Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Debt feelings.

"I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people.
 ...Whose car we takin'?"

That was Ben Aflleck's character, Dougie MacRay, trying to get his boy to accompany him on a beat down in the movie, "The Town".

It's also the line from the movie that republicans met and chose to watch in order to rally around each other for this debt ceiling debate. Nice. It's apropos, seeing that it is a movie about a bank robbery, and these clowns are holding up A-merry-ca.
Anyway, like a good Negro, my man Allen West volunteered to drive the car. (Because that's what good Negroes do.) 

"After showing the clip, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), one of the most outspoken critics of leadership among the 87 freshmen, stood up to speak, according to GOP aides.“I’m ready to drive the car,” West replied, surprising many Republicans by giving his full -throated support for the plan."

I'm ready to drive the car, massa. *shaking head*. What is wrong with these Negroes like Star Parker? (h/t to Carlos for this story)

BTW, I have been getting a lot of e-mails about this valedictorian case in Arkansas. And, believe me, it has my racism antenna's up. But could someone tell me if the principal, Derrell Thompson, is a brotha? If he is, he should be jigging right along with Star and Allen. Sometimes your own people can be so much worse than "the man". Mental slavery is a b*&^h. 

Speaking of slaves, I bet that the folks in the top 5% income category of this country wishes that we were all their slaves.

Now it's that phony ass preacher, Rick Warren, telling us that half of America pays no taxes. (A lie! I think he meant income taxes, but that's not the point.) The point is that this rich ass phony has joined the rest of the "let them eat cake" crowd by trying to parrot a well used wingnut line.

 "HALF of America pays NO taxes. Zero,” Warren wrote. “So they’re happy for tax rates to be raised on the other half that DOES pay taxes.”

The post was interpreted by the popular blog
“Wonkette” as a dig against Americans whose incomes do not qualify them to pay taxes.

The post has since been removed from Warren’s Twitter feed, and he acknowledged that the tweet "did sound mean" in a subsequent
tweet addressed to a blogger who wrote had written a lengthy response."

Folks, make no mistake, this is what this debate is about in Washington. It's why the wingnuts will not budge on their debt ceiling position. They do not want to raise taxes on their wealthy friends.

Meanwhile, GE just decided to send even more jobs to China. The same GE that paid ZERO taxes last year. How ironic that O actually tapped the head of GE to be one of his job creation experts. He is creating jobs alright; just not in this country.

O, when will you learn; stop pandering to these people. I know you wanted to seem like a centrist by dancing with this man, (Jeffrey Immelt) but it won't work. This man, and people like him, only care about lining their own pockets and the company bottom line.

Finally, ( I know I am all over the place tonight, but this debt ceiling crap has me pissed) yet another example of do as I say but not as I do from Washington:

"Like many members of Congress, Rep. Michele Bachmann has been a fierce critic of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, blaming the government-backed loan programs for excesses that helped create the financial meltdown in 2008.
And like millions of other home purchasers, Bachmann took out a home loan in 2008 that offered lower costs to the borrower through one of the federally subsidized programs, according to mortgage experts who reviewed her loan documents.

Just a few weeks before Bachmann called for dismantling the programs during a House Financial Services Committee hearing, she and her husband signed for a $417,000 home loan to help finance their move to a 5,200-square-foot golf-course home, public records show. Experts who examined the loan documents for The Washington Post say that they are confident the loan was backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

Seeing problems with the programs — especially the high costs to taxpayers — hasn’t stopped a concerned public or other members of Congress from taking advantage of the lower interest rates that come due to government backing.
Bachmann has been the most outspoken critic of the loan programs and other government subsidies among Republican presidential candidates. Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty also has called for dismantling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Experts who reviewed his mortgage documents said that there was no way to tell whether his home loan from 1994 had government backing." [Source] 

I think I will head on out to Home Depot to buy a pitch fork.



  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Nice Post!!
    I can't understand why any AfAm would pretend life was better under slavery.

    Detroit is not the only place hollowed out by our Capitalist Free Market about the rest of the Rust Belt? Or Pennsyltucky? Or NY? While racist weenies lie to you and TELL you it is all the fault of them shiftless, lazy urbanites buying T-bones with Food Stamps....many of the areas are Ivory Snow white. Whether it is PA or the South...more than a few industrial towns are lily white...and the jobs are gone. Oh, how about the Northeast? So, your wisherating that eveel Soshlust Commies stolerated the jobs is nonsense. However, we can see how the Kochs and their ilk shipped the employment overseas to bust unions and their horrible nasty terrible habit of decent pay and benefits.
    Go ahead, hop in Mom's car and drive around. Tell me the state...and we can probably offer places for you to observe Data firsthand.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  2. Wow, Allan West makes Allen Keyes look like Stokley Carmichael. He is an official Slave Catcher field, even most House Negroes have some self respect.

    Our politicians are finding their inspiration and ideas for leadership from not say, the Founding Fathers, the Bible, great political philosophers or history - but a freaking summer gangster movie? What's next, the GOP decides their foreign policy based on reruns of '24'...oh wait, they did, nevermind.

    I guess the small town mayor form PA was right on Real Time last Friday when he said the Republicans think they're Spartans from the movie ** "300". We're more screwed than Kim Kardashian & Ray J video on repeat.

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM



    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  4. Mold, ain't nothing funny about The GOP Freshman (and their pet coon West) playing Russian Roulette with the world economy because the Democrats don't want to send grandma digging through garbage and the establishment GOP, on some level, would like to do their jobs.

    Speaking of which, why the hell are the GOP leadership scared of these cranks?! (And yes, Boehner is scared of Cantor and the Freshmen) Almost of the Tea Party freaks were bankrolled by corporate fat cats through Karl Rove approved shell groups. Why not have those fat cats yank their leashes?

  5. Anonymous7:26 PM

    LAC, it is the Primary Threat. All them gawd-fearin' church-goin' morons have figured out that two or so bible beleevin' church congregations can make a Primary.
    Christine O'Donnell...Steve Friend...Toomey.
    st reagan let the scum into the house...and now the scum thinkerate they are owed the chance to mess things up. Truthfully, the GOP has been postponing the social idiocy many of the Goobers wisherated to enact. What sane person would let those folks anywhere near the levers?

    If you look at it like an employer...the only options are Dumb and Dumber. And they love to threaten your family if you decline to hire the Heeyuck of choice.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  6. You know Lac, if you keep "feeding" stray, turbobreeding, job lacking, rabid, psycho's, they'll "live" forever.

    Back to this topic, Prez Obama can forget about getting re-elected. The ads have already begun!

  7. "I fully understand her points, and I agree with her, that democracy sometimes makes things difficult, but that in the end they can make a compromise­," says Shen Dingli, the executive dean of the Institute of Internatio­nal Studies at Shanghai's Fudan University­.

    "I think they would take it as a further sign of America's decline," said Kerry Brown, the director of the Asia Program at Chatham House in London. "I don't think they're celebratin­g that by the way, but Chinese popular opinion already strongly holds the idea that America is declining.­"

    Reminds me about that commercial where China is laughing at us in a "history" class.

  8. "Almost of the Tea Party freaks were bankrolled by corporate fat cats through Karl Rove approved shell groups. Why not have those fat cats yank their leashes?"

    I think that their investment is paying off.

  9. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Rottn, yes...I recall that ad. It was one designed to sell the illusion that 'Merica was failing because of greedy poor people...and pushing the 'spending' magic words.
    I think the World realized the frailty of the US with the election of st reagan and the boobs he brought along. Then, the miracle of bush. Not elected, appointed.
    When you divert money from schools to religions and scam have ended yourself.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  10. Anonymous8:05 PM

    FN, one Party rule...sounds like curried mutton and coconut balls. TonTon Macouts...or TeaBaggers?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yeah Mold, that ad was powerful..makes one think and for me not what it was intended for. People need to remember China is not a democracy but their hybrid mix of capitalism seems to work. I'm no communist but if I can at least see one member of Congress or the Senate off themselves for bringing dishonor to the USA - The People, not corporations or their own re election, then I'm for it.

    Chinese Professor

  13. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Rottn, the Chinese treat their TaxBaggers with the derision and contempt the philosophy deserves. Democracy allows for the infestation of US interests. They recall the US and the 'missionaries' very well.
    It might help to view History as cyclical.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  14. Anonymous8:22 PM

    LAC, I did note that the wingnut was all bravely heroically a jerkhole to the mayor of Braddock PA...until His Honour asked if the Con man would like to take it outside. Heroically brave wingnut stood his ground and had Bill Maher save his cowardly butt.
    Typical wingnut...loves to be a jerkhole.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  15. "But could someone tell me if the principal, Derrell Thompson, is a brotha? If he is, he should be jigging right along with Star and Allen. Sometimes your own people can be so much worse than "the man". Mental slavery is a b*&^h. "

    It wouldn't shock me, and if so, don't look for Mr. Hairdo nor the NAACM to show up. And I'm sure Steve, his Mammy Mold, and his online girlfriend Macklina, would break their necks to defend Thompson if he's black. But let him be an ebol white man...

    And I'm willing to bet my dwindling bank accounts, Thompson would not have dared doing that to a Latina.

    I swear, I'm with the Anony on the previous thread. Black people can be their own worse enemies. I think I prefer to be burgundy with a touch of fuchsia, I'll be better off.

  16. Anonymous8:54 PM

    What a non-surprise. Both drinking from the same well...or was it Kool-Aid?
    With st reagan opening his reign of errors by acting at one of the shrines to racist foolishness...bush making sure his version of House Rice is nearby...and the wonderful elimination of union government employment....I would not be so stoopid as to claim AfAms are 'die Juden'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  17. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19829:07 PM

    Mold,you are so stoopid.You have the intellect of a 5 year old.No logic or reason to anything you post.You try to cover up your lack of knowledge by using blah.

    “I’m ready to drive the car,” West replied,

    Where O where is Obamas' car?

  18. Ha, ha - you americans, very funny, very naive. Thank you very much for distracting yourself with silly war against terror, while we take over your country by taking over dollar and economy. Now party is over, now you our slaves - now you silence, now you learn Cantonese quick and work hard! Time is money and you owe us much more than you have!

    August 2nd is Payday!

    And you, videoman - grow some hair on your head and get a shave!

    我們要求您給所有土地正當的所有者。 當地美洲印第安人!



    This is just one comment out of many...

    Obama might have to go 14th Amendment on the the Teapublicans ass.

  19. How come no one else is talking about the poor Kimberly? You see...

  20. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Troll, Logic is not agreement with you much-cherished beleefs. If you need some help understanding a post written for Grade Eight students...let me know. I can make it even simpler.
    West volunteered to drive the car to 'hurt people'. No wonder the Army cashiered his sadistic self.

    Rottn, although it sounds so gratifying to have a future where wingnuts have to actually work...the Chinese have a long habit of how they treat groups like the US. Might be interesting to review it. The Chinese call labour.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  21. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19829:34 PM

    "Grade Eight students"


    Its eighth grade students or 8th grade students you simpleton.

    How could someone with so many degrees be so stooooooopid?

  22. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Sorry Troll, perhaps you could run to wingnut central and ask...or keep revealing you don't know.;)

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  23. Anonymous said...

    LAC, I did note that the wingnut was all bravely heroically a jerkhole to the mayor of Braddock PA...until His Honour asked if the Con man would like to take it outside. Heroically brave wingnut stood his ground and had Bill Maher save his cowardly butt.
    Typical wingnut...loves to be a jerkhole.

    I also notice the guy from 'Reason' mag (the aforementioned Jerkhole) said a few more silly things.

    First, he tried to claim Obama had no deal on the table - which isn't true. He also went down a path of ridiculous logical deductivism. Classic objectivist tripe which leads to many a logical non-sequitor. When Maher mentioned we should walk more and support better public transportation in LA and that he would be willing to give up one of his two cars (which is really nothing for a rich TV show hosts) for decent public transportation - said jerkhole demanded that Bill should give up both cars and live like some bohemian pauper, in a vain attempt that because Bill Maher isn't willing to live on a hippy commune with no running water, he's not really interested in the environment.

    Or, for a guy who purports to wholly believe in logic, he went on to support the rather illogical claim that the US could pass the debt limit and nothing would happen.

    These smug tea party like to think they're smart - until someone calls them on their bull.

  24. It's funny how we're trying to "cut and slash" our way out of a recession by cutting down government programs and functions that actually help and benefit people, all the while giving the proceeds to a wealthy elite who are simply content to let the money pile up in a corner. And of course, we dare not tax these "job generators" and "producers", yet we're more than willing to tax the living daylights out of the middle and lower classes -- people who can ill afford tax hikes.

    I just watched the propaganda video with the "Chinese professor". I think they're laughing at us for a different reason.

    "I think that their investment is paying off."

    Between Obama catering to Wall Street, the blind lunacy of the Tea Party and the GOP's overriding goal of killing Obama's presidency above all else, I'd say they're definitely getting their money's worth.

  25. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Obama has a plan? Where is it?Is it on paper? Has it been scored by the CBO?

  26. Bacopa10:35 PM

    The movie you wanna watch when you get stuff done is The Edge!

    "How do most people lost in the wilds die? They die of shame"

    "What one man can do, another man can do!"

    "Today we're gonna kill the motherf***er!"

    I know, it's a black dude dies first movie, but it's still highly inspirational, and they're not killing any human, just a bear who found the black dude pretty tasty.

  27. Anonymous10:36 PM

    LAA- "How come no one else is talking about the poor Kimberly? You see..."

    Don't hold your breath.

  28. jerome10:37 PM

    mold is impossibly ignorant.

    it must actually have some sense that everything it says is not true.

  29. Mack's tryin'10:39 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    It's funny how we're trying to "cut and slash" our way out of a recession by cutting down government programs and functions that actually help and benefit people, all the while giving the proceeds to a wealthy elite who are simply content to let the money pile up in a corner.

    Obviously spoken by someone who never took an economics course.

    Economic illiteracy is killing this country.

  30. "Obviously spoken by someone who never took an economics course.

    Economic illiteracy is killing this country."

    Please help us understand oh ye tenured prof. from the LSE.

    What will save us? Is it the trickle down theory?

  31. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field, you need to know that Obama and the Dems caved already on reversing the Bush tax cuts.

    Obama said it Monday night but he wasn't being truthful. The Reid plan has NO new "revenue," the new code word for taxes, on the wealthy.

    That's why I hope there is no deal--no way there can be--and he just uses the 14th amendment to raise the debt ceiling.

  32. I hate to self-promote, but I finally gotten around to putting my blog up. It's not much, but it's there. :)

    "Please help us understand oh ye tenured prof. from the LSE.

    What will save us? Is it the trickle down theory?"

    The "Lunatic Society of Egotists"?

    Careful, Field. He just may pull his trousers down, throw a golden stream over your head and call it the "Trickle Down Theory".

  33. Cooked Books11:23 PM

    la coincidental writes:

    First, he tried to claim Obama had no deal on the table - which isn't true.

    Oh. Well then, how about sharing the details of Obama's plan? Can you do that?

    Not likely.

    Obama has spoken in generalities and suggested all the benefits will arise from the Ending of the Spending on the Afghan War.

    If a legitimate businesse employed that accounting technique, the CEO would face arrest.

  34. The US population is 312 million. By 2050 the population will surpass 400 million. It might approach 450 million, if the growth trends remain constant.

    Should the US drill for more oil and gas on US territory to supply power the cars Americans will drive?

    Or should the US meet the growing demand by importing more oil?

  35. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    It's not much, but it's there. :)

    I bet you say that to all the girls.

  36. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Chevy said...
    The US population is 312 million. By 2050 the population will surpass 400 million. It might approach 450 million, if the growth trends remain constant.

    Should the US drill for more oil and gas on US territory to supply power the cars Americans will drive?

    Or should the US meet the growing demand by importing more oil?

    Neither, crush all energy sources while making sure to persue alternate energy (no viable inventions or sources yet) increase unemployment, food costs, inflation, destroy the economy more and then demand that almost half of citizens pay for the other half...that should work out well don't you think? Oh we can just borrow more, raise the ceiling, raise the ceiling...hmm wonder how long that can hold out?

  37. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, Here's something you might consider doing a post on. When you listen to this NPR audio, it will give you part of the 'missing key' why so many Latinos deny the African in them and why they hate Blacks in the US, Latin America/Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, PR, and other islands. I found it fascinating, interesting and quite sad. One thing we ALL have in common is that we have ALL been psychologically impaired as the result of slavery. It still haunts many of us today.

    I sincerely hope all FN posters will take a few minutes to listen to it, esp those of you from the islands:

  38. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Field, "Anyway, like a good Negro, my man Allen West volunteered to drive the car. (Because that's what good Negroes do.) "

    Dear Mr. Field, in your zeal to chastise Congressman Allen West, it prompted the question, "what about Obama? Hasn't he been a good Negro for the Republicans?"

    I can think of no other bm who has done so much for the Republicans and caused such heartache and embarrassment to Black folks than Obama.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I really DO want to see Obama succeed but he keeps looking to White racists and failing miserably with them.

    But you must admit, Allen West knows how to succeed among Republicans without giving the farm away. Obama gives the farm away and still is seen as NOT as a President but just another bm who is used and abused by Republicans.

    President Obama gets no respect from Republicans. I bet the Repubs fear Allen West more than they fear Obama. i really think they see Obama as a weakling.

  39. Or should the US meet the growing demand by importing more oil?

    11:29 PM

    How about building up light rail.

  40. sauce boss12:24 AM

    Rottnkid said...
    Or should the US meet the growing demand by importing more oil?

    11:29 PM

    How about building up light rail.

    OK. So everyone will have a train that goes everywhere they want?

    What's the light rail going to run on?

  41. Repubs12:26 AM

    "I bet the Repubs fear Allen West more than they fear Obama."

    You lose.

    Repubs fear the damage Obama's policies are doing to the country.

    Repubs respect West for his principles.

  42. What's the light rail going to run on?

    12:24 AM


  43. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Regarding the Obama Presidency, Obama is a Democratic President who has acted like a Republican:

  44. Anonymous1:59 AM

    "Repubs fear the damage Obama's policies are doing to the country.

    Repubs respect West for his principles."

    Of course, Repubs have the answer like they did during the Bush administration. I hope you get everything you want. that way you will have no one to blame but yourselves.

  45. Anonymous2:01 AM

    RttnKid, you need to get a better sign.

  46. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    You know Lac, if you keep "feeding" stray, turbobreeding, job lacking, rabid, psycho's, they'll "live" forever.

    u know kimdaqueef its such a shame that ur mind is in such a low place that u cante even think of ur own original insults u have to have a rogue state alter ego sockpuppet like buceta lickin banks give u insults such as 'turbobreeding' and others such as 'rabid'

    a person with as many alleged degrees as u have should be able to come up with something better but the only knowledge u come with is wikipedia stubs it is very clear who the real liar and fool is on this site and that means u

    the only tool left in ur arsenal is to make up stoopid lies to appease that fragile banks like ego of urs give it up sweetie we all know ure a gottdam liar!

  47. I've been banging on for some time on my opinion that Barack Obama is actually a moderate Conservative.

    Now it appears that I am not alone in that view.

    "Barrack Obama The Democrat's Richard Nixon"

  48. Anonymous5:21 AM

    "...I bet that the folks in the top 5% income category of this country wishes that we were all their slaves."

    Ya think? I remember an oilman I worked for many years ago saying to me that he thought "the country should be run for the benefit of capitalists & those who serve them".

    Marie Antoinette had it coming.

  49. "The US population is 312 million. By 2050 the population will surpass 400 million. It might approach 450 million, if the growth trends remain constant.

    Should the US drill for more oil and gas on US territory to supply power the cars Americans will drive?"

    Stop driving gas eaters so damn much. It's called mass transit.

    See what Anon @11:42 PM said.

    Mack, I will check out your blog.

    Anon@11:48 PM, thanks for that NPR link. Being West Indian I could write a book about that stuff. :(

    Yes, the secret is out; O is a moderate conservative (Centrist).
    But hear the wingnuts tell it he is a Socialist who wants to change their beloved A-merry-ca. Hmmmm, I wonder why?

    Sorry La~Coincidental, still nothing on my girl in Arkansas. Still trying to find out if the principal was a brotha or not. I might call the school today. Just for kicks.:)

  50. Anonymous7:26 AM

    If you are to the Right of Nazi thought...then Obama looks like a KenyanMooslimSoshlust. Fuel development in the US will not solve the issue of fossil fuel use. It is instructive to note that the producers of whale oil thought the answer was to kill more whales.
    If every single house in the Sun Belt had solar panels...we would not have quite so large an energy problem. If we could offer massive subsidies to the owners of vehicles used mostly to intimidate the drivers of Miatas...we could subsidize solar panels.
    The US had mass transit before. Cable cars, trolley 'burbs, and a rail system that was the envy of the world. And not that long ago...

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  51. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Who knew white Liberals and negros would have such undying love for a moderate Conservative,Richard Nixon like political figure?

    Only in the minds of moonbats.

    Don'tcha love how moonbats love comparing Obama to Republican presidents?

    I wish Obama would act like Abraham Lincoln and free you negros from the Democrat plantation.

  52. Anonymous8:20 AM

    SlapTroll, again with your claimerating to things that don't exist. The US thrilled to electing an AfAm, even one right-of-centre. And the Geezer/MILF ticket was for rubes and boobs.
    As far as comparison...Obama and Nixon is relevant.
    Oh, and soooo not-grown up with the Democrat (never Democratic as that takes literacy) usage. But, it is was Massa tole you...and you swallow that soo willingly. Tell us, what is it like to be so grovelingly submissive?
    I do like that you keep to the lie of the D being a plantation. It makes you feel like you are part of the Civil Rights movement...and on the side of History. Too bad the Historical record has your intellectual antecedents being the ones with dogs, fire hoses, bombs, and spitting on small children attending class. Yes, some of us are indeed old enough to recall. And your denial means nothing.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  53. Study Hall8:27 AM

    field asks:

    But could someone tell me if the principal, Derrell Thompson, is a brotha?

    Reading is fundamental.

    In the compalaint, which was part of the article linked to the post, it's stated that Thompson is white.

    The other defendant -- Thomas Gathen -- is black.

    The controversy is silliness in the highest form. If the federal case proceeds, it will result in a loss for all those sucked into its foolishness.

    First, I'd like to know Kim Wimberly's SAT scores. Clearly they were low.

    Second, according to the complaint at least one black teacher handed out "A"s to black students. Obviously there's a little problem with the validity of that teacher's grades.

    Moreover, there were a series of assertions about which students were encouraged to take "honors" classes that are obviously false.

    If the school administration defends itself as it should, it will be revealed that Ms Wimberly, the complainant, was not quite the star her inflated grades suggested.

  54. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Tell us, what is it like to be so grovelingly submissive?


    Negros vote 88% to 90% Democrat.

    Negros do whatever their Democrat Masters tell them to do.Just ask field.

    What did Eric "my people" Holder tell Kinston,N.C.? You can't have nonpartisan ballots.Without the "D" beside a name negros won't know who to vote for?

    And don't forget Alvin Greene.

    Carry on moonbat.

  55. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Yesterday during testimony on Capitol Hill, we heard Former ATF Special Agent in Charge William Newell admit he was in contact with White House National Security staffer Kevin O'Reilly about Operation Fast and Furious as early as September 2010. Newell also admitted that the DHS, IRS, DEA, ATF, ICE and the Obama Justice Department were all heavily involved and were full partners in coming up with the concept and execution of Operation Fast and Furious.

    What did Obama know and when did he know it?

  56. Gas Pains8:43 AM

    field writes:

    Stop driving gas eaters so damn much. It's called mass transit.

    According to field, the problem of gas consumption is solved by people riding mass transit. Well, the subway system here in NY City stops at the city limits. Tough luck for everyone beyond the subway system.

    However, there are commuter trains into NY City.

    News flash 2 -- they're packed at rush hour. Get it? People do take mass transit when and where it's available.

    News flash 3 -- people do not drive vehicles they cannot afford to operate.

    New flash 4 -- there are no mass transit systems in most of America. Moreover, there is no chance small cities and towns will build them. Even bus systems are insanely expensive -- and useless for most people.

    News flash 5 -- most vehicles are not "gas eaters". Of those that are, few are driven on long daily commutes. No one commutes 50 miles each way in a Hummer.

    Bottom line -- US gas consumption will trend higher as the population grows and car ownership increases. It's that simple. No matter how far new cars will travel on a gallon of gas, aggreggate gas consumption will increase.

    You desperately need a course in real-world economics.

  57. Colt 458:55 AM

    Nixon's Watergate scandal led to exactly zero deaths.

    The Fast and Furious program, conducted by members of the US government, led to several deaths and provided guns that were used in criminal activities.

    Nixon was destroyed because he lied about Watergate.

    Clearly people in Obama's chain of command are lying. Eric Holder is probably lying. Obama is probably lying -- about Fast and Furious -- and many other matters.

    The idea of Fast and Furious may have made momentary sense in an ATF brainstorming session. But ATF people who were not ree-tards should have recognized its flaws and ended discussion about it before it was put into action.

    Some moron at ATF probably thought it was like injecting dye into a patient's blood stream and then putting the patient in the body-scanner to see where the dye went.

  58. White Man's Burden9:06 AM

    field writes:

    Now it's that phony ass preacher, Rick Warren, telling us that half of America pays no taxes. (A lie! I think he meant income taxes, but that's not the point.)

    It's obvious a lot of Americans pay no taxes -- no income taxes.

    Anyone who spends a dollar pays some kind of tax somewhere, sometimes. But that aside...

    If you doubt that HALF of Americans pay no incomes taxes, what then, is your estimate of the correct percentage?

    Meanwhile, there are 312 million Americans. However, the IRS collects tax returns from about 130 million.

    Thus, it's obvious that with respect to the number of people in the population, less than half pay income taxes. And among those who do file tax returns, there are many millions who file them only to validate their receipt of federal and state benefits and to take advantage of the Earned Income Credit.

    Thus, if someone says HALF of American tax-filers pay no income taxes, the assertion is close to being true.

  59. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hmm...spin on the Valedictorian story already. Someone is earning their wingnut welfare this day. SAT has exactly what to do with Valedictorian? How are the assertions about honours classes 'obviously false'? Because it makes wites look bad? Strange that a young woman who was already vetted as Valedictorian would be shown not to be...or is that your hoperation?

    SlapTroll, what do others voting habits have to do with your willing and eager genuflection to your Master? Do you have any proof whatsoever of your claimeration of 'Democrat' Masters? I know, you'll drag up the canard of the unReconstructed Solid South...who are all Rs now, by the way...and pretend to misunderstand that the mass cowardice over Civil Rights never happened. For one so obsessed over can't get the name of the Democratic Party correct. Cue...if Mold can use words to create meaning and comprehension...then Trolls should be able to use tribal 'one of the Goobers' words.
    Keep trying to have a false equivalence. It looks juvenile and mentally deficient. But then, you aren't employed...and can be a useful idiot for very little cash.

    GasTroll, if you bothered to study History, you' know that many small towns had public mass transit...and fairly recently. US vehicles are notoriously bad for mileage. And yes...many commute 50 miles one way in HUMMERs. Why are you lying?
    As for 'real-world economics' began with easily disproved assumptions. And offer no basis for your beleefs...other than you really, truly beleeve in this dogma.
    Maybe you should do some research. There is plenty...econ, environmental, urban planning, petroleum companies...

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  60. Anonymous9:14 AM

    WiteTroll, the salient point is not that Rick Warren is a is that the half that doesn't pay eveeel taxes...doesn't make enough to pay them.
    What is the threshold? 14K? 25K? 36K?
    You are all moaning and weepy and hissy....because some of your fellow citizens make too little to afford income tax.
    Whatta man.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  61. fn:

    are u serious?????????????

    what bank robbery by anyone could ever compare to the 23 trillion dollars that hobama ganked for his bankster rulers????

    hobama chose NOT to raise taxes for the rich long ago...ask his gentler clone gwb!!!

    hobama is no panderer to the rich
    he is a poster boy for the rich

    hobama was bought and paid for long ago

    how long will you pretend u do not see the price tag/sabotage/hoaxes that hobama flaunts daily????????

  62. Anonymous9:22 AM

    ColtTroll, and your 'proof' of officials lying is what, exactly? Your wisherating need? Magical words? Terms that ID you as one of the wingnut tribe?

    Darrell Issa pushed the you should be including him in this discussion. Why the curious absence of the 'owner'?

    I would surmise that the ATF persons who thoughterate this am good ideer wuz bush and st reagan appointees. I do call them bushMoles for a reason. Troo Beleevers making sure government fails.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  63. Cry Me A River9:39 AM

    Yeah, so Bachmann too advantage of a deal by our idiot goverment for a home loan.

    Has she been paying her bills? Did Fannie & Freddie get their money? So what's the big deal?

    The problem is, was giving out all those loans to people who didn't have a pot to piss in, in the first place, and had no business taking out loans they could NEVER pay back.....(and please.....the "predatory lenders" weren't at fault. They were operationg under the guidelines of CONGRESSIONAL LAW. The people at fault are the STUPID people who took out the loans, thinking they were getting something for nothing).

    There is NO remedy for we can all see from "Butter Mold's" incessant gibberish. If you're dumb enough to jump off in quicksand, it's not my obligation to pull your ass out.

    Better to let you sink. Helps to cleanse the gene pool.

  64. BetterMan9:44 AM

    GasTroll, if you bothered to study History, you' know that many small towns had public mass transit...and fairly recently. US vehicles are notoriously bad for mileage. And yes...many commute 50 miles one way in HUMMERs. Why are you lying?
    As for 'real-world economics' began with easily disproved assumptions. And offer no basis for your beleefs...other than you really, truly beleeve in this dogma.

    Hey Mold, whatsa matter, dont like being marginalized so you need to post like a maniac? You are saying nothing. You are one of DUMBEST fucks I have seen in awhile.

    Name ONE just ONE small town in the U.S EVER that had mass transit, just ONE. If YOU cannot name one or play your games about doing someone else's work then you get the fuck out of here RIGHT NOW and go shoot yourself in the head. Name ONE town, JUST ONE you blithering blathering idiot democratic representative.

    One small town, you said it, you called others a liar, now back it up fucknuts, but you wont, because you are a total fucking numbskull fraud. You will pull a democrat and say something stupid to twist your own words.

  65. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Why does mold lie so much?Does she not think her lies can't be exposed?

    Talk about juvenile and mentally deficient.

    Isaa didn't push the program.How we know?Because the media would have pounced on Isaa has a way of defending Obama.Instead, mold "souces" are leftwing kook sites.

    Mold's moonbatty is funny,eh?

  66. BetterMan10:02 AM

    Mold's moonbatty is funny,eh?

    Normally about as harmless as a nasty special olympics child, very nasty but harmless in that he is so stupid on purpose. But I am starting to see a pattern here, Jared Lee Loughner, Timothy McVeigh, Anders Behring Breivik,
    all crazy demented people with strange writings who constantly spouted gibberish - Precisely like Mold. In example look at his newest Mantra talking about shooting and having a license as a liberal, using in his terms second amendment remedies. Then saying it isn't so funny...

    "Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?"


    This guy is one breathe away from doing some damage to himself or others. Luckily he is totally incompoetent in his childish mentally democratic warped views of the world. But if not, he would be the next Jared Lee for headcase.

  67. 7/27/11

    Queen Laa/Dr. Queen et all:

    Ditto to all

    Racism is no relic

    Especially in rural AR!

  68. Queen Laa/Dr. Queen et al:

    A former high school student is suing the McGehee School District for racism.

    Kymberly Wimberly says she had the highest grade point average in her graduating class, but was named co-valedictorian because the district "did not want to see an African-American young mother as Valedictorian."

    Wimberly's father, Oscar Wimberly, encouraged his daughter to file the suit.

    "I'm an uneducated man, myself," Oscar said. "But I know the value of education. I preached this to my daughter every day: do good and get an education."

    Oscar keeps a copy of his daughter's transcript. It shows she earned straight A's through high school, except for a 'B' in English her junior year. The aspiring medical student finished with a 4.09 GPA, first in her class of 94 students.

    Wimberly claims it wasn't until after the school told her she was valedictorian that she found out she was sharing the honor with a white student that had a lower GPA.

    "When she does that, and can't get credit for what she does, it upsets me," Oscar said. "And I think that would upset any father."

    McGehee Superintendent Thomas Gathen wouldn't talk about the lawsuit Tuesday, but referred all questions to the district's policy for determining the valedictorian.

    "It's not strictly a matter of GPA," Gather said. "It has to do with course offerings as well."

    The policy says GPA is weighed against course difficulty. In Wimberly's case, she and another student tied for the top spot after the adjustment, so the school recognized co-valedictorians.

    Gathen says the decision was based on policy. The suit claims it was racially-motivated.

    Oscar says his little girl deserves better.

    "I would like to see her as the sole valedictorian," Oscar said. "I'd like to see the school records changed to indicate that."

  69. Gas Pains10:18 AM

    field wants people to choose mass transit over personal transportation.

    Other idiots on this site agree with him.

    Too bad Obama disagrees. Obama could have pushed the mass transit idea if he forced GM and Chrysler to liquidate. Instead, he helped them complete their bankruptcy reorganizations, for which the taxpayers were charged many billions that the companies will never repay.

    It is a simple fact that field is a bonehead on the subject of economics -- and many other subjects too.

    Because Americans are free to choose how they want to get around, it's obvious Americans prefer cars to mass transit. There are about 250 million cars registered in the US.

    Moreover, taxpayers don't like getting the big bills to support mass transit.

    Here's some news -- in NY City the subways and buses run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From 11 pm to 6 am, a lot of subway trains and buses are nearly empty. But they keep running.

    Empty motor vehicles do not move. They remain parked and consume no fuel.

    If field believes Americans should ride the bus instead of drive a car, then he must also believe the government has the power to take away a person's car. That kind of thinking is common among blacks.

    His vision would result in the destruction of a few major industries, but so what? He's got the usual madness of the ignorant idealist.

  70. more on hobama's ruthless elitism and racism and its NATIONAL fallout

    detroit's doom looms for us all

    Detroit neighborhoods with more people and a better chance of survival will receive different levels of city services than more blighted areas under a plan unveiled Wednesday that some residents fear may pit them against each other for scarce resources.
    Mayor Dave Bing released details from his Detroit Works Project, calling the changes a "short-term intervention" necessary because the city, with limited financial resources, a $155 million budget deficit and a dwindling population, was spread dangerously thin.

    "Our focus is going to be on the people in the neighborhoods," Bing said. "We can effect real change and improve neighborhoods."

  71. Study Hall10:29 AM

    Ms Valedictorian:

    The policy says GPA is weighed against course difficulty. In Wimberly's case, she and another student tied for the top spot after the adjustment, so the school recognized co-valedictorians.

    Very simple. Wimberly went for the Easy A's whenever possible, and undoubtedly did not take AP physics or Calculus.

    Meanwhile, it's not as though her hard work was ignored.

    Anyway, her SAT scores would explain a lot. We know they were low, otherwise the complaint would have used them to support her claim of being the top student in her class.

  72. fn:


    in what yr will u finally see hobama???

    But what if President Barack Obama never intended to fight for jobs or justice? What if he believes the nonsense about Wall Street being “job creators” instead of economic vampires? What if Cornel West finally got it right? What if Black Agenda Report has been right all along? What if Barack Obama is a Reagan Democrat in every meaningful way, right down to a fanatical belief in trickle down economics? What if the president counts on corporate media and his army of careerists and sycophants to shut down and cover up cracks in the Obama consensus through which reality might leak? What if Obama is not weak, or timid, or vacillating or waiting for us to “make him do it”? What if what we've seen is all there is, all there ever was?
    The historic pattern of post-sixties Democratic candidates has been to come in on the high tide of public disgust at Republican rule, but to push the pro-corporate agenda further than would be allowable under Republicans.
    Still don't believe it's the job of corporate Democrats to push the corporate agenda further than Republicans ever could? When Bush 2 couldn't even pass his own bankster bailout in September of 2008, he called Barack Obama in off the campaign trail to round up a sufficient number of Democratic votes, including votes in the Congressional Black Caucus, to pass the Bush bailout. Before even assuming office, Barack Obama was carrying out Republican policies even Republicans could not enact. Upon becoming president himself, Barack Obama quintupled down on the $3 trillion Bush bankster bailout with a further $16 trillion, the largest transfer of public wealth to private hands in the history of humankind.
    So if you're an Obama supporter, and you're disappointed that your president won't fight for you --- if you're an Obama supporter and you wonder why the president won't stand up for Medicaid, Medicare and social security --- here's the answer. The president really, really is smarter than you. He knows what side he's on and you don't. He knows that the two-party system is a veal pen, where as long as “he can play good cop to the Republicans' ever worsening bad cop, the game is fixed, and not in your favor.

  73. lightbulb10:45 AM

    field writes:

    Meanwhile, GE just decided to send even more jobs to China.

    That's where GE and many other firms are finding the best returns on capital. Opening factories there is not an expression of love for the Chinese, as Apple Computer will tell you.

    The same GE that paid ZERO taxes last year.

    Guess again. In 2010 GE paid income taxes of $1.05 BILLION.

    The numbers are part of the company's 10-K filing, which you can find on the site.

    People who cannot read financial statements believe a lot of nonsense about public companies. However, there is no doubt GE was able to lower its tax payments through LEGAL means, mainly resulting from Tax-Loss Carry-Forwards accrued during the worst of the financial crisis.

    How ironic that O actually tapped the head of GE to be one of his job creation experts.

    Yep. It's ironic because Obama could learn what he needs to learn about creating jobs in the US from GE's Immelt. But Obama is a slow learner. In fact, he's such an obstinate ideologue, he'll wreck the US economy as tries to prove his idiotic points.

    He is creating jobs alright; just not in this country.

    Yep. Obama is working night and day to make the business investment climate worse and worse in the US. Obama truly believes he can whip global corporations until they do as he orders.

    Jobs? All Obama has to do is open up all the oil-rich territory in the US to oil drillers and the oil industry will begin a massive hiring boom that will simultaneously reduce our oil imports. But doing something that will work is not part of Obama's plan.

  74. lack:

    watch the skies!

    conspiracies are real!

    scholars do not reject truth...we research it!

    try it ASAP!!!

    Black Helicopters Seen In Multiple States As Pentagon's Deployment Of 20,000 Troops Inside United States Set To Be Ready This Year

    Note: Both The Washington Post and Russia Today reported in 2008 that the Pentagon was training 20,000 troops to be deployed inside The United States to serve as a response to a mass terror attack or civil unrest following an economic collapse.

    Since our groundbreaking article, Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest, we have received many different tips and eyewitness accounts related to the possible deployment of foreign and/or American military to quell civil unrest inside the United States, as well as a reports of a growing number of large, unmarked black helicopters.

    Activist Post, a great website that has supported The Intel Hub from the beginning, also received some significant tips from their version of our article that they posted:

    There have been massive large black helicopters flying over my city of Boulder, Colorado at sunrise; the helicopters have two large propellers,they appear to be transport helicopters. This hasn’t happened before; they fly in groups of three and not more than 150 feet above the rooftops…very stealth. I’ve had dozens of people complain about it, it wakes most of the 100,000 people that live in Boulder. Peace..

  75. hobama and his ENTIRE regime are deliberately destroying america

    this is what hobama's selected GE crony has done


    General Electric Co.’s health-care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical-imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing to tap growth in China.

    “A handful” of top managers will move to the Chinese capital and there won’t be any job cuts, Anne LeGrand, vice president and general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare, said in an interview. The headquarters will move from Waukesha, Wisconsin, amid a broader parent-company plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation” and development centers.

    The move follows the introduction earlier this year of GE Healthcare’s “Spring Wind” initiative to develop and distribute medical products and services in China, GE said in a statement today. More than 20 percent of the X-ray unit’s new products will be developed in China, LeGrand said.

    Read more:

  76. Church's Chicken Little10:54 AM

    More Doom & Gloom for you Global Warming / Global Climate Change/ (Whatever ya'll think up next) jerk-offs:

    The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

  77. Queen Laa:

    did anyone ever hear a peep from coon uts about black poverty yesterday???

    was he silent about all he had previously denied because fn is an alpha male???

    uts has NO honor!!!!!

  78. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Democrats are moving to make sure the party becomes extinct, now Kucinich along with Shiela Jackson and JOhn conyers want to investigate the credit agencies, yeah, if you can't manage your money then just try and demand or intimidate the credit agencies. Will they try the race card joke/punch line?

  79. lifeless lickless vdlr:

    i will take that as a "no" re: that cowardly coon uts.


  80. uneducated unglued unkempt unevolved unwed unsung undone vdlr/captain save a mute coon:

    have u read fn today???????

    got envy???


  81. Anonymous11:31 AM

    alicia banks said...
    unlicked uneducated unglued vdlr:

    are u demanding details....yet again??????

    u r one bold turbo breeding bitch.

    Have you ever noticed Mold literally echoes what people demand of him?

  82. anon:


    rabid hypocrisy trumps faceless baseless lunacy!!!

  83. more on how that ruthless rabid dick hobama and his bankster peers will silence nullify and abuse poor voters...

    most of whom own 0 bank accounts!!!


    Bank ‘Activity’ Required For Wisconsin Voter ID
    In the state of Wisconsin, you may be denied the ability to vote for lack of sufficient recent “bank activity”. A woman surreptitiously filmed the interactions as her 18-year-old son leaps through hurdle after hurdle in an attempt to get a constitutionally-guaranteed state ID so that he could vote. At the DMV, the pair is told that voter IDs were not issued when voters’ bank accounts did not show enough “activity.” The clerk had no answer when asked what would happen in the case of a resident who was homeless or unemployed, or too poor to maintain the minimum balance required for a checking account.

  84. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Homeless and unemployed people shouldn't vote.

  85. Committe To Rid The U.S. Of Leeches11:56 AM

    Look at it this way, AB.....if you're dog-dick broke, who are you gonna vote for?

    Let me guess....the politician who tells you he's going to give you all the goodies.

    Where's he gonna get the "goodies"? Why he's going to take it away from the haves, and give it to the have-nots.

    I don't want those sorry bastards voting either. Give'em all a bus ticket to Mexico.

  86. Anonymous11:57 AM

    CryingTroll, the Congressional mandate was for banks to lend to those who met the guidelines...but were denied for AWB (applying while black). While your Gooberish fantasy makes you fantasize it was all them eveel urban 'miggers' that done Reality it was the banks that offered the fake they made money. Seems those nasty horrible awful regulations kept banks from doing this...until the Fwee Market Twoo Beweevers changed the rules.
    Seems I have been encouraging your futile and impotent fauxtrage by stating things you wish to keep hidden. Like the rank hypocrisy of MansonFamily Bachmann. Her anguish over 'miggers' getting 'undeserved' loans from the eveel Gubmint...while she fed at the trough like a pig...shows why you identify with her and her ignorance.

    Hmm...I am a Centrist/Moderate. Exactly how does this translate to Right-wing brave heroic shootings of children? Because you beleeverate that my stating Fact is somehow the 'exact same' as murdering kids for Conservative values?

    Butters, how simply marvelous of you to ORDER an elderly AfAm woman around. Must make you increase in your own estimation of yourself and in the eyes of like-minded fans of Atlas Shrugged, Fjordman, and Freepers. Gosh, it's like your entire fake historee began with the ascension of st reagan of ManLove.
    As for your demand..what constitutes small town for you? I have a suspicion that you will change the definition as I post to deny any validity...which is more about your deceit than my statement. You could, like work, and review the local history of nearby small towns. Or...look up transportation history in the US and Europe. Or...speak with the still extant riders of those systems. Or...try a wingnut 'gotcha' by demanding others to conform to your baby tantrum.

    GasTroll, how valiant of you to offer the incomes and jobs of other so that you may feel manly denigrating Obama. Such brave heroic courage from one who really has little concept of economics. But, I suppose your Master was salivating at the 'fire sale' on Capital and Labour.

    Issa was the push behind the sale of weapons to Mexican cartels. As far as your 'Librul MSM media would be all over it' assume a Liberal MSM...a very faulty and untrue assumption. And Issa has made it clear he will go after those who publish.

    StudyTroll, again...what, exactly, do SATs have to do with Valedictorian? And where is your proof of less difficult courses? Must be nice to rationalize your racism. That somehow, by any means possible, AfAms will never be the equal or superior of wites. Wanna Bet?

    Bulb, nice fake. Even if all the US was opened for drilling...the jobs would not be adequate. It seems you have been born after the Texas and PA oil boom/busts. Why don't you take a few moments and research the fall-out from those? As for Obama being a drag on investment...that is the tale for the ignorant Goobers. The business press paints a different picture. No, not the FAUX or screaming Fwee Market weenies...the actual hard news press.

    ChurchConcernTroll, you forgot to mention that the Heartland Institute (funds from Scaife, Olin, Wal-Mart and other GlobalClimate Change Deniers) was the 'sorce' of the NASA 'story'. Wonder if taking massive amounts of money directed their akademical polemic? In the piece about the is what bushistas do to those who are heretical. You'll note that the activities all seem to be from bushista appointees determined to ruin a career. And...the article studiously avoids your wisherating fantasy.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  87. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Poor deluded Goober, to the Kochs and Scaifes and other inherited wealthy...YOU are the leech/parasite/useless. You depend on government largess...which was duly enacted by our representatives...and that makes you unworthy. While they, the Chosen Ones, are truly the anointed of gawd and totally deserving.
    Renters should not vote? How about the millions laid off for short-term profits?
    I really don't know why you feel so generous to the poltroon who refuses to hire in the US, made your job temp/no benefit/low wage, and pays less tax as a percentage of income than you. You may fantasize that you am better than a 'migger'...but you really not. In fact, with your beloved Masters based on wealth...pretty soon you'll be bowing and scraping to the children of billionaire AfAms. volunteered.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  88. Anonymous12:11 PM

    turbobreeding bitch kuntlick banks

    gosh kuntlick aint u sposed to be scholar or a teacher kunt? ude think ude appreciate the parents who allow u to have an alleged job kunt hows that job treating u now? tutoring some kids sweetie pie? don't know how u ca do that though since ure on here as one sockpuppet or another 247 ya kuntlickin gottdam idgit!

  89. According to the White House, the "Bush Recession" ended in June of 2009. We are two years into a recovery, yet unemployment just won't get better.


    Maybe it's the democrat's anti-business, anti-growth policies regarding taxes, regulations, and energy.

    And no matter how bad things get, President Obama simply will not accept the fact he can't continue to spend on everything he wants.

    The president's tantrum last Friday is nothing like the anger and frustration of the people whose jobs and businesses his policies have destroyed, and now he walks off the field because John Boehner won't completely indulge his shattered ideology by applying more leeches? And his spokesman berates MSM for finally summoning the courage to ask the obvious question about the emperor's clothes?

    We need a new President.

  90. Mold Has Shiterate For Brains12:13 PM us all, (and the world), a favor, and cut your throat.

  91. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "BTW, I have been getting a lot of e-mails about this valedictorian case in Arkansas. And, believe me, it has my racism antenna's up."

    Now you know how whites feel when they fall victim to Affirmative Action.

    Those chickens a comin' home to roost!!!!!!1

  92. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Hughie! Spreading ignorance wherever you can! Lying that regulation is anti-growth is only possible if the reader is a dolt. How is green tech anti-business? Or not destroying the drinking water of citizens a bad thing?
    Must be irking your racist itch something fierce...when even with the Rs trying to crash the economy for the 2012 election cycle...and the US still vastly prefer the AFRICAN american to any R candidates.
    Romney made his pile by eradicating employees. T-Paw let a bridge collapse...but rich people no pay taxes. Bachmann has MansonFamily crazee. the Alaskan blogs if you dare. Cain should go back to being the 'one'. RuPaul and DaddyPaul are still upset that poor people won't suck them for cash.
    With a field like that...a right-of-centre R seems almost sane.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  93. Anonymous12:24 PM

    SlapTroll, name some wites who were actual 'victims' of Affirmative Action. Not just the ones who claimerate they were qualified...but actual instances.
    I do expect the Bakke.
    Yep, they sure am 'victims'. Until you ask ole witey to provide evidence or qualifications. Then witey shut right up. It is easier to whine about imagined 'victimhood' than it is to show proof. And I am waiting for the proof.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  94. Add this fool to the Teapublican hypocrisy list:

    The only thing worse than a liar is a deadbeat liar, and Joe Walsh qualifies. It seems that while he's had money to loan his campaign $35,000 and gallivant around with his girlfriend, his ex-wife and children haven't received anything from him. Yeah, this from the same guy who had the nerve to open up his video with this:

    “President Obama, quit lying. Have you no shame, sir? In three short years, you’ve bankrupted this country.”

    Chicago Sun-Times:

    Before getting elected, he had told Laura Walsh that because he was out of work or between jobs, he could not make child support payments. So she was surprised to read in his congressional campaign disclosures that he was earning enough money to loan his campaign $35,000.

    Just another day in a white dudes life..

  95. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Rottn, thanks for the info. It does seem weird that so many TaxBaggers and Cons and Wingnuts are so delinquent in their support for their own children.
    I did read the Chicago article...seems Mr Walsh requires the heavy hand of government to be honest and pay his debts. No wonder he ran for office.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  96. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The victims are there.Its called Google.Do your own research.

    Having working experience in HRM,i can attest to hiring practices of many companies.

    I have bare wittness to Affrim/Action being used to exclude more qualified whites.I have had to deal with the negative results.

  97. Suck It, Mold12:44 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    SlapTroll, name some wites who were actual 'victims' of Affirmative Action. Not just the ones who claimerate they were qualified...but actual instances.


    12:24 PM"

    No no......but, HELL NO mold.

    You do your own f*cking work!!!!!!

    It's in the Public Domain. I'll give you a hint: think about "firemen".

    You hypocritical twat.

  98. Name That Terrorist!1:15 PM

    Let's play a game!

    "EXCLUSIVE: AWOL Soldier Arrested Over Concerns of Second Alleged Plot to Attack Fort Hood"

    Now, you get one guess...the accused terrorist is named:

    1. Bubba Ray Thornton
    2. Naser Jason Abdo
    3. Shaniqua Preshus Humpsalot

    Winner gets an all-expense paid trip to Detroit....(or, cash equivalent of $38.93)

    No cheating now!

  99. Study Hall1:35 PM

    StudyTroll, again...what, exactly, do SATs have to do with Valedictorian? And where is your proof of less difficult courses?

    Proof? It's in the complaint that was linked to the article. Read it.

    Meanwhile, Ms Wimberly got the benefit of Affirmative Action grading policies. That was also apparent after reading the complaint.

    Furthermore, the claims about various overheard conversations were made without attribution. In other words, no individuals were quoted.

  100. Study Hall1:35 PM

    StudyTroll, again...what, exactly, do SATs have to do with Valedictorian? And where is your proof of less difficult courses?

    Proof? It's in the complaint that was linked to the article. Read it.

    Meanwhile, Ms Wimberly got the benefit of Affirmative Action grading policies. That was also apparent after reading the complaint.

    Furthermore, the claims about various overheard conversations were made without attribution. In other words, no individuals were quoted.

  101. Anonymous1:39 PM

    SlapTroll, nice of you to pretenderate adulthood. Problem is, while I do leave hints to the just make stuff up. And you thinkerate you are clever.
    All this does is make you appear stoopid and juvenile. It really does not detract from my points...or the authority that stems from my training and experience. Instead of covering yourself with metaphorical urine and 'get back' at Mold...perhaps you should speak from what you truly do know.
    Saying that you are underclass and are upset that your life reeks...has a lot more power than pretenderating like FAUX pundits.
    If you do have any examples of Affirmative Action negatively affecting whites, feel free to offer them.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  102. BetterMan1:41 PM

    Butters, how simply marvelous of you to ORDER an elderly AfAm woman around. Must make you increase in your own estimation of yourself and in the eyes of like-minded fans of Atlas Shrugged, Fjordman, and Freepers. Gosh, it's like your entire fake historee began with the ascension of st reagan of ManLove.
    As for your demand..what constitutes small town for you? I have a suspicion that you will change the definition as I post to deny any validity...which is more about your deceit than my statement. You could, like work, and review the local history of nearby small towns. Or...look up transportation history in the US and Europe. Or...speak with the still extant riders of those systems. Or...try a wingnut 'gotcha' by demanding others to conform to your baby tantrum.

    Well you said a whole lot of fuckin nuthin you pathetic piece of garbage. Name one town, one town in the US one town, one small town, one small town,just one small town that had mass transit you bloviating, bigoted, assinine, weak kneed, intellectually vapid white transgender baboon.

    Name one small town and stop your democratic double speak. YOU said MANY SMALL TOWNS HAD MASS TRANSIT Now name but ONE, ONE, ONE... anyone you like, take your pick just one. We will let the readers be the judge.

    You have nothing, you are a liar, a demoncrat extreme, you make things up, everyone is the bad guy while you are the victim, meanwhile your nothing but a crazy Jared Loughner loon waiting to happen.

    Pathetic, we all knew you couldnt back up anything you said. Because you are so full of shit it is oozing out of your ears, no go drown yourself you loser.

  103. "I have bare wittness to Affrim/Action being used to exclude more qualified whites.I have had to deal with the negative results."

    You're such a fucking liar, slapnuts.

  104. Lightbulb1:42 PM

    Bulb, nice fake. Even if all the US was opened for drilling...the jobs would not be adequate.

    Never said the oil industry alone could change the course of the nation. But a wide open energy industry would move the needle very far, very fast.

    It seems you have been born after the Texas and PA oil boom/busts.

    PA oil bust? Oil was discovered in PA in 1859. Yep, that's a little before my time. But the shale gas boom has begun to generate big returns for the citizens who live on the Marcellus Shale region.

    Why don't you take a few moments and research the fall-out from those?

    I own some oil & gas stocks. As a result, I keep an eye on energy issues.

    As for Obama being a drag on investment...that is the tale for the ignorant Goobers. The business press paints a different picture.

    Obviously you've never heard of the Wall Street Journal.

    Meanwhile, only morons believe the press understands corporate actions.

  105. Anonymous1:45 PM

    TrollSuck, you must thinkerate it am funny to pretenderate to copy me. Hyuck, hyuck.
    You still offer no proof? I can assume you are still miffed that I showed 'sorces' to be both factually incorrect and woefully dishonest. Must rankle. Those heroic brave full-time paid liars fer jebus trounced by a little old lady in her spare time. Should it not occur to you that if what they were selling was valid and good product...I could not so swiftly reveal their falsehood?
    As far as the 'firemens' really should read more. I know you treat wingnut welfare screed as Gospel...but you should do more research. You are essentially crowing that the 'Earth am flat'..because some paid wingnut tole you so.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  106. Lying crying cashless mindless lickless vdlr:

    Bash this!!!

    Question: Why did President Obama put Social Security and Medicare on the table in the budget negotiations when 80% of the people oppose cuts to these programs?
    Answer: The president is not in office to represent those people. He was selected, funded and carried over the finish line by corporate America. Look at the appointment of Wall Streeter Timothy Geithner, the bailouts, and the failure to prosecute any of the crooks who caused the current recession. He’s serving the people who put him in office. Those people don’t need Social Security and Medicare.

    Q: Doesn’t the president need to worry about reelection? Why would he risk that by going against such a large majority?
    A: President Obama has no personal or financial risk if he loses his job.. He has a tidy lifetime pension and will, no doubt, be on plenty of corporate boards, not to mention the opportunities for huge speaking fees. There is less political risk than you might think. The only Republican presidential candidate who might be other than certifiable is the largely unknown John Huntsman, former governor of Utah and Obama’s ambassador to China. The rest would do much more harm to seniors than Obama concessions this time around (if they materialize) and people know that.
    Q: So why isn’t the false drama between Republicans and Democrats made clear?
    A: The corporate media has no interest in debunking this false drama. Their owners benefit greatly from this sort of contrived crisis. The drama by no-drama Obama and the shrill voices on the right in are in complete alignment with the very big money interests. Those interests can force cuts in Social Security and Medicare (already begun with cuts to the employee payroll tax). They can protect the Bush administration’s tax breaks, a major factor in the deficit. They can sneak in all sorts of legislative and regulatory changes while the focus is on this false drama. This is a time honored technique. For example, the real threats from the 9/11 attacks were never addressed. Instead, the turmoil after the attack became the pretext for war against Iraq invasion and opened the door for huge increases in military spending. They do this whenever they have an opportunity.
    Q: Aren’t you saying that the president doesn’t care about the typical citizen struggling through this serious recession and those who have lost their jobs, homes, and futures
    A: Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. The president might call it “shared sacrifice” or some other corny term. But, in fact, he is willing to to see people thrown out of their homes with few if any resources, denied medical care, and stay jobless for months and years. His first term in office has demonstrated that in the clearest terms.
    This president will never do a single thing to oppose the the agenda of the ruling financial elite unless, of course, members of the ruling elite tell him to oppose something meaningless just for the sake of appearances.
    Q: So there is no hope?
    A: There hasn’t been much hope for a long time. There will never be any change as long as just about everybody in elective office and much of the judiciary remain in office. You can’t get there from here as long as they control the political scene for their patrons, The Money Party..

  107. Link Up Mold's Ass1:53 PM

    Hey Mold...pull that dick out of your mouth, and suck on this:

    Took me all of two seconds to find that on Google.

  108. fatally & perpetually pre-natal vdlr:

    hobamacare = genocide + pharma corp bonanza


    stalk this!!!

    Despite national legislative health reform, health care in the US will remain dismal for many Americans, resulting in continuing deaths and personal tragedies. A recent Harvard research team estimates that 2,266 US military veterans died in 2008 due to lack of health insurance. The figure is more than fourteen times the number of deaths suffered by US troops in Afghanistan in 2008, and more than twice as many as have died since the war began in 2001. Harvard researchers concluded that 1.46 million working-age vets lacked health coverage, increasing their death rate. The American Journal of Public Health published findings demonstrating that being uninsured raises an individual’s odds of dying by 40 percent.
    Like other uninsured Americans, most uninsured vets are working people—too poor to afford private coverage but not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid or means-tested VHA care. Unfortunately, lack of insurance will continue to cause deaths, despite the new health reform law. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 23 million Americans will remain uninsured in 2019, when the law is fully implemented. This will translate into about 23,000 unnecessary deaths annually. Unfortunately, Congress bowed to pressures from the insurance and drug industry, and refused to consider the reform that would have comprehensively covered all Americans—single-payer national health insurance.

    “If you are a child without insurance, if you’re seriously ill and end up in the hospital, you are 60 percent more likely to die than the sick child in the next room who has insurance,” says lead investigator Fizan Abdullah, MD, PhD, pediatric surgeon at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

  109. Test Case1:54 PM

    SATs and being Valedictorian?

    Yeah, there's a value in knowing the SAT scores of the Valedictorian. They ought to confirm one another. The top student in a class should have high SATs to go along with being number one in the class. Otherwise you have to wonder about special treatment.

    You know, like the special treatment Obama got at college and at Harvard Law, where, even though he was head of the Law Review, he published NOT ONE article.

    We're still waiting to see the SAT and LSAT scores of Michelle and Barack. But, because the scores are low, we will never see them.

    The highest possible score on the LSAT is 180. Harvard routinely turns down applications from students with 3.4 undergraduate GPAs and 179 on their LSATs.

    Therefore, we know Obama scored well below the LSAT average for Harvard Law students.

  110. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Moonbats postings are filled with angry.Why? Because i refuse to be victim to their bullying? Because i expose the truth about Affrim/Action? Was i the reason they didn't get good paying job and they are forced to live in the ghetto?

    The proof is in my postings.Do your research.

    Work on your reading and comprehension skills.

  111. Sue Me1:59 PM

    As far as the 'firemens' really should read more.

    Hmmm. How much reading is needed to know that race was the basis for denying promotions to white New Haven firemen who scored far higher on the promotion exam than the black and hispanic firemen?

    Sotomayor said so.

  112. Hewitt2:00 PM

    mold actually wrote: "Lying that regulation is anti-growth is only possible if the reader is a dolt. How is green tech anti-business?"

    No one can be that ignorant. No one can be that stupid.

    mold's opinions must be some weird kind of act she puts on. But for who? For what purpose, to sow confusion? mold is a stain on humanity.

  113. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Field, "Anon@11:48 PM, thanks for that NPR link. Being West Indian I could write a book about that stuff. :("

    You are welcome. Why not do a post about it? Maybe we can all begin to understand how slavery has affected us psychologically/emotionally-and why we run from our African blood lines while claiming we don't. Until we face this demon, Blacks can NEVER unite.

    What gets me about all of this slavery business is it seems that only Africans ended up as slaves in the islands and both Americas? No wonder we are so dysfunctional and can't DO what we say we want to do, which is "come together", as you mentioned in a previous post.

    I think knowing WHY Blacks are so splintered as a race, and WHY we tend to run from the African in us, is a very important key to who we are, and why we can't come together. I think Gates gave one explanation for it in the NPR video.

    Anyway, I think FN Blog is a great place to explore and educate and who knows, maybe 'free' some of us and bring some of us together?....maybe.

  114. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "Yeah, there's a value in knowing the SAT scores of the Valedictorian. They ought to confirm one another. The top student in a class should have high SATs to go along with being number one in the class. Otherwise you have to wonder about special treatment."

    Some people are great test takers but lousy doers. That is a known fact. There are people with 4.00 gpa and isn't worth a shit in the world. So, maybe there WON'T be any correlation at all between being Valedictorian and SAT scores.

  115. More Extortion2:25 PM

    I notice the baby-mama is trying to get AT LEAST 75K out of the school district.

    Shades of Pigford.

  116. Study Hall2:28 PM

    Some people are great test takers but lousy doers. That is a known fact. There are people with 4.00 gpa and isn't worth a shit in the world.

    We're discussing school -- not life after graduation.

    A Valedictorian has to be a top test-taker and a top producer of superior classroom work.

    Wimberly obviously benefited from teachers who wanted to pump up her grades to elevate her class standing -- even though there was some question about her choice of classes.

  117. Anonymous2:57 PM

    LinkTroll, although you very much want to beleeverate this was Affirmative Action...a cursory reading of the article you linked to shows this only existed in your racist fantasy. Perhaps you should read the piece before claimerating 'victory'. You utterly missed the relevant and pertinent legal points...but sure did repeat the talking points! You might also inform the readers that the Cons followed the Party line...without reference to precedent or legal theory. Whatta non-surprise!!

    Funny how you racists whine and moan about the fictitious undeserved 'special treatment' granted to Obama...and never once mention that scion of Legacy, bush. Editors don't have to write articles. Duh. As far as your need to see the Obama SAT and LSAT scores...perhaps you would be so kind as to offer yours. Or any grades that we can laugh over. Your fake logic reminds me of underpants gnomes.
    Why is this joke is taken so seriously as a 'plan' by wingnuts and Cons?

    SlapTroll, claimerating to be a victim. How utterly typical. And your mimicry is truly from your glory days of Middle School. Hyuck, hyuck.

    Hughie, your grasp of business is the simplistic kind of one who has never dealt with the actual issues. While your posturing may fool the folks at your church or those who post on wingnut does not carry any weight with those of us who have the experience. Regulation is not anti-growth. Green tech is not anti-business. See, your mindless repetition of fake themes only shows that you don't know the subject...and you are hissy that I allude to this.

    StudyTroll, keep pushing that racist meme!! Who knows what will happen if AfAms can be Valedictorians. And SAT is not relevant to Valedictorian. Why do you keep clinging to this falsehood? Does it make you appear to have more 'authoriteh'? Something is odd. I know schools that had co-Valedictorians...but it was because they had the same grades. I wonder why a person with lower grades (and white) was added after the fact. I wonder why you find it unpossible that an AfAm could be a Valedictorian...and have earned the title.
    Your 'obviously' smells of the 'everyone says'...or 'authorities state'...from the wingnut catalog of lies. How is this obvious? What is the standard here? And how is her grade lesser?
    All you do is pretend to authority.
    Would you like the link for Fallacies of Logic?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  118. Death Wish3:01 PM

    Daily Black Brooklyn News:

    Brooklyn man fatally shot while walking with friend


    10:53 AM, July 28, 2011

    A man was shot to death in Brooklyn early this morning while walking with his friend, cops said.

    The 34-year-old victim, whose identity is pending family notification, was approached by several men on Jamaica Avenue near the Salem Field Cemetery in Cypress Hills at 2:55 a.m., police said.

    The armed hoods allegedly asked the men a question and before they had a chance to answer, the gunman opened fire striking the victim twice in the stomach, sources said.

    He was rushed to Jamaica Hospital where he died.

    There are no arrests at this time.

  119. Can we get back to work now?3:07 PM

    Great news for anyone who doesn’t want to live under socialism — the global warming hoax continues to fall apart:

    "NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed. …

    In addition to finding that far less heat is being trapped than alarmist computer models have predicted, the NASA satellite data show the atmosphere begins shedding heat into space long before United Nations computer models predicted.

    The new findings are extremely important and should dramatically alter the global warming debate."

  120. Study Hall3:08 PM

    As far as your need to see the Obama SAT and LSAT scores...perhaps you would be so kind as to offer yours.

    I'm not the president and I was never given preferential treatment when applying to college.

    Moreover, as much as I'd like the president to be as Einstein, it's more important for him to be honest and open.

    Obama is not honest, nor is he open. Reagan proudly said he was a "C" student.

    Inasmuch as we know a lot of personal details about Obama's dysfunctional family, as well as his admission that he enjoyed the consumption of some illegal substances, it seems weirdly unreasonable for him to hide his SAT and LSAT scores.

    Of course, we know it's not illogical or unreasonable at all. We know it's because the scores are low and to reveal low scores is to admit that Affirmative Action has made it's way to the White House. As if we didn't know.

  121. flying carpet3:15 PM

    can we get back to work says:

    In addition to finding that far less heat is being trapped than alarmist computer models have predicted, the NASA satellite data show the atmosphere begins shedding heat into space long before United Nations computer models predicted.

    Remarkably, the morons of the world believe it's possible to make precise predictions about the future of the climate -- decades down the road -- while no one has any idea what will happen if our Idiot-in-Chief decides to opt for a default next week.

    There were millions of morons who were sure the world would descend into chaos at the start of the year 2000. The Y2K nuts had everyone in a panic.

    What happened? Nothing. Thus, we ask, how great is the threat of Global Warming? No threat at all. Nothing.

  122. Truthout3:16 PM

    You know if Obama had scored highly on his SAT or LSAT scores it would have been widely publicized.

    He is an AA case study. His academic achievements are a fraud. He didn't even write his autobiography "Dreams from My Father".

  123. PilotX3:24 PM

    "Now you know how whites feel when they fall victim to Affirmative Action."

    Not really because we've known for centuries because white males have benefitted from AA for that long.

    "Having working experience in HRM,i can attest to hiring practices of many companies.

    I have bare wittness to Affrim/Action being used to exclude more qualified whites.I have had to deal with the negative results"

    It's always hilarious that white trolls ALWAYS seem to work in HR and have experience dealing with AA. So that means one of two things 1. you sucked at your job because YOU hired unqualified people and 2. AA is needed because racists still work at major corporations.
    These obvious liars never see the falacy in their own arguments. So basically i am to assume that all whites who apply for the jobs at their company are superios in every way but can't get hired because of some mandate to hire Black grade school dropouts who can't spell their own names. Geez, maybe I should have gone into HR because the old "we can't find any qualified Blacks" mantra and the old "the ones we did hire sucked" shit is getting old. Any person with a grain of intelligence charged with finding qualified people of color would go to professional organizations such as NSBE, BLSA, HPPA or the numerous other groups qith ties to highly qualified people of color for almost any profession. Sick people out there. Liars all but never boring.

  124. PilotX3:27 PM

    "Thus, we ask, how great is the threat of Global Warming? No threat at all. Nothing."

    Can't say that with any certainty. Are you using a crystal ball or something?
    Just guessing you're not a climate scientist and if you're not why should ANYONE listen to your opinion? That's like going to a ditch digger to perform heart surgery. Silliness.

  125. PilotX3:33 PM

    "admit that Affirmative Action has made it's way to the White House. As if we didn't know."

    We knew that for certain when W. got there. Some real AA was the prez's oponent. McCain was ranked near the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy but somehow still got into flight school where it was reported he sucked and actually crashed a plane but still got awarded jets. If that ain't some real AA for your ass I don't know what is. And his choice of running mate was quite special. If Obama is the poster child for AA then it's a damned good one. Harvard and all the other schools that "let" him in now can brag about a president being an alum. White male AA has been around for centuries so why get upset when a few people of color benefit from something invented by and abused by white men? Strange.

  126. Unlicked uneducated Broke hobama nazi hood rat vdlr:
    Get over me and obsess over this!!!!

    There is nothing left of Obama, except the “moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer” that he has always been. He refuses to fight in the people’s interest, because he is not interested in the people – only in his foolish dream of a grand alliance with the GOP in service of Wall Street. But the GOP feels triumphant, and isn’t playing his games. “Obama has already sacrificed trillions in social spending trying to split the budget difference with Republicans who persist in seeking total victory.
    When you predict disaster, it’s no fun being right. Since long before Barack Obama was elected president, we at Black Agenda Report have said that this center-right corporate politician is a War Democrat whose foreign policy objectives – if not his rhetoric – are no different than George Bush’s. With Obama’s expansion of Bush’s wars and his opening up of a new, North African front, in Libya, we have been proved catastrophically right – right, to the point of tears.
    When we said that Obama was a tool of the Wall Street bankers that backed his candidacy to the hilt, and that he would repay them with trillions in return, we were right – more right than even we imagined. We said that Obama was obsessed with trying to forge a grand alliance with the Republicans, and would wage an internal war against Black people’s interests and the left wing of the Democratic Party to do it. All that has come to pass. When the GOP took control of the U.S. House last November, we said it marked the “End of the Age of Obama [13],” and that the “best outcome that could result…is that the Republicans overreach and, in their white nationalist triumphalism, make it impossible for President Obama and congressional Democrats to reach an accommodation” with them. The GOP is over-reaching, while Obama has already sacrificed trillions in social spending trying to split the budget difference with Republicans who persist in seeking total victory. Obama has nothing to argue about with the GOP, having himself placed the entire Democratic social welfare legacy on the chopping block for the sake of deficit reduction. As we said back in November, gridlock – shutdown – a real battle and test of wills over people's programs, is better than Obama’s slick and slimy style of calibrated surrender.

  127. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Gee, more Global Climate Change denial...from 'sorces' that are paid to lie to us. Thank you so much for spreading the poo over this blog. gawd ferbid ya has to give up yer compensator SUV or dork-up truck.

    StudyTroll, st reagan was bragging about his 'gentleracists C'. It had very little to do with academic prowess and more about his pretense to 'Merican royalty. You 'know'. Really? Next thing, you'll be saying you 'know' what his thoughts were. And your false claim of Affirmative Action abuse only shows that your racism allows no merit on the part of AfAms. Did you do OralU? Or another skool? I'll note you keep whining about those obtaining undeserved status...what do you do for yours? And how can you spend all this time worrying over Obama and not bettering your self?

    CarpetTroll, Y2K was the whimpering of millions of bush voters who were all askeered of the magic computers. You rarely found any Scientists with the attacks of the willies. GCC is more worrisome. If the predictions are will suffer greatly for your beleefs in the infallibility of Koch sucking thunktinks and paid mouthpieces for the fuels industry. Oh, and you really don't grasp the idea of modeling. Perhaps you should, like, take the course. It's found in those scary buildings where all the smart kids went.
    You are NOT an authority on that particular field and trying to pretend you are makes me ask...where are your credentials? Why should I listen to a person who repeats boilerplate?
    Stick your fingers in your you did in school...and pretend that being stoopid is a righteous choice. You'll recall the adults had different options.

    Keep trying to equate Obama with bush. It makes you so happy to fake 'they duz it too!!!'. Let me guess...Bristol did write her TwoBabees bio..but Obama did not. See, Bristol has all this the nannies watch the kid and she can get surgeries and gets paid to be a spokesmommy for abstinence. While an obviously erudite college and Law School graduate could not possible write their bio.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  128. Anonymous3:41 PM

    PilotX, I snickered when I read your post on how the Goobers always 'jess happend' to work in the industry/field under discussion. It brought up the curious statistical impossibility of their claims.
    Yep, flight fueler is the 'exact same' as a multi-engine rated pilot...just ask them!!
    Obama was elected (not appointed, like his oddly forgotten predecessor) and Affirmative Action does not really apply. Yet, our racist friends keep selling the fiction that he is somehow undeserving and unqualified and lesser. Heh. Just by existing he puts paid to their Heeyuckian nightmare of merit uber skin tone.
    Note the only 'proof' they offer is their beleef. Well, it's low enough for Fundies.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  129. Anonymous3:50 PM

    This explains much about the wingnut needs...

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  130. "Well you said a whole lot of fuckin nuthin you pathetic piece of garbage. Name one town, one town in the US one town, one small town, one small town,just one small town that had mass transit you bloviating, bigoted, assinine, weak kneed, intellectually vapid white transgender baboon. "

    Temper, temper. Take deep breaths and count to ten.

    Now, how small a small town you're talking about? Less than 5,000 residents? Or how about 10,000? Does a small town being serviced by a county-wide or regional mass transit system (that is NOT Greyhound) count?

    "You have nothing, you are a liar, a demoncrat extreme, you make things up, everyone is the bad guy while you are the victim, meanwhile your nothing but a crazy Jared Loughner loon waiting to happen.

    Pathetic, we all knew you couldnt back up anything you said. Because you are so full of shit it is oozing out of your ears, no go drown yourself you loser."

    Yeah, this sounded good to you in real life, but on the Internet, it just makes you look kinda silly.

  131. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Mack, LOL!! I wish I could write as funny as you.:)

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  132. unlicked uneducated unglued looping drooping
    no-good-at-snooping but a real pro at blog-pooping vdlr:



    u r one hopeless schizo psycho lovesick dl turbo breeding troll...


  133. high tide4:14 PM

    pilot X,

    We cannot predict the weather more than a few days ahead. We cannot predict crop output even one season ahead. We cannot predict snowfall or rainfall a season ahead.

    Why? Because no one has built a model that correctly accounts for all the variables.

    Just like we have not been able to build a solar panel that's more than 15% efficient -- the technology has not arrived yet.

    Meanwhile, the climate is always changing. Big deal. As if we can't adjust when we have to.

    You know, like if the level of the oceans rises, maybe humans could move back a little from the seashore. Just a thought.

    Nobody lives in Death Valley. Too hot. But morons do live in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, even though it's below sea level -- today.

    Sounds retarded to me.

  134. fortran4:20 PM

    CarpetTroll, Y2K was the whimpering of millions of bush voters...

    Bush voters? At the end of 1999 Clinton was president and had more than a year remaining in office.

    who were all askeered of the magic computers. You rarely found any Scientists with the attacks of the willies.

    You're an idiot. The "experts" were all over this one, claiming we'd better do something "just in case..."

    Y2K was a multi-year payday for a boatload of computer people.

  135. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX, I snickered when I read your post on how the Goobers always 'jess happend' to work in the industry/field under discussion.


    Snicker because that's what you do?

    Shall i list the many lies you have told about yourself?

  136. casey jones4:25 PM

    mack lyons:

    Now, how small a small town you're talking about? Less than 5,000 residents? Or how about 10,000? Does a small town being serviced by a county-wide or regional mass transit system (that is NOT Greyhound) count?

    What's the smallest town you can name with a mass transit system?

    What's the biggest town you can name that does NOT have a mass transit system?

    By the way, Greyhound is not "mass transit." It's long distance. Not local.

    Can you name the cities with commuter railroads?

    Denver's a big city. Does it have a commuter railroad? How about Miami? Phoenix? St Louis?

  137. Anonymous4:26 PM

    TrollTide, you have actual Data for your repeated-from wingnut website claims? Should I refer you to crop predictions from government agencies, farmers or the businesses that profit from their models?
    Your fantasy of adjusting to major global climate change is ludicrous. And based on what? Your ability to drive your car in Florida...and Maine? Not the same, no matter what you beleeve.
    Funny how brave you are to denigrate US citizens that are too poor to 'move'. Awfully manly of you to make fun of folks who could not escape...because they lacked funds. Heroically, you sneer at their distress and prove your wite manhood by not being so inconvenienced.
    Tell me where you live...I can probably inform you of events that would make you wish you lived in the Ninth Ward. really puff out your chest...but you don't bring it. How about you do the work first...

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  138. hey chicken headed cracked out canine/hoodrat hyena vdlr:

    yap at this!!!

    u retarded pregnant pit bull bitch in perpetual heat!

    The Black poet-author-activist Amiri Baraka has turned his pen on Barack Obama, a man he defended like a pit bull as recently as…it seems like yesterday. “Baraka kept up the abusive barrage against anti-Obama ‘rascals’ of the left, right up to the president’s assault on Libya.” But, a change of heart is not sufficient. Baraka and a bunch of other ex-Obamites need to practice some serious and public self-criticism

    It took a savage assault on Libya by America’s First Black President and his European colonial allies – but Amiri Baraka seems to have finally given up on Barack Obama. Sorry, but I’m not one of those who is ready to say: All is forgiven, Brother Baraka. Because, although he has given Obama a tongue-lashing, in his inimitable, slashing and gutting style in the poem “The New Invasion of Africa,” Amiri Baraka has neglected to criticize himself for serving as a Left attack dog for Obama for more than three years. During that time, Amiri Baraka excoriated and defamed Obama’s “Black and progressive critics” as “anarchists,” “criminal” and whatever other insults traveled from his mind to his mouth. He said that it “is criminal for these people claiming to be radical or intellectual to oppose or refuse to support Obama.” That was back in June, 2008. He called Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney a “pipsqueak” and disparaged as “rascals” all Blacks who did not swear fidelity to the Obama campaign. “We should be supportive of what Obama is trying to do,” said Baraka. “We should spend our energy opposing the far right and the Republicans.” Obama was not to be challenged. Instead, Baraka declared, “It is time for the left to really make some kind of Left Bloc to support Obama.”

    Thus, Amiri Baraka was among those who proposed to create a left flank for Obama, in order to shut down left criticism of Obama. The theory was that Obama would help the left if the left helped him become president, with no questions asked. Which is really too stupid to be called a “strategy” – as history was very quick to demonstrate

    Amiri Baraka kept up the abusive barrage against anti-Obama “rascals” of the left, right up to the president’s assault on Libya. Then, all of a sudden, Obama was “the negro yapping” to make imperial aggression “seem right” – “a negro selling his own folk, delivering us to slavery.”

    Some of us who have been wise to corporate, center-right Obama for going on eight years consider Baraka’s recent epiphany to have come far too late for redemption. Others say, better late than never. But surely, his new position is incomplete without an explanation and recantation of his politics of the last three years.

  139. BetterMan4:30 PM

    Mack Lyons Said..

    "Yeah, this sounded good to you in real life, but on the Internet, it just makes you look kinda silly."

    ohh, that was a hell of a contribution, so whats your point? you jump in the middle of something and leap to the defense of the demented one, trying to say you agree as well that small towns have mass transit..really?

    Ok, well, I truly hope you are just being a wise ass and aren't mentally inferior enough to actually think that a greyhound bus going in to a small town infrequently is mass transit.

    Ok so go for it big mouth, now that you have stuck it out in the wind, tell me which small towns ever in history have had mass transit, confer with your demented buddy if you like but stop the silly sit and spin games that you and he play, the point is he and now YOU believe small towns have mass transit So give us just one big mouth.

  140. Anonymous4:30 PM

    CaseyTroll, still trying to avoid the answer? No matter how much you squirm in your Left Behind can't hide your lack of knowledge.
    History did NOT begin with the ascension of st reagan of ManLove. In case you still cling to the wisherating of wingnuts, that was a hint.
    Wonder what you will do when gas hits $12/US gallon? Are your prepared? Oh, yes...yes I am.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  141. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Butters, you squeal and flutter about when I inform you I am pretty old. And you have to change your it may have dawned on you that many, many US small (define your term) towns had mass transit. Cripes, even watching the old movies on TCM should offer you the idea that not all had cars...or needed them.
    And your response is to bluster and bellow at Mack? more than a few places...that is prima facie that Mack beat you...and you are trying desperately to pretend it didn't happen. You only 'fool' yourself.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  142. BetterMan4:35 PM

    Mack Lyons Answered a question with a question...what do you thik you are Obama?

    What's the biggest town you can name that does NOT have a mass transit system?

    By the way, Greyhound is not "mass transit." It's long distance. Not local.

    Can you name the cities with commuter railroads?

    Denver's a big city. Does it have a commuter railroad? How about Miami? Phoenix? St Louis?

    I just saw this, GTFO with this nonsense. Can you tell me how big my balls are? Can you tell me the how big Molds diaper is? don't jump into someone else's discussion and start shooting blanks. Let me clarify for you MIAMI, PHX and Denver are not small towns and they do have mass transit. Jeez, where the hell did you go to school with Mold?

  143. PilotX4:36 PM

    "Why? Because no one has built a model that correctly accounts for all the variables."

    Which is EXACTLY my point. Therefore you cannot confidently say there will be no global warming. Thanks for the concurrence.

  144. BetterMan4:39 PM

    Butters, you squeal and flutter about when I inform you I am pretty old. And you have to change your it may have dawned on you that many, many US small (define your term) towns had mass transit. Cripes, even watching the old movies on TCM should offer you the idea that not all had cars...or needed them.
    And your response is to bluster and bellow at Mack? more than a few places...that is prima facie that Mack beat you...and you are trying desperately to pretend it didn't happen. You only 'fool' yourself.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


    Mold, Keep fucking with us and I will pull all the posts where you outed yourself as a young white guy, Dr Queen remembers, AB remembers, Field even verified it one day when you were flipping out and attacking ab and DrQueen as the vulgar anon, socrates and mold simultaenously, there is only one demented little boy around here and we have seen you, see you and know you.

    Now either name one damn town or shut the hell up you freakin nutcase, ONE town, but you and I and every one else reading knows that you cannot. Your a moron.

    Don't you ever get embarassed that you spout nonsense day in and day out and can never not even once back any of it up?

  145. Slapnuttz4:40 PM

    Moonbats always think they know everything about a person without ever meeting said person.

    Just because they lie about themselves,they think everyone else does it to.

    I have experience and facts to back what i say up.Stop being a lazy moonbat and do your own research.

    Its always hilarious to watch blacks who benefit from AA pretend like they don't.

    1.It is a fact AA forces companies to hire less qualified blacks and hispanics.

    2.Racism would all but be gone if it wasn't for the racist policies of the left.

    So keep lying and being ill-informed.

    Ignorance is bliss.........

  146. PilotX4:41 PM

    Champaign, Illinois has a mass transit system. Not sure if one would consider it a small town but being from Chicago I think it is. I'm sure we could find numerous medium sized towns with mass transit. Just as a guess Boulder, Co comes to mind. But on that same idea we can save millions of barrels of oil if we conserve and get better gas milegae from our cars. No need to discover more sources of oil if we just use less and it isn't that hard. Many people drive a few blocks to go to the store, well just walk or ride a bike. Carpool or use the train/bus one day a week or more if you can. Turn your engine off when waiting for a train. If we all pitch in there won't be so much pain.

  147. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Butters, go ahead. Fake 'outing' me. Your bluff is called. I have NEVER posted as others or used you are lying.
    As for the must be pretty unaware of the history of your area. Let me know the locale and I can most certainly describe the mass transit.
    Just because you 'don't beleeverate' in something...does NOT mean it doesn't exist.

    PilotX, they were saying 'it is unknowable...therefore it don't exist'. A version of 'it too beyond Left Behind so gawdidit'. Not so. While the degree of accuracy diminishes with the length of is still more than adequate for trending purposes. Like I would take modeling advice from a uncredentialed non-Scientist. Their entire theme is that because THEY don't get it must be wrong.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  148. Anonymous4:53 PM

    SlapTroll, your alleged fake fact is simply a lie. And your premise that racism is from the Left is basically false. So, you lie...and do so to 'avenge' your inability to offer honesty. Great job, bushie.
    Must really irk you to see that not only do I have the training and experience...but you don't. By existing I show your fantasies to be false.

    PilotX, I can affirm that towns as small as a thousand had mass transit. And not that long ago. As fuel prices make Goober ownership of gas hogs impossible, we shall see them again. The 'no transit' folks just want to beleeve...hang the Facts!!

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  149. PilotX4:54 PM

    "Moonbats always think they know everything about a person without ever meeting said person."

    No, I don't have any info on you except from what you provide but having been on the internet for more than a few years when the subject of AA comes up white males ALWAYS seem to be either victims of it or involved in hiring/recruitment. That is statistically not possible.

    "1.It is a fact AA forces companies to hire less qualified blacks and hispanics."

    I for one would like to see your evidence of that or do I just take your word for it.

    "Its always hilarious to watch blacks who benefit from AA pretend like they don't"

    It's always hilarious to watch white males.........two way street.

    "2.Racism would all but be gone if it wasn't for the racist policies of the left"

    Says the guy who stereotypes Black people and assumes whites are not ever beneficiaries of AA. Keep up the comedy routine Slappy, I need some levity once in a while.

    But seriously, in response to your first conclusion, why would ANY company mandate hiring a less qualified Black or Latino? If possible wouldn't they prefer to hire an equally qualified person? This is where I call BS on your story and your own qualifications. I don't make it a habit of helping people do their jobs for free but if hypothetically I was in charge of diversifying a workplace I would recruit at places the produce qualified people. For example, if my company wanted to hire an engineer of color I would communicate with a professional organization that is affiliated with engineers of color or recruit at a university that trains engineers of color and hire one that had the qualifications I was looking for. That is unless A. one wanted to hire an unqualified person of color so they can prove their reasons for racism or B. were incompetent and needed someone else to blame. This is the problem when you use white males to recruit people of color, they aren't prepared for the job and f it up everytime and then go on to blame all people of color. Sad.

    Here's your chance to prove you aren't a BSer Slappy. What industry did you work in?

  150. PilotX4:59 PM

    "Like I would take modeling advice from a uncredentialed non-Scientist. Their entire theme is that because THEY don't get it must be wrong."

    Exactly, can't even give the name of the model or who did the research but I'm supposed to buy their BS.

    "As fuel prices make Goober ownership of gas hogs impossible, we shall see them again."

    This is always a funny argument to me. Conservatives love to say "let the market decide" when it comes to mileage standards. Where the hell is the huge outcry for worse gas mileage? I really don't see rallies for 12 MPG cars.

  151. Anonymous5:00 PM

    A piece on who gets Government handouts...

    PilotX, nice post. You noted the logic failures in that beleef. To be fair, they may only know Clarence Thomas and H Cain. No wonder they have that 'token' response. Wite males as ALWAYS the 'victims' or hiring/recruitment as being statistically impossible...brilliant.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  152. alicia banks said...
    unlicked uneducated unglued looping drooping
    no-good-at-snooping but a real pro at blog-pooping vdlr:



    u r one hopeless schizo psycho lovesick dl turbo breeding troll...


    AB, you should keep a log of the names you come up for this lifeless idiot, because this is some of the funniest $hit on the net, LOL!!!

  153. BetterMan5:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Butters, go ahead. Fake 'outing' me. Your bluff is called. I have NEVER posted as others or used you are lying.
    As for the must be pretty unaware of the history of your area. Let me know the locale and I can most certainly describe the mass transit.
    Just because you 'don't beleeverate' in something...does NOT mean it doesn't exist.

    What a joke you are, you have no clue what my area is but then say I must be unaware of the history of it, really? Is this the best you can do? You are sure without knowing that my area had maas transit in the past and does not know? You do realize mass transit comes with population increase ot decrease right? What in the hell are you smoking?

    Anyway, all that blather and you still CANNOT name just one town, just one that is small and has mass transit. You are babbling buffoon.

    As for outing you, You already outed yourself but I will look for and pull those posts. It will take some time to gather all your bullshit posts but in the interest of stopping your nonsense attacks on AB and DrQueen as well as your daily drooling I will. You are a white nutcase, we all know it, you told us so, you posted as socrates, Mandinga, VulgarAnon, Mold and several more and we all know it and I will show you when you outed yourself, I am sure you remember it well.

    In the meantime, name ONE small town that has mass transportation just one numbnuts.

  154. Anonymous5:08 PM


    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article.

    Charles Monnett, an Anchorage-based scientist with the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, or BOEMRE, was told July 18 that he was being put on leave, pending results of an investigation into “integrity issues.”

    Libs caught lying about polar bears?Id there anything Libs won't lie about?

  155. BetterMan5:09 PM

    PilotX, I can affirm that towns as small as a thousand had mass transit. And not that long ago. As fuel prices make Goober ownership of gas hogs impossible, we shall see them again. The 'no transit' folks just want to beleeve...hang the Facts!!

    Good Moldbreath, Name one small town with 1,000 people that had a subway, elevated rail, regular intercity buses, name ONE!!!

  156. Dr. Queen:

    thanks my regal sista warrior!

    u know how we do with those dl peasant court jesters!!!

  157. Anonymous5:14 PM

    In the meantime, name ONE small town that has mass transportation just one numbnuts.

    Yeah mold,just name one.

    Put those multiple college degrees to work.LOL

  158. Anonymous5:15 PM

    AB,Dr. Queen you are brave souls.Puting up with mold attacks can work your nerves.

  159. BetterMan5:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    Champaign, Illinois has a mass transit system. Not sure if one would consider it a small town but being from Chicago I think it is. I'm sure we could find numerous medium sized towns with mass transit. Just as a guess Boulder, Co comes to mind. But on that same idea we can save millions of barrels of oil if we conserve and get better gas milegae from our cars. No need to discover more sources of oil if we just use less and it isn't that hard. Many people drive a few blocks to go to the store, well just walk or ride a bike. Carpool or use the train/bus one day a week or more if you can. Turn your engine off when waiting for a train. If we all pitch in there won't be so much pain.

    Pilot, I don't think Champaign is a small town really, there are 200k residents and it has all the colleges and high tech industry. Maybe years ago it was small but it's quite a big city center now. Boulder is also a used to be small town that now has 300k residents. Its not small anymore.

    Numbnuts Mold is saying small is 1,000 people or so, I say tell me one town with 1,000 people that has a subway or elevated train, regular bus service througout the day or similar mass transp, it isn't going to happen, even NY cuts back on the bus and subway schedules due to cost.

    As far as all of us pitching in, I fully agree with you, it gets crazy how lazy I am (I won't speak for anyone else) and never walk when I can, time seems to be the issue, but with proper planning it would probably also be better for me physically to walk a bit more. As for Mold, he can't walk, the diapers start to leak then and his parents get angry at the splotches on the basement carpet.

  160. PilotX5:18 PM

    "Libs caught lying about polar bears?Id there anything Libs won't lie about?"

    Is the investigation complete? If not why are we jumping to conclusions. That is what science is, either evidence exists to make a conclusion or it does not. If he falsified evidence he needs to be discredited but to use that as evidence of some kind of scientific conspiracy that is just as weak. One person allegedly making a false claim does not refute the idea that human involvement can cause an increase in global temps/heat. That's noy how science works. Apples and oranges.

  161. anon:


    i use stalker morons as fodder to sharpen my lioness fangs...

    it is sinfully easy
    actual dental floss has a MUCH higher IQ than the vdlr/molded...combined!!!

  162. Px:

    are u in c-u?

    that is my 2nd hm...uiuc 1984 etc!


  163. PilotX5:24 PM

    Betterman, some towns are too small to justify mass transit but in urban center and suburbs, where 80% of the U.S. population resides I think, we have access to mass transit. We also need to invest in high speed rail because that would open up so many possibilities for so many. For example, if a high speed train could go from D.C. to NYC in about an hour how many people could get jobs and commute? How many cars would it replace? These are the questions we have to ask for the future. Depending on a depleting source of energy always precedes the decline of an empire. So what solar and wind aren't viable today what about tomorrow? Let's at least think about these things instead of relying on oil companies to be nice and lower prices. We should be able to tell them to f' off.

  164. PilotX5:25 PM

    Nah AB, I'm on the southside of Chicago. I have friends and family in the town and in school there and did some contract work there recently. I almost went to school there but chose Saint Louis U in the end.

  165. Hey AB, that "Study Hall" sure sounds a lot like that racist-bitter-incredulous-hateful-illogical no_slappz. Pathetic.

  166. PilotX5:33 PM

    Now LA, no_slappz can't be a racist because only lefties can be racists. Well, at least according to slapnuts. I learn so much from trolls.

  167. Queen L:


    i lose track of all the faceless serial schizo drones herein!...




    c-u is a very cool campus town

    i love the lou too...

  168. Bus Stop5:39 PM

    Let me clarify for you MIAMI, PHX and Denver are not small towns and they do have mass transit.

    Lots of cities have bus systems. Big deal. In recent years a few have added some light rail service -- with limited, very limited routes.

    Some people actually claim Los Angeles has a subway system. But...

  169. road hog5:45 PM

    Champaign, Illinois has a mass transit system. Not sure if one would consider it a small town...

    No it's not a small town. And what does it have? It has a bus system.

    The point is simple: mass transit is only useful to people in areas where the population is concentrated. For everything else, and in conjunction with mass transit, we have cars, and a system of roads, highways and thru-ways.

  170. "ohh, that was a hell of a contribution, so whats your point? you jump in the middle of something and leap to the defense of the demented one, trying to say you agree as well that small towns have mass transit..really?"

    I just asked what was your definition of a small town. It wouldn't be fair if I gave an answer, only for you to move the goal posts by citing another arbitrary population number. The county transit system in my area serves a few towns and CDPs that have populations of under 10,000.

    "Ok, well, I truly hope you are just being a wise ass and aren't mentally inferior enough to actually think that a greyhound bus going in to a small town infrequently is mass transit."

    Greyhound is a private intercity coach service, not a public mass transit entity, hence the parenthesis.

    You're not really interested in carrying out a normal discussion on public transit, are you?

  171. Oil Rig5:51 PM

    pilot X,

    Since there is no model than predict Global Climate Change, there is NO reason to bankrupt the economy in an attempt to head off something no one can measure.

    If there's really a problem, then some day it will reveal itself and the people alive at that time can worry about it.

    On the other hand, we know smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer and several other fatal diseases, yet 50 million Americans smoke.

    For a clown who's so worried about a Global Warming future that will arrive long after you're dead -- if it ever arrives -- you don't seem too concerned about the millions who are going to die from smoking while you're alive.

    Where's your anger about the government that lets smokers kill themselves with tobacco?

  172. "The point is simple: mass transit is only useful to people in areas where the population is concentrated. For everything else, and in conjunction with mass transit, we have cars, and a system of roads, highways and thru-ways."

    The main problem is how recent housing and retail developments have been built with only cars and highways in mind. That makes it much harder to implement mass transit whenever it's needed.

    That, and the fact that many states and municipalities don't like funding mass transit, and people don't like seeing their taxes raised to support it. And there are no private companies waiting in the wings to come out and create their own ideal private mass transit systems.

  173. Chevy5:55 PM

    mack lyons,

    The US is a nation of car drivers. There are about 250 million cars registered in the US.

    The number will increase as the population grows, and therefore the use of roads will increase.

    Meanwhile, buses, ships, trains and airplanes depend on oil for fuel.

  174. "For a clown who's so worried about a Global Warming future that will arrive long after you're dead -- if it ever arrives -- you don't seem too concerned about the millions who are going to die from smoking while you're alive.

    Where's your anger about the government that lets smokers kill themselves with tobacco?"

    Where's your anger about the government letting drinkers kill themselves with alcohol? At least drunkards pose a threat to the well-being of others, especially when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

    The bluster against Global Warming comes from a people who believe that since they'll either die a natural death or be swept up in the Rapture, that this really isn't their problem and couldn't care less about it. Not even thinking about what they'll leave their kids and grandkids will get them to change their minds -- it's a special breed of selfishness.

  175. mack lyons:

    That, and the fact that many states and municipalities don't like funding mass transit, and people don't like seeing their taxes raised to support it.

    That's right. The taxpayers have spoken.

    And there are no private companies waiting in the wings to come out and create their own ideal private mass transit systems.

    Of course not. A mass transit system requires something almost never given to private industrty: A Monopoly.

    We're still stuck with the Post Office even though UPS and FedEx have kicked the crap out of the government mail service when it comes to package delivery. Meanwhile, e-mail has cut down first class mailings by 20% in the last couple of years. And the Postal Service is about to close 3,700 post offices.

    Until the government lets private industry handle First Class mail, the USPS will hold on to the one class of mail that private industry wants.

  176. bad air6:09 PM

    At least drunkards pose a threat to the well-being of others, especially when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

    They go to jail for that.

    Anyway, no, I'm not at all worried about air quality 100 years from now.

    The US has no control over the atmosphere.

    Brazil, Russia, India and China are going to have far far more impact on global air than the US over the next 100 years.

    There are 312 million Americans, and 6.5 BILLION non-Americans.

    Even if the US continues to grow at its present pace, we will remain a small percentage of the global population. At the same time, our contribution to air pollution will shrink in relation to other countries, which will pollute at a growing rate.

    So don't sweat about stuff the US cannot control.

    Or do you want to drop an atomic bomb on other countries to wipe out their polluters?

  177. BetterMan6:11 PM

    You're not really interested in carrying out a normal discussion on public transit, are you?

    Well if you call following where the "molded One" has led normal and leading off in the manner you did, then no.

    If you want to have a normal discussion then sure. I would like nothing better.

  178. BetterMan6:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    In the meantime, name ONE small town that has mass transportation just one numbnuts.

    Yeah mold,just name one.

    Put those multiple college degrees to work.LOL

    Hes pacing in circles in his basement right now picking at the skin on the tips of his fingers walking in circles saying..small towns...small towns....big trains...small towns..subways....small towns....leaky diapers...

  179. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Butters, nice of you to lie about me when I was eating. How brave and courageous.
    Well, I'm waiting for your area. As far as the town...silly lad...I already knew the name when I made the claim. Your ersatz anger is that I won't let you know where I live. Now, why is that so upsetting to you? Do you find it necessary to pay unannounced 'visits' to women? Are you going to drop by and Second 'Mendment me?

    Mack, you read their intentions very correctly. And, I loved the points about towns. You really did the homework on this one!
    I would add that NYC use mass transit...and the savings they have from not being owned by cars they put into dining, clothing and entertainment.

    While some Rapturians beleeverate that wite jebus will come and reinstate the Glorious Southern Planter Confederacy...and that it will take 100 years for GCC to occur...that might not be valid. Some climatologists are saying that the trends are happening now. Which means that the easy actions...are ones we should have done...and all that is left is going to be painful.

    As far as transportation to rural folks...look at your accurate History...they didn't move much. Horses and feet.

    As for the Scientist...doesn't 'integrity issues' sound like wingnut boilerplate for heretic? How soon we forget the NASA Scientists literally under gag order by a political hack with zero qualifications. Hackboy made pretty much the same statement about the they were using what he termed 'junk science'...for Data that directly opposed his Fundamental beleefs.
    I would take this as more of a bushMole wrecking revenge upon a Scientist in the back alley...for having the audacity and effrontery to publish Fact.

    Note how some find it so very needful to ORDER me. As if they felt their witeness entitled them, avoid the work they could be doing. Oh, and you could note that declining to offer an area...means that they do know I can easily Google the History and leave links to the mass transit. Duh.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  180. PilotX7:57 PM

    "Brazil, Russia, India and China are going to have far far more impact on global air than the US over the next 100 years"

    Not so sure about that one. I believe we contribute greater than 20% of the CO2. Maybe more than that but it's been a while since I saw the numbers. Maybe you could share your data.

  181. PilotX8:06 PM

    "The point is simple: mass transit is only useful to people in areas where the population is concentrated. For everything else, and in conjunction with mass transit, we have cars, and a system of roads, highways and thru-ways"

    Thanks for the clarification but I already expressed the fact the vast majority of people in this country live in urban and suburban areas and thus that is where mass transportation is needed but thanks for playing.

    "For a clown who's so worried about a Global Warming future that will arrive long after you're dead -- if it ever arrives -- you don't seem too concerned about the millions who are going to die from smoking while you're alive"

    Wow, you must have a genius IQ for that level of logic. Well since you asked, people usually smoke by choice, thus if YOU smoke it doesn't affect me directly. Climate change affects everyone. BTW, models are very useful in drawing ideas about what might happen at some point in the future. As someone who forecasts weather I can attest to their utility. While we cannot predict the exact implications of increased CO2 we can use models in conjunction with geologic samples to draw conclusions. Yeah, silly me for caring about future generations. Another of my many flaws. Stay classy Oilman.
    And slapnuts wonders why so many of us aren't conservatives? We need fewer selfish pricks not more.

  182. Anonymous9:36 PM

    The White House knew all about it.

    Scandal: A former ATF special agent tells Congress a National Security Council staffer was informed about Operation Fast and Furious before guns allowed into Mexico wound up at the murder scene of a U.S. agent.

    The latest evidence that both the White House and attorney general knew and approved of Project Gunrunner and its deadly offshoot, Operation Fast and Furious, came this week in the testimony of William Newell, ATF special agent in charge of the Phoenix office, before Rep. Darrell Issa's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

    That the "stench of cover-up," as Fox News analyst Brit Hume described the administration's handling of the matter, may reach even into the Oval Office itself was evidenced by Newell's testimony that he communicated with Kevin O'Reilly, a staffer on President Obama's National Security Council, about Operation Fast and Furious in September 2010.

    O'Reilly was national security director for North America tasked with monitoring the activities of Mexican drug cartels. We are asked to believe he inquired about a program that was providing the cartels with guns but kept what he found out to himself.

    That date, by the way, is three months before weapons permitted to "walk" into Mexico were found at the scene in Arizona were U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered. Newell said O'Reilly had inquired about the status of Project Gunrunner to brief administration officials before a trip to Mexico.

    Newell sent O'Reilly the requested information with the caveat, "You didn't get this from me."

    Why was a National Security Council staffer asking about an operation that no one in the upper echelons of the administration was supposed to be aware of? We find it hard to believe it was for O'Reilly's personal amusement. Why would Newell request that he not be acknowledged as the source?

  183. Beyond Infinity9:44 PM

    Field yoo's a fo0L. Love the Blog always as informative as entertaining go in on them.

  184. PilotX9:58 PM

    "Why was a National Security Council staffer asking about an operation that no one in the upper echelons of the administration was supposed to be aware of? We find it hard to believe it was for O'Reilly's personal amusement. Why would Newell request that he not be acknowledged as the source?"

    Wow, this might be as big a scandal as Iran/Contra huh? Maybe if we dig up Reagan he can be held accountable for selling weapons to Iran. It doesn't take much to amuse conservatives. Look a shiny thing! Ha! If Fox can uncover the war on Christmas they MUST have this scandal under control.
