Tuesday, July 05, 2011

The Gipper,Casey, and FOX.

I wish I lived in a lovely flat in the Mayfair section of London with a dog. Why?Because I know where I would take him every day to relieve himself.

Anyway, if any of you in the area have a spare room I could use for a couple of nights I would greatly appreciate it. Mrs. Field is a little pissed at the kid right about now. This happens every time she believes that the system of justice we have here in A-merry-ca fails someone. "Field, how could you do what you do?" This is where I do everything in my power to avoid the conversation. It doesn't work. "How do those men who defended that woman sleep at night?" I make a failed attempt at defending our legal system. "Well dear, a jury of her peers found her innocent, I didn't really follow the trial but the prosecution must not have made their case to the people who mattered." Bad move. "Field, anyone can see that the woman killed her child. Who waits days to say that their child is missing? You know what field, don't even start with me; you are no different than the rest of them."

I am hoping that this is the last we will hear of that dysfunctional family down in "Gator" country. But knowing A-merry-ca like I do, I doubt that it will be. There will be a book, countless television interviews, a TV miniseries, and on and on. Casey Anthony will be paid.

People are making comparisons to the OJ verdict, and I suppose that given the weight of evidence against mommy, you could. You Negroes were happy when OJ was found not guilty of killing those two white people, even though, in your hearts, you know he did it. No one is happy that a two year old lost her life, (Nancy Grace is losing her mind)  and that the person who the state charged with the crime is walking. Some of you (especially the mothers out there) would pull the switch to fry Casey your damn selves. I know Mrs. Field would.

Finally, I swear that you just can't make this stuff up:

"The Fox News Politics Twitter account was hacked early this morning, and a number of Tweets claiming that President Obama had been assassinated were sent out. Fox has acknowledged the hack, but apparently still can't access the account—as of this post, the Tweets still haven't been taken down.
If you get your news exclusively from the Fox News Politics Twitter account, you will be relieved to hear that the president is not dead, to the best of our knowledge. Rather, the account seems to have been hacked at around midnight on Sunday by a group, vaguely aligned with Anonymous, calling itself "TheScriptKiddies." ("Script kiddies" is a pejorative term for wannabe hackers. I guess they're trying to reclaim it?)

At first, according to The Huffington Post, the hackers claimed responsibility, changing the account icon, linking to their own Twitter account, and reaching out to the @AnonymousIRC account, offering to "assist" the hacktivist band." [Article]

Sorry FOX. But I guess a news organization can always dream, right?


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    A majority of African Americans believed OJ to be innocent despite a long history of documented (including 911 calls) violence towards Nicole, forensic evidence, and Nicole had even gone on record to say "He'll kill me one day and he'll get away with it."
    It would be interesting to compare this number with what percentage of African American's believe Casey to be innocent.

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Kim Kardashian twittered that she was outraged at the verdict! What a dumb bitch- She grew up rich thanks to the ability of her father to get obviously guilty people off the hook.

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "You Negroes were happy when OJ was found not guilty of killing those two white people, even though, in your hearts, you know he did it. No one is happy that a two year old lost her life"

    Blacks were happy than an innocent Jewish man and a white woman who did nothing to them were murdered and justice wasn't done? Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman are rolling in their graves.

  4. Anonymous8:54 PM

    The most horrifying part has been all the children of color who are abused, murdered, go missing...all the women of color, and the MSM doesn't give a fuck! An ugly, white trash white girl with a cute baby girl? ALL OVER EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL AND NEWPAPER...for three fucking years.

    America should be ASHAMED!
    BTW, there is no such thing as found "innocent." She was found not guilty.

  5. american justice is criminal!!!!

    racism is real


    casey is a real baby killer





    I view destiny as reality. I have lived a wonderful professional life. I have chosen varied and exciting academic and occupational experiences. I believe that I was destined to choose only three professions. I feel I was born to be a writer, a radio star, and a legendary defense attorney. I am truly blessed to have achieved two out of three of my destined professional goals. I will never accomplish the third. I will never become an attorney.

    In 1976, as a 12 year old University High School student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), I was obsessed with becoming a great lawyer. Fortunately, I was able to passionately engage in mock legal trials. I was revered as a superior defense attorney. The unique exposure I gained as an apprentice to several actual lawyers gave me an exceptionally keen sense of exactly what the criminal justice system was really like. To date, Al Pacino is one of my favorite movie stars for his superb role in "And Justice For All", one of the best depictions of the ugly realities of criminal law ever filmed.

    By 1984, as a 20 year old graduating UIUC senior with a major in Speech Communications/Pre-Law, I was sufficiently and indelibly jaded by my awareness of precisely how racist, elitist, sexist, hopelessly corrupt, and perpetually unjust Amerikkka's "justice" system was. In 2005, that system continues to become viler daily...

    In 1984, I chose to skip law school, and I have never looked back with regret. I decided to use my debate skills to become a legendary and cerebral radio talk show host. Each day, national legal headlines remind me that I truly made the right decision. I am deeply grateful for that reminder always.

    Most people are poor and assigned public defenders in Amerikkkan courts. Dream Teams are mere dreams for most black defendants. Black citizens are publicly beaten and executed by police daily. For people who are not iconic celebrities, racism and elitism nullify justice. Justice often becomes a curse of "just us”.

    Yet, the trials of Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, and O. J. Simpson prove that "justice" is indeed for sale. Many insane verdicts in countless other trials prove that average Americans are becoming more ignorant. Many dubious incidents that grossly suggest celebrity criminality never even make it to trial; like those of Jon and Patsy Ramsey, William Shatner, Robert Wagner etc.... Prosecutors and police investigators are increasingly incompetent. And, jurors are increasingly moronic.


  6. Not that I don't think a child murderer getting off scott free is a reason to celebrate anywhere, but honestly, who cares about this crazy woman?! Yes, she's a loon and a baby killer with an even loopier family. But, Casey Anthony's verdict isn't going to feed my family or cure AIDS.

    We really do love distraction in this country.

  7. lac:

    racist courts are never a distraction

    especially in that blackish dick hobama's MORE racist/"post-racial" america!!!

    good luck with that...



  8. Anonymous9:43 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Alicia, again, who cares about this crazy woman?! Yes, its a crime, but as much as you rant about Obama and the government failing Black people, you would be the first to sound the alarms. Casey Anthony's case, though sad, is a distraction. When we're all glued to the TV wondering if this psycho chick is going to get the chair, our government is bombing 3 countries, our debt ceiling is going to burst and teachers are being laid off. Tell me, how is lamenting over some crazy woman drowning her daughter going to fix these issues?

    Bread, meet Circus.

  10. field writes:

    There will be a book, countless television interviews, a TV miniseries, and on and on.

    There may be a book. But Casey Anthony won't write it, even with professional help. There's no market for her superficial story. She has no fans. And those he despise her would never enrich her by purchasing a book of hers.

    The only book she can write and sell is the one that tells the world how she killed her kid and got away with it. But she won't write that one.

    TV interviews? Nope. At least none that she's paid for.

    TV miniseries? Perhaps. But the story is in the public domain. She'll never get a dime. Her input is unnecessary and her input is useless if she maintains her lies.

    Casey Anthony will be paid.

    Nope. Do yourself a favor and read Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Tell-Tale Heart."

    It gives a good idea about the direction her life will take.

    Moreover, she's going to become a victim of the Social Network.

    As trial-watchers learned, she wanted to rid herself of the kid so she could party more.

    Now the kid's gone and after she gets out of jail, she'll party hearty. Eventually she'll spill the beans. People will probably give her drugs just to see if they can get her to yap about killing the kid. When she lets something slip it will go around the world on Twitter in seconds.

    Think of Monica Lewinsky. Life's going to get nasty for Casey Anthony.

  11. PilotX9:59 PM

    The Anons hacked Fox News Twitter? Better watch your back Field.

    Me thinks there are alot of people upset the news about the Prez was false and they're just pretending to be upset about Casey Anthony;-)

  12. This verdict is in large part the judge's fault.

  13. Anonymous10:29 PM

    alicia banks said...

    racist courts are never a distraction

    especially in that blackish dick hobama's MORE racist/"post-racial" america!!!

    good luck with that...



    9:40 PM

    The Black disease - I don't like that=Racist. I am broke, that is racist. That guy said I am ugly, that is because he is racist. They told me to shut up, that is because they are racist. The bird shit on my head, look the poop is white, the bird is racist. What a nonsensical way to go through life. Whatever you do, don't wear any white panties, they are racist and don't brush your teeth so they stay white that is racist, let them turn brown from all the tabaccy you chew.

  14. Smarter than Alicia10:32 PM

    "I feel I was born to be a writer, a radio star, and a legendary defense attorney. I am truly blessed to have achieved two out of three of my destined professional goals. I will never accomplish the third. I will never become an attorney."

    You freaking nut. A writer on the FN blog comment section, a radio star no one ever heard, and a never-been lawyer. That's some career.

  15. True Genius10:37 PM

    Alicia Banks said..."In 1976, as a 12 year old University High School student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), I was obsessed with becoming a great lawyer. Fortunately, I was able to passionately engage in mock legal trials. I was revered as a superior defense attorney."

    Really Alicia? At the age of 12, you were "revered as a superior defense attorney"?

    My God woman, there is self-delusion and then there is you.

  16. "This verdict is in large part the judge's fault."

    How so?

  17. "Not that I don't think a child murderer getting off scott free is a reason to celebrate anywhere, but honestly, who cares about this crazy woman?! Yes, she's a loon and a baby killer with an even loopier family."

    La~Coincidental, what's in the water out in LA? You have been on a roll lately. :)

  18. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Field, "You Negroes were happy when OJ was found not guilty of killing those two white people, even though, in your hearts, you know he did it."

    Mr. Field, I am amazed that even today people think Blacks were happy OJ got off for killing two people who happened to be White. No, Mr Field. That is not why Blacks were happy. AAs were happy because a Black beat the so-called white 'justice' system, which has been an 'injustice' system for Blacks for centuries.

    OJ exposed the unfair hypocrisy of it and threw it back in their crooked white racist faces. THAT, Mr. Field- is the reason Blacks rejoiced, NOT because it is believed that he killed two white people. So please, don't make AAs look like they are lovers of killing Whites. It is NOT true.

    Quite frankly, I am still amazed that this OJ story still has legs. Hell, it's been a long time! Still, I bet there are some of us- both Black and White- who wonder if OJ "really" did it.

    I bet Oprah finds out and finally puts this story to rest. At least, I hope so.

  19. Anonymous11:12 PM

    True Genius said...
    Alicia Banks said..."In 1976, as a 12 year old University High School student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), I was obsessed with becoming a great lawyer. Fortunately, I was able to passionately engage in mock legal trials. I was revered as a superior defense attorney."

    That was a typo, I think instead of "at the age of 12 she was revered as a superior defense attorney", she meant to say she was rear ended by a defense attorney in a most "superior" fashion.

  20. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "So please, don't make AAs look like they are lovers of killing Whites. It is NOT true."

    So why is most interracial murders commited by blacks?

  21. Anonymous11:24 PM

    LAC, "Not that I don't think a child murderer getting off scott free is a reason to celebrate anywhere, but honestly, who cares about this crazy woman?! Yes, she's a loon and a baby killer with an even loopier family. But, Casey Anthony's verdict isn't going to feed my family or cure AIDS."

    Sometimes I wonder about the collective conscience of AAs who feel nothing about another human being. That is the amazing thing about people like LAC.

    To call her family loopy while making a stone cold statement himself, LAC surely is dysfunctional himself and probably comes from a similar family background...heartless.

  22. Anonymous11:28 PM

    The jury didn't say that Casey Anthony is innocence, the State didn't prove its case. Let's face it the prosecution went into court without having a plausible explanation has to how Caylee died. There wasn't a sufficient cause of death. Sad fact is that DA overcharged, going in with capital murder without any direct evidence. No physical evidence or witnesses seeing her, but the DA did prove that Casey wasn't mother of the year and that's not enough to convict her. What I found interesting that this case is probably more closer to the Scott Peterson case because that was it was all circumstantial evidence, they couldn't prove the cause of death due to the state of the body, they didn't when, how, where or why she died, but was convicted due to not have very good defense attorneys and the dude tried to leave for Mexico.

    The lesson of the Casey Anthony is meet the burden of proof to remove the possibility of reasonable doubt. Field you are right Nancy Grace is beside her, not being very graceful and yes pun intended.

  23. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Slapnuts, "So why is most interracial murders commited by blacks?"

    Is that what the stats say, or is it your opinion?

  24. Field, there's a lot in the LA waters, but I filter that faucet stuff. Honestly debating heated political issues and silly things in the news is a lot more relaxing than screaming at software engineers and programmers as a project manager.

  25. Levi Strauss-Kahn11:47 PM

    "screaming at software engineers and programmers as a project manager."

    What an awful boss you must be. I'll bet your charges hate you, and your divsion is grossly inefficient.

  26. Anonymous11:59 PM

    LAC, "Field, there's a lot in the LA waters, but I filter that faucet stuff. Honestly debating heated political issues and silly things in the news is a lot more relaxing than screaming at software engineers and programmers as a project manager."

    In addition to being a poor manager who doesn't give a damn about his people, it sounds like you hate your job- and yourself!

    Don't feel bad, there are many like you who hate themselves. Why do you think there is so much killing?

  27. LAOutofcontrol12:12 AM

    "In addition to being a poor manager who doesn't give a damn about his people, it sounds like you hate your job- and yourself!"

    He even hates the water from the public water system. It's good enough for the Mexicans that cut his lawn, or the Asians who write his software, but not for LAC. What an elitist.

  28. Anonymous12:36 AM

    He even hates the water from the public water system. It's good enough for the Mexicans that cut his lawn, or the Asians who write his software, but not for LAC. What an elitist.

    Yeah but looking at him I bets he likes a biiiiiig bucket of nice greasy sicken just sayin

  29. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Are you really White?

    Slapnuts said, "Yes i am.I've been battling jungle fever for almost 15 years now.In researching cures, i have come to understand the struggle of black America.

    As a nice God fearing Republican,i seek to help blacks overcome.Its a dirty job,but someone has to do it."

    you have been battling jungle fever? is that similar to snow fever? have you found a cure?

    it's good to know there are God-conscious Republicans working for the black cause. we need your support...the dems have let us down.

  30. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Mr. Field, I am amazed that even today people think Blacks were happy OJ got off for killing two people who happened to be White. No, Mr Field. That is not why Blacks were happy. AAs were happy because a Black beat the so-called white 'justice' system, which has been an 'injustice' system for Blacks for centuries.

    OJ exposed the unfair hypocrisy of it and threw it back in their crooked white racist faces.

    Yes, it was the second time in my lifetime (the lynching of Yankel Rosenbaum and attempted lynching of Isaac Bitton and his child) being the first) that blacks treated Jews the same as the KKK treated them and gloated about it.
    No you didn't expose white racist hypocrasy. You showed Jews and white women that we should have never raised a finger for you, you were unworthy of it. You showed America blacks would do the same thing to other minorities given the chance. After that I no longer got all wet eyed about Emit Till, the 4 little girls killed in Little Rock, etc. Blacks showed themselves to be just as inhumane. Congradulations for sowing hate where there was none!

  31. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Mack Lyons. hmmmmm...that is an Aryan name. And he is pretending to be black.

    That's pretty dysfunctional...

  32. Anonymous12:49 AM

    anon, "Congradulations for sowing hate where there was none!"

    good luck with your hatred. it's a heavy burden to carry.

  33. Anonymous12:49 AM

    OJ exposed the unfair hypocrisy of it and threw it back in their crooked white racist faces.
    A few examples how bad white women treat blacks in the US:

    a few examples of how bad Jews have treated blacks in the US:

    It's a shame white women and Jews ever did jack shit for you. You obviously were not worthy.

  34. "It would be interesting to compare this number with what percentage of African American's believe Casey to be innocent."

    8:47 PM

    Dude the WHOLE country thinks she's guilty, especially women .

  35. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I think Mr. Baez is a superb lawyer. He kept mum about the accidental drowning until the trial.

    Cindy had told a co worker that "she thought somebody had been in her pool". I think Casey snuck into the house, the child opened the door climbed into the pool she loved, and a child can drown in the wink of an eye.
    So I do think it was an accident due to negligence, and Casey went berserk! Here she's already the rotten apple of the family, she's just caused the death of the one thing they all loved most, she couldn't face it. Some people have incredible capacity for negation, and she's one of them. She tried to make it look like a murder, anything so as not to be blamed. It snowballed. But I really don't think she purposefully killed her daughter.I do think she's a pathological liar just like her father who sneaked out to have an affair with another woman while they were searching for his grandchild!
    I think she needs time in jail to develop her sense of judgment and to mature.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous said...
    The most horrifying part has been all the children of color who are abused, murdered, go missing...all the women of color, and the MSM doesn't give a fuck! An ugly, white trash white girl with a cute baby girl? ALL OVER EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL AND NEWPAPER...for three fucking years.

    8:54 PM

    Definitely co sign but from me I would have said it differently. #Righton

    Slapnuts said...

    So why is most "interracial" murders commited by blacks?

    11:13 PM

    "interracial" . Nice buzzword in your question.

    1:08 AM

  38. Anonymous2:52 AM

    The prosecution case must have been mighty weak.
    OJ has little to do with this...except that wite folks were horrified that the 'migger' having sex with the white woman wasn't 'taught his place'. OJ was the wallet for the entire Brown clan of moochers. Her calls to 911 were entirely too calm. She was in the process of shaking him down for more money. Could she have hired a thug to 'rough' her up for a scam...(Dirty Harry)? What about the drug issues with Goldman?
    LA traffic should give pause to the fantasy of driving across town in short amounts of time. OJ had injuries...perhaps the basement armchair pundits could ask actual players about the aftereffects of playing that sport on the professional level. OJ could barely lift his children...how could he ever take on a gold digger and a Goldman?

    The MSM ran a local story on the national news. Why? They were obsessed with the tale...and studiously avoiding the Cons trying to shut down governments.


  39. Anonymous3:11 AM

    AB, I believe that at the age of 12you had the makings of a superb lawyer. I can tell by how you defend yourself on FN. No one has been able to break you down or outsmart you. You are just to smart, definitely leagues above the chumps on this blog.

    Your high IQ shows and your superior ability to debate and destroy your opponent. Anyone who tries to take you on is a fool.

    It's unfortunate that these Obamaholic FN Negroes are too shallow to hear, or remember your warning years ago about Obama. It is very disappointing that the folks on this blog have not given you the recognition you clearly deserve. Instead, folks like uts and Kid call you names.

    IMO, our black FN Obamaholics won't do so because of their jealousy. Let's face it. A lot of Blacks are nothing but jealous fools who wish they had HALF the brains you have.

    But DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GET YOU DOWN, whether they are Black, White, or Jewish...slay them ALL...leave no one standing!

    AB, You are my hero.

  40. Anonymous3:18 AM

    "Could she (Nicle Brown Simpson) have hired a thug to 'rough' her up for a scam...(Dirty Harry)? What about the drug issues with Goldman?"
    Could one of the fathers of those 4 black girls killed in the Little Rock Baptist Church bombing have planted those bombs for a scam? I heard one got an insurance policy out of her 3 days before it happened, another tried to charge for giving interviews.
    What about the 12 page long criminal history of that guy who was dragged to death in Jasper TX?
    How about the death of Emit Till, scam perhaps?
    See, everyone can play the "blame the victim" game.

  41. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Mold, "OJ could barely lift his children...how could he ever take on a gold digger and a Goldman?"

    A very very good point. OJ had damaged his body, had arthritis and could not have possibly killed anyone. He didn't have the power or strength due to his arthritis.

    Of course, many Whites failed to observe that about him. Because he is Black, he must have killed them. Such lies! What's even more pathetic is Blacks today have bought into the white mentality that OJ is guilty. It is the old black plantation house negro belief:

    "if you're white you are right".

    Even Field has bought into it. This really sucks...OJ IS INNOCENT! FREE OJ!

  42. Anonymous3:20 AM

    st reagan is a useful idiot for the Cons. His avuncular and genial sales patter allowed for the removal of Democratic government. The constant hagiography of st reagan says more about the need of Cons to invent 'heroes' for their movement.
    Either you is a gawd-fearin' accolyte of st reagan...or you is a heretical non-beleevin' SoshulustCommie librul who needs to be given 'states rites'.
    Kneel before the orthodoxy of st reagan worship!


  43. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Why does a Troll equate the wite murder of small children with the noted gold digging actions of Nicole Brown Simpson? How are they equal? Because you don't like the idea that she was willing to be pummeled for cash? Or that you really, really need the AfAm who had sex with the white woman to be 'taught his place'?
    Her requests for more money were going nowhere, despite her oddly calm calls about his alleged behaviours. Pretty much, without visible signs of being beaten...she was going to have to live on the millions she was already receiving. However, with a few 'Dirty Harry' bruises, she could weep in front of some wite geezer on TV and the money would increase.
    I still find it strange that Goldman's drug issues were never investigated. Oh...they already had the nearest AfAm.
    Please continue to show your bravery and intellect by comparing small children fire bombed by courageous racist wites....to a woman who is pure and innocent and perfect and virginal...because she has pale skin.


  44. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am from the "LET OJ GO" Society. Membership in this Society is $5ooo.00. However, we want to offer this valuable membership for FREE. That's right...FOR FREE! OJ himself has personally directed us to NOT charge Field Negro one dime!

    Mr. Field, you must be special in the eyes of OJ. Hence, I am glad to give you a free deal. Congratulations!

    In return, All the Juice asks is that you blog about his innocence for 7 or more consecutive days on FN. What a deal!

  45. Anonymous3:43 AM

    "I still find it strange that Goldman's drug issues were never investigated."

    I'm surprised that the drug (and criminal issues) with that guy who was dragged to death in Jasper TX were never investigated.
    Perhaps Emit Till had drug issues, perhaps you should investigate it.

  46. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Nice to see the UK has a statue of st reagan, patron saint of adultery. Or was it kicking widows and orphans? Chickenhawks? Anyway, it give the pigeons a place to add to the public discourse, much as the Cons and Neo-Cons have done.
    Sorry, Troll...Goldman was connected to the drug trade. Matter of public record. Still thinkerate you smart? Or just hoping to fulfill your career goal of PITA?
    One of the MSM anchors was describing the obsession with the Anthony Trial...and it seems that the media is thoughtlessly addicted to the piece. Like the inability to discern that Breitbart lies...the MSM seems unable to figure out that the trial is local...and not even Regional (unlike the wildfires).


  47. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Oh, since Cons, Neo-Cons and Trolls are usually quite socially inept...as a public service I will ask that you read this..http://kateharding.net/2009/10/08/guest-blogger-starling-schrodinger%E2%80%99s-rapist-or-a-guy%E2%80%99s-guide-to-approaching-strange-women-without-being-maced/

    Nicely written...and could explain why you have so much free time to gibber on a thread to an old lady.


  48. This debate reminds me of this...


  49. field writes:

    "The Fox News Politics Twitter account was hacked early this morning, and a number of Tweets claiming that President Obama had been assassinated were sent out.

    Other than Fox itself, the only people who seem to care about this minor problem are people who despise Fox.

    Fox has acknowledged the hack, but apparently still can't access the account—as of this post, the Tweets still haven't been taken down.


    If you get your news exclusively from the Fox News Politics Twitter account, you will be relieved to hear that the president is not dead, to the best of our knowledge.

    To the best of our knowledge? That sums it up.

    It appears the anti-Fox crowd sees this silliness as though it were Orson Welles doing his "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938.

    As media events go, this one is a non-...

  50. Black Breakfast News from Brooklyn:

    NY Post

    IHOP assault and 'batter'y


    July 6, 2011

    Two cranky customers at a Downtown Brooklyn IHOP flipped out like a couple of flapjacks and got arrested after they tried to skip out on their bill, authorities said yesterday.

    Tashanna Davis, 23, and Virginia Monger, 22, allegedly scarfed down a smorgasbord of breakfast at the pancake house at 276 Livingston St.

    After they were hit with a $46.85 bill, they tried to pay it with just $30, and complained the service wasn't up to snuff, sources said.

    Both women were charged with theft of services while Monger was also slapped with resisting arrest and attempted assault.

  51. Schrodinger's Rapist -- from mold's link:

    Inasmuch as mold spews unreadable gibberish, there's no point to deciphering moldi-verse. But the linked blog entry was interesting. On one level is was entertaining. On another it was instructive, sort of.

    Do you think I’m overreacting? One in every six American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. I bet you don’t think you know any rapists, but consider the sheer number of rapes that must occur.

    Based on the preceding sentences, the entire piece goes off the rails.

    The claim is that 1-in-6 American women will experience a "sexual assault" in her "lifetime".

    However, in the next sentence the writer implies that all sexual assualts are rapes. She ignores the fact that pinching a woman's butt is a sexual assault. In fact, a lawyer buddy of mine recently represented a butt pincher who was charged with sexual assault.

    These rapes are not all committed by Phillip Garrido, Brian David Mitchell, or other members of the Brotherhood of Scary Hair and Homemade Religion.

    Again she reiterates her belief that 1-in-6 American women are raped -- forced sexual intercourse -- rather than subjected to a range of unwanted sexually-oriented contact. Touching, grabbing, exposure.

    While you may assume that none of the men you know are rapists, I can assure you that at least one is.

    Again she claims that sexual assault is rape.

    Consider: if every rapist commits an average of ten rapes (a horrifying number, isn’t it?) then the concentration of rapists in the population is still a little over one in sixty.

    Wow. A wild-eyed, hysterical speculation if there ever was one.

    Now she's multiplying. Every sexual assault is not only a rape, but every one is repeated 10 times.

    That's paranoia.

    Then there's the claim that these 1-in-6 sexual assaults will occur over a woman's "lifetime."

    With that statement she moves everything into an entirely new realm of statistics. In this new realm, the 1-in-6 claim is rendered almost meaningless.

  52. Fungus face AKA the eternal foreskin sniffer,

    You are in desperate need of a few of the most powerful psychotropic drugs know to man.

    Here's to hoping your "Harvard education" can afford the scrips.

  53. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Fungus face AKA the eternal foreskin sniffer,

    You are in desperate need of a few of the most powerful psychotropic drugs know to man.

    Here's to hoping your "Harvard education" can afford the scrips.

    Rumpled Foreskin - you found out Molds other blog name.

  54. anon:

    oj is guilty because all of his pals lovers and kin say so

    and because marcus allen loved both nicole and oj and he says so soon

    nicole'sr love for the legally married dog marcus a is what caused her death most...

    and he has never shown any remorse for his sloppy crimes

    catch up asap




  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. i am groggy from allergy meds...please excuse all the typos

  58. the ron g "drug" issues were all casey anthony team type lies...shame!!!

    ron g died a hero!!!

    johnny cochran was an evil woman beater...oj with a law degree

    oj is whiter than tiger woods...
    and black people are still paying for HIS crimes

    and jc caught his karma just as casey a inc will...watch




    i am a very cool earthy leo

    MUCH more kitten than lioness to those who really know me...


  59. anon:

    on this blog filled with haters and fool..

    as a kind sage, YOU are my hero too!


  60. clownish hobama nazi lack:

    u brazenly ignore how hobama is murdering the wealth spirits and souls of poor black people...

    yet u lament those who dare to feel for one felled innocent baby girl who was treated worse than some dead turtle

    all of the bs u post to this blog exposes the heartless evil in you


    we have more black men in prison than we had bm slaves and they are framed and fried in ct rooms each day

    and you dare to claim u see no relevance in this young white psycho baby killing slut just breezing thru a baby kill????

    shame on u hobama loving nig!!!!!!!!


    It’s like OJ Simpson all over again, except Casey Anthony is some white trash so progressives can’t yell racism. The jury in the “tot mom” Casey Anthony case found her NOT guilty on 1st degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child, the main parts of the “Tot mom” case. Casey Anthony WAS convicted on four counts of providing false information to police officers. These four counts carry a maximum sentence of four years in jail (total) which she will never get.

    Just another day of disgrace for the American justice system. How long will it be before Casey Anthony writes a book and cashes in on this case? Well, at least one of the members of the jury can go on it’s Carnival cruise on July 7th. Unf*ckingbelievable! On the “bright side” Jose Baez’s pal Geraldo is as happy now as he was before he opened Al Capone’s vault.



  61. lack:


    those wars that u suddenly noticed...

    they are BLOODIEST and most ENDLESS on hobama's watch!!!!





  62. lack:

    this is why a free casey a matters!!!!!


    FinalCall.com) - A new American slave trade is booming, warn prison activists, following the release of a report that again outlines outrageous numbers of young Black men in prison and increasing numbers of adults undergoing incarceration. That slave trade is connected to money states spend to keep people locked up, profits made through cheap prison labor and for-profit prisons, excessive charges inmates and families may pay for everything from tube socks to phone calls, and lucrative cross country shipping of inmates to relieve overcrowding and rent cells in faraway states and counties.

    Advocates note that the constitution’s 13th amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery in the United States, but provided an exception—in cases where persons have been “duly convicted” in the United States and territory it controls, slavery or involuntary servitude can be reimposed as a punishment, they add. The majority of prisoners are Black and Latino, though they are minorities in terms of their numbers in the population



  63. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Seems like most people take their dogs to Philly to relieve themselves.

    Philly is one of the dirtiest cities in America.

    Full of dog poo and other things that smell.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. lacking focus:

    this is why casey a cracking her baby's skull yet getting less time than a bro with one crack rock matters!!!

    Alexander argues that prisons have become the latest form of economic and social disenfranchisement for young people of color, particularly black men. In it, she grapples with a central question: If crime rates have fluctuated over the years and are now at historical lows, then why have rates of incarcerated men of color skyrocketed over the past 30 years? The "war on drugs," which focuses primarily on communities of color, is the answer, although multiple studies have proved that whites use and sell illegal drugs at rates equal to or higher than blacks. Despite this data, four of five black youths in some inner-city communities can expect to be incarcerated in their lifetimes.

    Alexander discusses how convicted felons are subject to forms of discrimination reminiscent of the Jim Crow era. This includes being denied the right to vote, automatically excluded from juries and legally discriminated against in employment, housing, access to education and public benefits, much like their parents or grandparents.

    Alexander raises a pressing issue as states like Florida move to privatize prison systems and strip convicted felons of the right to vote even after completing their sentences. The only thing sadder than having more men in prison now than in slavery during 1850 is that many don't understand that slavery is still legal within the prison system. Indeed, it is the only place where slavery is still legal in the United States. It is clear that our community is in trouble. What are we going to do about it?


  66. Cleanliness is next to godliness, no matter where you bathe.

    Nude Woman Bathes On NYC Subway Train [VIDEO]



    3:14 p.m. EDT, July 5, 2011
    NEW YORK (PIX11)— In this week's crazy NYC subway video series, a woman, nude from the waist down, sets up a wash station on the blue bench of a subway car and proceeds to take a camping-style shower.

    With water and suds pooling on the subway car floor, the woman deliberately cleans herself in a 3-part YouTube video uploaded by a straphanger. It's anyone's guess what happens in the second and third videos, as they have been removed from YouTube for violating the policy on nudity or sexual content. See Video Below (Warning NSFW):


  67. this is why that baby killer casey a chilling in her home while her baby rotted in a bag matters!!!!


    More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their twenties, 1 in every 8 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the "war on drugs," in which three-fourths of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.


  68. dickless witless lack:

    no one is as distracted as u hobama loving nazis who are distracted by hobama's blackish skin as you ignore his blood red and corp green evils...

    u r the most waffling witless hobama girl on this blog!



  69. envious assnon:

    your lifeless hatred is showing again.


    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

  70. wannabee me:

    see more here.

    get your own life asap!!!



  71. Who's The B!tch Now?10:57 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Mold, "OJ could barely lift his children...how could he ever take on a gold digger and a Goldman?"

    A very very good point. OJ had damaged his body, had arthritis and could not have possibly killed anyone. He didn't have the power or strength due to his arthritis.

    Of course, many Whites failed to observe that about him. Because he is Black, he must have killed them. Such lies! What's even more pathetic is Blacks today have bought into the white mentality that OJ is guilty. It is the old black plantation house negro belief:

    "if you're white you are right".

    Even Field has bought into it. This really sucks...OJ IS INNOCENT! FREE OJ!

    3:19 AM"

    Damn good thing all that body damage and arthritis didn't give him any trouble as he golfed his way across America in search of that tramp's killer.

    Anoyone who has ever golfed would tell you just how stupid the "body damage and arthritis" excuse really is. Of course, coming from Mold, one must consider the brain-addled source.

    I heard OJ recently got the crap beat out of him in preason by one of those "toothlees goobers". So bad he was in the hospital for a week or two.

    Talk about poetic justice

  72. Anonymous10:59 AM

    envious assnon:

    your lifeless hatred is showing again.


    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    Great, how did that work out for you? Are you leading the charge on the air while you blog here? What station should we tune into? Or are you one of those who thinks going to class and passing some memorized test questions suddenly makes you skilled in something? Show us the proof of all your pudding-pudding. Without it your resume sounds like the trailer for a really bad movie just a lot of hype and empty promises.

  73. amen:

    oj made a fitness video that would have hung him

    he was strong and making wife beating jokes within it

    how much leg strength does one raging prozac filled monster like oj need to nearly decapitate a smaller female anyway????

  74. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver incredible bullshit, news and commentary in a way that challenges the mental stability of anyone foolish enough to tune in...Her show has become ground zero and we do emphasize the ground part..for a fire storm of controversy mostly driven by her insanity and childish view of the world...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience consisting of mom and one lesbian lick-a-lot and her two dogs and won a second prime time talk show which can be listened to at 3-3:01 AM.. We understand listening to lizards fart may be more interesting than banks, but please do support your local licks-a-lotta puss...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

  75. faceless bold lifeless ghostfaced goon assnon:

    what makes u haters think u can grill others when u cannot even show your own faces?????

    where is your resume?
    bio?? blog???...

    where is even just one kudo from any one yr of yuor "life"???????

    NOT!!!...and therein lies your problem.

    the precious necessary energy u waste on envy is why u will never have the energy to become me.


    i am so sad 4 u envious nigs!!!

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. uneducated unlicked unamusing vdlr:

    i knew that was you before you posted at 11:04

    u do not have to prove to me that u play with news clips as well as u play with raw fertile diseased thug peen.

    we been done knowed dat u trifling trick troll.
    4 real tho.

  81. unglued unlicked unaccomplished uneducated vdlr:

    my blessed and charmed real life will always trump your twisted and vulgar fantasies...

    get over that asap u XXX psycho stalker.

  82. AnonTheBig11:18 AM

    Oh Ok Here you go:

    "AnonTheBig Makes it his business to deliver an incredibly well spoken and dynamically logical radio show every 15 minutes. He delivers news and commentary that are riveting, engaging, intellectual and make it very hard to stop listening. So much so if I were female I would want to have his baby.....Smegma Times Sideway Magazine (Sometime about 17 years ago)

    Now just give me a few minutes and I will set up a web page linking this like you do.

  83. fertile filthy bald headed smooth brained empty life... turbo breeder vdlr:

    ghetto hater dregs like you make casey a look like claire huxtable on birth control pills...


  84. Anonymous11:19 AM

    The Obama recovery.....Worst ever since the Great Depression.

    Two years ago, officials said, the worst recession since the Great Depression ended. The stumbling recovery has also proven to be the worst since the economic disaster of the 1930s.

    Across a wide range of measures—employment growth, unemployment levels, bank lending, economic output, income growth, home prices and household expectations for financial well-being—the economy’s improvement since the recession’s end in June 2009 has been the worst, or one of the worst, since the government started tracking these trends after World War II.

    Profits Thrive in Weak Recovery Bright Days for the Bottom Line Keeping a Watch on the Bellwethers In some ways the recovery is much like the 1991 and 2001 post-recession periods: All three are marked by gradual output growth rather than sharp snap-backs typical of earlier recoveries. But this recovery may remain lackluster for years, many economists say, because of heavy household debt, a financial system still damaged by the mortgage crisis, fragile confidence and a government with few good options for supporting growth.


  85. yo lack son:

    holla at yo boy hobama the warmonger...asap!!!

    Reporting from Washington and Baghdad— The White House is prepared to keep as many as 10,000 U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of the year, amid growing concern that the planned pullout of virtually all remaining American forces would lead to intensified militant attacks, according to U.S. officials.

    Keeping troops in Iraq after the deadline for their departure at the end of December would require agreement of Iraq's deeply divided government, which is far from certain. The Iraqis so far have not made a formal request for U.S. troops to remain, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.


  86. u hater hobama nazi nigs lie like hobama!!!


    During Pres. Bush's last year in office, he agreed to a timetable for troop withdrawals in Iraq: U.S. forces would leave by the end of 2011. The same year, Barack Obama insisted that if elected he would end the Iraq War. In a speech given shortly after his inauguration, he repeated the promise. "Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," he said. "I intend to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011."

    Now he may not honor his promise: AP reports that the Obama Administration has offered to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq if its government so requests. Already the White House "has worked out options to keep 8,500 to 10,000 active-duty troops in Iraq to continue training security forces."


  87. hobama is a lying dick!!!

    classic book on hobama and his posse's ENDLESS lies:


    Starred Review. Taibbi eviscerates Wall Street for what he considers frauds perpetrated on the American people over the last ten years. Deftly delving deeply into complicated financial history and lingo, Taibbi deftly lays the subject bare, rendering heretofore-dense subject matter simple without being simplistic. Blame for the recent mortgage collapse, commodities bubble, and tech bubble are laid at the feet of a relatively small number of bankers and traders who, in the author's opinion, act without fear of reciprocity from a U.S. government no longer representative of the American people. He begins by awarding the title "Biggest Asshole In The Universe" to former-Fed Chief Alan Greenspan, taking him to task for willfully or stupidly disemboweling what little regulation the financial markets may have had before his tenure. This theme resounds throughout, and Taibbi asserts that the collusion between Wall Street and the White House has effectively turned the United States into a massive casino, in which working Americans are regularly bilked out of their savings and homes while the wealthy are repeatedly rewarded for their graft. It's an important and worthy read, but not for the Randian disciple or Goldman-Sachs alum. (Nov

  88. lack:

    a free casey a matters because this is hobama's ONLY black agenda

    what a gd shame!!!!

    The federal government thinks it has found an underused resource for turning the job market around: ex-cons.

    Former prisoners work harder and are more productive than traditional employees, supporters say, and they are willing to take jobs no one else wants.

    “When someone serves time, they shouldn’t face a lifetime sentence of unemployment,” Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis said at a recent press conference, where she announced $20 million in grants to help young prisoners re-enter society and the workforce. “There are clear economic advantages to reintegrating these people in our workforce


  89. Those Darling, Honor Roll Youths11:34 AM

    Ah, the joys of diversity:


    It ain't gonna last forever.

  90. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Embolden our enemies. Undermine our friends. Diminish our country.

    --B. Hussein Obama - Future Caliphate.

  91. Anonymous11:59 AM

    alicia banks said...

    a free casey a matters because this is hobama's ONLY black agenda

    what a gd shame!!!!

    Don't go to bed with no price on your head

    Don't do it

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time

    Keep your eye on the sparrow

    When the going gets narrow

    Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price

    Don't do it

    Don't run your feet down a dead-end street

    Don't do me dirt or you're gonna get hurt

    Don't do it.

  92. lyrical assnon:

    cc that theme song to bernie madoff and casey a asap...

  93. Pamela12:43 PM

    People really struggle with a person's right to an adequate defense, especially if they deem that person to be guilty. It's the state's job to prove guilt. Often it comes down to who makes the better presentation. It is what it is.

    Hope you don't get too much grief, Field.

  94. lyrical assnon:

    cc that bs to that wife and baby killer scott peterson too...casey a's newest side pc?


  95. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Who's the Bitch said, "Damn good thing all that body damage and arthritis didn't give him any trouble as he golfed his way across America in search of that tramp's killer."

    OJ didn't play that much golf because of his arthritis and injured body from playing football. Actually, it was his emotional state that he spent time crossing America "trying" to find the real killer.

    In truth, he was unable to find the killer. But he was able to find himself in the process. That's a gem that all humans look for.

    It's time to have compassion for OJ and LET OJ GO! His incarceration is nothing but racism, pure and simple. I mean, he was found "NOT GUILTY" for God's sake. Too many Whites want a bm for a fall guy for ALL murders involving interracial relationships, as Slapnuts has implied.

  96. Anonymous1:15 PM

    ab, stop calling Obama a dick, you uncle tom! this is your final warning. next time i am writing field to have your low iq ass thrown off this blog.

    u know NOTHING about the precious and good hearted Obama. he has done nothing wrong. he is for the people, of the people and by the people. u are living better than u have ever lived before. but you want to damage Obama's good reputation because you a tommin house negro.

  97. Get That Bloodhound Off The Green!1:26 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Who's the Bitch said, "Damn good thing all that body damage and arthritis didn't give him any trouble as he golfed his way across America in search of that tramp's killer."

    OJ didn't play that much golf because of his arthritis and injured body from playing football. Actually, it was his emotional state that he spent time crossing America "trying" to find the real killer.

    In truth, he was unable to find the killer. But he was able to find himself in the process. That's a gem that all humans look for.

    1:09 PM"

    What an utter moron. You must have been one of OJ's jurors.

    Yeah, he spent time crossing America, "trying" to find the real killer. Must have searched every golf course he ran across. I'v always heard demented killers like to hang-out at the 19th hole.

  98. Anonymous1:39 PM

    There was no physical evidence of trauma to the skeletal remains. I don't think people even realize that the cause of death is unknown on the death certificate of Caylee Anthony. Here is the problem, the public wasn't aware of all the evidence and the jury was because they were there at the trial everyday. We only know what the media reported. The medical examiner couldn't anything conclusively and that's problem when you need to proof without a reasonable doubt. The DA couldn't prove that Casey intentionally or had forethought of killing her child. Now, do I believe she had a hand with the death her daughter, sure, but I cannot prove that she did. There was no DNA, witnesses to place her anyway, when, where, or how the death occurred. They had no evidence, not even fingerprints on the duct tape. The prosecution did not have a case where they could get a conviction.

  99. psycho assnon:

    oj is a double murdering dick

    hobama is a global murdering dick


    everyone who is sane knows that casey is a baby killer

    an entire black family of accomplices like the twisted anthony clan would have been given life even if solid dna proved caylee died peacefully in slumber from SIDS...


    women whose children are missing and dead do not spend time partying and tatooing themselves as their babies rot!...
    spare me!!!


  100. oj never looked for a killer

    he did swiftly find a new nicole clone to pummel though

    his alleged arthritis did not stop him from stomping her at least 8 times before his vegas armed robbery...



  101. blind fool assnon at 1:15

    name one good hearted thing that evil dick hobama has ever done for any poor stupid black mongrel like u????

    President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.

    In the year that followed, Obama would pump $14 trillion into Wall Street’s accounts, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, but the “rising tide” would swamp Black America. Black male unemployment, which stood at an official rate of 17.2 percent when Showell posed his question, would exceed 20 percent as the crisis deepened, with never a hint of targeted policy consideration from the Obama administration. Today, at 16.8 percent, Black male unemployment is markedly higher than twice that of white men (7.7 percent) – a significant widening of the great gap that has come to be thought of as “normal,” beginning in the early Seventies. The “hidden” chasms of Black joblessness have grown even more under Obama’s economic tutelage, as Blacks disproportionately crowd the subterranean corridors of the long-term and “discouraged” unemployed – a despairing cohort whose ranks have swelled to record levels during this rich man’s “recovery.”

    Obama has already explained, to anyone that was actually listening, what kind of America he believes in. It is one in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides.


  102. see 2 generations of oj clones in action here:


  103. Anonymous2:26 PM

    women whose children are missing and dead do not spend time partying and tatooing themselves as their babies rot!...
    spare me!!!


    That is if they miss them at all with "granma" be collectin as head of household watchin de kids while dose yungsters be out makin more pookies with soon to be unkown baby daddys

  104. hey vdlr:

    see molded mumbling moron at 2:26

    it be calling u out!


    wannabee me stalker/uneducated unlicked vdlr:

    i have the gift of gab
    ...an eloquent way with spiritual seductive sober words...

    u have the gift of gapped legs
    ...a turbo breeding way with a perpetual stream of defective cursed strays


  105. Anonymous2:57 PM

    i have the gift of gab
    ...an eloquent way with spiritual seductive sober words...

    Dere u go - we gonna call you flabby gabby from now on the gift of shit talkin you gots it

  106. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  107. Anonymous3:02 PM

    AB don't need no gab...but, she could use a big gob of man-gravy.

  108. lack:

    casey a will be free and rich

    while most black inmates will not even get $10.00 on their canteen books


    Don't be surprised if Casey Anthony walks out of jail a free woman after her sentencing Thursday, legal experts say.
    And, they add, there is nothing stopping her from cashing in on book or movie deals -- as her acquittal on serious charges now means she is free to profit off her story.




  109. the anthonys are all liars

    they lie like hobama!!!

    One of the prosecutors in the Casey Anthony trial said Wednesday there could be perjury charges against Casey's mother, Cindy Anthony.
    Cindy Anthony testified that she was responsible for Internet searches on the family's home computer for information about chloroform. But records indicated she was at work at the time.One of the prosecutors in the Casey Anthony trial said Wednesday there could be perjury charges against Casey's mother, Cindy Anthony.

    Cindy Anthony testified that she was responsible for Internet searches on the family's home computer for information about chloroform. But records indicated she was at work at the time.


  110. nastyoldmcdonaldassnon:

    why are all of u nasty sex starved morons so into bestiality???

    this blog feels like a cross between an asylum of psycho assnons and a stable of donkeys in heat far too often


  111. chesterthegoatmolester:

    lick this

    hobama will be slaughtered at the polls like the big fat corp hog he is asap


    Not only is Obama keeping the country in a perpetual state of war," but he abandons core Democratic programs “at the first sign of Republican resistance.” As a consequence the GOP, which has fought and schemed for decades to “starve the beast” by cutting social programs while fattening the military and the wealthy, “are closer than ever to seeing their dream realized.” No longer can it be said that the Democrats are the “lesser of two evils,” since they are the party in charge that is making the evils possible.

    Sadly, most Democrats fixate on Michelle Bachmann’s misstatements about history or Sarah Palin’s snide remarks about Michelle Obama. At the same time they give Obama and the Democrats a pass for stabbing them in the back. It is time to call those in power, the Democrats, to account for their actions. That will mean ignoring the people who have been used to keep us in an irrational state of fear. If Medicare is cut by Democrats, the bizarre utterances of the right wing are not among the issues we should spend time thinking about.


  112. fat foolish gross goat lover assnon:

    baaaaaack your blind dumb big ass up to this!

    Although President Obama “has had little to offer the nation’s truly disadvantaged people of color,” polls show that “nearly two-thirds of black respondents said the government was doing ‘about the right amount’ in terms of serving Black interests.” There exists a vast gap between the realities of Black life and false Black perceptions of progress. “The mind-blowing Obama ascendancy has pacified, blinded, deluded, distracted, and bamboozled the nation’s most historically progressive thinking, voting, and acting bloc to no small degree – a problem not just for the black community but for progressive prospects across the national board.”

    Still, Ford hastens to add that the news is not all bad. Obama’s black approval has fallen significantly since last year – from the mid 90s to its current 88 percent. The president’s fake-humanitarian military assault on the Muslim and African nation of Libya and his apparent lack of interest in the oppression of black migrant workers there has elicited significant grumbling in sections of the black political class. A resurgence of independent black activism and movement formation will not require Obama to lose majority black support (something that Ford doubts will ever happen). A fall of his black approval into the 60s will be quite significant, Ford feels, indicating new black independence. Much of the high black approval that Obama receives in opinion surveys naturally reflects defensive black horror at the racist threat provided by perceived Republican presidential opponents like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman and the right wing white nationalists associated with “the Tea Party” and the Republican Party more broadly. Many black people never get contacted by pollsters, including the millions stuck in prison and jail, many of whom can have few illusions about “hope” and “change.” What is required most is the resurgence of militant rank and file social movement activity in black America, beneath the personalized spectacle of national politics, and that is something that can very well expand in coming months and years even as Obama continues to receive high black approval ratings. It will have more space to develop when the all-too paralyzing Obama factor is concluded, something that could well happen in the next presidential election.


  113. alicia banks said...
    this blog feels like a cross between an asylum of psycho assnons and a stable of donkeys in heat far too often


    It's pretty clear that Field's resident stalker has a high IQ, which would be expected in a former Physics major.

    The problem is that she's "highly intelligent" along the same lines Ted Kazensky was.

    And we all know how that story ended................

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Dr. Queen:

    the nastiest nincompoops online nest here like rabid rats...

    and they always brag about bestiality and how they reek and their own stds etc...ick!!!!



  116. Goat smashing smashed goon assnon:

    Get up on and into this!

    Except for a few brief periods, Blacks have been twice as likely as whites to be out of work for three generations. Race-neutral theories to the contrary, the gap is not based on education, it’s not primarily about deindustrialization, and it persists in good times as well as bad. It’s about racism, institutional and unrelenting – just as most Black folks have been saying all the time.

    Educational levels have, in fact, steadily climbed over the past 60 years for African Americans. In 1940, less than 1% of black men and less 2% of black women earned college degrees; jump to 2000, and the figures are 10% for black men and 15% for black women. Moreover, increased education has helped to narrow wage inequality between employed whites and blacks. What it hasn't done is close the unemployment gap.

    Algernon Austin, an economist for the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., crunched data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that blacks with the same level of education as whites have consistently lower employment levels. It doesn’t matter whether you compare high-school dropouts or workers with graduate degrees, whites are still more likely to have a job than blacks. Degrees be damned.


  117. hennasplace writes:

    There was no physical evidence of trauma to the skeletal remains.

    So what?

    I don't think people even realize that the cause of death is unknown on the death certificate of Caylee Anthony.

    Doesn't matter. The kid was murdered.

    Here is the problem, the public wasn't aware of all the evidence and the jury was because they were there at the trial everyday.

    Media coverage was complete. The public saw what the jury saw.

    We only know what the media reported.

    Which was every detail.

    The medical examiner couldn't anything conclusively and that's problem when you need to proof without a reasonable doubt.

    Members of the jury are expected to draw their conclusions based on the whole picture.

    The DA couldn't prove that Casey intentionally or had forethought of killing her child.

    Nobody hides a body unless they're covering up something -- something big, like murder.

    Now, do I believe she had a hand with the death her daughter, sure, but I cannot prove that she did.

    If a juror believes the defendant was responsible, then that's enough to vote for conviction. There is a misunderstanding of "reasonable doubt."

    There was no DNA, witnesses to place her anyway, when, where, or how the death occurred. They had no evidence, not even fingerprints on the duct tape. The prosecution did not have a case where they could get a conviction.

    Hiding the body is convincing evidence of guilt.

  118. lacking a soul and sanity:

    a free casey a matters because tupac was framed and sent to prison for simply touching the butt of a whore....

    a whore who had consensual sex with him 24 hrs before 2 OTHER cia bros like hobama raped her but were never even charged...

    no justice
    just us!!!!




  119. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Educational levels have, in fact, steadily climbed over the past 60 years for African Americans. In 1940, less than 1% of black men and less 2% of black women earned college degrees; jump to 2000, and the figures are 10% for black men and 15% for black women. Moreover, increased education has helped to narrow wage inequality between employed whites and blacks. What it hasn't done is close the unemployment gap.

    Yo, dat shit be racist.. don't you ever get tired of blaming someone else for your shortcomings? Why not just open a business like all other minorities do? Why is every other minority including first generation immigrants coming to the US and blowing past AFAMS? Wheres the racism? Or are you saying everyone hates black people and thinks they are dumb and lazy?

  120. About 25 years ago a man in Connecticut murdered his wife. After he killed her, he disposed of her body by running it through a wood chipper. In other words, there was no corpse.

    He put her body through the wood chipper while the machine was at the edge of a stream. It was winter. The wood chipper ground her into tiny scraps that were all washed away. Every bit of her was destroyed and gone.

    To make a long story short, it's important to know his wife was Swedish. When questions about her began to arise, he said she had left him. He said he didn't know where she went, but he figured she had returned to Sweden.

    The case pre-dated the use of DNA analysis. But there was none to analyze anyway. Nothing.

    Ultimately an investigation punched holes in the husband's story. He had rented the wood chipper from a local rental store. One step led to the next and soon it was clear what he had done.

    But there was no body. Nothing to PROVE the woman was dead.

    Still, he was tried for murder. The first trial ended in a hung jury because one nitwit decided there was reasonable doubt. But the second time he was tried, the jury convicted him. He's doing life.

  121. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Slappy, you missed the point of her post...and need to upgrade your level of literacy to understand mine. A high school Comparative Literature class would help you.
    'OJ had sex with a white woman...therefore he is guilty and must be lynched'...that's pretty much the Troll case.
    Philly may be city...but many PA ruralites drink water from the 'well'. Which is at the same water as the outhouse and the septic. I could also mention the poorly cooked food....the lack of proper storage for food...and the horrendously low quality of the victuals. PA hillbillies are relatively well off.
    The MSM gleefully followed the Anthony non-story...but failed to cover the heroic brave TaxBagger who shot the nefarious 9 year old child.
    Golf does not require that you have the capacity to overpower and murder two adults. Why are you trying to sell this? Haven't you ever played?
    Oh...you haven't. Tell you what...visit one of the municipal courses before your Masters have them shut down. Pretty cheap play...and they often have clubs for rent.


  122. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Slappy, nice pretense...do you get your legal info from the same place Michelle and Sarey get their historee?
    Try again with der Google. What you posted makes you seem like one of those 'Viet Vets'...who never, ever served.


  123. I Is Smart5:28 PM

    Ah, you have to be proud of our dedicated Publik Skool teachers:


    Wonder how many "youths" got on the "honor roll" without actually earning it?

    Gotta love thse teachers, huh, AB?

    I'll bet they all get a raise. Send them some more tax money.

  124. nclb/no clue lying boob assnon:

    do not blame amoral teachers

    blame amoral merit pay and hobama/gwb 2.0's MORE amoral nclb 2.0





  125. Hobama's nclb 2.0 =

    Testing = teaching

    Fire vet teachers

    Open corp charter schools

    Destroy public ed

    Dangle amoral mindless merit pay as a toxic carrot…


    Back in June of 2009, BAR told the story of activist teachers who sued the Chicago Public Schools to reverse the firings of hundreds of committed, experienced, mostly black and female teachers in dozens of schools and their replacement with less experienced, younger, whiter teachers at lower salaries. This pattern of discriminatory firings and school closings has since been replicated across the country, and is a core element the Obama administration’s education policy. Since then, some of those same teachers have won the leadership of Chicago's 30,000 strong teachers union. Earlier this week, a US District Court judge ruled in their favor.
    “It's extremely simplistic. It leaves a lot out.. It tells a story of this amazing school but leaves out the fact that the operator of that school gets $17 million a year in outside private funding to make it all happen. That's $100 million in only a few years to make a showcase out of a single school, $100 million from people who have a stake in the charter school industry nationwide. Many of the same folks were involved in financing this movie.
    “Waiting For Superman also doesn't tell us that 80% of charter schools don't do any better than comparable public schools, if you use standardized tests as your measure. We need to take a really honest look at education, at problems and solutions. This movie just doesn't help us do that.”



  126. I Is Smart5:50 PM

    Yeah, right. Give it a break, AB.

    I had black teachers back in highschool & college (who had college degrees, of course),who couldn't even spell.

    I don't care what you say. I SAW it for myself.

  127. trailer park schooled assnon:

    that is your own tragic personal problem.

    not mine.

    get over that asap.

  128. Students who never behave will never learn. Students who are never taught to revere education at home will never excel in schools. Students who torture teachers will never encourage superior educators to remain in classrooms.

    Academic ability is more important than ever before in our global economy. Children must now compete with global intellectuals. Retirement is a fiscal fantasy in an increasingly technological world, where students must learn many skills for perpetual job changes. Today, an inability to learn is suicidal.

    Politicos will only continue to scapegoat and betray teachers. Those acts of cowardice are easier than dealing with the complex socioeconomic realities of toxic parenting. Fatally flawed, racist, and elitist federal educational programs like No Child Left Behind (NCLB) will never repair broken American schools. They only serve to sabotage the minority of students who revere education.

    Typically, private schools do not adhere to any of the genocidal and mindless tenets of NCLB. Private schools do not tolerate misbehavior or enable abusive or absentee parents. Teachers at private schools are allowed to teach, while public school teachers are forced to compulsively test and perpetually discipline. This is a tragic national disgrace!

    As I grieve about leaving the wonderful babies and positive parents that I adore, I religiously read two books as therapy: Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint, and The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol. I recommend these two classic books to anyone who cares about education. I hope they heal your emotional wounds as they do mine


  129. Anonymous6:35 PM

    wow this really is nasty a bunch of buceta breaf clones came out the woodwerk today the sexual inuendo made my stomach contents empty onto my keyboard but this is what happens when loud mouth shyt talking sows like buceta breaf banks run they mouths too much!

  130. Anonymous6:38 PM

    there is always a reaction and in this case a nasty set of reactions from trolls who are easily amused by her inane rants

  131. Anonymous6:39 PM

    anon wit sense said...
    Great, how did that work out for you? Are you leading the charge on the air while you blog here? What station should we tune into? Or are you one of those who thinks going to class and passing some memorized test questions suddenly makes you skilled in something? Show us the proof of all your pudding-pudding. Without it your resume sounds like the trailer for a really bad movie just a lot of hype and empty promises.

    thats what everybody here already noticed she and wannabe dawktaw queef da kimsta ghettoese fool r both phonies!!!

  132. Anonymous6:43 PM

    ...Ted Kazensky...
    kim da queefkin

    gosh kimqueef ude think somebody wit all ur alleged edumacayshun would learn to spell a proper name right or at least look it up on wikipedia ya moron! watch and learn dummy!


  133. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Silly goobers.Yes sometimes this old lady has gas.I know you billies would like to smellrate.To bad fox nation.I usually go to a quite area and the gas just escapes.

    You can perfer to act like goobers.I will act like a laty.


  134. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Silly goobers.Yes sometimes this old lady has gas.I know you billies would like to smellrate.To bad fox nation.I usually go to a quite area and the gas just escapes.

    You can perfer to act like goobers.I will act like a laty.


    Does that mean you are going to take your penis out of your butt so the gas can escape and then cut it off so you can become a "lady"?

  135. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Can I state the obvious? Why do you all acknowledge her? It only makes things worse.

    Arguing with her reminds me of how I silently mouth words to my half death brother just see him get aggitated yelling "WHAT DID YOU SAY? HUHHHH?!!!! I CANT HEAR YOU!!!"

    But after a while I start to feel sorry for him and its no longer funny.......

  136. Two of the most infamous legal cases in history were won with minority attorneys as lead attorneys. Funny no one else seemed to notice that!

    And to Mammy foreskin, I've got better things to do in a day than spell check the name of your psycho clone.

  137. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I love black folks saying the Casey verdict is racist. A white woman is aquitted of killing her white child and blacks are the victim. A case study of the pathological self absorption and self pity of many blacks

  138. Whitey's Conspiracy5:04 PM

    I'm not as sorry about a manifestly guilty man or woman being acquitted as I am about all of the innocents who we know still rot in our dungeons. I suspect that's why you can still do it Field. That's why everyone I know who does criminal defense can still do it.

  139. Anonymous11:20 PM

    In Fla. they care more about their dogs then humans as evident in the Michael Vick.
