Monday, July 11, 2011

Read two Playboy magazines and call me in the morning.

I know that from time to time it might seem like I am being flip when I post. But tonight I have a serious question for some of my republiclown friends: Do you really expect me to consider voting for Michele Bachmann for president when she signed on to a pledge that said black babies were better off under slavery because they were born to a two parent household? 

"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President." [Source]

Ok Ok, I know that when we were slaves we at least had jobs; but we didn't even get paid minimum wage back then.

And you wingnuts wonder why my cousins can't get under your tent with you. 

And, speaking of Ms. Bachmann, I see that her hubby is being called out for running a scam clinic where he says that he can cure Gays by praying for them. ---Because we just can't have those "Barbarians" running around with the rest of us good Christian folks. "Ex Gay Therapy" is what I think he calls it. (Hmmm, I wonder if it worked for him? )

I started this post with a question, and I will end it with one for Marcus and his crazy ass friends: Marcus, if you think that by praying you could actually change someone from being Gay to hetro, why don't you use your prayers for more important things like bringing us world peace and fixing our damn deficit problem?




  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Yaaaay! Great post Field.

    Seeee, I knew it! He doth protest too much. So now it turns out he's running a "Cure the Gays Clinic" huh?

    AHAAAA! Proof positive!! He's gay! Watch him go Ted Haggard one of these days. Oh man it never fails, What a bunch of hypocrites!!!

    and Michelle, well we know what her little problem is , now don't we ;)hehehehehe

  2. Aiight, I'm a week late, but I *had* to rail against that one bullet point Dr. Boyce Watkins threw out there:

    "Capitalist and shareholder-created monstrosities like Lil Wayne teach them how to kill themselves and each other by the time they become teenagers." which I say BULLSHIT, good doctor.

    Once upon a time, Lil' Wayne was a C-list rapper who couldn't get on TV if he had a hostage. Nobody cared about him. THEN, he stepped his game up with 2 great albums and like a dozen classic mixtapes. It was only after that that corporate America learned the guy's name.

    He wasn't created in some boardroom, he built his buzz by winning people over in the streets. That shit is grassroots meritocracy, buddy. So there. I'm tired of old black people that act like Wall St. invented Gucci Mane in a test tube somewhere. People like that music. They listen. They buy. THEN the corporate money comes flooding in.

  3. akbright10:48 PM

    Too bad he doesn't open a "Cure the Bigot" Clinic.

  4. All of that, Field.

    Now if anyone had any doubts why we've given Michelle Bachmann the first name "Crazy", her pledge signing, and subsequent back tracking, not to mention her quack hubby's clinic gets paid with Medicare fill in the blank.

  5. No she did not say that. Well, the "zippidy doo dah zippidy ay" anony should be here shortly to agree with her anyway.

    It's amazing how people can still publicly say these ignorant insensitive things to black people and have zero fear of repercussions. Sigh. Poor black people, always worried about everybody else. If this keeps up, I'll have to change my name to Gonzales, Steinberg or Jung.

    "Ex Gay Therapy" is what I think he calls it. (Hmmm, I wonder if it worked for him? )"

    Or just marry a woman with a man's jawline and just wing it.

    Btw, hola chica, I think I saw that yacht heading your way. I have an old cannon laying around somewhere, just give me the word (hehe).

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Wonder how slaves convinced their "owners" of the importance of two parent households?? Oh riiiiiiight they weren't able to......


  7. Wesley R11:32 PM


    Your "cousins" are on point. The RightWingnuts always try Race Politics. It didn't work in 2008, and it won't work in 2012. Republicans need to muzzle the Wingnuts or kick them out of the party in the future. With the change in the demographics coming soon The Republicans won't have a chance to win national elections if they let the Nuts represent them.

  8. Correction, she didn't say it, she agreed and pledged to it. Errors like this happen when trying to read pass my bedtime.

    Well on the bright side, in 1860 I too wouldn't have had to worry my poor self about reading anything.

  9. Anonymous11:40 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Or just marry a woman with a man's jawline and just wing it."
    OOOoh! You're bad!! Hahahaha!
    "Btw, hola chica, I think I saw that yacht heading your way. I have an old cannon laying around somewhere, just give me the word (hehe)."
    LOL! Nah,the tracking device...OOPS! I meant to say he's got a track record for getting lost LOL! I think he's prolly wandering around Europe somewhere, or who knows, is Greece close to the Middle East? >< Let me see if I can reach him on the radio.

    "This is Desertflower to Anon, are you 10-4 or 10-7 or 10-8? Over and out."
    PR police and EMS radio codes:
    10-7 means dead, 10-8 means standing by, and 10-4 means understood.

    He's getting stoned on "medical" Maryjane and eating Greek food! see he knows how to really enjoy life!

  10. "Wonder how slaves convinced their "owners" of the importance of two parent households??"

    I'm still wondering if they are also including the child molesting rapist massahs in this two parent count.

  11. LOL, I forgot the GPS, ooops. I don't think he's in Greece, he might have been tripping like Christopher Cumbustusup, and sailed somewhere near Aruba and thought he was in Greece. Yup, he's heading up your way...

  12. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Hey anything else happen today outside of the republican world? Obama had a press conference on the debt, how did that go? What do ya'll think of the things he said? Or is the only talk about republicans blog?

  13. mellaneous12:08 AM

    Good point anon, the Dems are no better are solving the majority's problems. But they sound better and besides, what else is there? Is there historical precedent for working people voting or fighting for their interests outside of bourgeosie circles.

    What up Field I thought you just didn't back but I found it in my spam.

    MN is off the chain these days. I don't know if you know but the state is shut down and there are no state services and state workers are temporarily out of work.

    ON the subject hand, its clear we live in an inappropriate and indecent society.

    I mean really have these people any sense of decency? Don't they know that slave families were split up with regularity and that the master sometimes interupted marriages with his own lust.

    This is sick stuff, makes the worst of HIp Hop look tame.

  14. Anonymous12:21 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Christopher Cumbustusup, and sailed somewhere near Aruba and thought he was in Greece. Yup, he's heading up your way...
    LOL! Christopher Combustusup! I like that!
    Aruba you think? Wow! That's right by Venezuela. and Chavez...uh oh.....:(
    Well I hope he likes Venezuelan arepas! Hahahahaha

  15. mellaneous12:27 AM

    @LAA I think you raise I good point I too wonder if they were including the rapists.

    BTW how have you been? Don't get as much time to argue with you these days. I see you're still at it.:) One day we will all have to come together or .....

  16. mellaneous12:41 AM

    BTW Bachman is a bit off her rocker, just ask folks in her district in MN who have disagreed with her. She can't handle dissent.

    This Miami Herald articles captures some of the crazy and paranoid things she has done.

    “She seems paranoid,” said Brad Trandem, a Lakeland, Minn. resident who excoriated Bachmann in an email this year, only to face investigators. “She does all this criticism of other people’s lives and talks about how people should be ‘armed and dangerous.’ But then someone says something critical about her and she calls the police.”

    In Trandem’s case, Bachmann’s staff who forwarded his correspondence to U.S. Capitol Police with the headline “Email Threat to Rep. Bachmann.”

    At issue, this last sentence of the 128-word email referring to Dr. Marcus Bachmann: “I would also keep a little closer tabs on the dear hubby if I were you.”

    Read more:

  17. Robert Wilson12:52 AM

    "...a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

    This is true.

    It is the liberal policies of the last 60 years that have destroyed the black family.

    The family is the foundation of everything.

    I have problems with some Republican positions, but I know the path the Democrats tread leads to ruin.

    I am willing to try another way, and I will vote Republican in 2012.

  18. Anonymous12:52 AM

    One day we will all have to come together or .....

    Come together? Do you mean like group sex or an orgy? count me out, I am priest and dont get nun, or at least I try not to make it a habit.

  19. Goobaire12:58 AM

    Wesley R said...

    Your "cousins" are on point. The RightWingnuts always try Race Politics. It didn't work in 2008, and it won't work in 2012

    Wesley, I like you, but this is absolute nonsense.

    McCain went way out his way to never, ever play race politics.

    Obama's campaign, on the other hand, had his race as its centerpoint and was solely about electing the first black man president.

  20. Anonymous1:04 AM

    LAA, "No she did not say that. Well, the "zippidy doo dah zippidy ay" anony should be here shortly to agree with her anyway."

    I agree with everything Michele has said, and will say in the future.

    So she got her history a little mixed up. She is still a smart wise woman capable of running America the way it should be run!

    As an AA Conservative let me say that you folks on FN are going to be surprised who she announces as her running mate. That will make you Negroes STFU.

    Field plus some of you Negroes seem to take great pleasure effing with my girl for no good reason. I don't appreciate that. You are nothing but a bunch of racists.

    On past posts, I have begged and begged you FN Negroes to leave Michele alone. And if you don't change your attitudes and comments about her, you are going to pay BIG TIME when she and the Tea Party take over the WH!

    And don't think for a minute she won't find some of you folks out there in the VIs and PR!

  21. Anonymous1:18 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Or just marry a woman with a man's jawline and just wing it."
    Actually I think she is a man...

    G'nite everyone!

  22. Anonymous1:21 AM

    "This is Desertflower to Anon, are you 10-4 or 10-7 or 10-8? Over and out."
    PR police and EMS radio codes:
    10-7 means dead, 10-8 means standing by, and 10-4 means understood.

    He's getting stoned on "medical" Maryjane and eating Greek food! see he knows how to really enjoy life!"

    10-8...smoking weed...10-3...Maria, will you help me with these codes? and bring some more of that feta cheese, olives, and grapes please.

    Just where the hell am I? I think I see land in the distance...with Penguins standing on it. I must be getting close to PR. Hold on Desert, I'm coming!

  23. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Field, " "Ex Gay Therapy" is what I think he calls it. (Hmmm, I wonder if it worked for him? )"

    Now see? that was totally uncalled for. The man has proven beyond doubt that he is heterosexual. He is married to Michele Bachmann for Christ's sake!

  24. mellaneous1:47 AM

    @ Robert Wilson who said:
    "...a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

    This is true."

    NO Robert the statement, technically and in reality is patently false.

    What the conservative signers of the pledge are referring to is marriage, not simply a household with two parents.

    IN chattel slavery the extreme form of slavery that dispossessed human beings of their humanity (according to the authors of chattel slavery), slaves were not human and thus could not marry.

    How could the union be recognized since they were not human.

    And the State did not recognize slave marriages.

    Not only could they not marry legally they found it difficult if near impossible to live under one roof.

    Another point my friend that you overlooked was that the children did not belong to the parents but to the slave owners. Thus the idea of a two parent household didn't apply since the parents did not dictate the comings and goings of the child, nor could they in actuality care for the child.

    The child's life was dependent upon the whims of the master.

    Its a foolish and mean spirited analogy. And black folks falling for the fake comparison look just as foolish and misguided.

    What you should be asking is, what made it more difficult for black folks to come together as a family?

    I suggest that its simply better to give in to the blatant racist idea,that "its just cause Negroes is inferior," than to bow down to the more subtle dig that lead the same place.

  25. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Field, "I started this post with a question, and I will end it with one for Marcus and his crazy ass friends: Marcus, if you think that by praying you could actually change someone from being Gay to hetro, why don't you use your prayers for more important things like bringing us world peace and fixing our damn deficit problem?"

    Dear Mr. Field, I am quite surprised that you would make the above comment because it shows you are an amateur when it comes to knowing God, prayers and politics.

    Mr. Field, every Republican knows that through prayer things work themselves out in God's time, not yours. It is not time to pray for world peace, esp in the Middle East. Why? because it is NOT time, Mr. Field. You must learn patience.

    As far as the deficit, it is a worldly matter that you progressive liberals must solve, since your President created more debt than Carter has Liver pills.

    It does not surprise me that you dems make fun of prayer that could change a gay man's life even beyond his own earthly life. But rest assured, prayer works with faith. Obviously, dems have no faith...that's why the country is in trouble.

    And don't give me that GWB bull. he's been gone for awhile and things have gotten worse, not better. For the good of Obama and the end of debt and wars, maybe you should pray for Obama and world peace?

    Mr Field, you really should become a Republican. That's where God is.

  26. Robert Wilson1:55 AM

    mellaneous said....IN chattel slavery the extreme form of slavery that dispossessed human beings of their humanity (according to the authors of chattel slavery), slaves were not human and thus could not marry.

    How could the union be recognized since they were not human.

    No, sir, what you say was true prior to the Civil War, but a child born in the 1860's would have been free by 1865, so the truth is Black families were more intact in the 1860's than today.

    And slaves were always considered human; thaey were people that were denied their fundamantal human rights, the same natural rights endowed by their Creator that the Democrats today are seeking to undermine.

    I have seen enough and I am trying another way.

  27. Cosign my brother. Cosign. Sometimes the words that escape peoples mouths are so unbelievable that I wait for a camera to appear with Ashton Kutcher and a banner saying 'Punk'd'

  28. NSangoma2:42 AM

    This is the most important pledge, this is the one that is holding everything up in DC:

    Just in case you hadn’t noticed, no one has elected Grover Norquist to anything. Still, he looms as a major obstacle to Congress reaching a deficit-reduction agreement needed to raise the federal debt ceiling. Norquist heads Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative group that has persuaded 41 senators and 236 representatives (all but three of them Republicans) to sign its “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” opposing any tax increase. If Congress eliminates special-interest tax breaks, the pledge requires that they be “matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.”
    To Norquist, a tax increase is not good even if it greases a deal to avoid a federal default. Norquist plugs relentlessly for smaller government. “We can reduce the size and scope of government at all levels to make all Americans freer, richer and more independent,” he wrote in his 2008 book “Leave Us Alone.”


  29. mellaneous3:04 AM

    Oh Lawd! The brother Wilson is trying to make the ugly statement right. The pledge said a child born in 1860 (read it again for yourself,) so my observation of the facts are still true!

    Man we be free (well kind of, clearly many are still trapped in mental slavery)! We don't have to hold on to the crap anymore, we can call racist crap what it is.

    Why are you so invested in this lie?

    The people taking this pledge in broad daylight in front of our faces, eschewing all attempts to veil their intent, clearly alluded to the idea that the Negroes was better off during slavery and you are doing your Tomfoolery best to agree with it!

    And another brother co-signed! Incredible, I was hoping I would not have to see this day, but its upon us.

    Whatever happened to our bold and noble race? It seems we have little time for anything, but self effacement, entertainment, tomfoolery and making money.

    I agree it is time to find another way, but that way is forward, not back to Egypt!

    And did the other guy in black face, say we shouldn't pray for peace in the Middle East?

  30. ""Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families..."

    No shit, Sherlock.

    In other news the Holocasust had a deleterious effect on the health and safety of Jewish people in central Europe.

  31. anon 586:10 AM

    "Now see? that was totally uncalled for. The man has proven beyond doubt that he is heterosexual. He is married to Michele Bachmann for Christ's sake!"

    Just because a man is married to a woman doesn't make him heterosexual. lol

    The reason why Michele Bachman thinks being gay is a "choice" is because her husband obviously made a choice to PRETEND to be straight by marrying her.

  32. "..not to mention her quack hubby's clinic gets paid with Medicare funds.."

    Noooooo.Well I see that somebody is taking advantage of government spending. :)

    "...a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

    This is true."

    OK, next comment....

    Dear President of Anon. Inc. your people are trying to start my day on the wrong foot. Please make them stop!

    La~Audio and Desertflower, you two are funny. :)

  33. Lets leave out the 1860 comment and say that blacks would be better with two parents than what is happening today. Do you think its possible that is what she was saying? But she doesn't have a prayer in Hell of running for president!

  34. Anonymous7:43 AM

    04 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ""Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families..."

    No shit, Sherlock.

    In other news the Holocasust had a deleterious effect on the health and safety of Jewish people in central Europe.

    I thought you were an anti-semitic skullcap wearing holocaust denier? What will the other imams say if they hear these new viewpoints..for shame. Is this the beginnings of your support for the chosen people? It shall certainly clash with the current kill 'em all views of your Islamic pork em but don't eat pork brethren.

  35. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Why gee Goober-Michelle, I dids not know that slavery was such a blessing to AfAms. Or that white dudes marry beards. Or that all the ills of Mankind stem solely from the horrible awful idea of an AfAm President.

    Haven't these historee 'experts' ever read the works of people alive at that time? Or do they just repeat the 'talking points'? And, given her age...she would have had access to AfAm citizens who could relate the horrors of slavery. Oh wait, she doesn't know any of 'those people'.

    I like it better now...I don't have to defer to witeboy because he is male and wite. He misses that, terribly.


  36. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I like it better now...I don't have to defer to witeboy because he is male and wite. He misses that, terribly.


    Forget all that Moldilox, Still waiting for the list of countries that you said did chose not to continue spending money they did not have by borrowing, cut spending and as a result crashed their economies.

    Now which countries were they? Do you, can you? ever back up the sewage you spill? Or are you just a raving lunatic who doesn't have a clue but spouts lefty talking points that you heard somebody say?

  37. equivocating cow writes:

    ""Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families..."

    No shit, Sherlock.

    In other news the Holocasust had a deleterious effect on the health and safety of Jewish people in central Europe.

    The Holocause ended about 65 years ago, after wiping out about one-third of the world's Jews in less than a decade.

    Yet Jews have bounced back.

    Slavery in the US ended about 150 years ago. When will blacks put it in the past?

    Seems like the answer is Never. The response to slavery and the end of slavery has been to adopt a state of permanent victimhood. But obviously this strategy has accomplished nothing good.

  38. ditto x 2!!!

    michelle b is dumber than sarah and hobama combined

    homohaters are rabid fools who confuse sex and sexuality

    one can die a virgin nun and still be gay

    one can die a father of 10 kids and still be dl like hobama

    thank u for your sanity today fn!!!

  39. ever notice how those who think being gay is a sex act never mention chronic masturbators...

    those who j/o are not cloning themselves

    sex is a physical need/act

    it has nothing to do with sexual id

    ask any het inmate/het prison rapist on lockdown...

  40. and mr. mb looks dl and nelly as hell...

    he is probably using his clinic as a gay club like most "ex gays"


  41. Anonymous9:22 AM

    one can die a virgin nun and still be gay

    Yeah but wait a minute, if she was a virgin and got nun, then how could she know she liked it and is gay? I mean if a female virgin gets with a nun then does she become a nun lickety split or is she still a virgin because she is a nun and got nun?

  42. For the record, sex is not sexuality. Lots of curious, lonely, amoral, whorish, heterosexuals engage in homosexual sex daily. Some are porno stars or prostitutes. Some are just sick and tired of being abused by heterosexuals. Some are bored and bi-curious. Many of these persons pose as serial lesbians when they are truly sinister bisexuals. Many are selfish and abusive down low cowards who are completely homosexual and merely pose as bisexuals.

    Sexuality is never a choice. Consensual sex is always a choice. Sexuality is a complex emotional identity. Sex is a simple physical act. The “ex-gay” myths that Venus magazine will now tout only add more confusion to these chaotic sexual frays. It encourages people to make impossible choices. It validates similarly fake choices already made by deceitful others.

    Every “ex-gay” who was truly gay is still gay. They may never have gay sex again. But, they will always be gay. One can die a virgin and be a biological homosexual. Virtually every phony "ex-gay" always returns to gay sex and usually gets busted doing so. So, let us count the days until Charlene is caught creeping back to lesbian sex...

    It is not necessary to demonize all gays to behave bisexually. Alice Walker did not bash ex-lover Tracy Chapman or all gays when she resumed a heterosexual love. Prince did not bash gays when he stopped tongue kissing Brown Mark on stage. Diana Ross and Cindy Birdsong did not bash gays when their lesbian affair was outed? So, why then does Charlene feel the need to bash and betray all gays as she optimistically hunts for a new man?!? Such gross excess drama usually signals deceit.

  43. Thousands of gaybashing Sunday pastors spend Saturday nights sexing with their gay choir directors. Millions of macho men who bash homosexual men are perpetually drunken with lust for lesbians. I have to beat men off with sticks daily. And, when they find out I am a lesbian, I have to carry bigger sticks.

    Sex is not sexuality. Sex is a physical act. Sexuality is an emotional identity. One can die a virgin, gaybash eternally, marry a member of the opposite sex, claim to be sexually healed, abstain, procreate, or be celibate for life, and still be a homosexual all the while. We all know who we are in our hearts, irrespective of the actions and words we use as camouflage.

    If Donnie was as cured and blissful as he claims to be, he would not have time to hate and slander us homosexuals as he does. Watch those haters who are loudest, always. Like Eddie Murphy, Andre 3000, and J. Edgar Hoover, they always protest far too much...

    If he was truly Christian, Donnie would reserve his energies to help others who were raped and confused like himself. He would be too busy loving them to hate and curse all of us. He would be a counselor not a liar. He would be a comforter not a murderer of spirits and souls. He would testify rather than signify. He would find more peace and piss me off less.

    Has Donnie forgotten how alienated he felt in churches before his alleged reform? Has he forgotten the uniquely excruciating pain of divine hatred and spiritual rejection? The only pain that is worse is the pain of living a lie. I believe Donnie knows that greater pain...

    The black church has rivers of blood on its collective hands. Donnie's hands grow bloodier every time I hear him speak...Surely he remembers all of the lost souls he met in clubs, bars and rest rooms. Surely he has not forgotten all of those wounded gays whose families have told them: "We hate you! God hates you! You are going to hell!" So they are wandering and wallowing in vices. They are whores, alcoholics, and junkies because they know they are homosexuals. They know they cannot be "healed" or "fixed". So, they figure they will fully enjoy their doom to Hell. And, when they get there, they will make sure that they do not have to wait in that long line...behind all those preachers and gospel celebrities who judged them until they hated themselves.

    Fortunately, homosexuals like myself are immune to such madness and moronism. We refuse to be broken. We expose biblical lies. We excel in defiance. We know that we are divine. We know God. And, we know your bibles. You know that we are your worst nightmares. And, we hate your REAL sins far more than you could ever even begin to hate our mythical "sin". That makes us invincible.

  44. Kunta Kinte9:29 AM

    I didn't have the time to read the entire source article, but field quotes, "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

    No where in this quote do I see Ms. Bachmann claiming that black children were "better off" under slavery.

    In fact, what she said was probably correct.

    Parse it as you always do, though.

  45. Bachmann is giving the standard conservative line.

    According to the right, the worse thing that happened to blacks was freedom.

    "We (white folks) had no problem with them before they thought they had the same rights as white folks or before the liberals got to them. They were happy, smiling and dancing.

    Then here comes that Martin Luther King and his white commie supporters and the next thing we know there's riots, inner city crime, out of wedlock births and the whole culture going to hell."

    This is the mantra that the right and their handpicked Uncle Toms spew over the radio and Fox TV everyday.

    The sick thing is that there is a significant portion of America that actually believes this.

  46. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Repugnican Teabagger Bachman and others probably meant that, sadly, the likelihood of an Afram child being raised by both parents during Reconstruction was greater than today when we celebrate the child-rearing practices of single Afram women - children themselves.

    A woman without perfume is a woman without a past.

  47. MY Science says you suck10:05 AM

    This is for those geniuses Purple Codpiece and Piolt Dumbass:

    "Okay, here's the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of you.

    Of course you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.

    I know, it's very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of: driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kid's "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cents light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs ...well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.

    The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes - FOUR DAYS ONLY by that volcano in Iceland, has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time - EVERY DAY.

    I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth. Yes folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it.

    Of course I shouldn't spoil this touchy-feely tree-hugging moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keep happening, despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.

    And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year.

    Just remember that your government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on you on the basis of the bogus “human-caused” climate change scenario.

    Hey, isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention “Global Warming” any more, but just “Climate Change” - you know why? It’s because the planet hasCOOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bull artists got caught with their pants down.

    And just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme - that whopping new tax - imposed on you, that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer. It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure.

    But hey, relax, give the world a hug and have a nice day!"

  48. hey buffalo soldier blog kkkop:

    real buffalos will actually fly before your verbal farts police me on this blog.


  49. Hey AB,

    Did Rubio say anything about what the Repubs would have done differently vis-a-vis the economy?

    Did he mention anything about the Republican job bill?

    OOps, there isn't any.

    Any Republican compromise on the deficit, like maybe tax increases for the richest Americans?

    Nah, they just want to slash Medicare and Social Security.

    The Repubs are willing to tank this economy just to win back the Presidency.

    The perversity of it all is that boot lickin negroes like you are grinning while they screw you.

  50. Gotta Love Democraps10:21 AM

    What's the Democrat's Jobs Bill?

    Or, is this another one we'll have to pass first to see what's in it?

  51. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Gotta Love Democraps said...
    What's the Democrat's Jobs Bill?

    Or, is this another one we'll have to pass first to see what's in it?

    I would settle for a budget, one hasn't been produced against the law in over 700 days, wonder what they are afraid of. Oh, Obamas budget that added 2 more trillion to the deficit was defeated by all wasn't it 97-0....

    Some people just can't think and are all talking points, yet they clearly don't have a clue. Jobs bill-pullease, all that could be is another failed stimulus where money is borrowed to fund temporary fake jobs. First one didn't work to well did it? Average cost was 250k per job, flushed down the drain as without more borrowing no money to fund these do nothing fake jobs.

    The real bootlickin negro is you steve, only you are so dumb they have you thinking you strong, proud and independant - by totally depending on them. Now that is a coon.

  52. Obama pushed no less than 3 separate jobs initiatives.

  53. Steve Washed My Shorts10:49 AM

    " uptownsteve said...
    Obama pushed no less than 3 separate jobs initiatives.'

    Uh, huh.....pushed them.....where?

    Maybe they could never get enough Dem votes to pass, so we never found out what was in those bills.

    Tee hee, sailor boy.

  54. Oh they did pass under the Democratic House.

    More jobs were created under Obama than in 8 years of Bush.

    The Repubs have decided that it's to their political advantage to blow up the economy in order to win back the White House.

    Real patriotism.

    The sad thing is that idiots like you are so ignorant and racist that you are willing to fuck your own self in order to just get that negro out of the White House.

    And the Repubs know that.

  55. screwed hobama maytag uts:

    no repub has ever screwed black mongrels and the world like hobama and his banksters

    ask any libyan

    ask the erased black middle class

    ask any unemployed bm



    and your denials and evasions only make that fact more GLARING

  56. die hard hobama girl uts:

    hobama has been the hnic for 3 yrs now.

    that makes your whiny coddling and blaming repubs 3 x more repulsive in 2011 than it was in 2008

    and counting

  57. blind hobama sucker uts:

    what do the repubs have to do with hobama's:

    apartheid internet

    worse global spying

    botched hamp

    horridly failed tarp etc


  58. Quote:MyScienceSaysYouSuck

    ” "Okay, here's the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of you.”

    This is utter, utter nonsense, and you sir, are a complete imbecile.

    What’s more, you have made the mistake of stumbling on to an area that I know rather a lot about.

    The recent Icelandic eruption actually REDUCED carbon dioxide production because the amount of CO2 that it belched out was dwarfed by the amount saved by grounding Europe’s fleet of commercial aircraft.

    The volcano produced 150,000 tonnes of CO2 per day, closing down Europe’s Airlines reduced production by 344,109 tonnes per day - A NET SAVING OF MORE THAN 194,000 TONNES PER DAY – HURRAH!!

    ” I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth. Yes folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year - think about it.”

    I’ve thought about it, and you are still an idiot. Volcanic production of CO2 globally is only about 1% of man-made production.

  59. hallucinating hobama sucker uts:

    where are the jobs???????

    cc that bs to the nearest job fair/mcdonald's etc


    push this u frothy mouthed fool!

    Real Unemployment in U.S. Above 19%

    Gallup's continuous measurement of the U.S. unemployment rate shows it at 9.7% for the 30-day average ending Jan. 8, 2011. This is only 0.6% below the rate registered on this same date a year ago and reflects how hard it is to make progress when trying to reduce the unemployment rate.

  60. what do the repubs have to do with hobama's:

    dna arrests

    new jim crow/pic funding

    being mum about sean bell/oscar grant/


  61. wtf do the repubs have to do with hobama bypasssing congress to bomb libya and wage a MORE illegal war than his cuz gwb did in iraq????


  62. blind dem drone hobama nazi uts:

    hobama is the worst prez and the best repub ever!!!!!!!


    President Obama has taken the lead in dismantling the Democratic coalition assembled by President Franklin Roosevelt, in the 1930s. In two short years in office, he has gone for the jugular, targeting unionized teachers as the villains of education, thus setting the stage for massive corporate penetration of public schools through charterization. Obama played the same scapegoating game with federal employees, blaming them for budget deficits and imposing a wage freeze.

    American presidents are said to have the biggest “bully pulpit” in the world. Obama uses his bully pulpit to tell the people that unions and public workers are the enemies of society. As a Black Democrat, he's much more convincing than the Republicans – which is what makes him so valuable to the moneyed classes.

    Next, the public is softened up to the idea that local and state government will go bankrupt, and that the problem is public employee pensions. In steps the Democrat Richard Daley, outgoing mayor of Chicago, who says employee pensions, which are huge government obligations, should be allowed to go bankrupt.

    Daley was just playing the stalking horse for the hedge funds and other financial Dukes of Disaster who have been using derivatives to make bets on which cities and states will default on their obligations – just as they have been doing with the smaller nations of Europe. Creating a public hysteria ups the ante and also hides the fact that it is Wall Street that is creating the crisis, through its financial dealings and its purchasing of Democratic politicians. The banker-inspired hysteria creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of social, economic and political destruction. And one of the messengers of the evil-minded prophesying is Barack Obama.

  63. Horse Meat12:11 PM

    I was watching an old episode of M.A.S.H. the other night, and that twerp Major Burns was trying to show off, and he drove a Sherman tank over Colonel Potter's personal jeep, and crushed it to bits.

    So, Col. Potter takes out his .45 and shoots the jeep once, to give it the coup de gras.

    First thing I thought of was AB.

  64. manic mr ed assnon:


    you have glue for brains.

  65. braying brain dead assnon:

    all of u beastly stalker assnons are obsessed with thoughts of me...

    u prove that by never reading fn's posts


    tell us something we don't know...k?

  66. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Gosh, I wonders why wite Goobers still cling to the beleef that it was so much besser with slavery? Was it the inability of women to give testimony? Was it the automatic lower status of AfAms? Was it the historical revisionism of paid flacks for the Conferderacy?

    Declining to do your work, or let you copy from my 'paper', is not prima facie for a lack of evidence. It is highly correlated to your laziness and wish for a 'slave' to do the work.
    Ever hear of the Intertubes? Or Google? Maybe one should read more than the Daily Marching Orders or watch more than FOX.
    Hint, the business press has been quietly letting adults know about this. Perhaps you should take a look.

    A jobs bill? In a Congress that whined about a 'stimulus' that handed money to Rs?
    The ideas are to remove the duly elected AfAm and place another appointed bush pretender (historical aside) in power...and to crash wages. Silly Plantation Economy Fwee Marketeers thinkerate the answer is to reduce the working class to penury. While a return to aristocracy and Gilded Age policies are great for the rich...for the upper-middle class to the proles, it would be a disaster. Even that bastion of thoughtless consumerism, Wal-Mart, is having worries. When only Wal-god paid crap...others did not, hence shopppers. When every biz pays fast food non-wages with no benefits or takes a back seat to survival.

    Maybe ill-informed and rather stoopid wites wisherate for a time of their grandparents...but even a quick glace should suffice to reveal the grads would like Now much, much more.


  67. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Sorry, the connection is to an old Mauldin cartoon. You know, Wille and Joe. The view from the trenches.


  68. hey hare brained horsey assnon:

    pop a cap in this!!!

    The point is, what’s happening in Libya is not merely, or even primarily, a ‘humanitarian’ effort. Can an expressly ‘humanitarian’ invasion truly exist? Isn’t a humanitarian invasion an oxymoron? There may be no active forces on the ground (that we know of), but it’s certainly an invasion of airspace, and therefore, of territorial sovereignty. Further, down there on the ground, people are dying. No matter how you spin it, it’s definitely a war. While Washington’s specific geopolitical goals are anyone’s guess—oil, trade, regional influence, all of these?—is there any doubt that a main motivation of U.S. involvement in Libya is national (or, to risk using a loaded but descriptive term, imperial) self-interest?

    Let’s do a brief recap. First, we had Operation Enduring Freedom, which, given its soon-after-9/11 context, was presumably about the endurance of American freedom. Then came Operation Iraqi Freedom, which, as the name suggests, was more about Iraqi freedom (but American freedom too, since one surely breeds the other). Last year saw the launch of Operation New Dawn, which touts a new American freedom: the freedom to stop worrying about Iraq.

    Finally, we had Operation Odyssey Dawn, which, as I understand it, was—is—a ‘journey’ to bring a ‘new day’ of freedom to Libya. Why an ‘Odyssey’? Because it takes place on the Mediterranean coast, of course. Certainly not because it will take 10 years to complete, and will be riddled with infinite setbacks and holdups, such as shipwrecks, cannibals, and six-headed monsters. At least we hope not.

    What all these catchy titles have in common is that they imply that all the overseas military operations are driven, in some way or another, by altruistic motives. Indeed, Washington has pitched the intervention in Libya as the most expressly humanitarian post-9/11 effort to date. Some will argue that the action in Libya isn’t a part of the War on Terror at all, but is an altogether different, multilateral enforcement of a lifesaving No-Fly Zone (it’s a NATO affair called Operation Unified Protector now, of course). But is it really all that different?

  69. Abraham12:20 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Bachmann is giving the standard conservative line.

    According to the right, the worse thing that happened to blacks was freedom.


    The worst thing that has happened to blacks is that most have never embraced freedom, instead choosing the security of the democrat plantation. They have opted for meager handouts and set-asides instead of a fully adult life.

  70. Mr. Butterworth12:25 PM

    mold: Gosh, I wonders why wite Goobers still cling to the beleef that it was so much besser with slavery-----

    Gosh, you are fucking retarded.

    I have never in my lifetime heard anyone of any color argue that slavery was better for anyone.

    Perhaps you could provide a quote? And not someone you overheard as you lay passed out in a puddle of urine on the floor of the bus station men's room.

  71. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Funny how 'fully adult' means being a wite dude with a fifth-grade education and a job from the in-law.
    What about the set-asides for Masons? How about the less than meagre handouts of Southern 'welfare'. Can't have those poor folks refusing to toil on the Plantation now, can we?

    You sound like every loser weenie who cried that the cheerleaders were all 'lesbians' as they would not date your unwashed and uncouth self.
    As there, the problem is not them...but you.;)


  72. Say....AAAAAAHHHHHH12:30 PM

    " Mr. Butterworth said...
    Perhaps you could provide a quote? And not someone you overheard as you lay passed out in a puddle of urine on the floor of the bus station men's room.

    12:25 PM"

    I don't think that was urine.

    I'm relatively certain it was wite man's jism. Maybe that's what made mold so bitter.

  73. field asks:

    Do you really expect me to consider voting for Michele Bachmann for president when she signed on to a pledge that said black babies were better off under slavery because they were born to a two parent household?

    Unless you think you're voting for her in a primary race, the question is moot.

    She's not getting the Republican nomination.

    Obama's opponent will be either Mitt Romney or Rick Perry.

    This is a show, which means it has an opening act. This time the performers in the opening act are the chicks. After the chicks come the headliners.

  74. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry, the connection is to an old Mauldin cartoon. You know, Wille and Joe. The view from the trenches.


    shit Talker thats what you are and what I will call you until you backup your crazy statements. Which countries went broke because they reigned in spending and did not borrow more like Obama and the dimmies wants to do today? Which ones moldilox? You said there were many, so now back it up, which countries?

  75. St. Reagan12:33 PM

    As there, the problem is not them...but you.;)


    Take your own advice mold, the world is not nearly as weird as maelstrom between your ears makes it seem.

  76. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Riiight, you have never heard this....despite the pledge listed on this thread. Despite the years of 'church-based' skools. Would you like the Dominionist or the Reconstructionist version? How about the entire Klan? Or statements of Southern elected officials?

    Sounds more like you are miffed that your double-secret hidey secret was 'outed'. Well, matter how often you tell us you are signing such pledges fer gawd...we all know you want slaves. Whether it is for the birthright of social superiority based on colour, the ability to assault others with impunity, or the hope your Massa will bless your still want 'our country back'.

    Just because you were Left Behind...does not mean all persons were.


  77. rick perry has been selected to play good cop bad cop with hobama.

    hobama will win as he has been selected to be prez thru 2016 as gwb 2.0/3.0.

    and they may axe biden too.




  78. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Why would I do your work? Just because you throw a hissy fit...and are unwilling to 'walk to the library'? Unlike wingnut marching orders, which are fabricated...I am using those pesky Liberal-biased Facts. You could too. But you seem to prefer to remain ignorant.
    Pout away. I'll let you know when you find the correct answer.


  79. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Funny how 'fully adult' means being a wite dude with a fifth-grade education and a job from the in-law.
    What about the set-asides for Masons? How about the less than meagre handouts of Southern 'welfare'. Can't have those poor folks refusing to toil on the Plantation now, can we?

    You sound like every loser weenie who cried that the cheerleaders were all 'lesbians' as they would not date your unwashed and uncouth self.
    As there, the problem is not them...but you.;)


  80. "The worst thing that has happened to blacks is that most have never embraced freedom, instead choosing the security of the democrat plantation. They have opted for meager handouts and set-asides instead of a fully adult life."

    Memo to all black conservatives.

    Imbeciles like these are YOUR allies.

    Think about it.

  81. memo to hobama:


    memo to hobama nazis



    WASHINGTON -- Daisy Brooks got a medal last year. This year she could use some cash.
    On August 4, 2010, President Barack Obama presented the septuagenarian with the Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation's second-highest civilian honor. He cited her years helping pregnant teenagers and wayward adolescents in northern Illinois.

    Chosen from around 6,000 nominees, Brooks was one of 13 Americans honored at the White House ceremony. Her citation lauded her "lifelong commitment to helping many of North Chicago's young mothers and their infants."

    Less than a year later, though, Daisy's Resource and Developmental Center is struggling to stay open. The state's budget crisis and the stubborn recession have put her center some $200,000 in the hole.

  82. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Wow when will the hate stop?
    Gay and Black hate that is.

    On the gays:I think these mofo's need to stop worrying over things they don't have any control over i.e grown folks having sex with whom ever they choose,and/or grown folks who were born liking sex with with their own gender.

    On the blacks:You sons of b*tches can forget about it.WE ARE NOT GOING BACK IN TO SLAVERY!!!!!!!


    First they tell black women if they want to have a family they need to marry ex-cons, and now black people should consider going back into slavery for the sake of the family unit?WTF!


  83. Oh yeah, white folks just love them some gays.

    Especially Republicans.

  84. downlowsteve1:27 PM

    Fucking black gay bashers!

  85. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Anonymous said.
    "10-8...smoking weed...10-3...Maria, will you help me with these codes? and bring some more of that feta cheese, olives, and grapes please.

    Just where the hell am I? I think I see land in the distance...with Penguins standing on it. I must be getting close to PR. Hold on Desert, I'm coming!"
    Anon: I think you mean hold on Maria...oh never mind!

    Listen, If the penguins are little blue ones, you're in Southern Australia. If they're Royal looking penguins, you're in Antarctica, and you could also be in the Galapagos islands or the sub arctic islands,goodness, the Google says there's penguins just about everywhere except PR and the tropics! You could be anywhere for Gods sake!!!!

    That damned*cough*... What I meant to say is that you'd better drop off that Shriver woman and fast, cuz Arnold is saying she's been gallivanting all over and he's fed up with babysitting those spoiled kids, and he's suing her for child support, so she's no longer rich and of no use to you! :)

    He says he's an old Republican now (GOP)and he winked, and that it's high time he let his "real" freak flag fly (whatever could he mean???) and that he want's to go
    cruisi...*ahem*...I mean bar hopping with some guy named Marcus. I don't understand....But anyway, so good luck with Antarctica. Make those penguins dance!
    Over and out, 10-4, 10-1, 10-8.

  86. Obama violated federal law when he gave $79,819 of our money to his malignant alma mater ACORN in March, but I don't blame the media for not thinking it was worth mentioning — at least not in comparison with this:

    "Obama's Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave ACORN another $461,086 in January. The funds were earmarked for ACORN Housing Corp. in January under HUD's Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP), according to the government website
    In order words, the Obama administration gave fraud-ridden ACORN nearly a half million dollars…"

    This means the Obama administration has given at least $540,905 in taxpayer money to ACORN this calendar year alone.
    The money was given to ACORN apparently in defiance of Public Law 111-117 which spells out in pretty clear terms that ACORN shouldn't be getting any government funding.

    Obama will be relying heavily on ACORN's vote fraud expertise in 2012. He has already begun paying for it with our money, in direct violation of federal law.

    We are literally living under an outlaw regime.

  87. Anonymous1:49 PM

    39 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The worst thing that has happened to blacks is that most have never embraced freedom, instead choosing the security of the democrat plantation. They have opted for meager handouts and set-asides instead of a fully adult life."

    Memo to all black conservatives.

    Imbeciles like these are YOUR allies.

    Think about it.

    SO says the man aligned with Mold types and he is so clueless he doesn't even get it. You live life on racial crutches and when the truth really pops out you literally jump in your wheelchair saying, help help me I am a disadvantaged black man, I need all the head starts I's can gets cause I could nevers do its on my owns....

    Molds butt buddy - Steve in the land of the hardcore lefty's

  88. ol spicy1:52 PM

    alicia banks said.... Daisy Brooks got a medal last year. This year she could use some cash.

    daisy brooks might be better off as a slave.....just sayin'

  89. mellaneous1:53 PM

    @AB - good point about how wars of aggression by the US are framed in humanitarian terms. They struggle of course because they have no idea what it means to be humanitarian since it always interferes with conquering new markets and stealing other folks raw material.

    @Steve- that quote you cited is definitely backwards. It chooses to ignore the fact that this society or the folks that run has made it has hard as possible for black folks to have equal footing.

    More folks would grow up as the conservatives put it, if they were given equal chance. But of course they willfully close their eyes to the obvious hindrances to black progress. Worse yet even more black folks are starting to parrot the foolishness.

    But brother Steve we still have to continue to look for better ways out of our condition. I know you are an optimist and hold the present folks in the best light, but at some point you have to admit its not getting the job done.

    Time as it has always been for innovation.

    @Dave Blount- ACORN was funded under Republican administrations as well. And for the record they actually did some really good work organizing poor people to fight for their rights.

    But I know, I know that's not important to you. Just your backward's ideology and your spurious claims. BTW the org was never found guilty of vote fraud. and their funding was cut off because of rumors and lies.

    A lot of poor people are worse off without them.

  90. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Democrats physically owned slaves back in the day.Democrats are now mentally enslave blacks.

    Blacks live on the Democrat plantation and will vote and do whatever their Democrat masters tell them.

    The more things change,the more they stay the same.

  91. Anonymous2:00 PM

    35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Why would I do your work? Just because you throw a hissy fit...and are unwilling to 'walk to the library'? Unlike wingnut marching orders, which are fabricated...I am using those pesky Liberal-biased Facts. You could too. But you seem to prefer to remain ignorant.
    Pout away. I'll let you know when you find the correct answer.


    OK, you confirmed as if anyone here needed your confirmation that you are not only a jabberwocky physcopath but you are also a total and complete bullshit artist.

    Despite your saying that republicans are wrong for not wanting to borrow more and that there are plenty of countries who had their economy crash because they would not borrow, you cannot produce a single one. WHY? Cause it is a lie, you know it, everyone knows it and you are a total bullshit artist. You do what all leftards do, make shit up, blame the adults and then cry when someone says wait a minute prove it, you are wrong.

    You are nothing. Toodles nutcase, thanks for highlighting the rhetoric and bullshit that democrats spew.

  92. mell


    shame how black hobama nazis like uts hated the warmonger gwb but adore and defend the WORST warmonger hobanma!!!




    NO one hates gays like black beta male insecure bitches like uts

    no race tortures gays like blacks

    ask don lemon

    ask any corrective rapist in south africa

    ask any gay ugandan

    ask any homohating pulpit pimp etc

    ask that homo homohater tree jumper for jesus eddie long


  93. shame how black hobama nazis like uts hated the warmonger gwb but adore and defend the WORST warmonger hoBOMBba!!!

    especially since most libyans look just like uts/us!!!

    the best nickname i have heard for that dick hobama is:

    barrage insane obomber

  94. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Still trying to weasel out of doing your own work. I even gave hints and a direction...and you refuse to even look. Is it because you know that I have been correct over time? Is it the fear that a little old lady knows more?
    Rs borrowed like Planters during the bush and st reagan you are worried about this one? Is there a significant you?

    I do enjoy that the worst invective for the wite lads who Troll here is to call others 'gay'. Wow, how....middle school. UTS brings up a point...I question the veracity of the wingnut historee...and all you have is that we are 'gay'?

    Oh...Bachmann went into tax law as the requirements were loosened...drastically...and the money would be the most she, or her husband, would ever see.
    st reagan and bush opened the door to these NOLO-using will producers. Maybe you should contact some real lawyers and ask their opinion of GooberLaw Skools. Here's a hint...I'm nice.;)


  95. Anonymous2:12 PM

    But I know, I know that's not important to you. Just your backward's ideology and your spurious claims. BTW the org was never found guilty of vote fraud. and their funding was cut off because of rumors and lies.

    A lot of poor people are worse off without them.

    Oh yes they were papa john, here is just a start. Google Acorn voter fraud convictions and you will be surprised how many people were CONVICTED and in how many states.

    Congress had to vote on this so obvioulsy people like yourself in congress tried to stop it, but the facts and evidence of criminal activites that were exposed outweighed the naysayers.

    As for Obama, he broke the law yet again, funding acorn is now against the law and they were given at least 540,905 in Jan alone by HUD. This administration seems to break laws or redefine them anytime they want.

  96. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Actually, I indicate that refusing the Austerian Plan is a better option. Sure, the banksters hurt, their salaries decrease, and the stock values of banks are less. But...the economy does far, far better. The national assets aren't sold off to morons. The people who caused the crash face real jail time.
    Is all you have 'strawman' and 'yer gay'?


  97. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Still trying to weasel out of doing your own work. I even gave hints and a direction...and you refuse to even look. Is it because you know that I have been correct over time? Is it the fear that a little old lady knows more?

    How about you just stop it you demented individual.

    First of all - Everyone on here knows you are a ex student white boy. You used to post as Socrates, killed him off and now exclusively use Mold and the anon vulgar personalities, you aren't and have not fooled anyone in a long time.

    You made claims, you can't of course back them up because you are full of shit and now you try the democratic strategy, blame the people that catch you in your lies.

    You are done, go stick you head in the shower and try and wash out some of the shit that is oozing out of your ears.

    See ya moldilox - one of the biggest internet stalking fruitcakes I have ever seen.

  98. Centerfold2:18 PM

    Field! What kind of a sick pervert would READ a Playboy magazine?

  99. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Actually, I indicate that refusing the Austerian Plan is a better option. Sure, the banksters hurt, their salaries decrease, and the stock values of banks are less. But...the economy does far, far better. The national assets aren't sold off to morons. The people who caused the crash face real jail time.
    Is all you have 'strawman' and 'yer gay'?


    Nah, your not a gay strawman -- you are a strawman for sure though <-----------Mold's family song

  100. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Gee...look up partisan websites and discover that they will Brietbart the foolish and gullible. Must be those nasty non-citizenry AfAms have a sooper-secret KenyanMooslimSoshlust Konspiracy to keep the troof from dudes like you.
    ACORN was eveel because it gave assistance to citizens...who were not wite. Notice that Brietbart and his 'bottom' only go after AfAms and Jews? Where is the 'investigative reporterating' on wite folk? How about the tons of cash handed to faith-based scam artists?
    Here's a helpful bit...ACORN was the urban equivalent of the AG Extension Office. Penn State offers the same types of help...but to very pale people. Suppose that's the difference.


  101. ask that dl homohater bernice king

  102. "But brother Steve we still have to continue to look for better ways out of our condition. I know you are an optimist and hold the present folks in the best light, but at some point you have to admit its not getting the job done."

    I don't have to admit shit.

    50 years ago the majority of our community was in poverty and illiterate.

    Today both of those numbers are less than 25%.

    We have a strong and growing black professional and middle class.

    The dysfunctional underclass is less than 25% yet people like you insist on making them the face of the black community.

    My condition is just fine. I live, socialize and work in a community of black leaders and achievers.

    Okay Mellaneous, if you are not measuring up what are you going to do about it?

    On a broader question what exactly is your recommendation for lifting up the black underclass?

    Any ideas at all?

  103. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Still lazy? I can back what I post. I decline to do your work. Ever.
    It is also impolite to hijack a thread (like that stops Trolls) and giving the citations would take over the available space. Field has already requested that I not repeat that behavior.
    Socrates is another poster. Basic literacy would have shown this. As far as the wite ex-student...that is your attempt to 'avenge' the outing of a couple of posers. While I often allow 'dogs' to continue their false face....sometimes I wish to remove their faux authority. Claiming to be from McAdoo to discuss Centralia...but having absolutely no knowledge of Ashland or Route 61...makes me consider removing your fakery.
    Must still smart that an old lady showed some wite be wite boys.
    Begin with Facts, then you don't have to pretend, you don't have to run to FOX/wingnuttia every time you are lost, and you might even have a valid point.


  104. uts da mayor of utopia:




  105. Anonymous2:30 PM

    UTS, I would offer the same to the white underclass. Employment to keep them occupied and productive. Plenty of carrots and few sticks.


  106. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Still lazy? I can back what I post. I decline to do your work. Ever.
    It is also impolite to hijack a thread (like that stops Trolls) and giving the citations would take over the available space. Field has already requested that I not repeat that behavior.
    Socrates is another poster. Basic literacy would have shown this. As far as the wite ex-student...that is your attempt to 'avenge' the outing of a couple of posers. While I often allow 'dogs' to continue their false face....sometimes I wish to remove their faux authority. Claiming to be from McAdoo to discuss Centralia...but having absolutely no knowledge of Ashland or Route 61...makes me consider removing your fakery.
    Must still smart that an old lady showed some wite be wite boys.
    Begin with Facts, then you don't have to pretend, you don't have to run to FOX/wingnuttia every time you are lost, and you might even have a valid point.


  107. Mold,

    Is Mellaneous actually endorsing that racist bullcrap that MOST blacks are receiving handouts and slidebyes?????

  108. mold gibbered: "ACORN was eveel because it gave assistance to citizens...who were not wite"

    No, ACORN was evil because they committed voter fraud on massive scale and because they were heavily involved in extorting the banking industry (as was Obama), raking in millions while contributing to the eventual subprime mortgage crisis which directly led to the economic crash that got Obama elected.

  109. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Secret Language

  110. uts/da blind mayor of gated utopia:


    ask any retail mngr about teens who cannot make basic change/need pictures on cash keys to make sales etc
    The 2010 U.S. Census Bureau provides some startling insight into the plight of a citizenry in great need. According to analysis, 40 million Americans and 15.5 million children are currently living in poverty; millions fell into poverty last year, alone. These startling figures may forecast a dire future for generations to come.

    Anyone who has studied poverty knows that it is a complex issue with a plethora of causes and effects at play. Unfortunately, the impact of poverty is often most pronounced in the lives of our nation's youth. Marian Wright Edelman, the president and founder of the Children's Defense Fund, has this so say in The Madison Times:

  111. Al Meaty2:42 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Is Mellaneous actually endorsing that racist bullcrap that MOST blacks are receiving handouts and slidebyes?????

    If you count it all up, including food stamps and free tuition and subsidized school lunch programs and earned income tax credits and all the other breathing-while-black subsidies, he's damn right most blacks receive some sort of handout.

  112. uts/ da blind mayor of gated utopia:

    ask any prof about the horrid "college papers" we grade!!!

    Last year, there was an article in USA Today about how one-third of students entering college can’t perform college-level mathematics and require one or more remedial math courses before they can even begin working toward their degree. What does this say about the quality of mathematics instruction that high school students receive in America today? And, as part of the bigger picture, what about all of the high school students who don’t opt for college? That surely pushes the percentage of mathematically illiterate high school graduates even higher.

    I’m in my early 50s. I remember my second grade teacher, Mrs. Moreland, pounding the multiplication tables into my head (God bless you, Mrs. Moreland). By the time I reached high school, electronic calculators were just beginning to see widespread use. They were quite expensive at the time, and we weren’t permitted to use them in math classes. We had to know how to perform basic arithmetic. And the McDonald’s where I worked when I was in high school didn’t have electronic cash registers, so I had to learn how to count change back to customers.

    Today people say, “I was never any good at math,” almost as if they are proud of the fact. But the fact is that many people can’t perform basic math without the aid of a calculator. And who hasn’t had a cashier who entered the wrong cash tendered amount and was totally lost trying to figure out how much change to give back?

    Read more:

  113. anon 1438:



    u make my day

  114. Meaty goober

    If you can produce a real example of ONE "breathing while black" subsidy on this board today I will never post here again.

    If you can't then you leave.


  115. i will miss ron paul

    i understand his disgust;_ylt=Aj4.xXTNnjSCjrNsEQjOKJ2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTM3Y2EwaGdiBHBrZwMwZGY0OTNhYi04YWM3LTNiMTEtOTcxMC0yNDM0ZjJkZjg0NjQEcG9zAzEEc2VjA1RvcFN0b3J5IEZQBHZlcgM4OTNhMmNhMC1hY2E0LTExZTAtOWJjNy1jNWVhNDdhY2QwYmY-;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

  116. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19822:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Still lazy? I can back what I post.


    The funny thing is you can't.The question is,do you belive you actually know what you speak of?

    Is mold just a distributing act?

    Once i got past molds' "blah blah blah" i found molds' knowledge lacking and quite shallow.

  117. mellaneous2:55 PM

    @Steve whats with the hostility. We always have respectable conversations. We just disagree thats all, I've got no personal beef.

    But you are right you don't have to admit what Martin and Malcolm and other leaders have been saying for years that this society; this system needs restructuring. In fact you have on occassion admitted as much yourself on this blog.

    You are definitely right you have no obligation to believe that which is obvious, to those with eyes to see.

    But Steve its true anyhow!

    And Steve it does appear that your perspective is colored by your economic status. I am glad that you are able to prosper and thrive in spite of others hardships.

    Look at what you stated for your reason to deny what is obvious to most: that the black middle class is thriving.

    While you are right the illiteracy rates and poverty rates went down, they are now going back up. Just look at the black misery index. You can use just about anybody's stats and they show we're going backward.

  118. Oh by the way Meaty Goober

    If you can find the "free black tuition" link, I'd like to see that as well.

    I have a high school son who will be attending college in a couple of years and I could use it.

  119. Tetards Work At McDonalds2:57 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    uts/ da blind mayor of gated utopia:

    And the McDonald’s where I worked when I was in high school didn’t have electronic cash registers, so I had to learn how to count change back to customers.

    And who hasn’t had a cashier who entered the wrong cash tendered amount and was totally lost trying to figure out how much change to give back?"

    Hell, try ordering a Quarter Pounder without ketchup. They'll screw that up, too.

  120. "You can use just about anybody's stats and they show we're going backward."

    Let's see em Mell.

  121. that callous coon uts has no heart
    or brain

    he has an old crusty gizzard painted with a hobama logo where his heart should be

    and hood rich holograms where his brain should be

    that middle class he loves is being rapidly erased by hobama and his banksters

    even uts' own utopian gates are shaking

    he is just too evil and elitist to care/notice


    Not so long ago, Memphis, a city where a majority of the residents are black, was a symbol of a South where racial history no longer tightly constrained the choices of a rising black working and middle class. Now this city epitomizes something more grim: How rising unemployment and growing foreclosures in the recession have combined to destroy black wealth and income and erase two decades of slow progress.

    The median income of black homeowners in Memphis rose steadily until five or six years ago. Now it has receded to a level below that of 1990 — and roughly half that of white Memphis homeowners, according to an analysis conducted by Queens College Sociology Department for The New York Times.

    Black middle-class neighborhoods are hollowed out, with prices plummeting and homes standing vacant in places like Orange Mound, Whitehaven and Cordova. As job losses mount — black unemployment here, mirroring national trends, has risen to 16.9 percent from 9 percent two years ago; it stands at 5.3 percent for whites — many blacks speak of draining savings and retirement accounts in an effort to hold onto their homes. The overall local foreclosure rate is roughly twice the national average.

    The repercussions will be long-lasting, in Memphis and nationwide. The most acute economic divide in America remains the steadily widening gap between the wealth of black and white families, according to a recent study by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy at Brandeis University. For every dollar of wealth owned by a white family, a black or Latino family owns just 16 cents, according to a recent Federal Reserve study.

    The Economic Policy Institute’s forthcoming “The State of Working America” analyzed the recession-driven drop in wealth. As of December 2009, median white wealth dipped 34 percent, to $94,600; median black wealth dropped 77 percent, to $2,100. So the chasm widens, and Memphis is left to deal with the consequences.

    “This cancer is metastasizing into an economic crisis for the city,” said Mayor A. C. Wharton Jr. in his riverfront office. “It’s done more to set us back than anything since the beginning of the civil rights movement.”

  122. Anonymous2:59 PM

    UTS, from Mell's previous postings I would gather they are more inclined to be portrayed in a more individualistic light. And the Ds have taken AfAm voting for granted. As the Rs wish a return of slavery, slavecropping and/or Jim Crow.

    Troll, ACORN did not commit voter fraud on a massive scale. That was bush v Gore, the caging of the bush appointees, and various state R persons. As far as the banking are showing vast and blinkered ignorance. I suggest you take an Econ 101 and an Accounting 101 at your local college. Pretty much the failure was the rich folks. The poor were simply suckers in the game...and their input was to lose the house. Why are you so bothered that low-income people buy a house? Don't you want them to have 'skin in the game'? it your gibbering fear that 'those people' could move in?

    All Trolly, you might want to understand that the recipients of the programs you listed are mostly whites. Gawd ferbid that US citizens of darker complexion get the same benefits as gawd-fearn' holier werkin' wite folks.
    Why are you not wailing about the freebies for Legacies? Totally unearned, taking away from your opportunities, and subsidized.
    Must be the skin colour, in your estimation, confers immediate lessness.


  123. Anonymous3:01 PM

    no_Slappz said, "Slavery in the US ended about 150 years ago. When will blacks put it in the past?

    Seems like the answer is Never. The response to slavery and the end of slavery has been to adopt a state of permanent victimhood. But obviously this strategy has accomplished nothing good."

    Well, slappz, WHO put a time limit on how long it takes to get over slavery? You and the descendents of the perpetrators of slavery? Do the descendents of the slaves have a right to work that out themselves?

    Why don't you perpetrators of racism give it a rest? I understand that you don't want to look at yourselves but until you do, we can't move forward, psychologically, emotionally or spiritually.

  124. clueless coon uts:

    every major ivy league school is offering free tuition room and board to any hs grads from middle/low income families who are in the top 5 percentile of their grad class...

    more proof of how dumb slackers rule

    but why would a rich man like u ever need/qualify?????

    r u lying about being a gated mogul like u lie about everything else?????

    surely u can just pen personal checks for tuition like that millionaire dick hobama no?

  125. Mold

    AB and Mell seem to be conflating arguments.

    I got from Mell that we as black people are going backwards and its a result of our own lack of initiative and failure to recognize the tools for success.

    AB of course blames global warming on Obama.

    We currently are experiencing a national economic recession which is retarding the upward mobility of the entire middle class, NOT JUST BLACKS.

    Much of this can be attributed to the policies of the Republican right which toadied up to the wealthiest Americans and multi-national corporations to the detriment of us all.

    What I'm trying to find out from Mellaneous is what specifically is his recommendation for us getting out this conundrum.

    Is it a black problem or an American problem?

    Do black people have to change their ways or does American government need restructuring?

    He seems to be all over the place.

  126. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Still lazy. Your avoidance of toil does your wite shifteless ancestor proud. The Data is there.
    Pouting that I am shallow and straight from the wingnut playbook. I will contain my mirth long enough to to mention that you are trying to say your 'teacher' 'don know nuttin'. Did it work for you in High School?
    Try an accusation that is based on Fact and Data.

    UTS, good luck with that! Which colleges and fields? I may have some input...or not.


  127. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19823:09 PM

    Troll, ACORN did not commit voter fraud on a massive scale. That was bush v Gore


    Can you show any facts to back this post up?

    Begin with links.

  128. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Still lazy. Your avoidance of toil does your wite shifteless ancestor proud. The Data is there.


    Than you should be able to post it.

  129. mellaneous3:10 PM

    @Steve I do have ideas and you know I do I have disseminated lots of them on this site over the years as I am sure Field can attest to.

    For starters I think workers should form an independent party, so that there real needs and concerns can be dealt with.

    I think an independent political party for black folks would not be a bad idea either. Just like a caucus that other folks form all the time, we ought to come together and caucus and find ways to get our concerns addressed.


    I think the black community should form self help organizations that aide in schooling, job creation and even personal emergencies.

    Some churches fulfill this function already. But it would be much better if majority black communities came together and started a fund in which everyone who could contribute a little. This fund would be overseen by a church or fraternity and from it we would fund tutors, construction projects, job training, food co-ops, bartering systems, even create a micro loan organization to encourage small business development.


    Though most Americans overlook the warlike nature of this country it is deeply involved in several conflicts. NOt only is it draining lives and livlihoods of people in those countries but it is a drain on our national resources as well.

    I mean how far could we go with 3 trillion dollars. I would cut back defense spending as well.

    Cutback on corporate welfare and their constant taking from the federal trough. Of course we think welfare is what poor folks get. It should be called "Littlehelp fare" because its just a little help faring until the next episode. The rich get Well through their welfare checks.

    And to that end I would make sure that everyone who worked could feed their family. I would provide daycare, longer and paid maternity leaves, universal healthcare ( I know its a crazy idea that even the Europeans have managed to make work) and make real education a priority for everyone.

  130. uts and i are saying the same thing fyi

    that u r a lying elitist nigger ignoring the misery index in america

    that u r a lovesick drone for that evil dick hobama and excuse how he is abusing black mongrels subsisting outside of your gated enclave u evil house nig demon

  131. Anonymous3:12 PM

    And Steve it does appear that your perspective is colored by your economic status. I am glad that you are able to prosper and thrive in spite of others hardships.

    Its nice to be a little bitch and have a woman take care of you isn't it steve, pussy.

  132. mellaneous3:12 PM

    Anon again the organization was not found guilty but individuals who failed to follow the rules were brought up on charges.

    Thats a big difference. Its like you being accused of something your employees have done on their own.

  133. AB

    "every major ivy league school is offering free tuition room and board to any hs grads from middle/low income families who are in the top 5 percentile of their grad class...'

    That's not what I asked you dumb carpetchewer.

    Meaty Goober claimed "free tuition for blacks".


  134. Anonymous3:13 PM

    UTS, it would be an American issue. While some persons will always be lacking in qualifications (wingnuts, Goobers, Heeyucks) and will be forever lesser beings....the current situation is one of a wage reduction across the board (CEOs and executives exempted). This was last attempted in what we call the Great Depression. The rich were quite pleased. Wages were low and employees were desperate. The problem was that the rest of the US was suffering. Don't just listen to Chicago Skool Troo Beleevers or useful what the regular people were experiencing.
    And AfAms had it really bad. So bad that moving to racist Northern industrial Hells was the preferred alternative.


  135. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Oh by the way Meaty Goober

    If you can find the "free black tuition" link, I'd like to see that as well.

    I have a high school son who will be attending college in a couple of years and I could use it.

    You have a high school son? Is this a kid you conceived before you dropped out? Or do you mean you have a son who is in High School - affirmative action learning at its best right goober steve? Ding-Dong hold on tight we goin round a curve ding-dong

  136. sorry generically inept bitch uts:

    your lack of google skills akin to the avg 4th grade slacker is a personal problem

    good luck with that u inept coon

  137. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Still wanting me to do your work. How lazy can a wite lad be? Fire up der Google and investigate.
    But then, you would be exposed to worldly inputs. Thoughts not approved by Rove, Murdoch, Father BoyToucher, and Revrund PoofHair.
    Are you so used to getting your marching orders handed to you for verbatim repetition that you can't do a simple web search?
    You can begin by using the terms already offered. And no, you can't 'check' my paper to see if we agree.


  138. Anonymous3:18 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "every major ivy league school is offering free tuition room and board to any hs grads from middle/low income families who are in the top 5 percentile of their grad class...'

    That's not what I asked you dumb carpetchewer.

    Meaty Goober claimed "free tuition for blacks".


    Every heard of free tuition for black males looking to become teachers?

    Also,more than a few ivy league colleges will free tuition to black males and females.

  139. Mellaneous,

    Sorry for my earlier hostility.

    I know you want the best for our people.

    I just get frustrated with people who claim that all or most blacks are failing or that there has been no progress in the black community.

    That is absurd.

    In the 30 years since I've been in government and corporate America I've seen first hand the tremendous strides black people have made. Attaining positions previously unheard of.

    YES, YES, YES there is a stagnant, dysfunctional black underclass but why do so many of us allow them to represent all of us??

    I understand exactly why white racists do it.

    But why some black folks do it is beyond me.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19823:20 PM

    Where's those facts mold?You said you could back up what you post.

  142. Goober liar

    "Every heard of free tuition for black males looking to become teachers?"

    Nope. Where?

    "Also,more than a few ivy league colleges will free tuition to black males and females."

    Which ones? Got a link?

  143. silly nig uts:



    u r one stupid mf


    pumped gas or grocery shopped lately????

    ask your maid/butler!!!!

  144. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Such typical utter manly heroic bravery from a devotee of ManDumpling and Michelle Malkin. Going after a child. Yet, given their preference for doing so...I am not surprised in the least.
    What wingnut courage! Facing down a kid. What next? Go after the Obama children? Show your Gooberhood by taunting a 12 yo for their physical appearance? Get all Heeyuck on a 10 yo because they gave a speech?


  145. Al Meaty3:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh by the way Meaty Goober

    If you can find the "free black tuition" link, I'd like to see that as well.

    I have a high school son who will be attending college in a couple of years and I could use it.

    Here you go:

    They have given billions in scholarships. Everyone is eligible except white students.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. mellaneous3:25 PM

    Steve said:
    "Is it a black problem or an American problem?

    Do black people have to change their ways or does American government need restructuring?

    He seems to be all over the place."

    You got me Steve! I am trying to address the problems of RACE and CLASS. As an internationalist minded Christian radical I am concerned about the well being of all human beings. Racism and the current version of class society, hurt the ability of human beings to maximize their full potential, so I oppose them both Steve.

    Institutional racism still plagues communities of color and esp the black community. So of course I am concerned about community self determination. If the system is not going to do for you, you have to do for yourself.

    Capitalism in the form of US imperialism actually spawned racism. Its one of their tools that are used to divide and rule.

    I am opposed to capitalism which allows folks to starve while others have more than they can spend in a lifetime. It values the profit motive over human life.

    So of course I support all efforts that promote peace and justice.

  148. Anonymous3:25 PM

    If you can find the "free black tuition" link, I'd like to see that as well.

    You either are the dumbest coon ever waddling his way through life on his crutches or you truly have to add evil soul to your ugly as ass face.

    How about we just look at this and then you can find your own links

    Michigan just overturned a ban on affirmative action. Basically saying that true equality causes undue hardships on minorities so there needs to be racism with minorities favored. Get that? You cannot stand equal with every other race, you need that huge headstart and even then you fail.
    The article goes on to say much about colleges and so on. But I don't expect you will be able to understand it being a affirmative action negro yourself. If you need help understanding some of the more simple (I mean complex for you) passages, just let us know.

  149. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19823:27 PM

    So you're a child mold?Is it you have the mentally of a child?

    Still waiting on those facts mold.

  150. Maybe that's because there are already many scholarships avail to white students only.

    There are Jewish Scholarships

    Italian Scholarships

    Irish Scholarships

    Scholarships that target white ethnics only

    You goobers really want it all, don't you?

  151. Anonymous3:29 PM

    UTS, the free tuition exists only in their fevered imaginations.

    Troll, still lazy? I can provide...but you should do your own work. It's not like you have to toil in the can use a search engine. I know, it's too much for you. Especially when your whole ideer is to claim I am 'exactly like you'. Not so.
    Not every person is a FOX pundit, blowing fatuous gas to the functionally illiterate. Some of us do have the authority and gravitas you crave. This respect is earned...not by being hired to play a teacher (Beck) or pretend experts (FOX/wingnuttia)...but by doing the actual work.
    Anytime you are ready to do the real work, let me know. I will assist in this. But, I decline to offer you any help in doing the pretense.


  152. uts:

    u r too lazy to read


    u have no soul or honor


    research is as foreign a skill to you as swallowing a birth control pill or buying a condom/belt is to the vdlr and her fertile illiterate homies


  153. "Michigan just overturned a ban on affirmative action"

    And your point is?

    Is Affirmative Action for blacks only?

    Hell, the biggest beneficiaries have been white women.

    And calm down, it's only a messageboard.

    tee hee

  154. uts never reads a gd thing

    that is why he is always late and clueless

    and that is why he is the resident slave beta male retarded bitch on this blog

    he is THE most arrogantly ignorant original mf on this blog!!!

  155. Mold,

    "UTS, the free tuition exists only in their fevered imaginations.'

    I know that.

    That's why I challenged him/it.

    And as you can see he just threw a tantrum, stamped his feet and got spittle all over his keyboard.

  156. uts/da mayor of gated utopia:

    people are truly suffering in america as u admire your lawn fool!!!

    they are jobless and homeless

    especially poor black people

    stop staring at your hobama posters and wtfu!!!!!!
    Feeling good about the economy?

    Let's face it, probably not. The misery index – the sum of the unemployment and consumer price inflation rates – hit a 28-year high last month, notes Paul Dales of Capital Economics.

    Headed higher?

    At a recent 12.7, the misery index is at its highest level since 1983, when Ronald Reagan was president and the great bull markets in stocks and bonds were in their infancy. Yet as always, it's worth recalling that things can be (and have been) worse.

    The 1983 peak was 14.1, which looks terrifyingly high now but at the time was the lowest reading in five years.

    This is worth bearing in mind for those who drone on endlessly about "jobless stagflation." Yes, 9.1% joblessness and 3.6% inflation are both bad news. But hey, when Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the November 1980 election, unemployment was 7.5% and inflation

    Feeling good about the economy?

    Let's face it, probably not. The misery index – the sum of the unemployment and consumer price inflation rates – hit a 28-year high last month, notes Paul Dales of Capital Economics.

    Headed higher?

    At a recent 12.7, the misery index is at its highest level since 1983, when Ronald Reagan was president and the great bull markets in stocks and bonds were in their infancy. Yet as always, it's worth recalling that things can be (and have been) worse.

    The 1983 peak was 14.1, which looks terrifyingly high now but at the time was the lowest reading in five years.

    This is worth bearing in mind for those who drone on endlessly about "jobless stagflation." Yes, 9.1% joblessness and 3.6% inflation are both bad news. But hey, when Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the November 1980 election, unemployment was 7.5% and inflation

  157. cold "bruh" coon uts:

    we are not ok just because u and hobama golf!!!!!

    Black unemployment continues to be close to double the rate for whites (Credit: IStockPhoto)The first official unemployment report of 2011 presents more bad news for African Americans. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says while the overall unemployment rate dropped from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent between November and December, 15.8 percent of Blacks were unemployed last month, a decline of 0.2 percent.

    The unemployment rate for young, Black men is at a shockingly-high 23.0 percent. Having a college degree helps, but there is still a significant racial gap among the more-educated. Unemployment for college-educated Blacks has risen from 3.2 percent before the recession to 8.4 percent now. For White college graduates, the rate has increased from 2.1 percent to 4.2 percent.

    These depressing numbers show us again that the recession has had a disproportionate impact on the African-American community, from subprime lending, to foreclosures, to job losses.

  158. Unemployment was 10.8% under Reagan in October 1982.


  159. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Wonder if Michelle Bachmann was an Affirmative Action hire? She would be counted as a minority (female). She would be less icky than one of those 'uppity ones'. She would be a Troo christian beleever to further the cause of Jebus and taking our country back to the days of Stone age shepherding mass-murdering misogynists...and therefore acceptable to st reagan and bush political aims.
    Who cares if her skool is a joke? Who asks if she meets minimal qualifications? She wite and christian...that am all that needed.


  160. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "Michigan just overturned a ban on affirmative action"

    And your point is?

    Is Affirmative Action for blacks only?

    Hell, the biggest beneficiaries have been white women.

    And calm down, it's only a messageboard.

    tee hee

    HA-Ha, I love it when you talk like a little bitch to me....tee-hee right back at ya - ya fagola. Your wife really is in charge I see. I told you that you would not be able to read or understand it, the judge said lack of affirmative action was an undue hardship on minorities. God Lord Jesus in Heaven you are so dummmmmmmmmmbbbbbb. It's like talking to a doorknob, everyone gets a turn but it goes right back to the only position it knows.

  161. hey uts:

    ronny raygun is your blackish dick/false god hobama's hero

    so are u going to golf with him because he has beaten his hero's unemployment record????

    shame on u nig coon....shame!!!!!

  162. Anonymous3:41 PM

    UTS, any colleges he is considering? What academic field interests him?

    ChickenTroll, unlike your peers...I find your need to go after UTS' kid disgusting and cowardly. Expect no affirmation of such behaviours from me.


  163. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Troll, the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action are the result of studying the question of who benefits from the program. Unlike your parroting of marching orders, most governments review their expenditures to see if the affected population is receiving the benefit.
    Which you should is Standard Operating Procedure. Unless you beleeve the lies from FOX and wingnuttia.
    Shame you can look up the orgs and .gov that undertake this task.


  164. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19823:47 PM

    This is what you do to posters like mold.

    Mold will expose her lack of knowledge and shallow thinking when challenged.

  165. Mold

    "Wonder if Michelle Bachmann was an Affirmative Action hire?"

    We know she got "breathing while Goober" subsidies.

  166. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh, in case you are interested, Oral U took 'students' who could not get accepted at any of the existing accredited Law Schools. While Harvard and Yale may have been well beyond the ability of Michelle to attend...what about the others? What does that say about her?
    Marrying a closeted gay man is not unusual...look at Larry Craig, Ralph Reed, ManDumpling, Mitch McConnell, Santorum, Cantor, and the C Street christians.
    Why hire an Oral grad? Affirmative Action for white women.


  167. Al Meaty3:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Maybe that's because there are already many scholarships avail to white students only.

    No Steve, there are no major foundations or universities who offer white only scholarships.

    Once again, as with crime statistics, you cannot grasp the concept of proportion.

    All us goobers want is a level playing field. Let's try dealing with reality for once.

  168. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Troll, thank you for sincerely flattering me...but I pointed out the sorces you used were fake, partisan and liars. I am certain you wish to do so to me.
    But, before that happens, you should do your own work. Why is it imperative for you to 'order' me to do your task? You even have a direction for your search engine of choice...which is more than an adult needs. Keep trying to pretend to a better social status and an authority you never earned. Your 'callow youth' stance is so practiced and familiar to you that I wonder if you have any other posture.
    So, yes, my encouragement for you to work is done with the sure knowledge that you have been a 'back of the room' boy with bluster and mean to cover your lack of talent and effort.
    Here is a hint....we celebrate the special kids for trying. We know they won't excel, ever. The whole point is to try...and you keep refusing to do your own work.


  169. ol spicy4:05 PM

    Al Meaty said...
    "If you count it all up, including food stamps and free tuition and subsidized school lunch programs and earned income tax credits and all the other breathing-while-black subsidies, he's damn right most blacks receive some sort of handout."

    true is.

    negros like steve were born with their palms up and will be begging to the end.

    it's embarassing.

  170. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Level Playing Field-wites get all the chances.
    Logic-agreeing with Goober marching orders
    Fair-no matter how talented, diligent or gifted...the awards all go to wites.

    Yep, I can translate Gooberish pretty well. See, when you are a 'pass-for' and plain enough to be invisible, one does hear what you Heeyucks actually mean.


  171. hey golfing hobama sucking uts:


    the banksters got their checks immediately!!!!

    President Barack Obama told CBS News' Scott Pelley Tuesday that he cannot guarantee that Social Security checks will go out as planned if Democrats and Republicans fail to reach a deal to raise the debt ceiling by August 2.

    "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3 if we haven't resolved this issue, because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Obama said in an interview scheduled to air on the CBS Evening News Tuesday evening.

    "This is not just a matter of Social Security checks," Obama said. "These are veterans checks, these are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out."


  172. Meaty Goober

    "No Steve, there are no major foundations or universities who offer white only scholarships."

    And which foundations or universities offer black only ones?

    I just gave you lists and links of white only scholarships and all you can do is say "Nuh Uh".

    Is ya ignint?

  173. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19824:10 PM

    Mold is quite the simpleton.While i am away,pick up a book,mold.




    That way mold, you will learn what facts are and present them in a adult way.

    Until you do,a simpleton you will always be.

  174. "All us goobers want is a level playing field"


    If the playing field was tilted anymore in your favor, you'd be standing atop Lookout Mountain.

  175. Al Meaty4:20 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    If the playing field was tilted anymore in your favor, you'd be standing atop Lookout Mountain.

    Fearlessy the idiot faced the crowd.....smiling

  176. callous coon uts:

    i am sure keith o is MUCH richer than you too

    yet he cares for the poor and elderly

    shame on u u hobama nazi nig!!!!!

  177. Eric Estrada4:22 PM

    mold said...when you are a 'pass-for'

    You are a 'pass for' a turd.

  178. FORE!4:24 PM

    alicia banks said...
    cold "bruh" coon uts:

    we are not ok just because u and hobama golf!!!!!

    3:38 PM

    UTS doesn't golf. But, he makes a helluva ball-washer!

    Said he learned it in the Coast Guard....(but I think it was in the bushes behind the crack house).

  179. mellaneous4:29 PM

    @Steve you can't win. Anon doesn't understand that there is a reason that Afirmative Action was needed in the first place.

    Of course he will say its because of black ineptitude. Wrong! But he truly doesn't know any better. The concept of level playing field eludes him.

    Steve that anonymous no nothing reminds me of this quote: "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into."

  180. Mold,

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. characterized Affirmative Action best:

    "A nation that has done something special AGAINST the Negro for 200 years must now do something special FOR the Negro."

    Real Simple.

  181. Anonymous4:37 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. characterized Affirmative Action best:

    "A nation that has done something special AGAINST the Negro for 200 years must now do something special FOR the Negro."

    Real Simple.

    When does the negro start doing something for themselves?

  182. arugula muncher/icy nig uts:

    we are not ok just because u and that icy dick hobama dine on gourmet greens!!!!

    WASHINGTON, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- More than 43 million Americans receive food stamp assistance, or about 14 percent of the population, officials of the U.S. Department of Agriculture say.

    The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the Food Stamp Program serves about one in seven Americans -- about half are children -- over the course of a year, USDA officials say.

    As of last month, 43 million Americans had been using SNAP resources -- average monthly benefit for one person was $133.57 or average household monthly benefit of $285.64 -- up from 40 million in 2010, 33 million in 2009 and 30 million in 2008. Many of the recipients of the food benefit are employed, but have suffered salary reductions.

    Read more:

  183. Anonymous4:43 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. characterized Affirmative Action best:

    "A nation that has done something special AGAINST the Negro for 200 years must now do something special FOR the Negro."

    Real Simple.

    Now that something special has been done, when will the negro pick up the ball and run with it. Even with AA and tons of money for programs, schools and so blacks are more undeducated now then ever before. The racial gap has not closed one iota. Stop throwin the football down after it is handed to you at the goal line then maybe you can score. Or perhaps it is just not in your genetics and you HAVE to talk about nothing but others who have preceded you lives? For there is no way in hell you had any of this impact your life, you were a beneficiary of AA from the day you learned to walk and then learned to crawl under the black cloud.

  184. kudos to real man mike irving!!!

    DALLAS — NFL Hall of Famer, Michael Irvin, is on the cover of LGBT magazine “Out” to promote equality for homosexuals. Irvin is also interviewed in the magazine and discusses his gay brother who died. He also speaks about his support for gay marriage.
    ESPN reports:

    “I don’t see how any African-American, with any inkling of history, can say that you don’t have the right to live your life how you want to live your life,” he said, according to the magazine. “No one should be telling you who you should love, no one should be telling you who you should be spending the rest of your life with. When we start talking about equality, and everybody being treated equally, I don’t want to know an African-American who will say everybody doesn’t deserve equality.”

  185. kosher kkk kapo needs slaps:

    kudos to the OK jury!!!!!

    OKLAHOMA — In a controversial court case, an Oklahoma pharmacist was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison with parole for shooting a Black teenager in a 2009 robbery attempt.
    Jerome Ersland told the court he was defending himself when he shot Antwun Parker, 16, after Parker and another young man confronted him in the pharmacy where he worked. The controversy and conviction came after jurors watched security camera video of Ersland pump five additional shots into Parker as he lay on the floor unconscious.

    At the trial, prosecutors argued that it was those five bullets that crossed Ersland into the wrong. Ersland contended that he was defending himself and two co-workers from a robber who still posed a threat.

  186. mellaneous5:09 PM

    SN that's a foolish question. All the black folks I know do what all the white folks I know do everyday. Some of the black folks make much more than some of the white folks and vice versa. In essence black folks do help themselves.

    What you are trying to do is ignore the whole history of racist discrimination, which while not as blatant as before is still very much a part of our society.

    Now I will say that it would be much better to just have a fair and just society that affords us all equal opportunity.

    But I understand some folks frustration. It makes it look like some folks are getting something they have not earned. I agree that Affirmative Action should be limited to poor folks who could not obtain a good education or a good job without a little help.

    The divisiveness and resentment it creates on one hand is almost not worth it, because it further splits white and black folks who actually should be allies against their real enemy, capitalist exploitation.

  187. Bosco5:16 PM

    “I don’t see how any African-American, with any inkling of history, can say that you don’t have the right to live your life how you want to live your life,” he said, according to the magazine. “No one should be telling you who you should love, no one should be telling you who you should be spending the rest of your life with. When we start talking about equality, and everybody being treated equally, I don’t want to know an African-American who will say everybody doesn’t deserve equality.”

    Everybody has equality. The law applies to everyone equally, whether you are straight or gay, marriage is between a man and a woman.

    Also, to equate the discrimination African Americans faced on the basis of race to the campaign to force approval of specific sexual behaviors is an obscene statement of disrespect to the heroes who fought against racial injustice.

  188. uts/da mayor of gated utopia:

    where are the jobs?????????????


    Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), the largest networking-equipment company, may cut as many as 10,000 jobs, or about 14 percent of its workforce, to revive profit growth, according to two people familiar with the plans.

    The cuts include as many as 7,000 jobs that would be eliminated by the end of August, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans aren’t final. Cisco is also providing early-retirement packages to about 3,000 workers who accepted buyouts, the people said.

    Cisco Chief Executive Officer John Chambers is slashing jobs and exiting less-profitable businesses as competitors such as Juniper Networks Inc. (JNPR) and Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ) take market share in Cisco’s main businesses with lower-priced, simpler products. Sales of Cisco’s switches and routers, which made up more than half of revenue last year, will continue to slip, said Brian Marshall, an analyst at Gleacher & Co.

  189. uts/da mayor of gated utopia/blind deaf hobama drunken drone:

    what recovery???????????


    Three days after the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the national unemployment rate had ticked up from 9.1 percent in May to 9.2 percent in June, President Barack Obama said that the loss of jobs in the public sector is “evidence” that his $830-billion economic stimulus

  190. mellaneous5:36 PM

    @AB thanks for that info on Micheal Irvin. That took absolute guts! Irvin grew up in the same virulently anti-gay environment that I did in South Florida.

    It was an odd community in which they preached anti-gay messages and were quite homophobic, but on the other hand gays were not targeted especially in the churches.

    Gay members directed many church choirs and many members of the choir were openly gay and everyone knew it and I never heard of an incident where they were invited to leave the church.

    In our neighborhood it was weird as well. We denounced homosexuality and being gay but for the most part, it was strangely accepted. Openly gay members of the community were allowed to live and let live.

    Micheal Irvin continues to amaze me. He really seems to grow as a human being. He is well respected in South Florida and has been able to open discussions about race (while being honest and forthright)with the white and Latin community where most others have failed.

    And he never seems to forget where he came from. He truly has become an amazing person.

  191. i love mike i!

    and i love all real men like you my regal king mell!

    and i have never met any real/secure het who hate on gays


  192. mell:

    another bm rapper i love

  193. Bosco5:46 PM

    mellaneous said...
    @AB thanks for that info on Micheal Irvin. That took absolute guts! Irvin grew up in the same virulently anti-gay environment that I did in South Florida.

    I'm sorry, it took "guts" in 2011 to say something PRO-homosexual? Are you kidding?

    This whole equivalence between racial equality and normalizing homosexual behavior is simply absurd.

    Discriminating against a person soley on the basis of race is irrational and immoral.

    Discriminating against a behavior is something we do all the time, and is the basis of all systems of morality. Depending on the circumstance, it can also be completely rational.

    There is no discrimination regarding homosexual marriage - the law applies to everyone equally. All men are legally free to marry any woman, and all women are legally free to marry any man.

    Preference has nothing to do with it.

    Say I'm a big crack head. I loves the crack.

    You are wine connoisseur.

    Crack is illegal, while wine is sold almost everywhere.

    Each of us is free to buy wine, but forbidden to use crack.

    The law applies to us equally. It does not matter that you don't want crack or I don't like wine, society has set these rules.

    Most people can handle wine, but crack almost always detroys lives.

    Homosexuality is not nearly so toxic as crack, but no healthy culture can abide too much of it, and there are valid reasons for not elevating its practice. Heterosexual marriage is different; it produces children. It is the foundation of society. It should not be messed with to make Queers feel better about their life choices.

    It is not "hating on gays" to simply say "no", I am not going to indulge your fantasy that two people of the same sex can be married. The civil unions option is more than enough.

  194. foolish assnon:

    i was born black and gay.

    marriage is a human right.

    homosexuality is natural and genetic in EVERY living species.
    even plants!

    legal hatred is still wrong!!!!

  195. gays are STILL lynched daily

    cc that bs to sakia gunn and matthew shepherd

  196. and cc that bs to bayard rustin and every legally wed interracial couple in america too

  197. This comment has been removed by the author.

  198. Mold Blows The Koch Bros.5:55 PM

    Hey Moldy....looks like your liberal Democraps like sucking off that corporate teat.

    You you're always howling about Republicraps doing:

  199. and cc that bs to all sterile legally wed hets

    and to all sane legally wed hets who refuse to have children to live among dumb heathens like you!!!!

  200. dl homohating homo assnon:

    your weak excuses do not fly

    legal hatred is still legally wrong

    cc that bs to legal slaves too
