Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Roy, you just can't buy love.

I know that there are serious issues that I could be blogging about tonight. Black unemployment is at an all time high. Some of our urban areas continue to look like war zones. And there is an assault on workers from wingnuts who now hold power in state offices all across the country. 

But sorry, tonight I am going to blog about my man Roy Williams. The "Dallas Cowgal" who dropped $76,000.00 on an engagement ring and now he wants it back.

Poor Roy, seems he tried to get hitched with Missy, but unfortunately for him she must have been watching the Casey Anthony trial and had OJ flashbacks.

 "Roy Williams is going to court to get back the $76,000 engagement ring he gave to a former beauty pageant winner.

In February, Williams proposed to his girlfriend, Brooke Daniels. When she turned him down, Daniels didn't return the ring. According to Williams' affidavit that was filed in a Texas court last week, he asked for the ring back but was told by Daniels that she had lost it. An insurance investigation later revealed that Daniels' father was in possession of the ring.

Michael Daniels told the Odessa American that his daughter will return the ring to avoid the lawsuit even though he says he has documentation saying Williams told her to keep it." [Story]

Hey fellas, what's that rule on engagement rings? Three months of your gross salary? I know that Roy makes a nice chunk of change in the NFL, but hell, those boys are on strike, and there is no telling when they will be going back to work. Roy might need to pawn that bad boy.  

Roy, I have some good news and some bad news for you: The good news is that if you lived here in Pistolvania [or a state with similar laws] you would probably win your lawsuit. That ring would be considered a conditional gift in our fine state. The bad news is that you live in Texas, and there is no telling what the courts down there will do.

Anyway, for your sake, I hope that daddy convinces his daughter to give you back your bling. And here is a little advice from the field: In the future, shop around a little more for "Mrs. Right" before you go hitting up your jeweler.


  1. A real woman who loves you and wants to marry you for you won't care how big the ring is and would probably be insulted if you bought her an engagement ring that cost over 80K. A strong woman of any race will be thinking about building a family, not wearing a high school principal's salary on her finger.

  2. Field..I have no sympathy for this young man. Viewing the pictures and the affect on his face; she saw a neon version of "needy" flashing on his forehead.

    It so ironic that some black sports athletes cite publicly, that black women are gold diggers and deceitful among other loathsome traits and that's why they date white women. They don't seem to realize those human traits transcend all ethnic and class lines. Those blanket mindsets will set one up for trouble and heartache every time.

    There are those who will cite that I just don't like the idea of black men chasing white women. A common refrain. My response is that it's quite arrogant to dictate to people who they should fall in love with, however, sometimes we attract who we are. That's all I'm saying!

  3. Last year, Roy Williams asked Dez Bryant to carry his pads after a practice during training camp. No bueno.

    This year, he sends a wedding ring through UPS Ground, and a damned videotaped proposal, to his old lady.

    As a Cowboys fan, I'm distancing myself from this idiot.

  4. Awww Field this post was foul on too many levels, LOL!

  5. Lac, a woman who's truly in love won't care about the size of the ring. But she won't turn down wearing an ice rink either, LOL!

  6. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I do feel for Roy.Being lead on by a gold digging wite bimbo.He should have known better like OJ.

    Unlike a fox nation goober,i do have principles.Seems like back in the day i broke a cowboy's heart.You may know him.Wore #12.He couldn't dodge these hips and he lusted my suga walls.

    Don't believe me?Its called Google.Do some research.Why are cons so afraid of facts?

    Anyhoo this was one game where there would be no captian comeback.I left him and joined the military.

    Sometimes i like to fix some tea and biscuits and enjoy a nice evening on my porch.This is where i think about him.I wonder what life would have been like with him and without fox news.


  7. @LACoincidental

    I wouldn't buy my mama a $80,000.00ring. Hold on a second, she deserves it but moms would just take the cash. When you need a Coach purse or Versace clothes and you don't know where discount or knock off store is, you're not the woman for me.

    Hey LA, a lot of the young women nowdays that have "game" collect rings. Karrine Steffans and Kim Kardasian collected rings.

  8. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Of course Williams wants the ring back, he is about to get cut cause he aint all that special and the cowboys are over the salary cap for the team. He'll be pitchin carpets or selling condo's next year.

  9. Anonymous1:35 AM

    This is not FN news worthy at all.
    Field you're better than this but I'll bite.

    I'd like to know WHY she turned him down?

    What was wrong with him?
    Did he give her VD?

    I wouldn't be with a baller either even if I could.

    Ladies it's 2011, go global so you can get a job,going global is a must thanks to Bush part 2 Obama being in charge,and have a decent human being of a mate.
    And just say NO to the cretins listed below....If you value your life and sanity

    Charlie Sheen
    Lil Wayne
    ALL Politicians
    Ball players
    Anybody in the WWF
    and All professional boxers-->)Too many blows to the head makes these mofo's crazy as hell.You'll die before you get the divorce and alimony money

    And lastly Obama/tea party supporters-->)too damn delusional.They see things that are not there i.e ECONOMIC RECOVERIES,a black nationalist in the white house,Russia from their backyards in Alaska etc...


  10. Foshizzo1:50 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    "A real woman who loves you and wants to marry you for you won't care how big the ring is and would probably be insulted if you bought her an engagement ring that cost over 80K."

    Sounds like LAC's been turned down more than once.....

  11. Why Do Blacks Vote for the Party of Racism?

  12. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Field, "Roy, I have some good news and some bad news for you: The good news is that if you lived here in Pistolvania [or a state with similar laws] you would probably win your lawsuit. That ring would be considered a conditional gift in our fine state. The bad news is that you live in Texas, and there is no telling what the courts down there will do."

    Mr. Field, this is the best part of your post. LOL There ought to be a law against scaring the hell out of people about Texas while building up your OWN "fine" state. LOL.

    If I were Roy and I saw what you wrote, I would be looking for your ass when the mighty Cowboys hit Philly this season. I must say that cowgirl is a goodlooker. She is much too beautiful for Roy..hell, they don't even look like they belong together. There's too much of a contrast in looks and I don't mean skin color, either.

    Anyway, for him to propose through the mail with a very expensive ring, indicates to me that he knew the answer would probably be "no".

    Imo, he was trying to buy her knowing fully well she was more than he could ever dream of. He should have enjoyed the relationship with her for what it was, and nothing more.

    I must say those Dallas women are least the white ones are.

  13. kid said...

    I wouldn't buy my mama a $80,000.00ring. Hold on a second, she deserves it but moms would just take the cash. When you need a Coach purse or Versace clothes and you don't know where discount or knock off store is, you're not the woman for me.

    I wouldn't buy your momma a 40 oz. and a happy meal, but you are right, she did take the cash.

    And I'm guessing if a bitch has teeth and at least one good leg, she's not the woman for you.

  14. Anonymous2:21 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    "A real woman who loves you and wants to marry you for you won't care how big the ring is and would probably be insulted if you bought her an engagement ring that cost over 80K."
    lacks sense

    um what type of woman would refuse an expensive ring? and why mite she be insulted if the nucka cared that much about her to spend that money its all gravy but its also about values if you try to buy a woman,unless she lacks morals she will turn it down...........

  15. Anonymous2:23 AM

    KID, "I wouldn't buy my mama a $80,000.00ring. Hold on a second, she deserves it but moms would just take the cash. When you need a Coach purse or Versace clothes and you don't know where discount or knock off store is, you're not the woman for me."

    ROFLMAO!!! KID, as always I am so happy when you post here. I keep hoping that Field will allow you to be a guest writer for just one day. Now that would be a gas! and it would be fun. Hell, everybody would show up for that. I mean, both the Blacks and Whites love to comment on your ass. That would be a good time.

    I bet you would get twice as many hits as Field, which is why Field would not allow you to do it. KID, you are a better writer than Field and he knows it... Admit it, Mr. Field, you are jealous of The KID, aren't you?

    Please, no tears when admit it.

  16. Anonymous2:23 AM

    and where is focused purpose and laaudiobooks the resident man hating interracial relationship hating filthy kuntmeisters when u need them? oh wait welle see them on tomorrows thread with stinky buceta breaf banks

  17. Anonymous2:24 AM

    kid uve officially lost ur natural gottdam mind!

  18. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Field, "Anyway, for your sake, I hope that daddy convinces his daughter to give you back your bling. And here is a little advice from the field: In the future, shop around a little more for "Mrs. Right" before you go hitting up your jeweler."

    I hope she keeps it. Only by keeping it will Roy learn his lesson. What the hell is he doing with a woman like that anyway IN TEXAS? Any fool can see that she is too much for him anyway.

    He should have enjoyed the romp in the hay with her and called it a day.

    As far as finding "Mrs. Right" I would suggest that Roy take some time to get to know himself before he goes looking for the next woman cause clearly he has no clue to 'who' he is or 'who' he should be with. Nevertheless, the striking woman has been a good teacher for Roy. Hopefully, she taught him a painful lesson...pain instructs.

  19. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Field, "I know that there are serious issues that I could be blogging about tonight. Black unemployment is at an all time high. Some of our urban areas continue to look like war zones. And there is an assault on workers from wingnuts who now hold power in state offices all across the country."

    Mr. Field, do you think you will ever get to the serious issues that are impacting our race? Are you that devoted to Obama that you can't bring yourself to look at what he's doing to us?

    Mr. Field, you are not alone...most of the black FN posters can't bring themselves to face the reality of what's happening to Blacks either. I guess we won't even talk about it until "Black" America finally takes its last breath.

  20. Quote:Anonymous2:41 "Mr. Field, do you think you will ever get to the serious issues that are impacting our race? "

    Leaving aside the scientific objections to the concept of different races amongst human beings, I'm confident that you and Mr. Field are not of the same race.

  21. Anonymous2:49 AM

    "In the future, shop around a little more for "Mrs. Right" before you go hitting up your jeweler."

    I agree. Actually, anybody Roy selects would be better than that cowgirl. Roy needs some one who will marry him for who he is, no questions asked.

    If he must have a white woman as a show piece, may I suggest the beautiful sexy Casey Anthony? Yeah, that's the ticket.

  22. Anonymous2:56 AM

    PC, "Leaving aside the scientific objections to the concept of different races amongst human beings, I'm confident that you and Mr. Field are not of the same race."

    Your confidence race radar is off. Field and I are of the same race and furthermore, live in the same city.

    btw, does your wife look like Roy's gold digging flame?

  23. Maybe because I would take 75K and spend on investment (and my fiance would kill me if spent that type of money on a ring) but this dude a fool and she's a gold digger.

  24. Anonymous3:08 AM

    FYI: she is not a gold digger. She did not ask him to buy that ring. He decided on his own to spend that amount of money. Even so, she still turned him down.

    Because she kept it is not new in America. Many women, Black and White keep engagement rings.

  25. Anonymous3:13 AM

    75k isn't a lot of money for a Dallas Cowboy player. They are paid very well...It's the Philly Eagles who don't pay well. As a matter of fact, the Eagles pay the least of ALL NFL skates.

    Had Roy been playing for the Philly Eagles, all he could afford would be $7500 instead of $75,000. Big difference in pay!

  26. Quote;Anony:"Your confidence race radar is off. Field and I are of the same race and furthermore, live in the same city."


    "btw, does your wife look like Roy's gold digging flame?"

    Not really, no. Hair is of a similar length and colour, but that's about it.

  27. "Because she kept it is not new in America. Many women, Black and White keep engagement rings."

    If this is true that American women routinely keep the engagement ring even if they turn down a proposal, that is a sad indictment of the integrity and honesty of the modern American woman.

    But tell me, is it also general practice to engage in insurance fraud as this woman Brooke appears to have done?

    Oh and while I'm here, what is it with you septics, using surnames as christian names?? I was at a baseball tournament in the Twin Cities a couple of years ago, and all the kids had family names as first names - Tyler, Cooper, Parker, Grant, the list was endless. Now we've got Brooke - what kind of idiotic first name is that?

  28. HamburgerHelper6:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:Anonymous2:41 "Mr. Field, do you think you will ever get to the serious issues that are impacting our race? "

    Leaving aside the scientific objections to the concept of different races amongst human beings, I'm confident that you and Mr. Field are not of the same race.

    You mean "socialistic lies" for "science" has proven time and time again they can determine someones race with DNA. You really are a huckster. Guess you don't want to talk about the new global warming scam? Where they are saying China and coal plants are the reason the earth has not warmed up even one bit to predictions. That's right, now the global warming huckster's/geniuses are saying Chinas coal plants put out such a cloud of pollution that the clouds are blocking the sun resulting in cooler temp's and "This" is the reason all alarmist predictions have been totally incorrect as this cloud is causing cooler temps as opposed to warmer as they predicted.
    So there you have it, the solution to global warming, build more coal plants.

  29. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Maybe because I would take 75K and spend on investment (and my fiance would kill me if spent that type of money on a ring) but this dude a fool and she's a gold digger.

    well lacks thats cuz ure fiance is a fool and is prolly a 3 out of 10 a woman who is a 10 would appreciate the showiness of the ring even if she did not accept the proposal ure jess mad cuz ure broke ass cant afford to spend that much on a ring if the nucka spent that much on a ring it jess means his values is different then urs stop judging him for what he do wit HIS MONEY! NUCKA!

  30. Anonymous6:15 AM

    ok eyem sure ur fiance is a 6 or 7 tho;)

  31. Folks, I want to apologize for something I said in the post. The NFL players are not on strike, they are being locked out.

    Thank you.

    Now, back to Roy, a "stinkin" Cowgirl...

    I hope that there is play next year so that when he comes to the Linc we can give him a proper welcome. Who sends an engagement ring by mail?

    T/P Blinks, sorry about that, I will do better next time. ;)

  32. Hamburger Helper6:53 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Because she kept it is not new in America. Many women, Black and White keep engagement rings."

    If this is true that American women routinely keep the engagement ring even if they turn down a proposal, that is a sad indictment of the integrity and honesty of the modern American woman.

    But tell me, is it also general practice to engage in insurance fraud as this woman Brooke appears to have done?

    Oh and while I'm here, what is it with you septics, using surnames as christian names?? I was at a baseball tournament in the Twin Cities a couple of years ago, and all the kids had family names as first names - Tyler, Cooper, Parker, Grant, the list was endless. Now we've got Brooke - what kind of idiotic first name is that?

    Insurance fraud? Hard to say, as the article said it is highly unusual for someone to propose through the mail unless they are a soldier and away.

    Regarding the use of as you put it "surnames" as first names while at a baseball tournament? They are simply called games and not tournaments, sounds a bit jousty and full of dust that term. The reasons for use of these names are quite simple. First off, you are quite late to the party, this has been going on for centuries in the U.S. Leave it to a Brit to just discover England is no longer a world power and they lost the colonies to independance (do you still have those Argentian pimples of land the faulklands?)

    Anyway, back to the names I can see why you are confused, the current most popular first name in Britain of Mohammed is not that commonplace in the U.S- just yet although we do have a popular Hussein and those "surnames" you list are not heard much any more in many neighborhoods of Britain either, having been displaced by some of the more common surnames such as Al Awekrali or some other flem producing guttural throat clearing sounding type of name. Additionally in the U.S, those who name thier children "Historic British surnames" are typically affluent and don't take a shine to such traditional and fashionable British names such as Alistair, Alfred, Willoughby,Horatio, Humphrey and your name I strongly presume to be Dick, these names are typically representative of household staff.

    Last but not least here in the U.S all the ethnic names were already taken such as Tywanisha, Nyquilisha, Brioschialemmademma, Clymidia and TamifluAwanda. But in any case no worries, next time you are allowed to visit the great shores of the US don't struggle with the names, simply call us Sir or Madam as is befitting one of your stature and status.

  33. Quote Hamburger Helper,"the current most popular first name in Britain of Mohammed..."

    I know that lying comes as easily as breathing to you racist types, but next time you lie, try and pick one that is less easily checked.

    The most common boys names in England in 2010 are.

    1. Oliver
    2. Jack
    3. Harry
    4. Alfie
    5. Joshua
    6. Thomas
    7. Charlie
    8. William
    9. James
    10. Daniel

    Non of which are Islamic names I think we can all agree. Mohammed is in fact currently 16th.

    Quote Hamburger Helper "Insurance fraud? Hard to say"

    Not that hard to say, she claimed to have lost the ring when in fact it was in her father's possession.

    Do try to keep up...

  34. Quote:HamburgerHelper"They are simply called games and not tournaments, sounds a bit jousty and full of dust that term."

    Well there were eight teams playing each other over the course of a weekend, where the best teams played a total of five games. So we call that a tournament. Had it been just two teams playing each other just once, we would indeed have called that a game.

  35. Quote Hamburger Helper "Regarding the use of as you put it "surnames" as first names while at a baseball tournament?.... The reasons for use of these names are quite simple. First off, you are quite late to the party, this has been going on for centuries in the U.S."

    The evidence proves you wrong once again, I'm afraid.

    Here are the most popular American boys names of the '50's

    1. James
    2. Michael
    3. Robert
    4. John
    5. David
    6. William
    7. Richard
    8. Thomas
    9. Mark
    10. Charles

    In fact there's not a single family name to be found in the entire Top 50, with the arguable exception of 'Douglas'.

    So is this what you do instead of reasoned debate hamburger boy? Just make shit up and hope nobody checks?

  36. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Funny how many single wite guys are giving dating a pro athlete. Isn't that like priests pontificating about being married?
    Or 'expert pundits' who don't speak the language, never visited the place, and pull their information from the wingnut Wurlitzer?
    No wonder you find 'mail order' brides more acceptable. Desperation and starvation will bring them to you...but folks like me will offer them divorce lawyers, employment, and housing when Goobers get stoopid. Yes. I am indeed the eveeeel wench who mentioned options to her. SHE chose to avail herself.


  37. Insurance fraud?

    No. Not unless a claim was made. If she lied to the dope who gave her the ring because she wanted to keep the ring, that's not insurance fraud.

    Meanwhile -- putting aside the bizarre proposal format -- when it comes to keeping engagement rings, there has to be an engagement of some duration before the topic of who gets the ring is an issue.

    If, as the news item stated, she refused his proposal, she's got no claim to the ring. There was no engagement. By rebuffing his offer immediately she gave up all claims that might have arisen if they had been an engaged couple who had planned a wedding and had begun to develop a life together.

  38. According to a UK baby-naming site:

    The Muslim name Mohammed is currently the third most popular newborn name in the UK (2009 statistics), if all 14 spellings of the name are taken into account.

    It's followed by Omar and Ali.

    Parents like Mohammed not only because it means “the praised one”, but also due to their love for Prophet Mohammed. There is a belief that if you name your child after him, then his good example will be followed.

  39. Anonymous7:57 AM

    no_slappz, is it "M-o-hammed" or "M-u-hammed?" Why have you misspelled the great Prophet's name? Isn't that a sin?

  40. Hamburger Helper8:05 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Hamburger Helper,"the current most popular first name in Britain of Mohammed..."

    I know that lying comes as easily as breathing to you racist types, but next time you lie, try and pick one that is less easily checked.

    For someone who claims they are not liberal you sure act like one.
    Love your jokes right out of the gate...oh yeah..well....your racist....BWAHAHAHAHA. Weak, very weak and nanny-nanny-poo poo to you too. Oh and I lie because YOU say so, where are your link's Achmed?
    The most common boys names in England in 2010 are.

    1. Oliver
    2. Jack
    3. Harry
    4. Alfie
    5. Joshua
    6. Thomas
    7. Charlie
    8. William
    9. James
    10. Daniel

    Non of which are Islamic names I think we can all agree. Mohammed is in fact currently 16th.

    Hmmm, Interesting. Where are your links? If you account for the various spellings of Mohammed, it IS the most popular name for Baby Boys in Britain. Your attempts at misleading are pretty liberal, are you SURE you aren't a liberal?

    In fact in 2007 (four years ago for the budget deficient suspected liberal) Mohammad was the Number 2 name for British boy's.


    Quote Hamburger Helper "Insurance fraud? Hard to say"

    Not that hard to say, she claimed to have lost the ring when in fact it was in her father's possession.

    Do try to keep up...

    To keep up with you I would need to lie down, but I doubt the insurance company would have issued a policy if Williams had told them he would mail it to propose, so who committed the fraud? Next.

  41. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Baby naming site? Could it be the 'christianSkool Girls be BabyMommies fer Jebus'? Or a Fwee Market one owned by Rupert Murdoch?

    Hmm...wingnuts decry the loss of wite privilege. They set up fake site to 'prove' this 'thought'. Other Goobers cite the 'findings'. Huzzah! Wingnuts quote Goobers as 'proof'!
    Oh, like we didn't know about this. christians have been selling this since the Great Awakening...when they were trying to rid the kids of independent thought.


  42. Anonymous8:14 AM

    O/T: The Supreme Court Ruling that violent videos are protected speech is like saying "evil" is protected by American Federal Law.

    What happened to the goodness of Justice? Have the Supreme Cout justices lost any sense of moral decency? Or is it brains?

    Look for our kids to have more violent minds. You cannot get something good out of something bad.

  43. Hamburger Helper8:16 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Hamburger Helper "Regarding the use of as you put it "surnames" as first names while at a baseball tournament?.... The reasons for use of these names are quite simple. First off, you are quite late to the party, this has been going on for centuries in the U.S."

    The evidence proves you wrong once again, I'm afraid.

    Here are the most popular American boys names of the '50's

    1. James
    2. Michael
    3. Robert
    4. John
    5. David
    6. William
    7. Richard
    8. Thomas
    9. Mark
    10. Charles

    In fact there's not a single family name to be found in the entire Top 50, with the arguable exception of 'Douglas'.


    You have got to be liberal, You are just so repeatedly disengenious.
    Where did I say these names were the most popular? Are you playing the misleading liberal or is your reading comprehension jaded by your cynical views or simply just lacking?

    What I said quite simply and straightforwardly was;
    The reasons for use of these names are quite simple. First off, you are quite late to the party, this has been going on for centuries in the U.S.

    "Additionally in the U.S, those who name thier children "Historic British surnames" are typically affluent"

    If one can comprehend the words then you would understand that the names were attributed to being common among more affluent americans. Not the most popular, which is further highlighted as anyone with a modicum of intelligence would immediately recognize that "typically affluent" does not translate into the most common and popular.

    Do you agree now that I have assisted you with remedial reading comprehension?

    So is this what you do instead of reasoned debate chopped meat intellectual fodder? As you say, just make shit up and hope people are as dumb as you are accustomed to and don't get your twisted lies?

    Why whenever I see your name and typical arrogance do the words sneaky butcher pop into my head. Hmmmmm...

  44. Stoopid azz nigga.

    Williams deserves to get took as well as all the public humiliation that goes with it.

  45. Hamburger Helper8:18 AM

    Funny how many single wite guys are giving dating a pro athlete. Isn't that like priests pontificating about being married?
    Or 'expert pundits' who don't speak the language, never visited the place, and pull their information from the wingnut Wurlitzer?
    No wonder you find 'mail order' brides more acceptable. Desperation and starvation will bring them to you...but folks like me will offer them divorce lawyers, employment, and housing when Goobers get stoopid. Yes. I am indeed the eveeeel wench who mentioned options to her. SHE chose to avail herself.


    Well done Mold, Spoken in the true native liberal/Socialist tounge

  46. Hamburger Helper8:31 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:HamburgerHelper"They are simply called games and not tournaments, sounds a bit jousty and full of dust that term."

    Well there were eight teams playing each other over the course of a weekend, where the best teams played a total of five games. So we call that a tournament. Had it been just two teams playing each other just once, we would indeed have called that a game.

    Oh I see your confusion with proper terms. Baseball after all is an american sport and don't go off on any wanker rant about rounders. Perhaps in cricket they are called tournaments however in american baseball the commonly used and widely accepted term is "playoffs"

    Let me know if you need any further assistance, your mental faculties seem to be worsening.

  47. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Why would i want to listen to a wingnut?Being diddled by my dad is wrong?Get over it wites.Wite privilege is over.Now you will find we are indeed smarter than you.


  48. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Oh, did I reveal the Plan? The one where wingnuts infiltrate the MSM and plant 'stories' for you to quote?
    christians have been quite open about their desire to supplant Truth and Fact with beleef.
    Oral U and Libertee were created to provide Fifth Columnists with the fake credentials to infiltrate professions. It is in their Mission Statement.
    There is also the creation of a 'story' by Drudge and Breitbart....which is then thoughtlessly repeated by the MSM...until some icky Liberal blogger does Fact-checking.
    The corporate media of WaPo and NYT are noted for beleeving wingnut tales. NYT still gives Brietbart the assumption he is honest. Sorry, he is a political operative...and should always be Fact-checked.


  49. Anonymous8:43 AM

    uts "Stoopid azz nigga.

    Williams deserves to get took as well as all the public humiliation that goes with it."

    there you go again with that degrading name calling that Blacks hate being called and Whites love to use. You are the biggest uncle tommin house nig on the planet.

  50. Hamburger Helper8:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Baby naming site? Could it be the 'christianSkool Girls be BabyMommies fer Jebus'? Or a Fwee Market one owned by Rupert Murdoch?

    Hmm...wingnuts decry the loss of wite privilege. They set up fake site to 'prove' this 'thought'. Other Goobers cite the 'findings'. Huzzah! Wingnuts quote Goobers as 'proof'!
    Oh, like we didn't know about this. christians have been selling this since the Great Awakening...when they were trying to rid the kids of independent thought.


    You are funny. I think I like being entertained by you even more than the Purple Cow. Do you two know each other? Do you at any time feel the urge to inflict violence on others? Or hurt small animals?

  51. anon 7:57 says:

    no_slappz, is it "M-o-hammed" or "M-u-hammed?" Why have you misspelled the great Prophet's name? Isn't that a sin?

    I'd check my Koran for the correct spelling, but a few months ago I burned it. However, the incineration took a while because the book was still a bit soggy from the urine.

  52. Anonymous8:48 AM

    mold, i really like what you have to say. it's so insightful and wise. only the intelligent can follow. your writings are deep. dumb wites can't keep up with u.

  53. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Why would i want to listen to a wingnut?Being diddled by my dad is wrong?Get over it wites.Wite privilege is over.Now you will find we are indeed smarter than you.


    HA-HA, OK have it your way. Being diddled by your dad is not wrong, it is normal for a college age white male to pretend he is a black woman and talk about getting daddy diddled.

    Oh yes, I can immediately tell you are much, much smarter than anyone who has yet to be conceived.

  54. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    mold, i really like what you have to say. it's so insightful and wise. only the intelligent can follow. your writings are deep. dumb wites can't keep up with u.

    Right on, fully agree. You need a special intellect to understand Mold.

  55. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Troll Helper, your projection shows that you really dislike the 'secret' plans being revealed. As far as the log-rolling of wingnuts and their use of planted stories to sell their fantasies...not news.
    Just read what the Nazis did and you will notice the same practices among wingnuts.
    The torture of small animals is much more common among the right wing. In fact, I can't recall any Liberal/Progressive persons doing such acts. Perhaps you can invent a tale.


  56. Anonymous8:56 AM

    those violent crimes in Chicago and Milwaukee by AAs is very disturbing.

    what's even more disturbing is slapnuts reporting those crimes. i thought you had jungle fever and loved AAs? now i find out that you lied and actually out to get us.

    u r the typical lying wm. i hope Kid will give u a piece of his mind. i guarantee u will be in tears.

  57. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Oh, did I reveal the Plan? The one where wingnuts infiltrate the MSM and plant 'stories' for you to quote?
    christians have been quite open about their desire to supplant Truth and Fact with beleef.
    Oral U and Libertee were created to provide Fifth Columnists with the fake credentials to infiltrate professions. It is in their Mission Statement.


    Please provide links to their mission statements and planted stories.

  58. quote hamburger bwoy "If you account for the various spellings of Mohammed, it IS the most popular name for Baby Boys in Britain. "

    Absolutely not true.

    This from the Office of National Statistics

    "as a spokesman for the Official for National Statistics pointed out, this is potentially misleading if no other names are similarly combined: there were still more Olivers than Mohammeds if you count the 511 Ollies, 127 Oliviers, 124 Ollys, 16 Ollis and 9 Olis born in 2009. The merging of Harry with Henry and Jack with John would produce similar disruptions to the list."

    So wrong yet again, Hamburgey boy.

    Do you have a PhD in being totally fucking useless?

  59. Insurance fraud?

    The girlfriend received the ring in the mail, along with a video proposal.

    Hmmm. Was the video a sex tape?

    That aside, she refused the proposal but kept the ring. However, inasmuch as it wasn't hers in any legal sense, she wasn't the one who would have filed a claim with the insurance company.

    Really? How does someone file a claim for this?

    "Oh, I got this $75,000 ring in the mail. Some guy sent it to me. But I lost it. Can you pay me?"

    The dumb boyfriend owned it, and if anyone obtained insurance and made a claim of loss it was him.

    She says she lost the ring. Okay, she lied. But obviously she wanted the ring and not the money.

    On the other hand, the dumb boyfriend wanted his money back. Does he care about the ring itself? No. But he cares about the money.

    So she gives him a convenient excuse to file a loss claim. Does he care if she's lying about the loss of the ring? No. Not as long as he gets his money.

    It's not his problem if she's lying.

    Who knows? Maybe they cooked up the lost-ring scam together so she could keep the ring and he could get his money back.

  60. Anonymous9:02 AM

    mold-"Oral U and Libertee were created to provide Fifth Columnists with the fake credentials to infiltrate professions. It is in their Mission Statement."

    this is why i love to read your comments. they reveal so much about some of the wites in amerikka. they are so factually obvious that slapnuts is calling foul by requesting links. what a dunce he is.

    slapnuts find your own links!

  61. Quote HamburgerTwat "Baseball after all is an american sport..."

    Oh dear, wrong again. Baseball has been played in England since at least 1755, before your country was even a country. It is for instance, mentioned in Jane Austin's 18th century novel "Northanger Abbey.'

    So tell me Hangburger Bwoy, do you have a master's degree in being totally wrong about stuff?

  62. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Can somebody please explain the "proper" spelling of the name of founder of Islam? Is it spelled with an "O" or an "U"?

    no_slappz does not know. he is short on knowledge.

  63. Anonymous9:09 AM

    SlapTroll, must be nice to be a wite man who feels justified in 'ordering' others to do his work. Privileged...or just wanna-be?
    Since you receive marching orders...and repeat the Meme of the Day verbatim...I will assume you can Google the relevant material.
    Now, please whine that I am not doing your job for you. Don't forget to pout over the fake trope that the Facts are not provided. Try to cover your failure under another name when I pointed out you had no Data to back your assertions.
    Must have been painful for you.
    How about using Facts and Data...then you won't be 'outed' by little old ladies. ;)


  64. Anonymous9:12 AM

    This is how you handle the leftwing kooks that post here.They always claim to have the facts and data on their side but when you push them for links to their proof and data,you find they are just like Obama.A empty suit with hyperbole.

  65. Anonymous9:14 AM

    See.............What did i tell you? No facts,no data,just leftwing bullshit.

  66. Anonymous9:16 AM

    In case you wonder about the wingnut planted stories, I have taught English. More than a few Cons try to hand in work done by others. Seems they all cut-and-paste from the same source. One Con might be able to sell the piece as theirs. But not every single Con in the course.
    Giving them 'F' might be why they are so interested in eliminating public education.
    And, the wingnuts have bragged about doing this for years. They thinkerate it is a worthy practice.


  67. Anonymous9:18 AM

    As predicted.

    It would be more authentic had I not already shown you to make things up.
    As far as me..'get your own coffee, wite boy';)


  68. Quote:HanmurgerBwoy: "What I said quite simply and straightforwardly was;
    The reasons for use of these names are quite simple. First off, you are quite late to the party, this has been going on for centuries in the U.S.

    "Additionally in the U.S, those who name thier children "Historic British surnames" are typically affluent"

    Ok Hamburgerbwoy, I'm going to explain this again cuz I appreciate that you are a bit of a dimbulb.

    If I go too fast with my logic let me know, and I'll try to slow down for you.

    1. I mentioned that a very high number of Americans are given family names as first names. The latest list of popular American boy's names, would seem to confirm that.

    2. You said "this has been going on for centuries in the U.S."

    To which I responded with a list from an American government source that showed of the 100 most popular American names of the 1950's there was at best 1 family name amongst them.

    3. Then you added the nonsense about affluent parents using family names for their kids. How is that relevant, my question was about the increasing frequency of this practice not about the alleged social class of the parents.

    Now instead of staying here and typing easily-disprovable nonsense, why don't you run outside and try and find a brain?

  69. i am bored with ojs and gold diggers...



    no one has assaulted more workers than hobama!!!

    ask any teacher/union worker/nervous frozen fed/auto worker/laid off american...etc


  70. I Hear The Bell Curve Ringing9:28 AM

    C'mon, now. Don't ya'll think this is hilarious?:

    THIS is what field should be blogging about....not some dumbass football player and his white trash girlfriend.

  71. Hamburger Helper9:46 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    quote hamburger bwoy "If you account for the various spellings of Mohammed, it IS the most popular name for Baby Boys in Britain. "

    Absolutely not true.

    This from the Office of National Statistics

    "as a spokesman for the Official for National Statistics pointed out, this is potentially misleading if no other names are similarly combined: there were still more Olivers than Mohammeds if you count the 511 Ollies, 127 Oliviers, 124 Ollys, 16 Ollis and 9 Olis born in 2009. The merging of Harry with Henry and Jack with John would produce similar disruptions to the list."

    So wrong yet again, Hamburgey boy.

    Do you have a PhD in being totally fucking useless
    I don't know MooBrains, you are working real hard to convince me you are a disengenious liberal, you are doing a good job, it is getting pretty convincing.

    You seriously must be acclimated to dealing with nitwits thereby falsely inflating your intellectual capabilities.

    Reading the article you posted I have one question, why did you cut out the very first paragraph of the actual qoute you used that specifically said;

    "As in previous years, the name Mohammed, which ranked 16th, would take top place among boys if all possible spellings were aggregated"

    Now let me help with your reading comprehension and disengenious liberal/socialist tendencies to lie and twist facts to fit your agenda.

    "As in previous years" - meaning it is a fact today and has occurred in years gone by.

    The Name Mohammad - which ranked 16th - Would take top place among boys if all possible spellings were aggregated. Read this slowly now - Mohammad - a boys name, would take top place if all the variable ways it is spelled by Islamicists were aggregated, wait that word might be too large for you - replace aggregated with accounted for and summed up.

    Now, what does that say to you numbnuts? It does NOT say Oliver is the most popular name, it says Oliver is the most popular name AFTER all various spellings of Mohammed are discounted. As any thinking person who wasn't an ideologue would agree.

    Anyway, why are you so vehemently arguing this? You sound as if you would not like the Islamification of Britain to be public knowledge, after all if the 1st, 2nd, 3rd even 16th most common name given to baby boys in Britain is one associated with Islamic culture, this is a great testimony to the "diversity" and Islamification of Britain is it not? Your Socialist/liberal plan for muticulturalism is working. So why the crocodile tears?

    Just for more added information for your wonderfully rationale method of reasoning taken from the National Statistics

    The figures, from the Office for National Statistics, showed that there were 3,300 boys named Mohammed, 2,162 called Muhammad, 1,073 Mohammads and 980 called either Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamed or Mohammod.

    Even without variant spellings, Mohammed was the most common boy's name in the West Midlands and the fourth most popular in London. In the South West, however, it ranked 145th. It was 16th overall.

    ."Although Oliver has overtaken Jack after 14 years, when variations of the Islamic Prophet's name were included it came top for the first time, given to 7,515 boys, compared with 7,364 Olivers."

    Again, if you get stuck with comprehension versus how you wish reality to be at any point, just drop me a line. I love to assist the unfortunate and am quite philanthropic with the Brits as the "they who were once grand but now are clowns: syndrome is something I have seen often in the current handicap of British Culture or rather should I say multiculture.

  72. Hamburger Helper9:56 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote HamburgerTwat "Baseball after all is an american sport..."

    Oh dear, wrong again. Baseball has been played in England since at least 1755, before your country was even a country. It is for instance, mentioned in Jane Austin's 18th century novel "Northanger Abbey.'

    So tell me Hangburger Bwoy, do you have a master's degree in being totally wrong about stuff?

    My, My, My, the misleading liberal strikes again. Baseball was invented in America, so yes it is perfectly reasonable that a british author mentioned the word "baseball" in the opening pages of the novel but surely with the arrogant lilt in your writings you are aware of how the english game of rounders was altered to become american baseball by early colonists?

    You have yet to be correct on anything yet you continue to arrogantly demand recognition that you are, how British of you.

    Afer all is said and done, you are still you.

  73. Hobama inc is busted yet again….shame!!!!!

    The House Judiciary Committee is launching an investigation to probe the involvement that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan had in “health care legislation or litigation” when she was serving as President Barack Obama’s solicitor general and was responsible for defending the administration’s position in federal court cases.

  74. Hobamacare + hobamainc = a supreme shame!!!!

  75. Hairless brainless vdlr:

    I know u go greyhound


    Be wary with your weave at the airport!

    U r welcome

    This is not ok!!!!!

    more from hobama's tsa sagas....shame!!!!

    SHORELINE, Wash. -- Laura Adiele wasn't expecting any trouble when she put her hair up, packed her bags, and headed for SeaTac to catch a flight to Texas. So, she was quite surprised when she was pulled out of the security line after having gone through the Advance Imaging system (that see-through technology) and told she needed a pat-down.

    "When I first heard her say, 'We're going to have to pat you down,' I thought she was talking about my body. I was turning around and putting my arms out and she said, 'no, we're going to have to examine your hair,' and I said, 'no, we're not going to do that today and you're going to have to get security or your supervisor,'" said Adiele.

    Adiele claims she looked around, saw plenty of other women with "big hair, ponytails" who weren't being searched, and it made her mad. She felt it was discrimination, that she as a black woman with an afro tucked up into a curly bun, was being selected for hand-screening when women of other races weren't. She had nothing to hide but just didn't want strangers feeling her hair.

  76. UK Poofters10:13 AM

    " Hamburger Helper said...
    I don't know MooBrains, you are working real hard to convince me you are a disengenious liberal, you are doing a good job, it is getting pretty convincing."

    Liberals would rather lie, even when it's easier to tell the truth.

    Go suck an EU commie turd, Cow.

  77. Hamburger Helper10:14 AM

    3. Then you added the nonsense about affluent parents using family names for their kids. How is that relevant, my question was about the increasing frequency of this practice not about the alleged social class of the parents.

    Now instead of staying here and typing easily-disprovable nonsense, why don't you run outside and try and find a brain?

    9:20 AM

    Wow, really? This is how bad you are? The relevance of use of surnames by the affluent in the US was the specific reply to your original brainfart. You were the one who assumed it was an increasing practice. I specifically told you it was going on for decades among the affluent with the more traditional British first names normally relegated to household help. You then came back in a downtrodden attempt to disprove that with a list of the top names in the US during the 1950's and with some twisted logic said look, none of those names are in the top, so it could not have been going on for decades as you said and you are wrong. kidding, no one ever said those names were in the top names you were the one who tried to connect the too however illogical. Again any thinking man would know further affirmation of this is the sentence "used by affluent people". Although alluding in your mind that use of these names is increasing may have made that apparently indelible mark on your tiny brain and you forgot it was your original thought.

    You created your own straw theory and argument and answered it yourself and now try and say someone else is wrong for the illogical point you made up.

    In essence you are arguing with your own inability to understand your own logic and not liking that you cannot twist things to say what you want them to, therefore are now externalizing.

    I am starting (ok beyond starting) to think you aren't just a liberal liar as originally thought, you clearly are not very bright.

  78. hobama lies like his dad...shame!!!

    Subject got his USC wife ‘Hapai’ [Hawaiian for pregnant] and although they were married they do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away,’’ according to a memo describing the conversation with Obama written by Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Honolulu office of what was then called the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    Obama, the Subject, and his USC, or United States citizen, wife, obviously, did not put their baby up for adoption. Whether the young couple actually considered such a step, or the elder Obama made the story up in order to appease immigration officials who at the time were considering his request for an extension of his stay in the United States, is unclear. Family members on both sides of the marriage now say they never heard any mention of adoption.
    But his statement provides a unique glimpse into the relationship between the president’s parents and the fragility of his connection to the father whom he would little know.

  79. Hey lack!!!

    This is why a free casey a is not ok!!!

    This silly bro has 8 yrs in prison pending!!!!

    While that baby killer Casey will be free in aug!!!!

    When 18-year-old Tyell Morton put a blow-up sex doll in a bathroom stall on the last day of school, he didn’t expect school officials to call a bomb squad or that he’d be facing up to eight years in prison and a possible felony record.
    The senior prank gone awry has raised questions of race, prosecutorial zeal and the post-Columbine mindset in a small Indiana town and around the country, The Indianapolis Star reported in its Tuesday editions.
    Legal experts question the appropriateness of the charges against Morton, and law professor Jonathan Turley at George Washington University posed a wider question about Morton’s case on his legal blog

  80. Hamburger Bwoy,

    I know this is hard for you, but what part of...

    "as a spokesman for the Official for National Statistics pointed out, this is potentially misleading if no other names are similarly combined: there were still more Olivers than Mohammeds if you count the 511 Ollies, 127 Oliviers, 124 Ollys, 16 Ollis and 9 Olis born in 2009. The merging of Harry with Henry and Jack with John would produce similar disruptions to the list."

    ...didn't you get?

    It couldn't be simpler now could it?

    Oh and this from Wikipedia...

    "Although baseball is now considered to have originated from England in the United Kingdom[1] around 1755 (it is mentioned as "base ball" in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, which was written in the very late 18th century), it was many years before it became a codified sport. Forms of baseball or rounders have been played in the United Kingdom since at least the 17th century, and the traditional game of British baseball continues in Wales and Merseyside. The game is best known through telecasts of American Major League Baseball, which have a small niche audience."

  81. Quote:Hamburger Bwoy "You were the one who assumed it was an increasing practice."


    i.e non-existent in the 1950's very much in evidence in 2010.

    For all your desperate bluff and bluster, you've lost this one and you know it.

  82. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Stop chasing the white women and buying into the white beauty "ideal."

  83. Inyanga10:55 AM

    Blogger alicia banks, you are an ignorant Heaux.

    An ignorant Heaux ass motherfucking Heaux.

    Leave POTUS Obama alone bish.


  84. First anon tom sez

    "there you go again with that degrading name calling that Blacks hate being called and Whites love to use."

    Then he grunts

    "You are the biggest uncle tommin house nig on the planet."

    Or maybe this is AB. The writing style is similar.

    Anyway you are proof that aborigines screwed kangaroos.

  85. "Stop chasing the white women and buying into the white beauty "ideal."

    This ain't even about race.

    This is about dumb athletes and gold diggin bimbos.

    Remember Dikembe Mutombo who cancelled his wedding at the last minute (to a black goldigger) because she refused to sign a pre-nuptual agreement?

    Remember Robin Givens who virtually raped Mike Tyson?

    Or how about the odious Heather Mills who took Sir Paul McCartney for $40 million?

    Greed has no color.

  86. Hamburger Has Gone Rancid Butcher Another Cow11:10 AM

    Hamburger Bwoy,

    I know this is hard for you, but what part of...

    "as a spokesman for the Official for National Statistics pointed out, this is potentially misleading if no other names are similarly combined: there were still more Olivers than Mohammeds if you count the 511 Ollies, 127 Oliviers, 124 Ollys, 16 Ollis and 9 Olis born in 2009. The merging of Harry with Henry and Jack with John would produce similar disruptions to the list."

    ...didn't you get?

    It couldn't be simpler now could it?

    Oh and this from Wikipedia...

    "Although baseball is now considered to have originated from England in the United Kingdom[1] around 1755 (it is mentioned as "base ball" in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, which was written in the very late 18th century), it was many years before it became a codified sport. Forms of baseball or rounders have been played in the United Kingdom since at least the 17th century, and the traditional game of British baseball continues in Wales and Merseyside. The game is best known through telecasts of American Major League Baseball, which have a small niche audience."

    OK your just a twit.

    I specifically said Baseball was adapted from Rounders in america brought over by British colonists and most likely took from cricket and american rounders as well. We don't need all your other intentionally distracting liberal fluff. This is what I said and this is the qoute YOU posted, so what you are strongly arguing is that I was right. What is the point?

    Alexander Cartwright presented the diamond shaped field, the rules, the use of a bat and so on in 1845. He was american. So baseball in it's present day form was devised by Alexander Cartwright.

    As for your continuing to qoute a "source" instead of National Statistics themselves, I find this quite liberal, especially with use of the word "potentially" misleading. Then your "source" lists 787 variations on the spelling of Ollie.

    I am tired of being your pedagogical blogmate. Look up the statistics yourself and do some figuring to determine whatever outcome you like:

    Although there is one glaring omission in your replies, you have yet to answer my question. Why are you so vehemently battling that Mohammed is not a popular name in Britain? The world knows it is, the world is very aware of the results of multiculturalism in Britain due to the efforts of people such as you. So why are you not celebrating the increase in Islamic children, be they the top procreators or not, they are procreating prolifically.

    What are you really after and what are you attempting to deny?

  87. Stoopid In Atlanta11:16 AM

    Seems rathe odd that not ONE SINGLE commenter has make any remarks about the rampant cheating by TEACHERS in Atlanta's Public School "system".:

    Seems their Superintendent, Ms. Beverly Hall, even won "National Superintendent of The Year"! Glory be!

    They say this cheating, in order to inflate scores, has been going on for YEARS.

    I wonder how many kids graduated from high school that didn't deserve to. Hell, I wonder how may kids graduated fron the First Grade that didn't deserve to!

    Now, it's my guess that some kids needed "help" with their grades, and some didn't. Unfortunately, they'll all be tainted with the same brush.

    This is nothing but another form of child abuse, and should be treated as such.

  88. oj coon uts:

    u lie like hobama on robin givens


    get over myths about her asap

    she did not take a dime from mike in the divorce

    she left him like tina left that brute dog ike...with her name and 35c in her pocket

    u r a liar!!!!!

  89. u r a conked coon original mf and an amoral oj liar!!!!

    Even mike has finally admitted he raped beat and robbed robin

    Why are u still lying on robin u psycho nig????????????

    • Givens received 10 million USD from Tyson
    Although, there were reports that Robin received the above said amount, she has stated that she did not received one dime. After this divorce settlement took place, Robin had to suffer negative press, specifically within the African American community. In one of the articles released during this period, Robin has been described as the most hated woman in America.
    Although, this was a divorce settlement between one of the greatest champions in boxing and one of the biggest actresses in Hollywood, it was far from amicable. This couple appeared together in a Barbara Walters interview. Robin disclosed that Mike was an unstable and abusive partner. After such comments were made, Mike exhibited silence over these remarks.

  90. lying conked coon oj uts:

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    stop lying on robin like mike has!!!!!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. coward slave nig uts:

    i always show my face/name

    i know anon is slaying u nig so that is why u think anon is me...

    fix that shell shock asap u coon

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Steve, given that Tyson was charged, convicted, and served time for Rape, your choice of words in describing the actions of Robin Givens is way out of line.

    Robing was more than vindicative years laters as the true nature of Tyson came to light.

  95. HamburgersBurnedNOGoodToAnyOne11:33 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:Hamburger Bwoy "You were the one who assumed it was an increasing practice."


    i.e non-existent in the 1950's very much in evidence in 2010.

    For all your desperate bluff and bluster, you've lost this one and you know it.

    My God, what a sniveling little twit you are. You must be insufferable in life. You constantly repeat and rinse the same theme, you have lost, you have lost. Well, if it helps cut down on the number of pills you will need to take, ok you win. Feel better now? Is this the essence of your life?

    Now some more logic that you certainly will not be able to handle. The link you posted twitnit was an article on that said

    "Movie names, vampire monikers, and more trends you'll see this year. Plus, pick your own perfect baby name" of the top ten names on that list I see

    Aiden - Gaelic
    Jayden - Hebrew
    Max - self explanatory
    Riley - Irish
    Liam - Irish
    Ethan - Self explantory
    Jack - For cow this would be meoff
    Avery - Old English Origin - also used as a surname
    Dylan - Self explantory
    Caleb - Hebrew

    I think you need to get out more and realize that British culture has not been at the center of things for a long, long while now and will most likely never be there again.

    Now carry on and be sure to take your vitamins. When you get worked up like this it removes crucial minerals from your body that are needed for healthy brain maintenance.

    As-Salaam-Alaikum and may you walk in peacee among the Mohammeds.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Dr. Queen:

    thank u

    this nig uts hates his mammy so bad he cannot let robin's slander and libel go!!!!

    it is a gd shame!!!!!

    he never links the bs he spews about robin either!

    eff him

  98. mike tyson has said many times:

    "i loved robin... i was young and wild and drunk and depressed and insecure and cheating etc.."

    that mf uts hates bfs too bad to see mike t confess and retract all on oprah....

    mike has grown into a man that juvenile bf hating coon mf uts will never be

  99. AB sez

    "she (Givens) did not take a dime from mike in the divorce"

    That's because she and her mother had already stolen over $2 million in cash from him during the 8 months they were married.

    Stop it alright AB?

    There is incontrovertible proof that Givens had signing authority on Tyson's checking account and wrote checks to her production company "Never Blue Productions" in excess of $2 million.

    Which is why she didn't challenge Tyson for money in divorce court.

    Her divorce attorney Raoul Felder warned her when the evidence of her shenanigans with Tyson's checking account came to light in court she could very well do time.

  100. and as that euro colorist coon uts perpetually and blatantly lies on robin,

    he will not say one gd word about that bona fide ONGOING gold digger/door knob kim kardashian....


  101. Anonymous11:43 AM

    At least this new Troll does more searching. And the person does help the hapless and clewless wingnut pundit wanna-bes. Just like the pinch debaters of abortion discussions.
    Yes, I am aware that the wingnut and Con dorkiverse has folks who will step in when the Troo Beleevers keep getting shown to make stuff up. Oh, you-all thought that was a secret?

    Here is a hint...begin with Facts and Data. It makes it more difficult for Liberals/Progressives. But then, you are the lads who make things up. And using Facts and Data tends to disprove your the Facts and Data are contrary to what you are selling.
    And trying to say 'yer one too!' only works if it is True.


  102. Queen,

    I make no excuses for Tyson.

    He was the quintessential ghetto thug.

    Which begs the question.

    Why would a priveleged, upper crust Ivy league educated woman like Givens be interested in someone like Tyson?

    Care to answer?

  103. u stupid nig uts:

    now u r a retro marital accountant too mf???

    we see u mf

    how many becky chasing bankrupt nba/nfl clones of u wish that they had a wife who protected them like robin did...

    mike is broke because she left him u fool

    not because she robbed him

    who robbed your silly ass of your soul u lying mf????

  104. Anonymous11:46 AM

    UTS Said...

    Her divorce attorney Raoul Felder warned her when the evidence of her shenanigans with Tyson's checking account came to light in court she could very well do time.

    Well she did everyone else, she might as well do him to.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. uptownsteve said...
    Why would a priveleged, upper crust Ivy league educated woman like Givens be interested in someone like Tyson?

    If I were a ghetto thug, I'd marry to "upgrade" myself too.

    Wouldn't you?

  107. ignorant mf uts:

    read her bio u illiterate clown

    she details how his persistence paid off

    he literally stalked her all over the world and ran all other men away until she fell in love with him

    ask brad pitt

    and cc that greedy amoral rf atty's lies to shaunie and shaq

    the same banking lies/bs came into play when she dumped shaq too

  108. alicia banks said...
    she details how his persistence paid off

    he literally stalker her all over the world and ran all other men away until she fell in love with him


    Steve, I don't know a woman educated or not that could have resisted being relentlessly pursued by the richest and most famous man in the world at the time.

  109. Dr. Queen:

    resident coon moron uts is a gd fool
    who NEVER knows what he is talking about...robin and mike included

    mike is legendary in bed and a bad boy

    many women love that

    and ALL of mike's women have been educated classy black queens


    his wife post robin was a medical doctor like u

    he and common only date queens

  110. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Atlanta was the result of NCLB. And was expected by the teachers unions. You have the bush imposed 'choices' of losing funding...or lying. Funny how that happened, almost as if it was a purpose of the NCLB. Well, that...and funneling money under the table to the religio-weenies that backed bush.

    UTS, when someone's first declaration to me is that they are a 'good christian'...I know they are not to be trusted. Your tidbit about the transfer of funds to her 'production company' answered a question I had about the divorce.

    It is too easy to 'armchair pundit' the relationship of people we don't know..but are famous. How many 'experts' weigh in on the situation without the slightest clew...but have an agenda to push and marching orders to carry out.


  111. mike's new wife is a classy educated queen too

    women mike date would not let uts wash their upscale cars

    eff uts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  112. Queen,

    The thing that really irks me about Robin Givens is that for a black man to warrant her attention, he would have to have millions of dollars in the bank (Tyson, Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan).

    Murphy and Jordan were sophisticated enough to see what she was about.

    But Tyson was not.

    However, Givens can pop out a baby for some unknown, broke third rate white tennis player.

    Talk about self-hatred!

  113. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Here is a hint...begin with Facts and Data. It makes it more difficult for Liberals/Progressives. But then, you are the lads who make things up. And using Facts and Data tends to disprove your the Facts and Data are contrary to what you are selling.
    And trying to say 'yer one too!' only works if it is True.


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Secret Mold Language

  114. Dr. Queen,

    "If I were a ghetto thug, I'd marry to "upgrade" myself too."

    That's not what I asked you.

    Why would a bourgeouis, educated, cultured woman like Givens be interested in a thug like Tyson?

    Please answer.

  115. Dr. Queen:

    euro colorist nigs like uts who hate their mammies have also libeled and slandered juanita leonard...sugar ray's a gold digger too

    his new bio completely exonerates her as the queen she is

    many gorgeous black sisters are dogged by media run by nigs like uts and the racist wm clones they empower/excuse/inspire/invite to dog bfs...

    and ray says all the same things that mike did

    "i was an abusive drunk dog whore etc"

    shame how nigs like uts lie even BEYOND these legally wed letches!!!

  116. ItchyBalls12:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    At least this new Troll does more searching. And the person does help the hapless and clewless wingnut pundit wanna-bes. Just like the pinch debaters of abortion discussions.

    Hey Moldilox, whats the difference between a Troll and a in disguise Male/Actin female stalker?

  117. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Atlanta was the result of NCLB. And was expected by the teachers unions. You have the bush imposed 'choices' of losing funding...or lying. Funny how that happened, almost as if it was a purpose of the NCLB. Well, that...and funneling money under the table to the religio-weenies that backed bush.

    UTS, when someone's first declaration to me is that they are a 'good christian'...I know they are not to be trusted. Your tidbit about the transfer of funds to her 'production company' answered a question I had about the divorce.

    It is too easy to 'armchair pundit' the relationship of people we don't know..but are famous. How many 'experts' weigh in on the situation without the slightest clew...but have an agenda to push and marching orders to carry out.


  118. Dr. Queen:

    brad loved her
    but loved his pretty face more

    mike literally ran brad out of her life

    mike t even flew to her hotel in germany once just to stalk her

    persistence ALWAYS pays

    mike t has something going on...he is a queen magnet even broke now

    remember love jones?

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. silly bold hypocritical colorist euro oj mf uts:

    and that broke wm proves robin is NOT a gold digger u stupid racist moron


    kim k would never have dated that wm!!!


  121. Anonymous12:05 PM

    UTS, money...but that is a simple response. Perhaps she is thrilled by his 'bad boy' image? A bit of 'slumming' as per all those young white women who frequent areas of high minority demographics. I do have kinfolk who are 'shady'...and I have oft been surprised to be asked by genteel women for introductions to those relatives who are 'interesting'.
    Well, comparing the Quayles, Cantor, ClosetPerry, Christie, my is clear that the women want Real Men. Not faux GOPDaddies.


  122. dumbass oj coon uts:

    that illiterate oj mike j and that dl flamer eddie are whom u choose to revere???

    both of them hate your mammy more than u do

    both are whores and dogs and old extra germy fools...



    My Dearest Laquette

    How are you and your family doing, fine I hope. I am in my Adv. Chemistry class writing you a letter, so that tell you how much I care for you. I decide to write you because I felt that I made you look pretty rotten after the last night. I want to tell you that I am sorry, and hope that you except my apologie. I know that you feelings was hurt whenever I loss my necklace or had it stolen.

    I was really happy when you gave me my honest coin money that I won off the bet. I want to thank you for letting me hold your annual. I show it to everyone at school. Everyone think you are a very pretty young lady and I had to agree because it is very true. Please don’t let this go to your head. (smile) I sorry to say that I can’t go to the game on my birthday because my father is taking the whole basketball team out to eat on my birthday. Please don’t be mad because I am trying get down there a week from Feb. 14. If I do get the chance to come please have some activity for us to do together.

    I want you to know that my feeling for you has not change yet. ← (joke) I am finally getting use to going with a girl much smaller than I. I hope you my hint. Well I have spent my time very wisely by write to you. I hope you write back soon. Well I must go, the period is almost over. See you next time around, which I hope comes soon.

    With my Best Love

    Michael J. Jordan

  123. uptownsteve said...
    Why would a bourgeouis, educated, cultured woman like Givens be interested in a thug like Tyson?

    Please answer.

    EVERYONE marrys someone for reasons in addition to love including but not limited to, financial and professional success.

    AND It's NOT uncommon for successful people to marry other successful people. Who did you expect Robin to marry, the Postman?

    Maybe if you could take off the "she's a gold digger glasses" you could look at this a little more objectively.

  124. And AB as a relative of Micheal Jordan who grew up in Wilmington NC (I spent my summers there), I'll have to respectfully disagree with how you've characterized him.

    I remember the BLACK girls calling him black and ugly when he was growing up, so I think he's completely justified in dating whomever he chooses.

  125. Dr. Queen:

    no diss to u
    but i disagree

    like many nba/nfl bros
    he has become an old oj to me

    see more

    more on that dl flamer and deadbeat dad eddie m

    even with his traumas and flaws
    mike t is a better man than uts and his celeb fool idols will ever be

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Dr. Queen:

    like father like son

    and i have also seen mike's sons with wfs...always

    they are like most in their generation = younger clones of colorist oj uts

  128. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Atlanta was the result of NCLB. And was expected by the teachers unions. You have the bush imposed 'choices' of losing funding...or lying. Funny how that happened, almost as if it was a purpose of the NCLB. Well, that...and funneling money under the table to the religio-weenies that backed bush.


    12:00 PM"

    Odd that good old-fashioned testing seemed to work fine before integration of the schools.

    Then suddenly, they had to change the methods, to "dumb everything down"......or else most of the black children would have never gotten out of school.

    Remember "grading on the curve"? We certainly couldn't have classes where most of the white kids passed tests, and most of the black kids failed it.

    I was right in the middle of that fiasco.....till my parents moved us to private schools.

  129. AB

    Givens and her mom stalked rich black athletes and celebrities.

    Her trifling mother actually sued Dave Winfield and accused him of giving her an STD!!!

    How tacky.

    Black men had to be rich to warrant her attention but any old white dude will do for Robin.

    As far as Brad Pitt is concerned, I saw an interview with him once where he was asked if he and Givens were ever an "item".

    Pitt just laughed and gave an expression as if to say "are you crazy"?

  130. The Purple Cow Lies12:28 PM

    Cow quotes an article to disprove the prevalence of the name "Mohammed" among boy's name in England which itself contains the statement:

    "As in previous years, the name Mohammed, which ranked 16th, would take top place among boys if all possible spellings were aggregated"

    England, along with the rest of Europe is being Islamized with the tireless assistance of the leftist political class, and leftists like Cow tirelessly argue that it is not. In fact, they will repeat lies that are easily disproved. Why?

    Modern liberlism is a cultural disease that embraces aything that opposes Western Civilization. Liberals have internalized the goals of America's (and the West's) enemies to destroy patriotism, destroy morality, soften education, and strangle economic activity.

    Liberals are useful idiots. They defend Islam because it is a useful tool against their own culture, even as Islam is the most anti-liberal ideology on earth.

  131. Dr. Queen:

    i have seen old nigs like uts actually drool when they see young bm with wf whores like kim k...

    "i wish i could have had that ...wihtout the ropes"



  132. Dr. Queen:


    colorism rules/scars all

    but i rarely see a sister use her colorist scars to chase or explain wm exclusively....nahmean?

  133. coon nig uts:

    lying on robin's mom who never raped that germy whore dave w does NOTHING to cover ANY of the lies u tell on robin

    fyi u dirty mf

  134. "AND It's NOT uncommon for successful people to marry other successful people. Who did you expect Robin to marry, the Postman?"

    Well how come the white dudes Givens married and had babies with were virtual nobodies??????

  135. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Well how come the white dudes Givens married and had babies with were virtual nobodies??????

    Cause they were nice and clean and didn't look dirty and smelled nice and had nice is wrong wit you are you jealous or waht sounds like you gotz a thang for robin and you quiverin

  136. The Purple Cow lies Anon

    What according to you should be done about Islam and it's billion adherents?

    And how does this fit in with the American concept of freedom of religion?

    Or the fact that no one entity is reponsible for more global carnage and misery than Christianity.

  137. clueless conked coon uts:

    because that poor wm was better looking and smarter than u and did not hate his own mom/skin/hair etc!!!!

    ask halle!!!

  138. illiterate coon uts:

    read her bio!!!!

    she explains all


    that poor wm did not beat the hell out of her like mike t did

    ditto for the kind cool real man brad pitt

    take notes u sorry sick mf


  139. "ask halle!!!"

    Ask Halle what?

    How does it feel to get slutted out on screen by Slingblade?

  140. retarded slave uts:


    ask halle/robin et al:

    "how does it feel to heal your bruises with a poor wm after u have been pummeled by a bm brute clone of me/mike t"

    see beta male buffoon...ya think???

  141. sorry mf uts:

    then cc kim k and
    ask her:

    "how does it feel to keep being "slutted out" and slinging out your used whore ass all over follywood??


  142. Quote:HamburgerTwunt: ”I specifically said Baseball was adapted from Rounders in america brought over by British colonists and most likely took from cricket and american rounders as well.”

    You said absolutely no such thing.

    ”Although there is one glaring omission in your replies, you have yet to answer my question. Why are you so vehemently battling that Mohammed is not a popular name in Britain?”

    You have asked no such question.

    But the reason I am battling is because it isn’t actually true. As an American conservative you have abandoned reality. You are all victims of a self-reinforcing system that refuses to accept any information that does not compute with your twisted paradigm. That’s why you choose to get your news from Fox, Conservative bloggers or Conservapedia – because your beliefs require you to deny reality.

    Our little debate is a microcosm of that same battle. Mohammed is not the most popular name in England – no matter how you spell it – however, even when presented with incontrovertible proof that you are wrong, you continue to deny reality.

    ”The world knows it is, the world is very aware of the results of multiculturalism in Britain due to the efforts of people such as you. So why are you not celebrating the increase in Islamic children, be they the top procreators or not, they are procreating prolifically.”

    Another lie, fertility rates among Muslim women in Europe were initially high, as they usually are amongst low-income women, but they are now consistently falling back towards the European norm.

  143. The Purple Cow Lies12:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    The Purple Cow lies Anon

    >What according to you should be done about Islam and it's billion adherents?<

    Leave them where they are.

    >And how does this fit in with the American concept of freedom of religion?<

    Islam is not like any other religion. It is also a political and legal system. A true muslim must work for the implementation of Sharia, which is completely incompatible with the laws and customs of the U.S. It is not a good idea to import tens of millions of people who wish to overthrow the constitution and impose their repressive system on everyone else. Under Sharia, there is no "American concept of freedom of religion".

    >Or the fact that no one entity is reponsible for more global carnage and misery than Christianity.<

    That is simply a ridiculous statement.

  144. Anonymous12:59 PM

    NCLB is not the same as the 'testing' you alleged to have undergone. And the 'Bell Curve' book-O-lies has long been revealed to be a racist tome. Keep trying to sell it as an academic makes you look stoopid.
    Let me guess, the boss told you he would have loved to promote you from bootlicker to toady...but them eveeel minorities have Affirmative Action and you lost out to a 'less qualified' candidate. Sure. Nice to salve your ego and continue the wite privilege.
    I loved how Jews and Liberals/Progressives have the exact same goals. Did you miss the pogroms and the Final Solution? Is it your desire to use the exact same methods on those who went to college, worked harder than you ever did, and succeeded?
    Would you like the Nazi propaganda in the original (which you can't read) or English translations?
    Yes, you and the rest of the Goobers will 'save' the nation. By murdering unarmed citizens. And you want an excuse? Not from me, little boy.


  145. robin has never lied on mike t or taken one dime from him

    uts lies like hobama!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mike went broke long AFTER robin stopped being his spouse/accountant

  146. dumber than an oscar trophy uts:

    then cc that to halle's oscar for the classic film

    I adore Billy Bob Thornton's acting. He was married to black actress Cynda Williams when they filmed the classic One False Move. I loved him in Sling Blade and U-Turn also. In his Monster's Ball character, I saw learned racism and chosen redemption. I saw cowardice and deception. As always, Billy shone.

    I saw a beautiful, though imperfect, love story when I watched Monster's Ball. Two lonely people who abused their tragically lost sons came together and bonded. Two people filled huge voids in each other's lives, and shared great sex simultaneously. Yet, I completely understand the venom of those unable to share my clarity about or fondness for this film. I understand why so many people hate this film.

    Black men worship Halle like I worship Janet Jackson, Theresa Randle, Vanessa Bell Calloway, and Pam Grier. They worship her like many black women worship Denzel Washington. Black men want Halle to be the star of every black film. I have read that Halle is set to star in a remake of Pam's classic Foxy Brown. Theresa did a great parody of Foxy in Girl 6. Theresa should be cast in this remake. Halle looks nothing like Pam Grier. She is too short, too petite, and too light skinned. Theresa is closer to the chocolate amazon that is Pam. But, Theresa is not yellow like Halle. Colorism rules all...

    If Halle was dark skinned and having graphic sex, brothers would not be so enraged. The brothers certainly had nothing to say about the graphic sex scenes of dark skinned actresses in Rosewood, or The Color Purple, or Mandingo etc...And, they are absolutely silent about the exclusive barrage of interracial films like Othello, O, Save the Last Dance for Me, etc...

  147. Mold's Anon1:09 PM

    Very telling how much you read into that comment, moldster. The truth hurts, I suppose.

    Went all the way from the Bell Curve to the Nazis.

  148. Quote:The HamburgerTwat :"I think you need to get out more and realize that British culture has not been at the center of things for a long, long while now and will most likely never be there again. "

    Firstly there's no such thing as British culture. There is English, Scottish and Welsh culture though. This is because Britain is a state but it's not a nation.

    Secondly I do not now, nor have I ever, cared about English culture, or it's influence.

    Patriotism disgusts me.

    "Now carry on and be sure to take your vitamins. When you get worked up like this it removes crucial minerals from your body that are needed for healthy brain maintenance."

    Grow up.

    "As-Salaam-Alaikum and may you walk in peacee among the Mohammeds."

    I frequently do.

    Many of my colleagues and team-mates are Muslims, as are many of the kids that I coach. I would rather spend a thousand days in the company of them, than one hour in the company of the likes of you.

  149. Anonymous1:15 PM

    After Purple Cow mentions a Con is divorced from Reality...the next poster lies to us about Sharia and Islam. There is no such christian Taliban style requirement upon Muslims.
    You are confusing the US right-wing religio-weenie Master Plan with what Muslims do. Perhaps it is your marching orders...perhaps the utter lack of knowledge you have concerning the precepts of Islam...perhaps you are simply projecting your religio-idiocy upon others.
    christian Dominionists and Reconstructionists seek to impose their version of Mosaic law upon all...with good christians as the Dear Leaders, of course. Goober wite dudez with poo for education and skills will have the power of Life and Death over all those uppity graduates, women who won't date losers, folks who travel instead of buying compensatory pickups, AfAms...the list is long.
    The HandMaids Tale is their idea of a Promised Land.


  150. NSangoma1:15 PM


    Me doubts seriously that he ever got 'dem draws.

    Handjobs, yes; blowjobs, yes; some white girls do not consider giving up the booty hole as fucking; but the pussy hole no, that's fucking.

    If they were fucking and fucking real, real tough; he would have shown up in person for the proposal, and not have sent it via the mail.


  151. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Since you missed it...NCLB is not the same as the 'testing' you alleged to have undergone. And the 'Bell Curve' book-O-lies has long been revealed to be a racist tome. Keep trying to sell it as an academic makes you look stoopid.
    Let me guess, the boss told you he would have loved to promote you from bootlicker to toady...but them eveeel minorities have Affirmative Action and you lost out to a 'less qualified' candidate. Sure. Nice to salve your ego and continue the wite privilege.
    I loved how Jews and Liberals/Progressives have the exact same goals. Did you miss the pogroms and the Final Solution? Is it your desire to use the exact same methods on those who went to college, worked harder than you ever did, and succeeded?
    Would you like the Nazi propaganda in the original (which you can't read) or English translations?
    Yes, you and the rest of the Goobers will 'save' the nation. By murdering unarmed citizens. And you want an excuse? Not from me, little boy.


  152. hey lack!!!

    casey is free next wed.


  153. TPCL

    " A true muslim must work for the implementation of Sharia,"

    From what funky orifice did you pull this $hit from?

    "That is simply a ridiculous statement"

    Oh really?

    Show me another religion/cause that is responsible for the complete genocide of peoples and nations other than Christianity?

    The Native Americans, The Arawaks of the Island now called Jamaica, the Australian Aborgines, etc.....

    No other entity comes close to this global carnage.

  154. The Purple Cow Lies1:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Patriotism disgusts me"

    That says it all.

    Liberals are a fifth column. Never, ever turn your back on someone like Cow.

  155. The Purple Cow Lies1:22 PM

    ptownsteve said...

    " A true muslim must work for the implementation of Sharia,"

    From what funky orifice did you pull this $hit from?

    The Koran.

  156. I was trip trip trippin’ around the blogsphere when I noticed this post of Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb. Wait, maybe I should call them Mantaan and Betty Crocker. Nevertheless, it’s gotta be the Gatorade . I mean, wasn’t there another Dallas Cowboy making it rain up in strip clubs? Where's that fool at now?

    See, I never understood that mindset. Maybe I am old school, but if anyone every finds me in a strip club throwing my money in the air like I just don’t care, please, take me out of my misery. Really, why would I want to roll-up my C-Notes, put them between my lips, and place them in a woman’s sweaty pink panties,as she slids down a pole that 50 other women have left their residue on? Seriously, I don’t know nothing about this hot and nasty temptress, nor where that thang has been? Huh, that doesn’t sound wise to me. “Come on baby, sit in my lap and rub that thang on me. Then I can sit here with these other dumb stiff pricks and look stupid and hungry”

    But lets face it, some brothers just don’t have any game. Come on now, I know my brotha Williams can leap tall buildings with a single bound and has hands like suction cups, but what does love have to do with it? Hey, I don’t know his IQ, but love don’t love nobody and it’s obvious to me that Roy’s Mack game is in need of repair.

    I mean come on, everybody knows white girls are.... well... you know, if one is a professional sports figure, they ain’t too hard to find. But paying for poomtang is the weakest of weak-ass game. That reminds me, what kind of a man pays for a honey pot that several other tricks have been buzzing around, licking and stirring? I’ll buy a used car, but used and abused rented kooky nooky is just plain nasty. Again, I think that 3 hour motel is reserved for people that have little or no game. Now, from what I’ve read, Roy my boy, who wanted to be Melissa’s boy toy, ain’t got no game.

    But then again, I’ve heard men say they ain’t got time to sit around and play the dating game, nor do they desire to settle down with Miss Right, who might become Miss Boring, nagging, can’t cook, took off the weave and turned into Miss Wrong.

    So to be fair, Bill Withers said something I believe is the national anthem of all the tricks, johns, OJs and Roy Boys of the world. I mean, those guys are getting something out of being a special kind of fool and I think I’ve found it. Check this out....

    “My friends feel it's their appointed duty. They keep trying to tell me all you want to do is use me. Oh sometimes yeah it's true you really do abuse me. You get in a crowd of high class people and then you act real rude to me. But oh baby, I wanna spread the news that if it feels this good getting used ,you just keep on using me until you use me up. Talking about you using me but it all depends on what you do. It ain't too bad the way you're using me cause I sure am using you to do the things you do”

    Oooooh sh*t, there it is. It takes a fool to learn that love don’t love nobody and you can’t put a price on happiness.

  157. AB

    Has Halle Berry ever had a love scene in a movie with a black man?

  158. TPCL

    "The Koran."

    Let's see a quote.

    And then of course I will post quotes from the Christian Bible which condemn infidels to punishment and death.

  159. I Volunteer!1:30 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    hey lack!!!

    casey is free next wed."

    After almost three years in jail, I'll bet she's ready for some hot dick!

  160. uptownsteve said...

    Has Halle Berry ever had a love scene in a movie with a black man?

    Depends on how you define "love scene".

    If you define it by what she did in Monster's Ball, then I'm pretty sure the answer is hell to da' naw!

  161. lying nig uts:

    u r not polling love scenes

    u r evading your own euro colorist bs

    eff u

  162. The Puple Cow Lies1:41 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Show me another religion/cause that is responsible for the complete genocide of peoples and nations other than Christianity?

    The Native Americans, The Arawaks of the Island now called Jamaica, the Australian Aborgines, etc.....

    No other entity comes close to this global carnage."

    This is foolish leftist propaganda only a fool like you would truly believe. Christianity has never been responsible for any genocide of any people or nation.

    Great numbers of people died during the age of European expansion because bringing together the peoples of the world resulted in the spread of each populations diseases as well. This would have happened eventually even if the Europeans had come bearing gifts of gold to the Americas, or if the Chinese had come, or if the Iriquois had "discovered" England.

    The Spanish conquered the Mayans and Incas for gold, not for Jesus.

    Islam, on the other, was explictly spread by the sword, and millions of Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists were slaughtered in the first few centuries after Muhammed.

    There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus about killing non-believers and forcing Christianity on conquered peoples.

    Plenty of evil has been done in the name of all religions, including Chrisitianity, but it takes a truly twisted soul to repeat the lies you do.

  163. uptownsteve said...
    Well how come the white dudes Givens married and had babies with were virtual nobodies??????

    How do you define "nobody"?

    Better yet PLEASE explain to me why when famous BM date WW, they're almost always "nobodies"?

    As for the Mjordan's preference for WW, I've only SEEN my own eyes, him with BW. Yes those BW were lightskinned, but whos cares? I LOVE and PREFER Dark-skinned BM, but that does NOT make me colorist IMHO.

  164. stupid nig uts:

    think u should have polled halle's films BEFORE u slandered her u racist idiot????

    see many hot scenes with black men in her films asap u liar

    start here:

    why do fools fall in love
    perfect stranger
    introducing dorothy dandridge
    their eyes were watching god etc

    u r an arrogantly ignorant sexist racist dog....shame!!!!

  165. also see halle and damon w in

    the last boy scout

  166. Quote: The Purple Cow Lies "Liberals are a fifth column. Never, ever turn your back on someone like Cow."

    Not being a Liberal, I wouldn't know about them being a fifth column, or not - you'll have to ask one.

    I suspect the real fifth columnists in America are those Wingnut militias you've got tooling-up out in the sticks there. You guys would do well to keep an eye on those boys. They may be fat, out-of-shape and delusional, but an idiot with a gun is still an idiot with a gun.

    However, you are correct, you should never be stupid enough to turn your back on me.

  167. Dr. Queen,

    "How do you define "nobody"?"

    The fact that nobody ever heard of them, they had no money or celebrity.

    She certainly would not have considered a black man of the same status.

    It's amazing and amusing to watch you sisters try to rationalize this.

    You demonize black men who do it but make excuses for black women who do the same exact $hit.


  168. Quote; The Purple Cow Lies "This is foolish leftist propaganda only a fool like you would truly believe. Christianity has never been responsible for any genocide of any people or nation.

    HA! Tell that to the 6,000,000 victims of the holocaust.

  169. TPCL

    "Great numbers of people died during the age of European expansion because bringing together the peoples of the world resulted in the spread of each populations diseases as well."

    OMIGOD can you believe this Orwellian bull$hit????

    The aborginal people of Australia, the Congo, the Americas, the Carribean who were virtually wiped out due to "Manifest Destiny" were merely "being brought together" by the Christian forces for good.


    I can't even get mad because this is so retarded.

    Using this logic 9/11 was merely a "getting to know you" visit bu some curious Middle Easterners.

  170. The Purple Cow Lies1:54 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    HA! Tell that to the 6,000,000 victims of the holocaust.

    The holocaust was perpetrated in the name of Christ?

    Are you really that stupid?

    Hitler was a pagan socialist, just like you.

  171. The Purple Cow

    "HA! Tell that to the 6,000,000 victims of the holocaust"

    Nah PC.

    The Nazis were just trying to bring the people of Europe together.

    You can't make this shit up!

  172. The Purple Cow Lies2:00 PM

    someclownsteve said...

    'Using this logic 9/11 was merely a "getting to know you" visit bu some curious Middle Easterners."

    You, clown, are obviously incapable of logic.

    That was one of the most nonsensical pieces of reasoning I have ever read (outside of a mold post).

    You are quite the dumbass. Seriously. The fact your employer gave you a computer to use is evidence of the colossal waste of resources caused by affirmative action. Someone like you should not be trusted with anything more complex than a mop.

  173. Dr. Queen,

    "Better yet PLEASE explain to me why when famous BM date WW, they're almost always "nobodies"?"

    You mean like Seal and Heidi Klum?

    Sammy Davis and Kim Novak?

    Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton?

    Michael Jackson and Brooke Shields?

    Can you name the goober Venus Williams is dating?

  174. TPCL

    "You are quite the dumbass. Seriously"

    I'm deeply hurt Jethro.

    But do me a favor and explain the fundamental moral difference between what happened on 9/11 and when Columbus landed in the Western Hemisphere.

    I'll wait patiently.

  175. The Purple Cow Lies2:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    But do me a favor and explain the fundamental moral difference between what happened on 9/11 and when Columbus landed in the Western Hemisphere.

    I'll wait patiently.

    You'll wait forever, moron. Anyone who can't see the fundamental moral difference between a voyage of exploration to find a shorter way to trading partners and an attempt to murder 50,000 people is beyond redemption.


  176. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Why do Goobers persist in attempting to sounderate smart on this blog like they do at church? Your fellow Troo Beleevers may just agree...or not have the capacity to make informed decisions. Then, you arrive here and spout the nonsense that was applauded by the Revrunt BillySueRay.
    The utter lack of knowledge on the subjects was painful to watch. do you not do research? Or is it that you wish to leave lies all over the blog?
    Not only are you ignorant of Islam...which is pretty par for the course in the lack even a elementary school knowledge base of US history. No..Barton is not a historian..he is a political operative.
    Wrapping genocide in christian pieties is a habit of long standing amongst Christians. Ever hear of this place called 'Europe'? How about the activities of the Catholic Church against 'heretics'?
    Would you like the sermons on how gawdly it is to murder steal land from the 'civilize' the South and Central Americans?
    As stated, begin with Facts.


  177. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Which voyage of 'exploration'? Are you confusing the historical Columbus with the TV Star Trek captains?
    From your posts, you are using the KKKonservative Historee of Jebus and GawdFearin' Wite Folks.
    In Reality, Columbus was a genocidal poo...and that was from his friends. The Natives were less thrilled.
    Go ahead. Look it up. Do the research.
    Just don't be surprised when getting smarter and working makes you a Liberal.


  178. TPCL

    "Anyone who can't see the fundamental moral difference between a voyage of exploration to find a shorter way to trading partners and an attempt to murder 50,000 people is beyond redemption"

    Uhhh, you forgot to mention the slaughter of MILLIONS. Entire continents.

  179. Quote: PurpleCowLies ” The holocaust was perpetrated in the name of Christ?”

    Yes, absolutely

    ”Are you really that stupid?”

    No, you are that stupid and that delusional

    “Hitler was a pagan socialist, just like you.”

    Hitler was neither a pagan or a Scoialist.

    Hitler on Christianity

    "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." Mein Kampf

    “The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession.” Article 24 of the Nazi Party constitution.

    “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter…” A.H. in a speech in Munich 1932.

    “We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”
    -A.H. in a speech in Berlin 1933

  180. the gibberator writes:

    Atlanta was the result of NCLB. And was expected by the teachers unions. You have the bush imposed 'choices' of losing funding...or lying..

    Of course. Because the possibility of black kids achieving real academic gains is the one outcome that was impossible.

  181. This comment has been removed by the author.

  182. hey dirty coon dog uts:

    we see u u racist sexist bf hating lying mf


    cool how u skipped

    oj and nicole

    [insert any bm nfl/nba player here] & [insert any wf stripper/whore/kim k etc here]

    shame how u r jigging today nig


  183. udderings from the cow:

    "As in previous years, the name Mohammed, which ranked 16th, would take top place among boys if all possible spellings were aggregated"

    Makes me think of Jeff and Geoff, Smith, Smyth and Smythe. John and Jon. Koran and Quran.

  184. White History 1013:03 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    But do me a favor and explain the fundamental moral difference between what happened on 9/11 and when Columbus landed in the Western Hemisphere.

    I'll wait patiently.

    2:03 PM"

    The white man landed in America. He said "Hey Tonto!", "Hey Squanto!".....get your dog-eating asses off our land.

    They didn't. So, we had our realtor, John Wayne, relocate them to luxury condos, and gave them firewater & casinos.

    If you want a history lesson on how blacks got to America, just let me know.

    BTW, thanks to a white man, you're now living on a piece of property that probably belonged to Squanto. You should give it back.

  185. "oj and nicole"

    Whoopi and who?

    [insert any bm nfl/nba player here] & [insert any wf stripper/whore/kim k etc here]

    Okay, let's insert Grant Hill.

    oops. He's married to a black woman.

    How about LeBron? Engaged to a bw.

    Dwayne Wade. A sister too.

    That goes Kevin Durant, Ray Allen and I'd bet the overwhelming majority of both NBA and NFL players.

    Now what was that goobers name who Venus Williams is dating?

  186. dirty nig uts:

    whoopi and 3 hot rich wm =

    ted danson
    tim dalton
    frank langella

    now what u spook dreg??????

    those black men have NOTHING to do with beta male bitch colorist euro morons like you


    u r a disgrace to all real men

    and the most bogus evil bastard mf on this blog


  187. Hitler on Socialism

    "The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

    "The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

    "In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

    "In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

    "The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

    "Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

    "The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

    ““Why,” I asked Hitler, “do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?”

    “Socialism,” he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, “is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.
    “We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.”

    From an interview with George Viereck – 1923.

    As an aside you might want to ask yourself why someone you describe as a Socialist ordered the execution of 400,000 German Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists. The first people into the gas chambers were Socialists – they were the guinee pigs.

  188. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Hitler on Christianity...What the gay little socialist didn't post.

    Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:

    "National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things."

    10th October, 1941, midday:

    "Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure."

    "The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State."

    19th October, 1941, night:

    "The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity."

    But Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery".

  189. uts:

    cc that bs to debra winger u silly lying mf

    whoopi stole hubby tim from her

  190. udder delusions from cow:

    Quote: PurpleCowLies ” The holocaust was perpetrated in the name of Christ?”

    Yes, absolutely

    Actually, the Holocaust was the work of the right. To be precise, it was the work of people who were right-handed.

    Virtually every nazi was right-handed, painfully clear proof that right-handedness was the defining characteristic of Germans who were behind the effort to wipe out Jews.

  191. late dumb nig uts:

    whoopi and melanie griffith are as renowned in bed as mike t...

    a limp loon loser like u would never even get to launder their bedsheets!

  192. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hitler on Islam....What the gay little socialist didn't post.

    I can imagine people being enthusiastic about the paradise of Mohammed, but as for the insipid paradise of the Christians! In your lifetime, you used to hear the music of Richard Wagner. After your death, it will be nothing but hallelujahs, the waving of palms, children of an age for the feeding bottle, and hoary old men. The man of the isles pays homage to the forces of nature. But Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A nigger with his taboos is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in transubstantiation.


    His conversations on a number of subjects were recorded by his closest confidants. One of these was Albert Speer, chief architect and Reich Minister of Armanents and Munitions, who quoted Hitler's regret the Germans accepted Christianity rather than religions which would have been more compatible to them:

    "Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking: 'You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'"

  193. Quote:No Slapzz "
    "As in previous years, the name Mohammed, which ranked 16th, would take top place among boys if all possible spellings were aggregated"

    Makes me think of Jeff and Geoff, Smith, Smyth and Smythe. John and Jon. Koran and Quran."

    Well it would, but that's because you are a proven idiot.

    Once again, the story that the various spellings of Mohammed make it the most common boy's name in the UK is nonsense - as I demonstrated earlier.

    Still, you guys never let any vague and inconvenient concepts as 'the truth' or 'reality' get in the way of a good racist rant, now did you?

  194. the leaking udder of cow:

    "Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

    China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, all of them over-run with Jews, especially Jews in high places.

  195. Anonymous3:17 PM

    dirty nig uts:

    whoopi and 3 hot rich wm =

    ted danson
    tim dalton
    frank langella

    now what u spook dreg?????? kuntlicker banks

    golly kuntsuckin imbecile eye thought u had a job but all eye see is ur stoopid comments talkin shit bytch tell them to up ur med doses kuntbreaf and by the way aint u supposed to be proud of ur african american heritage? whats with all the slurs like nig and spook? u aint nothin but a wite boy in the basement getting paid to impersonate a mentally disturbed four year old going on fifty LOSERS!!!

  196. Anonymous3:18 PM

    purple cow is wrong and so is ballzack hitler hated christianity

  197. No slappz

    The Nazi Movement in America is clearly an entity of the right as all white supremacist and racist movements in America.

    Do you deny this?

  198. and whoopi's 3 hot wm would sell that rabid hyena the vdlr to any zoo before they bred her like her bellywarmer kapo kosher kkk needs slaps does...

