Monday, July 04, 2011

No barbecues for Dr. Boyce.

Some more thoughts about A-merry-ca's birthday from you black folks.

"When I think about the fourth of July, my mind is motionless. I don’t get happy, sad, angry or thoughtful. As a 40-year old man, I can’t even get excited about the fireworks anymore. The holiday means as much to me as the birthday of my biological father who abandoned me at birth. In fact, I don’t even know what day he was born.

The fourth of July has quite a bit of meaning for our nation at large, of course, given that it was the day on which the Declaration of Independence was signed. Black people were still slaves on that day, which highlights the core of persistent American hypocrisy as it relates to race. All the while, one has to respect the courage shown by Americans of all ethnic backgrounds who fought against the tyranny of the British to create the powerful nation in which we live today. If we actually had the courage to live up to the ideals of those who gave their lives for freedom, we’d be a much better country because of it.

For African Americans, we don’t quite have a true fourth of July. This is not only because the original fourth of July took place while we were still slaves, but because we have not yet earned our independence. Of course, we obtained some semblance of freedom in 1865, after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation; but being free is far from being truly independent. Despite the fact that slavery ended long ago, the descendants of our historical oppressors still control nearly every dimension of our lives:

1) Large corporations like Viacom and Time Warner control major black media outlets like BET and Essence, giving them the right to shape our collective point of view. We depend on these companies to tell us what to think.

2) Most African Americans are controlled by corporate jobs that mute their ability to speak out or stand up on issues of social justice. We depend on companies owned by others in order to feed our children.

3) Black children’s minds are obliterated at an early age by media giants who mass market hip-hop music that sells black boys a recipe for self-destruction by the time they reach kindergarten. Capitalist and shareholder-created monstrosities like Lil Wayne teach them how to kill themselves and each other by the time they become teenagers.

4) Our children have their futures thrown into the trash by school systems that put even the most brilliant black boys in special education at a rate that is five times greater than white kids.

5) The NCAA still earns over a billion dollars per year on the backs of black families, leaving many single black mothers in poverty. In fact, athlete compensation has been criminalized, while mostly white coaches and administrators sign multi-million dollar contracts without playing in any of these sporting events.

6) Black unemployment is nearly double that of white Americans, with no politician in Washington expressing any interest in alleviating the suffering with targeted policy. We depend on politicians and a Democratic Party that fills our minds empty rhetoric, while not respecting us enough to deliver on campaign promises.

The most glaring sign of our lack of independence is the prison industrial complex, which has served to decimate the black family in America. Black men are disproportionately incarcerated and used as slave labor to make expensive corporate products. In fact, the 13th Amendment, which allegedly abolishes slavery, actually includes a clause stating that slavery is still legal if the government can label you as a felon.

So, part of my ambivalence toward the fourth of July doesn’t rest on hating others or carrying the crippling burden of acidic anger. It comes from the fact that I know that my people are at least 100 years away from gaining their independence. Consider me to be a pessimist, but when I look at the world around me, I see very little independence for black people."
Dr. Boyce Watkins is a Professor at Syracuse University and founder of the
Your Black World Coalition.  [Link]

Now before some of you patriotic A-merry-can folks go bashing the good doctor; just remember that only 58% of you know the actual year A-merry-ca won her independence, and a shocking one in four of you don't even know who we won it from.

But I do disagree with the Doc about one thing: I still get excited about fireworks.

*Pic courtesy of


  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Wow! That's some article by the good doctor! Very well put. It's scary though.
    I believe as parents we have to work extra hard at instilling values in our kids and not let them lap up this mass produced toxicity that, as well Dr. Boyce indicates, will poison their minds. Be honest with you, I'm glad my parenting days are over. With all the crap I see todays kids watching AND emulating.....

  2. Dr. Watkins you are on the mark with your interesting blog. The thing I find fascinating is that around 160,000 farmers and bumbkins could beat the largest navy and army in the world. Logic would dictate that we did not win the war for independence. The British actually lost enough men and were bankrupt. Thats what happens when you fight a bunch of feedom fighters, you go home and give it up. To get a compromise and have the Constitution signed at the time was indispensable. Time was a leading factor before France, Spain, etc., decided to attack the 13 colonies and take what they wanted. Blacks got the shaft in the compromise. What any one individual gets in this life today is based on what he or she puts into themselves to get out of the rutt. DR.Watkins is slightly off the mark when he says blacks are 100 years behind. Blacks are only behind what they believe in their own minds. Think for yourself and get an education regardless of the cost. The war ended in 1871 and the peace treaty with England was signed in 1782.

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I found this great video by Dr.Boyce:

  4. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Black leaders are long on rhetoric and short on solutions.

    Truth is black leaders sold their and every negro in America's soul for a seat at their Democrat massa table.

    They made a deal with the Democrat devil.Black America is paying with their blood,sweat, and tears.

    Things are never gonna change as long has you remain on the Democrat Plantation.

    Until you leave,you keep getting what you deserve.

  5. mellaneous1:51 AM

    Sup Field! Give a shout out when you can to the victims of the tornado here. Unfortunately many of these working black folks were treated like bums on the street, or folks who weren't working hard for a living. Some of them even owned the houses that were destroyed but still were treated like they had done something wrong or like charity cases rather than victims of an "act of God"

    Good article from Boyce! However I have to disagree with him a bit.

    - Essence and BET when black owned still sold the same middle class dreams, esp. Essence along with black owned Ebony. They have almost always catered to the black middle class and very subtly and not so subtly encourage a kind of going along with the system. Even when it has been clear for quite some time that this system is not well suited for the well being of the vast majority of working class black folks.

    -The NAACP doesn't get a billion dollars, not even close. And though the new president seems lost at times it is still the only org that can at least bring attention to some of black America's more pressing issues. Take for example its project on black incarcerataion which no other org has taken up or attempted to highlight the problems with it.

    - He places a bit too much emphasis on black self hatred and malfunction on Hip Hop music. While it certainly doesn't help,it is not the source of the second class status that many black folks still suffer from in this society.

    And I know a lot of readers will debate that idea, but because they can't see or don't live it doesn't mean its still not true.

    In fact Boyce hit on some of the key indicators of second level status: poor education, higher unemployment, biased law enforcement esp. drug enforcement and even a biased justice system.

    And the commentor above has a point only he left off the Repub plantation as well. Malcolm X said long ago that both the Repubs and the Dems had sold "us" out. Of course that's true for white folks as well.

  6. mellaneous2:07 AM

    Rainywalker said:
    "Blacks are only behind what they believe in their own minds.

    I think I get what you are getting at but there are still real barriers to black progress.

    Its not all in our minds. When a black that's more than qualified and posseses all the required degrees and certification and is passed over or rejected for a more qualified white person; that is not just in the mind!

    When a black person is pulled over driving to his suburban home and the cop asks what he is doing in this neighborhood; that is not just in the mind!

    When a black young person is murdered in a car by police in South Beach on camera and they "allegedly" find a gun three days later with little national outrage; that is not just in the mind!

    When the president who is black is called a "Dick" and otherwise called things and treated more disrespectfully than any other president in history; that is not just in the mind!

    When black unemployment more than doubles white unemployment; that is not in the mind!

    When police practically ignore the suburbs and white enclaves when looking for violations of drug laws and arrest black folks disproportionately compared to their usage; that is not in the mind!

    When contractors receive federal monies and state monies drawn from the common purse in which all black, white,Asian, Mexican, Indian,etc pay into, but consciously refuse to hire from groups other than whites, who also contributed to the pot of money that allows him to prosper; that is not in the mind!

    No my dreamy friend, many of these obstacles are indeed real and it does noone any good to avoid deal with the very real problem in our society of discrimination and institutional racism.

    Of course if its only in the victims minds, it lets others sleep better!

  7. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Slapnuts-"Black leaders are long on rhetoric and short on solutions.

    Truth is black leaders sold their and every negro in America's soul for a seat at their Democrat massa table.

    They made a deal with the Democrat devil.Black America is paying with their blood,sweat, and tears.

    Things are never gonna change as long has you remain on the Democrat Plantation.

    Until you leave,you keep getting what you deserve."

    Slapnuts you are exactly right. However, my people won't do it as you probably already know. So, the black race is headed for extinction because they refused to let go. That's our nature: self-delusion and self-destruction.

    Are you really White?

  8. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Mellaneous, " He places a bit too much emphasis on black self hatred and malfunction on Hip Hop music. While it certainly doesn't help,it is not the source of the second class status that many black folks still suffer from in this society."

    Mell, your comment sounded educated and experienced until you said the above. That is an assinine statement and clearly shows your disconnect with the black community and our children. Hip Hop lyrics like li' wayne are putting are children and community in a misguided trap that we will never get out of.

    How you can state that this is not that important is beyond me. It is killing us and our kids. Clearly you don't get what is happening to us. How sad. And you consdier yourself a freedom fighter? No you are not. In fact, you are a chump full of BS.

  9. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Slapnuts-"Black leaders are long on rhetoric and short on solutions."

    That's a big problem. We talk alot but do NOTHING. I cannot argue with you, are right.

  10. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Desertfox, "I found this great video by Dr.Boyce:

    Thank you Desert. It puts everything in perspective regarding our problems. Mellaneous needs to watch and listen with an open mind--for a change.

  11. mellaneous2:43 AM

    Anon just hear me out rather than jumping to assumptions.

    Which came first the ghettoes or Hip Hop music?

    Which came first second class education or Hip Hop music?

    Which came first racism or Hip Hop music?

    Hip Hop music basically describes and some idealizes the worst of what many young black folks have grown up in.

    No doubt listening to the negative vibes and the negative verse can do nothing positive for the mind in the long wrong. I agree in that respect.

    But I was trying to articulate if you read what I said carefully you would see that I said that if Hip Hop music is not the primary source of all black folks problem.

    Remember there is some positive Hip Hop and all black folks don't listen to HIp Hop.

    Hip HOp music did not create on the job discrimination,or redlining,or inadequate public schools, it doesn't create high unemployment, or fail to educate, it didn't refuse to hire qualified people,it doesn't seek to gentrify or to profile.

    So its damage has to be kept in perspective. Negative hip hop doesn't help but it is not the progenitor of the problems that Black folks face in this country.

    Hip Hop music did not shoot that kid in Miami it did not go into Professor Gates house and treat him like a second class citizen. And it surely didn't bail out the banks or kill lots of folks in Iraq or Afghanistan or drop drones on folks in Pakistan or Yemen and when innocent folks were killed,either said ooops or played it off as collateral damage.

  12. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Mellaneous, please take a moment to watch and listen to this video:

  13. mellaneous2:59 AM


    You are clearly wrong about me. I am very connected to our community. Anyone who knows me would laugh at your statement. I have been extremely active in three communities over my lifetime.

    I unlike many folks who come to blogs and prognosticate and pontificate actually live in the inner city and have worked and continue to work with black youth.

    I actually talk to young people. I listen to them, I observe and empathize with their plight.

    So please don't characterize me without at least asking me where I am coming from. I have been a freedom fighter and a lover of black folks and humanity for a long time. I have put my life where my mouth is, so I have an idea of what I am talking about.

    And if you really think this thing through, you would understand that
    if we got rid of the conditions that spawned the need for negative Hip Hop we would not have negative Hip Hop in the first place.rt

    Hip Hop is art! And like ALL it is a reflection, an interpretation and a recording of its environment. Nothing more and nothing less.

    And I use the description "negative" Hip Hop because I know the early history of Hip Hop which was actually conscious and positive. And I also know young people who are part of a positive Hip Hop nation movement that strives to record and perform and encourage positive Hip Hop.

    Ask yourself the questions, How did Hip Hop become so negative and why is it that only the negative stuff is well marketed and promoted?

    Both answers lead you to the real theives of young black potential.

    If you wanted to stop the flow of drugs do you go after the small time dealer or the source?

  14. mellaneous3:35 AM

    @Anon 2:48
    I watched the video by Dr Boyce, who BTW I have communicated with over the years esp when doing my own commentary.

    I agree wholeheartedly with most of what he had to say. Again I don't disagree with you and others that point out the problem with Hip Hop. I just continue to point out that to stop it and its impact we have to get at its source.

    I watch kids every day with that crap in their ear and hear them repeating the most insane lyrics and I always think to myself no wonder our kids are showing their underwear. What else do they have in their heads.

    And lets talk to each other like we all have something to offer. I disagree with most folks about a lot of stuff, in fact in doing community work I work with all kinds of folks that I disagree with politically, but I do it to get the job done.

    When I write commentary or do political work I am practicing what I believe and expressing what I believe.

    And if you read Field regularly you know that most folks disagree with me, but I am more often the one with the new ideas and the open mind, so you don't have to encourage me to have an open mind. I know clearly all the things that are damaging our community.

    I am only close minded about the fact that this socio-political-economic system has to be changed, restructured, obliterated (choose your term) or we will all go down.

    And Field what up can a brother get some love from his brother that grew up only (100 miles)across the ocean from a brother! I grew up with a lot of your homies from Jamaica!

  15. whitey3:37 AM

    "5) The NCAA still earns over a billion dollars per year on the backs of black families, leaving many single black mothers in poverty. "

    Single black mothers are in poverty because the father of their children aren't willing to spend the time and/or money to act like a parent. Jesse Jackson is one example- his baby momma says he pays no attention to his child. This issue has nothing to do with the NCAA, or whitey, or racism. I live next to a single black mother. Her rent is paid by a section8 voucher. She looks about 19, has 2 children, and is preganant with a third. Never seen her anything but alone. Harp on the black man/men who impregnant her. Harp on her for not keeping her legs shut and/or not using birth control. Has nothing to do with the NCAA.

  16. @whitey

    You're right black men all can't be real men like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson. How many babies mommas and little bastards they have between them? This isn't black or white pathology , it's American.

    Dr. Watkins is pretty much on point except when I told him that all Fox communication outlets should be boycotted. This was before Bill Oreilly sent Jesse the Stalker after him and got him fired. Dr. Watkins told me that he loved Family Guy.


    You are right about one thing, we have a problem with black leaders in our community. Herman Cain, Jesse Lee Peterson, and Michael Steele are hurting the community much more effectively than any gangbanger has. The programs and the people they supported have thrown a lot of blacks out of Colleges, Universities, schools, homes, and jobs.

  17. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Kid said:
    "You're right black men all can't be real men like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson. How many babies mommas and little bastards they have between them? This isn't black or white pathology , it's American."

    What the hell are you talking about? The children AND baby mamas of Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson will NEVER be on public assistance (unlike most illegitimate black children). Charlie Sheen's and Mel Gibson's children will attend the finest suburban and/or private schools and reside in fabulous homes. As white children, who have rich white men for parents, they will be well provided for in all the important ways.

    Illegitimate black kids, in most cases, will not have ANY of that.

    I don't care about people having illegitimate kids as long as MY taxes don't have to support them.

  18. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Kid said:
    "You're right black men all can't be real men like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson. How many babies mommas and little bastards they have between them? This isn't black or white pathology , it's American."

    What the hell are you talking about? The children AND baby mamas of Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson will NEVER be on public assistance (unlike most illegitimate black children). Charlie Sheen's and Mel Gibson's children will attend the finest suburban and/or private schools and reside in fabulous homes. As white children, who have rich white men for parents, they will be well provided for in all the important ways.

    Illegitimate black kids, in most cases, will not have ANY of that.

    I don't care about people having illegitimate kids as long as MY taxes don't have to support them.

  19. dr joyce brotha watkins writes:

    1) Large corporations like Viacom and Time Warner control major black media outlets like BET and Essence, giving them the right to shape our collective point of view. We depend on these companies to tell us what to think.

    Wow. So the doctor admits it. According to the doctor, blacks have no inner resources and cannot THINK unless a major media company supplies the substance of their thoughts via cable TV.

  20. dr joyce brotha watkins writes:

    2) Most African Americans are controlled by corporate jobs that mute their ability to speak out or stand up on issues of social justice.

    What? Ranting about "social justice" is the sole occupation of every black academic. That's what tenure delivers.

    Meanwhile, academics aside, why would employers hire blacks for the purpose of speaking out on issues of social justice? Has that responsibility ever been listed in a corporate job description?

    Since when have whites or asians been hired to speak out on topics of no concern to an employer?

    Is it news to the doctor that employees are hired to perform specific tasks and nothing more?

    We depend on companies owned by others in order to feed our children.

    How crazy is this guy? He implies that working for someone else is unfair. He also overlooks the fact that an extraordinarily high percentage of black children are fed and clothed by tax-payers. Not from wages earned by employed parents.

    Meanwhile, he implies that companies employing blacks are owned by whites. Why are there no corporations owned by blacks?

    Actually, corporations such as Time Warner and Viacom are owned by stockholders. Admittedly most stockholders are white, but pension/retirement plans own stocks, thus, everyone in a pension plan has a stake in the stock market.

  21. dr joyce brotha watkins writes:

    3) Black children’s minds are obliterated at an early age by media giants who mass market hip-hop music that sells black boys a recipe for self-destruction by the time they reach kindergarten.

    Really? So the doctor admits listening to hip-hop is damaging. Wow. How do these little children get their hands on this dangerous stuff? Do they buy it themselves? Do they have iPods to which they download these destructive sounds?

    Capitalist and shareholder-created monstrosities like Lil Wayne teach them how to kill themselves and each other by the time they become teenagers.

    Hmmm. How do white and asian children escape this murderous instruction? Seems odd since blacks love to repeat the line that the biggest consumers of rap and hip-hop are white kids.

  22. dr joyce brotha watkins says:

    4) Our children have their futures thrown into the trash by school systems that put even the most brilliant black boys in special education at a rate that is five times greater than white kids.

    Really? Five times the rate of white kids? But years and years of standardized testing shows that black kids are well behind white and asian kids in first grade.

    Why do black kids arrive in school knowing so little? Hmmm. Any connection to the mother? Is fatherlessness a contributing factor?

  23. ditto

    i love this man!!!

    i adore dr. boyce

    he is a sage and a real black man and even a superb dad

    that is why he tells the truth about hobama always just as his brave regal rebel peers tavis and cornel etc...


  24. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc your racist ahistorical bullshit to any trailer park or corp fat liposuctioned/laid off wm ceo asap

  25. Hey uts:

    check out what all the bbq smoke failed to mask...

    Hobama is a liar!!!

    He is only blind fool hobama Nazi clones of u!!!
    When the Obama administration releases a report on the Friday before a long weekend, it’s clearly not trying to draw attention to the report’s contents. Sure enough, the “Seventh Quarterly Report” on the economic impact of the “stimulus,” released on Friday, July 1, provides further evidence that President Obama’s economic “stimulus” did very little, if anything, to stimulate the economy, and a whole lot to stimulate the debt.

    The report was written by the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors, a group of three economists who were all handpicked by Obama, and it chronicles the alleged success of the “stimulus” in adding or saving jobs. The council reports that, using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or saved just under 2.4 million jobs — whether private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job.

  26. hey uts

    Hobama is only duping blind fool hobama Nazi clones of u!!!

  27. Great comment by Dr. Boyce.

  28. Hey uts:

    Kudos to mitt!!!


    (CNN) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney repeated his campaign line that President Obama has made the economy worse in New Hampshire Monday, a sentiment that has received criticism from those on the left and independent fact-checkers.
    "The recession is deeper because of our president, it's seen an anemic recovery because of our president," Romney said after a July 4th parade in Amherst.

    The New Hampshire Democratic Party quickly jumped on the "debunked" claim that they said "has been central to his campaign message."
    According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, as pointed out by the Washington Post, the recession officially ended in June 2009.
    Romney first made a similar comment at the CNN/WMUR/New Hampshire Union Leader presidential debate in June when he said the president "didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer," and again during a visit to New Hampshire last week.
    When pressed on the statement Friday in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Romney said he "didn't say that things are worse."
    "What I said was that economy hasn't turned around, that you've got 20 million Americans out of work, or seriously unemployed, housing value still going down. You have a crisis of foreclosures in this country," Romney said. "The economy, by the way, if you think the economy is great and going well, be my guest."
    When asked about the governor's comments, Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul pointed to the current economic situation, including the unemployment rate, housing prices and national debt.
    "It is an undeniable fact that Barack Obama has failed to create jobs and fix the economy. He is on track to be the only president to leave office with a net job loss," Saul said. "President Obama and the Democrats will spend the next 17 months trying to distract voters from their horrible record on the economy – and it’s not going to work

  29. Anonymous10:51 AM

    #1 - not required reading or viewing.
    #2 - said before, not hired to express your views. unless you own your own business, applies to everyone.
    #3 - agree - who should be their filter? We all know the answer to that.
    #4 - we can argue the numbers but this is true and I agree. Who's responsibility is it to get them ready to succeed in school?
    #5 - The NCAA gives these young men a precious gift (free college education) in exchange for the use of their athletic skills. fair trade since only a very small % will ever earn a living at their sport. single black mothers are not part of this transaction.
    #6 - agree. anyone who pins their hopes on either the Dems or the Repubs instead of themselves will be dissapointed.
    Agree with the comment re prison labor - an injustice that needs to be corrected.

    Some legit and some ridiculous.

  30. hey old fool uts:

    memo to hobama:

    u have failed your middle aged peers!!!....shame!!!

    "The problem is at the consumer level, confidence is low and that is because, as you showed, showed we had underemployment with one out of every six Americans. The worst element of that is that among the unemployed, against the American history, more than approaching half, have [been] unemployed for over six months. That is historically unprecedented in the United States. That is a phenomenon that is seen often in Europe, rarely seen here. In 2007 the average time to get a new job was five weeks. It's now near six months. And that implies a whole segment of the population, the more elderly or the middle-aged who may never get employed again," Charles Krauthammer said on FOX News this evening

  31. Hey uts:

    Tell your boy hobama that this could change his 2012 game!


    Former Ku Kulx Klan Grand Wizard David Duke is planning a tour of the United States to see if he can get enough support for a presidential run in 2012.
    The Daily Beast reports:
    A former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, member of the Louisiana House of Representatives and Republican executive-committee chairman in his district until 2000, Duke has a significant following online. His videos go viral. This month, he’s launching a tour of 25 states to explore how much support he can garner for a potential presidential bid. He hasn’t considered running for serious office since the early ’90s, when he won nearly 40 percent of the vote in his bid for Louisiana governor. But like many “white civil rights advocates,” as he describes himself to The Daily Beast, 2012 is already shaping up to be a pivotal year.

  32. that racist dd is smarter than that racist hobama

    see some of david duke's best videos here:

  33. Kosher kkk needs slaps:

    R u working ot in nyc???

    Hasidic patrols in Williamsburg rule the streets like real cops - driving unmarked cars, flashing emergency lights and snatching people they think are criminals, say residents and police.
    Members of the private security patrols cruise the Brooklyn neighborhood listening to police scanners. They don't carry guns and have no arrest power.
    Some in the neighborhood - a mix of blacks, whites, Latinos, Hasidim and hipsters - say they help keep crime down. Others contend the patrols unfairly target people of color.

    Read more:

  34. Black News Today:

    NYPD Intensifies Manhunt For Suspects In Fatal Queens Shooting

    July 4, 2011

    NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The hunt was on in Flushing, Queens for the suspects in a shooting that left a mother dead and her son wounded.

    The New York City Police Department was asking for the public’s help in locating 21-year-old Lerome Robinson and 22-year-old Mark Coleman in connection with the shooting.

    Police said 39-year-old Christina Coleman was behind the wheel of her 2006 Volkswagen Saturday afternoon, and her son was about to get into the vehicle, when he saw a group of people approaching.

    Coleman was shot in the head, and was pronounced dead at the hospital.

    The teenaged son was shot in the torso, but was able to run to the PSA-9 stationhouse. He was in stable condition Sunday.

    Police described Robinson as 5-foot-8 and approximately 165 lbs, with black eyes and short, black hair.

    Coleman was described as 5-foot-9 and 180 lbs, with brown eyes and short black hair in braids or cornrows. Coleman has a tattoo with the word “Christina” on the right side of his neck.

    Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

    The public can also submit tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

    All calls are strictly confidential.

  35. Jack J.12:21 PM

    The doctor fails to mention how much of those problems we owe to ourselves.

    It time we stopped moaning and whining about our situation and take responsibility for ourselves AND our community.

    We black folks and our "leaders" and "thinkers" as always, do more talking than action.

    The professor is right but I wonder if he's doing anything other than just talking about it.

    I doubt it.

  36. dr joyce brothas watkins writes:

    6) Black unemployment is nearly double that of white Americans, with no politician in Washington expressing any interest in alleviating the suffering with targeted policy.

    What does it take for nitwits to realize that the government cannot create jobs.

    Unemployment in the US is largely a function of government intrustion that LIMITS hiring.

    For example, restrictions on oil & gas drilling. Restrictions on the construction of refineries. Restrictions on the construction of power plants. Restrictions on logging. Restrictions on mining, etc.

    Then there are restrictions on hiring due to control exercised by labor unions. Unions take every possible step to keep new workers out while boosting pay for existing workers. The auto industry in the US is healthiest where the UAW is not present. Detroit will suffer a lot more than it already has due to UAW control of many factories.

    Hiring is also limited by budget constraints resulting from damaging levels of retiree pensions and healthcare. Both government and private employment is limited by plans that give retirees more than they system can afford.

    We depend on politicians and a Democratic Party that fills our minds empty rhetoric, while not respecting us enough to deliver on campaign promises.

    Most workers are hired because they have a useful skill. If no employer needs your skills, it's time to get new skills.

  37. Kosher kkk needs slaps:

    Cc this to a white blog now

    Wm serial killer pookie insurance fraudster gets fatal revenge

    A man eyed in a Pennsylvania massacre that left two people dead and an East Village couple wounded was shot dead Monday by cops who cornered him in a hideout.
    Mark Geisenheyner, 51, was killed by SWAT team members, capping a six-hour standoff at a house in Trainer, Pa., officials said.
    Geisenheyner, who had a lengthy rap sheet in Massachusetts and New York, was armed with a .45 caliber handgun, said Delaware County prosecutors Mike Green and Risa Vetri Ferman.
    Authorities said the slayings stemmed from a feud Geisenheyner had with one of the wounded victims, Paul Shay, an East Village plumber.
    Since getting out of prison a year ago, the gunman vowed revenge against Shay for stiffing him in an 2006 insurance fraud scam, officials said.
    Geisenheyner tracked Shay, 64, to his vacation home in rural Montgomery County and broke in late Saturday.
    "Guess you never thought you'd see me again," Geisenheyner announced when he broke in, a survivor told investigators.

  38. Kosher kkk needs slaps:

    Cc this to a white/jew blog now

    When jew scrubs attack - kosher matricide in nyc

    A Manhattan man charged with fatally stabbing his mother told a police operator he did it - then apparently had second thoughts, law enforcement sources said.
    "He calls 911 and says he killed his mother," a source said of suspect Jonathan Schwartz. "He calls again and says, 'No, she committed suicide.'"
    The 41-year-old unemployed man with a history of psychological problems was awaiting arraignment Sunday night on charges he murdered his philanthropist mother, Barbara Schwartz.
    He stared stone-faced and was silent, his eyes sunken and dark and his beard untamed, as he was walked out of a police stationhouse.
    He shuffled along, bound at the wrists and ankles, wearing a police-issued white smock and booties.
    The body of the 67-year-old woman was found inside the E. 85th St. home near Park Ave. she shared with her unemployed son and husband Burt Fischler just before 5 p.m. Saturday.
    She was stabbed repeatedly in her neck and torso, cops said. Her son was cuffed at the scene.
    "I have no comment right now," Fischler said Sunday night.
    A relative, who did not want to be identified, said the son often tried to get cash from his wealthy mother.
    "He's had disputes with his mom over the years," a source said.
    It was still not clear what sparked the feud inside the posh seventh-floor apartment, nestled just a block from Central Park. There were no records of police ever being called to the home.
    Barbara Schwartz, who inherited her wealth from her late father, was head of Weiden Schwartz Fischler Family Foundation. The group funds acts of philanthropy, volunteering and grant-making.
    "She did not have an easy time with her children," the relative told the Daily News after the killing. "Jonathan wasn't working. He was spoiled."

  39. dr joyce brothas watkins says:

    The most glaring sign of our lack of independence is the prison industrial complex, which has served to decimate the black family in America.

    Oh. The dimwitted doctor suggests that prisons exist to destroy black families. It seems he's suggesting that committing crimes is not the reason blacks are in jail.

    Black men are disproportionately incarcerated and used as slave labor to make expensive corporate products.

    There's a lot of black men in jail because black men commit more serious crimes than white or asian men.

    However, NO ONE in jail is making expensive corporate products. That statement is a total lie, and the dimwitted doctors knows he's lying.

    Or maybe he believes license plates are "expensive corporate products."

    In fact, the 13th Amendment, which allegedly abolishes slavery, actually includes a clause stating that slavery is still legal if the government can label you as a felon.

    It is not legal to use prison labor for corporate profit. And it's obvious that no blacks out of prison are providing free labor to corporations.

  40. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more on the prof/revenge/scammer murder

    file under

    wm baby killers


    Cc this a white blog now!!!!!!!

    A Pratt Institute professor wounded in a Pennsylvania bloodbath that left her ex-con nephew and a 2-year-old boy dead is in grave condition and may not survive, authorities said Monday.
    "It doesn't look good," a detective told neighbors outside the family's country home where five people were shot. "She was shot right in the head and probably won't make it."
    The shooter remains at large as Monica Shay, 58, and her husband Paul Shay, 64, a plumber, and their nephew's girlfriend, Kathryn Erdmann, 37, are all in critical condition with gunshot wounds to the head.
    Joseph Shay, 43, and Erdmann's 2-year-old son Gregory were killed in the shooting in rural Bechtelsville, about 100 miles from New York City.
    Monica Shay's brother, Edward Newbold, of Seattle, told The Philadelphia Inquirer that he had been told his sister had "no hope - zero, zero, zero" of surviving.
    "She was beautiful, loved. She was a wonderful beautiful person. I miss her so much," he said.
    Shay was listed on Pratt's website as an associate professor teaching arts and culture management at the school's Manhattan campus.

  41. Anonymous12:46 PM

    KID, "You're right black men all can't be real men like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson. How many babies mommas and little bastards they have between them? This isn't black or white pathology , it's American."

    Kid, I am Black and I must say that your thinking, and Mellaneous, are the primary reasons some Blacks fail to take responsibility for their own fate. As you keep 'blaming' the wm, there will be no reason to be responsible AA adults. You will always be powerless because you hold the wm for your miserable life. Your formula for life is sickening simple: "We Blacks can't advance UNLESS the white man gives us more and more."

    Slavery has ended. Jim Crow has ended. Affirmative action was implemented for a while. Schools, colleges let Blacks in at the expense of more qualified Whites to level the playing field. Corporations swung open their doors to Blacks and went on an extensive recruitment for Blacks...Today, there are Black CEO's and we even have a black President. Yet, YOU and Mellaneous are still whining and crying about how the wm is keeping you down.

    When do you turn your eyes toward our own people for NOT parenting our kids and insisting on education and insisting on NO gangbanging, and insisting on self-restraint, and insisting on sexual discipline...etc? WHEN do you admit that WE have a BIG ASS PROBLEM AND "WE" ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT?

    INSTEAD, you and Mellaneous minimize our problems by pointing out that the wm has the same problems. WTF? Does that solve the egregious problems in the black community? Fyi. whatever is going wrong in the white community they are 10 times better off than the black race could ever be because of weak-ass moronic thinking Negroes like you.

    At what point do Blacks take responsibility for themselves? Asians and Latinos have taken responsibilities for themselves. Blacks don't. As an AA I am sick and tired of hearing "look what the wm has done to us!"

    You and Mell are disgraceful and I wish like hell you belonged to another race because it's black folks like you, NOT THE WM, who are our biggest enemy. You and Mellaneous are destroying us.

  42. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc your mindless racist bs to any racist cop

    u r a liar and a fool

    u r a kapo peasant unfit to dust Dr. Boyce’s campus ofc


    more from dr. boyce:

    Many people throughout the world believe that South Africa during apartheid was one of the most racist regimes in the history of the world. In that society, black people were clearly considered to be inferior to whites, and were denied equal access to education, medical care and basic public services. Even having sex with a person of another race was considered to be a criminal offense. Apartheid came to an end in 1994 under mounting international opposition, as the world argued that black peoplein South Africa were being subjected to an inhumane system that should not be tolerated by decent people everywhere. The United States was one of the countries that took the lead on the initiative to disband apartheid, passing the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, leading to sanctions against South Africa and demanding the release of political prisoner, Nelson Mandela.

    turns out that when it comes to our prison systems, the United States cannot claim the moral high ground that it once seemed to possess. According to data from the Prison Initiative, America incarcerates 5.8 times more black men per capita than South Africa did during apartheid. To add insult to injury, African Americans are roughly 6 times more likely to go to prison than whites, and black males are nearly 7 times more likely. These numbers are atrocious and an international embarrassment. It is about time that we did something about it.

  43. Kosher kkk needs slaps:

    U r a clueless lying racist kapo

    And u really need an education!!!

    2009, 7.2 million Americans -- or 3.1% of all adults -- were under the jurisdiction of the U.S. corrections system, including 1.6 million Americans incarcerated in a state or federal prison. Of that population, nearly 40% percent were black, even though blacks make up only 13% percent of the American population. Blacks were six times as likely to be in prison as whites, and three times as likely as Hispanics. For some perspective, consider what author of The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander wrote last year: "There are more African Americans under correctional control today -- in prison or jail, on probation or parole -- than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began."
    Incarceration amounts to a double whammy when it comes to African-American unemployment. Rarely mentioned in the usual drumbeat of media reports on jobs is the fact that the Labor Department doesn't include prison populations in its official unemployment statistics. This automatically shrinks the pool of blacks capable of working and in the process lowers the black jobless rate.
    Pager's white applicant without a criminal record had a 34% callback rate. That promptly sunk to 17% for her white applicant with a criminal record. The figures for black applicants were 14% and 5%. And yes, you read that right: in Pager's experiment, white job applicants with a criminal history got more callbacks than black applicants without one. "I expected to find an effect with a criminal record and some with race," Pager says. "I certainly was not expecting that result, and it was quite a surprise."
    Pager ran a larger version of this experiment in New York City in 2004, sending teams of young, educated, and identically credentialed men out into the Big Apple's sprawling market for entry-level jobs -- once again, with one applicant posing as an ex-con, the other with a clean record. (As she did in Milwaukee, Pager had the teams alternate who posed as the ex-con.) The results? Again Pager's African-American applicants received fewer callbacks and job offers than the whites. The disparity was particularly striking for ex-criminals: a drop off of 9 percentage points for whites, but 15 percentage points for blacks. "Employers already reluctant to hire blacks,” Pager wrote, “appear particularly wary of blacks with known criminal histories."

  44. Fred Anson1:36 PM

    "All the while, one has to respect the courage shown by Americans of all ethnic backgrounds who fought against the tyranny of the British to create the powerful nation in which we live today. If we actually had the courage to live up to the ideals of those who gave their lives for freedom, we’d be a much better country because of it."

    @ Field: What ideals do you think we are not living up to today, right here in 2011?

  45. Blame that fake negro in the White House

  46. Fred Anson1:51 PM

    "just remember that only 58% of you know the actual year A-merry-can won her independence, and a shocking one in four of you don't even know who we won it from."

    This is a triumph of the liberal educational system, which doesn't bother with anything positive about America, but instead relentlessy pushes a curriculum that equates Christopher Columbus with Hitler, Thomas Jefferson with Jefferson Davis, and George Washington with Bull Connor.

  47. Anonymous1:55 PM

    kid said...

    You're right black men all can't be real men like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson. How many babies mommas and little bastards they have between them? This isn't black or white pathology , it's American.

    Glad you said this isn't black or white since Charlie Sheen is hispanic.

    Anonymous said...
    Are you really White?

    Yes i am.I've been battling jungle fever for almost 15 years now.In researching cures, i have come to understand the struggle of black America.

    As a nice God fearing Republican,i seek to help blacks overcome.Its a dirty job,but someone has to do it.

  48. Dr. Queen:


    i love dr. bw!!!

  49. fred assnon:

    cc that bs to all of the fertile pookie turbo breeders of all races who never read to their own kids and failed their own history classes...

    stop bashing teachers u gd fool

  50. stop bashing teachers and go volunteer at any public school asap

    they need u!!!!

  51. Black News from Chicago Gun Times:

    5 Dead, 23 Hurt Over Violent Holiday Weekend

    No arrests so far in the 28 weekend shootings and stabbings

    By Jennifer Schwarz
    Jul 5, 2011

    Chicago turned violent over the holiday weekend as five men were killed and more than 20 were injured in shootings and stabbings since Friday.

    The deaths began Friday afternoon:

    Police found 21-year-old David Caradine unresponsive in a van on the 1300 block of South independence Boulevard around 2:30 p.m. Friday. Cause of death unlisted.

    Javone Oliphant was one of two men shot multiple times on the 1300 block of West Hastings Street around 11:30 p.m. Friday. Oliphant was pronounced dead at 12:09 a.m. Saturday at John H. Stroger Hospital.

    Charles Bell, 25, of Harvey, died Saturday morning after he and a 34-year-old woman were shot while sitting in a vehicle on the 8500 block of South Givins Court early Saturday morning. No word yet on the woman’s condition. She was taken to Advocate Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn.

    Jose Moldonado, 22, died in the street just before 9 a.m. Saturday after getting into an argument with a driver who pulled a gun and shot him in the head.

    Ricardo Hall, 30, died early Sunday morning after sustaining a gunshot wound to the neck. He was on the 6400 block of South Honore Street.

    Twenty-three other people survived various violent attacks across the city over the weekend.

    Chicago Police have not yet made any arrests.

    Despite the deluge of shootings and other violent crimes, Mayor Rahm Emanuel Tuesday sent a press release congratualting the city's public safety agencies for making fewer arrests at the city's spolight festivals.

    "I commend the City’s public safety agencies and employees for their efforts to make this year’s event the safest in recent memory,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

  52. Today's Black News from trigger-happy Boston:

    Menino plans emergency meeting with police after four killed, 9 wounded in spree of violence

    July 5, 2011 2:04 PM

    By Maria Cramer and Brian R. Ballou , Globe Staff

    Mayor Thomas M. Menino said he would be holding an emergency meeting with the city’s police commanders this afternoon at department headquarters to figure out if officials need to do anything differently to avoid more bloodshed.

    “It’s so frustrating,” Menino said to reporters in the glass-enclosed atrium at John Hancock Financial building where city business and political leaders kicked off a summer jobs program or city teenagers. “You think you’ve touched every base. You think you’ve done everything right.”

    Commissioner Edward F. Davis said holiday weekends can be especially violent because of “alcohol-fueled parties” where people often bring guns.

    He said many of the weekend shootings appear to be gang-related.

    “It’s very, very early in our investigations but there does seem to be a gang nexus to most of these shootings,” he said. “We’re working really hard to bring these people to justice.”

    Four people were killed in the spasm of violence that erupted in Boston on the night the nation celebrates its birth, police said.

    In the space of just seven five hours, 13 people were shot and stabbed in five neighborhoods.

    The identities of the victims – deceased or alive – were not released today.

    Police, however, did release a list identifying when and where the violence took place. The following list is in chronological order:

    -7:16 p.m. 60 Hollander Street Roxbury. One person shot to death.

    -9:55 p.m. 36 Norton Street Dorchester. Three shot, one fatally.

    -11:26 p.m. 120 Huntington Ave., South End. Two people stabbed. One victim is in critical condition and one victim is stable. One person is under arrest.

    -11:33 pm. 52 Thomas Park, South Boston. Two people stabbed and neither suffered life-threatening injuries.

    -11:34 p.m. Talbot Avenue and Washington Street, Dorchester. One person was shot and taken to the Carney Hospital where they were in stable condition.

    -11:36 p.m. Blue Hill Avenue and Morton Street, Mattapan. One person was shot and taken to the Carney where they were in stable condition. The Area B-3 police station is at this intersection.

    -11:54 p.m. 975 Blue Hill Ave., Dorchester. One person was stabbed and was taken to Boston Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries.

    JULY 5

    -12:15 a.m. 245 Columbia Road, Dorchester. Police said a person walked up to the vehicle and opened fire at the two men inside. The car lurched forward and smashed into a building. Two people were shot, and both later died from their wounds.

  53. Kosher kkk needs slaps/kapo twisted crime stats fan:

    Wm baby killer & child rapist finally nabbed

    Cc this to a white/jew blog now!!!

    A judge Monday ordered that the man suspected of abducting and killing a 7-year-old girl from Sycamore, Ill., 54 years ago be held on $3 million bail.

    The order by Judge Veronica Alicea-Galvan in King County District Court grants a request made by the state of Illinois. A court dat
    McCullough missed a hearing Saturday because he was hospitalized for undisclosed reasons, but District Court Judge Eileen Kato said she found "probable cause" to detain him.

    He was arrested in the disappearance of Maria Ridulph, 7, who was last seen playing with a friend near their homes in Sycamore on Dec. 3, 1957, according to a statement of probable cause posted on the Seattle Times website. Her decomposed body was found April 26, 1958, in Jo Daviess County, Illinois.

    McCullough was a teenager at the time and had been a suspect, but he had an alibi and was never charged. McCullough also has used the name John Tessier.

    According to the probable cause statement, Maria's playmate reported that a man named "Johnny" had approached the girls and asked if they wanted piggyback rides. The friend went home to get her mittens and when she returned, Maria and the man were gone, the statement said.

    Investigators tracked down the friend last year, and she picked McCullough's photo out of a montage, the statement said.

    The probable cause statement said McCullough joined the Air Force shortly after the disappearance, then served in the Army at Fort Lewis. He worked for the Lacy and Milton police departments in Washington state, but he was fired after pleading guilty to an unlawful communication charge following sexual abuse accusations involving a 13- or 14-year-old runaway girl in 1983.,0,119635.story

  54. Kosher kkk needs slaps/kapo twisted crime stats fan:

    Cc these lily white lists of serial killers to a white/jew blog now111


    It feels weird, in a way, to deal with female serial killers. The type of crime spree that inspires mass murder usually feels like the work of a deranged man, and a majority of the most notorious serial killers of the 20th century have been male: Ted Bundy, Zodiac, John Wayne Gacy. Statistically speaking, serial killers are usually white men in their 20s or 30s who come from lower- or middle-class backgrounds. Yet there are outliers, and it’s impossible to ignore the fact that more than a few women have defied those stats and gone on horrific killing streaks. Their crimes bring with them an added level of shock: surely, people think, a woman couldn’t have done this. But they did, and they have, and they will. These are the most infamous female serial killers

  55. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    cc all the lists above to nancy grace and tru tv too!!!

    Cc these lily white lists of serial killers to a white/jew blog now!!!!!!!

  56. Kosher kkk needs slaps:

    See more scientific and realistic wm serial killer truths in fiction here:

    Classic cerebral thriller!!!

    Taking its lead from Jonathan Demme's Oscar-winning pulse-raiser The Silence of the Lambs, Copycat strives for intelligence over gristle and carnage. It's a terse, involving thriller that swings away from the usual cinematic notion of violence as a means to an end by forgoing brawn for brains. Young San Francisco police inspector Ruben Goetz (Dermot Mulroney) is teamed with brilliant force vet, M.J. Monahan (Holly Hunter), a diplomatic, no-nonsense cop who must buck the system in order to find a killer who is copycatting the crimes of history's most notorious serial killers. Ruben would rather shoot to kill than merely wound a suspect; Monahan labors to help him think more diplomatically. Everything changes when crank calls arrive at the station from serial-killer pin-up girl psychiatrist Helen Hudson (Sigourney Weaver). She's been housebound for 13 months, ever since murderer Daryll Lee Cullum (Harry Connick Jr.) nearly made her his next victim because she testified against him in court. Though he's in prison, he's still mentor and muse to every loose cannon walking the streets--one of whom is killing people with a vengeance and hoping to finish the job Cullum began. Cop and doc team up to solve the case in this stylish, plot-driven movie. Though Copycat loses steam in the end, it still makes a point. And it serves as a cautionary tale for people everywhere, tossing in street smart warnings against victimization. The teaming of Hunter and Weaver works well, the short and the tall forging a terrific and frictioned relationship that leads to grudging respect. Establishing an ominous atmosphere reminiscent of his classic British TV miniseries The Singing Detective, director Jon Amiel has an eye for the dark and the unusual and it gives this film an edge that eludes most other mainstream filmmakers. --Paula Nechak

  57. only in amerikkka

    more proof of the dumbing down of america/morons on juries!!!

    this is a gd shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    black clones of the psycho anthony family would ALL be on death row and would have been so long ago...


  59. Anonymous3:22 PM

    First time I've been to this blog in over a month, and what do I find?

    Some old crazy batshit AB hogging the thread and stinking up the joint.

  60. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Same old

  61. silly assnon:

    cc that bs to that baby killer casey a

    or that country killer hobama

  62. silly blind assnon:

    u missed a lot of routine antics from original mfs like kosher kkk needs slaps too.

    fix that asap.

    scan up.

  63. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Funny how Liberal Historians are able to prove their assertions. Because they begin with Fact. Columbus was a nasty piece of work.
    Or do you follow the beleef version of historee sold to the Goobers by Sarey, Michelle and Barton?
    Strawmen arguments work in your you remove heretics/Liberals...but it is more difficult when you have to prove your baseless and false assertions. Thomas Jefferson was equal to Jeff Davis...only in your mind and historee. Bull Connor was equal to George Washington in your historee. Not a Liberal History...but a racist and Con historee.
    Would you like a list of Liberal historians/works? Or do you plan on lying some more?


  64. Anonymous3:57 PM

    "Funny how Liberal Historians are able to prove their assertions. Because they make them up."

    So true mold, so true.

  65. Anonymous3:58 PM

    As far as the Glorious Heroic Fweedom Fiters...the French saved our bacon. Without their would still be a subject of Britain. Washington was a speculator who depended greatly on the acquisition of Native lands for
    You can read his own words...or parrot the drivel sold to you by frauds.
    There is more than enough in the British, French, and Spanish historical record. Wonder why your heroic TV pundits never bothered to do the actual, like, work?


  66. Anonymous4:03 PM

    " You can read his own words...or parrot the drivel sold to you by frauds"


    "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

  67. Von Heeyuk4:05 PM

    More revsionist drivel from mold - all for the purpose of trying to prove today's historical output is nothing but revisionist drivel.

    Stupid is as stupid says.

  68. Now that Casey Anthoy has essentially gotten away with murder, I wonder if white folks will now back off the OJ thing?

    Nevermind, OJ was a Black man who killed white people, BIG difference!

  69. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Would you like a list of Liberal historians/works? Or do you plan on lying some more?


    Yes please.With links.......

  70. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Quick...accuse the Jews!!
    It worked so well for your intellectual foreGoobers. I do agree...Barton's historee is drivel. And nearly all Con versions are 'revisionist'. Liberal/Progressives have to show their work and back it with Facts and Data.
    The horror visited upon the Native by Columbus, the real estate speculation of Washington, or the children created by Jefferson with Ms Hemmings is not is History.
    Not for kindergarten...or homeskoolers...but certainly for adults.


  71. Judge Nelson4:53 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Now that Casey Anthoy has essentially gotten away with murder, I wonder if white folks will now back off the OJ thing?

    Nevermind, OJ was a Black man who killed white people, BIG difference!

    The problem with this trial was the black judge.

    And too many black jurors.

  72. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Would you like a list of Liberal historians/works? Or do you plan on lying some more?


    Yes please.With links.......

  73. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Liberal/Progressives have to show their work and back it with Facts and Data.

    When?Please list examples.

  74. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Now that Casey Anthoy has essentially gotten away with murder, I wonder if white folks will now back off the OJ thing?

    Nevermind, OJ was a Black man who killed white people, BIG difference!
    When Lemrick Nelson got away with essentially what the KKK did to Emit Till did black folks back off?
    That's right Nelson was black and the person he lynched was a Jew. BIG difference to black folks!

  75. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Now that Casey Anthoy has essentially gotten away with murder, I wonder if white folks will now back off the OJ thing?

    Nevermind, OJ was a Black man who killed white people, BIG difference!

    Your education shows with every post.

  76. Anonymous4:58 PM

    alicia banks said...
    Kosher kkk needs slaps:

    Cc this to a white/jew blog now

    When jew scrubs attack - kosher matricide in nyc

    Yeah, the Jewish guy killed his own mother. Maybe you black folks could keep your murderers (and rapists) within your own community too?

  77. Slapnuts said...
    Your education shows with every post.

    I take it that means we're NOT even/steven then? I mean OJ is IN jail and Casey Anthony will be free in a year.

  78. Geraldo5:12 PM

    Ms.Queen, Hojo Alum said...
    Slapnuts said...
    Your education shows with every post.

    I take it that means we're NOT even/steven then? I mean OJ is IN jail and Casey Anthony will be free in a year.

    Blame the black judge.

    What a travesty.

  79. bombs trump excuses....shame!!!!

    more rebel truth from
    another hobama lover who is waking up to hobama's evils!!!

    Washington - The skies over at least six countries are patrolled by robotic aircraft, operated by the U.S. military or the CIA, that fire missiles to carry out targeted assassinations. I am convinced that this method of waging war is cost-effective but not that it is moral.

    There has been virtually no public debate about the expanding use of unmanned drone aircraft as killing machines -- not domestically, at least. In the places where drone attacks are taking place, there has understandably been great uproar. And in the rest of the world, questions are being raised about the legal and ethical basis for these antiseptic missile strikes.

    According to The Washington Post, a U.S. military drone fired missiles in Somalia last week in an attempt to kill two leaders of the Islamist group al-Shabab, which is tied to al-Qaeda. The men apparently were wounded in the attack, the newspaper reported, quoting an unnamed senior military official.

  80. That was not Casey Anthonys' baby that was found.Remember, no dna,no proof.

    Casey Anthony had her baby taken by illegals who than smuggle her into a foreign country like Mexico,Los Angeles, or Seattle.

    There she will be raised has a sex slave and raped by Mexican,Africian,and Muslim men.

  81. Anonymous5:48 PM


    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Now that Casey Anthoy has essentially gotten away with murder, I wonder if white folks will now back off the OJ thing?

    Nevermind, OJ was a Black man who killed white people, BIG difference!

    Sigh, another dumbass. OJ was acquitted because he cried racism remember you dumb, dumb, dumb person? Do you see the difference? Do you see white people out in the streets celebrating like Blacks did for O.J.? Or are most (any I know) white people saying she is guilty and this is a travesty.

    You are so racist that you find a dark shadow in every corner, only you are also too stupid to realize your big fat dumb ass is the thing that is causing the shadow.

  82. racist fool assnon:

    u lie like hobama!!!

    and u have the IQ of a taco

    Ashton said Casey knew that she would eventually have to choose between sacrificing her partying lifestyle and sacrificing her child, and she ultimately chose to sacrifice her child. So on June 16, 2008, when she left her parents’ house and said they would spend the night at Zanny’s, “she knew that night she would be in the arms of her boyfriend and that Caylee would be dead.”

    Over the next few days, while Casey told her mother elaborate lies about where she and Caylee were, Ashton said Caylee was likely in the trunk of her car, decomposing, “put out of Casey’s mind as easily as she puts out the truth.” He called Casey’s ability to come up with an appropriate lie in any situation “amazing” and said it was “really quite impressive” how she could incorporate details from old lies into new ones.

    Ashton suggested that Casey borrowed a neighbor’s shovel on June 18 because she was considering burying Caylee in the backyard like all of the family pets that died over the years, but “apparently that was too much work for her, so she decided to just throw her in a swamp.”

    He noted that the duct tape found with Caylee’s remains was extremely rare, and it matched tape found at the Anthony house. It was also seen on one of the missing child flyers Casey’s parents were distributing. Dwelling on that for a moment, he said, “The tape that was used to kill Caylee Anthony was used to implore people to look for her.”

  83. Black News Today:

    Fireworks shot at emergency responders at Taft Homes.

    PEORIA — An incident that left a Peoria policeman and firefighter with temporary hearing loss after being fired upon with mortar-type fireworks in Taft Homes is being reviewed by authorities Tuesday.

    Just as the grand finale of the riverfront fireworks display was exploding over the Illinois River on Monday night, emergency responders were summoned to Taft Homes on a call of a burning Dumpster.

    A fire engine and two police officers were the first to respond. Peoria Fire Department Division Chief Gary Van Voorhis said a crowd that had been shooting firewworks as the engine arrived turned the tubes toward emergency personnel and ignited the contents.

    One firework hit a firefighter in the shoulder, causing hearing loss. The firefighter declined medical attention and remained on duty, Van Voorhis said. Other fireworks struck the engine and caused burn marks on the vehicle.

    Peoria Police Capt. Mike Scally, who was the event commander for the Red, White and Boom event on the riverfront, said one of the two officers who initially responded to Taft Homes also complained of hearing loss later in the night and went to the hospital for treatment.

    The crowd that had gathered initially did not respond to officers' commands to disperse and was fired upon with pepper ball guns. The crowd became compliant as more officers arrived, Scally said.

    He described the fireworks recovered at the scene as "three- to four-inch" mortar shells.

  84. dr queen writes:

    Now that Casey Anthoy has essentially gotten away with murder, I wonder if white folks will now back off the OJ thing?

    First, she was convicted of lying to the police and tampering with evidence. Thus, she's heading to jail for a couple of years.

    It won't shock me if she gets the same treatment in jail that Jeffrey Dahmer got. He was killed by other inmates.

    Second, if she serves her sentence and is released, her life will become more and more miserable. No one will ever let her forget what she did, and believe me, everyone except the members of the jury thinks she's guilty.

    Like OJ, if she ever commits another crime, even a minor crime, she'll face a relentless prosecutor who wants to make up for today's verdict.

  85. Slappy boy, you gotta stop your pathetic attempts to justify this idea of the black community's "natural inclination towards criminal behavior" via these "black news today" feeds. Otherwise, AB's gonna keep on knocking you upside your head over and over again.

    Criminals is criminals, no matter the skin color. What you're doing is making you look every bit of the idiot you are. Knock it off.

  86. no_slappz said...

    Like OJ, if she ever commits another crime, even a minor crime, she'll face a relentless prosecutor who wants to make up for today's verdict.

    6:08 PM


    For once, I have to agree with NS on this..Who would have thought that. Maybe his heart is thawing out but I doubt it.

    On another note..Whose blog is this?

    Just asking questions.

  87. "Sigh, another dumbass. OJ was acquitted because he cried racism remember you dumb, dumb, dumb person? Do you see the difference? Do you see white people out in the streets celebrating like Blacks did for O.J.? Or are most (any I know) white people saying she is guilty and this is a travesty."

    Tampered evidence and a relatively incompetent prosecution team led to O.J.'s acquittal. If it wasn't for law enforcement's inclination to frame an already-guilty man, he'd be serving life or waiting on Death Row right now.

    Most whites have the decency to keep the "Yee-Haws" and "Woo Hoos" behind closed doors, otherwise they'll look like Alabamians at a George Wallace speech. I'm sure there were cheers and sighs of relief when O.J. was bagged on the robbery and weapons charges.

    "You are so racist that you find a dark shadow in every corner, only you are also too stupid to realize your big fat dumb ass is the thing that is causing the shadow."

    Whereas if you saw a dark shadow in a corner, you'd cross the street and hide under a street lamp.

  88. Anonymous6:26 PM

    no_slappz said...

    Like OJ, if she ever commits another crime, even a minor crime, she'll face a relentless prosecutor who wants to make up for today's verdict.

    6:08 PM


    For once, I have to agree with NS on this..Who would have thought that. Maybe his heart is thawing out but I doubt it.

    On another note..Whose blog is this?

    Just asking questions.

    Not your's that's for sure. So what is your point? More complainin to do?

  89. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "Sigh, another dumbass. OJ was acquitted because he cried racism remember you dumb, dumb, dumb person? Do you see the difference? Do you see white people out in the streets celebrating like Blacks did for O.J.? Or are most (any I know) white people saying she is guilty and this is a travesty."

    Tampered evidence and a relatively incompetent prosecution team led to O.J.'s acquittal. If it wasn't for law enforcement's inclination to frame an already-guilty man, he'd be serving life or waiting on Death Row right now.

    Most whites have the decency to keep the "Yee-Haws" and "Woo Hoos" behind closed doors, otherwise they'll look like Alabamians at a George Wallace speech. I'm sure there were cheers and sighs of relief when O.J. was bagged on the robbery and weapons charges.

    "You are so racist that you find a dark shadow in every corner, only you are also too stupid to realize your big fat dumb ass is the thing that is causing the shadow."

    Whereas if you saw a dark shadow in a corner, you'd cross the street and hide under a street lamp.

    Maybe in your ficticious dreamworld. Where in the hell do you get the idea that whites are happy about this and just secretly hiding thier joy? You have your black culture confused with white. Blacks cheer no matter how bad the person is. Whites don't do that. We look at the person and not someones skin color.

    Now, If I want any more shit out of you I'll squeeze your little head so shut the fuck up and go get me something to drink bitch.


  90. Mack Lyons said...

    On another note..Whose blog is this?

    Just asking questions.

    It's the blog of the assnons who don't have $hit else to do all day.

    Useless, nameless phuckers!

  91. mack lyons writes:

    Slappy boy, you gotta stop your pathetic attempts to justify this idea of the black community's "natural inclination towards criminal behavior" via these "black news today" feeds.

    Half the murders in the US are committed by blacks. Blacks are about 12% of the population.

    I'll do the math for you. The actual numbers show that blacks commit murder at more than SEVEN times the rate of whites.

    Meanwhile, AB's examples are generally old cases. Even today's courtroom tragedy was a case about a murder that occurred three years ago.

    YOu wrote:

    Criminals is criminals, no matter the skin color.

    True enough. But the real issue is the prevalence of sociopathic behavior in groups. Asians in the US exhibit a low rate of committing violent crime. Whites commit violent crimes at a higher rate than asians. But blacks make the needle on the violence meter spin.

    What you're doing is making you look every bit of the idiot you are.

    You're in deep denial about the social pathologies afflicting the black community.

    Have you ever noticed that every black nation has a negative migration rate? Nobody moves INTO those countries. People only want to move OUT. Why is that?

  92. Anonymous6:39 PM

    It's the blog of the assnons who don't have $hit else to do all day.

    Useless, nameless phuckers!
    hey chrick u cante even spell phukkers right kuntlicker!

  93. rottnkid writes:

    For once, I have to agree with NS on this..Who would have thought that. Maybe his heart is thawing out but I doubt it.

    Heart thawing? What's heart got to do with convicting guilty murderers? Well, it's obvious what you mean. You think whites have a soft spot for white killers that's like the soft spot blacks have for black killers who kill white victims.

    For whites, that's not how it is.

    Maybe you should look at the Casey Anthony jury. Racially mixed, but sadly unanimous on the charge of murder.

  94. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This past video about Obama should have been listened to by ALL Blacks. Let's hope Blacks don't do the same thing again!

  95. PilotX6:55 PM

    "Half the murders in the US are committed by blacks. Blacks are about 12% of the population"

    Once again Slappz is wrong. How may murders in this country go unsolved? So without that information you can't make that claim but then again you make many false and disproven statements.

    BTW Slappz did you ever notice that you were wrong about there being no engineering schools built in the 50's or do you do your usual dodge of reality?

  96. Anonymous said...

    Not your's that's for sure. So what is your point? More complainin to do?

    6:26 PM

    Just asking questions. I don't have the energy for Anon's today..Moving on..

    Dr.Queen said..

    It's the blog of the assnons who don't have $hit else to do all day.

    Useless, nameless phuckers!

    6:32 PM

    I know. Must be some of those 99er's that Obama is paying to look for a job.


    no_slappz said...

    Well, it's obvious what you mean. You think whites have a soft spot for white killers that's like the soft spot blacks have for black killers who kill white victims.

    For whites, that's not how it is.

    Maybe you should look at the Casey Anthony jury. Racially mixed, but sadly unanimous on the charge of murder.

    6:40 PM

    To the contrary, I just agreed with your last part of your previous statement. No need to be defensive on this one, it's not that serious, at least not for me.

    "If the glove doesn't fit you must acquit." Classic line.

    On a side note. I had a Constructive Feedback sighting on other blogs today. Awesome.

  97. PilotX7:04 PM

    "You think whites have a soft spot for white killers that's like the soft spot blacks have for black killers who kill white victims."

    Well now that you mention it......jow many white defendants were ruled not guilty by all white juries? What country do you live in? Wow, Slappz just loves being wrong.

  98. PilotX7:09 PM

    Hey Slappz, how bout the murders of Emmitt Till? What color were those jurors?

  99. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Ever notice when facts are mentions mold runs ahd hides?

  100. Anonymous7:21 PM

    1. My taco is smarter.

    2. Where was CF Kid?

  101. Slapnuts said...
    Ever notice when facts are mentions mold runs ahd hides?

    It's mass diaper changing time.

  102. pilotX writes:

    BTW Slappz did you ever notice that you were wrong about there being no engineering schools built in the 50's or do you do your usual dodge of reality?

    Oh yeah. The Florida Institute of Technology. You called by its original name.

    Big deal. ONE engineering school was founded in the 1950s. In other words, I was correct. The Space Race did NOT lead to much of an expansion of science and engineering in the US.

    Here's a point to consider. I looked at the stats for the Florida Institute for Technology. It's, at best, a very average school. The entrance requirements are low for tech schools. Anybody scoring 550 on his math SAT is in.

    Second, the tuition is $48,000 a year. In other words, about the same as MIT.

    Students would do far better to attend a state school for half the price.

    You seem oblivious to the real timeline of techical advances in the US. The big jump occurred in the early 1950s when the first semiconductors were developed. That started a revolution.

    The space program was impressive in its own special way. But it did very little to expand commercial opportunities. Unfortunately, a lot of people want to believe the hype.

    However, it did good things for our military.

  103. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Slapnuts said...
    Ever notice when facts are mentions mold runs ahd hides?

    It's mass diaper changing time.

    I'll respect your opinion doc:)

  104. pilotX writes:

    Well now that you mention it......jow many white defendants were ruled not guilty by all white juries?

    A handful -- a long time ago.

    What country do you live in?

    I live in the country where credible records are available. Such as, researchers agree that about 3,500 blacks were lynched between 1865 and 1965.

    That's an average of 35 a year. But today, the number of blacks murdered EVERY DAY is about 22.

    PilotX said...

    Hey Slappz, how bout the murders of Emmitt Till? What color were those jurors?

    That case is included among the 3,500 lynchings. That was 55 years ago. The vast majority of blacks were born after the Till murder.

    It is a simple fact that almost no blacks alive today have been the victims of violent white criminals.

  105. Today in tragic HUMAN news:

    "Showing up in the middle of the night Sunday at the Trainer home of a friend he hadn't seen in decades, Mark Geisenheyner made an astonishing confession:

    He had just shot five people in Montgomery County the night before, including a 2-year-old child.

    The shocked friend then awakened his wife and sent her out of the house at 4336 Post Rd. The friend, who was not publicly identified, then waited for Geisenheyner, 51, to fall asleep. During that time, the friend prayed he wouldn't be murdered, he'd later tell his landlord, Jack Elliott...."

    Who shoots a two year old in the head? Wait for it...wait for it...

  106. pilotX writes:

    Once again Slappz is wrong. How may murders in this country go unsolved?

    Very few. Moreover, even those in which the killer is never prosecuted, there are usually witnesses who give general descriptions.

    Let's face it, even though OJ was acquitted, the cops don't have to look for the real killers. Meanwhile, since killers almost always kill people of the same race, we know that the murders of blacks are committed by blacks. Whites do not go to black neighborhoods to commit murder. It does not happen.

    But blacks do go into white neighborhoods to commit crimes, which sometimes end up including murder. Like the white guy who was murdered by three black punks a couple of blocks from my house in April. A security camera on a building caught the action. But the images were not good enough for a positive ID.

    So without that information you can't make that claim but then again you make many false and disproven statements.

    Only nitwits in deep denial about the social pathologies of the black community make silly claims like yours.

  107. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Largely a good article, but infinite lolling at calling Lil Wayne a "shareholder-created monstrosit[y]."

  108. Black News from Baltimore:

    Child Shot, Man Dead After Fireworks Celebration; Police Look For Person Of Interest

    July 5, 2011 5:35 PM

    BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Mayhem erupted at the Inner Harbor on a night that started as a celebration of our country’s independence.

    A young boy was shot and nearby a man was stabbed to death.

    The chaos started before the fireworks stopped as a massive fight broke out.

    Moments later, a man used a broken bottle to stab a man in the neck. The murder unfolded near Pier 6.

    Steps away from a command post, a stray bullet hit a 4-year-old in the leg.

    “None of the officers at that scene…could discern a gunshot,” Commissioner Fred Bealefeld said.

    “It’s the worst nightmare for any parent,” said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

    Police say they made 30 arrests and handled 20 curfew violations with double the force they had here last year.

    “They ought to catch them and give them life,” said one man.

    “We had officers everywhere. We don’t have a referee,” Rawlings-Blake said.

    Police say there were 600 officers downtown Monday night.

    So far this year, there have been 104 murders in Baltimore City.

  109. Anonymous8:05 PM

    A majority of African Americans believed OJ to be innocent despite a long history of documented (including 911 calls) violence towards Nicole, forensic evidence, and Nicole had even gone on record to say "He'll kill me one day and he'll get away with it."
    It would be interesting to compare this number with what percentage of African American's believe Casey to be innocent.

  110. Mark Geisenheyner was shot to death by the police.

    As a result of his death, you can be sure there will be no vigil for him. No candles or flowers. No tears shed.

    There will be no white protesters outside police headquarters. No angry white citizens ranting about police brutality or excessive use of force.

    Meanwhile, any way you want to measure it, blacks hold the lead on killing kids. Even the abortion numbers are staggeringly lopsided.

  111. I understand the sentiment of Dr. Boyce, but I think it reflects a nihilistic despondency on the Left. Like Chris Hedges, Amy Goodman, Ralph Nader and other liberal commentators - Boyce buys into the 'all hope is lost' mindset of modern activists left.

    Forget the fact that a Black man with a PhD is able to post freely in the public square without persecution saying no progress is made in 2011 is rather, well, silly.

    As a progressive thinking African American I would say that, first, some of his point overblown and overly simplified. Having a corporate job, which most Black folks want their children to aim towards, now strictly on the plantation? What's the alternative? (Again, he's a college professor of economics. By Boyce's own definition, he's well in 'the house'.)

    Second, I would say "OK, now what?" The durge of the progressive movement in the West is that they're great at analysis, but terrible at follow-up. So, the criminal justice is unfair. And water is wet. What do we do about as a people? Not Obama, not Congress or governors. How do we, as a people, push change. Healthcare in America sucks. Uh, yeah, but why didn't unions and the NAACP launch counter protest against the Tea Party Astro Turf goons?

    I think this where alot of middle and working class Black people outside of the intelligensia get annoyed with the so-called Black leadership and ultimately dismiss them as useless. A lot talk and analysis, but little in terms of action and implementation. This doesn't mean that we're all going to follow Herman Cain and (to a much lesser extent) Michael Steele over the GOP/Tea Party cliff. And it certainly mean that we hold up Obama as the be all and end all. He's not above criticism.

    But, if the Black academy and pundit class need to come with more than simply referencing the civil rights movement, quoting dead thinkers or bithcing about Obama, then they'll continue to be little more than a laughing stock. Case in point, how many 'State of Black America' confernce or 'Black Agenda Report' blog blasts came before Obama, and how much difference did they make? How many of these professional pundits and wonks leave the Ivory tower or the "Hollywood for Ugly People" and get into the streets with the people?

    Its easy to sit and bitch about how the world is crumbling. Get some ashes and sackcloth, my man. But it takes real courage to make a real plan of action.

  112. Robert Byrd8:33 PM

    "A majority of African Americans believed OJ to be innocent despite a long history of documented (including 911 calls) violence towards Nicole, forensic evidence, and Nicole had even gone on record to say "He'll kill me one day and he'll get away with it."
    It would be interesting to compare this number with what percentage of African American's believe Casey to be innocent."

    African Americans will believe anything. That's why they vote democrat.


  113. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Ahhh, another flash robbing mob....what color were they/?......well?? Anyone want to take a guess?

  114. PilotX8:36 PM

    "It is a simple fact that almost no blacks alive today have been the victims of violent white criminals"

    Not the point Slappz, your assertion that ONLY Black people celebrate killers is wrong as you are AGAIN.

    "It is a simple fact that almost no blacks alive today have been the victims of violent white criminals."

    And you can prove this how?

    "Big deal. ONE engineering school was founded in the 1950s. In other words, I was correct. The Space Race did NOT lead to much of an expansion of science and engineering in the US."

    That was just one off the top of my head to disprove your assertion that there were NO engineering schools built in the 50's. And because YOU assert the space race did not lead to much innovation doesn't make it true. More to that point later.

    "Only nitwits in deep denial about the social pathologies of the black community make silly claims like yours."

    And only racists like yourself only look at one community and ignores the pathology in all others. Sick.

  115. D'Ville Haynegro8:37 PM

    LAC said: "But it takes real courage to make a real plan of action."

    Here's a plan: Stop bitching and get a job.

    Works for everybody else.

  116. MuggerX8:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "It is a simple fact that almost no blacks alive today have been the victims of violent white criminals"

    And you can prove this how?


    FBI crime statistics:

  117. PilotX8:40 PM

    "Outside of the Apollo programme, NASA, which had been formed in July of 1958 showed early indications that it’s space research activities would result in new technological innovations. This resulted in the Technology Utilization Program being set up in 1962 to inform the scientific community about NASA technologies.

    Many products are in commercial use today as a direct result of NASA science and technology research. These range from kidney dialysis machines, athletic shoe manufacturing techniques, insulation materials for automobiles, water filtration technologies, freeze dried foods, computer innovations and many more."

    Gee, bet Slappz didn't know any of this. What else is new.........stay tuned for more proof Slappz is full of shit.

  118. PilotX8:45 PM

    "Aerospace technologies developed for the Space Race were adapted for commercial purposes. For example, satellites built for spying were later used for communications, weather prediction, and navigation systems, like GPS."
    "Other technological byproducts spawned by the Space Race include MRI and CAT scans, TV satellite dishes, smoke detectors, cordless tools, robotic technologies, and joystick controllers. The MRI used super-cooled liquids created during the Space Race. The satellite dish was created to receive signals from satellites in space. Cordless tools were created for astronauts to use on space walks."

  119. PilotX8:51 PM

    "In October 1957 the Soviet Union launched into orbit of Sputnik, the first-ever artificial satellite. The Russian achievement served as a wake-up call for Americans who realized they needed to improve U.S. science and math education to compete in a science- and technology-driven world. The space race was on, and only a highly educated group of homegrown scientists and engineers could get Americans to the moon ahead of the Russians. For the first time, education in the United States became a major federal imperative.

    The government, perceiving a national crisis, turned to the young National Science Foundation, which had established strong ties to the country's research universities. With the National Defense Education Act of 1958, Congress called upon NSF to attend to kindergarten through twelfth-grade (K-12) education in mathematics and science. Later, Congress explicitly added social studies to the mandate"

    Gee Slappz, looks like the National Science Foundation agrees with me that the launch of Sputnik spurred a government initiative to increase math and science literacy.
    Wanna bet Slappz goes away before reading he is WRONG AGAIN.

  120. Ben Wayan IIII8:54 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Many products are in commercial use today as a direct result of NASA science and technology research. These range from kidney dialysis machines, athletic shoe manufacturing techniques, insulation materials for automobiles, water filtration technologies, freeze dried foods, computer innovations and many more."

    What innovations has NASA come up with lately? As in the past 20 years?


    NASA has turned into just another federal bureaucracy. Years and years of affirmative action hiring has dumbed down the agency to where they can hardly get a satellite in orbit. They don't even bother anymore. Obama's pick to head NASA said his primary mission was "To help Muslims feel better about their contributions to science".

    What a joke.

  121. PilotX8:54 PM

    "Over the next twenty years, NSF spent $500 million on elementary and secondary school curricula and teacher development. Teams of scientists, educators, and teachers worked together to develop new curricula in physics, biology, chemistry, and mathematics. At the same time, universities held hundreds of summer programs to assist teachers in understanding and using the new materials."

    Wow, seems the X man is right again and Slappz is wrong wrong wrong, except in its own little world where facts don't matter.

  122. PilotX8:55 PM

    "What innovations has NASA come up with lately? As in the past 20 years?"

    Not the point sir. Try to keep up.

  123. PilotX8:57 PM

    "Years and years of affirmative action hiring has dumbed down the agency to where they can hardly get a satellite in orbit"

    And of course you have proof of this right? Or would this just be another racist innuendo?

  124. Ben Wayan III8:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    "What innovations has NASA come up with lately? As in the past 20 years?"

    Not the point sir. Try to keep up.

    No, the point is on your head.

    NASA was once the employer of the best and brightest but today has turned into a collossal waste of money. There is no more space program; Obama killed the last of it off so he could use the remants of the agency to rub muslim nuts.

  125. Ben Wayan III9:02 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Years and years of affirmative action hiring has dumbed down the agency to where they can hardly get a satellite in orbit"

    And of course you have proof of this right? Or would this just be another racist innuendo?

    What has NASA accomplished lately?

    The Clintons established a "no more white male" hiring policy in the 90's, and the agency has never recovered.

  126. PilotX9:07 PM

    You know what Ben, that can be a topic for another time but I am specifically responding to a specific poster who did not believe 1. the space race achieved much scientifically or commercially and 2. the launch of Sputnik did not prod the country to invest in science and math curricula both pretty much disproven. Your issue with NASA having done nothing in the last 20 years is also debatable but beyond the scope of this debate. If you wish you can take your case directly to the head of NASA and complain about the lack of white male employees.

  127. PilotX9:08 PM

    "The Clintons established a "no more white male" hiring policy in the 90's, and the agency has never recovered."

    And of course you have proof of this right?

  128. PilotX9:12 PM

    "Even the abortion numbers are staggeringly lopsided"

    Because we all know every woman who has an abortion is just waiting to be included in the count. Sick.

  129. Ben Wayan III9:15 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The Clintons established a "no more white male" hiring policy in the 90's, and the agency has never recovered."

    And of course you have proof of this right?

    First hand experience. NASA wanted to hire me in 1996 but couldn't, because I was a white male. Instead, I had to be hired by NOAA and used on loan to NASA. Eventually I got sick of the BS and left to a university position. Many others have left too.

  130. pilotX jabbers:

    Many products are in commercial use today as a direct result of NASA science and technology research. These range from kidney dialysis machines, athletic shoe manufacturing techniques, insulation materials for automobiles, water filtration technologies, freeze dried foods, computer innovations and many more."

    There's no evidence beyond these hyped claims that NASA developed any of the above technologies and then handed them over to commercial enterprises.

    Let's get serious. Have you read of any astronauts who went into space for their kidney dialysis?

    Is Nike making shoes in outer space? Moreover, it's amusing that you think making sneakers is high-tech stuff.

    Most important is the fact that computer advances were driven by factors that had nothing to do with the space program.

    Bottom line -- all of the advances were happening with or without the space program.

  131. pilotX writes:

    Because we all know every woman who has an abortion is just waiting to be included in the count. Sick.

    In this country we count everything. We practice taxonomy. We collect data and we analyze it. When it comes to abortion, we know the score.

  132. pilotX writes:

    The space race was on, and only a highly educated group of homegrown scientists and engineers could get Americans to the moon ahead of the Russians.

    Yeah. What a race. The "Russians" might put a man on the Moon in, oh, maybe, another 20 or 40 or 60 years. But they'll leave him there.

    For the first time, education in the United States became a major federal imperative.


    The government, perceiving a national crisis, turned to the young National Science Foundation, which had established strong ties to the country's research universities.

    Yep. The government got into funding science and engineering.

    With the National Defense Education Act of 1958, Congress called upon NSF to attend to kindergarten through twelfth-grade (K-12) education in mathematics and science.

    Aren't you the nitwit who claims that compared with students in other countries American students don't know anything about science and math?

    Of course the true story is that SOME Americans -- I won't mention their race -- know next to nothing about science and math, but others know so much they're jamming the halls of MIT, Stanford, CalTech and a long list of other superb science and engineering schools.

    Later, Congress explicitly added social studies to the mandate"

    Yeah. This misguided move put black studies on the academic map.

  133. pilotX,

    Basic physics, chemistry and math have not changed in a hundred years. You have to get beyond undergraduate tech studies before you have a chance to break into new territory.

    Frankly, high school and college textbooks for physics, chemistry and calculus from the 1940s contain the same information as today's texts.

    The new ones look nicer and they contain some friendlier text, but same old same old.

  134. PilotX9:41 PM

    "The National Defense Education Act (NDEA), signed into law on September 2, 1958, provided funding to United States education institutions at all levels.[1] The act authorized funding for four years, increasing funding per year: for example, funding increased on eight program titles from 183 million dollars in 1959 to 222 million in 1960.[2] While motivated by the increase in the number of students attending college and a growing national sense that U.S. scientists were falling behind scientists in the Soviet Union, it was arguably catalyzed by early Soviet success in the Space Race, notably the launch of the first-ever satellite, Sputnik, the year before."

    Gee more proof you're wrong.

    "The NDEA was influenced by the Soviet launch of the satellite Sputnik on October 4, 1957. The launch shook the American belief that the United States was superior in math and science to all other countries. U.S. citizens feared that schools in the USSR were superior to American schools, and Congress reacted by adding the act to take US schools up to speed."

    Coincidence that there was more funding for science and math after the launch of Sputnik? Just admit you were wrong and let's be done with this.

  135. PilotX9:46 PM

    "Aren't you the nitwit who claims that compared with students in other countries American students don't know anything about science and math?"

    Uhhhhh, different point Slappz, keep up. My point was the last generation benefitted from these programs and helped build this country into what it is today and now the government is full of dimwitted conservatives that want to teach creationism. You don't follow along too well Slappz. Not too bright huh?

    "Of course the true story is that SOME Americans -- I won't mention their race -- know next to nothing about science and math, but others know so much they're jamming the halls of MIT, Stanford, CalTech and a long list of other superb science and engineering schools."

    Kinda sorta but not really. Many engineering and math students are from Asia. Not to many native born Americans but I know what you're implying but there aren't too many white Americans filing the halls of MIT, Cal Tech ect. The average white American doesn't know why sound travels more efficiently through water than air and trust me I've asked alot of white people and most don't know.
    Ignorance is a problem with all races in this country.

  136. Union Teacher9:50 PM

    "Ignorance is a problem with all races in this country."

    You can thank the NEA for that.

  137. PilotX9:51 PM

    "First hand experience. NASA wanted to hire me in 1996 but couldn't, because I was a white male. Instead, I had to be hired by NOAA and used on loan to NASA. Eventually I got sick of the BS and left to a university position. Many others have left too"

    Wow, another ancedotal story from an "over qualified" white male who was kept out of a job because of the color of his skin. If I had a dollar for every white guy on the internet with PhD who was passed over so a Black woman who dropped out of high school could be hired I'd be rich.
    1. Ancedotal stories are not proof of anything except you think everyone is as gullible as you and Slappz.
    2. I find it hard to believe if NASA, I guess it was Mr. NASA himself, wanted to hire you there wouldn't be a problem. Maybe it was something else in your past they found out about? A cheating scandal in your past? A DUI? Something or was it just because you are a super-brilliant white guy and in the Clinton years that was a no no.
    Go sell your bull shit somewhere else son, I ain't buying it.

  138. PilotX9:52 PM

    "Ignorance is a problem with all races in this country.

    You can thank the NEA for that."

    I'd rather thank conservatives.

  139. pilotX writes:

    Kinda sorta but not really. Many engineering and math students are from Asia.

    Actually, the students are asians. But they're also US citizens, and most were born here. Asians account for about 5% of the US population.

    Not to many native born Americans but I know what you're implying but there aren't too many white Americans filing the halls of MIT, Cal Tech ect.

    The majority of students at those schools are white. Asians form a large minority.

  140. PilotX10:16 PM

    "The majority of students at those schools are white. Asians form a large minority"

    The better students are Asian. Americans by and large are failing in math and science, look at the data. My point is we need a new science and math initiative before the conservatives run this country into the ground.

    "In this country we count everything. We practice taxonomy. We collect data and we analyze it. When it comes to abortion, we know the score."

    Which means all abortions are counted and the race of the mother is included in the data without fail. Interesting hypothesis, probably wrong but interesting.

  141. "First hand experience. NASA wanted to hire me in 1996 but couldn't, because I was a white male. Instead, I had to be hired by NOAA and used on loan to NASA. Eventually I got sick of the BS and left to a university position. Many others have left too."

    What ever happened to the people who got hired instead of you?

    PilotX, I will take fifty cents and I would still be rich. :)

  142. Ben Wayan III11:03 PM

    "First hand experience. NASA wanted to hire me in 1996 but couldn't, because I was a white male. Instead, I had to be hired by NOAA and used on loan to NASA. Eventually I got sick of the BS and left to a university position. Many others have left too."

    What ever happened to the people who got hired instead of you?

    PilotX, I will take fifty cents and I would still be rich. :)

    Take it for what you will. They wanted me enough to do what they had to do to get me in there. Today, I make a good bit more than anyone who works at NASA.

    And as for your fifty cents, it's always the least-qualified recipients of affirmative action who crow the loudest. I get it.

    The people who got hired directly by NASA are apparently busy making Muslims feel good about themselves.

    They aren't sending anyone to the moon or even inventing Tang, that's for sure.

  143. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Frankly, high school and college textbooks for physics, chemistry and calculus from the 1940s contain the same information as today's texts. queef head

    ya think so? even though the transistor didnt come around until the late 40s? ure a colossal idiot

  144. Dr. Watkins hit the nail on the head. But he didnt offer any solutions. I've read many of his submitted articles, on another thread, and he seems to have a common sense that we need to hear. Good job FN, I hope to see you post more of his work

  145. PilotX10:02 PM

    "And as for your fifty cents, it's always the least-qualified recipients of affirmative action who crow the loudest. I get it."

    And it's always underachieving white males who scream about affirmative action when a person of color is smarter and more qualified than they are. If you were really discriminated against because of your color I suggest a lawsuit. Field is a good layer, he might take your case. Of course that is if you really have degrees and were courted by NASA but I find it really hard to believe you just happened to show up when the discussion turned to the space program. Here's another suggestion, instead of posting your frustrations on a blog why not go write a resume or something. Professor, ha!

  146. PilotX10:06 PM

    Just out of curiosity Ben, you sound pretty accomplished. Do you have any published research we may have heard of?
