start doing the research and work.So you won't look like those left behinds you post about.

  8. "The middle of the road is for yellow lines and dead armadillos.”

    BTW Mr. Centrist, you would assume wrong. Liberals are too far to the right for me.

    Good luck with that blog. ;)

    Liberal Tormenter-, why would I want a win for Mitch McConnell?

  9. WaveLength said...

    Here's a pretty good analysis of what's in the bill:
    8:25 PM

    And that Wavelength, is what Lawrence O'Donnell calls the Obama Rope-A-Dope, Boehner gets a few trinkets but in the end Obama go exactly what he wanted, a virtually clean bill and no harm to the safety.

    And Boehner agree to under cut his own campaign supporters, Big Pharma, the AMA and Big Defense? Wow, he just got spanked and only got a lollipop for his trouble.

    And some how Obama lost? Field, you're a smart man and a lawyer - you know better than computer geek like me to read fine print.

    Boehner came to play high stakes spades with with a few load cut cards and the deuce of diamonds as his high card. And one thing dorky white dudes with a shaky hand should never do is place spades against a Black guy from Chicago.

  10. sharon9:11 PM

    If you want to know what public services will be cut next, just think about what the rich need (military force to protect their investments in the natural resources of other countries) and don't need (everything else).

    Boy, are those "real American" tea party republicans going to be surprised in a few years when they find out that their take-home pay (for those who still have jobs), even with lower taxes, still does not cover all the public services they used to take for granted (roads, bridges, tunnels, parks, police, firefighters, public hospitals, ...) For a foretaste, just visit Jefferson County, Alabama.

  11. Glad to see Gabrielle Giffords casting a vote.Hope she keeps getting better and returns to work soon.

  12. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Well, I did read LGF. Pretending it is Liberal is an Overton Window scam. A sales pitch designed to make wingnut idiocy more attractive.
    Would you like some actual Liberal Blogs? Try Liberal Oasis for a list.
    Since you still insist, any Con blogs that are accurate and Fact-based? I'm still looking.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  13. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I concur with LT's post on Giffords. Nicely said!

    sharon, yes.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  14. Yeah, great to see Gifford back.

  15. I do agree with LAC.In fact,i think this deal may have secured Obama a second term.Its that good.

    Obama doesn't have to deal with this again to 2013,it all but kills the Bush tax cuts,cuts military spending,funds Obamacare,and buys Obama a nice birthday party.

    Thats assuming things go has planned.

  16. A great post from Red State.

    Barack Obama is Keyser Soze

    Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

    Monday, August 1st at 6:25PM EDT

    I think we should start considering Barack Obama the Keyser Soze of American politics.

    He’s got the Democrats to take the fall with the base, convinced Obama is an inept negotiator.

    He’s got the GOP befuddled thinking they’ve had some success.

    Meanwhile, Obama himself gets several loose ends sewn together that could complicate his re-election, including the debt ceiling, spending cuts, and tax reform.

    And if he pulls it all off and wins re-election, he’s also secured full funding for Obamacare, killed off the Bush tax cuts for good, and probably cut defense spending enough to be re-allocated elsewhere in 2013.

    People saying the Democrats were big losers are right. On policy.

    But politically, Obama is a massive winner and if he wins re-election will also have some long term liberal policy victories greeting him January 1, 2013.

  17. blackinalabama9:40 PM

    Boehner was never going to let the wingnuts blow up the economy. Everyone know that the longer the Republicans hold out the weaker Obama becomes. We are going to see this scenario play out like the movie "Ground Hog Day" for the remainer of Obama term

  18. blackinalabama said...

    Boehner was never going to let the wingnuts blow up the economy. Everyone know that the longer the Republicans hold out the weaker Obama becomes. We are going to see this scenario play out like the movie "Ground Hog Day" for the remainer of Obama term
    9:40 PM

    If this is an example of the next year or so, its more like the Road Runner vs. Wile Coyote, with John Boehner falling off a cliff or dropping an anvil on his head every few go arounds.

  19. Field, I think Keith Olbermann's message was right on point about this outrageous hostage situation.

    There are millions of us feeling what you addressed tonight. Good post!

  20. "The debt-ceiling debate has lasted long enough for most Americans to start paying attention and to realize just how divorced both parties are from basic common sense"

    I was talking to my 57 yo co-worker today about the debt ceiling and she admitted that she didn't start paying attention until she was hearing about SS and Medicare being affected.

    People started to to pay attention to the debt ceiling when their pockets was about to get hit, she was no exception.

    She didn't vote last election.

    The bottom line is,in my opinion, people need to be engaged in local politics to prevent Teabaggers types from taking over their best interest. People need to remember, you can't run the USA like a 3 bedroom house.Period.

  21. Wesley R11:57 PM


    Hopefully Mr. Njoku will have his own Chase franchise soon. When I used go to my bank to deposit checks from my business, I was getting smart a ass comment like it's routine. I was about to go Robin Harris on them and they knew it so they backed off. My man once said why are you fucking with me, I don't fuck with you when you are with those trash cans. You know what I mean. I had to tell the people to mind their business not mine and do their job.
    This debt deal will mean higher unemployment. The 'Job Creators' didn't come through after the bargain last year so why would Obama agree to a deal without increasing revenues.
    I heard someone say that Obama deals with conservatives as people who he wishes that they were instead of the people that they are. They don't like him and never will no matter how much he tries to bend over backwards for them. He just doesn't get that.

  22. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Field, "This debt ceiling bill is bull s&^t! And it was a phony issue created by wingnuts and the tea party crowd to slash benefits and the safety net for the folks who need it most here in A-merry-ca."

    This proves the Tea Party is smarter than anyone in Congress and the WH. They could not have pulled this off with any other President.

    AB has been right all along but you FN Negroes keep drinking the Obama Kool-aid without him even telling you Negroes to drink it. You deserve what you get. And that is a Tea Party solution for your black asses.

    Field, from this day forward don't ever type Tea Party without caps. Show respect to the power of the people who made this debt ceiling bill possible.

  23. The posts on The People's View are uncritical of President Obama, & so we know it isn't the people's view & may well be a front for the Obama Re-election campaign.

    People who call themselves "centrist" don't know where the hell they are. You can be a "moderate" - most of us are in one matter or another. But there is no "center." The center may nowhere or everywhere, but it's never somewhere.

    Mr. President will have a lot of explaining to do next year, & it won't be enough to trot out Michelle & the kids, smile, & yell, "Yes we can."

  24. Anonymous3:20 AM

    This is some scary sh*t man.We have got too many unemployed, under employed,and currently unemployable people in this country to be slashing funding for much needed services like social security and the unemployment benefit.

    Anyway,it still seems all apart of some cynical plan.Like America has been intentionally steered toward destruction.America is definitely apart of the one nation one world agenda.Has been for a long time


  25. Anonymous4:22 AM

    tp blinkin nitwit u have a point it does seem like its been engineered this way and if u watch enough alex jones ule be convinced of the vast bilderberger conspiracy and it dont seem all that far out now like it used to! even krs one was on alex jones preachin!

  26. My man Bernie Sanders gets it right.

    "The wealthiest people in this country and the largest corporations who are doing phenomenally well today are not being asked to contribute one penny in shared sacrifice toward deficit reduction. On the other hand, middle-class and working families who are suffering terribly in the midst of this horrible recession are being asked to shoulder 100 percent of the human cost of lowering our deficit. This is not only grossly unfair, it is bad economic policy.

    "This two-part deficit-reduction legislation is complicated, and it is impossible to predict exactly which programs will be cut and by how much because the process requires action by appropriation committees and a new super committee in months to come.

    "But it is very clear that there will be devastating cuts to education, infrastructure, Head Start and child care, LIHEAP, community health centers, environmental protection, affordable housing and many, many other programs. I am also concerned that when we hear that ‘everything is on the table' in terms of what this super committee deals with it will certainly include devastating cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' needs, while protecting the interests of the wealthy and large corporations.

    "This country needs deficit reduction, but we need to do it in a way that is fair and which will result in economic growth and job creation. This proposal does neither and I will oppose it."

  27. Anonymous6:25 AM

    @4:22AM you are such a lame a** tool.

    Anyway all I'm saying is they have been doing sh*t wrong for years knowing that the things they do to keep the rich rich and powerful, will have a devastating outcome for the rest of us.
    They just don't seem to give a f*ck


  28. Anonymous6:27 AM

    LT, why are you quoting racist Goober Erick Erickson? A boy who is noted for being both incorrect and incapable of admitting when he lied (which is pretty nigh always). Cue, he done gots hired by CNN. And you can read the dismay from actual journalists that the company picked a known and documented prevaricator.

    The wingnuts are still trying to sell Obama as a Liberal/Progressive and incompetent. Why do they lie to us? We have known for years he was right-of-centre. Must be a sales pitch to push more wingnut memes.
    Keep telling yourself that no way, no how could an AfAm ever be as glorious as B-actor st reagan or Daddy's Legacy bush. Which is pretty funny, considering that Obama put the Con job dream of gutting Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid on the table to 'placate' a bunch of hostage-taking racist Goobers.
    Who got OBL?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  29. scammer6:58 AM

    The Internal Revenue Service had wired more than $9,000 into Njoku's account. Chase deducted $600 to recoup the amount it was allegedly owed for Njoku's overdrafts and mailed Njoku the balance -- $8,463.21 -- in a cashier's check.

    Njoku had a checking account. The money was wired INTO his account. Then he says the bank sent him a check? That's odd.

    The Treasury generally sends checks to people. Tax refunds, etc. Okay, but, this time money was wired into his account.

    Why was a check sent to him? Why did he want to cash the check rather than deposit it?

    According to this clown, the money was originally wired into his account. Thus, if he wanted the cash, he could have simply gone to the bank and withdrawn it. All without the extra steps of receiving a check and then returning to the bank to cash it.

    There's something fishy here.

  30. other peoples money7:10 AM

    Katrina vanden Heuval, editor of The Nation, is the last person on Earth who should rant about the unfairness of the world.

    Why? Because The Nation loses money, but is supported by the generous gifts supplied by Peter Norton, capitalist and founder of the software company Norton Utilities.

    Moreover, she had wealthy grandparents who set her up with a trust fund.

    In short, she's a communist who rants from her soapbox magazine that's supported by generous capitalists. The irony of her existence is so great it's almost painful to witness.

  31. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Now, show us where she is wrong. Show us where she is incorrect. Please provide your 'proof' of your accusations.
    'OMG!! Look at the eveel woman speaking out and not groveling in submissive genuflection to the great and mighty wingnut dogma.'
    How many Con publications are funded by subscription? Would you like a list of the pubs...and the relatively few people who front the money to keep them going? Moonie Times? Pat Robertson's CBN? Clear Channel? FAUX?
    Please offer some valid sources.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  32. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Now, show us where she is wrong. Show us where she is incorrect. Please provide your 'proof' of your accusations.
    'OMG!! Look at the eveel woman speaking out and not groveling in submissive genuflection to the great and mighty wingnut dogma.'

    How bout you show us how fast you can down a gallon of drano? Betcha can't do it nutjob you all bullshit talk and no action

  33. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I keep thinking of this passage:
    "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."

    In that regard Yeats didn't WANT to be one of the "unacknowledged legislators of the world," predicting even the future. But he's sure good for 2011.

    Obama is one of the best--he's certainly among the brightest minds ever to occupy the White House--and we know about the "passions" of the Tea Party. I still can't figure O accepting their agenda.

  34. fn:

    hobama is a racist elitist bankster

    he is framing the tea party and the republicans to be white fall guys

    they work hobama's OWN exclusively white agenda while racist blind black fools pretend that the blackish hobama is a black saint

    pleez wake up


    watch who pays the tolls for this "compromised" budget!

    The real Obama is a cold, cynical bastard. He is not a wimp, but rather, has plenty of spine to face down and brow-beat the remaining defenders of the social safety net in his own Democratic Party, who have always been the most immediate dangers to his grand center-right coalition. But it must be done quickly, quickly, quickly, to capture the debt-limit panic opportunity.

    “He harms poor people because he is contemptuous of them, just like his Wall Street friends and patrons.”

    Half or more of the Congressional Black Caucus will do whatever the White House asks of it, will sacrifice anything and everything dear to African American interests in order to preserve this particular Black family in the executive mansion for as long as possible. But many of Obama’s white groupies are facing the fact that they backed a corporate Trojan Horse. Paul Krugman, the columnist for the New York Times, should not have needed a Nobel Prize in economics to realize that Obama “basically shares the GOP’s diagnosis of what ails our economy and what should be done to fix it,” or that the president’s eagerness to gut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid “is something Mr. Obama and those he listens to apparently want for its own sake.”

    In other words, this guy works for the other side because that’s where his soul is – if he has one. He advocates policies that serve corporate pigs because he’s one of them. He harms poor people because he is contemptuous of them, just like his Wall Street friends and patrons. His administration is negligent or hostile to Black aspirations for the same reasons as his white business buddies, with whom he shares a worldview. He is every bit as much a war criminal as Bush, and as morally debased.

    The last thing we need is to allow this guy to conclude his long-sought Big Deal with the GOP under cover of a debt-limit crisis.

  35. Mold Sucks van Heuvel9:30 AM

    Katrina vanden Heuvel looks like one of those vampire chicks, (who might be a lesbian vampire chick), but, regardless, hasn't had a bite in a long, long time.

    Maybe she could get an ounce or two of uncoagulated rancid blood from Mold.

    Yeah, Mold, FOR ONCE, someone, (that being me), actually DID call you a lesbian.

    Anyone who reads Pandagon is obviously a carpet muncher......though I suspect you have to gum your way through.

    Must make you popular with the she-males.

  36. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Must make you popular with the she-males.

    Mold is a she male. Haven't you been able to tell by "it's" personality and intellect?

  37. I'm not with the Tea Party Field but lets get real. 52% of the American people get up each morning and don't go to work. Do you really think they all deserve a free handout. Some yes, many no. Thats one of the reasons we are broke. I don't like the Republicans, but don't think they should be taken out and shot. Everyone in America has a right to speak, even if "you" don't like what they say.

  38. rainywalker:



    i am all for killing section 8 and its young fertile healthy slacker clones of the vdlr...

    but what hobama is doing to elders via ssi is sinfully elitist and horridly EVIL!!!!


    hobama and his banksters are bulldozing homes!!!
    hobama brazenly ignores jobs/foreclosures and rarely even utters the word poverty


  39. and i admire ANY party that upsets that ONE INDELIBLY corrupt party called dems/repubs!!!

    The time is now. America is waking up. Resistance is the order of the day. I could feel it with growing certainty as I read the numerous and gratifying responses to my call for a national strike here on HuffPost. So many smart people offering so many good ideas. Even my detractors acknowledged the underlying issues I put forth.

    This notion was reaffirmed on August 28 when Bill Maher interviewed Bill Moyers on a special edition of HBO's "Real Time". "The Democratic Party has become like the Republican Party, deeply influenced by corporate money," Moyers said. A short while later he added: "You really have two corporate parties who in their own way and their own time are serving the interests of basically a narrow set of economic interests in the country." In other words, it's the people versus the corporate state.

    You hear it more and more, sometimes spoken in code, sometimes spelled out as clearly as a neon sign. We have reached the tipping point. The enemy has been identified. It's not left versus right it's democracy versus greed. This realization sits there like an unexploded bomb. We stare at it, waiting only for someone to light the match.

  40. Violent sheboon Alicia is right in that both parties are owned by the rich. Notice that keeping low taxes on the rich is ALWAYS the outcome. Notice that the Dems owned both houses of congress and the presidency for two years and yet refused to tax the rich. All the rest is just for show - look at what happens, not what is said.

    It takes a really thick skull not to see that... like Wayne and his followers possess.

  41. and let's not fail to notice that Obama's #1 sticking point was in insisting on extending any replay of this scenario until after his re-election campaign. Everything else was negotiable to him - his own personal ambition is paramount as always.

  42. racist sexist hairy lipless faceless spineless apish assnon/molded moron:

    nothing is more simian than a simple faceless fool like you

    nothing is more violent than hobama nazi/arrogant ignorance

    that is precisely why u are the most monkey shining mindless hobama sucking mf on this blog

    carry on u bloody buffonish bsing baboon!...

  43. Harold Hill10:12 AM

    anon 8:20 says:

    Obama is one of the best--he's certainly among the brightest minds ever to occupy the White House--and we know about the "passions" of the Tea Party. I still can't figure O accepting their agenda.

    Among the brightest?

    Based on what? His SATs? His college grades? His LSATs? His law school grades? His publications? His legislation? His IQ score?

    You've been fooled, like every other believer who's been fooled by a con-man.

    Obama: The new Music Man. Oh, there's trouble in River City.

  44. hobama is dumber than sarah palin!

    and his resume is thinner!

  45. Ashley Jane10:21 AM

    You people are insane! 1st off this little comission they have set up will be full of extreme right wingers that will not negotiate and the triggers will be set in motion BUT there is a provision in the bill that allows the PRESIDENT to continue funding for the wars IF HE SEE'S FIT! If that trigger goes into affect the Republicans will turn this all around and say that Obama is soft on terror and is leaving our soldiers behind without proper funding to protect their safety while fighting overseas. So the triggers for the additional discretionary spending cuts will go into affect but Obama will come to the rescue of the military spending trigger, the only trigger Republicans care about. So for all those people that blindly have faith that they'll be a balanced agreement that introduces new revenue in the second portion of that SATAN bill, you are sadly mistaken. ALSO, the Bush tax cuts are not "all but ended due to this agreement" because a bill that only raises taxes on the rich WILL NEVER MAKE IT OUT OF THE HOUSE. The only way they'll end is if we let them ALL sunset which we already know Obama is not willing to do. Another threat of government shutdown will be coming in September when we have to discuss passing a budget again and that's where they're going to get their absolute way with these tax cuts. Why? because based on these ridiculous spending cuts we just did that will terribly affect the poor and middle class the most, Obama will be unwilling to be blamed for "raising their taxes" by letting the Bush tax cuts sunset. The Republicans are hostage takers. They put things in their first 3 debt ceiling bills like a balanced budget amendment knowing it wouldn't make it out of the House. They don't really want a balanced budget amendment because once they're back in power they're going to spend spend spend as they ALWAYS DO!The establishment Republicans only pretended to want this and used their retardo lacky's of the Tea Party that actually believed in that nonsense as proof they had members that were serious about it. THEN after coming down to the wire they backed off of the balanced budget amendment and got EVERYTHING ELSE THEY WANTED!Well played Republicans, well played. You even had me fooled for a bit. This entire thing leaves the most sour taste in my mouth, I'm disgusted. You people that see this as a victory? Oh please. Obama won't have to worry about raising the debt ceiling again until after 2012 but errr ummm who's voting for him? I know I will be staying home. I'm not an extreme liberal at all. I love the idea of cutting spending in entitlements and military and making government smaller,faster, more efficient. But absolutely not at the risk of raising no new revenues all while cutting funding for services to hospitals and providers as this garbage has done!I have a low tolerance for BS and I know when both the liberals and wingnut conservatives are trying to swindle me. They both can jump off the nearest cliff.

  46. aj:


    i will NEVER vote for the one corp bankster party that rules and dupes us all EVER again!!!

  47. scammer said...
    The Internal Revenue Service had wired more than $9,000 into Njoku's account. Chase deducted $600 to recoup the amount it was allegedly owed for Njoku's overdrafts and mailed Njoku the balance -- $8,463.21 -- in a cashier's check.

    Njoku had a checking account. The money was wired INTO his account. Then he says the bank sent him a check? That's odd.

    The Treasury generally sends checks to people. Tax refunds, etc. Okay, but, this time money was wired into his account.

    Why was a check sent to him? Why did he want to cash the check rather than deposit it?

    According to this clown, the money was originally wired into his account. Thus, if he wanted the cash, he could have simply gone to the bank and withdrawn it. All without the extra steps of receiving a check and then returning to the bank to cash it.

    There's something fishy here.

    Maybe you need to re-read the story again.

    The check he attempted to cash was from Chase and not the U.S. Treasury.

    Since Chase had closed down his account they sent him the check minus the bank fees.

    There is no reason that Chase should have refused to cash their own check, much less had the man sit in jail over a weekend because one of their employees decided to take a Friday off.

  48. ie

    math 101 = this is not ok!!!

  49. ie

    econ 101 = this is not ok!!!

    After multiple failed attempts to agree on a package of spending cuts and increased borrowing authority, the House last night sent to the Senate a two-step plan. In exchange for $917 billion in spending cuts over 10 years, the debt ceiling would be lifted by $900 billion — not enough to fund the government through the 2012 elections.

    Additional borrowing authority would require another $1.5 trillion in cuts worked out by a new congressional panel, which must agree to those cuts by late November. If the panel deadlocks or can’t come up with at least $1.2 trillion in cuts, the Treasury would only get $1.2 trillion in additional borrowing authority; the defense budget and payments to Medicare providers then would be automatically cut by that amount.

  50. Quote:MoldSuckvanHeuvel "Anyone who reads Pandagon is obviously a carpet muncher..."

    PMJI, but are you sure you don't mean pillow-muncher?

    A pillow-muncher is a derogatory term for a lesbian, a carpet-muncher is a fascist. (Based on Hitler's habit of writhing on his office floor chewing his carpet when he went into his uncontrollable rages.)

  51. hobama won a new blank check for more eternal and lucrative wars/africom/hobamacare etc

    ONLY hobama nazi fool drones are spinning this debt hoax as a victory for anyone who is NOT a bankster

    hobama has won 3 blank checks to date: bankster bailout/hobamacare hoax/debt debacle

    wake up



    Last week, it was revealed that despite Obama's warnings that a default would immediately occur if the debt ceiling were not raised, the administration had already agreed to prioritize interest payments to avoid default. Such preferential treatment is only possible because current interest rates are so low and debt service represents only about 10 percent of total revenue. When the pool of willing lenders evaporates, net interest payments could quickly consume more than 50 percent of federal revenue. This is particularly true since rising rates will also plunge the economy into a recession that will substantially reduce revenues—even as debt payments surge.

    At that point, prioritizing interest payments would mean deep sacrifices in the rest of the federal budget—including Social Security, Medicare, and the Armed Forces. The question then becomes: Will US politicians really be willing to take the political heat that would emerge from prioritizing interest payments to foreign creditors over payments to American voters?

  52. Ashley Jane10:55 AM

    Alicia Banks:

    This lie of "prioritizing debt payment" is ridiculous. Legally the American government cannot prioritize payments and has to pay them as they come in. Other than that I agree with nearly everything else you say.

  53. pc:

    unlicked skilless hard up morons who bash lesbians use both slurs interchangeably


  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. "The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:MoldSuckvanHeuvel "Anyone who reads Pandagon is obviously a carpet muncher..."

    PMJI, but are you sure you don't mean pillow-muncher?

    A pillow-muncher is a derogatory term for a lesbian, a carpet-muncher is a fascist. (Based on Hitler's habit of writhing on his office floor chewing his carpet when he went into his uncontrollable rages.)"

    10:47 AM"

    Mr. Cow......

    In the US, a pillow muncher is a poofter. A carpet muncher is a lesbian.

    Where did you get this info about Hitler chewing carpet....British propaganda? (I'm sure you know they put out volumes of the stuff, to destroy the morale of the German Soldiers & poulace.....they were actually quite good at it).

    I'm not saying he DIDN'T....I was just wondering if you could show me a link verifying this. Please?

  57. aj:


    all of the lingo in dc is deceptive spin control

    hobama is a liar worse than gwb
    ask mq in libya!


    poverty is NEVER a priority

    especially for rabidly elitist banksters since birth like that cia baby with the bankster granny hobama!!!

    Meanwhile, Dunham Soetoro’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, who raised young Obama when he returned to Hawaii in 1971 while his mother stayed in Indonesia, was the first female vice president at the Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. Various CIA front entities used the bank. Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts used to make CIA payments to U.S.-supported Asian dictators like Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu, and President Suharto in Indonesia. In effect, the bank was engaged in money laundering for the CIA to covertly prop up its favored leaders in the Asia-Pacific region.

    One of the CIA’s major money laundering fronts in Honolulu was the firm of Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong (BBRDW). After the CIA allowed the firm to collapse in 1983 amid charges that BBRDW was merely a Ponzi scheme, Senator Daniel Inouye of the US Senate Intelligence Committee said the CIA’s role in the firm “wasn’t significant.” It would later be revealed that Inouye, who was one of the late Alaska Senator Ted Stevens’s best friends in the Senate, was lying. In fact, BBRDW was involved heavily in funding covert CIA programs throughout Asia, including economic espionage against Japan, providing arms for Afghan mujaheddin guerrillas in their war against the Soviets and covertly supplying weapons to Taiwan. One of BBRDW’s principals was John C. “Jack” Kindschi, who, before he retired in 1981, was the CIA station chief in Honolulu. BBRDW’s chairman Ron Rewald had a counterfeit college degree certificate provided for the wall of his office by the CIA’s forgery experts and his name was inserted in university records as an alumnus.

    A false history for BBRDW was concocted by the CIA claiming the firm had operated in Hawaii since it was a territory. President Obama is currently plagued by allegations that he has fake college and university transcripts, a phony social security number issued in Connecticut, and other padded resume items. Did Hawaii’s fake BBRDW documents portend today’s questions about Obama’s past?

    BBRDW conducted its business in the heart of Honolulu’s business district, where the Bank of Hawaii was located and where Obama grandmother Madelyn Dunham ran the escrow accounts. The bank would

  58. michelle b is a racist blind fool beard

    but even she is spot on about that hoax hobama and his newest black check via debt hoaxes


    Bachmann, unable to see the results, continued:

    “I can’t see it, but if your raise of hands is like anything else across the country, it is a very strong ‘No, stop the insane, out-of-control spending.’ And so this afternoon, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m bringing your voice … to the halls of Congress … to vote ‘No’ on raising the debt ceiling. Why? Because what we’re doing is giving President Obama a blank check to raise spending another 2.4 trilion dollars, potentially. The issue isn’t even about spending and what we’re going to cut and what we should prioritize. The issue is about giving him one more blank check.”

  59. michelle b is a racist blind fool beard

    but even she is spot on about that hoax hobama and his newest BLANK check via debt hoaxes

  60. Remember "Teabaggers"?11:17 AM

    Funny.....all you folks thought the Tea Party was a joke at first.

    Now, I sense a bit of fear in your postings. Even the RepubliDemocrats are scared of them.

    Because the know they can vote their sorry political asses out of office.....and they will.

  61. ditto!!!

    homohating racist foolish blacks DO INDEED envy and fear white gays and tea partiers for their orgs and victories!!!

    i have never feared either
    and i never will

    i have always admired and praised them

    like howard zinn
    i praise ALL dissent/ers
    even karen herein

    like tavis
    i have been proudly brewing black tea to scald that hoax hobama since 2006!

  62. emanuel c is a bm i love!!!

    a rare real politico
    like ron d and charlie r
    2 more bm i love..warts and all

    ec dares to call out hobama always...solo!!!

    he is my new hero!!!

    It's not likely to be found on any Washington-area menus soon. Congressional Black Caucus chair Emanuel Cleaver blasted the final debt deal brokered between congressional leadership and President Obama on Twitter as a "Satan sandwich" Monday.
    "This deal is a sugar-coated Satan sandwich," he said. "If you lift the bun, you will not like what you see."

    The four-term Missouri Democrat continued his Twitter diatribe against the deal to raise the amount of money the nation can borrow and make a down payment on the federal deficit saying, "This debt deal is antithetical to everything the great religions of the world teach, which is take care of the poor, aged, vulnerable."

    A Satan sandwich is not a tasty deal, Cleaver affirmed during an interview on CNN's "The Situation Room." And it's worse when it's been sprinkled with Potomac River water.

    The deal provides for a bi-partisan congressional committee tasked with making long-term fiscal reforms that may include spending cuts as well as tax revenues. If the committee does not come to an agreement by the end of the year, a congressional vote on adding a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution will take place. If the amendment is not passed, massive cuts to defense spending and entitlement programs will be made, hitting key programs for both Democrats and Republicans.

    Cleaver was especially irked by this provision, tweeting, "A special 'super Congress' to provide recs on cuts but not increases? Who said what we need in Washington is another committee?"

    He's so irked that leading up to the House vote Cleaver was undecided about which way he'd vote and unclear about the road forward in Congress.

  63. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Only AB could ignore that the debt bill is opposed by Democrats, supported by the teabaggers and consider it a victory for Obama.

    Then again, there's that question about her mental health....

    Quit stinking up the blog.

  64. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I think "The Bitter Truth" had it right on the money! hey Bitter, let her rip!!!

    Shout out to all my peeps here in the beauteous, tropicalous, paradisical islands! You all getting hit by the tropical storm??? We been having rain,and wind, continuous but not too bad. Watching to see if it becomes a hurricane. Juracan! as the Indians called it ;)

    If you don't hear from me for the rest of the evening, I might be sans electricity!
    Here in PR when a strong wind blows, the infrastructure COLLAPSES!!!hehehehe

    Hey Bitter! Wherefore art thou????

  65. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "in Reality it will have Granny eating cat food...or less."
    So that's why my children are stocking up on cat food cans!!!! and we don't even HAVE a cat!!! S#(#!!!!!
    No bueno, noooobueno....:((

  66. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Mr. AB, i listened to what Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said and i must admit he made sense, in his referral to this deal being a "sugar-coated Satan sandwich."

    Clearly he is one of the few Congressman with a moral conscience, that lives by the 10 Commandments and Christian ethics, which is to look out for the poor and vulnerable.

    Christianity and capitalism never mix well, which is why Sigmund Freud said, "America is a giant mistake."

    When one looks at HOW Capitalism and Democracy in America began, and quickly shifted to the foreground and Christianity in the background, one can see what Freud and Emanuel Cleaver is talking about.

    IMO, America never was, and cannot be what Americans have kept telling themselves it is and was. Reality is now closing in on us, and the truth hurts. Judgment day is upon American morals, ethics and human decency. IMO, as a nation, America has failed miserably. As 2012 elections approaches we will feel unbelievable pain, and much of it is due to a 'very weak' man in the WH.

    It is ironic that since the birth of this nation, the bm has always exhibited powerlessness when it comes to protecting and taking care of his family. In this case, it's a black President who cannot take care of his nation.

  67. Anonymous12:12 PM

    sharon said...

    If you want to know what public services will be cut next, just think about what the rich need (military force to protect their investments in the natural resources of other countries) and don't need (everything else).

    Boy, are those "real American" tea party republicans going to be surprised in a few years when they find out that their take-home pay (for those who still have jobs), even with lower taxes, still does not cover all the public services they used to take for granted (roads, bridges, tunnels, parks, police, firefighters, public hospitals, ...) For a foretaste, just visit Jefferson County, Alabama.
    Umhm, me thinks so too....

  68. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I wonder what this will do to the surrounding islands and the commonwealth of PR? hopefully notta.

  69. Anonymous12:25 PM

    How can I raise my debt ceiling? and widen my debt walls too while we're at it ;)

    I need to borrow three thousand dollars for a PET scan that could potentially save my life,(I know, who cares?) but, if I could raise my debt ceiling and borrow, voila, problmo solvento!
    (and No, I can't, my credit card is maxed!)

  70. Anonymous12:26 PM

    ab, you were right about Obama. Field should honor you in the sidebar because all the other sick FN Negroes are 'still' drinking the kool-aid. Can you believe it? No matter how 'wrong' Obama is; no matter how badly he treats Blacks, the downtrodden and the poor, FN Negroes still follow him, no matter what!

    There is something terribly wrong with the black race, mentally and spiritually. Maybe slavery of the past damages how a race thinks and feels "forever"? So sad.

  71. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Desertflower, "I need to borrow three thousand dollars for a PET scan that could potentially save my life,(I know, who cares?) but, if I could raise my debt ceiling and borrow, voila, problmo solvento!
    (and No, I can't, my credit card is maxed!)"

    My dear Desertflower, I sincerely hope a way for you to get the PET scan will appear. Believe it not, there is at least one, maybe two or more, who care-even on FN! I know, I know...that's a little hard to believe.

  72. anon 12:12

    i am a bf

    i prefer "MS AB"


    cc that to that foolish lying blind hobama nazi assnon at 11:59

    anon 12:26


    i will slay tom joyner anew asap on my blog

    it will be slaying # 4 as he is a poster boy 4 suicidal apolitical racist illiterate dumb nigs who love hobama more than they love their own children/selves


  73. Anonymous12:45 PM


    In a scathing comment about the eleventh-hour debt deal which he says did almost nothing to address the $1.5 trillion budget deficit, Gross recommends taking "precautionary or even retaliatory measures to preserve purchasing power," by favoring countries with what he calls "cleaner dirty sheets" and higher real interest rates. "Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Germany come to mind," he wrote.

    "Don't be lulled to sleep by Congressional law makers that promise a change in Washington," Gross continued. "The current Congressional compromise is but one small step for fiscal solvency... Trillions of further spending cuts, and yes trillions of tax hikes, are necessary to stabilize our 'official' debt/GDP ratio of 90% or so."

    Gross was also skeptical about future deficit calculations based on growth estimates of over 3% for the U.S. economy in the coming years. "Recent trends give pause to these estimates as does PIMCO's New Normal, which believes 2% not 3% is closer to reality."

    GDP growth of 3% is considered the minimum necessary to foster real job creation.----The

  74. reeking retard at 11:59

    cc that bs to emmanuel c and millions of other dems all over the usa who despise hobama asap

    they will vote repub or refuse to vote as i will in 2012


    nothing is more insane than a broke silly bitch like you who will vote for hobama yet again!!!

  75. Anonymous12:49 PM

    ab, "anon 12:12

    i am a bf

    i prefer "MS AB""

    My apology. It won't happen again. Living in the SF Area, I sometimes run into Lesbians who prefer "Mr." It is confusing to me... Can you tell me what the rule of thumb is?

  76. Anonymous12:52 PM

    anon 12:12

    i am a bf

    i prefer "MS AB"


    cc that to that foolish lying blind hobama nazi assnon at 11:59

    Sozis mean u don liek buceta bref anymores how bouts Ms Stanky lickalottapuss

  77. anon 1249:

    we gays are as diverse as hets

    to each their own


    i have never met any butch lesbian
    even who wants to be called mr

    i am femme who loves femmes exclusively

    i am more feminine than most hets

    i have 0 sexual attraction to men and i love being a lipstick lesbian


    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks - cause her ass so big she 7 ft tall when she sit down

  83. Anonymous1:46 PM

    BPD - Black Peronality Disorder

    ( -- Miami Dolphins wide receiver Brandon Marshall is known as much for his headline-grabbing troubles off the field as he is for his standout play on it.

    If he has his way, he's about to be famous for something else entirely.

    In a news conference on Sunday, Marshall told reporters that he suffers from Black Personality Disorder, or BPD, a mental illness marked by intense anger, impulsivity, and turbulent interpersonal relationships, usually demonstrated with violence and flash robbing. Or in other words BPD - Black Personality disorder.

    The 27-year-old wide receiver -- who received his diagnosis this spring, after seeking treatment at McLean Hospital, in Belmont, Massachusetts -- told reporters he wants to be the "face" of BPD.

  84. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "In a news conference on Sunday, Marshall told reporters that he suffers from Black Personality Disorder, or BPD, a mental illness marked by intense anger, impulsivity, and turbulent interpersonal relationships, usually demonstrated with violence and flash robbing. Or in other words BPD - Black Personality disorder.

    The 27-year-old wide receiver -- who received his diagnosis this spring, after seeking treatment at McLean Hospital, in Belmont, Massachusetts -- told reporters he wants to be the "face" of BPD."

    This diagnosis is a great discovery that explains the angry nature of Blacks in general, and violent flash teen mobs. Clearly we have a black generation that is angry in the extreme, which only Blacks can understand.

    The question is this genetic or repressed feelings that surface without warning, and does therapy help?

    Field, you should put him in your sidebar as an outstanding Field Negro with the courage to be the face of an angry violent Black America. Hopefully, it will get the attention of Blacks such as the ones on FN. Things are beginning to look hopeful for us.

  85. Anonymous2:29 PM

    ab, fyi. i heard that uts might not be able to live in a gated community anymore..

    reportedly, uts is on probation at his job for being a male chauvinistic black pig.

    also, it seems that his company will be laying off employees because of the debt ceiling bill Obama signed into law. i don't know if uts will be caught in the layoffs, but i doubt if he saying, "LMAO".

    Wasn't uts an Obamaholic?

  86. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Is BPD a result of PTSD? Field, please do a post on this because there are some Negroes on FN who has BPD....Mellaneous has BPD.

  87. anon:


    uts is a hood rich amoral soulless heartless gated colorist coon nig...

    when his platinum amex card stops working...uts will awaken too

    the pre-selected hobama unmasked and unleased anew from 2012-2016 will rudely awaken DROVES of such original mf hobama nazi coons like uts... bet!!!

  88. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Phew! said...
    Mold has BPD.....brown, poopy diapers.

    HaHa he is currently "reloading" them and not RearTreating...He really should use diaper rash cream those supporating wounds have to hurt.

  89. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Taxbaggers are a vocal minority given vastly greater soapboxes by the infusion of wingnut welfare and the MSM liking the chicken neck-biting freak nature of the Taxbagger membership.
    They also want the Souf to Rise Agin'. Seems to me they were rather mistaken the first time.

    Actually, are getting the blame for the coming crash...and Obama will shed crocodile tears as his right-wing agenda is pushed...and the US blames you and your racist pals for the end of their Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Sure you TELL youself this every day. And you TELL the MSM...who are laughing in their sleeves as you volunteer to be the highly expendable scapegoats.

    Not one single, Factual, Rational response to the Katherine VanDEn Heuval post. Now, why is that? The only thing they have is to call her a 'lesbian'..or uglee...or one of the earned meritocracy?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  90. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Taxbaggers are a vocal minority given vastly greater soapboxes by the infusion of wingnut welfare and the MSM liking the chicken neck-biting freak nature of the Taxbagger membership.
    They also want the Souf to Rise Agin'. Seems to me they were rather mistaken the first time.

    Squish...Squish....I'm, back. My diaper is fully reloaded...ahhhhh I love the smell of shit in the afternoon, well just about anytime really


  91. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "My dear Desertflower, I sincerely hope a way for you to get the PET scan will appear. Believe it not, there is at least one, maybe two or more, who care-even on FN! I know, I know...that's a little hard to believe.
    12:35 PM
    Awwwww! I'm touched! (in a non sexual and not in the head sorta way of course)hyuck,hyuck,hyuck,hyuck,...

    Oh oh, I hear the winds whistling outside, this doesn't sound good! If she doesn't veer, Emily will be upon us!

  92. rainywalker said...
    I'm not with the Tea Party Field but lets get real. 52% of the American people get up each morning and don't go to work. Do you really think they all deserve a free handout. Some yes, many no. Thats one of the reasons we are broke. I don't like the Republicans, but don't think they should be taken out and shot. Everyone in America has a right to speak, even if "you" don't like what they say.
    Because thanks to Republicans and their policies of off-shoring jobs and rewarding those companies with taxpayer money fewer and fewer Americans are employed in manufacturing jobs.

    BTW where did you come up with the 52% figure?

  93. Anonymous3:59 PM

    52% of wealthy wite wingnuts?
    52% of Trust Funders?
    52% of imaginary people?

    How does it become free? What makes it a handout? What do they mean 'we' are 'broke'?
    Speak your mind...just don't be surprised if little old ladies point out the assumptions are bogus or outright lies. Don't be put out if your selling of wingnut soap is described as such. Don't think that magical beleeverating is the 'exact same' as Facts and Data.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  94. "In a news conference on Sunday, Marshall told reporters that he suffers from Black Personality Disorder, or BPD, a mental illness marked by intense anger, impulsivity, and turbulent interpersonal relationships, usually demonstrated with violence and flash robbing. Or in other words BPD - Black Personality disorder."

    Funny. According to the CNN article I'm reading, it says Brandon Marshall's suffering from borderline personality disorder. I must be reading that wrong.

    Perhaps one day psychiatrists will finally conduct a study that eventually adds "Racial Self-Hatred Disorder" to the DSM-IV TR. That is, if some of you folks aren't already suffering from run-of-the-mill schizophrenia.

  95. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Mack, you might want to assume the writer is a bloaty, wite virgin who thinkerates they is funny...because they laugh uproariously at their own jokes...but are marginalized by all those lesbians and commnies and lefties with the 'urban' senses of humour.

    Maybe we could have Wite Fantasy Disease...where one is due all sorts of obeisance for being pale. Where five cm is the 'exact same' as 30cm. Where PhDs earned by AfAms are paid the same as Grade Five graduates of Holee Jebus Skool of Teachin' KKKontroversee.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  96. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Mold, your jealousy of whites and their overwhelming influence on Western civilization would be most comical, if it were not so pathetic.

    Biggest mistake ever made by whites? Mingling with third-worlders....the white man's burden.

  97. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Desertflower, "Oh oh, I hear the winds whistling outside, this doesn't sound good! If she doesn't veer, Emily will be upon us!"

    sos...sos...sos...Desert, I am stuck in the middle of Emily so I must be near PR. I am thankful I spent the extra dollars to buy a ''reinforced yatch'' instead of a regular yacht- because these winds and waves that Emily is carrying are kicking ass.

    I bought some tea leaves from the Tea Party in MN. Yes, they were blessed and sold to me by Michele Bachmann. They are quite an assortment of leaves that seem to have futuristic powers. Anyway, the tea leaves are indicating that Emily might just throw my yacht in your front yard!

    Sounds like we are meant for each other.... (I knew that).

    Btw, these tea leaves were expensive. They cost me some big dough. Plus, the Tea Party doesn't just sell them to anybody. I actually had to lie to get them.

    Well, if the tea leaves are correct, I just might be surprising you at anytime now.

  98. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Silly Troll, you actually beleeverate the fake historee sold to your skool. Try looking up the basic foundations of Western may find that the white guys were more 'borrowers' than creators.
    Yes, even the Founding Fathers...who were literate, not christian.;)

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  99. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Moldy Shorts,
    Looking out for the less fortunate of us, I thought of you, here you go, nice sale on adult diapers. They take social assistance dollars so you are good to go, or have you already gone?

  100. Anonymous4:47 PM

    If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thank you . . . Concerned Citizens of America

  101. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Mack, "Perhaps one day psychiatrists will finally conduct a study that eventually adds "Racial Self-Hatred Disorder" to the DSM-IV TR. That is, if some of you folks aren't already suffering from run-of-the-mill schizophrenia."

    You FN folks are so funny. Modern psychologists don't get involved or diagnose a person on racism. Have you ever heard of a prominent therapist talking about the dysfunctions of racism? No way! Whites don't see themselves as racists, and Whites certainly have not observed any sign of white privilege It's people like you who imagine such bs.

    btw, they would not revise DSM-IV at this late date when DSM-5 is coming out in 2013.

    Keep the faith, Bro. Go where the power is. Go with the GOP!

  102. Anonymous4:50 PM

    "If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thank you . . . Concerned Citizens of America"

    This is beautiful, very wise. I hope PilotX and Mack Lyons get this message.

  103. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Why goodness! So very 'Seig Heil'! While the bootlicking TaxBaggers and wingnuts thoughterate they would be the anointed...all they did was fertilise the Russian steppe with their corpses.

    Funny how wite privilege is not observed by such self-important and totes unbiased 'sorces'. Almost as if knowing it existed would mean having to abolish the practice. Please, TELL us again how your astute non-seeing was so beneficial to the Catholic church and the pedophile priests. Or the never-happened slavecropping. How about the 'separate but equal' of schools.

    Poor Goober, while he can't see wite privilege from his job as the outhouse 'wiper' (see Ugly Americans)...he misses that he minute and inconsequential viewpoint is of no value in the discussion.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  104. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Why yes, you are sooo concerned. Where was your squealing and terror when st reagan encouraged your job to be outsourced? When did you shriek with Fear of a Black bush sent thousands to die for his need to play Risk with real people? Do you have concern over the teacherating of IntelligentCreationismDesign...making our children stoopid?
    When I see the title you self-awarded...I see the balding, uneducated, poorly skilled left Behinds...who can't quite grasp that they are the expendable losers. And will probably never understand.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  105. Anonymous5:06 PM

    When I see the title you self-awarded...I see the balding, uneducated, poorly skilled left Behinds...who can't quite grasp that they are the expendable losers. And will probably never understand.

    Ha-Ha what a delusional little fuck of a wanna be man. You are pretty racist for a white boy. How did you come to hate yourself so much that you live in an alternate reality, whites expendables...haha not if everyone wants to keep eating hahaha

  106. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I forgot to mention overweight. And we could send every TaxBagger and wingnut off in a Draft...and we would eat just fine.
    See...even now you can't comprehend. But...your Master does. Think of how much that person will enjoy the company of your son/daughter/spouse...when you are off defeating the eveel umpire of Anti-Reagan. Or providing cheap labour in the mines.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  107. anon:


    u made my day with this:

    If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thank you . . . Concerned Citizens of America


    may i quote u when i slay tom joyner asap?


  108. History will record that “the benefits to black America from the Obama administration have been non-existent” – and, at some point, African Americans will also have to face the fact. “Never again should one candidate for office, even the highest office of all, give voters amnesia about their history and experience.” Obama fever took all the oxygen out of the room, starving Black people’s brains. It is past time that African Americans became reacquainted with reality: Obama has been a disaster for the historical Black political agenda.

    Aside from the still resonating feelings of pride engendered by the sight of a black man wearing a POTUS jacket on Air Force One, the benefits to black America from the Obama administration have been non-existent. It is still difficult to find any willingness to criticize the president still beloved by the vast majority of black people, but that reservoir of support is tepid, and never moved beyond the historical significance of Obama’s election.

    opportunity to recast black politics and to at least ask the pertinent questions about the state of black America. Never again should one candidate for office, even the highest office of all, give voters amnesia about their history and experience. The Obama phenomenon should be nothing but a tragic story of betrayal and lost opportunity. The damage has already been done and shouldn’t be allowed to worsen.

  109. tim wise5:31 PM


    There's something about the mold spore's writing that says mold is a white male.

  110. A political state absent Obama provides an opportunity to recast black politics and to at least ask the pertinent questions about the state of black America. Never again should one candidate for office, even the highest office of all, give voters amnesia about their history and experience. The Obama phenomenon should be nothing but a tragic story of betrayal and lost opportunity. The damage has already been done and shouldn’t be allowed to worsen.

  111. super congress = super slaughter of the super poor by the super rich


    No, it's not the Gang of Six (times two). This time it's called the "Super Congress."

    The committee of six Republicans and six Democrats, which will do most of its work behind closed doors, will have until Nov. 23 to develop a plan to reduce the budget deficit that must pass through both Houses of Congress before Christmas.

    Once they come up with a plan that seven members agree to, it will go to both chambers and can pass with just a simple majority. No filibustering, and no amending allowed.

    If, however, they fail to find agreement, there's a back-up plan: Under the new law, Congress has set a series of "triggers," which will automatically reduce spending levels across the board if the group cannot get the job done. If the negotiations fall through, billions in cuts to both discretionary spending and the defense budget will automatically kick in, giving neither party a say about the details.

  112. Stamp of approval from Russia:

    Russia`s Post issues stamps to mark Obama`s 50th birthday

    Aug 2, 2011

    Russia’s Post Office has issued a collection of stamps and envelopes to mark the 50th jubilee of the US President Barack Obama.

    The US leader is celebrating his birthday on the 4th of August.

    In one of his recent interviews Mr. Obama said that fifty years ago nobody could imagine Russia and the US as partners. He added that confrontation ended together with the Cold War.

    He said that the Internet and mass media have made people from all over the globe closer to each other. “It is important to contribute to mutual understating between Russia and the US, one of the world`s leading countries”, Mr. Obama said.

  113. anon:

    the very same mindless masochistic racist fools who demand that i vote for hobama in order to prove that i am black

    are the same bold buffoons who demand that i never ask hobama do one thing for black mongrels to prove that HE is blackish/humane/not elitist etc TOO!!!....

    what brazenly suicidal and apolitical hypocrisy!!!


  114. There was a time in this country when families took care of their own. The government didn't care then and they don't care now. They just want your last bloody dollar. If Grandma needed an operation we all [the family and friends]threw our money on Grandpa's bed and she got the operation. If not she took her asprin in the hills and died. Now she gets beatup in the streets for her Social Security check. Where's the family? Out chasing tail, drinking, taking drugs and crapping away their money. Even the Black Panthers in the 60's took care of their own. "You've got your gun pig and I've got mine." In which case Grandma would still be alive.

  115. "You FN folks are so funny. Modern psychologists don't get involved or diagnose a person on racism. Have you ever heard of a prominent therapist talking about the dysfunctions of racism? No way! Whites don't see themselves as racists, and Whites certainly have not observed any sign of white privilege It's people like you who imagine such bs."

    Well, of course. The observation of "white privilege" is nothing more than the mere figments of the imaginative Negro mind. Whites would never acknowledge something that is widely known to, well, not exist, would they?

    "Biggest mistake ever made by whites? Mingling with third-worlders....the white man's burden."

    Oh. I thought it was America's and Europe's idea of exploiting brown and black cultures as unlimited sources of labor and revenue extraction. They also made a pretty good scapegoat for whites dissatisfied with their own poor conditions. Is that what you call "mingling"?

    I take it you're one of those "isolationists" who believe America's better off being on the front lawn of its 20 acre rural abode, shotgun at the ready, constantly on the lookout for "trespassers" stupid enough to show up in its driveway.

  116. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "Mack Lyons said...
    I take it you're one of those "isolationists" who believe America's better off being on the front lawn of its 20 acre rural abode, shotgun at the ready, constantly on the lookout for "trespassers" stupid enough to show up in its driveway.

    5:53 PM"

    That's damn good, Mack! You pretty much got me nailed!

  117. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I bought some tea leaves from the Tea Party in MN. Yes, they were blessed and sold to me by Michele Bachmann. They are quite an assortment of leaves that seem to have futuristic powers. Anyway, the tea leaves are indicating that Emily might just throw my yacht in your front yard!"
    So that's why they call it the Tea party!:0

    Good luck navigating through Emily!

    Good thing I baked a cake, and we can barbecue whatever's in the freezer so it won't spoil! You can help me draw water from the well, or better yet YOU can draw the water! You'll see first hand how we do in the hurricane aftermath, it's real survivors skills! We'll have fun! You'll see ;)

  118. Anonymous6:22 PM

    "History will record that “the benefits to black America from the Obama administration have been non-existent” – and, at some point, African Americans will also have to face the fact. “Never again should one candidate for office, even the highest office of all, give voters amnesia about their history and experience.” Obama fever took all the oxygen out of the room, starving Black people’s brains. It is past time that African Americans became reacquainted with reality: Obama has been a disaster for the historical Black political agenda."

    I agree, history will record such. On the other hand, history contiunes to record childlike profound denial of Reality by Blacks...even though the truth is in plain sight!

    Tavis tried his best to warn Blacks. But you know what happened. They crucified him. Told him to STFU; that he was jealous and being disrespectful. Now today they are STILL saying those same words to Tavis AND Cornell when THE WORLD can see what Obama has done to AAs: lack of jobs; lack of education; loss of power in politics and as a race; Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are on the table, waiting to be butchered by the Tea Party Repubs and Obama.

    Nevertheless, whatever Obama does, Blacks will still follow him like Lemmings in a Walt Disney movie racing over a cliff en masse.

  119. Quote:PMJI "I'm not saying he DIDN'T....I was just wondering if you could show me a link verifying this. Please?"

    What? They don't have Google where you live?

  120. Anonymous6:34 PM

    PC, "What? They don't have Google where you live?"

    Don't show your ignorance of the internet. some people don't have google.

  121. I like reading Desert Flowers comments. You can feel the positive energy. If and when I go to PR, I'm hitting you up, you seem fun.

  122. Anonymous said...
    PC, "What? They don't have Google where you live?"

    Don't show your ignorance of the internet. some people don't have google.

    6:34 PM

    Then that must mean that they don't have a PC.

  123. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PC, "What? They don't have Google where you live?"

    Don't show your ignorance of the internet. some people don't have google.

    6:34 PM

    RTTNKID, "Then that must mean that they don't have a PC."

    I use bing and IE as my search enginges. You only prove that you don't know shit just like PC.

    And, aren't you married? What are you doing messing with Desertflower on FN blog? You FN Negroes have no morals, and that is the hallmark of you progressive liberal Blacks---NO FUCKING MORALS!

    Thank God for the Tea Party. America would be moral-less without them.

  124. Anonymous7:12 PM

    RttnKid, one can use Bing and IE to Google.
    What is the wingnut definition of moral? Not paying child support? Divorcing your spouse as she is going through cancer therapy? Being Chickenhawks? Being priestly to pages?
    Oh, moral is whatever they say it CalvinBall (Calvin and Hobbes).

    I would like to thank the expert on Russia who speaks no Russian, has never been to Russia, and knows no Russian History...for TELLing us how much manly he is for thinkerating he am better than them. With sooper-smarties like him...we will all soon be speaking Mandarin.
    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' Licenses.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  125. Anonymous7:23 PM

    mold, "What is the wingnut definition of moral? Not paying child support? Divorcing your spouse as she is going through cancer therapy? Being Chickenhawks? Being priestly to pages?
    Oh, moral is whatever they say it CalvinBall (Calvin and Hobbes)."

    Where are you getting such definitions? I can tell you are a liberal because you haven't a clue to what morality and ethics are. I pity folks like you.

  126. Farley8:04 PM

    I think a small minded little racist bat-shit crazy chick at Chase needs her ass kicked so hard it's felt up the chain of command!

  127. Farley8:06 PM

    Did I say racist "chick"? I meant racist BITCH.

  128. Obama was between a rock and a hard place. Repubs control the House. Democratic majority is very narrow in the senate. He did the best he could. We couldn't default. However, he CAN close the government down like Clinton did. If he does that, his approval rating will soar because the thugs will have to blink first.

  129. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Larraine, "Obama was between a rock and a hard place. Repubs control the House. Democratic majority is very narrow in the senate. He did the best he could. We couldn't default. However, he CAN close the government down like Clinton did. If he does that, his approval rating will soar because the thugs will have to blink first."

    Larraine, please read what anon6:22pm said. The anony described you well.

  130. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Farley, who are you talking about? Is it some imaginary person in your head?

    You make no sense.

  131. Anonymous5:00 PM

    ja-make if you are going to call teapartiers racist will you please show some facts supporting don't like capitilism,what do you want to try communism,we know how well that works after more than 150,000,000 about pisslam which has kill more people over the centuries than the commies. do you knee grows ever get tired of blaming whitey for your own shot cut spending we don't need to raise the debt cieling just stop spending,cut batfe,dea,homeland security,hhs,hud,ferddy&franny who caused the recssion,tsa,the miss-education dept., agricluture.all of these are a wast of money that we can do with out.see i saved a trillion dollars with out touching ssi.
