Friday, July 08, 2011

Vengeance is mine sayeth the Governor.

Careful O, this is no time to be abandoning your most loyal constituents. Did you see the unemployment numbers today? Yeah, I know I know, the republiclowns are praying that you fail and that more A-merry-cans stay unemployed (which is sad and pathetic), and the folks with the ability to invest in the economy are sitting on their loot. But honestly, to steal a quote from "The Moments", I am not feeling like "I found love on a two way street" these days.

Anywhoo, I see that our god fearing governor down in that country we know as Texas decided to ignore a plea from the State Department --not to mention the U.N.-- and excecute a Mexican national. It must be nice to be governor big hair.

"Gov. Rick Perry rebuffed criticism Friday from the United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Texas' execution of a Mexican man whose lawyers said he was not informed he could have sought legal help from the Mexican government after he was arrested for the murder of a San Antonio teenager.

"If you commit the most heinous of crimes in Texas, you can expect to face the ultimate penalty under our laws," Perry's spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger said a day after convicted killer Humberto Leal was put to death in Huntsville.

In Geneva, the U.N.'s top human rights official said Leal's execution amounted to a breach of international law by the U.S.

The Texas governor has the authority in execution cases to issue a one-time 30-day reprieve, an authority Perry and other governors in the nation's most active capital punishment state rarely have invoked."

That a boy Gov. the wages of sin is death.

Finally, if you are a black woman in Pistolvania, you just might want to pay your parking ticket. If you don't you will be shackled and hauled off to jail....wait,this woman did pay her parking ticket, and she was still shackled and hauled off to jail.

Oh well, it could be worse, the poor lady could have been in Texas.



  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    field, "Finally, if you are a black woman in Pistolvania, you just might want to pay your parking ticket. If you don't you will be shackled and hauled off to jail....wait,this woman did pay her parking ticket, and she was still shackled and hauled off to jail."

    Well, it's only fair that Blacks get shackled. It's been past down for generations. I watched the video and the sista is not out of the woods yet. The Chief is still looking into the matter, which means that there is more to this that meets the eye. That sista probably did something else wrong.

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "Careful O, this is no time to be abandoning your most loyal constituents. Did you see the unemployment numbers today?"

    What's with Obama? He isn't speaking to the NAACP but speaking to LaRosa? Why can't he speak to both?

    I swear, those Dems always find a way to shoot themselves in the foot. But considering the NAACP is Black, why worry? they will vote for him no matter what.

  3. Whitey's Conspiracy11:50 PM

    For a brief moment, right after Katrina, I took back everything I'd ever said about Texas. Yeah, that didn't last lng.

  4. PilotX11:54 PM

    A co-worker of mine said the execution was "a big F.U. to Obama". I swear the O.D.S. is strong all over. This shit is so strong these folls may elect Michele Bachmann. Despite the feeble attempt of Slappz I still contend this is and always has been one stupid country. If the Russians had been smart they never would have launched Sputnik.

  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Anywhoo, I see that our god fearing governor down in that country we know as Texas decided to ignore a plea from the State Department --not to mention the U.N.-- and excecute a Mexican national. It must be nice to be governor big hair.

    Amazing how you trivialize this and make it about the mans good hair (are you jealous?) Why don't you talk about how the illegal immigrant raped and murdered a 16 year old girl Or is that too bipartisan for your democratic self? HE is not the victim, he is a piece of shit that broke the law, invaded our country, selected a young female target, raped and killed her and then disposed of her like garbage.
    How dare you try and play politics like this. Do you have a daughter? Do you know anyone who does? Think about them.

    We need leaders like Perry who stand up and do the right thing and don't cave to the insane politically correct and insane clown posse joke that is called the UN. Assuming you mean the same useless UN that just refused to let Sudanese refugees into its fortified camp and watched them get slaughtered.

    "Hundreds of people gathered outside a UN base for safety after Sudan’s armed forces moved to crush a fresh rebellion by opposition militia in the town of Kadugli in the country’s southeast.

    “I was just hiding, lying down pretending to be asleep, and they took the man next to me and beat him to death with sticks, five metres from the walls of the UN base,” Rev Ibrahim said in Juba, capital of South Sudan, where he has fled for safety.

    They were refused entry to the fortified compound and instead camped outside its barbed wire perimeter with little shelter, food or water.

    Reverend Barnaba Ibrahim said soldiers arrived in the middle of the night and dragged men accused of being rebel sympathisers away to be killed.

    The allegations, supported by other reports from the area, again call into question the ability of the £650 million-a-year UN mission in Sudan to fulfil its mandate to protect civilians."

  6. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Perry, yup the next democratic target - WHY? Because he is the enemy he runs texas like it should be run, tells obama to stuff it most times and wouldn't you know it is the only state actually creating NOT following the democratic lemmings off the cliff.

    If Perry does actually decide to run which many suspect he will, he will blow Obama out of the water in 2012. Just compare the two, one has failed policies and finger points like a child, the other is a leader, gets things done and takes the flack from the loony left as leaders do.

  7. Anonymous12:32 AM

    PilotX said...
    A co-worker of mine said the execution was "a big F.U. to Obama".

    Yeah, yeah, cept Perry did the same thing with Bush.

    That must have been a big F.U. to.

  8. To hell with foreign relations and the politics, not after what he did to that poor girl. I don't care where he was from, nor his nationality. No guilty demented vile creature as this should have "rights". He met his fate too easy.

    And his last words were, "Viva Mexico"?

    So it seems when certain illegals get in trouble or commit heinous crimes in American they all of a sudden remember their beloved homelands; and their national consulates. Why didn't he go the hell back when he reached adulthood?

    And I hope they throw his illegal carcass over the nearest fence so he can "pudran" over at viva Mexico. Nonsense. And didn't Obama have anything else better to do?

    Troll at 11:10 pm, I'm sure the black woman didn't do anything wrong. They will now likely trump up phantom allegations against her to cover up and deflect from that racist hasty screw up of theirs.

    And btw, to whomever called my name on a previous thread, LOL at dumb Roy Williams and to all the other white-flesh-hunting salivating duped mandingo fiends. This buds for you. LOL.

  9. Another One Bites The Dust3:54 AM

    You black folks always get so excited when you can show a pic of a white man with a gun in his hand.

    My daughter and her husband are very proficient with handguns. I paid for them both to get their CCW License. Why? Because they both look like Ken & Barbie, and I figured if they ran into the "wrong" folks, they would be considered "targets".

    No reason to be scared of them, unless you're an "honor roll youth" arond here, who hangs around "bad influences".

    It ain't the's the responsibility.

  10. Anonymous4:01 AM

    LA, I'm all over with you about that illeagal Mexican. What he did was worthy of death anywhere. They should have shoved a jalapeno up his ass filled with dynamite.

  11. "Gov. Rick Perry rebuffed criticism Friday from the United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Texas' execution of a Mexican man whose lawyers said he was not informed he could have sought legal help from the Mexican government after he was arrested for the murder of a San Antonio teenager."

    I'm all for affording anyone charged of a crime legal representation -- after all, we are afforded that right (or is that a privilege, too?).

    But I can't root for some guy running back to his "home country" (that he wasn't living in for most of his life) for help after raping and killing a 16-year-old in this country.

    And I can't root for Gov. Goodhair telling Obama, the State Dept. and the UN to sit and spin on the issue. Well, maybe the UN. After all, exactly what the fuck are they gonna do, in this case?

    Right about now I'm wondering WWND. That stands for "What Would Nixon Do?"

    "Yeah, yeah, cept Perry did the same thing with Bush.

    That must have been a big F.U. to."

    You got a link for that? I'm curious to see if he did similar to ol' Gee Dub.

  12. "LA, I'm all over with you about that illeagal Mexican. What he did was worthy of death anywhere. They should have shoved a jalapeno up his ass filled with dynamite."

    That'd be a waste of jalapeno. Once the fuse reaches the detonator, the dynamite itself would provide all the Scoville units you'd need for an unforgettably explosive shit.

    *reels his inner Freeper back in*

  13. Mad Dad5:42 AM

    I'm sorry. I have a daughter. If this animal had done what he did to my daughter, lethal injection would have been a mercy to him.

    Me? I'd want 24 hours with him. I doubt he'd be saying "Viva Mexico".

    Hell no. I'm not sorry.Forget that.

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    America has become a very strange country with strange people. I wonder when this strangeness began?

    We seem lost. awfully lost with no leadership, and no God. May God help us.

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    has anybody seen Desertflower?

  16. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Look in your shorts & imagine.

  17. Anonymous6:18 AM

    It did seem odd that the advocates for the Mexican national overlooked what he did. And why should I trust the word of a person who is going to seek any avenue to avoid Justice? It would be like accepting the word of Wall Streeters that the cause of the economic collapse was poor people or eveel gubmint.
    His guilt was established and the consequences were too long delayed.


  18. Givi'n The Mold A Break6:38 AM

    Damn, Mold. You actually make some sense before all those anti-psychotics kick in.

  19. Anonymous7:07 AM

    You confuse your own situations with mine. I do not receive marching orders...and have not been orthodox since about the age of 11.
    While the accused should have Constitutional Rights...and I do include the access of foreign nationals to their respective governments...I see no reason to delay the imposition of Justice.
    Just because you think I agree...does not mean the other posts are without merit.
    Logic is NOT agreeing with you. That's Beck/FOX/wingnut daffynition.


  20. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Oh...just for the wingnuts, sockpuppets and Trolls...this piece is from WWII and describes Nazi (Con) propoganda...
    -- Name Calling, or hanging a bad label on ideas or persons.

    -- Card Stacking, or the selective use of facts or outright falsehoods.

    -- Band Wagon, or claiming that everyone like us thinks this way.

    -- Testimonial, or the association of a respected or hated person with an approved or despised idea, respectively.

    -- Plain Folks, a technique whereby the idea and its proponents are linked to "people just like you and me."

    -- Transfer, or an assertion of a connection between something valued or hated and the idea or commodity being discussed.

    -- Glittering Generality, or an association of something with a "virtue word" to gain approval without examining the evidence.


  21. field writes:

    Did you see the unemployment numbers today?


    Yeah, I know I know, the republiclowns are praying that you fail...

    He HAS failed. Totally. EVERY Obamian effort to lower unemployment has failed.

    If anyone is praying, it's Obama and his foolish followers.

    Republicans are looking at the TRILLIONS Obama has spent to accomplish NOTHING. Well, he jacked up our national debt to almost 100% of GDP.

    In other words, Obama has taken history's largest Home Equity Loan.

    By the way, he's not going to pull all US troops out of Iraq. Iraq will become the new South Korea. WE will have troops stationed there for the next 60 years.

    ...and that more A-merry-cans stay unemployed...

    Republicans have urged Obama to do the obvious -- let oil & gas drillers drill for the easy oil and gas (ANWR, the Gulf of Mexico, offshore California), increase the number of H1-B visas, reduce the tax on foreign corporate profits, etc, reduce the corporate tax rate, etc.

    ...and the folks with the ability to invest in the economy are sitting on their loot.

    Actually, some of them, like Goldman Sachs, are expanding in other countries that impose lower taxes, such as Singapore.

    Meanwhile, more manufacturing will move out of the US as long as unions impose higher wage and benefit costs than workers in other countries.

    Meanwhile, Obama pretends the world operates according to economic and political principles discussed in faculty lounges and liberal fantasylands.

  22. field writes:

    Anywhoo, I see that our god fearing governor down in that country we know as Texas decided to ignore a plea from the State Department --not to mention the U.N.-- and excecute a Mexican national.

    A Mexican national? This vicious murderer has been living in the US since the age of TWO.

    Meanwhile, he savagely murdered his female victim almost 20 years ago and since that time has gotten the benefit of every legal gambit available to everyone on Death Row.

    The anti-execution crowd has gotten itself well funded and is now itself an industry. The best way to eliminate this waste of time and talent is to stop executing people. Give them life sentences with no parole.

    As a local example, Philly has it's very own mumia al-jamal, killer of Officer Daniel Faulkner.

    Here's a question.

    Assuming Perry becomes the Republican nominee, which execution will play a more prominent campaign role?

    The execution of bin Laden? Or the execution of this Mexican-American murderer?

    Even though bin Laden is dead, the security checks at airports are getting more onerous and invasive.

    In ObamaLand, that's progress. The more intrusive security checks mean more government control of everyday life, which is what Obama believes in.

    His intrusions don't work when it comes to stimulating the economy. Chevy sold 561 Volts in June. In other words, as co-CEO of GM, Obama failed.

    Meanwhile, Obama's efforts in Afghanistan are in trouble. That's one reason he wanted General Petraeus to run the CIA. The job will keep him from writing a book detailing presidential failure.

  23. field posted:

    In Geneva, the U.N.'s top human rights official said Leal's execution amounted to a breach of international law by the U.S.

    So who is this UN nitwit?

    Navanethem (Navi) Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

    On 28 July 2008, United Nations appointed Navanethem (Navi) Pillay of South Africa as the new High Commissioner for Human Rights.

    She co-founded the Advice Desk for the Abused and ran a shelter for victims of domestic violence.

    Judge Pillay participated in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's groundbreaking jurisprudence on rape as genocide, and on issues of freedom of speech and hate propaganda. She is also co-founder of Equality Now, an international women's rights organization based in New York.

    In other words, this UN moron wants to set free a rapist/murderer who sickeningly tore his victim to shreds. It's good to see that Governor Perry ignored her and her hypocrisy.

  24. Today they came for the Mexicans tomorrow they will come for me....

    OK, you guys got me, I am against state sanctioned killings regardless of the circumstances.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. field writes:

    Finally, if you are a black woman in Pistolvania, you just might want to pay your parking ticket. If you don't you will be shackled and hauled off to jail....wait,this woman did pay her parking ticket, and she was still shackled and hauled off to jail.

    First, despite the relentless clamor from blacks that police departments spend all their time engaged in arresting and/or killing blacks for no reason, you might think that when news of police misconduct surfaces, the misconduct is more serious than something tied to clerical errors.

    Second, this woman just had her Rodney King moment. She'll sue the city and the city will settle with her. How much? Hard to say. But she'll receive a few bucks. I'm sure she's been getting calls from lawyers non-stop. The TV news item was the best advertisement she could have gotten.

  27. field writes:

    Finally, if you are a black woman in Pistolvania, you just might want to pay your parking ticket.

    Really? Is there a box on the ticket that identifies the race of the vehicle owner? How about the gender?

    Or does the ticketing officer make a judgment on the race and gender of the owner that's based on the location at which the ticket is written?

    Your determination to see racism in everything is reaching sky-high levels.

    Meanwhile, I'll bet the traffic agent who wrote the ticket was black. Not that it matters.

    Anyway, your belief that the ticket writer knew the race of the owner goes to that black idea that things not in evidence are nonetheless known by people who use this clairvoyantly obtained information to engage in harrassment of blacks.

  28. field writes:

    OK, you guys got me, I am against state sanctioned killings regardless of the circumstances.

    But, based on yesterday's post, you can accept the beating death of a white male when the killer is a black male who thinks he was mocked for wearing a yellow shirt.

    Yeah, you've got real consistency in your principles.

  29. field goes absurd:

    Today they came for the Mexicans tomorrow they will come for me....

    Oh. Well maybe you're admitting you committed a vicious rape and murder? Is that the case?

    Meanwhile, there are, in fact, millions of Mexicans in the US who are here illegally. So maybe you're saying the US should embrace them as citizens and give them even more undeserved taxpayer benefits.

    This killer/rapist had been in the US since age two. If he wasn't a US citizen, his lack of citizenship was probably tied to keeping INS people away from his parents.

    You're part of the crowd that's determined to bankrupt the country by bleeding it to death.

    Have you ever checked the immigration patterns for Jamaica and every country in Africa?

    Probably not. In every case the migration rate is NEGATIVE. In other words, when it comes to the movement of people, it's a one-way trip out. Like you.

    Where do most migrants go? Here.

    Why? Because there are lots of benefits and they are easy to get.

  30. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Oh...just for the wingnuts, sockpuppets and Trolls...this piece is from WWII and describes Nazi (Con) propoganda...
    -- Name Calling, or hanging a bad label on ideas or persons.

    -- Card Stacking, or the selective use of facts or outright falsehoods.

    -- Band Wagon, or claiming that everyone like us thinks this way.

    -- Testimonial, or the association of a respected or hated person with an approved or despised idea, respectively.

    -- Plain Folks, a technique whereby the idea and its proponents are linked to "people just like you and me."

    -- Transfer, or an assertion of a connection between something valued or hated and the idea or commodity being discussed.

    -- Glittering Generality, or an association of something with a "virtue word" to gain approval without examining the evidence.


    Yes mold this is what you do.You didn't have to post it.Its your propoganda.

  31. QuoteNoSlapzz

    "But, based on yesterday's post, you can accept the beating death of a white male when the killer is a black male who thinks he was mocked for wearing a yellow shirt.

    It's not a beating death, he punched the guy once. Clearly you've never had the balls to punch anyone in your entire life, but even so you need to recognize that punching a guy once doesn't make you a murderer.

    Secondly, where does it say that Field 'accepted' the death?

    Yeah, you've got real consistency in your principles.

    At least he has principles, where are yours? You're the guy who spends all your free time telling black people how much you hate them.

  32. Purple Cow has no principles10:21 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    It's not a beating death, he punched the guy once. Clearly you've never had the balls to punch anyone in your entire life, but even so you need to recognize that punching a guy once doesn't make you a murderer.

    No, but killing someone does make you a murderer.

    Secondly, where does it say that Field 'accepted' the death?

    Field was joking about the death of someone.If thats not accepting,than what is?

  33. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Slapnuts said...
    Oh...just for the wingnuts, sockpuppets and Trolls...this piece is from WWII and describes Nazi (Con) propoganda...
    -- Name Calling, or hanging a bad label on ideas or persons.

    -- Card Stacking, or the selective use of facts or outright falsehoods.

    -- Band Wagon, or claiming that everyone like us thinks this way.

    -- Testimonial, or the association of a respected or hated person with an approved or despised idea, respectively.

    -- Plain Folks, a technique whereby the idea and its proponents are linked to "people just like you and me."

    -- Transfer, or an assertion of a connection between something valued or hated and the idea or commodity being discussed.

    -- Glittering Generality, or an association of something with a "virtue word" to gain approval without examining the evidence.


    Alinsky Alert, Alinsky Alert Rules for Radical Democrats/communists/socialists/Obamabots

    13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

    Alinsky's personality fits the definition of a psychopath -- someone who has no guilt or shame toward others. But Alinsky also discovered how to teach psychopathic behavior to college students. That is the key to his success: To persuade hundreds of thousands of ignorant young people that it is much more moral to be immoral. Or, as Bill Ayers famously said, "Bring the Revolution home; kill your parents."

    Alinsky's disciples -- including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- have a warlike political style. They learned politics as war from the Master. Obama is so well-trained in Alinsky tactics that he used to teach workshops on it.

    Teaching hatred for the normal majority is the key to power for radicals. But Alinsky taught that you can't easily hate millions of people. To do that effectively you need a one-person scapegoat to focus all your hatred on. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." That is the politics of personal destruction,
    That is why Obama is now instructing his followers to "get in their faces" of those Americans who are not down for his cause.

  34. Hope Your Plane Crashes10:41 AM

    How pitiful:

    You "enlightened" (hey, I bet that word is racist!), folks keep flying over, don't stop here, and we won't miss a GD thang.

  35. Superion10:53 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "But, based on yesterday's post, you can accept the beating death of a white male when the killer is a black male who thinks he was mocked for wearing a yellow shirt.

    It's not a beating death, he punched the guy once. Clearly you've never had the balls to punch anyone in your entire life, but even so you need to recognize that punching a guy once doesn't make you a murderer.

    Your morals are corrupt and your assinine justification is ridiculous. If you hit someone who has their hands in their pockets and kill them, you have murdered them, thus you are a murderer.

    As for trying to polarize No Slaps by painting him as a weakling who has "never had the balls to punch someone" - I thought you were a socialist pacifist? Instead you are a violent man promoting violence? Do you teach your children this? Is it ok or will it be ok when they come home bloodied and beaten up because someone else had the "balls" to beat the shit out of them for being arrogant assholes just like dad? Is it ok if they die because someone is a martial artist and can easily crush their windpipe with "one punch" and while they haven't been "beaten to death" they die because of the crushed windpipe?
    Why stop there, is it ok if they get whacked in the head with a bat just one time, not really a beating but cracking their heads like eggs will probably kill them.
    So under your fake Morals it is ok for someone to get into an argument, strike someone and cause their death and then justify it with "he wasn't exactly beaten to death"

    Secondly, where does it say that Field 'accepted' the death?

    Yeah, you've got real consistency in your principles.

    Alinsky personified right here. You have no principals, obvious warped if any morals, attack others who actually have morals and then say they have no morals by presenting a false equivalent.

    You are a definite subscriber to alinsky rules for radicals and a vile, vile man.

  36. Britain Sucks11:09 AM

    The Cow is a British Socialist, for goodness sakes.

    Oswald Mosley is their least, one of them.

  37. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Britain Sucks said...

    The Cow is a British Socialist, for goodness sakes.

    Oswald Mosley is their least, one of them.

    Oh right, the Gay Nazi, what a confused bunch of hateful people. The one who promoted associating with "natural inferiors" as he put it.

  38. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Thank you Trolls, sockpuppets and wingnuts for being sooooo upset that your 'secret' was revealed.
    Again, these are Nazi methods...
    -- Name Calling, or hanging a bad label on ideas or persons.

    -- Card Stacking, or the selective use of facts or outright falsehoods.

    -- Band Wagon, or claiming that everyone like us thinks this way.

    -- Testimonial, or the association of a respected or hated person with an approved or despised idea, respectively.

    -- Plain Folks, a technique whereby the idea and its proponents are linked to "people just like you and me."

    -- Transfer, or an assertion of a connection between something valued or hated and the idea or commodity being discussed.

    -- Glittering Generality, or an association of something with a "virtue word" to gain approval without examining the evidence.

    Keep waving 'bloody shirts' of Alinsky, Mosley, Soros, etc. Jew Threat? Commies in the State Department? Too many literati in movies? The Gay Agenda?(actually, there is not be assaulted by Goobers) The horrible, nasty, scary awful terrible horror of Science?



  39. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Plenty of Nazis (Cons) are/were Gay. Ted Haggard, Ralph Reed, Brent Bozell, Larry Craig, Santorum, Marcus Bachmann....
    They just extolled the manly virile virtues of heterosexuality in front of the Goober public...whilst being promiscuous hedonist homosexuals in private.
    Sort of a Jew shoving other Jews into the ovens for fun, profit, and the delight of the ignorant.


  40. Superion11:53 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Plenty of Nazis (Cons) are/were Gay. Ted Haggard, Ralph Reed, Brent Bozell, Larry Craig, Santorum, Marcus Bachmann....
    They just extolled the manly virile virtues of heterosexuality in front of the Goober public...whilst being promiscuous hedonist homosexuals in private.
    Sort of a Jew shoving other Jews into the ovens for fun, profit, and the delight of the ignorant.


    Guess we will just have to take your word for it, when it comes to Nazi's, Mold Knows best.

  41. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Goober lies and pretendration.I earned my bars unlike you keyboard chickenhawks who are brave cowards.

    My rank allowed me to meet many imporant people.These cons showed me the true wite con way.I learned many a cons were gay nazis.

    Silly cons,they believerated i would be like them.I choose to expose their republican nazi ways to the world.

    I have published and lectured all over America and Cananda.

    My work is for all to see.Just use google.


  42. Anonymous12:39 PM

    no_slappz-"Really? Is there a box on the ticket that identifies the race of the vehicle owner? How about the gender?

    Or does the ticketing officer make a judgment on the race and gender of the owner that's based on the location at which the ticket is written?

    Your determination to see racism in everything is reaching sky-high levels."

    I really appreciate your clarity and logic, it is far superior to anyone on this blog. I wish others would let go of their racist viewpoints like you have. Being Black and racist is a terrible curse, I wish were White, Jewish, fair-minded and non-racist like you.

    When God created you, he threw the 'mold' away.

  43. As soon as I read that Obama had asked Perry not to execute the man, I counted the man dead. These southern Republican governors are doing whatever they can to prove to their constituents that they don't give a good #*/! about Obama or think of him as president. And have their isolationist behinds ever cared about the U.N.? They speak of laws but if a person of color is involved these governors are lawless. The southern states are the same states that have been willing in the past to trash (reinterpret) the U.S. Constitution in the name of white, uh, I mean so-called "states" rights. So, we know they don't care about international law.

  44. Anonymous12:53 PM

    PC-"At least he has principles, where are yours? You're the guy who spends all your free time telling black people how much you hate them."

    NOT once have I heard him say he hates Blacks. He only gave press stories of what some Blacks are doing.

    Btw, where is the daily black press release? hurry are late.

    PC, you can always criticize him on delivery of black news cuz he's always late. i guess he delivers according to 'BPT'.

    You are a bit of a racist yourself. Why would a black Brit marry a white American woman and live somewhere in the UK without a job? Are you two gypsies or hippies?

  45. Anonymous12:54 PM

    When God created you, he threw the 'mold' away

    He did? Mold posts here daily. Are you saying Mold is garbage as he has been thrown away?

  46. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Perry, yup the next democratic target - WHY? Because he is the enemy he runs texas like it should be run, tells obama to stuff it most times and wouldn't you know it is the only state actually creating NOT following the democratic lemmings off the cliff. <<

    Really? If that's the case, he needs to work some magic in Houston, which has a high unemployment rate...even among professionals. I know this because BF teaches school there and I am looking forward to moving there. Only because of him, not for any particular love of Texas.

  47. Anonymous1:05 PM

    As soon as I read that Obama had asked Perry not to execute the man, I counted the man dead. These southern Republican governors are doing whatever they can to prove to their constituents that they don't give a good #*/! about Obama or think of him as president. And have their isolationist behinds ever cared about the U.N.? They speak of laws but if a person of color is involved these governors are lawless. The southern states are the same states that have been willing in the past to trash (reinterpret) the U.S. Constitution in the name of white, uh, I mean so-called "states" rights. So, we know they don't care about international law.

    Poppycock. Stay with the issue. Are you saying that you support the possible stay of execution for the man who raped and murdered an innocent 16 year old girl on a technicality? By claiming he was a Mexican National when he in fact came to the US and lived off U.S taxpayers (look it up) since he was 2? I thought people like you wanted children of illegals to be nationalized under the dream act, come one, come all, live free off US labor. Or is that only unless they kill an innocent female teen after brutally raping her and need a stay of execution? then they are Mexican Nationals and not poor undocumented illegal aliens who should be americans? Seems like your type is the one who defy logic and look for any excuse to demonize someone else with fake racism, only when it suits you do you then qoute laws. POC please...the guy was filth and deserved no red tape escape and there are no International laws that supersede the sovereignty of the USA especially due to idiotic thinking such as the UN request. Of course you one world order obamabots want it that way as does he, but most americans do not.

    Thanks for playing.

  48. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "As soon as I read that Obama had asked Perry not to execute the man, I counted the man dead. These southern Republican governors are doing whatever they can to prove to their constituents that they don't give a good #*/! about Obama or think of him as president. And have their isolationist behinds ever cared about the U.N.? They speak of laws but if a person of color is involved these governors are lawless."

    I agree. The man would have had a better chance if Obama had said nothing. Any chance they get, the Gov of the South will show how non-influential and powerless a black Prez is.

    I have grown to despise Gov. Perry. Even so, I wonder if Obama is a supporter of Blacks, the poor, or the middle class? If not, then the rich continues to control everything and Blacks are NOT even a thought in the minds of politicians...including the Black Cauctus!

  49. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Does anyone know the facts of this particularly case? I'm venturing a guess that once again no one does. Leal was legally in the US at the time of crime. The girl came to the party was extremely intoxicated with alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana. The girl was gang raped, Leal became upset upon hearing what happened to the girl after coming to the party. He takes the girl to drive her home. The girl became upset while in the car, gets out the car and the two of them struggle with Leal claiming that she fell and hit her head. There is little question that the girl was killed, but it is not know that Leal killed intentionally or unintentionally. In addition, witnesses testified that the girl was intended gang raped prior to Leal coming to the party, but he was the only person charged with rape despite the fact there was no DNA evidence that he raped her, and the evidence that he kidnapped her appeared even thinner. There is enough for reasonable doubt, not to mentioned he had the right to contact the Consulate General. Leal is one of 51 Mexican nationals on death row across this country. How is possible in this case that you had witnesses to testify that this girl was gang raped, but only one person was charge with DNA evidence to support the theory. Now, what will happen when additional evidence comes into play that he was not guilty of the charges, but it's too late because the state murdered him. How many people are we willing to put to death after realizing that the person didn't commit the crime?

  50. Where do most migrants go? Here.

    Why? Because there are lots of benefits and they are easy to get.<<

    NoSlapp, Thought immigrants come here because the US is the land of opportunity. Isn't that why your forebears (unless you're African American)came here?

  51. mellaneous1:32 PM

    Supp Field!

    I'm with you on State sanctioned killing. The States hands are a bit too dirty to decide life or death.

    But the governor of Texas have all seemed to be particularly blood thirsty.

    And whoever suggested that the killing was political doesn't realize that all executions to a certain extent have a political edge to them.

    And Field you are right the unemployment problem is being exacerbated by corporation sitting on their money.

    @Sharon good point on immigration.

  52. mellaneous1:32 PM

    Supp Field!

    I'm with you on State sanctioned killing. The States hands are a bit too dirty to decide life or death.

    But the governor of Texas have all seemed to be particularly blood thirsty.

    And whoever suggested that the killing was political doesn't realize that all executions to a certain extent have a political edge to them.

    And Field you are right the unemployment problem is being exacerbated by corporation sitting on their money.

    @Sharon good point on immigration.

  53. PilotX1:37 PM

    "You are a bit of a racist yourself. Why would a black Brit marry a white American woman and live somewhere in the UK without a job? Are you two gypsies or hippies?"

    Now that was a weird comment. Against whom is PC racist against? Himself or his wife? Strange.

  54. Quote: Anonymous "NOT once have I heard him say he hates Blacks. He only gave press stories of what some Blacks are doing."

    Give it a rest No Slapzz, you are convincing nobody.

    Quote:Superion " I thought you were a socialist pacifist?

    Then you thought wrong (as usual).

    I am not a pacifist.

    I'm a vile, vile man, and you sir are a cunt. We make a good pair, don't we?!

    Quote:Anonymous "You are a bit of a racist yourself. Why would a black Brit marry a white American woman and live somewhere in the UK without a job? Are you two gypsies or hippies?"

    You are going to have to explain the logic on this sentence. Is there any logic to this sentence? Or are you just saying shit for the sake of saying shit?

    Incidentally (and you know this, we've been over this ground before) I have a perfectly good job, as indeed does my wife.

  55. Henna, yes she was gang raped prior, but Leal admitted his part of the crime thereafter. How do you think the big rock landed on her head and that stick with a screw ended up in her vagina at the time of death.

    And Field, I don't recall when they ever stopped coming for black people.

  56. mellaneous1:54 PM

    @Purple Cow

    come on Purple you know you have to ignore much of the crap that the interlopers put out.

    Most are conservative and rectionary so of course they are going to throw rocks at you.

  57. Anonymous1:54 PM


    You forgot to mention the stick that was found in the victims vagina.

    But your right .No proof this was "intentional or unintentional".

    She could have just fallen,bumped her head,rolled over,with a stick in her vigina.

    Viva Mexico!!!!!!! Viva Mexico!!!!!!

  58. Superious1:56 PM

    Purple Knob Slobber Said....

    "I am not a pacifist."

    OK. At least that bit about you is logical, you are a violent man, genetics are a bitch aren't they? Watch those impulses....

    "I'm a vile, vile man, and you sir are a cunt. We make a good pair, don't we?!"

    Hell no, don't you try and align with me. You certainly are a vile man who is an illogical disgustingly depraved lunatic with flexible if any morals, however the only way you would have a "pair" is if you had two bananas.

  59. Anonymous1:59 PM

    what kind of phukked up society do we live in when somebody can be jailed for a NON VIOLENT CRIME like a parking ticket? BULLSHIT! Land of the free indeed!

  60. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Why would a black brit marry a white American women?

    For the same reason black militants marry white women.

    So they can stick it to whitey everynight!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Pandagon, Feministe and Feministing have descriptions about male privilege that you should read. PZ Myers recently ran a thread on an atheist cornered in an elevator after spending more than a few hours explaining to menz why that is an aberrant behaviour. Seems manly manhood of manliness wasn't listening.
    Wonder if our Messican 'friend' felt Entitled?
    And she said 'No'.


  62. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Examples like the Messican and others...should make it quite clear why I decline the offers (veiled or obvious)to threaten me or mine.
    Seems to my elderly self that the debate could be conducted without the bullying.

    Wondered why the Trolls were so mortified over the very idea of 'miscegenation'...until I read some articles on how loser wite dudes could no longer count on social disapproval preventing white women from seeking superior men of other 'races'.
    Maybe if you showered, listened to her, and stopped pretending to be an expert in anything/ would be more desirable.
    She'll agree with your moronic stoopid to your face. But has to 'wash her hair' every time you ask her out.
    Unless she faces starvation...then you appear the lesser of evils.


  63. PilotX2:19 PM

    "Meanwhile, more manufacturing will move out of the US as long as unions impose higher wage and benefit costs than workers in other countries."

    So basically Slappz you're saying to have maufacturing jobs in America we should A. make unions illegal and B. lower our wages and benefits as low as we can just to placate corporations? Wow, and you think my idea of a national boycott of corporations that outsource is bad? Here's the deal, America is a wealthy nation and can buy these products because the vast majority of us make more than the $2 a day these companies pay their workers in foreign lands. What will happen to demand when none of us can afford any of these products? Sorry pal but we as consumers have the power of the "free market" and we should exercise it because why would I support any sorporation that wants to lowball my fellow countrymen and strip them of all benefits? The race to the bottom has to stop.

  64. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Pandagon, Feministe and Feministing have descriptions about male privilege that you should read. PZ Myers recently ran a thread on an atheist cornered in an elevator after spending more than a few hours explaining to menz why that is an aberrant behaviour. Seems manly manhood of manliness wasn't listening.
    Wonder if our Messican 'friend' felt Entitled?
    And she said 'No'.


    Meds have clearly kicked in....

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Secret Language

  65. Anonymous2:50 PM


    He admitted to the struggle that caused to her fall. What happened is in order for the DA to charge him with felony murder which carries the death penalty as punishment, it had to be in commission of a felony. So it begs the question should have been charged with capital murder in the first place if you had no proof that he raped or kidnapped the victim? She was killed by Leal, but the question also remains if the killing was intentionally or unintentionally. What may be questionable is the stick that was extended from her vagina. Should he have been charged with a lesser charge of homicide, and did the police fail to allow him call the Mexican Embassy.

    Also according your theory is that he should have been charged with rape even though he wasn't one of the individuals that participated in the rape. At the end of the day, the group of men that raped her are still free as they were never charged. Somehow I do not see the justice that.

  66. Quote:PilotX "Sorry pal but we as consumers have the power of the "free market" and we should exercise it because why would I support any sorporation that wants to lowball my fellow countrymen and strip them of all benefits? The race to the bottom has to stop."

    Bob on, mate.

    Look for instance at the example of Germany.

    Germany has a high-skill, high education, high wage, hi-tech economy, with massive inward investment and a strong union culture. Growth in the German economy is currently out-stripping the vast majority of nations in the industrialized world.

    You cannot compete with third-world manufacturers on price and you shouldn't even try.

  67. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Examples like the Messican and others...should make it quite clear why I decline the offers (veiled or obvious)to threaten me or mine.
    Seems to my elderly self that the debate could be conducted without the bullying.


    No one is has braveless and plays victim better than a Liberal.

    Poor Mold.She believerates that asking her to back up words,statements,post,with facts is bullying.

    Silly goober.

    Mold's lies and baseless claims may work at ThinkProgress or the DailyKooks, but her we require

    Why does these silly things scare the left so much?

  68. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Germany has a high-skill, high education, high wage, hi-tech economy, with massive inward investment and a strong union culture. Growth in the German economy is currently out-stripping the vast majority of nations in the industrialized world.

    You cannot compete with third-world manufacturers on price and you shouldn't even try.

    Hmmm. You seem to have left out the clues as to why Germany is the economic powerhouse that it is.

    Germany is an extremely white country. 91.5% white with other at 6.1% made up of greeks, italians, poles,russians, serb's and Spanish (whites as well) - So germany is a very, very white country. Additionally 95% of the population speaks German as their first language and also of importance the population of muslims is tiny at 3.7% with blacks almost nonexistant on a national scale.

    So what does this tell you?

  69. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Pandagon, Feministe and Feministing have descriptions about male privilege that you should read. PZ Myers recently ran a thread on an atheist cornered in an elevator after spending more than a few hours explaining to menz why that is an aberrant behaviour. Seems manly manhood of manliness wasn't listening.
    Wonder if our Messican 'friend' felt Entitled?
    And she said 'No'.
    Examples like the Messican and others...should make it quite clear why I decline the offers (veiled or obvious)to threaten me or mine.
    Seems to my elderly self that the debate could be conducted without the bullying.

    Wondered why the Trolls were so mortified over the very idea of 'miscegenation'...until I read some articles on how loser wite dudes could no longer count on social disapproval preventing white women from seeking superior men of other 'races'.
    Maybe if you showered, listened to her, and stopped pretending to be an expert in anything/ would be more desirable.
    She'll agree with your moronic stoopid to your face. But has to 'wash her hair' every time you ask her out.
    Unless she faces starvation...then you appear the lesser of evils.

  70. mellaneous3:20 PM

    @Pilot X and Purple

    you have it right. the guy who made the statement that unions are driving up wages hasn't been abreast of whats going in the US. A very small percentage of private sector workers are unionized something like seven percent.

    So its not unions that are driving the US multinational to seek markets in which they can pay less but just the profit motive.

    Plain and simple. But its no surprise that avowed racists and pretend professionals come on this site and defend US imperialism.

    Those in power count on the wannabes that don't benefit at all from the system to carry water for them with their made up theories and amateur economics.

  71. pilotX calls in from Mars:

    So basically Slappz you're saying to have maufacturing jobs in America we should A. make unions illegal and B. lower our wages and benefits as low as we can just to placate corporations?

    I'm suggesting you wake up. Using cars and steel as two examples, it's obvious that other nations are producing highly skilled AND prospering workers. They are well paid by the standards of their nations. Japan and South Korea, for example.

    Their products have taken a significant share of the US market.

    Why? Quality and Price.

    However, when it comes to low-tech items, like clothing, all but the high-end stuff is at least partially made in other countries.

    Yesterday I bought a pair of Brooks Brothers khaki pants. Great pants, and the label inside says Made in Malaysia.

    Bottom line, it's one thing when unions exist but the industry they serve can expand without union participation. But the auto and steel industries have been handcuffed by regulations that punish manufacturers for moving factories to non-union states.

    Of course the union rules have no effect on Honda, Toyota, BMW and other car companies picking new sites for US factories. So we know that it's possible to build cars here, and to do it profitably enough to keep the factory doors open.

    But GM and Chrysler proved that accumulated unfunded healthcare and retirement benefits can totally and completely bankrupt major industies when their workforce comprises workers who cannot be fired and who earn more than the market can pay.

    Wow, and you think my idea of a national boycott of corporations that outsource is bad?

    Well, if you boycott (this is always the default idea for blacks) all non-American made goods, you'll have to go barefoot because other than Allen Edmonds, which makes shoes you don't wear, all other shoes sold here are made elsewhere.

    However, you really ought to sell this boycott theme to Obama. Maybe if you said you refuse to buy gasoline made from oil pumped out the ground in the middle east or Africa he might give more thought to pumping more here.

    We could actually benefit from that one.

    But aside from oil, let's see. Airplanes. Yeah, when you want a new jet, you've got Boeing, if you want a big one. Or Gulfstream for the personal or corporate jet. But Obama says Americans who buy American-made jets are bad people who don't pay their taxes. So, you've got a problem with that pinhead in the White House.

    Here's the deal, America is a wealthy nation and can buy these products because the vast majority of us make more than the $2 a day these companies pay their workers in foreign lands.

    The only people getting paid 2 bucks a day to make products for US consumers are the muslim women slaving away in clothing factories in some of the world's poorest countries.

    The high-tech stuff -- computers, iPads, iPhones, iPods, flat-screen TVs, cars, trucks, Nooks, Kindles, digital cameras, etc, etc -- is made by skilled workers who are well paid by local standards but nevertheless earn less than American workers performing the same task. Just like auto plant workers in southern states versus Michigan.

  72. cow jumping over the moon says:

    Germany has a high-skill, high education, high wage, hi-tech economy, with massive inward investment and a strong union culture. Growth in the German economy is currently out-stripping the vast majority of nations in the industrialized world.

    No it isn't. But let's leave that part aside for the moment. Germany, as another poster stated, is largely white. The country simply does not have the social pathologies that accompany the 34 million blacks in America.

    Their crime problem, and hence the societal cost of crime, is minor compared with ours.

    But more than that, Germany gets to enjoy military protection as a gift from Americans. Having the Soviets holding a third of Germany for 50 years was quite a lesson to them.

    Meanwhile, it's the dream of every liberal to start with a clean slate. Start over from scratch. Build things right. Well, that's one outcome of getting crushed in a war with America. Germany was leveled. In many cities 80% of the buildings were destroyed. Interestingly, however, was the fact that Allied bombing pounded West Germany, but essentially spared East Germany.

    Reuinfication created its own problems. But that's another story. We started fresh in West Germany and we told them how it was to be done. In 1952, we returned control of their country to them.

    Today, due to their foolishness, they have a muslim problem. Mainly Turks who have been in Germany for most of their lives but have yet to learn to speak German. Whoops. The Turks in Germany are Germany's Negro Problem. The Germans don't like to talk about it. But they will if asked.

    You cannot compete with third-world manufacturers on price and you shouldn't even try.

    Typical comment from someone ignorant of operating realities. There are no car factories or high tech fabricators in "third-world" countries.

    Why? Because only ignorant useless workers live in "third world" countries.

    In other words, even though they earn only 2 bucks a day, they produce so little that they are not worth 2 bucks a day to car makers or others who need well trained, reliable workers.

    Car makers open factories in Mexico because there are PRODUCTIVE workers in Mexico, and they can be hired for about two-thirds the pay of a worker in America.

    If cheap labor were the answer, Haiti would be the center of the manufacturing world.

    The answer is PRODUCTIVE labor. American laborers have to get the message that skilled labor is often less expensive in other nations.

    Unless Obama wants to go to war with more than the six nations we're already battling with or for, he will have to find another way to slow the economic tide that's taking manufacturing out of the US.

  73. Anonymous3:55 PM

    mellaneous said...

    Those in power count on the wannabes that don't benefit at all from the system to carry water for them with their made up theories and amateur economics

    Surely you mean the liberal rich elites who rely on people like you to continue spreading their doctrines despite complete failure.

    Or perhaps you must mean the wannabes who literally fund and support the majority of americans who do not pay taxes. 51% of Americans do not pay tax's 30% of those actually make money scamming the tax system - you know recieving public "wannabe" support for food, shelter, clothing, housing while they play video games and eternal victimhood and then get back money under the earned income tax credit.

    Do you think that is right? 51% of Americans do not pay taxes. Why? We all have to work, each should contribute or don't take from the pot.

    When the nations welfare rolls vote to keep the handouts coming what do you get? Class warfare and a nation in crisis populated by low skilled, low driven persons. That is why things have to change and immediately.

    I for one am tired of seeing my black neighbors with 6 children stay at home all day and enjoy my "wannabe" funded vacations, new carports, fully funded house, food stamps, energy credits while I go to work 60 hours plus each week, forget vacations and then not only pay my taxes to support them, but know they will be getting a little extra from me because they were too good to take that lowly job that is the only one they were qualified for without schooling and credentials (choices they made and continue to make) while the four strapping adult sons work out every day to ensure they are the strongest unemployed thugs they can be who can't go to school, can't work, but sure seem to drive nice cars, dress well and thug quite adequately. Then to add insult to injury, my kids have to bring lunch to school due to the budgetary implications of someone who actually pays tax's and the their own bills while they are complaining about the quality of the free, breakfast lunch and dinner their kids eat each day, that I also pay for.

    To many people are in the cart with the few that are outside pulling now getting demonized. The gift horse has been killed, The few cannot continue to support the majority. It is and has to end.

  74. sharon from wi babbles:

    NoSlapp, Thought immigrants come here because the US is the land of opportunity. Isn't that why your forebears (unless you're African American)came here?

    A few points. YOu need some schooling. Black immigration to the US over the last 50 years has exploded. They can't get here fast enough, and no danger is too great to keep them from getting here.

    Why field himself couldn't wait to get his carcass out of Jamaica and onto American soil where he figured he was less likely to get murdered. Even though field won't admit it, his presence in the US is tied to his understanding that more whites means less overall murder, and if he keeps himself in areas that are dominsted by whites, then he's safe. But back in Jamaica, well, unless you live in a walled compound, your life is in danger.

    Anyway, TODAY people do whatever they can to get into the US because the benefits are generous to the point of insanity. The streets of America are truly paved with gold -- when you come from Mexico or some Caribbean hell-hole.

    But our insane generosity got its start in the recent past. The last 50-60 years. Before that, people coming to the US got nothing more than the chance to exercise their freedom.

    My mother's family left England and landed in the Rhode Island area in 1635. Not quite the Mayflower, but close.

    My father's grandfather landed in NY City around 1870 and my father's mother was born in Sweden.

    In other words, my family arrived before there were public schools, before public health programs, before welfare, before public housing, before there were any incentives to come here.

    There were no rules on immigration to the US until the 1920s. Till then the door was wide open to anyone who could get themselves here.

    Today? A different world. Immigrants -- legal and illegal -- get direct and indirect subsidies worth many many thousands of dollars per year.

    NY City now spends $19,000 Per Student, Per Year. And anyone who sneaks into the US can enroll their kids in public school without fear of INS trouble.

    Everyone can get free emergency-room medical treatment. Everyone gets police and fire department protection.

  75. Henna, even if she left with him intoxicated as she was, and consciously willing, there is still that element of false imprisonment thereafter. Struggling with ones victim is a sign of foul play. So there is your likely kidnap/false imprisonment felony right there.

    As for possible unintentional killing. There were bite marks on her neck, chest area and body which were matched to his teeth. Apart from previously being gang raped by others, Leal then raped her with a stick after the fact, rape is rape. And unless she fell under that big rock several times, she would not have had such a massive bloodied gaping hole on the side of her head and upper arm area.

    "At the end of the day, the group of men that raped her are still free as they were never charged. Somehow I do not see the justice that."

    I agree. Her other rapist are walking around as free men. But due to the unfortunate and viciousness of her death, the gang rape is neither here nor there it seems. Furthermore, in our society, being gang raped vs. being a willing intoxicated participant would have been even more subjective.

    May that poor girl rest in peace. And my heart goes out to her loved ones, how they do it, I don't know.

  76. pilotX continues to transmit from Mars:

    What will happen to demand when none of us can afford any of these products?

    the companies that produce them will collapse in bankruptcy, like GM and Chrysler. But in the future, the bankrupt manufacturers are unlikely to get the kind of super-duper, tax-payer funded help that was given to GM and Chrysler.

    Do you understand that US taxpayers were given the burden of paying the pensions and retiree healthcare bills of GM? The New GM pays for the current employees. The taxpayers are covering all the retired GM workers.

    Any company can thrive if it can dump it payments for retiree healthcare and pensions.

    Sorry pal but we as consumers have the power of the "free market" and we should exercise it because why would I support any sorporation that wants to lowball my fellow countrymen and strip them of all benefits?

    Do whatever you want. But dummies like you always rant about the importance of efficiency until you realize it means that efficiency comes at a price.

    You're one of the ranters about healthcare in America. You believe that fraud and waste are big problems in medical billing. And you probably believe doctors make too much.

    How does your view of buying American square with the fact that virtually ALL healthcare is a domestic product?

    Based on your economic theory, you should be happy that Americans are spending wildly on healthcare, paying Americans to keep Americans (mostly) healthy.


    The race to the bottom has to stop.

  77. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Here's a poem for you mold or whoever:

    Fiddle faddle twix and twaddle
    All the guys in here are crazy and addled
    Graddle bumbee frapee and bindents
    Only the ladies in here make any real sense!

  78. On another political angle, I would also like to know...

    If Leal was instead a black Haitian/African illegal, would Obama have been so vocal? I doubt. Apart from this possible pandering of Latin votes, Obama knows he would sink for possible association and race bias. I could never see Obama publicly shielding a raping murdering black illegal from his rightful death in America.

    Black people wake up.

  79. Black News Today:

    From Jamaica, Jamaica Queens, not the island.

    Queens Grocery Store Cashier Killed In Attempted Robbery

    July 9, 2011 8:44 AM

    Queens QUEENS, NY (CBS 2) – An attempted robbery at a Bodega in Jamaica, Queens ends in murder.

    Sources tell CBS 2 a 65-year-old cashier at the Melani Grocery Store on Guy Brewer Boulevard was shot late Friday night. He was pronounced dead a short time later.

    His name has not been released and no arrests have been made.

  80. A few points. YOu need some schooling. Black immigration to the US over the last 50 years has exploded. They can't get here fast enough, and no danger is too great to keep them from getting here.

    YOU need to learn reading comprehension. People from the world over have been coming to this country for centuries. And your opening comment illustrates my point exactly. People come here because of the opportunities afforded them. Whatever their skin color, they had aspirations for a better life for their children. One other thing, citizenship in this country is citizenship. There are no varying gradations of citizenship between someone whose family was nearly on the Mayflower and a family that just got off the boat from their homeland.

  81. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I think we should acknowledge that some welfare programs in the past were not well designed and in some cases did encourage dependency. . . . As somebody who worked in low-income neighborhoods, I’ve seen it where people weren’t encouraged to work, weren’t encouraged to upgrade their skills, were just getting a check, and over time their motivation started to diminish. And I think even if you’re progressive you’ve got to acknowledge that some of these things have not been well designed.

    Barack Hussein Obama 7/6/2011

  82. "In other words, my family arrived before there were public schools, before public health programs, before welfare, before public housing, before there were any incentives to come here. "

    And they too are still coming considering Europe like America, have these similar programs and more. In other words, thanks to centuries of whites pillaging and plundering African resources while killing, raping, displacing and free laboring generations of enslaved African people which made all this possible.

  83. Anony 5:02, it was well designed that way. It was to keep a certain race of people from thriving, and they fell for it.

  84. Superious5:11 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Here's a poem for you mold or whoever:

    Fiddle faddle twix and twaddle
    All the guys in here are crazy and addled
    Graddle bumbee frapee and bindents
    Only the ladies in here make any real sense!

    DesertFlower Nice Job, Mind if I try a quick one?

    Friddle Frack and Dippity Doo,
    Some ladies make sense and some just speak poo.
    They sound like Mold only more effiminate
    For shes a he who spouts gibberish and learned to depend on it
    The other ladies are not so bad
    except for the idealoges who are quite mad
    If we all looked at facts and put emotions aside
    We might just get out of this hellacious ride (to the bottom)

  85. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Good one! But...

    No siree, and no sirah
    you're wrong on that count and many a one
    ideology shmydeology and poo proof
    i still say the women speak truth

    Anyway you sure do rhyme okay
    But still, they win is what I say
    So prim pram pringle and foo the faddle
    I still say you are all addled!

  86. sharon from wi says:

    People from the world over have been coming to this country for centuries.

    Yeah. But now, if you're poor you can wash up on shore and get years of extraordinary benefits. Whereas before WWI, people came here because the ONLY offer America made was an offer to exercise Personal Opportunity.

    And your opening comment illustrates my point exactly. People come here because of the opportunities afforded them.

    Yeah, except now the "opportunity" includes years of subsidies and freebies. That's a change that has only been part of the picture for the last 50-60 years.

    Whatever their skin color, they had aspirations for a better life for their children.

    Yeah, well, that's what a lot of people say, but the chorus of complainers, such as the complainers on this site, should tell you that no matter how substantial the opportunity, blacks will claim they're getting a raw deal. The forum for complaining is reason this website exists.

    One other thing, citizenship in this country is citizenship. There are no varying gradations of citizenship between someone whose family was nearly on the Mayflower and a family that just got off the boat from their homeland.

    Really? See which of the two has more luck getting federal and state handouts.

  87. Anonymous5:30 PM

    On a serious note:
    All the Mexican, may he Rest in Peace needed to bring the truth to light was a good lawyer. He woulda been lawyered up he'd a still be alive!

    Don't know if there was enough evidence to convict him, But, whaddaya gonna do, he's brown, in Texas. That's not a good thing.

    And speaking of brown people,I hope Roy gets his ring back. I read where he said that he also sent her $5,000 for school fees and dental work, so he'd been trying to buy her for a while, and as The Field so wisely says "you can't buy love Roy".

    I think when a man "buys" a woman in this manner, he will inevitably also beat her as his property, a property that purports to sell that which is most intimate and sacred in life, her love, Not a pretty situation. she certainly strung him along.
    But when the shit hit the fan, she said uh uh, no way this fool gonna buy me, but I'll try to keep the ring anyway ;) so she gave it the good ol' Texas ex beauty queen try (and no, I'm not jealous of her "beauty" anon!) Shame on her, shame on him. give him that ring back girl!

  88. la audio blathers on:

    In other words, thanks to centuries of whites pillaging and plundering African resources while killing, raping, displacing and free laboring generations of enslaved African people which made all this possible.

    Nothing is manufactured in Africa. Only some resources are now extracted from some African nations, and those nations are heavily dependent on the cash from their meager natural resource exports to keep their corrupt leaders in luxury while the populations suffer.

    South Sudan? The new country? The new humanitarian disaster.

    Once again, why is Nigeria, with its huge oil reserves, populated by dirt-poor people who have absolutely nothing?

    It should be the richest nations in Africa. Instead, it is the perennial sewer.

  89. PilotX5:58 PM

    "I'm suggesting you wake up. Using cars and steel as two examples, it's obvious that other nations are producing highly skilled AND prospering workers. They are well paid by the standards of their nations. Japan and South Korea, for example."

    I agree, doesn't Japan have socialized medicine? If we socialize our medical care then that's one less expense for employers. I guess we agree more than we disagree.

    "car ownership fees and fuel levies are used to promote energy efficiency. However, at just 50 percent of all distance traveled, car usage is the lowest of all G8 countries."

    Something else we could learn from the Janaese huh? Interesting but continue. Almost as interesting as linking an economic boycott to Black people. I guess you don't remember the old look for the union lable commercials, had nothing to do with color but supporting American companies.

  90. PilotX5:59 PM

    "Once again, why is Nigeria, with its huge oil reserves, populated by dirt-poor people who have absolutely nothing?"

    Sounds like West Virginia.

  91. PilotX6:05 PM

    "You're one of the ranters about healthcare in America. You believe that fraud and waste are big problems in medical billing. And you probably believe doctors make too much."

    Oj really? Show me where I have ranted about the American healthcare system. Instead of assuming what I think about doctor's pay rates why not ask me. Debates and discussions are better when one is not taken out of context and words/opinions are not inserted. I really don't have an opinion one way or the other about how much doctors make. I for one don't begrudge what one is able to make. Failed debate 101?

  92. 'Once again, why is Nigeria, with its huge oil reserves, populated by dirt-poor people who have absolutely nothing?"

    That's a prime example of pillaging and plundering of land/resources and displacement of African people. You flush out and lump all the various tribes in one area of Nigeria to fight and fend among themselves; all while you steal and drain the resources of the larger parts of the land.

    Then after your kind stole the land, they were able to strategically "appoint" a few certain "African leaders" that were already bought and corrupt through greed and the white European vagina.

    And it's sad to this day that black Africans then and now all over various parts of Africa allowed this. I always say it's a pity Africans didn't implement a deadly "immigration system" hundreds of years ago and slaughtered you destructive thieving people the first time you stepped foot on African soil.

    This is how I know you No-slappz is a vile racist with zero interest in fair dialogue exchange. YOU have the nerve to complain about black African/Caribbean immigration to America, while to Slavs, Armenians and the token Asians run this place a mock? They ALL should go back! And America doesn't solely belong to you or your kind, by the way. And more black enslaved Africans put in more than their share of DUES in America and Europe, more than YOUR fucking racist thieving ancestors. You reap what you sow. Get over it.

  93. PilotX6:09 PM

    "How does your view of buying American square with the fact that virtually ALL healthcare is a domestic product?

    Based on your economic theory, you should be happy that Americans are spending wildly on healthcare, paying Americans to keep Americans (mostly) healthy."

    Well duh, I'm glad that most of us don't have to travel to distant nations to get a checkup. Not sure what point you're trying to make but what else is new. I'm pretty happy with my level of health care but then again it was a benefit negotiated by my union. How about you, what are your feeliings about the American healthcare system?

  94. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Let's play 'pretend expert'. Just like the Cons and wingnuts. Oh, not to forget those who are homeskooled or religio-skooled.
    Sorry FauxAuthority, your claims are specious and only beleeved by the credulous.
    We start with your abject lack of basic knowledge of the History of the area. Add in the unthinking repetition of racist 'talking points' and the refusal to accept Data...and you are simply a Troo Beleever. One who wishes to add lies to threads and disrupt.
    Like the stoopid and lazy kids in the class who wish everyone else to be just as benighted.
    Shame...did it work in your high school non-career? Or did the the smart kids leave you behind?

    Africa has Goober rule, Heeyuck dictators and religio-crazees in power. Gosh, it isn't about's about smarts. Who prospers when the Cons are elected/appointed? What is Rule of Law under the 'Merican Talibani?
    I find it instructive that nearly all Cons, Neo-Cons and wingnuts have to hide their agendas to be elected. No, it is not a Liberal is that your fellow citizens despise what you wish to impose.


  95. Anonymous6:18 PM

    PilotX, the fake about the Lefties bemoaning the pay of doctors is a lie. I can't think of a single Lefty who begrudges the MD their pay. However, we could remove the cancer of R-supporting insurance firms. Keep the staff to implement Universal...but send the CEO on a job-finding mission.
    Universal is a HUGE cost savings for employers. It would be a boon to disposable incomes. But...Rick Scott would have to accept the paltry and insulting pay of SES, about 400K per year. Could he even live on such a sum?

    Texas loves executions...which is pretty much a State purview. The problem has been the ease of minority convictions and the appalling number of innocents facing Death Row.


  96. PilotX6:38 PM

    "PilotX, the fake about the Lefties bemoaning the pay of doctors is a lie. I can't think of a single Lefty who begrudges the MD their pay."

    That was a good attempt but that strawman was so big PC could see it. maybe it thought I wouldn't notice it. I love when cons use projection. I mean if you want to know my stanceon an issue just ask don't just plaster it on me but I guess us simple negroes don't have the intelligence to make our own opinions so it just assigns them to us. Gotta love them racist trolls.

  97. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Secret Language

  98. Anonymous7:05 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Then after your kind stole the land, they were able to strategically "appoint" a few certain "African leaders" that were already bought and corrupt through greed"
    Apropos of this comment. Why does the president of the new nayion of Sudan always wear a cowboy hat. Is he from Texas???

  99. Anonymous7:14 PM

    PilotX, projection most certain! I wonder why they feel the need to hang falsehoods around our necks like tyres? Could it be that in a fair discussion...they are EPIC FAIL?
    One might conclude their points are so weak that they are compelled to lie.
    Which is strange...because any moderately competent teenager can bring more. All it takes is reading, understanding the material and being able to synthesize a coherent thought.
    Do they not believe their own philosophy? Is it so utterly bereft of value that they have to 'lie fer jebus'?

    I am still trying to decide whether the Trolls are paid useful idiots, wanna-bes who have no idea...but like being obnoxious, or are so incompetent that the only action they are capable of is being a jerkhole .
    I would assume the latter two options as a paid flack is usually far more educated and leaves 'tells' of doing the abhorrent for rent.


  100. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Desertflower,that was a gift from President Bush.Bush set the stage for what happen today.

    Obama,Clinton,followed it though.

  101. One of the things successful manufacturing nations have as well as socialized medicine, is very narrow share ownership.

    In Germany and Japan there are relatively very few shareholders, as a consequence of which, manufacturers are able to take a long term view, because they are not constantly looking over their shoulders at the next quarterly profit statement. That's why they are keener to invest in modern production equipment, training and apprenticeships etc.

  102. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Secret Language

  103. Anonymous7:24 PM

    LA here is a question, why did he admit to killing the girl, but not to the rape? Why admit to more heinous crime of murder? I believe he killed her because he admitted to it. There was no physical evidence that he raped her, but witnesses say that she was raped by others. So can I believe the prosecutors when they claimed they found his teeth marks on his body? I would love to read the transcripts of the trial of the scientific evidence. I just seems inconsistent to me. Rape is also heinous crime and it's not a moot point. I venture a guess that some of those party goers who found her body are the ones who were part of the gang rape probably turned in state's evidence exchange for not being charged. One could also argue that he was being a good Sarmaritan after being brutally raped by a group of men. If you are removing someone from a dangerous environment, then it wouldn't be considered kidnapping.

  104. The execution of the Mexican-American:

    Anyone convicted of murder and sentenced to death is automatically granted an appeal.

    In other words, the case is reviewed by a whole cast of legal experts searching for error of every kind.

    Nothing surfaced. He killed her. He raped. And many years after the appeals process was concluded and the case had been dissected to pieces, after all that, the state of Texas executed him.

    He won't be missed.

    By the way, Texas is quite willing to execute whites too. Race and ethnicity had no role in this case.

  105. Anonymous7:38 PM

    hennasplace said...
    LA here is a question, why did he admit to killing the girl, but not to the rape? Why admit to more heinous crime of murder?

    Ever hear what happens to men who commit sex crimes when they get to prison?

  106. Anonymous7:50 PM

    PC+PilotX, "You are going to have to explain the logic on this sentence. Is there any logic to this sentence? Or are you just saying shit for the sake of saying shit?"

    I work in race relations and interracial marriages. There is a psychological pattern among Blacks and Whites who marry. That pattern is they hate who they are. The Blacks hate being Black and the Whites want to exonerate the unconscious hatred toward Blacks. Hence, racists marry racists.

    I hope the two of you can understand this. Most Americans, consciously or unconsciously know this. Ask any rigorously honest Black or White and they will tell you so. But obviously the two of you are in profound denial.

    Nevertheless, I wish you the best during your short sexual but unhappy marriage.

  107. the burbling cow said:

    In Germany and Japan there are relatively very few shareholders, as a consequence of which, manufacturers are able to take a long term view, because they are not constantly looking over their shoulders at the next quarterly profit statement.

    The number of shareholders has nothing to do with the way Brits and Krauts run their industries.

    Meanwhile, in case you hadn't noticed, the British automotive industry is always in a state of disaster.

    Let's see. The was once Austin Healy, Jaguar, Bentley, Rolls, Triumph, MG, Morgan, Aston Martin, among motorcycles there was BSA, Triumph and Norton.

    As you know, or maybe you don't, but most of those car and bike makers are gone.

    That's why they are keener to invest in modern production equipment, training and apprenticeships etc.

    Actually, you're out of your mind. British cars were rolling mechanical nightmares until recently, and I'm not sure they're all that good today.

    Until recently, I believe Ford had been the owner of Jaguar. But the new austerity in Detroit put an end to that folly.

    Let's see. Saab was also owned by Ford, I think, but no one has stepped up to buy that weirdo car company, which means it may shut down.

    Meanwhile, the most modern car-making facilities in the world are in the US. Thy use a lot of robots, which drives the unions crazy. So they fight the robots.

    Meanwhile, British car-makers build cars for relatively small markets. There's no British GM or Ford.

    The Germans, on the other hand, are still trying to keep up. They've got car factories in a number of countries. But BMW and Audi are not making cars for the masses. Even Volkwagen is going upscale.

  108. pilotX admits:

    Well duh, I'm glad that most of us don't have to travel to distant nations to get a checkup.

    Yeah. Just ask Caesar Chavez about going to Cuba for cancer treatments in a country with socialized medicine. I'll bet you a dollar he's dead in two years, and another dollar that he will never return to power. He's following the example of Fidel. After the Cuban doctors get a shot at you, your health goes into the crapper.

    Not sure what point you're trying to make but what else is new.

    Hmmm. Well, confusion about science and economics are your hallmarks.

    Another thing about robots. One of these days robots -- computers -- will fly planes.

    Here in NY City one of the subway lines is experimenting with computer control. Normal trains have a conductor and a motorman. But the L Train that runs from Manhattan to Brooklyn is running with only a conductor. A computer has replaced the motorman.

  109. Anonymous8:00 PM

    hennasplace said...
    . One could also argue that he was being a good Sarmaritan after being brutally raped by a group of men. If you are removing someone from a dangerous environment, then it wouldn't be considered kidnapping.

    Yes one could, but you would be the only one. Why are you so determined to make this deceased human filth the victim? Is it something you are accustomed to? Sure, now you are saying he was totally innocent and really a good samaritan and not a vicious murderous rapist of a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD.

    Testifying during his trial's punishment phase, Leal acknowledged being intoxicated and doing wrong.

    The mother of the little girl that he raped, viciously inserted a stick with a nail into her vagina and killed said...

    "Sauceda's mother, Rachel Terry, told San Antonio television station KSAT her family already had suffered too long.

    "A technicality doesn't give anyone a right to come to this country and rape, torture and murder anyone," she said

    By the way the little girl was also mexican.

  110. Anonymous8:08 PM

    hennasplace can't read or comprehend.

  111. Anonymous8:25 PM

    no_slappz, "Why field himself couldn't wait to get his carcass out of Jamaica and onto American soil where he figured he was less likely to get murdered. Even though field won't admit it, his presence in the US is tied to his understanding that more whites means less overall murder, and if he keeps himself in areas that are dominsted by whites, then he's safe. But back in Jamaica, well, unless you live in a walled compound, your life is in danger."

    I hadn't thought of this about Field but you have given me food for thought. Do you think Field really 'understands' the true American way, or does he cover up his ignorance by calling himself a progressive liberal?

    Your comment has made me look closely at the term "progressive liberal". It is a political viewpoint that really has no position except to create a pushback against what's right.

    Actually, PC is of this type, also. What is it with these Blacks outside of the US? Ever notice how supportive Field and PC are of each other? They NEVER disagree, even when it is clear one or the other is wrong.

    Thanks no_slappz for helping to uncovering the truth about Field and PC.

  112. PilotX8:32 PM

    "Well, if you boycott (this is always the default idea for blacks) all non-American made goods, you'll have to go barefoot because other than Allen Edmonds, which makes shoes you don't wear, all other shoes sold here are made elsewhere.

    However, you really ought to sell this boycott theme to Obama. Maybe if you said you refuse to buy gasoline made from oil pumped out the ground in the middle east or Africa he might give more thought to pumping more here."

    There's a website for you that specializes in promoting American union made clothing including shoes. See, the internet can be used for more than just finding derogatory stories about Black people.

    "Hmmm. Well, confusion about science and economics are your hallmarks."

    Nah, my level of understanding is pretty well established while your penchant for zero sum tinking is well documented.

    "Another thing about robots. One of these days robots -- computers -- will fly planes."

    Sure but first electric planes will be developed making them cheaper to fly and we won't need to drill in fragile ecosystems that you seem to be eager to destroy.

  113. PilotX8:35 PM

    "I work in race relations and interracial marriages. There is a psychological pattern among Blacks and Whites who marry. That pattern is they hate who they are. The Blacks hate being Black and the Whites want to exonerate the unconscious hatred toward Blacks. Hence, racists marry racists."

    How exactly does one work in race relations and interracial marriages? I didn't see that as a choice of majors when I was in college. That actually sounds interesting. I'm guessing you have an advanced degree or something so you can use your ancedotal evidence as fact? Maybe some research papers or just like Slappz are we to just accept your word as supreme? You trolls are intertaining if nothing else.

  114. Anonymous8:37 PM

    "Yes one could, but you would be the only one. Why are you so determined to make this deceased human filth the victim? Is it something you are accustomed to? Sure, now you are saying he was totally innocent and really a good samaritan and not a vicious murderous rapist of a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD."

    You have to understand Hennesplace. She is more concerned about "being right" instead of doing the right thing. No matter how bad it looks; no matter the man admitted to the murder; no matter the rock; no matter the stick and the screw; no matter the evidenc; no matter how long he had to produce questionable evidence; no matter the verdict of the jury....

    Hennesplace is ONLY concerned about one thing: "BEING RIGHT".
    So save your breathe, you are talking to a wall.

    The thing about having to be right: it makes you look both like a dummie and a fool on a world wide blog like FN.

  115. PilotX8:40 PM

    "However, you really ought to sell this boycott theme to Obama. Maybe if you said you refuse to buy gasoline made from oil pumped out the ground in the middle east or Africa he might give more thought to pumping more here."

    Well the prez has already noted his intention to invest in alternative energy sources which will have the same effect. I guess we can both agree that importing foreign oil does need to stop or at least slow down. The more efficient are autos are the less oil we'll need. Via electric cars and planes!

    "Yeah. Just ask Caesar Chavez about going to Cuba for cancer treatments in a country with socialized medicine. I'll bet you a dollar he's dead in two years, and another dollar that he will never return to power. He's following the example of Fidel. After the Cuban doctors get a shot at you, your health goes into the crapper"

    OK, one of us missed that point entirely. I believe you asserted I had a problem with the American healthcare system and my comment was intended to show I have no such problem. You also missed my question about your feelings about the American healthcare system. So, what are your thoughts?

  116. Anonymous8:48 PM

    PilotX, "How exactly does one work in race relations and interracial marriages? I didn't see that as a choice of majors when I was in college. That actually sounds interesting. I'm guessing you have an advanced degree or something so you can use your ancedotal evidence as fact? Maybe some research papers or just like Slappz are we to just accept your word as supreme? You trolls are intertaining if nothing else."

    Mr. X, I have a PhD in Psychology. It is a broad field where people specialize with advanced degrees. To put it simply, Psychology covers the spectrum of human social endeavors, consciously or unconsciously.

    Because you don't know about it, does not mean it doesn't exist. Ask any Scientist and they will tell you so. There is a lot of information, ie ignorance that humans don't know about themselves...including you, Mr. X.

  117. PilotX8:55 PM

    "Because you don't know about it, does not mean it doesn't exist. Ask any Scientist and they will tell you so. There is a lot of information, ie ignorance that humans don't know about themselves...including you, Mr. X."

    Well seeing science covers a wide variety of subjects maybe I'll ask a meteorologist to get their opinion but alas I'm sure they won't have a clue of only racists marry interracially. BTW, do you have any published research on this topic? I'd love to read some of it as yes I am a bit sleptical of your premise that ONLY people who have self-loathing marry outside of their race. I do have friends that did so so maybe they are a good place to start but offhand they don't seem to be racists. I'd better be careful because my buddy might be out burning crosses while trying to bleach his skin. You trolls are a constant source of entertainment. You have a PhD! Ha! I'm betting you're friends with the guy whom NASA wanted or are you the same guy.

    Field, I thought you were looking into upgrading your troll selection. They are downright embarrassing the good name of trolls everywhere.

  118. PilotX8:58 PM

    BTW Field, have you seen your buddy Ben or does he only show up when the topic involves NASA?

  119. PilotX9:37 PM

    "Mr. X, I have a PhD in Psychology. It is a broad field where people specialize with advanced degrees. To put it simply, Psychology covers the spectrum of human social endeavors, consciously or unconsciously."

    Thanks for the expalanation but I'm pretty familiar with what psychology is. BTW, what is your definition of racism?

  120. Anonymous9:52 PM

    PilotX, "Well seeing science covers a wide variety of subjects maybe I'll ask a meteorologist to get their opinion but alas I'm sure they won't have a clue of only racists marry interracially. BTW, do you have any published research on this topic? I'd love to read some of it as yes I am a bit sleptical of your premise that ONLY people who have self-loathing marry outside of their race."

    Try asking a "Social Scientist" instead of a meteorologist, Mr. X. You'll get more pertinent information from someone in their own field. However, a meterologist might tell you that there is a lot in life as well as in the universe that we humans are ignorant of.

    In addition, the meteorologist probably would wonder why you would be looking to him/her for an answer to race relations or interracial marriages when you should be asking a psychologist or even your therapist, which obviously you don't have one. Most bm don't. They show up when they get involved with a ww and are trying to make their racially complicated marriage work.

    I see no need to produce anymore evidence of my qualifications to you. It's clear that you have your mind made up about me and racially charged marriages as non-existent.

    Your problem is that you are ill with a head full of wrong information that you think is right. No amount of evidence or talking to you is going to change a mind unwilling to learn anything new. Nevertheless, I wish you well with your petrified opinions and ignorance.

  121. Anonymous10:04 PM

    PilotX, "Thanks for the expalanation but I'm pretty familiar with what psychology is. BTW, what is your definition of racism?"

    If you were familiar with the field of Psychology, you wouldn't have asked the question about the psychological field regarding race and interracial marriages in the first place. People familiar with the field of Psychology know it exists.

    In any case, I have been on FN blog for years. There are probably very few, if any, who don't know what racism is, esp if one is Black. Mr. X, if you don't know what racism is, then you are on the wrong blog.

  122. "Field, I thought you were looking into upgrading your troll selection. They are downright embarrassing the good name of trolls everywhere."

    Yes, I think slappy is bringing them down. :)

  123. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Yes, I think slappy is bringing them down. :)

    Yes but Mold gets us erect.

  124. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Yes, I think slappy is bringing them down. :)

    Yes but Mold gets us erect.

  125. "Yes, I think slappy is bringing them down. :)

    Yes but Mold gets us erect."

    Hey, whatever it takes to fly your freak flag. I am just glad that our little blog can help you out.

  126. PilotX11:29 PM

    "If you were familiar with the field of Psychology, you wouldn't have asked the question about the psychological field regarding race and interracial marriages in the first place"

    Very good dodge. Lemme ask this, is your opinion of mixed race marriages the same internationally or just in the U.S. Have you conducted research in other countries? I ask because the perception of race is different geographically but you already knew that.
    I also asked YOUR definition or racism. I have my own but before a discussion is entered there has to be at least an understanding of the topic and agreement on terms or the discussion will get derailed very quickly. \
    BTW, why would a meteorologist have any insight into life in the universe? And you call me ignorant? You are a touchy one, I just asked if you had any reearch I didn't ask for ID or anything.Thou dost protest a bit too beaucoup.

  127. PilotX11:38 PM

    "Ask any Scientist and they will tell you so."

    This is what you said Dr. Anon. I don't see the word social do you? Just wondering. Your powers of observation are pretty weak, you may actually be a psychologist but I'm betting you suck.
    Actually GTFOH, no way you even finished highg school. Ha!

  128. Anonymous11:41 PM

    "Field, I thought you were looking into upgrading your troll selection. They are downright embarrassing the good name of trolls everywhere."

    Field said, "Yes, I think slappy is bringing them down. :)"

    Dear Mr. Field, I have been on FN for a few years now. Before PilotX arrived, "trolls" meant something different, such as Stormfront intruders. Remember those days?

    However, PilotX now wants to label ANYONE who disagrees with his opinion; or, when he frequently loses a debate, he calls them a "troll".

    For this reason, I am requesting that you, sometime in the future, clarify in one of your excellent posts what a "troll" is, so some folks on this blog will know what a troll is?

    There are many us who have been with you for a long time and can no longer stand PilotX's insults, which are far greater than AB's....that's how serious it has become.

  129. Anonymous7:12 AM

    It's not being right. However, it's about being fair and having a fair trial. I did say I would have read the court transcripts. Leal admitted that he killed the girl, but was there evidence to prove felony murder. It appears more like manslaugther, but we all need to read the actual records and not what the media reports. I will tell you this, most of us would in the same position because we don't have the money to obtain the best legal representation. I have a problem with the people who gang rape this girl, and are walking around free which witneses did testify that it occurs. Does anyone else find this unsettling? I guess not.

  130. Anonymous9:11 AM

    PilotX said, "This is what you said Dr. Anon. I don't see the word social do you? Just wondering. Your powers of observation are pretty weak, you may actually be a psychologist but I'm betting you suck.
    Actually GTFOH, no way you even finished highg school. Ha!"

    Mr. X, you are a neurotic mess and a sore loser. Please get some psychological help before your headaches and depression lead you to even darker places.

  131. Anonymous3:56 PM

    one thing for sure. pilotX has no social skills and is probably a very lonely person-a hermit who lives by himself with no one to care for him. poor guy must be very depressed.
