Friday, July 29, 2011

Nnamdi is welcome but David Williams is not.

I am a little pumped right now folks; Nnamdi Asomugha just signed with my birds.

That's two high profile free agents we stole from "Zoo Yawk" in the last couple of years. Nice.

Now we have three shutdown corners, let's see how things work out from now on. Welcome to the neighborhood Nnamdi, I hear that you are not only a great player but that you are a great citizen as well. You will do just fine here.

Speaking of welcoming someone to the neighborhood, it looks like some of you Negroes aren't exactly welcome in certain neighborhoods down in Houston.

"A Houston man is alleging that once he moved into his upscale Houston neighborhood, the racism followed.

David Williams, a 24-year-old African American website owner originally from Boston, moved to the Houston neighborhood where homes are valued from $400,000 to $3 million earlier this year.

When he arrived, he said he noticed that people looked at him strangely, but didn’t think about racism too much until he and his friends were denied entrance to the subdivision.

The security guard went on to tell him that he received orders from the top to not let him and his friends in.

“Look, I’m not allowed to let you guys in. We personally don’t have a problem with you, but we’ll lose our jobs.” [Source]

Look Negro, how are those hard working folks supposed to know that you are a business owner from Boston and not some rapper from the Third Ward?
Times are hard out here, we can't have you Negroes driving down our property values.

Finally, isn't A-merry-ca a great country? Where else can you (allegedly) kill your daughter and ask for 1.5 million to talk about it?

Breaking News! The winguts finally got their debt ceiling bill passed.218 votes.
Good for you Mr. Tan Man. But please, let's not hear that it was a bipartisan bill.
I mean just ONE dumbocrat voting for it would have been nice.

So it's on to the Senate. Now let the fun begin. 


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?


  2. Black woman tries to kill and eat white baby.

    From the LA Times

    A 36-year-old woman allegedly snatched an infant from his stroller and slammed him into the metal railing of a truck as his mother and aunt tried to fight her off, police said Wednesday.

    The woman, Natasha Hubbard, later told police she wanted to eat the baby's arm. The baby suffered only minor injuries.

    Adriana Miranda, 29, was pushing her 4-month-old son in a stroller on Boyd Street on Thursday when Hubbard allegedly reached into the stroller, unbelted the infant and swung him overhead, police said.

    She then slammed him into the metal rail of a nearby truck.

    Police said the mother and her sister tried to fight the woman off.

    Miranda was eventually able to grab her baby, but Hubbard allegedly kept trying to fight, scratching at her while Miranda held the baby in her arms.

    Police said the mother and aunt ran into a nearby store for help as Hubbard ran away, but the store owner pushed them back out onto the street.
    Officers were able to find Hubbard after witnesses pointed her out.

    She was charged with aggravated assault and bail was set at $30,000. She is on probation in two separate cases, one for narcotics and another for battery. Her prior arrests also include aggravated assault and carrying dangerous weapons.

    Lt. Paul Vernon of the Los Angeles Police Department said Hubbard told detectives at the police station that she tried to break off the baby’s arm so she could eat it.

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    There's so much to comment on from this clip, but what really struck me about this report on Boehner's visible loss of control over the Tea Party idiots in his party is that the teabaggers, as an act of aggression against him, started praying. Being from Texas, I'm really familiar with praying as a form of passive aggressive emotional warfare, but even I was mildly surprised to see a bunch of grown men doing it to other grown men who they claim to be on the same team as. As a psychological weapon, it's really grown past the pinched mouth "i'll pray for you" disapprovals I grew up witnessing.

    I think this whole situation should put to rest all the hand-wringing about what the "Tea Party" is. Whatever diverse shit people are saying on the ground, people who are taking leadership roles are religious fanatics with very small minds who would rather burn this country down to the ground rather than share power with the kind of folks who would vote for Barack Obama. Or, to put it another way, the teabagger relationship to the country is like a wife-beater to his wife: what they call "love" is actually a desire to exert control and complete ownership. And now the wife-country has run off with a handsome and charming black man.

    Of course they're going to pull the trigger.

    The religious fanaticism angle is fascinating to me, and I think goes a long way towards explaining why the Tea Party types are going to tank any deal. Basically, once you start saying that god is telling you what to do, what you mean is you're making 100% of your decisions based on knee-jerk emotions. And not just any emotions, but fundamentalist Christian ones---i.e. paranoia, grandiosity, etc. A lot of these folks probably believe Obama is the Antichrist. But even if they don't, they definitely believe that anyone who isn't their version of right wing conservative is in thrall to Satan. What this makes them is impervious to reason. That's why I think they really, seriously do believe that Obama, Boehner, the pundits, etc. are lying when they say the shit hits the fan if we don't raise the debt celing. That is, in the fundie eye, a lie fueled by Satan to keep this country away from the path of the Lord. Everything the demonized mainstream media and the Democrats say is, in their view.

    This is what religious fanaticism does to the body politic. I think a lot of people have, for a long time, imagined that the fundie right wasn't that big a deal, because hey, they just want to ban abortion and gay rights, right? As long as people considered these second tier issues, the fundies could grow their power unchecked. The mainstream Republican party thought they could use the Bible thumpers to get a caucus together, throw them some abortion bones, and then use their warm bodies to get votes for the stuff Wall Street really cares about. But what they've found is they've created a monster.

  4. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  5. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Field, Field, Shabby reporting turns into shabby blogging. One user commented right on the story and dispelled this craziness, there are blacks and whites living in this community. It is unannounced guests not on the list who can not get in, although blacks don't think rules apply to them equally and racism must be involved.

    The person who lives there comments:

    "I live there and have had my son (who is white) rejected at the gate by the guards because he wasn't listed as a guest. Did they stop him because of race? As the person we purchased our home from told us at the time 'be careful to notify the guards of all guests including contractors or they won't be allowed in, they won't let (then) President Bush in unless hes on the guest list from and owner'. I assumed it was because of policy, not race.
    3. There are already a mix of races and religions in the why was this person supposedly singled out? If its a race issue how come there's not a village of people with torches storming their doorstep? And contrary to Quannel's statement he's not the only black in the area.

    Bottom line, there's something not right about all of this, I don't see this happening, but if it did/does things better change. There's no room for that type of behavior. As long as people abide by the rules we should be good with it.

    Read more:

  6. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?


    What in the name of all that is unholy are you trying to say you battyman bloodclot crazy ass mutt?

  7. Texas Hold em9:05 PM

    Phony story:

    Black Man Alleges Racism In Upscale Houston Neighborhood

    July 29, 2011

    A Houston man is alleging that once he moved into his upscale Houston neighborhood, the racism followed.

    David Williams, a 24-year-old African American website owner originally from Boston, moved to the Houston neighborhood where homes are valued from $400,000 to $3 million earlier this year.

    When he arrived, he said he noticed that people looked at him strangely, but didn’t think about racism too much until he and his friends were denied entrance to the subdivision.

    The security guard went on to tell him that he received orders from the top to not let him and his friends in.

    “Look, I’m not allowed to let you guys in. We personally don’t have a problem with you, but we’ll lose our jobs.”

    Who is this David Williams clown?

    Does he own one of these homes? No. Does he rent one of these homes? Or is he somebody's roommate?

    24-year-old website goofs don't buy homes in million-dollar neighborhoods.

    Did this clown have a driver's license showing his address? Anything to prove he lived in the neighborhood? No. He had nothing, or he would have said so.

    Meanwhile, if the house is in a private gated community, the owner's association can set rules that some of you might not like.

  8. Anonymous9:18 PM

    If you read the story it conflicts, one part says they wouldnt let "his friends in" another says they wouldnt let he and his friends in. No way if he had ID that he was renting there that the guards would have stopped him. Whats with all the second hand he said she said, not one original source was qouted. Wonder why?

  9. "24-year-old website goofs don't buy homes in million-dollar neighborhoods."

    Of course not. They stay in their mother's basements and binge on Cheetos and Mountain Dew all day.

    "Does he own one of these homes? No. Does he rent one of these homes? Or is he somebody's roommate?"

    Well, look at the guy. It's practically impossible for him to own a home in an area like this!

    "Did this clown have a driver's license showing his address? Anything to prove he lived in the neighborhood? No. He had nothing, or he would have said so."

    Of course not. The only thing guys like him would have is an empty Cheeto bag or a Colt 45 bottlecap.

    "Meanwhile, if the house is in a private gated community, the owner's association can set rules that some of you might not like."

    And if they just don't like certain types of people in their neighborhoods, then that's just tuff stuff.

    Am I on the right wavelength with you, anon?

  10. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Silly goobers still want to call me a lesbian? Keep believarating.

    I don't have to diddle my skittle.My dad been diddling me since i was a young lad.Some how i'm suppose to listen gawd feurin' heckyas tell me being diddle by my dad is wrong?

    Great post Mack,Anon.We know these goobs like my dad knows my skittle.


  11. Anonymous9:36 PM

    And if they just don't like certain types of people in their neighborhoods, then that's just tuff stuff.

    Look if the association manager said no blacks including renters and owners -- doesn't sound right does it? Then go after this guy with all guns blazing and I'll lead the charge, but really, this sounds like a bunch of tripe, there are black homeowners in the township - so then not likely the assoc manager would have said no blacks right? The guy is 24, renting and probably forgot to give the guard a LIST of names and the guard wouldnt let them in if he even knew they were coming to hang out, they sure as shit got loud and in his face (otherwise there woudlnt be this farce of a racial complaint) and they didn't like that this time it didnt work. Tell me, you live in a gated community, you want a gang of kids, black or white or chinese (well asian is ok they haven't started wilding yet) let through your gates without approval? If a guard at my complex lets in unauthorized people he is fired and he should be. As far as people looking at him funny...sounds like he has a persecution problem. I don't care what color you are if you go around with a bunch of young kids in a million dollar community everyone is going to look at you funny.

  12. kudos!




    another ybm i love:

  13. Texas Hold em11:42 PM

    mack lyons,

    If the 24-year-old doofus had a driver's license showing his address or any other documentation of his residence, he would have showed it.

    Moreover, if actually owned a house in the community -- which we know he didn't -- he would have ranted and raved about it.

    Just like that moron Professor Henry Gates at Harvard, who, though only a renter, ranted and raved about being harassed by the police who were responding to a call of a breaking and entering in progress.

    It was such a big deal that the police department responsded as it should to a call of a crime underway that our Doofus-in-Chief, Obama, had to stick his nose into it.

  14. PilotX11:56 PM

    Actually i kinda like these tea party types, they keep bad Repub legislation from passing. If not for them we'd have hundreds of stupid BS laws on the books or at least clogging up the senate. I sure wouldn't want to be house speaker now.

    Anyhoo Field, I'll be in Philly the weekend of the 19th. If you're around I say we should grab a Red Stripe or two*.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous12:14 AM


  17. false alarm12:21 AM

    D.C. Crook and Ladder Company

    Thieves swipe uniform, vehicle from city firehouse


    Examiner -- A D.C. firehouse was ransacked Tuesday while firefighters were out battling a blaze.

    District firefighters have been deployed to street corners to help protect high-crime neighborhoods.

    They may need to begin patrolling their firehouses.

    Early Tuesday morning, Engine 33 firefighters returned from a call to their firehouse at 101 Atlantic St. SE to find it ransacked, with a BMW automobile, a firefighter's uniform and other valuables stolen.

    Thieves had forced their way into the station, trashed the watch desk, and stole a range of gear and personal property.

    Also missing were keys, wallets and a camera, according to the police report. The ripped-off BMW was the personal car of a firefighter.

    D.C. fire spokesman Pete Piringer said the break-in occurred while the firefighters were battling a blaze at 1720 Savannah St. SE, and not while they were out deterring crime.

    He said the department will continue to stand watch on the city's most dangerous intersections.

    "I would like to think that we've made the neighborhoods better from our efforts," Piringer said. "It's been pretty well received in most communities."

    Since May, the city has deployed D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services personnel and trucks to high-crime spots to deter criminals.

    The firefighters have been posted at 14 of the most dangerous areas at night. The spots were chosen by the Metropolitan Police Department.

    The initiative to patrol high-crime areas has been expanded into the spring of 2012.

    Fire officials also are deployed during the day to protect young residents enrolled in the city's youth job program, some of whom work for the fire department.

    Participants of the Summer Youth Employment Program have been mugged on payday over the years.

    The firefighters are not to act as police officers, but as responsible citizens who will call 911 if they see any wrongdoing, city officials said.

    Police on Thursday were still investigating the fire station burglary. According to the police report, the culprits are five teenagers, ages 14 to 18.

    It's unclear from the report how the investigators know the ages of the culprits. One law enforcement official said fire stations and other government buildings are normally monitored by video cameras.

    The firefighter's stolen car was recovered Tuesday by U.S. Park Police at Wayne Street Southeast. There was minor damage to the car.

  18. Sorry guys, just checking this out.

  19. It worked, (happy dance). Sorry about all the posts but had to create a pic and such because some a-hole stole my handle and posted some ignorance.

  20. From LA Times:
    The rapper's management confirmed the purchase on Friday, telling TMZ that Soulja Boy added $20 million in upgrades to the plane, base price $35 million.

    How can a person spend $20 million inside an airplane, other than ordering lunch when the flight attendants come around with the food-for-purchase? Think travertine floors, Brazilian hardwood floors, Italian leather seats and -- now that the entertainer is 21 -- four liquor bars.

    Oh, add a custom paint job too, with the Soulja Boy logo.

    The rapper, who hit big in 2007 with the single "Crank That (Soulja Boy)," is also dropping a reported $300,000 on his birthday party Friday night, but he might make some of that money back. According to his birthday-bash website, fans who pay $2.99 for the pay per view can watch him and his "celebrity friends" show up for and partake in the red-carpet event.

  21. Get Real1:57 AM

    Field...if some white folks with crying babies, beer cans, and whatever, pulled up to that gate, they would have been told to take a U-turn too.

  22. Hunting For Mold2:22 AM

    Hey Mold,,,,,how much can a Depedns hold?

    I was thinking about using them as insulation for my travel trailer at my new deer camp.

  23. "The rapper's management confirmed the purchase on Friday, telling TMZ that Soulja Boy added $20 million in upgrades to the plane, base price $35 million."

    His net worth is $25 million. His net income? Somewhere around $6 million.

    At first, I thought he perhaps leased the jet, like most other people of wealth do (because the upkeep costs of a private jet are no joke -- paging PilotX). But then he put down an extra $20 million to have it decked out with "12 custom Italian leather seats, flat screen TVs, 4 liquor bars, a special travertine tiled floor, and Brazilian hardwood cabinets".

    So, where the hell is he getting all this money from?

    "Field...if some white folks with crying babies, beer cans, and whatever, pulled up to that gate, they would have been told to take a U-turn too."

    Somehow, I doubt that.

  24. "It worked, (happy dance). Sorry about all the posts but had to create a pic and such because some a-hole stole my handle and posted some ignorance."

    Good. Having a real Blogger handle cuts down on the anon impostor bullshit.

    Those gents in the photo the Tuskegee Airmen?

  25. Isn't The TSA Non-Biased?2:47 AM

    Field...if some white folks with crying babies, beer cans, and whatever, pulled up to that gate, they would have been told to take a U-turn too."

    Why? No panties?

  26. No Arguments3:22 AM

    Hey Mack.....tho I do respect the Tuskeege Airmen......why do you suppose the myth of their escorting planes NEVER having lost a bomber?

    They were good....had a DAMN lot of practice before combat, but no better than the 77,000 white boys who did the same bombers & fighters. They had the highest percentage of casualties of US forces in WWII.

    My Dad was was B-17 pilot in Europe, and then trained as a B-29 pilot, just before we dropped the big ones on the Japs.

    The war was over, But he still served as the Provost Marshall at....Roswell (he resigned from the Army Air Force, and married my mother...before that UFO thing happened)

    I still have a framed picture of my Dad, standing next to the Enola Gay, at Roswell.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. "They were good....had a DAMN lot of practice before combat, but no better than the 77,000 white boys who did the same bombers & fighters. They had the highest percentage of casualties of US forces in WWII."

    According to some sources, they did lose bombers. 25 of them throughout their entire career, when other units sometimes lost the same number or more during a single mission. For a segregated unit filled with servicemen who were still considered "inferior" in most circles despite their track record, they did pretty damn well for themselves. Saying they were "no better than the 77,000 white boys who did the same thing" marginalizes their accomplishments and well-deserved accolades.

    I just find it interesting that you chose to "equalize" their accomplishments by essentially saying "oh, any ol' white boy could have done that!", no malice intended.

  29. No Arguments4:24 AM

    I just find it interesting that you chose to "equalize" their accomplishments by essentially saying "oh, any ol' white boy could have done that!", no malice intended.

    Isn't "equality" the road to......Equality?

    We've got women in submarines (a recipie for disaster, women already on surface naval ships getting pregnant all over the damn place....oh, it's stupidity.

    I wasn't really dissing the black fighters, Mack.

  30. Field, I can count on you to always tell the Kolb any good as a QB? Beyond the 5 pass completions ESPN is showing over and over I mean?
    Congrates on getting DRC, he will be missed here in the dessert.

  31. Grounded7:53 AM


    You're insinuating YOU flew P-51's, and are still piloting today?

    I don't thhink so.

  32. wing man8:08 AM

    From LA Times:

    The rapper's management confirmed the purchase on Friday, telling TMZ that Soulja Boy added $20 million in upgrades to the plane, base price $35 million.

    Ah. One of those private jet owners Obama loves to rant about.

    Here's a bet. This clown rapper will die young and penniless. But before he dies there will be news that he owes the IRS millions and millions in unpaid taxes.

    Meanwhile, blacks cry endlessly that opportunities are withheld from them and become angry when it's said they can't handle higher level intellectual pursuits.

    But blacks make millions as athletes and entertainers. And when that happens, they often conform to the stereotype of throwing money into image toys, like expensive cars and now, private jets.

    Yeah, I know, John Travolta has a private jet or two. But not only has he got more than enough money to buy and operate his planes, he's actually licensed to fly a four-engine jet.

  33. PilotY8:12 AM

    The only factor that differentiated the Tuskeegee Airmen from other fighter pilots flying escort missions was their skin color.

    Their combat record did not stand out.

  34. Grease8:17 AM

    Hell, Travolta parks his jet right outside of his house. He has his own runway.

  35. Anonymous8:31 AM

    PilotX said...
    It worked, (happy dance). Sorry about all the posts but had to create a pic and such because some a-hole stole my handle and posted some ignorance.

    I don't think anyone could tell the difference.

  36. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the hiers of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  37. Anonymous9:29 AM

    WingTroll, would WATB lik a list of whites and other not-AfAms who spent all their money? st reagan was one. Your fantasy is charmingly quaint....and so Reconstruction WATB from planters who found work icky.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  38. Juan Williams9:35 AM

    Just like I told my neighbor, you can't run the USA like a 3 bedroom home. She wan't trying to hear it. Juan just backed me up. Woo..what happened to common sense.

    "Look out Taxpayers. Obama thinks you're rich"

    No, the problem is you Teapublicans think you're rich. If that debt ceiling isn't raised, you all are gonna feel the pinch just like "those poor people".

    Let's go to St. Ronnie, shall we?

    Reagan was a serial tax raiser.As president, Reagan “raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office,

    Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.

    Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level.

    Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously. Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan.

    Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Reagan signed into law a bill that made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty.

    Reagan illegally funneled weapons to Iran. Reagan and other senior U.S. officials secretly sold arms to officials in Iran, which was subject to a an arms embargo at the time, in exchange for American hostages.

    Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan.

    You all need to read a book instead of staring Deery Eyed at FOX.

  39. Mold Is An Idiot9:41 AM

    You're so dimally stoopid Mold. The Rebubs KNEW it wouldn't pass thru the Dem Senate. They're waiting for the Senate to pass the bill, with their "modifcations" back to the House, before it can be sent to Obama.

    Then, he can veto or appove it.

  40. Anonymous9:54 AM

    In one fell swoop
    Went the chicken coop
    With the chickens and the roosters
    And the newborn chicks.
    And the barn that was loaded
    With straw, exploded
    And the air was full
    Of straw and sticks.
    The horse went flying
    And the goats were crying
    From the very tip-tops
    of the sycamore trees.
    And the dog and the sheep
    Were piled in a heap,
    And all that I'd done
    Was fart!


  41. Lt. Paul Vernon of the Los Angeles Police Department said Hubbard told detectives at the police station that she tried to break off the baby’s arm so she could eat it.

    8:19 PM

    This isn't even a black and white issue - the chick was just plain nuts.

    From LA Times:
    The rapper's management confirmed the purchase on Friday, telling TMZ that Soulja Boy added $20 million in upgrades to the plane, base price $35 million.

    On the real, nobody is checking for Soulja Boy. I can guarantee you that dude is not buying a 55 million $ plane.


    Soulja Boy Not Buying $55 Million Private Jet It turns out those reports about Soulja Boy buying himself a $55 million private jet for his birthday aren't true after all.(Are we supposed to be surprised about that?)

    Soulja Boy, whose given name is DeAndre Cortez Way, recently borrowed a billionaire's private jet, but he has no immediate plans to buy one, said one source near the rapper.

    Dude just has rich friends or maybe he's just boning that white owners' daughter

    And David Williams should have just moved to Richmond VA where he would have no problems going into million $ neighborhoods.

  42. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the hiers of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  43. Anonymous10:01 AM

    'Tis Morning

    'Tis morning and the cackling dogs
    Are chased by cats into their holes.
    The horses stop to eat the hogs,
    And give the feathers to the foals.
    And round and round, the oak trees fly
    Dropping fruit into the sky.


  44. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The Impact of Closing a State Psychiatric Hospital on the County Mental Health System and Its Clients


  45. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the hiers of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  46. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Mental illness causes


  47. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The unemployment rate was lower when Reagan left office than it was when he came into office.

    The arms for hostages is a Liberal myth.Several Democrat investigations found no proof of such a deal.

    Taxes were much lower when Reagan left office.

    Operation Cyclone was approved by the Democrat Congress.Lets not forget about Charlie Wilson.

    You need to read a book instead of blindly following leftwing kook sites.

  48. Anonymous10:09 AM


  49. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Come Join me in the fun, it's virtually free:


  50. Anonymous10:16 AM

    For some of my latest fashion tips come on over...


  51. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Some things I learned during practice of one of my 27 professions before I was 24


  52. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Don't just sniff your own poo (jenkem) you can also make use of that normally wasted yellow stuff, drink your own urine, ummmm so tasty. It gives you super mental powers.


  53. You Need Mental Help10:23 AM

    Repeaterating yourself over and over is an indication of Alzhiemers syndrome.


    What did I just say?

  54. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the hiers of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  55. Anonymous10:40 AM

    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.

    Oh Moldilox, the doggy cage mommy locks you in every night is not "gated living" woof..woof....

  56. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the hiers of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  57. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Don't retreat, reload and shoot onto my face big boy.
    Librul Huntin' License I have dogs we can use when we go huntin, theys in the cage with me right now.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies mommy says the ointment might clear up the rash if I can stand up instead of laying down in my cage at night
    Not so funny now, eh? Yes daddy Im sorry please dont hit me with the stick with nails again


  58. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Aside from all the inside-the-Beltway juvenile behavior and tantrums, all the intricate economic measures and soothsaying from the portfolio managers and Wall Street denizens who vultch over the markets waiting for something to drop, there are millions of people who don't know a hedge fund from a hedgehog or care about the hurt feelings of John Boehner but who rely on the government and its services to make it through their daily lives. If the checks don't come, they are in real trouble. Everyone from the retired nurse in Boise, Idaho, on Social Security who budgets her monthly check down to the penny, to the little company in Waterville, Ohio, that is keeping their employees paid through a contract with the federal government to provide food to the local school system for Title I is counting on the money to be there next week.

    The folks in the Tea Party say that we shouldn't be so dependent on the government; that we should all be self-reliant and strong, and maybe this intentionally-manufactured crisis on their part is a good lesson on how we should wean ourselves away from it. That's idiocy (not to mention breathtaking hypocrisy), and it demonstrates a basic lack of understanding of economic reality. No one is asking for a hand-out; the nurse earned her pension throughout her career and paid into it, and the company, like millions of other businesses in the country, is doing business with the government just like they'd do it with any other private business. It's how our economy works.

    We saw such rank stupidity from the Tea Party in microcosm when the auto industry was in trouble in 2009 and they said it would be a good thing if GM and Chrysler went belly-up; for one thing, it would be sweet revenge for the Chevette and the K-car. As in that case, they didn't get it, and just like the auto business has a larger footprint beyond Detroit, a huge segment of the economy relies on providing goods and services to government-run facilities such as schools, hospitals, construction projects, road maintenance, utilities, airports, harbors, police and fire departments, and hundreds of other businesses. If they stop getting paid, then the employees don't get paid, and then they're not buying food at the grocery store, gas at the filling station, or paying their rent or mortgage. The ripples become a tsunami.

    We have had plenty of lessons in hard times economically, most notably the Great Depression of the 1930's, and the measures we have in place such as Social Security and Title I are what we came up with to help us through such times. Like it or not, this is how We The People decided how to run our country. We've also seen what "smaller government" brings us. It's not Paradise.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  59. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the heirs of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  60. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't retreat, reload and shoot onto my face big boy.
    Librul Huntin' License I have dogs we can use when we go huntin, theys in the cage with me right now.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies mommy says the ointment might clear up the rash if I can stand up instead of laying down in my cage at night
    Not so funny now, eh? Yes daddy Im sorry please dont hit me with the stick with nails again


  61. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Aside from all the inside-the-Beltway juvenile behavior and tantrums, all the intricate economic measures and soothsaying from the portfolio managers and Wall Street denizens who vultch over the markets waiting for something to drop, there are millions of people who don't know a hedge fund from a hedgehog or care about the hurt feelings of John Boehner but who rely on the government and its services to make it through their daily lives. If the checks don't come, they are in real trouble. Everyone from the retired nurse in Boise, Idaho, on Social Security who budgets her monthly check down to the penny, to the little company in Waterville, Ohio, that is keeping their employees paid through a contract with the federal government to provide food to the local school system for Title I is counting on the money to be there next week.

    The folks in the Tea Party say that we shouldn't be so dependent on the government; that we should all be self-reliant and strong, and maybe this intentionally-manufactured crisis on their part is a good lesson on how we should wean ourselves away from it. That's idiocy (not to mention breathtaking hypocrisy), and it demonstrates a basic lack of understanding of economic reality. No one is asking for a hand-out; the nurse earned her pension throughout her career and paid into it, and the company, like millions of other businesses in the country, is doing business with the government just like they'd do it with any other private business. It's how our economy works.

    We saw such rank stupidity from the Tea Party in microcosm when the auto industry was in trouble in 2009 and they said it would be a good thing if GM and Chrysler went belly-up; for one thing, it would be sweet revenge for the Chevette and the K-car. As in that case, they didn't get it, and just like the auto business has a larger footprint beyond Detroit, a huge segment of the economy relies on providing goods and services to government-run facilities such as schools, hospitals, construction projects, road maintenance, utilities, airports, harbors, police and fire departments, and hundreds of other businesses. If they stop getting paid, then the employees don't get paid, and then they're not buying food at the grocery store, gas at the filling station, or paying their rent or mortgage. The ripples become a tsunami.

    We have had plenty of lessons in hard times economically, most notably the Great Depression of the 1930's, and the measures we have in place such as Social Security and Title I are what we came up with to help us through such times. Like it or not, this is how We The People decided how to run our country. We've also seen what "smaller government" brings us. It's not Paradise.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  62. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sundown town...Houston. LOL. And what was that Fwee Market beweef about racism not being able to withstand the power of money?

    I did find it magically convenient that FAUX could 'discover' a person who was in HR and did hiring/ that isn't' it....that a buncha wite guys wuz exacly da same as Tuskegee, the TA were exemplary....some Anonymous dude claimerated to live in the very gated housing under discussion. Yeah, that's the fakery!
    From the comments...both the posters there...and on this thread...don't have a clew about gated living. In fact, most scribble like the go-fer brought along by a tradesperson or a crew drone.
    Funny. To those with real-life experience with gated (both good and bad) your Tales of Gooberchausen remind us of why you are kept out.

    As for the debt, the Historical willful ignorance of the TaxBaggers is stunning. For a group who fakes they are the heirs of the Founding Fathers, they have literally no idea of why debt is a concern. All they care about is 'bein' jerkholes to 'miggers''.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  63. You're Deluded, Mold11:36 AM

    So. Only Teabaggers and the Repulicans ran the debt up out of the roof? I'm sure the democrats had no hand in crappy state of our "economy".

  64. Seen it....been there before11:43 AM

    Mold is off her meds, or they haven't kicked in again.....the posts will get shorter & shorter, till the repeats start.

  65. anonymous barfs:

    ...but who rely on the government and its services...

    Not the government. They rely on the success of TAXPAYERS who fork over the money that bureaucrats parcel out to others -- after taking a cut for themselves.

    Everyone from the retired nurse in Boise, Idaho, on Social Security...

    Anyone who is a "retired nurse" is part of a pension program that pays her a check every month. the little company in Waterville, Ohio, that is keeping their employees paid through a contract with the federal government to provide food to the local school system...

    Nonsense. School systems use local funding. Public school systems are supported by local property taxes. The federal government kicks in no more than 7% of funds.

    No one is asking for a hand-out; the nurse earned her pension...

    Her pension? Yes. A pension is tied directly to her employment as a nurse. Social Security is NOT a pension in that sense.

    ... throughout her career and paid into it...

    She paid into her pension. But her Social Security payments were Transfer Payments that provided old-age income to others. Yes, there's chit in the records that accounts for the rate at which money will flow to her.

    ...and the company, like millions of other businesses in the country, is doing business with the government just like they'd do it with any other private business.

    Really? doing business with the government" How so? If you mean that it receives taxpayer support, perhaps you're right. Who knows?

    It's how our economy works.

    Sadly, this is too often true.

    We saw such rank stupidity from the Tea Party in microcosm when the auto industry was in trouble in 2009 and they said it would be a good thing if GM and Chrysler went belly-up;

    The government, the nation and the auto industry did NOT benefit from the way the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies were handled.

    If there had been no government intervention, the assets of the companies would have been acquired by other car companies and they would have remained in business. If assets -- factories, workers, etc -- have value, the money to put them to work will surface.

  66. Mold's Doctor12:08 PM

    Mold must be getting her meds late.

    Or, maybe, they wheel them around outside on Saturdays. I know they used to do that at Whitfield mental hospital.

  67. Anyhoo Field, I'll be in Philly the weekend of the 19th. If you're around I say we should grab a Red Stripe or two*."

    Sounds good! Shoot me an e-mail.

    Bunched...KK is alright, nothing special, but he does have an accurate arm. He should be fine with that beast of a receiver that you have there. He tends to get happy feet when he feels pressure, but with good coaching that can be cured.

    Good Luck.

  68. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Edsel, the bureaucrat 'cut' is far, far less than the Fwee Market removes. Just compare Social Security to any private retirement.
    The retired nurse gets her check from Social Security. You might recall the pilfering of pensions begun under st reagan and exacerbated under bush. For many US citizens, Social Security will be their ONLY retirement.
    Our local school system receives far more than 7% from the Fed. You could also mention that the State funds are mostly Federal. 60%+ of the SD budget is from State and Federal. So, why are you lying?
    Well, when you pay taxes, your wite control ceases to exist. Wahh. No longer do you have Mastery over the funds. It gets used for items you may not Social Security and funding public schools.
    Sure...remained in business. Riiight. Like I, as a business macher, will let a competitor survive. And what does your Fwee Market beweef tell you about the lost jobs, the zero incomes, and the ripple effects throughout the national economy? Spouting dogma to prove your bona fides to other Troo Beleevers is fine...but it is not Real.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  69. Yeah Mac those were the Airmen. I don't think they lost that many bombers under their escort but I have to do some research. We have a few original members here in the Chicago chapter including my uncle. Thanks for sticking up for the guys.

  70. "Their combat record did not stand out."

    Shows your ignorance.

  71. Edsel1:28 PM

    mold, you're stupid on steroids:

    Just compare Social Security to any private retirement.


    Social Security is a program funded through payroll taxes. The term is used to refer only to the benefits for retirement, disability, survivorship, and death, which are the four main benefits provided by traditional private-sector pension plans.

    By dollars paid, the U.S. Social Security program is the largest government program in the world and the single greatest expenditure in the federal budget, with 20.8% for social security, compared to 20.5% for discretionary defense and 20.1% for Medicare/Medicaid.

    Social Security is currently the largest social insurance program in the U.S. where combined spending for all social insurance programs amounts to 37% of government expenditures.

    The 2011 annual report by the program's Board of Trustees noted the following: in 2010, 54 million people were receiving Social Security benefits, while 157 million people were paying into the fund.

    In 2010, total income was $781.1 billion and expenditures were $712.5 billion, which means there was a surplus of $68.6 billion.

    The Social Security Program is much larger than the aggregate of private pensions in the US.

  72. Edsel1:41 PM

    mold excretes:

    You might recall the pilfering of pensions begun under st reagan and exacerbated under bush.

    You might recall that companies began a rapid shift away from Defined Benefit Pension Plans to 401-K Defined Contribution Plans in 1980, which by itself, put an end to the gimmicks of accounting that exploited Defined Benefit Pension Plans.

    However, leave it to the federal and state governments to continue the lunacy of offering Defined Benefit Plans to employees. Those plans, along with rising Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare bills, are the source of our pending national bankruptcy.

    But, unlike bankrupt car companies, there's no rich uncle to fund the national bankruptcy of the US. In fact, the US is alone in this dilemms. Greece, Italy and Portugal are so small that seeing them through their national bankrtuptcies is possible. Even though Greece has truly run out of money, the rich nations of the world can pitch in to tide them over.

    But the US cannot turn to external sources to repair itself. The US must cut spending, and the easiest way is to put all those federal and state employees into 401-K plans.

  73. Anonymous1:41 PM

    PilotKY Jelly said...
    Yeah Mac those were the Airmen. I don't think they lost that many bombers under their escort but I have to do some research.

    PilotKY Jelly said...
    "Their combat record did not stand out."

    1 minute apart and you say you don't know about the combat record, then you right away call someone else ignorant for stating they didn't stand out. Well, let us know when you research who is really ignant.
    Shows your ignorance.

  74. RickPerry20121:46 PM

    take a look at this visualization of the U.S debt.

    AS Rick Perry Says, we need to push more liberals into the private sector, starting with Obama and his cronies.

  75. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Edsel, why did you not address the administrative costs? Which is the 'cut' you bewailed in your earlier post.
    Instead you pretend it is about the eveel size. Like I mentioned, Social Security IS the ONLY retirement for many. As such, it seems common sense to think of it as being large. I know the Kochs, bushes, McCains, Freidmans, and those of similar wealth will not draw. But those who will...are far more numerous.
    You want to eradicate retirement for hotel maids, janitors, security guards, bus drivers, retail clerks, teacher aides, factory employees, construction crew...and for the wealthy can pay less in taxes than me?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  76. Anonymous1:49 PM

    PerrysUnder, soon as the wealthy encounter true Free Market rigors. But they should 'sacrifice' first. You know, lead by example...not by reliving 'Titanic'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  77. "1 minute apart and you say you don't know about the combat record, then you right away call someone else ignorant for stating they didn't stand out. Well, let us know when you research who is really ignant.
    Shows your ignorance."

    Go screw yourself, I stated that I believe they lost fewer than the 25 bombers that Mac stated which is a fantastic record but then again reading is not your strong suit. You must be a white conservative, your stupidity is showing.

  78. BTW, ask the white bomber crews that specifically requested the Red Tails to escort them whether or not they had an outstanding record.

  79. Anonymous2:09 PM

    For those so 'concerned' about 'merit' seems odd that they avoid recognizing it when the BEST are AfAm. Now, why is that?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  80. PilotY2:35 PM


    A close relative of mine was a B-17 pilot in the 15th Air Force based in Foggia Italy from late 1943 through the end of the war.

    The Tuskegee pilots flew escorts for his bomber group. He's spoken about them. In his comments he's offered no special praise for the Tuskegee fliers. No particular criticsm either. He said they were no more skillful or heroic than anyone else there at the time.

    Their story is pure P.R.

  81. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Wow, imagine that...a convenient 'person who been there' immediately uncovered 'just in time' to mouth the wingnut line. However do they find these HR/climate experts/lawyers/pilots? Their magical appearance is almost as if they were 'manufactured'.

    For those so 'concerned' about 'merit' seems odd that they avoid recognizing it when the BEST are AfAm. Now, why is that?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  82. Lucas has a movie coming out about the "Red Tails". I just caught the trailor online.

  83. Exhibit #1 in the problem with today's youth:

    @Field: Liberalism's welfare state has done more to cripple the Black man than all the White racists who ever lived. No matter what someone may do to you, if you have personal integrity you are always a man.

  84. Anonymous4:21 PM


    Anonymous said...
    PerrysUnder, soon as the wealthy encounter true Free Market rigors. But they should 'sacrifice' first. You know, lead by example...not by reliving 'Titanic'

    Anyone have a gibberish translator program they could point me to? Thanks....

  85. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Why yes, allowing AfAm citizens to benefit from Democratically enacted programs is much, much more eveel that being lynched or assaulted with impunity by any wite who is a sociopath.
    Yeppers, having that eveel Social Security and Unemployment saps the manly Individual Ruggedness so necessary to being a slavecropper or Pullman attendant.
    And nasty awful horrible icky Liberalism would not let the obviously superior folk like bush or the Quayles or Bachmann or Palin or Santorum be that would be not integritical. Far better to make those not-citizens-by-virtue-of-colour never have opportunities.
    For those so 'concerned' about 'merit' seems odd that they avoid recognizing it when the BEST are AfAm. Now, why is that?

    Real folks can pay the same tax rate as you...first.
    Then maybe we won't pretend that stealing Grannies Social Security is so manly and needful.
    You just admitted you are too stoopid to understand writing based on Grade Eight that your intention? Telling us you are a moron?
    Maybe you should study real comics...and not the Boobs from FAUX. Remember...funny first, then politics. Otherwise, you appear to be the corner urine-soaked ranter. Follow Jon Stewart...if you want political humour.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  86. "if you have personal integrity you are always a man."

    This is something Mold just wouldn't understand.

  87. Wynton Hall5:13 PM

    In the last three decades, our great nation has undergone two economic experiments to solve similar economic difficulties.

    The first of these experiments was performed by President Ronald Reagan. He let Americans keep more of the money they earned and helped small, medium, and large businesses hire more people by cutting red tape. The result: the greatest peacetime economic expansion in American history and a gain of 18 million new jobs.

    The second economic experiment is the one we’re presently trapped in, performed by President Barack Obama. He has spent more of your money than all U.S. presidents—combined, seized 17% of the U.S. economy with the introduction of Obamacare, and is in the process of raising taxes even higher. The result: 16.2% of your neighbors can’t find enough work to make ends meet, food and gas prices are skyrocketing, and the country is broke and on the verge of total economic collapse.

    Every fifth man you pass on the sidewalk does not work.

    Every seventh person you pass on the sidewalk is now on food stamps.

    The average time an unemployed America remains out of work is now a jaw-dropping nine months (36 weeks). The pre-Obama average: just three months (13 weeks).

    The price for a gallon of gas has risen 104% from the time of Mr. Obama’s inauguration to today.

    Unemployment has risen from 7.8% to 9.2% since Mr. Obama’s inauguration.

    Incredibly, black Americans—who voted some 98% for Mr. Obama’s election—are now suffering their lowest levels of economic prosperity since the civil rights era of the 1960s; the black middle class is vanishing and setting back black economic gains at least a generation if not more.

    Recent college graduates are now experiencing record unemployment—all but ensuring that their freshly minted skills will rust and grow stale as they struggle to find work. In 2006 and 2007, 90% of all college graduates found a job. In 2010, just 56% of college graduates were able to find a job.

    Mr. Obama has added more to the national debt than all U.S. presidents from George Washington to Ronald Reagan—combined.

    These facts will not change before Election Day.

  88. BigSphericalObjects5:40 PM

    SAR said...
    "if you have personal integrity you are always a man."

    This is something Mold just wouldn't understand.

    All the different Online identities he uses confuses him. He is easily seen as someone not so bright, take that limited brainpower add in crossdressing, posting as a female and so on, his identity confusion is then understandable. Mold got mugged once and for some strange reason he fell onto his back and lifted his legs and arms, sort of like a dog going submissive rolling onto thier back....not sure what it means but pretty spooky.

  89. " He tends to get happy feet when he feels pressure, but with good coaching that can be cured.

    Good Luck."

    Thanks all we need is a new coach and we'll be fine.

  90. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Silly goobers mad i've exposed their wite privilege.I could easy pass for a wite.When i worked for Nasa i lived in Houston.Gated community.Wites easy thought i was one of them.I've seen their racism.Their "migger gone take my wife".Couldn't understand a "migger" could be smart.

    I laugh at their racism.I exposed my self to them.They couldn't understand a "migger" could be smart as I.

    Goobers still hate the fact my dad diddles my skittle?Get use to it.Diddling happens in Canada and Europe.

    Get over it.


  91. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Your use of sockpuppets does not define I have never used them.
    If you define 'integrity' as mindless subservience...then I suppose I never have had your kind.
    Wynton, thank you for pasting the Human Events drivel without attributing it to the lying political partisan hackery it is. Why, you are sooo honest....compared to your peers.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  92. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I laugh at their racism.I exposed my self to them.They couldn't understand a "migger" could be smart as I.
    stacchi botrus

    mildew ever heard of humility? if u keep this up u will get ur migger cumuppance!

  93. Anonymous6:40 PM

    but their recent smear campaign to malign ur good name mildew is retarded basically they aint ha shit else to say to u cuz u think over they heads so they try to say u lying about everything but aint that funny when thats all they do all day up in here is spin and tell lies on people in the public eye and calling the president such base terms as a ho and such kuntbreaf banks disappears and five sockpuppet anons show up same for kimdaqueef da wannabe dawktaw so obvious

    mildew eye think ure a blithering windbag but even eye respect u for trying to have intelligent conversations without telling lies and tossing out insults like kuntlickin banks and kimqueef!

  94. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Humility is for those who wish to bring others to their misfortune. I prefer Reality. your groveling subservience. You are most welcome to that. I prefer Reality.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  95. Anonymous6:47 PM

    mildew ure fulla shit reality does not mean that u loard ur accomplishments over the stoopid it means u dont engage them for their retardation since u r smarter then them duh! humility means that u get it but u clearly don't mebbe u r as bad as those kuntlickin imbeciles after all ya stacchi botrus havin loser!

  96. Bo Diddley6:47 PM

    "Goobers still hate the fact my dad diddles my skittle?Get use to it.Diddling happens in Canada and Europe.

    Get over it.



  97. roberto6:50 PM

    mold said: "Wynton, thank you for pasting the Human Events drivel without attributing it to the lying political partisan hackery it is. Why, you are sooo honest....compared to your peers."

    And you are sooo dumb.....compared to just about anyone.

    The author of the Human Events piece was Wynton Hall.

    Man, you be stupid.

  98. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Try again, bertie. Wynton did not send the piece. Hence, someone tried to pass it off as theirs. You might wonder why they declined to attribute the passel of falsehood to the lying political partisan hackery. No link...and trying to spread poo. Sooo honest. Well, by YOUR standard.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  99. Daktari6:58 PM

    mold: "I exposed my self to them.They couldn't understand a "migger" could be smart as I."

    Exposed what? Just cause they vomitted doesn't mean they were racist.

    And what's a migger? A mini-negro?

    If you can pass for white, you must be more than half white, so get your cracker ass off this blog.

  100. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Bo, it is the 'humour' of juveniles. Can you not hear their 'Hyuck, hyuck' of laughing at their own joke? And wondering why they can't find dates.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  101. roberto7:01 PM

    mold: "Try again, bertie. Wynton did not send the piece. Hence, someone tried to pass it off as theirs"

    Yes, someone who duplicitously signed the name "Wynton Hall".

    Try again moldie.

    Man, you is stupid.

  102. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Keep answering yourself. It is the only way you might 'win'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  103. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Bertie, keep telling yourself that it was honest. In YOUR peer just might it am lying to Satan Herself.
    Sure, it was Wynton. And the piece was unattributed. And lifted. And still trying to pass off the lying scammery of Human Events, a partisan political hackery.
    Try again, bertie. Keep trying to sell poo. It shows how much we should trust your 'word'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  104. roberto7:07 PM

    mold: "Keep answering yourself. It is the only way you might 'win'."

    You are right. There is no way to "win" an argument with a mentally challenged person; it's like beating up a cripple.

    I leave you to your meaningless gibberish. Don't forget to breathe.

  105. According to the Commerce Department, first-quarter GDP growth was 0.4%, not 1.9% as first reported. In the second quarter, it grew at a tepid 1.3% pace.

    A recent problem? Hardly. Fourth-quarter 2010 growth was also revised down, from 3.1% to 2.3%.

    In fact, all told, from the end of 2008 to this year, the government estimates U.S. GDP was $314 billion less than first estimated, not including this year's revisions.

    In the second quarter of this year, real GDP stood at a real annual rate of $13.33 trillion. But our potential, the government says, is $14.25 trillion. So we're missing $920 billion in GDP, and Obama's first term isn't over.

    Call this lost potential the Obamanomics tax.

    That pretty much explains why unemployment remains stuck at more than 9%, with an estimated 27 million Americans unable to find full-time employment.

    As U.S. Chamber of Commerce economist Martin Regalia warned Friday, Obama's increased regulation and uncertainty for small businesses "have made it extremely difficult for the economy to grow and create jobs."

    Tough to disagree with that. Yet under Obamanomics, these aren't bugs in the system — they're features. Businesses have $2 trillion in cash to invest, but are so frightened and intimidated by the Democrats' bullying, threats and demonization of wealth they're sitting on it.

    After spending $830 billion on stimulus, $700 billion on TARP, with unknown trillions more to be spent on ObamaCare and welfare, the nation's not better off.

    We need a new President.

  106. Anonymous7:26 PM

    bertie, what was that Internet Rule about declaring yourself the winner? Oh yes, it means you lost...probably decisively. I've given links before...but you could easily Google the list.
    IBD, why yes, you need a wite person. But that's your racism. The Chamber of Commerce? Ask who funds them. You see Soros everywhere...why not see if he is the backer of the Chamber?
    Lying to me about the non-existent 'increased regulation' shows the person feels quite free to lie to me. 'but are so frightened and intimidated by the Democrats' bullying, threats and demonization of wealth they're sitting on it.' outright lying.

    You might want to cut-n-paste some actual Economic bloggers. Most of the ones I've read offer that the Demand side is really low...and Supply is overfed. Keep selling your already disproved Troo makes you more manly among your fellow Fundies.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  107. Marquess of Queensbury7:44 PM

    roberto said.."You are right. There is no way to "win" an argument with a mentally challenged person"

    To which mold replied: "bertie, what was that Internet Rule about declaring yourself the winner? Oh yes, it means you lost...probably decisively."

    Verdict: Mold has declared herself the loser, and has done so in a way that indicates an alarming level of cognitive dissociation.

  108. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Queenie, so very wingnut of you to lie about what I said. Rather than deal with my actual make up lies. How utterly brave and heroic.
    Funny how bertie declaring himself the 'winner' escaped your notice. Odd that you forgot to mention this. Almost as if you were being willfully dishonest.
    And why should anyone accept the verdict of a Con?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

  109. Marquess of Queensbury7:57 PM

    mold: "Funny how bertie declaring himself the 'winner' escaped your notice."

    Mine and everyone else's. You are quite insane.

  110. Anonymous10:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. "Their story is pure P.R."

    Tell you what Mr. Y, if you can tell me what other units served in the same theater as the 332nd and what their records were then I will believe you but if you can't you are a typical conservative talking about things you know nothing about. Let's see how you do. We're all counting on you. Also, to fly as well as they did under the adverse conditions tells me something. Crybaby white boys could handle 1/10 of the BS the Tuskegee Night Flyers had to deal with as well as fighting Hitler. No contest.

  112. "A close relative of mine was a B-17 pilot in the 15th Air Force based in Foggia Italy from late 1943 through the end of the war.

    The Tuskegee pilots flew escorts for his bomber group. He's spoken about them. In his comments he's offered no special praise for the Tuskegee fliers. No particular criticsm either. He said they were no more skillful or heroic than anyone else there at the time."

    Probably sour grapes. I mean like most white males he was probably ashamed these Black men were able to fly fighters so much skillfully than he ever could which is why he got asigned to bombers right? Felt guilt about having his white ass protected by them "darkies". My guess is he was singing their praises at the time cause they kept the German fighters off his ass but when his racist ass got home he had another story. I know I know, it's hard to keep that whole idea of white supremecy when superior Black people show you up. Must run in the family.

  113. Anonymous1:04 PM

