Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"The least among us."

Here is a sobering thought for you Negroes: The average *income (that should be *actual wealth and not income. I thank the anonymous commenter for correcting me on that.) for black households in A-merry-ca is $6,000, while for whites it is $113,000.00. Yep. This is the worse it has been since 1984. This recession set white folks back 10 years but it set us blacks folks back over 20 years. So folks, this racial wealth gap is no joke. Wealth in black households fell 54% since this study was done and it fell 16% in white households. Oh, and before you all go blaming O for all of this, just remember that these studies are from 2005.[Study]

So anyway, "Houston, we have a problem". And the problem will continue to manifest itself in ways that you cannot imagine. Kids are not learning in urban schools, and even if they were getting an education; the job prospects for them are really bleak. The head of African American households (usually single mothers with limited job skills and education) are getting laid off, and they are having to depend more and more on a government that is being slashed to the bone by wingnuts and their minions with no clue.

His Oness was on television last night begging the A-merry-can people to call their elected politicians to tell them that we are in deep s&^%, and that unless they (the poli-tricksters)get together to raise the debt ceiling all hell is going to break loose. A-merry-ca will lose it's triple A credit rating (Great, wait for the black man to get in charge before you f&^% with A-merry-ca's credit. Digression alert! You Negroes really need to stop stealing your children and grand children's social security numbers to buy s&^% and then f&^%*ng up their credit before they are old enough to vote.) 

Anyway, this is fast becoming a game of chicken. Wingnuts on one side sticking to their plan to derail the government because the tall beige man is the HNIC.
(Forget the fact that voting to raise the debt ceiling has never been a problem before.) And Obamacrats on the other side standing by their man.

But hey, such is life in A-merry-ca; we have to protect the rich and make sure that their taxes are not raised while the peasants and the masses keep voting against their own interest.

I see that my friend Glenn was at it again. This time he compared the kids that were slaughtered by that mad man in Norway to Hitler youth camp attendees.

".. he questioned what the victims were doing at a summer camp run by Norway's ruling Labour Party. Beck said the camp "sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler Youth or whatever. Who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing."

Really Mr. Beckkk, you mean like this one? Dope!

Finally, a post wouldn't be a post without a little racism chasing. This one comes by way of the state of Kentucky. (h/t to Monica for e-mailing me about this story)
This is Monica's letter to judge Kattie King:

"Dear Ms. King,

I'm extremely disappointed in how you handled a recent case regarding a young lady in your courtroom. You put this African American woman in jail for five days because you did not agree with her conduct in your courtroom. When I first heard about this incident, I guess I was prepared to see some wild, crazy, behavior. When in fact, all I saw was a young lady who had short personal conversation which you "rightfully" interrupted and then you asked her to leave your courtroom. Since the conversation was over. She went QUIETLY without any disrespect back to her seat. At that point, you escalated this situation. Video: http://alturl.com/cvgwq

On the other-hand, you released a white man, who had FOUR DUI's from jail. Source: http://alturl.com/h4fzm How in the world does someone have Four DUIs and doesn't serve jail time? But a young African American woman who was not on trial, you sentenced to five days in jail because you didn't like her courtroom demeanor. Are you kidding me? Do you not see the racial disparity of injustice. You made sure she WENT TO JAIL. But you allowed a REPEAT DUI offender walk out of the courtroom.

You do not have the maturity, level headed-ed demeanor to hold your position. You are a hot-head who feels the need to put certain types of people in their place. You are not fair and too inexperienced to hold that position. Putting a young woman in jail for five days is extreme. Her behavior did not warrant that type of punishment. For the record, I do not know or have ever met that woman.

Do the judicial system a favor - resign. You are not fit to wear that robe.

Monica Green"
Monica, I doubt if the good judge will even read your letter. But don't worry, I published it here. 




  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Your average white family makes $113,000 a year while your average black family makes $6000. Not possible. If you worked at McDonalds 30 hours a week you'd make more then $6000 a year. I don't know any white folks who make anywhere near $113,000. Perhaps the average "white family" income is $113,000 becase the "white family" usually consists of 2 parents, so they make around $56,000 each? While the "black family" is a woman raising children by herself? Even then, if your average black family made $6000 a year, your average black family would be homeless. You can't even afford to keep a roof over your head for that.

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thanks for posting my letter. I'm just very ticked off that this woman is in a robe.

  3. The problem is NOT the white woman in the robe. The problem is the LAW which gives her permission to act that way.

  4. Anon. @ 7:21 PM, you are right, that should be wealth and not income. Wealth, as in assets to debt ratio and so forth. So folks, before you send me e-mails about the actual incomes, please note that the PEW Research actually said wealth, not income.


    Monica, you are welcome.

    Way to be a FN.

    Now don't mind the haters who are sure to give their 2 cents. :)

  5. Field, also realize that wealth is compound over time. So, most white families had generations of wealth building opportunities that were not afforded to Blacks in the past. For many Black and Latino professionals, they may be the only person in their immediate family with a college degree and/or a career with high earning potential.

    That being said, we have to work on wealth building as a people, or we will continue to be an underclass.

  6. That being said, we have to work on wealth building as a people, or we will continue to be an underclass."

    True. Another issue is debt. Too many of us like to buy s^%$ on credit.

  7. Touche - I haven't had a credit card since 1999 (college) and I'm still working to clean up my debts.

  8. Brother Field I hate to argue but here goes...

    The least amongst us need Pell Grants if they have any shot at changing their situation. Education is one of the best ways "out" right? So why then did your man O cut Pell Grants? Further what really has he done to address issues unique to our community--I know he's the president of all people--but not even addressing police brutality, and putting WIC on the table?!. WTF Field! I can't just co-sign on POTUS anymore. I've been seriously considering staying home next November since he cut Pell. Some of us lefties went with Nader to prove a point and got Bush (there's a pun in there). I'd be willing to stay home to teach Dems not to take my vote for granted if the worst I can expect is Romney.

  9. LACoincidental said...
    That being said, we have to work on wealth building as a people, or we will continue to be an underclass.

    NEVER gonna happen, we're already too far "behind" and it will only get worse over time.

    This new generation of Blacks is going to be worse off then their parents for the first time since slavery.

    IMHO, Black folks missed a golden opportunity in the 70's and 80's to fight for reparations (educational that is, free post high school training for all descendants of slaves) which may have done a lot to even things a bit by now.

    Besides the fact so many Black men, who are supposed to lead the Black community, aren't going to college where education has been key to improve the SES of Black folks. And they ain't leading either!

  10. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Field, "Here is a sobering thought for you Negroes: The average *income (that should be *actual wealth and not income. I thank the anonymous commenter for correcting me on that.) for black households in A-merry-ca is $6,000, while for whites it is $113,000.00. Yep. This is the worse it has been since 1984. This recession set white folks back 10 years but it set us blacks folks back over 20 years. So folks, this racial wealth gap is no joke. Wealth in black households fell 54% since this study was done and it fell 16% in white households. Oh, and before you all go blaming O for all of this, just remember that these studies are from 2005.[Study]"

    Field, here is the story of the racial gap explained on radio(NPR) with Gwen Ifil and guests. I urge you and your FN followers to listen carefully what the consequences of this gap could mean for Blacks and Latinos. Incidentally, we are lagging behind the Latinos in wealth. Go figure... Doesn't that put us in last place? The audio is less than 4 mins.


    BTW, no one is blaming Obama for BEFORE his time in office. But he holds the record for NOT doing a damn thing to help Blacks. In fact, things have gotten a whole lot worse since he has been in the WH. He has been spineless when it comes to doing the right thing.

  11. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Average...or median. You know the joke...Bill Gates walks in and the average income is billions. Median income is 36K.
    Oh, how much of that is in the house? The house that is rapidly decreasing in value, praise be to Galt.
    Keep in mind that rich folk bought up assets during the Great Depression for pennies on the dollar. And they miss those Bad Old Days.
    Beck is a putz.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  12. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Dr Queen, "NEVER gonna happen, we're already too far "behind" and it will only get worse over time.

    This new generation of Blacks is going to be worse off then their parents for the first time since slavery.

    IMHO, Black folks missed a golden opportunity in the 70's and 80's to fight for reparations (educational that is, free post high school training for all descendants of slaves) which may have done a lot to even things a bit by now.

    Besides the fact so many Black men, who are supposed to lead the Black community, aren't going to college where education has been key to improve the SES of Black folks. And they ain't leading either!"

    Dr. Q, you nailed it. This has been the case for decades. Let's face it. As a race, we are a lost bunch with little will or energy to do what's necessary to care for ourselves. Don't get me wrong. Some do. But they are in the minority. Most BM are not even finishing high school, let alone going to college.

    I have said it a number of times: we are finished as a race. It's everybody for himself/herself now. Forget the bullshit talk about unity and coming together for the good of our children. It ain's gonna happen. Bill Cosby spoke the truth to us and we couldn't handle the truth. We are like children in adult bodies who can't take care of themselves. We are still looking to the wm to care for us.

    It's childish, sad, pathetic, and sickening. We lack WILL and DESIRE to go after what we need to succeed in this modern world.

  13. NSangoma8:38 PM


    Q: How did the debt grow from $5.8 trillion in 2001 to its current $14.3 trillion?

    A: The biggest contributors to the nearly $9 trillion increase over a decade were:

    —2001 and 2003 tax cuts under President George W. Bush: $1.6 trillion.

    —Additional interest costs: $1.4 trillion.

    —Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: $1.3 trillion.

    —Economic stimulus package under Obama: $800 billion.

    —2010 tax cuts, a compromise by Obama and Republicans that extended jobless benefits and cut payroll taxes: $400 billion.

    —2003 creation of Medicare's prescription drug benefit: $300 billion.

    —2008 financial industry bailout: $200 billion.

    —Hundreds of billions less in revenue than expected since the Great Recession began in December 2007.

    — Other spending increases in domestic, farm and defense programs, adding lesser amounts.


  14. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Here is the video with Gwen Ifill re: the wealth gap:


    This is excellent.

  15. mellaneous8:58 PM

    Hey Field posting the letter about the judge was real Field Negro behavior.

    @Queen is black wealth building never going to happen because we don't believe it will or because we are not willing to make the effort?

    Or will it not happen because we are afraid of black unity, or opposed to working with our own kind to build self determination?

    Or have we drank the koolaid of American individualism

  16. mellaneous said...
    @Queen is black wealth building never going to happen because we don't believe it will or because we are not willing to make the effort?

    Or will it not happen because we are afraid of black unity, or opposed to working with our own kind to build self determination?

    Black folks spend more money on beauty products to the tune of a cool billion yearly, than they do on education.

    Personally, I don't think we can "Jheri Curl" our way to wealth.

  17. mellaneous said...
    Or have we drank the koolaid of American individualism.

    This isn't an american individualism "thang" IMHO, it's what collectively happens when you destroy and otherwise suppress the identity/language/culture of a group of people. Then you make them work for nothing.

    Indians (from India), Chinese, Japanese, ALL those folks are doing quite well, even in a recession and don't seem to be on this Am.Individualism trip you speak of, so that can't possibly be the issue.

    If we're keeping this convo real, I'd have to say that the democratic party is at least partially to blame for the state of Black folks today. A golden opportunity was missed in the 60's and 70's when we should have formed our own politically party (on the heels of the Black panthers perhaps?) and not relied on the Dems.

  18. BigBlackRod10:33 PM

    Hey, Field, you posted a link to column by a White guy you called a friend that sarcastically took us to task for criticizing Bristol Palin for having a baby out of wedlock; I thought it was hilarious, and would like to save it, if you can remember it...PEACE.


  19. Wesley R10:38 PM

    The income gap is the direct result of Reaganomics. This policy wouldn't make it to the house floor today, because it doesn't go far enough for the Wingnuts.

  20. mellaneous10:39 PM

    @Dr Queen

    You make good points Queen and actually a black independent political party was formed in this country. It was called the National Black Independent Political Party and it had its founding convention in Gary Indiana in 1972. Some of the folks reading this blog are probably familiar with it and have long since left that very progressive idea behind.

    It ironically was undercut by the ambitions of those who wanted to enrich themselves, who undermined the party by pulling folks from it to go into the Democratic Party.

    - on the recesssion

    Don't fool yourself a lot of folks are being hurt by this recession it has nothing to do with color or national solidarity.

    IN Japan the capitalist gov't there tried to cover up the damage to the nuclear reactors and even tried to keep information from the public, because they didn't think it was in the best interest of its future plans.

    Indians that are not ruling class or petit bourgeiosie are catching hell in India, which is a third world country. All that so-called Indian solidarity isn't keeping regular Indians from suffering stark poverty, homelessness and in the worst cases starvation.

    And working class Chinese are catching hell as well.

  21. Anonymous10:41 PM

    The BEAST's Top 10 Reasons
    to Vote Republican
    by Matt Taibbi

    1. ARTVOICE and bleating, ineffectual pseudo-intellectuals like its Michael Niman are on the other side. Think about it; would you want Michael Niman sitting down with the Joint Chiefs once a week? What the hell would he say? "Hey, fellas! Did you watch This Old House last night?" Republicans aren't interested in complaining, and they aren't interested in being right. They're interested in ruling. It's like David Lee Roth once said: there comes a time when you have to choose between being a hot dog and a little weenie. You know who the little weenies are. Be a Hot Dog.

    2. When you think about it, black people really are pretty annoying. They don't finish high school, they loiter, and they make boatloads of noise without contributing a whole hell of a lot. Economically and politically, it is possible to restore a world where Method Man and 50 Cent shine your shoes and call you "suh." Just as the world is less fun without war, the world is less fun without entrenched lower classes whose very existence elevates your sense of self-worth. You've never lived in a world with coolies and wogs. Give it a try. You just might like it.

    3. You get to turn on Fox News and know that Bill O'Reilly is kicking ass for you. Compare that to checking out ZNet once a month to search out that "really great interview" Noam Chomsky gave to Brazilian College Radio last year. At any hour of the day, you can turn on national television broadcasts and see your white brothers whipping ass in all directions. As a Republican, you'll find that your champions have the stones to stand up for you in public every single day; they're more concerned about winning than they are about seeming smart in front of their graduate assistants. Think about it: whose side would you rather be on?

    4. You don't have to read Madame Bovary once a year to impress your girlfriend. Shit, you don't have to read at all, except the Bible occasionally. You can watch Sportscenter thirty hours a day and not feel like you're ruining yourself. In America, Republicans consume, liberals digest. They get all the pains of conscience and intellect. You get all that great taste going down. Let them do the work.

    5. You'll have money. Right now you have none because your organism revolts against the process of buying and selling, and you can never compete in the business world against people for whom these things come naturally. As a Republican, nature rewards you for being in harmony with its realities. Someone has to build that supermarket, someone has to keep those gas tanks filled. Instead of fighting these great processes, you're part of them. And you'll never go wanting. You'll have new cars, big lawns, new clothes, DirecTV.

  22. Anonymous10:42 PM

    6. You get chicks after the age of thirty. Liberals and intellectuals get them in their twenties, when women still find their complexity and artistic sensibility charming and erotic. Once those same people hit thirty, they become pathetic, irresponsible losers, and women start looking for a man with annuities, a well-maintained car and a rocket in his corporate pocket. Fifty year-old Republican businessmen get bunches of twenty year-old hookers scheming to marry them. You see that happening with Art History professors much?

    7. You will always have a friend in Jesus. Right now, what friend do you have? The scriptwriters for The Daily Show? Not much of a match for Jesus. Jesus is fricking everywhere.

    8. You won't have any more problems finding drugs, because you won't do them and won't want to. Unless you work on Wall Street, in which case they'll always be around and no one will ever hassle you about them.

    9. You won't have to search for quirky clothes on lower Broadway or weird boutiques in Toronto. You can walk into any mall anywhere in the country and find exactly the right clothes for you.

    10. Republicans are right. The purpose of life is to get as rich as possible and make sure that everyone else sucks eggs and has to beg for the privilege of mowing your lawn. Fuzzy liberal dreams of Utopian societies are borne of guilt feelings and deep-seated urges toward self-hatred; your parents didn't love you enough, so you grew up suspicious of your own interests. The Republican world is a beautiful jungle where you get to eat as much as you can kill. Get in touch with your inner animal. The world ceases to exist after you die. Everything is permitted. Don't sit there like some Mike Niman and play with yourself on the sidlelines. Take off earth's panties and have her over and over again. That's what she's there for.

  23. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Take it how you want to..Fuck Teapublicans and to a certain extent fuck white males. Pussy Bitches can't play fair. For once, I wish they would MAN UP and tell the damn truth.

  24. Anon @10:42 PM, number 10 on your list sounds like Washington.

    BigBlackRod, I wish I could help you but I have no idea where to find the link or the post you are talking about. Maybe you could give me more hints. Sorry. :(

    Sup Mell? Hey, did I see where you are wrinting another blog?

    Give us the link.

    Anon @ 8:45 PM, thanks for that link.

    "If we're keeping this convo real, I'd have to say that the democratic party is at least partially to blame for the state of Black folks today.."

    G, that's real talk.

    Brooklyn, I am not mad at you, O is going to have to earn your vote.

  25. Papa Doc12:13 AM

    field writes:

    His Oness was on television last night begging the A-merry-can people to call their elected politicians to tell them that we are in deep s&^%, and that unless they (the poli-tricksters)get together to raise the debt ceiling all hell is going to break loose.

    The utter lunacy of our president is showing more and more every day.

    Unsustainable spending pushed our national debt to its current level.

    Obama, in his infinite idiocy, believes he can reverse and overcome the problem by spending MORE.

    I think he's had a nervous breakdown. If it hasn't peaked, it will next week when the US loses its Triple A rating. Then he'll go completely off his rocker after he refuses to sign legislation and the nation defaults.

    After he loses the next election, maybe he can become the next president of Haiti.

  26. bottom line12:19 AM

    After reading many of the comments on this wealth/poverty topic, it's clear that almost no one here, including field, knows the difference between income and net worth.

    These concepts are so simple and so basic that it's frightening when almost no one knows the meaning of either.

    If you don't know this, then it's painfully obvious you don't know anything about more sophisticated financial matters. Get a book. Go to Yahoo Finance.

    The knowledge is free. But even free is too much for those who are determined to remain benighted.

  27. mellaneous12:23 AM

    Hey man Field yeah its the same old blog refried so to speak. I have much respect for your ability to this everyday. I tried to do that but you can't write serious commentary everyday so I had to scale back.

    But will send you the link when I get done with this entry.

    And you didn't miss anything by missing the Netroots conference, cept you would have got to see my home turf. Its wilder than you can imagine up here.

  28. Judge Dredd12:26 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Thanks for posting my letter. I'm just very ticked off that this woman is in a robe.

    Right because disrupting court proceedings, refusing to follow a judges order to vacate the courtroom ten times and then sayin "she be disrespectin me" isn't stereotypical and it's all the judges fault... pulease.

    Why did she not just leave the courtroom as everyone else did and then why did she defy the judge ten times? Is she racist? Did she do it cause the judge was white and has nice hair?

  29. Actually the study compares 2005 with 2009. The decline happened in the O years.

    That being said, the government generally has little to do with economic performance... Unless you miss your payments!

  30. Cowraper1:47 AM

    Dr. Queen said...IMHO, Black folks missed a golden opportunity in the 70's and 80's to fight for reparations (educational that is, free post high school training for all descendants of slaves) which may have done a lot to even things a bit by now.

    Uh, blacks already get to go to college practically for free. That and all the other free shit they get hasn't done a fuck of a lot, has it?

  31. Woolfey1:51 AM

    Obama got into office because blacks thought he would pay their rent and buy their gas.

    Instead, he has destroyed the wealth they had gained during the Bush adminstration.

    Kind of ironic, eh?

  32. Granger Gibbledy2:38 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Hey man Field yeah its the same old blog refried so to speak. I have much respect for your ability to this everyday. I tried to do that but you can't write serious commentary everyday so I had to scale back.

    Maybe you can't, but I can.

    Pants on the floor!

  33. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Uh, blacks already get to go to college practically for free. That and all the other free shit they get hasn't done a fuck of a lot, has it?
    anon wit sense

    ya especially since miss wannabe dawktaw over here supposedly has edumacayshun chriflin moron can barely put two sentences together! so much for keeping standards with affirmative action cuz ya know the tramp didnt get into college otherwise that is if she ever went at all nasty filth pile!

  34. Officer Krumpke6:13 AM

    Daily Crime Report from Black Brooklyn:

    Teen's Wheelchair Stolen at Whitman Houses:

    Chair reportedly worth $5,000 nabbed while boy used restroom.

    A wheelchair belonging to a 17-year-old boy was stolen on July 17 at Whitman Houses in Fort Greene.

    Teen's Wheelchair Stolen While Using Restroom

    And then there are the blotter items that will leave even the most hard-boiled news editor speechless.

    Just after midnight on Sunday, July 17, a mother discovered her 17-year-old son's $5,000 Quickie Q7 Custom-made Black & Grey wheelchair missing after the boy used the restroom inside Whitman Houses in Fort Greene.

    Fight Spills Onto Hood Of Police Car

    Just after midnight on Monday, June 18, a police officer witnessed a fight between two women that spilled onto the hood of a patrol car at Grand and Lafayette avenues in Clinton Hill.

    While the officer attempted to break up the fight, a 26-year-old woman punched the servicemember in the face, causing a cut, bleeding and swelling to the officer's lip. The woman was arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer.

    Another Historic Clinton Hill Break-In

    An apartment on Clinton Avenue between Dekalb and Lafayette avenues was broken into some time during the daylight and early evening hours of July 25.

    An Apple MacBook and Netbook Laptop were reported stolen from the location. A search of the area did not turn up any suspects.

    For a Teenage Thief, a Busy Day: Part 1

    A 13-year-old thief left a man in his 20s bruised in his mouth and with a scratch under his right eye after a scuffle for an iPad worth $600 on Clifton Place on Tuesday, July 25 at about 2 p.m.

    For a Teenage Thief, a Busy Day: Part 2

    Later that day, a group of four teens—including the 13-year-old from above—demanded money from a man in his 40s on St. James Place in Clinton Hill.

    When the man refused, the teens fled and were later collared by police—but not before three of the four held up a 16-year-old on St. James and Gates Avenue.

    Nowhere To Hide

    Three unknown suspects mugged a 13-year-old boy on Monday, July 25 at 9 a.m. near the intersection of Park and N. Portland avenues. $15 in cash was taken. The suspects are still at large.

    BlackBerry Curve-Ball

    A teen had his BlackBerry Curve smartphone stolen on Monday, July 18 when a suspect grabbed him from behind after asking the victim a question at Lafayette and Clinton avenues. The thief fled in an unknown direction. No injuries were reported.

    Wallet Grab on Dekalb

    While walking to work last Wednesday at 2:40 p.m., a 41-year-old man was jumped from behind on Dekalb Avenue and Ashland Place by three young males who started punching and kicking him.

    Once the victim was on the ground, his attackers took his wallet with an unknown amount of cash inside.

    Backpack Snatch

    A group of males stuck a man in his early-30s on S. Elliott Place and Dekalb Avenue on Thursday, taking his North Face backpack, along with a pair of Ray bans, a Bank of America checkbook and a Panasonic Lumix camera—all worth $850.

    A Mad Dash From the LIRR

    In the thick of the heat wave, police chased a robbery suspect from Track 1 and 2 in Long Island Railroad's Atlantic Terminal station to Flatbush and Atlantic avenues.

    The suspect is accused of punching a 32-year-old woman in the face on the train platform and then stealing a 14-carat gold earring that fell on the ground.

    The suspect was identified by police as Peter Brown, 29, who has been charged with robbery.

  35. Cowraper said...
    Uh, blacks already get to go to college practically for free. That and all the other free shit they get hasn't done a fuck of a lot, has it?

    Really? Perhpas I should send you the bill for my G'town degree. Problem is that I don't think they deliver to trailer park PO Boxes.

    And to you Frakenforskin, you make want to try a sleep aid to go along with that other "cooktail" of psychotropics you're on. Be sure to wash it all down with your sprem donor's 40. That combo should set you right for eternity, LOL!!!

  36. Anonymous7:43 AM

    And to you Frakenforskin, you make want to try a sleep aid to go along with that other "cooktail" of psychotropics you're on. Be sure to wash it all down with your sprem donor's 40. That combo should set you right for eternity, LOL!!!

    aint that the formula for gettin a black babies couple o pills and a some fawties and bam you collecting from the gubnment fer lifes

  37. Anonymous9:16 AM

    DrQ, thanks for illustrating the wite Goober fantasy of AfAms getting it all free. If I may, why then do they wail and whine over Pigford?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  38. Fn:

    Nice dodge…but no save


    HOBAMA has DELIBERATELY & LEGENDARILY INCREASED the global misery index so that it is now WORSE than 2005!!!

    HOBAMA has spent more trillions faster than any prez ever…including his endless wars and bankster bilkings!

    HOBAMA must gut Medicaid and medicare to pay for hobamacare

    HOBAMA has been more ruthlessly republican than any prez ever

    HOBAMA extended his cuz gwb’s tax cuts to the his very own rich peers


    We see you and your excuses as we ALL expire….



    Coon uts:

    Do you believe we are NOT OK Now????....Now that FN has detailed the black misery you deny each time you swipe your amex card?????

  39. Although President Obama “has had little to offer the nation’s truly disadvantaged people of color,” polls show that “nearly two-thirds of black respondents said the government was doing ‘about the right amount’ in terms of serving Black interests.” There exists a vast gap between the realities of Black life and false Black perceptions of progress. “The mind-blowing Obama ascendancy has pacified, blinded, deluded, distracted, and bamboozled the nation’s most historically progressive thinking, voting, and acting bloc to no small degree – a problem not just for the black community but for progressive prospects across the national board.”
    Few aspects of America’s authoritarian, corporate-managed political culturei are more pernicious than its narrow fetish of candidate and office-holder identity. Consider the current state of political and economic opinion in Black America, long the United States’ most skeptical and leftmost ethno-cultural segment by far. That opinion stands in sharp contrast to material and political reality in ways that can only be explained by the fact of a first black presidency.
    Black America’s Great Depression
    Already terrible under the racist arch-plutocrat George W. Bush, black economic circumstances have worsened in the Age of Obama. As CBS reported last June 19th, official U.S. unemployment has recently risen to 9.1 percent for the general U.S. population but has surged to 16.2 percent for black Americans and 17.5 percent for black males. CBS correspondent Michelle Miller noted that “historically, the unemployment rate for African Americans has always been higher than the national average. However, now it's at Depression-era levels.”ii The official black unemployment measure has risen considerably since Obama took office, when it stood at 12.6.iii
    The black poverty rate today is at least 26 percent, double that of white poverty. According to the eighth annual “State of the Dream” report from the progressive, Boston-based nonprofit United for a Fair Economy (UFE), released last January, more than half (59.1 percent) of older blacks rely on Social Security for more than 80 percent of their family income, as compared with 46 percent of older whites. Forty six years after the Civil Rights Movement pinnacled, UFE reported, blacks still earn only 57 cents for each white income dollars and blacks retain just 10 cents of net wealth for every dollar whites hold. Blacks are nearly three times as likely as whites to have zero or negative net worth. In the event of a job loss, 42 percent of black households lack the accumulated wealth worth to live for three months at the poverty level, while just 16.7 white households are in that position.iv


  40. Hobama is the most repub prez EVER!!!!

    Reps = dems

    Elites rule all in out one party amerikkka

    Hobama makes gwb look smart, peaceful, warm, afrocentric, and fuzzy…shame!!!!!!!!

    Hobama does not care about poor black mongrels!!!!!

    President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.
    Two years ago this month, BET reporter Andre Showell posed a question to Barack Obama at a press conference to mark the president’s first 100 days in office. Showell noted “double-digit unemployment” among Blacks and asked Obama, “What specific policies can you point to that will target these communities and what's the timetable for us to see tangible results?”
    It was one of the First Black President’s greatest “I Have Nothing for the Blacks” moments. “My general approach is that if the economy is strong, that it will lift all boats,” replied the man who had brought millions to the Washington Mall just three months earlier, transforming an inaugural formality into a must-be-there-if-you-are-breathing Great Black Hajj. Obama then offered smug assurances that “folks who are most vulnerable are most likely to be helped because they need the most help.” Under his presidency, the exact opposite would occur.
    In the year that followed, Obama would pump $14 trillion into Wall Street’s accounts, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, but the “rising tide” would swamp Black America. Black male unemployment, which stood at an official rate of 17.2 percent when Showell posed his question, would exceed 20 percent as the crisis deepened, with never a hint of targeted policy consideration from the Obama administration. Today, at 16.8 percent, Black male unemployment is markedly higher than twice that of white men (7.7 percent) – a significant widening of the great gap that has come to be thought of as “normal,” beginning in the early Seventies. The “hidden” chasms of Black joblessness have grown even more under Obama’s economic tutelage, as Blacks disproportionately crowd the subterranean corridors of the long-term and “discouraged” unemployed – a despairing cohort whose ranks have swelled to record levels during this rich man’s “recovery.”
    Obama has already explained, to anyone that was actually listening, what kind of America he believes in. It is one in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides.


  41. Bleach9:26 AM

    Anonymous said...
    DrQ, thanks for illustrating the wite Goober fantasy of AfAms getting it all free. If I may, why then do they wail and whine over Pigford?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


    You may not.

  42. excuse all the typos

    enraged and rushing as always

  43. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Gosh, we have visitors from Gateway and Atlas and the rest of the wingnut welfare gang. Why do they keep pushing the agenda of AfAms as animals only suitable for caging (and making money at for-profit prisons) or working in de cotton fields?
    Is it their need for ego-boo? Or are they truly racists....and want to pretend they are doing this 'for the country'?

    Seems our Monica Green story is more complex. I see Saffire as more of a Left Behind. They thinkerate that being obnoxious to teachers translates to the world outside. Too bad the lesson had to be painful.

    If you read the writings and history of the st reagan and bush supporters...the 'wealth gap' should be no surprise. While the lynchings used to remove wealth from minorities is no longer allowed...other methods suffice. Cue whimpering whine-y wails for links...from the folks pushing these policies...and who are really upset that others have read the 'sacred texts'.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  44. A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited.

    There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.


  45. Continuity of corporate rule from Republican to Democratic administrations is a hard, cold fact – as cold as the houses of the poor will be if President Obama gets his way. Obama is seeking to cut in half the same federal home heating program that George Bush failed to slash back in 2003.

    “Bush believed that those who worked for a living should go on being taxed even if they had to freeze.” ACORN stopped Bush, but who is there to stop Obama?


  46. hobama's endless wars = endless black and brown corpse fodder.....shame!!!!!!!!

    Proponents of the DREAM Act claim it will enable countless deserving immigrant youth to pursue higher education. In reality, the movement for immigrant rights is being pimped by the Pentagon, which desperately needs access to young immigrants to replenish its ranks.

    movement for the human rights of immigrants imagine the DREAM Act is a step in that direction regrettably does not make it so. The truth is that Latino activists and their organizations who drove their people to the polls in record numbers for Democrats in 2006 and 2008, have precious little to show for it. Some have seized upon the DREAM Act as a deal they can actually get done, a token victory they can take back to their communities before the mid-term elections.

    They're half right. It's a doable deal, and Democrats, with the White House and majorities in both houses of Congress can deliver it. Certainly they won't do anything else for Latino communities. But for those communities, the DREAM Act is a Trojan horse.

    A good third of women in the US armed forces are reported victims of sexual harassment up to and including rape. Suicide among active-duty military personnel is at an all time high, and homelessness endemic among vets. At every freeway exit in metro Atlanta, where I live, I can see one or two white or black guys with signs that say “homeless vet – please help.” Maybe soon, some of those signs will be in Spanish.






  47. Anonymous9:58 AM

    FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons

    Reporting from Washington— The claim by senior ATF officials that none of the weapons lost in the botched Fast and Furious sting operation were used in the shooting of a Border Patrol agent is not supported by FBI ballistics tests, according to a copy of the FBI report on the shooting.

    VIDEO: ATF agent who implemented 'Fast and Furious' says 4 federal agencies were 'full partners'


    What did Obama know cand when did he know it?

  48. Anonymous10:01 AM

    The hypocrisy of Obama revealed and the idiocy of anyone who actually falls for his lies.


  49. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Here is the solution to abortion. When it comes to a human life, N.C. is the most compassionate state in America:


  50. SickupandFed10:35 AM

    Oh Lawd. I don't have the time right now to go through 50 posts but, this figure is the median wealth per family. What's left AFTER you figure in all you own, that's really worth anything and no gold teeth don't count, and subtract your debt. One of whites biggest sources of wealth is stocks and bonds. Most Black families are not in the market. The disparity is appalling.

    But then, some of us already knew this was the case. This study just vindicates us.

  51. Anonymous10:45 AM

    NC cares, really cares about the life and slave-owning fantasies of poorly educated wite men. NC shares their desire to LORD it over pregnant women and will do all they can to make those eveel sluts lives miserable. How dare they have agency! Who tole them they wuz humans and could make decides like gawd-fearin' wite men?

    I do love the Troll meme of revenge fer Nixon/st reagan/bush and their failings. While it makes Trolls feel more manly to claim that 'they duz it too!!'...it only shows the Troll to be ill-informed and carrying anger for other reasons. Was it the realization...decades after the smart kids...that being a Left Behind was not a very good choice? Was it the rage at voting for wingnuts....reducing your own income and benefits...and needing someone else to blame for your poor choices? Was it the pay from wingnut welfare and the need to push the numbers for your Masters? How many eyeballs are in your quota? How can you find new ones...when your Con market can't break the Left Behind demographic?

    If you keep repeaterating that 'she am lesbian'...will you gain beleevers...or do we figure out you are trying to impose your fantasy world upon us. Sure, you are the greatest, bestest, wonderfulest evah...in your mind.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  52. manna from heaven10:53 AM

    sick and fed up writes:

    One of whites biggest sources of wealth is stocks and bonds. Most Black families are not in the market.

    Anyone who receives or will receive pension payments is "in the market."

    Where do you think the pension payments come from? Obama?

  53. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Really? Perhpas I should send you the bill for my G'town degree. Problem is that I don't think they deliver to trailer park PO Boxes.

    And to you Frakenforskin, you make want to try a sleep aid to go along with that other "cooktail" of psychotropics you're on. Be sure to wash it all down with your sprem donor's 40. That combo should set you right for eternity, LOL!!!
    wannabe dawktaw the kimqueef who will never ever ever be a doctor

    gawds help us if anything this shithead says is true cuz if they let trash like this into georgetown then our nation is doomed! but to the heart of the matter queefkim uve said on several occasions that you have three, four and now five degrees seems like u forget what type of edumacayshun u actually received allgedly at georgetown what a shame that u have posted using multiple aliases and then try to blame this anon or mildew ure a gottdam liar and a fool and ur lack of any cogent thought in that thick skull is painfully obvious give up while ure ahead loser!

  54. this is as bad as raygun and his contra crack dealers!!!


    At a lengthy hearing on ATF's controversial gunwalking operation today, a key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly. Newell said the two are longtime friends. The content of what Newell shared with O'Reilly is unclear and wasn't fully explored at the hearing.

    It's the first time anyone has publicly stated that a White House official had any familiarity with ATF's operation Fast and Furious, which allowed thousands of weapons to fall into the hands of suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to gain intelligence. It's unknown as to whether O'Reilly shared information with anybody else at the White House.


  55. It's In The Public Domain!12:06 PM

    But, AB....Mold says it was all Issa's fault!

    He sure must be a tricky devil.

  56. Anonymous12:08 PM

    But, AB....Mold says it was all Issa's fault!

    He sure must be a tricky devil. kuntlick sockpuppet

    hey kunt u ca do better then that its so obvious that is u patting ur own back phukkin pathetic waste of space bankcs!

  57. Anonymous12:10 PM

    gawds help us if anything this shithead says is true cuz if they let trash like this into georgetown the

    gawds help us if anything this shithead says is true cuz if they let trash like this into georgetown then our nation is doomed! but to the heart of the matter queefkim uve said on several occasions that you have three, four and now five degrees seems like u forget what type of edumacayshun u actually received allgedly at georgetown what a shame that u have posted using multiple aliases and then try to blame this anon or mildew ure a gottdam liar and a fool and ur lack of any cogent thought in that thick skull is painfully obvious give up while ure ahead loser!Really? Perhpas I should send you the bill for my G'town degree. Problem is that I don't think they deliver to trailer park PO Boxes.

    And to you Frakenforskin, you make want to try a sleep aid to go along with that other "cooktail" of psychotropics you're on. Be sure to wash it all down with your sprem donor's 40. That combo should set you right for eternity, LOL!!!
    wannabe dawktaw the kimqueef who will never ever ever be a doctor

    gawds help us if anything this shithead says is true cuz if they let trash like this into georgetown then our nation is doomed! but to the heart of the matter queefkim uve said on several occasions that you have three, four and now five degrees seems like u forget what type of edumacayshun u actually received allgedly at georgetown what a shame that u have posted using multiple aliases and then try to blame this anon or mildew ure a gottdam liar and a fool and ur lack of any cogent thought in that thick skull is painfully obvious give up while ure ahead loser!Really?

  58. Anonymous12:41 PM

    AB, "Although President Obama “has had little to offer the nation’s truly disadvantaged people of color,” polls show that “nearly two-thirds of black respondents said the government was doing ‘about the right amount’ in terms of serving Black interests.” There exists a vast gap between the realities of Black life and false Black perceptions of progress. “The mind-blowing Obama ascendancy has pacified, blinded, deluded, distracted, and bamboozled the nation’s most historically progressive thinking, voting, and acting bloc to no small degree – a problem not just for the black community but for progressive prospects across the national board.”"

    I totally agree. Blacks have a pattern of remaining loyal to people and other groups, even when they don't deserve it. This is not just about Obama. He is just a sympton and a ‘mirror’ of how we ‘think’ about ourselves-- which often is 'against' our best interests as a race, community and family. It IS our self-destructive pattern of "thinking" that is unmercifully hurting us….IT’S US!

    Many Blacks remain loyal to Obama even though he doesn’t deserve it. WE cling to the ‘hope’ that he will show us some love- “some day.”

    IMO, Obama’s actions and behaviors clearly show that he ‘does not’ care about us. In much the same way, Blacks tend to remain loyal to others- who care nothing about us as well: Mexicans, Cubans, Latinos, Israelis, Muslims, corrupt black politicians, black community leaders, white liberal Democrats...the list goes on… It is as though Blacks, as a race, are attracted to those who care nothing about us. It is as though we are addicted to those who will abuse and use us.

    WE have no one to blame but ourselves: WE are our own destroyers of dignity: WE are our own worst racists; WE are our worst non-educators, and builders of our own ignorance and lies. We are the creators of the separateness and divisiveness in our communities…It’s US!

    WE are our 'worst' enemies. And until WE recognize this truth, WE can do nothing about it. You see, you cannot change anything that remains un-identified.

  59. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Divide and conquer? Why else lie about the motives of other minorities and 'white liberal Democrats'. Sure...keep selling that racist wingnut soap. I'm certain that your witeness beleeverates the premise. As it makes Cons with no education or skills the Master (whatever).

    And it am all de fault of de lesser AfAms. Jim Crow was nuttin'. Miscegenation laws that made AfAms legally animals. Slavecropping. That don' matter. It all yer fault.
    Thank you so much for clarifying this issue, oh most holee and genetically perfect wite man. What would we do without your perspicacity? We need your leadership, your forethought, your ability to see what is not there. Please, please leave your low-wage, no future wage grunt temp job and become the Glorious Fuehrer you was borned to be.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  60. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Papa Doc, "The utter lunacy of our president is showing more and more every day.

    Unsustainable spending pushed our national debt to its current level.

    Obama, in his infinite idiocy, believes he can reverse and overcome the problem by spending MORE."

    Mr. Doc, please read the link below from the S&P. So many Americans don't understand that raising the debt limit has NOTHING to do with future spending. It has everything to do with paying our debts from PAST bills, way before Obama became President. Where Obama has failed miserably is that he is not communicating with Americans about what the debt ceiling really is. To hold our economy hostage while politicians fight their battles and differences on FUTURE spending is not only wrong, it's immoral.

    FYI: raising the debt ceiling has been routine with EVERY President because it is about paying this countries' debt that goes way back. While I am not a fan of Obama, this is charade to discredit him, and send our ALREADY weak economy into a double recession, imo.

    In any case, please read the link below:


  61. Anonymous1:43 PM

    "And it am all de fault of de lesser AfAms. Jim Crow was nuttin'. Miscegenation laws that made AfAms legally animals. Slavecropping. That don' matter. It all yer fault.
    Thank you so much for clarifying this issue, oh most holee and genetically perfect wite man. What would we do without your perspicacity? We need your leadership, your forethought, your ability to see what is not there. Please, please leave your low-wage, no future wage grunt temp job and become the Glorious Fuehrer you was borned to be."

    mold, I am not White but I think there is a good possibility that you are. Nevertheless, you prove what I said in my comment. Folks are in a trap they cannot spring because they refuse to look at themselves.

    Or, in your case, STUPIDITY.

  62. anon 12:31:




    and this time our self hatred and denial will literally slay us for decades...and our progeny...shame!!!

    what will hobama nazis say to their child serfs?????

  63. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Oopsie, did I pull away the curtain? The Glorious Saviour is a wite wingnut meme. As is most of the rest of your unsigned post. And the best you can muster is to call me names?

    I note you did not address any of the structural, legal and societal issues that prevented AfAms from fulfilling their promise. Now, why is that? Did you really, really like them? Which was your favorite? Jim Crow, the 'separate but equal'? Miscegenation laws? Slavecropping? How about redlining? Or the denial of services? Please, oh wite dude...which boot on our neck is your BFF.

    Funny how your witeness shines through. Your view of the innate subordinate nature of AfAms. The canard that our problems are wholly of our doing. The selling of wingnut talking points. You write more like Tucker Carlson...than someone who had to earn college and employment.
    Sure you are AfAm...in your sales pitch.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  64. hobama is a black agendaless rabidly elitist warmongering bankster dick...who truly hates poor black mongrels...

    hobama was selected to slay us like no other prez has ever done

    and the ONLY thing more evil than his sabotage is how black hobama nazis CHEER their own/our demise








  65. Bleach2:13 PM

    Just Ignore the troll named Mold - he is an infantile white guy who makes no sense anyway, If you discuss anything with him it's just a waste of time, he is a game player, backs nothing up that he says (he can't) so don't feed the trolls it will all turn to shit anyways

  66. The Obama disaster2:19 PM

    General Electric is the quintessential crony capitalist corporation. Presumably in return for the financial and propaganda (through NBC) support it has provided Obama, it has received bailout loot and massive grants and subsidies for useless “green energy” boondoggles, and does not pay federal taxes. Here‘s what the American people are getting out of the deal:

    "General Electric Co.’s health care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing. … The headquarters will move from Wisconsin amid a broader plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation” and development centers. …

    “Over the next five years, China will be GE Healthcare’s most important growth market,” said Rachel Duan, the China unit’s chief executive."

    CEO Jeffrey Immelt is a top economic advisor to Obama. The advice he’s giving with this move is to get out of America. It’s not a good place to do business anymore.

  67. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Poor Troll, getting trounced by a little old lady. If you need translation from Grade Eight to a level you comprehend...just ask. Or...whine and pout.
    As far as backing...I can. And are you still WATB over the times I've revealed that 'sorces' are worthless, except at entertainment?
    Yes, I do understand that what you want to do is fake-discount any source I proffer. Duh. It is part of the wingnut methodology...which is based on the Nazi propaganda one.

    Still, calling me a 'false prophet' is rich. And the point escapes you. Must be that cut-rate education.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  68. No-Town2:36 PM

    The Shutdown of Detroit has begun:

    Detroit to set services by neighborhood condition

    Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011

    DETROIT - Detroit's mayor unveiled a plan Wednesday that could determine what the city looks like as it fights for vitality, announcing that neighborhoods will receive different kinds of services depending on the conditions of homes, how many people live there and the level of blight.

    Mayor Dave Bing released details from his Detroit Works Project, calling them part of a "short-term intervention strategy" to serve residents at a time when the city has limited financial resources and a $155 million budget deficit.

    "Our focus is going to be on the people in the neighborhoods," Bing said. "We can effect real change and improve neighborhoods."

    The U.S. Census has placed Detroit's population at about 713,000 residents — about 200,000 fewer than 10 years ago and down more than one million since 1950.

    Some areas have fewer occupied homes than vacant houses.

    The plan also moved away from requiring people living in some distressed areas to move to other parts of the city to stabilize those neighborhoods — an idea many residents had expressed opposition to. But Bing did say he still encourages people to do so.

    "We will not force anybody to move," Bing said. "We want people to move into the areas that are going to grow; where we have the amenities, the density."

    Under Bing's plan, more attention would be paid to demolishing vacant houses, enhancing vacant lots, and improving recreation services in distressed neighborhoods.

    Bing said the changes will be implemented in the next 14 days.

  69. Papa Doc2:43 PM

    anon 1:31 writes:

    It has everything to do with paying our debts from PAST bills, way before Obama became President. Where Obama has failed miserably is that he is not communicating with Americans about what the debt ceiling really is.

    While you are correct when you state that raising the debt ceiling is, in part, tied to paying existing bills, a huge percentage of our current debt was incurred since Obama was inaugurated.

    Meanwhile, as you should be able to understand from Obama's redistributionist zeal, he is determined to created a larger and larger government that will provide more and more services, thereby permanently shrinking the private sector and ensuring a steady departure and/or elimination of jobs.

  70. Anonymous2:43 PM

    No-Town said...
    The Shutdown of Detroit has begun:

    Detroit to set services by neighborhood condition

    Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011

    DETROIT - Detroit's mayor unveiled a plan Wednesday that could determine what the city looks like as it fights for vitality, announcing that neighborhoods will receive different kinds of services depending on the conditions of homes, how many people live there and the level of blight.

    ah the joys of a democrat run city....this is what you get after all the bribes, corruption and other peoples money runs out. The lunacy of the obviously crazy policies stands out. For shame.

  71. BetterMan2:48 PM

    Reminder: Obama Is Lying To You When He Threatens Default

    While officials from the Obama Administration raised their rhetoric over the weekend about the possibility of a debt default if the debt ceiling isn't raised, they privately have been telling top executives at major U.S. banks that such an event won’t happen, FOX Business has learned.

    In a series of phone calls, administration officials have told bankers that the administration will not allow a default to happen even if the debt cap isn't raised by the August 2 date Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says the government will run out of money to pay all its bills, including obligations to bond holders.

    There is still risk to America’s credit rating, but as rational analysts have been saying all along, it comes from our skyrocketing national debt, not the phony threat of immediate default.

    Sorry, liberals, there’s no way you can spin this. It’s not a mistake, a misunderstanding, a slight exaggeration for effect, or a “nuanced” position that lesser men cannot understand. President Barack Obama has been lying through his teeth, for the express purpose of scaring people out of their wits.

    And even as he lies to you, he’s been reserving the truth for a group liberals are supposed to hate: wealthy bankers.


  72. 99 cent store2:50 PM

    Blacks, as a group, have seen their average net worth shrink to almost zero. But whites still have an average net wroth of $115,000.

    Inasmuch as money does not have a mind of its own, and therefore cannot flow into the hands it chooses for itself, there must be another reason that whites have a net worth while blacks do not.

    Is there any possibility the absence of net worth among blacks is tied to black lifestyle and black culture?

  73. Balanced Books2:57 PM

    betterman writes:

    Reminder: Obama Is Lying To You When He Threatens Default

    He's also lying at other times of the day and night.

    Meanwhile, a default has consequences, but the consequences of a default by the US would not be felt internally like the default in Greece.

    All current bills will be paid. Despite Obama's lies to the contrary, Social Security checks will go out on their appointed day and all other bills will be paid.

    Default does NOT bring an economy to a halt. But leaders can use exploit the fear, just as they did at the approach of Y2K -- the Year 2000 Debacle that never happened.

  74. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Oh, Trolls....you are so funny in your desperation to tell lies. Michigan is using those Emergency Dictators for the R Governor...it has very little to do with D policies.
    Speaking of buzzwords like 'redistributionist'(it means, like, whatever the writer fancies it to mean), 'larger government (you mean like the 'Merican Talibani?), and others....it reveals that you don't know what you are blathering about. How does more services (Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, AFDC, VA) equal lower private sector employment? Or is that just based on Faif and Beleef? Silly Goober...your Masters hated unions sooooo much they decided to ship the work overseas to break the union, hang the cost. How's that working for you? Are you doing as well as your dad or Grand?

    Simple repetition of the Magic Words...aren't you confusing formal prayers with actual government? It might be nice to say Hail Mary or such....but does using 'redistributionist' remove THAT MAN from the White House?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  75. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Butters, why are you selling a lying wingnut Con 'sorce'? Hope they paid you. But then, I suppose it tickles the juvenile giggles to place a racist screed on an AfAm blog. What next, US skinheads...David Duke?
    Rational analysts? Like RuPaul and DaddyPaul? Note how jebus neglects to name any. And the utter lack of historical knowledge concerning the US is telling.
    Gee...I hope you remember this when you cut those eveel 'entitlements' and both sets of Grands move into the basement with you. Mom might even force you to get a job!

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  76. racist stupid boldly ahistorical assnon:


    racism trumps ALL social pathologies


    blacks were enslaved serial paupers long before they became serial baby deddies etc


    if hobama had an agenda for poor/imprisoned blacks to match his bankster/corp agendas

    we blacks would be FAR less poor

    cc your racist bs to elite educated blacks who earn less than their inferior uneducated white corp peers

    • The institution of slavery. Slavery means exploited labor; the labor of enslaved Africans was essential for creating wealth for others from which they often derived no benefit. Slavery resulted in the creation of wealth not only for the white slave-holding elite, but for all who benefited from and participated in a "slavery-centered" economy (e.g., merchants, bankers, fishermen, shipbuilders, traders, auctioneers, bounty hunters, and immigrant farmers).37

    • Supreme Court Decision of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). This decision enshrined the realities of racial segregation, second-class citizenship, and "separate but equal" facilities in our national life. Among the many pernicious effects of this decision was the creation of inferior educational opportunities for African Americans. They and other communities of color endured severely restricted access to quality education. Segregated schools were poorly funded in comparison to their white counterparts. This created a deficit of educational attainment - the effects of which are still with us - which translated into economic disadvantage in the labor market, including participation in higher paying and socially prestigious professions.39

    • The exclusion of domestics and agricultural workers from the Social Security Act of 1935. At the height of the Depression, this law created a new public policy that established a basic level of economic security for many of the country's workers. However, by excluding domestics and agricultural workers, this act effectively denied Social Security pensions and benefits to 75 percent of black workers.41

    • The provisions of the Wagner Act (1935), which allowed unions to exclude African Americans from union membership. This legislation granted legal protections and recognitions to labor unions not previously enjoyed and gave many working class whites access to higher wages and benefits. However, because the act also allowed unions to exclude blacks from union membership and its benefits, it legally protected white laborers from competition in the job market, creating economic opportunities reserved for whites, and further maintaining the existence of a lower paid, exploited labor pool.

    • The failure of the Federal Housing Administration (1940s and 1950s) to grant loans to even minimally integrated neighborhoods. This agency provided lowcost government-guaranteed loans to working class families, enabling mass home ownership and the accumulation of wealth that could be passed on to children. Ninety-eight percent of these loans were given to whites; blacks were granted less than two percent. The refusal to grant loans to integrated neighborhoods was a practice known as "redlining."




  77. BetterMan3:24 PM

    Balanced Books, you are right on.

    That's precisely what Obama is doing fearmongering, he might be totally incompetent but he has some decent political handlers. They know the unfettered spending binges along with the totally crushed economy, more government regulations, talk of raising taxes and increasing unemployment is going to whallop our credit rating in the near future, this way he gets to spin it all on the false maximum amount to be borrowed ceiling nonsense. Only thing is i think he miscalculated with his usual fingerpointing immature style. Now everyone sees he has not and cannot offer anything other than divide conquer and blame. Not one plan came from the democratic side, they spend a lot of time talking about how bad others are, but not once did they produce anything other than rhetoric. If we allow them they will make the entire U.S like detroit.

  78. Welcome to South, caucasion style:

    Hanover investigators say 30-year-old Michael Lee Finney, was arguing with a friend about how he was running his household when Finney went inside his home in the 11100 block of Dude Ranch Road, grabbed a shotgun and came out and shot his unarmed friend in the torso.

    Robert Kevin Locklear, who lived nearby, died minutes later. CBS-6 spoke with his family Tuesday evening. They're devastated.

    Locklear lived less than a mile away. He was a heavy equipment operator and welder who lived with his wife and daughter. The girl said her father's last words were, "I love you. Call your mother." She had to dig his cell phone out of his pocket.

    Locklear and his family had been helping the Finneys. Mike Finney, a construction worker, and his younger wife, Jamie, had five young children. Jamie was a stay-at-home mom. They'd been asked to leave the small frame house and were having a hard time.

    Caroline County court records show in June of 2008 he shot Jamie, then his fiancée, in the left ankle with a shotgun through a door.

    Later that year, Finney was convicted of reckless use of a firearm and sentenced to a year in jail, with all but 15 days suspended, pending treatment for an alcohol problem at the local community services board. He was also ordered to stay away from firearms.

    In January of 2010, Finney was charged with severely beating his father's girlfriend, court records show. The girlfriend pleaded for mercy for Michael, and he was convicted in May of 2010 of assault and was sentenced to a year in jail. He served about six months of that sentence. The relative said the couple moved to Hanover to get a fresh start away from family issues.

    Coincidentally, Finney's father was arrested Friday for beating his girlfriend so badly she needed more than a dozen staples in her head, the Caroline County sheriff confirmed Tuesday.

    Father and son are both at the Pamunkey Regional Jail.

    Talking about keeping it in the family...

  79. Anonymous3:47 PM


    You really should not alllow the garbage that is spewed by this white boy in hiding Alicia Banks and his loser friends. It really does take way from the discourse of your postings to have to sift throuigh this hate-filled drivel.


  80. thanks to hobama and his banksters

    detroit = any american city asap

    destroyt looms in a city near you!

    Alabama's largest county began laying the groundwork Tuesday for what would be the largest-ever U.S. municipal bankruptcy after three years of trying to work out a solution with Wall Street to more than $3 billion in debt linked to a massive sewer rehabilitation project tainted by corruption.

    Officials in Jefferson County hope to avoid new layoffs but may have to raise sewer rates or trim public services. On Tuesday, county commissioners approved resolutions to hire prominent bankruptcy lawyers and to sell bonds later in case money is needed to emerge from a Chapter 9 bankruptcy, the type that can be filed by governments.

    Two of the five commissioners said there's an 80 percent chance the county will file bankruptcy, and a vote could come at a meeting scheduled for Thursday in Birmingham, the county seat and Alabama's largest city.


  81. stupid racist sexist assnon:

    the only thing white here are the chalk lines that surround morons like you each time they are slain by bf scholars like me



  82. Anonymous4:00 PM

    No, you are a fat, white, virgin nerd that lives in your momma's basement.


    How patheitic that you spend all day trolling on a Black political blog pretending to be a Black woman.

    Now run along and go out back and have sex with yor pet goat. Your momma needs the basement space to turn 47 tricks before sunset.

  83. that blackish dick hobama has gentrified and impoverished and whitened every major city in america


    % living below the poverty level:

    1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
    2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
    3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
    4 Cleveland , OH 27.0%
    5. Miami , FL 26.9%
    6. St. Louis , MI 26.8%
    7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
    8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
    9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
    10. Newark , NJ 24.2%







  84. lard assed letch loon molded peasant moron assnon:

    u doth project too much...

  85. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Fake ass, pathetic, racist loser.

    You doth pretend too much.

  86. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Alicia Banks is a 52 year old white boy with a total of eight teeth who drives a 1976 Ford Pinto.


  87. Anonymous4:09 PM

    alicia banks is a pedophile and goat raper whe secretly masturbates over Black men!


  88. faceless baseless fat cowardly fool molded assnon:

    your filthy rants have become freudian indeed


    we feel your pain as i make you feel like roadkill and u have countless lice and dentures to spare...

    your lewd insane fantasies are as irrelevant and idiotic as all else u "post" here


  89. BetterMan4:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    No, you are a fat, white, virgin nerd that lives in your momma's basement.


    How patheitic that you spend all day trolling on a Black political blog pretending to be a Black woman.

    Now run along and go out back and have sex with yor pet goat. Your momma needs the basement space to turn 47 tricks before sunset.

    See, we knew all along Mold could actually construct a sentence if he wanted to. Here is the proof. Still makes no sense and is a blathering idiot but at least grammatically improved.

    Mold - you are a nutjob. Nice try though attempting to paint AB as the one who is actually a white college kid when EVERYONE knows it's you!!

  90. hobama nazi molded moron:

    help hobama choke his black mongrel hating chicken over this

    Much attention of late has been paid to the economic situation of black Americans — men especially. The recession has hit them harder than any other racial/ethnic group. And they weren’t doing so great before.

    In April 2009, the Center on American Progress took a hard look at how black men were “weathering the storm.” Not well.

    At the time, four out of every five jobs lost had been held by black men. The unemployment rate for them was more than twice the rate for white men — 15.4%. As of the latest Bureau of Labor Statisticsreport, it’s now 16.8%, as compared to 7.7% for white men.

    Yet, as CAP says, “black men have long faced limited employment prospects and disproportionately high unemployment rates.”



    molded is too ignorant to post as assnon


  91. Anonymous4:16 PM


    I see you got your Kaln buddy to join you. Good job.

    Mold? Nice insult. LMAO!


    You racist lowlifes are hilarious!


  92. Anonymous4:18 PM

    This is the first tine I've ever posted here but I see the white boy in hding asslicka stanks is a regular here eventhough he doesn't agree with Field's view.

    You're in the wrong place to recruit for the Klan!



  93. 47 cm/4.7 IQ molded moron:

    u r being dually slain and wailing in psycho stereo now...


  94. pudless fat foolish molded moron:

    bend over your beer belly and lick this

    President Obama's job approval rating in the latest national polls has been in the danger zone, ranging from 42 percent (Gallup) to 47 percent (ABC News/Washington Post), with every survey showing him with higher unfavorables than favorables. Needless to say, it's not a good place for a president to be, especially since his numbers have worsened over the past two months.

    The race for president isn't a national contest. It's a state-by-state battle to cobble an electoral vote majority. So while the national polls are useful in gauging the president's popularity, the more instructive numbers are those from the battlegrounds.

    Those polls are even more ominous for the president: In every reputable battleground state poll conducted over the past month, Obama's support is weak. In most of them, he trails Republican front-runner Mitt Romney. For all the talk of a closely fought 2012 election, if Obama can't turn around his fortunes in states such as Michigan and New Hampshire, next year's presidential election could end up being a GOP landslide.


  95. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Asslicka stanks has sex with dead puppies.


  96. Anonymous4:25 PM


    Asslicka stanks posts more assinine drivel.


  97. Anonymous4:29 PM


    Asslicka stanks contintues to post shit that I won't read.

    You really do need to stick to Klan websites and please take your cock out of that cat.

  98. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Butters, feel free to offer proof of your wisherating at any time. Just because some Middle School children were not aware that your claim of 'lesbian' was specious...does not mean that particular method still holds sway. Well, maybe in TaxBaggery unsubstantiated rumours are accepted...but most adults prefer you to offer Facts.
    I do love how you say 'magic words' in the Faith and Beleef that they hold power and will grant your wishes. And that everyone will come to beleeve as you.

    Detroit is not the only place hollowed out by our Capitalist Free Market Fundamentalists...how about the rest of the Rust Belt? Or Pennsyltucky? Or NY? While racist weenies lie to you and TELL you it is all the fault of them shiftless, lazy urbanites buying T-bones with Food Stamps....many of the areas are Ivory Snow white. Whether it is PA or the South...more than a few industrial towns are lily white...and the jobs are gone. Oh, how about the Northeast? So, your wisherating that eveel Soshlust Commies stolerated the jobs is nonsense. However, we can see how the Kochs and their ilk shipped the employment overseas to bust unions and their horrible nasty terrible habit of decent pay and benefits.
    Go ahead, hop in Mom's car and drive around. Tell me the state...and we can probably offer places for you to observe Data firsthand.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  99. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It takes a real sick individual to pretend to be a Black lady and post racist comments on a Black political site.

    You also need to address your closet gayness. Perhaps Marcus Bachmann can help you!


  100. proudly illiterate flea bitten freaky molded moron:

    molest this mongrel madness:

    Wearing a strange smile, Barack Obama announced that he wanted a government the size of Dwight Eisenhower’s – the ultimate logic of having accepted the Republican premise that the nation’s greatest problem is debt. Far from “winning the future,” Obama asked the country to join him in a “return to an era before Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and the great social movements that brought some level of civilization to a savage and brutal America.” New census data show African Americans have already slid halfway to the Fifties. “Black America has already been pushed back at least a generation, to a point somewhere before 1984.”

    But of course, there can be no fair sharing between rich corporations and individuals who might lose a few tax breaks and deductions, and people who already have next to nothing. And Black people have already been in the time machine, having lost 53 percent of their meager household wealth between 2005 and 2009. According to the Pew Research Center, Black median household wealth fell from one-tenth to one-twentieth that of whites in just four short years, the largest racial disparities since the Census Bureau began tracking such data, a quarter century ago. Thirty-five percent of Black households have zero wealth, or negative net worth. How can there possibly be fairness in shrinking the government to a size that cannot possibly be of support to the one-third of Black households that own nothing, or less than nothing?

    The Black middle class, which is employed disproportionately by the government, is at the edge of oblivion. Obama’s “Grand Bargain” with the Republicans, if they will only take it, would push hundreds of thousands of Black families into the abyss. The nine percent of Blacks that owned stocks in 2005 lost 71 percent of their portfolios by 2009. Whites lost only nine percent of their stock holdings. Bye-bye, Black capitalism.

    Black America has already been pushed back at least a generation, to a point somewhere before 1984. And what does Obama propose? That we revert to an Eisenhower-era government.

    Barack Obama is counting on this delirium to neutralize Black people’s historical political senses. That’s why he uses his presidential pulpit to ask his supporters to drink the potion and to look forward to waking up back in the days of President Eisenhower. Obama has got to be one of the most cynical men on Earth.


  101. tacky trailer park troll molded moron:

    u lie like that tacky limp dick hobama!!!!

    The Obama Presidency has been unprecedented in many ways, and last night we saw another startling illustration: A President using a national TV address from the White House to call out his political opposition as unreasonable and radical and blame them as the sole reason for the "stalemate" over spending and the national debt.

    We've watched dozens of these speeches over the years, and this was more like a DNC fund-raiser than an Oval Office address. Though President Obama referred to the need to compromise, his idea of compromise was to call on the public to overwhelm Republicans with demands to raise taxes. He demeaned the GOP for protecting, in his poll-tested language, "millionaires and billionaires," for favoring "corporate jet owners and oil companies" over seniors on Medicare, and "hedge fund managers" over "their secretaries." While he invoked Ronald Reagan, the Gipper would never have used such rhetoric about his opposition on an issue of national moment.

    One irony is that Mr. Obama's demands for tax increases have already been abandoned by Members of his own party in the Senate. Majority Leader Harry Reid knows that Democrats running for re-election next year don't want to vote to raise taxes, so he's fashioning a bill to raise the debt ceiling that includes only reductions in spending. But Mr. Obama never mentioned that rather large fact about Mr. Reid's effort.


  102. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Butters, feel free to offer proof of your wisherating at any time. Just because some Middle School children were not aware that your claim of 'lesbian' was specious...does not mean that particular method still holds sway. Well, maybe in TaxBaggery unsubstantiated rumours are accepted...but most adults prefer you to offer Facts.
    I do love how you say 'magic words' in the Faith and Beleef that they hold power and will grant your wishes. And that everyone will come to beleeve as you.

    Detroit is not the only place hollowed out by our Capitalist Free Market Fundamentalists...how about the rest of the Rust Belt? Or Pennsyltucky? Or NY? While racist weenies lie to you and TELL you it is all the fault of them shiftless, lazy urbanites buying T-bones with Food Stamps....many of the areas are Ivory Snow white. Whether it is PA or the South...more than a few industrial towns are lily white...and the jobs are gone. Oh, how about the Northeast? So, your wisherating that eveel Soshlust Commies stolerated the jobs is nonsense. However, we can see how the Kochs and their ilk shipped the employment overseas to bust unions and their horrible nasty terrible habit of decent pay and benefits.
    Go ahead, hop in Mom's car and drive around. Tell me the state...and we can probably offer places for you to observe Data firsthand.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  103. Mold Is An Ignoramus5:09 PM

    Mold, you are, without a doubt, one of the most ignorant commenters to ever stain a thread on this blog.

  104. old xxx mcdonald/molded moron:

    rope rape and lick this

    While publicly fearmongering about a new great depression, the sun failing to rise, and the sky falling if the debt ceiling is not hiked, the Obama administration has been secretly telling big banks that there’s no chance of a default, echoing how the 2008 bailout was sold on hyped threats and intimidation of lawmakers.

    The rhetoric was heightened yesterday when White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer warned that the GOP’s inability to compromise “could potentially put us towards a depression,” adding, “we are seven days away from an unprecedented financial event in this country’s history.”

    Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who has been busy hyping the inevitability of a default for weeks, again told news shows Sunday that the government would be unable to pay its bills if an agreement is not reached, a talking point that has been enthusiastically parroted by President Obama.

    However, that tone doesn’t quite match with what the Obama administration is simultaneously telling top executives at major U.S. banks, assuring them that “such an event won’t happen.”

    “In a series of phone calls, administration officials have told bankers that the administration will not allow a default to happen even if the debt cap isn’t raised by the August 2 date Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says the government will run out of money to pay all its bills, including obligations to bond holders,” reports Fox Business.

    Once again, while striking fear into lawmakers and the American public by stoking fearmongering about the inevitability of a catastrophic collapse, the administration is fully aware that the system, maintained as it is by a fraudulent debt-based fiat money system, can always be kept artificially inflated for that bit longer.


  105. Anonymous5:14 PM

    oh the response will be to insult this anons ability to research on google and more wingnut spammery will continue this is all part and parcel of the lying wingnutterist strategy to discount opponents through sheer lies whats facts got to do with it? nothing so long as some stoopid kuntlicker will beleeverate that bullshyt ergo stank kuntlick banks over here fronting like she actually is a mover and a shaker and scholar ahem cough cough sneeze sneeze LOSER!

  106. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  107. the vdlr will NEVER trap a husband/diploma/degree/condom/
    education/family planning brochure etc...

    even as she demands that others detail all of their trappings herein...

    omg vdlr

    u r on a drunken hoodrat roll!!!


  108. colorist colorless lickless vdlr:

    nothing is as black as that void where ALLLLL of your missing trappings should be...


  109. molded moron is too ignorant to pose as the vdlr...


  110. Anonymous5:34 PM

    This is ridiculous. I cannot believe the devilish stats you provided here FN. I am a follower of UTS and he says that Blacks are no worse off than any other group and that this type of coverage is ill-informed.

    Tell him UTS, tell him!!!!

  111. strapped trapped scrapped vdlr:

    trap & boost this!

    A Washington Post/ABC poll revealed a sharp decline in support for President Obama from his liberal African-American voter base over his jobs agenda.

    The number of liberal Democrats who strongly support Obama’s record has plummeted from 53 percent to 31 percent. The number of African-Americans who support Obama’s performance on the economy once stood at 77 percent — that number now sits at just over half of those surveyed.

    Obama’s shrinking approval comes on the heels of a recent study which showed a surge in the wealth gap between Whites and minorities, an unprecedented Black unemployment rate of 16.2 percent, and a collective attitude from the Black community that the Obama Administration’s policies do little to nothing to aid the compounded scarcities that plague Black Americans.


  112. Lt. Commander Johnson5:40 PM

    UTS is with his old crewmates this week, for a reunion. He ain't as tight as he used to be, but he still makes some damn good biscuits!

  113. wig capped turbo breeder lapped vdlr:

    trap this rat hurr:

    A new study presented some disturbing, yet expected news about the sad state of economic affairs within the African American community. According to the study, the wealth gap between white and Black Americans has become the widest that it’s been in the last 25 years. As it stands, whites have a wealth level that is 20 times greater than Blacks, and 18 times greater than Hispanics.

    Much of the drop in Black family wealth is due primarily to the decline in home values and heightened unemployment during the great recession of the last three years. African Americans currently have the highest unemployment rates in America, with the most recent data listing the rate at 16.2 percent.

    The wealth gap is the largest that its been since officials began tracking the disparities back in 1984. At that time, the gap was merely 12-to-1, implying that African Americans are worse off than they were in the 1980s, when Ronald Reagan promoted trickle-down economics, which destroyed Black communities everywhere.

    “I am afraid that this pushes us back to what the Kerner Commission characterized as ‘two societies, separate and unequal,’” said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau. “The great difference is that the second society has now become both Black and Hispanic.”

    Another reason that whites are so much better off than Blacks is because they are more likely to own stocks. The same Wall Street bankers who caused the recession were the first to be bailed out, leading to a quick recovery for those who owned securities. Whites are far more likely than Blacks to own 401(k) and IRA plans, in addition to stock funds, with these assets accounting for 28 percent of their wealth. On the contrary, only 19 percent of Black wealth comes from these assets.


  114. bookless clueless cashless lickless vdlr:

    trap this asap!


    The author, a political science professor at Queens College in New York City, contends that whites' deep-rooted, pervasive racism against blacks has created "America's version of apartheid." Many white Americans, especially political conservatives, still harbor the prejudice that blacks are genetically inferior, he states. In an important, powerfully argued, dispassionate report that makes liberal use of tables and statistics, Hacker ( The End of the American Era ) documents racist attitudes and practices in the business sector, reveals the low percentage of blacks enrolled in colleges and exposes white racism in politics, employment practices and education and the public's perception of crime and welfare. Turning to blacks' "self-inflicted genocide" through drugs and street violence, he argues that white America shares a large measure of responsibility for this situation because it has fostered a racial chasm--a divide that seems likely to persist unless drastic steps are taken.
    Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
    Hacker, who teaches political science at Queens College, is author of many essays and book reviews on race and class. Here he expounds on the thesis that "America's two principal races"--blacks and whites--are as separate and unequal as ever. Using pointed anecdotes and statistics, Hacker takes the reader through the stigma blacks feel in this country, examining the subtext of everyday acts of bias on the part of whites toward blacks. He then compares sexuality, childbirth and family, income, employment, educational equity and performance, segregated schooling, and crime between the two groups, compellingly arguing that racism does underlie much of the lag that blacks experience in this society. Hacker's research covers history, philosophical writings, and census and other statistics. His discussion of other ethnic groups, however, is less successful (e.g., grouping Asians together in terms of educational performance). Nevertheless, this is necessary reading, recommended for all public and academic libraries. Previewed in Prepub Alert, LJ 11/15/91; see also Stud Terkel's Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel About the American Obsession , reviewed on p. 115.--Ed.
    -Christina Carter, California State Univ. Lib., Fresno
    Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

  115. Body Count5:50 PM

    Nwe York City:

    As of today, the NYPD has recorded 259 homicides year-to-date.

    As of the same date last year, the police department had recorded 286 murders.

    Meanwhile, about 95% of the murder victims were black or hispanic.

  116. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Butters, feel free to offer proof of your wisherating at any time. Just because some Middle School children were not aware that your claim of 'lesbian' was specious...does not mean that particular method still holds sway. Well, maybe in TaxBaggery unsubstantiated rumours are accepted...but most adults prefer you to offer Facts.
    I do love how you say 'magic words' in the Faith and Beleef that they hold power and will grant your wishes. And that everyone will come to beleeve as you.

    Detroit is not the only place hollowed out by our Capitalist Free Market Fundamentalists...how about the rest of the Rust Belt? Or Pennsyltucky? Or NY? While racist weenies lie to you and TELL you it is all the fault of them shiftless, lazy urbanites buying T-bones with Food Stamps....many of the areas are Ivory Snow white. Whether it is PA or the South...more than a few industrial towns are lily white...and the jobs are gone. Oh, how about the Northeast? So, your wisherating that eveel Soshlust Commies stolerated the jobs is nonsense. However, we can see how the Kochs and their ilk shipped the employment overseas to bust unions and their horrible nasty terrible habit of decent pay and benefits.
    Go ahead, hop in Mom's car and drive around. Tell me the state...and we can probably offer places for you to observe Data firsthand.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  117. What a damn shame! Yet another thread which started out so promising, shot to hell because of Mamay Frakenforskin with her 20 personalities!


  118. Anonymous6:11 PM

    oh the response will be to insult this anons ability to research on google and more wingnut spammery will continue this is all part and parcel of the lying wingnutterist strategy to discount opponents through sheer lies whats facts got to do with it? nothing so long as some stoopid kuntlicker will beleeverate that bullshyt ergo stank kuntlick banks over here fronting like she actually is a mover and a shaker and scholar ahem cough cough sneeze sneeze LOSER!

    5:14 PMoh the response will be to insult this anons ability to research on google and more wingnut spammery will continue this is all part and parcel of the lying wingnutterist strategy to discount opponents through sheer lies whats facts got to do with it? nothing so long as some stoopid kuntlicker will beleeverate that bullshyt ergo stank kuntlick banks over here fronting like she actually is a mover and a shaker and scholar ahem cough cough sneeze sneeze LOSER!

    5:14 PMoh the response will be to insult this anons ability to research on google and more wingnut spammery will continue this is all part and parcel of the lying wingnutterist strategy to discount opponents through sheer lies whats facts got to do with it? nothing so long as some stoopid kuntlicker will beleeverate that bullshyt ergo stank kuntlick banks over here fronting like she actually is a mover and a shaker and scholar ahem cough cough sneeze sneeze LOSER!

    5:14 PM

  119. @6:14, I think you forgot to sign off as mold.

  120. Anonymous6:29 PM


    @6:14, I think you forgot to sign off as mold. wannabe dawktaw da queefkim

    sorry sweetie pie but ude think after all of ur alleged degrees that u would know how to read numbers what is at 614 u stoopid kunt? and why keep lying and pretenderating that mold signs on as someone else? only somebody with no 'intellegence as u say dummy'would behave as u dummy

  121. Hey AB, more racism and unfairness towards black females/students post Obama's America: Gee, where is the NAACM and the gang when you need them?

    Arkansas US of A 2011: "Kymberly Wimberly [black female student] was all set to become her Arkansas school’s first black valedictorian since 1989.

    But, at the last minute, McGehee High School decided Kymberly was to share her spotlight with a white “co-valedictorian” who had a lower GPA....

    Kymberly’s mom, Molly Bratton, who is the school’s “certified media specialist,” says she overheard school personnel expressing concern that naming Kymberly valedictorian would cause a “big mess.” Furthermore, when Bratton tried to protest the school’s move at a school board meeting, she was told she couldn’t speak because she had “filled out the wrong form” and would have to wait until after graduation to appeal.



  122. No-Town6:37 PM

    mold suppurates:

    Detroit is not the only place hollowed out by our Capitalist Free Market Fundamentalists...how about the rest of the Rust Belt? Or Pennsyltucky? Or NY?

    Wherever there were strong unions, like the UAW or United Steelworkers, there are empty factories and a decline in jobs.

    Amazing. Even in these tough times, people continue to buy cars and steel is still manufactured -- elsewhere.

    Too many Americans still believe it's possible to control the movement of capital. Even though GE, GM and a long list of other corporations are moving capital to friendlier climates, the Obama-dunces believe there's a way they can tax it back into the US Treasury. Nope. Can't be done.

    Unfortunately, the people who were once the human capital of the US do not follow the money to its new homes in other nations. Obama tells them to sit still and wait. So they do.

    Obama promises that car companies will build millions of electric cars in the US. That's the fantasy.

    The reality? GM sells 500 Chevy Volts per month.

  123. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Detroit is not the only place hollowed out by our Capitalist Free Market Fundamentalists...how about the rest of the Rust Belt? Or Pennsyltucky? Or NY? While racist weenies lie to you and TELL you it is all the fault of them shiftless, lazy urbanites buying T-bones with Food Stamps....many of the areas are Ivory Snow white. Whether it is PA or the South...more than a few industrial towns are lily white...and the jobs are gone. Oh, how about the Northeast? So, your wisherating that eveel Soshlust Commies stolerated the jobs is nonsense. However, we can see how the Kochs and their ilk shipped the employment overseas to bust unions and their horrible nasty terrible habit of decent pay and benefits.
    Go ahead, hop in Mom's car and drive around. Tell me the state...and we can probably offer places for you to observe Data firsthand.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  124. Where's my thorazine6:46 PM

    la audio writes:

    Kymberly’s mom, Molly Bratton, who is the school’s “certified media specialist,” says she overheard school personnel expressing concern that naming Kymberly valedictorian would cause a “big mess.”

    She says she "overheard" school personnel...

    Oh. You mean the school janitor was jabbering with the lunchroom cashier?

    Or maybe the conversation she claims she overheard was just a couple of the regular voices that sound off in her head?

  125. Pyrrhic Loss6:53 PM

    Last year the union workers at the Stella d'Oro cookie factory in the Bronx went on strike for higher wages.

    The owners of the company offered them a wage & benefit package that was consistent with company sales. The union voted down the package.

    The owners said that unless the workers accepted the offered package, the company would have to move its factory operations to a less costly area.

    The workers said no deal. They demanded their higher pay and said they would strike.

    The owners, after repeated efforts to encourage the workers to accept the contract, gave up. The factory was shut and the operations were moved to another state.

    Obviously the union won. The members showed the owners. They refused to take the package they were offered, and as a result they retained their dignity.

    But they lost their jobs and those jobs are never returning to the Bronx.

  126. LAB, in addition to the young lady being Black, it seems they probably also took issue with the fact that she was a single parent.

    And did you notice how the sick psycho mold=Manika=VDLR came at you as "anon"? Sick, deluded, B*TCH!!!!

  127. "I fully understand her points, and I agree with her, that democracy sometimes makes things difficult, but that in the end they can make a compromise­," says Shen Dingli, the executive dean of the Institute of Internatio­nal Studies at Shanghai's Fudan University­.

    "I think they would take it as a further sign of America's decline," said Kerry Brown, the director of the Asia Program at Chatham House in London. "I don't think they're celebratin­g that by the way, but Chinese popular opinion already strongly holds the idea that America is declining.­"

  128. "Or maybe the conversation she claims she overheard was just a couple of the regular voices that sound off in her head?"

    Have no fear BillyEarl, their actions did most of the talking. I'm sure the courts will see and hear that loud and clear.

  129. Anonymous1:59 PM

    StudyTroll, I did read the pdf offered. Your spin is wholly incorrect and deceitful. SAT is not relevant. As for the overheard...you should contact a lawyer to gain comprehension.
    Your fantasy of her taking lesser classes...is all in your racist desire.

    PyrrhicTroll, you are lying about Stella. Pretty much the union was given a no-choice deal by the management. So, why are you lying to us? What scam are you attempting to perpetuate?

    TownTroll, you are making stuff up. The presence or absence of unions was not material to the removal of the work. So, why are you lying? The fantasy of Obama being a 'taxer' is patently false. The movement of Capital can be constrained. Your Fundie beleef in the Fwee Market is touching...but utterly unsupported by Facts. Though, it does mark you as one of the 'elect'.
    Umm...tell me your state. I can show you many non-union and rite-to-werk states that saw huge removals of Capital. Your anti-union boilerplate from wingnut thunktinks is specious.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

