Thursday, July 07, 2011

No dozens in the men's room.

I have a memo to all of you white dudes out there: never try to play "the dozens" on a black stranger in the rest room.

Poor John Massie, he allowed his "color aroused disorder" to get the better of him, and it cost him his life. I know he didn't see a lot of black folks in Utah, but sometimes you just have to keep your color aroused tendencies in check.

"LAS VEGAS (AP) — A racial comment in the restroom of a Las Vegas Strip casino restroom preceded a single fatal punch that left a tourist from Utah dead and a Florida tourist jailed in Nevada on a murder charge, authorities said Wednesday.
Benjamin Gerard Hawkins, 37, of Gainesville, Fla., took offense to John Massie's comment about "a black man in a yellow shirt" while both men were in the restroom at O'Sheas Las Vegas Casino shortly before the fatal 12:45 a.m. confrontation, according to a police report.

Moments later, Massie was felled by a single punch to the jaw.
"One punch," police homicide Lt. Lewis Roberts told The Associated Press. "He was out. Never got back up."

Hawkins is black. Massie was white. Massie was pronounced dead less than 30 minutes later at Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas.

Massie's hometown wasn't immediately available. The police report released by the Clark County district attorney's office doesn't provide them, and the Clark County coroner declined to release the dead man's identity pending completion of the medical examiner's report.

The one-page police report of Wednesday's slaying offered a glimpse of a men's room slight escalating to tragic consequences at a rollicking Irish-themed casino offering "discount entertainment" including a Viper Vixens stage show, a resident psychic, a cigar bar and beer pong competitions.
"Massie made some comment to Hawkins to the effect of 'a black man in a yellow shirt,'" the police report said. "Hawkins told him to shut up."
Police said the two men squared off after exiting the restroom. Massie stopped in a food court area, put his hands in his pockets, and spoke to Hawkins.

Hawkins told police Massie challenged him with a comment such as, "What are you going to do about it?"

Hawkins told detectives he interpreted Massie's actions as aggressive.
"Hawkins said he feared if he turned his back on Massie he would be punched in the back of the head, so he punched. 

Mr. Hawkins, yellow really isn't a good look for us darker brothers, but I am guessing that Mr. Massie wasn't really vibing on your sartorial senses. I think he bought into the post racial hype here in A-merry-ca. Or, maybe he has been hanging out in too many Internet chat rooms.... The real world can be a bit different sometimes. I am just saying.

Finally, I see that some of  Rupert Murdoch's "chickens are coming home to roost." ---It couldn't happen to a nicer guy---. Hmmm, I wonder why we are not hearing about it from one of our major networks here in A-merry-ca? Hmmm. Anyway, here is hoping that this is the start of a long fall for his evil organization.




  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    that s sad they were prolly both drunk and saying stoopid shit sad that one lost his life over some dumb shit

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Making fun of someone who was beaten to death.Stay classy fields.

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    "Hmmm, I wonder why we are not hearing about it from one of our major networks here in A-merry-ca? Hmmm."

    Must be that FOX NEWS "arousement disorder" you suffer from fields.That or you take pride in being dishonest.

  4. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Poor Trolls, who will email them the marching orders? How will wingnuts know what to think...what to beleeve?
    I agree with Field, the Murdoch Creeps overstepped the bounds of journalism (but are totally normal for wingnut political operatives).
    It is odd that such a large story was avoided by the they tried their most desperate to lynch some TotMom in Florida. More gore with Ms Anthony...and the Goobers would not need it explained to them.
    Odd how it am so hi-larious when AfAms are assaulted...but it is the Worst Thing in The World when a white guy is. Especially when he pays for being a jerkhole. Do the Trolls identify closely with the jerkhole?


  5. Anonymous8:53 PM

    WTF you cannot go hitting people because you don't like something they said.

    When will black men learn?

    I remember when Chris Brown bloodied and bruised Rihanna and I had conversations with black men on the net who insisted that Rihanna had to SAY(emphasis on the word SAY) something to provoke Chris to hit her.

    These sociopathic motherf*ckers even tried to tell me that that is the price to pay when you talk out of line to a black man.

    I could not believe that sh*t

    Of course,I am all too aware that kind of damage is not exclusive to black men at all,but I found the fact that so many black men would speak up claiming to hold the fucked up belief that they have a right to disrespect and assault people simply for talking sh*t mind boggling.


  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Moral of the story or as the memo should say, never trust a negro when in sight. Do not put your hands in your pockets. To civilized people this lowers the tension level a bit, to a Negro this means time to attack when you can cowardly blindside and or are within a pack. Take them out at the first sign of confrontation as the violence is inevitable and cannot be avoided.

  7. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Poor Trolls, who will email them the marching orders? How will wingnuts know what to think...what to beleeve?
    I agree with Field, the Murdoch Creeps overstepped the bounds of journalism (but are totally normal for wingnut political operatives).
    It is odd that such a large story was avoided by the they tried their most desperate to lynch some TotMom in Florida. More gore with Ms Anthony...and the Goobers would not need it explained to them.
    Odd how it am so hi-larious when AfAms are assaulted...but it is the Worst Thing in The World when a white guy is. Especially when he pays for being a jerkhole. Do the Trolls identify closely with the jerkhole?


    Mold what MSM avoided this story?Please list some.

    Payment for being a jerkhole is death,mold?If thats true,someone would have killed you long ago.

  8. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Payment for being a jerkhole is death,mold?If thats true,someone would have killed you long ago.

    Weellllzzzzz my daddies is tryin to diddle me to def..he keeps rammin and rammin it hurts so badzzzz...can ya helps me mister slapnuts can ya helps me plze..../?


  9. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Odd that pointing out your errors of Logic and lack of familiarity with Facts and Data is being a jerkhole. Is it the utter lack of deference to your well-demonstrated lower socioeconomic level? Is it that you beleeverate women should do as YOU say...but I don't?
    Or do you realize that being the same outside of Mom's basement could get you injured...or dead?
    As stated, begin with Facts.


  10. PilotX9:35 PM

    "Moral of the story or as the memo should say, never trust a negro when in sight. Do not put your hands in your pockets. To civilized people this lowers the tension level a bit, to a Negro this means time to attack when you can cowardly blindside and or are within a pack. Take them out at the first sign of confrontation as the violence is inevitable and cannot be avoided."

    Or realize that your Klan buddies aren't with you and it ain't 1964 anymore.

    "Boy Roscoe, I remember when them nigras knew their place and all"

  11. Anonymous9:37 PM


    Mold what MSM avoided this story?Please list some.

  12. Anonymous9:38 PM

    PilotX said...

    Or realize that your Klan buddies aren't with you and it ain't 1964 anymore.

    Or realize in Obama's America its ok for blacks to kill white people.

  13. Anonymous9:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Moral of the story or as the memo should say, never trust a negro when in sight. Do not put your hands in your pockets. To civilized people this lowers the tension level a bit, to a Negro this means time to attack when you can cowardly blindside and or are within a pack. Take them out at the first sign of confrontation as the violence is inevitable and cannot be avoided."

    Or realize that your Klan buddies aren't with you and it ain't 1964 anymore.

    "Boy Roscoe, I remember when them nigras knew their place and all"

    So a Black hitting and killing someone while his hands are in his pocket is equivalent to the literally defunct KKK of old? Nice. Just don't wonder why everyone gets tense when you are around. It isn't because of your sparkling personality or lack of, it is because you are black and known to be loud, crude, combative, disruptive, violent and overall chimp out at the drop of a banana peel and when seeing anything of value will more often than not say "lemme git that"

  14. Inyanga9:47 PM

    Dark skinned body-weight appropriate Negroe women look delicious in the live colours.

    Yellow, neon-yellow, tangerine, ... ,


  15. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Slappy, if you have to haven't received your marching orders yet.
    Perhaps your Master is busy shutting down the NOTW and the Sun and can't be bothered to tell you what to think/beleeve.
    Keep trying to pretend you are the makes me laugh at your aping.


  16. sistermoon9:52 PM

    Actually, I find a nice chocolate brother in warm colors quite delicious...

  17. WellFedHaitian9:58 PM

    sistermoon said...
    Actually, I find a nice chocolate brother in warm colors quite delicious...

    I agree, but be sure to cook them very slowly over the pit so they are well done other wise you can get Trichinosis.

  18. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Slappy, if you have to haven't received your marching orders yet.
    Perhaps your Master is busy shutting down the NOTW and the Sun and can't be bothered to tell you what to think/beleeve.
    Keep trying to pretend you are the makes me laugh at your aping.


    It is odd that such a large story was avoided by the MSM...


    Were are your facts mold? Where's the data?

    What MSM outlets have avoided the story?

    You made the statement.You should be able to back it up with facts and data.

    Soooooo show us some facts.

  19. Field, time to start moderating your comments.

  20. black people look like doo-doo10:13 PM

    I don't like chocolate brothers in any colors...

    They all look and smell like doo doo.

  21. field writes:

    "Massie made some comment to Hawkins to the effect of 'a black man in a yellow shirt,'" the police report said. "Hawkins told him to shut up."

    Oh. What did Massie say when the cops interviewed him? Oh. Nothing. He's dead.

    So there's only two people who know what was said, and one killed the other. I think we can conclude that Hawkins had reason to lie, but clearly what he said will lead to a conviction on a homicide charge.

    Meanwhile, if a black man will kill a white man because the white man made a comment about the black man's shirt, then it's looking once again like there's a violence problem in black America.

    Police said the two men squared off after exiting the restroom. Massie stopped in a food court area, put his hands in his pockets, and spoke to Hawkins.

    Yeah, it's squaring off when one guy puts his hands in his pockets, practically handcuffing himself and the other guy bashes him in the face.

    Nice try field. You truly do believe blacks have a license to kill whites.

    Hawkins told police Massie challenged him with a comment such as, "What are you going to do about it?"

    Wow. If Hawkins isn't lying, then I must say, Massie's comment must have cut Hawkins to the quick. Harsh, wasn't it? Real harsh. I mean, real harsh.

    Hawkins told detectives he interpreted Massie's actions as aggressive.

    What school did he attend to learn that interpretive technique? Some kind of psychology school?

    "Hawkins said he feared if he turned his back on Massie he would be punched in the back of the head, so he punched.

    And Hawkins, being on the stupid side, was unable to maintain eye contact with Massie, give him the evil eye, and simultaneously back away.

    Or, more likely, the thug inside Hawkins said, "No way. I ain't backin away from this punk. I gonna beat his ass."

    field, who also suggests he attended the same school of psychology as Hawkins, says:

    Mr. Hawkins, yellow really isn't a good look for us darker brothers, but I am guessing that Mr. Massie wasn't really vibing on your sartorial senses.

    So field thinks Massie was calling Hawkins a chicken, and, as the subtext of field's comment suggests, Hawkins was then duly empowered to beat Massie to death.

    This beating death must have been recorded by about 10 video cameras.

    I wonder how much money Hawkins had lost before he murdered Massie?

  22. field writes:

    Hmmm, I wonder why we are not hearing about it from one of our major networks here in A-merry-ca?

    The Murdoch stories are the lead stories, above the fold, shall we say, on the Drudge Report.

    If you don't know, Drudge is a news aggregator. He posts what's written by others. Murdoch has replaced Casey Anthony and DSK.

    Every news venue is covering this one. I think my high school newspaper is running something about it.

    Of course the coverage from Drudge et al is mainly from print venues, so maybe it's the print part that's throwing some people. Maybe they think it's not news unless they can see it on TV.

  23. I spilled red wine on my yell0w shirt.

    Mr. Dead literally "asked for it". But someone should have walked away. A hard thing to do!

  24. Anonymous10:27 PM

    1 hostage is released by mass murder suspect Rodrick Dantzler

    GRAND RAPIDS -- Mass murder suspect Rodrick Dantzler has released one hostage, a woman who is reportedly safe, after he demanded Gatorade and cigarettes.

    The woman who collected the sports drink and cigarettes from police on Dantzler's behalf about 20 minutes earlier was released from the apartment at 3232 Rickman Avenue NE.

    He was on the phone with negotiators, who said he was holding up "his end of the bargain." Dantzler requested a "5-minute break."

    Police dispatch traffic indicates Dantzler has been seen snorting an unknown substance. Police believe he is still armed, and he is threatening to commit suicide.

    The woman, 53, who was released was talking with police about the situation inside the house.

    Wonder if the white people that Rodrick Dantzler killed made a comment about his shirt? Will fn make jokes about these dead white people?

  25. In the Death Match between Hawkins and Massie -- the Rapper in the Crapper, the Disser in the Pisser, the Crusher in the Flusher...

    Never, I think we can state that NEVER in the history of blacks and whites throwing punches at one another has one white man killed one black man with a single punch.

  26. maybe the dead dude lurked herein...and watched the kosher kkk needs slaps and his kkk assnons wild freely all day...


  27. black people look like doo-doo10:48 PM

    Y'all seen that show"Walking Dead"?Alicia Banks looks like she got punched in the face, ran over 3 times,and than someone pissed her dead body.Than she came back has one of those walking dead mofos.

  28. Field, you might want to do something about no_slappz, slapstick and the other trolls monopolizing the blog. Unless you want the comments page to look like Stuff Black People Don't Like or South Africa Sucks.

    Hawkins told police Massie challenged him with a comment such as, "What are you going to do about it?"

    Since the other man is dead, it's hard to flesh out whether this was said or not. If it was, it was a dare. And daring someone to do something about the alleged slurs you just dished out is a great way of receiving a sock to the face.

    I doubt Hawkins wanted to kill the man. But he's dead now, and Hawkins will most likely face several decades or more behind bars over it.

    "WTF you cannot go hitting people because you don't like something they said."

    True, but you cant go around insulting, slurring and daring people, while expecting them to NOT do anything about it. On that point, Massie played Russian Roulette and lost, big time.

    BTW, what say you all if instead of Massie being killed by that fatal punch, it was Hawkins who was blown away in "self-defense"? Just curious to see what the reaction would be.

  29. pilotX writes:

    Or realize that your Klan buddies aren't with you and it ain't 1964 anymore.

    Hawkins and Massie were born AFTER 1964. I think they were born in the 1970s.

    That aside, there's always an excuse. In this case, it's the old Paranoid, Trans-Generational, Hallucinatory, I-See-Klansman Syndrome, a psychosis that seems to be a genetic disorder inherited by blacks who believe they are surrounded by people in white robes and pointed hoods.

    Seems that many factors can trigger an attack of the syndrome. Too much liquor, too many drugs, losing too much money at a casino, someone commenting on the color of one's shirt. White people looking at the black person. White people not looking at the black person. White people held hostage by the black person. White people on the same beach as the black person. And, the sight of a white transvestite by the black person can also trigger an attack.

    It's a serious condition for which there is no known treatment or cure.

  30. Whitey's Conspiracy10:54 PM

    Same thing happened in one of my favorite watering holes a few years back, some fellow got froggy with the wrong guy and one punch later one was dead and another was headed to prison.

  31. "It is odd that such a large story was avoided by the they tried their most desperate to lynch some TotMom in Florida. More gore with Ms Anthony...and the Goobers would not need it explained to them."

    The NOTW scandal is a non-issue in the U.S., and thanks to Murdoch's pull in this country and the UK, you won't be seeing much about it outside of the Internet.

    Looks like NOTW is packing up and packing it in, and the redshirts working within will be lined up and shot shortly. The people who actually matter will go on to work elsewhere and continue the phone hacking and the unscrupulous and unethical behavior. Rumor has it the Sun will take up NOTW's slack and begin running Sunday editions. While the name of the paper becomes scrap, the dealings within will go on, someplace else.

  32. mack lyons writes:

    BTW, what say you all if instead of Massie being killed by that fatal punch, it was Hawkins who was blown away in "self-defense"?

    You mean shot with a gun?

    You seem to be in the general class of morons who don't get the basics of law and order. You can't kill somebody just because you "believe" your life is in danger.

    This scenario has been tested plenty of times. Shooting and killing an unarmed man in a public place leads to a jail term for the shooter.

  33. "That aside, there's always an excuse. In this case, it's the old Paranoid, Trans-Generational, Hallucinatory, I-See-Klansman Syndrome, a psychosis that seems to be a genetic disorder inherited by blacks who believe they are surrounded by people in white robes and pointed hoods."

    Spotting discrimination is a genetic trait?

    Whoops, there goes your credibili......wait.....that's something you never had in the first place.

    Go on. Next time, you'll cite genetics as a reason for blacks liking rap music. Or "black-on-black" violence. Or making someone such as yourself clutch your man-purse and cross the street like a coward, unless you had your .38 penis-substitute strapped on and loaded.

  34. Just curious, has anyone commenting above seen the video tape? I hear that the Vegas PD has a copy of it. Some of you are commenting like you have seen it.

    I see that along with all of his other talents in his past life slappy was a mind reader as well. Nice.:)

    "Making fun of someone who was beaten to death. Stay classy fields."

    Yes, kind of like wingnuts make fun of people who starve to death here at home, or children who get bombed out of their homes in far away countries.

    Besides, does one punch count as a beating?

    Meanwhile, in more tragic Human news here n Pistolvania:

    "Never, I think we can state that NEVER in the history of blacks and whites throwing punches at one another has one white man killed one black man with a single punch."

    Did you see the Marciano Jersey Joe Walcott fight?

  35. "You mean shot with a gun?

    You seem to be in the general class of morons who don't get the basics of law and order. You can't kill somebody just because you "believe" your life is in danger."

    I bet a white guy confronted by a black guy in a threatening manner wouldn't pause to make that distinction. Not when he's armed. And not when he believes he's backed by a jury who'll let him off in most cases.

    "Moron"? This coming from the guy who tried to dismiss blacks' vigilance against discriminatory acts as "genetic disorders"? Please.

  36. "This scenario has been tested plenty of times. Shooting and killing an unarmed man in a public place leads to a jail term for the shooter."

    Citations, please.

  37. "The NOTW scandal is a non-issue in the U.S., and thanks to Murdoch's pull in this country and the UK, you won't be seeing much about it outside of the Internet."

    I agree with the A-merry-ca part, but I think it will be a huge scandal in the UK. Hell it already is.

  38. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "It is odd that such a large story was avoided by the they tried their most desperate to lynch some TotMom in Florida. More gore with Ms Anthony...and the Goobers would not need it explained to them."

    The NOTW scandal is a non-issue in the U.S., and thanks to Murdoch's pull in this country and the UK, you won't be seeing much about it outside of the Internet.

    Take it you don't watch CNN,MSNBC,FOXNEWS,CNBC, OR BLOOMBERGTV?

    Or read Reuters,AP,or the Times?

    Drudge has it on top with 9 by lines.

    Ask you the same question mold refuses to answer.What MSM outlet hasn't covered the NOTW story?

  39. Black News Today -- Purple Nurple Special:

    Notorious New Mexico Nipple Ripper Pleads Guilty To Attack On Daughter-In-Law

    The New Mexico woman arrested for twisting off her daughter-in-law's nipple during a drunken brawl last year will avoid jail in a plea deal approved by her injured kin.

    Amilia Oveide, 46, copped to an aggravated battery charge and was ordered to pay Marie Cadney’s medical bills (which totaled about $10,000). Cadney, 30, is the wife of Oveide’s son.

    Oveide, whose rap sheet includes a pair of felony convictions, was sentenced to three years probation as part of her July 1 plea agreement.

    As detailed in a Las Cruces Police Department report guaranteed to make you wince, Cadney and the Oveides had “been drinking most of the night” on December 12 when an argument between mother and son became “very intense.”

    Cadney told cops she sought to separate the duo, but began arguing with her mother-in-law. That is when Oveide “grabbed her right breast and began to squeeze and pull on her nipple,” said Cadney. Oveide, pictured in the above mug shot, let go only after her daughter-in-law began punching her in the face.

    After physically removing Oveide from the apartment, Cadney felt fluid on her right breast, and noticed that there was blood on her shirt. According to the police report, “When she untucked her shirt she stated her nipple fell on the floor.

    She stated she picked it up, put into a bag securing it.”

    Despite this unsettling discovery, Cadney waited two hours before deciding “she needed to go to the hospital,” where a doctor performed a reattachment procedure.

  40. "I see that along with all of his other talents in his past life slappy was a mind reader as well. Nice.:)"

    Nah. He's just a common-variety asshole. One who seems to have a vested interest in absolving his fellow whites of guilt for anything done towards blacks and other ethnic groups.

    Yeah, he'll probably accuse us of doing the same thing. The whole "reverse racist" thing and what not.

  41. "Take it you don't watch CNN,MSNBC,FOXNEWS,CNBC, OR BLOOMBERGTV?

    Or read Reuters,AP,or the Times?

    Drudge has it on top with 9 by lines.

    Ask you the same question mold refuses to answer.What MSM outlet hasn't covered the NOTW story?"

    Quick, which story was a major headline in the U.S., NOTW or Caylee Anthony? Which story are Americans more likely to remember? You have 30 seconds....

    *cue Jeopardy music*

  42. mack lyons writes:

    I bet a white guy confronted by a black guy in a threatening manner wouldn't pause to make that distinction.

    You're willing to make a lot of losing bets.

    According to FBI crime statistics, those white guys, if they are in those threatening situations are not shooting black guys. It just doesn't happen.

    A lone white guy does not walk around Harlem late at night with a gun under his shirt.

    But three black punks did shoot a white guy in the head, killing him, a few blocks from my house last April. A security camera recorded the three fine honor students in action.

  43. "You're willing to make a lot of losing bets.

    According to FBI crime statistics, those white guys, if they are in those threatening situations are not shooting black guys. It just doesn't happen.

    A lone white guy does not walk around Harlem late at night with a gun under his shirt.

    But three black punks did shoot a white guy in the head, killing him, a few blocks from my house last April. A security camera recorded the three fine honor students in action."

    Citations, please.

    Provide a link to the FBI crime statistics that support your argument.

    Provide a link to this story about a man being killed not far from your home this past April, along with any security footage (if possible, Youtube is a wonderful treasure trove of these things).

  44. mack lyons,

    Casey Anthony is now yesterday's news. that story's been replaced by the Murdoch story, which isn't terribly exciting, so it won't hold the lead position for long.

    By morning the hostage taker who's already killed seven should be over. Maybe he'll do us all a favor and kill himself.

    Or maybe he'll get the cops to shoot him. Doesn't matter. It will be the lead story in the morning.

  45. "Nah. He's just a common-variety asshole. One who seems to have a vested interest in absolving his fellow whites of guilt for anything done towards blacks and other ethnic groups."

    No Mack, you are all wrong about our boy. I think he is a lonely old man who regrets the fact that he never made any black friends while living up in Zoo Yawk. Well, that and the fact that he never passed the pe exam. :)

    I think the poor guy is just misunderstood. All he needs is some love.

    Won't one of you black folks reading this be his neighbor?

  46. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Ok Mack, rewritten the way it should be.

    Nah. Mack Lyons is just a common-variety asshole. One who seems to have a vested interest in absolving his fellow Blacks of guilt for anything done towards whites, in fact for any responsibility for themselves or their lives at all.

    Yeah, he'll probably accuse us of doing the same thing. The whole "reverse racist" thing and what not.

    There is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism and any race can be a victim or a practitioner. The get out of bad habits cards is tattered gone and up in smoke.


  47. "No Mack, you are all wrong about our boy. I think he is a lonely old man who regrets the fact that he never made any black friends while living up in Zoo Yawk. Well, that and the fact that he never passed the pe exam. :)"

    Damn, Field. You breaking out the long knives today? :D

    And speaking of PE, how come someone like him spends so much time digging up stories solely for painting blacks as a violent and savage people? Didn't he say he was an engineer or something? I figure a guy such as himself would be too busy working on engineering projects to even bother with constantly trolling a black-oriented blog. I guess not.

  48. "Wonder if the white people that Rodrick Dantzler killed made a comment about his shirt? Will fn make jokes about these dead white people?"

    Nope, and I won't even talk about the white guy who shot them.

  49. "Nah. Mack Lyons is just a common-variety asshole. One who seems to have a vested interest in absolving his fellow Blacks of guilt for anything done towards whites, in fact for any responsibility for themselves or their lives at all.

    Yeah, he'll probably accuse us of doing the same thing. The whole "reverse racist" thing and what not."

    I knew it wouldn't take long. :)

    "There is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism and any race can be a victim or a practitioner. The get out of bad habits cards is tattered gone and up in smoke."

    What's particularly disturbing is that you have whites claiming to be victims of racism from blacks, who were historically victims of racism as practiced by whites. And yet whites are still practicing racism while at the same time claiming victim status, painting blacks as the new "oppressors" of poor, long-suffering white men and women.

    Now try to flip that one around, Mr. Reverso.

  50. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Mack Lyons said...

    Quick, which story was a major headline in the U.S., NOTW or Caylee Anthony? Which story are Americans more likely to remember? You have 30 seconds....

    *cue Jeopardy music*

    That wasn't yours,mold, or fns' point.

    This story is being covered,MSNBC is pounching all over the story.

    The idea that any cable network would ignore this story is insane.

    When the arrests start coming look for more coverage.

  51. "And speaking of PE, how come someone like him spends so much time digging up stories solely for painting blacks as a violent and savage people? Didn't he say he was an engineer or something?"

    Or something...yes, he has been a lot of things. I think he ran the IMF and was mayor of New York at one point. Anyway, I think he is retired now. The poor guy has a lot of time on his hands. You can only play so much bingo. :)



    David Apelewicz, 43, Gunned Down in BrooklynBy Ward Harkavy Tue.,
    Mar. 29 2011

    Cops have released a video of three suspects in the March 18 shooting death of David Apelewicz, 43, of Midwood, Brooklyn.
    Responding to a call of shots fired at about 5:35 a.m. on the 18th, cops found Apelewicz, shot in the head, in front of 884 East 15th Street, a couple of blocks north of his residence.

    The video, released by cops last night, ain't much, but it's all we got.

    Tipsters can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or submit tips at or text info to 274637 (CRIMES), entering TIP577.

  53. "That wasn't yours,mold, or fns' point.

    This story is being covered,MSNBC is pounching all over the story."

    My point is that it was not being covered by FOX. Does anyone even read the posts before they comment?

  54. Balzin11:41 PM

    Ol' Ben Hawkins had himself a deadly right hand. Too bad he also had the typical negro portion of self-restraint and inherent tendency to violence.

    Speaking of ignoring stories, Field, you've done a pretty good job ignoring what is shaping up to be the main story of the Summer of 2011: The absolute epidemic of racist violence being perpetrated by black mobs on random white people. When is this going to get your attention?



    And there isn't much to that vid, except three people in hoodies passing by. No sound, either.

    Violence happens to people of all ethnic groups. What gets me and most people around here is how all of your stories are tailored towards making blacks out to be somehow genetically inclined towards being violent, thuggish brutes and lazy, supine welfare cases. A strong example of "color arousal" and the "othering" process at-work.

  56. Anonymous11:43 PM

    It has been on FOX NEWS.

  57. "Speaking of ignoring stories, Field, you've done a pretty good job ignoring what is shaping up to be the main story of the Summer of 2011: The absolute epidemic of racist violence being perpetrated by black mobs on random white people. When is this going to get your attention?"

    I have already done flash mob stories. Did you say "epidemic"?

    Let's wait until the end of August and see what happens. Maybe I will do another post, then.

  58. The hostage drama in Michigan is over.

    Rodrick Dantzler -- a black male -- shot himself, doing one favor for the state.

    And Fox has videos and print coverage of the Murdoch affair

  59. Ol' Ben Hawkins had himself a deadly right hand. Too bad he also had the typical negro portion of self-restraint and inherent tendency to violence.

    Because Negros have no natural self-control built in and are genetically predisposed to violent acts, right?

    That was no_slappz's basic argument, and here you are making the same mistakes as him.

    "Speaking of ignoring stories, Field, you've done a pretty good job ignoring what is shaping up to be the main story of the Summer of 2011: The absolute epidemic of racist violence being perpetrated by black mobs on random white people. When is this going to get your attention?"

    Actually, you're asking him if he's going to convert his blog into a running log of "black violence", accompanied with copious amounts of self-flagellation and apologetic commentary that essentially begs whites to look at him and others like him as "not like those typical blacks".

  60. Balzin11:47 PM

    "Let's wait until the end of August and see what happens. Maybe I will do another post, then."

    Fair enough.

  61. Anonymous11:50 PM

    It will be interesting to hear what O'Reilly has to say on the Factor about these allegations about the great organization he works for. I am sure he is dusting off his resume because he certainly doesn't want to be a part of this.

    Hmmmmm. I wonder if Fox News has done such crooked misleading journalism? Nah. Hannity nor Meg ever gave misleading stories. Beck certainly never did.

  62. mack lyons writes:

    Violence happens to people of all ethnic groups.

    It's a matter or proportion. Of the frequency. Of the depth of the social pathology. You really ought to open your eyes.

    What gets me and most people around here is how all of your stories are tailored towards making blacks out to be somehow genetically inclined towards being violent, thuggish brutes ...

    Once again, in relative terms, blacks are far more violent than whites or asians.

    Your acceptance of Hawkins killing a white guy over purported comments made by Massie about Hawkins' shirt ought to give you a two hints that something's out of whack in black minds.

  63. Balzin11:52 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Actually, you're asking him if he's going to convert his blog into a running log of "black violence", accompanied with copious amounts of self-flagellation and apologetic commentary that essentially begs whites to look at him and others like him as "not like those typical blacks".

    No, but this is blog about race relations, and there is truly something disturbing about all the reports of roving mobs of young, fairly well-off black people going around viciously beating white people for no other reason other than their race. This is happening all over the country. Or haven't you noticed?

  64. Anonymous11:55 PM

    You FN folks already have the brotha in prison. Isn't there such a thing as being "provoked" and "unintentional" death?

    I can't believe you Blacks are in agreement that the brother deserves to go to prison simply because he was defending himself.

    Why would you join Slapnuts and no_slappz in judging that the bm deserves to go to prison when you haven't seen the video?

    It's obvious that Slapnuts and no_slappz wants all bm in prison, including Obama...just for being Black!

  65. It's a matter or proportion. Of the frequency. Of the depth of the social pathology. You really ought to open your eyes.

    So blacks commit violent acts with greater frequency and a deeper social pathology that rivals or exceeds that of, say, a bunch of white men cornering and raping a black woman for kicks, or a black man being lynched by a white crowd for some trivial offense.

    Your acceptance of Hawkins killing a white guy over purported comments made by Massie about Hawkins' shirt ought to give you a two hints that something's out of whack in black minds.

    Wait....when in all the blue fuck did I "accept" Hawkins killing Massie? And does anyone really know if it was just over a shirt, or was it something a bit deeper?

  66. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Field, "I think the poor guy is just misunderstood. All he needs is some love.

    Won't one of you black folks reading this be his neighbor?"

    Mr. Field, I have repeatedly tried to be friends with no_slappz by agreeing with him about our people. I have even kept score of his comments vs the comments of uts and others. In doing so, I have even faked the outcome and made no_slappz the winner.

    Still, I never even got a thank you or even a recognition from the man. I don't think it is possible to "reach" no_slappz when it comes to being his neighbor, let alone his friend.

    The man is an "isolator". that's all he has ever known. Hell, I bet he doesn't even have any Jewish friends.

    I won't be trying to be his friend again. Hell, I need attention too and that SOB never gave me credit for standing up for his ass.

  67. No, but this is blog about race relations, and there is truly something disturbing about all the reports of roving mobs of young, fairly well-off black people going around viciously beating white people for no other reason other than their race. This is happening all over the country. Or haven't you noticed?

    It sounds a lot like sensational bullshit created to paint whites as innocent victims of black aggression.

    It's obvious that Slapnuts and no_slappz wants all bm in prison, including Obama...just for being Black!

    They just want blacks to finally admit to themselves that they are genetically predisposed towards violence, aggression, laziness and lowered mental acuity. They only want blacks to see help, in the form of medical professionals who will surely give them the help they need. In the form of unorthodox birth control measures, medication for "overactive black brains" and if all else fails, the severance of the prefrontal cortex by manual and chemical means.

  68. Balzin12:17 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    It sounds a lot like sensational bullshit created to paint whites as innocent victims of black aggression.

    One thinks you would not be so dismissivie if the shoe were on the other foot.

    There have been numerous stories form all over the country. I'd say that merits some attention.

  69. Anonymous12:18 AM

    It sounds a lot like sensational bullshit created to paint whites as innocent victims of black aggression.

    So what other roving bands of any race are flash robbing, shouting kill whitey and so on? Is it sensationalism? Or sensational reality, don't try and downplay it, it is outrageous and unnaceptable.

  70. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Balzin, "One thinks you would not be so dismissivie if the shoe were on the other foot."

    I agree if it is true. One thing we do know is true: There is police brutality of Blacks across America. There is racism against Blacks across America. During Jim Crow days Whites lynched Blacks for entertainment at their lovely picnics.

    The shoe has been on the other foot. Did you, mr. Balzin do anything? probably not. why? because you never thought of Blacks as fully human anyway.
    There is a universal law of humanity that says, "if you treat another as half human, eventually they will believe it and react in kind upon you."

    So save your whining for your own kind. They are responsible for this racist mess in the first place. Do you get it, Mr. Balzin?

  71. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Some of you white folks want to ignore the desperation of poor children all over the country because they are Black. You have, for decades, ignored the plight of black children and now the results are coming home to roost IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOODS. Now you are becoming concerned because it is impacting you?

    FYI, it has always impacted you but you have been too blind and heartless to see that we are ALL connected. Now, It's probably too late. You will now experience what the black community has experienced for decades. This could be what ends all safety in America.

    I had the feeling that when the Berlin Wall fell, America probably wouldn't be too far behind....You can't mistreat people like for years and expect internal peace. Humans won't stand for it.

  72. Anonymous1:19 AM

    SlappyTroll, this was a story for some time...and the US MSM was studiously avoiding it. Until the Lefty blogosphere was running it this week.
    Drudge noticed the citizen input...and decided to aggregate.
    I've been following it for close to a month.
    As far as are asking me to do what you do...make up stuff. For those not catching your 'premise'...I am asked to show sites that don't mention the Murdoch hackings...which was pretty much all the MSM in the US. However, one could...with minimal the foreign press on this subject.
    Since I am asked to do unpaid work for a wite dude...I think I will decline.
    You-all can check me by easily reviewing the European and other coverages...and comparing it to the silence from the US MSM.
    Or...keep trying to 'get revenge' on the little old lady who pointed out to the readers that a sockpuppet wingnut was not being honest.

    Still, they hoperate that they can do the same...all it takes (like st reagan, Sarey, Bachmann, Santorum, Toomey, et al) is saying it.


  73. Anonymous3:13 AM

    frm the previous thread:

    "Already Muslim immigration, concentrated in "Londonistan" and other big-city areas, has reached a point where it is unsafe for Englishwomen to walk in many streets uncovered or for Jews to venture out wearing such identifying symbols as skull-caps. A video is being shown on the Internet of police apparently running in terror through the London streets from a mob bearing placards proclaiming BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM and similar slogans. Even politically-liberal comedian John Cleese recently declared: "London is no longer an English city.""

    Well, well. It sounds like London is racist and dangerous....Overflowing with Muslims ready to take out ww and Jews.

    Purple Cow is married to an American white woman. How can anyone in his shoes like the UK? The truth is he can't. He can only pretend that things are great in the UK but the truth is things suck there. My guess is he is longing for MN.

    The other thing is, why aren't the Jews running London? I mean, they certainly have the money.

  74. Anonymous3:29 AM

    AB, I don't include you because you look fabulous. If you were heterosexual ALL the men on this blog, including Field, would be after you. I know uts would be trying to court you with his money. anon banks clone

    gosh kuntbreaf fool its such a shame that ugly cast iron underbellies like urself ha to make up anonymous sockpuppets to assure urself that u r attractive ya nasty beast!

  75. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Field, "Just curious, has anyone commenting above seen the video tape? I hear that the Vegas PD has a copy of it. Some of you are commenting like you have seen it."

    dear mr. field, yes i believe a few people has seen the video. i believe Hawkins will be found innocent and let go. clearly, this was a 'provocation' on the part of Massie, who provoked mr. Hawkins to throw only 'one' punch.

    unfortunately, Massie had a glass jaw and lacked the durability to withstand even the slightest blow to his face. imo, this is evidence that Massie should not have been screwing around with a dark-ass Negro wearing a bright yellow shirt.

    Negroes who dress in flashy contrasting colors like that are temperamental and will kick your ass if you mess with them. i mean, i wouldn't fuck with him and i am black! a Negro in bright yellow KNOWS he is looking good. anybody who says he is not, WILL get their ass handed to them.

    mr. field, you look like a big strong smart man. would you mess with a jet black Negro in a bright yellow shirt?

    in any case, i am a buddhist and i know no one really dies. they get reborn. that is, whites come back as Blacks, and Blacks come back as Whites...well some of them. it's a bitch getting out of the black realm...just ask Darth Vader. in any case you can probably surmise, according to law of karma that those who are now White want to get even for the shit they got when they were Black...I know...this shit will never end.

    That's because we have people like KID who can hardly wait for his next incarnation so he can get his turn to get even!

    anyway, have a good friday and a good weekend. And remember: no one in this life or any other life gets away with, keep the faith, brother.

  76. Mack Lyons said...
    Field, you might want to do something about no_slappz, slapstick and the other trolls monopolizing the blog


    Field, I agree with Mack Lyons wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact, the name Field Negro has completely lost its luster on this blog. You should renamed it, House Negro. I mean it! After all,that is exactly what this once great blog has become.

    If this were the times of the Bush Administration, I don't believe for a moment that you would have sat idly by -while some lunatic completely colonized your blog- and repeatedly called George W. Bush, the president of the United States- a whore.

    Furthermore, I don't think you would have permitted ongoing vulgarities about his ethnicity, sexuality or sexual organs. And certainly, you would not have allowed ugly attacks on Laura Bush or post pictures of her children as apes or pictures of her husband and she- as a pimp and a whore. But this is not the worst of it.

    The racist vermin that accommodate the lunatic have made this blog equally offensive, if not more, as Stormfront. Oh yes they have. They post racist articles, use racist, sexist and homophobic insults. They refer to black women as Sheboons and black men as Gutter Apes. Is this what you call Field Negro behavior? I'm confused here!

    If you think this is some kind of contribution to free speech, I assure you -it is not! This is a vicious display of a total disrespect for a black man- who happens to be president. It is also a disrespect of those who want to those who simply want to report news and make commentary here. They should be able to do so without a hurl of racist epithets and sexual degradation.

    Frankly, what I'm trying to say is that you should throw the Big Lunatic and her Merry Band of Klansman out of here!!!

    Those that agree with me, kindly email Brother Field.

    I still love you Brother Field.

  77. Anonymous5:04 AM

    The black guy killed someone over saying "black guy in a yellow shirt"?
    I've heard blacks praise Hitler in front of Jews.
    I've heard blacks praise AIDS to kill gays and call them faggot without violence.
    I've heard blacks call Asians chinks and gooks and threten them for no reason without them getting violent.
    I've heard blacks talk about women like the KKK once talked about them and everyone looked the other way.

    But someone makes fun of a black guy in a yellow shirt and they have to kill? smh!!

  78. "mr. field, you look like a big strong smart man. would you mess with a jet black Negro in a bright yellow shirt?"

    I wouldn't mess with anybody. I tend to mind my own business.

    "But someone makes fun of a black guy in a yellow shirt and they have to kill? smh!!"

    It was just one punch.

    I love you too Ms. Ann. But I try not to censor folks, no matter how reprehensible they are.

    I do delete over the top comments. It may take a little longer than most folks would like (hey, I do have a job) but eventually it gets done.

    But still send me those e-mails.

  79. BTW, Mr. President of Anon Inc. your peeps had some good and funny comments last night. :)

  80. Yeah Goobers,

    Limit your "dozens" to the internet.

    Face to face could be hazardous to your health.

  81. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Ann G Myma, "Field, I agree with Mack Lyons wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact, the name Field Negro has completely lost its luster on this blog. You should renamed it, House Negro. I mean it! After all,that is exactly what this once great blog has become."

    You obviously don't know what 'Field Negro' means as defined by Mr. Field. Furthermore, anybody with the name, "Ann G Myma" who tells Mr. Field he should change the name of his blog to 'House Negro'--should STFU.

    In case your black ass is not aware, Whitey LOVES the name Ann G Myma, but Blacks hate STFU.

    As far Mack Lyons is concerned he has been complaining to Mr. Field for years and has threatened to leave FN at least 10 times over the years-- if Field didn't get ban slappz AND some Blacks from FN. But as you can see, his ass is still here.

    Mack Lyons is a "control freak". He is a wannabe FN blog policeman. and now fat-ass tommin house negro Ann G Myma wannabe his sidekick!

    You Negroes need a 'refresher' about what 'Field Negro' means- and what it stands for. I will speak to my boss about posting the meaning of Field Negro AGAIN, for the 10th time.... Not that it will do you two any good because the both of you are obviously whining retards.

    Field's self-appointed Assistant

  82. mack lyons writes:

    So blacks commit violent acts with greater frequency and a deeper social pathology that rivals or exceeds that of, say, a bunch of white men cornering and raping a black woman for kicks, or a black man being lynched by a white crowd for some trivial offense.

    Yes. Blacks really commit more violent crimes than whites.

    You, like way too many blacks, are obsessed with the distand past, a past of which you were not part.

    In your alternate universe, a lynching that occurred 80 years ago in Georgia is viewed as though it happened yesterday in Times Square. It seems that in black minds there is no concept of the passage of time. There is no past.

    If a black is told that a violent crime was perpetrated against a black victim by a white attacker in 1911, the black person hearing of this crime is, in his mind, experiencing the crime, at the moment he hears of it.

    For blacks, it appears that history is "lived" in real-time by the history student.

    What would it take for blacks to move on from the past?

    Is it possible? One-third of the world's Jewish population was murdered by Nazi Germany. The black experience in America since WWII is, in comparison, a day at the beach.

    Jews will never forget the Holocaust. But the fact that it happened has not stopped Jews from making their way in the world.

    Germany itself recovered from its devotion to Nazism. Japan let go of its imperial dreams.

    But blacks everywhere, well, they're another story.

  83. As if there was any doubt

    "Yup I'm a Racist" T-Shirts sold at Kentucky Tea Party rally.

  84. Slappz

    "Yes. Blacks really commit more violent crimes than whites."

    No they don't Slappy.

    This is another lie you pulled from your racist ass.

    I challenge you to prove that blacks commit more assaults, engage in more domestic violence or rapes than whites.

    You can't and couldn't if your pathetic life depended on it.

  85. Superious8:28 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Yeah Goobers,

    Limit your "dozens" to the internet.

    Face to face could be hazardous to your health

    HEH - I love it when Negroes like you count on other races to remain more civilized and better than you so you can talk shit with impunity. You are proud that someone who may look like you took a shot at another man while his hands were in his pocket and you think this is being a real man. That says a lot about the mud guppy unevolved man that you are.

    You are right though, you usually can count on a person who act's like a negro and talks shit like a negro to be mostly a shit talking loud Negro like punk. What you should watch out for is the ones who don't talk shit and just act, you may not ever know what hit you.


  86. Like I said, limit your trash talk to the web.

    It's safer.

    tee hee.

  87. Anonymous8:38 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    As if there was any doubt

    "Yup I'm a Racist" T-Shirts sold at Kentucky Tea Party rally.

    Did you see the shirt? Whats wrong with it?

  88. Anonymous8:40 AM

    no_slappz writes, "Your acceptance of Hawkins killing a white guy over purported comments made by Massie about Hawkins' shirt ought to give you a two hints that something's out of whack in black minds."

    On the contrary, for Massie to make a comment to provoke a bm who was minding his own business, proves that something's out of whack in white minds. Of course, we already know this from the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, Jim Crow and the racism that permeates America.

    The sickness of racism started with Whites in America. It's in your genes. That is what makes you so whacked out. History has your behavior well documented. Your violent nature is well known throughout the world. Yep, Whites like you are whacked out.

    Only a whacked out fool would provoke a bm in a bright yellow I mean, YOU yourself have repeatedly sought to prove that bm are violent.

    Well, obviously whacked out Massie didn't listen to you! Instead, he went 'cruisin for a brusin.' I don't know anyone more whacked than that.

  89. crimetime steve challenges:

    I challenge you to prove that blacks commit more assaults, engage in more domestic violence or rapes than whites.

    Knock yourself out -- violent self abuse -- with the follwoing:

  90. "Did you see the shirt? Whats wrong with it?"

    Just proves what we've been saying all along.

    The Tea Party and by extension the Republican Party consists of and panders to racists.

  91. Superious8:49 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Like I said, limit your trash talk to the web.

    It's safer.

    tee hee.

    Why do you take pride in acting and living like an animal? You surely don't have the intelligence to realize that in one breath you prove that Blacks are violent and uncivilized by your very own words and actions and then challenge yourself in the next sentence, you are delusional.

    Then you are so intelligent you close off your wannabe tough guy act with a very feminine "tee-hee". Whatta ya gonna do tickle my balls with those long dirty nails of yours? Tee-Hee Tina.

    Grow the fuck up Tina, others may suffer you longer that way.

  92. Superious8:53 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Did you see the shirt? Whats wrong with it?"

    Just proves what we've been saying all along.

    The Tea Party and by extension the Republican Party consists of and panders to racists

    No, no, don't play the fool - I know you aint playin your a liberal who by definition is a racist pandering liar who lives off the back of others.

    What specifically is wrong with it? Why don't YOU the one who has an issue with it not like it. You have done nothing but cast aspersions against people you don't like. What don't you like about the shirt what is wrong with it?

  93. Slappy


    You did what I knew you were going to do.

    Post your FBI crime stats which prove nothing but who has been arrested or which crimes the (white) FBI decides to report.

    But let's cut to the chase here.

    You are on a mission to prove that blacks are animals because you are angry that your white skin is no longer a government stamped badge of superiority which protected you from retaliation for your hate and racism.

    Are you going to seriously compare the Jewish experience in America to the black experience?

    Where Jews ever slaves? Were they subject to Jim Crow? Were they official second class citizens?

    Hell Jews owned slaves and benfitted economically and socially from Jim Crow.

    Get real fool.

  94. anon 8:40 writes:

    Only a whacked out fool would provoke a bm in a bright yellow I mean, YOU yourself have repeatedly sought to prove that bm are violent.

    We only know, from early press reports, that Hawking "claims" Massie said something about Hawkins' shirt.

    Inasmuch as Hawkins knew he was in trouble he probably told a story to cops, that in his mind, was to his own benefit.

    He sought to justify killing Massie with a story about some shirt-talk in the men's room, as though it's an understood fact that a black male is within his rights to kill a white male who allegedly said something uncomplimentary about the shirt.

    Were the two evenly matched by height and weight?

    Anyway, we know that no white male has ever killed a black male with a single punch.

  95. "What specifically is wrong with it?"

    I guess being a racist you wouldn't find anything wrong with a goober advertising it.

    The cat's out the bag though.

    The Dems should play this video over and over and over.

  96. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    SlappyTroll, this was a story for some time...and the US MSM was studiously avoiding it. Until the Lefty blogosphere was running it this week.
    Drudge noticed the citizen input...and decided to aggregate.
    I've been following it for close to a month.
    As far as are asking me to do what you do...make up stuff. For those not catching your 'premise'...I am asked to show sites that don't mention the Murdoch hackings...which was pretty much all the MSM in the US. However, one could...with minimal the foreign press on this subject.
    Since I am asked to do unpaid work for a wite dude...I think I will decline.
    You-all can check me by easily reviewing the European and other coverages...and comparing it to the silence from the US MSM.
    Or...keep trying to 'get revenge' on the little old lady who pointed out to the readers that a sockpuppet wingnut was not being honest.

    Still, they hoperate that they can do the same...all it takes (like st reagan, Sarey, Bachmann, Santorum, Toomey, et al) is saying it.


    More mold lies.Drudge,CNN,MSNBC, has been covering the wiretapping for sometime.

    Don't believe me? Its called research using Google and Yahoo.

    So keep lying and making false claims.Its what you on the left do so well.

  97. Slapnuts said...
    Making fun of someone who was beaten to death.Stay classy fields.

    7:32 PM
    He wasn't beat to death, his glass jaw just couldn't handle that ONE punch. ONE punch, no gun. ONE punch, no knife. ONE punch, no gang. The dude got knocked out (literally) with ONE SOLID PUNCH.

  98. dumbasgeorgiaclay steve asks:

    Where Jews ever slaves?

    If NASA is still looking for a perfect vacuum on Earth, it should check your head.

    Slaves? Repeatedly over the last 5,000 years. Most recently in Nazi Germany. Apparently you don't know there were death camps and work camps.

    Were they subject to Jim Crow?

    In every country, including the US.

    Were they official second class citizens?

    In every country, including the US. But the college quotas, restricted hotels and anti-Jew real estate practices are part of the past.

  99. Anonymous9:10 AM

    9.2% unemployment

    The Associated Press reports:

    The Labor Department said Friday that the economy generated only 18,000 net jobs in June. And the number of jobs added in May was revised down to 25,000.

    High gas prices and supply-chain disruptions stemming from the Japan crisis and the weak housing market have slowed the economy. Average hourly wages declined last month. After-tax incomes, adjusted for inflation, have been flat this year.

    Businesses added the fewest jobs in more than a year. Governments cut 39,000 jobs.

    Hows that hope and change working working for ya?

  100. Superious9:12 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "What specifically is wrong with it?"

    I guess being a racist you wouldn't find anything wrong with a goober advertising it.

    The cat's out the bag though.

    The Dems should play this video over and over and over.

    Again for the second time you have managed to avoid the question by playing the liberal. WHAT specifically DO YOU find wrong with it? Nice try in covering up the lack of brains you have by being racist calling someone else a racist name yet all the while not being able to simply say what you think is wrong with this shirt. Do you even know what your own problem is? If so should be easy to say. So what is wrong with this shirt?

  101. Slappy is revising history,

    Although there was fierce anti-semitic sentiment in America the Jewish experience in America in no way comes close to the horror, degredation and oppression suffered by blacks.

    Jews took full advantage of their white skin in America.

    And regarding real estate restrictions and job discrimination against blacks, Jews particularly in the urban centers, were often the culprits.

    Indeed as Minister Farrakhan has pointed out many times, much of the Jewish wealth and affluence in America was accumulated through the exploitation of black people.

  102. If Obama the Destroyer were to eliminate the barriers to oil & gas drilling and other resource extraction, the US would experience some major economic benefits. Major.

  103. "WHAT specifically DO YOU find wrong with it?"

    For the third time for the cognitively imparied....

    The t-shirt reads "YUP, I'M A RACIST".

    And you keep asking "What's wrong with that"?????????????????????

  104. Slapnuts

    "Hows that hope and change working working for ya?"

    Well for one, however slowly, the US economy is adding jobs as opposed to bleeding them as we were under 8 years of Bush.


  105. hey kosher kkk kapo needs slaps!

    cc your racist bs to:

    a nazi death camp

    a kkk rally

    any killer kkkop

    any white slave master



  106. And if you want PROOF here it is Goober.

  107. fundraiserforbraindamaged steve writes:

    Indeed as Minister Farrakhan has pointed out many times, much of the Jewish wealth and affluence in America was accumulated through the exploitation of black people.

    Yeah. Jews made billions off the Tuskeegee syphilis study. Made billions more working as public school teachers in black neighborhoods and really cleaned up by volunteering to work at minority-neighborhood health clinics.

  108. Nah Slappz, more like cutting up inner city housing built for one family into 10 units and charging top rent for each unit, often more than what white city residents were paying for superior housing.

    Let's not forget overpricing goods at stores in the ghetto. Jim Crow prevented blacks from shopping anywhere but their own neighborhoods to it was a sellers market.

  109. Is this really a racial issue or just a couple drunken bubbas doin the dumbass dance?

  110. Superious9:54 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "WHAT specifically DO YOU find wrong with it?"

    For the third time for the cognitively imparied....

    The t-shirt reads "YUP, I'M A RACIST".

    And you keep asking "What's wrong with that"?????????????????????

    9:21 AM

    Yes it does say that, we know that you already suspected tiny frontal lobed individual. It also says other things. Apparantly you either know the irony and ridiculousness of your charge or you are just plain stupid, this is why you can't or won't elaborate. I suspect it is a strong combination of the two.

    Well, I will to end this nonsense. The shirt is making fun of people like you. People who have no other means of justifying hatred and complete contempt of anyone else's views and the inability to be logical and have to resort to name calling and demonizing versus being able to discuss thier views. Calling others racist at the drop of a hat.

    The shirt says sarcastically things like yup I am a racist because... I support the bill of rights, the consitution, believe in Jesus and so know the things that the real racists - people like you call others racists for not agreeing with. The name democrats have been calling anyone who opposes their deluded policies for the past couple of years.

    In other words, the real problem true racists like you have with this shirt is that your end all discussion card is tattered and has become a joke. You racist is now the punch line... So much so that you even after being asked three times could not say why you disliked the shirt other then to say it say "yup, I'm racist"

  111. Anonymous10:01 AM

    slappz-"We only know, from early press reports, that Hawking "claims" Massie said something about Hawkins' shirt.

    Inasmuch as Hawkins knew he was in trouble he probably told a story to cops, that in his mind, was to his own benefit."

    First you say "We only know from press reports...". Then you go on to deal in probabilities as if you are a mind reader. Of course, it's your own mind that's fabricating fiction and knows not what happened. Of course, YOU believe Hawkins is guilty and the wm is innocent. Come to think of it, this is just like the "past". Hence, it's difficult to forget the past when Whites like you are creating injustices against Blacks.

    The past continues today.

  112. Superious,

    I happen to believe in liberty, the constitution and am a Christian so your rants and diversions are, just like the tea party goober....BULLSHIT.

    The T-Shirt represents what the tea party is about.

    Racism, violent insurrection against a diverse society, and false claims of victimhood.

    The t-shirt is a sly wink to racists that's it okay to hate niggas....just when you're questioned on it.....claim to just love Jesus.

  113. Boom Boom Mancini10:03 AM

    Yeah, UTS. I'm sure if you called some white guy a "goober", and he killed your scrawny ass with one punch, your wife & kids would be saying "he deserved it", when they decided to bury you two weeks later.

  114. Superious10:06 AM


    "Hows that hope and change working working for ya?"

    Well for one, however slowly, the US economy is adding jobs as opposed to bleeding them as we were under 8 years of Bush.


    uptownsteve said...
    And if you want PROOF here it is Goober.

    Oh boy, why do you persist in advertising your inability to comprehend even the most basic things?

    OK lets try and make this easy for a child to understand. The chart you posted as proof that the economy is adding jobs specifically shows the rate of job loss has decreased compared to Bush's last year in office when the Bawney Frank and democrat induced housing bubble crash happened, it does not show jobs created, rather that slowing down of job loss is occuring. Which barring the economic disaster democrats are leading to, woudl be natural. You shed 700k and more jobs there has to be a slowdown of Job Losses. Get it?

    Unemployment rate has gone up, not down - meaning more people are unemployed not less, unemployment would go down if jobs were added not up? Get it?

    God help this man find a clue somewhere. He is about as dumb as a chicken bone layin in the road and seems to revel in it. You need to get rid of all that anger, it clouds your mind.

  115. Anonymous10:07 AM

    no_slappz, "Yeah. Jews made billions off the Tuskeegee syphilis study. Made billions more working as public school teachers in black neighborhoods and really cleaned up by volunteering to work at minority-neighborhood health clinics."

    i am impressed at involvement in the black community some Jews have done. so why are you against us?

  116. The crucial issue for Murdoch here is how this all plays out with the Chinese regulatory authorities. Should this scandal cause his attempt to take-over BSkyB fail - that in itself would be a disappointment.

    However the Chinese have a strict rule that any organization deemed unfit by another nation's regulators is banned from acquiring Chinese companies for a minimum of five years. And for Murdoch, that would be a total disaster.

    Former NotW Editor and David Cameron lead press-officer Coulson has been arrested.

    Coulson's predecessor as NotW Editor, Rebekah Wade, who was editor when this practice started, is now rumored to be a very, VERY close friend of Cameron's. One of the reasons they are talking about this being 'Britain's Watergate.'


    BTW, has it occurred to anyone that because this was common practice amongst journos on NewsCorp outlets here in the U.K. - that there is a very good chance they were doing the same at their U.S. franchises?

  117. s:

    hobama dares to take yet another vacation???????

    this mf makes gwb look like a workaholic peacenik!!!


  118. wtf??????

    The Media's Golf Double Standard
    The president has gone golfing more than he’s met the press. Had Bush tried that, he’d have been clubbed by the media. Mark McKinnon on Washington’s 18-hole hypocrisy.

  119. Anonymous10:14 AM

    PC, "BTW, has it occurred to anyone that because this was common practice amongst journos on NewsCorp outlets here in the U.K. - that there is a very good chance they were doing the same at their U.S. franchises?"

    PC, scroll up. an anon said as much. the anon also has some unpleasant things to say about London, also. I am surprised you missed it.

  120. Anonymous10:18 AM

    AB, "hobama dares to take yet another vacation???????

    this mf makes gwb look like a workaholic peacenik!!!"

    LIAR!!!Obama is a hard worker. he works day and night. and STOP calling him names. didn't you read what Ann G Myma said about you calling him names? it was very bad.

  121. "Unemployment rate has gone up, not down - meaning more people are unemployed not less, unemployment would go down if jobs were added not up? Get it?"

    The rate has gone up factoring in a larger number of people who are unemployed and have been since the Bush recession and massive job loss began.

    But the fact is the trend toward job creation which will eventually improve the economy is turning.

    Whereas the economy was losing jobs under Bush is it, however slowly, creating jobs under Obama.

    Get it?

  122. uptownsteve said...
    Yeah Goobers,

    Limit your "dozens" to the internet.

    Face to face could be hazardous to your health.

    And apparently it would only take ONE blow!

  123. Superious10:30 AM


    I happen to believe in liberty, the constitution and am a Christian so your rants and diversions are, just like the tea party goober....BULLSHIT.

    The T-Shirt represents what the tea party is about.

    Racism, violent insurrection against a diverse society, and false claims of victimhood.

    The t-shirt is a sly wink to racists that's it okay to hate niggas....just when you're questioned on it.....claim to just love Jesus.

    Bullshit. I wasn't the one diverting - you were. The t-shirt specifically makes fun of people like you who say something like you just did

    "It doesnt say it but its a sly wink to racists to hate niggas"

    Wrong, its a direct joke about people who use the race card when they lack any other ability to discuss things like you have just proven yet again.

    I mean, talk about irony, here you are trying to say that someone taking offense to being called racist because they don't like policies and lawlessness is actually them saying they are racist. Well you just proved the point again haven't you.

    What you really don't like is that tired old club is done and people don't fall for the discussion ender anymore.

    Now I am sure you think I am racist because we disagree - that's the whole point.

  124. Boom Boom

    If a called a goober a goober, he'd do exactly what you are doing.

    Wait till he got home in front of his computer and then talked shit.

    Hey, I thought you were pickin boogars back at the rest home for overrated white prizefighters anyways.

  125. silly hobama nazi assnon:

    cc that bs to that bold blackish hoax slacker FAILURE hobama's overworked caddies and travel agents asap!!!!!!!

  126. Superious10:42 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Unemployment rate has gone up, not down - meaning more people are unemployed not less, unemployment would go down if jobs were added not up? Get it?"

    The rate has gone up factoring in a larger number of people who are unemployed and have been since the Bush recession and massive job loss began.

    I don't know what you are trying to say here. You said the exact thing I did only adding one sentence to say that it's all Bush's fault and that perhaps now more people are being measured. Seriously dont believe the hype, we haven't added millions of working age people to the US in a couple years - oh unless you count illegal immigration - but these numbers aren't counted. Yet three years later and billions spent - unemployment is rising not going down.

    But have it your way, if you think everything is rosy and getting better more power to ya. I don't and am preparing economically for the things that keep happening day in and day out, stagflation, agriculture inflation, worsening of the housing market, rising unemployment, private business hiring less and less while downsizing more and on and on.

    If you think it's all grand, then I guess as it has in the past, time will tell. Just keep in mind Obama can't artificially pump up the numbers anymore, no more massive spending and borrowing will happen as he already spent it all and maxed the credit cards and the jobs that were created with the stimulus cost an average of 270k in taxpayer funds - they are going away.

  127. Superious,

    Who and where were people called racists simply because they were Christians and lovers of liberty?

    By whom specifically?

    That is rightwing BULLSHIT.

    The racist always tries to cloak himself in patriotism and the flag.

    You say the tea party is against lawlessness yet they openly support violence against the government because they don't like the polcies of this particular adminisration, which happens to be headed by a black man.

    Geroge Bush ran up the deficit more than all 42 of his predecessors combined yet we didn't see any goobers in 3 point hats talking about "watering the tree of liberty with blood" until Obama, the black man, was elected.

    Why are white supremacists a constant presence at Tea Party rallies.

    "Yup I'm a Racist" should be the standard uniform for Tea Party adherents.

  128. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Todays' Black America News

    Police: Man with HIV raped 6-month-old

    SILVERTON, OH (FOX19) - Bond was set on Monday for a Silverton man accused of raping a 6-month-old boy.

    Police say Lenny Love, 29, raped the infant in March. Police also say that Love did so while knowingly carrying HIV.

    Police arrested Love Friday and charged him with 2 counts of rape, 1 count of felonious assault and 1 count of possession of marijuana.

    He was in court on Monday, where his bond was set at $600,000. His case heads to the grand jury on July 11.

  129. Anonymous10:46 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Geroge Bush ran up the deficit more than all 42 of his predecessors combined yet we didn't see any goobers in 3 point hats talking about "watering the tree of liberty with blood" until Obama, the black man, was elected.

    And Obama is running up the deficit more than all his 43 presdecessors combined.

    Whats your point?

  130. Superious10:54 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Boom Boom

    If a called a goober a goober, he'd do exactly what you are doing.

    Wait till he got home in front of his computer and then talked shit.

    Hey, I thought you were pickin boogars back at the rest home for overrated white prizefighters anyways.

    Why are you so racist? Why do you insist on use of racist terms? You should be ashamed to be the racist violent negro on display again. Go ahead keep spreading the gospel about racist negroes and violence and then try and fight the stereotype you perpetuate.

    How many mature men do you know that walk around as if they are little kids trying to be internet tough guys? How old are you anyway that you still get off on this sort of thing?

    If you really believe you are more adept at martial arts then other races you are clearly a racist of the worst kind. Do you walk around testing this and starting fights?
    You do realize if this is true you have no right to complain about any of the historical violence you discuss against blacks and you will probably wind up in a meat grinder some day don't you?

    Now grow up Tina... you don't impress anyone, you disgust people with your immature violent nature. You make black peoole seem like 14 year old children who can't control even the most basic impulses.

  131. Superious11:05 AM


    Who and where were people called racists simply because they were Christians and lovers of liberty?

    You and a lot of democrats. I can site dozens and dozens of examples. Whats the point you are racist and simply want to paint others as such.

    By whom specifically?

    That is rightwing BULLSHIT.

    The racist always tries to cloak himself in patriotism and the flag.

    No the racist tries to cloak himself in the democratic party. The flag represents all parties, all races all creeds, not just whites.

    You say the tea party is against lawlessness yet they openly support violence against the government because they don't like the polcies of this particular adminisration, which happens to be headed by a black man.

    Show me one video, just one of any violence at a tea party. I can show you MANY of violence committed at democratic gatherings. Many!!

    Geroge Bush ran up the deficit more than all 42 of his predecessors combined yet we didn't see any goobers in 3 point hats talking about "watering the tree of liberty with blood" until Obama, the black man, was elected.

    Oh god, another liberal idiot - look up images george bush in google and see what you find. Obama is the worst president ever elected. If that pains you because he is black and you want to use the race card to escape - so sowwy for you charlie - it aint happening any more - YOU are the racist.

    Why are white supremacists a constant presence at Tea Party rallies.

    Why are black supremacists always democrat and at every democratic rally?

    "Yup I'm a Racist" should be the standard uniform for Tea Party adherents.

    No - It has already become the democratic mantra - If you are black you must be democrat or you racist, if you disagree with Obama you are racist if you are a tea party advocate you are racist if you are republican you are racist, worse yet if you are a black republican you are a tom and race traitor. All which says who the real racist's are and you are just pissed because like a bad annoying friend no one gives a shit what you say anymore - in fact WE MAKE FUN OF YOU and your stupidity when you say Your racist.

    See ya around, I have to go put on my shirt that says I can't afford to and don't want to pay more taxes, so I must be RACIST.

  132. 15 posts

    July 8, 2011 4:27:29 PM BST
    Quote Edit Delete

    Ladbrokes have suspended betting on Cameron resigning.

    Favorite to replace him - Boris Johnson (!)

  133. Superious11:38 AM

    Uptown Steve Said

    "Indeed as Minister Farrakhan has pointed out many times, much of the Jewish wealth and affluence in America was accumulated through the exploitation of black people"

    Hey, looking at this video I wonder how you are dealing with being a Obamabot and being a follower of Farrakhan. Farrakhan is calling Obama a murderous traitor, that he is killing African Brothers in targeting Khaddaffi, this also supported by the New Black Panther leader Malik MyAZZ is Hairyz and Cynthia Mckinney another democrat, by saying he is shooting at black people but hasn't fired a shot at a white man yet. OK, so I guess they want Obama to kill white people.

    Interesting how you follow these hateful racist people. How do you handle the conflict with them and Obama? I don't recall any teaparty people attacking Obama on such a hateful level as these racists do. Then again, the leader of one group believes he was abducted by aliens and the other promotes killing of babies.

    So who are the racists? The guys with T-shirts or these leaders of yours?

  134. And Obama is running up the deficit more than all his 43 presdecessors combined.

    Nah, actually he isn't.

    Bush increased the debt $9.815 trillion

    Obama at this point has increased in 2.9 trillion.

    Get your facts straight goober.

  135. Superious

    "Show me one video, just one of any violence at a tea party"

    Easy enough Goober.

  136. Anonymous11:57 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    And Obama is running up the deficit more than all his 43 presdecessors combined.

    Nah, actually he isn't.

    Bush increased the debt $9.815 trillion

    Obama at this point has increased in 2.9 trillion.

    Get your facts straight goober.

    Obama added more to the national debt in his first 19 months than all presidents Wash to Reagan combined.

    The first two fiscal years of Obama we will see the two biggest federal deficits as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product since the end of World War II.

    Obama's budget will leave us in debt for years after he has left office.

    More than Bush or any other presisdent.

    Try looking at the CBO stats.Also look at the Bureau of the Public Debt.

    But has always, start with facts.They won't hurt you.Not sure why you and mold are so scared of them.

  137. "Why are black supremacists always democrat and at every democratic rally?"

    Like who?

  138. more on hobama the golfer/gun runner/gonzo vacationer etc...


    gwb would have been impeached for this:

    It is now a widely-reported fact that under the Obama administration, U.S. federal agents actively placed over 30,000 fully-functional weapons into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, then halted all surveillance and tracking activities of where those weapons were going.

    This is not a conspiracy theory, nor a piece of fiction. It is now an openly-admitted fact that this was pulled off by the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, more commonly called “ATF”) under orders from

  139. i bet they voted for hobama...


    Parents who thought their home was safe are battling with the state over the custody of their kids, and they believe they’re being punished because they’re poor. 

    "You shouldn’t take our kids because we’ve fallen on hard times," said Prince Leonard, a married father of six whose family resides in a northeast Houston storage shed.

    The Leonards moved in three years ago after the father, an unemployed welder, was hired as a maintenance worker. 

    The family had already lost an apartment and believed the homeless shelter wasn’t safe enough.

    "This is much more secure," said Charlomane Leonard. "Our children can play outside here."

    Recently, a passerby spotted the children outside and reported them to Child Protective Services. 

    A caseworker investigated, and the state took custody of the kids

  140. hobama inc is exclusively gutting for the poor....shame!!!!!

    Folks… you just can’t make this stuff up.

    On July 6th, just two days ago, at least a dozen busybody Congressmen sponsored the introduction of HR 2411, the “Reduce America’s Debt Now Act of 2011.” They always come up with fantastic names for these pieces of legislation… and rest assured, the better/more patriotic the name, the more ominous the bill. This one follows the pattern.

    HR 2411 states that every worker in America should be able to voluntarily have a portion of his/her wages automatically withheld and sent directly to the Treasury Department for the purposes of paying down the federal debt.

    “Every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages any amounts so elected, and shall pay such amounts over to the Secretary of the Treasury…”

    That’s right. Uncle Sam is so broke that he wants to give all the good little Americans out there the opportunity to contribute an even greater portion of their paychecks to finance government largess.

    Desperate? Hmmm…. Don’t worry, it gets better.

  141. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Another black mob riots in Dallas,TX.

    I hope no whites or Asians were killed during this mob attack.

    Raicst black mobs attacked whites in Jersey City, New Jersey.One man is in a coma and not expecting to recover.

    The media contunies to censor these black on white hate crimes.

  142. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Any doubts that these black mobs,black man in the yellow shirt,and Rodrick Dantzler are killing,beating,and raping whites because of the black panther case?

    Obama and Erc Holder let it be known that they were gonna look after "their people" and it was ok to attack whites.

  143. "Once again we see, with our nation in crisis, President Obama stands by and does idly nothing while an injustice is committed here in this glorious nation of ours. It’s almost strange that the president has not yet made one statement on the issue of the death of young Caylee Anthony. Why the strange silence, Mr. President?"
    — Sarah Palin

    Just curious..What the fuck is wrong with Sarah? Just because Bush weighed in on a vegetable doesn't mean Obama has to weigh in on a legal verdict...

    OK back to the topic.

  144. Superious12:31 PM


    "Show me one video, just one of any violence at a tea party"

    Easy enough Goober.

    Oh Steven, you are clearly nothing but a racist covering his mental inferiority with racist rhetoric. How stupid can you be and I mean really, how STUPID can you be to post links to what you think are three videos supposedly showing and suppporting your false claims of teaparty violence when the first link is some dimwit blaming the teaparty for throwing a brick through a democrats window/ NO video just accusations

    The second and third links are in fact sarcastically titled and are clips showing the LACK of teaparty violence and making fun of people like you who have been trying to paint the teaparty as violent despite facts for years. Again both clips you posted HAD NO VIOLENCE as is the case at teaparty gatherings, they were making fun of dimwits like you.

    Did you even watch the two videos? If not why would you post them and make the claims you did? Do you have the slightest clue what you are talking about or are you simply just blinded by your racism? You need to get off those racial crutches boy, you can't even walk anymore.

    Time and time again you post things you don' have a clue about, embarass yourself, yet YOU still continue to go on and on with your racism. Racism is all you have, you have no facts, you have no logic, you obviously have no brains and now that people don't give a shit what you call them, you are fucked. That is what the problem is, you are totally braindead and exposed and without the excuse of the race card you are exposed, therefore a very angry man.

    Anyway, I give up, I don't want to play in the special olympics with you any more, I might as well have these discussion with my dog, he has more sense and I daresay after witnessing yours, more capable abilities than you. Have fun hobbling round some more ya pathetic simpleminded racist.

    Ta-Ta, have a nice day honey and Tee-Hee... <-----(contributed by Uptown Tina)

  145. rk:

    hobama is silent on all crimes

    as he SIMULTANEOUSLY funds the PIC/dna arrests etc

    so that blacks who do not do anything as grave as this baby killer casey a will have new cages/remain caged worker slaves...

    kudos to sarah!!!

    and cc that apathy u posted to the kin of

    sean bell
    oscar grant

  146. correction:

    hobama was NOT silent about his elitist pal skippy gates' beer dumbit/tantrumgate bs

    my bad

  147. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Did you even watch the two videos? If not why would you post them and make the claims you did? Do you have the slightest clue what you are talking about or are you simply just blinded by your racism? You need to get off those racial crutches boy, you can't even walk anymore."

    Steve will now say something to deflect his incompetence and hide his shame like

    " I love it when I make the "goobers" go crazy or drool or something like that"

    " Stop Drooling on the keyboard" or something like that

    Or divert illogically from all of that and "ake" a question that a two year old would know the answer of to deflect.

    and lets not forget the other two options in his standard format.

    Say nothing now but later ask Field to start practicing affirmative action blogging and censure non conforming "toms", so he doesn't look so stupid.

    theres more, but thats about it, he will use these tactics anyway, he doesn't know any better.

  148. more on the impotence of that dick hobama


  149. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Slapnuts said...
    Another black mob riots in Dallas,TX.

    I hope no whites or Asians were killed during this mob attack.

    Raicst black mobs attacked whites in Jersey City, New Jersey.One man is in a coma and not expecting to recover.

    The media contunies to censor these black on white hate crimes.

    What more mobs? This is going to get out of control and wind up in some deaths real soon. I hate to see this country get even more divided but the first time a black kid gets killed because of these attacks you know there is going to be some serious stuff going down.

    I guess that is why Obama is trying to backdoor more gun control after the fast and furious Departement of Injustice debacle.

  150. Superious

    "Anyway, I give up"

    Good move Goober.

    You clowns can't take a punch to the jaw let alone an intellectual battle.

    tee hee

  151. uts:

    hobama has failed us ALL except banksters and warmongers

    he has failed u black hobama nazis MOST!!!!!!!


    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The job market hit a major roadblock last month, as hiring slowed to a crawl and the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose.

    The economy gained just 18,000 jobs in June, the government reported Friday, sharply missing most expectations and coming in even weaker than the paltry 25,000 jobs added in May.

    It marked the weakest month since September, when the economy was still losing jobs. Immediately after the release, stock futures plummeted and bond prices rose.

  152. hobama has brutally FAILED homeowners

    they are hopeless and unchanged


  153. More Tea Party violence

    This is easy.

  154. Tea Party Goobers attack liberal protester.

  155. Quote:Anonymous "Purple Cow is married to an American white woman. How can anyone in his shoes like the UK? The truth is he can't."

    Not sure how the nationality or the melanin levels of my wife are supposed to influence where I want to live exactly.

    "He can only pretend that things are great in the UK but the truth is things suck there."

    Life here is very good, maybe a bit quiet compared to our old life in Amsterdam, but good quality nevertheless. And the junior cricket team I coach has just won the division with two games to spare, is in the final of the cup and three games away from a perfect season. It doesn't get much better than that. Except that it does - one of my sons plays cricket for his county, which means I won't have to pay a penny towards his college education - sweet... Next season his bro should join him.

    Even sweeter.

    You go on about London, but I don't know the place very well, I've been there maybe four or five times my entire life. The problem with London is too many southerners - like that twat John Cleese. What London needs is less southerners and more immigrants. Then I might visit more often.

    " My guess is he is longing for MN."

    God, no. -40C in the winter, and mosquitos as big as bald eagles in the summer. No thanks.

  156. Superious1:16 PM

    Tee-Hee Tina Stevey Said...


    "Anyway, I give up"

    Good move Goober.

    You clowns can't take a punch to the jaw let alone an intellectual battle.

    tee hee

    As predicted...Shameless immature man. To use a cliche; a battle of wits with you is unfair, you are clearly unarmed.

    Have to say it is amazing how low your threshold for shame is.

  157. Superious1:35 PM

    Do you have a braincell in your head? Really man, what the hell is wrong with you? Is this the only violence you can find? A protestor escorted out by security? If this is all you can find then you know there is NO violence committed on the part of the tea party no matter how hard you look. I know it is all because every leftist for the last two years has been trying to incite violence and look for it without success.

    And a nutjob hitting someone bumping into a guys car because he slammed on the brakes, what makes you attribute him to the teaparty? Because he is white and anyone white is a teaparty member, against obama and racist?

    Are you really and I mean really this stupid? Look at your other posts, clearly there is only one racist and violent man in this discussion and your own words highlight who that is.

    Here is real violence all democratic. Tell me why democrats are so violent and then try and project this onto anyone who disagrees with your violent and racist views??

  158. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You go on about London, but I don't know the place very well, I've been there maybe four or five times my entire life. The problem with London is too many southerners - like that twat John Cleese. What London needs is less southerners and more immigrants. Then I might visit more often.

    How long have you been an Imam? Have you ever thought of moving to Pakistan? Why wait for the third world to come to you, you can go to it now.

  159. Quote Anon 1.36 "How long have you been an Imam? Have you ever thought of moving to Pakistan? Why wait for the third world to come to you, you can go to it now."

    That's it?

    That's the best you got?

    Kinda lame, even by your normal limp standards.

  160. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Looks like the head of the department of injustice is getting caught again. Now he is being exposed for killing americans with his illegal and ill advised fast and furious dumb move. Allen West is calling for an investigation, after all I am sure every american wants to find out who and why american border patrol agents were killed with guns our government handed to them and PAID for it with our tax money. I wonder if Obama will be complicit in this or are his hands dirty too.

    Go Allen.........he will be called a tom in 3...2....1....

  161. Superious,

    I know that you are an internet pussy and all but you can't be serious with those links, can you?

    The Tea Party goober gets up in the Union guy's face and screams and then is surprised when he gets shoved?????

    That the issue at center with you clowns, isn't it?

    You feel as if a right has been taken away from because you can no longer act on your hate and racism without repercussions.

    That's it, isn't it?

  162. Lt. Commander Johnson2:19 PM

    I'm sorry folks. I'll have to accept some responsibility for Semen Steve's lack of sense.

    I should have made him wear his helmet while the crew was banging his head up against the bulkhead. Apparently, that nappy hair just wasn't enough padding.

    (But, in my defense, the crew kept complaining that their balls were getting caught in his chin strap, so I ordered Steve to lose the headcover).

  163. Two white teens out "looking for a victim" murder 49 year old black man in Mississippi.

  164. Superious2:31 PM


    I know that you are an internet pussy and all but you can't be serious with those links, can you?

    Ha-Ha you just can't help your little boy tendencies can you? The Democrat immediately starts the trouble, taunts and provokes someone else then blames them..see your violent behaviour? Very democratic. How old are you? You never answered but you sure sound like a preteen looking to find his manhood driven out of his insecurity resulting from the lack of the same . I however have nothing to prove to you, you already have proven how much of a racist dumbass you are so your provocations won't work. How droll.

    Those links were incidents of real violence, people hitting others -over words. Yours were so stupid you couldn't even realize you were being ridiculed as you copied them and posted videos with no violence. How dumb of you.

    The Tea Party goober gets up in the Union guy's face and screams and then is surprised when he gets shoved?????

    What is a goober to you? Can you define goober, for you seem to use it anytime you refer to someone who disagrees with you and that is white. Is this a racist term? Are you confirming you are a racist? Are you trying yet again to provoke someone into responding in kind so you can hop back into the racist wheelchair you live in and then say look, dey called me a name? Also wont' work, your own words and actions call you more names then anyone ever could. No one needs to tell anyone who you are, you do that with each breath.

    That the issue at center with you clowns, isn't it?

    You feel as if a right has been taken away from because you can no longer act on your hate and racism without repercussions.

    How is having a political view hate and racism? Oh that's right, in your missing a prefrontal lobe world anyone who disagrees with you or the black president simply must be racist because YOU can't understand any other reason. I mean we can just keep borrowing for ever can't we?

    That's it, isn't it?

    Actually it is.... for you and you alone though. You just projected exactly what your problem is. You can't call people unfounded without merit names and end the discussion when your logic is lost and can't be found. You have suddenly found you don't have a brain cell to stand on without those racist name calling discussion enders. You don't have reading comprehension, you don't understand how the economy works, you don't understand cause and effect, you can't even understand what videos you are showing. YOu are stupid enough to think if you say it hard and loud then what you want to be true, will be so.

    So now knowing that people have exposed you as nothing more then a racial huckster, your low IQ , lack of reasoning, angry violent tendencies as you have repeatedly demonstrated over and over in this thread, are all excuses, they are all you and you don't know what to do. It scares you that you might have to stand and walk without being able to say..look it's his fault.

    It scares the living shit out of you to think you might be judged fairly and held accountable equally for your very own words and actions so you then project false hate and racism, when all the time it is emanating from you.

    Now what will you do? The lies have been exposed, you have repeatedly demanded to highlight your own inferiority and lack of critical thinking skills, the guilt has been used what will you do?

    What will you do?

  165. JethroTull2:35 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    I'm sorry folks. I'll have to accept some responsibility for Semen Steve's lack of sense.

    I should have made him wear his helmet while the crew was banging his head up against the bulkhead. Apparently, that nappy hair just wasn't enough padding.

    (But, in my defense, the crew kept complaining that their balls were getting caught in his chin strap, so I ordered Steve to lose the headcover).

    Balls kept getting caught in his chin strap HAHAHAHAHAHAH now that is hilarious. It explains a lot.

  166. "What is a goober to you? Can you define goober"

    a. A racist internet pussy who posts as anonymous or under various names to give an appearance of a consensus

    b. A clown who pathetically claims victory while he is being publicly flogged and humiliated with every post.

  167. Superious2:43 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Two white teens out "looking for a victim" murder 49 year old black man in Mississippi.

    Awful, after the trial when all the facts are out if this is the extent of what happened they should be executed posthaste.

  168. Superious2:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "What is a goober to you? Can you define goober"

    a. A racist internet pussy who posts as anonymous or under various names to give an appearance of a consensus

    b. A clown who pathetically claims victory while he is being publicly flogged and humiliated with every post.

    Oh, I see, so then it is all about you still. Racist - Steve Check, internet tough guy/pussy - Steve check. Delusional clown who is bleeding from every orifice he got mentally flogged and exposed so much yet thinks he doesnt have to hide in utter embarassment -Steve Check.

    Gotta admit you are funny as shit 'a clown who claims victory while he is publicly flogged and humiliated" haha - only someone like you would have the temerity to say that when he was so badly exposed and stripped bare as being nothing more than a racist mental midget idjut.

    Pathetic little tough guy at your age. You must have a ton of insecurities, well that is pretty easy to see, so sad..for you.

    Later weezy. You've been loaned, owned and kicked to the curb, watch out you so low ants might piss on your head now.

    See ya later Goober Steezy Weezy, I guess I have to call you that from now on based upon your 100% accurate self description.

  169. "You feel as if a right has been taken away from because you can no longer act on your hate and racism without repercussions.

    That's it, isn't it?"

    Yep Steve, indeed it is.

    hammer/nail interface right there

  170. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "You feel as if a right has been taken away from because you can no longer act on your hate and racism without repercussions.

    That's it, isn't it?"

    Yep Steve, indeed it is.

    hammer/nail interface right there

    Leave steve alone, he has been exposed enough today. All indications from him highlight that he has a very fragile personality teetering on the edge. We don't want him to go off on a violent racist binge and he seems awfully close. The thought of complete and total equality and accountability is terrfying to him so again, get off his back. His hair is smokin right now trying to think of someone else to blame.

  171. Anonymous3:37 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Two white teens out "looking for a victim" murder 49 year old black man in Mississippi.

    Blacks have been targeting whites without fear of arrest for over 3 years now.

    What did you expect? Whites are fighting back.

  172. I think any rational review of the debate will show that Steve kicked your flabby ass.

  173. "Blacks have been targeting whites without fear of arrest for over 3 years now.

    What did you expect? Whites are fighting back."

    "Smith said Dedmon called a friend after the alleged crime and said: ‘I just ran that n****r over.’

    Yup, whites are "fighting back" alright.

  174. Anonymous4:32 PM

    and purple cow dont u think u should watch ur language? out of respect u could write kunt instead of the c word yes? tee hee hee hee hee hee hee what are we going to do with u out of touch toucans? silly!!!

  175. "poor senile steve he jess cante handle facts when thrown his way he instead lives in his widdle world where hese always rite jess like buceta breaf and her odd squad of worshippers and fakers jess like herself hey kuntlick hows that 250 iq going for ya? solved any of the worlds problems? what about wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef done any groundbreaking research outside of ur wikipedia research on gp120? LOSERS!!!."

    Poor sentence and paragraph structure. Very little punctuation, lots of run-on sentences, no capitalization.

  176. "and purple cow dont u think u should watch ur language? out of respect u could write kunt instead of the c word yes? tee hee hee hee hee hee hee what are we going to do with u out of touch toucans? silly!!!"

    I could go for a Philly cheesesteak right about now. And a nice cold Pepsi to go with it.

  177. Oh, and by the way Field, you should take a look at these shenanigans:

    Chase Gets Man Thrown In Jail For Fraudulent Check. Except The Check Is Legit.

  178. Anonymous4:47 PM

    poor mack hows it out there in richmond sweetie pie? apparently ure lonely today is the air quality stinkin out there today? all those refineries could phukk wit ur asthma honey so be careful! as to criticizing the grammar of a blog post dont u ha other things to do out in richmond? eye mean cante chu go chase after a black male criminal out there or summin after all there are lots and lots and lots and lots out there yes?

  179. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I think any rational review of the debate will show that Steve kicked your flabby ass.

    Well now that precludes you doesn't it.

    Take it easy, put down the knife, it wasn't me who said that about the Koran, wait, what is that under your jacket, is that that a vest? What, you want to go on your own personal Jihad - ahh there is a terrorist in our midst the purple cow - ok fellas' take im out... burgers for everyone if you dare risk madcow disease....just please drag the carcass outside and don't stink up the place.

  180. uppergastrointestinal steve says there's white violence in the following videos:

    Easy enough Goober.

    I guess the vacuum in steve's head sucked his entire cranium into his neck.

    The first link is to a news article. But no violence. Only a photo of a woman holding a sign.

    The second is a video of a peaceful political gathering during which the commentators make ironically sarcastic remarks about the non-violence.

    The third video focuses mainly on an angry black guy who is obviously from the Caribbean and possibly an illegal alien, who repeatedly and totally demonstrated his utter and complete lack of economic knowledge.

    He gets the Dummy of the Day award. Actually, he'll have to share it with reetard steve.

  181. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Has Anyone seen AB today im worried

  182. PilotX8:36 PM

    "Never, I think we can state that NEVER in the history of blacks and whites throwing punches at one another has one white man killed one black man with a single punch."

    I guess you've never seen Rocky IV.

  183. PilotX8:39 PM

    "Blacks have been targeting whites without fear of arrest for over 3 years now."

    So by your reasoning Black people are just now getting even for 300 years of being targets here right? So there.

    Medger Evers died for your sins.
