Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ten things that would cause someone to vote republican.

Some writer over a Kos wrote the following:
"#10: I shall vote Republican next time because I am a white male. It does not matter if they are otherwise against me, but since I am a white male, and they say that they are for white males, I am for them too! Lies matter not to me. I am a white male.

#9: I shall vote Republican next time because I do not belong to any union. I have been told that unions are evil, and of course I believe it since Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity said so.

#8: I shall vote Republican because the President is not a United States citizen. I have been told that from the Tea Party, the conservative talkers, and Michelle Bachman. If they say it, I know those truths to be self evident.

#7: I shall vote Republican because I think that the deficit and the National debt is the most pressing problem that we face. Even though that I am living off of retirement savings, jobs for Americans are a secondary issue.

#6: I shall vote Republican because I think that tax breaks for large corporations, making billions of dollars, stimulate job creation. It worked well under G. W. Bush, as I am told by the Fox "News" Network.

Now to reasons that would make me vote for the Republicans. Unfortunately, those are all contrary to reality, but if I were in those situations, I might just vote that way.

#5: I would vote Republican because my Daddy died and left me $50 million. I do not want to give a cent of it to the Treasury! Let the little people pay.

#4: I would vote Republican because I am the head of a large corporation that pays no tax after my attorneys get done looking at the dodges. Hell, some of us even get a REBATE when the loopholes are properly exploited! And having my highest marginal bracket so low is not bad, either! Back when Eisenhower was President I would have been taxed at over 80%! Thank God for the New Republicans!

#3: I would vote Republican because I run a huge defense contractor corporation. Not only is it a LEGAL PERSON because of the recent Republican Supreme Court decision, I get lots and lots of money for my fatcat shareholders, and they in turn vote to give me a sinfully large salary and bonus, every year! I LOVE the current tax code, and give some to what to me is pocket change to the Republicans who keep me in power. Money is GOOD!

#2: I would vote Republican because they might give me a cushy job as a political appointtee, and since I have no real skills otherwise, that would be cool! A cushy job and low tax rate rules!

#1: I would vote Republican because I am a hedge fund trader, and not only do I not draw a salary (so no FICA nor Medicare withholding, although I will be eligible for them), I pay only 15% on my income! You idiots working for wages and salaries pay over 15% on FICA and Medicare, and then up to over 30% in income tax! Fools! Let us say that I had a bad year, and you had a really good one. The income is $10 million.

For me, I pay NOTHING in FICA and Medicare! Even if I had to pay both parts, which I do not, since I have no earned income, it gets better for me! Let us do the numbers!

Out of the $10 million, I pay only 15%! That comes to $1.5 million, so I walk away with $8.5 million! You jerks pay around 30% give or take, plus FICA at 7.2% (on your first $106,000) and Medicare at 1.2% on all of it! Fools! Now let us run these numbers for the same $10 million.

Your FICA comes to $7632, and your Medicare to $12,000. Now, let us assume that your top tax bracket is 30%, so you pay another $3 million! Let us add it all together:$10 million, minus the $7632, minus the $12,000, minus the $3 million. I walk away with $8.5 million, and you keep $6.98 million! What a deal for me!
That is why I will always vote for a Republican!" (Source)

(h/t Susan Porter)


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    This has to be the silliest thing I have ever read. I know demoncrats don't think much but feeellll thier way through life, but how many hedge fund traders are there? I don't think I have ever met one.

    Maybe we can start a list with why you would vote what would be number 1 on that list huh?

    Starting off with number 10
    I vote democrat cause Obama gonna pay my lights and bills and I like that he picked Sarah Palin for Vice President

    Number 9 I vote Democrat cause I am part of the 51% who pays NO taxes, yet gets about 4 grand in earned income tax credit and I have my house without paying anything for 2 years, now extended with the new Obama program.

    I'll leave the rest to the rest of the team.

  2. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I vote republican because I will never vote for a party of baby killers.

  3. Anonymous10:46 PM

    The Disappearing Black Middle Class

    "Austin thinks more black people than ever before could fall out of the middle class because the unemployment rate for college-educated blacks recently peaked and blacks are overrepresented in state and local government jobs. Those are jobs that are being eliminated because of massive budget shortfalls".

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Wow. those white male Republicans really have it made in America. They are smart, rich and know how to vote.

    Hmmmm. What about the black male Republican? I know he is a 'minority' in America and also a 'minority' in the Republican Party-which makes him a 'double minority'- but does he get the same benefits? Or is this for Whites only?

    As a Black member in the GOP I know we wouldn't even be having this discussion about Blacks and Whites if Obama wasn't in the WH.

    Geez. He has caused a lot of trouble for the races. Before he was elected there was perfect racial harmony. As a matter of fact, racism was dead. But the Dems have cause racism to be 'reborn'.

    The sooner Obama is out of the WH, the sooner we can get back to 'normal', and get beyond this racial stuff...GO MICHELE! GO TEA PARTY! GO GOP!

    fyi, her husband is NOT gay. Get it, Desertweed? Folks like you, Field, and KID are going to pay BIG TIME once Michele is in the WH. The Tea Party does not play that shit!

  5. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Field, this is a long post to read. Haven't you heard Herman Cain's pitch about having to read a lot? What the hell is wrong with you? May I suggest you get your ass in gear and get with the GOP program?

  6. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, this is a long post to read. Haven't you heard Herman Cain's pitch about having to read a lot? What the hell is wrong with you? May I suggest you get your ass in gear and get with the GOP program?

    Are you making fun of a black man and reading skills? That shit aint allowed..oh wait, he is a republican so he must be a traitorous tom - most blacks KNOW you have to vote democrap so never mind, go get em.

  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    anon, did you just call the Democrats "democrap"? What the hell is wrong with you? You and Field must be smoking something.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Looks like tonight is going to be anonymous night. Hot dog! Finally we get some much needed privacy.

  9. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "fyi, her husband is NOT gay. Get it, Desertweed? Folks like you, Field, and KID are going to pay BIG TIME once Michele is in the WH. The Tea Party does not play that shit!"
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She needs a real man! Maybe then she can think straight (pun intended hyuk hyuk)

  10. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    anon, did you just call the Democrats "democrap"? What the hell is wrong with you? You and Field must be smoking something.

    Would Demonrats be better? Ever see Nancy Pelosi lie to the camera?

  11. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Looks like tonight is going to be anonymous night. Hot dog! Finally we get some much needed privacy.

    I "Relish" the opportunity.

  12. Anonymous11:39 PM

    17 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    "fyi, her husband is NOT gay. Get it, Desertweed? Folks like you, Field, and KID are going to pay BIG TIME once Michele is in the WH. The Tea Party does not play that shit!"
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She needs a real man! Maybe then she can think straight (pun intended hyuk hyuk)

    DesertFlower - I can't believe you said that, that really sucks.

  13. That was funny. Field would you have given Jeter back his 3,000 hit ball?

  14. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "DesertFlower - I can't believe you said that, that really sucks."
    LOL! Yeah I bet she wishes! Hyuk,hyuk,hyuk!

  15. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Hey Field! The GOP:
    G= Gay
    O= Old
    P= Party

    and whats more it's true!

  16. #6: I shall vote Republican because I think that tax breaks for large corporations, making billions of dollars, stimulate job creation.

    Oh, what to do? What to do?

    Obama has offered tax breaks to big corporations. GM, for example. Everyone who buys a Chevy Volt gets a $7,500 TAX CREDIT.

    A Tax Credit is much better than a simple tax break.

    Obama has offered a long list of tax credits to companies of every size and in virtually every industry. And even though he believes tax credits are good for stimulating sales of Chevy Volts, he does not believe tax breaks are good for companies that sell small jets. Then they are evil.

    Obama wants people to work for GM, or at least buy their tax-payer subsidized cars. But Obama hates Gulfstream.

    He hates oil companies too, even though they can hire a lot of people at high wages as soon as he allows them to drill for oil here.

    He obviously wants American oil companies to export American jobs to OPEC nations while forcing Americans to buy imported oil. He's great.

  17. #1: I would vote Republican because I am a hedge fund trader, and not only do I not draw a salary (so no FICA nor Medicare withholding, although I will be eligible for them), I pay only 15% on my income!

    Do readers really believe this nonsense? If people believe these silly claims, it can only be because they themselves pay no taxes and are thus totally illiterate on the subject.

  18. Black Male12:09 AM

    I vote Democrat because they told me the the Republicans was racist.

    I vote Democrat because they give me food stamps and pay my rent. It's not much but at least i don't have to work.

    I vote Democrat because it's safe here on the plantation and they told me if I left those Republicans out there would lynch me.

    I vote Democrat because they told me if I voted Republican I'd be a traitor to my race, and race is the most important thing, and if you don't think so you are are a racist.

    I vote Democrat because I am confused.

  19. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Chelsea Clinton worked for a hedge fund:

    So what does a hedge fund do? I'm clueless. Though I know what "hedge" means....anybody????

  20. Anonymous12:11 AM

    sos...sos... dearest Desert, just wanted to let you know that something went wrong when I set sail from Chicago. I ended up in Greece. Apparently the map I was reading looked different when I started smoking my medical weed from CA. Also, it's hard to tell the difference from one big body of water from another. I really need to focus but things don't seem so bad when I take my weed.

    Anyway, I just stocked up with a boat load of Greek food and will be heading out in the AM. Fyi, there is a lot shit going on in Greece. These Greeks are really pissed off about something. They could use some of that medicinal weed from CA. They would feel better.

    I can't wait to get the hell out of here. over and out.

  21. Anonymous12:12 AM

    They say that Christopher Columbus was the first Democrat. When he left to discover America, he didn't know where he was going. When he got there he didn't know where he was. And it was all done on a government grant.

  22. #3: I would vote Republican because I run a huge defense contractor corporation.

    Oh. So Obama has slashed Defense Spending?

    He loves spending money on defense. It means more government control of the economy.

    Not only is it a LEGAL PERSON because of the recent Republican Supreme Court decision...

    Somebody ought to do a little research. A corporation has ALWAYS, in the eyes of the law, been defined as a "person."

    Nothing new about this status.

    I get lots and lots of money for my fatcat shareholders, and they in turn vote to give me a sinfully large salary and bonus, every year!

    The vast majority of stockholders are people with pensions and retirement accounts, which is more-or-less everyone with a job.

    I LOVE the current tax code, and give some to what to me is pocket change to the Republicans who keep me in power.

    Actually, it's not so great. That's why companies continue to leave the US.

    Money is GOOD!

    The feeling is universal.

  23. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Desertflower, "Hey Field! The GOP:
    G= Gay
    O= Old
    P= Party

    and whats more it's true!"

    did you just call my party gay? fyi.the GOP is 100% straight. You are confusing us with the Dems.

  24. Anonymous12:18 AM

    How do you scare a democrat?

    Say your a gainfully employed church going heterosexual married family man.

  25. desertflower asks:

    So what does a hedge fund do? I'm clueless. Though I know what "hedge" means....anybody????

    A hedge fund is an investment fund. A group of people who believe they know what they're doing invest money on behalf of others.

    Same as a mutual fund, except the investors in hedge funds must have a lot of money and they must accept some restrictions on taking money out of the hedge fund.

    There are hedge funds that invest in every conceivable opportunity -- just like mutual funds.

  26. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "They say that Christopher Columbus was the first Democrat. When he left to discover America, he didn't know where he was going. When he got there he didn't know where he was. And it was all done on a government grant."

    You forgot the last part: when he got back, he didn't know where he had been. Sounds like a party of alcoholics doesn't it?

  27. Anonymous12:23 AM

    NS-"Same as a mutual fund, except the investors in hedge funds must have a lot of money and they must accept some restrictions on taking money out of the hedge fund."

    I believe Madoff ran a hedge fund? I still don't understand how he did it when other funds could not.

  28. Anonymous said...

    Starting off with number 10
    I vote democrat cause Obama gonna pay my lights and bills and I like that he picked Sarah Palin for Vice President

    What in the world are you talking about? Last time I check my name was on the bill..and Sarah? Never mind. Moving on.
    Number 9 I vote Democrat cause I am part of the 51% who pays NO taxes, yet gets about 4 grand in earned income tax credit and I have my house without paying anything for 2 years, now extended with the new Obama program.

    Last time I checked on my pay stub..ummm..I was paying TAXES.Fica, Medicare, SSN tax.Cmon man!

    10:25 PM

  29. #5: I would vote Republican because my Daddy died and left me $50 million. I do not want to give a cent of it to the Treasury! Let the little people pay.

    Have the Kennedys voted Republican?

    How about John Kerry? Mr John "Heinz" Kerry?

    How about John Corzine, former head of Goldman Sachs, former NJ Senator and former NJ Governor?

    Shouldn't he have been a Republican?

  30. Grasshopper Jones12:32 AM

    Rottnkid said...
    Last time I checked on my pay stub..ummm..I was paying TAXES.Fica, Medicare, SSN tax.Cmon man!

    Then you shouldn't be voting Democrat kid! Cmon man!

  31. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Rottnkid said...
    Anonymous said...

    Starting off with number 10
    I vote democrat cause Obama gonna pay my lights and bills and I like that he picked Sarah Palin for Vice President

    What in the world are you talking about? Last time I check my name was on the bill..and Sarah? Never mind. Moving on.
    See democrat - you don't get it. Here watch this:

    Number 9 I vote Democrat cause I am part of the 51% who pays NO taxes, yet gets about 4 grand in earned income tax credit and I have my house without paying anything for 2 years, now extended with the new Obama program.

    Last time I checked on my pay stub..ummm..I was paying TAXES.Fica, Medicare, SSN tax.Cmon man!

    Wow, and you don't get anything back with earned income credits? If not then I guess you are one of 49% see......

  32. anon 12:23 writes:

    I believe Madoff ran a hedge fund?

    No. He ran a Ponzi Scheme. A criminal enterprise.

    I still don't understand how he did it when other funds could not.

    Like I said, he ran a Ponzi Scheme, which is not a hedge fund.

    He stole money and lost some money along the way. But he did almost no investing. He was in no position to take the added risk of actually trying to pick good stocks.

  33. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Obamas approval rating is really tanking. Killing bin laden didn't work, releasing some oil reserves didn't work (silly move) so the democrats just came up with a new entitlement that is SURE to ge more voters:

    Congressional Democrats are considering sweeping legislation that will provide new benefits for many Americans. The Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA) is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

  34. Anonymous1:01 AM

    What the Dems have to do is what Krugman suggests and that is more stimulus because there hasn't been enough to get the economy going. If the Dems truly want to turn the economy around there should be 'QE3'.

  35. Hey Field check this out from DailyKos.

    BTW it was sweet of you to let the anons have a play date.

  36. Anonymous1:21 AM

    no_slappz said...
    A hedge fund is an investment fund. A group of people who believe they know what they're doing invest money on behalf of others.

    thank you no slapz. it's just that "hedge" fund sounds kind shady you know, like you're hedging something in this case I guess it's the wealth. So hedge funds are for the wealthy to protect their money...

  37. Grasshopper Jones said...
    Rottnkid said...
    Last time I checked on my pay stub..ummm..I was paying TAXES.Fica, Medicare, SSN tax.Cmon man!

    Then you shouldn't be voting Democrat kid! Cmon man!

    12:32 AM


    Iim good on how I vote and I don't mind paying the taxes .

  38. "11.

    I shall vote republican because hobama has been worse in every way than any republican prez to date!!! hobama has been more elitist, more inept, more warmongering, and more racist. i will make sure the next republican i vote for is a wm. because then at least racist black mongrels will not pretend he is a saint as they pretend hobama is..."

  39. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Anonymous said...

    sos...sos... dearest Desert, just wanted to let you know that something went wrong when I set sail from Chicago. I ended up in Greece. Apparently the map I was reading looked different when I started smoking my medical weed from CA. Also, it's hard to tell the difference from one big body of water from another. I really need to focus but things don't seem so bad when I take my weed.

    Anyway, I just stocked up with a boat load of Greek food and will be heading out in the AM. Fyi, there is a lot shit going on in Greece. These Greeks are really pissed off about something. They could use some of that medicinal weed from CA. They would feel better.

    I can't wait to get the hell out of here. over and out.
    12:11 AM
    Well if you really are in Greece as you say, just don't turn your back on them! (hyuk,huk,hyuk,you know what they say)

    But. I have it on good authority that you actually sailed to Maine and Kennebunkport and they saw you flirting with Maria Shriver who's vacationing there, trying to get in on the good life! The little baby potatos, baby corn,the lobster, the Dom Perignon, That's what they told me. So I hope you have fun, and if Maria and you end up getting hitched, invite me to the wedding!:)

    Also,why do you smoke medical marijuana, besides to get high I mean ;)
    Good luck with the rich folk and don't turn your back on, maybe too late..........

  40. Dexter Season 5 Episode 8 – Take It!

    Good Series. I'm anticipating this episode.

    "What the Dems have to do is what Krugman suggests and that is more stimulus because there hasn't been enough to get the economy going. If the Dems truly want to turn the economy around there should be 'QE3'."

    1:01 AM

    Too late bro. He's not getting narry a dime. What he needs to do is let the Bush tax cuts expire and be done with it. Damn if he do, damn if he don't.

  41. Anonymous2:01 AM

    @Field: That poor little elephant in the picture sure looks sad and confused! I wonder why?

  42. Anonymous2:13 AM

    OMG! It's 2 am!!! I've gotta get my beauty sleep. Company's good, conversation's better, but gotta go beddy bye, G'night


  43. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Desertflower, have you hired a detective to follow me like that woman in NJ did? Fyi, he is SUEING her ass. So, you had better watch it!

    Did you have a GPS put on my yacht? can a man trust a woman?

    Re: medical weed: My doctor told me to smoke it to improve my appetite. I haven't been eating like I should lately.

  44. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Rttnkid, "Too late bro. He's not getting narry a dime. What he needs to do is let the Bush tax cuts expire and be done with it. Damn if he do, damn if he don't."

    If he doesn't get it, the bottom will fall out of the economy. We NEED that Q3 stimulus. I think he can do it AFTER the debt ceiling is done.

  45. Quote:Anonnymous"fyi, PC was banned from a forum because of his fowl ghetto mouth."

    I've been banned from several forums but never for bad language that I can recall. Though I was once suspended from a site for calling somebody a 'Nitwit' (!)

    One amusing example is Debbie Schlussel. She banned me from her blog for pointing out historical inaccuracies in her review of the movie Indigenes (known as 'Days of Glory' in the USA). Schlussel admitted that she had reviewed the movie before she had actually viewed it!!

    Some people just can't handle the truth, see...

  46. "Geez. He has caused a lot of trouble for the races. Before he was elected there was perfect racial harmony. As a matter of fact, racism was dead. But the Dems have cause racism to be 'reborn'."

    Calling Mr. President of Anon.Inc. right now.....

    "That was funny. Field would you have given Jeter back his 3,000 hit ball?"


    "BTW it was sweet of you to let the anons have a play date"

    Yes, I am trying to build a relationship with their leader. :)

  47. Anon-goober

    "I vote Democrat because they told me the the Republicans was racist."

    Every Republican may not be racist but every racist is a Republican.

  48. Purple Cow

    "I've been banned from several forums but never for bad language that I can recall"

    Same here.

    I've been banned from 3 or 4 conservative forums because they can't deal with vigorous opposition or debate.

    It never ceases to amaze me how the biggest cheat beating purported Constitution lovers will censor free speech in a NY minute if they disagree with it.

  49. Gimme Sum9:38 AM

    #1 reason to vote Democrap:

    I ain't gots no money, an I wants some of yo's.

  50. Section 8 queen vdlr:

    “I shall vote for a republican because they just might stop lazy, turbo breeding, sorry, trifling, destructive, thieving, loud, rude, filthy, drunken, drugged, fertile, disrespectful, ignorant, illiterate, trashy, dirty, welfare pig pookies of all races and classes from destroying the world/schools/apt complexes etc...”

  51. desertflower says:

    thank you no slapz. it's just that "hedge" fund sounds kind shady you know,

    Wow. Imagination at work.

    like you're hedging something in this case I guess it's the wealth. So hedge funds are for the wealthy to protect their money...

    A fund, whether it is a hedge fund or a mutual fund, is operated to make money for those who invest in it. Some exist to protect against losses. Insurance companies are hedge funds.

    Moreover, pension funds turn over some of their assets for management by hedge funds.

    It is the fact that most people are ignorant about economics and finance that they believe loads and loads of nonsense about the investment world.

  52. more on why we MUST have a black agenda to STOP section 8 madness!!!!!!!!

    In this clear-eyed and compassionate study, Robinson (Coal to Cream), Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist for the Washington Post, marshals persuasive evidence that the African-American population has splintered into four distinct and increasingly disconnected entities: a small elite with enormous influence, a mainstream middle-class majority, a newly emergent group of recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean, and an abandoned minority "with less hope of escaping poverty than at any time since Reconstruction's end." Drawing on census records, polling data, sociological studies, and his own experiences growing up in a segregated South Carolina college town during the 1950s, Robinson explores 140 years of black history in America, focusing on how the civil rights movement, desegregation, and affirmative action contributed to the fragmentation. Of particular interest is the discussion of how immigrants from Africa, the "best-educated group coming to live in the United States," are changing what being black means. Robinson notes that despite the enormous strides African-Americans have made in the past 40 years, the problems of poor blacks remain more intractable than ever, though his solution--"a domestic Marshall Plan aimed at black America"--seems implausible in this era of cash-strapped state and local governments.

  53. Obama wants to spend more taxpayers' money. He's going on live TV at 11 am to tell the country that his way of saving the economy is to tax and spend even more for projects and programs that have yielded nothing so far.

    As the government's own accountants have said, each job created by the Stimulus program has cost $280,000.

    With unemployment at 9.2%, which translates into 14 million unemployed people, it will take a lot of money to bring the rate down to something reasonable, like 5%-6%.

    The way Obama's going at it -- $280,000 per job -- it will cost about $2 TRILLION to drive unemployment down to about 6%.

    TWO TRILLION taxpayer dollars.

    How about we start drilling for oil in Alaska, the Gulf, off California and every other place it's east to reach in the US, therby increasing employment, lowering oil imports and doing it without hitting taxpayers?

    Obama is a Clown Economist, and it shows more and more every day.

    By the way, the hot electric car -- the Tesla -- is already going out of production. The company's $120,000 model doesn't sell. Tesla claims it will replace it with a cheaper car. Maybe for $60,000.

    That's another way of saying the company is going to spend the $450 million government loan it received, and it will spend every last dime, because it can, and it will spend the money even though it's obvious the product is a failure.

    That's the way things work at Obama's Clown College of Economics.

  54. Obama's problem is that he didn;t tax and spend enough. Countries that spent more are coming out of the recession much more quickly.

    Obama's failure was a failure of nerve.

  55. hobama is a gonzo bankster!!!

    they win via:

    perpetual wars

    real estate destruction/flipping/foreclosures/section 8 etc...

    they profit from destruction and death


  56. uptownsteve said...
    Every Republican may not be racist but every racist is a Republican.


  57. i know many racist dems like that racist hobama

    i will vote for anyone who will destroy section 8!!!

  58. Anonymous11:12 AM

    uts "I've been banned from 3 or 4 conservative forums because they can't deal with vigorous opposition or debate."

    Since when did they start considering stupidity for vigorous opposition?

  59. Anonymous11:24 AM

    no_slappz, re: hedge fund. Where does that name come from: 'Hedge' does sound like risky business.

    Why do they call it a "hedge" fund? Or, maybe you don't know why or how it got its name?

    there is no shame in not knowing my Jewish brother.

  60. Anonymous11:29 AM

    no_slappz, "It is the fact that most people are ignorant about economics and finance that they believe loads and loads of nonsense about the investment world."

    Careful. UTS is watching you. He knows a lot about economics, finance, and the economy...and Obama's intentions.

  61. anon 11:24 writes:

    Why do they call it a "hedge" fund?

    The term has become generic. A hedge fund is simply a private investment fund. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    There was a time -- long ago -- when a Hedge Fund was a fund that invested to "hedge" against risk. In other words, what a farmer does when he sells a futures contract on his corn crop.

    No more. Now hedge funds invest for all purposes. But they define themselves by their purpose. They don't switch from one investment strategy to another.

    Or, maybe you don't know why or how it got its name?

    I do know, and I have ties to the industry.

  62. hobama and his banksters have made section 8 even worse as they have forced the poor into section 8 rental homes/complexes in the burbs....shame!!!!


    n an incident report filed with the Antioch Police Department, Natalie and Darin Rouse complained of constant problems with gang members’ blaring car stereos and under-age drinking on the street. In a written account, they blamed “gross community overdevelopment, affirmative action loopholes and incompetent state government management of federal affordable housing programs” for the problems.
    Several white women, all professionals who attend the same church and have lived in Antioch for 12 years or more, recently sat outside a Starbucks coffee shop and discussed how their declining home equity had trapped them in a city they no longer recognize.

    “My father got held up at gunpoint while he was renting a car to a young African-American man,” said Rebecca Gustafson, 35, who owns a graphics and Web design company with her husband. Ms. Gustafson said her car had also been broken into three times before being stolen from her driveway.

    Laura Reynolds, 36, an emergency room nurse, said that she often came home to her Country Hills development tract after working a late-shift to find young black teenagers strolling through her neighborhood.

    “I know it sounds horrible, but they’re scary. I’m sorry,” said Ms. Reynolds, who like her two friends said she was conflicted about her newfound fear of black youths. “Sometimes I question myself, and I think, Would I feel this way if they were Mexican or white?”

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. DROVES of section 8 pookies exiled by hobama and his banksters rule the world!!!

    greedy realtors in a 2011 housing slump that will be worse than ever are seduced by section 8 caash flows...

    we will all suffer by proximity...


  65. few working people can even afford to rent/save homes!

    = more section 8 apps to fill empty apts/homes/condos etc


    greedy realtors in a 2011 housing slump that will be worse than ever are seduced by section 8 cash flows...


  66. the dissembling cow writes:

    Obama's problem is that he didn;t tax and spend enough.

    Yeah, well, if he wanted to go all out taxing and spending, it would be smart of him to make the US the site of more businesses that can be taxed.

    If the oil & gas business were to expand to its true market dimensions, then Obama would have no trouble getting more money from all those who provide and consume oil and gas. Instead, he's doing his best to keep productive work out of the US and thereby reduce the economic activity he can tax.

    Nice job. But that's Obama Clown College Economics in action.

    Countries that spent more are coming out of the recession much more quickly.

    Yeah, Greece, Portugal, now Italy, next Spain, soon France and Germany. That insane spending is working like a charm.

    Obama's failure was a failure of nerve.

    He lacks the honesty to admit his plans have failed totally. His administration is worse than Jimmy Carter's.

    Meanwhile, Islamic advances in Nigeria assure even further deterioration of the Nigerian economy. Despite enormous oil reserves, the country is going down the drain.

    That's how it goes in Africa, home of one billion people.

    Egypt is getting closer to anarchy. Libya is out of control. Tunisia is in limbo.

    The sub-Sahara nations of Africa are in such dire straits that nothing is going to save them from more and more misery and abject poverty.

  67. slackers + slumlords = section 8 nirvana

    unchecked by hobama and his banksters and land barons


  68. Anonymous11:53 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "I vote Democrat because they told me the the Republicans was racist."

    Every Republican may not be racist but every racist is a Republican.

    8:54 AM

    proof by a niglet that it takes one to know one y u such a racist mofo coudnt find the spear dis mornin?

  69. The other troubled nation contributing to the economic crunch swinging across Europe -- Ireland.

    Things are bad and getting worse. Interest rates on Spanish government bonds are now up to 10%.

    Fear is spreading, with good reason.

  70. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Did you have a GPS put on my yacht? can a man trust a woman?
    Why Anon, 'stutter*...*cough* cough*....*ahem*......of course not!!!...*cough* Why how dare you acuse little ole me of such a sneaky thing! Never, ever in my life would I stoop to such a thing. Not ever!

    I hope you're enjoying your sail. Just relax, enjoy, smoke away, eat, no work okay? Promise?
    Don't worry about cleaning under the rugs or, you know stuff like that! I'll clean the yacht from top to bottom when you get here! Aren't I wonderful? I know, I know...see ya! Have fun, How's Maria?

  71. dumbtown steve said:

    Every Republican may not be racist but every racist is a Republican.

    Hmmm. So Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Waters and McKinney are Republicans?

    Who knew?

  72. uptownsteve said...
    Every Republican may not be racist but every racist is a Republican.

    So uptown is a Republican?

  73. Quote:someidiot "The other troubled nation contributing to the economic crunch swinging across Europe -- Ireland."

    Who went down the economic slash-and-burn route favored by the Right and their Conservative Fianna Fail Government and are now paying the price.

  74. vd clinic legend vdlr:

    atomic hypersexed pookies like u and casey a rule the world...with no public option for vd clinics

    ca is already bragging about making more babies to abuse and slay....


  75. And You Call White Folks Goobers?12:30 PM

    Obama says at his news conference tofay that we need to, " Pull off the band-aid. Eat our peas".

    I'm so glad to say I have no idea what in the hell that gibberish means.

    Sounds like Mold.

  76. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:someidiot "The other troubled nation contributing to the economic crunch swinging across Europe -- Ireland."

    Who went down the economic slash-and-burn route favored by the Right and their Conservative Fianna Fail Government and are now paying the price.

    Purple Cow has the vapors....I am concerned about you, I want to bring in some extra money to your family so send me your credit cards please and I will be happy to go on a shopping spree, that should with your logic bring you lots and lots of money right?

    Your wife must love you if you believe to save money and live within your means she can shop till she drops..or are you just saying this because there is a certain group of people that need to be supported at all costs?

  77. Goobaire12:35 PM

    And You Call White Folks Goobers? said...
    Obama says at his news conference tofay that we need to, " Pull off the band-aid. Eat our peas".

    I'm so glad to say I have no idea what in the hell that gibberish means.

    Sounds like Mold.

    sounds like a one-termer....

  78. Why any black would vote Republican?

    The purest form of Affirmative Action in existence.

    The second a black anounces he is a Republican, in the minds of conservative whites they immediately become the bravest, most intelligent, qualfied and independent thinking people on the planet.

    Think Clarence "Pubic Hairs on My Coke" Thomas.

    "HipHop" Michael Steele

    Herman "Deepdish" Cain.

  79. Slappy

    "Hmmm. So Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Waters and McKinney are Republicans?"

    Nah, these are just vocal negores who goobers like you love to hate.

    I'm talking Limbaugh, Imus, Hannity, O'Reilly, Duke, Buchanan, Sessions, Trump, Paul, Goldberg, etc......

  80. Beaty McWifey12:42 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Obama's problem is that he didn;t tax and spend enough. Countries that spent more are coming out of the recession much more quickly.

    Obama's failure was a failure of nerve.


    Countries that have done something to address spending are the ones coming out of recession.

    Obama's failure was instituting a liberal wish list in total disregard of the dire economic conditons. The massive run-up of the debt was exactly the wrong thing to do during a credit crisis.

    He is done. Jimmy Carter II.

  81. Anonymous12:43 PM

    AB it is going to get worse. Now Eric Holder - Head of the Injustice Departement in a witch hunt against banks who will be sued for discrimination if they do not give home loans to minorites on welfare, collecting unemployment and foodstamps, don't provide downpayment assistance etc for Holder has required banks post notice that a minority receiving taxpayer funding welfare etc cannot be refused credit as welfare IS a source of income.

    Seems like we have done this before and this is the main reason we are in the mess we are in. Oh well, here we go again force banks to make loans to people who will never be able to pay them back without welfare checks, then underwrite these bad loans with more US taxpayer money (fannie and Freddie) and write it all off. Then when they default provide 2-3 years mortgage relief so they can stay in the home collecting benefits rent free....what a whirlpool. Been there done that, here we go again.

  82. Anonymous12:47 PM


    "Hmmm. So Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Waters and McKinney are Republicans?"

    Nah, these are just vocal negores who goobers like you love to hate.

    I'm talking Limbaugh, Imus, Hannity, O'Reilly, Duke, Buchanan, Sessions, Trump, Paul, Goldberg, etc......

    12:39 PM

    shut the fuck up shitskin

  83. No slappz,

    "Fear is spreading"

    Oh yeah.

    The goobers at Fox and other rightwing media outlets are pulling out all the stops, the "big lies" and using all the racist dogwhistles to make sure that the negro Obama is not only a one term President but that no other black will even think about running for President in another 100 years.

    Fact of the day.

    After over 2 years of his Presidency the unemployment rate under the sainted Ronald Reagan was 10.2 percent.

    October 1983.

  84. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Every country that followed the Austerian doing worse than those who told the banksters they would not be bailed out.
    Two issues with the Austerian only delays the collapse of the Plantation Economy and the better answer is to let the banksters accept the consequences of their actions.


  85. Goobaire12:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    >Why any black would vote Republican?

    The purest form of Affirmative Action in existence.

    The second a black anounces he is a Republican, in the minds of conservative whites they immediately become the bravest, most intelligent, qualfied and independent thinking people on the planet.<

    So if Republicans judge people on the basis of ideology, not race, who are the racists?

    >Think Clarence "Pubic Hairs on My Coke" Thomas.

    "HipHop" Michael Steele

    Herman "Deepdish" Cain.<

    You do have point in there uptown. Since 90% of blacks are Democrats, the dems have a larger talent pool to pull from in their AA eforts, and are more likely to get the best and the brightest.

    Reublicans have a much smaller pool to draw from, and often have to make compromises.

    I think Herman Cain has something to him, however. He's pretty sharp, and has balls. He'd probably be a much better President then current democrat AA inhabitant of the White House.

  86. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Keep pushing the Meme of the Day, you need to prove your bootlicker credentials to the wingnut Wurlizter.
    Do you have proof of Affirmative Action for Barak Obama...or is it just wisherating on your part? That same thing you tell yourself when minorities are promoted? When you keep voting wingnut...and your life gets worse.
    In all my years in the World of Work...I have yet to see a single example of the 'Affirmative Action Hire' that gives you soiled Vitters. I have seen Legacies...Quayles, bush, Russert, Doocy, and names you would not know.
    Seems odd to me that you cling to your fairy tale of minorities hired instead of qualified whites...but never speak out against the actual Legacy problem.


  87. Goobaire

    "So if Republicans judge people on the basis of ideology, not race, who are the racists?"

    It's called condescension Jethro.

    Thomas wasn't even the most distignuished black jurist in the nation at the time of his appointment.

    Steele was a a disbarred PG County attorney who helped his sister rob Mike Tyson.

    Cain is a goof.

    What accelerated their ascension to the top levels of politics in America was black skin and Republican registration.

  88. Superious1:06 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    No slappz,

    "Fear is spreading"

    Oh yeah.

    The goobers at Fox and other rightwing media outlets are pulling out all the stops, the "big lies" and using all the racist dogwhistles to make sure that the negro Obama is not only a one term President but that no other black will even think about running for President in another 100 years.

    Fact of the day.

    After over 2 years of his Presidency the unemployment rate under the sainted Ronald Reagan was 10.2 percent.

    October 1983.

    The economic "genius" offers his insight once again. So in essence, the failed economy and global struggle to you is only and purely about skin color and the fact that some people somewhere are working real hard even if it means crashing the global economy to ensure their is never another black president? You are proof that racists have to be the stupidest people on the planet.

    As for Reagan, lets just say during Reagans time there were stringent rules for reporting unemployment the underemployed and discouraged workers were not removed from the unemployement statistics as the current obama democratic administration currently does and after Reagen inherited Jimmy Obama Carter the 1st's mess and implimented his policies there was a growth in GDP and steady unemployment decline.

    If we used the same metrics today that we used in the 1980′s, Obama’s unemployment numbers would have touched 20% and still be north of 16% today - remember you have to compare bananas to bananas when you make your racist comparisons, hope that isn't too complicated for you. But I suspect it will be.

    Also during Reagan’s first term, the steep rise in unemployment, followed by the steep decline shows that workers were unemployed for much less time in total again they never left the labor pool, as workers are doing today.

  89. Goobaire1:07 PM

    UTS: "What accelerated their ascension to the top levels of politics in America was black skin and Republican registration."

    So what accelerated Obama's career?

  90. O Is An Empty Suit1:17 PM

    "So what accelerated Obama's career?"

    Communists, Marxists, and Socialists.....most of them, white.

    Certainly wasn't because anything he ever accomplished on his own.

  91. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Every country that followed the Austerian doing worse than those who told the banksters they would not be bailed out.
    Two issues with the Austerian only delays the collapse of the Plantation Economy and the better answer is to let the banksters accept the consequences of their actions.


    Really? Which ones are doing worse for not borrowing and spending more? Which ones Mold? Which ones?

    Are there any that are doing better because they got a grip on spending and reduced the free for all lifestyle? Any?

    Can you provide specifics with your copied and pasted democratic talking points?

  92. "Also during Reagan’s first term, the steep rise in unemployment, followed by the steep decline shows that workers were unemployed for much less time in total again they never left the labor pool, as workers are doing today"

    In other words, 10.2% after 2 1/2 years of Reagan is better than 9.0 after 2 1/2 years of Obama.

    That's gooberlogic.

  93. "So what accelerated Obama's career?"

    The American electorate.

    Ya think?

  94. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Communists, Marxists and Socialists? Why would they support a center-right politician? What is their gain in this? How do they collect from a man who channels Herbert Hoover?
    Is it the GayAgenda (tm) that makes Michelle cower behind hedges? Could it be the feared Universal Health Care that makes Santorum a Google phenomenon? One person-One vote which terrorized the entire bush Department of Jebus?
    Thank you for letting us know you have no clew.
    You might want to check the Daley Machine...and its R sycophants.


  95. Anonymous1:37 PM

    UTS, st reagan was a wite man who knew how to address uppity calling them 'George'. That alone makes him superior in the eyeholes of many wites.
    st reagan also eliminated those eveel union jobs with pay, benefits and safety measures. How blessed are have Third World pay rates, no benefits, and the glorious knowledge that someday, soon...we can once again have 'states rites'.
    st reagan got tooken by the Iranians, the Contras, pretty much any person willing to voice the proper words...fwee markets, small gubmint and morels.


  96. "No, Barack Obama must win in 2012, because the cretins prepared to inherit the government if he doesn't are even worse."

    OK Anons here's your red meat. Tasty, isn't it?

  97. Farmer Bush1:54 PM

    Go eat your peas, mold.

  98. uts/anon:

    it was george soros and the bilderbergs who turned an inept senator hobama into the inept prez hobama


  99. rk:

    hobama is not a lesser evil

    he is the MOST evil of the lessers

    feces and chocolatish covered feces are both still sh*t!!!

  100. Anonymous2:11 PM

    If the options are centre-right Obama and Perry/Bachmann....we will prefer Obama.
    Who cares if Michelle is a 'victim' of all those eveel worldly types with their educations and showers and such.
    Why would we want Texas-style idiocy...we just had eight years of it.
    The worry is that Obama is channeling Hoover...placating the very people who crashed the economy. US capitalism dodged it the last might not be so fortunate again.


  101. Goobaire2:12 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "So what accelerated Obama's career?"

    The American electorate.

    Only 25% of Obama voters knew which party controlled congress.

    That electorate?

    This electorate:

  102. Anonymous2:12 PM

    banks aint nothin but a cast iron skillet underbelly whose so ugly she hass to pay a lesho to get laid nasty filthy cretinite!

  103. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Yet the eveelMooslimSoshlustCommieKenyan....defeated the Snowbilly and her Geezer, easily. As if we disliked them. As if they were too creepy for words.
    The greatest candidate the wingnuts and religio-crazees could find...and she didn't even place.
    What does that say about the desirability of your favourites?


  104. AB

    "it was george soros and the bilderbergs who turned an inept senator hobama into the inept prez hobama"

    Oh so now you're suckin on Fox weenie, eh?


  105. cramped jawed coon uts:

    see more on that dick hobama whom u suck so lovingly and loyally...

  106. "Only 25% of Obama voters knew which party controlled congress."

    Voter stupidity at ten paces.

    80% of Republicans believe that Obama raised taxes on the middle class.

    He actually lowered them.

    90% of Republicans believe that Obama has run up the debt more than Bush.

    Not even close.

    90% of conservative voters think Sarah Palin is intelligent.

    Okay then again they believe that hiphop music causes cancer too.

  107. 14.

    i shall vote repub so that coon uts' jaws can get a rest from sucking that dick hobama!!!!

  108. more on that corp ho hobama

  109. never a ceo vdlr:

    more on that corp ho hobama

  110. Lickless clueless bookless cashless brainless vdlr:

    More on that corp ho/bankster hobama

    How Wall Street Haunts Obama
    Frank Rich says President Obama's "failure to demand a reckoning from the moneyed interests who brought the economy down has cursed his first term, and could prevent a second."

    "What haunts the Obama administration is what still haunts the country: the stunning lack of accountability for the greed and misdeeds that brought America to its gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression. There has been no legal, moral, or financial reckoning for the most powerful wrongdoers. Nor have there been meaningful reforms that might prevent a repeat catastrophe."

    "The fallout has left Obama in the worst imaginable political bind. No good deed he's done for Wall Street has gone unpunished. He is vilified as an anti-capitalist zealot not just by Republican foes but even by some former backers... The bigger political problem is that a far larger share of the American electorate views him as a tool of the very fat-cat elite that despises him. Given Obama's humble background, his history as a mostly liberal Democrat, and his famous résumé as a community organizer, this would also seem a reach. But the president has no one to blame but himself for the caricature."

  111. AB

    "i shall vote repub so that coon uts' jaws can get a rest from sucking that dick hobama!!!!"


    You'll vote republican because you're a self-hating, buckdancin, when you're not rugmunchin, white weenie sloppin Aunt Jemima.

    end of story.

  112. More on that pharma corp ho hobama and his hobamacare ho stroll!!!!!!!

    Why are the drug barons planning a $150 million ad campaign boosting Obama's health care scheme? They've got $21 billion worth of reasons – bonus earnings from record price hikes while wheeling and dealing with the White House. Everything the president touches turns to cash – for the corporate sector.

    President Obama is very good at talking “the language of the deal.” He made a deal with the the drug cartel this summer, ostensibly to keep drug prices down to reduce the overall cost of health care. The drug companies promised they would cut the prices they planned to charge by about $8 billion a year for the next ten years. Now an analysis for AARP shows the drug profiteers have actually raised prices by more than $10 billion in the last year, an increase of more than 9 percent and the biggest price hike in 17 years.

    Good lookin' out out, Obama. Or should I say, Good job of selling out, Mr. President. The drug industry is so happy with the deal it cut with the White House, it's launching a $150 million advertising campaign to boost ObamaCare – a cheap price to pay for yet another Obama bailout of the ruling class, this time for Big Pharma.

  113. house nig coon uts original mg:

    i will never actually vote again

    but i actually read fn's posts
    and i am responding in kind...

    take your knee pads off and stop swallowing hobama's gray dick before u dare to call anyone any names u lying conked dl sucka for massa's half breed chosen son hobama....

  114. no person on earth hates themselves more than colorist coon mongrrels like uts...who are broke and black yet love that racist bankster hobama


  115. AB

    "i will never actually vote again"

    Then you're actually worse than an Aunt Jemima.

    You might as well take a dump on the graves of Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, Vernon Dahmer, Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney and all the others who died so we could exercise our right to vote.

  116. oj uts:

    unlike u
    i am not a bisexual euro nig

    i do bf clones only...

    u lie like that dl bitch hobama who loves wm elders


  117. uts:

    fannie would hate hobama more than i do u ignorant nigger!!!

    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    eff u

  118. more on that corp ho hobama!!!

    After campaigning as a champion of network neutrality, President Obama has decisively broken yet another promise. The FCC votes December 21 on rules proposed by the president's FCC chairman which will begin the transformation of the free and open internet into somethning much more like cable TV, with corporate control over content, and hundreds or thousands of “channels”, but not much worth watching.

    “Never mind the big tent,” declared a cartoon by the artist Mike Fluggenock during the 2008 presidential campaign. “There's room for all” the caption declared “under Obama's Big Bus.” A full two years after that historic election, it's hard to name any part of the Democratic party's base constituencies that President Obama has not decisively betrayed. Last week gays, women, blacks, Latinos, the environment, the peace movement, labor, the unemployed and a host of others were joined beneath the speeding wheels of the Obama bus by those millions of Americans who believe greedy corporations should not control what we see, hear, write and communicate over the internet.

  119. conked coon hobama lover uts:

    your skin will never be bleached enough and your hair will never be fried enough to inspire hobama to suck u back...


    u have put much oral work in boy.

  120. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Also during Reagan’s first term, the steep rise in unemployment, followed by the steep decline shows that workers were unemployed for much less time in total again they never left the labor pool, as workers are doing today"

    In other words, 10.2% after 2 1/2 years of Reagan is better than 9.0 after 2 1/2 years of Obama.

    That's gooberlogic.

    1:28 PM

    No that's coonfuckery reading comprehension try again

  121. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Goober Weezy Stevey Said...


    "i shall vote repub so that coon uts' jaws can get a rest from sucking that dick hobama!!!!"


    You'll vote republican because you're a self-hating, buckdancin, when you're not rugmunchin, white weenie sloppin Aunt Jemima.

    end of story.

    Wooohhh-weeeeee look at that coon go in that racist wheelchair -- he acts like he has been sittin on racist rhetoric his hole life.

    Betcha can't make a single point (cause you are a dumb fucking coon) without saying , goober, tom, aunt jemima...only in a dumbfucking coons world is someone a race traitor because they think. Maybe you are just pissed becasue you cannot think with your genetics.

    I know, I know, everything is looking good. The economy is recovering unemployment is going down, all the things Obama and the demonrats have done is making it better for black folks. Uh-huh....lets see what happens when prince georges country is decimated by government cutbacks ni order to keep paying out welfare, foodstamps and such.

    Wooh---hoooo better check the tread on that wheelchair you weak weak simpleminded coon

  122. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19823:21 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Fact of the day.

    After over 2 years of his Presidency the unemployment rate under the sainted Ronald Reagan was 10.2 percent.

    October 1983.

    More lies from the left?

    First we have fn lying about Fox News not covering the Notw scandal.Fox had mention the scandal at least 5 times before posted.

    Than we have molds lies.Nothing new there.

    Now we have steve.

    1981 7.6

    1982 9.7

    1983 9.6

    Things much improved under Reagan year after year.It took years to recover from the Carter disaster.

    When your messiah leaves office will he have the jobs creation that Reagan had?

    Obama can compare himself to Reagan.He will never be like his hero.

    Jealousy a Bitch.

  123. Mold's A Gasbag3:27 PM

    Mold, we are waiting. Back up your claims, show eveyone you are not representative of democrats and just a physopathic gasbag.

    Second Request "Which countries in the world are doing worse for not borrowing and spending more? Which ones Mold? Which ones?"

    Every country that followed the Austerian doing worse than those who told the banksters they would not be bailed out.
    Two issues with the Austerian only delays the collapse of the Plantation Economy and the better answer is to let the banksters accept the consequences of their actions.


    Really? Which ones are doing worse for not borrowing and spending more? Which ones Mold? Which ones?

    Are there any that are doing better because they got a grip on spending and reduced the free for all lifestyle? Any?

    Can you provide specifics with your copied and pasted democratic talking points?

    1:24 PM

  124. hydroencephalitis steve wonders:

    "So what accelerated Obama's career?"

    The embarrassing details of Jack Ryan's divorce. Had it not been for the untimely release of Ryan's personal information, Ryan would have won the Senate election and Obama would be lucky if he were still a Chicago hack hustling for Tony Rezko.

  125. But as it turned out he won the Senate seat from Illinois then completely outclassed 5 more well known and better financed white candidates for the Democratic POTUS nomination.

    Then he completely rolled John McCain in the general election.

    We can't be stopped.

    Too black, too strong.

    Tell the truth though Slappy.

    You hebrew goobers are just mad because a brother made it to the White House before the chosen, right?

  126. Goober tormented

    Do I have to embarass you still AGAIN?????

    "Two years into Reagan's presidency, the United States experienced its worst recession since the Great Depression, with unemployment peaking at 10.8 percent. Rather than take responsibility, Reagan attempted to blame the 1982 recession on his predecessor, Jimmy Carter"

  127. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Obama will more than triple the defict.

    Obama has added more to the national debt during his first 19 months than all presidents up 1988,combined.

    Obama did raise texas on the poor and middle class.You think your lies can't be checked?

  128. anon:


    that dl euro colorist nig uts has no respect for his mammy and he hates his own hair and skin as much as he loves hobama

    he is a catty foolish hobama girl who hates anyone who factually destroys the hobama bromanced bs he spews and his wet hobama dreams as i do...

  129. hobama is a rabid corporatist

    and only illiterate racist hobama nazi nigs like uts deny that glaring fact

    the only thing deeper than uts' denial is his deep throat filled by that dick hobama

  130. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19823:59 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goober tormented

    Do I have to embarass you still AGAIN?????

    "Two years into Reagan's presidency, the United States experienced its worst recession since the Great Depression, with unemployment peaking at 10.8 percent. Rather than take responsibility, Reagan attempted to blame the 1982 recession on his predecessor, Jimmy Carter"

    Your lack of knowledge and fact based arguments doesn't suprise me.It happens to those who choose to look at biased leftwing sites that lie.

    Try looking facts that come from the The Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    The Carter recession was real and factual.

    Broaden your research.Leftwing sites lie.Just ask field.

  131. "Obama has added more to the national debt during his first 19 months than all presidents up 1988,combined."


    "the day the Bush administration took over from President Bill Clinton in 2001, America enjoyed a $236 billion budget surplus -- with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. When the Bush administration left office, it handed President Obama a $1.3 trillion deficit -- and projected shortfalls of $8 trillion for the next decade."

    "Obama did raise texas on the poor and middle class.You think your lies can't be checked?"

    He may have raised Texas but the stimulus package contained a TAX CUT for the middle and working class.

    Obama was handed a failing economy and was forced to take drastic action in order to prevent either a complete meltdown, or a decade or more of stagflation - no growth - according to most economists and experts. Japan is often cited as an example of what can happen if the government responds too slowly or with too little stimulus, when responding to a crisis. Their economy went flat for more than a decade.

    Up until the very end, much of Bush's spending, as in Iraq, was elective. He was handed a relatively thriving economy that nearly collapsed by the time he left.

  132. I continue to be stymied by how many people will actively vote against their own interests. I'm almost fatalistic about it at this point.

  133. GE Soros4:16 PM

    UTS: You hebrew goobers are just mad because a brother made it to the White House before the chosen, right?


    Who do think owns that negro?

  134. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Mrs. Chili said...
    I continue to be stymied by how many people will actively vote against their own interests.

    And whats in their own interests?

  135. You're right Mrs. Chili.

    The Republicans should be an extinct species given their repeated fuckups.

  136. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Analyst: Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Obama Depression’

    LOS ANGELES (CBS) — More stores across the U.S. that offer deeply-discounted products are seeing their sales decline after years of growth amid America’s “Great Recession” — and one analyst said on Monday it’s another sign of even deeper downturn.

    While the demand at stores like the 99-Cent Store or Dollar Tree is still relatively high, the biggest chains in the nation have fallen short of Wall Street’s expectations for several months, a trend that may prove even more ominous for the economy at large.

    “I think what’s going on in those stores is that we are in a depression for 80 percent of Americans,” top retail analyst Howard Davidowitz told KNX 1070.

  137. no prez has ever been against the interests of poor black mongrels as ruthlessly as the rabidly elitist hobama

    ask the eradicated homeless former black middle class

    President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.

    Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president. As election year 2008 began, Obama took the most pro-banker, laissez faire capitalist position on home foreclosures of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. John Edwards backed a mandatory moratorium on foreclosures and a freeze on interest rates, while Hillary Clinton supported a “voluntary” halt and $30 billion in federal aid to homeowners. But Obama opposed any moratorium, mandatory or voluntary, and balked at cash for homeowners and stricken communities. As president, his program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful, near worthless in slowing the spiral that has taken down much of what once considered itself the Black middle class.

  138. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Hey look Goober Steve,
    Iran has just recruited 5 of it's countries top salesmen and is going to send them into space. They say you can teach a salesmen to repeatedly press the same button or use the same talking points over and over so the part about them not really being bright or able to use critical thinking doesn't matter

  139. s:


    and "rich" people are shopping at dollar stores too now

    walmart is losing millions to the dollar tree

  140. After beating Sears (SHLD) in the 1970s, Wal-Mart became the king of retailing, dominating rural America, and eventually expanding to urban areas and overseas, trashing other retailers on the way. With market dominance came scale, rising market shares, and bargaining power with supplies. That translated into lower costs and lower prices that re-enforced further dominance and rising profitability. Who would dare to challenge Wal-Mart’s dominance?

    A few companies did, some successfully. In an article published in Harvard Business Review (“Outsmarting Wal-Mart,” December 2004), Darrell Digby and Dan Haas identify eight retailers that compete effectively with Wal-Mart: Target (TGT), Costco (COST), Walgreens (WAG), Best Buy (BBY), PetSmart (PETM), Dollar Tree (DLTR), Dick's Sporting Goods (DKS).

  141. mellaneous4:36 PM

    Whats all the fuss about times have been hard for those who work for a living under both Republican and Democratic administrations?

    There are neither ten good reasons to vote Democrat nor Republican.

    However there are lots of reasons (many more than ten) to organize ourselves independent of the parties of the rich and economically fat. We need our own parties so we can fight for and demand what we (well most of us) really need and want.

    And of course that doesn't mean everyone. Obviously many of our fellows would rather side with the rich and the oppressors rather than those who struggle and toil with them.

    I know it seems like nonsense to some. But there is a term for doing the same things over and over and hoping and wishing and hoping and wishing for different results

  142. clueless coon uts:

    hobama has been the hnic for 3 yrs....

    how long will you blame his BETTER cuz for what that mf hobama has done????

    8 yrs????????

  143. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19824:56 PM


    Obama's tax cuts reminds me of something that happen when i was in the military.

    Whenever i would receive a pay increase ,the cost of everything both on post and off, went up to match my pay increase.

    So i wasn't getting a pay increase at all.

    With energy prices,food prices,clothing prices,insurance rates,and everything else going up those tax cuts mean very little for those of us who carry the water.

    The majority of working Americans are still trying to make it.

    Obama is letting jobs go over seas while people are finding it harder and harder to find work.

    Obama wants trillions in tax increases that are going to raise the cost of living for all Americans.

    And the left wants to tell me they know whats in my best interest?

    F*uck you!

  144. mellaneous4:57 PM

    I beg to differ AB Obama has done some significant things>

    He has put to rest for those with open eyes the idea that the Democratic Party will save us!

    He has dispelled all notions of the magical black man and of the idea that just being black and in office means that you will look out for the interest of black folks or other working folks for that matter.

    He has dispossed the Third World toilers of the idea that just because you are black you won't bomb other colored people's or you that you won't use "state terror" against them.

  145. blind hobama girl uts:

    reps = dems

    eff that rabid repub hobama!!!


    “Not only is Obama keeping the country in a perpetual state of war," but he abandons core Democratic programs “at the first sign of Republican resistance.” As a consequence the GOP, which has fought and schemed for decades to “starve the beast” by cutting social programs while fattening the military and the wealthy, “are closer than ever to seeing their dream realized.” No longer can it be said that the Democrats are the “lesser of two evils,” since they are the party in charge that is making the evils possible.

    Neither President Obama nor any other Democratic leaders are willing to stand up for what used to be bedrock principles of their party. Democrats once knew with certainty that the already fragile American safety net was protected by their own and under threat only from the other side. Now we see that it is under threat from all sides, with no one in the political system willing to take a stand and fight for their constituents’ needs.

    The 2012 political campaign has already begun in earnest. President Obama is raising millions of dollars for his campaign and congressional Democrats are doing the same for themselves. They base their request for fund raising and other support on Democrats’ fear of Republican control, but there is no reason to once again remain loyal to them when they have no loyalty to anyone except the heavy hitter fundraisers.

    At this juncture in history, fears of Republican control of the White House and Congress are overblown. It is Barack Obama who appointed conservative former senator Alan Simpson to his deficit reduction commission. It was a Democratically elected congress who joined with Republicans to defund and destroy ACORN. It is Democrats who have launched yet another war based upon lies, this time against Libya.

    That lesser of two evils argument now has almost no meaning. Not only is Obama keeping the country in a perpetual state of war, but at the first sign of Republican resistance, he is willing to throw what used to be the foundation of the Democratic party under the wheels of a bus.

  146. Ashante5:05 PM

    mellaneous said..."I know it seems like nonsense to some. But there is a term for doing the same things over and over and hoping and wishing and hoping and wishing for different results"

    Yes, it's called socialism, aka collectivism, aka planned economies.

    Never worked, never will.

  147. hey clueless debateless hobama bitch uts:

    cc this to fox news asap!!!!

    Obama has thus unmasked himself as the exterminating angel of super-austerity dictated by the elitist Trilateral bankers’ clique. Will he cut the current US standard of living by 40%? By 50%? When he does, will he still call it the politics of hope? Obama has been trained to hate the American people through two decades of association with hatemongers like Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Brzezinski himself.
    For Rockefeller and Soros, Obama’s hatred of the American people is a positive guarantee that he will enforce Wall Street’s austerity decrees with a vengeance. Forget the utopian platitudes and the messianic rhetoric: Obama’s real economic program is now clear for all to see. It is a path that leads to genocide against the US population, among others.

    Insiders have long recognized that Zbigniew Brzezinski (helped by his son Mark) owns and runs Obama. David Ignatius has pointed to Second Chance as a scenario for a future
    Obama administration. Ignatius commented over a year ago: “Zbigniew Brzezinski has written a new book that might be a foreign policy manifesto for Barack Obama…. The most intriguing part of Brzezinski’s book is what I would describe as the Obama manifesto.” (David Ignatius, “A Manifesto for the Next President,” Washington Post, March 14, 2007) It has also long been known that Zbig does the thinking for Obama; the London Economist last year hailed “a new brain for Barack Obama! It’s 78 years old and it still works perfectly. It belongs to Zbigniew Brzezinski, the peppery ex-national security adviser to Jimmy Carter.” (“A New Brain for Barack Obama,, March 14, 2007)

  148. mell:

    u are right as always

    but again

    ACKNOWLEDGE the truth about dems...

    let alone declare they want more of that from the fake dem/real repub hobama

  149. #4: I would vote Republican because I am the head of a large corporation that pays no tax after my attorneys get done looking at the dodges.

    So George Soros, the Kennedys, John "Heinz" Kerry, John Corzine, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc are secretly Republicans.? Hmmm.

    Hell, some of us even get a REBATE when the loopholes are properly exploited!

    If you nitwits, especially journalists, could actually read financial statements, you'd discover that corporations send huge piles of tax revenue to Washington and the state governments.

    And having my highest marginal bracket so low is not bad, either! Back when Eisenhower was President I would have been taxed at over 80%!

    Anyone born after 1940 has zero connection to the tax rules during the Eisenhower administration.

    Meanwhile, the nonsense about a marginal rate of 80% is just that, nonsense. If that was even the top rate, it was the tax rate for only a tiny slice of the earnings of a handful of people.

    But if you want to bring back the Eisenhower Era and the 1950s, well, be my guest. Pre-civil rights. No Medicare or Medicaid. And anyone could discriminate for any reason at all.

  150. bonehead steve:

    With respect to the presidency of the US -- Jews are not deeply interested in getting that job.

  151. All I'm trying to figure out is if my family is better off now than before the civil war?

    Come on Field, you GOTTA do a post about this 'ish, LOL!!!

  152. Dr Queen:

    black inmates are worse off 4 sure...

    even as hobama's new PIC grift and dna arrests loom


  153. Buffalo Soldier6:11 PM

    If the Feds could get a dollar everytime Buffalo Breath Banks made a comment on this blog, we'd trim the deficit in half in a year's time.

  154. mellaneous6:17 PM

    Asante said:
    "Yes, it's called socialism, aka collectivism, aka planned economies.

    Never worked, never will."

    Who told you this, the folks who organize society around the needs of the rich and the powerful, the purveyors of "greed is good," the purveyors of the idea that the rich should have everything and the poor little of anything?

    Asante this only reveals what you don't know or the extent of your brainwashing.

    Before the advent of class society, many human societies operated collectively and practiced a form of egalitarianism.

    And what you thought, or was told was socialism, simply was not, no matter what you were told. The Soviet Union was totalitarian and bastardized a few socialist ideas.

    Cuba is the closest thing to a socialist society but of course the Capitalist axis it exists in is making it as difficult as it can for it to survive, since it represents and idea that is anathema and at enmity with capitalism. Read;economic blockade.

    Ironically you have practiced some form of collectivism in your life. Most of us do it in our community among our extended family and even on our jobs. So how did working cooperatively become a bad thing?

    I know, I know, someone told you so!
    Your family works as a collective and unless you are irresponsible you have a small planned economy so that your family can get its bills paid and have a roof over its head and food on the table.

    All the philosophy of a planned economy means is that everyone who contributes can have the basics of life. The basics that all human beings should enjoy like, food, shelter, basic health care and freedom to live without fear.

  155. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Asante this only reveals what you don't know or the extent of your brainwashing.

    Before the advent of class society, many human societies operated collectively and practiced a form of egalitarianism.

    You are right, in fact some countries still practice this egalitarianism; just those African/Haitian warlords never seem to cooperate and everyone winds up begging capitalistic societies for support or eating mud pies or each other.

    Democrats are a crazy ass bunch, you sure are.

  156. Quote:Tormentor "Things much improved under Reagan year after year.It took years to recover from the Carter disaster."

    Globally we are still paying the price of the catastrophic Reagan years. Reagan's policies lead directly to the crash of 2008.

    The recession we are just crawling out of should correctly be called the Reagan recession.

  157. Anonymous7:26 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote:Tormentor "Things much improved under Reagan year after year.It took years to recover from the Carter disaster."

    Globally we are still paying the price of the catastrophic Reagan years. Reagan's policies lead directly to the crash of 2008.

    The recession we are just crawling out of should correctly be called the Reagan recession. democratic nonsense such as providing loans to people because of skin color instead of ability to pay back is what caused the housing bubble and led to the recession that is getting worse as those democratic ninny's are doing it again.

  158. Anonymous8:14 PM

    section 8 turbo breeders like u!!!
    u dl hobama lover coon.
    cc this to fox news now nig!!!!
    kuntlickin alicia banks

    golly banks for someone who loves their african american heritage u sure sound like a wite supremecist with all the coon talk and hobama this that and the other and nig who do u think ure fooling wite man?

  159. #1: I would vote Republican because I am a hedge fund trader, and not only do I not draw a salary (so no FICA nor Medicare withholding, although I will be eligible for them), I pay only 15% on my income!

    What's clear is that none of you know a thing about taxes paid by those who make a few bucks.

    The people you think are beating the Tax Man -- are not.

    A larger and larger percentage of people are snagged by the Alternative Minimum Tax.

    You can do your own homework.

    Nobody making good money gets away with a tax rate of 15%.

  160. mellaneous10:22 PM

    Anon 7:26 said

    "no democratic nonsense such as providing loans to people because of skin color instead of ability to pay back is what caused the housing bubble and led to the recession that is getting worse as those democratic ninny's are doing it again."

    Anon you should probably check your work before you turn it in!

    What does providing loans to people of color have to do with the recession?

    FYI the housing foreclosure problem came about because people were tricked into adjustable mortgages which many times as much as doubled the mortgage payments when the interest rates went up.

    People were paying their mortgage they got behind because of trickery not because they couldn't afford their homes. And yes in some cases people bought more home than they could afford, but the majority of those folks were not black. And some got in trouble because they lost jobs as a result of the recession.

    The recession was caused partly by the banks and the decision by the industrialists not to invest in labor any more than they had to. It was also exacerbated by having to bail out the banks and others because of shady investments and gambles. Deriatives were the second biggest hustle.

  161. mellaneous10:29 PM

    Anon said:

    You are right, in fact some countries still practice this egalitarianism; just those African/Haitian warlords never seem to cooperate and everyone winds up begging capitalistic societies for support or eating mud pies or each other.

    Democrats are a crazy ass bunch, you sure are.

    6:33 PM

    Anon what does Africa or Haiti have to do with what I was talking about? I never suggested that the continent of present day Africa was egalitarian. Nor did I suggest this of Haiti.

    In fact you are right the ruling class in most of those places are as selfish and greedy as the ruling class that runs this country. Its just more obvious because they have less goodies to pass out to pacify a so-called middle class.

    And what we have in Africa these days is primarily neo-colonialism. The pupils learned well.

    But the thuggishness of ruling class is not limited to Africa it extends the world over, where the rulers seek the rule of the profit motive over against the needs of the people.

    And crazy, I'm not even close. But it is a little nutty to equate Haiti with egalitarianism.

    And I am not a Democrat nor am I a Republican for the record. I don't get it, you if you are going to respond to something I said shouldn't you take time to apply comprehension.

    Speaking of crazy things to do. Communication requires that you have something rational to say!

  162. These are Letterman Top Ten worthy.

  163. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I wonder if there's a study to show the PERCENTAGE of taxes collected from Democrats vs Republicans...I believe it would be interesting to see WHICH party pays the MOST! Yep...ya'll democrats know who pays the most...those "fatcats" that you hate...

  164. Anonymous3:45 PM

    And I should vote Democrat because......Righttttt. Both parties are full of crap. Wake up. Obama is a puppet of wall street just like bush was and clinton was and bush was and reagan was....They play this red v. blue mess and people actually fall for it. Learn to think outside the box.
