Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debt ceiling, child support, asthma, and panties.

I see that as of me writing this post, Mr. Tan Man has still not gotten enough votes to pass his debt-ceiling bill. The magic number for Mr. Tan Man is 217. Good luck there buddy. You are going to need it tonight. These tea party wingnuts don't care about little things like the future of our country. I swear, some people sure know how to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".

Speaking of tea party wingnuts; yet another one of them has some splainin to do:

"(Reuters) - A Tea Party-backed U.S. Congressman who has lectured the U.S. government about getting its financial house in order owes more than $100,000 in child support payments, a lawyer for his ex-wife said on Thursday.
Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh, who was narrowly elected in a Chicago suburban district during the Republican sweep of 2010, denied the allegations and said he would fight them in court.

His ex-wife Laura Walsh failed to receive full child support for about five years from 2005 to late 2010, her lawyer Jack Coladarci told Reuters.
Walsh resumed full payments to support their three children after he was elected to the Congressional seat, which pays a salary of $174,000 per year, the lawyer said.

"These latest attacks against me are false and I will fight them in the appropriate venue," Walsh said in a statement on his web site, referring to the Cook County courtroom where Laura Walsh brought the case. The divorce documents detailing the apparent delinquent payments were first reported by the Chicago Sun-Times.
The attorney for Laura Walsh said the congressman needs to make good on the $117,437 he owes, plus interest.

"Laura is getting help now because he has a job where we can find him," Coladarci said. "But it is difficult to raise three kids, and she is not remarried, and she is supporting them basically on her salary." [Source]

Mr. Walsh, here is how you fight these attacks: PAY YOUR DAMN CHILD SUPPORT!

I wonder if Governor Krispy Kreme is still thinking about running for President? If he is, he might want to make sure that he works on his asthma problem. Maybe if he would spend a little more time in his state and focus on the people's business he could concentrate on staying healthy.

Finally, why aren't some of you who were up in arms about the TSA agents feeling up grandma not up in arms about this story?

"NEW YORK — A Harlem woman is suing JetBlue Airlines after she was kicked off her Florida-bound flight for allegedly wearing no panties.

Malinda Knowles, 27, said she was in shock when a JetBlue employee put a walkie-talkie between her legs to see if she had on any panties.
“I didn’t want to show him anything. He wanted me to basically show him my crotch. I was completely humiliated. It was vulgar. It was macho. It was rude,” said Knowles, who is 27 years old.

She was escorted off the plane at LaGuardia Airport. She was wearing a baggy blue t-shirt over short denim jeans. She was taken to a hangar, where she lifted up her T-shirt to prove she met the dress code.

“‘Oh, she’s wearing shorts,’” the JetBlue fashion police responded, according to Knowles." [Source]

This adds new meaning to the name JETBLUE....let me stop.

I'm out. Oh, and it's 10:30 PM, and there is still no wingnut bill.


  1. Word has it these guys may need to meet up over the weekend to hash things out, so expect an announcement then if they can pull off a Hail Mary.

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Hey Pilot X - Looks like more scandals in the global warming world. So many lies, exposed corruption, manipulated data, discredited scientists, science now disproving earlier claims. Interesting, so far on the pro side I hear vehement theories, on the science side I see exposed corruption, lies, exposed misleading data. Now it's not global warming it's climate change because it all of sudden got cool. Now volcanic activity is shielding us, now Nasa says, whoops, heat is leaked into space. Maybe we should have global universal care, where we can tax more americans to pay for the heat up of the falutions solar's all fiction anyway right? :)

    New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

    (Newser) – A federal wildlife biologist who sounded the alarm about drowning polar bears in the midst of global warming has been placed on leave pending the outcome of a scientific misconduct probe. Charles Monnett is being investigated for unspecified "integrity issues" apparently linked to his report that polar bears could face an increased threat of death if they're forced to swim farther as Arctic ice recedes, reports AP.

  3. mellaneous11:19 PM

    Come on Field and others surely you aren't drinking the koolaide!

    The rich the ruling class have to continue to borrow so of course they are going to extend the debt ceiling. This is a game, nothing more than a trick.

    Congress passed a law in 1917 instituting a debt ceiling so that the government wouldn't go to crazy when spending for appropriations that might be all that necessary.

    Ever since it has been a formality.

    So why the hoopla now? Because after robbing us to the tune of about $23 trillion to bail out the banks and other financial institutions, the only thing left to take from us are the entitlement programs.

    The rich have made it clear; you can't take from them to help the budget.

    This is just an attempt to make us regular folks think we are in trouble so we can agree to giving up Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

    If you think I exaggerate why did the black president propose raising the age of Medicaid elgibility? And why did he suggest cutting out cost of living raises for Social Security recipients.

    Even the Republicans said that he outflanked them in his efforts to take from the poor.

  4. The Shah12:59 AM

    I ran.

  5. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Here is the democrat's and Obama's plan, finally!!!! (of course it involves a drug)

  6. Josiah1:07 AM


    The contemporary Democratic party is an alliance of the super rich and the poor against the middle class.

    The Republican party most closely represents the middle, but too often sides with business interests against the people's interests.

    Logic doesn't play a big role in modern America in determining which Diversity Card trumps which. As a general Hi-Lo v. Middle rule, rich guys playing the race card against average whites are likely to win.

  7. Niter1:13 AM

    The post-racial dream has become a nightmare. The use of social media to take over public space by surprise (the definition of “flash mob”, alas) for the purpose of recreational racist terror is this summer's trend.

    Affected municipalities across the country brace themselves ahead of heat waves and large public events; holiday weekends loom like potential squalls on the horizon. Recession-lean budgets strain to add police ("...we have deployed additional officers..."): more police aren't always enough ("...shootings happened despite a high police presence..."). Businesses lose money and fear for the safety of employees. Some are harassed for closing their doors to the chaos.

    Suburbanites surrender the city and stay home; events are cancelled, scaled back, starved. Organizing ad hoc via social networking for the purpose of amusement, black adolescents terrorize parts of the country like al Qaeda only wishes it could.

    It all seems so long ago now. Once, liberal Americans anticipated with perverse ecstasy a violent racist reaction to an Obama presidency. This is not what they had in mind.

    In the burlesque of Obama's first presidential campaign, the occasional white rube documented fretting over emboldened black racists was a recurring act, eliciting satisfied shivers in the Good, and proving all the more the need for absolution by Obama. Fear of “uppity blacks”—how quaint! What a reassuringly familiar theme! How comforting, to see the good narrative, the one we've been steeped in since childhood, playing out as scripted, in one's very own lifetime, with the promised marquee villains hitting their marks and the handsome black hero in charge. Less loftily, one could stick it to a despised Other (other white people—topsy-turvy world!) and claim the moral high ground in doing it. Everything was so easy then—virtue especially.

    To deny his city was under siege, new Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, of all people, was forced into embarrassing public obstinacy: fears of “heat stroke” in the 88 degree weather, and nothing else, prompted the city to close beaches along the lake into which black adolescents happened to be throwing bicyclists for amusement. He was roundly mocked.

    The new mayor accepted the necessity of this humiliation. Like one of the victims he won't acknowledge, Rahm checked his dignity, took his beating and endured the taunts. Add the self-respect of one of the most influential people in the world to the casualty list. No mean feat for the feral children of Chicago's south side.

    With fellow feeling the major papers will ignore this latest example of a public official misleading citizens about a criminal threat to avoid offending the same criminals--or black and liberal sensitivities. Faced with a nation-wide outbreak of racist violence our political and journalistic classes collude in Soviet levels of disinformation. This debasement of our discourse is yet another consequence of the violence—precisely, of the need to deny the nature of the violence.

  8. Niter1:16 AM

    Does the recession explain the trend? Not on paper. Black Americans poll disproportionately optimistic about the future. President Obama inspires their pride and confidence still. Black Americans are feeling much better than other Americans about their prospects, because we have a black president. This contradicts the hoary stock reply that black racism and violence always stem ultimately from righteous grievance.

    Neither does the video support the recession ruse: the flash-mobbers (so confident in their indemnity they document their crimes on camera for later boasting) are amused, giddy, joyful even. What is expressed (often verbally) is not resentment of white privilege but disdain for white weakness. This is an expression of power, not powerlessness.

    The world is turned upside-down. The grandchildren of the civil rights movement now riot and plunder out of a sense of entitlement.

    The respectable media, perhaps comforted by the fact the criminals are relatively few (barely seen from the commanding heights), have cordoned off the story (with "context" and "perspective" their Orwellian bywords) to keep the creepy white racists out. The thing will play out, to whatever end, with no indelicate commentary from them. In that silence is the tacit agreement: the physical damage of the mobs is nothing as compared to the psychic damage the truth will bring.

    Where is the president? Where is that promised leadership on race? It's difficult to imagine a white president addressing the problem squarely, as an issue of black responsibility; Barack Obama could. No single man has had--or will likely have again--this level of moral authority among blacks and this much political power. But the president will remain silent.

    The fact is that rather than being uniquely qualified to address the issue, Obama is uniquely hampered. This same story that made him the most powerful man on earth romanticizes and politicizes black racism. Our rapidly degrading reality stands out in relief against this inviolate, rigid narrative. There is much embarrassment, and I hope a little shame, in the silence of our race-rioters' apologists.

    The narrative holds that we've failed black Americans. But reality demonstrates black America is failing the rest of us.

  9. mellaneous1:34 AM

    @Josiah- I have to disagree, the Republicans represent the ruling rich as well. The middle class is an accidental birth of all the surplus that the capitalists weren't able to keep for themselves.

    Proposing cutting back Social Security sure doesn't seem like the Repubs are looking out for middle class folks since many of them depend on it as well as Medicaid in old age.

    And they aren't helping middle class children by making school more expensive and making it harder to obtain loans.

    If you study this in the underdeveloped world, you get to see better how it works. In those situations there is no middle class there is only rich and working class or the poor. Its just raw capitalism with no brakes, simple unfettered greed.

    Your analysis has drank some of the juice as well because there is nothing to support your contention.

    The DEms and Repubs are the Twin parties of capitalism. And of course its not obvious to everyone, if it was we as working people would have formed our own arty by now. We would have made sure that our needs are addressed instead of pretending that these folks actually represent us.

    As a result silly working class Americans make up all kinds of theories and vote on behalf of the rich against their own best interest.

    The US is the only developed country in which over 20 trillion of the peoples money could be transferred into the hands of the banks and the money changers and nothing be said about it. There wasn't one major protest.

    The American working class walked away scratching its head saying, "Well massa it don't seem quite right but if you say its necessary I reckon its all right. Me and mine will jes work that much harder."

  10. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am getting frustrated at you. First, you ignore my pleas to leave my girl Michele Bachmann alone and now you are attacking my eating buddy Gov Christie. I am beginning to feel like Boehner who gets no respect. It's down right exhausting!

    I hear they call Boehner in Washington the "Tired Tangerine". I feel like a tired fudge brownie.

    This shit isn't funny anymore. I have GOT to find another job!

  11. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Mell and Mack, please tell me when you will be off the blog so I can have an intelligent discussion with some 'real' brothers who care and have some knowledge about the debt ceiling, America and the American justice system.

  12. Anonymous2:18 AM

    I am sure when they look back in history, they will conclude that this was the most 'colorful' group of leaders America has EVER had.

    We all should feel blessed to part of this historic group of politicians. This only happens once in a lifetime.

  13. mellaneous2:24 AM

    @anon- Your statement makes it clear that you are someone who has nothing to say.

    Anon clearly you don't know anything about the debt ceiling, the so-called debt crisis, default, or bonds. You don't understand the what the debt ceiling is, including its history or its function.

    Because if you did you would try to refute what I said. Trying to tell someone to shut up and go home is a sure sign that you have run out of anything worthwhile to say.

    If I were you, I would have sat this one out instead of opening my mouth and "removing all doubt" about your feebleness of mind.

    You simply show your ignorance by refusing to learn. Old folks used to say, "there is no fool like an old fool."

    Just admit that massa hcasn't told you what to think or that you agree
    with Massa that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, student loans, unemployment, food stamps, Medical assistance should be cut. Just admit all of the jobs should be deported overseas and that business like Michelle Bachmans says shouldn't be hindered by a minimum wage.

  14. mellaneous2:26 AM

    Sorry my comments were directed at anon at anon at 2:08 he doesn't even have enough gumption to identify himself but has the nerve to tell folks to shut up!

  15. "Mell and Mack, please tell me when you will be off the blog so I can have an intelligent discussion with some 'real' brothers who care and have some knowledge about the debt ceiling, America and the American justice system."

    How come, Anonymous? Am I not "real" enough for you to have an intelligent discussion of these issues with you? How "real" does a person have to be to continue intelligent interaction with this blog? And will you be able to find anyone who is "real" enough to meet or otherwise exceed your requirements?

    Should I put in a date for my departure so you are no longer bothered or threatened by my appearance or views on this blog? Perhaps I should leave a farewell speech with the Field before I venture off to parts unknown at your request. Maybe then you can finally gather these "real" brothers here and have the intelligent discussion that I'm somehow preventing you from having.

  16. "Sorry my comments were directed at anon at anon at 2:08 he doesn't even have enough gumption to identify himself but has the nerve to tell folks to shut up!"

    Mell, he sounds sincere and threatened. Help me gather my things so this man's wonderful mind is no longer stymied by my overwhelming presence. After my departure, he and his fellow "real" brothers will finally be able to hold "intelligent" discussions without being the least troubled by my presence.

    I'm sure you'll be coming along shortly. Try not to threaten the poor dears with your mere outspokenness while you're packing up.

  17. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Mell, wonderful posting!! You neatly describe pertinent issues and offer both insight and solutions. Well done!

    FakeAnon, keep pushing the lie that GCC is not Science. I'm sure an Anonymous poster on a blog who can't even offer a nom de Internet is sooo much more valid than peer-reviewed Scientists...who sign their name and reputation to their work.
    Essentially your 'proof' is a piece written by a man who is almost totally funded by industry (recall how honest the Asbestos and cigarette industries were?) and the 'integrity issues' raised against a person who made the GCC more available to the general public. Perhaps some bushmoles were doing the same poo they did to NASA.
    Josiah, exactly how do you base the idear of Ds being only for the 'super rich' and the greedy poor? What about the current Rs is for the middle class? It reads more like boilerplate from some wingnut blog.
    Niter, are you striving for a Bulwer-Lytton? Fake professorial is always bad writing. Write from who and what you are. Being a low-class, low-skill, no-future person carries more weight...if you write from that Truth. The fakery is off-putting. And the style choice is obviously wrong. If you are a field hand with a Grade Five education...then write from it. Pretense detracts from both the message you wish to convey and the clear Truth you want to share.

    FN, thanks for the bit on TaxBagger deadbeat. Man could not 'afford' child support...but he sure could take the new girl on vacations! And, he loaned his campaign 35K! How does a worm manage to fail to pay for his kids...and be honoured by the TaxBaggers? Or is he their role model?
    Ms Harlem has been on the Intertubes. Her attire was less than 'modest'...but still better than the white guy and his costume.
    Christie has 'asthma'? Maybe you should consider his weight issue.


  18. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  19. Niter, you sound scared. Relax. The republic will be fine. We survived Reconstruction, right? ;)

    BTW, FYI, flash mobs have been around for awhile. They used to call them town lynchings.

    Anon 2:05 AM, you are the funniest of all the Anons. Your president should be proud.

    "he DEms and Repubs are the Twin parties of capitalism. And of course its not obvious to everyone, if it was we as working people would have formed our own arty by now. We would have made sure that our needs are addressed instead of pretending that these folks actually represent us.

    As a result silly working class Americans make up all kinds of theories and vote on behalf of the rich against their own best interest."

    Mel. pass the offering plate?

  20. Anonymous7:03 AM

    In the second video, Stewart captures how many times FOX News guests attack liberals with vicious rhetoric and false smears while claiming they are the ones being victimized.

    Raw Story:

    Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart noted Wednesday that Fox News conservatives have been quick to use the killings in Norway to play the victim card while attacking liberals for doing the exact same thing.

    “I actually feel sorry for the pundits and anchors who have added this story to their file of grievances that are perpetrated against them,” Stewart said. “Not because they are actually victims of persecutions, but because I know the sense of grievance and victimization that appears to pervade their every waking moment is actually something they hate in others.”

    What followed might be The Daily Show‘s most impressive takedown of Fox News ever.

    Hey, Liberals are only called traitors, anti-American, baby killers. pro-Jihadist and corrupters of our youth almost every day by conservatives, but that's not mean, is it? The Hannity clip near the end explains it all.
    Plus, it also contains the already-immortal description of Sean Hannity's doublespeak:
    STEWART: That is, if I may say, some of the most free-range, organically grown, disingenuous, ideologically marinated un-self-awareness I've ever seen in the wild.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  21. HelpPoorMold7:23 AM

    Poor Mold, I feel so sorry for him. Well at least he learned how to copy and paste before he lost his mind.

    Maybe we should take up a collection to try and get him some mental help? Any takers? Anyone willing to contribute to the help Mold fund? Let me know if you are interested and we can set up a paypal account.

  22. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Since some folks could not wait to spread the Gospel of GCC am eveel!! Wingnuts everywhere are excitedly linking to this Forbes piece which FINALLY PROVES AL GORE IS FAT GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!!!!!!

    NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.

    And who authored the study? Someone at Caltech? MIT? Cambridge?

    Study co-author Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite, reports that real-world data from NASA’s Terra satellite contradict multiple assumptions fed into alarmist computer models.

    Oh, Roy Spencer.

    You know Roy Spencer, don’t you? He’s an unabashed creationist and a fellow at the Heartland Institute, which is funded by ExxonMobil to promote “free market ideas.” He’s “The Official Climatologist of the Rush Limbaugh Show” and he says he gets his views on science from the bible. And every few years, he issues a fatwa another paper or book “debuking” the myth of global warming.

    Then, inevitably, three things happen: 1) there’s a huge celebration in Wingnuttia; 2) actual scientists examine said study; — and then, 3) they promptly smack down Spencer.

    Let me save you some trouble here, wingnuts. You’re going to need to do a little better than a Big Oil-funded flat-earther from the University of Tractor Fixin’ and Bible Learnin’ to override every major scientific society and academy on the planet.

    Just trying to save you a little trouble here.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  23. PilotX7:42 AM

    Minority News:

    Brothers Arrested, Pilot Hurt After Fight On Plane At MIA
    Pilot Beaten Up, Chased Around MIA

    POSTED: Thursday, July 28, 2011

    MIAMI -- Two brothers remain in the Miami-Dade County jail after police said they attacked a pilot and a flight attendant at Miami International Airport on Wednesday night.

    American Airlines Flight 1755 was about to take off from MIA bound for San Francisco International Airport when a flight attendant noticed that passenger Jonathan Baez, 27, was not wearing his seat belt. She tried to wake him up, but he was unresponsive, so she alerted the pilot.

    The pilot decided to turn the plane around and head back to the gate. Once at the gate, the pilot and the flight attendant both tried to wake Baez. He finally opened his eyes and was told he needed to exit the plane, that he could not travel in his condition.

    While the pilot and flight attendants were escorting Baez off the plane, they claim his brother, Luis Baez, 29, threatened them, saying, "When you fly to San Juan, I will have you killed."

    Both men exited the aircraft. But police said that moments later, Luis Baez tried to re-enter the plane and punched the pilot in the face.

    A flight attendant stepped in, and police said Luis Baez hit her on the shoulder.

    Police said both brothers then attacked the pilot again on the jet bridge. They punched him several times and then chased him into the terminal, according to investigators.

    The rest of the flight crew and several passengers from the flight came to the pilot's defense and subdued the brothers until police arrived.

    The pilot suffered a large bruise and blurring in his eye. He also told police he is very fearful that the Luis Baez will follow through on his death threat.

    Luis Baez and Jonathan Baez are charged with aggravated battery and simple battery. Their bond was set at $9,000 each.

  24. HelpPoorMold7:44 AM

    'Tis Morning

    'Tis morning and the cackling dogs
    Are chased by cats into their holes.
    The horses stop to eat the hogs,
    And give the feathers to the foals.
    And round and round, the oak trees fly
    Dropping fruit into the sky.
    Then Mold doth stick his hand into his squishy diaper and with a tremendous wailing, begins to cry.

    Molds life on his farm

  25. undertaker7:52 AM

    field writes:

    BTW, FYI, flash mobs have been around for awhile. They used to call them town lynchings.

    Thus, field expresses his feelings of justified payback. Of course, as always, field ignores the facts.

    By the accounting of responsible investigators of lynchings, the number of people lynched is estimated at 3,500. Those murders occurred between 1865 and 1965.

    Since 1965, the number of whites murdered by blacks has far exceeded 3,500.

    Meanwhile, since 1965, the number of blacks murdered by blacks is well ovwer 200,000.

  26. free pizza7:55 AM

    mellaneous writes:

    If you think I exaggerate why did the black president propose raising the age of Medicaid elgibility?

    Medicaid eligibility? Eligibiilty for Medicaid begins before birth.

  27. "By the accounting of responsible investigators of lynchings, the number of people lynched is estimated at 3,500. Those murders occurred between 1865 and 1965.

    Since 1965, the number of whites murdered by blacks has far exceeded 3,500.

    Meanwhile, since 1965, the number of blacks murdered by blacks is well ovwer 200,000."

    Going by these numbers alone, the murder of blacks by blacks should rate a much higher importance than the murder of whites by blacks, and the murder of blacks by whites, by means of racially-motivated lynching, should rate of little to no importance given the time frame.

    Then again, you mentioned the number of whites murdered by blacks "far exceeded" 3,500. By how much? Is it greater than the number of blacks murdered by blacks or is it well within that range?

    Where did you get your numbers? I always like to know where people get their facts and figures.

  28. milton friedman8:07 AM

    mellaneous says:

    If you study this in the underdeveloped world, you get to see better how it works. In those situations there is no middle class there is only rich and working class or the poor. Its just raw capitalism with no brakes, simple unfettered greed.

    Raw capitalism? Not at all. It's what you get when poor countries are run by dictators who call all the shots.

    You are oblivious to the presence or absence of democracy.

    Meanwhile, China is making an extraordinarily convincing display of moving from communism to capitalism. You don't see Mugabe following the Chinese example in Zimbabwe. You don't see any nation in Africa following the Chinese example.

    Meanwhile, there's no democracy in Africa, and virtually no capitalism. That's how it is in every poor nation. That's why poor nations are poor.

  29. undertaker8:11 AM

    mack lyons:

    Where did you get your numbers? I always like to know where people get their facts and figures.

    The history of lynching is well documented. You can find and confirm my claim with a simple Google search.

    Same goes for the murder numbers. The FBI crime statistics are available to all.

    Your skepticism says it all. You are oblivious to the facts.

  30. SmellDaCheez8:18 AM

    If you think I exaggerate why did the black president propose raising the age of Medicaid elgibility?

    Because it means nothing, under Obamacare everyone will get non minority funded nationwide medicaid and medicare.

  31. Anonymous8:21 AM

    L.A. Times:

    San Francisco residents will not be voting in November on whether to prohibit circumcision after all, according to a tentative ruling by a Superior Court judge made public Wednesday.

    Judge Loretta M. Giorgi ordered the city’s director of elections to strike the measure from the ballot because she said it was “expressly preempted” by the California Business and Professions Code.

    Under that statute, only the state is allowed to regulate medical procedures, and “the evidence presented is overwhelmingly persuasive that circumcision is a widely practiced medical procedure,” the ruling said.

  32. sue me8:23 AM

    How to Spin the Facts:

    "(Reuters) - A Tea Party-backed U.S. Congressman who has lectured the U.S. government about getting its financial house in order owes more than $100,000 in child support payments, a lawyer for his ex-wife said on Thursday.

    Maybe. Maybe not.

    Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh, elected in 2010...denied the allegations and said he would fight them in court.

    His ex-wife Laura Walsh failed to receive full child support for about five years from 2005 to late 2010, her lawyer Jack Coladarci told Reuters.

    Full child support. The key word is FULL. In other words he paid something, but less than the full amount.

    Walsh resumed full payments to support their three children after he was elected to the Congressional seat, which pays a salary of $174,000 per year, the lawyer said.

    In other words, after he was earning enough to pay the FULL amount, he paid it.

    This is a non-story.

  33. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Let me save you some trouble here, wingnuts. You’re going to need to do a little better than a Big Oil-funded flat-earther from the University of Tractor Fixin’ and Bible Learnin’ to override every major scientific society and academy on the planet.


    Yet mold can't disprove anything.Just like mold can't name one small town that has mass transportation.

  34. civil war8:29 AM

    field wrote:

    We survived Reconstruction, right?

    Survived Reconstruction? that statement expresses world-class ignorance.

  35. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Mel said: "So why the hoopla now? Because after robbing us to the tune of about $23 trillion to bail out the banks and other financial institutions, the only thing left to take from us are the entitlement programs."

    Can you break down the $23 billion, please?

    The reason for the deficit is the Bush tax cuts and the wars.

    There's also nothing wrong with raising the Medicare age. It needs to happen. Only a matter of time.

  36. kudos to the tea party!!!

    they are fnotd!!!

    they halted the one party rep=dem game!!!...for now...

    oh happy day!


    hobama STILL has no plan/clue at all...

    the tea party has halted his blank check for the 1st time since his 2008 coup....kudos!!!!!!!

  37. memo to that dick hobama:

    time 4 plan b

    as in

    bucked by the tea party...KUDOS!!!!!!!

    Barack Obama is salivating at the prospect of concluding his Big Deal with the Republicans, the one that will move the center robustly – even transformatively – to the Right, where this president really lives. The debt-limit deadline is Obama’s big chance to panic a significant part of the Democratic Party into joining in the rape of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. “When the debt-limit showdown arrives, pray for gridlock, which would at least mean there is still resistance to Republican extortion.”

    President Obama says he’s determined to make the “big deal” with the Republicans – not like the little, piddling deals he has been cutting all along to benefit the corporate classes, but the BIG deal, the grand consensus he believes he was born to forge with the GOP. Although it’s true that it will take a whopper of a deal to outclass the bipartisan joint venture that transferred $14 trillion to Wall Street, the vast bulk of it on Obama’s watch, the First Black President is nothing if not ambitious. Obama’s Big Deal is actually the coup de grace for Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society – relics, like Black activism, standing in the way of a post-everything world.

    Obama has been savoring the big moment since last November, when the Republicans seized control of the House and sidelined the president’s main opposition: the left wing of his own party. Delusional Obamites, especially Blacks, are fond of saying their guy really wants Democrats and activists to force him to take a more progressive path – to “make him do it.” It’s actually the other way around. Obama depends strategically on Republicans to “make him do it” – to push him inexorably rightward with their brinksmanship and constant threats of gridlock. It is an intricate and intimate dance, with Obama and the GOP moving and grooving to the same music. Obama often gets so caught up, he mouths the Republicans’ lyrics.

  38. Smackdown Brown9:38 AM

    alicia, why don't you do society a favor and kill yourself. Y ou are a fucking slave catchin' coon to side with your slavemasters. That is, if you really are black.


    PS- word verification was 'boarback', quite fitting eh?

  39. Worst President Ever9:50 AM

    Obama -- Our Moron-in-Chief

    Breaking News Alert
    The New York Times
    Friday, July 29, 2011 -- 8:53 AM

    U.S. Economy Worse Than Expected in Second Quarter; G.D.P. Grew at 1.3% Pace

    The United States economy has slowed considerably this year from a year ago, according to a report from the Commerce Department released on Friday.

    The country’s gross domestic product, a broad measure of the goods and services produced across the economy, grew at an annual rate of 1.3 percent in the second
    quarter, after having grown at an annual rate of 0.4 percent in the first quarter.

    Data revisions going back to 2003 also showed that the 2007-2009 recession was deeper, and the recovery to date weaker, than originally estimated.

    The news comes as Congress is debating how to put the nation on a more sustainable fiscal path, with measures that some economists worry could further slow the recovery and even throw the economy back into recession.

    Read More:

  40. coon uts/hobama mongrel slave assnon:

    like fn said

    we are NOT ok!!!!

    what recovery/hope/change????...where????

    catch this coon!!!:

    The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.

    Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.

    According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.

    “You’re looking at a community that is economically depressed in my opinion,” Austin said. “And we need action that will address that scale of joblessness.”

    Vanessa Parker worked hard to get ahead. She was an administrative assistant at IBM in Charlotte. She went to night school to better herself, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in finance. Parker and her husband saved up enough money to move from a bad neighborhood to a quiet, middle-class street. But instead of moving up in the company, IBM moved out. Now she works at a big-box store for minimum wage.

    “It’s very frustrating and it makes you wonder why are you doing it,” she told me. “Because it seems like the more that you try to get ahead, seems like you’re falling back.”

    Read more:

  41. hey hobama nazi slave/racist sexist ignorant hog assnon/coon uts:

    how about that tea party bagging that repub slave hobama...

    did u catch that???


    happy happy joy joy

  42. money tree9:59 AM

    mellaneous says:

    So why the hoopla now? Because after robbing us to the tune of about $23 trillion to bail out the banks and other financial institutions, the only thing left to take from us are the entitlement programs.

    In your consummate ignorance you have overlooked the fact that the "bailout money" was LOANED to the banks to stablize them. The TARP money -- the "bailout money" -- has been repaid.

    The banks paid off their "bailout loans." Get it?

    But homeowner/defaulters have not. The only way those loans will be repaid is when the houses are sold -- which will occur at prices well below the amount of the loans used to buy them.

    Thus, the banks will see their balance sheets hit again as they account for the losses incurred when the houses are actually sold.

  43. hobama is worse than gwb in EVERY way!!!

    and only black racist hobama nazi slaves/fools dare to fail at denying that!!!


    Internet providers would be forced to keep logs of their customers' activities for one year--in case police want to review them in the future--under legislation that a U.S. House of Representatives committee approved today.

    The 19 to 10 vote represents a victory for conservative Republicans, who made data retention their first major technology initiative after last fall's elections, and the Justice Department officials who have quietly lobbied for the sweeping new requirements, a development first reported by CNET.

    House Judiciary committee prepares to vote on sweeping data retention mandate.

    (Credit: U.S. House of Representatives)
    A last-minute rewrite of the bill expands the information that commercial Internet providers are required to store to include customers' names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses, some committee members suggested. By a 7-16 vote, the panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP addresses must be stored.

    It represents "a data bank of every digital act by every American" that would "let us find out where every single American visited Web sites," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill.

    Lofgren said the data retention

    Read more:

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. hobama inc = repubs + dems = LOSING!!!!!!!

    It is that nobody loves Obama. This is amazing because every president has people who love him, who feel deep personal affection or connection, who have a stubborn, even beautiful refusal to let what they know are just criticisms affect their feelings of regard. At the height of Bill Clinton's troubles there were always people who'd say, "Look, I love the guy." They'd often be smiling—a wry smile, a shrugging smile. Nobody smiles when they talk about Mr. Obama. There were people who loved George W. Bush when he was at his most unpopular, and they meant it and would say it. But people aren't that way about Mr. Obama. He has supporters and bundlers and contributors, he has voters, he may win. But his support is grim support. And surely this has implications.

    The past few weeks I've asked Democrats who supported him how they feel about him. I got back nothing that showed personal investment. Here are the words of a hard-line progressive and wise veteran of the political wars: "I never loved Barack Obama. That said, among my crowd who did 'love' him, I can't think of anyone who still does." Why is Mr. Obama different from Messrs. Clinton and Bush? "Clinton radiated personality. As angry as folks got with him about Nafta or Monica, there was always a sense of genuine, generous caring." With Bush, "if folks were upset with him, he still had this goofy kind of personality that folks could relate to. You might think he was totally misguided but he seemed genuinely so. . . . Maybe the most important word that described Clinton and Bush but not Obama is 'genuine.'" He "doesn't exude any feeling that what he says and does is genuine."

    The secret of Mr. Obama is that he isn't really very good at politics, and he isn't good at politics because he doesn't really get people. The other day a Republican political veteran forwarded me a hiring notice from the Obama 2012 campaign. It read like politics as done by Martians. The "Analytics Department" is looking for "predictive Modeling/Data Mining" specialists to join the campaign's "multi-disciplinary team of statisticians," which will use "predictive modeling" to anticipate the behavior of the electorate. "We will analyze millions of interactions a day, learning from terabytes of historical data, running thousands of experiments, to inform campaign strategy and critical decisions."

    So he is losing a battle in which he had superior forces—the presidency, the U.S. senate. In the process he revealed that his foes have given him too much mystique. He is not a devil, an alien, a socialist. He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser.

  46. hey lack!

    conspiracies and genocide are real!!!

    wake up!!!

    AFRICA — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reportedly ordered its partners in Africa to give children vaccination shots by gunpoint. The organization has a goal to vaccinate every single child on the planet.
    Your Black World Reports:

    According to a recent report in the Malawi Voice, at least 131 Malawian children were vaccinated this week at gunpoint after having previously fled the country with their parents to avoid the pokes.

  47. mellaneous10:47 AM

    @Milton Friedman

    "Meanwhile, there's no democracy in Africa, and virtually no capitalism. That's how it is in every poor nation. That's why poor nations are poor."

    Where on God's green earth did you get the idea that there is not capitalism on the African continent?

    IN case you didn't know most of the developed and developing world operates on the free market system aka capitalism.

    The reason there is stark poverty is partly because of despots and dictators. But it also stems from unequal trade relations that force poor countries to pay higher prices for imports and sometimes they are forced to bring in imports that undermine even their ability to feed themselves sometimes.

    And that stems directly from unequal capitalist relationship.

    Its not true that capitalism is equal to democracy. Capitalism functions quite well under totalatarianism or like we have in our country a quasi democracy or oligarchy. In other words the ruling rich have democracy among themselves but us regular folks have a psuedo democracy.

  48. mell:



    In the new chapter Bonilla-Silva provides a stinging critique of Obama and the very notion that the election of a black man has a positive impact on the state of racial inequality in America. This is a powerful chapter for a very powerful book. (Hayward Derrick Horton )

    Praise for the previous edition: Every white American should have the privilege to have that eureka moment: Ah! Now I understand what being white means, in the most profound sense.' The entire world looks different from then on. Racism without Racists leads white Americans to that very moment of discovery. (Blau, Judith )

    Praise for the previous edition: Racism without Racists will make many readers uncomfortable, as it should. With care and a wicked sense of humor, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva explores the kind of subtle, everyday racism that some of 'our best friends' unconsciously perpetuate. (Robin D. G. Kelley )
    Product Description
    In the third edition of his highly acclaimed book, Bonilla-Silva continues to challenge color-blind thinking. He has now extended this challenge with a new chapter on ObamaOs election addressing the apparent miracle of a black man elected as the 44th President of the nation despite the fact that racial progress has stagnated since the 1980s and, in some areas, even regressed. In contrasts to those who believe the election of President Obama is a watershed moment that signifies the beginning of a post-racial era in America, he suggests this development embodies the racial trends of the last 40 years including two he has addressed in this book: the rise of color-blind racism as the dominant racial ideology and the emergence of an apparently more flexible racial stratification system he characterizes as Latin America-like. Some material from previous editions, including 'Answers to Questions from Concerned Readers,' 'What is to Be Done,' and an Appendix detailing interview questions, is now available on the Rowman & Littlefield website through the Teaching/Learning Resources link.

  49. mellaneous10:54 AM

    @money tree who said:

    "In your consummate ignorance you have overlooked the fact that the "bailout money" was LOANED to the banks to stablize them. The TARP money -- the "bailout money" -- has been repaid.

    The banks paid off their "bailout loans." Get it?"

    Money tree please provide proof that the banks and the other institutions that were bailed out have paid back these very low interest loans.

    And all of the money was not loans. You can simply use google to get the information rather than rushing to defend Massa (in this case the banks).

    The bailout was a massive rip-off all you have to do is read what happened.

  50. Obama Economics10:55 AM

    The Obama Way:

    Ford Looks to Asia for Growth

    Ford CEO Alan Mulally says that despite a weak Asia presence in the past, Ford is investing heavily by building 15 to 20 new plants in the region. The company sees huge growth opportunities in China and India.

  51. mellaneous11:01 AM

    @AB thanks for the compliment!
    @ Mold thanks for the compliment as well, this debt crisis thing is simply a smoke screen.

    @Mack, Mack said;
    "Try not to threaten the poor dears with your mere outspokenness while you're packing up."

    Hey Mack I had no intention on leaving but I think the weak anon was actually telling us he is leaving because he can't carry on an intelligent conversation. He is also jealous because he refuses to do his homework.

  52. mellaneous11:03 AM

    AB I am going to check out that book I heard someone else say that it was worth reading.

  53. money tree11:04 AM


    Money tree please provide proof that the banks and the other institutions that were bailed out have paid back these very low interest loans.

    It's hard to compete with your ignorance. EVERY bank receiving TARP money repaid it. You can check the SEC documents of the banks, check with the Fed, do whatever you lke. But don't waste time reading the lunacy from black gasbags who haven't got a clue.

    And all of the money was not loans. You can simply use google to get the information rather than rushing to defend Massa (in this case the banks).

    That's right. Some of the TARP money, like money extended to Chrysler and GM, was converted into "gifts" by Obama. This happened after it became obvious that a portion of the TARP funds given to them would never be returned.

    Last week it was revealed that Chrysler stuck the taxpayers with a $1 billion loss. Get it? That loss has been absorbed by the government -- the taxpayers.

    We don't know the loss on GM, but it will be a lot larger than $1 billion. But the accounting is still a few years away.

    And based on the price of GM stock, which is about 15% below it IPO price, the future of GM is only so-so. And far from strong enough to repay the full bill.

  54. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Mack Lyons-"How come, Anonymous? Am I not "real" enough for you to have an intelligent discussion of these issues with you? How "real" does a person have to be to continue intelligent interaction with this blog? And will you be able to find anyone who is "real" enough to meet or otherwise exceed your requirements?"

    It's hard to find 'real' people on FN. YOu so-called immoral Liberal Field Negroes tend to be full of it, like Sir Mellaneous.

    Mell is a bm who doesn't know what the hell is going on, but no one can tell him anything. Mell still thinks Blacks and Latinos have class solidarity! What a fool. He proves that "ignorance is bliss."
    As for you, Mack. I will have to think about whether you are able to be 'real' or not. I'll discuss it with my committee: LAA, AB, Dr. Queen, and Desertflower. Their input is usually very good.

    Mack, "Should I put in a date for my departure so you are no longer bothered or threatened by my appearance or views on this blog? Perhaps I should leave a farewell speech with the Field before I venture off to parts unknown at your request. Maybe then you can finally gather these "real" brothers here and have the intelligent discussion that I'm somehow preventing you from having."

    That would be nice of you to give a farewell speech. Include that dunce Mellaneous in your speech. That guy knows nothing about world events, the US, politics or local black communities. Come to think of it, I am going to talk to my committee about his ass.

    You see, Mell doesn't know how to get along with people. What kind of Rev doesn't get along with people? Anyway, I have to go. I have a conference call from my committee headed by LAA regarding the two of you. Don't worry....As always, it will be fair and balanced.

  55. Anyone who thinks that the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raise and some sort of joke is a dumb ass. The debt ceiling is to cover the bills the government has already ran up and not reflective of future spending. When you're mortgage payments shoot up by 20%, let me know how much of a joke this is.

    Anyone who thinks the Tea Party, who are will to let the nation go into default with our lenders because they think they will slay the Obama dragon is a fool, a crazy person or both.

  56. Best criticism of Tea Party's attack on Obama over the debt ceiling came from their own 'godfather' of sorts, John McCain (because without Sister Sarah, the Tea Party would have to find another MILF goddess.)
    McCain's hobbit comment shows just has off the mark these fools really are.

    There's a reason why purists hate DC and frankly, should stay out of DC. When purists principles override common sense we are in a world of hurt.

  57. mellaneous11:20 AM

    @Anon- why do you need help? Don't get other folks involved in your fight. And straw man at arguments won't hide the fact that in a war of words you are completely defenseless.

    Can't you defend your own positions?

    Don't answer that! I couldn't help but notice that you never have a coherent solution to anything.

    You are telling on yourself. You know nothing which is why you attack those who have taken the time to actually READ and STUDY and assess whats really happening in the world.

    And actually I get along with folks quite well. Because I don't agree with everyone doesn't mean I don't get along with them. But what's that got to do with anything.

    Make your case Man, make your case. But you can't so you continue to try to tell folks to shutup.

  58. Milton Friedman11:29 AM


    IN case you didn't know most of the developed and developing world operates on the free market system aka capitalism.

    Ah, only it were so. But, no, capitalism is not the economic system in most of the world. But it is dominant in the Developed World. That's why the Developed Word is Developed.

    The reason there is stark poverty is partly because of despots and dictators.

    Like I said -- no democracy equals poverty.

    But it also stems from unequal trade relations that force poor countries to pay higher prices for imports and sometimes they are forced to bring in imports that undermine even their ability to feed themselves sometimes.

    Total nonsense. Nigeria has some of the world's most extensive oil reserves. It should have no problem financing internal growth of every imaginable industry.

    Instead, the nation is a dump. It's a dump because 50% of the population is Islamic and because the median age is 19. Thus, it is a nation of children led by psychopaths.

    As long as there is a major Islamic presence in Nigeria, there will never be prosperity. Islam does not tolerate capitalism, as the state of the Islamic world makes abudantly clear.

    Islam promotes a special form of Islamic corruption that ends all advancement except for what slips in when oil money leads to buying cars and building useless buildings.

    Take note -- nothing is ever invented in Islamic nations. Nothing.

    And that stems directly from unequal capitalist relationship.

    Nonsense. It stems from dictators stealing all the benefits for themselves. They control the spread of wealth through their beleagured economies, and the way they control it is to share none of it, or as little as possible. That's despotism.

    Its not true that capitalism is equal to democracy. Capitalism functions quite well under totalatarianism...

    Capitalism works to the extent that governments allow it to work. China has allowed capitalism to expand beneath its communist governemtn. But even China is granting more and more autonomy to the people who actually run the industries, which is why it's working in China.

    Try Cuba or North Korea. Both are a mess because their leaders don't trust the people.

    ...or like we have in our country a quasi democracy or oligarchy.

    Ah, you're suffering from college dormitory economics. Oligarchy? You're an idiot. Mexico is an Oligarchy/aristocracy. Try comparing and contrasting the US and Mexico.

    In other words the ruling rich have democracy among themselves but us regular folks have a psuedo democracy

    The wealth of the US is constanting shifting to new sources. Once it was railroad and steel and furs. Big fortunes have been built on coal, oil, natural gas, cars, trucks, airplances, insurance, real estate, leather, shoes, amusement parks, movies, semiconductors, computers, software, internet, retail stores, publishing and at least 200 more sources.

    No government can predict what will lead to success and prosperity. That's why it's best for government to get out of the way and let innovators do their work. But you seem to believe otherwise.

    Meanwhile, China is succeeding because the US and other developed nations exist. If it were not for our buying power, China would be growing at a tiny fraction of its current pace and it would still be the tiny economy it was not long ago.

    Here's a tidbit for you: In 1980 the GDP of Haiti was greater than the GDP of China.

    Do you think the Haitians have been buying a lot of Chinese stuff?

  59. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "Malinda Knowles, 27, said she was in shock when a JetBlue employee put a walkie-talkie between her legs to see if she had on any panties.

    “I didn’t want to show him anything. He wanted me to basically show him my crotch. I was completely humiliated. It was vulgar. It was macho. It was rude,” said Knowles, who is 27 years old."

    Dear Mr. Field, this is outrageously INSANE and the ultimate in humiliating a bw. Mr. Field, please tell me this story is not real.

    I hope JETBLUE will have to lay $Millions in front of her crotch. I hope they pay through the nose.

    And whoever that dumbass with the walkie talkie needs to have it shoved up his ass along with a JETBLUE plane and then fired!

    Mr. Field, do you get the feeling that America has gone crazy and there is no return? I have always felt that Capitalism, Racism and Democracy combined would drive a human being crazy. Well, it's happening, Mr. Field.

    Get out while you can, Mr. Field....time to haul ass.

  60. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Mell, "@Anon- why do you need help? Don't get other folks involved in your fight. And straw man at arguments won't hide the fact that in a war of words you are completely defenseless.

    Can't you defend your own positions?

    Don't answer that! I couldn't help but notice that you never have a coherent solution to anything."

    Mell, What am I to defend? what is there to defend? I am not trying to defend myself against you because...well, it ain't life and death to me. Brother Mell, you notice too much in others that is not there. Then you criticize the imagined splinter in your brother's eye, while all along there is a log in yours.

    Maybe it's YOU who you see in the other person? I sincerly hope you find some peace within yourself because it is clear that you are restless, irritable, and despondent. It could be depression. Are you by any chance bi-polar?

  61. mell:

    it is a classic tome

    ditto for:

    Wise, a white anti-racism activist and scholar (and author of White Like Me), pushes plenty of buttons in this methodical breakdown of racism's place in the wake of Barack Obama's victory. In the first of two essays, the author obliterates the canard of the US as a post-racial society; bigotry and insititutionalized discrimination, he contends, have simply morphed into "Racism 2.0," in which successful minorities are celebrated "as having 'transcended' their blackness in some way." While racial disparities in employment and income, housing, education and other areas persist, Obama has become an amiable sitcom dad like Bill Cosby, putting whites at ease by speaking, looking and acting "a certain way"-not to mention avoiding discussion of race. In his second, more incendiary essay, Wise concludes that whites must take responsibility for racism. What the majority of whites fail to grasp, he says, is that they continue to benefit from a system of "entrenched privileges" centuries in the making, and that racism remains a serious obstacle for millions of African Americans. There's no sugar coating here for whites, nor are there any news flashes for Americans of color, but Wise bravely enumerates the unpalatable truths of a nation still struggling to understand its legacy of racist oppression.
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  62. "From the Civil Rights struggle, to Dr. King's dream, to Barack Obama's election, Tim Wise provides us with an extremely important and timely analysis of the increasing complexity of race on the American political and social landscape. 'Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama,' provides an insightful and much needed lens through which we can begin to navigate this current stage in our ongoing quest for a more inclusive definition of who we are as a nation. It's definitely a book for these times!!!" --Danny Glover, Actor, Human Rights Activist

    "His writing and thinking constitute a bulwark of common sense, and uncommon wisdom, on the subject of race, politics and culture. He is a national treasure." --Michael Eric Dyson --Michael Eric Dyson

    "The punning title of his book, Between Barack and a Hard Place , belies the sobering material within. Wise paints a stark picture of racial inequality in the United States today. . . .Wise's short book reads like an old-school polemic: Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' for the 21st century. . . . A post-racial United States is an imagined country."--Adam Bradley, The Washington Post --The Washington Post

    "From income and jobs, housing, education, criminal justice, and healthcare, Wise masterfully demonstrates the continuing disparities between black and white America. He notes the absence of these issues in the Obama-Biden campaign or the attempt to read structural inequalities through a race-free lens called CLASS. At every step, Wise absolves the Obama campaign of responsibility for their less than candid approach to racial issues, saying that campaign strategists confronted the reality of white racism by side-stepping the issue. . . Wise's book provides welcome relief to the obnoxious self-congratulation that followed Obama's election to the presidency." --Jillian McLaughlin, The Kosmopolitan Online

    "This book makes an intriguing argument and is packed with insight. Wise clearly explains the complexity of institutional racism in contemporary society. He continuously reminds the reader that Obama's victory may signal the entrenchment of a more complicated, subtle, and insidious form of racism. The jury is still out." --Jeff Torlina, Multicultural Review

    "Wise outlines . . . how racism and white privilege have morphed to fit the modern social landscape. In prose that reads like his lightening rod speeches, he draws from a long list of high-profile campaign examples to define what he calls "Racism 2.0," a more insidious form of racism that actually allows for and celebrates the achievements of individual people of color because they're seen as the exceptions, not the rules." --Jamilah King, Colorlines
    See all Editorial Reviews

  63. Mell:

    Another classic

    from a real chi bro politico who KNOWS that blackish repub hoax dick hobama:

    Barack is caught between two worlds and struggles for acceptance by either side Black enough? White enough? It s a fine line that he must walk, writes Illinois state Senator Rickey Hendon, in Black Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma, a personal memoir of the historic 2008 presidential election. Hendon, an African American senator from Chicago s blighted West Side, was a veteran politico firmly aligned with other Black leaders when the man who would go on to become the golden presidential hopeful was an upstart balancing atop America s cultural fence in one the most notoriously segregated cities in the nation. This newcomer was of a different stock than Chicago s old guard, which boasted icons such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, late Mayor Harold Washington and Minister Louis Farrakhan, and was initially eyed with some suspicion even by Hendon himself as the two served side by side in the Illinois state Senate. And as Hendon explains in this book, the phenomenon that became Barack Obama, the audacious presidential hopeful, was created not just by wooing America s whites, but also by winning acceptance by America s Blacks.

    Hendon begins Black Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma with Obama s announcement of his presidential bid on February 10, 2007, and follows his entire campaign in a journal-like fashion, all the way to the November 4, 2008 election. This running account is peppered with Hendon s own observations, insights, inside information, and personal anecdotes of his long history with Barack Obama. Hendon pulls no punches and offers a warts-and-all look at how Obama s campaign tiptoed across a tightrope to gain the confidence of white Americans without angering African Americans the latter not always being successful.

    Since the book was compiled from a journal that Hendon kept of events as they were unfolding during the marathon campaign, we find ourselves transported back to Super Tuesday to race endlessly against a tenacious Senator Hillary Clinton, dodge scandals involving militant pastors and terrorist friends, to play running mate roulette with Republican opponent Senator John McCain. Some of the discussion deals with issues and incidents that have long since been resolved, and perhaps even forgotten, however, the memory of the uncertainty, the tough choices, the curve balls, the dirty tricks, the surprise game changers, and most of all, the nail biting stress, is preserved just as we should all want to remember it when we were there!
    About the Author
    Senator Rickey Hendon has been an Illinois State Senator since 1992. He currently serves as an Assistant Majority Leader, Co-Chairman of the Senate Executive Appointments Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Environment and Energy Committee and a member of the Labor and Commerce Committee and the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus. He lives on Chicago s West Side.

  64. Obama tried to dismiss them as jealous -- of his education, his intellect and his budding relationship with Jones, the black Senate minority leader. Obama nominated Lightford as chair of the black caucus, a tactic that helped mitigate Hendon and Trotter's role in his political future. Still, he sometimes left caucus meetings early or called Lightford beforehand to ask if he could skip altogether. "There were a lot of days when he called and said, 'Sorry Kim, but I just don't feel like taking it today,' " Lightford said.

    Obama's poker buddies encouraged him to stand up to Hendon and Trotter, but he refused. Not his style, he said. And why sink to their level? When Hendon ridiculed Obama, his standard comeback was a dismissive shrug and a wave of his hand. Ah, Rickey, you've always got something to say."I never would have called him a fighter," Hendon said. "He used the silk gloves, and I used the iron fists."

    The tension between the two men peaked on June 11, 2002, after Hendon made an impassioned speech on the Senate floor urging his colleagues to preserve funding for a child welfare facility in his district. It was, Hendon remembers, "basically the most emotional speech of my life, and I was pulling out all the stops." Every Republican still voted against him. Every Democrat voted with him -- except Obama and three other members who made up a faction known in Springfield as "liberal row."

    Incensed by those four votes, Hendon walked across the floor and confronted Obama, who explained by saying "something about fiscal responsibility," Hendon recalls. A few minutes later, after Hendon's proposal had lost, Obama stood up and asked to have his previous vote changed to a "Yes" for the record, saying he had misunderstood the legislation. His request was declined, and Hendon stood to criticize Obama for political maneuvering.

    Infuriated that Hendon had embarrassed him publicly on the Senate floor, Obama walked over to his rival's seat, witnesses said.

    "He leaned over, put his arm on my shoulder real nice and then threatened to kick my ass," Hendon said.

    The two men walked out of the chamber into a back room and shoved each other a few times before colleagues broke them apart, Hendon and other witnesses said. Obama and Hendon never talked about the incident with each other again, but they reached an awkward understanding. Hendon stopped teasing Obama; Obama started voting with Hendon more regularly. Hendon now supports Obama for president.

    Some of the legislators on the floor that day believed Obama had finally snapped after more than five years of tolerating Hendon's provocations. But Obama's allies, the poker buddies and other friends who knew him best, wondered if his actions resulted from a deeper calculation. Had he actually reacted, so uncharacteristically, out of pure emotion? Or was his scuffle with Hendon a final, brilliant tactic in coalition-building?

  65. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Wow, a Troo Beleever making sure we are all aware of their utter and Pure Faith in Fwee Markets. Just like their Faith in Fundie.
    Capitalism is not Democracy. Which you would understand had you the slightest grounding in Economics. Why don't you go Google Adam Smith...and some other Classical Economists...and find out what governments they had.
    While Fundie historee is really, really great for selling poo to homeskoolers, cyberskools and charter is not actually worth anything more than a Sears & Roebuck...and has the same utility.
    Uncle Miltie was quite wrong. Using his name to 'bolster' your boilerplate Gooberish only reminds us of how much of a Troo Beleever he was...and how very, very lucky.

    I have noticed the Trolls avoiding citing their 'sorces'. Seems repeating lies gets sneered at on this blog. So, instead of starting with Facts and Data, they have deciderated to continue lying to us...but not saying which of the wingnut welfare persons did the first batch of lies.
    Nest, they'll claim because I refuse to do their work...they are emulating my position. Again, they lie. I decline to cite the basics...but do offer those bits that are not easily found or are not in the public domain.
    As Mell and Mack indicated, they will TELL us some story...and they expect us to beleeverate it...but oddly...offer no opportunities to check on the 'sorce'. Just look at the wingnut presser on the Scientist given the bushista Inquisition and the stealth fibber for Heartland.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  66. In a stunning turn of events, I actually agree with Obumbler: raise the debt ceiling and TAX THE RICH.

    Of course, Obumbler was never serious about taxing the rich, that talk of his was all was a dog and pony show. Dems and Reps are both controlled by big money these days. Only a dullard black racist bootlicker like Wayne Bennett still worships "his O-ness".

    Now back to NEWS business, I have been remiss and need to catch up:

    two female members of Lil Wayne's stage act assaulted a waitress for "dissing them". Quiz question: can you guess what color those two sheboons are?

    Bonus question: what race has its female members ever-increasingly involved in violent attacks, especially on non-blacks?

    Next bonus: when the violent uncivilized sheboons are locked up, who will be calling them victims of a "racist" campaign?


  67. Now I'm even agreeing with that half-wit lowlife "mold", but with elaboration:

    free markets and capitalism are not synonymous, and in fact capitalism is often antithetical to free markets. Whenever businesses or individuals get very rich, they start trying to institute monopolies or cabals. They often succeed at that.

    We now live in a time when corporations control the Two Party System. Notice that taxing the rich is not even on the table in negotiations. Unfettered capitalism is among the top threats we face, and the Repubs are throwing away the presidency in 2012 because they are just extending idiot Bush's agenda.

  68. From a few weeks ago: a series of gutter ape "field negroes" were arrested for repeated gang rapes of a 14 old girl. The town's negroes rallied to support the rapists.

    No reports of the NAACP or other black racist groups objecting.

    That's a new low even for you black racist lowlifes. I doubt that black racist lowlife Wayne Bennett commented on that story.

  69. reading news here, I scrolled down and see that the woman sentenced in the incident were her child was killed by a DUI... was sentnced because she was pulling her SHEBOON ACT in the court?!?!

    Haha, the AP and other liberal gangs never reported that, did they? Thanks for the tip.

    Btw, Gordon Ramsey has a cooking-competition show on. You field-negroes might have missed it while you were smoking your crack and committing rapes and murders - so I'll inform you there is a sheboon on that show: Master Chef. She yells over Gordon, showing how aggressive an ape she is. Dat be what you peeps admire.

  70. more on that ruthless rich repub dick hobama

    reps = dems = hobama inc

    more on the one party games in dc...shame!!!!

    What we should be talking about when we talk about the debt ceiling is the proper role and size of government. Instead, we are asking whether the government spends too much on programs that alleviate the pain that is the result of government policies in the first place. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance and food stamps are all good programs, but all are meant to deal with the consequences of the income inequality that the government makes possible by the laws it passes. Income security programs make up 65 percent of all government expenses, and from this we are asked to conclude that the government is mainly in the business of serving and taking care of common people. But the most profound actions that the government takes, passing laws that make the rich rich, ostensibly cost no money and, because we play along, enforcing them supposedly has no cost.

    Any agreement by Congress to cut the income security programs while leaving the main beneficiaries from our government—the rich—untouched, would be unconscionable. If Congress does not reach an agreement, and the deficit remains unfunded, this will give the president an unprecedented opportunity to expose who the government really serves, because it will be up to him alone; no agreement from Congress would be necessary to decide where to cut. Let him first withhold money from the enforcement and the support of laws that enrich the rich. This would lead to higher wages for workers and lower prices for consumers, and it would therefore be a good quid pro quo for the cuts he wants to make in income security programs.

  71. hobama nazi slave assnon/coon uts:

    catch this!!!

    The majority (53 percent) of Americans who opposed the 2010 extension of the Bush tax cuts watched in dismay as President Obama started with compromise and met his Republican hostage-takers more than half way. Neither did majority popular support result in passage of strong financial regulation, importation of lower-cost drugs or government-payer universal health care.

    The fatal flaw of Barack Obama's presidency seems to be the compulsion to compromise with the likes of Norquist, bent on destroying democracy by "drowning government in a bathtub." The deficit in public investment imperils us more than the budget deficit, observes former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, citing tax revenues that are less than 15 percent of the total economy, the lowest in 60 years. Large reductions in federal taxes affect state and local revenues, placing more locales on the brink of bankruptcy - thus fulfilling Norquist's fondest wish for state bankruptcies and "bitter nastiness and partisanship" in state capitals.

    The president's failure to lead by using the bully pulpit to educate about the true nature of economic crisis and recovery has resulted in Democrats' surrender to Republicans of the economic narrative around deficits, spending, taxes, health care etc. More than the Tea Party corporate shills, disingenuous rhetoric around the economy and the lack of any counter-narrative by the president discouraged voters from going to the polls in 2010 and will likely discourage them again in 2012.

  72. Anonymous12:40 PM

    News said, "two female members of Lil Wayne's stage act assaulted a waitress for "dissing them". Quiz question: can you guess what color those two sheboons are?"

    My guess is they are White?

    "Bonus question: what race has its female members ever-increasingly involved in violent attacks, especially on non-blacks?"


    "Next bonus: when the violent uncivilized sheboons are locked up, who will be calling them victims of a "racist" campaign?""

    This one's easy. The answer is White Progressive Jewish Liberals.

    Btw, Slappz, when did you get out of jail? Any brothers in there with you?

    While you were away, there was a Jewish guy who dismembered a poor Jewish child? It was a horrible crime...right up there with Jeffry Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy.

  73. hobama is a hoax dick hatchet man

    selected to slay the poor and gift the rich
    for ALL rich dems and repubs


    The claim of out-of-control spending is simply not true. It is an invention, a fabrication, a falsehood with no basis in reality that politicians are pushing to advance their agenda. And that agenda is not pretty.

    According to numerous reports in the media, President Obama wants a "big deal" on the budget, which will involve cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. The last is especially ironic, since Social Security is financed by its own designated tax. Therefore, it does not contribute to the deficit. If there is no money in the Social Security trust fund, then benefits will not be paid.

    The plans to cut to Social Security also seem perverse since we know that the vast majority of retirees are not living especially well right now and the benefits already are not especially generous. If we exclude their Social Security income, more than 80 percent of people over the age of 65 get by on less than $20,000 per year.

    The average Social Security check is about $1,100 a month. This would be less than an hour's pay for many of the Wall Street honchos whose greed and incompetence brought down the economy.

    Yet, when President Obama preaches equality of sacrifice, it is the elderly and the poor who are supposed to do most of the sacrificing. His plan to change the annual cost-of-living adjustment formula for Social Security would reduce benefits for someone in their seventies by 3 percent, in their eighties by 6 percent and in their nineties by 9 percent.

    These are huge cuts. The Republicans are screaming bloody murder because President Obama wants to raise the top tax rate by 4.6 percentage points. Imagine that he proposed raising taxes on the wealthy by twice as much. That is effectively what he is proposing for people in their nineties who are entirely dependent on Social Security.

    And he is proposing to impose this tax on seniors who had nothing to do with the crisis, while leaving Wall Street untouched. A modest tax on financial speculation could raise more than $150 billion a year or $1.5 trillion over the course of a decade.

  74. Anonymous12:51 PM

    ""Laura is getting help now because he has a job where we can find him," Coladarci said. "But it is difficult to raise three kids, and she is not remarried, and she is supporting them basically on her salary.""

    Mr. Field, in the future could you mention the color of the female in situations like this? I mean, she has three kids and no support from the father...people might assume that she was Black and start spreading rumors about a God-fearing Conservative White Christian. That kind of rumor could NEEDLESSLY destroy his political career as a Tea Party member.

    Thank you for your heartfelt kind consideration. It's folks like you that gives me hope for America.

  75. Anonymous1:13 PM

    hobama nazi slave assnon/coon uts
    kuntlick banks

    golly kuntlick for someone proud to be african american u sure use the word coon a lot in fact eye dont know any african american who uses that term often at all ya kuntlickin moron!

  76. Anonymous1:17 PM

    alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!

  77. pride = proud

    as in

    the vdlr
    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms

  78. Anonymous1:21 PM

    what fertile serial baby deddy thugs NEVER have to do that gap legged turbo breeder the vdlr!!! kuntlick banks

    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!

  79. Anonymous1:25 PM

    what fertile serial baby deddy thugs NEVER have to do that gap legged turbo breeder the vdlr!!! kuntlick banks

    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!

    1:21 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms kuntlick banks

    u have nothing else to say jess like ur alterego kimdaqueef so instead u lie everyone here knows ure a shill and a gottdam liar u dont have a 250 iq u dont have a job u aint a black woman u r a dishonest lying waste of space and a disgrace to the human race u stoopid kuntsucking asshole banks!

    1:23 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms stoopid burr headed nasty foul banks

    golly banks once again ure stuck in the fourth grade or so didnt anyone ever tell u that debate consists of rational exchange of information? u lack the ability and slay nobody but urself u self important slag eating kuntmuncher

    1:25 PM what fertile serial baby deddy thugs NEVER have to do that gap legged turbo breeder the vdlr!!! kuntlick banks

    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!

    1:21 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms kuntlick banks

    u have nothing else to say jess like ur alterego kimdaqueef so instead u lie everyone here knows ure a shill and a gottdam liar u dont have a 250 iq u dont have a job u aint a black woman u r a dishonest lying waste of space and a disgrace to the human race u stoopid kuntsucking asshole banks!

    1:23 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms stoopid burr headed nasty foul banks

    golly banks once again ure stuck in the fourth grade or so didnt anyone ever tell u that debate consists of rational exchange of information? u lack the ability and slay nobody but urself u self important slag eating kuntmuncher

    1:25 PM what fertile serial baby deddy thugs NEVER have to do that gap legged turbo breeder the vdlr!!! kuntlick banks

    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!

    1:21 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms kuntlick banks

    u have nothing else to say jess like ur alterego kimdaqueef so instead u lie everyone here knows ure a shill and a gottdam liar u dont have a 250 iq u dont have a job u aint a black woman u r a dishonest lying waste of space and a disgrace to the human race u stoopid kuntsucking asshole banks!

    1:23 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    is VERY proud to be a PERPETUAL ghetto stray seed host to community coons without condoms stoopid burr headed nasty foul banks

    golly banks once again ure stuck in the fourth grade or so didnt anyone ever tell u that debate consists of rational exchange of information? u lack the ability and slay nobody but urself u self important slag eating kuntmuncher

    1:25 PM

  80. pride = pried

    as in to pry open a political prisoner's jail cell...

    something that apolitical hobama nazi moron/open-like-a-24hr-drive-thru/openly proud to be a serial convict breeder/vdlr and her ALWAYS open legs/and her ghetto community property womb will NEVER fret!!!!!!

    tattling mammy/endless suckas maker for massa vdlr:

    run tell massa hobama dat asap u fertile foolish slave!!!!

  81. Anonymous1:26 PM

    alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!

  82. Anonymous1:27 PM

    alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!alicia banks said...

    memo to that dick hobama

    gosh kuntlick ude think a so called ahem educator and scholar would have sense enough not to be openly seditious rite? ude think someone who is a so called cough teacher would appreicate people who have kids but nothing this shit stained piece of garbage says is consistent or reasonable this nasty cast iron underbelly crater faced imbecile is a sack of cat shit banks!

  83. Anonymous1:27 PM

    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!
    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!
    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!
    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!
    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!
    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!
    jess like u never had a job working with kids or teaching anybody shit u dumb cluck and dont fertile people give teachers jobs? if there werent people having kids assholes like u wouldnt work or at least purport to work ya gottdam lying sack of shit stoopid dumb banks liar!

  84. unlicked uneducated unmedicated vdlr:

    your looping loony loser lobotomized lame letch is showing again.


  85. Boehner1:31 PM

    The latest deal offered to Democrats raises the debt limit to $16.994 TRILLION.

  86. PilotX1:31 PM

    Jeezus, can these fools talk about anything except the global warming "hoax"? I mean none of these people has any ttraining in atmospheric science but continuously buy into the oil companies BS. Leave it alone, you have no clue as to what you're talking about.

    About Jet Blue, me wonders if they can make a dude get off the plane if he goes commando.

  87. PilotX1:37 PM

    "Now it's not global warming it's climate change because it all of sudden got cool."

    No, the term is more accurate though there is a widely accepted idea the average temps will increase due to such high levels of CO2 but since so many stupid people don't understand climatologists work in 30 year intervals they changed the term as to not confuse the stupids. Personally I like the term one of my climatology professors used, "climate variation". Now, I have been given permission to go off topic but you have not so stick to the topic at hand.

  88. Anonymous1:40 PM

    PilotX, it is showing how much they beleeverate fer de cause...and the fantasy of being smarterate than those kids who worked in school. I can still hear it..'You think you so smart, you not all that smart.' Umm...yes. I really am that smart. Get used to it. And it never seemed to be said to the lads who were bound for pro sports.

    Poor Goobers, offer them Facts...and they throw a hissy fit and toss garbage..

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  89. Anonymous1:43 PM

    PilotX, it is the same problem with 'hypothesis'. It has a distinct and precise meaning amongst Scientists. It is also used by Goobers to mean something else entirely.
    What can you expect when silly people beleeverate the world is not that old...and the Chinese have History that pre-dates their Creationist fantasy.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  90. Wingnuts are scary, especially when you know one in real life. A friend of mine found me on Facebook and I paid her a visit the other day.

    She has four children, including a darling 10-month old baby, and is pregnant with her fifth. She hates big government, national health care, and supports tax cuts for the wealthy yet:

    1.She is suspicious of vaccinations against childhood diseases (she says drug companies put human embryos in them), and may not get her baby daughter the 3-in-one shot for measles, rubella and diphtheria. She says this, by the way, while smoking “natural” tobacco cigarettes.

    2.She gets Food Share (i.e., food stamps) to help with the family grocery budget.

    3.She and her husband receive taxpayer funded school vouchers for their children to attend private school. (He makes $50,000+ a year, which may not be much for a family this size, but this was after leaving a job making $90,000 a year because the hours were too long).

    4.She and the family receive BadgerCare, a state-funded health insurance program.

    5.And she and the family are moving next year to Israel, which has nationalized health care.

    It’s amazing that she opens her mouth and not hear what she is saying.

    Hypocrisy and delusion at its best.

  91. haetties1:51 PM

    PilotX said...
    Jeezus, can these fools talk about anything except the global warming "hoax"? I mean none of these people has any ttraining in atmospheric science but continuously buy into the oil companies BS. Leave it alone, you have no clue as to what you're talking about.

    About Jet Blue, me wonders if they can make a dude get off the plane if he goes commando.

    It's ok if you go commando, just remember to follow the tire patterns on the runways when you add your "skidmarks" so landings aren't confusing.

  92. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Sharon from WI said...
    Wingnuts are scary, especially when you know one in real life. A friend of mine found me on Facebook and I paid her a visit the other day.

    She has four children, including a darling 10-month old baby, and is pregnant with her fifth. She hates big government, national health care, and supports tax cuts for the wealthy yet:

    1.She is suspicious of vaccinations against childhood diseases (she says drug companies put human embryos in them), and may not get her baby daughter the 3-in-one shot for measles, rubella and diphtheria. She says this, by the way, while smoking “natural” tobacco cigarettes.

    2.She gets Food Share (i.e., food stamps) to help with the family grocery budget.

    3.She and her husband receive taxpayer funded school vouchers for their children to attend private school. (He makes $50,000+ a year, which may not be much for a family this size, but this was after leaving a job making $90,000 a year because the hours were too long).

    4.She and the family receive BadgerCare, a state-funded health insurance program.

    5.And she and the family are moving next year to Israel, which has nationalized health care.

    It’s amazing that she opens her mouth and not hear what she is saying.

    Hypocrisy and delusion at its best.

    This isn't a wingnut, it's a black person.

  93. Paco El Carbon2:02 PM

    PilotX: "I mean none of these people has any ttraining in atmospheric science but continuously buy into the oil companies BS."

    The BS comes from the Global Warming Alarmist community, most of whom are scientific illiterates. Why buy into the nonsense from anti-capitalist, Luddite envirowhackos and "green" technology boondogglers?

    It is pretty clear now that there is no anthropogenic climate change crisis. If the alarmists had any honesty, they would admit this.

    Sticking to the global warming hoax merely betrays one's political biases.

  94. MyBallsAreHotIsThisGroinalWarming?2:03 PM

    No, the term is more accurate though there is a widely accepted idea the average temps will increase due to such high levels of CO2 but since so many stupid people don't understand climatologists work in 30 year intervals they changed the term as to not confuse the stupids. Personally I like the term one of my climatology professors used, "climate variation". Now, I have been given permission to go off topic but you have not so stick to the topic at hand.

    Bullshit, the name changed when the most severe winter in recent history lost global warming career people a lot of money. Double bullshit. Global warming is a scam and we aren't the stupid ones, you are for preaching a religion that has been disproved and is led by liars and corruptocrats. Climate variation indeed, so in other words they are snake oil salesman attempting to predict the weather and using lies to support the fact that they know better despite everything they say being proven scientifically wrong.

  95. PilotX2:10 PM

    "Alarmist computer models assume human carbon dioxide emissions indirectly cause substantial increases in atmospheric humidity and cirrus clouds (each of which are very effective at trapping heat), but real-world data have long shown that carbon dioxide emissions are not causing as much atmospheric humidity and cirrus clouds as the alarmist computer models have predicted."

    And here is an example why we need to leave climate science to scientists. The author of this article is James Taylor of the conservative Heartland Institute. Mr. Taylor does not have a degree in atmospheric science and is a graduate of Syracuse law school. I have had to send Mr. Taylor e-mail in the past outlining his lack of understanding of the atmosphere but yet wingnuts like anon continue to read articles by this hack and form misinformed opinions. IMHO, people like this guy are dangerous as they take their orders from industry without a clue as to the veracity of their claims. My challenge to anon and mr. Taylor, please explain how CIRRUS clouds in particular trap heat. Wouldn't lower warmer clouds be more efficient in trapping long wave radiation while cirrus usually reflect short wave radiation? Something tells me Mr. Taylor just repeats the stuff that is told to him, like W., without any understanding. I love how "alarmist's models" pollutes his piece. If he was serious he would understand just because a scientist has a differing opinion it doesn't make she or he an "alarmist" just a scientist persuing their hypothesis. Sad how so many buy into this crap without any thought.
    Thanks for the laugh anon, any more articles from a biased conservative "think tank" that employs non-scientists to write articles about science? I hear Dr. Seuss is free.

  96. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Poor babies, we unearth the backers of the GCC Denialist astroturf, point out that nearly ALL climatologists accept the GCC theory, and ask them to use Fact and Data.
    Show us your 'proof'. Offer your 'sorces'.
    And Goober, warming will indeed induce a more severe winter. Your lack of understanding is immense. And no, you are not even close to being my matter what the wingnuts tell you.
    Must be your Faith is being all tested and those eveel deceitful Jezebel Facts. You must prove you are worthy of being a useful idiot for the Fundie cause by screaming out nonsense. And you do that so well.
    Still waiting for you to offer us more than paid astrofturfer and shill for the Fossil Fuels. Would you like to Google the climatologists who agreed with GCC? Statistically, ALL agreed. Sure, you can wave around Dr X...who took tons of money to support the Denialist claims. But, you have no proof...jsut beleef..for the Denialist stance.
    No, you are not as smart. Get used to it. It's like sunrise.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  97. MyBallsAreHotIsThisGroinalWarming2:16 PM

    And here is an example why we need to leave climate science to scientists. The author of this article is James Taylor of the conservative Heartland Institute. Mr. Taylor does not have a degree in atmospheric science and is a graduate of Syracuse law school. I have had to send Mr. Taylor e-mail in the past outlining his lack of understanding of the atmosphere but yet wingnuts like anon continue to read articles by this hack and form misinformed opinions. I

    Aren't you a STUDENT of meteorology? You have a lot of balls going to school and then thinking you know enough to declare someone else a hack. Talk about entitlement. You read a home improvement book and now you can build a house. Uh-huh.

    If he was serious he would understand just because a scientist has a differing opinion it doesn't make she or he an "alarmist" just a scientist persuing their hypothesis.

    A scientist - a true scientist persuing his "hypothesis" doesnt demand the world change and fund his ""hypothesis until and if it is proven scientifically, he also doesn't fudge and lie to get his desired "hypothesis" accepted even if the scientific results disprove his "hypothesis" Lastly but most importantly he doesnt' publish his "hypothesis" and marginalize doubters by demonizing them until his "hypothesis" is proven and not just a democrats dream in the real of controlling others.

  98. Anonymous2:17 PM

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  99. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Boo hoo. The fake was revealed and all you have is that PilotX has more qualification to comment...than your faker.

    Maybe you should begin with Facts.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  100. Anonymous2:19 PM

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  101. PilotX2:22 PM

    "It is pretty clear now that there is no anthropogenic climate change crisis. If the alarmists had any honesty, they would admit this."

    No one ever said there is a crisis. It may take 50-100 years or more before we see any observable feedback from such high levels of CO2. I see you are a biased conclusionist by using the term "alarmist", a big tell.

    "the name changed when the most severe winter in recent history lost global warming career people a lot of money. Double bullshit."

    I see you are a gullible one. Name one scientist who lost any amount of funding due to a harsh winter. Names son. Secondly, you show your lack of knowledge about climatology, no one season can prove or disprove the veracity of human induced cliamte change. Fact is most climatologists agree that the most warming will initially take place in the poles thus most people won't see the effects. More, winters in Europe may become longer and colder due to the increased amount on fresh water dimishing the warming effect of the ocean current that runs off the western coast. Any moron understands that there will be climate variations or as one of my professors said "the atmosphere is a very fragile and complex environment and we don't know what effect increased levels of CO2 will have".
    Therefore you cannot call me an alarmist because like most people involved in the study of future climate I have no clue what all this CO2 will do. Maybe nothing or maybe a catastrophe, i have no clue and neither do you so let's drop this subject and talk about something you actually know about.

  102. "This isn't a wingnut, it's a black person."

    Exactly how can you tell this person is black from the information given? If Sharon from WI provided a picture of this person, and she turned out to be white, would you call her a liar?

  103. Paco El Carbon2:24 PM

    mold calls global warming skeptics "denialists" as if science were religion.

    Pointing out the lack of any scientific credibility is heresy to cretins like mold.

    The ignorant lecturing the thinking: Liberal politics in a nutshell.

  104. LOL@mold.I was told never to laugh at the mentally retard.Mold just makes it so hard.LMAO.

    Mold thinks by lying and telling everyone how smart she is___will actually make her smart.

    Habitual dishonesty and twisted logic is what we get from mold.

    Is mold pathological?

  105. PilotX2:30 PM

    "Aren't you a STUDENT of meteorology? You have a lot of balls going to school and then thinking you know enough to declare someone else a hack. Talk about entitlement. You read a home improvement book and now you can build a house. Uh-huh."

    Why thank you for noticing. Yes, i am persuing another degree in meteorology while Mr. Taylor has NEVER taken ANY atmospheric science courses. That is why I don't publish articles offering an opinion about something I haven't done any research. But that's just me. I personally listen to scientists who have actually done research and not some hack at the goddamned Heartland Institute.

    "A scientist - a true scientist persuing his "hypothesis" doesnt demand the world change and fund his ""hypothesis until and if it is proven scientifically, he also doesn't fudge and lie to get his desired "hypothesis" accepted even if the scientific results disprove his "hypothesis" Lastly but most importantly he doesnt' publish his "hypothesis" and marginalize doubters by demonizing them until his "hypothesis" is proven and not just a democrats dream in the real of controlling others."

    I totally agree with this statement. There is bad science throughout this "debate" which is why I try to align myself with people doing good unbiased research. Bad science and intentional misleading data needs to be routed out and exposed. This topic is too important for politics, uninformed hacks and bad science.

  106. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Sure you thinkerate, Paco. And the term Denialist describes their religious beleef, not mine.
    You offered no scientific credibility. At all. Just Beleef. As far as GCC, you could ask the climatologists...most are academics and have email accounts.
    It is not Liberal is Reality-based and knows no political bias. So, why are you pretending that Facts are only the purview of Liberals? Freudian slip?

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  107. Anonymous2:36 PM

    'Tis Morning

    'Tis morning and the cackling dogs
    Are chased by cats into their holes.
    The horses stop to eat the hogs,
    And give the feathers to the foals.
    And round and round, the oak trees fly
    Dropping fruit into the sky.
    Then Mold doth stick his hand into his squishy diaper and with a tremendous wailing, begins to cry.

    Molds life on his farm

  108. Anonymous2:36 PM

    She has four children, including a darling 10-month old baby, and is pregnant with her fifth. She hates big government, national health care, and supports tax cuts for the wealthy yet:

    1.She is suspicious of vaccinations against childhood diseases (she says drug companies put human embryos in them), and may not get her baby daughter the 3-in-one shot for measles, rubella and diphtheria. She says this, by the way, while smoking “natural” tobacco cigarettes. Sharon from Wisconcin

    hello beautiful queen from the land of cheese and nice people eye am curious about why u feel her concern about vaccines are unjustified yes she sounds hypocritical with using government programs and then talking about the big bad government but recetnly it was released that many vaccines are manufactured using human embryos which for some is a violation of conscience not to mention the toxins that are placed in those vaccines jess in case u dont believe me beautiful queen here is a link u mite find useful

  109. PilotX2:40 PM

    Global Warming is a hoax, and we all know it, even if a few people won't admit it.

    What do we really know about the future? A little. Not a lot.

    We know the world's population has hit 7 BILLION -- in the news today. That means 6.7 BILLION people live outside the US, and they all want cars, trucks, buses, trains, airplanes, ships. air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators, stoves, food and clothes.

    A growing percentate will have all those things -- in abundance.

    By 2050, demographers say the population will hit 9 BILLION. But that's 9 BILLION NEW people. Most of those 9 BILLION are not yet born.

    There are about 750 MILLION cars in the world today. It's estimated there will be 3 BILLION cars on the road by 2050.

    Even if those cars get double the gas-mileage of today's cars, they will still burn twice as much gas as we burn today.

    It's that way with everything.

    But none of it means the atmosphere will change much as a result.

    Climate Variation? The New Term? Yeah, the Climate is always varying -- so don't worry about it.

    The US has no power of China, Russia, Brazil or India -- and they have big plans for buiding their economies, which means they plan to use lots of energy to do whatever they want to do.

    Brazil recently found huge oil reserves off its coast. The oil will do big things for Brazil -- as soon as they drill, which is coming.

  110. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Hi Troll, nice of you to pretend to have something to add.
    As per usual, the point escapes you. I will inform you that it is for a purpose.
    Show me your proof for the claim of my 'Habitual dishonesty and twisted logic'...I mean...other than your royalness pronouncement. Go ahead. Show your work and the material that backs your claim. And no, trying to pretend you have expertise and authority is not open...for you. You have never shown that you do have the CV to do so.
    Here's a hint...look at what PilotX did.

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  111. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Sorry Eric Cartman, I should not call you a Troll. The calls to 'respec your authoriteh'...the FAUX and friends beleef system. It makes sense.
    Except Eric is fictional, no?
    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  112. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Found this on Bartcop...a blog. Seems some folks beleeverate in 'Merican 'Ceptionalism...and this should offer them a benchmark.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  113. PilotX2:54 PM

    Global Warming is the greatest boondoggle to hit the scientific community since Y2K.

    We knew Y2K would end on 1/1/2000. Lesson learned. Never put an end date on a prediction. Otherwise, like Y2K or the Rapture, when the date passes, you're out of business.

    What did we do? We set the horrible, terrible, awful, nasty consequences way way in the future when everyone living today will be long dead and gone. That way, no one will be around to say we were wrong.

    This worked for a long time, when people said the Earth was flat. It worked when people said the Sun revolved around the Earth, and it worked when Malthus said -- in 1803 -- the world was headed for mass starvation "in the near future".

    We're going with the tried and true. Predict catastrophe, but put it out there far enough in the future so a small percentage of the population can panic and spend all they've got on research that promises to make the planet safe for humans.

    P.T. Barnum couldn't have come up with a better scheme.

    Scientists are getting funding to research every aspect of Global Warming -- just in case.

  114. BetterMan2:55 PM

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Hey Mold, so you had an abortion and it was performed on you by a abortion lawyer? That explains why everything you say sounds like a mental abortion. You were half done, too bad he didn't complete the legal errr...medical task.

    Ok, so now educate us all, what was he specifically qouting that was outdated and dangerous and proven false? I mean he must have been a talented individual, in fact a legend in your own mind to be both an abortion provider (notice I didn't say Doctor) and an abortion lawyer. I didn't even know such a profession existed.

    So tell us..what specifically did he say?

    Funny how he smelled so bad and you compare him to a dead decaying body you encountered? Really, where and when did you ecounter a dead body? Then you equate being smelly with being a christian? Really? So to you christians smell bad? this something that you developed later in life or did you notice it all along? Maybe you are just accustomed to the smell of wet diapers and cleanliness smells bad to you?

    P.S you do know that your using "lady bits" in another of your fantasies further pits you in the town of insanity, you have long traveled the road and firmly arrived at your destination
    anyway, we all know you may have lady bits but in the interest of scientific accuracy, it's a little penis, not a big clitoris.

  115. Mold Mold Mold

    Unlike you,i don't have to pretend.My skills and logic speaks volumes.You?Not so much.

    'Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience'

  116. ProfessorX3:03 PM

    as one of my professors said "the atmosphere is a very fragile and complex environment and we don't know what effect increased levels of CO2 will have.

    Fragile? The atmosphere resulted from the formation of the Earth, from a time when the planet was covered in water, through a period of volcanic action that led to the appearance of land.

    Then the land split and moved as a result of geologic forces. The land was then covered in jungles and rain forests and who knows what.

    The were single cell life forms, then life forms of growing complexity, all depending on the atmosphere.

    Without a doubt, the atmosphere is incredibly durable, as are the life forms inhabiting the planet.

  117. Full child support. The key word is FULL. In other words he paid something, but less than the full amount.
    Anon says:

    Walsh resumed full payments to support their three children after he was elected to the Congressional seat, which pays a salary of $174,000 per year, the lawyer said.

    In other words, after he was earning enough to pay the FULL amount, he paid it.

    This is a non-story.

    8:23 AM

    Dumb ass. I can guarantee you that he has penalties and late charges. On top of that he just got the fuckin job in Congress, so I hardly think that the #deadbeatdad caught up on his payments. If you don't pay the full amount each month, in the eyes of the child support agency, you didn't pay anything at all. The bitch owes his kids. Period.

    Story reopened.

  118. Anonymous3:10 PM


    When did you encounter a decaying body? Was the body male or female?What did the body smell like?

    Please provide proof.

  119. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Dumb ass. I can guarantee you that he has penalties and late charges. On top of that he just got the fuckin job in Congress, so I hardly think that the #deadbeatdad caught up on his payments. If you don't pay the full amount each month, in the eyes of the child support agency, you didn't pay anything at all. The bitch owes his kids. Period.

    Story reopened.

    bet u know all bouts dat child support and hows it wokrs wit u'r bein in da black community an all, so wut u tryin to say dis man really be blakc and try to join the 70-75% of baby daddies tryin to not pay for humpin

    hows yer boy jesse doin

  120. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    When did you encounter a decaying body? Was the body male or female?What did the body smell like?

    Please provide proof.

    He did a yoga inversion and got a whiff of his own balls....just a little mind you...the balls that is, he got a big whiff....

  121. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Eric Cartman, what did we discuss about 'declaring your self the winner'? Would you need the link again?
    And what you do is not arguing. Let us know when you will.

    Butters, no wonder you have a day job.

    ProfTroll, durable? Maybe you should speak with a geologist, a climatologist and a biologist. What you mistake for durable is not what you claim. Though, it
    was nice of you to infest the blog with Denialist boilerplate.

    Walsh is a deadbeat and the wingnuts idolize him for failing to meet obligations and being a jerkhole. If that is their hero...

    Which one, Stalker? So you can track me to my house. Try again, MalkinCreep. Your only response is to stalk people. How about bringing some Facts?

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  122. Learned it from a white dude who was pissed that his license was taken away because he was constantly under paying because he didnt have the full amount each month. Get your facts straight before you start spewing bullshit.

  123. This isn't a wingnut, it's a black person.<<

    Oh Anonymous, don't we look silly when we make assumptions?

    She and her husband are white as snow from Iowa. And her children are corn-fed towheads -- blonds, in case you are unfamiliar with that term.

  124. sue me3:32 PM


    Dumb ass. I can guarantee you that he has penalties and late charges. On top of that he just got the fuckin job in Congress, so I hardly think that the #deadbeatdad caught up on his payments.

    Never said he got "caught up", but did say he had resumed paying the full, agreed upon monthly payment.

    If you don't pay the full amount each month, in the eyes of the child support agency, you didn't pay anything at all. The bitch owes his kids. Period.

    You must have a lousy lawyer.

  125. BetterMan3:48 PM

    Butters, no wonder you have a day job. Translation from Moldspeak - He kicked my ass and exposed me for the whackjob I am once again.

    When did you encounter the decaying body, where?

    What did the abortion lawyer/doctor who gave you an abortion say that was outdated and medically incorrect? With his body odor why did you think he was a christian? Have you ever been in church? People wash and dress nicely or are you thinking of your satanic gay cult?

    As a young white male would you term liquid fecal matter as opposed to solid an abortion or can it be a middle of the road consistency?

    How many other abortion/lawyer DR's do you know?

    Why do you post things like this? You really don't expect anyone to "belevaraate, yo, yo, mothufucka" a thing you say -do you.

  126. Anonymous3:50 PM

    PilotX, thank you for that detailed and informative piece. It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  127. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Rottn, how many MRAs whine about the eveel woman...but don't keep current with child support. I can see the adults being not-in-like with each other....but taking it out on the kids is cowardly.
    And I am constantly amazed at the number of heroic brave men who have to face jail...before they pay what they their own kids.

    Sharon from WI, I assumed they were white. Going to the Promised Land without knowing much about almost 'a white thing'. They are in for some interesting changes!

    Butters, keep making stuff up! Especially with my original post...on this very thread.
    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  128. Mold's Gums Are Rising3:55 PM

    Mold, I'd bet if you were to wash your dentures with Vagisil, it'd clear-up that nasty yeast infection.

  129. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Yes, please keep calling me a 'lesbian' worked so well for you when your audience was 10 yo. And so it should work now, no?
    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  130. i love harry b!!!


    hobama's mama lusted for harry b
    ironic how harry is disgusted by her son...

    AP) BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Singer and activist Harry Belafonte says President Barack Obama and his "mission" have failed because of a lack of moral courage and vision.

    The president is "not a stand-alone," Belafonte said Thursday. Regarding the debt-ceiling crisis, Belafonte said he would ask Congress, the president and other U.S. institutions of power "what happened to moral truth" and moral courage.

    Belafonte made his remarks to the Television Critics Association while discussing "Sing Your Song," a documentary about him airing this fall on HBO. The 84-year-old singer, known as the King of Calypso, has pushed for political and social change since the U.S. civil rights movement.

    He hopes the documentary will illuminate a time when Americans faced problems and found the resources to face them, Belafonte said. "Sing Your Song" debuts Oct. 17.

  131. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Yes, please keep calling me a 'lesbian' worked so well for you when your audience was 10 yo. And so it should work now, no?
    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  132. Burning Man4:19 PM

    We know what color he is now. But what color was he before the barbeque?

    Man's burning body found in Los Angeles alley

    LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Los Angeles firefighters have found the burning body of a man that was wrapped in a tarp.

    Crews responding to reports of a fire in a northeast neighborhood found the corpse in a Cypress Park alley around 2:15 a.m. Friday.

    Police spokesman Richard French says a tarp was wrapped around the body and there are no suspects in the case.

    Arson investigators went to the scene.

  133. Chicken of the Sea4:36 PM

    Mold, why do you always think someone is calling you a Lesbian? Maybe it's just projection in your demented mind.

    I think the guy above who said you needed to brush with Vagisil was just implying that your breath probably smells like rotten Tuna Helper.

  134. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Yes, please keep calling me a 'lesbian' worked so well for you when your audience was 10 yo. And so it should work now, no?
    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  135. alicia banks said...
    kudos to the tea party!!!

    they are fnotd!!!

    they halted the one party rep=dem game!!!...for now...

    oh happy day!


    hobama STILL has no plan/clue at all...

    the tea party has halted his blank check for the 1st time since his 2008 coup....kudos!!!!!!!

    9:08 AM

    Yes, because Obama is the Great Satan that we have pass the Republican that would make Reaganomics on Steroids Constitutional Law, so we can solve a problem their leaders caused.

    The balance budget amendment is an idiotic policy proposal most economists and political scientists oppose for good reason - it hamstrings federal budgets to solve problem. So even if aliens invaded the planet and destroy Chicago and our we had 400 Billion in revenues that year -- we would only be able to spend a portion of the 72 Billion (whatever is left after everything else). Its stupid and dangerous. If you want to US government to function like California (where this ridiculous Reaganite bullshit is a big reason for our budget woes), be my guest and support these ignorant jackasses.

  136. Anonymous4:55 PM

    LAC, thank you for sharing why CA is in such straits. It is plain to see that following the TaxBaggers advice resulted in the reduction of the CA economy.
    Silly weeners thinkerate that government can operate like the budget of some low-skill household budget.

    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  137. lack:


    u r senseless blithering and blind to always

    carry on!

  138. lack:


    Obama supporters whine and wring their hands in impotent fury, pointedly threatening a loss of enthusiasm for his 2012 re-election campaign. But their good cop president and his party leaders are all about pre-emptive compromise, meeting the bad cop Republicans half, three quarters or nine-tenths of the way to a goal that moves further rightward every hour. The president's unwillingness to stand with the Democratic party's electoral base, the nation's poor and working people, is for many Obama supporters utterly inexplicable.

    But what if President Barack Obama never intended to fight for jobs or justice? What if he believes the nonsense about Wall Street being “job creators” instead of economic vampires? What if Cornel West finally got it right? What if Black Agenda Report has been right all along? What if Barack Obama is a Reagan Democrat in every meaningful way, right down to a fanatical belief in trickle down economics? What if the president counts on corporate media and his army of careerists and sycophants to shut down and cover up cracks in the Obama consensus through which reality might leak? What if Obama is not weak, or timid, or vacillating or waiting for us to “make him do it”? What if what we've seen is all there is, all there ever was?

    The truth is that Barack Obama's actions are entirely rational, understandable and even predictable if you suppose him to have been a vicious, vacuous and cynical right wing operative from the very beginning.

  139. Anonymous4:59 PM

    LAC, thank you for sharing why CA is in such straits. It is plain to see that following the TaxBaggers advice resulted in the reduction of the CA economy.
    Silly weeners thinkerate that government can operate like the budget of some low-skill household budget.

    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  140. lack:

    what financial success has hobama CALI or ANY state??????

  141. lack:

    more on hobama & cali

    Around 200 protesters waved signs and chanted: "Obama, keep your promise!" outside the Sony Pictures studio in Culver City, west of Los Angeles, where Obama attended a fundraising dinner.

    "Where's our change? We need money for housing, not for war! We need money for health care, not for war!" they chanted.

    Some protesters reproached Obama for not doing enough to recognize the 1915 Armenian Genocide, while other activists demonstrated against scientific testing on animals and pacifists called for an end to war.

    They warned Obama he could not count on their votes if he failed to do more to meet their demands.

    Most were Hispanic citizens and immigrants who held signs saying "Change requires courage" and called on Obama to renew efforts to enact the DREAM Act, which stalled in the Senate after passing in the House in December.

  142. Anonymous5:02 PM

    LAC, thank you for sharing why CA is in such straits. It is plain to see that following the TaxBaggers advice resulted in the reduction of the CA economy.
    Silly weeners thinkerate that government can operate like the budget of some low-skill household budget.

    It reminded me of the 'lawyer' for the Anti-bortionists who claimed great and extensive medical knowledge. Not only did he call my parts 'lady bits'...but he was quoting material that had long been proven false..and dangerous. This was many years ago...and besides his stubborn ignorance...he was probably the most hygienically challenged man I had met to that date. I have since encountered homeless and the decaying dead. But his rank odour would have precluded any client form hiring him...except the Anti-bortionists. Oh, his law degree...was self-awarded. They never questioned a 'good gawd-fearin' christian man'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  143. If you don't pay the full amount each month, in the eyes of the child support agency, you didn't pay anything at all. The bitch owes his kids. Period.

    You must have a lousy lawyer.

    3:32 PM

    That's not how the system works outside the court. The child support agency is a different beast. But concerning him, his lawyer must suck if he's still getting sued. Bottom line is, I don't care what lawyer he has, he's not gonna win. He owes. Period.

  144. mold is a lesbian.

  145. lack:

    wtf has hobama done in chi?

    except help rahmbo steal illegal powers and create future new casino posts for hobama to covet in 2016???

    Among the 10 largest cities in America, Chicago has the third highest poverty rate, with 21.6 percent of our residents living under the poverty level, according to 2009 data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Only Philadelphia and Dallas--with 25 and 23 percent, respectively--beat us.

    But when we take a look at poverty among African Americans, that's where Chicago enters the spotlight. About one in three of all black people in Chicago, 32.2 percent, are living in poverty. That's number one among America's largest cities. Only Dallas comes close, with 30.5 percent.

    In fact, Chicago's African-American poverty rate is close to being the highest minority poverty rate in the nation. Only Latinos in Phoenix and Philadelphia have higher rates of poverty.

    After looking at the sky-high poverty rate among black people in Chicago, I wondered which city had the starkest contrast--the biggest difference between how many white people and black people lived in poverty.

  146. lack:

    what do u love so much about that demonic soulless ruthless elitist blackish jackass dick hobama?????

  147. lack:

    wtf has that evil bankster hobama and his beloved wall st warlocks done for any poor black mongrel like you?????

  148. AB, do you get aroused by hating Obama or something? Seriously, woman, chill - this ain't about him. This about supporting the right wing lunacy that got us her in the first place.

    Again, you support the Tea Party while claiming to care for the poor and be smarter than everyone else. So you're either lying, stupid, simply crazy or a combination of the three.

    So, the President and CEO of I hate Obama's Existance, Inc. -- do you suggest that we take Boehner/Tea Party bullshit stop gap, that puts in the same position position in the winter of next year (where the Republicans can demand even bigger chunks out of the social safety in the middle of election season) and tries to enact an amendment that at best will fail in the Senate, if not the states and waste everyone's time or worse, it gets passed and we doom ourselves to either perpetual deficits or no spending except for the military.

    Pick your poison, AB. Or did you, as usual, not think before you blog?

  149. lack:

    who could ever be more ignorant than that amoral blackish jackass dick hobama???

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. lack:

    u r the bromancer who has kept hobama in your mouth since 2008

    pay attn hobama sucker

    u lie like hobama

    and u r dumber than the avg hobama nazi

    i am an ultra liberal independent

    u r a dem drone

    i support ANYONE who ACTS in dissent

    rather than whine and cheer hobama
    as he slays nigs like u

    and u know so
    we see u hobama's boo

  152. Anonymous5:22 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    AB, do you get aroused by hating Obama or something? Seriously, woman, chill - this ain't about him. This about supporting the right wing lunacy that got us her in the first place.

    Do you get aroused by loving him blindly? Ehh Mr Tingles

  153. lack:

    u r confusing sexual arousal with slayer expertise...


    i love to slay hobama nazis as much as u love to suck hobama


  154. anon:


    these ignorant vulgar hobama nazis have no shame!

    my logic trumps their dl libido!!!

  155. LOL@mold.Those mean imaginary people callin' mold a lesbian?

    Poor poor baby.

    More Liberal bullshit from mold and lac.Blame Reagan and the tea party.

    California Dreamin'—of Jobs in Texas
    Hounded by taxes and regulations, employers in the once-Golden State are moving East..

    “We came to learn why they would pick up their roots and move in order to grow their businesses,” says GOP Assemblyman Dan Logue, who organized the trip. “Why does Chief Executive magazine rate California the worst state for job and business growth and Texas the best state?”
    The contrast is undeniable. Texas has added 165,000 jobs during the last three years while California has lost 1.2 million. California’s jobless rate is 12% compared to 8% in Texas.
    “I don’t see this as a partisan issue,” Mr. Newsom told reporters before the group met with Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry. The former San Francisco mayor has many philosophical disagreements with Mr. Perry, but he admitted he was “sick and tired” of hearing about the governor’s success luring businesses to Texas.

    Don't forget those local yokel Liberals making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

  156. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Mold, have you been following your idols story? She just got forced out of the Navy. Didn't you start wearing your adult diapers and stalking people right about the time she did exactly the same?

    I think you two have a lot in common, she was an astronaught and you are a fuckin space cadet.

    When you got caught stalking at school, did the shit hit the fan?

  157. lack:

    get off on this

    Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction.

    It takes a lot of winking to run a Center-Right Democratic government, so Obama has underlings to do some of his winks for him. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs's right eye was twitching ferociously as he excoriated "the professional Left" - whatever that is - for making "crazy" demands for such things as "Canadian healthcare." The attack was, of course, a huge wink to the Right, reassuring the corporate world that Obama will not yield an inch to the Left in this election season. He is winking at "the markets" - a euphemism for the super-rich - that they can rest easy.

  158. lack:

    j/o on this!!!

    Still don't believe it's the job of corporate Democrats to push the corporate agenda further than Republicans ever could? When Bush 2 couldn't even pass his own bankster bailout in September of 2008, he called Barack Obama in off the campaign trail to round up a sufficient number of Democratic votes, including votes in the Congressional Black Caucus, to pass the Bush bailout. Before even assuming office, Barack Obama was carrying out Republican policies even Republicans could not enact. Upon becoming president himself, Barack Obama quintupled down on the $3 trillion Bush bankster bailout with a further $16 trillion, the largest transfer of public wealth to private hands in the history of humankind.

    So if you're an Obama supporter, and you're disappointed that your president won't fight for you --- if you're an Obama supporter and you wonder why the president won't stand up for Medicaid, Medicare and social security --- here's the answer. The president really, really is smarter than you. He knows what side he's on and you don't. He knows that the two-party system is a veal pen, where as long as “he can play good cop to the Republicans' ever worsening bad cop, the game is fixed, and not in your favor.

    Look out! Over there! It's President Michelle Bachman!

  159. Hobama Is Your Daddy5:37 PM

    AB lies on me all the time!

  160. lack:

    more on that fictional hobama

    for your dl friction...enjoy!

    But, Poet, how’d you slip on Iceberg Slim?
    How’d you start snarling, growling, guarding
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like a junkyard dog,
    Muzzling the “movement” and protecting the
    Bagman transferring trillions to Wall Street,
    War Profiteer, Pharma, Agribiz, Oil-igarch,
    Insurance mobs, uh, Reagan redux on ‘roids?
    Was it his cool “middle”-class mantra?
    Or, ‘cause Slim didn’t come Superfly—
    Gold-plated cane, fur coat, big hat, talkin’
    Slick, like Tony and Goldie, ‘bout making his
    Handlers so much money that their pockets
    Would look like they have the mumps?

    Poet, when didn’t you know it?
    From the git, it smelled like a pack of
    Senators wind-surfing on raw sewage,
    With Candidate Slim huddling for bailout
    Hanky-panky with Hank Paulson,
    McCain and Osama Ben Bernanke…

    Poet, when didn’t you know it?
    No wait for a gate, when Slim kept
    Warlord, Bomb Gates, on from W’s crew—
    But, then there was Skippy-Gate,
    Harvard Professor arrested in his
    Home, then invited by Slim to the
    Big House for beer with the arresting
    Officer. We waited with bated breath,
    Figurin’ as slick as Slim is, he jus’ might
    Invite families of Sean Bell and Oscar
    Grant for a Big House keg and concert:
    Newt Gingrich Sings Gershwin, A cappella.

    Poet, when didn’t you know it?
    Iceberg made his bones first day on the job,
    Whackin’ a couple Somalis—called them pirates.

    Poet, when didn’t you know it?
    Iceberg’s brass-balled triangulation, juggling
    Three wars, picking up a peace prize, torpedoing
    Copenhagen with “clean coal” and nukes: priceless.

    Poet, when didn’t you know it?
    Neon signs in Guantanamo’s windows flashing OPEN,
    As Slim’s “surges,” and more drone strikes than eight
    W years seem to scream, “Hey, Poet, judge me not by
    The color of my skin, but by content of my character!”

    Poet, when didn’t you know it?
    Amerikkka’s a crime scene—
    Yellow tape stretching Maine to Florida,
    San Diego to Seattle, Great Lakes to Gulf,
    Would a Warlock’s incantations one January
    Morning, abracadabra, magically CHANGE it?

    You, snatching you from Iceberg Slim’s grip…
    In his Prison Poems, Ho Chi Minh said, the
    Poet must also know how to lead an attack—
    Hurry, Poet, hurry, I’ve been waiting… for you!

  161. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hobama Is Your Daddy said...
    AB lies on me all the time!

    You mean like a 69? You wish!!

  162. lack:

    more yen for your yin


    An actor walks upon the floodlit stage of life

    wearing a mask of an angel beneath a demon's gown.

    Pretence smiles upon the crowded hall of life

    holding out hope as bright as it is false.

    Son of a woman in whose veins flows the blood

    of ancient Ireland and dark Africa’s plains.

    You are Obama, nick-named the standing king

    You are Barack, oh, son born to deceive

    The suffering hoards of Africa look up to you,

    See a black saviour where nought but a Judas strides.

    An entrapper of nations, bringer of dismal war

    Behind the robes and the nylon wings of hope

    Oh, may those who look upon you, see you as you are.

    May those who hope in you behold you as you be

    A prince deceitful to bring down Africa’s shrines

    A siren who leads Africa’s ships onto rocks of obliteration.

    Your rule my lord will not be one of peace

    Your reign my king will not be one of smiles

    Even as we speak in caves both dark and dank

    Enraged fanatics plot your dark demise

    They will put around your head a bloodwet martyr’s crown.

    Oh black Kennedy following the one before

    May God forgive thee and thy fiery spouse

    As you walk in silence from the stage of life

    Barack Obama, blessed son, Oh standing king.

  163. "Dumb ass. I can guarantee you that he has penalties and late charges. On top of that he just got the fuckin job in Congress, so I hardly think that the #deadbeatdad caught up on his payments. If you don't pay the full amount each month, in the eyes of the child support agency, you didn't pay anything at all. The bitch owes his kids. Period.

    Story reopened."

    Thanks for opening it back up Rottnkid.

    "Deadbeat dads" shouldn't be in Congress preaching to the rest of us about fiscal responsibility.


  165. Sharon, that poor lady is white? Nooooo.

  166. lack:

    more hobama reality stag for your hobama nazi swag


  167. lack:

    hobama pain trumps hobama porn!!!

    feel this!!!

    More damning statistics on the state of race in Obama’s America. This recent report from the Pew Institute demonstrates yet again that post-racial America did not arrive via the 2008 election of the first black president. At least in terms of household/family wealth, being black or brown in America still means being broke. The average black household only held $5,600 in wealth in 2009, down from $12,124 in 2005!

    The black-white comparisons in the two charts show that being white in America still comes with huge advantages.

    Wealth, as opposed to income, is an important indicator of social inequality.

    Income is what you use to buy a loaf of bread, Patron bottle service at the club, or a Mercedes.

    Wealth is what you use to buy opportunity: to live in a safe neighborhood, to ensure that your children get a quality education, to live a healthy life.

    Thus, these huge wealth differences indicate that the average Black or Latino still lacks access these benchmarks of the American dream.


    cc this to that hobama swooned coon uts!!!

  168. Never said he got "caught up", but did say he had resumed paying the full, agreed upon monthly payment.

    If you don't pay the full amount each month, in the eyes of the child support agency, you didn't pay anything at all. The bitch owes his kids. Period.

    You must have a lousy lawyer.

    3:32 PM

    Lawyers can't do jack - In most states it's the law.

    I'm good bro, CS is up to date. Can't say much for your boy tho.

  169. sue me6:12 PM

    Lawyers can't do jack - In most states it's the law.

    Like I said, you must have a lousy lawyer. Everything is negotiable. Everything.

  170. field negro said...
    Sharon, that poor lady is white? Nooooo.

    She must be black on the inside, like a Fudgewich.

  171. Scary Barry6:18 PM

    The end is near.....

  172. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Why is deadbeat dad...who owes that much in child support...a hero to wingnuts and Taxbaggers? They seem to take malicious glee in stealing from kids.
    Not everything is negotiable. But being born bush means you never face jail time.
    It is rather odd that witeDad hasn't been placed into the system. IF you can afford vacations with the new woman and loan yourself 35K, you should be current with child support. But, it is all about the priorities.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  173. "The end is near....."

    How far away is it? I have been hearing that we are almost there for awhile now.

  174. Sharon, that poor lady is white? Nooooo.<<

    Yep. And sucking on the government tit as much as possible. She's a hypocrit for taking advantage of the safety net while at the same time denying it for others.

  175. PilotX11:59 PM

    "Without a doubt, the atmosphere is incredibly durable, as are the life forms inhabiting the planet."

    So that's why 90% of all life forms that inhabited this planet are extinct. No thanks for your uninformed opinion.

  176. PilotX12:03 AM

    After the 2:30 comment some asshole stole my handle because they can't think for themselves. Please ignore the posts talking about global warming because unlike the fake that assumed my identity I am not a linear thinker who thinks in black or white terms. Too many childish and ignorant people are on the loose here.
    Field, I thought you were getting a better class of trolls.

  177. PilotX12:07 AM

    The comments at 2:40 and 2:54 PM should be ignored as they are ill informed and posted by someone too ignorant to create their own name. Probably a simpleminded conservative. long live the GOP!
